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it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl;...

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u-'l- , if it f i if it lit-- Stottftr vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY, ;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MELT WOULD CO WOOLLEY OPENS CAMPAIGN IN THE ANT1SAL00N FIGHT 1 r i t. f i V t i.T T MAKE TIE EARTHQUAKE DESTROYS CITY Five Hundred Dead and Injured in Cartago, Costa Rica. I . fS r ' I i 10 WAR TO WORLD ' f : !iim rrn nnnir WALItn Mm. NOT INDICTED Grand Jury's Report Exonerates Collector of Internal Revenue. The federal grand jury has found no indictment against "Walter F. Drake, collector of internal revenue, nor against any member of his office. Not- withstanding the charges t hat are sup- posed to have been made against the office, a thorough investigation of the books exonerates the collector and his deput ies. This, however, does not come as a surprise, as there have been few will- ing to believe that any member of the local internal revenue otlict has will- ingly or knowingly violated the law. Collector Drake, however, lias ten- dered 'his resignation, being unwilling to retain otli.-- if for any reason the department that he represents is not satisfied with his work. Kir-- f Polity Collector ,lohntone will remain, l.uii heputy Collector J. Walter Doyle has tendered his resignation and expects to leave for the Coas on the Mongolia. This is not because of any charge m.adc Ligainst him, but because he feels, like his chief, that if the department is not absolutely satisfied with hi work he might a well ge out and do sum. 'thing else. Doyle has been an efficient off- icer, and it is unlikely that the office will get a better man to take m place. The resignation ot ctor Drake has not. ver bfen ami it is hoped bv all his fr i no overs bod v who knows him i hi-- - friend that the .(department will decline to part, with . .jn(, wi ;(k hi, . ,,,,,., llis (tli,... Revenue Vooit Thomas, at the in . : i. nice nr whom ic oram i v maue us investigation, stili ha nothing to say about the matter. Ashed yesterday if the report of the grand jury might be regarded a finally the matter, hereplied that hi official position pre- vented him from ;, u . r ng. but added that he was .' ii exam lie records '" '" dli.-- BRITAIN'S KING WOOLLEY. JOHN "As to the merits of the case now submitted by congress to the voters of this Territory, I have in the present address but little if any more to say than this: That we who support prohibition make no fight on any individual, impugn no man's motives, deny no man's right to hold and advocate his own opinion, wish no man ill. belittle no man's possible loss; but with all the strength we have and all the reserve power to be released in the white-ho- t moments of the contest, we wage relentless and inter- minable war against the meanest thing that ever stole or hired the livery of legitimate business in which to serve the devil of idleness, poverty, cruelty, insanity, vice and crime."- - lohn c. Woolley. at Kmghts of Pvthius Hall la-- t night. Reviews Work Done by Prohibitionists in Washington. He Has Done or Said Calis For Apoiogy. The first shot in the d.ibltioti cam- - was fire.l la: wm-- the Soa. Jobu G. Vo-d'e- a.vn,.,! .i th-l- Ug address' before a representative M:ence of Hawaiian r.t K. I'. Hail. The meeting ha.l received little or nu advanee advertising;, yet there were about two hundred persons present. w listened to with and the speaker npt interest. The antisuionu le-tr- . W;l hut i sparsely represented an Mr. Vo..l!.'yj found it necessary to aj gizo fur t ho loaappearanee of its members. Il'j stated that he did not know why there as so poor a representation but a vanc-e- the possible explanation that; thev might have thought that the meeti- ng was for the Hawaiian only and remained away that the others might lave plenty of seats. Theodore Richard. C. II. Dickey. John Martin and a few .f the other most energetic temperance worker were in evidence as were also several of the representatives of the I i u r interests. Mr. Woolley reviewed the existing conditions and gave an outline of the tarapiign conducted in congress which resulted in the pasage of the joint iesotation calling for the submission of the question of prohibition for Ha- waii to a plebiscite of these Island. Fred Beekley acted a chairman of the evening and ititrotlnee.1 the speaker. In a brief addres he pointed out some flf the evils of the liquor traffic and urged upon his hearer the vital in- terest which the prohibition qm-ti- on hold-- - for the Hawaiian people. Important to Hawaiians. "Prohibition is far more important tons Hawaiian than to von wh te peo '0 ne. "it yon .on t ce tnei way things are run h-- re you em go hack to the place that you com.' from. J lat this is our home. We must think ofj oar home and of We Ma-- waiians are being killed off by l.pior.j in 1H,4 when the 1'ouor t ratib- - J . among the Hawaiian-- , wa iroli; n.te.i e owned house and lauds; m-- u j are crowded into th.- tonemotr dl .... 4 ' hy is this the ca-"- ? It i! J'quor that is Th ; a matter which vu vi,,,.,'. iid" c.u re fully. The I,Vv. Mo.es ....-- , j a brief address a u a a :, and d j ' VPV 1 the uu-u- , a. at".-- who Il!e cnniriuan introduced th-- -- i the evening. School Furnished Music. Mr. Wooilcy :,. f"- - during If. ..t, i ?n,lp' "... was ai'phiue. Mr, y d WE RESIGNS EDITOR Si Mil NEWS Al!.rKr Ma ,!1 a,'d hi-- ' f, lo thf 'a l!aV; first tl'. Shocks Continuing and Residents Flee in a Panic. SAX Jl'AX DHL SCR, May 0. A portion of the city of Carfao, the sec- ond city of Costa Rica, was destroyed on Wednesday night as the result of an earthquake. The stone buildings in the older section of the city wore I thrown down, the sleeping inmates in I many instances being killed without warning. Tt is estimated that the number of dead and injured is five hundred. The work of rescue is going ahead as rap- idly as posible. soldiers from the garri- son heading the ones searebtnr the ruins for the wounded and the bodies of the dead. o . i . l i.,.:n: ; in i iie jn incijiai uaiiuais ju-th- city have been destroyed. Includ- ed among these are two of the newest public edifices, the Carnegie Library and the Palace of Justice. Yesterday the shocks recommenced, driving the rescue parties out of the ruins and adding to the terror that the night shocks brought to the populace. At the present time the majority of the citizens are in a state of panic, many fleeing from the city into the open eonutrv. . : INSURGENTS WILL NOT YIELD AN INCH "WASHIXOTOX. May f.. The senate inurg,Tits declare that they will not yield in their course of opposition to the President's Railroad Hill, which thev sin'" eded in mutilating beyond recognition and amen. It d into si.tt ii shape as to mike it unacceptable to the maj'ixitv in the house. The regulars iv.-elv-ed to stand back of the Presiden, and his administration mea-ure- s and have been attempting to per-uad- o the insurgents to con-e- nt to allow the pass- age of the Kai'road Hill as originally drafted bv the administration. MONEY TO PUSH SUGAR TRUST CASE WASHINGTON. May . Th 1111 l,y Civil Service P." 11 has been amended, to contain an item of fifty thou. ami dollar for the continuation of tie' prosecution against the American Sugar Refining I'mniin nv for its attem to defiaud the trea-ur- y through the lis, weighing of imported sugar. AUTHORESS IS DECLARED INSANE! i A .( I. M v Mi, .lohn Doiial jplack, the an' liore.-- s. whose pen nam.' Mai ga re Ib.r' 1! a let '.ui i .c .1 o all a -- V 11 'II. IN.' Tie- .1 n m ... i,t v in n "e g "'11, e I'lame .:it'ier--r.- te of Soring ' " and ' Tie I'm: i PITTSBURG MINERS RESORT TO VIOLENCE tCi... T PEACE Addresses Nobel Prize Committee, King and Queen. Advocates Reduction of Navies Soon as Practicable. "It would be a master stroke if the great powers honestly bent on peace j would form a league of peace, not only , to seep t.ne peace among tnemselves, but to prevent, by force if necessary. its being broken by others." Theo dore Roosevelt, bel'.ire the Nobel Prize 'ommirtee, ( 'hr;stiania, Xorwav. CH RISTIAXIA, Norway, May '. Theodore Roosevelt made his second notable address in Europe yesterday, speaking before the Nobel Prize Com- mittee here, among his hearers being King Haakon and the ueen of Nor- way. His address wa an appeal for international peace, for a reduction in the naval and military forces of the powers, for a league of peace among the powors and the enforcement of peace among the weaker nations by the sf ronger. The address was the first of what is prophesied will be a series of private and public pleas for a widening of the powers of The Hague Tribunal. Mr. Roosevelt's Address. Mr. Roosevelt's speech, in full, was as follows: "It is with peculiar peasnre that I I stand here today to express the deep appreciation j teel ot the high honor conferred upon me by the presentation of the Nobel Peace Pri.e. The gold medal which formed part of the prize I .shall always keop, and T shall hand it on to my children as a precious heir- loom. The sum of money provided as part of the prize by the wise generosity of the illustrious founder of this world-famou- s prize system. I did not, under the peculiar circumstances of the case, feel at liberty to keep. think it emi- nently just and proper that in most cases the recipient of the prize should keep for his own use the prize in its entirety. Hut in this case, while I iid not act officially as President of the Pnited States, it was nevertheless only because I was President that I was enabled to act at all; and I felt that the money must be considered as having been given me in trust for the j Pnited States. I therefore used is as j '" ens ,r a lounuation to torwar-- f the of indnstreil cause n.n.ie it .. - i well witlun the general purpose of votir cutnmitlee; for in our complex indus- trial civilization of today the peace of righteousness and justice, the onlv kind of peace worth having, is at least a ueee.sarv in the industrial world as it s .among nation. There is at least n much need to curb the cruel greed atM arrogance of part of the world of ea-pi-- t.al, to curb the cruel gieed and violence of part of the world of labor, a to check a cruel and nnheal'hy militarism ,in i 11 f eina t loiKii relat in' ;shi o- -. No Cowardly Pence. We noi-- t ever bear in m ml that the en. in sew riglite.insnes. in- ;tl. e as ii. two. a man and man. nation and n.-i- oti. the chau.-- to lead our live on a somewhat higher level, with a broader pirW of brotherly good will lone for Peace is generally j good in lr.ef. but it is never he high-- j et go,d niib-s- t comes a the hatld- - iua;d ot' , i gi; t eou-nc-- -: and If becomes j :i .o-- thing if it servos mereiv : ti ma-- k for cowardice an, sloth, oi a ill to further the end ot -- m oi ti a i t, ",' dest.i. and ah jo,,- the bull the biawier. the csiir. WlielUef in j.iivatc or public lite; but we deteo no le-- - the r-- .ward .and the voluptuary. ,i man - worth calpng t, wan who will not fight ra'he-- f b ti ti -- nb'ii't to inftimv or .'e those tlei are dear to h;m stiff',"- - wrong. No na- tion deserve to exit if it permit i"oif to io-- e the 'eru .and virile virtue; and tlit without regard to whether tip' lis i due to the growt h of a heart ie and all :,!.-- ,. rb: n g e mere i ti 1' -- on . to ri"". longed tldalge'lee ., ;,tv :i-- ,,"d (dVoi-t'e- j . o, Jo the e' f;c t : t: tl wart. I'd and tw'-e- . sen' o.;,.,,' .,10 ' ' M'.ivev,". and ' r.M. -f r re tha- - wo'd- - CO w a.-- ' ii'" o VI' ex to e- - - ', .' ! - it tt n I t S 'hi I f. 4 .ffl. I Hi 1: J til it if, at ! ( ! : 11. i III e- ?5 ill 1: t C III . i i . ; ; ti 11: ii DRYS" TO POLL SILENT VOTE Coelho Opposes Prohibition as a "Missionary" Movement First Meeting Failed. (Staff Correspondence.) WAILUKU. April :!. An etYort was ma ie in Waiiuku thi w ek to noel a rohiiiition rally. The meeting was w ;ideiti-ed- . liut only twelve WOULD TEAR A WOMAN T Wife of "Delegate" Threatened by Angry Russian Chinese Buying Children. Th-- tables were i i a ir ei h.Mtii u hen Ilia S. '. a Ihisian, was arrested en a wa! an. MINI '1 to . i Rni:i!i w .man. cnarg.ug i t with u.'mg i h i ; en ug iLingULig. toward her. ai leg: ng : he would tear her i o ' ' It she to !ca e fof in S.d.iti n had pr.' ioiisly the p. dice -- tat'. oi to c.oiiphiln tae wo'ieiu and her -- .n. -- a 'i g that !the w. t a v' n a ugh heu. ;.- near t he I l:ihn Ice '..ill- Kakaak... in iesj.o!ie to le.p r an totieer -- '". the ...r ier Hop it y Siier-t- Rom- - sent Of e.o IV -- o t.i the Me-- n the woman and her son. i ! w a peop.e ILL d-- au-- a !' :i Ifeipr. ie whcl. M a !. d gi "' man fa (Continued on Page Four.) lowed up, and the meeting was e,t held. It is hard to find a leadin politician on this -- ide of the island who ' is wiM n r to es.Hu-- e tlie cause. At tirst t th.-s- facts imghf seem to indicate that the "dry sole very wean lor t Lie e'en ng p.ettisci i e. iui ' in.piirv among these same ;ed it :c a ns develops the fact that they appear t j ' r .nr' to vote for prohibition. ' -- hall oie for ir." said on. of leader, a man who expect t- ,,. exf legi-!:it,;- re and ha a r-- s before. " but I nin n ai.v: htiie' al' oit it. ' -- po-'T toro Mot Hi- -, a' he.', tin-tha- t fee a .lah No-- . He :f the ct tll'lc ! ..re M ! e i ak n ' I t,i- ii t s r" ,,f lulv mes Coelho Antimissionary. e.v :,r,' willing- - i fe,v are I; t for the other s'de. No lead;-,,-fH- oe ha- - ei,a;e ...tt tor t:. o t on . . .. ... - of 1 lie 'oelho ts a' too, 0 oil ...k en nee--- . ;,u, rr s;,V Whet! ie r he - real y fi ga a- - ,i.,;..b.t on i'hia or n- -t i . to run for the sen. 1:1 Teiep n i j if the parCe-- . carr net to-ir ,,. i.ltin of having ti- hit: ' d roa-- t ng t h. ,,,, ,, ;l p'-i- t ISS '4 t rF A ? KING EDWARD VII. RUSSIANS BROKE CAMP LAST NIGHT AND MOVED INTO 1WILEI STOCKADE 'It .'I h,P f'f the M..: N ":;lt I""-..- a! Lie ,: ('Hl7 Of pr,,l.;I o of M- ''"k- -. no, ,; ;,V" - a cm,.., ? his r.., ..'. on Mkv -. " "" h hil" mar fee., i, wh" will ,,.,.,. :til Anders, t -- ai o- - r: .h""'' 'nn . h,,u :.., f"1 n. r. ,, in r let a- - p I,.' M .t ;. K.o.. Kdwar ..:.. he. The tit, t c K o . While thev" ! ! f h'.'l - I', th' r- -t ,,.t, ., a t.'.-.c- easyj .. ,itiiil ,,f-.i,- , ,.,..,.,.,. ., ,,;,,,v hi,.- - klt.g hti- - he.,, ;H forj tin,; .. : I" pe,.e v.:e-- l.'ltti- - "tig front the -- otrh of j i g, !,. "- '..,-.- ,. te, i ie i.tl.u ! phvi-- Our w. " I' - 1 v nu- - ' 'h-- , t i ,. u a . o ia nger deed - : r v g r" ' a 1 v dot ' Si':.-.-- , la.wev.-r- Ie bro'!- - We t" - 11- -e ;.,, ' . oof ').: aa ' f : v .r-- e. fOipFtb.n we ,.. a".,:-- i r.F :f b:T,. w '.o . ... ,!;,,! t' : h:;, ',-- "' bv -- t''. e I " t" V h He :iv pr.er ii.lr. that rh, rn f. and t' f 'lo- -. '"""!'. plan-a'-on- - l CO t, t ' ': g ' o. cS at arte c ' do.l ud ,. I I ! w .., iitit t e ti iv--i n w: U.'IV.J at,, w. font lined on rage Four.) ,.,Y
Page 1: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.

u-'l- ,

if itf

i ifit lit--Stottftr vt. 5 wj

h'r i Jrl;




i t.f iV t







Five Hundred Dead andInjured in Cartago,

Costa Rica.

I. fS r '





' f


!iim rrn nnnirWALItn Mm.


Grand Jury's Report ExoneratesCollector of Internal


The federal grand jury has found noindictment against "Walter F. Drake,collector of internal revenue, noragainst any member of his office. Not-

withstanding the charges t hat are sup-

posed to have been made against theoffice, a thorough investigation of thebooks exonerates the collector and hisdeput ies.

This, however, does not come as a

surprise, as there have been few will-

ing to believe that any member of thelocal internal revenue otlict has will-

ingly or knowingly violated the law.Collector Drake, however, lias ten-

dered 'his resignation, being unwillingto retain otli.-- if for any reason thedepartment that he represents is not

satisfied with his work. Kir-- f PolityCollector ,lohntone will remain, l.uii

heputy Collector J. Walter Doyle hastendered his resignation and expects toleave for the Coas on the Mongolia.This is not because of any charge m.adcLigainst him, but because he feels, likehis chief, that if the department is notabsolutely satisfied with hi work hemight a well ge out and do sum. 'thingelse. Doyle has been an efficient off-

icer, and it is unlikely that the officewill get a better man to take m place.

The resignation ot ctor Drakehas not. ver bfen ami it ishoped bv all his fr i no overs bod vwho knows him i hi-- - friend that the

.(department will decline to part, with. .jn(, wi ;(k hi, . ,,,,,., llis (tli,...Revenue Vooit Thomas, at the in

. : i.nice nr whom ic oram i v maue usinvestigation, stili ha nothing to sayabout the matter. Ashed yesterday ifthe report of the grand jury might beregarded a finally the matter,hereplied that hi official position pre-vented him from ;, u . r ng. but addedthat he was .' ii exam lie records'" '" dli.--



"As to the merits of the case now submitted by congress to the votersof this Territory, I have in the present address but little if any more tosay than this: That we who support prohibition make no fight on anyindividual, impugn no man's motives, deny no man's right to hold andadvocate his own opinion, wish no man ill. belittle no man's possible loss;but with all the strength we have and all the reserve power to be releasedin the white-ho- t moments of the contest, we wage relentless and inter-minable war against the meanest thing that ever stole or hired the liveryof legitimate business in which to serve the devil of idleness, poverty,cruelty, insanity, vice and crime."- - lohn c. Woolley. at Kmghts ofPvthius Hall la-- t night.

Reviews Work Done by

Prohibitionists in


He Has Done

or Said Calis For


The first shot in the d.ibltioti cam- -

was fire.l la: wm-- the

Soa. Jobu G. Vo-d'e- a.vn,.,! .i th-l- Ug

address' before a representative

M:ence of Hawaiian r.t K. I'. Hail.

The meeting ha.l received little or nu

advanee advertising;, yet there were

about two hundred persons present.

w listened to withand the speaker

npt interest.

The antisuionu le-tr- . W;l huti

sparsely represented an Mr. Vo..l!.'yj

found it necessary to aj gizo fur t ho

loaappearanee of its members. Il'jstated that he did not know why there

as so poor a representation but a

vanc-e- the possible explanation that;thev might have thought that the meeti-

ng was for the Hawaiian only and

remained away that the others might

lave plenty of seats.Theodore Richard. C. II. Dickey.

John Martin and a few .f the othermost energetic temperance workerwere in evidence as were also severalof the representatives of the I i u r


Mr. Woolley reviewed the existingconditions and gave an outline of thetarapiign conducted in congress whichresulted in the pasage of the jointiesotation calling for the submissionof the question of prohibition for Ha-

waii to a plebiscite of these Island.Fred Beekley acted a chairman of

the evening and ititrotlnee.1 the speaker.In a brief addres he pointed out someflf the evils of the liquor traffic andurged upon his hearer the vital in-

terest which the prohibition qm-ti- on

hold-- - for the Hawaiian people.Important to Hawaiians.

"Prohibition is far more importanttons Hawaiian than to von wh te peo

'0 ne. "it yon .on t ce tneiway things are run h-- re you em gohack to the place that you com.' from. J

lat this is our home. We must think ofjoar home and of We Ma--

waiians are being killed off by l.pior.jin 1H,4 when the 1'ouor t ratib- - J .

among the Hawaiian-- , wa iroli; n.te.ie owned house and lauds; m-- u


are crowded into th.- tonemotr dl....4 '

hy is this the ca-"- ? It i!J'quor that is Th ; amatter which vu vi,,,.,'. iid" c.u refully.

The I,Vv. Mo.es ....--,

ja brief address a u a a :, and d j

' VPV 1 the uu-u-,

a. at".-- whoIl!e cnniriuan introduced th-- --

i the evening.

School Furnished Music.Mr. Wooilcy :,.

f"-- during If. ..t, i

?n,lp' "...wasai'phiue. Mr, y




Al!.rKr Ma,!1 a,'d hi-- ' f, lo

thf'a l!aV;

first tl'.

Shocks Continuing andResidents Flee in

a Panic.


portion of the city of Carfao, the sec-

ond city of Costa Rica, was destroyedon Wednesday night as the result ofan earthquake. The stone buildings in

the older section of the city woreI

thrown down, the sleeping inmates in I

many instances being killed withoutwarning.

Tt is estimated that the number ofdead and injured is five hundred. Thework of rescue is going ahead as rap-

idly as posible. soldiers from the garri-son heading the ones searebtnr theruins for the wounded and the bodiesof the dead.

o . i . l i.,.:n: ;in i iie jn incijiai uaiiuais ju-th-

city have been destroyed. Includ-ed among these are two of the newestpublic edifices, the Carnegie Libraryand the Palace of Justice.

Yesterday the shocks recommenced,driving the rescue parties out of theruins and adding to the terror that thenight shocks brought to the populace.At the present time the majority ofthe citizens are in a state of panic,many fleeing from the city into theopen eonutrv.

. :


"WASHIXOTOX. May f.. The senateinurg,Tits declare that they will notyield in their course of opposition to

the President's Railroad Hill, whichthev sin'" eded in mutilating beyondrecognition and amen. It d into si.tt ii

shape as to mike it unacceptable to themaj'ixitv in the house. The regularsiv.-elv-ed to stand back of the Presiden,

and his administration mea-ure- s and

have been attempting to per-uad- o theinsurgents to con-e- nt to allow the pass-

age of the Kai'road Hill as originally

drafted bv the administration.


WASHINGTON. May . Th 1111

l,y Civil Service P." 11 has been amended,to contain an item of fifty thou. amidollar for the continuation of tie'prosecution against the American SugarRefining I'mniin nv for its attem todefiaud the trea-ur- y through the lis,weighing of imported sugar.


i A .( I. M v Mi, .lohn Doiialjplack, the an' liore.-- s. whose pen nam.'

Mai ga re Ib.r'1! a let '.ui i .c

.1 o all a -- V 11 'II. IN.' Tie- .1

n m ... i,t v in n " e

g "'11, e I'lame .:it'ier--r.-

te of Soring ' " and ' Tie I'm:


tCi... T


Addresses Nobel PrizeCommittee, King

and Queen.

Advocates Reduction ofNavies Soon as


"It would be a master stroke if thegreat powers honestly bent on peace

j would form a league of peace, not only,

to seep t.ne peace among tnemselves,but to prevent, by force if necessary.its being broken by others." Theodore Roosevelt, bel'.ire the Nobel Prize'ommirtee, ( 'hr;stiania, Xorwav.

CH RISTIAXIA, Norway, May '.Theodore Roosevelt made his secondnotable address in Europe yesterday,speaking before the Nobel Prize Com-

mittee here, among his hearers beingKing Haakon and the ueen of Nor-

way. His address wa an appeal forinternational peace, for a reduction inthe naval and military forces of thepowers, for a league of peace amongthe powors and the enforcement ofpeace among the weaker nations by thesf ronger.

The address was the first of what isprophesied will be a series of privateand public pleas for a widening of thepowers of The Hague Tribunal.

Mr. Roosevelt's Address.Mr. Roosevelt's speech, in full, was

as follows:"It is with peculiar peasnre that I

I stand here today to express the deepappreciation j teel ot the high honorconferred upon me by the presentationof the Nobel Peace Pri.e. The goldmedal which formed part of the prizeI .shall always keop, and T shall handit on to my children as a precious heir-loom. The sum of money provided aspart of the prize by the wise generosityof the illustrious founder of this world-famou- s

prize system. I did not, underthe peculiar circumstances of the case,feel at liberty to keep. think it emi-nently just and proper that in mostcases the recipient of the prize shouldkeep for his own use the prize in itsentirety. Hut in this case, while Iiid not act officially as President of

the Pnited States, it was neverthelessonly because I was President that Iwas enabled to act at all; and I feltthat the money must be considered ashaving been given me in trust for the

j Pnited States. I therefore used is asj '" ens ,r a lounuation to torwar-- f

the of indnstreilcause n.n.ie it.. - iwell witlun the general purpose of votircutnmitlee; for in our complex indus-trial civilization of today the peace ofrighteousness and justice, the onlv kindof peace worth having, is at least aueee.sarv in the industrial world as it

s .among nation. There is at least nmuch need to curb the cruel greed atMarrogance of part of the world of ea-pi--

t.al, to curb the cruel gieed and violenceof part of the world of labor, a tocheck a cruel and nnheal'hy militarism

,in i 11 f eina t loiKii relat in' ;shi o- -.

No Cowardly Pence.We noi-- t ever bear in m ml that the

en. in sew riglite.insnes. in-

;tl. e as ii. two. a man and man. nationand n.-i- oti. the chau.-- to lead our liveon a somewhat higher level, with abroader pirW of brotherly good will

lone for Peace is generallyj good in lr.ef. but it is never he high-- j

et go,d niib-s- t comes a the hatld- -

iua;d ot' , i gi; t eou-nc-- -: and If becomesj :i .o-- thing if it servos mereiv

: ti ma-- k for cowardice an, sloth, oia ill to further the endot -- m oi ti a i t, ",' dest.i.and ah jo,,- the bull the biawier. the

csiir. WlielUef in j.iivatc or publiclite; but we deteo no le-- - the r-- .ward.and the voluptuary. ,i man - worthcalpng t, wan who will not fight ra'he-- f

b ti ti -- nb'ii't to inftimv or .'e those tleiare dear to h;m stiff',"-- wrong. No na-tion deserve to exit if it permit i"oifto io-- e the 'eru .and virile virtue; andtlit without regard to whether tip' lisi due to the growt h of a heart ie andall :,!.-- ,. rb: n g e mere i ti 1' --on . to ri"".longed tldalge'lee ., ;,tv :i-- ,,"d(dVoi-t'e- j . o, Jo the e' f;c t :

t: tl

wart. I'd and tw'-e- . sen' o.;,.,,' .,10' ' M'.ivev,". and ' r.M. -f r re

tha- - wo'd- - CO w a.--

' ii'" o VI' ex to e- - - ', .' ! - it

ttnI t S




I Hi1:




if, at!

(! :11.


IIIe- ?5




. i

i .

; ;ti




Coelho Opposes Prohibition as a

"Missionary" MovementFirst Meeting Failed.

(Staff Correspondence.)

WAILUKU. April :!. An etYort

was ma ie in Waiiuku thi w ek to

noel a rohiiiition rally. The meetingwas w ;ideiti-ed- . liut only twelve



Wife of "Delegate" Threatened byAngry Russian Chinese

Buying Children.

Th-- tables were i i

a ir ei h.Mtii u hen Ilia S. '. a Ihisian,was arrested en a wa! an. MINI '1 to .

i Rni:i!i w .man. cnarg.ug i t withu.'mg i h i ; en ug iLingULig. toward her.ai leg: ng : he would tear her i o

' ' It she to !ca e fofin S.d.iti n had pr.' ioiisly

the p. dice -- tat'. oi to c.oiiphilntae wo'ieiu and her -- .n. -- a 'i g that

!the w. t a v' n a ugh heu.;.- near t he I l:ihn Ice '..ill-

Kakaak... in iesj.o!ie to

le.p r an totieer -- '". the...r ier Hop it y Siier-t- Rom- - sent Of

e.o IV -- o t.i theMe-- n the woman and her son.

i ! w a



a !':i Ifeipr.ie whcl. M

a !. d gi



(Continued on Page Four.)

lowed up, and the meeting wase,t held. It is hard to find a leadin

politician on this -- ide of the island who '

is wiM n r to es.Hu-- e tlie cause. At tirstt th.-s- facts imghf seem to indicate

that the "dry sole very wean lort Lie e'en ng p.ettisci i e. iui '

in.piirv among these same ;ed it :c a ns

develops the fact that they appear t j'

r .nr' to vote for prohibition. '

-- hall oie for ir." said on. of

leader, a man who expect t-

,,. exf legi-!:it,;- re and ha a r--

s before. " but I nin n

ai.v: htiie' al' oit it. '

-- po-'T toroMot Hi- -, a'

he.', tin-tha- t

feea .lah

No-- . He :f thect tll'lc! ..re


! e i

a k n 'I


ii t

s r"

,,f lulv mesCoelho Antimissionary.

e.v :,r,' willing- - i

fe,v are I;

t for the other s'de. No lead;-,,-fH-oe

ha- - ei,a;e ...tt tor t:.o t on. . .. ... - of 1 lie 'oelho ts a'

too, 0 oil ...k en nee--- . ;,u, rrs;,V Whet! ie r he - real y fi ga a- -

,i.,;..b.t on i'hia or n- -t i

. to run for the sen. 1:1 Teiep n i j

if the parCe-- . carr net to-ir

,,. i.ltin of having ti- hit: ' droa-- t ng t h.,,,, ,, ;l p'-i- t



trF A ?




h,P f'f the M..: N":;lt

I""-..- a! Lie ,:('Hl7 Of pr,,l.;I o


''"k- -. no, ,;;,V" - a cm,..,

?his r.., ..'.

on Mkv -. " ""

h hil" mar fee., i,wh" will ,,.,.,.

:til Anders,t -- ai o- - r:.h""'' 'nn .h,,u :..,

f"1 n. r. ,,


let a- -



M .t ;. K.o.. Kdwar ..:.. he. The

tit, t c K o .

While thev" ! ! f h'.'l - I', th'r- -t ,,.t, ., a t.'.-.c- easyj ..,itiiil ,,f-.i,-

, ,.,..,.,.,. ., ,,;,,,vhi,.- - klt.g hti- - he.,, ;H forj tin,; .. : I" pe,.e v.:e-- l.'ltti- -

"tig front the -- otrh of j i g, !,. "- '..,-.-,.

te, i ie i.tl.u ! phvi-- Our w. " I' - 1 v nu- -' 'h-- , t i ,. u a . o ia nger deed - : r v g r" ' a 1 v dot '

Si':.-.-- , la.wev.-r- Ie bro'!- - We t" - 11- -e ;.,, '. oof ').: a a ' f

: v .r-- e. fOipFtb.n we ,.. a".,:-- i r.F :f b:T,. w

'.o . ... ,!;,,! t' : h:;, ',-- "' bv -- t''.

e I "

t"V h

He :iv pr.erii.lr. that rh, rn

f. and t' f 'lo- -.


l CO t, t ' ': g ' o. cS at

arte c


do.lud,. I


!w .., iitit t e ti iv--i n w:

U.'IV.J at,, w. font lined on rage Four.)


Page 2: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.


I oc DOC DOCVthe keystone R




TO MAKE WORLD LIKE IN PHCEi8 Tern-Minu- tesf'-i- t until llii" is

folll! ,t' llitl'll!':;;. :. 1 frn:,. Taj;- - :

iA' at .j!ir a- - wo dosonie progress ii: the

o .

As Practical Man.

;.(.,:.-,- ' power, ...tnj,,..;,.nt ati-- l Q' fill !,,!, .. i..,tU air............ .17 .in . u: u I'owori


p I f nia.'l.'. :i

ii ii Mi 'n;lor; y a.Iaii t tt'J the i; j.( !,,-- .

' nroilgiioui th world j

iiv some cion- -

ana tin' quai- - ,: n tiki i'li ;jme great natrui-- -

t iMinn hi mimi. ! u a ;i Ii ics.ro peace and haveso! of coin in i n i i:g

to liavo my words , .

point out 'where.i i t , great advance can I'm'i til- - of international

I he kaiimiki District is making such rapid progrc.--s with the development and improvemcnt .croing-- on in the XEW OCEAX VIEW Tract that the Honolulu Rapid Transit & LandCo. are compelled to install a ten-minu- te service, which qoes into effect immediatelv if.

i ic: aim iiosieiiet a

aggies. :i,n.. '1'iic Id nai ion might atiii'- -t oiiiy to secure poaro witiiHI'ori;i!!i deiinito imcis ami ;ertai-- i dot-:-

eo.oli: am-- ; tin- - ruler or tate- -man , si,,,:;i. l.rinj; :ihoiir ,uvh a"onilona: ion would iiavo earned his!'!aee in history lor all fime and lo

the necessary switches now under construction, are completed. This service indiratpc w i tOA

I ""I,:,:.-,..:-



''Stomach Bitters has ln-- j.el thou-sat!- .

Is of people- hack tolii'a'th dar.eg tlV past 57 yearsshetii-- 'I'li1- nee you that it isthe : I at- m.u l for Indi-gestion, Stomach Ills, Malaria,

de ,,f an iii:rnKiin

-- aeah a a practical mau, andnow nd orate I actually

in when 1 was for the timein-a- of a grt'nt nation, and

ili.'is lit' i lionor and inter- -'

' her nations t o do on vodd ! itlad in see in v ov n

i' of ai! j !i..pi' '- ..in. T'tHTf a v.

.ualXLW OCEAX MEW Tract, with its high elevation, delightful climate, and beautifulscenery will become the best residential district of Greater Honolulu. It also indicates thatthe Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Co. are making preparations to eventually extend theirnne aecorumg to tneir charter, and we suggest that you buy now while you have an oppor- - IFever and Avnio I

V. iuuu 10 secuie a oeamiuu nom.e-sit- e at reasonable prices and terms.

ICamera O THE


Benson. Smith & Co., Ltd.Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Chambers Diuet Co., Ltd.Hilo Drug Co.,

and at all Wholesale Liquor Dealers New Ocean View TractAN IDEAL PLACE TO LIVE


1 (f liM fxArtesian Water High Elevation Electric Lights

Delightful Climate Payed Streets Koko Head BreezeA few second-han- d

cameras at attractiveprices.sunn

Sufficient Rainfall Excellent Soil Level Property JCool and Healthful Good Location Pure Atmosphere I

Take the Waialae car, and upon your arrival at Kaimuki call at our branch office in charge of Dr. I

o,.ut .era e iiu.'tt ion.nieat of a saliUdoi.tt!o;,!!,iS would oo arent i n o a. world ei .i n- -

: no i'si a

n!,.c of !ho u :i v towa


of the Famous

EASTMANPhotographic Accessories.Everything t!ie Amateur


lln whah won hi iieaily iind exi.ressooii till' ii'oiiol! o-- i..jSii.js In fori.!.!r p I! s ; i j; V vieh A iola ' on

Magna Charta for Nations.' ' So,-- !;, !y , t here i the farther de

iiu.ehirison, who wid be pleased to show you the property and supply you with maps, literature and all'the information you may require. Our fixed prices are $."00 for comer lots and $400 for inside lots, size73 ft x 150 ft. or 11.250 sq. ft. each. Our terms are $50 cash down and $10 per month on each lot. Call np'telephone C59 and make an appointment with one of our representatives.Pi Hollister

Drug Co.I. at Tiio llauiic: hat t ii" lir- -t I la:a Matia lia i" a

a- - lie.o; w.dl!'llfr!'...' frauici

the ;;:! t ion-- , : i ; -- e!Honolulu

Photo Supply Co.,


leioie as ;i n i,;.-a- vi;i.-- r.;i- - a Uva.lv toev'ent lien r. a i ..!, and towards

tho full leai r.a r i .. a of whi. ii we can alleadilv !ri"e. "I":." s- 'oat'eien.--

made fartlior promass; !ae third shoulddo yet mie. M ra awhile A liicri.-af- i

oovem me a t has more Mian on(e tenia- -

Kaimuki Land Co., Ltd. j

Main Office ,,Q Branch OfficeKing and Fort Streets rnone Waialae & Koko Head Avs. I

tlVl-l- s!o..s;...i !i i t :i . o s for ci id; let inu'! tho idiurt of Arbitral .iiistice, u


MANILA IIATS.I. a r jr e assortmentdoulde w e a v e, la- -

tiiied at t!.e 'o-iiiii- l i la one ( 'on ferene.--and for riMiovrin i; etVeitivo. If isearnestly u he hoped that tho varior.soovonnueiits of working withthose i.f Amerira and of Asia, will setIt f LTfu A

I and men s. DOCj t hemse! ves erioi;se to the 1aKk of , ? oaMlF4$frW Hawaii and oouuil vismo; so-n- mo , hod whh-- shall aeeom-VSS-

tc j Seas Curio Co.. ii.h .. .,.. it if t .,.,, i e..r, i,.st ion. it would he wf il for theYounj; illq-.-

''" '' ,m' """,- - ln l"'11"11"? I0r(Next ('aide Offiee.) r" ...... .... ..n ..." ,!.;.. .. ...a i ....

Wichman S Co.acknovv ledge no su-

periors in the art offine copper plate en-

graving and steeldie cutting.

Our engravers are

t .1 ii 11 .''II o II urn HI t'IMil i, i ostudy what has heen done in the I'niteitStates Ly tho uiieme 'oart. f canriof lieip thirihino- that the const it u : ionof tho Cn ted States, iiota'hly ill the.est a id isinneti t (.f 'iM. Supreme ( Vmrt andin t lie methods adopted for securingpea.-- and uood relations amtuijr and he-- t

We. n the diiforent States. oHers cortaiu There is scarcely any limitation to the growth of

Loose Leaf Cases

The Best BeerIS AT





vaiuaide anaiooie to what houli hes:ti. ii for ;, ..fili-- 1. seenre. ihr.omh j

th. Slaoiie atid co a fere n ces, ;ispecie- - of world fed-r- t on for ih'er-- j

national poa.e aioi iata-e- Tlo-r- a I'e,of f n e o ;i !M . 1: ;i d tl'ore!:reS lie-- '

tWe.t' wilot ;',(' 1'ni'ed St!i!lS eons:;-!- j

u w a T we snii even ai- -

e at Taejed m theVe U i !l o- -

to se.-;;r-

H:A r

Fine Vines and LiquorsLOVEJOY & CO.

902 Nuuanu Street,"telephone 308.


men of many years'experience in theirtrade and each orderreceives the carefulattention it merits.

Wichman S Co.carry in stock a fineline of correspond-ence paper, wed-ding and visitincard stock which isalways up - to-da- te

as regards form,etc.Wichman & Co. make a specialtyof cutting seals, stamps, etc., etc.




MASSEURSRheumatism,Bruises,and otherAilmentsQuicklyRelieved.Telephone 637.


One case will grow with a business and keep growing.As fast as an account page is filled move it into thetransfer case and keep on renewing. The transfer growsalong with the ledger and an account number is always



' n re And



American-Hawaiia- n Paper andSupply Co., Ltd.

hi ha.t.e ot ea : t -- ! i

tie tit -- i;0a l

I YOUEnforce Peace by Force.

p tiielr, ! v on d he a ma

't !lol ( a i p" W e l - hotio; I

,.ti p-- We dd a '.ague i

e. no! ..!lv ;o iveep the piaoi;o f hetiiM v. let to liexeur. i

e it' i h- - !c;!;g brokendillili 11

"an not afford to let your watchgo to ruin ly letting inexperi-enced men handle it.

ri he rey airing, cleanirg or over-hauling of

Every Watch

mo th




the same. Fussing over indexes may be avoided after aloose system has been in use for a short time. Wemake these sets in style, andany at any price, to suit thepurse ot the customer.

We would like to talk it over with you.

t to n? is with suchpf"' ise that

oaara ntee ' he -- 'ere.




1I k B Viniro 9. Pn : We ship all kinds of fruit, and

the best. too.Ji Hi III 1 IGIIQ V& UUi 1

I HP. Ho'.-- St. Phone 512. I

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., Ltd.Telephone 88


72 S. King St. Phone 15.


Take Laxativ.' Hr -

To'dot .h r!, - '..READ THE ADVERTISER,


Page 3: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.



s ,v--

l--i ifil 1".

CADILLAC again breaks all records for low cost

of upkeep.FIFTY CARS AVERAGE CENT A MO IN TOThe lifty owners in Dayton, O., territory drive aggregate of 1C8")80 miles at

total cost for repairs of $5.70, averaging 3:;71 miles per carand 12 cents each lor repairs.


JUST RECEIVEDA nejv shipment of the famous

Edelweiss Imported CheeseThis delicious cheese comes in small tins and can be had

in the following assortment:

Roquefort Double Creme BrieLi m burger Cambembert Neufchattel


. ( ).. w

!l d i t !i e:. r i'i it t !if enormous

ho en! no .season of 35!' --ie (:;.!!-!- :, s w,-r.- pl:M-!i.- -'l i

Now 'o'k shoUl!! ;i,;iT To ;i.h!i;iiioriy'' owio'i's iiii .iriv.-- tlo ir car

iiol.-- ;it the alii.iz':!i !io. !'

N. York (ars traveled a dis-- !

'' approximate f lo trips ar.n:n i

pair o,-- t i .s.. ih,' worPl. aio! the ,,o I),vfon1: was at the time that t'nev 1 i a eie. a o :sra n.e e.u i va lent .to uearl v '

J. M. LEVY & CO., LTD.

iinie.l the ino-- t remarkalde re.-or.- seven trips aroiuol t lie ohiln'."f t'"' kin-- l in rio- - history of runsporta-- ; l:iyton comes to the front with somet"'n. Inures on i eonsuinpi ion whi. ll

Htir.l on iho hoe! of the New York. i"v ahno-- t equally i nt i no as theaeiuevenient eoin.-- ;he claim of a see- - a'naaiily low cost of upkeep. For in-oa- .l

city, showiiio- a still lower oi-- t of' -- taace, the aerae of fuel consumptionupkeep than has ever I .eon recor'le.i. i for the ."( Dayton cars saows 17 miles

Tin- To I'a'iillac owners in New York ' to the .! Hon of us.. line for the tourinircity expeiol.Nl an average for tin' vear ''.a r, a re ! l'o miles tor tin- - 'lenii tonnean."f 71 c.n! per car. while the 7.0 owii-i("'- ' "Wtn-- par! iciilarly writes that he

a'-- , in Dayton, O.. ami vi.-init- show a a erac.l. for 4.10.1 mile-- , 1 miles pertotal ..st f..r repairs of ..".7t. or tin Lialom of a ml over )) milesiasiuniti.-iin- t average ner ear of l'J cents on a .iiiurt of oil.



Advocates of Simple Strenuosity Secure theHundredth Charter Member and Outline

Some Plans.

rt.ee. t: i"1' Ti;A, enthusiastic -

directorate w:i '"' 11 '

4:J Mountain

tor the entire year, or 1 cent per month 'omiiijj ui- - on the heels of the other,per car. !th's' two s! .atemen t - have l.e.-t- i anions

The To New York owners were not 'he j.rin.-ipM- l topics of liiscussiou in theaware tuat their travels ami their ex- - motor: n- - worhl.

len-e- s were p. he 1:1a. ie a. matter of, Whih- it is po-- -. ,!, t hat t here may l.e'.'eor.i. ami the Davton owners were other makes of rars which can showlikewise 11 mouse i. .;is of the fact that cases of low upkeep cost in occasionaltiiev were roHino iq, :l woill breaking ist:un-es- , yet it is s.afo to say that thetV' or.l. here cite.l. taiiiuC one type of

In l.o'h instances the cars were car as a whole, have" never been evenply Iri ven at the will of the owners a ppro.-i.-hei-

l in motor car history,anywhere ami everywhere. There was The ma ne. f act iir.'is of t!.(no particular striviiii; for economy, no while naturally ;ra! ilio-l- . tako the standmore than any user woul.l naturally that the experience of New York an.l;Hve !ii- - car. Dayton owners is pmlial.lv duplicated

Of the 7o radillae owners in New in evei-- localitv in the Tinted StatesY.rk. 4; had m repairs at all and Day- - where a cnshieral'le mnul.er of Ca-o- n

-- hows a more remarkalde achieve- - dilla.-- are driven.meat that this. They j.nint to unif.'.nnK- - low cost of

Or the ,".0 Cadilhie owners in Thiytoim upkeep us proof of the well-know-

territory. 45 had no repairs and only j pol;ey which the Cad ilia e company hasfive had any expense whatever. held since its inception: that the perfeet

i)f these live the highest expenditure car ami the car of economyw as that of A. U. ifmnlle of l'i.pia, ., must, of necessity, l e the result of com-whos- e

car cost him dnrinsr the'plete standardization.ear and w:is driven :i distance of ll'kOOO They contend tha New York and

nsilej. The next highest expenditure i Pay ton have simply eontirmed what haswas that of ('. V. Kettering of Dayton, heen known to the Ladders of the Ca--

io. spent .l."i; the iifxt was that, of j dillae and to hundreds of users in pastY. II. e of I ronton. ()., who spent To i years, to wit: That the ("aailiac is an

cents; the next 0. W. Kahn of CJreen- - j exemplifiearion of scientific design an.l

torary depa rt m :i t ofand map-- , wdl i.o is-

time ivin; neededit t he hiii':swa - and

at noon at the l h.vt-..- y m;.. ; ,,.ird



. , 1. it

directors bet!)!; the ..u-- ts "t h j ,. T. .,

tr"ired by Fw',lont u li; ' ,,t;''- - j byway- - .,f tU iiand.of Kaua. a u:t--- t "i i A ,.i.jr-..,- ' of Ia.lie.s va- - :il. ap

vf ti- hundred J jK!::,..t ,. .m,.-ti' thesr members of the t.. ,,.' hnmhed charter member :uii.,in

constitution. Thi- - l.-- r - r.-- w fsi! j t!iC w.. .... Thi- - .nmmittee w'.ii a!- -.

If YOU need help ina hurry leave it to usOne day last month this want ad. was

inserted in the Advertiser:

WANTED.A GOOD carriage blacksmith. Apply

to Yoleano Stables, dlilo, stating age,nationality, experience. Steady em-

ployment to sober, industrious person;wau'es according to ability. 3T6.

The manager of the Volcano Stables,Hilo, Mr. Wright says of the result :

"The above advertisement was answered on date of issue and wesecured a good man who went to work the following Monday."

Want Ads five cents aline in the Advertiser

far as tne meu "- - . wit a tne ..titer cmm.t:--'l'iio ' w :i i! t

on, in ' . - a ppoj u! el :

Information Committee.

s;d the club is open tor - n. rai !em-krslitp- .

'A samber of conn ii' were up

pintol and the directora to, jo.-.:- .as f1.1. low, s, Cvono. A. rv. ( (in v;lle, 11., w ho spent ..o cmhs, ana tne aeeuraie worKmanstiip wnicii uas 110

fifth and last was Mart Marr of Miamis- - .araallel in the industry.ttf Outrider uun m : ,; i:,. V. y. Kvai I'o,:. W. l't..;,,,!::,;.,!--

I3rary who is a vv.o,,!, ,, oi.-.-- , p. .,.,,.. 11. P. W.....I. A. K a a.ls.-i:- .

r it Tittle as historian of I io Tra i I., v- n 'IVmp.sl.v, I'avl Miith, A. The von Hamm-You- ng Co., Ltd., sole Agentsw:n j D 11. I'. .I.idd

' ,..... e ..;! .1 ('a;d Mountain Club. Mr. Tntt!. !!.!. i. .Mr.1. A. Il..n:er.

ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING.Kt a pace it lie eqiiai- - "'I! j K,tt ::Krecord in the new oie.nvaMon. I.v.j Trail Committee.

raert.oned of splendo. eXrrt?re A Tioir-to,- ,. chairman:ifssion work going on in the ot her j Spaidiii- -. A. II 1'oi d. K. Tow-e- .j.tjj.Js, notably Hawaii, from which II i .lo;i!a-a- e "..eke.

fnelo 1i;k return- - Ii. K 11 ..ids.-n- A. C. .

AUTOS $3.00 Per HourFor Calling and Shopping. Hack Calls at Hack Rates.

C. M. Behn - Phone 5I." !ei k, D. T.

1.. v.n Tempskv. I,'. Ik Do. M .

Ae.3.w"t s . tl

(i from a tour of ,n andtiijh Carl Smith ii ,iu- -t al.ont to en-'si-

on a round "f "faa'.ath.n.tireenweii. I;. II in-.!- . II. II. IlelT. Mcflo-e- u.

Publication Committee.A 11. I'.id. il. I

. Tii't:.'. Ii :.Mi- -. W. ("rear.

W-- e.


IMS Ye ARTS and CRAFTSFort Street Below King

All that the name implies. We have the most com-plete stock of Craftsmen's work in the City. Bronzesand Brasses in hammer work. Artistic Framing.Kodak Developing.

j Ladies Committee. i

M - f. 1'. D..d-- e. Mr-- . C da Ko.jMrs. j. r. Soper. Mrs. I,. . Thar-'...-- ,,

M -s M. I'. M Y. (.. I

M II. I, .held. Mi- -. S. M. llaih.!-- j

a oi-- a j c.e,:n ee a ii i, ,:,.v

S LITTLE11J. E. Gamelielson's Petition in

Hereafter members of mainland ..r

fign DuXhi clubs w: he ree. e

htotte Trail and Moii:.':.iu !ai. ,hvi:j tfer star in Hawaii : an ini'ora.a- -

a Kosittee coni I f represent -

s'.tes in the club of ,;(!.. t every n-- i

being appointed t . e Ma

iifsaation to vi-it- t:o- ,.l.. r- -

t Club of .1 p .a T

v--l Clab of Franee, the M .".'a nee;

itij Clubs of Gcniiary. ;'::. s-- .

alifemia or' the Appalac'eia- - "f Nv-liaj'an- l

Members ..-- i the --

br.1; were a:o added to-;- '..' '.a',.-:'':- .

lrm awar from 1. n?.v.s ..:'!y the' Jay of the ' i ' -

f iicra'. A trial com n : ; w a - a j

1 with ;l ;.re'..'.:'ir.'y t :ml tt,: ,.f tw. hiii,.; e I :.! !i ! y

h. with which t 1 p .:.-- . trail :i.-i;-.

th. Mnnds :,t:.i Pi.-..- the way ftrails to be cu". A pai.i .. a':'o

mv.:: vsti ti , e, j

Bankruptcy Shows Over$46,000 Debts.

SUDTSd. Ii. liaai.ii... Hawaiin'.te ' it.

Ka.'tnana. Southve- -t v filed i n t be

,i's!ri.-- e...;r. a

k !'' ; .tev. A n o toe ! wit !, he pe! .li'Ol !,is

1NTERSCH00LBASEBALL E are ever careful not to overlook theHilo

Hi!.,a. lieui i M... !. i o

w j,:. i, Can:.!,( i'V ii

..t-a-- e. Tli needs of men who effect clothes designeda


h::i' is '! rrriTai..-- - for th'1

niies ( the Cram mar i

I.,.ic.'n.. this afternoon. Most

.ms i.'i ve nut in a crood two: practise and the snee.tatora j



iwd: liud'.idl.ted in' stirprised- PUBLIC LIBRARY WILLav shown bv the- -v jhi.'h el- .- ,

te-- o; s


White Canvas


;i SOON 8E REITod-iv'- eanie wd; be calk"! a thi)! there will be n.rcb.,r.Te

along conservative lines, but who, nevertheless,

demand a certain portion of smartness and a world

of absolutely good tailoring. In the standard sack

we have a garment which, while complying with

the demands of the quiet dresser in general outline,

has broad handsome shoulders, a perfect neck, and

is made from either subdued or sprightly fabncs.

1 jfe ivaah"., preps will play Ten ' ra,y, pd.de iibiary I

5 I

The pair $i.oo ij ''Tr;;;' h

Sizes 5 to II j ":Z'

; ;:;:;';;;;: :;,!

Fi,-i...- Iv ....... ) xv;, " Z'vZZ ?XX'Z"Z .!a --

'.! .'" iT.w"

v V ''K.i'ii'.'.na'-.IV.haa-. --. I':!..' Iv- - -V- - ti a a nc ae : J

SlffiClERS' SHOE fSXBX:;" -i.

' k- - :.xr.r..riv:'.-- ;CO HO

puNAHOU TOURNAMENT, n ..c , -- : b- - . ,.: ,, . ,. , i.o...

The price, $2022

'i ,; ,!,al k

,' .,- i ,de-- a ' 'as ' h.., a b'.-:- e i v.WINES AND LIQUORS

W. C. PEACOCK & CO., LTD.b0,e Agents MONT ROUGE WINES- - the wines of connoisseurs

We deliver to all parts of the city twice daily.TeIephone TeIe'hone 44


i:a- - ro-'i-

T!,e se.-ro-

a a ;i


WE GUARANTEE OUR GOODS. a m d Smitharea's ! ' Haw;

Page 4: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.



rtie i n.roii rau's M'tiait. c - . uuini...THE WOQLLLY OPENS

MMOOi FIGHTPacific Commercial Advertiser


t !,:it red :n ! ne streets arm-- e-t ;! tii. !, get a decision. It

w .11 e a t" r lig at 'Hi our side; it wiiifoul .!!!! ''!'"": i'.! t'i-- rn start tit finish

,,u t In- - n! i i. id tin- - hearings before. ..ngr. .!!!:.! '.' it ! I CIS hut one Word

i mm.! y, jn ii it' till' li.Jlluri i ;ii was spm.t bv ma li ; woman.

the i! t ;! emi i', when themi lor

ire for I'' saloon.' u t m 01 t he ti01!e 1.0 a otaistire IT iaeiey f..r the U'.l'. wa

in he ea a:e;i a a iaat unit;



10 - Centrit'ug.-- :

Eccts. i is. 9 jtl.ioin iieie to li neton tiom tlieiatinfer of eoiiiiti. ;; and the far aso-.-ia- t

ton 1.0 v;!al-i- saoi.o well of thetrtiilie.Woolley Not on Trial.

And li'tvv we i.avv tae stuiie stnu.ee


Temperature. Max. 7i: Mm.


the tepoC-i- J

onuli. :i.

health. butIV I V t :, ' ii

tea f in tor i'lcio" hi

rmiii!. ';i ' Hawaiian "V

If t!,-- -. I:"v iv t i LT "'I'people t at the prohibit

tin hat pr.thil'it :ni 'ii

the whiti- -. w ' th- - t ul ioi-I- fia tlteir iir: the j I a wai ia iw whowilii are a !'.

pr-t- i ii

ni i

1 1'n lr rare c.!!.t -- ruiiv t if moi tality icturt!, t

t hat pr.tfiiltitt.'ti wiU i.r.ihiMt so far as they aiI u ring tin' Ia: rit'teea i:iv- - of April there were thirteen deaths, from tuber-

culosis in iiiis city. The preceding fifteen dtl s there were eight, tje.hloni do

the lignres for this d;'ca-- e run below four a week. The death rate among theHawaiian is greater than the birth rate. Hrin is directlv responsibh; for someof these deaths and ': 11 directly responsible for the majority.

)n dulv the H aw ,ai iti a people will have the opportunity to choose be-

tween their right to have saloons available. 1 h rough the open doors of whicht h-- can take sdmrr cuts to their graves, and their right to close the saloondoors, with the possibility of preserving their race from extermination.




Ton. Sbe;..u.

t :i Hours' Rainfallo . Wi .it;. r. unsettled

RAVAGES.!:- -. layi.plc ofvilli l:f

Fora - !!'!

f :, "' ;" at i.aia it i"- - t hat iiie of

p.' ilauaiiaa id I.

t" a- Hawaiian and part Hawaiianwill ' ' 'i -c i i in aat e " '

!!:! aiioO'' 'ia-r- tiian anions:s "ii-- et i.o-- it ate a littiet feel iike aoieiinjj; with t hoses of - di-- ei i.'iiiaation ny;:tiiit

v wouh! te. like thankin.e; Codeoneer ned.

manner of payment an.l the board is

a dispute. It is onlv a question of

peace, even it the powers have'p the Kuiopean war lords busy

do his best to obtain their acquittal.Quarantine Unnecessary.

After a onf.'r. lo-- with SupervisorsLogan. Avlett and .McClellau vvsterdavmorning in regard to health condition'sat Iwib-i- (oiveniov Fiear made thestation a: that he could not see anvnecessity for qua ra nt in 11 g the bus-ha- n

we voul. 1 secure Hie tmssage of the lull:n congress, or tailing i tnai. scl-ui-

a snl.m.-si.t- n of the question to the peo- -

oie ..f the Territory.v .r.r.rrU- ),.- - vvntivf committee

if the antisaioon Jeanne mrecie.i .nto proci'i'd t maintain 1 in pursuitof rwa, ehief lairooses. First, to enlisttl:.. nt.t ..ii.-il ordor of Ciood TenntlMrs. in '

'',- - .... -. .1 - J? 4... 1

the estaul!liinent ot a i iie 01 101.11 t'- i.1 - i'

! !i,.iii i' in tos tlirontrhoivt 1 nee iyland. Seeond. to rooinote the passage

t t!i .lohnsoti bill then pending ini ... . .iit'tiiiirtne I inte'l tates senaie. pi "

the mtituitaeture an.l stile or ltuoMi - ai -j

:n.r ,1vm,U in tills Territory.The first of these jnirpuses has been

.a, eomplished. The leaders of the oreat :l

worldwide soeietv of GtMid Templarsmet mv overtures wirn tne iiiom piompiand cordial hosiutalitv, and theypropose to put organizers at work here j

to found social centers at convenientwhen. instruction, debate

and social pleasure sliall unite in aniof personal abstinence and the enforce-ment of law.

Congress Receptive.Arriving in Washington, 1 fount! botn

no.isos of congress n a reeept ive moodto my message. But Senator John sonhad died, leaving the bill that, he hadintroduced, without a sponsor. T dis-

covered proni dlv that a bill in congress,to be successful, needs a live member to

it. After addressing the senatecommittee on raeihe Islands and j oiroRico in the interest of the Johnson billand finding it very sympathetic, 1 can-

vassed the situation carefully and fixednoon Senator Curtis of Kansas, a "regular" Republican, a convinced prohibi-tionist, strongly interested in the nativeraces, by blood, Teason and experience,eloquent, energetic and popular, andasked him to introduce a substitute forthe Johnson bill. Tie did po, gladly,ind pledged his best endeavor to secureits "passage. The committee acceptedt he substitute and voted to report itfavorably.

Then we struck a snag. Prince Kalanianao'e. the Delegate, induced thesenate committee to grant a rehearingat which he strongly opposed the Cur-

tis bill as a violation of the principleof Home Rule. Tie was a all stagesof the contention entirely friendly tothe diK-trin- e of prohibition, but very

, ,..ls of t, , ,lf , nar r,r,rogati ve. TTis

..ai o,nt ...,.f r ...rnri.-i!fi-. . . ....... ,il i g u m en i Miin i ii ii t ..ii.strongly supported 'by sundry civicboipes in Honolulu, was very influentialwith the committee.

Delegate's Argument.If the protests of the chamber of com-

merce and the bar association of thiscity carry in spirit any opposition toprohibition they were very skillfullyframed, for they urged nothing but theprinciple of local Thecommittee appealed to me to concede-th-e

point and submit the question tothe popular decision. I have no meansof knowing what the decision wouldhave been if 1 had refused. Hut as jtseemed to me I was beaten in the argu-ment, and, more than that, I was con-scious of the merit of the Delegate'sposition, and T had all along- had in con-

templation the securing of a plebiscitein the event of failure on the originalproposition. I therefore entered into astipulation, of record in the committee,that if the Prince would then and thereagree to stand with me in the houseand in the plebiscite 1 would agree toa joint resolution submitting 1he matterto the people. The stipulation wasmade, and the Prince has kejd his pariof it loyally and perfectly to this time.

It is my judgment that the action ofcongress is better than what we soughtat its hands. With full ower to ordera prohibitory policy for the Territory,congress has acted with the sincerestcourtesy toward the people; and a great,vital question of advanced citizenshipis put into the hands of the Hawaiianvoters. I do not predict the outcome;but we shall have a great campaign ofinstruction and inspiration, and whenit is over, if the liquor traffic is leftunscathed, to continue its demoralizing,deadlv. shameful work in the Territory,the responsibility will be left in u..manner of doubt, an.l the licensingboards will have dcfinile informationa to the condition of the public senti-ment. If we carry tiie election, as I

am bound to hope we shall, the legis-lature will realize that ir must, obeytii.- - popular mandate, and the executiveotllcer vv i( e encouraged and strength- -

eiied to enforce the law, new visi

I'ortland banks have issued notice that they will accept Canadian inonevat. its face value. Other banks in other border cities have made the same an-

nouncement. Honolulu banks ought to do the same thing for the saaie reason,namely, that there is so much trad.' between the countries that to discountthe money of the Canadian customer is poor business. Honolulu does somebusiness now with Canada, principally in the way of s,.!linir climate ami scen-ery to tourists, but the stores and the street car conductors and the banks lookwith suspicion 011 the coin the tourists bring in their change pockets from home.This irritates the visitor, probably because he is accustomed to see Americancoin used freely and tit its face value throughout the Dominion. Kverv davthe trade lines between Canada and this country are getting stronger. Canadais America's third best customer. There is hope expressed in some quartersthat the time is almost tit hand when there will be a free exchange of productsacross the forty-nint- parallel. Should such come. Hawaii has much to gainand nothing to lose, therefore we might do our little share toward wipingout the trade obstacles jj,at exist.

The Star denies that there is any dispute betw. the board of supervisoiand the trustees of the (Queen's Hospital. Perhaps not. The fact that the ho- -

pital trustees want a readjustment of theconsidering withdrawing its county patronage from the tu"tMi 's and turning itover to the I alama Hospital may not beterms.

Our Socialist friends, having called the police a set of brutes, the Rus-sians neat an.l cleanly people, the arrest of the Jwilei leaders an act of law-

lessness and The Advertiser a liar, have qualified l'..,- the Calf pen. both in theirchoice of language and in the quality of their English.


,v i



";iv 'A a - HO 0 !, . a '

r.tio!! :01 ti t ,rii. man f iiii a ,ol ll' - w il

ilti -- lo ilis ie !! ti. Wa-hint- nas

,!!iut aiian'a J j u 11 l npextend t la'! r t e. : ; a .as.r. ti"I;-- V spee.'ii t'.'li.uv- - In fall


s to the merits of the ease ia.w Mibnutted by eoiiress. to the voters of this orTerr.toiy, 1 have in the j.resent ;iddres1111 1. iiiiio 11. any more in sav than thn :

tiiat we who support, the pr-.l- i dot ionside ma' no on 'ngnt any individual, at

Hign no man s motives, denv noman s right to hold and advocate his theown opinion, wish n,, man ill, belittleno man's possible loss; but with till the


streugth we have and all the reservepower to be released in the white-ho- t

Itmoments of the contest, we wae relentless and interminable w.ar against the', ',H' ",eanest thing that ever stole or hiredth e liei ot legitimate business 111

which to. serve the devil of idleness,poverty, cruelty, insanity, vice andcrime.

1 have often advised (public audiencesin these Islands, that we who have j,.,taken 111. the peaceful arms of demo- -

era tic cit izeiisli p against the Honor ,;.trallic have

.no warrant to abuse our ...

- iio;fellow citizens who engage in' it or. ,..at run: ze it ; lor bot li seiler and customer. . otalike are victims ot an age-lon- blunder

,,, ,,t.i;,. ,...1;..,- - ,i,..t 1 ...?,.,:.,.i s"" c "T"s'"'t.patronized and legalized a trade that

was an.l is intrinsically, incessantly and f "

incorrigibly a crime against civiliza-tion. This statement is peculiarly per-tinent

andto the case of the liquor dealer.

The organization of society is always amatter of leadership, ami in the earlyyears of human progress, leadership wasbased on toice. 1 he strong became therich; and money won the mast erv ofmankind. The new world left the lawof force behind, but clung to moneyas the mainspring of its development.The overwhelming wealth of virgin re-sources and opportunities sharpened the willaccent over property; and Americanhistory, with till the collateral glories ofit. became the story of easy fortunesfor capacity and industry, without capi-tal. The strong, the self conf rolled, thethrifty, could withstand the lure andthe poison of alcohol, while the weak, inthe self indulgent and the negligentwere submerged, but without any dimi-nution of their fecundity. Thus therecame to be an enormous clientele ofliquor buyers victims and slaves of thealcoholic environment, branded andfore-damne- by the heredity of fail-tire- ;

and over against these, a small, a

stout, shrewd, indomitable society ofliquor dealers, victims too, victims ofthe head-turning- , heart-hardenin- g

fever of e:iy money and easv-powe- r

in the negotiation of improvid-ents- ,

weakenings and corruptible.Put a new great light is rising on

the vision of the world. Monovistn isnow going to the scrap-hea- of a pastage, from wh'ch millions of sniritualpilgrims are pushing oil' into the greatpotent, fascinating deep of humanhi ot herhood. There is a new tar inthe k v of American asiuHit ion. and

j it stands over the cradle of manhood,wlble the voices ,,f the angels of thetwentieth centurv repeat the new butancient choiai- - ( ; rv to Cod in thehighest, peace on earth am good Wi I

ti.iVii i d me n ! ' '

Stamp Out Source.I

The ne we are now to trv notupon the punishment of anv bo.lv. nor j

upon the repi-oba- ion of our own past.j

but -- iuiii'v this; Shall we change froma bail policy to a better one. fall in'with the spirit of tin- new time, audjstand str:rght and strong, for a betterchance for 'iianhood. womanhood andchildhood. We attack Hie house tl v by!prohibiting the dung hill. We extent!. -

n:ite the iii o - p i t oe by proh i t i u g themu rs he, We t a n; p out the but on .'plug ... b prohibiting the rat hariiois. wW,. .l, ,,)..-!- t vadod.! bv t..-- I. i t : ,. f..,.l

o-- ' We abolish tnbeicub, 1,

aohilet ii iv st I . : and dark frni--.meats, ana upon precisely t! same ri'ii-tim- e

Mining and in precisely the spirit.1

We shad prohibit the - ! he dungIpII. th" ,, bog. C rat hob- -

lie fiiol the pen cesspool ,,t' sov. Th m ami Prost-

ate-,idem ..f the I w e now t a h .

in th s p a if'With mal . a '. with cha--i- n

itv for !!, w;th firm no- - the tight,a Cod give- - ... ,, e t h. right. I. ii-- tr'vo mi to finish t! w or' we a re In;''

bind n.P t tie oeej wound i?i he tif Hawaii ii e: and give a betterchain .1 heilitii and happ'ness andl ope " !"p!e.

No Apolog-j'- .

It not a, e i a it i so 11! ' .:.(.,'to offer i',y ipologV for in v ' e.v a pa n

novv miiiiig to a hea-1-

iiiV" m:inae.'d the!'.-t- ,-- but T did

t avv ho'.' '. and I apologize

a b a a . i t iic-- e Islands forLav e beell lit snkiietv

I hav played mv handj a e i i n Mi1! vv

boca ,1- -, h aa:a

min. node -

of H.'V, "' it'

is absoh.t. in the log

s'ate of , r ' diiovvh ii so.

vert .irig matter about the Island- - .,.,,! p, ttie;n 7 u?. j

swer.ng thf f sober, '711 -- 'a i..'.:yi.ttu

(where mv ''Mies ,.a 1,. mi"i'r"i"ii m- - ruth 0f tr v

'At t he mi . the hiiif-- . .fw ar.j .,venturer wiii seeK ,. tiel,t ...out of tlu-i-r cae.ut. ami J.l btrii

e word "Mawa::.-- - InsteaJ'H'mi I'ht.nies and fanners u'H)lir ,iu. m.iiiii;i!,.l. we shall i,


ven,iii of barkee ami n,.., o 'Q--...1.. ? -- wiciMia wi: ToKerh.

.i v iat word ;n this 'connp ftot he Chiivri.'iti "1 ii;,,ei, whose. vei

missii ;,N" tse whosere se; to mi-a- .ary ideals ?V?

the most dramatic noinr in H

11. i t . . "iissimi..nisiory. ano iiiis election ij "!est opportunity this miionar'??:,as llvou ; novvn. I wouh-


tw-- m

your intelligence by argUindrink has been t fie undoin, .

work of vour mi ueis ami vnn. .v.ou know it is so. i'ou knoo, .. 'IIS,

is worse toniaht tlim . 'svver in. h'

sininety years of ( .hr.st.an labor w".

nupiy iiii.ii.-- v tain an overwhelin',ictory in this fight will start TfllMof Christian faith and life in theuT.

lauds such as even the fathers aW".dreamed of, for it will be a r,among intelligent, patriotic, ind jVdent citizens, focused upon advaSjihases of the great commandmeif"Thou shalt not steal.'' The liQJtraffic is organized robbery " Ti

not kill." The traffic Iorganized manslaughter. Fur Godssake, stop doubting yourselves anddisparaging vour converts and tithe tiuiu.

I have heard of the' cntitism tistcongress has abandoned us to our oilegislature. Such criticism does notliear the marks of careful thinkingIt is utterly unfair to the territoriaihousi' of representatives ami earrieiisuggestion of popular impolener thatis unsupported by any facts that anknown to me. The congress has ram,submitted our case to ourselves, with aiorder that we proceed to try it. Ifjjtrue that in the absence of an anthuri-tativ-

expression of the popular willdirectly on the question, there was little

hope of securing a prohibitory law, be.

cause of the ability of the Iiquofinter-esr- s

to control the senate. But it is in.thinkable that the formal, solemn voic

of the people will be ignored by the

legislature, and J dare to promisa that,if such a thing were to happen, co-ngress would pass an equivalent of the

Curtis bill at the nexrt sessionI have heard also the criticism that

in the senate the joint resolution was

amended so that the vote of the people

might "request" the legiflature, ia

stead of "direct" it. This verbal

change was ma le to meet the objectiosof one senator, who feared that the tvof the word "direct" would eommit

congress to the principle of the initi-ative and referendum. We were of the

opinion, and were advised by member

of the senate committee, that theamendment in no wise wreatoeil

the joint resolution. The request of tiesovereign is a command.

Unjust to Legislature.

It has been predicted that the te-

rritorial executives will refuse or be tr-

iable to enforce the law. The predietiu

does injustice to the officers and cob'

iesses a liahbiuess of citizenship, that

does not exist. f we carry the Islands

for prohibition by an emphatic major--

ity. it will be an entirely new atnas- .

phere in which executive officers tai?up their duties. It is certainly traf

thxit federal enforcement i mure tho-

rough as a rule than state or territorial

enforcement. Put the abrogation of

home rule, against the protest of th

Prince would have given t be liquor men

a splendid working pretext to deceive

and inflame the popular mind, ul .

make even federal enforcement difficult

while greatly diminishing the educ-

ational value of the law. If the votes

wish this law. tliey will wish it e-

nforced, and it will be enforced not

Iperiectly of course, any more than the

laws againsf larceny, and assault, Hi

nfoiced perfectly.Knhio to Be Here.

The date of the election has come ia

for criticism, on the ground that many

of our friends will he absent. The

objection is valid in a way. But the

ibsentee will not be yen' many W

number will include enttunrwell as friends of the measure. WPrince and Princess will be here. TLe

Hawaiian women will be here, not to

vote but to help. The Hawaiian men

will not go awav for the summer. The

question will be' disposed of before tbe

November election and the mon

effect of it. will profoundly affect tee

personnel of the next legislature.

Suffrage QuestionWe have been censured, I am totijf

not. insisting on a vote for women athe plebiscite. I can only speak r

mvself as to that, although I am qn

sure the Prim-- and Mr. McClcllaaWcoincide. strongly desired and urFa vote for women "but was emphatittJr

warned bv our friends in both b.onS

of congress that such a clause 0ttW

imperil the joint resolution. J.e.rimisK- - considered a separate WlJ

follow the passage of the rseolut

Put there was no hope of getuni"out of the wav and. the necessary Mfr

trillion in pursuance of it in tune,

lav m. claim to unusual knowledge

the wo,k,ugs of a woman'swill, but I reckon that we shall

the best womanhood of Hawan SOU'iJ

with us in ineale.dabhyand irr1acm-ipo- in this- - campaign. - g4.

If we do not carry the vote

waiian men. it will be a confessiM

ihev'desiie tin- mitinucdthe liquor trtib'b, or a conf")".they consider themselves inc pJf le...pe with it, although Lacked DJflaw and the moral support of

oral goxernm. nt. That is ioered'W--Honolul- u

Fight Center.

My own jidgment is that ifjf

is a vvea p! in our line oaf at

is tie m, the Island ofOIThe l oam- trade , here ID

1.1,- - !I .

wiii speim ilaolelnforeed vv

:t ii nt: bunted oasu

iquor 1 ado on " mainland. Jgtfight is r gh- in this cu, - .

ea rrv t i. - -- .

s .w v. " . aT. r up"" -- mI'limii-i- l in hiMT-orv-.

.c. l ues f

sp -- perplain v 'dt-- a ph.. women 'e

a , arc i1-- ,

teac' m-o- f e'rines. J

Hawaii bti'--nan.

only""tthe g'ief.

tor it. Ara-ns- n a?crilla, nf evd an! timulity. and"

all. '.io-- - with as.

Mr. Roosevelt's idea that there should beto go to war to have it, is surely enough to k

for some time.

linn JJ. A er,. at o us lies.- en Vlttti loi'i.tf. il 11a; nieitey. illeo.'ouea'. a lot leannal imu;ii .is

ea.pioy. Aa.i wi.a; iieteL-- e .f.es .1 '

; ?iijipiv tutu 1 i.tn e spoken uis--

cspecti Uily of tne natie otei-- . 1il-- it. my w an.'e iiie m viiS i'c;-- 1

ltorv i'Iiite toe euare. Hat what1 did iiidis.tieeliv ! hat it 1

v. , , ... ........ ... . .il . .11

in'i . am n.,t in tne . ,r s.mei s

,l,,ck TI !s -- .iiii.iv tins:i 1. 'Shall tiio legislature to be 1 lected in0V(.ni R.. i:,,o, be ieoue-te- d to pa-- s

irs n it regtuar a law pro in -

biting the ma nut act uie or sale withinI

'icir.tory oi intoxicating, spintu-- i

vinous and malt iojuois except lormedicinal and scientific purposes.

i'lheie is the issue liatued bv couyress.means what n sa s, absolutely piadii- -


lotion of the beverage lojuor trade, forwhite, brown, black, veiiow, rich, poor,good, ban and luduiereiit.

Can iNot Be Fooled,The Liquor Dealers' Association ao-ar- s

to tliink it can llim-liu- the Jia- -

,,,i..,. in- .. 1. tii., ..I

this- - John 1, Wooil.-- bes,,r.., I f,o- h vmo. t,. ie,.-.- t ,. '

o,,l ,si, !

r,..,, ... , ,. 11.,., i

. .. .1.'..'.. ',1oc uui.iv 01 sotllt l n 11 l;. l)Ul J.

"iu-e- intimated aiivwhere that 1 knew'

one voter 111 the lerritorv who was'"si a fool, as to be tooied that way.

U'li-i- t u.. .1.,.,. ti... 1;,,,,,,,. .,..,00.its uWU ,Jcfo"..,: Jusl thl tha,t

propose to cut off the poor man's drinkbane the nci mans ii.pior 1 i.e. .

hat is a lie. tel. oiwhole subject is If J t to the Hawaiianpeople to say what they wish, and seeUnit their wiii is carried out. Put itthey issue the order for prohibition, itnmst be prohibition, absolutely withoutre-pe- et ot persons.

We shall thrash the liquor soldiers, inthis fight, but we shall have to shoutthem in the back as they run. They

not line up and make an argumentcommending the business on its merits.They will have no whisky songs to sing-i-

the campaign. There will be nobrewers' poetry for little children torecite. There will be no parade of thatbusiness, its products and its advocates

the streets.Do you men want the business aboil-lie-

in these Islands.' That is thequestion congress puts to you.

The liquor trade floes not meet iland will not meet if. Put in a voicethat is something between a hiss and

whisper, asks Can you be fooled.' an'voii be -- cared? Can you be bought'Now make your answer. It is up toyou.

History of Fight.I propose to give an account of the

work of the ant.isaloon league in thepromotion of federal action in aid ofbetter conditions as to life, liberty andprosperity in this far, fair outpost ofthe Fnion.

At the of the last session ofthe legislature it was plain, even tosuperficial students of the situation,that although prohibitory sentimentwas increasing rapidly, tin- - outlook fordecisive action was not encouraging.Many, even ot' radical enemies of thesaloon, were timid, lest by drasticaction we might bring about a worsecondition, if that were possible. Thebquor dealers shared this fear fromheir standpoint also. Put both sides

were hopeful of the .Inne meeting'- - oftin' license commissioners,

In the ant is.a loon league the sentimeat was divided, but the weigh ofopinion was in favor of being cotitenr.for t he ) resent, with even verv morate progress in the right direct 'on.

Nothing revolutionary wa demamie ' orexpected. Put we did hope for so !

clear ot' the commissioners indieating, and in effect announcing, thaith.-- recognised the spirit of the times,

inch required that the beverage liquortrallic be firmly and materially cur-lade.-

if not entirely and jmitndiateiysuppressed.

dim meeting- - of line com insevered mi - ic recognition. Not

that there wa- - any bias in favor of theliquor trade. There was not even a

of such a thing. Valid pet i

tioiis of protest against individual s

tor license and valid com- -

p.liiiiits aga.n-- i the conduct of u'ttiiinestablishments were hospitably receivedand fairly dealt with. A bad saloonwas dosed at. K a u ua k ak a i . putt ng Molokii: w t h Niihau and Kahoolawe into

e coliiain of prohibited areas. Cat theinternal policy of "he commissionerswa- - to themaintain -- tatus quo andkeep the burden of proof and of effortupon il,,,..,. who would induce the nr,m

er of he dri i.!;. shops.Tins is I,,.! said in criticism of the

con ai - -- oners. The law contemplatedthat they should be conservative men.ai''ioagii if oieaiiv a'PUnned them to

- not ',-- mi t heir own official initia-tive ot th- - evd tendency of the liquortra-'- iiu-- th. growth of prohibitory

An.i tliink there - nolodt :it a'! hat if they had m

,'iv made a :ia ; .'due' : a ,,f ft va ' ' no) vvo'i In ha v e met

t -- mi tali li.- approbation.bo: -- '"I -- tardily tor dec a 4

iat .piitci.tiy ..bbvioijs of hia ,ug,v established, tiia

b '':' poii, v present.'te - of enforcement . a jj

bey. vv ith icgiila- - ion, j

""d'U 'o the mi',,,-,,,- . t'j' ' the "itv of Hoiio-' ' ''" r sa!,, mi- - m ight

i;i half a l.ntidred.iti abi o- -t ast i r. t'ort.i a

' " '' -- ver v t i

B'-'.- Came Unasked.M. Wej 'tg insoi.jp-lealer- ot

ipl, r,f the.', '


s Oignt t,, rje ej.or--W'a- - ' ligf The John Sl 111

and w tlmutii rod a.-e- in





in t











h Ka(

I '

i -


















tlea'i!,. notwithstanding the fact that

of duty and chivalry will open to thejjj,,,


I '1I


-- fi

are a! two cases ot I"1lei ia t In-- ' ie cia me. t ha ! t In

the! la was con rat-te- from llonoluli- iilent rv M ot f Sm h t 00;e -- anio' vi. vv of t he mat fer. claimiir.

t hat ere in ami.- ne.-- of qua anU ' t lie I,' il s: ,, in p ha n I liei ,

n of o i;a a 11 i i. i n ' pi.i.licschool a w:i ;,., ; cases oi l! In'! iahad a pp. :i re.' .

I iOV el nor rea r also pressed hi ,Jia iiorov a ' .a t 'Ig to n t he 1,'u-- li

- ia i- i- f en ' la nd on w I, h.-- ha v tjsqua-ted- .


Isinnev ng t hey w o;.:,; ,,n ' v g(

,!:,.., el-- .- a ml live as I iiev at.living at I w In this. ;,,,v . r. (

e mo- I t'-- - lot at a in lo Wit!

erai is (irmly of the opinon. tlar llu I

.' s - i a ! -

troy.- f rum 'heir 1 W i.i lo I lllilii!1,' m mo n -.



V'ut in ued from Page One.1drit ire members ,,f the mis-io- n-


a rv iiiir.'his. He says those whodon rink ate Roma n 'iithol e. Mi-r-

nun .ps,'opa!iaus or Clinstlan Sei.--t St.

Asked what this, even if were all j

true, had to do with tin question tobe sabin fted in luly. Co, ho lauTichci j

again into a roa-- t of the m ission a r ieand a prediction that prohibition weiMdo no good. t'o.-di- is one of the Hawa a r.s v.no (oen t drink, He is, ,ow-ever, apparently preparing come on j

aga i st t he prid.il.ition res. uti'.n to besubmitted in Julv.


(Continued from ra2re One.)saved some money and sent it to Irsw.te and tamlv. requesting them ;.,leave on an early steamer for the Cii.-i-- t

to join loin. I ne woman made prepartltlolis !o 0.0 i c. .nfide.l heanother vvoma and naturallI'ews spread I; wild tii- -. TI UsMails uel't ncen-O- it I.

gate ami according t wanna n.they have attempted to wi ii therl:.ite and vengeance upon in r and hois.

Soioitin. she said, came to her hou.-who--

she s),a res v tit maav others andupbraided her and said that 'b. causeif her husband's actions, he will b:torn to piece if -- h,. leaves.' Sn',01 n

vven further and called the womanj

who appe.ar ti be a motherly -- on .,tpea-an- t. many i tid'-eei- t name. 11"

then attempted to s!rie her -- mi, batshe stood In i'l'ir the ln.v and wa- - theucalled more naa-.-s- Stdoniu .1 i recti v

threatened that she Would lo-- e in r I

if she per-i-te- d in trying to g- to Sani 'ra neisco.

- k i the pobce ,, protect In"'and perm t , . r to leave on tin' fam- rW slmi:t be g harmed.

Selling Children.Human - being bai !.! f,,v.

a tid pa id f r in tin- ha r.l " i n of he.vmerica 11 republic, the -- hue- It.-i- r

children of the IIh.mihh and he iuiv.'s Chin tearful h'u':u: womanVis;t"d tiie p,,'o-.- -- ta; ton v afI"'n and t"id ot tiie d -- a ppea ra !..

f in r four year ,d, child. had I..-- r,

taken (,-- ,. ; . pV1. u t,,,

s;i'-- Tticv w, eaie ; or ;t. Tiie mot heri.'.-iir.- ! f- r i .ff - pr. ng ii tail.'.to '.."i'e 'in i

pobce t,. ma ii search. ihs ,.;.,, fi s

attracted a 't a : ' en : am among t In-

a -- a ; vv

s fir a.. i)"-- n tip- - Id wa- - soldto h, r i h.ln -- 0. but it

.,,1 t . id w a - tni in d overh se fan; v.


in n a ii

Rioters Indicted At

I.e.. a "V."ah.-- ; e

Stiau Is upbut being 'a;defend lbf I'

'a ne vent--Many a 'ranmt'i-- V deli.-a- l

the best I 1,

s.-i- iipiuigetit ri. n and strong, noivsense of opportunity and power willinspire the home, the church and theschool, and a higher, brighter epoch willdawn upon the Paradise of the Pacific.

Congress Watching.Xot only n; but our victory will

carry meanings very much wider thanthe boundaries of the Territory. The."iigi- e- ,,f the Fuited States ha' order-ed til s election. 1 am imt agraid to saythat congress desires these" Islands tobecome anti-aloo- n Territory. Th,.,-.-was not a disseiitimr ot.. in tl...',,,,) .,,',,. , i,,,. ,,:, ,, ,

' " tie llilllM'. I lie-- enate action was ratified by a vote"t about thiee to .me. Put for the ctl- -

i i.ance ,,i tile liolll rnle isue. the Cnr- -

ri- - sun would nave pa--e- ,. b upprox- -

una i eiy t m- -- a me vot Mlere Will beI is.uppoint ment s a ml llicillties ul,.,,,

lerritonal constabulary comes toenforce tiie new law. These will ari-- inlarge, pint from the u nsa t isf act mv' ,iir:",, "'' 'ii'' federal internal rev-'nn-

laws, and the federal regulationsot interstate commerce. The dear out.nes nl tl,,-- ,. wrongs. thu T,,rrit,M.vwnl exhibi; them, will compel

attention and action. f,,r lhr111 1,1 I'l'diiiotoi v States, and

-- 'in tiirtlu orys.alize the national -- ei,.tmo nt again-- - the meanest business i

file WOlld.'I '"'-- e vvln. anticipate a 1,:,,-,- i;,,!,,

in thi- - i"";"M do not reek,,,, wildly,Th. o t ei grav e ,1 ;.. .!. --rn.und ,',- - ,i,;:;W lla to be lll.-- t

'' solved with courage w i t h oil-- .mice, with fl(lcharity. I liquor""-- s

. i

against , "l it of i he a"-- .il .,, .. ,"e iin,,, t I iu ,n ne -- tamd out. If ll'.ll lll'.t We win th

'"I. lr - ,i,,MbiM-,1- ,. hat we ':'K' "!

"- - o,,, sip-ces- smip,,-e- s. ),,,

mg nor whiiiine I.,.is ).;, li.lll 'id n mi cii .a I,,.Mid go in t,, win.

Eyes of Nation On Us?.I am "!;,Kin2 '"' iirgnmetn... em ,, a that 1v. ves ot t a

t- ' ''.a m pa ion. i,,.w - 'on ;,. wire mi t I..,

-- i. ''V Territory hasd l.-- prohibition bv .t.'i. i.. .

'ua ior y your promoti,,,, ,.,,..'' e w '"' busier than it ha be,-,- ;,,

Ore argi.aimit made in favor of 'hosob- is that the PaMvv n in'm-t- s

o,.n,.-- 11 v understood to be Inv or of it. Some sav that Minn s

t -- mail ma r.-- v, vv 1 h H P.hi" 'it f "I i Vug. Cut f I'O-- o

; 'e : -- ed th.. e'ectioii of .

d t 'at is --

ar from W'ia Tta'dvvt"!! to :ng if he ;M bdp :t.

"'S.-ma- ' ' 'a go. st-


".',! of file --

't" :r.- W 'I ng o b,. ,p;m,., r: i 'tinW (I - ' ' ''I ; w . f: '):' ', O..I). -- n - ,' .. It e': t s- n All


cvpic--- , 1



Page 5: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.


I -- Mi

li 'iff- 1iTrent Trust Go., Ltd.

Goilege Mills Tract ir it 41-

At the Kntntnee to , Y inn'eauiifu! Manoa Valley i


' I

I'm nil:v yV?l

T f f I

I' vHUlf.

Lots are large.

BUY A LOT,Build a home,

Break the rent habit.

Prices are low.

Terms are very easy.

Cool breezes,

Beautiful view,

Good neighbors,

No shacks.

A pleasant car ride

to and from town.

Don't wonder; Inquire.

Trent Trust Co., Ltd.

'fflfft f MARINE REPORT.By Merchants' Exchange. J

w' EThursday, May 5, lfUO.

San Francisco Sailed, May 5, U. S.A. T. Sheridan, for Honolulu.

San Francisco Sailed, May , S. S.Virginian, for Seattle.

Kahnlui Sailed. May 4. S. S. SantaKita, for l'ort San Luis.


By Kahuku Wireless.



p. in. lino mill's from Honolulu; freshnort Invest v i ii ils ; rough sea ; heavynorthwest swell; will arrive Mondaymorning. '

!i- - Ma.l !! M i may arrive herriRRlGER COMMANDS S. MAXcnriHA, AT SKA, Mayp. m. llso miles from HonoluluA t a n v l a e -- i.e !,truT TFMDER KIIKUIi ' '

( westward); moderate northwest winds;lWIU i w-.i- l h.-r- t. morrow morning.sea smooth; all Well.



King and River Streets.

Audit Company

of Hawaii

P. 0. Box 646. 924 Bethel St.

Telephone 708.

iT"i! vf t'roijrht for Honolulu,

fintiin Mi'i-i'ton- 'iui-te- r of the j :,ri.i r,., fur tweiitv rai.'.n pasM-nsjer-

restates li?hrh.,a-- o tender K.tki; i. j fr..:n T.ib- - port. In the peerage wi!:!jAp CHE-F- A BANKkf;f3rthe Kates on the nn ;;;na, ..a uumj RAIDED BY POLICEfoaMooaay, saving m.e-ve.- --

i siu.v-,liS-.

. t!u. cnV,.r ,!,t the Mt

ii:t t.ad Miial!ox tileend whilt ' i : , r.. T., ft: '.. r.. ( I.. ,

tiei ,n i'uiiie - no ii aitu i, iin l out f to .1 a i m n. "V:S ' il'lia polW:h 'ids inform ... C 1, f., ...,,.t. at.f.n .11 liaiul. the s.e .vn 'i uu-i-J .

ea! ijiiartiiifine nflieials may decide toho.d ;;;e i m m ra i: t in ijaa rat: t i lie fora -- ie.tt time.

Eosebank Here at Last.

ternoon and have evidence sufTicieut toestablish their euilt in court. The ehe- -

fa men are headed bv Sada, who isregarded bv the police as the banker j

, to gve up uw com-&- l

id the Kuku!. He obtaineden the I'ix and left a!

Ho he given a comfortable

mnottuf the I'ireat vm-j-

His plaiv has been tilled y np-jj- j

Camswr, who a ca; al'.erf andek'pnt shipniaster.

Hyades Bumped Hall,

fen the freighter llyaile- - enteredWt.lnelay cU: fi'on, s,:,-tie- , a

pit o wind caiigiit the bli !'.-:i- and;r;nz her aa lit the 1 !itiwsiiier W. G. Ha!!. The latter - .'..m- -

Aft.-- r art r.tri-!- v Ion- -' vuvae, !;,s- - aim me tuners as me ,

,. , . ...... .!,.. l.ovn Vinon! " t ii m e r tin r v it u i es tr! I: i omr i l lih m. n t i a . . l . uc

t'f ertioni!. tie- 1 r r i -- i ,d!ier b'os-d.a- a j under the surveillance of the police on1

it h i;-2- ! tons of :1 former occasion. The Japanese are!Vi'''e, friitll Xojfoik wConducts all classes of Audits

and Investigations, and furnishesReports on all kinds of financial

, , . , l . !. . 1. 4'..!:ea-- t wu: s retarded alleovl to nave coii'iucien iue cnc-i- ,

i'. Heavv n ortlotterv fur some time, but it lias beenmsaio' of tie steamer from the

work.irh AtLeriean coast. In addition sin- - el...,iy watched and yesterday the bank j

....... ...I.pii.iway att.1 davits wet-- .tit -- nr ,fj ,,ta,ui T;jTeai-iio- ! ,,;!!!;j ,,,

toi.s . i' route from the Yir- - na.Mo.-o- .

j The men are booked as Murakami,1left Xewj.oif News a 'oh'ua-fa- la-- a Matsumoto. Xoiiri

Suggestions given for simpli-

fying or systematizing officework. All business confidential.

niv. doil Felo'.ia rv i

Tti Hod-- s titay leave tonight lorEihiti to diseha rsre freight. j

Mongolia May Arrive. j

and Sada. Sada was released on $LV.i01il'iit'-l'Ift.l!..".W- ' 't,lil l,. , , ., ,

b;ul an ' oineis wasilav s.. l. the next!irfre is a pnibiiity t h Viroins, ,in fixed at the same fi-- ot having,. -- inn Htiv, at 'an

h I's. and arrive,! at i'unta Arenas the coin handy tli'-- faced the prospecttie t low day. In.- -

of ,V1,IU tiie niulit in durance vde.! 'r.'it:i Ai hat us: i,t a mi a rm e bur u en- aded out . final v. t hrouc;h tne

UOL 0FT1CE OF THE UNITEDSTATES WEATHER BUREAU.HoMu, ihur.3ay. Mav p,.... 4. 'v iiii-tt'i:- ot their altoiiiey. Lorria Ail

drew.s.t,vTin- tfamo had --- u running for about

Meihiiiie worked theu,;- w-e- s and- up earm'iiiiv. So qaiet did he keep

q WINKThe Ki nk is

T. the first v ;

.av.x r50

s.ian that when he and his otlioorsml. d uMut the liauk they captured

banker, tie- agents, the bank andEi' SC ENE FROM "THE SPO ILF.lt "5. ' 'Captain Zander Coming

t i id" n v w - e

: 'a p: a in Z.t'i r f

: a . nu ship 1 .' A e n . '

ftic ;eT. i lie urawnjo U;is un ano 000 NEWSGdrawers were taken wholly by sur-- i The Spoilers, Ilex Heach's thriihne wjt, tii0 chapter in the book, makes .1 jISC'j 30 a; ',) 'd 7 , f

i "j i,ri-- e. beino -- iveu to. oplrtunity to , n,j tlt ere-- t i n"' tale of big big very lame ending tor ihe seeon.l act.

' ;..i- r..i . v i'

. . ," , . :... The .haiuatist makes up foi this I.yHon.,!tkom



?i i it$ I ri- - '

' '


." i ? Jvl

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i' i

f "4

1 If.J i ' I

of ta. ' ..:,,!,, ,,r,. ' "iHI- - '' " - - '"- - "V 1:iei. t'H advan a- -e of the ....ssil.iii- -

111 fc 81 67 74it.UE 73 W 6,

UEI 30.:. ?j a; ;4

co ;; s i

' !. ,

v.,.',-- . McDurtie ever atl'' '"v'' htM t,!, '"':n'' at Ull ties in the situations in the' Many Honolulu Headers Have Heard

! man Lbivd t ia :i3 5


HeZa: 'i m

' :tP':l !llci-e- d a deal of iimenuity. I Hawaiian ln-r- lioiie last event ay ana ,.,.,.., and the fourth' a.-- auu xivutcu uoioojr.bi- - j 'Tjl,',.!lj,,f ()f detectives has been pr-- f. ;i pnented by th- - n." Mc- - whi.-- U played in that setting, is one "Good news travels fast," and the

:,:! '"V,'VM '! ty thoronoh in the methods which he j , , St()(.k ,.(ini.anv held the attention 'lnu":,ti'' t,irilIs.- -

,t ! thousands of bad back sufferers in Ho- -

has pursu.-- s,. tar iins; the ch-r- a ,it

. ,.... .,.;,,.,. linti! the fall ''"- - " " 'r. V, i noiuiu are elad to leain that prompt

2 siJ NF.

r NE

1 SK

2 NK

T ' NE

O i.'..' " idavers. The iast of thlese Ite-- to no .s i'e win oe i..e,m.o, nn relief is within tiieir reach. Many athe lifth act. ltiwiiiLT cat :utis found ouiitv and fined j f the last curtain ntI lame, weak and aching back is bad noj a ri este.

!3 .12; 78 89 74 .22


K SO 12 i W ! .;lM il 70 76 C

s T3 71 V, X

18 3C.CS: 79 --u i75

iu;;'7. .i

. I iin in the district Court. He appealed of the Mida? j more, thanks to Doau s Kidney Pills.i. 1 111 t ,(iV , teiisrt-- (ownern:-'- '.

Cruisers on the Way. tion with an all star cast the list or. mjn,, Webbj to the circuit court and yesterday thf,,r ih,. !,,-,- r court was sustain could be headed by the n;ime in.x'er (owner of tne Midas3

is 'hssttarioo-j- and c leve-1,.,- wiide the judge adii-- an extra j I"'11E

NE f Miss Laura Hudson in big type. Mr-- s nuue, Louisv from Manila to Marej fifty dlars to tin- fine f..r iiood metis

Hudson gave a great .performance m l.'lpitli-- .HUlll- - loirilian im in- -

M idas mine) has. Koyal45?.K73.5M0 7S6 li re.he sir.04 ri K N F. to coal :htThe Lion ami the Mouse but last 111 Alexander McXatnara 'he czar ofdie conies into her own and leadv shorn"

ml Vs'c.eumande.l by BALLINGER ADMITSWM. B. STOCKMAN,rlorrv Mellotte."" one ,,t , hose

Hakota and receiver of the Midasand her mines at Nome

Ivan Miller!,,,, vlt '.II. .en. teileiii! iadcrel

Section Director. Slovrh bodu.nn. ssho was REVERSING PINCHOT.as "var.i or thet lc-,- women u it h a t..u.-!- i i l"'

Thousands upon tnouaands of peopleare telling the good news of their, ex-

perience with the Old Quaker Remedy.Here is an example worth reading:

Elmer E. Pitts, 10 Pine St., Skow-hega-

Me., says: "If there is anyon-w- ho

has reason to be grateful to Doan'aBackache Kidney Pills it is I. Severalyears ago i was employed as a motor-ma- n

on the street railway and it wajwhile tnus engaged that I felt thefirst symptoms of kidney trouble. Ibelieve the complaint was caused byeonstarit standing and the jarring Ireceived. The first symptom was back-ache, which caught me directly over th;kidneys. I paid little attention to thitroubfe, thinking it would eoon pasaway of its own accord, but sueh wa

ETEOEOLOGICAL RECORD. I n''Sunday Morning hv rhP ! that giap- - your sympathies aim ""' .lames Dillon

them tlirougli aii of her badness. It rurv ( iieste-- (lleb-n'- brother,I .t.itiou. 'ommander J.

in command of 1 li

'!;, vf-s- cl may proceedof Mare Island,

suffice. U. S WpnthBr iureau. !: l

I.,, ,,,, lei- - if Miss Hudson one known as the loom-n- im )..ilwin just Cri tlith Wray

Hill Wheaton (lawver for (liensterWIND j ,,,r'

WAS!! I i. I'l iX. M-- i Secr.-'ar-

f the Interior Uiibaui". who va- - on

!. :,!!,! todav. t.- -t thd that in- had

,.v I'iuide.t -I rv j o ,! ie . He

,.:;(,! ; la -- a ' eue1 s: - made by e

, ta ry (ia. field t ha ' le had ordered t hei i o a i.f trie iaieis u neb a mare

c THERM. 00

51 1 It .s" :l dav in the near future st

such a part.MUs I'.liih Kiliott idav:

Another Youn.gren Here. a m! ot her mi i

i' iirsf Sherman I tain bridgeI i,, !;,. ,,..ri j,, ties niv in the role ' Cji.ssiar Charlie mineiA

i Henrv Alexanderheroine- asin., la. o

n Helen fie--;,, ,,t : r:i, t r.ahac atteut ,011. ot !','" th.-

,1,,! rev or. i Mexican MnUius ( miner) Wilson j not the case, I gradually grew worstY.nnerel..1 1 In NK 'ii"iii lee ,' i Wilton Strove .lit riet attorney and,U,, -a-- ci had

i"il -- or ice 1"and after a hard day's work it was allL could do to get home. My health con-tinne- d

to decline and I was finally comt in a mainser that it.' v e- - luna. i plwv,,r f,,r McXamara)

ta n'od :

.op mend"5 tiS T 7 1

se ii a Is theret Ian pro .! of her great versatility.r " u

a 80.12j y 1. n

Frank Howefol.v i bar-eti- ler of the Northern

78 7:. r ' , Shipping Kotos. pelled to take to my bed. 1 remained10 s kind of a role Mis Mnou1 4 , s E SiliV .James Camble there for four months and was unable1 N KMiss Louise Melro-- e steps .iancoiia!! ) . . . .

ibdeu Chester Cnet play .'e of Jmiee Still- - to work for over a rear. I had a con- -

' :r. . 4 o nk l oat of the oniml dame ami moti.er pan .

iimn i , Kd'i' !i Kiliott stant backache and at times ray back.MINERS ENTOMBEDAFTER EXPLOSION" '

E. and E, an ;('!,,, imchc-s- fl.x !,..,, ling d a famous ; felt as if it were disjointed. A JudB7i,, i. lav and idav web the rmei Tom 's Cabin act, ess branded I iicie Tom's ';,!. in companvi weakness set in and I was bothered

Pon s,. MelrosH both day and night by a freqhent de- -

iierrv Mellotte I. aura Hudson jfijre to pass the kidney secret iona. My!; M X c i A M . A' m a :n , n.

,j The ,i the her... Ib.y C:ea;s feet and limbs were badly swollen andA - a

uas Ml the caa-ale- hamis ol . j.(N-OOV'J- N SYSTEM. i the doctors said I had dropsy. I tookt er.

:l ,tenTerr.ture. instrumental I"r

osJ nd l 1 gravir, retluc(.d Tt.e d,it Avage cloadiness stated i


itdu m 0 tn i:rection of!'-- '' :

nl$-'Mag- Td,'ty in miles, perl Th- - :

loars. trev'n(?VTtf.

direct ton during 24 j s:m. 1.-- - w,

a ,.. t..i" ii d k i..r anv amount of medicine, but I did not,I).lt Clen.- -. i

,!",-- Santa Mara arriven o t rum 1 'or ."A .! tier, icaiv

,s ahrct'l a ,;,:lt ,i riic c

t- - a ,r tf cv

;, rge W ebb, who i . ace wc , .lo.ugh- - wor'lr ami,:in-- more to pro-.,-

;.:.Ci:er ;,nd he! pel. ".I- .-

U..wed lee,:- - Morr-o- a a eicira.-t.-- r

,rg- - ot tiiii Itav ieB. STOCKMAN." a'1''1 i ,", PUGILIST'S DEATH

improve and finally the doctors told mywife that they could do nothing morefor rue. I had lost flesh until I weighedbut ninety pounds and I was in despair.At this critical periixl my wile noticedan advertisement about Doan 's Back-ache Kidney Pills and was convinced

Sect;..,'! Director. ,..r at iv.-.- to er WAS ACCIDENTALS ;!;!v,, j 1 ai'i; a n v ii.- h.a - ye'

tha i, r ,,1HirN AND MOON. aa wa v.

h.-s- a a' H . --

a M.irrix.n perf.a nt ay; VITAL STRENGTH & ENERGY i,h:,t they would help me. She proa nil i a '

fro-,- Ha- i; Xi - ' '

-- am- tin-g- ,


An .tie

an eutir.

'.'lit' a;, .nc .

is ,SMV lei , n:a hei i "i

a ci i v ' ,.. ia se. next'Puis v:;i ei.abie tie

le ureii a supply --and thougn 1 naa millittle faith in them, I began their use.

'T had taken Doan's Backache KidneyPills but a few days before I could see

f a slight im provem en t and by the timeI had used seven boxes I was able to

.... th ,:,'!" ' ot pas

r lienii.er ..f tie- .'"ii.pal.y to i

' h wo:'!-- inpence u a

ic role w: Cr'i'ith.I., .... -- f tie 'Dion- -

s- 0 l ;C i'.r"l'"i- -

h- - numb. ' .'V li':.-- he wa- -

v !, M . Wr f iri'ied


THSRAPION No 3m nn. So sur.'iv

!l t v Th.

j!i,iyv, ; lt ; f,,4 id:!-- .

- '" 6 32 r. : :: - .7 ' .41t..1! ; i R:: . !:"', , " .... t,.j. ,i o ; .. -

!82-7-- . ...

- ' h 7, 're-J -s ,r

'I 0 2 ty . r'. ':

" ' e.'i t! .' printed f np an, around. From that time onSTOCK EXCHANGE.a eie , , , rny health and strength rapidiv

e.v. had j the EXPIRING LAMP OF LIFE I 'd arid 1 was able to go to work. AiLIGHTED UP AFRESH, I took no other medicine at the time I

'..-- '! was using Daarrs Tiaekacbe Kidneyi. .iii.i T. l ;rive them the fnb f"?'v'f'-'-

Last faU 1 caught a screr' ' mv ct

f cold which broul'

t ro'ilde. T it gn r. i

Kidnev P " ami, "iva nT k ., t

far: at lloa-- jfell' Eefarl:er

Jaiiaa Wan.lar.11 1.

on a return of thf- d P'.an !'.'' .:. !.

he ,,f tt.rei'i . n'tack. "

K id ro-- r !' ii" arii"d

. r,,,,,, r.-- ,,f i r re b "

'o . IT

i'lv. Doan , and

. ui0Utp el '' " aieaisi? t

rn--" Vii li i.me. 7HERAPJON..fI.PWs !lrt . ln" merid - f :.r de.

t.-- mve "troubles of your own.r. - uunitr&a t. Pra at i . i la w!i:st,em wh; ;; :r.i . tel then: in the Want Ad. column Two

wir, h nlFres, one time, is cheap talk. It youIi:."-

- 'or a clerk, the ClassifiedJoai . a position

to find either.column ;s the placeWioUm0.n for

Page 6: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.



led lir-- t.Fraternal Meetings HOTEL.qui ins Tb?





Jas, F. Morgan




No. 857 Kaahumanu St.



Explains His Position RegardingRoad Work and Oil


Ed, tor A .vi t M-r- : n:-- t ngwiil allow' lit" -- pace i: y..ur valuahpaper sfstte the fa.-Mr- . .a regard

Wilson's letter t. the 1 .a r i i i

supervisors, my former letter to y :.

Wilson having been pubi.-ht-- d in ; i .

..!. i to the boardMav ith. At the tin." Mr. Wik-- ui '.--

letter was re.-,.ht.- hv- - !;e board. 1''

made certain correction-ii- f It lieltiifmi tatemet s wiiic! e general


public know notliin.aoiiui two ui.'iiin- - au. one atut''la

fteruouti it wa-- raining vrv hard.met Mr. li.M.r.Lre Smith in front of hisIriiflr More, eonii-- of lintel and Fort,

sai o me: "(juiriii. l,,,ik at tl."terribh en'bTiiin of these c m- -: a e- -.

they have to wad" riybt through tinthose ladies oett'in on tie -- tree! eat- -

thev are ankle de.p i ,,,,. hk at' . .

"n" XUi--v

11 .v,i11 1 --- e that thecrossings are kept clean.'" J repliedthat I had ordered all crossi n i's to bekep ciean am -- prm w;ta luac

QN SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1910.At 12 o'rlok nn,

I will sell at public auction, at tlie

Judiciary building, a house and lot situ-

ated in Kewalo. Lot is 50x100! For

further particulars apply to SMITH,


1' MORGAN, a icneer.




FOR RENTTwo-bedroo- bungalow in Maaoa,

Two bedroom bungxlow in Manoa, fur-ni-he-

Threr-bedroo- bous? in Punaaott, fur-nished, 35; for six months; no


sand dorm- - wet weather. .main, yours, J. '. O.U1XX.I went a little further down the

street and met uther j.eople who asia-- l RELIEVES SUFFERING HUMANITYwhat was the matter that the cro-- j 0ne iltUp f( Chamberlain V Colic,

in- -s were not kept clean. rllolor;l anil pijarrhoea Remedy Poes aI got down as far as the Corner ,.f ono WMys Tow.ard. veiievincr sufferinjr hn-Fo- rt

and K i ni; streets, where -- ome half inanity. Tt is better than any doctor'sdozen men were stamnriu'. Several prescription, and worth twenty times

WARTSAN FRANCISCOGeary Street, above Union

Just opposite Hotel St. Fra2IIl,European Plan 51.50 a da.American Plaa$3.00 Ja day

Steel and brick structureingscostS200,000. High'clicJ?4atmoderate rates. Centeredandretai district. On carUnesS?femngallover city. Omnibusau .nous ana steamers. Sen ibooklet with man of r.'OfHotel Stewart now reconT,!!0'Hawaiianlslandheadquarer T.7address, --Trawets." A B C cjjj


Apartments, Cuisine and SenhHighest Standard

PLEASANTON HOTELWilder Ave and Punalou


1634 Nuuanu Ave., near Sctoolgt,Large and airy furnished roonu uj

cortayes, with or without boaria day; special rates by the. month.

We have oneFine Lot left in the Beautiful

Puunui DistrictLarge lot, 100x200 ft.

This is an elegant building

site and we are offering it fM

sale cheap.

Price $1500.00





C. II. BROWN, Manager. ilHalekauwila Street.

Highest Price Paid for Old Braii,SeifIron and all Metals.

Dealer in Second-ban- d Machinery.Tel. 642 P. 0. Box 547. M

Pure Hawaiian Grearn

Scrupulous cleanlinesi, plenty

of ice and constant care make

our cream satisfactorily. On

customers appreciate it, as some


injurious.Call up


or MAY, LEVY or DAY ft CO.

JADE JEWELRYUnique, Chaste, Elegant

BO WOHotel between Maunaiea and Saitk

Perfect Work



Beretania. opp. Richards St

Phone 1491




i sold in Honoiua

- J are made at

J factory.it i PlantationIf j

- j elicited. ffnM

fif" I us for price''f I 210 Vinevard,

J Cor. of Eo1111--



i; - a :;. .bib', W e!.t HV.X ' MM

t .i; ..?i!y too t f!,e th;itree -- t ).-- - La. oiled, whichri!;t .tt a .iv, I n: rot as the

boar a ! order. To do the worKiiin more than enoooji oil. " . ..."1.1 IJ

Than wonl'l nave 'oied i vi e a u .i .no.Hotel.

It: bis letter To the l.oar.l l is excusefor ;a.t f , i : n r Hot. -- tre.-t was tliat theI.'apld Transit was double tracking that.tre.-t- . which h.- - knows to be a down- -

t'alM-hf.n.- and a bum pure andas In- - was ordered by resoln- -

ti"!t to oil from Aiakea to Nimami,. ..1 T !l .....1 r.tw Here Tlie ixat-i- iraiiMi " "j'J'- - '

;hink'ni2 of ibiiriLr any work. All theirwrrk itf Waikiki of Alakea stt en

In re-a- rd to the- - resolution we had j

oassod. direi-tirtL- lnnv oil shoidd be tut., ... i :. , Sr.on tne reitoi, n sa- - iirn---i- i v , ,t .mi.

;s,,n i,,tiste.l on having hi- - own way j

abimt eilinir streets, and I will leave itTo the travel ni; taib'ie tor them toittd.'e. Anv one who rides in an auto- -

ox,bib in a r:irr:;i!'i' or in a. bnsJCfV will. r,at Kin; stre-et.- from

the "o eriimenT nnrserv in. that Mr.WiNon built aain-- t my wishes, is onof the worst nieces of road-btiildin- im- - I

Tliis .,s hfs new fancied oilsestem, which is a disgrace to Hono I

lulu and a waste of the taxpayersntoney and certahdy m,t a crediT To anvone who calls himself a road builder.

f won)i t0 a ,rnoe Pv,,n t0 on( f,f

,ir Ru-si- an friends To build a road of'that character.

Thanking y.rii. Mr. b.oitor. m ao-ani-

for vonr valuable st.at-e- . T re- -

cost in cases ot iiiarrliooa. eranijcolic or dvsonterv. which are liable tof.,.,,e sinldenlv at ihis season of the

ear. For n! bv all dealers Benson,Si! irh ' '" f"r Hawaii.




125 Merchant SI.


At our salesroom. 123 Merchant St.

FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1910

At lo o'clock a. m.Laree Albums, Medium Size Albums.Necklaces, Khaki fonts.Hair J'ins, Ladies' Belts,Infants' Lone ('oats. Ladies' Suits,'hildren's Coats, White P. K. Coats,

Ladies' Suits. Collars. Trimmings,Laces, Embroideries. Ladies' Hose,Picture Frames, Class Pictures,Counters. Blackboard, 'hairs,1'arlor Lamps. Readinj; Lamps,i 'ha ndeliel s. Hall La nips,I labv i 'a rriae, Books,I'ad.'ly Baskets. Nails.One Fore-- t Mohawk Stove.



At the Boat Landing:One 24-fo.- Gasoline Launch, with

G h. p. gasoline Union Marine Engine.


AN AUCTIONAt our salesroom, 2o Merchant St.

TUESDAY, May 10, 1910,

At Bi o'clock a. ni.Under of Mrs. M. '

Smith, administrator of the estate oThoma- - Lindsay, deceased, we will se!at public auction:

Eight Day Clocks. Silver Watches.Bracelet-- . Rings. Studs.'off Links. Watch Chain. Hat Bins

Brooch.- -. Watch Fobs.i.adi.--- ' Back Comb-- ,

a c n in a k e rs ' Too-- , etc. etc.


At Public AuctionOn the Premises, Queen Street, at 12

o'clock noon,SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1910

We will sell, tinder order of Hip super-intend, tit of public works of the Ter-ri-of-

of Hawaii, the P.RK'K P.UILD-- IG h : o w n as

The Brewer Block, C S, ,. coin,ars iind conditions re

annlv to d-- r-

TO LET.nv. Kaimuki



tft ti7 trt and third Friday of theit 1 :0 v- m-- . m Odd Fellows" Ua1-- '

rt 8trt. VintiEf krothera cordially inU actaad.

l. petkie, c. p.L. L. LA PIEKKE. Scribe.


EXCBL1IOE. LODGE NO. 1. I. O. O. F.Unii Tey Tueaday evening, at 7:10, in

Odd Ttllowi' HU, Fort fctrtet. Viaitingaataara cordially invited to attend.

J. a. SHARP, N. G.L. L. LA PIERRE. Sec'y.

JULXMOUTT LODGE NO 3, I. O. O. F.Maeti cTcry Monday evening, at 7:30, in

Odd faUowi' Hall, Fort Street. Yisitiagarathara oardialW invited to attend.

HUGH E. McCOY, X. G.X. K. HEN'DRT, Sec'y.

7401710 KE BE BLAH LODGE NO. I.I. O. O. F.

Mcett avcry aacond and fonrth Thursday,7:80 j m.. Odd Fellows' Hall. Visiting

RaMkaha are cordially invited to attend. ofMARY GRUBE, N. G.



Meet aevery Brit and third Thursday, atT:I0 p. m., in Odd Fellows' Hall. VisitingSahekahi are cordially invited to attend.


OOEAXIO LODGE NO. 971, F. b A. M.A Ueeti on tbe last Monday of each

mfr- month, at Masonic Temple, at 7:30 p. Heni. Visiting brethren are cordially invited to attend.

J. A. PALMER, W. M.W. H. QOETZ. feecy.

LEA-H- I CHAPTEB NO. 3. O. E. S.Meets every third Monday of eachmouth, at 7:80 p. m., in the MasonicTemple. Visiting sisters and brothersare cordially invited to attend.



LSI AX.OHA. CHAPTEB NO. 3, O. E. S.Meets at the Masonic Temple every

-- 9m second Saturday of each month, atHK. 7:80 p. m. Visiting sisters and broth-- '' era are cordially invited to attend.


OAHTJ LODGE NO. 1, K. of T.Meets every Urst and third Friday at 7:80

o'clock, Pythian Hall, corner Beretania andFort streets. Visiting brothers cordially in-vited t attend. a

WM. JONES, C. C.O. HEINE, K. of R. & S.

wnxiAJet Mckinley lodge no. 8,E. of p.

Meets every second and fonrth SatordayrveniEf at 7:80 o'clock, in Pythian Hall,--orcer Beretania and Fort streets. Visitingbrtkers cordially invited to attend.


OOUST OAMOES NO. 8110, A. O. F.Meets every second and fourth Tues -uty oi eacn monm, at :ao p. m., in i

San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street,Visiting brothers cordially invited to'tUnt ji -

T t, rx n; rlr ' fii. iT.it ri ii, . r.OAMOEI CIECLB NO. 210. O. O. F.

Meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p. m., iny Rn i.txTiii, it.tt vic..j !"!Visitina companions are cordially in- -

vited to attend.CASPAR S1LVA. C. C.LOUIS A. PERRY, F. S.


Of a day evenings of each month, at 7:30p. m., in .rviman nan, corner Fortand Beretania streets. Visiting broth-ers cordially inv'ed.

W. KELLE, C, R.JAS. K. KAl LIA, P. C, T. 8.

K0KOLTJLTJ AFHIT. 140, F. O. E.Meets on second and

fourth Wednesday even-ing- i

of each month, at7:110 n'clnclr In T,olOn

Hall, corner Beretania and Fort stteetsVisiting Eagles are invited to attendW. R. RILEY, W. P.W. C. McCOY, Secy.


HOKOLTJXTJ HA.RBOE NO. 64. A A of MM. ft T.Meets on the grst 8nnday

svening of each month, at 7o'clock, ac Odd Fellows'TTatl 111 ujooxaini; Dreth-re-r attend.

are cordially invited to

.ordr 'Wortny President,WM. E. YOUNvOFRANK C. POOR, See v.

THEODORE EOOSBVELTCAMP NO. 1. S. W. VMeets every Secoml and FourthSHturday of each month in

JVaverley Hall, corner Bethel andHotel streets, at 7:30 p. m.By order of the Camp Com-

mander.J. K. BROWN,


HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO. 1, I. O. R. M.Meets every first and thirdThursday of each month, in K.of P. Hall, corner Fort andBeretania streets. Visitingbrothers cordially invited toattend.

E. V TODD, C. of B.P. IIIGGINS, Sachem.


will meet tn their hall.King street,-nea- r Fort, everyFriday evening. Vis'tinn i

Drotners are cordially in--- 'ted to attend.


E. K.GEiO. T. KLUEGEL, Se. v.


HONOLULU SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUBoa 2nd and 4th Fridays in the month j

I'll clock, in Rooms 11 and Vi, AlexanderDQJiuiaa. . ,,t r Ii Ti. i t r tjas. tl. tiuuM, vniei;

JaS. C. McGILL, Secy.

DAMIEN COUNCIL, NO. 683, T. M. I.,meets every second and fonrth Wednesday at7:80 o'clock p. m. in St. Louis CollegeAlumni Hall iDreier Hall), Union streetVintinf members are always welcome.

F. D. CREEDON, President.H. P. O' SULLIVAN. Secretary

THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY.Honolulu Branch, No. 1162. Miller

street, ground floor, Kilohana ArtLeague building. First Tuesday ofevery month, at 7:45 p. m. PublicMeeting. Visitors welcome. OtherTuesdays at 7:30 p. m Lodge Meetingfor Members. JAS. J. YOUNG,



Kaimuki Property33 Merchant St. Phone 553



Felt and Straw Hats


HARRIS k VERNONComedy Knockabout Song & Dance


F. M. KAHEAFlute Soloist.

ANE IIILAHawaiian Nightingale.

MISS ALOEHawaiian Step Dancer.

HONOLULU STUDENTSAfter .r Years' Tour of the Keith New at

York Circuit, Featuring


10, 15, 20 and 25 Cents.



Taken from the novel rf tlx- - same name

Rex BeachThe Best story ..f Aln-ka- n Life Ever




MOTION PICTURES.Admission 5c, 10c, 15c



Celebrated Muscle Darcer.FANNIE DONOVAN,

Irish Singer.15c-10c-5- c


Cor. Nuuanu and Pauahi Sts.







Open every Afternoon and Evening.


"Learn to RollerSkate

CANDYA few of our Specialties:

Chocolate ''ream-- , all flavorsChocolate lopped Angel FoolChewing Chocolates

hocd.it e t'hipsC f ei i ne M a r- - l.n.alb w s,HickoT-- pc.irsI'ecan Bats

Bon Good.-- of all kinds and at all prices

Pawaa Junction StoreAlexander St.

A Rare Opportunity

to BUY A LARGE TRACT OF LANDoff LUSO STREET, above Mormonchurch... containing ..". SQUAREFEET, for residence. Nice Manienie j

lawn; some "fnist trees. On car line. I

In walking distance to Pcstoilice.


P. E. R STRAUCHvVaity EuKdum. 7, S. King Street.






aK so


so urn
















! ' - (

'. i fJL' k

me what was the matter withthe road department, -- ay in- - that th.-

crusiti"- - were a Jisrai-- e to the citwhich I thoiouohly aure.-- with, a- -

every eio--!- ii was anUle. deep witnmud.

I fried t i teiepiione to tne load-- tables, but eoilld "et no an

, ,

''i. ' "out m m nnat n t.t Tne,,.,1,!., l...mo,, . i.. uquarter "t tour, I toitml ipi-t- a nan

er of :neu lyl- ,- around. 1 inthe fore,,,:,,,, they told m if wa- - in

iiother inni-- e. a little d'stam-- a w:i v.le was -- er for. I asked him when-

the teams wen e told me they Velein tne -- o to ed him how ii

was that there was no one out clenniii".the treet cro--int- ;s and spreading -- an i

on same. He told me that it wasBena vi,tas' job. 1 him if

when Bona vitas was. Some onestanding by replied that Benavita-- ,was home. 1 -- cut a man for Benavira-an- d

told the foreman to hitch up se -

era! teams and to j,ret drivers and startcieariti:; the Mieof cro--in.T- s. to je;tthem in a payable condition lor jiede--triwn- s.

. 1 ordered them to work allnieht if necessary and if it kept onraining to have a i;;ui" wolkini; thenext mori'iiiLr. as the street crn-inj,- ,s

mu-- t be Kept dean.I wa- -' aiirv at the iime at the eon

dn n tinti"- - utie in. and the rea:-"i- !

went to the -- table wa- - -- implv beeau-- e Mr. Wilson wa on the other-- ide of i he I -- uppo-e earningthe commi-sjo- n he is jettui;! "at ofKnuneluth and ('otnpany oh hi- - toadcom rac! , of bein in Ibuiobibiattending to his bu-iue- s- wlii.-- he

ettino paid for. I do not .knowadly the words I i(s,-.i- but I did

that I thought the majority ofthem win' a lot of loafer-- ; that allthev cared f'T wa- - to draw their -- allrie-- . I left the -- table at once and I

must say it wa- - only a few minute-unt,- !

the team- - were out and the menat work cleaning the cro-- -i nu-- .

That - the oith time I have evereien a direct or. lei- to any of the

of the city and county. I always tell Mr. Wii-o- n. or tell one of a-

to lell him what I wi-- h done.On Monday morn;n I happened to

telephone to Mr. Wil-o- n about -- "Hi''matter, when I jot tlir"r,';li talk 11 Jwith him I -- aid to him : M v. Wil-o-

oii had belter lab; to the road uaiand -- ee that the cio--:ul- ;- ate eplch aa on wet day-- , a- - la-- t ta! urd'iwhen you were away had to oo downto the table and order l:e learn- - on'.''I'.et'ore ;oiino any t int her. he repliedback over the telephone: .it are- a

liar. I lett tow n at ! h : . k

h11"1 " ' ;- w, ie a.lean and in s -- .i;,;.e."

tt up telephone and -- t a ' e.

to down t,, the o!lo-e- , about tu,r'.one some "lie called Un- and weir... ,...., .,,,., ,

e , a i.v in. it iiao- i nail ti-n- . I

Met ' e.-- t ina rt t .e a a

The nct ineetino of fi;i rtiodueed a din-c- t i tie; tho rn;i.t-- i;peri-or to keep a'! st i

clean on miiiv days and to -- pare noe.en-e- - to keep then, iv clean.

11 ery t h' n o was fairiv eood for soni mi.-- , until on the J.'t h of la- -t mmi h.

which w a - ..n a - n a . I i i e.-- aillay IoulT. a vety line, lie.!.! rain, witii

no wind, wiiie'i ma ' tin- - -- iiiei ro-- si n l;- - ei v (iMiddv. i ere was .,., ;,

thin-- : t i

!!!; a I' ll. W he lie V I

apneaw 1, v a low ...I t he -- t r to be ina ttri-ibl- co n t o n . I sa id n it n

b.o on Moitdav I vt i a l..'t.-- t

W n. the whi.-- ,aairea-- ;i it ; !.

Ab.e.: 'he mold'.' :e.-i;-

wa- - a n" ! ie"i to the oa a - k '

' a .1

We n

M'. ei t fr.Mt

FOR SALEHouses and Lota.

Three bedrooms, Lunalilo sk ;o

Tire,? be.lrooms, Lunalilo st 3300

Two bedrooms, Puunui 1300

Two bedrooms, Kiniu st 2730

Three bedrooms, Beretania st 2230

Three bedrooms. Kalibi -- 000

Two bedrooms, Kabhi 2300

Four bedrooms. Kaitnuki 3230

Five bedrooms, Punahou C000

Two bedrooms, Manoa. 5300

Three bedrooms. Kinau st 3000

Fine residence lots in all part? of thecity and suburbs, from $230 up. Wearrange terms to suit.


Great Reduction SaleDRY GOODS,


CHAN KEE & CO.Hotel Street.


1246 Fort St., just above Orpheum


May's Old Kona CoffeeIs Best.

HENRY MAY & CO., LtdPlione 22.

Oahu Ice & Electric Co.

ICE delivered a any part of theeity. Island order promptlv fll'elTelephone 528, P. O. Box 600. OiliceKewalo. '


AutomobilesIS OUR BUSINES3

The von Hamm-Youn- g GarageTELEPHONE 200

Brown & LyonNew Books by Everv Mail.

y . .

iiction Travels ScientificYoung Building

THE ONLY WAYlo Keep coo! in this Pot v.. , i, , is touse pacheco's Dandruff K-lle- r williveti viiir s.- C'.o! at '1 all

s"hl by a:! druggist.


I hal


I fied

Wing Tai & Co.

Contractors and Builders

Furniture. Wall Paper, P38'181

1216 Nuuanu Av- - .

brTadAll varieties of Fresh Breadaj

Plain Crackers manufactu

daily at our Bakery, XMWanu street. ptieS

Patrons and interested pan

are cordially invited to caiN

witness the process of man"1

ture from the opening j! f

sacks of f!our to the pacw

the manufactured product

cases, tins and cartons.

Love's Bakery1134 Nuuanu Street

therin on







' !,

i e

if. 5 'l; h'

"The Best Built Car In America."3CHUMAN CARRIAGE CO.. LTD.

Agents.j.e and iewa le

'i i.i

Page 7: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.





. ; !,.n-:u'.'- i

v. sUMMER sports generally bring o-get- her

a lot of well-dresse- d people.Pittance from EarthMiles.

;). Ci i i j it I, iA . M. .

If you're going to be there, better be sureof your clothes; the style, quality, fit.T T

. ni!,8i)ii,0ni)

. 2i.;ti .i ,

. 20.snri.OOd

.11. I'll .i.OOO

The I

superior c:

r.ere are

Pure Fruit SyrupsStrawberry, Apple, Banana. Direct from the fruit.

Bottled in Distilled Water.


Plain Soda in Bottles and Siphons.

Leithead & Woodward(ARCTIC SODA WATER WORKS.)

No. 1263 Miller Street. Phone 557. Prompt Delivery.

i'. M..1 4.200.00010.100,00020.700.00020,00,00033.00O.000C. J- - McCarthy, Prop.

Telephone;)i 40,600,000

Hart Schaffncr & Marx

fine clothes; best in style, in all-wo-ol

quality, fine tailoring; we guarantee thefit.

Suits $20 to $50 Overcoats $16.50 to $40This store is the home tfHart Schaffner & Marx clothes


tee f on

Ordered Anything

In cur line as yet ?

If net, Why not ?

aure,l that all ordersYoa can rest

rIlbave cur personal attention.

Silva's Toggery, Ltd.

1,1 ' '' '' A:.l Society meeta.s at i, at tLiev o'clock at the

Kaiiikt :i r. 1 i will meet in itsa.'. a .at !.u below KiiiiT. at half past

l:.:s evening.Iba., y.a.5 i.,lue. y,,. nr.. n. p. O. "E.,

"'' ' : '' Klks' fin:. Kin.; street, al''''it pa-- seven this tveniii!.

".'a a;: ' lu-- No. . K. of l, will meetK. t I". Mali at half past, seven this

' ' : ' Y"-- !i ;l; vf rank.-- 'a Fa, am T... t. No. 1. T. O.

' v. in' ( Fellows' Hal!a .'-- , a- - st vi a '! s ew-riino-

'I'- '" aeoi y meet n of 1 he!"--

'' -- "M.-i: ' i !,;;;.... am


raTi:iv trade ?o':c:te !.

AfE are pleased to announce that

we have secured the services of

Mr. C. Kellermann, an experienced tailorof San Francisco, who will have charge of

the altering and pressing of garments sold

by us.

A portion of the second floor of our

establishment has been set apart for this

department, and patrons can depend uponhaving necessary fitting done promptly and

and to their satisfaction.

s Id -- a FridavHe , l;,4y. V.I f. lie i fl)

' A. .

1 CnV'-f-- M.v.tnakea.of $:!:'.oi t

Ltd.. lias trail-ta- b'to l.fw



PhoseHO. P. O. Faxj

of !

'ITl Nfc.'N MANGO ;


etropolatan fVlarket,tal!. I.

I ie,oW. F. Heilbron, Prop.

Telephone 45

With cur j atent- - !. peci:w.y ue- -

fifl iol'i Tia- - e;it'i-.- of :.L,la--.t- be- j

te25 a jlra-ur- e rat:.- r taan a ta-- c.

He itf-- l i:. .:v.r !;:. t:i. .s a j

ire so E3!e t:.at ti:e ,M..r - ever

snler &Wiu:e eottrol :." -- li; ping j

1 1 li

LnT:,- - v. .: ;. ra:- - : M,s. O. II. P

1 ! aa will p:.a,.e,i To leal!!tin . - rup'aVy p-- overin from tie-- :

; a. r rr i:t illness, pep,-. r. W. J. i ae;.ier of Kohala.

aai'l I.er ;i . - asri .s.g hy the MaunaK- - a on ..:nr.Iay :.v-'- retnrne.l to heri.oaie av t follow. a trip. Her two j

Fort and Merchant Sts.

i i

1 I

10 mcssH-a- iel ean le rt ! : your

company vitls imfuuity.

PEICE S2.30 EACH. Hudout'shrrle nni ii. eotnaa .1! her. Miss Tar- -

rie lino i also at preseut



., LTD.

w.'ii 'Xi t- - to ve n t!;&S7 Kinj St.. HonoluluHOBEN ORGAN RECITAL

RENDERED LAST NIGHT; , r the pia a !a lal to re:na ' a i

Mr. T U .ri s. v ia-- 1 hi- -

.v!;!) t!e 1'ii-- t Na; o...

'V ;

Moa- -.


time .i ji'. o', aa to i

i !ei.a V u tor ?ae aia a J..,,-,,,- . :nal;iire ;i ('eiitral i'nioii! Slniii1'! last ni'Mit s concert prove to' har.-l- to the oran r?eital ave "'en received with the approcia- -


Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd.FORT AND HOTEL STREETS.

Telephone 297.

.zal.eth 1..tot -- even.l h-- rj t an, . t deserve;! . it ls pro, ,a ale t ha t AI r.,t.yvn I;,..t ;;,. , v s v, , ,. v u vheuwith tie- iiiti'.Tii'tv !.o.,o- - " : Iloheii will oive u regular series ot

!" ""' rll'"'" "!- la. a applause:;. , Mj,. H.,. :n j ..!,-,- ,4- -! :l,,.,....,ti,(!; with the

,,,.',,.. j.v, ,.., ',' ,,!aa-!:- l with concerts reioiered in aiothev oiMiisi- - of ; lie city. it' this. T-tt- el .v th'i ui... ...low1 i.i.u-- e of wor-ia- p. it is oiilirult to iol should (ieeiaed on. it would he wellv.or; -- io- a:a' -- a. a n. ,.t; in ae r t h a la a m. a innovation0 !;'IMt -:, select a. , t,

I. J . than were oiven l:i- -t inuhUaiator,,a, ,i . m n i i j

....a; u- -.' ' " ' '

l e aoi a t a ai of lolin a s Weil a- - vocal !

" " "T- .- ...it , i,M i,u:,!;t:es in ia iDstrnment. t .::,. ',j !., ,lt t... elV,-.-t- ot

SCHLEMMER WINS AGAIN. a :e t .e ,.ru':iii i a t ae 0 etc nil I aai ' a,. K 01 u j ,et t a uun an i'tn-oi- i

sv:: v..t sel.-.-te.- a- - the lest in t he r.-- ' a .ro-ra- a: W"!;'l.

sunshine, andSNOW, "snap"

air to makeyou harry that is a

combination that bringsthe roses to one's cheeks.

There is only one draw-backthe possibility thatone's hands and face maybe chapped. Hut that isonly a possibility.

Use pure sap IvorySap. Rinse your handsand face in 'old waterand satisfy yours--- thatthey are tiv. ..;; - ,b-v- .

Do this and yoa n -- d 'r.av.'no fear of the eilV.t.s ofcold or wind.

Ivory SoapSSC Per Cent. Pure

e pa r: 'O-- e, ir is e-- e a t i.ai I y

a a, a ad t !:e a no it o can aa r

t l:e ia . e - oji t 'ai " 1 1.0 re a-


If you want something good

Ucata SandwichEverywhere 5 cents

Sitl ae-e-- !!;ae-- :o!i t!!!S 1 a C t

On 1S07. St. Andrew's,on(!.; .v Ho ea. 'ii Pay.a pa :ii e! Jir.'ji-- '!.. none. J'i ,o! V was fouuded. On each anna-- '''"'s uifui-ete- a.eon- -.

v,.r..irv ,,f ,, ,;, v it ha been the cus- -

.. !,.(,-- . n . s;a"i ia--

: r. v.-- Ma oleaaaer t.,: a i:i ', ith aalaw.

'; . a- - into tie- - United- - i th.id aeni arrcr of

; ,: i i eea


I w 't he alee a. pa.v

;.hy-ieial- !, who.. a'c a ' ' ho:e a:. t wo

t a a . ' ;o-- i in rnv ad- -

r a a . t sac il-- . a r, aad

'') nation lor :a:s luiyi .,,, ,., :, short service at the cross.e J" .... i..,. i,;., Ti-i- iaaaoats, i a' la-

iio-- o , a ,. h i d he renderede.a !o! I laal; ol--- .;, ;,, ,o ,,v;e. ;, ,o, ,.. :o-- liioiii.er.

chiid'-et- of St. Andrew's Uatht dralWithered la the cathedral and

'hen went in j.roee-sii- i!h the bishop- M r .e

fie. t -

" ' ' ard ilcr.'v to the coral cross.e arataiis pos- pi,,.,-,, h'vtnes were sull. pray.-r- offer- -

' i:" k 01 cd aad a' bri.-- address was made byx!,. a. Si-te- rs Th-at- r ce and Ail'er- -

i Nuuanu and Merchanty -- a eyt ie F. E. DAVIS, Agent.!o,A a Mo rvice ladd by

preert andwere f.i:,. who Well' lit tie

:, cro-- s in !si;r, v

!i! nea r t he bishop.ia his va-l.lr. li

The jjtrU of 'he schoo' c; ear the dayt M'-a- i aliai where iii' V w.?re peiaai'ted

have a ! a e a e.i;oin'?ij. at seven. Ihsliop

dedicated the beaat if a.! ora-,r-

at the pra.ry. At th- - ch-f- of thealftaisf fie service las- - eveiiin-- r atic cathe.iial. Sisters Beatrice and AI




"ri0al aal ,. ,,.protected fr- o- .. ....

,U84 of thv a.iven sia.' a -i.- -. N'th chateau ,;...",.!

j i...i!y. proaaaiy lentI' t he' a better t !ai a a ov. and .a a ;aoj iaM i.irlih d ae The Baker ShoeNew Shipment of



Especially7 adapted for wear by young; ,:4-r- - Woili li.-- a, of ea'i j

UrT products or re.Jv r .t.!r-- -

aiao ar fi'at, Tan a ha T was a n(. a 0:1(.;1 j, '.,,,(,,, a royal palm in

r f Mr "boa's -- e:ectio:.s) j,r. ban- - f,rirv or.e.uids.- the the-i- " eve iea.iiy, i ait iy' was; u jillr .K. ,.,. ti. 7ev. P. A.

a to 'a; o o:,t Maer' wealth of j Tnvba- (!; children of the schoolsa'- a'at .... v. h - "ve of a.e pe-- ! aiaaaaT in the PVivles Memo-a art: - l t i t - I a v a '", ' .,!; w a h eo;a icon v:-- ' w- - '' Is-

a .a' ata- 'e-- boo select oasy. .., r ;n K" coairedMa :r'i :oo. a a a, - ra ' the worh of t la- Epts

' h " a aa a, a. r.,,a C,,, h,Tals.

A.'H.ln'aris: CU!t

"isturWj hy !.e ,a- - 'al

sirls, misses and grown-up- s, is the one towhich we call your attention.

It is built of the finest grade of genuine calfskin,

r 1'-a: - .1 a a IS ci 1,

TAN HOSIERY.i.Tie law - 0 ..

(? "tor :

the r,r,a,For Sale

'''' ar'xa-- rf.v , WHITE HOSIERY.taat there

J: Otl

iot thatf'f ''tan! hca Confer Kmau and Renfacola.shall b,,,

V I.Ve a let .aoo- ..v:i:ei a r e ; . :

anil S t.-- .. . .. - .., , n e 1' ta ot land.th.

which means strength and durability. It will standpapoafqns si 3014s jooips sip ipiqM. o; sjpou5 pjeq aqiand come through unscathed.


Wear, Style and ComfortTwo-butto- n Ties and Three-butto- n Oxfords in


arm av,M! ari ' .'7 ' fee- - frot,ta:e on Kiaati

lae Uioch i ..,:, eitia r "'ar Line,! will ia'-aaa-- td'. - ta-.- ' yen.



a . ,. :s; T;,,.. .!... ;. . lh

' ' ir - i - - '".v


The Great D- s - :

Tv ,


J- - ir ... .

s- a

rrrr , a - Hawaiian

Trusta'.n 1 clnerny Shoe Store

Fort above King'E THING NEEDED. Co., Ltd,


art and'T- - Fir"

Page 8: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.


Wlliam mjjBROKEB 7


Stock Brokers



S. S. "SIERRA ' sailing from Honolulu "April 27th, May lSth, June8th. June 2. th, and every twenty-on- e days thereafter. "Ui ($G" firs' class n-'.' San Francisco; nmcd trip. 110. l:reet , 3trtl!L!S!Newfrom San Franci? . Tahiti emu r i ri r with U. S. S. Co service T'



RteMri of the above eompaniei will eall at Honolulu and leave thi portn t about the dates mentioned below:

.Meuiber Honolulu Stockan1 Botwi

Cap: tal. I'aFaid l v'al Bid AskSAK OF ST. t K.


P. O. Bos 538 - .


MANOA VALLEY New three-bedroo- bungalow In process

of construction near car line. Choice elevation $4,000.00

MANOA VALLEY Two-stor- y house-th- ree bedrooms moun-

tain and marine view. House modern, grounds well$5,500.00





MthfASTlLE,U. Brewer 4 Co

EwaHw. AgiieuuuraL ,.Kaw Com & Sugar '

Haw Bugar Co ....




DAribAINS IN REALftSbmall neat cottar


2u s:l,v mi


; 0.- -


.1 7!W.WtFal:ima.--$160- 0. """Hfe,honomu .

Honokaa t 2,0OO.0ioH. HACKFELD & CO., LTD.. Agents. maii cottage and lot fl0bearing frmt tr. v'Ualiu ; 1,500,. X'

HntchiDson Sug Hla'CO 2,500.0'Ky

Kfthuku :Ki,JOilWe have two bargains in

$950.00 and $2,000.00$350. ' i,uai

T J - .


i Kekha S.igar Co 8 ruur

10, Hi !. 5

as is' i')'--;

&loO' .... --'I-111.

t2: ss'a2..i f02u! S; f.'i

lOu: .... '

5i' Zi y. 20



h.oloa VKum '

McBryde s.g ;o Ltd .j i,500.ni.uahii Sugar CoUrcmea I.OXi.OOmO! aH Sugar Co Ltd 5,000.0(0!Olowalu r),0(K,

A house and lot (109x12street. Price $3000. il)l,lJUNE 21MARAMA

JUNE 25'MAKUKA JULY 19 J. It. SlBNMIUgjfcPaaunau Sug Plan Co'Pacific 75- .OOol 100

'Will sail at Fanning Itland.

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., General Agents. Phih '.'.'.'.'. 2,M).fKH. 1 144

750.CHK1 100

MAKIKI DISTRICT Two bargains in homes. .$3,000.00 and $3,500.00


A rooming house near town furnished to lease for a term of

years good opportunity for the right party.


Several furnished houses for periods of four to aix montha.

Rentals S60.00 to $100.00 per month.

ee peekedpioneerWaiaiua Acri OoWaiiiikuWaitnanalo.

2.75O.0 100 -- '.wo,oa'"l loo iiH is5

1.500.0U01 lOC.iW ....i52.0tl lOCi - - i'M

A. J. CAMPBEUAMERICAN - HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY..... ... , j ;i7uS'airne Su?h' Mill ....

M ISl'KI USHOl'S STOCKS and B0Inter-Ma- n 1 SsCo VyOmi I'M IS--

500.00( I.h.,!' I ....Haw Kit-ctr- : f aH RTA l.i:o Pfd i.no.oo( IOL ,jlH HI & L (JoC--MutUHl Tel C'Nahiku Rubbjri'o -

25C C0tii. ,00c


FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU, via Tehuantepee, every sixth day.Freight received at all times at the company's Wharf, Forty-firs- t street, SouthBrooklyn.


For further information apply toH. HACKFELD &"co., LTD., Agents, Honolulu.

C. P. MOESE, General Freight Agent.

Natiku K iboer- - olnii10CH

1COJ144 j

2 UhO K & L Co 4,000.000

79 MERCHANT RMember Honolulu Stock

Represented on the Boi--j

by Joseph Andrade.


12' 420( V--"Waterhouse Trust"Corner Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu.




Hilo U K. C . Pi tHilo K Rt:n.,Com ..Honolulu BrewiUK 4

Maltinx Co Ltd ....Haw PhicPtipleTMi!;niisr I !ok Rit

'o Pii 1111)

'1 anj.'nu' Olok R'i!' I'd As- - 65 C I'd I ..




Direct service between San Francisco and Honolulu.

From 8an Francisco: For San Francisco:

Ami. Outstanding




Why?We are selling total addeat,,

less price.

The Waterhouse Ci,


L !

:; ijo


....'loo j

- !ios !


Commercial Advertiser !

Entered at the Postoffice at Honolulu, j

May 9 Lurline May 16" LurlineMay 17 Wilhelmina May 25 "Wilhelmina

S. S. Neva-Ia- of this line sails from San Francisco for Honolulu direct May6, 1910.

S. S. Hilor.ian of this line sails from Seattle for Honolulu direct May 12.COLD STORAGE CARGO.

For further particulars apply to

CASTLE & COOKE, LTD., Agents, Honolulu.

Haw Tcr Ipc .Firei;'nimsi

11h Tcr 4 p c ( Ke- -fuii.linn 1M

H-- Ter i' .

Haw Ter i cHniv er ; 11 cCat !'.c t sugrtr ,v !;e- -

('11 " ! clian.HkiiH linch :;o

( uiipe' ilitt'li ) (is...iiMWAiimi Irriyiitiou

( . ii 7 p c pttelII W11 u I rt n t ion(i , 1 u y pint...

Haw ' om - sulfur'" ' !'lUln K R tis01 pi ll

Mii. I! i! en 1;. f




SOO.OHT. II., as eeeond class matter.


One year $12.00 Agents National Cash ttgjit


Advertising Rates on Application.


Von Holt Block, No. 65 South King St.

':. 8. CRANE : : : : : Manager

When customers on

the other islands

ask for prices replyby

WIRELESSOu Sunday morning the office

is or-e- from S until 10.

KM n on tisliiiii.ikiii: -- us; i n ti p ej11. tii ii i tt I. a p c.iK itim i K sK ' ' ' i H illti'll o 11S...


;io:1:3 ...106 vj;

. !i'V

!i,2 t

102K 103

1,240,C0C ...

1. ...

e.io.ooci ...ti .0.000 ...B47.00C. ..

j ..5..)0,-.ii0- ...

2.000,000! ..20S0I-0- ...

2, G0o.J0C. ..ft.o.roo;

2,!k.0,0..0i ...

CIVIL & CONSULTING moatHustace-Pec- k Company, Ltd.63 QUEEN STREET. PHONE 285.

W? maTi At ntrrti sstr an4 rtoi i vOv a 11 nirfo r f no i TT T?c4


Im w uBil uui unu x A. mu uvu v tu ou y a. to ui biio v i,j SOCIALISTS ARE j

urrnr tit" nTTCCTAMmates given on all kinds of road work and grading. Reasonable prices.1 !."! Fort Street.

Mc Bryde sn Co ii- - ....Muturti Tel rt

O K A L 10 5 p c

Ida tin sajja r ' o 5 p ci'H snirar ''oti p c .

Pacifnt f,vi)5ar Millc $ s

Pioneer Mill CoSptWaiaiua Ag Co 5 p c

V XZI I rjU'IUuJlnl'f500,000

1.250,000l,4u7,0OC Classified AdvertiseneJ.10;

tlloliolll'll Soi-Kll- ;I'M- - ou nroiin

Want Ads., two lines, one time, io mFOR COOKING Wood or Coal 23.125 on $100 paid. T54 per eentpaid. JRedeemable at 103 at maturity.S Pa il tip. 11270 shares tress, stock.We have carefully selected

FOR RENT.HOrSK, 1375 Fort St.; seven me

a mouth, water includei 2w

IJutvu Hotel. .

lrn;i.lsi.V last, liihi on the tli:)'is :i iowi'l in its way. It is an alms'"

of the olir-- 1'or iho way they 1 olsome sense into the Russian men duringthe recent, unlawful assembly of theimmiirrants before the ohee station,the government ofiicials, the press, theiliitoerats ami other "oppu-ssors- of

the poor, and the ones who are "in the

Which you will find more satisfactory than any you havef used. Telephone us your order.) HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION AND DRAYING CO., LTD.,

J Queen St. next to Inter --Island Co.'s Office. - Phone 281.


Trent Trust Co., Ltd.


FLOWERS of all descriptions, cut ein pots, l'lants rented. OabaFW'

er (iarden. King street neat Ika

Albert F. Afong832 FORT STREET.


Member Honolulu Stock and BondExchange.

l Npuare. P. O. box 1004. &

FURNISHED bungalow occupied If:

T. Dillingham, College Hills, fasfor o or 4 months. Apply on pises. .

Classified AdvertisementsWant Ads., two lines, one time, 10 cents. Classified Advertisements

Want Ads., two lines, one time, 10 cents.HOUSEKEEPING rooms at Waiii

Apply 1929 Kalakaua Ave.WANTED.FOR SALE. TWO furnished light housekee:!j

RY youiiij man, nice airy furni.-lie-d

room, with all conveniences. Ad-dress " l. A.," this otlice. Mioii

rooms. 17o0 King St., nar Pin

Junction.TRAM AUTO.MOJULK.piaclically newperfect order.chine. Addres,-- ,


Brush Runabout;ii'tle tisii.i ami in

ii to get largerAdvertiser


par of the capitalists coining in toroeuerous side mention. Some of thechoice bits of the pamphlet are:

"Is this American soil, where women

a n'd children are clubbed, beaten, kickedand trampled under horses.""

"Do yon read the daily liars, pub-

lished morning and evening in the in-

terests of the" capitalists of thso Is-

lands?""T.ielies anil nothing but lies, ever

since the Russians demanded theirriyi:ts."

"The holding up of little ones wasan act showing perfect confidence in

our civilization.""Women were beaten to the ground

and kicked and beaten after they ha 1

fallen, and the crowd who did this dirtywork got paid for it."

"If von are a woikingman you maybe the next to get it."

There is much more of the same sorr,the whole being headed "Lawless P.ru- -


Fort St., furnished rooms by ttoijeek or month. Tropically

Terms reasonable. Inquire oi

WIUKLKSS oierator for 1'. S. lie venueOuter Thetis. Apply on board.


MALIC stent.igrai.iher, six months; plan-tation work. Address Z, this ollice. premises. MRS. HENS! ma.CO DIAMONDS and jewelry bought, sold

and exchanged. J Carlo, Fort St.

HERD of milch cows; heavy milkers;paying investment; sale of productassured. Address P. O. Box 44, Ho-nolulu. SG47

ROOMS bv the night atHouse. 1249 Fort.LADY stenographer and typewriter.

Applv Hawaiian News (Jo. MiolCOTTAGES, with board. MnJ.fr


to ;tee I


t: :

PHONE 152Jas. H. Love sidy, 2005 Kalia road, WuluB.

AGENT WANTED.A Fairbanks-Mors- e ij h.-p- . gas engine,in perfect condition, with gas" fixtu res complete. May be seen in thepressroom of The Hawaiian GazetteCo., Ltd., 6.") S. King St.

AGKNT wanted in each city W t

to handle a first class liquid

polish: sample free. CorrespctW

A MODlUX house, six or seven bed-rooms, in Makiki or I'unahou dis-trict. Apidv "C," this oflice.


CLEAN washed rags. Will pay cashfor the right quality. A chance forschool boys and girls to earn a littlemoney. I'.ring to the oflice of theHawaiian Gazette Co., 65 South KingStreet. 8612

DoaDOCDOCDOC woiicit.,,1 Aimlv to M. Pickthil- -DOC talit v. "Fremont street.' San Francises,oV. S. A.PUBLIC COMMENT


HITCHCOCK'S "Hawaii and Its Volcanoes," the most complete publication in existence bearing on the geological formation of the Territory aiit relates to volcanoes. Handsoinelvillustrated, $2.00 at Hawaiian GazetteCo., Ltd., 82 King street 8.361


yard boys, promptly soppuw-Iliro- .

-The pictures showing the ele at ion-an- d

interiors of the two buildings be-

tween which t lit Y. M. (J. A. buildingcommittee has yet to choose are on ex PROFESSIONALCAgl

nTSIC.hibition in the promot ion committee01

rooms on Mishop street. The pub!

A PONY OPTIMUS press, bed 26x32inches. Has made money for theowners and will do so for the buyer.It is in good condition, is in operation every day and may be seen inthe press room of the HawaiianGazette Co., Ltd., Go South Kin St.


SYDNEY F. HOBEN (Kg)Jlis invited to call at the looms an Conservatcrium der Musik,


JAPANESE cooks, waiters, yardboyt,etc., 1128 Union St. Phone 579. 8449


Honolulu 's only e fire-pro-

building; rent includes electric light,hot and cold water, and janitor ser-vice. Apply the von Hamm-Youn- f

Co., Ltd.

"THE ST A NG EN WA LD ' ' Only rproof office building in city.

the drawings. The buiidin Piano (Technique Ac oniring and Voice Production.

phone 6t a iiia St.. eor. of Union.




ijMI.S. HOl)(.iU.-M- F'.

j "ill glad to hear suggestions :i- - to

wh''di building is best Miited to II. mo

111 lulu. Wlr.eli building will make thel'e-- t Y. M. i '. A. building is a technical

lipiefinn. but vvliii'li ex'erior meets uiiliII mi favor fiom the a rc hi i ec: ura poiu;

II Jot" view is ;i iuestinu oil wiiiili maiiv

BOUND volumes Planters' Monthly,complete in its details of the sugarindustry wherever cane is grownHawaiian Gazette Co., Ltd. 8561

BOUND volumes Agriculturist and For-ester; invaluable to persons interested in diversified industries anvwhere.Hawaiian Gazette Co. "851

piano; 25 years' eipeneu- -,

progress; thorough training,touch, time, fingering and

.ui W2:;i5 King street, cottage

Hawaiian Electric. Iatar6, Saturdays gxceptea.

ROOM AND BOARD.A I a kiki. tor one or two .'iil!

Address 'men ;

thislino b;

ollice.pervatorium auu Ri

Loose leaf Ledger and Record

books ; corporation minute books ;

loose leaf system, made to order

by the


65 S. King St.

W"""," ftfi,i,, V ;land).

y will have '.nfret:iia; cinment. to in:ikiToll your inu to T. '. Daie-- . F. .1.


1 j j Lowrey. V. U Hail. A. Hartlev. or b'.

A. Cooke of ii.e bn'ld i;g com m : t e, orho l'ati! Siiiier. seri-etai'- of the V. M .IIj YOUNG CLUB WILL

organ, olc. f.


Waikiki first-cla- 9 apartments andboard. 2199 Kalia road, end of Lewers road. 385

Sie.gindio. K


t .nima fi


MARIE KENNY; prlvatejjf0HELP OLDER ONE Automobilists who take the short cutn

lio, n Wai.cki to Kaimiiki across the

THE LA U HA LA, 732 Kir.au St. Boa'rdand cool, mosquito proof rooms suit-able for Conjiles; nl single room

863--hi stae and ballroom .


'ort liiig'-- reservation after tenIII To -- how tha' there is not:. in-- but!' culture. 175 Beretania.S596' '

I' U I U ii, i...., ..i,.,. i...t,.., i ... o clock at ntgtit nmv expect to be halt- -Ill I'l- -l I'l I'.r'IIV .'I .,1 '11 .11' II .lll'lfOio ed 1.... , .. , .... t no camp sentries. Ihere is noe o er r : t .r v r i.i iiiiih v i AUDITING. t


FURNISHED eottag.of two rooms, with bathroom at

ii of closing the road to way-bu- t

the sentries have orders tossorsby and see who thev ate.

books, etc.310 Stangenialacneii, suitable tor two or aree per- - i

: mg(. rti ham.

1",,'"t 1,1the Hon, ill. iu Yacht Club member- - are j

11 arranging a dance in the Mvrtle Hoat ,:,re- r-'

: t'inli r, nun- - t..r tomoirow ee!ing. tnel lei!' I'aI"q . - imin whi.d, ate to be turned jA 't''""

i over :., 'lie Haivuii Y:,cht C;;ih to l.ehJ

!y, wi-- board.! 1567io':-t- s tv i s:1ve themselvesson, in private

1360 King st Telephone

! ; .Q I

J 0 1e. t;. ir Keea- -

itol r,e the seirries trouble11 i ,; ., . ,. ,,, ii.,,,.. ;': ' if t !.ev wdi keep ;l weathel Vf 1.1.(11

DR. I. E. CASK, orncr 7Yn'd Co., Ijtax""- -MEN'S CLOTHING

MEN'S CLOTH INC! on nr.Cf- - 1 0,1 .id w'u.le cro--i- u;

r t'nnt they m.iv' " T" W "'!at, the tran-paeit- ic cup. The 1J, UN,-111 ' Th" rva" i.m. it,m.!u Y.,. C.b a ,

T i of V,V,:. m,-- ,. tHi of el.thu-U,- -, t, n 1 VA """"h- - ' ii c litt .en ge.i.toe,

- " i . .i m

week. Suit given at once. F. Lew j

Outfitting Co., Sachs Building. 8581

NOTICE6f" REMOVA- L-okour i be-iui-

to hearbders i:,ve

IV the I! ,b.g y.l ,!,e , r.- ' 'STEINWAY


idTi-.-- hr. - d .... to ';,.-.- ! toe fort for a'lj

158 Hotel Street 0-

COC39Cr39d u n.rai.g.,1 f:. -:,t. ' ooc

Page 9: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.



PAGES 9 TO 12.



Form No. 163.


Errors can be guarded against only by renea whith have een assented to by the sender of the following min transmission or delivprv nt I !nrnn, , i m . " s.ooUv. uaia iu ic sciium- - suuun ior COm.Danson. nnd the ( .nmnirn. dl! r i-

- li. r " rt,.the message it filHr,: J. ru':'lcu iviessaes, beyond the amount of tolls pa.d thereon, nor in nnv r t, n. 7k" '

i. ; ' :1" L "f. ,or er,r?r or delays:nftpr rr ' waiU' 10 uyi t""cuieu in within: UNSEATED transmission writing sixty daysThis an It-AO- t, and ,s delivered by request of the sender, under the conditions named above.

ROBERT C. CLOWRY, President and General Manager

CUua CfryL.-Sl- Cdify,s JutjC St- -

doeZXrtC TVuUdy ??U&uj7' kgt' Lt. sZoLt xtss- -

Ltd,RoyaB D-flaw-

aDDaim Gatrag29Geo. S. Wells, Manager

i . 1i

9 - t ;




'! !

IS" t

' W"- - i ft

r i



i 1

!.i-e- uske.l to ghe tw.i tall- - u JlaGDAST BOOSTERSBeady Cash


w an."Sonietlme next ni..iith tho ivlks of

the city will oive a Hawaii evening t"their frieii.l- - at which our 'will

"May 14th the Atlantic c;ty Kxposi-lio- n

Tlieater will op.-- theii- season witha Hawaii evening (showing ,e,:r mov-ing picture films-- which they will ex-tensively advertise, i ;m ro ;' to t.iti- -

r the l'a. efic. We i,5" 'I1'"'0 :t- t'r-.n- i any caste m jminr' ''ii ,f tie- - !'a,-!- i ;, n.I j':iHa- - it eati !e otitaiu'al will myh:v a t'ull!:iu ..f a,lv.)Tl!,, Dinttcr n,

liawaii. tli- - Thill.;, 'lies .la:, an,iiii'ii. lava. r.'Yhei an.i the ililVereinrati f Au-trali- a. New Zeaiaiei aini

tii' South Sea'Tile fii-sr laii'eel .if caiirie.i jeti..

apjih'S ariiv.-.- to. lay ainl will ne toro.l.u ear : i.t - tttc ri t tuirint row. The Tehu-atitfrit--

shinmeiir i, n,,t e- r,,r,-.- 1,..

A Saving Ac An Electric


whea you n'.liit. miik.Mtmwts it .-.r

A:ys dollar for, iollarf

Southern Californians Want toStop Wood From Selling

Pineapple Drinks.soieralile expense in the uai-- of lighting up our room for I nm dptcrmine.that the j.ntn.iis of the P.oar-- Walk-shal- l

know that Hawaii is here. Justas coon as cur awnings ami electricsigns are in place I will get .some photo-graphs taken ami .send them on."

f'- tlif It"?ii. If it in.r ,.,m. toiiiin.l in tine- - ha'! ujiHii wir'i !!ie aieof fniit, putting in mir eurin-- . etc., a

ntlVrs We n,,f expeeti do any t HtiHHtut of hu-ine-

i Is much more than a splendid laundry utensil, it is a

:i:.r 'i:i!rii-- al.ni: the J i r?t m- li. :! ril."--' r' , .jc convenient iron for pressing'ij't::f(J an special ironing in vari

V;r Atl.-intu- '

1'i'fi.i.' the tiv- -t if .liiM.--

Californians Worried.'The Southern aliforuia people are

alr.-a.i- .,rrvi:i-' over our :i,Kei- - it,'

This tank pays ii'ii-- : Vf'iturps'- ;i i'..uin. ous parts of the house.It will soon pay for itself



APPROVE THE PLAN outside of the laundry.

y W i.i.l 1 j,r.'io:'..iiiw !i. U WHiKiu'Uisi tin- - 1 u v :

:tt th- - r at waU-riiii- n-- urt

!i !(' ' " ;i u :i' ' w i i ,.tu

'. t i T -- r Tt irs.--j

IIi-- i : :'- - au-- r:i :ii--:i- olii-J--- ,

rr i ..;

i' 'i'ra !! i : ;. '

f firlil. aie! have l,.-.-- irvina ,,

v,,r "llr M'ii-:- a iin.-a.j.l- t .lrinlthat ih.- - r lea-- e (rhey are in

ti;- - -- ii'ne l.uiJ'Iiimt liv-- i iheni'the o,-!iuh- - f -- ell i .iritika in that ieiol-

!li;r ant'f i:t;'!! ?"!i:c nei, t :ae,5'1"- -

I "'''"t int., th. i.ef.-i--- iu'i.n- our h ,- s,, .,,;,-- .

fa. in 'i.a; taev w.-!- mi-ia- ki 1; ii tielr' (."'!! iiii.l that we prn.o-.-.- l j;..:n rt-- hr

Jk of Hawaii, Ltdind Surplus, $1,000,000.

The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd.

W.IIiam St.tt. l paseti.--Ei -- ' ii t of the .':iTindian-I'aeifi- Railway.

ttnpauy Motir.-a'- . ha- - wi'tten toSr.-rc- : a t y W I :, j t ,,t :,. ritv cs- -

his Kviii t,,w,n! !.- Ila- -

W"! I H :., i ;af.;:-hni.T- .t Atlanta- -

::y. He .a.fl-- : .

' ' Tia, i. reeve- - ,,f ii. Ail;,!!'.,- woi

!i til.1 e. e; of ip .o-a-

Attraction of Season.

FirosPRef rise r ato rs r .: ,,.n tie- -. a- - aJiiuo rir-- t .r :ti!!ie-i- l

..f o::r l: o fa- -A


al ,ag t

an inW f'.ar a. lei- - t here isortaiea- - ow on I: i. a n-- in ,:,io i a wa v


aiolr a

i I va of t lo- f, ,a d Walk f

,. ,I a 'II I!IV he .e.


I a a

M l.oei the pto

i day af : rti , M r.

.,' Ai-li- !, s

ti." : a. opal hW.-i- anj j rho

Carloads of Pineapples.Mr. Woo, .p.te ,. f A;

w t : . s :

'Oar laod'o,,! :s wakingi v w ' 1; ; he it "'-- ' oas t o

sSfneFurniture Go.. iLtd.



Alexander Young Cafe

if so satisfying to those WHO KXOW

"hat good meals are that the occasional

patron at this place l.e..o:nes a

regular. And there are manv.

iitii'i- -

i'- i- le- OfAlexOUDg

titi,.' t ra v e

is: aa!iiiO-.Oil- ",

oi,.n on !. Ma,

As i in tv -- 1 I, t : . I

(;!.! t .r I p'ay .!.' " tiia af i attia.-- t .:,.;. ,i

It.. . s Walk. 'Ido- tadi a s ;,a-- y

' . it a r.cw o . : o w:.-.-:- -- i.e.;!!l i I.y i a.- ! 't i a ti pat,ip to- w aw tut. l;s arid w i g t r

cent pn.a:,oej-i-- W.- -r !

t ii" ll.twati-H- i t'!iH-- and j ,v4 f.-r-. The .h:ptii,-.-.. I,v

appa- r,.iiip;.i ;. .'ei- -s ail on-

f k oil S.

("hasal I'to'ISSVAL SALE.

1U NICHOLS rr, . i rninf oo,e,i :: ,. w

! ' . " aa 1 , .Mat', a Mi.v w have t;

' i',. ha eMav ti

I Ma v


jti.t th" 'litha . ;,!!rar;a ... f. .'p-.!..-

, a o w n do w- - call n g a t : ort la-- t ha T t he p!a--- wjil (.

.,- - a exhii,': ,.- - M i

Tio- cod i ,,ar .. will ti'

h. Tiiivi i II r.--' we shiil! cali i'

-- hdl he lay end- - a v " to ri,-- .

! ra ci i oar w r i; ..f U a

at o- ha' 'he i ng io.-.-l- s ,.f

he t r.i v. ''itQuote Steamship Rates.




PALM CAFE, Hotel Street near Union.

a y.-.;'- itrsvi.;th- - :.n.


he wri

g ..sir t "in an I aiding f

We will -- tar- with j"w

a" ,':,,,, ''d'to; - lea- -

Ipe-pN- at on- - -- e ami

can ma." to r n.

Elk's Hawaii Night,

dinavia! YACHT CLUB DANCE.J The Honolulu Yacht Club will LaveI 1 dance h, the Myrtle Heat Club house


n Satarday evening, Mav 7,"The A'lant e ;tv ai seven- -"!'r ra t . m'a'al rid ivay- - a :..

st, aotsii: j, a;... and have soeure-- ;y interest". 1 hi ore venture, ti.e local thirty. Tickets at Melnernv's shoepapers are treating us nicely. I have I store. Read the "Advertiser," World's News Daitoof all of the .tcamliipa operatlogj

Page 10: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.



Special Sale of

INTELLIGENCEfrom I'ort Allen for Delaware Break




Green or RoastedWE CAN SUPPLY YOU.



Leith for Hon., Jan. 23.p P RITHET, Am. bk., Drew, from

'llilo for S. F.. April 20.ROBERT I.EWERS, Am. schr.. ar. Port

Gamble from Hon., April 15.ROKEBY, Am. S. S., from Norfolk for

Hon.. March 7. (Passed CoronelApril 22.)

ROSECRAXS. Am. P. S., ar. Gaviotafrom Kaanapali, April 18.

ROSKI.AXK, Hr. S. S., English, X'ew- -

port Xews, May 5.RYG.IA, Xor. S. S., ar. Portland from

Hon., April 17.

SAX GABRIEL, Tort, cr., from S .F.for Hon. May 1.

SANTA MARIA. Am. S. S from Ka-hului for I'ort San Luis, May 4.

SANTA RITA, Am. S. S., from PortSan Luis for Hon., April 19.

S. C. ALLEN, Am. schr., ar. Hon. fromFort Bra ps, April 29.

SELJA, Nor. S. S., ar. Portland fromHon., April 15.

S. G. WILDER, Am. bkt., from S. F.for Malinkona. May 4.

S. T. ALEXANDER Am. schr., fromUureka for Hen.. April 6.

i 'i


HE1Y lit! (t




ARRIVED.Thursday, May

Str. Tim Jl no, from JSIaui anl Ha- -

w:iii Tts, a. inAm. Iikt. .lane L. Stantoru, Peterson,

from Ahonlot'ii, a. m.J'.r. S. S. I!,,v,.l):l!ik. En;liih, from

Newport Nirt-- . 1 '. in.

DEPARTED.Str. W, "Hall, for Kauai ports, o

p. m.Am. bkt. Amaranth. for Gravs Har- -


P. M. S. S. Mongolia, from Yoko- -

hama. late p. in. or tomorrow morninj:.DUE TOMORROW.

Str. Manna Kea, from llilo and wayport?, a. 7ii.

SAIL TOMORROW.P. M. S. S. Mongolia, for San Fran- -

cisco. p. m.DUE SUNDAY.

Str. Kitiau, from Kauai port?, a. m.Str. Mikaliala, from Maui aud Molo- -

ai port a. m.DUE MONDAY.

T. K. K. S. S. Chiyo Mani. from SanFrancisco, a. in.


Per str. Claudine, from Hawaii andMaui ports, May ". S. Lyle, M. Saun-ders. E. Jmluf, P. F. Schmidt, Mr?.Thos. Pickard, Mrs. Fernandez, Mrs.T. II. Havselden. W. If. Bennett, Jas.Hattio. --Miss M. Morris, Mrs. E.

Miss Fernandez, W. E. Shaw,Doctor Sexton, J. I). Pole, 15. Miller.

Booked to Depart.Per str. Claudine, for Maui ports,

Mav G. V. C. James, J. Vierra, P. U.Riky.

Per O. S. S. Sierra, for San Fran-cisco, Mav IS. Mrs. A. H. Lackland,Mrs. S. E. Halstead, Mr. and Mrs.Phelps. Mrs. F. A. Potter, Mr. and Mrs.

'. W. Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. A. II.Scott, Mrs. J. P. Movers. Mr. and Mis.L. T. Peek. Miss Ea'rle. Miss F. Dono-van, Mrs. J. R. Collon, Mrs. Love. Robt.fatten. W.' M. Soever, Mr. and Mrs.

A. Punker, Miss Z. K. Hart, Mrs.E. II. Karl. Miss D. Earl, Mr. and Mrs.T. M. Bodwrn. Misa Banker. Mrs. L.Pider, Mr. and Mrs. Harris, K, W. T.Purvis, Mrs. Purvis, Miss Sewall, Mrs.Sewall. Miss Scott. Mr. M. M. Scott,Mrs. W. K. Dimond. F. S'. Scudder,Mrs. Prosser. Miss Thatcher, BishopPestarick, Mrs. W. C. Bailey, C. G.Boekiis, D. L. C'nnklinpr, Miss E. J.Davidson, Miss E. M. Davidson, Mr.and Mrs. B. S. Denison. Mr. and Mrs.Kellnor. II. Kellner, A. M. Howe.

TRANSPORT SERVICE.Dix, from Hon. for Seattle. May 3.

Loan. from lion, for S. ., May 4.Thomas, ar. S. F. from Hon., March 16.

Sheridan, from S. F. for Hon., Mav 5.

Sherman, ar. Manila from Hon., May 3.

VESSELS IN PORT.(Armv and Navy.)

Kukui, U. S. L' II. T., Middleton.Thetis, U. S. R. C. Pope, Hilo, April 27.

(Merchant Vessels.)Alert, Am. schr., Gray's Harbor, April

10.Alice f'onke, Am. schr., Penhallow, Tort

Gamble, April "IP.

Annie Johnson, Am. bk., Nison, SanFrancisco, April 4.

Hya.les. Am. s.s., Seattle, May 4.

Ninfa, Ital. sp.. Xitinte ports. April 22.li' -- eliank, P.r. s.s., ar. lion, from New-

port Xi'ws, May f.


BLOieFort St. oi.poaiteCathoKe Chn'


Jas. W. Bergstrom.

& Bro.TV T o cf i n J:..

Special Sale of

SILK RUGSFormerly $40, Now $22.

See our Window Displav.PARISIAN ART CO

Fort St. HanfaJ


Martin Gruaej j

83 Merchant St. TeL78

This is the week to try

Pau Ka Hana

It cleans the floors and clothe -





And Hair-Covere- d Turban Fraaw for

the new styles in hairdresslng it


POTTIEStock Remedies

Office corner Hotel and UnioiP. O. Box 620. Phone 119.

H. M. AYRES - . MuiR

Catton, Neill& Compel, Ltd,


Queen and Richards Street

Boilers d with chareoal-iro- i

steel tubes. General ship work.

Chas. Brewer 4 Co.'s



Plying between New York ft Honolsli

The Bark Nuuanu will sail from Ni

York for this port about July 15, 1911

Subject to change without nob

Freight taken at Jowest rateiFor freight rates apply to Ci

Brewer & Co., 27 Kilby street, Beit

or Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd, Hv

lulu. '

This Paper 2&5mvrtRTTsrwa agency. INC 427 Soaft f

' Main St., Los Angeles, and 12 0TI St., San Francisco, where eontractlI advertising can be made for it M


water. April 8.GLKNSTIIEL. Br. S. S., from Hon. for

Japan. April 30.G. W. WATSON, Am schr., from Gray's

Harbor for Hilo, April 10.H. II ACKFELD, Gr. sp., from Hon. for

Sydney Heads, Feb. 3.HAWAII, Am. bkt., from Newcastle

for Mahtikona, March 26.II. B. BEXDIXEX, Am. schr., ar. Hon.

from Port Townsend, April 3.H. C. WRIGHT, Am. schr., ar. S. F.

from Hana, April 26.HELEXE, Am. schr., ar. Grays narbor

from Hon., March 22.KILOXIAX. Am. S. S., ar. S. F. from

Kahului, April 22.1 1 YA I KS, Am. s. S., ar. Hon. from

Seattle. May 4.IRMGARP. Am. bkt., from Mahtikona

for S. P.. Mav 3.J. L. STAXFORD, Am. bkt, ar. Hon.

li'iim Aberdeen. .Mav o.JAMES II. BRUCE, Am. schr., from

S Jr. tor .Sound, Dec. 16.JEAN BAPTIST, Fr. bk. from Leith

for Hon., Feb. 10.JAMES ROLPIT, Am. schr., from Hana

for S. P., April 19.JOHN EX A, Am. sp., from Hon. for

Del. Breakwater, April 2S.KAIULAXI, Am. bk., Colly, ar. 8. F.

from Hon., Jan. IS.KIYO MARU, Jap. S. S., from Hon.

for so. Am. ports, March 30.KOREA, Am. S. S., ar. Yokohama from

Hon., April 8.KOXA, Am. schr., ar. Port Townsend

from IPlo, Jan. 8.LADY ELIZABETH, Nor. bk., from

Bremerha ven tor Hon., March o.L'AVEXIR, Bel. sp., from Xewcastle

for Hon.. April To.

LAHAIXA, Am. bktn., from Xewcastlefor Hon., April 5.

LFRLIXE, Am. S. S., from S. F. forHon., Mav 2.

M.. TURNER, schr.. ar. Kahului fromNitrate Ports, April 1 (wrecked onKnh. Keen.

MAITAI, Br. S. S., from Hon. for Syd-ney. April 2.

MAKURA. Br. S. S., ar. Victoria fromHon.. Mav 3.

MAX A WELT, Am. bk. Neilsen, ar. Mu- -

kilteo from Kahului, Feb. 11.MARAMA, Br. S. S., from Hon. for

Svdnev, April 30.MAXCUURTA. Am. S. P., from Hon.

for Yokohama. Mav 2.MAXSlir MARU, .tap. S. S., Nishi,

from Hon. for Japan ports. Mav 3.MEXICAN, Am S. S., ar. Salina Cruz

from llilo, April 20.MOANA, Br. S. S., ar. Sydney from

Hon., Feb. 20.MONGOLIA, Am. S. S.. from Yoko-

hama for Hon.. April 26.MTSSOURIAX. Am. S. S., ar. Salina

Cruz from Hilo. Mav 2.MARY E. FOSTER." Am. schr., ar.

Grav's Harbor from Hon., April 25.MARION E. CHILCOTT, Am. sp., ar.

Gaviota from Hon., May 2.MURTEL, Am. schr., from Honoipu for

S. F., April 26.XEVADAN, Am S. P., ar S. F. from

Hon., April 2.XTTGATA MARU, Jap. S. P., from Hon.

for Takow (Formosa), April 15.XIXFA, Ital. sp., ar. Iton. from Nitrate

Ports, April 21.NIPPON MARU, Jap. S. S., ar. Yoko-

hama from Hon., April 23.XUUAXU, Am. bk.. Josselyn, front

Kaanapali for N. Y., Feb. 4.OLYMPIC, Am. bk., ar. S. F. from

Kaanapali, April 7.(

O. M. KF.LLOGG, Am. schr., from Hilofor Gravs Harbor, April IS.

PLEIADES. Am. P. P., ar. Hilo fromGravs Harbor. April 5.

EF.NEE RTCKMERS, Ger. sp., fron

Tvnierie. Br. s.s., Mcllwain", Newcastle,"May 1.

THE MAILS.Mails are due from the following

point as follows:San Francisco Per Ohivo Maru. Mon-

day.Yokohama Per Mongolia, today or to-

morrow.Vain ouver Per Maknra. May 27.Australia Per Manuka, May 23.

Mails will depart for the followingpoints as follows:San Francisco Per Mongolia, Saiur-day- .

Yokohama Per Chiyo Maru, Monday.Australia Per Makura, May 27.Orient Pot Chiyo Maru, May in.Vancouver Per Manuka, May 25.

MOVEMENT? or SHIPPINGADMIRAL. Am. schr., ar. Kahului from

tlrays Harbor, March 21.ALASKAN, Am. S. S.. from Hon. for

Port Allen. Mav 1 .

ALDKX BHSSKAm. bk., from SanPedro for Hon., April 30.

ALEKT, Am. schr., ar. Hon. from GravsHarbor. April IP.

ALICE COOKE, Am. schr., ar. Hon.from Port Gamble, April 19.

ALBERT, Am. bk., ar. Kailua fromPort Gamble, April 2.

ALOHA. Am. schr., ar. Eedondo fromHon., April 29.

A MAR AXTII, Am. bkt., from Hon for(iravs Harbor, Mav 5.

ATMZOXAX. Am S. S., ar. Seattle fromS. F.. April 2S.

ARAGO. Am. bkt., ar. Gray's narborfrom S. F., April 14.

ARIEL, Am schr., ar. Tort Townsendfrom Pearl Harbor, April 15.

ASIA. Am. S. S., ar. S. F. from Hon.,April 30.

ASTRAL, Am. pp.. Dunham, from Wil-mington for S. P., March 24.

ATLAS. Am. sp., ar. XT. Y. from Manila,March 6.

AMERICA MARU, T. K. K. B. H.,from Hon. for Yokohama, Jan. 1.

AXXIE JOHNSON", Am, bk., ar. Hon.from S. F., April 4.

ANDREW WELCH. Am. bk., Kelly,from lion, for S. F., April 27.

BOREAL1S. Am. schr.. from Grays Har-bor for Hon., April 15.

CAMAXO, Am. schr., Jameson, fromPort Ludlow for Hon., April 22.

CARRIER DOVE, Am. schr., ar. GraveHarbor from S. P., Feb. 7.

CELTIC CHIEF. Br. sp., James, ar.Svdnev from Hon., March 27.

CHINA." Am. S. S., from Hon. for Yo-

kohama. April 25.CHIYO MARC, Jap. S. S., from S. F.

for Hon.. Mav 3.COLUMBIAN, Am. S. S., from llilo for

Salina Cruz, April 30.COROXADO, Am. bktn., ar. S'. F. from

Hon.. April 27.DAXMARK. Dan. bk., from Leith for

Hon.. March 21.DAUNTLESS, Am. schr., Jonsien,

ar. Port Townsend from IIoti., Jan. 9.DFXSTAX. Br. S. S.. from Xewscastk

for Hon.. May 1.E. K. WOOD. Am. schr., ar. Gray's Har

bor from Hon,. April 5.EDWARD SEW ALL, Am. sp., Quick,

ar. llilo from Hon., April 19.EXTEEPRISE, Am. S. S.. ar. S. F.

from Hilo, April 21.ERSKINE M. FHELP8, Am. sp., from

Hon. for N. Y., Feb. 12.EVA, Am. schr., ar. S. F. from Malm

kona, Jfin. 23.EXPAXSTOX. Am. schr., .Tacobsen, from

I'oir Tor Hon., April 30.FALLS OP CLYDE, Am. sp., ar. S. F

from Hon., April 30.FLAUREXCE WARD. Am. schr.. from

Midway for Honolulu, April 11.I FOOHNG SUEY, Am. bit., Willett.


16 Merchant Street.


outwara.For Waianae, Waiatua, Eahuku and

Wav Stations 9: 15 a. m., 3:20 p. m.For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Waj

Stations 17:30 a. m., 9:15 a. m.,11:30 a. m., 2:15 p. m., 3:20 p. m.,5:15 p m., J9:30 m., Ul:15 p. m.For Wahiawa sne. Leilehua 10:20 a.

m., 5:15 p. m., J9:30 p. m., 1 11:15 p. m. J

Inward.Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Waia-lu- a

and Waianae 8:36 a. m., 5:31p. m.

Arrive Honolulu from Ewa M'll andPearl City 17:45 a. m., '8:36 a. m.,

11:02 a. m., 1:40 p. m., 4:26 p. m.,'

5:3l p. m., 7:30 p. m.Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa ani

Leilehua 9:15 a. m., tl:40 p m., Slp. m., tl0:10 p. m.

The Haleiwa Limited, a two-Lou- r

train (only first-clas- s tickets honored),leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:36a. m.; returning, arrives in Honoluluat 10:10 p. m. The Limited stops onlyat Pearl City and Waianae outward,and Waianae, Waipahu and Pearl Cityinward.?Dailv. tExcept Sunday. JSundav Only.G. P.'DENISON, F. C. SMITH,

Superintendent. G. P, A.


DAILY. EXCEPT SATURDAY,Sunday and holidays

Leave Kahana for Punamu,Hauula, Laie, Kahuku andWay Stations at 12:O0M.

Arrive Kthuku at 1:00.P.M.Returning:

Leave Kahuku for Laie, Hau-ula, Punaluu, Kahana andWay Stations at 1:45 P.M.

ArriTe Kahana at 2:45 P.M.SATURDAY, SUNDAY

AND HOLIDAYSArrive Kahuku at 11:58 A.M.Leave Kahana for Punaluu,

Hauula, Laie, Kahuku andWay Stations at..." 11:00A.M.

1:30 P.M.8:15 P.M.

Leave KahuKu for Laie, Hau-ula, Punaluu, Kahana andWay Stations at 12:35 P.M.

3:00 P.M.Connections are made at Kahuku

with the O. R. & L. Co.'s 9:15 a. m.train from Honolulu, and the 2:20 p.m. train, which arrives in the city at5:30 p. m.


Superintendent Q. P. & F. A.

SIERRA, Am. S. S., ar. S. F. from Hon., J

Mav 3.SIBERIA, Am. S. S., from Hon. for Yo-

kohama, April 18.PTIMSOX, Am. schr., ar. Port Town-sen-

from Hon., April 5.ST. KATHERINE, Am bk., ar. S. F.

from Hilo, Feb. 24.STR ATHGYLE, Br. S. S., from New-

castle for Hon., April 19.TAMON MARU, No. 6, from Hon. for

Moji, April 2.

TAURUS. Am. schr., from Port Allenfor Sound, April 28.

TEXYO MARU. Jap. S. S., from Yo-

kohama for Hon.. May 4.TORSDAL, Xor. S. S-- , from XbrfoJk for

Hon.. April 13.TYMERTC, Br. S. S., ar. Hon. from

Xewcastle. Mav 1.VANCOUVER, S. S., from Norfolk for

Hon.. March 9.VIRGIN! AX, Am. S. S., from S. F. for

Seattle, Mav 5.WM. OLSE. Am. schr., ar. Grays

Harbor from Hon., March 22.W1LHKLMIXA, Am. S. S., ar. S. F.

from Hon., Mav 3.W. F. BABCOCK, Am. sp., Harris, from

Hon. for Cape Town, March 21.WM. P. FRYE. Am. sp., from Kahului

for Delaware Breakwater, April 23.W. H. MARSTOX. Am. schr.. from llilo

for S. F.. April 28.WM. T. LEWIS, sp., from Cardiff for

Hon., April 21.


Sam Kalii. who was sentenced to anadditional year's imprisonment in theeounty jail for escaping from a prisonjang on Tuesday morning while work-

ing in Manoa, may also be brought be-

fore the court on a charge of burglary.Kahi's offense was glaring and he liasadmitted that after leaving the gangworking in the Manoa Park he wentdirect to the servant quarters at theDavison dairy, and with a screwdriverwrenched oil" the lock and entered thefdom.

He hastily searched the room andfound and donned a new suit of clothesbelonging to a Japanese milker. Hethen found a panama hat and searchedfor shoes, out did not find any. Hesays he then left the place. In one.pocket he found a dime, but denieshaving stolen any money. He also ad-

mits turning the place topsy-turvy- . Af-ter leaving the dairy he lied downthrough Manoa and College Hills andinto Moiliili. On Tuesday night hewent into a grove of kiawe baek ofthe Old Plantation aud rolling up the.stolen in a pieee of paper put in acrotch of a tree. He then went to hisjhome and stole his brother's sleeve-.buttoii- s

and took a coat which he says(belonged to him at the t'me he was ar-

rested and -- cut to ja'l some time ago.







IRubb tampsWe make them in every shape and form, promptly

and to your satisfaction.

Facsimile Signature Stamps and Band Daters.

Type lists furnished on request.

See Our Window Display




Page 11: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.

1 'I ' '


line Easy to Grind as a Watch to Wind



Merchant and Bishop Sts.National Editorial Association

Would Like Side Tripto Honolulu.

e do not have Automobiles in rent service




I'"ivorn.ir Frear. M;iyor I'eni :md tin-;tri- l

nt' supervisors, the chamber of

We sell the

Pierce Arrow Hudsonp"

i'i m iiu-rr- and merchants' assnciatuitij are extending invitations to the

editorial association to visit Hawaii during tiie Floral l'arade festiveties in 1111. The matter was discussedagain at the promot iwti committee

j meeting yesterday afternoon, and thejiiuestiou of finances referred to iu aletter from President liaunigartner ofthe association will be brought befor"


premier rranKimChalmers Detroit The triple motion makes them the quickest to freeze, thereby

saving time and worry.All sizes, from half quart to 25 quarts

the idiambor of commerce and the me-rchants' association.

President IJaumgart ner suggestedthat the local people raise from threeto five thousand dollars iu the way ofan advertising fund to be spent in help-

ing to bring a large number of main- -






Al ANY TIME.Household Department




laud newspaper representatives on. aside trip to Honolulu. J

The promotion committee expressed j

the opinion that the coining of the edi-- !

tonal association to Honolulu would beof great value to the Islands and t hey j

wiil do all they can to help the projectalong. The cpiet inn of f: ua lie e-- . h e.v-- i

ever, wili be left t the patent bodiesMoore Talkins About Us.

IM. Twe ; formed the comuu t ;

ti m t tin sixty lantern slides of lla-- i

waiiau set lies given to Secretary!the V. M. ('. A. railroad w..rker,'

who va - her. re.-ehtl- are gi ing l"-

"aii!. for tin- outlay. d 'e is givingtalk- - in a jarge liUtiiWv of Ka-ier-

sties, tiie slides extensively,! the slides forty which he per-- ,

soiiaiiy procured. A;ba::v was the fir-- tplace iu which he gave a talk.

Will Boost Hawaii. ;

Manager Miiae of the Kxa miner s,

Orient Tour has written the promotioncommittee that no matter what ha-- ,

happened with regard to arrangementsfor luncheons, it will not hurt Honolulu!

'as far as he is concerned. All the Hearst

ne Cent PerPARASOLS Square Foot j

The territorial grand jury eerday, '

be.-bi.- -s iiidi'-fin- ten HuiaiiN leturiiedtw- other i ndirt men i s, which, however,ivf'i . pla i on ti.o secret lienchwarrants were for the defend- -

ants, and if arreted tliev will be ar-

raigned this morning.The charges against l.ee Tin and

Chew Sing, accused of being present aia gambling game, were noi grossed inJudge Cooper's court yesterday.

Gamblers Convicted.Chee Keong was found guilty by

Judge 'oofers jury yesterday of run-ning a che.-f- game and was sentencedto i.iiv ii fine of .'2o) and costs. The




nr.wr.olitirin a rKUl .1 U i'tt, Deputyi.'iiuM-i- ; viv n At In ii r 11 i 11 1 r:i '11 ,

' :--

Count v Atfornev lirown.exor me Hawaiian jsianiis, ana uc

FLORAL PARADE SOUVENIR.pects that the people foiming the partywill have a very enjoyable time here.

Doesn't Want Money.SAYEGUSA

Or a trifle over for home sites of more thanone arce each, adjoining the celebrated Pu-ke- le

Homesteads in PAL0L0 VALLEY, tenminutes' walk from the car line.

These lots are adjoining the beautiful

homes of Owen Williams, William A. Rideout,

Charles J. Schoening, Edward F. Patten, andothers.

The rear of these lots extends to the hill

slopes, from which grand views are to be had.Correct soil for all kinds of fruit.

Let m3 show you this property.$500 per acre and up.Map in my window.

The beautiful souvenir of the recent



INuuanu Street above Hotel. !" l "l;,."u""u- - 7"lt,K'" J of the Hawaii Promotion Committee, is

yu to pay a genera tQ bg had at thfl offlee flf the Hawai.the promotion comnuttee rs asked ian 0azPtte company, 65 south King

to extend favors and also to pay lor gtree- - This is a handsome souvenirthem. Baedeuer. the C.mp.ler ot guide-- , events of taeof one of the gala yearbooks, wanted some data, pictures andj Honou and it conveys a clear

jinaps ot Honolulu, and the Islands also, .,f manner of celebrating


and asked the secretary to enclose hilV Washington's birthday in Hawaii. Thetor same. 'I he committee proclaimed book is gold for twenty-fiv- e cents. Bythe Baedeker people ot the right sort. ..maU to ay part 0f the world for

Trent in Snow Storm. j twenty-eigh- t cents. They are enclosedir. II. Trenl, county treasurer, and .' in envelopes ready for mailing.


esky !memher of the promotion committeewrote from hicag". and he evident v A THEORY.

"Trifant prodigies are hard to under-stand," said the man who is easily lm- -

I Chas.! ! inged for he balmy air of Hawaii: 1 or he said it was snowing hard tti Clii--

cage. "Iboioiuln f me." he con iiresseil.ie!il led. 4.T .Int. t tliinV so." retdied iMiss FORT STREj (''avenue. 44 As a rule they are simply



1 .

i t 4.

i i


i Iif t


i 1

S 'f. :

I :






; i 1

J i



i1 t



voiing Jieopie Willi liigmy liuag:uaiivoI a rents. "PMt RUSSIANS

ARE DOING WELLResidents oi Honolulu who have not visited Ilalciwa have a

ia store. The journey on the railway is a revelation and

-- 'Hotel has all of the conveniences of the best on the Mainland.


Our Machine Shop is the best equipped shop in town. OurGear Expert can not be beaten. Here are some of our

At Pahoa are nearly fifty Ru-sia- n

immigrants, working. and workinghard. for one d'diar per day. Theywork ten hours a day for the l'aiioaLumber Company. Some days they areworked eleven hours. I ner have !oeii




ByLydiaE.Pinkham'sVegetable Compound

Louisville, Ky. " Lydia E. rink-ham'- s

Vegetable Compound has cer

id ed with homes in a camp, ami

that i s all. There is; no promise whatRepairing of gaso-

line, marine and sta-

tionary engines andmotorcycles a

Spur gear

Our three Experts 'ira.1 earBevel gear

on gasoline enginescannot be excelled . Worm gear

Worm; alsoCrankshaft.

a n v t ut lire. 1 ne andSEE OUR

5c, 10c and 15cever of any land or

one dollar per day is


These b'lis- - ans hav

'n Sam .Cd'iisnii. ma:

d! there is to tiie

bt gun to a ppiygo- ,.f the com- -

Special attention paid to Island orders.

GEO. S. WELLS, Mgr.panv. for inform: u as !

A mensat istiiGOO Ii ci! IZeJiS.

with theiride. in tie,' iriis5isri-

JO becomei pea i w i 'A

1'hey orang-- . with

X or e'gj'f earns


tainly done me aworld of good andI cannot praise itenough. T sufferedfromirregularities,dizziness, nervous-ness, and a severefemale trouble,l.vdia K.Pinkhain'sVegetable Com-pound has restoredme to perfecthealth and kept mefrom the operating


K. UYEDA, Nuuanu St.LANSING'S93-9- 5 King St. near Maunakea.

ill W:

tV t:t .,! i,:.n,. ,:ce wa

table. I win never be witnout iniamedicine in the house." Mrs. Sam'lLi-.fc- , 3o2;5 Fourth St.. Louisville, Ky.

Another Operation Avoided.Adrian, da. "I suffered untold

misery from female tronbles.ind mydoctor said an operation was my onlychance, and I dreaded it almost asmuch as death. Lydia K. 1 .nkham'xVegetable Compound completely curedme without an operation." Luna .

liENIlY, 11. V. I). 3.Thirty vears of unparalleled sue- -

a tie ,g asi; siib r w itatt ' e t

Plain and StripedPINA CLOTH

45 and 50 cents a yard

Japanese Toweling

50 cents a bolt

The Prest-o-Lit-e

Automobile Owners

Ring up 50

it -


la f.

t in- -.e;i K

s t ied w

fess confirms the power of Lydia K. j

I'inkham's Vegetable Compound to,cure female diseases. The grat vol-- 1

time of unsolicited testimony constant-- ;

lv nourintr i;t proves conclusively thatJAPANESE BAZAAR jVlUil ft.. 1 lllKnam S cgenoiK vuar- -

pound is a remarkable remedy for thoseI distressing feminine ills from whichi so many women sutler.

e O ei :h II.

Fort St. below Convent )-- FOR SALE BY- -

Ao GiimSigns of all kindsScenic Work, Decorating,

Graining, Paper Hanging, Etc

M SHARP, The PainterE,'te Building

phone 397Judd Building

Page 12: it Stottftr - University of Hawaii...u-'l-,if it f i if Stottftr it lit-- vt. 5 wj h'r i Jrl; RLISHFP JULY 2. 1M HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, FRIDAY,;. MAY 6, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS.

I8 I



Mill lilnlll lillilllllllMIHll IIMII HIIMI II 11

Willia'By AuthorityJAMES L HOLT


in attendance at the office of the un-ler--

-i- :,- !, in the Executive building, llor.n-lulu- ,

at 12 o'clock noon of said day, tosb-.- .au-e- . if any, why sael jtetitionsiioiihi no; granted.

I ). L. CON'KLlXti.l:re,asr,rer. Territory of Hawaii.

Ho.uo.'tdu. March 1st, 'l!K.iii i2 Mar.-i- i 4, 11, IV. 25, April 1, S.




Denied by Circuit JudgeCooper.

Fire lnsuranc

40ENT F0 ENqtt


A Word to Parents on the Dan-ger- s

of filood.'essness ThatThreaten Daughters in

Their "Teens."Perhaps yon have already noticed that

your daughter in her "u-ens- '' has de-veloped a tit ful tenij-er- , is restless andexcitable. In that iae remember thatshe is growing into womanhood, and that,a great responsibility rests Upon yon, a?parents.

If your daughter is pale, complains ofweak new and depression, feels "tiredout" after a little exertion, if she tells ofheadaches and backaches, do not disre-gard these symptoms. Your daughterneeds help, for she is aneiiiie that isbloodless.

You should loe no time in procuringDr. Williams' Fink Fills; otherwise herunhealthy girlhood is bound to lead tounhealthy womanhood.

RESOLVED, by the Board of Super-

visors of the City and County of Hono-

lulu, Territory of Hawaii, that the Ap-

propriation Bill for the half yearlyperiod ending .lime I'.o, 1 f 1 , he amend-

ed to the following effect, to start fromApril 1, lyiO:

From the balance of item "Mainte-nance of Schools,'' in hand March ol,deduct .fl.SOO.OO.

Amend the appropriations for roadsand bridges to read as follows:

General RoadFund Tax Total

dames L. Holt, ex-ta- assessor, accusedof eml,ezzlinj the territorial funds,must answer the citation to show causewhy he should not l.e adjudged iruiltv

Real EstateFOE 8A1

of contempt of court for defying thegrand jury and refusing to toll the in- -

1,000 $10,7001,500 LG'iO

ijuisifors who it was that leaked andinformed him of the proceedings of the

LOTS KAUHLAND KAHILIgrand nirv when mvestitiatintr tns case.



l.B'O1,1 oQ

Honolulu .

Ewa . . .

Waianae .

Waialna .



Judge Cooper yesterday overruled themotion to quash the citation. At the

Kentucky's most famous and

best; the World's most famous

and best; the whiskey that has

girdled the Globe. Sold by

W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd.



Miss Thekla Holland, of No. 1162 At- - ,c brewer!



5u0suggestion of the county attorney, how-ever, who did not want to see anyerror creep into the record, he allowed by Supervisor Daniel Royal Insurance Co.. of I i. I

land.Logan.Hated, Honolulu, T. H., April 5, 1910

In re dissolution of S. G. WILDER,Sc COM PA XV, LIMITED.

Whereas, S. G. WILDER & COM-

PANY. LIMITED, a corporation estab-lished and existing under and by virtueof the laws of the Territory of Hawaii,has pursuant to law in such cases madeand provided, duly tiled in this office,a petition for the dissolution of thesaid corporation, together with a cer-

tificate thereto annexed as required bylaw.

Now, therefore, notice is hereby giv-

en to any and all persons that havebeen or are now interested in any man-

ner whatsoever in the said corporation,that objections to the granting of thesaid petition must be riled iu this of-

fice on or before 12 o'clock noon ofJuly 11, 1910, and that any person orpersons desiring to be heard thereonmust be in attends nee at the office ofthe undersigned, in the ExecutiveBuilding, Honolulu, at 12 o'clock noouof said day, to show cause, if any, why-- aid petition should not be granted.

D. L. CONKLING,Treasurer Terrttorv of Hawaii.

Honolulu, April 25. 1010.8G50 April 29, Mav .'.. 13, 20. 27. June

3, 10, 17, 24, July 1.



London AssuranceCommercial Union fig

of London.wiwu onion Jittwuj.

Attorney Kinney until Tliiii.-Ia-y, May12, to answer over.

Tlie motion to quah will 1 e appealedto the supreme court. The defendant,has already taken an appeal to the su-

preme court from the decision of thecircuit judge overruling his demurrer.It is understood that the Holt case, lie-for- e

it comes to an end, will lo carriedto the Supreme Court of the I'ui.'edStates', if the attorneys for the defensecan iind grounds, ou which to carry-i-t


luoulfluc(JThe Upper Rhine Insurant, (


S. H. PEASE - - - - President7 579 Market Street,

San Francisco, Cal., T7.S A.

" -

1 do hereby certify that the fore-

going Resolution was duly presented tothe Mayor ou Wednesday, April 20,l!Uo, for his approval and that he didnot, within ten days after being sopresented to him, return the same withhis disapproval.

D. KALAUOKALAM, JR.,Clerk, City and County of Honolulu.Mi.-)-

:; May 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 10. 11, 12, 13

lieliiiiiREAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Capital (Paid up)...;. .yi

Reserve Fund. T

lantie avenue, Long Beach, Cab, says:"A few years ago I tiecame very

amende, although I had always lx-e-

weak ami sickly. We moved to Califor-nia during my sickness and I was so thinand pale that jwople thought 1 had con-sumption. I was run down, weak andunable to stand any exertion. I was.short of breath, had no ambition andwas always tired. 1 was nervous and mydeep was broken. I had to be carefulwhat 1 ate ajid my stomach was out oforder. My heart also troubled me agreat deal. I was able to go to schoolonly about three months out of the nineand one year was out of school entirely.I was often eonlined lo bed for two orthree weeks.

'"A friend recommended the use of TV.Williams' Pink Rills and after a fa:rtrial 1 began to get U tter. kept on lin-

ing the pills until I w as letely cure 1.

I now feel strung and well and a:n aideto stand any exertion. 1 recommendIr. Williams' Fink Fills liecause theycured me after three years of sicktte-- s

and after my doctor had said he couldnot help me."

Ir. Williams' Fink Fills have curedrheumatism, after-ell'ect- s of the grip andfevers, chlorosis or green sickness andgeneral debility because of tlx ir power tobuild Up and purify the blood. On:new booklet, "iliseas of the Blood.''will i'ie yoii much vuiuuHe informal ioaabout the aboe disAUses ana wiii he scotfree? upon reotie.-- t .

lr. William- -' Rink Fills are sold by ai!druggists, or will ! post pa ;d, onreceipt of price, "0 cents per box; s;xboxes for s.'.-Vi- , by the Br. illiamsMedicine Company, Jy.hi.neit.idy, N. V.


135 Merchant Street.Machinery Kepaired.

Ship and General Blaeksmithinf .



The bank buys ana retell fclection bills of exchange,and Letters of Credit, ani

Entered of Record Hay 5, 1310.Akuni A ban et al to Thomas Tread-wa-

MWalter (i Smith et al (o Beruice A

W Ross DE C Green well et al to West Ha-

waii Railroad Co Ltd GrantE C Green well et al to West Ha-

waii Railroad Co Ltd GrantE Grocnwell et al to West Ha-

waii Railroad Co Ltd GrantE C Crecnw-el-! et al to West Ha-

waii Railroad Co Ltd GruntAV H Creeuwell to West Hawaii

geuerai Banning DUSInen.The Bank receives Local

and Head Office

riods.Local Deposits $25 ana np J

Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd.

The directors of this corporationhaving declared a dividend of seventy-liv- e

cents per share, dividend Xo. 25-: due and payable on Saturdav. M;i;

14, P.H 0, to stockholders of rei-or- atthe close of Ihe stork transfer book's,l'ridw-y- . May i. pile, at 12 o'clock noon.

stock transfer hooks will be roopencoou Mondav, Mav Pi. Rtpi.

HAS. . ATIIERTOX,Treasurer Waialua Agricultural

Co.. Ltd.Honolulu, May .", P.)0. 80o0

,lc vi. pr um iHead Otiice Deposits Tea a iJ

irQr.ta f.,. n Au.o uiic-uai- x year, one Ttuyears or rnree years at ntegfper annum.

Particulars to be obtaindcation.

Honolulu Office Bethel and jjcnant

M. TORIEDA. HumP. O. Box 168.



No. 3933.

Peterson TCaroline ); Peterson and hsh to W

A Kinney M

Railroad Co Ltd GruntL Ivrk pat rick to von Ilamin Young

Co Ltd '.C MSam Keauaha and wf to llilo Lldg

& Loan Assn. Ltd MKeahiloa K Nalimn liy Coin to S

Miyamoto L(.'hong Ah San and hsh to .1 Garcia,

Tr MPrudeneio Camaclio and wf to Do-

ming is Cravalho IT Akana 1o Frank Gonsalvos 1

Frank Gonzales and wf to T Akana MFrank Oon-alv- ts and wf to A F

Tavares 1)Antone Pereira and wf to Anna J

'alrai DHuakini Knos and wf to Young

Met- - Savs Socv Ltd ME A i'orsythe and wf to Frank G

'orr. a M


BEST PAINTFor Your House is

In re dissolution of WILDER &


LIMITED, a eo.poration establishedand existing under and by virtue ofthe laws of the Territory of Hawaii,lias )iirsuant to Liw in Mich cases madeand provided, duly filed in this ollice,a petition for the-- dissolution of thesaid corporation, together with a cer-tificate thereto annexed as required bylaw.

Now, therefore, notice is herebygiven to any and all persons that havebeen or are now interested in any man-ner whatsoever in the said corporation,that objections to the granting of thesaid petition must bL tiled iu this of-fice on or before- 12 o'clock noon ofJuly 11, 1910, and that any person orpersons desiring to be heard thereonmust be in attendance at the ottice ofthe undersigned, in the ExecutiveBuilding. Honolulu, at 12 o'clock noonof said (lay, to show cause, if any, why-sai-

petition should not be granted.D. L. CONKLING,

Treasurer Territory of Hawaii.Honolulu. April 25. 1910.

S)50 April 29,Mav 0. 13, 20. 27, June3, 10, 17, 24, July 1.


Limited.Reeorded April 2", 1010.STANGENWALD BTHLDBl

F. B. McSTOCKEH . . MuurcreoaredP P. O. Box No. 68. Cable:

aint CASTLE & fflOXF ItMade by W. P. Fuller & Co.

For Sale by UTTPPINO AND C0MEISCIIdailies Ogilvy liy Atfy to Malie KuRelah

MERCHANTS.eras 8 coi!, Ill

Western & Hawn Tnvstmt Co Ltd 1oC W Booth. Par Rel; lot D, R P 302,

j kul 273, Pacific Heights, Honolulu. On-Ihn- ;

H 331. p 2. Dated March23. 1010.

i T Rubinstein to C W Booth. Par Rel;lot D. R P 302. kul 273. Pacific Heights.Honolulu, Oahu; $2000. B 334. p 20.Dated Mac), 23, 1010.

! Y Akina and wf to John F YisherJ and wf. D A: female child. Martha L! Akana. B 331. p 31S. Dated Dec V.; 1009.j Kaimuki Liilii Tract hv Owner ta

Plan. Plan; 2 302-IOOo- of kul Solo,i cor Waialae and Kapahulu rds, Hono-- !

lulu. Oahu. File Xo 33. Dated Aprili 23. 10 10.

.1 W Achuck to Chikaxo Makino. L;




fitzpatrick BrothersCIGARS

New England Mutual Lift lowFort and Hotel

Malie Kuahau and hsh to George CKopa D

George C K Kopa in William "R

Castle. Tr MW M Minton and wf to Mattie E

Ganze! 1)

Mattie E Ganzel and lis;!) to LueRaR Emmons T)

S X Castle Estate Ltd to Levi TPeck D

Hank of Hawaii Ltd to Sarah .1

Kennedy RelEst of Juliette M Cooke by Tr to

Fna S McChesney RelHeurv Waterhoiise Tr Co Ltd. Tr, to

Fna S McChesiicy RelFna S McChesney by A 1 y to Wil-

liam O Smith.' ME- -t of W C Lunalilo by Tr to W

A Kinney Par RelW A Kinnev to Trs of W C Luna-

lilo Et..' ddn Seey and ExtnMW A Kinnev and wf to Caroline E

Fort below King Company of Boston.

Aetna Fire Insurance Compuy,

National Fire Insurance Conpitt

kul 200. "oldgs, etc. King st, Honolulu.Oahu: M vrs at $000 per v. B 323. p)3t. Dated March 2", 1010.

Wilder & Go Ltd to Est of S' G Wil-der Ltd. D; lot 1 1, Idk 2-- i. Pearl Cifv.

PARAGON PAINTCitizens' Insurance Company (luttt

Fire Insurance Compacr).London Assurance Corporation.

Kwi. Oahu: B 327. u 3S0. Tate.TApril 2"., 1010.

i Wilde,- - Co Ltd to Est of S r, Wil- -

Til tt. - , , . - , ,



WORK GUARANTEED.Office 1039 Bethel, Near Hotel St-e- et.

Fire lnsurano1



In the Matter of the Estate of Gene-

vieve Dowsett Dunbar, deceased.On reading and filing the petition

and accounts of Hawaiian Trust Com-pany, Limited, aneillar' administratorof estate of Genevieve Dowsett Dunbar,deceased, wherein petitioner asks to beallowed .,7.71 and charged with

3.31 0.04, and asks that the same beexamined and approved, and that afinal order be made of distribution oftiie remaining property to the personsthereto entitled and discharging peti-tioner and sureties from all further re-sponsibility herein:

It is Ordered, That Mondav, the 23rdday of May, A. D. 1010, at'lO o'clocka. in. before the Judge presiding atChambers of said Court at his CourtRoom in the Judiciary Building, inHonolulu, County of Honolulu, be andthe same hereby is appointed the timeand place for hearing said petition andaccounts, and that all persons interest-ed may then and there appear and showcause, if any they have, why the sameshould not be granted, and may presentevidence as to who are entitled to thesaid property.

Dated the' 14th day of April, 1910.Bv the Court:

M. T. SIMOXTOX,Clerk of the Circuit Court of the First

Circuit.April 15, 22, 20, May C, 1910.


No. 3823.

In the Matter of the Estate of Hat-ti- e

Hiram. Deceased.On reading and tiling the petition

and accounts of Abraham Fernandez,administrator of the estate of Hatt'.eHiram, late of Honolulu. Oahu, de-cease,!, win-rei- petitioner asks to beallowed and charged with-- loci. 7". and a-- ks that the same beexamined are! approved and that a finalordei e mad.- "f is) ri but ion of thelouininiuc. property to the personsthereto en'ilied and dischareing peti-tioner and sureties from all further

herein.It - ordered that Saturdav tin. 1 M h

dav of dune, A. I Ripi. t o'clock" "" the .lodge presiding afits i...r of said t at hi- - courtroom,' o :!' i i y buaOMia. in Honolulu,

iiity of Iboiohdu. be an-- l the same:a i e!. :s appointed ' he Cine and pko-f- .

r a i.ear-it- sai-- petition and accounts,aid t hat ail p. rs.-ii- interested mayt en aa d the)., appear ami i,mv cause,if in; 'hey ha e. whv- - the -- ame should

Select LumberDirect Importation

Lowest PricesCITY MILL CO., LTD.

KEKAUL1KE STREET.General Agents for Hw&

In accordance with the provisions ofa certain Bond Mortgage or Deed ofTrust, dated June 1st, ls9s, made andexecuted by CALIFORNIA BEETSUGAR AND REFINING COMPANY,a corporation (whose corporate name,since the date of said bonds, has beenlegally changed to, and is now CALI-EORNT-

AND HAWAIIAN SUGARREFINING COMPANY), two hundred(200) of the Fifteen Year Six Per Cent,Gold Bonds, of the denomination ofOne Thousand (lOOOj Dollars each, alsodated June 1st, ls-0--, and secured bvsaid Bond Mortgage or Deed of Trust,were on the 10th day of March, 1910,duly drawn, by their numbers by lot,for redemption on the 1st day of'june,1910, and notice is herebv given thatsaid two hundred (200) bonds will beredeemed in full at the office of the saidcorporation. No. 254 California street,San Francisco, California, on the 1stday of June, 1910. at which time andplace said corporation will pav on eachof said two hundred (200) bonds, sodrawn, its principal, or face value, to-wi-

The sum of One Thousand (1000)Dollars, together with the coupons that,on said 1st day of June, 1910, mav bedue thereoc.

Interest on said two hundred (200--bonds so drawn wil! cease from andafter the 1st day of June, 1910.

Atlas Assurance Company of L4

Province Washington Inum Ot



oer ai ; nirg I'eoorah Ixaliaie- -

wai op l,,t 102. K'uiLr St Tract. IBnn.lulu. Oahu: i ii t in por R P 722".kul sup--. p;dikea rd. Honolulu. Oahu;mtg Ket On Fni Knn Socv on por kul7!3. an 2, l.ldgx. etc. Kukui St Extn.Honolulu. Oahu: 1. P, 33!. p 31. Dated April 2"i. 10 10.

W lder & Co Ltd to Est of S G Wil-der Ltd. A M : mtges W Matlock Camp-hel- l

on lots 7 a ml S, hlk ." and lot 1,

b!k 10. bldgs. rents, etc. College Hills,Honolulu. Oahu: 1. P. 33 1, p 32. Da-

ted April 2.". 1010.William R Castle and wf to Grace D

Merrill. D: 41.22." s,, ft of kul 7713.M'anna and Seavieiv Ave. llouotulu.Oahu; p, H3.". . 40. Dat.d Aug12. 110 0.

Tlios R Lucas to Gi'orge A Davis.Tr. Tr D: real, personal and mixedtoopertv: si. p, 327. p 30. DatedDc- - 31. 19'iO.

rge A Dais. Tr. to Lydii CLucas. Tr. Tr I); real, oersnnal andmixer! rtv: L I! .'127. p :!01. Dated De.- 31. l'.io'.i.

Ce.-- Brown. Tr. to M .1 Ifodrignes.D; o:t in lot 3.. bik !'. Kapiolani Tract.

. ; . Oaliii; .2'.0. ; --, ).

Dated March 20. 1 0 0.Lm-- lioek Fu to I hau San Man. B

Sugar Factors and Conun!




Vice-Presiden- t tad

FLAXONThe admitted leader of White Goods

Fabrics 13c. to 25c. per yard.

K. L Wong Dry Goods Store32 Hotel St., opp. Bethel.


Peerless Preserving Paint

Office Fort St. opp. VV. G. Irwin & Co

TEL. 281..: : :..P. O. Box 757

The Star Dyeing and Cleaning Shop

221 Beretania Street, near Alakea.Telephone 182.

MAKAi SIDE OF STREETNo connection with the place aerost

the street.

Said two hundred 00) bonds to be

CONFIDENCEsaid Lord Chatham, "is a plantol slow grow tli." People heiie ein thing's that they see, and in abread sense they are right. Whati- - somet inies called blind faith i

not faitli at. all. There n l.ereason and fact to form fou::- -

d. d'u.n for trust. I:i rcp.rd tomedicine or remedy, forev: :::: '


pfole ;isk, "lias it citv. d ('.- -

e. rs. JIavc cases like it.::.-- - . ::

relieved hy it? Is it in I,;;:::.; !:y"ivi'h the cuthscf moiicrn : cu m ,

;uid has it a reci rd ah(Ve s:;. jiion? Jf so, it. is wor.hv f coideuce; and if 1 am ever ;' 1 t 1

by any d' t lie mahidies f- r ;.' .')

it is commended, 1 sh;:'i :t ,i it in fiill belief in its p- --

er t help me."' On tln-- o

WAMPOLE'S PREPARATIONlias w.-- its hich rcjuttat ion

medical men, and tieeo pic of all civilized

They trust it for thosa:;:e reason'hat they trust in the famiiir.rlaws of nature or in the aeti ncf common t hinrs. Thi ; i !?' : .

remedy is palatable as honev a;.dcontains all the curative pioperties of pure Cod Liver L.extracted by us from !';,

cd liver-- , cottiliiie ( wi: n : i eSyrup of ly: !:. --

!iites and the Kxtracts of Mnit.'.nil Wild Cherry. .! ,tiick'v(-r;dica!e- s

the iioisonotts,

redeemed as aforcsai 1 are numbered astoiiows




2, 4, 0, 10,29, 40, 4S, 40,74, 70. S'2. Ss



20. SO. 34, 37.01. 03. 00, 73,I o.3. 104. 111.S; 1 12 bit in Sun Tai Wai 'o. Kane- - '.'I.



12::,147,1 so.

1 2o,lol,101,



107.21- -.



242.29 o,333,

THE EAGLE22:;, 227.


I 1







1 ll -1


I?-- II;1

2S1, 2S7, 291,313, 323, 320, CLEANING, DTEINQ:! 40;

"In'. Koolaupoko. Oahu: .! loil. B 3.!1,32'i. Dat.'d April 0. BM

Trent Tru-- t ',, Ltd to Anno' K Hat!.Rel; he. ! ,,!id 2, hlk 71. bldg-- , yenls,etc, Waialae Tract, llono'ula. Oaiin;

,;"o. B 33 1. p 33. Dated A t.r 2".iOlo.

' Ian- - S;.i e.- lV 'o l.v tt v to'harle. W P.- l;e;; por ap 1. 'R P

kd 12-- 2 and p.- land. Nnuana st,Hon.dul.;. i lain: p.o- i; P :; 2.Helios, lbmooiiu. Oahu; f"ooo. J; -- ::t.p 33. Daed Apii! -. !:!.

2'.':.34o'4 2".47.." ' 1

4 1 2.471.



130.170.1 0:.2.V!

3SO',43,s.4 0.1


021 j

Oat.71 i.7"0.70 2.5 10

3os,3-- 1,

4 45,492.53.5;4.595,031.074,719,



i Da'. the eta .i.iv ' f M a .

A. K. AO ...Assistant i iork




707,S07."4 2.


04,r.:;s,('.'.'7,- r,


' mrsTm. ogawa

Thone 125'.

Th- - Eighth Order of

Reserve Nurse of tbeBedCro

r. s i

C.iw,r ;o.7,1.1

ELECTRIC SWITCHESSave , v. nnviin-e- .

W'p invra'l t Loin an vw here.UNION ELECTRIC CO.

Harrison Building,Beretruiki St.

ISLAND VIEWSApi .r-.- iati 1y Tram,' 1.


Xinmnu 1 e''w T T t 1.

I'h Oi. e 222.

M. WATsiiV, ev to,- ,1



'' - Mae 0 1;; J7G

of JW- - u,ccjStW Goo! a nd w t to F.l

Xt.g;w. D; 37 looa , ; p :;.,o-- 73 and us v.. I':,,..!,.. i. ; tj s-- . . mi ana r- Tn Ionian Nlil be

o. i; P'. Da


OAHU.1" s'e Dissolution of the W. G. Irwin

& C'otupany. Limited.

'.d A; Xo. i245 KinaaJtB..nTirP.

S71,s'i,;ot !i







J3. i!'!'.h C Ate,;;

.v !




Oi;2 j iku 1t ! O

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M .el B'd j!' D.


breeding; acids amatter- - !'...::; 'he

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;:.d 'i'M' :.' ; .! :

a ;. MOUNTAIN KINGalif.unia. . Trr CO.Cat..:

Mar.-- 30.I'.v Or,,

an I

1910.r of tlw

K. I


;, ::

L- ;.a are

!'. of i

RiTinrr.nia and Ha wa:

Regal ShoesARE BEST


tprsiS11 ., tK11 m'tit of Oalifr

ibs'-ril'-- ; :i

for ciK,;2-'- r om;-an- rner- -imii-- ::ia '.


t this- corf-- a

,'is areSealCorporates ......I ill noti.f H. NT X G ' ox. r,rtL

'da and H;,-.-

1. 'i n v fo-- r

"Jl'f etel Kefm - K. il- -



,n any quantity, it' delivered to

uiidi r i ir ; i in o,,l condition.

RENEAR COMPANY. LTD..Queen Stifct. near Richards.


