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it - Treherne · little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I road. To travel this 2000 "The...

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\ \ " ,r '" ; , THE LABEL lJ6)": Shows the date to wbicll' I ' , your subscription is paid. See that it is \ right. " , , , VOL. 7 I l1anitoba, Friday, June 29, 1906 BUSINESS AND PROfESSIONAL aIEDlOAt. DR, LAMONT, P h Y 81clnn, onrgooll. omco 811(1 l'ooluonco all Horlln stroot, Tl'ohorno. ' DR. G.·W. STAPJ,ltS P h)'olclnn nllu oltrgooll. M. D, C. M. UIII<OI" oILy (lr Mnnltobll. Olllco nnd rooltlollco,ou9 bluck oonl,h ot tho poot oUieo. J. It. TYNDAJ,L, lIf. D. P hysiclnu, Burgoon, ncconchonr, notl corOMor. OlHco ut rotlhlollco on lll'ondwn)', cluy IllHl ulHht. RATHWELL. MAN. ANDRnWS & LINDSAY llARltTS1.'El1.8 A:C. O l'FlCl,S In bnlldlng Cormoriy occuplod by J. T. Hold & Go. Bunkers, Treharno, Muu. 8ollclLors Cor LIm Clllludilln Bank oC COlllmorco. 8nliclLors Cor blulllchlllllty oC Sonth NorColk. "THE EXTRA SUIT For Wedding Gifts you're being measured for.:,i_s go,ing there is nothing prettier or more to make up 'extremely stylIsh. useful than silver. We suggest if You'll be just as wdl pleased with you expect t6 'attend' any of the it.as others you've'had from us." June weddings tnat you select your gift now. , SUMMER WEIGHT !-- GOODS. I Come and 'Choose mWRGl{ MOODY, B.A., L.J .. B. is what this sbit is being made of. from the, beat.ltiful and complete as- S ollclLor. ALtorlloy, NotnrJ;, Etc. om co nL t f I lIt 1 vare o. A. ,Incl"raon's, Frontl:ILroot. 'We have others ns good and equal-, sortmen 7 0 SI. ver ane. p a ec \ \ J. GOLLEY, V. S. " H onor grndnnLo In 1800 oC Oil La rio VoLorlnnry CoIIOIIO. All <1100n800 o[ domootlo anlmalo trontm! by tbo IIIto8t oelolltUlo Illothod.. Cbnl'· gos modol'nto. Olllco ono door Bonth,of Culvort & Wilson rosl<1onco olll,ooito th. ocboOI' uAN w Will bo In Hnthwoll wookly, Cram 21101n. to G au Frld"yo. D. McCOrG lu'frohorno [01' Rovornlllr8L clno. ,Jonn COlnlJUllioB lOlluint.; un 18mla nnd oLilor pro (lOr- tics nt ralcs. Flunnclnl businoss COluluctod. , J. 'I'. REID & CO., SWAN, LAKn, llANKHRS ' Monoy La lonn on Farm Lnndo nt 0 POI' cont. NotOD Aur001l1011t.S for salo, anel mortgllg'oB pm" Hhllsoll. WiuulllOg 417 AlAIN KENNETH HUDSON G. A. ANDERSON R EA r.J Lonn om1 Insuranco ogont. 8110einl nLtontloD to Inournuco. ,OOlco U"lIwny "vo., noxt door to Mrs. Alnrt· In. Morio)' to lonn. .. -I( , ...... ' \ PIANO -'l'UNING. '-. . \ ' ly stylish and would like you to 'he,r,e. ">: WIll find It easy buy call and see them. An_ order now a handsom.e at a vety rea- will be promptly executed. sonable pnce. , ' , ...;.---- W:,H·. H0USE. F.A.l1ERCER ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 10IlEl 90;1\0. BARGAINS THAT ARE VERV " 6 Economy. \ The farmers throughout Canada and in many sections of the Utiited States are considering the subject of road nlaking from, a ne'Y and suggestive standpoint. They are beginning to count the cost and find that -cheap roads aud roads kept thcie days by statute labor are actually' more in money and many times more in labor, breakages, loss of time, loss of mar- kets; etc., than'good'roads. A good, hard smooth highway that is always in order, and will al- low heavy loads to be hauled over it at all seasons of the year, is a money saver, a time saver and a power saver to the cotllitry through which it runs. The initial cost for a good permallent highway is cou- siderable; but it is the cheapest in long run. Charles E. Ashburner, Jr., C. n., in writing on this subject, says:"A very striking example of the econ- omy of building macadamized roads came under my observation recent- ly. A machine weighing ," 16,000 pounds was drawn four miles 011 the Brook turnpike, a ,macadamized road. It required four mules (4000 pounds to a mule) and one and one half liours of time. at a cost of IS seen many sl1ch young men cold in death. \Ve have seen the atheist at rest in his casket but before be- ing '. cOllsigned to thei r last ing place they be1.Ve all been car- ried thrOlt"gh the doors of a church and had prayers said over them. is young man conld scoff at re- ligion in his strength and.ibeauty of health, butif the dark angel should after him he wculd instinctive- regret what he said and look in- to the future with fear and trembl- ing.· When one stands before the open door of eternity his degire to at religion vRni'3hes. \Ve; ad- mit there are bad men in thel church but' even these black sheep in the flock might be blacker if they were outside. No young 'man, or old one should condemn the noble efforts the army of Christian men and wC)men are making to- wards' bettering the condition of things, and whether we attend church or not but few of us would desire to live in a community where there was no church. Young man, in future if you lUUSt scoff at religion, please get a little further from our office if you do not want to seQ your name in pri n t." / cents per mule per hour, 01' a total Suggested by a Ser:mon. cost for four miles of 90 cents. Af- ter tra\'elling four'miles on the ma- Lines suggested by Rev. Mr. cadamized turupilie the route lay Little's sermon Oll June 24th. Said little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I road. To travel this 2000 "The meanest man who ever lived," necessary to use ten of the when all is said and done, and seven men; and with '\Vas not the offspring of the vile; it took nine hours But a goo] widow's son. the journey. 1'he cost , 9.80,. at which rate the four Whose one solicitude, so fraugpt, I Wll<:" would cost $209.08, or in oUt- Did fill her heart with joy; $208. 18 : a b sol ute ly She ben t her energies and love, away for"want of a 'maca To educate her boy. A macadam road such - have orevented this enor- schemed, she toiled, slle ener- . . money ,-would' cost gized, lIpeded penny; $lOO per mile for every herself t'he needed rest, tb.' that is, 'n 12-foot, All for the sake of "Benny." mile. a 'I6-foot road $1,- etc. One can realize And when her boy grew bigger, sum wast- 1'he tub she laid, aside, r r,':,prces(!11t ,impas- 'For resource's more and ample, The needful to provide. " ' As to "Oenatured" Alcohol. , 'I'he industrial millennium heaves -. \ " ..... . ..... , . '. _. For Ben, his mother's darling pet, Had passed matriculation; And her small revenue was taxed To me'et her obligation. M ISS B. BUCHBACR,' )'our put.ronago 1n pinno tunluG', ymeing Ilne! "etlon I'O!lulutlng. Grne!lllltp oC tllo Urynut school. tho Illrgost lu tho worll. Oil 11 l,ostul Clll'cl 'Illlli YOll wllll'ooolvo pro'"J?.t tont.ioll. I TJUmJ.:uNB, J,U4 N. in sight with encouraging regular- She "took iiI boarders," all alone, has produced its She toiled and did her best; = harbinger in the deiIatttlredll A mother's love inspired her on, alcohol bill, which removes the tax And took the place of rest. , BARBnR SHOP F OR an oaoy olo"n shavo, 'anllP·tQ.,c1ato hnlr \ 'cut or ror tnllBsugO, huir slngo, t Y ' I A. LEWIS, ... 1'0 101'110. -' r ' r " , fj . , I ) PIANO 'AGENCY! P ROF. oEO. ngont .[,) tho colobrnt· ocl Morrl. Illunos, nlo" lillIorout mnkots oC first clnBs OJ'lInus. "'0 cnu quotc very nt. rue- tlvo 1I1'1eoo LO.'YOll for 1I0oe\ lustrumouts, nnd sollolt yonr llULr(lDlIgo In Litis lIno. .. , upon grain alcohol, suitably poison- And to the casual observer, ed, for cotumen:ial uses. The pur- There was a lack of grace; 'pose of the poison is 'to 'prevent the T'ween a filial son',s deportment, public from drinking itself to death And a mothers loving face. in an' ecstasy of celebration over the golden prospect. Grain alcohoJ, Ben was genial, affable, and kind, reduced' from $2.50 to per And sped a wanton pride; gallou, by 'the simple ,of In lavishing the bounties 'rouuU! r,elnittin:g-,.the ' His_mother did eUI,eu own mother; >\ effort he despised, , did smother.' NO. 39 Sp,edal Prizes. The following is a J1f1llial list of thc special prizes alTered by the 'l'reherne dealers for \'arioIlS ex- hibits at the conling Trclu,!IIlC Fair, which takes place on A Itg-ust 8th., The balance of the "specials" will be printed later, all they are COIII- piled: Bank of Coml11erce-Sih'er medal for the best heavy draft horse. J. P. Straube-Mereh:1I1dise to the value of $10.00 for the best ag- ricul tural team. C. W. Barkwell-For filly or gelding, 3 years old ill class 2, ag- ricultural horses, ISt-1O lb caddy of tea, value$s.oo; 211d-5 Ib caddy of tea, value $2.50. Chas. Raux-For the best beef steer $5.00. /' , Bank of Commerce-Bronze med- al for the best Shorthorn bull 2 yrs old or over. F. Mercer-Jewelry to tnc value of $5.00 for best single roadster. W. H. of trousers, value $8.00 for the' best carriage team. W. 1'. Smith - Wheelbarrow, value $5.00, for the best roadster colt, I year old. Geo. McGowan-Merchandise to the value of $5',00, for the best col- lection of vegetables. T. A. Metcalf-A ladies' uphol- stered rocker, value $12. for the best crock or firkin of bu [tel'. The butter to become his property. W. H: Reeves-Merchandise to the value of $.1 . .00 for tahle butter, ' one pound bricks in parchmcnt pa- per; also merchandise to the ,ia!ue of for best collection of pre- serves. Geo. Graham-Laclies' work bas- value $IO.OO, to the lady who for her own work receives thc lar- amounts in prize money' ill CUl,SS!!S i9 and 20. (domestic manu- factpres and ladies' work.) Treherne 7, Swan Lake J. The following accoun t of the Swan Lake-Treherne gallle: played last Thursday' is 'tnkcn- from the Swan -Lake Echo, and is, , , a very fair account of Shc game. We might add that the S\vun/Lake team are a very gentlemanl)" bunch of players, who ask ollly a fair ' field, and if they keep 011 improv- ing as rapidly as they have done ill the past, they will soon take a good deal of beating: "On Thursday evening the Swan Lake Lacrosse Club visited Tre- harne to play their return game. There was a good attendance. 1're- herne opened out in good style, scoriug two goals in the fifteen minutes. Our boys tried hard to even, things'upi but the fates were against them. From start to finish Treherne were the better tefllll, nlld , gradually incr&lased their lead to seven goals. In the second half, thc Swan Lake team made a big' cffort to try and up, and ceeded in scoriug three the whistle blew, the score then standing at 7-3 in flIvor of Tte; herne.' , .. , j J. . ' l . I .1 1 " " 1 ! , ,I
Page 1: it - Treherne · little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I road. To travel this 2000 "The meanest man who ever lived," necessary to use ten of the when all is said and done,

\ \

" ,r '" ;



Shows the date to wbicll' I ' , your subscription is

paid. See that it is \ right. " ,



VOL. 7 I Trehern~. l1anitoba, Friday, June 29, 1906




PhY81clnn, onrgooll. omco 811(1 l'ooluonco all Horlln stroot, Tl'ohorno. '


Ph)'olclnn nllu oltrgooll. M. D, C. M. UIII<OI" oILy (lr Mnnltobll. Olllco nnd rooltlollco,ou9

bluck oonl,h ot tho poot oUieo.

J. It. TYNDAJ,L, lIf. D.

Physiclnu , Burgoon, ncconchonr, notl corOMor. OlHco ut rotlhlollco on lll'ondwn)', cluy IllHl



Ol'FlCl,S In bnlldlng Cormoriy occuplod by J. T. Hold & Go. Bunkers, Treharno, Muu.

8ollclLors Cor LIm Clllludilln Bank oC COlllmorco. 8nliclLors Cor blulllchlllllty oC Sonth NorColk.

"THE EXTRA SUIT For Wedding Gifts you're being measured for.:,i_s go,ing there is nothing prettier or more to make up 'extremely stylIsh. useful than silver. We suggest if You'll be just as wdl pleased with you expect t6 'attend' any of the it.as others you've'had from us." June weddings tnat you select your

gift now. , SUMMER WEIGHT !--

GOODS. I Come and 'Choose mWRGl{ MOODY, B.A., L.J .. B. •

is what this sbit is being made of. from the, beat.ltiful and complete as-SollclLor. ALtorlloy, NotnrJ;, Etc. om co nL t f I lIt 1 vare

o. A. ,Incl"raon's, Frontl:ILroot. 'We have others ns good and equal-, sortmen 7 0 SI. ver ane. p a ec \

\ J. GOLLEY, V. S. "

Honor grndnnLo In 1800 oC Oil La rio VoLorlnnry CoIIOIIO. All <1100n800 o[ domootlo anlmalo

trontm! by tbo IIIto8t oelolltUlo Illothod.. Cbnl'· gos modol'nto. Olllco ono door Bonth,of Culvort & Wilson rosl<1onco olll,ooito th. ocboOI'uAN • TRJ~HERNE, w •

Will bo In Hnthwoll wookly, Cram 21101n. to G au Frld"yo.


At!~nt lu'frohorno [01' Rovornlllr8L clno. ,Jonn COlnlJUllioB lOlluint.; un 18mla nnd oLilor pro (lOr­tics nt I'UI~BOnllblo ralcs. Flunnclnl businoss COluluctod.

, J. 'I'. REID & CO., SWAN, LAKn, M~~.


Monoy La lonn on Farm Lnndo nt 0 POI' cont. NotOD Aur001l1011t.S for salo, anel mortgllg'oB pm" Hhllsoll. WiuulllOg 1l~ldroo. 417 AlAIN ~1"



REA r.J ]~STATE, Lonn om1 Insuranco ogont. 8110einl nLtontloD ~'on to Inournuco.

,OOlco U"lIwny "vo., noxt door to Mrs. Alnrt· In. Morio)' to lonn. ~ .. ~,

-I( , ...... ' \

PIANO -'l'UNING. '-. . \ '

ly stylish and would like you to 'he,r,e. ">: ~lt1 WIll find It easy ~o buy call and see them. An_ order now a handsom.e p~esel1t at a vety rea-will be promptly executed. sonable pnce. , ' , ...;.----W:,H·. H0USE. F.A.l1ERCER



10IlEl 90;1\0. BARGAINS THAT ARE VERV ATTR"cil"P:.~.


" 6

Economy. \

The farmers throughout Canada and in many sections of the Utiited States are considering the subject of road nlaking from, a ne'Y and suggestive standpoint. They are beginning to count the cost and find that -cheap roads aud roads kept thcie days by statute labor are actually' costin~ more in money and many times more in labor, breakages, loss of time, loss of mar­kets; etc., than'good'roads.

A good, hard smooth highway that is always in order, and will al-low heavy loads to be hauled over it at all seasons of the year, is a money saver, a time saver and a power saver to the cotllitry through which it runs. The initial cost for a good permallent highway is cou­siderable; but it is the cheapest in th~ long run.

Charles E. Ashburner, Jr., C. n., in writing on this subject, says:"A very striking example of the econ­omy of building macadamized roads came under my observation recent­ly. A machine weighing ," 16,000 pounds was drawn four miles 011 the Brook turnpike, a ,macadamized road. It required four mules (4000 pounds to a mule) and one and one half liours of time. at a cost of IS

seen many sl1ch young men cold in death. \Ve have seen the atheist at rest in his casket but before be­ing '. cOllsigned to thei r last rest~ ing place they be1.Ve all been car­ried thrOlt"gh the doors of a church and had prayers said over them.

is young man conld scoff at re­ligion in his strength and.ibeauty of health, butif the dark angel should

after him he wculd instinctive­regret what he said and look in­

to the future with fear and trembl­ing.· When one stands before the open door of eternity his degire to s~off at religion vRni'3hes. \Ve; ad­mit there are bad men in thel church but' even these black sheep in the flock might be blacker if they were outside. No young 'man, or old one eith~r, should condemn the noble efforts the army of Christian men and wC)men are making to­wards' bettering the condition of things, and whether we attend church or not but few of us would desire to live in a community where there was no church. Young man, in future if you lUUSt scoff at religion, please get a little further from our office if you do not want to seQ your name in pri n t."


cents per mule per hour, 01' a total Suggested by a Ser:mon. cost for four miles of 90 cents. Af-ter tra\'elling four'miles on the ma- Lines suggested by Rev. Mr. cadamized turupilie the route lay Little's sermon Oll June 24th. Said

little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I

road. To travel this 2000 "The meanest man who ever lived," necessary to use ten of the when all is said and done,

hp~L'n111 and seven men; and with '\Vas not the offspring of the vile; it took nine hours But a goo] widow's son.

the journey. 1'he cost , 9.80,. at which rate the four Whose one solicitude, so fraugpt,

I Wll<:" would cost $209.08, or in oUt- Did fill her heart with joy; "'nrn~, $208. 18 : a b sol ute ly She ben t her energies and love,

away for"want of a 'maca To educate her boy. • I''',~,;,':':-,': A macadam road such -

have orevented this enor- schemed, she toiled, slle ener-

.. ~~~::rt"i';"~.".-o( money ,-would' cost gized, lIpeded penny; $lOO per mile for every ~lJDenie:d herself t'he needed rest, tb.' that is, 'n 12-foot, All for the sake of "Benny."

mile. a 'I6-foot road $1,-etc. One can realize And when her boy grew bigger,

sum wast- 1'he tub she laid, aside, r

r,':,prces(!11t ,impas- 'For resource's more and ample, The needful to provide. " '

As to "Oenatured" Alcohol.

, 'I'he industrial millennium heaves

-. \ "..... . ..... , ~ ~.. .~.~ . '. _. For Ben, his mother's darling pet, Had passed matriculation; And her small revenue was taxed To me'et her obligation.

MISS BLANcm~ B. BUCHBACR,' sollclL~ )'our put.ronago 1n pinno tunluG', ymeing

Ilne! "etlon I'O!lulutlng. Grne!lllltp oC tllo ~poo Urynut school. tho Illrgost lu tho worll. Oil 11 l,ostul Clll'cl 'Illlli YOll wllll'ooolvo pro'"J?.t \n~. tont.ioll. I TJUmJ.:uNB, J,U4 N.

in sight with encouraging regular- She "took iiI boarders," all alone,

i!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I i~~~~:Congress has produced its She toiled and did her best; = harbinger in the deiIatttlredll A mother's love inspired her on, alcohol bill, which removes the tax And took the place of rest.


FOR an oaoy olo"n shavo, 'anllP·tQ.,c1ato hnlr \ 'cut or ror tnllBsugO, huir slngo, or~,hnlmpOot

t Y' I A. LEWIS, ... 1'0 101'110. -' r ' r " ,

fj . , I


P ROF. oEO. IIA~EL, ngont .[,) tho colobrnt· ocl Morrl. Illunos, nlo" lillIorout mnkots oC

first clnBs OJ'lInus. "'0 cnu quotc very nt. rue­tlvo 1I1'1eoo LO.'YOll for 1I0oe\ lustrumouts, nnd sollolt yonr llULr(lDlIgo In Litis lIno. .. ,

upon grain alcohol, suitably poison- And to the casual observer, ed, for cotumen:ial uses. The pur- There was a lack of grace; 'pose of the poison is 'to 'prevent the T'ween a filial son',s deportment, public from drinking itself to death And a mothers loving face. in an' ecstasy of celebration over the golden prospect. Grain alcohoJ, Ben was genial, affable, and kind, reduced' from $2.50 to per And sped a wanton pride; gallou, by 'the simple ,of In lavishing the bounties 'rouuU! r,elnittin:g-,.the ' His_mother did pro~ide.

St()lc:al'indifferenc~, eUI,eu own mother; >\

effort he despised, , did smother.'

NO. 39

Sp,edal Prizes.

The following is a J1f1llial list of thc special prizes alTered by the 'l'reherne dealers for \'arioIlS ex­hibits at the conling Trclu,!IIlC Fair, which takes place on A Itg-ust 8th., The balance of the "specials" will be printed later, all they are COIII­piled:

Bank of Coml11erce-Sih'er medal for the best heavy draft horse.

J. P. Straube-Mereh:1I1dise to the value of $10.00 for the best ag­ricul tural team.

C. W. Barkwell-For filly or gelding, 3 years old ill class 2, ag­ricultural horses, ISt-1O lb caddy of tea, value$s.oo; 211d-5 Ib caddy of tea, value $2.50.

Chas. Raux-For the best beef steer $5.00. /' , Bank of Commerce-Bronze med­

al for the best Shorthorn bull 2 yrs old or over.

F. Mercer-Jewelry to tnc value of $5.00 for best single roadster.

W. H. I-Iou~e-Pair of trousers, value $8.00 for the' best carriage team.

W. 1'. Smith - Wheelbarrow, value $5.00, for the best roadster colt, I year old.

Geo. McGowan-Merchandise to the value of $5',00, for the best col­lection of vegetables.

T. A. Metcalf-A ladies' uphol­stered rocker, value $12. for the best crock or firkin of bu [tel'. The butter to become his property.

W. H: Reeves-Merchandise to the value of $.1 . .00 for tahle butter, ' one pound bricks in parchmcnt pa­per; also merchandise to the ,ia!ue of $5~00 for best collection of pre­serves.

Geo. Graham-Laclies' work bas­k~t, value $IO.OO, to the lady who for her own work receives thc lar­

amounts in prize money' ill CUl,SS!!S i9 and 20. (domestic manu­factpres and ladies' work.)

Treherne 7, Swan Lake J.

The following accoun t of the Swan Lake-Treherne gallle: played last Thursday' eveiiiJfg~ is 'tnkcn­from the Swan -Lake Echo, and is,

, ,

a very fair account of Shc game. We might add that the S\vun/Lake team are a very gentlemanl)" bunch of players, who ask ollly a fair ' field, and if they keep 011 improv­ing as rapidly as they have done ill the past, they will soon take a good deal of beating:

"On Thursday evening the Swan Lake Lacrosse Club visited Tre­harne to play their return game. There was a good attendance. 1're­herne opened out in good style, scoriug two goals in the fir~t fifteen minutes. Our boys tried hard to even, things'upi but the fates were against them. From start to finish Treherne were the better tefllll, nlld , gradually incr&lased their lead to seven goals. In the second half, thc Swan Lake team made a big' cffort to try and ~ven up, and ceeded in scoriug three goal~hpf(\rp the whistle blew, the score then standing at 7-3 in flIvor of Tte; herne.' ,

.. , j J.

. ' l

. I

.1 1

" "

1 ! , ,I

Page 2: it - Treherne · little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I road. To travel this 2000 "The meanest man who ever lived," necessary to use ten of the when all is said and done,



uttn'c!(t ana tile last grent aclllev<>meut of all, when time after time he foiled

WJJJJJ'!;'y allo'HO mmsel' tbe Dl nl.s' best laid plans and fiung peltsuau,eu. At the bacl{ of blp them of!, crippled anll dlsheart"ned,

nn uneasy conscJO"'~ dnrlng the n\tIllY phases of the thirty ness thnt it was not "nll a matter of hours' battle price." It it were 'be would never '1hele "ere tears In her eyes wben trust a man's face oguin But Vent- she ended but tbey \\ ere tears ot nor's well buloncell orguments swuled thunltful happiness, und Lord Yentuor, bIm. The course Indlcuted wus the n sllent llstencr who missed neither only decent one. It wus humnnly im- word nor 1001., felt a deeper chm In his

"Jlosslble for n mnll to chide his daugh- cold henrt us he reallzCll thut this wo­tel' and flout her rescuer within nn bour mnn's love could ne, er be his Tho ot flndlng them. knowledge excited his passion the

Lord Ventnor played bls cards wltb more His hutted of Anstrutber now deeper Ileslgn. He bowed to the In- became a munla, nn insensnte resolve

Iris said she loved his rlvnl. to mortul1y stul> this meddler wbo ai-wcll. To nttempt to dlssunde ways stood in his puth •

to tbrow her more closely Into Rohert hopell that his present ordeul rlyol's nrms. The rlgbt course wns over. It hud ouly begun He was

"l',"~'" resigned, saddenell, com- called on to answer questions without ~;~~~ss'j~:~J.~;:iit~h:IS wl11 to reveal the nllml>er. Why hall the tunnel been .( l~urther, he counted made? What was the m~ stery of the

qulclt temper as nn vulley of deatb? How did he manage rX:;;·!t •. il.cti~:e. agent. Such a man would be to guess tbe dimensions of the sundlnl?

the first to rebel ngalnst an assumption How cnme he to acqulIe such an amaz ot pltying"'tolernuce. He" ould I>rlng ing stocl, of out of the way Imowledge

or consplrucy, of un- of the edible propel ties of lOOts aull compact to secure his ruin. trees? How? Why? WhCle? When?

must recoil on his own bead 1.'hey never would be satistled, Cor not Cncts were luld bure Not even the British nayy, poking its nose

hero of the Island coul!1 pre- iuto tbe recesses of the world, ofteu Inst the telrlble Indictment of comes across sucb an nmuzlng stolY

'C{IU[·t martial Flnully, nt ,Slnga- ns the nd\ entmes of this couple on pore, dnys distant, Colonel Cos· Rnlnbow island tohell and bls wife WeI e staying. Lord He readily- explained the creation of Ventnor, alone or thosl' on board, knew qunrry and ca, e by telling them of the tbls. Indeed, he accompanlell Sir Ar- vein of ontimony imliedded iu the rocl{ thur Deane Inrgely In or.!dr1et:r

a ntgOleInent.t ncar the vault. Antimouy is oue of the

olf a somewba ttl'S lng, He smiled complacently as be thougbt substances that co\ ers u lllnltltude of of the elfect on Iris of Mrs Costobell'! doul>ts. No one, not excepting the (loc­Indignant remonstrances when the bar- tors wbo use it, kno\\ s much about It,

I onet asked that injured Indy to tell tbe and in Cbinese medicine It might be a girl all that had bappened at HOI!g- chief fnetor of exceediug nastluess

Inside tbe cay ern the existence of kong. the pnrtinlly completed shaft to tbe

However, I;ord Ventnor WOIl IllOSt nnd be cursed ledge accounted for recent disturb-

ances on the fnce of tbe rock, and new­tbe deptbs of hie comers could not, of course, dlstlugulsb

sec n way out. 'Cllm:e,8s11!0Ire with Iris and ber tbe bones of poor "J. S." as being the

~l1,)r~~ ;X':;:~;:fnlt1iri'r"'~ remains ot n Europenn • • ~ T,lJe<!aptaln or tbe Orient nlso Anstruther wus sntlsfied that none of ,'·,Ijolnell.i\::tlle Tbe three men

Ro'bert, nnd the girl walking tbem hazarded the remotest guess as "~~~~f;(1~~~'~ tbe group of om- to tbe value of tbe gaunt rock they ,j were storing at, and chance helped blm

tobniiiC furtber Inquiry.

"'Humor Is a Ij":ng June ne tile O~ ... -be said cUI·tiy. "YOIl must remember, Coptuln Fitzroy, thnt I buve uttered no "ord of scuudul nhout Mr. An­Itruther, and any doul>ts concerning his conduct can be set at rest by pe­ruslug the records of his cnse In. the adjutunt genernl's office ut Hong­kong"

"Hum!" said the sailor, turnlug on bls heel to euter tbe churt room

Tbe girl and her fnther went back to tbe islond with HuOert. After tnklng thought tbe latter decldeq to nsk ~I1r Jau to remain In possesston unt!l he returned Thel e wns not much risk of auother D~ ak iuYaslon. The fate or Tauug S'AU's exp~dlt.lon would not en­cournge a fresh set lif muralflers, an,l the i\Iohammedan would be well fit med to meet unforeseen contingenc!es, " hlle ou bls (Anstruther's) representations the Orient would lund an abundance of stores In ony e\'ent It wus better for the native to IlYe In freedom on Rainbow islnnd t11~ln to be hunded 0\ er to the authorities as an escaped couYlct, whlcb must bc his Immedlnte fnte no matter what, magnuniinous \ lew tbe gO\ ernment of Indlu might afterwnrd tal.e of his sen'ices

Mil' Jon's ans" er was empbatlc He tool{ of! his turban und placed it on Anstrutber's feet

"Snhlb," be SUlll, "10m YOllr dog It some day I nm founll WOI thy to be your faithful servant, then shall I know that Allnh hus pardoned my trnnsgresslons ..

In spite of himself Sir Arthur Deane could not help 1lJ.lng Anstruther. '1'he

A trumpeter on board tbe Orient wns blowing his lungs out to summon tbem !!? _F.~.!1 Fben Captain Fitzroy put a tlnnr Query.~'<:illo .... ""~' " ....... ffl"'..;...r

"I cnn quite understnud," be toJ!;;en.tle,mlln, It!)ll(!~, "tbnt you have nn affection

,I 'tillS 'w,elrll plnee, but I am curious Irn,nw why you lay claim to the Island. You cnn hardly iutend to retmll here 'I'

He pointed to Robert's placard stuck on tbe roclt An~truther paused before be an­

swered. lIe felt that Lord :Ventnor's eyes WeI e fixed on b I m

,h"~l~ was mOle or desirous to hn'''' 1 plnc!ls point He looked

rqlue:sth)n~irslquar!!ly "-.tlIP·face of the world," be said,

reufs, unl{nown, un-" .. lililli, vessel

the old Oays. It IS OlIIelellL uoW. 1\[orem er, I ba, e not told you the ex­tent of my cnlamltles '1'he Sltdar wus lost on March 1S, though I did not know it Cor certain unt11 this morning. But on Mnrch 2li the Bnhadur wus "'1111;: In the Mersey during u fog, and tnree days Inter tbe Jemadnr turn ell turtle on the Jnmes and Mary shoal In tbe Hooghly. Hnpplly there weI e no 11\ es lost In elthCl of these cnses "

completell thun three ot nl~ liest ships "ent .10\' U, salldllug his compauy "Ith nn ubsoillte loss of nearly £000,000 und sellously undelmlnlng his tlnunclul cledlt A fellow director, \\ eulthy und

ilntilleutlul, resigned his sellt ou the bOil I d u lid headell a cllqlle of dlsap-


What It Coat amI 'Vhnt It .. Pre.ent Valne Shonld Be.

Se, en years after the de,tth of Shnke­speare his collected "orl.s "ete pllb­IIshed In a Inrge folio \ olume, uow kno"n as "the first folio Shnkespe,llc" This was In the ye,lr 1023 The IlIlce at "hlch the yolume "as ollglnally sold was £1, but perhaps "e ought to take Into couslderutlon the fact thut Ilt that time tuoney hlld a \ alue or PUt­chllslng po" er Ilt lellst eight times thut "hlch It hilS at present Hulllwell-Phll­Ups estimlltes It Ilt flom tweh e to tv; enty times Its 11Iesent ,nlue For this circumstance, ho\\ e, cr, full allow­nuce mny be made by l11ultlplllng tbe ultimllte result by the 1110per nU\llbCl

IIls wns nppullell by this llst of casu­nltles, Jet she gu, e no thouc:ht to the serious finnncial effed of snch a stl Ing of catnstIophes HobClt, of comse, np­preylnted this side of the buslncss, espe­cially in ylew of the shlpo" net's re­mark about the Insm ance But Sir Arthur Deane's stiff upper IIp deceh cd him He falled to reullze that the fa­ther wns acting n purt for his daugb­ter's snke

Oddly enough, the baronet did not seck to discuss "Ith them the leglll looking document utllxed Il!' II' the ca\ e. It clnlmed all rights in the Island In their joint names, uml this" as II topic be "Ished to Il\ old For the time. therefore, the younger Illnn hml no OJ)­portunlty of tnking him into his con­fidence, anll Iris held faithfully to her promise of silence

The girl's ragged rnlment, sou' wester nnll strong I>oots wele alremly 11ucked n\\ uy on board She now rescued the Bible, the hatteled tin cup, hm Ie­,oh er und the tlfie which had "scnlell" the D~ nl,s when they uenl h cllUght Anstrnther and 1.1Ir .lun nnpplng HoI>­crt ulso gather ell fOI her un ussort­ment of Dl uk hats I>elts und uuns, In-cluding Tuung S'AlI's 11al nng und a sumpltan 'l'hese" el e her trophies, the spoUs of the campalgu

His concluding act" as to pack t,,'o of the empt~ 011 tins" Ith ull the \ nl­ullble lumps of umifetous qUill tz he could find "hele he shot the lubblsh from the ca' e benenth the trees On top of these he plucell some Ilntlmony ore, and i\1Ir Jan, "ondCl Ing "by the sahlI> "unted the stuf!, call1ed the con­slgument to the waiting bOllt Lieuten­ant Pial don, in command of the lust party of sailors to quit the Ishmd, evi­dently expected Mit .Tan to uccompany them, but Anstlllthel explnlned thllt the man would n\\ alt bls retmn some time in June or July

Sir Arthur Dcane fo,pnd himself spec­ulntlng on the cause of this exbuor­dlnary resolYe, but, steallfast to his pollcy of a voiding conti oye..&~lal mut­ters, said nothing. A fewU'wotlls to the cnptoln proc\1led enough stOles to keep the Mohammedan for silt months at least, anll "hlle these were being landed the question was raised bow best to dispose of the Dyal.s

The commander wished to consult tbe cOllY(ml'~\l!!e of his guests.

n llttle out of our WIlY and them in Borneo," he snld, "they

,,111 be hnnged "ithout troubllng you If I tuke them to SlngupOle

will be tried on your eyl!leuce nnd sent to penal servitude. Whlcb is

\ It to be?" -- , - It waS Iris who decided "I cannot bear to think of more lI"ell

ng sacrlficell," she protested "Per­aps if these men are tr cu tell met cl­

fully nnd sent to their homes after some punishment their exnmple may serve as a deterrent to others"

So It was settled thllt way The nn­ehor rnttled up to Its !Jm th, nnd the Orient tmned her hend townld Singn­pore I As she steadily passedJa\\ uy In­to the deepening aZllIe the girl und her loyer watched the famlllur outllnes\ot Rnlnbow island gro" Ing dim In the eyenlng llght For n long wh11e they coul!1 see i\1Ir Jan's tull, thin figure motionless on n rock nt the extlemlty of Em'opa point '1'belr hut, the reef, tbe ledge, came Into ylew as the cnIls·

swung round to n, more northerly

polntell stockholders. At once tbe fall' al.y uecume 0\ ercust.

Sir Al thur Denne's euergy nnd finan­clul slt!ll might hlH e Ilnnbled him to ,,('uther this unllxpectel1 gule \\me it not [01 the upputent loss of his belo\ ell dllughter "lUI the Clack ship of his IInll lInlf frenzlell with grief. he bnde bls enemies do their" Olst and nllow­ell his nffnlrs to get Into h.opelcss cou­fusion whUe he dm'oted 1Ilmsel! wholly to the seUlch fOI Iris und her complln­ions At this crltlcul junctllle Lord Yentnor ngalu reached his sille His 100dllhip possesseu a Inrge prh nte for­tllne nnd extensive estutes He wus pllllleut "Ithul and Imew how ndml­tIlbly the shlpowncl's pluns "OUlll Ile­vclop If gl\ en the necessmy time lie OllCIClI the use of his nalJle ulllimoney. He mOle than tll1ed the g.lp cle.lted by the hostile ex dlIector People lllgued thut sllch a clm er mun just rlltm nlng from thc far oust aftCi llccompl1shlng n puhl1c mission of some Impor t.mce, must be a rel1able gull1e The mCle cnbled Intelligence of his Inteutlon to jolu the bourd restOlell conlldence und

Tbls foUo Is lCgllllled ,IS the IllOSt vnluable prluted book In the l!lngllsh language, the Inst copy thut "IlS offer­ed for snle In good cOllllltlou hll\ Ing brought tile record price of nefllly $n,ooO, so tbnt It Is safe to assume thut 11 pel fect copy lu tile condition In which It left the publlshm's hllnds would rend Ill' comllllllHl $10.000. ant! the questiou now arises, "'hnt "Ollill be the comI1Ilrnth e ,ulue of the Illes­eut price, $10,000, Ilnd of the 01 1,;111111 price, £1, pillcell nt Intel cst lind com­poul1lled m Cl y year since 1023?

O\er aull over again I ha, e heald It snid that tbe purchasCis of the "tlrst Clctl~~


Scourln" 'Vool.

-- -. folio" had made n slllendl(J lIn estmen t, nnd the remlll k Is fl eqllCntly used In reference to the Jlurchnse of books lu geneml Inespecth e of the )lr esell t 111-

tellectual use tilat muy be millIe of tilem. Let us malto tlle compnr Ison

Our nncestors SCOUl cd their wool h' tubs, much us our wh es und duugh­tel's scour our clothes today. In the hnnd wnshlng of "001 a tub wns filled ,,!th the suds, In ,~hlch one or two llIen with long poles stirred the" 001 until clenn, "hen they Ufted It IIpon a trn y­cling npron, which cfllilcd It bet" een a pall' of rollers wblch sq lIeezed Oil t the wnter. '1'he same principle Is ap­plied in the automatic scoudng now In

Money plnced at compound Intetest at 0 per cent a little lllOl e (hlln dou­bles Itself In twelve l ellS At the preseut time and for a few l ellis hnck () per cent Is a high rate, hut It Is It very low rate for the fi\ erllge Dut Ing a large part of the time \lIoney IJrou,;ht S, 10 and 12 per ceut pel IInnum, IInll even wltilln tile hnlf cent\1lY just past yogue.

Grent fOII.s or rnl,es seize the wool It brought 7 per cent d\1llng n lalge ns it Is carried by rollers from a feed- POI tlon of the time. Now, bel" een Ing nplon into the hon tnnks and by 1023 and lSnO there are twenty-tillee nlternating motions ot their teeth gh e periods of twelve yeurs each, lind at it n thorough scouring Thus cleansed double progression tllC twenty tilml the wool Is delh ered by rollers to the term, beginning \\ Ith unity, would bo !11~ Ing mnchlnes, wllere hot nil' and IS,388,608 1.'hls, therefore, would be the grent fans nrc now utilized to extract amollnt In pouuds "hlch the \olnlJlo nll the moisture without teurfilg the bnd cost up to 18nn In dollnrs It fib would be $40,704,87888 Au urtlcle

er_ wblcb costs $40,000,000 nnd sells for The Orl.lnal U.e of Cllne.. $10,000 cannot be called u very good

Somebody hns been looking up tlle fiuanclallnvestment blstory of tbe orlglnnl use of cnnes In I From a llterary or intellectual stand­this country and finds thut they Wet e point, however, the subject presents an formerly n pnrt of the repertory of tho entirely different aspect. leaders of tllo church, being at one I Some time ago I aSlted one of tile time the principal bndge of tlle deucon'

l foremost Shakespenrean scholurs In the

'1'he deacon's cane" ns about tlve feet world it be bad a copy of the "first long, one end being embellished wltb folio" His reply wus thnt be could a big knob, the other with feathers. not nlford It, thut It w~uld not be wise When the smnll boy got too noisy or for bim to lose $400 to $50Q per yeur rebelled ngalnst tbe powers that wme, for the mere suke of ownersblp when he was given a rap on the head with for a yery slight e~endlture fOI time the uncharltnble enll of tbe stick. If and rnllwuy fare he could consult nny the head of the famUy forgot himself one ot half a dozen copies whenever be ,,'hUe listening to the morning ser- required to do so -Follies of Science. I mon nnd lapsed into n blissful dream I I of old times in metry England, the tur- I Broke Up the Card Pnrty. ' key plumes on the dencou's cane feath- I It wns an extremely pleasunt and ared him luto life again. quiet curd party at the house of the

I Misses Isancson In Priory road, Hemp­The Co.t of Feo.t. In the Pa .. t. stend, uutll the butler cume upon the In 1638 the opening of Inigo .lones' scene with lemon squash and glnsses.

new theater was celebillted by nn elal>- The Misses Isullcson nrc two maillen orate hanquet attended by the lords ot sisters" bo n fOi tnlght ago enguged a the council, and tbe bill amounted to ne~ butler, a young and good looltlng £84 5s. 4d. exclusive of wine. Glass -Germnn, who brought wlUI him excel­nnd plate were hired, and some or tile lent testlmoululs aud was kno\\ n as former was brol.en and had to be pnld James James was a splenllid seryaut for. We hnve the detlllls of three din- until the night or tile card pnrty, which ners In lGj() A leg ot mutton costs 3s, consisted entirely of ladles. The ladles 4d , n sirloin of beef 0 shillings, three were engrossed in a gume or poker, chickens and three rabbits us. Gd, and James was supposed to be pouring elgbt artichokes 1 shllllng nnd rour out the lemon squash, when tilere was coullfiowers 1s. 3d. For buttered nle, a sudden crnsb of glass In the room. tbe ingl edleuts of wblcb were a hun- Everyone stopped playing anll 1001cC!1 dred eggs, eight gallons of nle, two up alarmed. But before anyone could pounds of butter, elgbt pounds or Bug- grasp the situation .lnmes bad pouuced ar nnd one ounce ot nutmegs, tbe upon tile poker table, grnbbed up the cbarge was ,lOS. Ud. - Gentlemau's gold, silver and purses lying thereon Mugazlne. land fled, locking the door beblnd him.

Bllttlefteld Conralre. And now tile pollce are in search of There Is a story of n bullying colonel James -London Mall.

wbo turned on one or his nlds during I a battle nnd cried: "Captain -, you .A Lawyer Dre .. ed .. ,.de, nre frightened I You nrc, sir. You nre Not many persons nre aware bow scared!" grently Indebted .Tomes Hazeu Hyde Is

"You're right," replled tbe captain, to one of his lawyers for the good 1m­"nnd If you were hair as Bcared as 1 pression wblch fie made before tile am you'd be six miles In tbe rei'ir."- Armstrong Insurance committee. Mr. Rlehnrd Harding Davis I In Every- Hyde's sensible aPllearance before tlmt bod's Mngazlne; I committee did more thun nnythlng else

y to dispel the populur prejudice a~llnst The Pre .. Alrent'. Waterloo. , his eccentricities This Inwyer prnc-

"Yon lee," explained tbe advance tlcolly dictated to Mr. Hyde whnt he agent for tbe Giddy Burle!quers. "I Ibould wear wblle on the stand. He thougbt If I could get them to tnlk of made the young man discard bls cus­suppressing tbe show It would be good tom'ury buttonhole houquet, had him advertising." \ I brus]! his ball' down tlat Instead or - "Well?" pompadour and ordered hlIp to wenr nn

"Well. bang It nil. they weren't con- old, BI~ple lookIng suit of clothes, tent, to talk about It, but they octuall1 Result-The cartGonlsts nre wondering \lId suppress It."-Chlcago Post. yet wbere they got the Ideas for the

, extravagant pictures tbey made of the young lusurnuce man.

Page 3: it - Treherne · little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I road. To travel this 2000 "The meanest man who ever lived," necessary to use ten of the when all is said and done,


II' , .. MANI[,OBA.

; •

Active Good

Liver, Cig~&tion

Greatest 011 Field In the World, FOR 1 BEAUTIFUL CITY THe Pures1:. ! '\ '"10 Canada a fiold has recently been

discovered In Alberta, on the slopes of-file -rlockles, which it Is believed wlll eventua.ly become the largest In the world. So spoke Dr. Bell, d'!r· ector of the geological survey, - when 'In'tervlewed regarding the origin of petroieum, by a New Zealand

'1 c.;., ...... - .• ~.

Plans for Western Tt:rmlnus or the Grand Trunk Pacific.

"The M.cust! ,Healthf'u'l ! The Most:. Deliciou's


And There is no MO,re Prompt and' Certain Means of Keeping The Liver Right Than


Prince Rupert, the 'Western termln· , II paper published In the vlcinty of Plymouth, where an all discovery has been made recently. Dr. Bell' pointed out that the Alberta field was just be· Ing opened up. He had been over It before gohfg to New Zealand, he s~.!d, and It extended over 'a great area of

ns of the Grand Trunk Pacific. ac:corrt· Ing to the plans of the company, Is to be one of the most perfectly laid out and beautiful cities of the Dom'inion. Expert surveyors aie now a( work plunnlng the streets and parks, and other features of the city, an'd expert landscape gardener!! nave been en· gaged who will be sent out to see that it will be a city beautiful in its general oUti .• le, as well as one with broad streets and all the reqltirements .of a modern metropo.ls.


In caJllng your attentlon to Dr. cltis and diabetes Miss ,Julie Langlois, Manor, Sasle,

writes: "For 0. long time 1 suffered from liver complaint and could find nf)thlng to help me until 1- used Dr. I"nase's Kldney·Llver Pills. I have reo commended these pills to many of my friends and they ho.ve been well satls !led with results. You' c'an nse this letter for the benefit of women who are suffering as I did."

country. . One of the most distinct evidences

of petroleum, swid Dr. Bell. was the existence of little sheets of all or;. the surface of pools of water. All Iflong the-Dii,se of tho rockies in Alberta you could see these, especially In the coun· try . near Athahasca. Natural gases also escaped from the ground. He mentioned that some foolish persons had lighted IIrl's In different places, with ball results. He remembered seeing one place where a fire had-been

The Te. Tha~ Ou~ol ••• e •• 11 Japans Chase',; Kldney·Liver Pills it is uu'/ necessary to point to their 'success in the past, for they are Imown in near· ly every home.

Lead ·Packet. Only., 4Oc, 50c, and 60c per Ib At all Highest Award St. Louis 1904. .

I By means of their direct and spec· Hlc action on the liver-causing a llC¥llthful How of bile-they regulate and enliven the action of the bowels and ensure good digestion in the in· testlnes. At the same time they stimulate the l{jjneys In their wOl'k of filtering poisons from the blood.

Mr. Duncan,. McPherson, Content, Alta., writes: "I was for many years troubled w'lth Indigestion and hea[l· ache and derived /no benefit from the many remedles~ I used. A friend ad· vised the use of Dr. Chase's Kidnev. Liver PlJls and after taking four hoxes the result is that I am once more In t .. e tull enjoymen,l of the blessings of good health."

During the present year:-- after the surveys are completed, the details of tile! company's IJlans for starting the new city on Its way will be llerfected, and by next Spring the lots and build·

sites Will probably be ready for Tlte Hair

. of Youth

Bi~ hair.; he!'V)' hair; long, IID:­unant hair, WIthout a !lingle gray

-liDs in it I Hair that grow. rapidly and does not fallout. The kind 01 hair that goes with Hall'. Vegeta.­ble ,Sicilian Hair Renewer.

lighted about four years ago, and the Will Take No Stock of Him.

POI' the .. ht.ken &nl'\ mon.tache we make BUCKINGHAM'S DYE. aeolor. a rieb brown oraeoft. bl.elr. R. P. HALLA CO_Nubna. N. R.

This cleansing Ilrocess set In action by Dr. Cnase's Kldney·Llver Pills means a thorough cure for blllouaness, Intestinal Indigestion, tOl"[,ld liver, Iddney derangements and constipation.

it means a restonl.~lon of health, strength and comfort where there has been pain, weakness anti suffering, [t means a removal of the condl tions which lead to backache, rheumatism, lumbago, Bright's Disease,' append I·

Dr. Chase's Kldney·Liver Pills, one p1ll a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., ~oronto.

flMTles still continued, "Shooting as A phrenologist visited 'l'oronto high as 200 feet ill tile nil'.

Where petroleum. occurred, said last week te~chlng people how to tie Mr. Bell, it was Invariably found that healthy. wealthy and married. Prof. loose pervious strata (l1l{e sandstone) WindSOr comes from the United were separated by relatively narro,,' States where a large percentage of thlclmesses of Imporvious strata (such as clay, slate. etc.) These the population has been fed on patent strata were folded Into anticlynes and medicines and 'dlseased beef from the syncl'lnes. From the antlclynes 'the m'aule to the grave; where there is petroleum was obtailled; and If they nlore poverty In onj3 dlty tban Prof. were dome.shaped, and the boring was Windsor can scare up In ali Canada; right on the apex, then a much more [rom the United Stutes \ which has

but neyer falling to fire Into a honse regular and richer lIow would probably more divorces In one minute than where Jews. sometimes to &1e ~umber be obtained. ' Canada has 'In a decade, and where of a hundred, were .maldng Ii. stand marriage licenses are said to can·

H 0 R R I BLE AT ROC ITI ES '~~fJn~~e t~~~~s ~~~!~a~:~~lu1~~;I:~~~~~~ su M MER FAG. ~~\I~e~~~;~rcJe;~~ll:.~~s. ~:r. ~:;~~w~~r I~I~~ . that was their reason for firing on Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the Best psychical doctrines upon his own clv·

them. The authorities who wanted Tonic for- Summer. Iflzatlon. Under the wing of the Y.


ASSOciated Press Correspondent Des. to do something to stop the massacre The long hot summer thins the J\I.U.A. he has endeavored to extort crlbes Shocking 'Scenes In were ,with the police and troops in blood, and leaves YOli' weary, worn a few nickels from Canadian credul·

Streets' of Bialystok. open sympathy with the mob, utterly and wretched. Nothing can cure that Ity. Unless Canadian audiences are Urodno, Western Russia -Owing to powerless. Although It Is charged that summer fag except Dr. Williams' Plnl, more gullible, than the provel'il'ial

'. tile higher authorities of Bialystok de. Pills-because they actually make green buss they w.1 continue to get


A stir on the br!nl{ of evenlnA', A tint In the warm gray slcy,

The sound of loosened rivers , And spring goes by.

A stir at the rim of water. A wing on the cl"lsp nildnlght,

A herald from dusk to gloamlnlr In north ward ntgh t.

A stlr in Lhe dawn rearousing Tha wild, undellltrted unrest,

To forth In the springtime and The Infinite quest.

A stir of the golden Aprll By Indian wl1low and stream,


The sap goes upward with morning, And deal\! Is a dream.

-Bllss Cannan. ------

FAMOUS FIGHT RECALLED. 1,/le refusal of the censor at J:l.llly:;tolt IlIberatelY organized the massacre, or, new blood and thus ,strengthen every marrIed just the same way their fath· to permit the free telegraphing of llle If this Is not'the case, that It was car. organ and every tIssue in the body. ers did, be content with the greatest 1 esult of the lilvestlgatlon' of the mas'j rle(1 out under orders from St. Peters· Every dose fills you with new strength, capita wealth In the world, aud l'acre o[ Jews there the correspoullent burg, our conclusions are tbat It was new energy, new l1f~. Purgative pills on sending out world athletic Facls AboJt the Heenan·Sayers Battle e€ the Associated Press came here. not l)lunned In St. Petersburg. Nelth· only weaken you more. Common c-h:ampicms who never had their heads 'rhe antl.Jewlsh rioting at Bialystok Is er {~ we lind proof that Chief of Po]. tonics only stimulate for the moment, telt.-Uanlldlan Grapb!lc. Forty.Six Yea .... Ago. now ended. The troops !Ire In full Ice 8herometiel1', of Bialystok, was !l but Dr. :Wllliams' Plnle Pills actually The great fight for the championship control lind In view at the outcry party to the, plot. Howey-er the re. mal{e new blood, and notwng but good An End to Dlllous ~Headache.-Bll· of England and the world W!loS fought rn!lsed it Is certain that the authorities sponslblllty 'Of his subordinates, to- ]lure, rich red blood cali brace you to lOusness, which Is caused by excessive at Farnborough on April 17, 1860, be­WI .. not permit a renewal .of the hor. gether with that of the ranlt anrl file stand the summer. 'l'hat Is why you bile In tHe stomach, has a marked tween Tom Sayers of London, and J. H. 1'0rS'recently witnessed at Blulystolc of the police and some of the mliitury should take Dr,IWllliams' Pink Pills ~ect upon the nerves, and often mum· I Heenan. the "Benicia Boy," an Amer-

When the correspondent arrived In officers who fondly Imagine that the now. MI'. W. ,J. Norfolk, 'Vhlte Hests ItseH by severe headache. 'rhls loan. The contest, being generally re­Blalystole the worst was already over, odious system of Von Plevhe and Ter. Horse, Yukon 'rerrltory, says "1 am is the most distressing headache one garded as an International trial of bnt on all sides there was revolting poft ~~s not PI: .l~\!. is clea"" p.r"q;lI. thlrty·nine years of age and have bee~ can, have. 'l'here are headaches from "pluclr," excited the Ireenest Interest In evidence of savage bestiality all the all atlliete who scarcely Imew the cold, from fever, and from other both hemispheres, and reviVed for a part of the blood.drunl{en lUobs which DOG TRAMPS BACK TO ONTARIO. meaning of Illness. \, Last year, how· causes, but the most excruciating of time the faded glories of the -prize sacl,ed and burned the Jewish houses, .' ever, my health gave way· I became all Is the bilious headache. Parmelee's ring. The "noble" art of self-defence SI\()Ps and stores. For seventy.two New Settler Loses a Pet and Hears of nervous, did not sleep well and u"<'''' I Pills will cure it--cure It Indeed, has been lau'dod time after hours, with a sl'lght abatement during Him 1,100 Miles Away at Meaford. as weal, as Ii kitten. It seemed as Immedlntely. It will disappear time by Englllihmen ot-ati.classes, the daytime, the mad orgy of blood We have often heard of tue rem~lrU:'1 though I was· completoly worn out. as the pills operate. 'l'here is when considered In opposition to

.. nnd ,pillage welle on uncheclwd. The able sagacity and Intelligence tried several so·called tonics, but It surer In the treatment of bi\· use of tho treacherous Imlfe or the InhumamLY displayed would have done by dogs of various breeds-hut only a. waste of money, for they headache. fatal firearm, Is not without Its merits. credit to the Mongol hordes of Geng. not remember, of ever hearing did me no good. Finally I began us· . ~'he Times alluded to the affair In a Ills Khan In his conquests of China dog which' has ever accomplished such Ing Dr. Williams' Pink - ... s, and they A new stamp has been Issued by the leading article, and Punch cele'brated and Uentral Asia early In the thlrt. a wonderful feat as a collie dog owned put me on my feet again, and gave me post ofllce delmrtment In connection Its occurrence In a "Lay (ll'fter Mac-eenth century. by Wm. Davey, who recentJy arrived new health and strength.': . with letters not fnlly' prepaid. The aulay) of Modern London" under tha

Victims Torn to Pieces. !Iere with a car of settler's effects Every weak and easily tired man stamp will be for postmasters only. title of the "Fight of· Sayerlus and

f •. [ f d t and wom ill 11 nil h Ith In the llUst it has been the custom to Heenanlu" D k '

During the rioting the ,Jews wet'e rom u ea or , On. \Vhen the car of an w ~ new ea new s. u es sons,' cooks' hunted down by furious pursuers who ei'fects was roiling along over the C. strength and new ener'gy thl'O~gh am "",alll',.

e" letters not fully prepaid with a sons, peers and peers' sons were th~re:

_ in the majority of case's were not P.l{. someo six hours' run from ,'Vlnnl. fall' use of Dr "'ilI'lams' Pink Pills. specifying how much the reo members _or Parllament 'In plenty; content with the mere klillng of their peg, the. dog jumped out of the car, 1'hey cure all 6100d and nerve disens· would have to pay. The stamp army men, authors, poets, painters, victims, but tare them to Iliec'es like rolled over \ a few times faster than es lI~e anaemia, nervous exhaustion, now be nsed Instead. This stamp ~ven clergymen, "men a;b-out town," w'lId animals and while this was In the wheels of the car were turning, headaches and backaches, Indigestion 1e:1~~~Jn~i~gd~na~~: I~~~~ ~~ncseiddeer: members of the fancy," a vast var-IJrogress the' troops either stood Idly shook the dust from his shaggy bacle neuralgia, rheumatism and the slleclai lely of low llfe, many of them open to

by, 01', as was Inore frequently tile and started down' the track towards ailments that anl\ct most growing "gIrls partment. '1'he new stamp Is blur.h suspicion, some long past suspicion.

th h f d f t S 1 bin color and -Is In several ,denomlna· Say h o

" t case, fired Into the' houses arid shops e orne rO)ll ...... whlch he had. so r.e- an women a ma ure years. a dyers "'" me and defeated many where Jews were concealerl, under the cenUy bee~.t'akeJi"~nd which he loved all medicine dealers,or by mall at 50 tlon~ It Is expected to be-g'lven of lhe best fighters of the time, and pretext.that they believed them to be so well. Nothing ~as heard of the cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 froDl use ,shortly. bad only been beaten once - by Nat revolutionists but really In order to venturesome canine until last ~eelr, the Dr[ 'Yll1iams Medicine/Co., Brock· ';.;....:,..;--'-'--"--"--'"'" ,Langham, the mostlaco")'mplis};ed boxer make way for U1e murderers and when MI'. Davey, received a letter ville, Onto , ' ' ' of the day. Sayers was five 'feet eight plunderers who followed In the sol. from Meaford stating that/the dog/had I Inches In height and weighed ten stones diers' steps . _ t arrived home In an exhausted' condl. Mrs. Reginald De' Koven has denied ten pounds. Heenan stood six feet one

\Vhlle It is Impossible to give exact tlon. The letter did ~ot state the the story that the composer Is III and lVl'lnard's J.,\nlment Co" Limited. and one-half Inches and W!loS a power· figures the visits of the correspondent of the month on which the II)- a' s~nlta.r.i_n;,;.m;.;.,-. -.-'-'-__ "'-' Uents-I have used your MINARD'S lui heayywelght: with extraordinary to the hospitals and cemeteries enable back, !Jut has w.;itten' - LINIMENT in my family and also In long-reaphlng arms. Time after. time him to aJlproxlmate the killed lit one lind out. is better than' other my stables for years and consider It Sayers was Imocked down by blows, hundred Jews and . twenty Christians the distance"\s i~~~;i~::~,~!&~It~~~ when used, In the the best medicine obtainable. each of which seemed sufficient to lIet-and the wounded at one hundred and it Is talten into BllY Sunlight Soap Yours truly, , tie the fight, but he always came up In tifty Jews lind seven Christians, dog, In ord~r to !re~tllon.s. / / ALFRED ROCHAV. good, If grim humor, and planted blow

'. / travel. over a line of whlrih Roxton Pond Hotel and after blow on the American'. and , Origin of the ",ray. crosses' several.;-rlvers and Commissioner Bartz of Chi. 8yen,succeeded In knocking hls· .. ()PI,oII-

. 'l'he question o~ the orig'ln of the able creel{s, 'runs ,through tnnnels, that he will exact the Stables. ent, down. After fighting, 1Io"~lid

at the O~.D·.Mouth We do things right at

the M~ bakery. Cracker5- are packed piping hot {rom the ovens. The moistureJl'proof paper and air~tightrtins retain -6.11 the,

.and crispness, no

matter where you buy them ..

• They come to your ta~

, hie just as inviting and de~ Gcious as though you ate the'm at the ovens in the bakery. At all grocers

air. tight packages.

A BUSHEL OF Sold by aU DruRlLleti and General St<~N'k\";~:f1;

, and by mall. TEN CENTS 'PER PACKET fllOM



mnssaere was carefully Investigated. er a bleak and through a mountain. lI~i;:e~.~:f~~~"c:J' permit fees for build· Interruptions, thlrty-s8,'eD !/'Ounds In AltilOugh many of the Jews denied ous country, the feat seems so remark. II the stockj";ards. - about two l1oul'9- and ilfo mTri"uteR, that a bomb was !Ill'own at the ortho. that It taxes one's crednllty to be: I' Heenan getting Sayers Into ~uch a pOSI_I'h""'~ dox procession in honor of Corpus Iteyel' In~ Its_ authenticity.-Bladworth f-:.-.,.-':.....~:........:..."/ '"' \ tlon lon' the' ropes that strangulation Christi day, that a bomb was thro Prggress. I 'I than ,diplomacy to s'lemod Imminent, the ropes were cut

TH IS 7 \ l'i;i~;~i~l~ Dollars .I that .calnn'~t.':

Cure, .. :~!~i~~~1 CO"k

the fllct Is establlsned without a .,. by the crowd, the poilce the But, the question of who threw ring, and, amidst the bomb remains unsettled. The the combatants ~\'ere counts of ImparUlll witnesses, Ii".m,"" by their respective :frllends"iE[een~·lr.lled er, demonstrate that nn Insultlug I but blind ,and Sayers enraged the Jews 'who attacleed the arm powerklss.

'rellglous procession. Then from one The appropriation of the .'.,li .. ,.: ...... end o·~ the clty,to the other the pOlIce honors gave rise to the spread tile rellort,of the attac\{, troversy. Subsequently, tanning the religious fanaticism of received a. belt, and "'O'VO>"

Christians and setmng 100s<3 the "'n,~';. the cham.plonshlp elements upon the Jews wholll has been sald ~f crowds ,,:atehlllg the procession had .~~~~~,~f,e,~y""".,.".,UL ' his name alrendy turned. "I ~ .. ~~~~~~;i~~~~~~;!:~~~[tWr;J~~~~~~~:, was bold, llenC1r'4)'t"~'~~~'~t~~~w!~~~

Jews Fought wlth- Revolvers., .~.' The Jews at first fought with revol· f,rf~l"~1'l"~1~~~f~,~~~i~ and bombs, and with these weap. .·.~"Jiaal:to'r;';~ny

of the Christian vic· ..•. _.g Jews were ·~~ifJ~~:~·f~t} : QUUU for shelter < "--~~...:...~...:...:.;...

Page 4: it - Treherne · little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I road. To travel this 2000 "The meanest man who ever lived," necessary to use ten of the when all is said and done,

• o There ,is it spring su~t in,'our store that was Inade for you. We

don"t know whether it is a single' or double breasted, but we do know that it i~ a 20th CENTl;RY BRAND and that 'it wiliinore than satisfy yo~.

None of the botllersol11e "try OilS" that the custoln' tailol- in= fliets 'Oil his patrons. You'll put on one of these splendid 20th CEN URY U IT and walk off with, it feeling like a new 111 an'.

, ,

There. is riot a "man inside ,of olle, of these suits 'but is \vell , -. dressed.


Pric 5for Men's Suits range from $12 TO $20. , ,

I '

\, , "


There are several reasons why the H. B. K. Shirt is the best. For instance: The buttons are sewed on by hand, can't come off. The button holes are bar tack­ed, can't wear out. The seams are double stitched can't rip. The gussets are re-inforced. can't be torn. ' , .

IN ,ADDITION they are made of the best' moteriol by the'most expert op~rators 011 workingmen's shirts in Canada. '




.' .


~ ~ (;,'

, , GENERAL ~ , ' . .. '

. , "'lLl,l"'.,. Free admission to the United States

would add several cents to. the val­. ue of every bushel, ~~ wp.~~t, pro­

anl"~v"ofwe:lthel thiS duced:on' the Canadian prairie.-; Car,berry News." " '..

, .

, '

It ln~eII time, study ond ~onlinu~ul care to 'make Chocolates 01 Iud. hiahly plcating

, ,taste, uniformity and nutriment nl

, , These dclicious Chocolate. nrc rcn I 100d lor

the: smallest child. as being absolulely pure I Ihey are more bulldinR afton many

~ w:ciillcd hcnhh loOds. ' , I I ,

. , "

rOR SALE BV -, , .

All ' Dealers.' , 0' . ,





, I

Wiechman i MCiver

, The new'Treherne Flout' l'vlills have been equip­ped with the ,vcry'latest patents in flour making machinery, and are producing an entisely new

. brand of flour, '\'hich is more quickly hanllled than, any flour previously milled. This flour needs somewhat difTercnt treatment tlmn any other flours,' and it's use involves less labor in

, bread making., \Ve arc goingo to issue some printed instructions showing- the dilrcrence ill working- and feel positive that when you have become accustomed to our product, yo{t will have no time for any other. Those who have made bread according to the new system are strong in their' praises.


Try'Our "Purity Pat~nt."

R JbeRioneer Hilrd\yilre _ ":",,,:tJNIVERSAL ,BREAI)'

, t ' •

, . ,

Page 5: it - Treherne · little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I road. To travel this 2000 "The meanest man who ever lived," necessary to use ten of the when all is said and done,

~ ••• ' •• :..... ••••••••• "1/

. Money to Loan·, ON FARM LANDS ._.

~ Tho rnto of intorost Is 6,1.2 por cont, Ie yon wnul 10 put u lonn on YOllr Cllrll1

lumls. Dou't wnlt until rutes of Intor· ost Incronso. Do it uow, Also cholco Cnrm proporty nnd wild lnnd,for snlo,

" Agollt Cor SnsknlchowulI Iunds In tho • j vlclulty oC tho 1I0W city of Snskntoon,

Cnll nnd soo list,

G. A. Anderson.

~ ................ ~~~~ ~ f' ~

': •• Local News.. ': ~ re • )"(.~.)(.(.'i\!Ii\!,(.(.~ 'i'i"i\!Ii'(.c.~

Treherne for the 4th:, ., Frank Parker is

trotting' bor:;e Ior sports day.

training his the -races on

R. F. Sleele has his planing mill machinery erected in his new shop on Broadway, and is ruuning ~ull blast.


The Holland Juniors won frol1l the Souris Juniors at lacrosse on Wedllesdau eveniug, by a score of

J , ' \

7 to 5· :

The celebration of the "Little st. JolIn the Baptist" was held with all filting ceremony at Sl. Claude on Sunday last. The 'fre­herne Band supplied suitable music for the occ(lsion.

Detective Cox, of Portage la Prairie. was in to\vn yesterday looking for a borse thief, who was supposed to have stolen a horse frolll C. Street, in MacGregor. r·te drove from here to Swan Lake.

Messrs, Wiechman & McIver re-~ quest those who intend installi~g

eleclric Iightfl this fall, to get III

their applications for wIring at once, If there is a sufficient In­crease ill business the plant will be run in the mornings as well as at night.

Big posters are Ollt announcing the Grand 12th of July celebration at Holland. Besides the .parade and speakers, a lacrosse match is anllounced between Holland and Neepawa, A special train w11l be run from Elm Creek ill the mortl­ing, which will ,retll[n at 8:30 in th e evening. The 'I reherne band will 'perhaps accompauy the local lodge. )

The following pupils' are Oll the 'entrauce, examinatipns the 'rreberne,school;1 . J ennie :J3ark~ well Flossie Ge'rtrttde Bissett; An­nie 'Maud Burns, Annie Carroll, Margaret Jane Chambers, Mabel Jane Down, Lola Mabel Eadie, Inez Lillian Haskell, Estella Haywarcl, Mildred Lillian Mayers, James Mc; Cl'eery, Vera Palmer, Jean Palm~r, Lilly Pinkerton, Laura Luella Staples, Grace Sut~erland, Ruth Sutherland, Alice Willett., .:. ,

1'he Oddfellows of the South-• western branch of the· C, ' P. R.

held a grand excursion to ' Winni­peg Beach last MoneIay, which w~s at~enaed by over a tbou~anc~ peo­ple, of which 'I'reherne contnbuted slightly less, thau a hundred, Rathwell almost an eqnal llumber. ·The Treherne Band accompanied

Miss I~ola George is ill Wiuuipeg this week .

School closes holidays today.

for the SUIll

Mr. Jas. Barroti, of Ratliwell, was a visitor to lown ' on 'Wednes­day.

, , 'I'he foundation for the new Bank

of Commerce i,S practically COnt­plete. ,

'I) he South Norfolk Council met as a court of Revision on vVednes­

y. A report of the same will be found in another'column. ,

From July 1st till Sept. 15th, the Municipal Office will close at 4 p.m. except on Saturday, when it will be open till 6 as usual.

Mrs, Yungblut arrived ill town this week, acc01l1panied by her sis­ler, and they have taken up their residence in A. DeVit's house.

The hour of early closing c;!n Sat­urday evenings was changed this week by the Muuicipal Council to eleven p. Ill., instead of nine p.m.

. Next Wednesday is the 4th of July. 'freberne has its .. aunual sports on that day. YOll knew that, but we wanted to remind you again.

It is reported tbat the Bank of Hamilton will open up in business at 'l'reherne as soon afl the' Bank of Commerce vacates their premises.

Farmers in the district affected by the Herd By-I~a\Y are. warueH that the law comes into effect"on July 15th, after which all cattle 111 ust be looked after a t all times,

We hear that a Ladies' Basket­ball Club will he formed in 'I're· herue, aud that the club will lay ou t grounds and perform on the A thletic Association's grounds,'

Treherne and Holland school boys playec[ a game of lacrosse in Holland on Saturday last, which

!ted in a win for Holland by a score of 7 goals to nil.-Holland Observer. )

The Me'eting of the committee. of the Board of Trade which was to have been held on Wednesday ev­ening, was postponed owing to the absence of principal officers, till Mouday next, when a full meeting is requested,

All those who intend to enter iu teunis tourney on Sports Day

should send or hand in their entries to Mr. l\fnnro as, SOOI1 as possible. There will be three events, mixed doubles, ladies' singles and' gentle­men's singles.

• r'" ~ : . · ... The -HolHl11d sclloo! boys came dowl1 for, a lacrosse game on Satur­day, in return for a game played at their town the previous week. herne juveniles won by a score

, but we believe they ,had some boys; that were larger' the visitors had reckoned 011.

the, train, 'and furnished a high I/···~· grade-of ulusic, ',,:~ic1i was. lllllch appreciated, and high: compllll~ents were received by the 'l11ll1S1Cl,ans, 'especially from Winnipeg 'file excursion reached the bellcll.a 12':30 .a~d the crowd ~scal:~el,e~1 and wide,' anel were lost to the expanse of pleasure enjoying, the ' e,:KC€!11 boating, and aml1sel11en

;' otherwise" 'I'he retu.,u' "';""~'.':' . , po' ,lll,·tqok hOIlH: U?e .. ~al:IS[l.eCltd.ealtb_._" ... c

bunch of, excurSlolllsts -we have 'er bad the pleasure to be all1!>11 and it is safe to say that any .f ther ' to ',"l'he'- Beach'

, .' :wi1l~be better pat,ronized . . ~ \ ,'. Treberne '

Frank: Bedttie is open for cOli­tracts ann 'engagements for paint­ing of all kinds.-Swan Lake Ecbo.

-G. F. Bush, L.D.S., dentist of Winnipeg, will be at !reherne from 'tuesday, July 3rcl, until Thurday, July .1th.

1\'1rs. J, K. Robson, of Treherue, was the guest of Mr? W. R. Ross for a fe\y days this week.-Observ-er, Holland., I

If your stomach troubles you do not conclude that tuere is 110 cure, for a great many ha,·e been perman­ently cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try them, they are certain to pro\"e beneficial. 'I'hey only co::;t a quar­ter. Sold by dealers everywhere.

Gasoline Engine For Sale.

A first cluss ",usolino cngino,. goud flS now. 3 h. p. anti n circulur saw with Crume, fIrst rato uutllt Cor Cllrll10l', Cost $2.';5 doUnl's, \VllIsnll at $150 ror cOlllpleto outflt. Cnn bo soon nt my pin co. '

W. H, Spinks is making exten­sive alterations to his' house just north of town. R. F. Steele has 29·tC the work in hand. '!-........... ·-"" ...... _ .. _ .. _ .. · .. ·· ... __ ..................................... I

-, Fol' Salo 01' To Lot.


WILSON-At 1'reherne, on Sunday, Iulte 24th, 1906, the wife of Mr t '1'hos. \Vilson, of a SOli.

ARNOUJ-At 'l'reherne, on \Ved'­lIesday, June 27th, 1906, the wire o[ Mr, Alex Arnold, of a son.

Married .

wo.~ hnlf oC BOC. 2.';.0.9, 1~ II1110s on.t of BOllconsfiold. A pply to


O. 'VlJ~Clur M'.! Tl'oliorllo ~'lour Mill.

Farm 101' Sale •

Tho n 0 !4 of 7..s.U, 0110 hundred acre8 rondy ror whcuL, 130 ncred brokon. ~'lfLy neros now Illnd. Oood wIltor. Fnil' stnblo uecommodn· tion. WmBcll 00 very I'onsounble terms. Ap· ply Ilt ooeo to 17·

STANLEY FRA~rE, Troharne.

G!"aln Orushing.

I will commonco cl'ushing on Lho S E !,j ;'raJ­RU'l'I:UDGE - McADAJIl - At St. 8-10. ovoryMullduyullu 'fuosduy aftor Mlll'Clh lat,

b I S 1I0ti! Curthor Ilutleo. Six cents Il bng. Georgt;!'s Church, Isa e t., 10 U. KNOWI.ES.

Winnipeg, on June 2Jst, by the "'_ .......... ""_ .... -"'_ ............ _ ........... __ .......... __ ...... rector, J. J. Roy, Thomas Rut­ledge, of '1'reherne, Man., to Stephanna McAdam, formerly, of 'I'reherne, and sister of J. S. Mc­Adam, Real Estate Agent. of Willnip,.eg.


SU'rHJ~RLAND- At Wiunipeg, ou Saturday, June 23rd, 1906; Miss ~ary Sutherland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sutherland, aged twenty-three years.

----------==-------Barley lor Sale.

l'ho \111l10I'slgn(lll hilS U C)\1nntity of r~od bnr· ley ror 8ulo nt :t:Jo n lmalacI, ulso 801110 outs nuLl l)oLIlLoos. Apply lit sue, a·~·9 to

JOliN RA aO·39

'Farm for Sale.

Tho SouLh wosL quul'Lar or sm'Lioli t8·8·U nenr­Iy nIl uUtlor cultivntioD, whont luud plowod ror noxt crop. 80011 rrnmo house, goorl woll 011 IJlolllisos. For purLiculurs llud lOl'lllS npply t.o

J. 1(. ROOSON.

Millinery ,

\Ve bave secured the services of Miss Henderson, late of Montreal, who has assembled I a beaufffltl array of millinery creations, using the very latest shapes and modes. \Ve invite the inspection of the ladies of 'l'reherne and district.

....... """""' ............ ";,;;",,, ............. """""' ...... ~, MRS. T. A. ~E TCALF.

, Valuable Farm fol' Salo. From my "Ineo, Bonconsflold

l n IIroy ponl',~lHl ,

browIl YOllrling colt, with SI11!11 stllr nud strlpo '{ The S E quarter of section 22-011 rorohoncl. Auy mrDl'muttoU londing to ro- • I

covory will bo SUitably rownl'dCI,~»y E 7-8 eight miles from Rathwell on 37·39

'Y M tlunOTJ, ,

SOlllorsot, the road· to Carman. The quarter


is naturally, drained with, a coulee running across it; has some t~m~er

I' on it witli a well sheltered bt1lldlllg close to spring water and about

80 rods from a school. There is some broken and' fenced. For fur­ther particulars apply to

C. O. EVANS, f " Rath \'~ell


I Meat . ,

BOOT AND SHOE SAl[ For lhe next 10 days we will'give

15 per cent. discount for cash ofl" the price or allY colored shoe in our store.

You will find a tall Dr brown shoe' much cooler than a black one all a hot day. This is nol allY old stocl~.' we arc pushing ofT, bllt allthi!< ye,~rs goods, the latest styles ill J. & '1', Bell's make. Come ill and see them.

of Suit Cases and Leather lhipps. pl·ices.

At the same time \I'e will also give the same disCOllllt ofl" the prictf

Your chance to get goods at easf

w. J. SCOTT & CO. w. J. SCOTT

MEN'S SUITS 'BOY'S SUITS Next week we want to reduce our sto'ck aJ;lc1 will offer some special bargains in clothing. Ten tl i sPan ts, Fancy vests, etc. R~duced prices in Hats, Caps, ~ h i rt s, Under­

iI'wear. A special


reduction in ~ries.,

CloLhl~r l~uruiBhor

nno Grocer C. W. BARnWELL.

HELL'O 10!

.. Robson's LUlBber Yard , 1906 Here we Are a,s

SPECIALTIE.S Car Cedar Posts, 4x6 top, 14c. Blacksmith's coal per ton $1 L50 ,

"Standard Supplies. Lumber, of all kinds at Right Prices.

Mouldings, Base, etc. Lime, Brick an.d etc. ,best quality. Jubilee. Brand Tar 'Paper.

Sash and doors; Portland Cement,'

J. ·1(.10080

Page 6: it - Treherne · little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I road. To travel this 2000 "The meanest man who ever lived," necessary to use ten of the when all is said and done,


TO BE ERECTED He was twenty-ona In April-forty where the rules of etiquette are purely

, Inches round tho chest, OF THE BRITISH NAVY upon a logical basis," said a man from A soopler or a bet(er boy we'\1 never , the short grass country the other day.

-'-__ see agaln- - , ''The daughter of the hotel keeper at <Remarkable structure to be Built by And the way we ch~ered the lad when I'a.a.hment. ThRt Are Meted Oat to whose hostelry I was living was to be

the Canadian Pacific at Lethbridge.' he started for the west. Th t Brltlah Sallon. , married. I l'ecelYed an Invitation. At It Is believed to have been IlracLlc- e own was like a holiday the time For Intraction of regulations some I about 11 o'clock In the evenln .. the , . ~ he took the train. \ I ' ., :.al l decided by ,the Canadian PM" c At Calabogle! curious punlshmellts arc meted out In wedding supper was spread. An old

'!l"allway to enter at once upon lhe con- _ the English navy. It Is an every clay . lady came down the table side, passing structlon of a steel br'ldge which will "Are ye ever comln' bael, with the for- occurrence, says Lon\lon Tit-Bits, to)' the viands to the guests. "'hen she be one of the wonders of the world. ... tune, Jlttle Dan, / see half a dozen sailors lined up· Oil reached my plate she sklppe'd me and second Vice-President WilHam \Vhyte From the place they 8ay tlie money's deck facing the paint work, holdlns began ngnln with the next man. The

like the leaves upon the tree?" their hammocks on their shoulders. At old Indy hnd seen me eating my sup-of the C.P.R. Is at present In Mont- "u the mlnln' boss'll let me, ns sure as first ;-he hnmmock Isn't heavy, but aft:- per ns usual nt G o'clock. real conferring WIth President Sir I'm a mnn, ,er an honr or so It drags on one's shoul· I . "'You've et,' she said as she gave Thomas Shaughnessy regarding the The mother's Chrl8tmas turltey won't ders llke lend •. Besides, It Is not at all me the go by. Things began to look ente1"llrlse, and it Is understood that ~avo to wal t for me

I II entertaining to stare fixedly at a square duhlous for me: Then nn old mnn

the decIsion has been v rtua Y At Calabo~le." foot of [JIlin ted weodwork Cor nn hour \1 came nlon'" with more food. He also i'eached to go on with the wor\{ dur- " Ing the present season. And the letters he was wrltln' to hIs or molO at a time. had seen me eating nt the usual even-

'1'he new. brllige wll\ be ahout one his mother from the west, Another punlsbment thnt Jack de· lng hour. He shied around me wlth'n mile In length and will be 300 feet In Sure ev'rybody read 'them, and who splses Is bnlllng with a spoon. He III look of surprise that I should be at the height. As compared with olher could see the IotaI'm? placed upon the declt, with two largt' I' teed rack again nnd said, 'Why, you've bridges of the world, the Brooltlyn Tellln' how he'd l,c<W the pram Is. to wooden buckets, one filled with watet' et.' ' bridge Is not longer, and Is not more come home and have a rest, and the other empty. With a spoon he "Everybody had been 'saYing up' tor than one half as lJ'lgh. '1'11e well- And the money that was in them was must dip all the water from one buc\{- 'the occasion so that they might cat like "mown bridge of the Tync In England, enou~h to buy a farm· ,bUllt by Robert Stephenson fifty years At Calabogle. et and transfer It to the other, being. heroes at that wedding feast. The Cact ago, Is about one-half as high and . meanwhile, the butt of his comrades' that I had not been missing' any meals

.Qne-half as long llS the Ol1e proposed \ What 18 It makes the tever leav.e the jests and jeers. nearly ostracized me In that happy rto be built by the -C.P.R. weal" and kills the stTong? Sometimes! a dellnquent Is ma[le to gathering."

.Jle new steel structure of the And \V.ho'd 'a thought our Dannie wall. slowly backwllrd and forward --------Canadian Pacllic wll\ spun the Belly I would ever come to this: _ along the deck, nursing In his arms a The Fate of Cities. river at Lethbridge. Alhol tao The' When the Sister had to raise him. and six Inch projectile, weighing a little Some nnclent cities have dlsappenr-~urJlose of the company In building It say, "It won't be long over 100 pounds. Once a salior, who ed. The archaeologist digs through the is to straighten the tracl[ .and shorton 'J.'111 It's home, my lad, you're golr:!!' laughed at the stnl~nfering spcech of lllands of the desert, the accumulations >the mstance between Lethbridge llnd to receive a mother's kiss his commander, was'made to stand up- lof vegetable mold and the debris of :J.\'[acleml. '1'he grade OIL the new pro- At Calabogle" on tbe fore\l'l'ld"e, In full view of the bumau habitation In a search for the Illosed line \vl\l also be much ensler ., ;and heavy loads can be Cll! rled at very So we met our Uttle Dannie Christmas iiblp's crew, illld Illugh for an hour and palaces of great kings, the mnrkets of >lnuch less cost. '1'he h on lllluS are morning at the train, a half. I wealthy traders and the homes of a -exceedingly busy at the present time, And \Ve lifted up the long.box wlth- Spitting upon the deck at a mlln-ot- once numerous people. The massacres :and It Is thought that dlftlculty would out a word to say. wllr Is strictly prohibited. Cuspidors I of ancient wllrf~e may explain some be experlencad in geWlng any of .the Ochl Bu()h a boy as Dannie 'We'll never are placed at Intervals along the deck, of these dead ana burled cities. The 'l"equh ed material this year. The eon- see again, and these must be used. Upon SO'lllO Inablllty of people In early history to struclion oC the masonry work wl\l, God forgive us, 'twasn't much of a sblps, when a sallor Is caught spltling doal with the sanitary problems at n however. be gone on with Immedlate- merry CrlstmtLlf'Day upon the deck, a small tub is strapped congested popul¥Lon may ha\'e been a fy, and the Iron girders ",\II be hung At Cala.boglel To- . to his ebest, and he Is JlJade,to wear It. contributing ('lltf§e to their destruction. during the seaSOll of 1907. As a re- -Wllllam Henry Drummond, In Anyone who chooses may us~ i.bls Oltles may have died becanse their

of the bulldling of the new slruc- ronto Globe. ~ ture the track of the eOlllpany wlll be Kerr Lake, Cobalt, Jan. 1, 1906. j walking receptacle. The oITendl'r thus people could not live. But In most diverted to the north side of the BeJly punlsbed rarely repeats his offense. cases a change In the routes of com-:1'1\'er. MR, JAMES DUNSMUIR. merce wlll be found to have dl\'erted

'rhe work of the track diversion In '1IIa-untl aud JlIIlunder. the stream of nourishment fr(\!ll a city country between Macleod and New Governor of British Columbia I. Neither maund, a basket, nor maun- . and left It to die of starvation. Yet

l"etflbrldge Is slmllar to that which der, to whine or grumble, Is obsolete. I the Eternal City and Athens, Byzan-1''','IS beell carl'led Ollt bv lile eomlmny Wealthy, But Un.8Suming~ B th till I I S th I ' ..., J 0 are s n common usc n ou I tum, Jerusalem, Antioch and Damas-

, at yarlous lldlnts In ~he west, as at The Victoria, B. C., correspondent of Notts and Lelcestershlre, nt any rute. cus tl1ustrate the tenacity of munlcl-ami belWeen Vvlnllilleg The Toronto News says: The appolnt- The former Is used only, however, of pal vlta\lty, I!~n thou"h a Ion" suc-

FOI t am at several places. ment as Lleutonant-Governl1r of Brlt- ., ., '1'he plan of the new structUl e Is to Ish Columbia of Mr. James Dunsmuir a particular ldnd of basket, used for cession of centuries brings great L') "construct 11 double bridge, the railway I Is another illustration of the fact that carrying butter t!) market. The bnsket 'changes In the methods nnd subjects

dge bC!lng above, with a traffic, In politics, as in other matters of life, Is nearly square In shape and has two and courses of traffic.-below, as Is the case of Steph- It l.i the unexpected which happens. \lds opening from the middle part, •

~:,:;'i<,~nl~.oIl"S bridge ovdr the '1'yne. It Is' 'lIhe new appolnteo, unlike his lwte fa- where the handle is, and It Is called that there Is no doubt re- ther, hM no aptitude for poJltlcs Is not the ':butter mawn" (maund). Maunder I Herbert Spencer.

adoption of tills plan 'rhe even a clubman, tolerates society only Is usually heard In such sentences as A queer Instance of the working ot bridge wl1\ be betweel~ for the pleasure his wife and daugh- "What are you maundering at?" A Herbert Spencer's mind Is mentioned

$1.000,000. ters deriVe therefrom, and w1\l prob- Northumbrlnn w!ll say, "He's a maun- by the two sisters In whose bousehold ably rebel when required to don & cour d I Id f I" h th he lIyed. He came to the table on~ clay unlform. More, he has always be,,n er ng 0 00, w en e man ot c regarded as a Conservatl\,'C In polltle~, whom he Is speaking strings words to- absorbed In thinking about some pho-

(' .. .... ... WheD 8peneer Trayeletl.

When Herbert Spencer went OD a tong railway, journey It was his prac­tice to have reserved for him a first class compartment. Across the car­rlnge he used to ~have\ a hammock swung, In which he trayeled to ayold the vibration and concussion. There was something funny In the spectncle of the staid philpsopher traveling In this fashion, and so It ~ppeared to the people who witnessed the preparations, for his departure. The InqulsltiYes were soon dlsnppolnted, for as soon hs Spencer recognized that he was being made the object of unsolicited atten­tion he would sbout out In stentorian tones to the porters-he used to have four to look after hlm-"Draw down those blinds!"

Orhrln of 0" Tall Sonp. I During the reign of, terror In Paris

In 1703 many of the nobility were re­duced to starvation and beggary. The abattoirs sent their hideR fresh to the tanneries wlthollt removing the tails, and In cleaning them the taUs were thrown nway. One of the nolJle beg­gars aslted for a tall, and It was will­Ingly given to him. He took It to his lodging nnd made (what III now fa­mons) the first dish of ox taU SOllp. ITe told others or his good \tlclt, and they annoyed the tanners so much that a price was put UPOII them. -

Ambition. Ambition becomes displeasing when

It Is once satiated. There Is a reaction, and as our spirit till our lnst sigh Is al­ways aiming toward some object It fnUs back on Itself, baYing nothing-else on which to rest and hn vlng reached tbe summit it longs to descend.-Cor­nellle.

Coster Leaves £20,UtJO.-A curious Sight was witnessed re­

cently In South London In connecllon with the funeral at Bow Cemetery 01 "Joel'" Hewett, the "Idng of the cos­tel's," who died at his home In Ferries road. Stl·eatham. leaving a fortune 01 £ 20.000. made out of seiling cheap food to tho p~or. Many/hundreds followed the hearse in barlows or other vehicles, and the procession passed by the Brlx­ton, Newington Butts, East Lane, Wal­worth. Old Kent Road. !lnd High street, ,Vhltechapel, coster marltcts en route for Bow. where "Jock" was known and respected.

Glads~one's Grandson Rise ...

a.lthough rumor says iliru1 to protect gelher In a seuseless sort ot way some- tographs ot the nebulae he had just !hIs vast Interests he frequently con- what akin to maudJlng.-London Notes received: sldered It advisable to contribute to and Queries. "As he rOle trom his chair he stood the ca.mpalgn funds of bot\! paTties. tor a minute gazing with gleaming eyes

William G1ynne Chltrles Gln>dstone, grandson of the great Commoner and heir to tho Hawarden estate, has been elected secretary of the Oxford Union Society, a position which hls'lI1ustrlous grandfather occupied 76 years ago. Young Mr. Gladstone com~ of age In two or three months, ,and will then en­ter Into possession of the Hawarden e!­tate, which has been managed during' his minority by his uncles, Herbert II.nd Henry Gladstone.

He Ihad a. brief experience of poU'tlcs, The Color of the Ermine. Into the distance, nnd then muttered In but his Impractabllity as a party man It Is a popular Idea that the ermine a disjointed fashion, ns If halt to hlm­may be judged from a story common, sheds ItS brown summer coat nnd that Belf, words. to this effect: 'Thirty mll­enough about the corridors a session or, on tho approach of winter a covering lions of suns each probably hayln" Its two ago, that Ihls Attorney-General had t I'" to Inveigle him out of the House during' 0 snowy white tur takes Its place. own system, and supposing them each a debate on a Government measure, so This was a natural 'conclusion, ns a to be the size of a pln~s head they arc heartily did he concur In the argu-, posslblllty ot a change In the color ot, . fifty mUes apnrt! What does It ~ll menta of one of the OppOSition ~eal'- the fur had not occurred to scientists. mean?' And then. without a paUse ers. He himself mal,es no secret of his Experiments, however, bave been nnd only a change 'ot voice, 'The fluff disgust with the Il).ner workings of poll-I made, and' the brown coated ermine Itm comes out of that cushion. you tics M revea!ed a.t Ca.blnet councils. "I has been plaCed In a very low tempera- " as with a wave of his small wanted to do business," ha tolld tho I ture. :Almost Immediately a change hand toward It ~e passed rnpldly

, Might u Well Sleep.

, A juryman went to sleep the other day. during the closing speech of one of the counsel In the case In an Eng­lish court. The judge had him a"'1ll, ened and sternly rebultec1 him. "J\Iy lord," said the juror. "I was under the Impression that r was sworn to ~Iv. B verdict according to the evldenoe, n(\t accordlnlr to tlIe Bpeeehe ....

~ ---$5 000 REWARD will

, be pUld to any person who proves that ~unhght Snap contains any inJurious chr'nll~aI5 or any form of adultt:ratlon.

Sunlight Soap is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything.

Best for all household pur~ poses, Sunlight Soap' s super~ iorilY is most conspicuous in tQe washing of clothes.

Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take lhe color out of clothes.

Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc~ lions).

Equally good with hard or soft water. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunloght Soap ,f you find any cause for complamt.

Lever IIrother3 Limited. Toronto I

Canadian Honored. J. Carlj'le Moore, 'Vars'lty, '02. and

son of John '1'. MoO! e. l\LP.P , [or Heel Deer, Alta, was tbe recipient at the

writer once, '\but at every meeting of was visible In the color of the fur, and of the room, leaving us both be·


thuB Cdoulnncdlll bhe IWholeht~mh B ~&.S' ctont- I without' shedding the creature became wlldered, by the quickness with which

me scuss ng w 9. or or IlO 0 hi h" app01nt certain men to certain Iposl_ snowy w te. - II mind worked. The Tally Stick. convocation at the University oC Chl-

:An old time way of proving 000'11 cago on Tuesday •. lune 12, of the de right to the payment of money loaned gree of .T.-D. (Doctor of Law), the III st was by tally sticks. A plain stick was UanlHUan to receive it. This degree

Uons. I was sick of the whole thing." .. ~+, '--~, -~:'-;;-,--A year ago, when his appointment • A. Heavy Sample.

was suggested" the people of the Pro- Sometimes the rigors at patent offiCe vince laughed and Bcouted 'the Ide~ procedure are not without their humor-

1 ?o~~:':'~~;8~~I,~ngc:e that-time publlo opln- tt~~~~B~l;~~wi~t:~i~~?]ri(:~ side. New York attorney filed and the selection III now ers tor Improvement. In a

VC'11" I~(.~i!".~;:;~r~b'ty~.a great number, if not I pride; The patent office '1 as a. natura.l and,pro-I their languishing Invention Inoperative and

of great brighten' by their a, ~orklng model. The pat-of <ne.,~o.llse Lllvater. office was .requested to send an ex-

aminer \0 Trenton to Inspect the ma­chine In actual operation. This the

l theretore, politely sent a sevent

corresponds In the graduate school oC nsoo, and when a man' loaned a sum a law to Ph. D. In the grnduate seltool stick was broken, nnd the creditor and of arts and sciences. Mr. 1I100re will debtor each toolt a part. When the be to the Ontario bar 'In Sep­time for pnyment enme the man wb!) r,ltllU'Uer and llrobnbly will practice In had the stlcl;: which fitted' exactly to the west. J ' , , "~ J the stick beld by the creditor received ------- I -.\~ the money. Two sticks never brdalt KEEP CHILDREN WELL). In exactly the snme shape, so therp In thOUSllnds of homes throughout wns never any dispute about'who had Uanada there are bright, thriving a right to the money. Children who have been mllde

and are leept weU by the

~~i:~~~1~~:~~~~1:~~~{~~;i~t~r~~':t;~f~; 1~~r~12:. office retu~ed to do. The at-nll'nm to the patent office-sent It, I

t~~~~~~~~f~ro~m~i~if~f~:~to~~s~a:t~ls:ty a

• Their Rewnrd. , of Baby's Own Tablets.' In .

many homes pnrenls say the medicine saved a precious llttJe life Dr. A. Danals, L D. S., Rlvler ::CflUt:lOl1S'.

J men'


Dr. Strachan, bishop of 'l'oronto, Wll!I waited upon by two churchwnrdens, who complained that their clergyman wearied his congregation by repeating tho same Berman. He had prenched It twelve times. The bishop nSlted for the text. Neither of the churchwardens could ·remember. "Go baclt," said the bishop sternly, "and nsk yonI' clergy-

1 $~~~~~~~~~~~t:~,~~il:Eman'to preach the sermon once more nnd then come back and tell me thl ten." / ' I


LOUp, Que., says: "At the age of tlYe months we thought our little girl ...... dying. Nothing we did !or her helped her unUl we gave her Baby's Own 'l'ablets, .md only,those who have seen

can renllze what a change this Iclne has wronght In onr eh'll!!

I:; he Is now nbout eighteen month~ ('Itl! ents well, sleeps well and Is a lively, laughing Child, and weighs 37 Jlounds. We 111 ways I,eep the 'l'ablets In the house now for we lmow their great value." If mothers wish to feel absolutely sa!e they llhould I,eep a box of Ilaby's Own Tablets In the

They cure all the mln­dren and are abso-

d by medicine dealers at 25 eellts a box by

. Willlams Medicine Co', t.



Page 7: it - Treherne · little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I road. To travel this 2000 "The meanest man who ever lived," necessary to use ten of the when all is said and done,





U S DesiroUS of Advancing Scheme­Will Discuss Question with Canada Washington-The presllient has

been. asked to talte up wi th the Can -Thousands of Soldiers Pledged to fuse pollee Duty Against

Re adlan authOrities the question of a

Revol utlonlsts Odessa -According to SOCI,llists

who have been carrying on the pro paganda among the troops In the 10c,ll garrison, flllly 27,000 have announced their Intention to I efuse to obe~ the'lr olflcers should they be 01 del ed to pol Ice d IIty

ua\ al mllltia training ship on tile great laltes In 1898 RepI esentatlve Houte\1 of Illinois, secm ed an approp Ilation of $225,000 to constl uct 1l truin Ing ship fOI the naval militia all the gl eat lakes but the ship was nevel built because It was held that It would be It Violation of existing tl eatles ag alnst Will vessels 0!,1 the gleat laltes



Test of the LeN"on. Mlltt. ::1[' lilt 1-11. ltleulor,. 'erNe .. , .:, .l-Go."eJl rext, Ilatt x.,: Ill. 14 - COJlllllcutur.,. Pre~

pared .t,.. Jlcv D. II Stearn.

[Cop)rlght, 1000, by Am.rlcan I'r .... Association] In pro\ lous lessons we LIn \ e called

attention to the persistent confiict be­tween llgbt .md dll1l,lIess, \Jeb\ een tile Lord and tile de\ 11, und to the fact tIlat \\ hlle God d\\ cit III Christ on earth tile de\ 11 also manifested a speclal posses sian of people old and young He cou tinue~ to do this, and It mny l)e, as S D Gurdon snggests, tIlat he Is still looldng for, but has not yet found Il man" hom he can possess and contIol as fully as God possessed and can trolled Jesus of NllzlUlJth 'Ihls man

1;Iayer of Donald Cameron at Froblsh er to be Hanged at Regina Sept 6 Oxbow Saslt -vincent Magyar, a

Hungarian farm laoorer, ,. ho shot and killed Donald Camel on at FlOblshel last "I III ch was found guilty of mur del at the tllal hel e, and sentenced to be hanged at Regina Sept 6 The mm derer put In the plea that he acted In self defence stating tbat Campbe\1 had attacked him WILn a fOIl,

When Judge '\VetmOle ,~as sentenc Ing him the pllsoner was asked If he lIad anyth Ing to say Mag~ ar declnt ed LIe "as Innocent, as the gun \\ as dlscLIIlI ged by the fOllt stllk'lng the bill rei tLIe fOl It being In the hands of tLIe deceased Wheh the sentence was III onounced the prlsonel seeming Iy was Vel y'little affected, only tl emb ling slightly

THE MARKET REPORT Thompson, Sons &. Co's Report of

Lccal and World's Markets for Week of June 21st, 1906

WHEAT The situation In the In telllUtional "he,lt mm I,ets d \l1 in.,; the past \I eel, has been a continuation of

expellence \ Iz the American specula~lve mal kets exhl\Jlt a I,Lrge amount oe \Ju1ilsh sentiment accom pan led b~ nel' ousness r,lthel than contldence and the nUll l,etB and tl ade of the 1 est of the \\ 01 Id ha\ e kellt on the e\ en tenOl of thell \\ II~, applll eIltly gl\ Ing no pUl ticular heed to \I hat Is dOl11g In tLIe Amellcan markets \n m tllicial bu11\sh sentiment has \Jeen somehow worl{ed up In ChIcago and llnneapolls In face of the good supplies of old "heat In sight nnd ver~ good piOspects In the IIgg1 egate fOl new crops, ,md It has got to th,Lt stage that every Item oe ne\\ s lind In fOi matlon "hlch \\ III Influence lin up \\ a! d tendenc~ Is eagell~ a bsol bed ani all tLIat Is of ,Ill opposite tendency Is Ignored rhme 11 e pOi tlons of the se Ison S ClOPS as hall pens 6\ el y yea! whel e lhe 1)1 aspect Is only tal a 5n\,\11 ClOp or a llUl tlal [ailure and the" eathe! 1ll one dlstllct ,tllI\ anothel Is not unllOi mly [,1\ 01 able evel ~ day, and these c'1I cumstan ces UI e given much 111 omlnence and

British Postmaster Gen ,. II Makes I mportant Pronouncement Re­

garding Reduction of Rates London-ln.111 ImjJOI tant slleocb

to the Vlctolla league R\gh t Han Syd­ney Hux!loln, postm Islor genel al an,­nounced U1<lt he w IS III communica­tIOn with fhe Canalll III gO\ el IUlIentt WI th I egard to the I eduction of lloat­age on newsp,lpet s I11d mag,lzlnos. He said he W,IS Sill e IllS III oposal5'. would be met In ,I filenllly spit it and!. he hoped 11l a [a\ 01 Ible nhUlllel He::

PaniC conditions continue and all persons have been warned to remain at home after nightfall, while public gatherings In the streets al e abso lutely plohllJlted

l::lt Petersbm g -Ad\ Ices flam Pol ta\ a state that the peasants have I'lS en against Lhe landlOl ds lind are pal al\lng the countl y lOads, Itilling all who oppose them and bmnlng ~aluable estates Four estates owned by lead Ing membel s of the nobillty wei e laid \\ aste and at 1,ISt ,ICcollnts the peas ants are In absolute conti 01

Kleff-fwo leglments In the 10c,ll ganlson are I eported to have mu~ln led and tried to murdel thell a til Cel s Affairs me \ely sellous and only a small part of the g,Lrl Ison remains falth[ul Cannot Endure Public Opprobrium

1 he soldiers of the notOllolls Sem enovsl{y I eglment, whose name be came synonomOlls wIth I ell! esslon 0" Ing to the deeds committed by these troops at Moscow are I eported to l1a\ e l1eld a meeLing and to have de clded that they cannot any langei en dure the public opplObrlu111 and must wipe out the stain on the regiment

'll1e tendel ness with which the mill tar ... autOl'lties III e tl eaUng these and tm y authorities 1\I e treating these and spl! It among the troolls Is su/Hcient 6\ Idence th It they feUl the entl! e ,\I my Is Infected -----

Police Sergeants Fired At.

Replesentatlve Houte\1 went to the white house with Capt,lln W B Pm dy "ho comman(led the Dltval m!1ltla of Uhlcago 'fhey I elll esented to the president that It was extl emely ImpOl tant tLIat the naval m'llitla on the gl eat lal,es should have some help In the way of a vessel and aslted \I hethel something could not be done to get the assent of the government It was pOinted out that the vessel would not be armOl ed, and coull] hm dly be I anlted as a WUI ship In the meaning oe the tl eatles In existence 'fhe pres ,lent said he would be glad to assist the n,1\ al militiamen on the lakes If he thought It could be done without objection He will have the question loolted Into by the sta,:e dep,u tment

\\ ill yet find and be "ill be tile man of sin, tile beast tile antlchllst and then w ill come the consummlltion Ol tile long conflict and U , letOl y for the Lnm\J (Rev xlii. (l 7. x\~d 14)

Wben the disciples Clime do\\ n flam the Mount of TransfigUlation \\ here Pe ter would have liked to continue, the first miracle" as the casting out of 11

Sooke \,vuO Miles by Phone demon "hom tbe disciples could not POI t Al thur -l?or sevel al 1110nths cast out, Jesus asslll ing tbem tbllt this

\hlst the Canadian Paclilc Telegl apb kind could only oe 0\ el come by PI u~ er c0111pany have been engaged In In and fasting Then He agnln fOlOtold

His sufl'OIlngs as tile only "uy by stu1llng a special copper wh e between Winnipeg and "Iontl eal designed (01 "hieh lIe could fully and finally COll-theh telegraphophone system, 1I11del quer the de\ 11 Om lesson today be which two messages each,way, one by gins with the disciples' lJuestion Who phone a11(] the athOl by telegl!Lph Is the greatest In the ltlngdom of be \V­

can be tlansmltted ,It the s,lIne tlllltl en?' And we remember that on tIlat 1'he linemen bave so far c01111l1eted last night at tbe Passo\ er In thc upper

the'h wOllt tllllt a successful test was room there was a strife amollg tbem made bet\\een Blallllon and ,Vlnnlpeg as to "hlcb of them should be nccount­ten days ago and I ecently o\1el'lItOl S cd the greatest (Lul,e xxii 24) 'Ihls In 1<'01 t "Tlllillm and l\[ontleal wele able to com eI se quite easily ovel the also is from tbe devil "bose ambition

Warsaw-Re\ollltlonists filed eight sllots at Police Sm geant Popik miss Ing him but badly wounding two wom en 'I'lIls Is the fifth attempt on the I1ves of pollce sel geants this weelt

1 hree govm nment saloons wei e WI eclmd and' tlle money In the estab llshments was stolen 'fhe pel petrat ors of the IObbedef!( who weI e I evol utionlsts, escaped

phone rhe distance Is plllcUcally Is to be lIlte tbe Most High a11(1 exult 100U miles and so fm as lmo\\ n It Is his tbrone above tile stars of God (Isa the longest stretch evel c.tllied by xlv, 13, 14) The same spirit Is seen In hU111an ,olce mer the metalllc wI! e the Sallngs "Let us make us a name" phone ovel the CPR lines opens up and "Is not this gre It Babylon thnt I gl eat posslblhtles In the opel atlon of ha, e bu11t •• • by the might of my tl alns and (01 the convenience of the po"ler?1I (Gen xl, 4, Dan lv, 30) Bllt genel 11 public It will be a boon to i t th thl f tl the I allway company s olflcluls enab wli e we expec ese ngs rom Ie ling those at the bead of affal! s In the Wallo] and the dm 11 bow shnmeful to enst to communicate dl! ect with tbe find tbls spirit In those who bear the western cllvlslon heads thus relieving nllme of Him who became poor for Ull the telegraph wI! es of the long ser and humbled Himself unto death mak vice messages, which at present often Ing Himself of no reputation and tak­tie up the system to the gl eat anno~ Ing upon Him the form of d ser~ ant ance of patrons With the combined (II Cor vlll, 9, Ph11 11, 7, 8) Whllt Is telephone and duplex S) stems In the Lord's reply at this time? J\. little vogue the compnny wlll be In a bettel child, • * • become as little children, position to cope with their fast In * *1 * humble as this little child (verses

I nvestlgatlng Massacre Blalystolt -.ll1ee oJllclal Invest1ga

tlons are detm mining the responslbll Ity fOI the eXcesses of the last week 'fhese are to be conducted by the commission of the lower hOl1se parllament, mlnlstel of the InterlOl and tlIe minister of jus lice All wit nesses of violence ami suffm era by the excesseli are Invited by the min Ister of justice to submit depositions to the judge o~ the local caUl t The police III e demanding the I estol allan of pillaged propel ty

CI easing business 2-4) A Ilttle cb11d suggestli helpless Speedy Justice for a Kidnapper. ness, emptiness, dependence Noyoung

Philadelphia -Twenty years of sol of any animal flO helpless as a little child It can do hothlng for Itself and

Itary confinement with hard labOl was just Uvea In the mother's love and care, the sentence pronounced on satisfied with what the mother has to

h HI gh en COllsldSI Ible tttention t~ I the question and Ie Iltzed that Canadll:\ I.' \\ as being 'Hooded \\ Ith Amet Ican llt­elatlll e and advel tisemcnts

1I11s \\ as serious to 11lIIleliai unity. and tl ade He was gll(l that Can,td­lans wei e sutl!clon ll~ lobust to \\ Ith- I stand such appe lis, but he \\ auld like: to see ,111 end of It He llltlmated that. the question was a speclflc one be­tween England (\.\1(1 C uwda 0\\ Ing to' the Jlecuilar sltultlou at the latter_ An~ .. at I angcmenl thm efOl e, would not necess U \Iy ,lfCect olhel pal ts 01:

emplt e He III tisoll the success of the Impel I II penny poslnge ami dlcted gleat ,ldvnnL loes 110m the ,L11 U1gemenLs by \\ Illch one ounce \\ould go for a \lenn~ Instead of hill! ounce lIe desit ed La el pal ty poiltics flam colonlll pollcy


ILIe Clime for which l\Iagynt "ho Is It Hungarian, ,,1\1 pay ilie \lenlllt~ \\ Ith hils life was comnlltted nelll l<'loblsuer on the mOl nlng of l\11l1 ch ~2nd l.lst and" as blutal allli III emed Itated He had been engaged for th season by 1\11 Donald C.lmelon a leading fill mel of tLIe dlstllct but ha\ Ing changed his plans wished to desel t his employment 1\Ir C,tmelon Hl

fused to pay him, as he desh ed to I ~ taln 1\lag~ III s sen'lces owing to the nelll l]llll oach of seeding An altel cation fall 0" ed In the CaUl se of "hlch Magyar till eatened to, mUl del Camel on \[ his money was u.<>t paid to him at once When Cameron stili I eruse the Hunglllian lushed Into the house seized Camel on s gun and shot him tlnough the stomach In.~!.'ctlng a ter tible "ound "hlch caused death a shOl t time aftel Will ds l\lagJ'al left LIls victim lying in the stable dud wall,ed Into Frobisher "he! e he was all ested a few haUl s latel

usually much ex Ig.,;el ated, untIl the nel \ es of speculath e t1 adel s seem only to vlbl ate to I epOi ts or damage 01 unf[1\ 01 able Influence rhus \I hile tlle demand fOI actu,11 \\ heat Is on ,I modelllte scale ,\1ld liOlIl tllide quiet

ParlIamentary Papers Brought D In Imoerlal Housc are Unfavoraol London-rho pHh Imonl H~

h 1\e been Iss lied cant \Il1lug VOl t of the dep LI LllIental eOl\1mltt(ia:'f~'

,ul ,tmel au "as a mall ied man and had four chllch en

• C N R SWindled by Employees Port Alt1ll11 Ont-Th1ee men wele

befOl e the maglstl ate two of whom W61 e fined for an Ingenious swindle The men wei e employed on the C N R doclt and the method of wOlldng the swindle consisted of one man dl aw Ing his cheque In the mOlnlng hand Ing the same to a compamon \\ ho de poslte 1 It with the t!mel,eepeI at noon Ihe fllst man would loaf all mowing ami I ecllllocate the act fOl his friend In the afternoon By this method the company has lost consldel able money Ilalcl fOl labol never pel fOl med 1m r I\sonment was not PI essed lor ancl the men were let off w'lth a fine

Mystery of Ancient Cave st John, N B -A I\emarl,able dis

covery was made recently In a lonel~ section of Calleton county N B, b~ C E Stewart und nephew John They found the bones of a human being In a stockaded cave The existence of the cave has been Imown to the In habitants for generations but none

If not actually dull and the llllCes of wheat <HId Jiom for expol t I(h ,mced quite abo\ e the line lit wlllch ne\\ ex pOi t 01 de! s can be secUl ed Amel'l can rna! kels 1I00Ivanced lc to 10/. c on L~e "eelt It has not been a con tin uous ad\ ance ho\\ e, el, but on 1\lon day and 'I uesday theI e \I ,IS a rathel slhlrp decline which wns lollo\\ ed ~ estel day by a shlll p advance, ,111d to da~ the Amellcall mall,ets have CIOB ed Illegullll some malting a slight ad vance ,md olhel s a sllght decline wllile othe! s U1 e unc,!!.anged [10m yes tel day Detrimental 'tepOl ts of an ex ag.,;el,Lted 1{lnd I egau\lng ClOP III a gl es~ or "e,lther changes al e shot In to the mlU Itet almost Idal1~, and the tempel of the mlU Itet Ibe'lng attuned to give heed to them slial p ach auces suddenly occm and fl!uentl y these I CI 01 ts al e tl,IUy cant dlcted" Ithln a few hOIll s and some Imes they are quite abslII d on the filce of them, but as a I ule they IIccompllsh thel! mls sian for the time being 'I'he fact of the mattel Is howe, er ~lIat If thel e \I as any sel'lou8 Cl op damage III SIght now Ol If such was to develop soon toe mall,et sentiment is In that Idnd of state that PI Ices \\ auld advance qulcltly and steeply If howevel ClOPS continue to progrr'ss favol ably the chllnces III e that the marlteta wlll hold til III UI ound present PI Ices, until the

,tppolnted b~ AI thlll Ii-vltleto hQ w IS seCt eta r) J 01 the Inquh e Into H llldet Hagg:llnl commendation [01 Lhe lisI1lI19J:lt.> Iit'!t':; of agllcl1ltUlal selLlomonts In the BII Ish colonies

IlIe I epOl t genel 111~ Is lI~~!~~;;'?~I~~~~lj~L:·i,'~~!~ It recommends 1Il,lt tho -; take no steps at IH esonl to Lhe sclIemo 01 colonlz Ilion \1\(1 gests thnt tho gO\ elnlllcnt gIant to comllultees fOlllled I1ndm unen:ployed WOlltmcn let I1ndOI aln condl tlons, 01 th It I gl \lit be en the Imml9raLlon ofl\ce to ·l1'Ilclii~~i';·; should be entll1stml lile If a special fillHI Is aliotcd to aSSlS!:'·,,·,;: solcliel s completing thelt termSCI[. vice to emlglllte to the COIUlll .. " ..

1 he commlLlee 11\ 01 S sons In the colonies \1111 to worlt out theh own scheme mg '1 he COlllllllLlee legal ds managemellt by a I eliglol1s body, [61 ling to the Salvation AI my) as '.'<'''.'''' desh ,Ible 1'he cOlllmlttec also Heves the expense \\ onlll be gl'lelliler~:'; than has been calcl1l,lted 11111 PI aspects of I etlll n of nH)I\I)V· UUV,UIl'i;;:»:; ed would be unceltaln till n to Canad I SOllth Afllca ralia, the I epol t S,I~ s wf! f~nl~ll'~~:~S~;f~;i'~;§~.~1 nn Inst,tnce or II thOl ollghl) s effol t at colonization

To Promote Peace

• \_ Policeman the Murderer

London -'rhe Jewish Chronicle of thIS olty says It has I eeel\ ed a tele gram flOIll B'lalystox, announcing that the murder of Chief of pollce Durkscheff, who was shot and killed there May 30 was a former pollceman 'lne Jews had llleviously been accused of the Clime

Joseph Kean the abductor of give This dependence upon and satls-Fled(lIe 1\[uth 1 he enormity of the man s crime, faction with God In Christ as It Father "hlch had aloused the whole clt~ who pities and a mother who comforts stirred the officel s of the law to quick are what we need

the cur'loslty to Investigate The Stewal ts unravelled the m~ stel v They blew tile entl ance open with dynamite, descepdlng t\\ elve steps along a passage and c\Lme Into a darlt 100m 12 feet squl\l e On the fiOOl la~ Il man s bones with a log inscribed

pIesslll e of the new wheat mvoemenl beUl d them down ClOPS on the Am ellcan continent are genellllly In vel ~ ravcl! able condition up to this date

Is advancing In the \\ IDtel wheat count! y and ne\\ wheat has be gun to move In the south '1'hel e Is a good PI aspect thllt the yield of win tel wheat will be as lUI ge as last year 'fhe spllng wheat ClOp In the NOIth west States and 'Vesteln C,Uhlda Is at this date one of the finest 'evel lalsed and should we have seasonable summel weather dm Ing the next SIX weeKS the chances are that h,11 vest \\ III be .["Illy eady, with a bIg yield 1'he Visible Supply of wheat on the Amellcan continent Is still about 11 5\JO,OOOtlibus lal gel than last yeal, and wI~h hlnclIance to new eXjlOl t b\ slness

Ottawa -III the senate Dandl11 and I cad lin Invitation Loul WeardaLe, PI esldenL of the Ish branch of the Intel plI·I'1\11111.en.tlll'Y'

US Cannot Interfere Washington -PlOtests have leach

ed Plesldent Roosevelt against the out! ages aimed at the Je" s which are being committed In Russia Simon Wolf, fOl mel PI esldent of the Bnal b rlth, had a tallt with tLIe PI esldent He told t,le plesldent he was lecel" Ing telegrams and lettel s flam all parts of the United States plotestlng against the nUlssaCI es, ,md III glng tuls country to talte some action In the matter PI esldent Roose, elt ex pressed sincere s~ mpathy "lth the OpPI essed people, but was unable to see how the Unletd States govelDment In the ch cUD1stances could do any thing to prevent the outl ages ~

acmon Kean was anestec] at about The words of\ Jeremiah to Baruch the time the comts wele closing are always appropriate "Seeketh thou _ romptly at 10 0 cloclt he was photo great thlng~ for thyself? Seek them graphed and measUled by the Belt not" (Jer xlv, 5) When we have re-lilian system Twenty five minutes later he had been arraigned befOle a celved the Lord Jesus and have thus magistrate been born Ilgaln and become children

The gl and jm y qutcl~ly found a of God (John I, 12. 13). no child of tim true bIll and at 11 20 a m he was In most loving parents was ever. provld tbe criminal com t awaiting his tm n ed and cared for as we are, for "He to face Judge S\llsbergel ShOl tly at spared not His own Son, but (Ie tel 12 0 clock the judge passed sent ·'h,t.~",l Him up for us all, how shall He ence upon 111m and at 2 30 the great Him also freely give us all Iron doOl s of the penitential Y closed .11111 .. '" \1"Olll.' vlli, 32), and how com­behind him In his quick tI Ip from Ifnlrtll"!! tli'8 llberty to the 1I01ltude of ChellY Hill words •• Your heavenly Fa-no fllendly hand or voice was raised ther knoweth" (Matt vi, 32), "He car­in the

l pI'lsoner s behalf If he be eth for you" (1 Pet v, 7) Then notice

Haves himself hiS sentence under the that all children of God as well as law, w11l be 1 educed to twelve years 'lctual Uttle children ha special and three months The com t had the guardian angels powel to give him a life sentence cess to tho ,pr1ese,Jic11),

Much sympathy Is explessed fOl the Heb I, wife and thlee chlldlen Kean leaves derive nnV+ltln." without means of SUPPOI t \

John LOng, Dec 4, 1779 II A s'llver watch 1740 thl ee booltS, two Latin and a tnii d English, on the lly leaf was

sentonlus history of Rome, B A ~tl'nn ""I·OXfOl d College M,y 24, 1676 Ihe IlIchlng party Is wrnltlng hard to find other caves as the plan of such was discovered among bool{s

'! H Igl'\ Rate of Postage.

London -In consldel a~lOn of the post office estimatt"il In the common" Palltel called attention to the high rate of newSllapel s to Canada

union Inviting tho mum J~t,aill~~j~~~~'::~:~ Uanadlan pRlllament to rl the (0111 teenth conlOl ence of the ·uui16.ii? to be held In L mdon July 2:l,25

SpealtOl Dandul Ind said lIe '~~:~t~~~ be In London ,tt th It LIme aud "

to prices being out of line the s will continue to stay on this

SIde of Ule watel ClOPS In Emope continue to plogless equal to expect atlons, and hm vest has begun In south eln EIII ope EUl ope,tn mUlI,ets al e PI actlcally unchanged recently The WOIld s shipments while still liberal e,LCh weelt UI e I unnlng sOlllewh,lt un der last year s quantities, and the am Gunt on ocean. passage nas become 4 000,000 DUS less th,m last yeal Good PI ogl ess Is I eported h Olll the new Australian and AI gentine ClOPS and a libel al InCl ease In acreage un der wheat Is I eported flam both of these III oducel s

Manitoba wheat In. the Winnipeg IllUl ket has been film throughout the

the firmness Is caused prlnc sneC1Lllative dealing \lnd not

attend the g,tthOllng fhe the union Is the \11 omotlon national pe,lce

Fort william Car Wheels l 01 t Willi,t\n-At I

e~ed to l\lessl s McDougall mond PI eslden t ,\11(1 - __ •• c -,.,

spectlvely of the Canadilln • oundl y Com pliny \I ho Rle tlng ,t $200,OOU C,\1 \\ heel 111 UlIItlrIlctllr.;;" Ing plant In t'OI t W1ilI"ln,,~, nit~:1~:~7::~~~' Dougall announced til It " local rumOl to the effect that adl,m lIon ,lIld Foundl y COIll\JilIly.,.

<:J P R were IInlllendly companies RI e on the best

I have evCl y I e.lson to said, that the CUI Hllllll be the best Cl1stomer of Ham foundl y, anll that dUllng the next lew yoal s tl1;~,~,s~~ri~: of tons of the car whoels to ufactured hm e In view of that the Canadian Paclilc has [ore manufactured most of car \, _eels at thelt "Ir McDougall s st,ltement Is ed as Significant

--'----U:II~:~~I~~n~ actual wheat 'fho 'P 1 and 2 NOl thern are

export v~ue even with lalte and ocean flelght The

prospect in Western Canada was nE,ve,r J)lomlslng than at this

we begin to look fOl at least

~~:~;j;:~b'r~UI,~~b:riU!~S~e~Of flam It If f: till all Is an' ad


Page 8: it - Treherne · little less' than 2000 feet on tbe the preacher: I road. To travel this 2000 "The meanest man who ever lived," necessary to use ten of the when all is said and done,

'. ~. ; -


I ~, , t \ , " • 1 ~ ,',

l' (. 'J ,. , ,

, ,

" " , , " , . r I·

, \

, .

"~=-~~~*=~~~~¥~~~~~§=~=r=~~:===:::=:=~~~~~-. If you knew the value of Cham- S P R' , I N°' G DEE R I N G Definition of Bible .Terms. , Indianford

-1 Mr. '-Leslie'Thomas who has been

visiting in the Ford' for the past . two 1110nths left for his home at

Winnipeg Beach on Monday.

Rev. G. Grant, of Elg.vCreek, preached a very interesting sermon in the Presbyterian 'church on Sun-day afternoon. '

1'he Indianford ball team went oltHn th'e first game at Rathwell sports. They stiU have courage to spa re'· 'a nd expect to make" em h us-tie yet. ,,' . .

TI,e Assiniboine Base1)a'U team pulled a silrprise in the Diamond at Rath'ivell by winning frotp .Mat­chettville and then win'ning from Rathwell in the final and landing first p:ize.

. A number from here td~k iu thll excursion to Winnipeg Beach, on

. . Monday.

/ 1\he annual Indianford Presby­terian church picnic aud sports will be·held in Mr. John Fullerton's grove' on July ·2nd. Baseball and athleHclsports will be the features!

" . of the day., Everyone is invited to come and eujoy a day in I .. ian-, ,

,( ford. _

.. /- Miss E. Bissett, of Treherlle, . j.visited with Miss M .. Bowmau'-last

week. I·, _.

1'OUlIUY l~ulsher came, up from

berlain's Salve you would· never wish to be without· it. Here'

I ,--

A day's journey· was about t\Ten­ty-three .and one-fifth miles. some of the diseases for which it is . ".

especially valuable;f sore nipples, AGENCY chapped hands, burns, frost bites, Say boys thi!l is spring agaill, ,. chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itch- don't YOlt 'want a nice set of

A Sabbath day's journey w,as about an English mile: . .,

A cubit was nearly twenty-two inches. ing, piles, tetter, salt rheum and \ carriage harness to d.rive your

eczema. Price 25 cents per box. best girl to the picnics and A hand's breadth is equal to and five-eighths inches. I such like, YOI1 know that your

For sale by dealers every~v lere. old one look shabby.


HHII><a.S breadth is equal to one

K A shekel of silver was about 50 Notice.

cents.- By-I"aw No. 23 of the West 1~re-A shekel of gold was $8. heme School District No. 5.17, au-A :talent of silver was $538.30. thorizing the borrowing of $18,000 A 'talent of gold'was $13,809. upon the credit of said school d A piece of silver or a pehny was triet, and the issuing of debentures

J 3 ceo ts. therefor, ! the 'purpose of erecting _ A farthing was 3 cent:3. and furnishing a school hotlse and

A mite'was less than a quarter of its appendages, in said school dis-a cent. ' ,trict, received the assent of a ma-

A gerah was a cent. . . jority of the electors who' voted An ephah, or bath, contl!ins sev- thereon on the 26th day of May,

en gallons an(lAlve.pints., A. D. 1906. All persons are here-A hin .was one gallon and by required-to take no~ice that a~y-

pints. one desirous of apply}ng to have A firkin was seven pints. stlch by-law or any part thereof An omer was six ::lints. quashed must make his application A cab was. three pints. for that purpose' to a Judge of the

Now boy you know that the olttfit takes the girls eye as well as the man, so give us a call. \Ve have a fine assortment of both single and double carriage harness. You need' not buy unless you are pleased. Vole will be pleased tq show YOll all r stock w,hen you call. We also have rugs and clusters to - match aud some fine fly­nets. We are well stocked with horse millinery of all kinds so give us a call and you will be well

"" used. -,- .


See our, spring lines, the Canada Car­riage Conlpany's Carriages.

John-'Deere anld P. & O. Plows. Sylvester & I<:entucky single and double

disc ch;~lls and shoe drills. We also handle Sharpless TLlb1Jl1ar Sep­

arator. Acme Grain Pickler. Owen's Fanning'

nli'IIs, Jumbo Grain Separator. First' Class tJeavy Horses For Sale .


" . -Evangelist. Court of King's Bench sitting in . , / .~_ chambers within' two weeks next

, \ after the publication of this not!ce once a week for three successIve weeks in \he newspaper called The Treherne Times, a newspaper pub­lished hi the village of Treherne 6r he will be too,late to be heard in 'tluit behalf.

:te!eletei~eteieiefefeltrleiefe ... ~.,elel~HefeIH~el&iei'9leJS1et~f*fe16ielel9fet-6¥v1dl:;r:-~

F. Thorimbe'rt ~~ q~ Wheat sown on summer fallowC!d

land in the Sydney district is a fail­ure, owing to high winds, frost and g~t1bs. The ground has been re­sown with barley. ' Similar "exper~ iences are reported by a few farm­ers in the Nee"pawa district. R. J. MU,r..s, .

MACHINE SHOP. This is the best season to bring

)11 your bicycle for repairs. It llIay need/I cleaning and over'hauling, and we are the people to do it pro­perly.

" ) '" ~t}

n re erne Il! n d ( ) ( )

< ) < )

. Ahllassippi and played in the Ford Secretary-1'reasurer.

Municipality of S~uth Norfoll.':., Dated a~ the village of Treherne 111 the Municipality of South Norfolk, this 19th day of Junel A. D .. '1906

!~ SPORTS, i: We are agents for the celebrated () ~ ~

In Lho mnttor

. /, nine at the Rathwell sports. . '. t- . \ , , ~~'----~

~. ',.'

dOl'8 for tho Jl~\~~~~t~i~:~ tho dollar "t .. _ ..... , ~ tho ~r.~!~'\.r;)'~

. ~r

,- , ,

Th~ ·~nntial basket picnic in con-I~:~~~~~:tngl:!~;~~,:!~i~; nection with 81. Mathews church I'

· ,and' Boyne'- Creek: school 'Yill be held on 'Wednesday the lIth \ of

. July-, at the' usual piace. .are ~sked to keep this date open.

. ,

The setni-annuall11eeting ot Nor-o' folk. County Loyal Orange Lodge ',' took place at Rossendale 9n June

14th, W'Cotlnty Master Bro. Jas.

J.Jnt.nll·'"L 1'rohorrro. Jnne 20th. 1000. C. V. LIN'l8AY, . Assigneo.

i . -1

House to Rent. , A 11 vo room h~J1180 ~OXliDdor Stl'OOt. Pos­

s08slouJmay Ito had nftor July 7th noxt, Threo 'lullrtots or nu nel'o of gI01".d, all foueod. Ap, ply to' '. I .

JOllN PIIlTOflAlUl, " Troharno

.- ,

' ..... ~ J ---\

.[ ,

Buggy For Sale.

All Armstrong top huggy, in Ilrst elnss roo pRir. Apply nt ohco to

UEV. D. ROUmtTHON. Trohorno •

Oontract to Let. I

Tho n11l10r&lgnoll wlll lot n contrnct for tho outtlng up of 100 tODS (moro or loss) of hay Ol~ tho •. 0, qUllrtor of ooetion 29,7-8 Goot! wntor on pill co 8/1d n ohanty to !ivo in whilo working on pineo. For fUl·tbor Imrticulnr. npply to

, A •. 'V. CAVANAGH, t

I . Horse lor sale.

Rntbwoll. ,

A light gouorlll llUl'pOSO mnro, ·in fonl to the thoroughbrod hol'sO 'Alenvis." Ajlply to ,

Co' \VIEOlIl\lAN; Trohol'no.

For Sale. ,! - j

The ~;lderoigllOil hilS for sllio lit his pilleo, 3008.10, two frosh' milch cows. Apply ut oneo to ,,. I '


Myers glass, valve seat iron pumps. ~: ~ m The only successful pump for all <> • (I_

kinds of weather. .'

==============1= ~ ~l~ PAU'L KANE


A general financial business con-, . ducted. Money to loan on real prope~t'y at lowest rates. Insur­ance aud real estate agent. Re­presenting all.the best loan and in-surance companies.





All kinds of contract work taken . , ,

, ,


<2 (; ( ) { ) Ii (; () n -- t i','; $' () 4 q ( ): < ) ('): (' ) ( ) (' :>

H n ('j l) ....

( ) I ~ ~

() ~ 2

~. Don't Miss It L ~ ~, ' ~ ""'~ .. ~ I ~ I ~'''r I~'''''''I~.'''''''''''~' ~I"I~ I ~ I "I" I ' "".I A IA-' ~.J ~ 1 ~ I ~ I A I"'A' A"""""""~, A'~ I" '"'1(: L ~" 7t'vfv'v V v1'V .., vfVTVfv~t""v V'fv ~; 'Vr..1 ~ 7f,'lv ~"VIV V V' V "'V'i"4YVfVf'Vtvfyl~ ,:m ,Jrvl~

I •

The Rilhwell Hardware · A. Thompson presiding. The dif­ferent lodge's throughout the CO~1l1-ty were well represented .. Arrange-

I ments 'were made for attending the coming'12th of' July celebration at Hollimd. The local lodge at

The'Herd By-Law ~ th,e Rural MqniCipa1ity of-South.Norfolk p'ro­hibiting tbe rttnning at hlrge of all dotnestic animals, at 'all hours of the day, arid seasons of Jhe year, lias be~I1:'\~mend6d so as to includll those' part~ of Wartls 2 allj:l 3 nQlr~hl~~==~==~~=~=:~ of the A!siniboine .River, but· these added parts the by-law will

3G·39 , " Trohorne. and satisfaction guarantee~. -, l


"And-new foundations put in, cem-

Arid Lumber Yard.

land ine sparing no\pains tq nlake the day a success. A special train will be run from ,Carman will passrrelierne about IO.40 a.m. returniritfat 8 in the evening. A splendid program of speakers

come iuto effect ou July 1)5'th as in Ward 2" and thfj.t part of W 4, south of the river, but on first day of August: Igoii ..

.'- .. ·'R. J. MILLID, " ... . Secy.-Treas.

.. • I.." l. ''. \, , , been secured for the platform, W Illl:.U

-part orthe.program will he held tlie-bl~1fI adjoining town. At ".:-_". con'clusion .of which there 'be,

· laeross'e match between the arid ,N ' teams. Everybocly

'.is and a good . tjme is as-

Farm lor Sale. - , C -- ent or stone. Estimates furnished.

N. H. Soo. a to\VIlSllip 7, rungo 12,\ west. =~=' =======i=='='='== Thoro ... n Ito nbout ~oo neros hrokoll wltho\lt lillY tl'ouhlo, Apply to .

. WAr. MOCREERY! ~~- _ Tro lorne. MoneY: .Ito Loan.

. . . . 'I

. Strayed. At lowest" rates on, fann' and -- , town property for long or short

F.'mil lily Illnco, sootlon 22-8·10. nbout Mn), 1st. Loan, Companies repres-two yont'llllg stool's,ono light rod, oLhor durk , rorl, An), informntion loudlng to 1'0covery of !..'::I, .. <"', and private funds always sumo will ho rowurdod. JOliN w .. L()U~rr)~\:~:I;o.1 hand. . Farm lands and town

. p'erty bonght and sold:' .. C. V .. LINDSA

Sneeo.sor to J. T. Roid & Co.

I l)~rl("-HI . (

Leaders for Early Summer. i!

.' . We invite your attention this week to OUI' early summer hardware lines. You 1I1UY need hog fence, -we have it, its economical too. ..

l­t> l-

\Paint your floors with Prism brand paints, (Iud var­ilish house 1ittings with our varnish. • • • • We'have screen doors, etc., aud garden tools, which

. "you are likely to need in the next few weeks. See them nQW. I' • • •

• Rillhwell, t Manlloba. :


We have. now greatly increased the accomnJodation of the barn, ane!. ca~,h~ndle the livery and feed busm,ess with great facility. We

fit you out with any kind of rig' quickly. Gobd steady horses. We solicit a share of your bllsiness. , . , . ,

, ,

',: BlIO',GIES

, ve in,stock: thi~, spring , ,

buggies and

" i I


. ,
