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IT th e ^ru Su iFR IC A N LIFEB U O Y - University of … · TRUE COMPLEXION BEAUTY through PERFECT...

Date post: 06-Sep-2018
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Z04-. r RexnnaToilet Snap., a beauty treatment in itself ^Mccma containing CADYL —brings you TRUE COMPLEXION BEAUTY through PERFECT SKIN HEALTH A TOILET SOAP True complexion beauty is yours with Rexona— the exquisite green toilet soap. The secret? It's in Rexona's fragrant luxurious lather... because only Rexona contains Cadyl —a blend of proved skin tonics that revitalizes tired tissue... brings perfect skin health. Find your true complexion beauty— with Rexona today. CADYL—exclusive to Rexona—is a blend offive rare beauty oils—natural oils that feed and tone the skin. - r tk— tu C& re / yo o r j/y/7 ay / Zvx/5/fefSbap rego /ar/y ." says film MOIRA The secret of real beauty is a lovely skin, and the secret of a lovely skin is Lux Toilet Soap. Beautiful women in this country and all over the world use Lux Toilet Soap to keep their skins soft and smooth and beautiful. Buy a tablet of Lux Toilet Soap today, and you will see how white it is. It is white because it is pure. It is the whitest soap you can buy. It has a lovely smell, too, which will keep you refreshed. When you wash with it you will find how quickly it lathers, and how soft and smooth your skin feels afterwards. That is because it does not dry up your skin by taking away the natural oil that comes from your Once you have tried it, you will always use LUX TOILET SOAP—the pure white soap in the pretty pink wrapper. LU X TOILET SOAP used by beautiful women ail over the world LTS-4-103 NE , 9 A LEVhK ~ CT pnrters ITthe^ruSuiFRICAN LIFEBUOY C O M K im O N FIRST PRIZE £ 5 0 Mrs. E. K. Mhlanga, Salisbury. SECOND PRIZE £ 2 5 Mr. Peter Sitole, Capetown. There were so many - correct entries received that the prize winners again had to be drawn. The winners of consolation prizes have been advised by post. T h e r e ’s a very goqd reason why Lifebuoy Health Soap is the Africans’ favourite toilet Soap. Lifebuoy Soap not only gets you cleaner, but keeps you fresher and healthier too ! Start using Lifebuoy Health Soap to-day . . . it will be your favourite soap too ! V .V .V .V .-.V .V .'.V .W .V .V . :: HERE IS THE I I. A boy. 5. A boy. I; j! 2. A girl. 1 6. A girl. I; ;■ 3. A boy. 7. A boy. 4. A girl. 8. A girl. £ A V V .% V .V /.V .V .V .V .V .V .V .W .’.V '' Mrs. Mhlanga soys : “I like Lifebuoy Soap because the rich. lather retakes me feel so fresh and healthy.” Start using Africa’s popular LIFEB U O Y -the BIG RED SOAP that keeps you healthy! W atch for the 4th GREAT ALL-AFRICAN LIFEBUOY COMPETITION next m onth! V#s<? m 7 o//e/SG&p says film star LARAINE DAY used I all 9 out of 10 film stars all over the world use Lux Toilet Soap. They use it because they know it keeps their skin soft and smooth. They know that it is the purest soap of ail. They know it is the purest because it is the whitest. Buy a tablet of Lux Toilet Soap now. When you unwrap it, see how beautifully it is made, how white it is, how soft and smooth it is and how sweet it smells. You too will find, after using Lux Toilet Soap regularly each day,, that your skin becomes softer, smoother. So buy a tablet of LUX TOILET SOAP, the pure white soap in the pretty pink wrapper. Use it always. LEVER product LTS-5-FPNE

Z 0 4 - .

rR e x n n a T o i l e t S n a p . ,

a b e a u t y t r e a t m e n t

i n i t s e l f

^M ccm acontain ing CADYL — brings you




True complexion beauty is yours w ith Rexona— the exquisite green toilet soap. The secret? It's in Rexona's fragrant luxurious lather... because only Rexona contains Cadyl —a blend of proved skin tonics that revitalizes tired tissue... brings perfect

skin health. Find your true complexion beauty— with Rexona today.

CADYL—exclusive to Rexona—is a blend of five rare beauty oils—natural oils that feed and tone the skin.

- r tk— tu

C&re / y o o r j/ y / 7

a y /

Zvx/5/fefSbaprego/ar/y."says film

MOIRAThe secret of real beauty is a lovely skin,

and the secret of a lovely skin is Lux Toilet Soap. Beautiful women in this country and all over the world use Lux Toilet Soap to keep their skins soft and smooth and beautiful.

Buy a tablet of Lux Toilet Soap today, and you will see how white it is. It is white because it is pure. It is the whitest soap you can buy. It has a lovely smell, too,

which will keep you refreshed.When you wash with it you will find how

quickly it lathers, and how soft and smooth your skin feels afterwards. That is because it does not dry up your skin by taking away the natural oil that comes from your

Once you have tried it, you will always use LUX TOILET SOAP—the pure white soap in the pretty pink wrapper.


used bybeautiful women

ail over the world

LTS-4-103 NE , 9 A LEVhK ~ CT

pnrtersI T t h e ^ r u S u i F R I C A N

L I F E B U O YC O M K i m O N

FIRST PRIZE £ 5 0Mrs . E. K. M hlanga ,


SECOND PRIZE £ 2 5M r. P eter Sitole,


T h e re w e re so m a n y - c o rre c t e n tr ie s rec e iv e d t h a t th e p r ize w in n e rs a g a in h a d to be d raw n . T h e w in n e rs o f conso la tion p r ize s h a v e been a d v ised b y p o s t.T h e re ’s a v e ry goqd re a so n w h y L ifeb u o y H e a lth Soap is th e A fr ic a n s ’ f a v o u r i te to i le t Soap . L ifeb u o y S oap n o t on ly g e ts you c lea n e r , b u t k eep s y o u f r e s h e r a n d h e a l th ie r to o ! S t a r t u s in g L ifeb u o y H e a lth S oap to -d a y . . . i t w ill be y o u r f a v o u r i te so a p too !

V .V .V .V .- .V .V . ' .V .W .V .V .


■I I. A boy. 5. A boy. I;j! 2. A girl. 1 6. A girl. I;;■ 3. A boy. 7. A boy.

4. A girl. 8. A girl. £

A V V .% V .V /.V .V .V .V .V .V .V .W .’.V ''

★ M rs. M hlanga soys :

“ I lik e L i fe b u o y Soa p be ca u se th e r ich . la th e r retakes m e fe e l so f r e s h a n d h e a lth y .”

Start using Africa’s popular


that keeps you healthy!

W a tc h f o r th e 4 th GREAT ALL-AFRICAN LIFEBU O Y C O M PE TIT IO N n e x t m o n th !


7o//e/SG&psays film star


used I all

9 out of 10 film stars all over the world use Lux Toilet Soap. They use it because they know it keeps their skin soft and smooth. They know that it is the purest soap of ail. They know it is the purest because it is the whitest.

Buy a tablet of Lux Toilet Soap now. When you unwrap it, see how beautifully it is made, how

white it is, how soft and smooth it is and how sweet it smells.

You too will find, after using Lux Toilet Soap regularly each day,, that your skin becomes softer, smoother.

So buy a tablet of LUX TOILET SOAP, the pure white soap in the pretty pink wrapper. Use it always.

LEVER product LTS-5-FPNE

Collection Number: A427

Collection Name: African newspaper advertisements, 1953-1957

PUBLISHER: Publisher: Historical Papers Research Archive Location: Johannesburg ©2014


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This document is part of a private collection held at the Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
