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Computer and System Technology in Education
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Introduction Mirian Gomez Ana G. Mendez University System South Florida Campus


Mirian Gomez

Ana G. Mendez University System

South Florida Campus


When you talk about computers with the students, he or she think that they know

everything. When you think about computers in education you think about the tool, but a

computer class with Dr Sevillano is more than that. Attending a class with Dr Sevillano is

traveling through an unknown world. Is stand up in the new world. Is to accept the

challenge, is to create, is revealed, is concern, but is also advancing, knowledge, is

another level, and to prove I show my e – portfolio.

Computer Justification

Mirian Gomez

Ana G. Mendez University System

South Florida Campus

Computer justification

The impact of computers in the educational process has generated a variety of

approaches and concepts demonstrate the degree of interaction and dynamism of this

impact. The computers constitute a wide range of learning opportunities and generated

high expectations among the science class and the others fields for example in the art, in

the music and in our general culture.

In every class the computers is a means to strengthen the teaching – learning

process. In Science and geography classes the teachers analyze the solar system, track

weather patterns and conduct experiments. Scientist formulated hypotheses and then tests

them through observation and data collection.

Also in our culture computers have effect almost every aspect of our

contemporary culture. In the art the artist has provide less tool to create traditional art and

new ways of creating art, for example: mathematically defined fractals and images. In the

music digital recording has replaced analog recording tape (tapes), synthesizers are being

used which can reproduce complex tones of any musical instrument.

I can conclude that the computer is a machine that allows us to perform many

different tasks for this reason has influenced many aspects of our lives. Computers are

efficient classroom tools that can enhance education if used to benefit student learning

and achievement. Integrating computers in every classroom provides students with a

global approach to learning and communicating.


Bybee, R. (200). „Achieving Technological Literacy”: a national imperative en: The

Technology Teacher. September, 2008, pp. 23 – 28. Retrieved October 16, 2001.

Vries, M. (2006). “Technology Education: beyond the technology is applied in Science

(Guess article) en: Journal of technology education, # 8(1), pp. 7 – 15. Retrieved

October 16, 2011.

Benefits and Advantages Computer Software

Mirian Gomez

Ana G. Méndez University System

South Florida Campus

Benefits and Advantages Computer Software

In today‟s worlds the computer software is more capable and is more graphic

oriented. The computer software takes more computer resources and the databases are

more and more dominant. Now a day the computer software needs fewer standard

computer languages and is more object oriented. And we can see that web based

applications are increasing with everything that we used and everything that we see.

Computer software consists of two major types of programs: application software that

directs the performance of a particular end user task, and system software that controls

and supports the operations of a computer system, (Bautista, 2010).

Application software includes a variety of programs that can be segregated into

general-purpose and application-specific categories. System software can be subdivided

into system management programs and system development programs. The former is

used to manage hardware, software, networks, and data resources. The latter is used by

IS specialists to develop computer programs. An operating system is an integrated system

of programs that supervises the operations of the CPU. There are 5 major levels of

programming languages. Language translator programs convert programming language

instructions into machine language instructions.

Over the past few years, computers have become a vastly popular household

item. The luxury of emailing messages as opposed to charging up the phone bill is more

appealing. Checking news weather and sports via the Internet is a convenience that many

are taking advantage of. Our children's lives are already getting influenced by technology

and this is just the beginning. Computers and Internet are here to stay and software titles

targeting young children continue to increase. Today we find computers in use

everywhere. This is because it is faster and helps us complete our work without mistakes.

Parents have also realized the need to help their children develop strong computer skills.

Children are learning to read and write with computer games instead of homemade flash

cards. They are reading their bedtime stories online instead of in bed with their parents.

Slowly traditions are being broken and the computer is becoming a child's learning tool.

Many parents are buying computer learning games instead of board games and pop-up

books. Parents are leaving the learning up to the computers and spending less quality

time with their children. When children log on to the computer their innocence is

noticeable. One benefit of the computer age is that children are becoming smarter. They

are growing up computer literate and will have that as a huge advantage. Computer

literacy is becoming a huge job qualification and feeling comfortable with one will put

them a step ahead. Children will also be able to complete homework on line. Now in

many schools, if you miss class you can find out the assignments that you miss and catch

up. Overall, children can benefit from computers if they are used wisely. Parents that

supervise their children when they are on the computer can ensure that everything is

happening safely. Computers are the wave of the future, but old fashioned learning

techniques should not be forgotten. A child needs to interact physically with other people

and not learn everything from computers. Computers help children to be in control of

their experience, to set their own pace, and to select the level of challenge with which

they feel comfortable. Computers help children to use all of their senses to extract

information. Computers fascinate kids and can draw their full attention, which often

results in a deeper focus and concentration. Computers enable children to learn through

creating, just as they gain hands-on knowledge and understanding when they build forts,

make up stories, and paint, increase their skills. As they master computers, children build

positive attitudes toward technology that will pay dividends for the rest of their lives.

Good educational software enables children to develop and practice a broad range of

skills. It can help them learn, for example, about letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and

rhythm. (Ballesta, 2006).

Good software can also help children develop their understanding of cause and

effect, higher order problem solving, procedural thinking, and creative expression.

Today, the wide range of multimedia available for kids in the United States and in many

other countries is really amazing. By using a computer children develop self-confidence

and self-esteem as they master computer skills and use the computer to make things



Bautista, A. (2010). “Desarrollo Tecnológico y Educación”. Madrid:


Ballesta, J. (2006).”La Integración de las TIC en los Centros Educativos”.


Y Pedagogía, 209; 40-46. Recuperado Octubre18, 2011.

Software educativo. Integración al currículo

Mirian Gómez

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

South Florida Campus

Software educativo. Integración al currículo

La introducción de las nuevas tecnologías ha tenido un gran potencial para

transformar aspectos importantes de la educación. El software lo definimos como todo el

conjunto intangible de datos y programas de la computadora. Dentro del proceso

enseñanza – aprendizaje. De acuerdo a Gross (2007) se debe orientar un uso

pedagógicamente adecuado con la finalidad de ayudar al docente en el uso del mismo

programa haciendo énfasis en los aspectos pedagógicos, metodológicos y culturales.

El software como soporte lógico e inmaterial permite que la computadora pueda

desempeñar tareas inteligentes, dirigiendo a los componentes físicos con instrucciones y

datos a través de diferentes tipos de programas. (Bautista, 2010). Por su parte el software

educativo lo distinguimos como los programas educativos, creados con la finalidad

específica de ser utilizados como medios didácticos es decir para facilitar el proceso de

enseñanza – aprendizaje. La valoración de un software educativo para su selección por

parte del docente debe ser primera por sus características específicas y por su

aplicabilidad con las condiciones de enseñanza – aprendizaje que nos proponemos. Así el

docente podrá alcanzar mayor efectividad y podrá cubrir mejor los objetivos que se

propone en cada clase.

La integración de los software educativos al currículo es un proceso gradual que

depende de diversas variables por ejemplo: 1- Los recursos económicos de que disponga

el centro escolar, fundamentalmente computadoras y conectividad. 2- El estilo

pedagógico y la competencia tecnológica de los profesores. Cuando hablamos de

integración curricular nos referimos a la relevancia de integrar el software al desarrollo

curricular, para ser utilizados como apoyo a una disciplina ó a un contenido curricular

especifico. Son herramientas para estimular el desarrollo del aprendizaje. Cabe señalar

que para haber logrado una integración exitosa de un software educativo al currículo,

tiene que haber existido una formación apropiada del profesorado y cada docente debe

tener conocimiento de los diferentes programas educativos.

Para integrar un software a un programa curricular depende de los objetivos que

se hayan marcado para cada nivel de enseñanza en particular. El docente deberá

seleccionar los programas o recursos que más lo ayuden dependiendo de cada asignatura

y teniendo en cuenta que con el ó los programas seleccionados fomente la iniciativa y el

aprendizaje. Respetando los diferentes ritmos y estilos de aprendizaje de cada estudiante

para conseguir una mayor motivación.


Para una clase de Matemática a nivel medio y/o superior, encontramos el

programa Geometric Supposer, permite que el estudiante construya y experimente

relaciones geométricas en la computadora, pueden construir sus propios teoremas,

definiendo y/o alterando las propiedades de las distintas figuras geométricas.

Para una clase de Ciencias a nivel elemental un software educativo puede recrear

procesos que ocurren en la realidad y que son imposibles ó muy difíciles de observar, por

ejemplo: el comportamiento de los planetas en el sistema solar, el lanzamiento de un

proyectil, el movimiento de un motor, el movimiento del corazón etc.

En fin la integración de los software al currículo es muy importante, pienso que el

estudiante necesita una alfabetización tecnológica que asegure su proceso academico. Las

áreas de aplicación son muchas y diversas, el educador como gran estratega podrá sacar

los mayores beneficios y el estudiante dependiendo del grado de compromiso que le

ponga al aprendizaje pues a largo plazo le sacara mayor ventaja.


Bautista, A. (2010). “Desarrollo Tecnológico y Educación”. Madrid, Fundamentos 2010.

Gros, B. (2007). “Diseños y Programas Educativos”. Pautas pedagógicas para la

Elaboración de un software. Barcelona. Ariel.

Marqués Graells, P. (2005).”Software Educativo”. Guía de uso y Metodología de Diseño.

Barcelona. Estel.

Computers, importance, and Development

Mirian Gómez

Ana G. Méndez University System

South Florida Campus

Computers, importance, and development

The world today is evolved in a technological revolution, which finds its main

thrust is the access, and the ability to process information through the computer. Are

computers innovations that most influenced the development of the individual from the

Twentieth Century to the Twenty – first Century? Computers have had great influence on

our social life, education, media production, electronic, and in our intellectual


In our society in the mid 1970‟s few people used computers. Today the impact is

enormous in all areas. Trade helps the design, manufacture, or sells products through

marketing campaigns. Computers have made the difference between an industrial society,

and other marked by computing. Computers allows us interact with the physical

environment as individuals within society, received the news with the immediacy at the

same time print a stamp between ignorance and knowledge.

In education I think the computer is a tool which strengthens the teaching –

learning process, from a regular and systematic education to special education.

Classroom teachers can turn computers in auxiliary instruments didactic, taking into

account teaching perspectives, the type of learning, the degree to which is addressed, and

having a defined strategy. In education, the computer can develop skills of critical

thinking, analytical and creative student reaching balance between learning skills, and

learning knowledge in different subjects.

Although computers historical events transcends centuries, the computers is a

young invention, created by different people, with different ideas, for many years. Is the

result of multiple creations from the Abacus, mechanical device, Pascalina which enabled

the calculus mechanically, in 1882 Charles Babbage invent the difference engine to

perform simple calculations, design later the analytical engine, to half of the Twentieth

Century where the development of computers is divided into generations. I think that

vital event was the project sponsored by the Defense Department of The United States;

together with engineer mathematician John von Newman, built the first computer

electronic and fully operational. The ideas of von Newman were essential to consider the

father of computers. This event is part of the first generation.

After all these events over many years I can conclude by saying that computers

will continue to evolved until in five years from now the things that we used today will

be obsolete, and will remain the main tool used by man as an essential part for

intellectual development. To talk about computer is to talk about education, is to discuss

challenges, is to talk about the integral development that the individuals need to form an

active part in society.


Norton, P. (2004). “Introducción a la Computadora.”Editorial Mc Grew Hell. México


Restrepo, Jaime A. (2001). “Computadora para Todos.” (MN SL 004.16. R 313 C).

Retrieved October 11, 2011.

Cada día se hace más necesario innovar en el proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje.

Word, Excel y Power Point brindan muchas ventajas a este proceso ya que lo hace más

dinámico. Dada la tendencia de los estudiantes de utilizar de manera permanente estos

sistemas o programas, les es más fácil aprender cualquier tema. Pienso que es muy

importante destacar que el adecuado uso de estos programas tanto por el personal

docente, estudiantes como por administrativos hace que se gane en prestigio desde el

docente, alumno o entidad. Además de las ventajas cabe señalar las razones para aprender

a desarrollar estos programas en nuestra vida. 1- Vivimos en un mundo informatizado. 2-

Todas las ofertas de trabajo se encuentran en la red. 3- Estos programas se convierten

para el individuo en actualidad.

De acuerdo a Bárbara Prashing (2009), solo el 30 % de los estudiantes recuerda

hasta el 75% de lo que escucha en clases y solo el 40 % de los estudiantes recuerda hasta

el 75 % de lo que lee en clases, a esto le podemos agregar que no todos los alumnos

aprenden con el mismo estilo, de ahí la utilidad de estos programas como apoyo ya que

sirven para combinar los estilos de aprendizaje como lo visual, lo auditivo y lo cinestetico

o Táctil.


Tiene muchas posibilidades de uso, por ser un procesador de palabras, nos sirve

para la redacción de todo tipo de texto, permite editar varios documentos de forma

simultánea, permite insertar gráficos de información, posee herramientas para dibujar lo

cual nos permite demostrar creatividad.


Permite que las capacidades desarrolladas se transfieran de modo ascendente y se

va construyendo a lo largo de la educación del niño. De gran ventaja en la escuela

primaria para el manejo de datos y la construcción de inteligencia lógica matemática. Los

ayuda además a crear gráficos y cuadros. Permite la elaboración de tablas dinámicas,

como por ejemplo registros de notas, elaboración de la lista de los alumnos por orden

alfabético etc.

Power Point

Permite crear presentaciones de alto impacto visual con la inclusión de imágenes,

gráficos y videos, se pueden abordar los tres estilos de aprendizaje anteriormente

mencionados. Nos permite elaborar diapositivas para presentaciones de clases y así hacer

nuestro tema más llamativo, a nivel administrativo sirve para preparar reuniones con los

logros obtenidos, presentar un nuevo producto etc.

Pienso que debemos ponernos a pensar como y de que mejor forma podemos

mejorar y ampliar nuestros conocimientos en este tema, para poder aplicarlos con

efectividad en nuestra profesión. En la medida que tengamos conocimientos de sus

beneficios, en la misma medida los promoveremos.

Computers and communication types

Mirian Gómez

Ana G. Méndez University System

South Florida Campus

Computer and communication types

The computer is a universal and powerful tool to process information and the

teachers can become an extraordinary teaching assistance. However, one should not

forget that it is an instrument. That is the computer itself does not perform any action, but

in the hand of the teacher, can be used to teach. This should be the starting point for

developing strategies that allow teachers to effectively use computers.

Papert suggests in his book “The Children‟s Machine: rethinking school in the age

of the computer,” a synonym for the information age is the age of learning. We need to

learn has become skills that were not required when we were born. Learning to learn is

fundamental to the development of the individual and, according to Papert, which is true

for the individual it is sometimes true of nations. Learning and information are processes

that ultimately go hand in hand. Hence the need for programs that enhance these

processes clearly, such as incorporating information technology in school settings.

Taking into account that the computers are increasingly a necessity in the context

of society where rapid change, increased knowledge and the demands of high standard of

education constantly update become a permanent requirement, I think that te most

important questions in the teaching-learning process is, What content should be included

or excluded? What is the best sequence? What strategy should I use? How can you make

learning is lasting? How Information Technology can be linked with the different


In any process or time should be note that currently the computer has changed the

way of spreading knowledge and in turn communication. Computer communication is the

exchange of information between people through networks of computers, can be of any

type for example: text, image, videos, audio etc. The systems can be used for

communication are: E-mail, World Wide Web, Synchronous Communication,

Newsgroup, Voice mail System, IRC, White Board etc. These systems are designed

sharing resources and its main goal is to make all programs, data and equipment available

to any network user who requests it, regardless of physical location of the resource and

the applicant, and other objective is to provide high reliability.

All this research I can conclude the development of technology has been

throughout history the modernization of the productive element of society and the

education system. Education has supported the technical and technological means

available to take place. The world of computers and different types of communications is

vast and valuable. Today we have the most advance communication system, they give us

peace of mind when accessing effectively to the content you require, without any

restriction. Our vision and focus, it must be fed every day of the technological advances

that give us the media.



Pontes, A. (2008). “Applications of Information technology and Communication in

Education”. Eureka Magazine on Education and Dissemination of Education, 2008,

Vol 2, N 1. Retrieved November 3, 2011.

Siagles, C. (2008). “University Education and ICT: new uses and new roles”. Journal of

University and Knowledge Society, Vol 1, N. September 1, 2008. Retrieved

November 3, 2011.

Final Test

Mirian Gómez

Ana G. Méndez University System

South Florida Campus

Final Test

1- Que puede hacer un educador con las computadoras?

Un educador con las computadoras apoyará el proceso educativo con confianza,

con decisión, con ilusión lo hará relevante porque las computadoras son una herramienta

que tienen un impacto importante y positivo. El educador puede utilizar la computadora

para agilizar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje ya que el estudiante se anima e involucra

en cada actividad con mayor entusiasmo. Entiendo que en un salón de clases el uso de la

computadora no debe verse como usar una herramienta sino una forma de conducir la

clase. El maestro con la computadora podrá dirigir y conducir la clase utilizando registros

electrónicos y base de datos. Preparará exámenes usando un procesador de datos y creara


2- Consideraciones antes de usar la computadora en el salón de clases.

El maestro debe estar adiestrado adecuadamente antes de enfrentarse al uso de la

computadora en el salón de clases. El adiestramiento debe ser continuo. Debe tenerse en

cuenta el nivel de enseñanza, los programas a usar, el entusiasmo del alumno para lograr

buena efectividad. Se deben determinar metas y objetivos medibles, previos a la selección

del uso de las computadoras y estas deben servir a esas metas. Debe considerarse poder

contar con apoyo técnico, apoyo administrativo antes de iniciar su uso. No se debe

esperar obtener de inmediato, resultados por parte de los estudiantes ya que ellos también

deben adaptarse a la nueva tecnología.

3- Son realmente esenciales las computadoras en la enseñanza?

Entiendo que sí son esenciales por ser una herramienta sofisticada, motivadora y

altamente interactiva con el alumno, tienen ganado un prestigio que no se puede negar.

Cabe señalar que más esenciales son en la medida que con los programas se enriquezca la

información que se presenta al estudiante. En la medida que su trabajo se haga más

simple y sea de mayor calidad. Para el estudiante serán cada vez más esenciales en la

medida que aumente sus oportunidades para aprender, en la medida que aumente la

profundidad de sus conocimientos, estimulen su interés, faciliten y mejoren su

desempeño academico. De acuerdo a Gispert (2008), lo esencial de las computadoras

radica en que son la herramienta que se han vuelto imprescindible tanto para maestros

como para estudiantes. Introduciendo un cambio cualitativo.

4- Menciona una aplicación de programa para aplicarlo en el currículo.

Los programas que se aplican al currículo, son los programas que cooperan con el

estudiante para la realización de sus tareas (Díaz Barriga, 2010). Pienso que es en los

programas que se aplican al currículo donde se puede apreciar en forma más clara la

ayuda que puede suponer la computadora en las actividades educativas como humanas en

general ya que estas se convierten en un auxiliar imprescindible. Por ejemplo, muchos

estudiantes con limitaciones, visuales físicas y auditivas pueden ahora participar en clases

gracias a las redes y al uso de software ó programas adaptados al currículo y orientado a

sus capacidades y posibilidades. Ejemplos: Procesadores de textos, hojas de cálculo,

programas de diseño asistido etc.

5- Menciona cinco referencias y lecturas recomendadas sobre el tema de clase

“Computadoras en la Educación”

Computadoras en la educación




Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education







Díaz Barriga, A. (2007). “Currículo tensiones Conceptuales y Prácticas”. Revista

Electrónica de la Investigación Educativa. www.angeldiazbarriga.com

Galvis Panqueva, A. (2010). “Reflexión Acerca del uso del Computador en

Educación Primaria y Secundaria”. Revista Informativa Educativa Vol.4

No 1. España 2010.

Gispert, C (2008). “Enciclopedia Interactiva de los conocimientos” Océano

Pag 1107 – 1152. Recuperado November 6, 2011.


Mirian Gómez

Final Project Submitted to the Ana G. Méndez

University System

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for EDUC 214

South Florida Campus


Integrating Educational Technology into Curriculum

Concept: Integrating the use of computer in the Language Arts classroom for

students 6 to 8 grades, elementary and middle school. Teachers must integrate the use of

computers in the teaching learning process through practical lesions and assignments of

preparing digital lessons and presentations in the classrooms.


- Define curriculum – specific learning

- Explain the difference between computer, information, and integration literacy.

- Explain the necessity of changing instructional strategies from traditional to new

learning environments.

Population: This training is directed to Language Art teachers for students that

English is there Second Language. This training is focused on attention, relevance,

challenge/confidence, and satisfaction/success of the ESOL students, and for a better

academic develop.

Lesson Goals:

- For your own professional development

- Using technology as a productivity tool in your classroom

- Extensively integrating technology and digital media in your instructional

strategies, lessons, student based projects, assessments to improve student


Activities: Integrating Educational Technology into curriculum for Language Art

class. Computer technology and digital media play an essential role in how

students work, live, and learn. The technology activities are very important in the

Language Art class and specifically with ESOL students. For example:

- Digital story telling

- Research assignments

- Wireless lab

- Talking and instant messaging about digital storytelling projects

- News Media center

- Installing and testing new software

- Working individually on school work using computer

- Do project/paper using a computer outside of class.

- Work in groups using computers to play educational game

- Learn keyboarding skills.

Assessment: It is very important in this training understand that evaluation is

involved in the construction of knowledge, interpreting the information provided

by the student through the different assessments, and improving and enhancing

the student (García Valcarcel, 2009). If we assume that the assessment is intended

to provide fundamental information about different stages of the student learning,

this tool offers distinct advantages such as:

- Promotes healthy learning expectations for clarifying what the objectives of the

teacher and how students can achieve.

- Focuses on the teacher to specifically determine the criteria which will measure

and document student progress

- Allows the teacher to qualitatively describe different levels of achievement that a

student must achieve.

- Allows students to meet the qualifying criteria that will be evaluated.

- Provides the teacher feedback on the effectiveness of the teaching process that is


- Provides students feedback on their strengths and weaknesses in the areas for


URL: www.scsite.com/tdc4



This URL provides hundreds of curriculum specific sources of information and

integration idea for Educational Technology into Curriculum for Language Art class.


García Valcarcel, A. (2009).”Technology and Education”. Salamanca, 2009.





Workshop 1 Week 1

Electronic Links

Electronic Links (URLs): The History of Computers http://inventors.about.com/library/blcoindex.htm http://tdi.uregina.ca/~complit/comphist.htm Basic & Advanced Computer Concepts http://www.bedford.lib.nh.us/Basics.htm Computer parts and functions http://www.fayette.k12.il.us/99/Intro2Comp/parts.html http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/ch490/lessons/lesson1_files/chap1.html http://www.articlesender.com/Computers-Internet/Hardware-Tips/Parts--Functions-of-a-Computer.htm Components of a Computer System http://old.ma.is/kenn/andy/Bradleycourse/Notes/chap01/ch01_3.html http://agg3333.ifas.ufl.edu/components.htm http://www2.krellinst.org/AiS/textbook/unit6/introcomp6.1.html Laptop and Desktop Computer System http://www.circuitprotection.com/applications/desktop.asp?lcd=1 http://www.circuitprotection.com/applications/laptop.asp?lcd=1 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education http://www.aace.org/ Summary of electronic references After reading all these links I can conclude that, within the world of computers one the most interesting facets that can be found is the application that they have to education. The world of education is a fertile ground for extending the whole culture of computers. It’s very important for future teachers understand the importance of computer in the education of students. The computer has reached within the teaching learning process a high influence in student academic performance. It has developed higher order thinking and problem solving. Improves student motivation, attitude, and interest in learning. The computers provide opportunities for student collaboration. According to Winfried (2002), adjusts for student ability and prior experiences and provides feedback, and provides opportunities for students to design and implement projects. In addition is very important to note, that the computers are essential to meet the challenge of global completion. I think that the development of computers has been throughout history the modernization element of the teaching learning process. However we should not be an exaggeration to think that introduction of the computer to automatically produce the transformation of the quality of the educational process. I think that the computers by themselves are not going to change the education, but can be a tool to carry out educational innovations.

Workshop 2 Week2

Enlaces Electronicos

Función del software




Sistema Operativo



Computadoras en la educación




Software educativohttp://www.kidware.com/mobius/17gropsspa.htm



La introducción de las nuevas tecnologías ha tenido un gran potencial para transformar

aspectos importantes de la educación. El software lo definimos como todo el conjunto

intangible de datos y programas de la computadora. Dentro del proceso enseñanza –

aprendizaje, se debe orientar un uso pedagógica mente adecuado con la finalidad de

ayudar al docente en el uso del mismo programa haciendo énfasis en los aspectos

pedagógicos, metodológicos y culturales. La valoración de un software educativo para su

selección por parte del docente debe ser primera por sus características específicas y por

su aplicabilidad con las condiciones de enseñanza – aprendizaje que nos proponemos. Así

el docente podrá alcanzar mayor efectividad y podrá cubrir mejor los objetivos que se

propone en cada clase. En fin la integración del software al currículo es muy importante,

pienso que el estudiante necesita una alfabetización tecnológica que asegure su proceso

académico. Quisiera destacar también que, a través de la lectura de diferentes links sobre

Sistemas Operativos aprendí que Un Sistema Operativo (SO) es el software básico de una

computadora que provee una interfaz entre el resto de programas del ordenador, los

dispositivos hardware y el usuario. Las funciones básicas del Sistema Operativo son

administrar los recursos de la máquina, coordinar el hardware y organizar archivos y

directorios en dispositivos de almacenamiento. Los Sistemas Operativos más utilizados

son Dos, Windows, Linux y Mac. Algunos SO ya vienen con un navegador integrado,

como Windows que trae el navegador Internet Explorer. Estos programas pueden ser

excelentes herramientas para la educación ya que si los niños disfrutan realizando las

tareas jugando, sus habilidades aumentaran. Todos los días desarrolladores perceptivos

encuentran problemas para ser solucionados con software, y es que la tecnología ha

avanzado tanto que una persona puede realizar operaciones bancarias desde su casa,

enviar un correo electrónico a cualquier parte del mundo, etc.; todo esto por la

computadora. Y esto es bueno ya que cada día la competencia por crear un mejor

software, fomenta a crearlos más imaginativos y a menor costo.

Workshop 3 Week 3 Electronic Links Computers and Special Education http://www.atarimagazines.com/creative/v10n10/96_Computers_make_special_ed.php http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-927/software.htm http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Educational/Special_Education/ http://www.bedu.com/Newsletterarticle/SpecialEd.html http://www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/english/Us_Eu/conf/csun_97/csun97_116.html Computer hardware

http://www.coolnerds.com/Newbies/Hardware/hardware.htm http://www.ehow.com/information_1013-computer-hardware.html Computer ports http://www.tech-faq.com/computer-port.shtml http://www.directron.com/ports.html http://www.helium.com/items/449619-computer-ports-explained Storage systems http://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/searchNetworking/Downloads/IncidentResponseChapte r10.pdf http://www.technewsworld.com/story/59980.html?wlc=1227110328 http://www.technewsworld.com/story/59839.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_storage Input and output devices http://cil.usu.edu/htm/cs/iodevices http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/288883/inputoutput-device http://old.ma.is/kenn/andy/Bradleycourse/Notes/chap01/ch01_7.html Typical Computer Input/output and Storage Devices |||||| Input / Output and Storage Devices ||

Input Output Storage

Keyboard Monitor Floppy Disk

Mouse Printers (all types) Diskette

Trackballs Audio Card Hard Disk

Touchpads Plotters Disk Cartridge

Pointing Sticks LCD Projection Panels CD-ROM

Joysticks Computer Output Microfilm (COM) Optical Disk

Pen Input Facsimile (FAX) Magnetic Tape

Touch Screen Speaker(s) Cartridge Tape

Light Pen . Reel Tape

Digitizer . PC Card

Graphics Tablet . *RAID

Scanner . *Memory Button

Microphone . *Smart Card

Electronic Whiteboard . *Optical Memory Card

Video Cards . .

Audio Cards . .

Assistive technology is the application of various technologies over the environment of the disable so as replace or mitigate the disadvantages functional, sensory, cognitive, social, allowing their comparison in substance with the other members of society. The objective of assistive technology is providing access to the computer for the person with disabilities achieve greater independence in the areas of communication, work, study, social, and leisure time improving their quality of life in an efficient and effective. Assitive Technology have a different uses for example: reading, writing, art, music etc. example:- Assistive instructional computers- World processors- Text expanders- Scanner- Augmentative devices for communication- Software keyboard simulator From the information , statements, and data in this video, explain the multiple dimensions of assistive technologies , designed as a whole

and any resourse or alternative functional problem solving. I can to note the dynamism, adaptability, and creative human being. Workshop 4 Week 4

Enlances Electronicos






El navegador o browser




¿Cómo navegar en la Internet?




Comunicación y Redes






Excel Formulashttp://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/gradebook/appendix.html#letter

Actualmente la computadora ha cambiado la forma de difundir conocimiento y a su vez

la comunicación. La comunicación por computadora es el intercambio de información

entre las personas por las redes de ordenadores, puede ser de todo tipo, por ejemplo:

textos, imágenes, videos, audio etc. Los sistemas que se pueden utilizar para la

comunicación son: E-mail, Word Wide Web, comunicación síncrona, los newsgroups,

sistema de correo de voz, IRC, White Board etc. Como toda tecnología ofrece sus

ventajas y sus desventajas.

Redes son la posibilidad de compartir universalmente la información entre grupos de

computadoras y sus usuarios. Es un componente vital en la era de la información. La red

nos permite comunicarnos para compartir recursos, trabajos, conocimientos etc.

LAN (Local Área Network): red de áreas locales, es un segmento de red que tiene

conectadas estaciones de trabajo y servidores ó segmentos de red interconectados

generalmente desde la misma zona ejemplo, un edificio, un campus etc.

WAN (Wide Área Network): redes globales que se extienden sobrepasando fronteras de

ciudades, pueblos ó naciones. Los enlaces se realizan con instalaciones de

telecomunicaciones públicas y privadas además por microondas ó satélites.

Workshop 5 Week 5 Conclusion I can conclude that, those who believe that educational process is relevant to students to train better, and this process the computer is a tool that can have a significant, positive impact. Take into account also technological innovation is the introduction of computers in the educational process must be based on analitical process, critical, and creative. We should support with ongoing educational research. Let us use computersto support the educational process with confidence, with determination, with enthusiasm and hope, but only when within a framework of educational planing. After this class I beleive we can over come them what we can achieve by others means, and always within the most prescient desire to not only educate and instruct.


Mirian Gomez

Ana G. Mendez University system

South Florida Campus


I can conclude by saying this class has been something very positive for my future

like a professional. This class impacts the student and the teaching process producing

stimulation, motivation. In my case has been significant. The computer is something that

is imposed. Evolve and revolutionize society, those who believe that educational process

is relevant to students to train better. I think that the world of education is a fertile ground

for extending the whole culture of computers. It‟s very important for future teachers

understand the importance of computers in the education of students. Today I only say

