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IT Database Consolidation Storyboard Sample

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 Info-Tech Research Group 1 Consolidate Databases using Microsoft SQL Server From many to few; learn how to use SQL Server to reduce your database footprnt!
  • 5/19/2018 IT Database Consolidation Storyboard Sample


    Info-Tech Research Group 1

    Consolidate Databases using Microsoft SQLServerFrom many to few; learn how to use SQL Server to reduce your database footprnt!

  • 5/19/2018 IT Database Consolidation Storyboard Sample


    Info-Tech Research Group "

    Although database consolidation has traditionally been thought of as a risky practice, recent

    improvements to SQL Server make it a reliable platform for consolidation. Organizations that arenot yet consolidating are wasting resources.


    #r$an%atons of all s%es that are consdern$ the costs

    and benefts of database consoldaton onto SQL Server!

    #r$an%atons loo&n$ to advance ther databaseconsoldaton strate$y nto producton envronments!

    'I#s and data center mana$ers loo&n$ to mplement acomprehensve( phased consoldaton process and toavod common consoldaton ptfalls!

    )nderstand the benefts of database consoldaton(

    from cost reducton to performance benefts!

    Select the r$ht consoldaton model based on youror$an%aton*s needs and re+urements!

    ,ve deeper nto maor consderatons for each sta$eof consoldaton; ncludn$ plannn$( plotn$( testn$(up$rades( and decommssonn$ of servers!

    his !esearch "s #esigned $or% his !esearch &ill 'elp (ou%

    .dvce provded n ths soluton set s specfc to consoldaton on SQL Server! .lthou$h SQL Server sthe most popular platform for consoldaton( consoldaton on another platform may be a more vablesoluton for your needs! If you are loo&n$ to consoldate on #racle( please refer to Info-Tech*s solutonset.ssess #racle*s Role n the /nterprse ,atabase Strate$y for #racle-specfc advce!

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    Executive Summary

    "mplement a phased consolidation process

    The plannn$ sta$e s &ey to a success process; thorou$hly profle canddates for consoldaton and prepare forconsoldaton-related rs&s to acheve h$her satsfacton wth database performance( avalablty( uptme( and securty!

    Follow Info-Tech*s detaled 2-step mplementaton model to ensure a successful consoldaton process!

    )reate the consolidation strategy

    'onsoldaton strate$y s two-fold3 Select your consoldaton model based on crtera such as securty( mana$eablty( andh$h avalablty and choose your SQL Server edton!

    'onsoldaton models nclude database( nstance( and vrtual%aton!o "nfo*ech cautions against using the cloud for hosting databases. !evisit this option in +*- months.

    #r$an%atons choosn$ vrtual%aton have the opton of consoldatn$( stabl%n$( and then vrtual%n$ or ta&n$ a shortcutand umpn$ nto the vrtual%aton proect r$ht away! Info-Tech recommends the former approach!

    #r$an%atons have the opton of consoldatn$ on SQL Server "445R" or the recently released "41" edton!

    /nderstand the value of consolidation

    The most common reason for consoldaton s reducn$ T'#; however( there are plenty of other benefts to consoldaton;ncludn$ more central%ed mana$ement( reduced data center space re+urements( and mproved performance!

    'onsdern$ consoldaton on SQL Server6 7ou are not alone3o -0 of organizations surveyed have either consolidated or are in the process of consolidation.o Another -10 are planning to consolidate in the ne2t 34 months.

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    &hat5s in this Section% Sections%

    Understand the value of consolidation

    )nderstand the value ofconsoldaton

    'reate the consoldatonstrate$y

    Implement a phasedconsoldaton process

    )nderstand the maor drvers of consoldaton!

    Reco$n%e the features of recent SQL Server versons thatfacltate stable consoldaton!

    'onsder whether a phased or all-at-once approach sapproprate!

    Start thn&n$ about best practces and common ptfalls ofconsoldaton wth Info-Tech*s case studes!

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    9ast problems solatn$ SQL Server database nstancesmade hostn$ multple databases on the same server ars&y decson! 'orrupton n one nstance often bled overnto other nstances! .s a result( or$an%atons oftenadded a dedcated server for each applcaton they were

    runnn$( leadn$ to database sprawl.

    Ths resulted n unnecessary lcensn$ costs( h$hersupport and faclty costs( and under-utl%n$ the e:stn$archtecture ncludn$ servers that often le completelydle!

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    Consolidation benefits can be achieved in most situationsregardless of organiation sie or location

    )onsolidation is not 8ust for the large. In fact( smallor$an%atons are most l&ely to be plannn$ a consoldaton nthe near future and medum or$an%atons are most l&ely to

    have already consoldated!

    .dopton levels are not s$nfcantlyaffected by an or$an%aton*s


    It@s a matter of de$ree! Any consolidation is better than it was before! .ny tme you can retre a dedcated serverAwhether end-of-lfe or notB s a wn for the IT ,epartment! 'onsoldaton cuts down on power usa$e( system

    admnstrator effort( hardware support costs( etc!- IT mana$er( 8C!

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    &hile pre*+994 versions of SQL Server may have been inappropriate for consolidation, +994!+ and+93+ are suitable platforms for doing so. )se SQL Server "445 R" as the bare mnmum for consoldaton! If youare runnn$ an earler verson( consder consoldaton as you up$rade to acheve even $reater savn$s!

    !ecent SQL releases contain the following improvements that make it a reliable solution for consolidation%

    Consolidation !as once a ris#y $ractice% but !ith recent SQLServer im$rovements% this is no longer the case

    Storage Security 'igh Availability

    #ata compression enablesmore effectve( lower coststora$e wth mprovedperformance for lar$e ID#wor&loads! 'ompresson alsoreduces the cost of busnesscontnuty!

    :ackup compression reducesthe s%e of the bac&up and thetme to bac&up! ,s& s%e s oftenreduced by "4-?4E!

    hree levels of isolation% #atabase%access to the database

    s controlled on a user-by-userbass!

    Server% access to the nstance scontrolled by usn$ lo$ns!

    Operating System% access to the#S s controlled by usn$ ndowsor .ctve ,rectory accounts!

    #ther mportant features ncludetransparent data encrypton AT,/Band SQL Server .udt !

    $ailover clustering offers etherautomatc or manual clustern$wth $reater redundancy andcontrol! Improvements ma&e teaser to create and mana$eclusters!

    #atabase mirroring ensuresthe database remans avalableat all tmes! Improvementsnclude lo$ stream compresson(automatc suspect pa$erecovery( and clents do not needto be reconf$ured to access themrrored database durn$falover!

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    Even a relatively conservative consolidation ratio% such as &'(%!ill save organiations a lot in the long term

    SQL Server leads the market in terms of )O, but even though each

    individual server is relatively ine2pensive, the numbers add up ;uicky

    If your hardware budget allows, you can achieve a

    100:1 reduction ratio! I did a theoretical calculation and

    purely from a performance capability standpoint, I could

    do an entire global consolidation (about 1200 instances)

    with only two physical machines

    - artn van der unn&( Technolo$y 'onsultant

    =3.> ?-year T'#3 =?1@Savings of =63@ over years

    hrough consolidation and

    virtuali"ation of our #$% #erver

    databases we reduced our licensing

    e&penses by '

    - Technolo$y 'onsultant

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    )here are benefits to consolidation beyond sim$le cost savings


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    *lthough it is $ossible to roll out the entire consolidation$ro+ect at once% a $hased a$$roach is more successful

    Chased Approach All*At*Once Approach

    "nfo*ech recommends taking a phasedapproach, if possible. Ths approach may

    ta&e lon$er n the be$nnn$( but wll helpmnm%e lon$-term problems and streamlnethe process for both IT and the busness!

    #r$an%atons that choose an all-at-onceapproach rs& potental falure ponts affectn$all of ther databases( ncludn$ msson-crtcalones!

    Organizations have two options fortheir consolidation pro8ect%

    3D All*at*once approach% #r$an%atons dentfy all thedatabases they wsh to consoldate and complete theprocess n one round! Follown$ the consoldaton( theydeal wth any ponts of falure!

    +D Chased approach% #r$an%atons consoldate a smallnumber of non-crtcal nstances frst( stabl%e andmontor them( deal wth any falure ponts( and thene:tend ther consoldaton to more comple:( msson-crtcal databases!

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    ,ee$ the business informed about changes to business$rocesses% but don-t let them control the consolidation $ro+ect)onsolidation doesn5t affect " aloneE make sure the process is transparent to the business aswell. 'onsoldaton does present some rs&s and the chance that busness processes may be affected! Keep busnesssta&eholders nformed about any chan$es that affect them( and nvolve them n the testn$ of end results to ensure theoverall success of your proect!

    he owner of the process is always ". he business should act as an advisor rather than a leader.

    9rocess Role of usness Role of IT

    Clanning forconsolidation*related


    .pprove 'onduct

    Fathering :usiness!e;uirements

    9rovde a descrptonof user-based needs

    'reate an nventory ofbusness re+urements

    Clanning for the pilotpro8ect

    Maldate the decsonIdentfy the databasesthat wll be used durn$the plot

    /ser Acceptanceesting

    /:ecute,etermne the tmelnesand valdate the results

    ,on*t let the busness dctatethe consoldaton process( thetype of consoldaton( or thedatabase envronment that

    you set up! Abstract what isrunning and what it isrunning on.

    Learn the busness*s needsand create a soluton aroundthem!

    *ypically it is the business that pays for ac+uiring and installing the servers, and since they pay for them, they dont want to

    feel as though they are not getting what theyve paid for -ou must effectively communicate the benefits of consolidation to

    the business sta.eholders hey need to be involved in the entire process and once it/s completed, they shouldnt feel li.e

    theyve lost anything

    ecil 3ewton, 4irector of echnology #ervices at #an 5rancisco 6ealth 7lan

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