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IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords

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  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords


    Improve the value o yourproperty assets

    Connect to the one thing that makes a business work in

    the 21st Century...

    ...the astest, purest, Internet !

    www. i n t e r n e x u s . c o . u k

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords


    Do you want the astest Internet

    connected to your buildings and sites ?

    Your Property Portolio is connected to roads,

    inrastructure and utilities,

    but are you connected to the one thing that makes a

    business work ?....the astest, purest Internet ?

    Call us now on 0800 138 5784to turn your weaknesses into your competitive advantage

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords



    Hong Kong



    CyprusNew York

    United Kingdom

    About Internexus


    Internexus is a specialist, Business Communications provider,

    supplying connectivity solutions to every size o business. With

    oces in Lancashire, Northamptonshire, Leeds and London, we are

    part o a global group, oering business internet, data and voice

    connectivity systems to customers throughout Europe, Dubai,

    Hong Kong, China, Philippines, Cyprus and the USA.

    With extensive property interests within the group, we understand

    how important connectivity is to our tenants. We wouldnt let a

    building i it wasnt connected to mains utilities, would we ?

    I you have empty properties, losing tenants or are developing a

    new site, Internexus can provide a one stop shop or your complete

    voice and data connectivity requirements.

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords


    Attracting new tenants

    At Internexus we have over 13 years experience looking ater landlords and tenants.

    We understand when a tenant moves in, they dont want to wait 30 days or a BT

    line, or 90 days or a ast internet access.

    Just like you provide a meter or electricity, you can now provide an Internet meter,

    just waiting to be switched on.

    Let us help you make your site ready and on standby or your new tenants.

    Why should a potential tenant rent your premises?

    ...do you need a point o dierence?

    Everyone needs an edge over the competition

    ...whats yours?

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords



    Ater Internexus installed their 21st Century unied communication systems,Errigal Developments saw a sharp rise in new tenants.

    What our customers say about us

    Rachel Wood

    We had a number o developments that had very low occupancy rates, we

    could not understand why this was as we were oering modern, great value oce

    space. We soon realised that the one thing we were lacking was communications,

    predominantly high speed internet access. We consulted a number o companys

    and settled on Internexus because they brought a great deal o knowledge and

    expertise to the table , as well as having experience dealing with large multi- site

    communications network installations.

    We visited Internexus at their Lancashire oce where we were treated to a ull

    demonstration o the companys capabilities. We witnessed how Internexus wereutilising cutting edge technology to deliver services in remarkable quick times at

    extremely competitive pricing. We were sure that we had chosen the correct partner

    to connect our developments.

    We have put a number o dierent solutions into place with Internexus in three

    cities around the UK, including high speed internet connection and managed voice

    services or our tenants.

    Since announcing that we would be connecting our building up to high speed internetand installing 21st century unied communications systems in our developments

    we have seen a sharp rise in new tenants. Customers like the idea that they can be

    connected to a the high speed link within a couple o days instead o waiting up to

    90 days i that had to wait or a high speed link to be installed.

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords


    Tenants moving out?

    In a competitive and sometimes over supplied market, no landlord can aord tolose their existing tenants. Investing in the latest connectivity and IT inrastructure

    is a small price to pay, compared with the cost o acquisition, inconvenience, and

    loss o income rom losing tenants.

    Are you losing tenants due to poor bandwidth ?

    The same size warehouse, in the same location,

    at the same price ...why chose yours ?

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords



    Business First was able to retain tenants by providing ast broadband despitebeing outside the town centre.

    In todays climate, businesses are always looking to get the best

    possible deal when they are looking or oce space. In the past this

    was dependant on cost and location, over the last couple o years we have

    seen companys starting to demand good quality communications and ast internet

    access beore they sign a lease.

    As more and more companys start doing business over the internet this request has

    become even more important. The internet is an integral part o the business day,

    imagine i or a day you had no access to email or the internet and think how hard it

    would be to communicate or nd out inormation.

    Due to our physical location we used to be served by a very poor internet connection

    using traditional broadband as we are outside o the town centre. The poor internet

    speed was starting to be a big problem or us as we were getting continuous complaints

    rom our existing tenants that the speeds were not good enough, we even lost a number

    o tenants who moved to other centres that were oering better speeds and services.We knew that something needed to be done because we were losing existing tenants

    and prospective tenants were asking us about the speed when we were showing

    them around. We went to market to look at the options available to us. We contacted

    Internexus as they were highly recommended and had a proven track record o working

    with landlords.

    Internexus came in and ran through a number o options that were available to us and

    even spoke to a number o the tenants who were experiencing the biggest problem. They

    outlined that they could connect our building to their private bre network which would

    give us the ability to oer the astest internet speeds in the area.

    Now that we have got these connections in place we can attract new tenants rom other

    locations as we can now combine out prime out o town locations and reasonable rental

    rates with high speed internet access. We are now a step above the other landlords in the

    area because we can have a tenant sign a lease one week and then have Internexus in

    the next week to get the connection up and running. Since Internexus have connected

    us to their network we have not been losing tenants, we have actually been gaining new


    John Slater

    What our customers say about us

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords


    Developing new sites ?

    We can help you even during the building and development stage o your new

    project, by transmitting the astest, purest internet connection into a porta cabin, in

    the middle o a eld, using the latest wireless technology.

    How much easier would a new build be i you had

    complete on-site connectivity ...rom day one ?

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords



    Internexus enabled Barneld, the largest construction company in Lancashire,to start their projects ahead o schedule, by providing internet and telephoneconnectivity to a green eld site.

    Tim WebberChairman

    Barnfeld Construction

    At the end o 2011 we were planning to start a construction project, we

    soon realised that there was a problem. The land that we were planning to build on was

    not connected to the communications grid in any way shape or orm. We contacted a

    number o suppliers and we were told multiple stories that we would need to install a

    new exchange on the site and that it may be possible to connect the site but we would

    need to pay or a dig to install the cabling. All this was a major hindrance because the

    construction company could not start work until they had a unctioning internet and

    phone connection to connect back their head oce.

    We contacted Internexus because we had heard they were very resourceul and wouldlook at solutions outside o the box. The Internexus sales team worked alongside

    ourselves and the construction company to put together a truly creative solution that

    allowed us to connect the construction companys on-site cabins, to their network

    and also provided high speed access to the building once it was completed. They did

    this without having to dig any roads up and within a very short turnaround time. This

    allowed us to start the construction project on time and on budget. Internexus now

    provides connectivity services across thirteen o our sites.

    What our customers say about us

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords


    Trying to enter the serviced oce market ?

    Internexus can supply you with a complete suite o communication solutions,

    including Internet, Business Broadband, PBX managed services, low cost hosting

    and Wi. We provide a managed service across all our products and services,

    allowing you to chose between direct billing to the tenant or to your entire site.

    Achieve 100% occupancy with the latest IT and

    bandwidth technology, available in your area.

    Empty units due to poor bandwidth ?

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords



    What our customers say about us

    Internexus bespoke solution or ACE Centre enabled new tenants to move inand enjoy complete connectivity within 5 days. This level o service means ACECentre can now charge a premium.

    Ace Centre As a landlord we have had many years experience o letting

    out space to companies, when the market was good and businesss were regularly

    expanding and moving oces we had more than enough trade to fourish just leasing

    space. Since the downturn in the markets start up are not as requent and companies are

    not expanding as quickly as they used to. As competition among landlords increased in

    the area we were orced to reassess our position in the local market as rental rates were

    alling due to the increased competition rom other landlords we needed to look at ways

    we could increase our revenue per tenant. We approached Internexus because we had

    heard that they had experience working with landlords in the region and asked them i

    they had a solution which would allow us to increase revenues.

    The Internexus sales team were very insightul and brought a number o solutions to

    the table that would help us become more attractive to prospective tenants and would

    help us improve revenues. Internexus showed us by simply being a landlord and not

    oering additional services to our tenants we were missing out on potential revenue.

    The solutions team at Internexus put together a package o products and services that

    we could simply oer our existing tenants and us to attract new tenants. The solution

    included a 100 mb leased line that we could oer out to our tenants as well as a multi-

    tenant phone solution that allows a new tenants phone system to be up and runningwithin as little as 5 days.

    These products have helped us increase our average revenue per tenants and have also

    produced a very sticky rental solution because tenants are enjoying ast internet access

    and great value telecoms, an oce move is now measured against these two measures

    whereas in the past it was simply rental charges.

    Dean Langdon

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords


    Speed o deployment

    Internet, wireless, broadband, telephone lines,calls, PBX, installation and servicing ...the completecommunications solution ...all rom the samesupplier.

    Internexus not only oers the astest internet connection available, but equally

    as important, we oer the astest deployment and installation service. We have

    invested heavily in the installation o a high speed bre network, which enables us

    to connect new premises extremely quickly and eciently.

    I you are in a poor connectivity area, we can provide the the technical advantage

    over other suppliers through our point to point wireless network. This enables us to

    connect our customers to our network, without relying on local inrastructure andunderground cabling.

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords



    What our customers say about us

    Internexus provided Blackburn Council with a high speed link, ully installed,within 14 days o placing the order.

    Due to a number o issues with our incumbent supplier, we were in need

    o internet bandwidth and we needed it in a hurry. We had heard very positive things

    about Internexus and the services they had been enabling in the Blackburn area. We

    were very condent that they would be able to help us. We contacted the sales team at

    Internexus and explained our situation, we were in need o good quality internet and we

    needed it extremely quickly. We knew rom previous experience that it can take months

    to get a high speed link installed so we did not have much hope.

    Internexus inormed us that our location was on their high speed Blackburn network

    and that they would be able to connect us within 14 days. Due to the way we workedtogether with Internexus, we managed a complete installation within 4 days o placing

    the order, providing us with a ully unctional 10 mb private link.

    We are very glad we chose Internexus as that have helped us meet our deadlines and

    have provided a comprehensive and clear service rom the rst communication to the

    ater sales support.

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords


    Time Technology Park

    Having a business park on the outskirts o a town has its advantages or access tomotorways, but it also has disadvantages when it comes to getting reliable, astbroadband due to no or very little network capacity installed at time o construction.

    This was a major problem when attracting new tenants , as more and morebusinesses must have good quality, reliable broadband. The cost or a tenant rangedrom 200 to 700 set up, plus high monthly ees , long lead times and infexible

    long contracts. This was an issue as the contract or communications was longerthan lease or an oce.

    We Spent a lot o time and money exploring what we could do, the result werealarming, we would have had to spend several months and spend 1000s to getconnected, which would have been unnecessarily expensive or our tenants.Internexus understood our problem, and tailored a solution which suited our businessand they manage all our connectivity. Now we can oer the best connections, at thebest price, within days.

    The results o this have been antastic, weve got tenants which beore we could

    never attract, 20 to 100 seat call centres, who need ast reliable connections or theirbusiness, up and running within days not months.

    Since we connected to Internexus our occupancy rate has improved to 85% occupiedwhereas 12 months ago it was below 40%!

    Time Technology Park was awarded Platinum partner award by Internexus. This isawarded to partners who work with Internexus and invest in technology, we nowhave x2 1 GB circuits, 3 server rooms, IP cameras, Wireless broadband across the site,Finger print access control or 24/7 access, Time and attendance and much more, allo which we can oer our tenants.

    Time Technology Park, is now the most technically advanced site in Lancashire,Thanks to the super-ast resilient connectivity provided by Internexus.

  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords



    Internexus products and services

    Internexus provides the entire suiteo business connectivity solutions...






  • 8/2/2019 IT Solutions for Industry Park Landlords


    Glasgow Edinburgh






















    Milton Keynes
















    www. i n t e r n e x u s . c o . u k

    To speak to one o our consultants call

    0800 138 5784

    Internexusnational network


    Internexus National Ring

    Internexus Manchester

    & Traord Ring
