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Items Vol. 7 No. 1 (1953)

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UlS, !Ell 10K IES, :ial CIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL OLUME 7 . NUMBER 1 . MARCH 1953 PARK AVENUE' NEW YORK 17, N. Y. HARLES EDWARD MERRIAM 1874-1953 HE death of Charles E. Merriam has evoked many Iv id memories of the early days of the Social Science csearch Council. Probably he alone of the small group of distinguished social scientists who met in 1923 at he ir own expense to plan and initiate an interdiscipli- na ry organization as an aid in the of of human behavior envisioned either the potential resources or range of activities that have since l>tcome reality. Looking toward the creation of the Council Merriam hnd over a period of years interested an individual he re and another there and then skillfully won approval by the national societies in economics, political science, IlII d sociology, later joined by those in anthropology, ,la Listics, psychology, and history. The degree of aloof- he ss between the disciplines at the time had reached an rxcessive point. Merriam always delighted in telling of " li e of the first meetings of the Council at which he by Robert T. Crane introduced to each other for the first time three full professors all teaching social sciences at the same uni- versity. Disciplinary standoffishness and professional dignity crumbled 'before his brilliant expositions and his raking wit; and above the leveled walls he erected a new unity of the social sciences. This is his personal and high achievement. His was the initiative and drive that gave body to a thought. ' Chairman of the Council during its first four years, he guided its enlargement to the present coverage of fields and secured the first substantial funds. It is fitting that he should have remained longer than any other individual a member of the board of directors of the Council. His period of service was for more than a quarter of a century; from 1923 through 1949 he par- ticipated in innumerable undertakings. The debt of the Council to him is endless. THE CONFERENCE ON THE NEAR EAST: SOCIAL DYNAMICS AND THE CULTURAL SETTING As ONE means of stimulating research, and of drawing mention to the growing importance of reliable informa- tion about the peoples of the Near East, the Committee on the Near and Middle East sponsored a conference at Princeton University on October 24-25, 1952.1 The 1 The members of the committee. which was appointed by the Social !kicnce Research Council in January 1951. are George G. Cameron. by Bryce Wood conference was attended by forty-five persons from uni- versities, business firms, research organizations, and gov- emment agencies. The papers prepared for the confer- University of Michigan (chairman); Carleton S. Coon. University of Pennsylvania; Peter G. Franck. Haverford College; Richard N. Frye. Harvard University; J. C. Hurewitz. Columbia University; Majid Khad- duri. Johns Hopkins University; E. A. Speiser. University of Penn· sylvania; Lewis V. Thomas. Princeton University; staff. Bryce Wood. 1
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HE death of Charles E. Merriam has evoked many Ivid memories of the early days of the Social Science csearch Council. Probably he alone of the small group

of distinguished social scientists who met in 1923 at he ir own expense to plan and initiate an interdiscipli­

na ry organization as an aid in the advanc~ment of ~lIowledge of human behavior envisioned either the potential resources or range of activities that have since l>tcome reality.

Looking toward the creation of the Council Merriam hnd over a period of years interested an individual here and another there and then skillfully won approval by the national societies in economics, political science, IlIId sociology, later joined by those in anthropology, ,laListics, psychology, and history. The degree of aloof­hess between the disciplines at the time had reached an rxcessive point. Merriam always delighted in telling of " lie of the first meetings of the Council at which he

by Robert T. Crane

introduced to each other for the first time three full professors all teaching social sciences at the same uni­versity. Disciplinary standoffishness and professional dignity crumbled 'before his brilliant expositions and his raking wit; and above the leveled walls he erected a new unity of the social sciences. This is his personal and high achievement. His was the initiative and drive that gave body to a thought. '

Chairman of the Council during its first four years, he guided its enlargement to the present coverage of fields and secured the first substantial funds. It is fitting that he should have remained longer than any other individual a member of the board of directors of the Council. His period of service was for more than a quarter of a century; from 1923 through 1949 he par­ticipated in innumerable undertakings. The debt of the Council to him is endless.


As ONE means of stimulating research, and of drawing mention to the growing importance of reliable informa­tion about the peoples of the Near East, the Committee on the Near and Middle East sponsored a conference at Princeton University on October 24-25, 1952.1 The

1 The members of the committee. which was appointed by the Social !kicnce Research Council in January 1951. are George G. Cameron.

by Bryce Wood

conference was attended by forty-five persons from uni­versities, business firms, research organizations, and gov­emment agencies. The papers prepared for the confer-

University of Michigan (chairman); Carleton S. Coon. University of Pennsylvania; Peter G. Franck. Haverford College; Richard N. Frye. Harvard University; J. C. Hurewitz. Columbia University; Majid Khad­duri. Johns Hopkins University; E. A. Speiser. University of Penn· sylvania; Lewis V. Thomas. Princeton University; staff. Bryce Wood.


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eQ,ce were circulated to the participants well in advance In the first place, emphasis was placed pri:malrd of the date of meeting. Consequently, papers were not the description of distinctive characteristics of presented at the conference sessions; these were given teen groups of people. The time available did over entirely to the tliscussion of questions arising from consideratiQn of the interrelationships of these the papers.2 That is to say, some elements of Near Eastern

In choosing social dynamics and the cultural set- were examined, but the societies themselves ting of the Near East as the .theme of the conference, seen as a whole. As a beginning this approach J the committee wished to emphasize the forces of change, sible on scientific as well as other grounds; its internal and external, that are presently -at work in the ever, may suggest generalizations that should be Near East, together with the strong traditional elements as highly tentative until studies of relationships in the life of Near Eastern peoples. At the same time it the variouS segments of society have been was hoped that an effort would be made by the authors particular, an estimate of changes in opinion, or of the papers and by the participants in the conference in power among classes, would depend on a to look at the contemporary scene from the viewpoint of and less atomistic line of inquiry than was members of various groups in the region-intellec- at the conference. tuaIs, clergy, nomads, villagers, workers, political lead- In the second place, it was demonstrated with ers, army officers, minorities, entrepreneurs, merchants, sharpness that the present state of knowledge farmers, refugees and other immigrants. The commit- ing the peoples of the Near East is very limited. tee thought that this approach might suggest limits to this of course has been recognized in a ./'t_ ...... ..

assumptions that are sometimes made by Americans in illustrations of specific gaps in our iI' lformati~.

estimating the attitudes and reactions of Near Eastern new meaning to the generalization. As one peoples, and that it would also avoid as far as possible only, we seem to have inadequate means of the frequent tendency to analyze general problems of the significance of recent efforts by a few . the area and suggest solutions for them. to bring about a harmonization of Islamic

The committee was interested in focusing ·the con· doctrines with the recognition of the rights of ference on what different groups in the Near East were uals as known in western democratic states. doing and saying about a situation apparently presaging in8.u~ntial is the liberal. school o~ thought significant changes in attitudes and in institutions. by Khalid Muhammad Jplalid, the author of Could "barometric readings" be taken of the types of Here We Start? 8

change, of their interrelationships, and of their direc: In the third place. the approach in ............. 0£ .......

tion? The topics of papers were selected in terms of tudes and reactions of individuals was occupational groups. in part, to encourage the authors """"-""'"'""'"

broad than it might have been. The ideal of an to adopt an interdisciplinary approach and to view

disciplinary view of members of a given ' their hypothetical individuals in their total situations. The task given the authors was admittedly a difficult rarely gained in the full sense. This is not an

one. and while achievement may have fallen short of to reach in study of the peopfe of any area; expectations; .there seemed to be general agreement Near East it is especially difficult because of the among the participants that the effort was fully justified. ness and unreliability of statistical information, The Near East was considered largely on its own terms number of relevant studies so far made. and the -neither as a problem to others. nor as an arena for lack of experience in interdisciplinary research a contest of external forces. The vantage point chosen . social scientists and others. . did not permit the whole picture to be seen, but it did It is to be anticipated that these limitations sharpen the vital details that are sometimes obscured knowledge will gradually be lifted as research when viewed in other perspectives. The reasons for the Near East is further developed. . less than complete attainment of the committee's aims In considering some of the subjects discussed are not entirely clear, but a few may be suggested, and sessions. no effort is 1Il1lde here to summarize the all have their instructive aspects. presented. The conference passed no r~iOll11ti41)~

2 Papers were prepared by present members of the committee and by did it attempt to reach agreement on any Douglas D. Crary, University <!f Michigan; Charles Issawi, Columbia In the exchanges of \jews among the palrti(:ip;mtlt University; Raphael Patai, Dropsie College; Dalton Potter, American ever, there were SOIne recurrent themes and some University; Channing B: Richardson, Hamilton College; Rezazadeh Shafaq, Columbia University; Wilfred C. Smith, McGill University; of emphasis which are brought together in this Thomas B. Stauffer of Chicaga,-m.; Bernard D. Weinryb, Dropsie College. 8 In Arabic; 4th edition, Cairo: Nile Publishing House,


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t hc term N ear East was used to refer to areas I orocco along the southern and eastern shores

Mediterranean to Turkey, and beyond to Iran "Bh:mistan, attention was repeatedly. ~rawn . to

l differences among the several polItIcal UnIts, .harp distinctions in their internal affairs. For

I each state has a minority problem, but each . ·""III'ulities are different, and minority policies are

.1IJtr.,ru. Jordan has made citizens of a large number I . tinc Arab refugees; Egypt and Syria have refused

It them in any considerable numbers. According I!H4 population estimates, the total adherents Christian sects in Lebanon constituted 53 per-

. f the population, but the three groups of Muslims c taims to constituting a majority. In Israel, at

; ttl of 1951, about 89 percent of the population Jews, 7.6 percent were Muslims (Sunni), 2.4 per­Christians, and 0.1 percent Druzes; however, the fIll d ivergences between westernized and oriental Wcre sufficiently marked to raise questions about st ways of assimilating the latter into the social (l llomic structure of the new state.

th ll ilar question had arisen with regard to. t~e lic lllent of the Palestinian Arab refugees. WhIle It

':understood that the new Libyan government had ~ Ited a willingness to accept some 1,200 refugee 'lIc!!, the view was expressed that such an arrange-, might not be practical because of the wide cultural bel ween the refugees and the Libyan Arabs.

\ ,. C. Hurewitz pointed out, a general phenomenon . ~ ~:ar Eastern society is its segmental character. Near

n_,,~."i~'erll peoples make no distinction bet~e~n religion nationalism, and the view that a rehgIous group

ht be a nonpolitical association is an alien concept ughout the Near East. Therefore, religi~us-nati~nal

norities retain their identities by acceptmg vanous II of second-class citizenship, with a recognized place

thin the state involving political and other disabili­. Their alternative' courses of action are to emigrate, to give up their group identities b,r conforming .to

e religion and nationalism of the dommant communIty Ihe state.

This is one type of situation, which could be matched hh others, in which certain general features are pres­t throughout the area, although the ways in which

ICY are manifested are as various as the political units ncerned. The concepts associated with the special )sitions of the minority groups are referred to as the iIIet mentality, after an Ottoman term applied to

linorities. This expression was borrowed from the rabs, who in their earlier periOd of conquest had

accepted usages inherited from the ~ncient Near ~as~. The persistence of the millet mentalIty, among maJon­ties and minorities as well, is considered one of the principal obstacles to the introduction of western demo-cratic ideas and practices into the Near East. .

The persistence of many other elements of anCIent and medieval culture throughout the Near East was frequently noted. As E. A. Speis~~ pu~ it, :'Because the Near East started the world on Its hlstonc course, no other part of the globe has been watched over by his­tory to a comparable degree." Because of this peculiar characteristic of the Near East Speiser suggested that the present two-dimensional approach to the region through research on the people and their environment is inadequate; use of a third dimension-time-is nec~s­sary for understanding the region in cultural and SOCIal terms. However, this three-dimensional approach could be applied neither to the region as a whole, n~r to each of the existing states. He proposed that the UnIt selected for study should be a contemporary social and political organism as the end product of its total cultural career. Several such units, or minimum effective political enti­ties in their social and cultural settings, might be differ­entiated. Speiser suggested that they might be called "ethnemes," by analogy with phonemes, which are lin­guistically the minimal meaningful units of so~nd .. An "ethneme" is not necessarily a state, although It mIght be in some cases. For example, Syria, Jordan, and the Sunni Arab part of Iraq were regarded as in this sense having similar features of religion, language, concepts of the relation between the individual and the state, and geographic environment. Egypt, however, forms another "ethneme," primarily because of its tradition of the unlimited character of the authority held by its rulers. Turkey and Iran, in addition to Israel, form separate units, each with its own combinations of com­parable features. It was suggested that the study of Near Eastern "ethnemes" as structures was essential to the interpretation of changes now taking place in the area.

A third feature of the background of the Near East is the predominance of agriculture as an occupation. As was indicated by Douglas D. Crary, at least three quarters of the eighty million people in the Near East (not counting North Africa west of Egypt, and Mghan­istan) are farmers. The Near Eastern farmers ar~ far from primitive, either in their agricultural technIques or in their way of life; it would be more accurate to consider them as "hypercivilise" to employ the term of the French scholar, Jacques Weulersse.

The farmers live in villages, and the great majority of the village people know almost nothing of the out­side world. Their chief extra-village contacts are with the landlords to whom they pay rent, and with govern-

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ment officials }\Tho collect taxes or conscript men for the army or for forced labor. In general, occidental influ­ences upon the villager.s have not been of major impor­tance, except in certain sections where cash crops have replaced subsistence farming, and in some villages near towns where industries have been established and a demand for labor has induced some farmers to engage in part- or full-time employment in factories. Again, a few farmers have become lan90wners on a very small scale, where land reclamation projects have brought water to previously uncultivated plots. Western machin­ery and implements, however, up to now have resulted in no more than minor modifications of the farmer's way of life, either because he has adopted simple imple­ments and utensils without substantial changes in his social organization or flttitudes, or because the cost of major items of agricultural equipment has made them available only in a few places.

Little is known of the political, social, and cultural attitudes and responses of the farmers, at least as these terms are understood in the West. Explanations of the farmers' reactions in terms of lethargy, fatalism, rus­ticity, disease, or illiteracy are probably wide of the mark. The explanation may be found in the concep­tions held by farmers of their place in the social order, and their assumptions about the difficulty of bringing about any change in that position. For centuries past, Near Eastern societies have maintained themselves with notable s~bility despite great disparities between the numbers of people with little wealth, and the few with immense wealth. There are signs of stirrings against the continuance of this situation,. notably in Egypt, .but the traditional foundations of stability are still strong. Technical innovations through programs of assistance supported by the United Nations and the United States may acceler;lte the process of change. The effects of such_ innovations are difficult to judge, however, and they should be employed cautiously, and only wnen guided by adequate knowledge of the essential nature of the cohesive elements in the existing order, and of the probable directions of the currents of change. . Many other features of the social setting of the Near East would have !o be described in order to give a fully rounded picture. The features that have been con­sidered are examples of traditional factors of impor­tance brought out in the discussions of the conference. Others will be mentioned in a consideration of sources of change that are now influential in the Near East.


One source of chaIig~" already suggested is that of influences from t!te )Vest. One of these influences is the


introduction of democratic forms of many Near Eastern states. However, in the v ticipants in the Conference the adoption of notably in Syria, Egypt and Iran, has not yet be successful. Establishment of the .u· 1l)ULUL.IUlJlli.

ery has not been accompanied by the ~"I""'IIIl.

such democratic ideas as the separation of ch state and the equality of individuals, nor middle classes arisen to give vitality to paJlltlC .. t:I

In this connection three principal subjecu the attention of the conference: the cOlnp~m .. Islam with democracy; the role of the army in and the possible utility of a temporary CllCtta\O'I an interim government during a period of from the pre-existing form of authority to Clel.1 government.

Opinions differed as to the compatibility and democracy. On one hand it was stated is a theocratic system, with religious and 1 having one source and equal validity. principles of the Koran are subject to n· ltp·rnl·,.lIlt ....

various lYays, one of which is through carrying principle of consensus. It was suggested that th ciple, if applied through suitable procedures} permit reconciliatio~ of the theocratic system resentative democracy.

On the other hand it was said to be u' np()S,tIl. democratize a theocracy because Junder that thority could not reside in the people, and the would have 'no right to- change the sacred body revealed to the Prophet and since regarded as

On a more descriptive level of discussion it was that · in the most progressive of Near Eastern Turkey, the issue had been resolved by putting to the theocracy; church and state had been It was suggested that this achievement by n.o;;l.IIIIti

largely responsible for the vitality of the COIlteIDIII social order in Turkey, as compared with that neighbors to the south.

In other countries, where compromises of kinds have been made through the addition of legislation to the traditional laws, a constant goes on among the upholders of Islam-who range witch doctors to devout scholar&-and a types of reformers-ciemocrats, socialists, and nists as well as liberal moderate Muslims, both and military. These latter elements are not cO()pert as one group, but the combined influen£e of their sition to the sUPP9rters of ~e old order foreshadow social changes whose character seen clearly.

That Islam seemed to be undergoing a meas "secularization" as a consequence of the "wesw

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of the Islamic nations of the N ear East was the of many of the participants. The use of these

Ifldicated expectation of a direction of social and J change, but not the character of such change one country. The western powers, principally

Uritain and France, were held responsible for lJcillg the forms of democracy without adequately

.. ".".llt"r the people for their use, and without adapting rlns to Near Eastern traditions. With the with­of the western powers from controlling positions

Ol1lcstic politics, the local politicians, chiefly ..... __ ... Iy landowners, found ways of operating democratic

I(Jl les to their own advantage, and social reforms uled by a few liberals were not accomplished. ~Ivilian liberals found allies among younger army

f' , particularly in Syria and Egypt. The latter had • to look to the reforms of Kemal in Turkey as

.-"..l .... hlc to their own countries, if the right leader be found. To these dissatisfactions in the two

;.llltes, the failure to prevent the establishment of • Ie of Israel came as a climax. It was suggested that

UC: lI1pt by the politicians in both Syria and Egypt Ime the army officers for that failure was the imme­• enuse of the revolts that brought Generals Shishakli

nguib to power. I .. by no means certain, however, that the new tl in Syria and Egypt will follow the Turkish pic. It was pointed out that at least three main tH.1 in what has come to be known as Kemalism n to be observed in the plans of the new army

· ..... lm.lllleA. First, will the separation of church and state ' 1,lace? Second, will a strong civilian party or par­

developed? Third, will Kemal's example of mak­the: military authorities subordinate to the civil Ir he followed? The ways found for answering these on~, among others, will be watched with keen

tit both within and without the Near East. • c strength of the religious leaders in the Islamic

nil remains considerable, but the impression was aJ at the confererice that their position is growing

Ct' because they have not developed any positive for dealing with the growing western influ­

both ideological and material. The slogan "Back • lom" is not enough; and the principal, lay, religious

1'~.f'YaJ of recent years, the Ikhwan al-Muslimun led by Hasan al-Banna in Egypt, is regarded as no

having great political importance after having millions of Egyptian and other Arab adherents

short period of time. numerical strength of the communist and pro­

...-:v.,.. ..... groups in the Near East, with the exception of udeh Party in Iran, was judged to be very small,

no statistical estimates were given. It was

thought that communism had not so far developed any mass base among farmers or industrial workers, and also that religious and private property motives now provide barriers to the development of large communist parties. A few liberal, lay intellectuals were regarded as the chief sources of communist influence at the pres­ent time in the Arab countries since these persons look upon Islam as a civilization in decline and have become disillusioned with democratic institutions, which they attack as vehicles for corruption and for the mainte­nance of oligarchic control. It was noted that no sig­nificant communist movement had developed among the three quarters of a million Palestinian Arab refugees. It was thought, however, that cOUlIIiunism might gain support in Egypt and Syria if the new army regimes do not maintain the popular enthusiasm that greeted their advent .


A desire for the development of industry is found among some people in Near Eastern countries, chiefly among government officials. In general, the wealthy landowners have not been interested in investing in industry; such private development as has taken place has been supported by men who have made money in trade. However, it appears that many of the profits from industry are being invested in land, partly because of. accompanying prestige values, and partly because this form of wealth appears to offer greater security. This reluctance on the part of industrialists to reinvest is a brake on development by private capital. Other curbs are inadequate transportation facilities, lack of knowledge of plant management, the scarcity of per­sonnel possessing technical education, the slow growth of commercial banks, and lack of understanding of the limited liability form of business organization.

In general, entrepreneurial groups have less political power than the landowners, although it was thought that the influence of the former was effective to some extent in the adoption of the latest land reform in Egypt. While this would suggest the beginning of a middle class, at least in Egypt, not enough was known about the group to estimate its size or precise composi­tion. In Israel the situation is very different since highly developed groups of entrepreneurs have been trans­planted from Europe, have continued their established forms of manufacturing and finance, and have been assisted by capital imports.

To the extent to which industry has developed, a labor force has come into being. However, factory workers remain a minor group in comparison with farmers. One reason for this, of course, is the small

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degree of industrialization; another is that most of the factory workers are only ~-time employees. This usu­ally means that they keep close ties to their villages and frequently return to them after a few experiments in factory work. In Turkey, for example, it was noted that a man is not counted as a worker until he has been in a factory for ten years. There seems to be a tendency for workers in Iran to maintain permanent employment, but elsewhere, except in Israel, the turn­over in factory labor is very great. In Arabia it was found that even high wages had not fully succeeded in assuring a stable labor force for the oil companies, although a given individual after working only a few months each year for several years might thereafter become a steady employee. _ In this situation the growth of labor unions, while legal in all countries except Arabia, has been very slow, and their services to the workers have remained limited. Communist influence in labor unions apparently has not been great; it was reported that in Egypt no union was known to be dominated by communists. While the productivity of labor is generally low in the Near East, this was not thought to be a result of the workers' unadaptability to mechanical means of production, but rather of the lack of social patterns providing incentives to productivity.

The nomads occupy a special position in certain "countries. In some areas, particularly in North Africa, the nomads have largely disappeared since their grazing lands were taken by European governments and turned into vineyards. Where local governments have come to power, policies have varied, but the tendency has been to try to tum the nomads into agriculturalists, and stop the raiding expeditions so feared by many village and town dwellers. In some areas the nomads have become ' soldiers and police; in others they have had to engage in labor on roads and other public works.

The view was expressed that the nomads should be preserved fro~ destruction by governments, which are able to employ weapons and means of transportation that the nomads cannot match. It was suggested that the nomads could find a place in the economy of states in the process of industrialization, by providing meat and hides and other products. Their special qualities and values, it was thought, could be both retained and integrated into developing social orders; it was even possible that western culture might be more readily assimilated by the nomads than by other elements of the Islamic societies.

Within Israel sighificant changes are taking place in the agricultural population and in agricultural produc­tion. Before the establiiliiiient of Israel almost 90 per­cent of the tQW inUpigration from 1882 to 1947 was


of European origin. The early farming were intended to be sel.f-sufficient. and looked upon as a "way of life, inspired by a spirit. A number of factors have combined this original outlook. With the great increase lation in recent years, cities have grown that most of the older villages have become urban comniunities. The development of ties has resulted in serious conflicts in collective units. The social prestige of farming is lower used to be, and the type of rural civilization had hoped originally t-o establish is becoming more western and urban.

One of the complica$g factors in this is the immigration of oriental Jews from the and North Africa, who accounted for 71 percent total number of immigrants in the year 1951. At this group comprises about one third of the mated populati?n of 1,405,000. While ~ group expected to increase greatly by further . fertility is much higher than that of the European and its numbers are expected to increase more because its death rate will probably be reduced its birth rate falls.

The eriental Jews were not primarily in their coup tries of origin, but they are settling land in large numbers in Israel. Because of together with the differences between their that of -the well-established European Jews, some concern lest the former come to be looked as peasants. While the government is making efforts to hasten the process of westernization the schools and through army service for the men, is a desire on the part of the non-European lIWlUl. to keep their own cultural values at the same they show willingness to accept some of the advantages of western civilization.

While it is thought that the villages estilbliishe. the oriental Jews may concentrate on subsistence culture for a time at least. the general trend in is toward the growing of cash crops both for the cities and, as in the case of citrus fruits, abroad. This development is another factOl= in the ization of the farming .groups, and another of the decline in the earlier ideal of European who wished to emigrate to live a life closer to UG~ .....

the land of Israel~ While one of the forces of change in the Near

is the desire for ecoI)omic development on the some. political leaders and others, and while some at national planning have been undertaken, n01tabl'l Iran's seven-year plan, it does not appear that efforts have so far met with any considerable

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fuccess. Among reasons advanced for difficulties in the countries other than Israel were the following: (1) gov­ernmental instability; (2) a great shortage of engineers and other technicians and of civil servants with man­agerial capacity; (3) failure to include in plans for eco­nomic development arrangements for dealing with ancil­lary but unforeseen problems created by the develop­ment programs themselves. An additional source of trouble has been the inadequate preparation of the peo­ple most directly affected. In general, the planning initiative has come from within the governments since there has been little interest on the part of local sources of capital, even where such capital is available. Some­times the aim of the initiating group has been, at least in part, to improve its political position. In any case it was suggested that there had been little effort to create a "development ideology" among, for example, farmers who were to be aided by an irrigation project. Education in expectations had been neglected, as had training in techniques of maintenance.

In some cases where planning had been aided by loans and technical assistance from abroad, the prepara­tion had been insufficiently detailed and imaginative. Furthermore, the foreign technicians who had built an irrigation system were without experience in dealing with subsequent problems whose solution required experts in farm credit or agricultural extension services. It was hoped that enough had been learned so that future planning efforts would be carried out with appre­ciation of the total needs that would result from a given

capital investment, and would include appropriate edu­cational campaigns.


The closing session of the conference emphasized the importance of attempting more fully to understand the social dynamics of the contemporary Near East. Such understanding was regarded as significant both for the peoples of the Near East and for others. It had become clear from earlier discussions that, while attention is beginning to be given to studies that may throw light on changes in the Near East, a vast amount of research is needed in order to provide enough information for an appreciation of the present situation and its pot~nti­alities. Ii was remarked that perhaps the group of people in the Islamic Near East about whom most is known in the West are the nomads, who are in danger of disappearing from the scene.

It was thought that significant information about social developments might be obtained through learn­ing what Near Eastern intellectuals are thinking and writing. However, the aspirations and viewpoints of many other groups deserve attention if an effort is to be made "to recapture human progress in its totality" as experienced in the Near East. There are strong hopes, both in the Near East and in th¢ West, for well-rounded advances in the welfare of the peoples of the area; greater knowledge of the Near East is necessary for the realization of those hopes.


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DURING the coming summer the Council will sponsor an Institute in Mathematics for Social Scientists and the first of a series of awards of undergraduate research stipends. Both programs have been made possible by recent grants from the ' Behavioral Sciences Division of the Ford Foundation. Announcements were issued in January and the volume of response to both programs suggests that they are directed at widely felt needs for more adequate preparation for research.

Much credit for the inception of these new activities is due respectively to William G. Madow, who organized several years ago an intersociety committee on mathe­matical training of social scientists, and who headed the Council seminar that devoted las~ summer to preparing materials for teaching the mathematics needed for research on social science problems; and to David C. McClelland of the Ford Foundation, who has vigorously


advocated more practical experience in the scientiuc. study of human behavior during the undergraduate college years. The Council's archives contain numerous references both to the widespread mathematical naIvete of social scientists and to the dearth of opportunities for college undergraduates to gain firsthand acquaint­ance with the processes of scientific research in the social disciplines. The Institute in Mathematics and the offering of undergraduate research stipends are extensions of the Council's range of activities, in that the first courses of instruction under its immediate spon­sorship will be offered at the Institute, while the under­graduate research stipends will be the first financial assistance ever granted by the Council to college stu­dents. Both ventures affirm the belief that the advance­ment of social science depends on the preparation of social scientists.

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The 1953 Summer Institute in Mathematics will be held at Dartmouth College; June 22-August 14, 1953, under the guidance of the Council's Committee on Mathema~cal Training of Social Scientists.1 As an­nounced in the printed circular distributed to colleges and universities, the Institute is open to faculty mem­bers and predoctoral and postdoctoral students who wish to improve their mathematical training for the scientific study of human behavior. In the selection of applicants, considerable reliance has been placed on the maturity of ~tuden~, ~d they. ar.e assrmed to be well prepared 10 SOCIal scIence dISCIplines but not in mathematics. Previous training in the calculus is not required, but the work of students who have had such training will naturaJly progress more rapidly.

Two hundred and thirty-four applications for admis­sion were received in time for consideration, and numerous additioneJ}. late applicants have had to be told that they could nOt be considered. A subcommittee on admiss.io~ has. ~tended invitations to some 50 per­sons, but It IS antICIpated that actual enrollment will be close to 40. Approximately one third of those invited hold doctoral degrees, while the majority are at various levels o~ _graduate training. Disciplinary fields are repre­sented 10 about the following proportions: psychology, 50 percent; economics, 20 percent; sociology, 20 percent; others, 10 percent.

The program of the Institute is designed to equip students to: (a) formulate social science problems in mathematical form, (b) read mathematical literature in their chosen fields, and (c) do further work in mathe­matics and statistics beyond the level of the calculus if they find need for this in connection with their work in social science.

No course in s~tistical methods will be offered iIi th~ Institute. Each student will pursue three courses meeting five days a week for eight weeks:

1. Mathematics for social scientists, 2 hours Sets, relations, probability, matrix theory, convex bodies, theory of games, linear programming, metric spaces, convergc;nce, differentiation, integration

2. Mathematical models in the social sciences, 1 hour 3. Either (a) Advanced seminar on mathematical models ,

or (b) More elementary mathematical topics, 1 hour.

In addition, two hours daily will be devoted to home work and reviewing subjects discussed in classes, with

1 The members of this committee, which was appointed in December 1952, are William G. Madow, University of Dlinois (chairman); E. P. H~tchinson, University of P~lvania; Jacob Marschak, University of ChIcago; Paul E. Meehl, Umvel'sity of Minnesota; George A. Miller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Frederick Mosteller, Harvard University; and R.obert M .. Thrall, University of Micliigan.


the help of staff members. Thus each participant devote a minimum of six hours a day to the No outside employment or research activities permissible, as the intensive program of the will require the exclusion of competing interests.

The teaching staff of the Institute will include liam G. Madow (Director), Professor of UL<lLU1~;UIIIIll

Statistics, Unive!sity of illinois; Robert M. Thrall. fessor of Mathematics, University of Michigan; R. Bush, Assistant Professor of Social Relations, vard University; and Howard Raiffa, Assistant o~ ~athematical Statistics, Columbia University. VlSl~g lecturers are expected to participate from to tIme.

The Institute cannot grant academic credits, but believed that the work of the Institute will be lent to at least six semester hours of graduate or vanced undergraduate courses. No tuition or other will be charged.

Study grants ranging from $250 to $850, aCC(>n1il1H academic status and estimated needs, have been to a considerable proportion of those enrolled.

In selecting candidates for admission the tee sought a group diversified by academic status, pline, and geographical location, as the purposes or Institute include testiJig methods of instruction that be a~pted. to the needs of both stpdents at early of social scIence training ~d more mature social tis~ whose previous mathematical training has ficlent. Preference was given to those who expected immediately or later to influence the ment of curricula in institutions that train liUlJS[lI,D

numbers of social scientists. A few applicants whose mathematical \;UlJupc;1lII

obviously exceeds the level to be attained in the tute have been invited to attend if they wish, but not been thought appropriate to offer them study

With funds already granted for the purpose Ford Foundation, it is planned to hold another in mathematics, probably in the summer of 1954 place not yet chosen. The summer institutes are, ever, viewed as "pilot" projects that will have best their purpose if further need for them is elilmUlau:d the introduction of appropriate mathematical tion in the regular curricula of universities.


Undergraduate re,earch stipends are designed able selected college students, singly or in SIIiall to devote the summer between their junior and years to research under the close guidance of desillllll faculty supervisors. It is hoped that a period of

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research at a time when career choices are often made will afford qualified students an opportunity to con­aider the scientific study of human behavior as a career, and will also be in itself a valuable educational experi­ence not usually available in college curricula.

Holders of the stipends will be expected to devote eight weeks or more during the summer to their re­.earch projects and to bring them to completion as a part of their academic work in the senior year. Awards of first-year graduate study fellowships, supported by the same appropriation, will be made in the latter part of the senior year to perhaps one half of the undergraduate Ilipend holders, who have shown superior promise of making successful careers in the scientific study of hu­man behavior.

The research stipend for an undergraduate will be $GOO, which should cover the student's living expenses ror the summer and leave a balance applicable to the expenses of his senior year in college. The faculty Iu pervisor will receive an honorarium, on the assump­tion that he will forego some other activity in order to dtvote a part of his time during the summer to this pmgram. The stipend for first-year graduate study fel­lowships has been tentatively set at $1,500.

Fields in which research may be supported are not b(lunded by departmental lines. An acceptable project Ill ust consist of scientific research on some problem of human behavior, at a level at which the student will be Able, with guidance, to participate actively in all phases of the research, rather than merely to perform routine tllsks set for him by another.

Student candidates for undergraduate research sti­pends will be selected on the basis of their demonstrated Ibility and promise rather than the amount of previous training they may have had in research methods. They

need not already be committed to graduate study in a particular field, since an important aim is to afford able students an experience that may give them a basis for a more informed choice of careers.

Ideally a student would plan and carry out a project of his own, working closely with his faculty supervisor at all stages of the process and thus learning something about research methods as the need arises. Alternatively, a student might be attached to an ongoing research project conducted by the supervisor, although in such a case it would be important to assure that the student would not be cast in the role of a mere computer or bibliographic assistant but would be eI:1abled to gain some understanding of the research as a whole. Instead of a teacher-student pair, two or a few students might work on separate or joint projects under the guidance of one or more faculty members. The latter arrangement might indeed be positively advantageous, given qualified individuals with compatible interests.

Funds at hand will permit some 40 appointments a year for three years, but the actual number of awards in 1953 will depend on the number of suitable proposals received. At the time of writing, preliminary correspond­ence from prospective sponsors seems to indicate that the number may be much larger than was anticipated in view of the fact that announcement of the program was not possible until January.

March 16 was set as the closing date for receipt of ap­plications, and it is planned to announce awards about May 1. The committee in charge of the program consists of Douglas McGregor, Antioch College (chairman); R. F. Arragon, Reed College; E. Adamson Hoebel, Univer­sity of Utah; Robert B. MacLeod, Cornell University; Albert J. Reiss, Jr., Vanderbilt University; and George E. Simpson, Oberlin College.


A NEW Committee on Agricultural Economics was ap­l)Ointed by the Council in February as a result of a con­ference on research in this field, held at Chicago on Jllnuary 15-16. The conference in tum had resulted hum exploratory discussions, which had been carried on Intermittently over several years, oCthe desirability of reviving the Council's earlier interest in the improve­'''ent of social and economic research in agriculture.

T he Chicago conference first reviewed the role and A(.complishments of the Council's former Committee on Social and Economic Research in Agriculture. Between 1025 and 1942 that committee arranged for the prepara­lion and publication of an extensive series of bulletins


on the scope and methods of agricultural research; initiated and administered a program of fellowships in agricultural economics and rural sociology, under which 106 appointments were made during the years 1928-33; and in other ways sought to strengthen the quality of research in its field. The conference next discussed various individual views regarding current limitations of work in agricultural economics and the nature of remedial measures which might be proposed. In the course of this discussion considerable attention was given to the desirability of establishing closer working rela­tions between agricultural economists and persons en­gaged in research in other social sciences as well as be-

Page 10: Items Vol. 7 No. 1 (1953)

_ tween agricultural economists and specialists in several were specifically mentioned: linear programmln fields in the natural and physical sciences. taneous equations, interindustry economics, u

There was complete agreement that an over-all survey Cobb-Douglas production function, regression or appraisal of the current state of agricultural eco- analysis of variance, canonical correlation, nomics would not only constitute a burdensome and relation, and sampling and design of exlpertmen" , expensive task, but that available resources of time and social sciences. Should the entire task prove money should instead be directed toward more specific able, or too great for the resources available, objectives. Mter consideration of numerous alternatives ment of new techniques is regarded as more U

the conference agreed to recommend: It was stressed that there is great need for 1. That the Council undertake a project evaluating resources to be devoted to the improved

existing knowledge and research bearing on the factors techniques, and that the quality of the talent responsible for the persistence within the United States must be high. A survey of the field would incua. of agricultural areas of low income and low productivity relevant studies in progress. Research workers in spite of general agricultural prosperity. Closely tied cultural economics could advise on specific to this would be an appraisal of past research relating to One suggestion. concerning organization was economic development in low income areas, and also a introduction be devoted to the main problema study of the degree to which extensive ruial areas are cultural economic research and the alternative increasingly becoming characterized by the close inter- methods that appear to be applicable to the mingling of nonagricultural and agricultural activities types of problems. Then attention would be and incomes, so that these areas can no longer be con- a detailed explanation of the different research sidered stricdy agricultural for most analytical and their usefulness, and limitations for specific administrative purposes. problems. -

This undertaking, in the view of the conference, 3. That the Council explore possibilities for would cut across several existing subfields of agricultural the development of professional: competence aJD;o .. a economics and would serve to delineate sharply ranges search workers by means of refresher courses, to of research that have been given insufficient attention experienced research ~orkers to deal more eff~~". by agricultural specialists. It was hoped that the result- with a wider range of problems; and that pffll\,lIai

ing report would guide research workers in the future made to increase fellowship opportunities for selection of projects and of techniques, and also be of in agricultural economics. It was recognized that assistance to research administrators in the consideration _ ment of the aims of these recommendations woUld. and approval of projects. Preparation of the report pend entirely upon the aVailability of substantial would necessarily involve the collaboration of persons ing, which must be awaited before specific steps 'from other social science disc!plines and probably from taken. The coIiference iIi the meantime expressed certain natural or physical science fields as well. It was interest in the current efforts of the American thought that successful completion of the project should Economic Association to re-examine ~e total have considerable significance for those who are called of undergraduate and graduate training of --_ .• ..­upon to anal}'J:e problems or to give advice concerning economists .

. programs for underdeveloped agricultural are~ abroad. These recommendations were ' coJ!Sidered Finally, the hope was expressed that this project would February by the Council's Committee on Problema provide a basis for similar cross-sectional examinations Policy. which approved establishment of the new of current and 'recent work in agriculture. mittee and designation of two subcommittees to

2. That research handbooks be prepared explaining detailed planning with respect to the first two the use and limitations of research techniques now in mendations of the conference. Those appointed as use or on the horizon. bers of the Committee on Agricultural Economics

This proposal arose from a realization that many ex- H. Brooks Jaines, North Carolina State College perienced persons in the field do not have a working man); Lee R. Martin, North Carolina State knowledge of a.Q. the research techniques available to (secretary); R. G. Bressler, Jr., University of ~_'I="'_­agricultural economists. Handbooks on research tech- J. K. Galbraith, Harvard University; Earl O. niques would make it possible for mature workers to Iowa State College; D. Gale Johnson, University of add important tools to their equipment. Then, too, cago; Glenn L. Johnsen, Michigan Stat,;e College; handbooks should facilitate the task of training research liam H. Nicholls, Vanderbilt University; Kenneth workers in the graduate schoolS. _ Parsons, University of Wisconsin; and Frederick

.As examples of topics' or 'handbooks. the following Waugh, Bureau of Agricultural Economics.


Page 11: Items Vol. 7 No. 1 (1953)


.•. ,,, ..... ,,, K~znets (chairman), Shepa~d B. Clough, Edgar M. WIlbert E. Moore, Morns E. Opler, Joseph J.

Ii second meeting with representatives of several uni­y research groups interested in economic growth, on 'pry 20-21, the committee formulated tentative plans

Ur small conferences to be held during 1953-54 on • university campuses. The topics of the conferences

.~ (:1) the influence of cities on economic growth and !tural change in underdeveloped countries, (b) the (If investment decisions in recent economic planning,

tlx:a of entrepreneurship in relation to phases of eco· C growth, and (d) comparisons of selected cases of

" IlI lIy rapid economic growth. Final plans for these rC IICCs are to be made at a meeting in May, when cr consideration will also be given to additional con­ft lopics discussed in preliminary fashion in February. c International Association for Research in Income Wealth has published, under the title Income and /II. 0/ the United States: Trends and Structure (Cam­

, ,England: Bowes Be Bowes, 1952), papers by Simon ietl! and Raymond Goldsmith prepared for the Asso-Oil 'S) 951 conference at the suggestion of the Commit­

, 'II Economic Growth. Several additional papers, dealing other countries and similarly initiated by the com­e, are to be published by the Association this spring.

her papers dealing with the longe~-term trends shown timates of national income and wealth for selected

tries are being prepared for the conference that the ill lion will hold in Italy in the summer of 1953.


Ie Yoder (chairman), E. Wight Bakke, Philip M . • \llICr, Clark Kerr, Charles A. Myers, Gladys L. Palmer,

II L. Shartle.

'i llal report on the committee's six-city survey of pat­I) :lnd factors in labor mobility is in preparation at the "~tria1 Research Department of the University of Penn­

'( ,," ia under the direction of Gladys L. Palmer. The t c:y and the present report were undertaken in coopera­, with the Bureau of the Census with funds provided Ihe Department of the Air Force. The report is sched-I for completion this spring and will be reviewed,

('ther with an independent critical analysis of major IIrch in the mobility field made for the committee by hert S. Parnes of Ohio State University, at a conference

he: held in Minneapolis on May 14-15 under the joint flKorship of the committee and tlle University of Min­Ha. The conference will be concerned primarily with implications of mobility studies for theory and further .m:h. It is to include sessions on migration and mobility, Illobility and manpower allocation, and on personality

d motivation theory.


LINGUISTICS AND PSYCHOLOGY Charles E. Osgood (chairman), John B. Carroll, Floyd G .

Lounsbury, George A. Miller, Thomas A. Sebeok; staff, Joseph B. Casagrande.

Since its establishment in October 1952, the committee has devoted its first two meetings primarily to the develop­ment of plans for a seminar in psycholinguistics, which will be held at Indiana University from June 17 to August 13 in conjunction with the 1953 summer session of the Lin­guistic Institute. The seminar will undertake to examine three independently evolving theoretical models of the language process:

(1) the linguist's conception of language as a structure of systematically interrelated units, i.e., units of sound (phonemes) and units of form and meaning (morphemes);

(2) the learning theorist's conception of language as a system of habits relating signs to behavior and depending upon the same general principles that govern all learned activities;

(3) the information theorist's conception of language as a system of signals that are transmitted through such chan­nels as radios, telephones, and human nervous systems.

These points of view will be explored in order to appraise their utility for handling different problems and to discover in what respects, if any, they can be brought into a common conceptual framework. It is anticipated that the seminar participants will attempt to formulate concrete plans for research to test various hypotheses growing out of the theo­retical analysis.

A survey of ongoing and contemplated research on lan­guage "behavior is being conducted by the committee, with th~ ~im of producing an i~ventory of trained personnel, eXlstmg, and needed techmques, and potentially fruitful ~esearch area.s. The committee invites those who are engaged m or plannmg research on language behavior and those who know of such activities at their own or other institu­tions to communicate with either the chairman (Charles E. Osgood, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana) or the staff Ooseph B. Casagrande, 726 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington 6, D.C.), giving information on the general nature of the research, the principal investiga­tors, and the name of the institution at which the work is being carried on.


Leonard_ S. Cottrell, Jr. (chairman), Leon Festinger, Hor­ace M. Mmer, Robert R. Sears, Robin M. Williams, Jr.; staff, M. Brewster Smith.

The committee met on February 20 to discuss prelimi­nary plans for pilot cross-cultural studies of child rearing and character development, which had been prepared by the Subcommittee on Socialization, and to consider other possible activities.

A first draft of a "Field Manual for the Cross-Cultural Study of Child Rearing," by John W. M. Whiting, Kimball

Page 12: Items Vol. 7 No. 1 (1953)

Romney, Beatrice B. Whiting, Eleanor E. Maccoby, Barbara C. Ayres, Henrietta Smith, and Edgar Lowell, was com· pleted in February, and is being circulated for critical commenL A limited number of copies are available to interested persons, on request to John W. M. Whiting. Laboratory of Human Development. Harvard University. The manual was prepared for the committee as a step in the planning of systematic cross-cultural research. which in the view of the committee can provide a uniquely valuable source of data on the consequences of variation in the practices of child rearing. Pilot studies that are being planned will test the approach initially oudined in the manual. and hypotheses being formulated by seminar groups at the University of California, Cornell, Harvard. Univer­sity of Kansas, University of Tdc.as. and Yale.

Among other matters considered by the committee were memoranda concerning research on values and on urban community research.


The seven national social science organizations associ­ated with the Council have designated the following persons to serve as directors of the Council for the three-year term 1953-55:

E. Adamson Hoebel. University of Utah, by the American Anthropological Association

John P. Miller, Yale University. by the American Eco­nomic Association

Gordon A. Craig. Princeton University. by the American Historical Association

Taylor Cole, Duke University, by the American Political Science Association . -

Ernest R. Hilgard. Stanford University. by the American Psychological Association

Dorothy S. Thomas. University of Pennsylvania, by the American Sociological Society

Frederick. Mosteller, Harvard University, by the Ameri-can Statistical AssOciation.

Their credentials are scheduled for acceptance by the board of directors of the Council at its spring meeting in New York on March 28-29, 1953.


Adjustment to Physical Handicap and Illness: A vey of the Social Psychology of Physique an" ability, Bulletin 55, revised edition. by Barker. in collaboration with Beatrice A. Lee Meyerson. Mollie R. Gonick.. April 1955. 460 pp. $2.00.

Social Behavi01" and Ptn-sonality: Contributions Thomas to Theory and Social Research, Edmund H. VolkarL June 1951. 348 pp. Cloth,

SUPP01"t for Independent Scholarship and by Elbridge Sibley. Report of an sponsored by the American the Social Science Research Council. May 131 pp. $1.25.

Area Research: Theory and Practice~ Bulletin Julian H. Steward. August 1950. 183 pp. $1.

Culture Conflict and Crime~ Bulletin 41. by ThO,.. Sellin. 1938; reprinted September 1950. 116 pp.

Tensions Affecting International Survey of Research~ Bulletin 62. by Otto .lU11I\:UII('I

May 1950. 238 pp. Paper, $1.75; cloth. $2.25. Labor-Management Relations: A Research Memorandum~ Bulletin 61. by John G. Tlll{nl".1 October 1949. 121 pp. $1.25.


Exchange of Persons: The Evolution of Education~ Pamphlet 9, by Guy S. MetraUXt 1952. 58 pp. 50 cents.

Area Studies in American Universities by Wf'n&1I BennetL 1951. 92 pp. $1.00.

Domestic Control of Atomic Energy, Pamphlet Robert A. Dahl and Ralph S. Brown~Jr. 1951.1 $1.00.


Fellows of the Social Science Research Council 1951. New York, 1951. 485 pp. Limited disltritllA! $5.00.

All publications listed are distributed from the New office of the Council.



Incorpm-ated in the State of Illinois, December 27, 1924, for the purpose of advancing research in the social sciences


Officers and Staff: PENDLETON ..HERRING, President; PAUL WEBBINK, Yice-Presitknt; ELBRIDGE SmLEY, Executive Associate; HARoLD & Pacific Coast Representative; BRYCE WOOD; ELEANOR C. IsBELL; JOSEPH B. CASAGRANDE; M. BREWSTER SMITH; G.uoLYN E. AlLEN, Financial

