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Iswa Congress Presentation(2)

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  • 8/14/2019 Iswa Congress Presentation(2)


    ISWA CONGRESS 2005 PRESENTATIONImprovement of a national association

    Communications Strategy For AnISWANational Member Association

    Chris Murphy

    Deputy Chief Executive CIWMAndrew Kouskouris

    Member of B.D of HSWMA

  • 8/14/2019 Iswa Congress Presentation(2)



    The purpose of this presentation is to provide guidelinesto our NMA to be more active and effective

    This issue is huge and we chose to base it on aCommunications Strategy with some practicalconsiderations

    The proposal we present is extremely comprehensivebut we set challenging targets for the 21 Century.

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    List of topics to be covered

    Additional Minimum Requirements OfNational Members By ISWA

    Education , Training, Research

    New Generation Groups

    Establishing Regional Chapters

    Improving Knowledge, Management andAccess to Data

    Improving Communication Strategy Marketing , Promotion and Membership



    National Member PerformanceMeasurements

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    Additional Minimum Requirements Of NationalMembers By ISWA

    Pay membership fees

    Submit an annual report to ISWA on country activities

    Organize at least one ISWA event in our country eachyear, such as workshops, working groups meeting,

    National Assembly, press conference etc.Publication / article every other year

    Actively promote and create new membership for ISWA

    Participate in the Regional Development Networkswhere appropriate

    Send at least one member to at least one WorkingGroup each year

    Participate in the General Assembly

    Participate in Beacon Conferences when within theregion

    Recommend technical papers for ISWA PublicationAward

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    Education , Training, Research 1

    Education: There should be a listing of available trainingand education in each of the national membercountries(1)

    Coordinating work with other organizations providingwaste management education and training (2)

    Research: Supporting collaboration between researchbodies, government departments and others (3)

    NMA could co-operate with a number of universities on

    research and further could accredit mastersprogrammes.

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    Education , Training, Research 2

    Supporting the activities of the municipalities in undertakingthis work, providing the information , raising awareness andeducation for the public best practice.


    - Applied Research projects in solid waste management Subscribers could pay a penny per ton of waste managed

    to directly participate in the research activities(1)

    Subscribers could be directly involved through:

    - identifying and defining research topics

    - participating in project review meetings held in conjunctionwith related

    bodies/ organisations

    - having direct access to interim results and final workproducts

    Waste Awareness Certificate(2)

    - Raising awareness of waste and environmental issueswithin small and medium enterprises.

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    Scholarships /Awards

    In order to prepare the next generation for theenvironmental solid waste, NMs: must develop severalscholarships and interim programs for students studying

    in fields related to solid waste management(1).

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    New Generation Groups /

    These groups will be open to those new to the industry.Not exclusively as students or graduates and others.

    The aims of the New Generation Group are to:

    - Organize events, visits and meetings for Students,Graduates

    - Encourage new members to participate in the work ofthe NMA

    - Raise the profile of the NMA across all ranges in the

    waste industry

    - Develop a dialogue between new and establishedmembers

    - Network with educational establishments and allsectors of the waste


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    Working Groups / Task Forces

    Set up Working Groups and Task Forces appropriate tothe needs of the NMA and mirroring the ISWA WorkingGroups

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    Establishing Regional Chapters

    This helps to provide practical seminars, meetings andnetworking at a local level rather than members havingto travel long distances.

    This will depend exclusively on the geographical scale ofthe national member.

    For larger countries with small number of ISWAmembers there may not be the critical mass to establishregional chapters (1)

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    Improving Knowledge, Management and Access

    to Data

    Strong support is needed to develop networking andKnowledge exchange among members.

    Some tools and activities are suggested:

    Sharing key issues in technical and social aspects inSWM

    Highlighting communication between members

    Exchange of success stories and experiences

    Public and Private Partnerships

    Staff exchanges

    Meeting with major organisations and individuals

    Graduate/student network as a permanent institutionamong NMA

    Network focus in a particular region

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    Improving Communication Strategy 1

    An appropriate communication strategy is essential for allNMA

    For national members with a large geographic spread the onlyrealistic means of communication is through electronic means,

    email, website information etcMembers should initially seek to establish electroniccommunications and then if possible and feasible to widenthat into published bulletins , newsletters, journals etc.

    For those wishing to establish the ultimate communicationservice the following are suggested:

    - Press releases and newsletters, manage the website toinclude a chatroom

    - Notes and minutes from board, working groups, task forcesand web based


    - Design collaterals (brochure presentations) assist in events

    organization as

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    Improving Communication Strategy 2

    Executive Update (monthly), which looks at businessissues , such a competition covenants(1) , employment

    policies , safety programs, etc.

    Members E-news (weekly) , which summarizes newsstories about solid waste management issues or thisservice to which interested persons could subscribefree.

    Develop and distribute a directory of members withtheir profiles as well as have that upload on the website

    in English Language to access for lobbying.Information Service- Answers to your wastemanagement enquiries. A limited amount of time can bespent on each enquiry but additional contacts forfurther information can be provided.

    Participation in the World day for Environment

    Press briefs

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    Improving Communication Strategy 3

    Creation ofan observatory(1) with most important

    issues from companies, associations, newsletter,mailing lists

    Publicizing all or some of decisions of board ofdirectors

    Announcement of our events conferences workshops to ISWA and upload them on the website inEnglish Language if it is possible

    Focus on EU ETC/WMR , USEPA etc, info for our

    members (Newsletter, reports,studies, legislation,standards etc)

    Meeting with chief executives of public sector forconsultation

    Media relations (2)

    Crisis communication and disaster responsero rams and strate ies

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    Marketing , Promotion and Membership

    Campaigns 1

    Influence policies by providing advice

    Keep members of NMA informed on legislation andenvironmental policies on National and Regional Level

    Organize visits to the neighboring countries to exchangeexperiences in the field of waste managementpromoting if possible establishment of ISWA NMA ifthere isnt there

    Develop co-operation framework between NMA

    ,Government Organizations, Waste ContractorsAssociations etc.

    Taking part in environment trades , conferences,workshops

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    Marketing , Promotion and Membership

    Campaigns 2

    Compile a list of other national organizations(associations, institutes, federation or similar), workingwholly or partially in the same field

    To provide to our members which are not ISWAmembers with the possibility to read some of the papersof the ISWA Wastes and Research ((1)

    Become active in the preparation and presentation ofposition papers, involving members in the debate on

    waste and resource management issuesDevelop and distribute a directory of membersincluding a profile and place it on your website inEnglish Language

    Organize technical visits

    Management Publish codes of good practices

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    National Member Performance Measurements

    We suggest that national members should achieve aminimum contribution to ISWA through their ownactivities following as far as possible the

    recommendations in this presentation. Notwithstandingthat each NMA should look to raise the profile, increasemembership numbers and address the otherresponsibilities..

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    CIWM Chartered Institution of Wastes Management

    HSWMA Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association

    NMA National Member Association

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