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ITHE REALM OF FASHION. J - chroniclingamerica.loc.govis both material and spiritual, as we are both...

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SERMONS OF THE DAY. RELIGIOUS TOPICS DISCUSSED BY PROMINENT AMERICAN MINISTERS. "The Golden Kale" In the Title of the Third of the New York Herald's Com- petitiveße!'uioiifr-l'reac^eel l>y Kev. Charles S. Vetlder, of Charleston, 8. C. TEXT: "Let us consider one another."? Hebrews x., 24. Here Is the Golden Rule, expressed In the terms of familiar speech and practical ac- tion?the way in which the command to do unto others as we would that others should do unto us may bo made effectually opera- tive. Here is the sursum corda of all dis- content with the inequality of human con- ditions; the proclamation of peace in all strife of human opinions; the solution of the problem of capital and labor; tbe con- dition of harmony in all human relations. Tbe two noble brothers of the Hebrew tra- dition, secretly sharing the sheaves of their barley harvest with each other to make up what each conceived that the other lacked uf the elements of happiness, exemplified it. Sir Philip Sydney did no more when, wounded to the death, he gave the draught of water hardly obtained for his own con- suming thirst to a stricken private soldier, eiiying, "Thy necessity is greater than mine." The words of the text were spoken by one of the great teachers of the world to those who had associated themselves for worship and work, and whom he would fain incite to the highest and purest and kindliest life. "Let us consider one another." We would better receive the full meaning of the ap- peal should wo use the similar, familiar und expressive word "considerate"?"Let us be considerate of one another." Among the potential agencies of tbo world aro those which are directly ad- dressed in the text and thoso nkin to them in spirit and purpose?organizations which seek to promote human welfare, whether they be called churches, charities or by whatever name else. In all of these there are possibilities of difference and division which will defeat or retard their useful- ness and value. If we would know how these possibilities may be met and over- come we need but conceive of one of these instrumentalities for good in which each xuember is "considerate" of every other. Then we should see the strong bearing with the infirmities of the weak; the weak not stumbled with the larger liberty of the strong; the rich sympathizing with the manifold trials of the poor; the poor con- siderate of the crowding cares and calls of the rich and zealous that both may be poorer in spirit and richer in the graces of character. Wo should see the old mindful of the enthusiasm of their own youth and, remembering its errors, gently guiding and tempering?not frowning upon and re- buking?tho nrdor of the younger; the young would be seen sitting at the teet of the old to learn and rising from them to do, not rejecting the counsels of the hoary head as fossil theories of a burled genera- tion, but acknowledging that "days should speak and the multitude of years teach wisdom." If with increase of age infirmity had come, its very decrepitude would be honored as the wound of an earlier war- fare. Parents would lie then not forgetful that they were once children; children that duty to parents is duty to God and that they one day may need a parent's immuni- ties. We should see the wise gentle to the ignorance of the ignorant and patient to instruct it; the unlearned, if need be, tol- erant of the irritabilityof incessant thought and exacting study and eager to share the fruit of such toil, and all esteeming it more blessed to give than to receive for- bearance and extenuation. Hail any "fallen," all would think how adapted was the temptation to the weak- ness it conquered, and how improbable, if thus beset, that any would have remained steadfast. Repentance before God would give the offence to oblivion in the sight of men. save to kindle a deeper sympathy for the frailty that had yielded. There would be the constant summoning of that charity which "seeketh not her own, thinketh no evil, hopeth all things, endureth all things." If reproof seemed duty, the fact would not be overlooked that Some hearts there are so perilously fash- ioned God's touch alone hath tenderness enough To waken, and not break, the thrilling strings. "Let us be considerate of one another!" llow benignant a law this for social inter- course! How happy would be the com- munity in which it reigned! We learn very early in this life that the secret of peaceful and pleasant living is a generous recogni- tion of the differences between us and others and a full allowance of the right to differ. In different ages and climes differ- ent definitions have obtained as to what constitutes "refinement." There is one element in which all ages and climes agree! A true good breeding is that which is con- siderate of the feelings of others, of what- ever class or condition. Why is it that sometimes even tho sacred circle of home is darkened with the cloud of painful differences, but that some with- in it lack thouglitfulness of the feelings and even the fallings of others? Rigid in their own ways, they are intolerant of the different ways of others. Why is it that in the same circles of society variances come, which grow to settled alienations, but that in some thoughless moment a word, look or act has wounded the sensi- bilities of another, or even slighted bis prejudices, and when regret came some retaliatory word forbade acknowledg- ment? Employer and employed! Are they al- ways to be at odds? l'es, until each "con- siders" the other and not himself alone. What Is there which would banish from the intercourse and rivalries of business the personal antagonism which is often en- gendered, like tearing down the ghastly legend from the marts of trade, "Every man for himself," and writing there in- stead the kindly motto, "Let us be con- siderate of one another?" Still, still in mutual sufferance lies The secret of true living; Love scarce is love that never knows The sweetness of forgiving! REV. CHARLES S. VEJ>DER, D. P., Pastor Huguenot Church, Charleston, 8. C. COD AMONG ORCHARDS. Rev. Dr. Talraage on tlie Pomology o 112 the Bible. TEXT: "The fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind."?Genesis 1., 2. Beginning with the Garden of Eden as the first spontaneous, mngniilcent orchard, and the expulsion from it of the first pair because they tasted of the forbidden fruit of tho tree of knowledge, Dr. Talmage continued: This story of Eden is rejected by some as an Improbability, if not an impossibility but nothing on earth is easier for me to' believe than the truth of this Edenic story for I have seen the same thing in this year of our Lord 1897. I could call them by name If it were politic and righteous to do so, tho men who have saeriilced a paradise on earth und a paradise in heaven for one sin. Their house went. Their library went. Their good name went. Their field of usefulness went. Their health went. Their immortal soul went. My friends! there Is just one sin that will turn you out of paradise if you do not quit it. You know what it is and God knows, and you had better drop the hand and arm lifted toward that bending bough beforo you pluck your own ruin. When Adam stood on tiptoe and took in his right band that one round peach, or apricot, or apple, Satan reached up and pulled down the round, beautiful world of our present resi- dence. Overworked artist, overwrought merchunt, ambitious politician, avaricious speculator, better take that warning from Adam's orchard and stop before you pal out for that one thing more. But I turn from Adam's orchard to Bolo- mon's orchard. With his own hand be writes: "I made me gar Jens and orchards." Not depending on the natural fall of rain, he irrigated those oroluirds. Pieoes of the aqueduct that watered those gardens I have seen, and the reservoirs are us perfect as when thousands of years ogo, the mason's trowel smoothed the mortar over their gray surface. Noorohardof olden or modern time, probably, ever had Its thirst so well slaked. The largest of these reservoirs is 582 feet long, 207 feet wide, und fifty feet deep. These reservoirs Solomon refers to when he says:"l made me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees." Solomon used to ride out to that orchard before breakfast. It gave him an appetite and something to think about all the day. Josephus, the historian, represents him as going out "early in the morning from Jerusalem, to the famed rocks of Etam, a fertile region, delighted with paradises and running springs. Thither the King, in robes of white rode in his chariot, escorted bv a ttoop of mounted archers chosen for their youth and stature, and clad in Tyrian purple, whoso long hair, powdered with gold dust, sparkled in the sun." After Solomon had taken his morn- ing ride in those luxuriant orchards, he would sit down and write those wonderful things in the Bible, drawing his Illustra- tions from the fruits lie had that very morning plucked or riddeu under. What mean Solomon's orchards and Sol- omon's gardens? for they seem to mingle the two into one, flowers underfoot, and pomegranates overhead. To me they sug- gest that religion is a luxury. They mean that our religion is the luscious, the aro- matic, the pungent, the aborescent, the efflorescent, the follaged, the umbrageous. They menu what Edward Payson meant when ho declared: "If my happiness con- tinues to increase, I cannot support it much longer." It means what Bapa Padmanji, a Hindoo convert, meant when he said: "I long for my bed, not that I may sleep?l lie awake often and long?but to hold com- munion with my God." You think religion Is a good thing for a funeral. Oh, yes. But Solomon's orchard means more. Bellglon is a good thing now, when you are in health and prosper- ity and the appetite is good for citrons, and apples, and apricots, and promegran- ates. Religion for the funeral. Oh, yes; but religion for the wedding breakfast; re- ligion for the brightest spring morning and autumn's most gorgeous sunset, lle- ligion for the day when the stocks aro up just as much as when stocks aro down. Religion when inspiration is easy, as well as for the last gasp; when the temperature is normal, as well as when it reaches 104. It may be a bold thing to say, but I risk it, that If all the people, without respect to belief or character, at death passed into everlasting happiness, roligion for this world is such a luxury that no man or woman could afford to do without it. The dear old book opened with Adam's orchard and closes with St. John's orchard. St. John went into the orchard through a stone gate, the black basalt of the Isle of Patmos, to which ho had been exiled. That orchard which lie saw was and is In heaven. One person will err in speak- ing of heaven as all materiul, and another person describes heaven as all figurative and spiritunl, and both are wrong. Heaven is both material and spiritual, as we are both material and spiritual. While much of the Bible account of heaven is to be taken figuratively and spiritually, it is plain to me that heaven has also a material exist- ence. How much was literal and how much was figurative, X cannot say, but St. John saw two rows ol trees on each side of a river, and it differed from other orchards in the fact that the trees bore twelve manner of fruits. The learned translators of our com- mon Bible say it means twelve different kinds of fruits in one year. Albort Barnes says in means twelve crops of the same kind of fruit in one year. Not able to (lo- cido which is the more nceurate transla- tion. I adopt both. If it mean twelve dif- ferent kinds of fruit, it declares variety in heavenly joy. If it means twelve crops of the same kind of fruit, it declares abun- dance in heavenly joy, and they are both true. Variety? Oh, yes! Not an eternity with nothing but music?that Oratorio would be too protracted. Not an eternity of procession on white horses?that would be too long in the stirrups. Not an eternity of watching the river?that would be too much of the picturesque. Not an eternity of plucking fruits from the tree of life?- that would be too much of the heavenly orchard. But all manner of varieties, and I will tell you of at least twelve of those varieties: Joy of divine worship; joy over the victories of the Lamb who was slain; joy over the repentant sinners; joy of re- counting our own rescue; joy of embracing old friends; joyat recognition of patriarchs, apostles, evangelists and martyrs; joy of ringing harmonies; joy of roknittlngbrdkeu friendship; joy at the explanation of Provi- dential mysteries; jor at walking the boule- vards of gold; joy at looking at walls green with emerald, and blue with sapphire, and crimson with jasper, and aflash with ame- thyst, entered through swinging gates, their posts, the hinges and their panels of richest pearl; joythat there is to be no sub- sidence, no reaction, no terminus to the felicity. While there is enough of tho pomp of tlie city about heaven for those who like tho city best, I thank God there is enough iu the Bible about eouLtry scenery in heaven to pleuse those of us who were born in the country and never got over it. Now, you may have the streets of gold in heaven, give me the orchards, with twelve manner of fruits, and yielding their fruit every month; and the leaves of the trees aro for '?the henling of the nations; and there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it; and His servants shall servo Him; and they shall see His face, and His namo shall bo in their foreheuds; aad there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun, for the Lord God giveth them light; and they shnll reign for ever and ever." But just think of a place so brilliant that the noonday sun shall be removed from the mantle of the sky because it istoofeeblo ataper! Yet most of all am I impressed with the fact that I am not yet lit for that place, nor you either. By the reconstructing and sanc- tifying grace of Christ wo need to be made ail over. And let us be getting our passports ready if we want to get into that country. An earthly passport is a personal matter, telling our height, our girth, the color of our hair, our features, our complexion, and our age. I cannot get into a foreign port on your passport, nor cnu you get in on mine. Each ono of us for himself needs a divine signature, written by the wounded hand of tho Son of God, to get into tho heavenly orchard, un- der the laden branches of which, in God's good time, wo may meet tho Adam of the first orchard, and tho Solomon of the sec- ond orchard, and tho St. John of the last orchard, to sit down under the tree of which the church in tlue Book of Canticles speaks when it says: "As the apple tree among the trees of tho wood, so is my Beloved among tho sons. I sat down un- der His shadow with great delight and His fruit was sweet to my taste;" and there it mny be found that to-day we leurned the danger of hankering after one thing more, and that religion is a luxury, and that there is a divine antidote for all poisons, and that we had created in us an appetite for heaven, and that it was a wholesome and saving thing for us to have discoursed °n the pomology of tho Bible, or God among the orchards. Trolley Slaughter of Egyptian*. I* is said that the electric railroads at i l«?' k'ypt, aro betting those of Brooklyn in the record of numbers of people killed. Sill Kyl ,tian roads have been running a j °ver a year, and 140 people were killed or injured by their cars during the first twelve months. I THE REALM OF FASHION. J While red is much in vogue for all ages it is peculiarly suited, according to May Manton, to the gowns designed for children's wear. The attractive GIRL'S COSTUME. »nd stylish model shown is of cashmere in the brilliant shade known as tulip, with trimmings and sash of black relvet ribbon. The full waist, which portion is separate anil seamed at the waist line. The sleeves are two- seamed and show only slight fulness at the shoulders. Beneath the epau- lettes they are seamed to the lining only, an extra strip of the oloth being stitched onto insure strength. The entire garment is lined with taffeta silk in a harmonizing shade of red. To make this blouse for a lady in the medium size will require two yards of forty-four-inch material. Ermine Is Coming In. Among the coming fashions ermine bids fair to regain its lost reputation, and will be seen once more on coats and capes. It had a slight revival last winter, but this year its claims are already noticeable. There is a ques- tionable doubt as to its being becom- ing?at any rate it oan never com- pare with the lovely sable. Petticoats of Silk Moreen. Petticoats of silk moreen with taffeta silk ruffles are recommended for wear- ing qualities, which the all taffeta skirt does not possess. The material comes in a variety of protty colors. Dress For a Clitld. No other style, however good, ever supersedes the one shown in the illus- tration. While it is in every way suit- able for a wee child of two it can also be worn by girls up to the eighth year. As illustrated the material is pale pink cashmere with bands of vel- vet ribbon of the same color and bole- ro of the material embroidered with white and edge<3 with frills of pink STYLISH bADIEs' liLOUSE. pouches very slightly over the belt, is made over a lining that fits the figure snugly at the front, the backs of which are cut exactly as is the outside. The yoke portions of surah striped with narrow black velvet are faced onto the lining to the depth indicated. The full portion is applied, the fulness arranged in gathers at the waist and the pointed edges finished with two bands of velvet. The sleeves are two- seamed and fit snugly well above the elbow but show slight puffs at the shoulders which support the full epaulettes. The skirt is cut in four gores and fits smoothly at the front and hips. It is lined throughout and is trimmed with double row of velvet ribbon applied in points. At the waist is a belt with bow and ends of wider rib- bon. To make this costume for a girl of twelve years will require three and three-fourths yards of forty-four-inch material with one-half yard of twenty- two-inch silk for the yoke. Ladles' Blouse. The popularity of the cloth costume is an established fact, says May Man- ton. The stylish model shown in the large illustration is well adapted to zibeline, broadcloth and cheviot, worn with a skirt of the same, and over a shirt waist of silk or velvet. As illus- trated, the material is zibeline in deep Bordeaux-red with trimming of astra- khan and yoke of smooth-faced cloth, banded with narrow black braid. With it is shown a belt of handsome black leather, and a hat of black vel- vet with ostrich plumes. The foundation for the blouse is a fitted lining made in the usual man- ner, and closing at the centre-front. The blouse proper is fitted by shoul- der and under-arm seams only, the tabbed epaulettes being out as parts of the back and fronts. The yoke is seamed to the right shoulder, and hooks over to the left. The blouse pouches well over the belt and closes invisible at the left side. The basaue <264051 satin ribbon. White goods, such as nainsook. Persian lawn and the lilco are equally suitablo for dressy gowns, while ginghams and sundry cotton ma- terials are well adapted to morning wear. The full front and back are fitted at shoulder and under-arm seams only, but are'mounted upon a short body- lining, which, together with the gown, closes at tho centre-back. Tho bole- ro, which is quite simple, is joined at the shoulder and under-arm seams. The sleevos, of bishop shape, aro one- seatned, the fulness at both shoulders and wrists being arranged in gathers. C lILD'S DRESS. Frills of the ribbon edged with bonds of velvet make the finish at neck and form tiny cnffs. To make this dress for a ohild ol four years will require two and one- fourth yards of forty-four-inoh 01 three yards of thirty-six-inch material. Pasteur's Forgetfulness. The late Dr. Pasteur was an absent- minded as Edison. Even on the morn- ing of his marriage he forgot all about the approaching ceremony and went off to his laboratory. The bride and the attendants went to the church, but no Pasteur turned up. A search was instituted and Pasteur was found deep in chemical experiments and utterly oblivious of the fact that he was to be made a bonedict that dc.y.--Philadel- phia Record. He Saved His Hat. At Scotch weddings some years ago it used to be tlie custom to batter the hat of the bridegroom as he was leav- ing the house in which the ceremony took place. On one of those occa- sions a newly married couple (rela- tives of the bridegroom) determined to carry out the observance of this custom to the letter. The bridegroom heard them discussing their plans and dispatched a messenger to the car- riage, which was waiting, with his hat some time previous to his departure. Then, donning the hat of a male rela- tive who had ploted against him, he prepared togo out to the carriage. No sooner had he got to the door than his hpt was furiously assaulted and almost destroyed. He walked aut of the house amid the laughter of the bystanders and entered the ve- hicle; then taking his battered hat from his head he threw it into the hands of its proper owner, exclaiming: "Hey, Mr. Dougall, there's your hat," and donned his own, amid the cheers af all present. Mr. Dougall was the unhappiest looking man in Scotland for some timo after that.?London Telegraph. The Walking Fish. Recently very remarkable fish have been captured in this country, found many thousands of miles from their uative seas. One was caught on the Pacific coast the other day near Betterton. O. O. Warner, of Philadelphia, caught the curiosity which turned out to be a native of the Indian Ocean, and which is known the world over as the walk- ing fish, so called because it really does have feet which it uses as a mode of locomotion. As a matter of fact, the walking fish is a ghoulish-appear- ing thing, for the little claw legs which are seen, two on each side of the crea- ture, are decidedly uncanny. For Insomnia A doctor who has tried it, says that if two or three dandelion leaves be chewed before going to bed the7 will induce sleep, no matter how nervous or worried the patient may be. One Problem She Can Solve. There is no woman in the land so bad an arithmetician that she could not calculate how much her husband would save if he did not smoke.?Lon- don Figaro. now to Wash With Care. Hard water, strong lyo, or Inferior laundry soap are responsible for the yellow elothts seen In many households. To wash properly, All a tub nearly full of hot water, put the white clothes in first, rub with Ivory Soap, scald, rinse and starch. When dry, sprinkle and fold down over night and iron carefully. ELIZA It. I'AHKEB. A Novel Exhibit. The Kansas farmers will exhibit at the Omaha Trans-Mississippi Exposition a car- load of canceled mortgages. To Cure A Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH Druggists refund money if itfalls to cure. 350. Our Trade With England. British imports for the present year will exceed the exports to America by #815,- 000,000. Chew Star Tobacco?The Best. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. How tl»e Finger Nails Grow. The nails of two fingers never grow with the same degree of rapidity. The nail of the middle finger grown with the greatest rapidity, and that of the thumb the least. It has been computed that the average growth of the finger nail is one thirty-second of an inch per week, or a little more than nn inch and a half per year. The growth, however, depends to a great extent upon the rate of nutrition, and during periods of sickness it is re- tarded. Authorities differ with regard to tho equality of growth on both hands, some holding that the nails of the right hand grow faster than those of the left, but others can perceive no difference between them. According to the rate of growth stated, the aver- age time taken for each finger nail to grow its full length is about four and a half months, and at this rate a wom- an of seventy would have renewed her finger nail one hundred and eighty-six times. ' ? TTTTTTTT*¥ T T 112 + w mj \u25ba A A l\ AAA AAA A. A. A A. A < ?: Ayer's i 4 For asthma, bronchitis, croup, or whooping cough, there is \ \u25ba no remedy so cure and so safe as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. \u25ba y This standard remedy for coughs, colds, and all diseases i 4 of the throat and lungs, is now put up in ha]J si*e bottles at \u25ba half price, 50c. Cherry :j j Pectoral. 5 aVaVA^VaVAVAVaV^J A FORTUNE FOR 50 GTS. THE COMSTOCK PREFERRED GOLD-MINING CO., of Spokane, Wash. INCOItPOHATEI). ??? CAPITAL STOCK, 85,000,000. The largest fortunes have been made by small Investments inlegitimate GOLD MINING It costs lmt 50 cents to become a stockholder Inone of the largest mining corporatiousin the North west The stockholders of this company have set aside 3,600,000 shares of their stock to be sold <if sold quicklv) at 5o cents per BLOCK OF 10 SHARES; and to induce quick sales first purchasers will receive FllEfi ad- ditional shares as follows: To the first applicant from anv State 6000 shares. Ist ICO purchasers luoo shares each; 2d >OO purchasers 6UO shares each; 3d 100 purchasers 260 shares each; 4th 100 purchasers 100 shares each; 6th llio purchasers 75 shares each; lith 100 purchasers 60 shares each; 7th 100 purchasers 26 share, each. EVERY PERSON WILL RECEIVE AT LEAST 10 SHAKES. The order of purchases docided by post-mark on letter, so all stand equal chance for large blocks, regardless of residence. This notice api>ears but once and in all papers same issue. This company's Interests are in NINE GOLDMINES anyone of which ought to develop a BONANZA, and If sc>, your stock will be worth from *IOO to *lO ooo' All mines have excelleut showing of gold on surface and It is desired to lmmediatelv develop. These mines ought to pav dividends in few months. Workingof mines paid for out of sales oftreasurv stoc.k EACH 60 CENTS ENTITLES YOU TO 10 SHAKES ANT) A CHANCE FOR LARGE BLOCKS AS ABOVE St.wk sent by return mall. Stick 6 dimes to letter; if larger amount send P. O. money order Write name anil address plainly for record. Enquire of Secretary of State or any Bank here of our responsibility COMHTOCK PItKFKIUtKU KOLO-MlNINft C 0., 581 JL 522 Itookory, SpohTn?, \V.!i.fc INI# FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. CURES AND PREVENTS Colds, Couerhs, Sore Throat, Influenza, Bron- chitis, Pneumonia, Swelling of the Joints, Lumbago, Inflammations, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Frostbites, Chilblains, Headache, Tooth- ache, Asthma, DIFFICULT BREATHING. OMEN THE WORST PAINS in from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading thin advertisement need anyone SUFFER WITH Huilwnj'rKeaily Kelief In a Sure* Cure lor hvery I ain, Sprulnn, Bruinen, I'niim in the* Hack. Client or Umbn. It wan the Flmt and in the Only PAIN REMEDY That instantly stop* the most excruciating pains, allttVHinflammation, and cures Congestions.whether of the LUIIRH. Stomach, Bowels or other elands or organs, by one application. A half to a teaspoonful in half a tumbler of water will in a few minutes cure Cramps, Bpasms, Hour Stomach, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleepless- ness, Sick Headache. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic. Flatulency and all Internal pains. There is not a remedial agent in the world that will cure fever and ague and all other malarious bilious and other fevers, aided by RADWAY'S PU^ 0 quickly as RADWAY'S READY Fifty cents per bottle. Sold by Dnifglau. RADWAY k CO., 56 ELM ST., NEW YORK. 1 A GENUINE BORAX | nflPP IIANBS. \u25a0 V B H U M \u25a0 Finest Clothe*. _ R E_ W U For Until, Toilel MU P I " and Hair Mbampoo. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 worth treble its cost. Fill] \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 pound bars at all sorta of stores. DATENfS^M^ \u25a0 JviivJl. Hold. Are Aasiirtmble. \u25a0 ll* % E*>T Improveraents intools, implements. \u25a0 . household articles, etc. Write F. H. APPI.E- -jtIAN, Patent Lawyer. Warder Bldf., Wash- lngton, D. C. Free circular and ad rice. Low fees. |NVENTO RS! l . lng No JJ«tent no pay," Prizes, medals, creat riches, etc. We do a rejnilar patent business. Loir feet. Advice free. Highest references. Write us. WATHON E. COKE.IIAN, Solid, tor of patrnta, WS F. Htreet. 'Washington. D.C PENSIONS, PATENIB, CLAIMS. JOHN W, MORRIS, WASHINGTON.O.IX vats Principal Examiner U. a. Pension Bureau. Jxre. la laat war, 15 adjudicating claims, atty. rinm CALIFORNIA MINERALS, ADVERTISING M 9 T a, " Cleanliness It KM Pride, Dlri r t Nat Honesty. Com. mon Smh Dictates flit lit* of SAPOLIO
Page 1: ITHE REALM OF FASHION. J - chroniclingamerica.loc.govis both material and spiritual, as we are both material and spiritual. While much of the Bible account of heaven is to be taken



"The Golden Kale" In the Title of theThird of the New York Herald's Com-petitiveße!'uioiifr-l'reac^eel l>y Kev.Charles S. Vetlder, of Charleston, 8. C.

TEXT: "Let us consider one another."?Hebrews x., 24.

Here Is the Golden Rule, expressed In theterms of familiar speech and practical ac-tion?the way in which the command to dounto others as we would that others shoulddo unto us may bo made effectually opera-tive. Here is the sursum corda of all dis-content with the inequality of human con-ditions; the proclamation of peace in allstrife of human opinions; the solution ofthe problem of capital and labor; tbe con-dition of harmony in all human relations.Tbe two noble brothers of the Hebrew tra-dition, secretly sharing the sheaves of theirbarley harvest with each other to make upwhat each conceived that the other lackeduf the elements of happiness, exemplifiedit. Sir Philip Sydney did no more when,wounded to the death, he gave the draughtof water hardly obtained for his own con-suming thirst to a stricken private soldier,eiiying, "Thy necessity is greater thanmine."

The words of the text were spoken by oneof the great teachers of the world to thosewho had associated themselves for worshipand work, and whom he would fain inciteto the highest and purest and kindliest life."Let us consider one another." We wouldbetter receive the full meaning of the ap-peal should wo use the similar, familiarund expressive word "considerate"?"Letus be considerate of one another."

Among the potential agencies of tboworld aro those which are directly ad-dressed in the text and thoso nkin to themin spirit and purpose?organizations whichseek to promote human welfare, whetherthey be called churches, charities or bywhatever name else. In all of these thereare possibilities of difference and divisionwhich willdefeat or retard their useful-ness and value. If we would know howthese possibilities may be met and over-come we need but conceive of one of theseinstrumentalities for good in which eachxuember is "considerate" of every other.

Then we should see the strong bearingwith the infirmities of the weak; the weaknot stumbled with the larger liberty of thestrong; the rich sympathizing with themanifold trials of the poor; the poor con-siderate of the crowding cares and calls ofthe rich and zealous that both may bepoorer in spirit and richer in the graces ofcharacter. Wo should see the old mindfulof the enthusiasm of their own youth and,remembering its errors, gently guiding andtempering?not frowning upon and re-buking?tho nrdor of the younger; theyoung would be seen sitting at the teet ofthe old to learn and rising from them to do,not rejecting the counsels of the hoaryhead as fossil theories of a burled genera-tion, but acknowledging that "days shouldspeak and the multitude of years teachwisdom." If with increase of age infirmityhad come, its very decrepitude would behonored as the wound of an earlier war-fare. Parents would lie then not forgetfulthat they were once children; children thatduty to parents is duty to God and thatthey one day may need a parent's immuni-ties. We should see the wise gentle to theignorance of the ignorant and patient toinstruct it; the unlearned, if need be, tol-erant of the irritabilityof incessant thoughtand exacting study and eager to share thefruit of such toil, and all esteeming itmore blessed to give than to receive for-bearance and extenuation.

Hail any "fallen," all would think howadapted was the temptation to the weak-ness it conquered, and how improbable, ifthus beset, that any would have remainedsteadfast. Repentance before God wouldgive the offence to oblivion in the sight ofmen. save to kindle a deeper sympathy forthe frailty that had yielded. There wouldbe the constant summoning of that charitywhich "seeketh not her own, thinketh noevil, hopeth all things, endureth allthings."

If reproof seemed duty, the fact wouldnot be overlooked thatSome hearts there are so perilously fash-

ionedGod's touch alone hath tenderness enoughTo waken, and not break, the thrilling


"Let us be considerate of one another!"llow benignant a law this for social inter-course! How happy would be the com-munity in which it reigned! We learn veryearly in this life that the secret of peacefuland pleasant living is a generous recogni-tion of the differences between us andothers and a full allowance of the right todiffer. In different ages and climes differ-ent definitions have obtained as to whatconstitutes "refinement." There is oneelement in which allages and climes agree!A true good breeding is that which is con-siderate of the feelings of others, of what-ever class or condition.

Why is it that sometimes even tho sacredcircle of home is darkened with the cloudof painful differences, but that some with-in it lack thouglitfulness of the feelingsand even the fallings of others? Rigid intheir own ways, they are intolerant of thedifferent ways of others. Why is it that inthe same circles of society variancescome, which grow to settled alienations,but that in some thoughless moment aword, look or act has wounded the sensi-bilities of another, or even slighted bisprejudices, and when regret came someretaliatory word forbade acknowledg-ment?

Employer and employed! Are they al-ways to be at odds? l'es, until each "con-siders" the other and not himself alone.

What Is there which would banish fromthe intercourse and rivalries of businessthe personal antagonism which is often en-gendered, like tearing down the ghastlylegend from the marts of trade, "Everyman for himself," and writing there in-stead the kindly motto, "Let us be con-siderate of one another?"

Still, still in mutual sufferance liesThe secret of true living;

Love scarce is love that never knowsThe sweetness of forgiving!

REV. CHARLES S. VEJ>DER, D. P.,Pastor Huguenot Church, Charleston, 8. C.


Rev. Dr. Talraage on tlie Pomology o 112the Bible.

TEXT: "The fruit tree yielding fruitafter its kind."?Genesis 1., 2.

Beginning with the Garden of Eden asthe first spontaneous, mngniilcent orchard,and the expulsion from itof the first pairbecause they tasted of the forbidden fruitof tho tree of knowledge, Dr. Talmagecontinued:

This story of Eden is rejected by some asan Improbability, if not an impossibilitybut nothing on earth is easier for me to'believe than the truth of this Edenic storyfor I have seen the same thing inthis yearof our Lord 1897. I could call them byname If it were politic and righteous to doso, tho men who have saeriilced a paradiseon earth und a paradise in heaven for onesin. Their house went. Their librarywent. Their good name went. Their fieldof usefulness went. Their health went.Their immortal soul went. My friends!there Is just one sin that will turn you outof paradise if you do not quit it. Youknow what it is and God knows, and youhad better drop the hand and arm liftedtoward that bending bough beforo youpluck your own ruin. When Adam stoodon tiptoe and took in his right band thatone round peach, or apricot, or apple,Satan reached up and pulled down theround, beautiful world of our present resi-dence. Overworked artist, overwroughtmerchunt, ambitious politician, avariciousspeculator, better take that warning from

Adam's orchard and stop before you palout for that one thing more.

But Iturn from Adam's orchard to Bolo-mon's orchard. With his own hand bewrites: "I made me gar Jens and orchards."Not depending on the natural fall of rain,he irrigated those oroluirds. Pieoes of theaqueduct that watered those gardens Ihaveseen, and the reservoirs are us perfect aswhen thousands of years ogo, the mason'strowel smoothed the mortar over their graysurface. Noorohardof olden or moderntime, probably, ever had Its thirst so wellslaked. The largest of these reservoirs is582 feet long, 207 feet wide, und fifty feetdeep. These reservoirs Solomon refers towhen he says:"l made me pools of water,to water therewith the wood that bringethforth trees." Solomon used to ride out tothat orchard before breakfast. It gavehim an appetite and something to thinkabout all the day. Josephus, the historian,represents him as going out "early in themorning from Jerusalem, to the famedrocks of Etam, a fertile region, delightedwith paradises and running springs.Thither the King, in robes of white rode inhis chariot, escorted bv a ttoop of mountedarchers chosen for their youth and stature,and clad in Tyrian purple, whoso long hair,powdered with gold dust, sparkled in thesun." After Solomon had taken his morn-ing ride in those luxuriant orchards, hewould sit down and write those wonderfulthings in the Bible, drawing his Illustra-tions from the fruits lie had that verymorning plucked or riddeu under.

What mean Solomon's orchards and Sol-omon's gardens? for they seem to minglethe two into one, flowers underfoot, andpomegranates overhead. To me they sug-gest that religion is a luxury. They meanthat our religion is the luscious, the aro-matic, the pungent, the aborescent, theefflorescent, the follaged, the umbrageous.They menu what Edward Payson meantwhen ho declared: "If my happiness con-tinues to increase, I cannot support itmuchlonger." It means what Bapa Padmanji,a Hindoo convert, meant when he said: "Ilong for my bed, not that I may sleep?llie awake often and long?but to hold com-munion with my God."

You think religion Is a good thing fora funeral. Oh, yes. But Solomon's orchardmeans more. Bellglon is a good thingnow, when you are in health and prosper-ity and the appetite is good for citrons,and apples, and apricots, and promegran-ates. Religion for the funeral. Oh, yes;but religion for the wedding breakfast; re-ligion for the brightest spring morningand autumn's most gorgeous sunset, lle-ligion for the day when the stocks aro upjust as much as when stocks aro down.Religion when inspiration is easy, as wellas for the last gasp; when the temperatureis normal, as well as when it reaches 104.It may be a bold thing to say, but I riskit, that If all the people, without respect tobelief or character, at death passed intoeverlasting happiness, roligion for thisworld is such a luxury that no man orwoman could afford to do without it. Thedear old book opened with Adam's orchardand closes with St. John's orchard. St.John went into the orchard through astone gate, the black basalt of the Isle ofPatmos, to which ho had been exiled.That orchard which lie saw was and isIn heaven. One person will err in speak-ing of heaven as all materiul, and anotherperson describes heaven as all figurativeand spiritunl, and both are wrong. Heavenis both material and spiritual, as we areboth material and spiritual. While muchof the Bible account of heaven is to betaken figuratively and spiritually, it is plainto me that heaven has also a material exist-ence.

How much was literaland how much wasfigurative, X cannot say, but St. John sawtwo rows ol trees on each side of a river,and it differed from other orchards in thefact that the trees bore twelve manner offruits. The learned translators of our com-mon Bible say it means twelve differentkinds of fruits in one year. Albort Barnessays in means twelve crops of the samekind of fruit in one year. Not able to (lo-cido which is the more nceurate transla-tion. Iadopt both. Ifit mean twelve dif-ferent kinds of fruit, it declares variety inheavenly joy. If it means twelve crops ofthe same kind of fruit, it declares abun-dance in heavenly joy, and they are bothtrue. Variety? Oh, yes! Not an eternitywith nothing but music?that Oratoriowould be too protracted. Not an eternityof procession on white horses?that wouldbe too long in the stirrups. Not an eternityof watching the river?that would be toomuch of the picturesque. Not an eternityof plucking fruits from the tree of life?-that would be too much of the heavenlyorchard. But all manner of varieties, andI willtell you of at least twelve of thosevarieties: Joy of divine worship; joy overthe victories of the Lamb who was slain;joy over the repentant sinners; joy of re-counting our own rescue; joy of embracingold friends; joyat recognition of patriarchs,apostles, evangelists and martyrs; joy ofringing harmonies; joy of roknittlngbrdkeufriendship; joy at the explanation of Provi-dential mysteries; jor at walking the boule-vards of gold; joy at looking at walls greenwith emerald, and blue with sapphire, andcrimson with jasper, and aflash with ame-thyst, entered through swinging gates,their posts, the hinges and their panels ofrichest pearl; joythat there is to be no sub-sidence, no reaction, no terminus to thefelicity.

While there is enough of tho pomp of tliecity about heaven for those who like thocity best, I thank God there is enough iuthe Bible about eouLtry scenery in heavento pleuse those of us who were born in thecountry and never got over it. Now, youmay have the streets of gold in heaven,give me the orchards, with twelve mannerof fruits, and yielding their fruit everymonth; and the leaves of the trees aro for'?the henling of the nations; and thereshall be no more curse, but the throne ofGod and the Lamb shall be in it; and Hisservants shall servo Him; and they shallsee His face, and His namo shall bo intheir foreheuds; aad there shall be nonight there; and they need no candle,neither light of the sun, for the LordGod giveth them light; and they shnllreign for ever and ever." But just think ofa place so brilliant that the noonday sunshall be removed from the mantle of thesky because it istoofeeblo ataper! Yet mostof all am I impressed with the fact that Iam not yet lit for that place, nor youeither. By the reconstructing and sanc-tifying grace of Christ wo need to bemade ail over. And let us be getting ourpassports ready if we want to get intothat country. An earthly passport is apersonal matter, telling our height, ourgirth, the color of our hair, our features,our complexion, and our age. I cannotget into a foreign port on your passport,nor cnu you get in on mine. Each ono ofus for himself needs a divine signature,written by the wounded hand of tho Son ofGod, to get into tho heavenly orchard, un-der the laden branches of which, in God'sgood time, wo may meet tho Adam of thefirst orchard, and tho Solomon of the sec-ond orchard, and tho St. John of the lastorchard, to sit down under the tree ofwhich the church in tlue Book of Canticlesspeaks when it says: "As the apple treeamong the trees of tho wood, so is myBeloved among tho sons. I sat down un-der His shadow with great delight and Hisfruit was sweet to my taste;" and there itmny be found that to-day we leurned thedanger of hankering after one thing more,and that religion is a luxury, and thatthere is a divine antidote for all poisons,and that we had created in us an appetitefor heaven, and that it was a wholesomeand saving thing for us to have discoursed°n the pomology of tho Bible, or Godamong the orchards.

Trolley Slaughter of Egyptian*.I* is said that the electric railroads at

i l«?' k'ypt, aro betting those of Brooklynin the record of numbers of people killed.Sill Kyl,tian roads have been running a

j°ver a year, and 140 people werekilled or injured by their cars during the

first twelve months.

I THE REALM OF FASHION. JWhile red is much in vogue for all

ages it is peculiarly suited, accordingto May Manton, to the gowns designedfor children's wear. The attractive


»nd stylish model shown is of cashmerein the brilliant shade known as tulip,with trimmings and sash of blackrelvet ribbon. The full waist, which

portion is separate anil seamed at thewaist line. The sleeves are two-seamed and show only slight fulnessat the shoulders. Beneath the epau-lettes they are seamed to the liningonly, an extra strip of the oloth beingstitched onto insure strength. Theentire garment is lined with taffetasilk in a harmonizing shade of red.

To make this blouse for a lady inthe medium size will require twoyards of forty-four-inch material.

Ermine Is Coming In.Among the coming fashions ermine

bids fair to regain its lost reputation,and will be seen once more on coatsand capes. It had a slight revivallast winter, but this year its claims arealready noticeable. There is a ques-tionable doubt as to its being becom-ing?at any rate it oan never com-pare with the lovely sable.

Petticoats of Silk Moreen.Petticoats of silk moreen with taffeta

silk ruffles are recommended for wear-ing qualities, which the all taffetaskirt does not possess. The materialcomes in a variety of protty colors.

Dress For a Clitld.

No other style, however good, eversupersedes the one shown in the illus-tration. While it is in every way suit-able for a wee child of two it can alsobe worn by girls up to the eighthyear. As illustrated the material ispale pink cashmere with bands of vel-vet ribbon of the same color and bole-ro of the material embroidered withwhite and edge<3 with frills of pink


pouches very slightly over the belt, ismade over a lining that fits the figuresnugly at the front, the backs of whichare cut exactly as is the outside. Theyoke portions of surah striped withnarrow black velvet are faced onto thelining to the depth indicated. Thefull portion is applied, the fulnessarranged in gathers at the waist andthe pointed edges finished with twobands of velvet. The sleeves are two-seamed and fit snugly well above theelbow but show slight puffs at theshoulders which support the fullepaulettes.

The skirt is cut in four gores andfits smoothly at the front and hips. Itis lined throughout and is trimmedwith double row of velvet ribbonapplied in points. At the waist is a

belt with bow and ends of wider rib-bon.

To make this costume for a girl oftwelve years will require three andthree-fourths yards of forty-four-inchmaterial with one-half yard of twenty-two-inch silk for the yoke.

Ladles' Blouse.

The popularity of the cloth costumeis an established fact, says May Man-ton. The stylish model shown in thelarge illustration is well adapted tozibeline, broadcloth and cheviot, wornwith a skirt of the same, and over ashirt waist of silk or velvet. As illus-trated, the material is zibeline in deepBordeaux-red with trimming of astra-khan and yoke of smooth-faced cloth,banded with narrow black braid.With it is shown a belt of handsomeblack leather, and a hat of black vel-vet with ostrich plumes.

The foundation for the blouse is afitted lining made in the usual man-ner, and closing at the centre-front.The blouse proper is fitted by shoul-der and under-arm seams only, thetabbed epaulettes being out as partsof the back and fronts. The yoke isseamed to the right shoulder, andhooks over to the left. The blousepouches well over the belt and closesinvisible at the left side. The basaue


satin ribbon. White goods, such asnainsook. Persian lawn and the lilcoare equally suitablo for dressy gowns,while ginghams and sundry cotton ma-terials are well adapted to morningwear.

The full front and back are fitted atshoulder and under-arm seams only,but are'mounted upon a short body-lining, which, together with the gown,closes at tho centre-back. Tho bole-ro, which is quite simple, is joined atthe shoulder and under-arm seams.The sleevos, of bishop shape, aro one-seatned, the fulness at both shouldersand wrists being arranged in gathers.


Frills of the ribbon edged with bondsof velvet make the finish at neck andform tiny cnffs.

To make this dress for a ohild olfour years will require two and one-fourth yards of forty-four-inoh 01

three yards of thirty-six-inch material.

Pasteur's Forgetfulness.

The late Dr. Pasteur was an absent-minded as Edison. Even on the morn-ing of his marriage he forgot all aboutthe approaching ceremony and wentoff to his laboratory. The bride andthe attendants went to the church, butno Pasteur turned up. A search wasinstituted and Pasteur was found deepin chemical experiments and utterlyoblivious of the fact that he was to bemade a bonedict that dc.y.--Philadel-phia Record.

He Saved His Hat.

At Scotch weddings some years agoit used to be tlie custom to batter thehat of the bridegroom as he was leav-ing the house in which the ceremonytook place. On one of those occa-sions a newly married couple (rela-tives of the bridegroom) determinedto carry out the observance of thiscustom to the letter. The bridegroomheard them discussing their plans anddispatched a messenger to the car-riage, which was waiting, with his hatsome time previous to his departure.Then, donning the hat of a male rela-tive who had ploted against him, heprepared togo out to the carriage.

No sooner had he got to the doorthan his hpt was furiously assaultedand almost destroyed. He walkedaut of the house amid the laughter ofthe bystanders and entered the ve-hicle; then taking his battered hatfrom his head he threw it into thehands of its proper owner, exclaiming:"Hey, Mr. Dougall, there's your hat,"and donned his own, amid the cheersaf all present. Mr. Dougall was theunhappiest looking man in Scotlandfor some timo after that.?LondonTelegraph.

The Walking Fish.

Recently very remarkable fish havebeen captured in this country, foundmany thousands of miles from theiruative seas.

One was caught on the Pacific coastthe other day near Betterton. O. O.Warner, of Philadelphia, caught thecuriosity which turned out to be anative of the Indian Ocean, and whichis known the world over as the walk-ing fish, so called because it reallydoes have feet which it uses as a modeof locomotion. As a matter of fact,the walking fish is a ghoulish-appear-ing thing, for the little claw legs whichare seen, two on each side of the crea-ture, are decidedly uncanny.

For Insomnia

A doctor who has tried it, says thatif two or three dandelion leaves bechewed before going to bed the7 willinduce sleep, no matter how nervousor worried the patient may be.

One Problem She Can Solve.There is no woman in the land so

bad an arithmetician that she could notcalculate how much her husbandwould save if he did not smoke.?Lon-don Figaro.

now to Wash With Care.Hard water, strong lyo, or Inferior

laundry soap are responsible for the yellowelothts seen Inmany households. To washproperly, All a tub nearly full of hotwater, put the white clothes in first, rubwith Ivory Soap, scald, rinse and starch.When dry, sprinkle and fold down overnight and iron carefully. ELIZA It. I'AHKEB.

A Novel Exhibit.The Kansas farmers will exhibit at the

Omaha Trans-Mississippi Exposition a car-load of canceled mortgages.

To Cure A Cold in One Day.Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH

Druggists refund money if itfalls to cure. 350.

Our Trade With England.

British imports for the present year willexceed the exports to America by #815,-000,000.

Chew Star Tobacco?The Best.Smoke Sledge Cigarettes.

How tl»e Finger Nails Grow.

The nails of two fingers never growwith the same degree of rapidity.

The nail of the middle finger grownwith the greatest rapidity, and that ofthe thumb the least. It has beencomputed that the average growth ofthe finger nail is one thirty-second ofan inch per week, or a little more thannn inch and a half per year. Thegrowth, however, depends to a greatextent upon the rate of nutrition, andduring periods of sickness it is re-tarded.

Authorities differ with regard to thoequality of growth on both hands,some holding that the nails of theright hand grow faster than those ofthe left, but others can perceive no

difference between them. Accordingto the rate of growth stated, the aver-age time taken for each finger nail togrow its full length is about four anda half months, and at this rate a wom-an of seventy would have renewed herfinger nail one hundred and eighty-sixtimes. '

? TTTTTTTT*¥ T T 112 + w mj

\u25ba A A l\ AAA AAA A. A. A A. A<

?: Ayer's i4 For asthma, bronchitis, croup, or whooping cough, there is \

\u25ba no remedy so cure and so safe as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. \u25bay This standard remedy for coughs, colds, and all diseases i

4 of the throat and lungs, is now put up in ha]J si*e bottles at\u25ba half price, 50c.

Cherry :jj Pectoral. 5aVaVA^VaVAVAVaV^J


INCOItPOHATEI). ??? CAPITAL STOCK, 85,000,000.The largest fortunes have been made by small Investments inlegitimate GOLD MINING It costslmt 50 cents to become a stockholder Inone of the largest mining corporatiousin the North west Thestockholders of this company have set aside 3,600,000 shares of their stock to be sold <if sold quicklv) at5o cents per BLOCK OF 10 SHARES; and to induce quick sales first purchasers will receive FllEfi ad-ditional shares as follows: To the first applicant from anv State 6000 shares. Ist ICO purchasers luoo shares

each; 2d >OO purchasers 6UO shares each; 3d 100 purchasers 260 shares each; 4th 100 purchasers 100 shareseach; 6th llio purchasers 75 shares each; lith 100 purchasers 60 shares each; 7th 100 purchasers 26 share,each. EVERY PERSON WILL RECEIVE AT LEAST 10 SHAKES. The order of purchases docidedby post-mark on letter, so all stand equal chance for large blocks, regardless of residence. This noticeapi>ears but once and in all papers same issue. This company's Interests are in NINE GOLDMINESanyone of which ought to develop a BONANZA, and Ifsc>, your stock will be worth from *IOO to *lO ooo'Allmines have excelleut showing ofgold on surface and It is desired to lmmediatelv develop. These minesought to pav dividends in few months. Workingof mines paid for out of sales oftreasurv stoc.k EACH60 CENTS ENTITLES YOU TO 10 SHAKES ANT) A CHANCE FOR LARGE BLOCKS AS ABOVE St.wksent by return mall. Stick 6 dimes to letter; if larger amount send P. O. money order Write name aniladdress plainly for record. Enquire of Secretary of State or any Bank here of our responsibilityCOMHTOCK PItKFKIUtKU KOLO-MlNINft C 0., 581 JL 522 Itookory, SpohTn?, \V.!i.fc



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lng NoJJ«tent no pay," Prizes, medals,creat riches, etc. We do a rejnilar patent business.Loir feet. Advice free. Highest references.Write us. WATHON E. COKE.IIAN, Solid,tor of patrnta, WS F. Htreet. 'Washington. D.C

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