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issues in green manufacturing & its implementation

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  • 8/18/2019 issues in green manufacturing & its implementation


    Issues in Green Manufacturing and itsImplementation

    Presented byRao


  • 8/18/2019 issues in green manufacturing & its implementation



    • Introduction• Abstract•

    Various felds with issues• Conclusion and recommendations• Comments and Discussions

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    • Wide di usion o consumer goods and shorteningo product li ecycles have caused there to be anincreasing quantity o used products beingdiscarded

    • In the world the municipal solid waste !"#W$generated by % billion residents is about & ' (g perperson per day !& % billion tonnes per year$

    • )y '*'+ this will li(ely increase to , % billion urban

    residents• -acing this environmental problem. both the

    government and industrial companies are ma(ingmore strict regulations to promote environmentally

    riendly products and technology

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    • /roducts a ect the environment at manypoints in their li ecycles

    • it is necessary to support the design unctionwith tools and methodologies that enable anassessment o the environmental

    consequences !such as emissions. e0posure.and e ects$ in each phase• 1nvironmentally conscious manu acturing

    !1C"$ is a view o manu acturing that includes

    the social and technological aspects o thedesign. synthesis. processing. and use oproducts in continuous or discretemanu acturing industries

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    • 2reen manu acturing !2"$ have recentlyreceived much attention when we are acingmany environmental problems

    • Industries and manu acturing units arecreating pollution and consuming our naturalresources with very high rate

    • 3his article gives the review o issues in greenmanu acturing that a ect the adaptation andimplementation o 2"

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    • 3hese issues are widely spread in theindustries and these issues arerelated to the product li e cycleremanu acturing. recovery.disassembly. material selection andmany more

    • 3he paper ends with somerecommendations and conclusionsthat need in this feld

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    -ollowing areas are studied and adetailed review and issues are given

    • 4emanu acturing• 5i e Cycle Analysis or Assessment

    !5CA$• 4ecycling• Disassembly•

    Design or 1nvironment

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    4emanu acturing as an industrialprocess in which worn6out productsare restored to li(e6new condition

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    • /arameters or remanu acturable products& the intrinsic value. the mar(et value o

    the product being reprocessed7' the re6constructability. the ease o

    disassembly a product and then itsassembly at the end o recovery process7

    % the evolution rate. the speed at whichnew variants o the product are launchedon the mar(et

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    Issues• 3he companies. involved in remanu acturing activities. have to

    ace a series o problems that limit the e8ciency o theirproduction process

    • In 9literature. several technical and management issues havebeen identifed

    & di8culties in disassembly o the product7' uncertainty about the quality o returns7% di8culties in matching o the parts7, uncertainty in wor(ing cycles and processing times7

    + the lac( o correlation between returns and demand7: uncertainty in quantities and timing o returns79 confguring and managing a reverse logistics networ(

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    Life Cycle Analysis orAssessment (LCA)

    It is defned in I#; &,*,* as

  • 8/18/2019 issues in green manufacturing & its implementation



    • A problem with 5CA is that there is no generalconsensus on a ey. o course. is lac( o data data availability is a(ey issue in implementing this component oenvironmentally benign manu acturing

    • 3here is also a challenge in implementing 5CAimpact assessment will be integration o the

    scientifc method with ?udgmental decisions

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    Recycling• 2audette and 2iuntini consider this

    practice as the most evolved orm orecycling@ BIt Conserves not onlythe raw material content but alsomuch o the value added during theprocesses required to manu acturenew products

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    • 4ecycling is simply the process oreusing the items rom which utilitycan still be derived

    • It is important to recycle waste sothat you can at least converse someo our natural resources or ourgenerations to come

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    Issues• #ome recycled

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    Disassembly• )rennan. 2upta. and 3aleb defned it as

    the process o systematic removal odesirable constitute parts rom an

    assembly while ensuring that there is noimpairment o the parts due to theprocess

    • It has been recogniEed that disassembly oused products is necessary to ma(erecycling economically viable in the currentstate o the art o reprocessing technology

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    Issues#ome o the design problems that need specifcattention are@• 1ase o separation@ 6 Design or ease o separation.

    handling. and cleaning o all product components • 5ow energy usage@ 6 Design should aim at reducing

    energy usage or assembly as well as disassembly• 3echnical problems with e0isting products@ 6

    "anu acturers may not be willing to redesignsuccess ul products completely and will only try tocomply with disassembly constraints in their newermodels

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    Design or 1nvironment• Design or the environment is a global

    movement targeting design initiatives andincorporating environmental motives to

    improve product design in order tominimiEe health and environmentalimpacts

    • 3he (ey ocus o D-1 is to minimiEe theenvironmental6economic cost toconsumers while still ocusing on the li e6cycle ramewor( o the product

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    • It aims to improve the product usee0perience both or consumers andproducers. while minimally impactingthe environment

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    Issues• 3here is a issue in D-1 i e organiEational

    inertia !lac( o understanding. ear o cost.DonFt mess with success $ management ear

    o the changes that will come with the D-1• ;rganiEations have limited databases theydonGt what to do and how it will be achievedH!In the dar( ?ust donGt (now$ ;rganiEations

    generally distracted by small issues li(e lac(o budget !2ood intention but misdirected$

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    • With the D-1 there will be newprocesses that need new equipmentsand there will be e0tra cost or this

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    Conclusion and4ecommendation

    • As we (now that remanu acturing isa appreciable environmental practiceand it have some issues also that canbe resolved only by the properplanning in the organiEation as wellas or the reverse logistics

    • 3he second most pressing need isstandardiEation o li e6cycle analysis

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    • 4ecycling should be considered as the lastoption in the environmental practicesbecause it needs new acilities or its

    initiation and which requires virgin resources• In disassembly management should (nowhow ar it should be done because it requiress(illed wor(ers and e0tra cost

    D-1 requires management commitment andorganiEation should have capabilities to adoptit

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    4e erences& Jhang. K C . >uo. 3 C . 5u. K .

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