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It N L i'^i 1T,TJJ ;ffi :. Depot2013-33-41.pdf · trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared:...

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'-a. li ( : DEI-H i TRAA]SPORT CORPORATION ( A GC^VT oF N C.1,.oF DEL;D t.p.ESTAIE ; NEW DELHi. It is notified for informatron & nec R es o r r t io n N o a0l2 0 13 : tte m z L / 2 0,,,, i'^i 1T,TJJ :,: ;ffi Tl,l[l'.."r,";:il :. ;:jj; l'fJJl=:'r':::,;nor Gazrpur Depot Accordingrv, copv orthe circuiar crury approved by DrC No.Adml(MO U)/2013/: .. C? Encl : As above AllCor_.reerne4 copy to FtoDs/RMs Copy to Sr.Manager{Tr.} t/C CMD Sectt. \_._. l ,ii (Jai Bhagwan) Manager(Admn.)He
Page 1: It N L i'^i 1T,TJJ ;ffi :. Depot2013-33-41.pdf · trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared: X*-n_>=.[= Suh : Wonken,s Fanticigrationa ine Depot Openatiom" with a view rc increase





It is notified for informatron & necR es o r r t io n N o a0l2 0 13 : tte m z L / 2 0,,,, i'^i 1T,TJJ :,: ;ffi Tl,l[l'.."r,";:il :.;:jj; l'fJJl=:'r':::,;nor

Gazrpur Depot Accordingrv, copv orthe circuiar crury approved by DrC

No.Adml(MO U)/2013/: .. C?

Encl : As above


copy to FtoDs/RMsCopy to Sr.Manager{Tr.} t/C CMD Sectt.




(Jai Bhagwan)Manager(Admn.)He

Page 2: It N L i'^i 1T,TJJ ;ffi :. Depot2013-33-41.pdf · trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared: X*-n_>=.[= Suh : Wonken,s Fanticigrationa ine Depot Openatiom" with a view rc increase


trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared: X*-n_>=.[=

Suh : Wonken,s Fanticigrationa ine Depot Openatiom"

with a view rc increase the eaming & reduce the expenditure of the Depot,itre schetne for \4iorker's participation in management of operations of tire Gazipuriiepor of tire Corporation has been approved b5, Coinpetent Authority.

I -I'he scheme seeks to e,abie the workers to bring about efficiency in the

(.r11" & NcR operation run by Gazi Pur Depot so as to attain financiai self:'uftl':ir:ncy in a progressive manner through participatory managemenr.

fhis u'ill be done with defined autonomy for providing an efficient,(::coilotl.lical a,d properly coordinated systern of bus transport cn permittecl

irliiles in IJCR' /city Routes, witirout undermining public interest. .fhe

l*-4a*agement of DTC sha, extend fulr support to the w.orkers in thearlainment of its objecti,es with rninimum i'terference in the day to day

i-iretatlons of the clepot a*d the workers are to refrain fi-om adrninistratir,e

'"io;,ai, of the crepor management. To begin with the, system wilr be put inpiace rvith an aitn to achieve recluction in u,orking loss and move tou,arcls

opei:a'ri.nar br:eak-eve,-point" However as the system works o,r, i, will be

rnoriified tora,ards o'erar, finarrcial profitabirity and enhanced of scope.


l'l j-he scheme shali be initially for a period of 06 months corninencing fro'r?I.,j".:i:---and shall be operative up to the quarter ending--

-*'.lr'" a ?r-3 ---rr: tiie first phase. The salne sharl, however. be



Page 3: It N L i'^i 1T,TJJ ;ffi :. Depot2013-33-41.pdf · trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared: X*-n_>=.[= Suh : Wonken,s Fanticigrationa ine Depot Openatiom" with a view rc increase

-?rt.!i r,




l,sl i\et, Workirren Cotrrpensation Act, Fayment. of Gratuity Act an<i an;-.

r:llrer A.;ts incluclirrg DRTA r,l,lriclr are applicable to DTC and its

er:rpioyees. Depot Manager shall rer:rain responsible for administrative and

i _ ,'

disclplinary matters of the depot'

Iire Depot operations including allooatiol of duties of ctew nrainlenaucq-

statT, sclieduling, frxinfi of indiviclual'eainiii[ iaige[s eiC a*d t,aintenance


comsultative /N,flacnageumemt cormmtittee (cMC) whichshall be a body of



c irairtnan'o f' the C onsultativ e/Mana gement Comrnittee'

: ir .l'he T'i-iree rvorkers/staf.f rnernbers of the Depot shall be notninatecl by ll-re


Aecountants shall be other rnetnbers of the Committee'

:.5 Pianning an<i decision on operations ancl nraiutenance matters sirzrll be taken


r:onserlt of atleast Ibur ntembers of the Consultative

N,xitn.agenretrt/comtrrittee shall be requtrecl for arriving at arry decisiorr in

*^-*o,-t ^+ nr,etations and maintenance of busesldepot and such decision


i '1 r - r ' --- -r'".,'orking losses.,r :!:, '":"

-.':.:;*lthe.benclitua..kdecidedtorr.educ:].t)i1.r--,r\.;t-]i"}.lu6.lvoJvu"!i .. ,'i: ,

- ,: a:; cll thg flenclimarK r.riivrulu t"' l-

* t ,

i';: :,

t . \}' ^ i-r "t'

;relending upon the peiformstl4.e.:'theiextqrsioa oi Schetle*' ot , :;i,, ,]'..1,

^-^-^"-^:t ^,- 't',o' e.onsidered ri'ith revi.se'd terur aucl '1tt. ' ;il

or VehielesI


parttctpator.v managgllttirru 'u'41j' r vw, ::^'-*--- -- .t i :

,railditionsandobligationsofalltlrepartiesmutuallyagleeduporl'l*kij.-!;i!Li.i!lvrrr !+1rs vvrrt *-^-^-- : -,liii.lliii


r shall, wolk asl"Occupiel'"'of tire depot u/s 2 (n) <lf' l

rt 1t 1

irartic ipator.v managem(

the Faotories Act. 194'8 t h

Page 4: It N L i'^i 1T,TJJ ;ffi :. Depot2013-33-41.pdf · trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared: X*-n_>=.[= Suh : Wonken,s Fanticigrationa ine Depot Openatiom" with a view rc increase

sitali be i:i*ding on other membels of the cqmniitlee' mless r;ioiative cft

iiii:tnistrative ruies and instruetigqs' :,] ,

-l ht, t'.epct Marager sirali convene meeting of Consultative/lvlanageinent

-1,.-,nu'rrirree as anci rvhetr required. FXowever, it shall be mandatory to

rjL,rn\.ene atieast one sucir meeting in a fortnight period' ' Ln case such a

r]1r{-liing is nof lteid b-v the Depot Manager, then same is requireci to be

,;cqvened 'by the fi.egicnal Manager concemeci' The delibe'raticns and

,,iec;sioros of rhe meeiing shail be recoi:ded in.writing.

i iire {lo*sulratjve/Managernent Committee ,(ChAC) shall allocate the

r.espo*sibility to its membeis fot different bsks in speoific al'eas pertaining

tc operations and maintenance o,f buSes arrd' depot' tsaeh member shaii

handle the rvork independently and shail inforrn the committee regaldrng

'Lhe statusiprogress and suggestions for' improvqmentskestructuring in the

itreetiirgs of Consultative/ Management Committee. No members shall

interl-ere in the ivork dotnain af other meurbers of CMC, The co-nsent ci'at

ieas'L 4 tnembers cf the CMC shall b-e required for arri'ving any decision and

suoir clecision shall be binding otr. al!'the members of tire" cotnmittee



tlie reguiatory functions like discipiinar). powels and the administlative

powers of tire Depot Manager & Generai. Offrce function of the Depot'

L{orvever, the consultative cominittee mqy recommend- the transfel of any

emplo-vee in tire intere,st of Oorporation a1d depot witit p!"6lper

j rustrf;e *tnon.

'tr'iie assessment of expenditure of dre depot tou'arcls repair and

rrrainlenance, salary, all Taxes and Fees etc. shalL be worked orit on the

i - - -c:-----'l ^+l^,. ^f .Li. ^i*.rtlar









Page 5: It N L i'^i 1T,TJJ ;ffi :. Depot2013-33-41.pdf · trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared: X*-n_>=.[= Suh : Wonken,s Fanticigrationa ine Depot Openatiom" with a view rc increase


- lt'a:r1 f;


' T'ire ticketed earnings on interstate routes shail be rvorkeci out afte.exelrrding passellgei: tax. The, conductors of.Gazipur Depot lnay rrct be

aiiorveei for Advance B.ookingllteiping dut1, i1i buses of other Depots.:'i: ilepot authority shair bear the, expenditures towards paynr.ent of

Gross sarary i,clucring artrears to DTC enrproyees (excruding theliabilities arising ou-t of an awarcllorder/judgnrent passed by Flo,.,brecourts f,cr old cases initiated pr:ior to the irnplerneutation of scheure)

r'orking in Gazipur Depot and also of contractuai Dri'ers & co,ductors.ltr'rrthei' the saiary and other benefits- of'the eurploy-ees: on cilarvirrg thesaiar--r' ricm the Gazipur Depot but rvorking in Regional office, Head Gf ficci sTA shari be Lrorne by Heacl office. It wiil also be excruded u,hile

rL:;ing bench nrarks' The positions of aforesaid staff slrall be froze, as orr

rlre ilare of irr:prernentatioir of the scheme for the pulpose of cosring,

J.' 13 'i'i:ie ffiteria fbr d.eciding incentive. to,'the staft rvoulcl be based cn the

savings j.e. d-iffer:ence betr.r,{een the montiri5z expenditure and rr"r*r, ,rcorreb)' rixing a beucir tnark' if ther:e isr no: net pr.oiit in operation as ineorne

iiiei'"rrling ticketing revenue is less tiran the operational cost. the concept of

"r'orking losses has to be taken. as the:cliteria. The, depot sha]1. fix the be,elr

inaik- r:i itrorking loss perKilonreter: whiclr has been the lou,est o'er last 12

tltontirs feri: cieter:mir:ring the best perfbnnafloo sls th.e bench urnrhs ibr j,clgi:rg

peiibi-inallce utrcler participative management. '['he inoe,tr],ve to tlie sta,f oj'

tiie liepot becomes pa;'abie oti quarterly'basis if there is irnpi.ovel)eilr o'er

Page 6: It N L i'^i 1T,TJJ ;ffi :. Depot2013-33-41.pdf · trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared: X*-n_>=.[= Suh : Wonken,s Fanticigrationa ine Depot Openatiom" with a view rc increase

rilq'ii ci the bencil rr:ark {ixed a.i per the criteria iajrl fcr the quarter. Tire

": :lrjtli >u t"al"i)€d ot'er l0% cf Qench niark for the qua.nei shall be availal:ieI,

ii:i:eniti'e. The lncehtive cornponent shali be shar:ed. in lhe r:atio of 60% tc

i) " ' ' ancl 4tloh antang all the staff of tlie depot- The distr:ibutioarand share ot-

)nicntive io the eligibie various category of the Depoi shall be deeicied by

ti-r* consuitative Ccrnmittee. The salarry of srrri2lus.staJf transfup:ed shall be

cxcluded ii'om bench mark also, {n case regular staff is subsiituted with the

uontractual staff, t he impact of salary expenditure will be adjusted in the

,-,riruJt ,nark aiso.

': '' iile irilis tcrvards ccst of Cl:jGllubricants tyre plus sl?are parts etc. shaii

I're p: rpareet b,v the e oncerned controlling officers on the. basis of acruai

ijuantlt;i, on monthly basis, .':.,i,:, 'ihe x,orkers slrall be authorized to have

,;cjieetron per rveek lionr hdS_{ and nL

m1n1mul}l three tuins crf stores

"{; i'he cost of various asseniblies including tyre repair and retreading rvi1l

t.'e r'r"orkeci o,i taki^g tire actuar oost of '*u*riur

prus direc* *uo,,] .*=,

incurre:ci 1-or a batcir of assembiies or tyre, repair.iretreading. The cost of'-ii'-l: itr'rtr shall be circulated by'I,uiS-i & Il froin rime to time and the cosr


2'1'7 T'he depot shali bear the expenditures on the bills raised b.v Ma.ager

{.Accounts)-Ms-IIMS-II on the quantity of spare parts issued to the c14cLluring the uonth. The cost of Batteries shall include cost of new batteries

pir'r's a'erage crrarging cost by cws-I in direct biiiing on actual quantity

i ss trcci .

2'i'a> All types of expenditures torvards Insurance Fremium of vehicles,

ttoacl 'tr'ax, Toil Tax, Adda Fees. property Tax, Factory Licence Fees

(N4C{-) & NCT of Delhi). Telenhone Ttilt. rrro^+-i^i+.. tr):i1^ ay, ,


Page 7: It N L i'^i 1T,TJJ ;ffi :. Depot2013-33-41.pdf · trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared: X*-n_>=.[= Suh : Wonken,s Fanticigrationa ine Depot Openatiom" with a view rc increase

'ii i-

i:ji1is" Courr finei

s jiaii b,_-me b1, the llepot.

T'irr: bills torvards cost

;:rrepared by the

rre CMC shall have the p

ic'' attend the breakclowr buses on N(

,. irlr ch1.5is61

eleei'ease cluring

,tr;l.aaj rterrt size available the clay of

) )'1

2, i9


i.ehrcie Lrtiiization

i r ,- ''alir cluring th

,, :rrher.s participati

:rppi'oval of' Trafflc Deptt.

-) '':1 l-he coneernecr Fu.chase wing r,r,irj ensure avairabiiity o{.the items and

the :;ai.rre 't'ili be issued to the Depot based on the ere,rand received. i,

fcor participative managanrenc t.':1*ii'

;' :r:: 1' I ::1

-' , I t. :;,.;.ir-];;1.,1,rii1:i;1,-i.t-r n e e x i s ri n g routes/,$1rJief. wrilileot,b:s:. -. .a : -:-

tlt her d_epor lraving. irigher,EFK duri

;;r-:i'icd. T'he existing .*rn""' ,,. :. r..:. :,

Page 8: It N L i'^i 1T,TJJ ;ffi :. Depot2013-33-41.pdf · trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared: X*-n_>=.[= Suh : Wonken,s Fanticigrationa ine Depot Openatiom" with a view rc increase

lase the sarne is not supplieo urithin

iterrr wiil be treated as deemed4N.A for the same and CMC u'iil ntakei;

purciiases io ensure timely repair and

,: rt>irng rules/pt'ocedure

of .the buses as per

, *:i rj"il "he

biils pertainrng ic expenditule.on materials and other senices

e onsirmeci b1. the Depot shall be raised by the concerned departments

on irciual basis on or before 5th of every month.

,: :5 Ail the assembiies and tyres etc. are to be supplied to the Managing workels

rvith adequate float" The deliveiy of tlre spares etc. are to be supplied as and

rvhen the ind.ent is received frorn the workers subject to the assemblies/t;.1",

hoidrng position maintained aLthe h,{S-XllI.

,."1i: 'ihe flmprest of the depot should be incleased further irom i Lakh to 1"5

ia.kir as Medical bil1s less than Rs. 10,0.00 are to, be paid ftonr depot Xrnprest.

:.:,1 i'he l.nead oflice

iilr: alising out

riitliirid saiary.

sha1l be responsible f.or disburso:rrloflt of ali benefits/dues

of resignaticn, termination, retirerne.nVdealh excepi the

:: :S [-rne F{ea<1 Cltjce s}rall be responsible for expenditure

iox,ards major civil and electrical maintenance work. Fiorvever

erxpencliture on accouni of minor civil & electr:ical maintenance works is to

S4aliager shaii be relerred to the competent authority io-r approval.

'ii"re scher.ne u,ili be revieu,ed after 3 months fi'onr the dare of execulion

,iaiplernentation or thereafter, by a committee of otlicers to be c.onstituted

r:,'r CX'ID. in case tire nqed fol pli5jngTrnodifying the operaling modaLities and the terms



Ci!4C exceeding the iirnits

Page 9: It N L i'^i 1T,TJJ ;ffi :. Depot2013-33-41.pdf · trio " AdmI (MOU)/Mis c " /2A J 2/ g y rt Dared: X*-n_>=.[= Suh : Wonken,s Fanticigrationa ine Depot Openatiom" with a view rc increase




t:I anri eonditions, tire same

nlanagcment an<i the DTC

cr io the

ilt reason thereof.

': ),1 'i'1:is circulai. is

der:ir.ls fl1s

. '. i, ii ;l>!'i. Yn ...I:r:-: - :ji**:!_*{Ll*:

,\.urrrvi thsrancling anyrhing contajned in

! 'r.'-r.,1benchmark set or its pu.formance is lol,vei




iu case of any dispute ar:

lso.lvrng any,l.:ij r, ': l


ru: the


.J: $.:.tisi$*;ffi

'i r'. qr.r:l:r

jt ' :::

r.'..:,lj...r i .:i:l:;

"::41 '*: 'i
