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Iterator - a powerful but underappreciated design pattern

Date post: 10-May-2015
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Iterator design pattern is described in GoF ‘Design Patterns’ book. It is used at many places (e.g. Sql Cursor is a ‘iterator’), C++ standard template library uses iterators heavily. .Net Linq interfaces are based IEnumerable (i.e. iterator). However, I don’t see projects creating/using ‘custom’ iterator classes. Many problems can be solved ‘elegantly’ by use of customized iterators. This talk is about ‘power of iterators’ and how custom iterators can solve common problems and help create modular/reusable code components. Key Discussion Points Typical examples of iterators in common use. Kind of problems that can be ‘elegantly’ solved with iterators When to use custom iterators? How write custom iterators in C++/C# From webinar I did on TechGig http://www.techgig.com/expert-speak/Iterator-a-powerful-but-underappreciated-pattern-449
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Iterator – A powerful but underappreciated pattern Nitin Bhide Chief Software Engineer Geometric Ltd. [email protected]
Page 1: Iterator - a powerful but underappreciated design pattern

Iterator – A powerful but underappreciated pattern

Nitin BhideChief Software Engineer

Geometric Ltd.

[email protected]

Page 2: Iterator - a powerful but underappreciated design pattern



Iterator – A Definition

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In object-oriented computer programming, an iterator is an object that enables a programmer to traverse a container(or collection).

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterator

In object-oriented programming, the iterator pattern is a design pattern in which an iterator is used to traverse a container and access the container's elements.

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterator_pattern

Iterator - Definition

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•Defined GoF book, as “Iterator Pattern”. • It is a Structural Pattern

•The essence of the Iterator Pattern is to "Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.“

•The iterator pattern decouples algorithms from containers.

Some More Info about Iterators

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• Common ‘interface’ can be defined to access the elements of collection.

• Algorithms can be written using this common iterator interface

• Allows us to change the ‘internal’ implementation of collection with no change in the algorithms implementation• Allows us to add new algorithms which work all existing

collection types.

• For example, C++ Standard Template Library provides a set of algorithms which work on multiple collections types by using a common ‘iterator’ interface

Benefits of “decoupling of algorithms and collections”

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•CurrentElement()• referencing one particular element in the object collection

•Next()•modifying itself so it points to the next element

•Reset() – Optional• Reset the current element to start element

•HasNext() or IsEnd() – Optional• Detect if there is no element left in the collection.

Typical operations in an Iterator Interface

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Simple for loop• for(int i=0; i<10; ++i)

{ curval = i;}

For loop with Iterator• for(iterator it=iterator();

it.IsEnd()==false;it.Next(){curval = it.Current();}

Looping with Iterator (pseudo code)

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ITERATOR IMPLEMENTATIONSIn various programming languages

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• Iterator as an ‘object’ allows iterator to have its own state (i.e. its own member variables) different than the state of collection

•Allows multiple iterator objects corresponding to same collection

• If collection changes while ‘iteration’ is in progress, all existing iterators can become invalid.

• Implementation of Iterator and the collection on which it operates are usually ‘tightly coupled’

Iterator Implementations – Concepts and Limitations

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•STL Containers implement their iterators•STL algorithms are defined in terms iteratorsC++•IEnumerable<T> and Ienumerator<T> iterfaces define the iteratorsC#

•SDK defines iterator interface •and collections implement their iteratorsJava•Cursor is an iteratorSQL

Examples of Iterator implementations

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• Language Integrated Query (LINQ, pronounced "link") is a Microsoft .NET Framework component that adds native data querying capabilities to .NET languages.

• From MSDN Documentation:

In Visual Studio you can write LINQ queries in Visual Basic or C# with SQL Server databases, XML documents, ADO.NET Datasets, and any collection of objects that supports IEnumerable or the generic IEnumerable<T> interface.

Essentially Power of LINQ is because of Power of Iterators

LINQ – Language INtegrated Query

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Simple for loop with if check

For(i=0; i<100; i++){ if( I % 3 == 0) { print I; }}

For loop is has 3 responsibilities1. Looping2. Filtering3. Printing the results

For loop with iterator

For(it.Reset(); it.HasNext(); it.MoveNext()){ print it.Current;}

Iterators MoveNext function is overloaded such that it returns only numbers divisible by 3.

For loop has only two responsibilities1. Looping2. Printing the results

Responsibility of Filtering is moved to Iterator.

Reason behind Iterators Power

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with if check

for(i=0; i<100; i++){ if( i % 3 == 0) { print i; }}


var nums = from n in Enumerable.Range(1, 100).where(n % 3 == 0)

for(var i in nums){ print i;}

Simple For loop with LINQ

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• LINQ to SQL/ADO.Net• LINQ to XML• LINQ to Amazon • LINQ to Active Directory • LINQ to CRM • LINQ To Geo - Language Integrate

d Query for Geospatial Data • LINQ to Excel • LINQ to Flickr • LINQ to Google • LINQ to Indexes (LINQ and i40) • LINQ to JSON • LINQ to IMAP

• LINQ to NHibernate • LINQ to LDAP • LINQ to Lucene • LINQ to MySQL, Oracle and

PostgreSql (DbLinq) • LINQ to NCover • LINQ to Opf3 • LINQ to RDF Files • LINQ to Sharepoint • LINQ to SimpleDB • LINQ to Streams • LINQ to WebQueries • LINQ to WMI

LINQ Providers

From Links to LINQ page : http


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Iterators can act as ‘filters’ or ‘views’• where instead of returning all elements of a

collection it can ‘filter’ the elements and return a ‘partial’ list.

• The filtering happens as ‘needed’ and an intermediate ‘collection’ of filtered results can be avoided.

• Different implementations of iterator can provided different filtering criteria.

• Hence algorithms written with ‘iterators’ can work on original collection or filtered collections. .

Reasons behind Power of Iterators

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Iterators can be polymorphic

• Hence same function can return different results by passing different iterator to it.

• For example, in our previous example of printing numbers divisible by 3, can be easily changed to printing all ‘primes’ by replacing the iterator. There is no need to change the print function.

Reasons behind Power of Iterators

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Iterators can be combined to provide more flexibility• For example, combine two existing iterators into a new iterator

such that it ‘chains’ the child iterators

• For example, ‘<itertools>’ module of python provides many ways of combining iterators• Following one liner in python efficiently returns ‘dot product’ of

two mathematical vectors

sum(imap(operator.mul, vector1, vector2)).

imap() function takes multiple iterators and calls ‘mul’ (multiply function) with current values of those iterators.

Reasons behind Power of Iterators

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Iterators can work with ‘collection like’ objects.

• For example, we can write an iterator which return one word at a time from an input stream (or a text file)

• Best example is how LINQ works with Databases or XML with exactly same interface.

Reasons behind Power of Iterators

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Suppose we want to extract ‘unique words’ from a text file.• Since iterator can have its own state, we can write an

iterator that remembers the words it already ‘seen’ and • if the word is already ‘seen’ ignore that word and reads the

next word from the istream. • Such an iterator will return just the ‘unique’ words in the

istream.• Now if you have function which takes a word iterator as

parameter and prints the words, then just by passing the ‘unqiue word iterator, we can print the unique words in the text file.

Few More Examples of Powerful Iterators

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• For one of my project, problem was to generate the toolpath for laser cutting of sheet metal parts

•Toolpath generation had different strategies based on various parameters and part selection logic etc etc.

•Naïve implementation, will require •writing complicated for loops different strategies• Parameters passed as function parameters• Combining strategies is nearly impossible.• Lot of duplication of boiler plate code.• New strategy will require changes in the existing code.

Laser Cutting Tool path Generation

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•We defined a base class ToolPathIterator• Every new toolpath creation strategy is implemented as ‘drived class’

of this iterator.•We also implemented iterators which derived from this base class

And also used some existing Toolpathiterators internally to combine the strategies.

•A Factory method instantiated the necessary toolpath iterator based on name of the strategy.• Only Factory method depends on all concrete iterator

implementations.• Everywhere else ToolPathIterator base class was used.• Add a new strategy required • (a) adding new derived class from ToolpathIterator • (b) change in Factory Method.

Laser Cutting Tool path Generation - Solution

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WHY ITERATORS ARE UNDERAPPRECIATED ?Why I don’t see many custom iterators ?

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•Most probably because Iterator is a ‘really simple concept’

•and •people have difficulty in believing that such simple concept can have

so much power.

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•Difficulty in thinking traversal/iteration as ‘separate object/responsibility’

•Difficulty in thinking ‘iterator’ as interface with multiple possible implementations

•Writing an iterator requires defining a new class. • This may require additional coding while writing for loop may

look simpler/quicker.

Why iterators are underappreciated ?

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•Developers are used to thinking in loops which work on ‘indices’.• For them ‘i++’ is conceptually easier that ‘it.next()’• I see many examples of iterating over C++ vector use indexing

operation (e.g. vec[i]) rather than using vec.begin();

•Hence creating separate class/object to keep track of current element and moving to next element is somehow difficult ‘leap’.• However once you make that ‘leap’ your subsequent design may

change significantly from the past design

Difficulty in ‘thinking’ traversal/iteration as ‘separate object’

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• Since ‘iterator’ is a separate class/object, we can create ‘iterator’ interfaces (or base classes).

• If we write function using the ‘iterator’ interface, then we can pass different implementations of iterators and get different behavior.• Different traversal algorithms (e.g. pre order, post order

traversals in trees)• Filtering

•All this flexibility is possible, if you start thinking in terms of ‘iterator interface and its implementations’ or a hierarchy of iterators.

‘iterator’ as interface with multiple possible implementations

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• In languages like Java, C++, writing an iterator means adding a new class in the system. • It required additional code than simple for loop• Developer has to take care in defining iterator interface (e.g.

iterators that will work with STL containers).• Developers treated it as ‘additional burden/cost’ . They could

not visualize the benefits and hence decided that separate iterator class is probably not worth the efforts.

•However, this is changing with co-routines implementations • ‘yield return’ and similar keywords being introduced in the

languages like C#, Python.

Writing an iterator requires defining a new class

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• A Trivial Example : Writing an iterator which returns numbers divisible by three

• Defining the Iterator using Yield Return.IEnumberable<int> DivisibleByThree(){ for(int i=0; i< 100; i++) { if(i % 3 == 0){ yield return i;} }}

• Using the Iterator with foreachforeach(var j=DivisibleByThree()){ print j;}

Yield Return in C#

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• In general, loops with iterators are more efficient than index based loops• For example, getting element at ‘i’th Index is equivalent

to*(Startpos + i*sizeof(element))While getting next element from the current element is equivalent to *(cur_elem_pos++)•Hence usually ‘iterators’ based loops are slightly faster.

Use Iterators instead of ‘indexing’ in loops

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Class XYZ{ private List<int> intlist= new List<int>();

List<int> IntList { get { return intlist; } }}


Class XYZ{ private List<int> intlist= new List<int>();

IEnumberable<int> IntList { get { return intlist; } }}

Never directly return a member ‘collection’ from a class

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• If you see similar loop + if condition or similar contents of loop at multiple places

• See if you can extract the similarities into an Iterator• Sometime you have to create a ‘base iterator’ and override

‘MoveNext()’ implementations• If you are using C#/Python, see if you can use ‘yield’

Loop+If : see if you can use an iterator

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• It violates ‘encapsulations’•Also all the users of your class are now ‘explicitly’ depend

on the collection (e.g List). •Tomorrow if you want to change the List to HashSet(),

every where your class is used will potentially need to change.

• For C#• Define an IEnumerable as ‘get’ property. It will allow you to

change the internal collection type with almost no impact on the external interface.

• For Java/C++• Define an iterator for your class.

Never directly return a member ‘collection’ from a class.

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As Developer change your

thinking to

• Think traversal/iterator as ‘separate class/object/responsibility’

• Think ‘iterator’ as interface with multiple possible implementations

• Different traversal strategies/algorithms can be implemented as different iterator implementations.

Once you do that, you will

find many more uses of


• That can simplify your code• Make it less bug prone and more stable.• Make it easier to enhance and maintain


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