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ITLE National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. … · 2014-02-24 · 'ED. 259 091. ITLE....

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) 'ED. 259 091 ITLE . JNgTITOT1ON PUB DATE-'-' NOTE' PUB 'TPE EDRS PRICE DESCRUTORS O 0 ABSTRACT This report represents only a sainplins of the hundreds of activities that took Place during National Consumers Week (NCW) 1984. It begins with a copy of the president's proclamation and the history of NCW 1984. THree Sectioniegive brief descriptions of the various activities that were sponsored by state and loeil agencies and organizations, by the business community, and by Fecletal agencies. Activities are listed within each section in alphabetic&1, order. Sample state and, local activities are proclamations by governors, mayors, and commissioners; workShops; poster. contests; award luncheons; seminars; exhibiti; consume: fairsvprets releases; conferences; essay competitions; and media events. Representative ' Activities of the 'business community include exhibits, clinics, displays, consumer,education campaigns, study tours, consumer fairs, publications, seminars, information kits; ads, workshops, photo contests, arid press' releases. The descriptions of activitiesjf Federal agencies highlight programs, mailings of informational '; materials, displays, \contests, exhibits, consumer fairp, speeches, conferences, workshops, clinics, and media events. (YLB) 0 . 0...DOCUMENT RESUME. CE[041.192'. National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. %Office of Consumer.Affairs, WashingtOnl.D.C. 'Jun 84 . 37p.; For a related document', see CE 041 193.. Reports - Descriptive (141) MF01/PCD2 Pl , us Postage. Adult. Education; Adult Proarams; Blinesss; Community Progrimp;\*Consumer Edubation; *Conpimer RrOtetion; *Were' Government;' Libraries; *LoCal Gbvernment; *Nonprofit Orgsnizatioris; Public Agencies; *State Agencies; State Government *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS.are the best that can be made frnm the original document. ********************************************** ****** t************ A
Page 1: ITLE National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. … · 2014-02-24 · 'ED. 259 091. ITLE. JNgTITOT1ON. PUB DATE-'-' NOTE' PUB 'TPE. EDRS PRICE. DESCRUTORS. O. 0. ABSTRACT. This


'ED. 259 091





ABSTRACTThis report represents only a sainplins of the

hundreds of activities that took Place during National Consumers Week(NCW) 1984. It begins with a copy of the president's proclamation andthe history of NCW 1984. THree Sectioniegive brief descriptions ofthe various activities that were sponsored by state and loeilagencies and organizations, by the business community, and by Fecletalagencies. Activities are listed within each section in alphabetic&1,order. Sample state and, local activities are proclamations bygovernors, mayors, and commissioners; workShops; poster. contests;award luncheons; seminars; exhibiti; consume: fairsvprets releases;conferences; essay competitions; and media events. Representative

' Activities of the 'business community include exhibits, clinics,displays, consumer,education campaigns, study tours, consumer fairs,publications, seminars, information kits; ads, workshops, photocontests, arid press' releases. The descriptions of activitiesjfFederal agencies highlight programs, mailings of informational

'; materials, displays, \contests, exhibits, consumer fairp, speeches,conferences, workshops, clinics, and media events. (YLB)



National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report.%Office of Consumer.Affairs, WashingtOnl.D.C.'Jun 84 .

37p.; For a related document', see CE 041 193..Reports - Descriptive (141)

MF01/PCD2 Pl


us Postage.Adult. Education; Adult Proarams; Blinesss; CommunityProgrimp;\*Consumer Edubation; *Conpimer RrOtetion;*Were' Government;' Libraries; *LoCal Gbvernment;*Nonprofit Orgsnizatioris; Public Agencies; *StateAgencies; State Government

************************************************************************ Reproductions supplied by EDRS.are the best that can be made

frnm the original document.********************************************** ****** t************


Page 2: ITLE National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. … · 2014-02-24 · 'ED. 259 091. ITLE. JNgTITOT1ON. PUB DATE-'-' NOTE' PUB 'TPE. EDRS PRICE. DESCRUTORS. O. 0. ABSTRACT. This

I \I




s '



onsumers Week -1984

FINAL REPORT,dune 1984








CENTER (ERIC)This document haa. been reproduced asreceived from the parson or organizationoriginating itMinor changes have been made to improvereproduction quality

lihrPointS ofrev. or opinions stated in this (WVment do not necessarily represent ottioal NIEpositian or policy.


Page 3: ITLE National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. … · 2014-02-24 · 'ED. 259 091. ITLE. JNgTITOT1ON. PUB DATE-'-' NOTE' PUB 'TPE. EDRS PRICE. DESCRUTORS. O. 0. ABSTRACT. This

0,110, Or, Ord x Ou .1, or, sw1 or, ob op, ., . j .11.4111 ../ olp_mgvOto O. OP, ,ANAIP , OI, Oh x0/ ve. xvi 61, OCRIP.A. 01,1 A. se, 0;



National Consumers eek,' 1984 .

By. the President o the. United States of Ameri

A Proclamation .

The American consumer has been blessed by the freedom to participatein asocial, economic, and governental system that; is unparalleled in any otherland. Since the founding of this country, Americans have benefitted from thefruits of a free. society; We are free to learn, free to ch ose a vocation, free toproduce, and free to purchase. These fundamental fr (adorns and the willing-ness of our people to work 'hard have helped make erica great. Americansare prosperous and enjoy a standard of livink that is, t the envy of the world. Itis appropriate to focus 'special attention on c sumets and the important role"-

Pg'tti ey.play in our economic and social system.

We have emerged from a ,recession o eve of consumer optimism thatdramatically provts the truth of this y ars slogan -- "Consumers Mean Busi,ness." Our economic recovery program as dramatically lowered inflation andinterest rates, giving buyers.A3re dispos income, Consumers are reactingto theNation's..resurgent.economy by purchasing homes, automobiles, durablegoods, and those products or services which enhance 'the quality of life. Withgreater purchasing power, it is important that .consumers have access to theJatiAinformation.

Consumers ne to understand the market economy, both here and abroad,and their options for earning, spendi saving, and investing income. lb-creased consumer and economic educati ih schools, workshops, the media,.and the distribution of informative matert is from government and businessgiye 'consumers a greater' appreciation of their rights and responsibiliti s inou.! incomparable American econbmy. ' -

Those who are sensitive to consumer needs and services and .r cognize atwell-infortned consumers mean business=-- repeat' sales and and marketrelationships-t-can expect to be rewarded with continuing o ortunities toserve and profit: Witte consumers, properly,/ informed end working with busi-ness representatives at all levels, can assure that our marketplace operates onmutual trust and fairness.

Byl working together in the voluntary spit,. that has always distinguished thecharacter of Americans in all walks of life, we strengthen our free enterprisesystem and secure basic consumer rights for all.

Let us show appreciation during National Consuiners Week for our manyfreedoms and work together to enhance the consumer's economic equity in themarketplace.

NOW. THEREFORE. I. RONALD REAGAN; President of the United States ofAmerica, do hereby proclaim the week beginning April 23, 1944, as NationalConsumers Week.

I.. 4' 1 'JO,

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I helve hereunto set y hand this 3rd day of Jan.. inthe year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eig ty-4, and of the Independenceof the United States of America the two hand` d and eighth.





di, /ay rei' ire: 940.10 rkv "re, r110. lb it. 40.-ti im Is% "re'CvorVia% 46:150 is014; irP Ids


Page 4: ITLE National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. … · 2014-02-24 · 'ED. 259 091. ITLE. JNgTITOT1ON. PUB DATE-'-' NOTE' PUB 'TPE. EDRS PRICE. DESCRUTORS. O. 0. ABSTRACT. This



Thd third,.annual National CoilburrersWeek (NCW) was coordinated by' President'Reaga9's Special Adv).ser for Co,nsume rAffairs and the United States Off ioeofConsumer Af fa irs ',(USOCA) . It demonstratedcontinuing and growing interes -in thisnational event which highlights theimportance, of consumer -issues andconsumer .education."1 The number andvariety of event's at the national,regional awidespread exNational ConsumeMean Business."of State ,a

cartauntty levels . indicateure to the messag6 of

Week 1984: "Consultersaddition, the, number

local gov nrrentsparticipating in liC1084 inc asedsubstantially over previous years, As dideducational and civic' groups, an?)- theprivate sector.


The , !Lherre, Consumers Meannt Reagan'sLiners Week,

lly hundredsneored NCW' 84 .

Business,".stated In PresiProclamation of National co1984, was adopted by' litof organizations Whichevents. The President's_ ,.Proclamation

'underscored the effective 4pproach ofConsumer educatioh, consumes :protection4INand consurkir involverient.' The value andachievements of / cocp6.rative of fortsbetween government and tne private_Rectorwere also underlined by the ProcLarraion,which is reproduced in' full in thisreport.



First launched in 1982, National,Consumer's Week began a's a sensitizingprocess on the importance of lifelongconsumer eduCation. More than fivemillion people ,were reached through themedia with NCW'82 messages, and dozens ofprograms were . sponsored by civic,consumer, and busines4 groups around thenation.

meNCW' 83 saw the sophistication of the

observance growing dramatically, both initsi .organization and in public

acceptance. ,_. Two. national conferences,one on C,6nsumer Education Arfund The

ld; and the other for busines leadersexa ining The Consumer's Stale. inInternational Trade, drew hundredS, of

ipants to Washing n. The most


development, every was the,growth of comminity-bas pr rams taking,place acrcss the country. ..

aThe success of NCW! 83 led to

NCW,', 84 is focus on private/publisicohsuner.)ccoperat iv0 i iitiatives at, the community'level. A nets publication, How To-Run aConsumer' Weekty. , was developed incOoperaion with The Seve -Up canpeiny,and within 3Q days of its issuance the

`...firs tr run of 25,000-1 copies hcid beenexhatisted. Some 80,000 Listers, 400,000infOrnational 'flyers, another 10,000 HowTo Run a Con...lurner Meek, 40,000 capi ofthe' P es ident 's Prodlama t. ion and

each to some 50' million AmericansdisseminatOd by the ' end of the

Week's 'Mose rva nce Bu more importantwere thk estimated 3,000 carinunity-basedactivities. in many of which business andconsumers joined together--sare, for thefirst time--to help and inform fella./

. citizen consumers.

Fr eXamplg, 'among the -many citieslarge and small, in which Cqrsurner Fairswere held durIng NCW, T.krd: Baltimore,Bos ton, New York, Atlanta, Dallas, LesAngeles, Burlingto. *(Mass.), Chicago, San.Diego, Ci ti, 'Honolulu,Whiladelphiar. iew (Tex.), Stillwater

Okla.), and Providence (R.I.). °


Planning and Preparation. , .

Beginning in the fall of 103, .the UnitedStates Office of. Consumer Affairs beganto coordinate, the preparation anddistributiqn of print and broadcastMaterials on a national scale. ,,,TheSeven-Up -ny prepared .and publishedlarge qua ities of the booklet, How ToRun a Cons 3,.-r week, and the Committee onConsumer the American Councilof Life Insurance, joined by the HealthInthurance Associ- tion of America,

: picduced 400;000 cies of the NCW '84flyer, which* was mailed widely toparticip\nts and cfiiinsors throughout thecountry. The z-rs, Roebuck Company

Page 5: ITLE National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. … · 2014-02-24 · 'ED. 259 091. ITLE. JNgTITOT1ON. PUB DATE-'-' NOTE' PUB 'TPE. EDRS PRICE. DESCRUTORS. O. 0. ABSTRACT. This





i. P

nauet!\;ivh1g force'?"°





. . ..( a . . WhatI OO4 t° Detyoit i%It$). . , PIIiI S'I

.... . .'ç: U.S. CDnsumersiuer.,ofi. r. '. .

,'I putocomP

.._t' gnuuet prstdent RUPfl


( co5tng cousumrn money s

Jn:t the wçek 'most eahsbikg greitest concern to the Nid jo1k

. That mek0j Comm. ye&T.

but for the rbrd: th obedieac&to actually hay, Increased hi this urn: with lUto %prit 2249) I t $J act of Cogieui, the. White HoLte period by neirly $300 miUJon.ers Wt (Amtnir it vor

pu'j11oiI_Couumei Week.' Tb. preuldeot bii prmviiledi iöine¶_. cme1 sent ijervtew. The proc1imiUo1 uu -.-wiipju1z. Is efortu to reduce the burden c.Ift _InhrCe

. ..sutomotve tssue$. "VU biage etwein the4Rilpb Nader folks . regu1,Jou. Compared tc *ppt'oprh -

to tiin the idmWi.trsUx ba. oo . tio*rer ips are down foriueh ageocieterrible Jb for c001uoneru, and the Rop; as the Conuuoner Product Silety Commit;, mod%' aid Reagan foiku, who naturally thnk Eo the MtiIzuut DtvIsIo of the Depar(

S she lavOrl th otherwise. me of Juitice, the Federal Aviattoors a crackd eo ii *e look at the wboie picture t AdmitraUoo, and Economic Reg. bumPfS' . She tsV

othergovernmental regu1aUo, a fair judgment talory AdmtiitratLoo v1th( the Dtpsrtthu somewhere ii the mi4d!. The ment of Energy.

£ j4'pirt3$ .

I pre$jdej baa made iome p10gm, ovsr O the other baad, CoáVeu bli tC

;1;-;;mig:;ii w J*UJ KNAUEI ?MSI t4t w the'pist ,a war against atoog wt ReSgans iequesAttaIrS Bfld jienry Howeve1 Ktaue1 a&YI re(uI9tlOo. bu be bunt mad.aearb as to cut the Food and Drug AdmlniitraUoo

much aa be ortgthaliy proposed to mki the Equal Emp1loymeot Opportunity ComS otlice of Consumo tee tree seminars until next March, unueCty CofleQe tnaUV opetltIon. with That b c0nibon 1 the Othee of Surface M1uin

the Study of American Business, which within the Depsrtnlent of the Interior. AlWOOkt tiOfli ConS7:30-10 p.m April 2f .rions1 hop' (q

recently published an analysti of reguli. these are up substantially. A preuld.nntndthe'°m çg(Øfl RoS

2. c' propous, ku the truism reminds us. butn thO Finø Arts BulLdIflQ.both public opinl* Congress disposes.

Public opinion obviously plays a pst IttrbOrn For inf: 10 cover su


the picture, Back in 1570, to look bakcs as ctild sebit, the Euvlaonmentai Protection AgenEVNrN3 - 149,854cy bid an appropriation of $71 mf,f.lionThe. cu.rren appropriation for eguVatpr

I UDAY - 22591timer

The activities Is about $1.5 billion. ThIs lil grto at lee at $1.7 bilhipa In I9.S. Th' popt'

UrjUJeoteet:'j?0)e Ifltormevj piaiiily care about clean air, clean.te. Yror I and the safe disposal of toxic wastes,g r rossi I this_concern has been con'uaunicated tand the iac mutt0mation J,, Congress. The EPA, says the center. I:

ProvId,' f a. on I comeback trail.CO lfltor0j need to make/

La The truth of the matter, It seemito me13WIZ$. Afl. I PtlOI', W' Bh'' he

Is Ii that U Is just about Impossible tchevedeeideci an fr'om$y eecribe the ,P electiotn0 h0oee'ncL,,id ut pronounce sweeping value judgments or

"federal regulatIon." Much of It is wiseave The people are not so fed up with thi

,; .j'ticie ' aerv pwtheaed ChTocset'Q

bureaucracy that they are ready te V.8 aJ S- is1e guesswork up to the - he flg to

____5SL.res tarn. abandon protection against t&"- mci'

',. erItarnizung indivd-

y. secsfic . to''e,ve

full an resU 'it I

1hs lp uchet ma4audIlsrrs ooisdes4,g tect ual

lie tpurchases ,s.y po'vduo huo-




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tlCIP nd rtlC' Igood to btrue usu*lly *' tiser' clainu.

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°'terusiriThitaiu'Chrnber that postal inspctnrr. now have t1 pffslTS one rns°Y 5ctO'ornmeree in the city where the ability to take act thrnto b?'fl%0° ç

eêi)usinosaalocatedBEFORF days, instead of months, if false , 5,t to' t th


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Page 6: ITLE National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. … · 2014-02-24 · 'ED. 259 091. ITLE. JNgTITOT1ON. PUB DATE-'-' NOTE' PUB 'TPE. EDRS PRICE. DESCRUTORS. O. 0. ABSTRACT. This


*.HERPI,VPR 1984

rill !"1- 22.21i


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. twoor

Disitmaulsiticl,Aelue.ersnts *wall WNW

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$$$$$$$$$.$$$$-$$$.idsThe million kid

the ages of 5 to,.12 mean ,business big business. Thismeans that one of every ninepeople in the 1.1 ited States is ayoung consume'

Kids are big consumers. They'drink, eat and use a tot.

They are big spenders of their.own money on things they tikeand can afford.

They also have a voice in howthe,family's money is spent,e.liecially at the grocery store.Li.st year, young shoppersspent 37 cents out of everydollar in the family.food .budget. Kids usually have a bigsay when the family makes achoice about computers or videorecorders or tapes.

The eracienton Henthd. Monde ri 2..1984

SON. The Ildiat P15. OPT /NO i/i. 114 Uluireesal Pm. *r6044.nusirtess

The companies that sell tokids emend about WO million ayear rkl, ads directed to. them.

With sp many experts tryingto sell. them something, manykids are learning ,to..become'wise TV viewers and shoppers.'

Many schools teach consumerlessons. Parents work with kidsat home.

It's true that kids meanbutiiness and big profits forcompahies. e

But kips are letirning to meanbusiness in another way. Manyare learning to mean businesswhen they demand the most fortheir money.

And hew about saving some,too?


Meet Euble Smart, acharacteei created to remindyowu to be smart about money.He will beveri busy duringNational Consumers Week,coming up April 23-29. Thepurpose of this week is toremind you to be "moneyWise" all year long.



hat Do Kids Buy? wite.do ladsWhat do kids buy with their own money? To find get oney? a.

out,..The Mini Page asked a group of fifth- and sixth-graders. Check each item you buy, toe.


KW( Pk* 10

ThemeBoolt -


O i4144:1C. , O snac10 06deS ..' GI fileso records ;;I :1; %stuffeda 'tapes arimals

actio91--, 0 P0846 ..suppliei t- 0 video ..

gifts ) cortridgesO comic iiooly P gameso toys ; []'video gameD ientia t9k1311U3

scieakers CI gul"O barrattei i f J431-velrY....."--.11MIT

0 allowances

ge0 pay for doing choresagifts fr6m relatives

t Where do theyptit savings?

bang savingsaccountsO piggy, banksCI hidden boxesCI in care of parentsWhat are some

- saving for?computers

LIF') college education ei&9°) emergencies

bikes (`'=







Page 7: ITLE National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. … · 2014-02-24 · 'ED. 259 091. ITLE. JNgTITOT1ON. PUB DATE-'-' NOTE' PUB 'TPE. EDRS PRICE. DESCRUTORS. O. 0. ABSTRACT. This

r .

a, 41



Norton, Virginia 24273 The Coalfield °progress Thursday, April-19,1984 Page 15-B

tionalcloiqstrrieies' Week to be celebrated uric( mi(inth of A rilindiv,iduals% condoneAlong with these are premiatztathorne energy e

a home to make itforelderly persona.

umereGelinMany Eatensioniouifenll beekbrati nab

Week MO events.A table televilion series entitled

"Consumer Guide ta" wasstarted'hisreh 19 will continuethrough 10 weeks, This program,

inoal'ismr:4401ureenirsti. ni2re celebiLitin alsriLltgar and faU canning ollmitedbsane families. Oneoil.he. devote elielt work e4 / ladinI'4 .ear`, .1welliaing *NW-um in a:::.

i ".'; he*

Mean'rati3ht-lislih-etarlimen11:?414n 1;7111hell (11. klierTIT'llurn.ndbiii:YisseEigt41342Dawar..tallisakt.s.Wilt' /°:aysitillq9:11dtielivilithbnidialitiMughtbelit

uanr.37146°. ar"linbilliWall*.ala bart:e4:1(115.fantilinidlii"et:"11"Sd:WaYanlinlraSh7SinirVing.bilYingli-elliald7WiriW:1"rirlfriPmErlwahetibricsataniamallaci

hq I mar etplace. er.


I flhealls,111eVstnnsalt2pee81:12171t ' "Setensia°- Malted beIPIng ti hen tall b9rhti9d and visit 1 beIP mama?" by. 14k* t9 '..

State University.She said a place can dogs today

itieFlelms. "Programs gate faculty at V teaUhin"alree,c41:1d iirttieltirttietvinlibud, back in the early

yugshgiurd. winos.the .spiculeifirLIP PrParlitt Imatudy '

. and


conottmer managerneptat Virginiare' particululy In 14/

rely on lot help is the local Virginia Preeerlinat". I--na onlY food !wetland i...i.,.... . . . ---nli. Many

and offr ways

toristimers can get help before p blem , 0,,..,.: _,C°°Pertative Ekten.i... ..




- Gantt. Nellie/11er4 131 KATHLEEN CASSEDY

auner Affairs.

It," said Mal Abraham, en investige-.4:etteevi. provide Miami

for with the meesepte wee. omen. phone or will mall

,,,brochures as venous consul


fore residents real; thAlexaltria FairfasidLlysi'l;ellirdtmentof°. IC: swugtiatele"ywout°Aboutirl: 11: ?

and Fairies County Wh have an. Nuttier of Affairs, feels the same way counseling:

Mee oiCassumet Albin.' about the countylortice. "I'd like tel Once a Censurer c.

But a catsurher affairs iffIce does see citizens notice the existence

litother Services offered I


more theft settle grtevences betweendepartment and beams more *were thenthey often becorne r

customers and nochenta or ',tyke tithe services provided," be said. ' ere. Abraham...Ad:

le providers.Complaint are maintained at The Alexandria eft

This week is Nationil Caesumers' the offices, so ore consumers make 1,200 form

can check with lellinc ccoPi "CI /to IWof their services. the local wale If grie,vances are in the as of alWee offfeas 01101101WISSenta

major pu

"I'd like to twernorejecrok uirt;vt have been IIIt

hat merchants pain, cry.t, home 0

toMn'iniervicee We hove Inform. with w -y are planning to do ..retail .--

Don here and if vie don't, we can rod business.1SeeCONSUIV






RT Col fitt.. 1,diisume r


.r.page 11. the

.r\ , I i

' . i


' IIf consumers here 'sieve:sate, the

Abrahasp said TS percent et comm. In" information they Svelbciut the thir -... se

.-.3(111 : '' 4, 1 ill


..".. ertherteconsurivervinc7The"otherwided2sPercefithfavor' are°1 ea`cmit'sernicitriawsiusrehasersinvestigatorsfop




W.f.N .t:.i.- . ferred to another agency, such as the

=he not

pe s which wokliwapolk:tils.':4-PAIlltl

cult:rat/I 1.4:agnet:.

%wally Invalid or the consumer is re.

human rights or healthdePartinenbj.


gels about


.. , he said. to SOO calls a Istonth but only about 25 f.1


- -

th, honorablemertticin

at th the erldigepit 00t:

. .. aria office has recovered 174.000 In len wantinformationIn the past gro months, the Mem- percent are complaints. The other cal.

ttir rollSrOadMall.



a ca.


year, Abraham noted.. .. SS4.000 it recovered during all of last years. After Christmas. the after gets. ers. This is consider** more than the office have noticed a trend over themoney; goods or services for comm. Investigators at the Alexandria

formal canpleints every year from

consumers about me chants or slr. the office starts to get calls complain.

vice providers The Res are piirged fog about contractors who did not do

The county office eta about 4.000

a lot of from coustatera who have


nets think about home improvement.;Then in the , when tames -,. 1

. .


tracts to menwa. .

Comer ProTectitton:Coinninmr 'silt :no' rstACaorynslAummearisWinet



..,9,." .,

s....N....every two years. so there are about tbeworkproperly

W S8.000ftles atanv limp miii.A.,A

V. 1






, .

Page 8: ITLE National Consumers Week--1984. Final'Report. … · 2014-02-24 · 'ED. 259 091. ITLE. JNgTITOT1ON. PUB DATE-'-' NOTE' PUB 'TPE. EDRS PRICE. DESCRUTORS. O. 0. ABSTRACT. This

r ,l

designed And distriblitird,80000(c4fies of participate as volunteer' ,speakers ona pcpter for NCW 84 featUring the theme eensumer 'topics during CW.. ,The Uriited'Consulters' Mean tusiness:" . The Zayre 4Staties Office of Consumer Aff.airsCerporatI,Ion -*printed and distributed preplired a Spgaker's Kit, withCkdra.ind700,000 shopping., tags. with' the, NCW '84 and dnforrtationa). materials ..or? coekumer

.. slogan:* Pitney Bowes ,, desfigned thei to. issues and a model Naticinal CorsufrierS...official NCW'84 'postage rretee' Week speech, for use by agency ,officialt,cancellation - imprint and trade _

v.available to purchaser? at cost. A Another', new aspect of NCW' 84 wasspecial issue of Consumer News,. published involvement of organizations sery

the United States Office of Consumer handicapped people,. 'emphasizing thefairs, was `mailed Jaet.ary, with ., special needs -%of disabled conskineit.4 details of- . the -date, dank, ands 'Arrong the organizations were the

preliminary, plans- for .Nat.ional Cornsuneis


" Week 1984.Administration 7 on DevelopmentalDisabilities of- the'Separtnent of Healthand 'Hunan Services, State 'Councils on

Designees fr6n1 44 Federal agencies who Deeeroptrental Disabilitids, and thePresidei i s iCcrit4ttee on Employmentthe Handicapped, 0

pr.es1 kit wast prepared and naired- to13,000 media contacts all over the UnitedStates:. The kit contained a °variety ofnews releases and feature' artioles, aswell as information about the Consumer%esource Handbook, recently published by

USOCA it a squantity of 1.5 millioncopies as a cooperative .activity with acroup of Federal agencies. The kit alsointroduced Eubie Smart, the copyrightedtrademark of USOCA, which is featured inthe Consumer's ,Resource Handbook.

Leal and national media gave excellentcoverage to NCW '84 events. Virginia H..

. Knauer was interviewed extensively duringher t vela` both print and .broadcastmedia,. as s Deputy Direc tOr RobertSteeves. The NCW Radio rviceistribut -3ublic service anncunenents

selected consumer topics. to over 2,000radio, Stations, and Mini -Page, a special

-newspaper, insert for youngsters, carriedNICIP#1 information to hundreds of papers.Special media events, including theribbon-cutting ceremony for an exhibit -inNew. Orleans on counterfeit name brand'products,. received, widespread attention.

make up the Cons, r Affairs Council "wereorganized into a. tional Consumers Week,etrask Force, and teere grouped under seven

`..... Task Force Chairmen. Their of fort's`,beginning in Februar, 1984 were


concentrated en agency-wide 'pi-4 rationsfor. NCW '84, including the in venent ofrelgionar and field offices across thecountry.


Martin. Katz, Genei-al Counsel of t, .

Consulter Product Safety Commission,served as,"Ch6irrnan of the Law andConsumer Safety Task Force; MaryElizabeth Quint, Diretor of the Officeof Consumer ' Af fa irs, Deparbitent ofTransportation, headed the ,Communicationsand. Transportation Tak Force; RoseBates, Director of the Office of Consumer

. Af fa irs', Departmen.t of Energy, headed theisEnergy and Environment Task Force; Teresar NeS if, Director of. Consumer Af fa irs for

the General Services Aczbninistration, wasChairmr of the' Amen Services TaskForce; Al Cruz, Coordinator for ConsunetiAf fa irs , Department of Labor, cha ired et he

., Labor Trade and Contnerce. Task Force;t Dolly Wells, Director of the offioa ofConsumer AffairT at the Department of 'theTreasury, chaired the Finance Task Force;

e- and Cindy Tapscott, Special -Assistant tothe Director of the Office of PersonnelAahagement, headed the tional..Operations Task Force.

A new activity ,for '84/was theestablishment 'of the Fede 1 -ExecutiveSpeakers Bureau, whidh invited topofficials of all Federal , agenciesrepresented on the Task Force to




The report, which follows represents onlya sampling of the hundreds upon hundredsof activities which took place duringNational Consumers keek^ 1984. It isestimated that 3,000 ccerrunity activitieswere sponsored through but the U.S.A. to

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observe NCW'84, altd that. media'cUtreachof forts del ivere1 the message ofPresident Reagan's 'Proclamation of NCW'84to soap 50 million readers and viewers.

Conclus ions

National Consumers W.qek continues to growin 3.Thportance and influence .as a vehiclefor advancing consumer education and forh ighl ght ing the consumer's role in ciir-eco y, as well as for underlining theof effectiveness of the, pciminiiration'spolicy of self-regulation by the privatesector.

C 'V

Urier the leadeiship of Virginia H.Knauer, Special. Adviser to the President.for Consurrer Affairs and Director of theUnited' States Office of Cors ner Affairs,National Consumers. Week became the




. 6


centerpiece of .year-round activities topromote consumerism in both the publicand private sectors, for the benefit ofall Americans. ,

The s- three sections of the report 4tbatfollbws give brief descriptions of thevarious activities which were sponsored-.by STATE AND LOCAL ager.lies and

organizations; by tpe BUSINESS COMMUNITY;and by FEDERAL AGENCIES. i

This repc.rt, is incanplete, because it isbased only on the information received bypress time. ROports frcrn 'agencies anddarrnunities will continue to be receivedfor some time to care, and, even thenrepresent only a'"sample of all of themany activities, .stimulated by NationalConsumers Week which. took place and vnrepublicized locally.

. 10

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,,/#84 activitied. by' codtacang /arious..% organizations in the Cincinnati area,

'promoting a Consumer Hot Line, .publishingarticles in the local media ar41 .

disseMinating PSAs to radio stations inthe area. Commissioners in Adams and'Brown Counties proclaimed NationalConsumers Week in theit respective

. ,counties. .1

.throughout the State, and f lye radio4andtelevision shows carried publicity aboutNCW.

4ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY - Proclamationissued by Mayor Matthews.


ATLANTA, GEORGIA - An exhibit coordinatedby Health and_ Human Services and theGeOrgia.- State Depatitment of ConsumerAffairs, titled, Cossum-er Awareness Expo1984. drew 250 attendeel.


SATE OF ALABAMA - Proclamation issrded by 'Consumer Fraud in Anniston, and anotherGovernor Wallace.

. tfor military pergonnelond.their "flies

AOhBAMA COALITION FOR CONSUMER. EDUCATION- With the ATTORNEY4 GENERAL'S C2FICE OFCONSUMER PROTECTION Conducted anall-day workshop for military." socialservice workers on credit,. banking andLair der collection.,;


ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIAissued by Mayor Beatley.

ALIENTOWN4 PENNSYLVANIAissued by Mayor(Ceddor.

- Proclamation

.- Prod larnation

AMERICAN-PSSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS..(AARP) CondUcted a. national Postercontest for older Americans through its5,000 chapters. The winner, JohnOlatulis, of the New Britain, Conn.,chapter, visited Washington, D.C. and wasa guest for. lunch at the White HouseMess.


ANAHEIM', CALIFORNIA - Proclarret .an issuedby Mayor Roth.

STI.TE OF ARKANSAS - prOcLamations issuedby Governor Clinton, and . by .MayorBenafield of Little Rock.

STATE OF ARKANSAS Attorney General'sOffice - Aftanged an award luncheon in

Little Rock for eight individuals andbusinesses in the State who have,' shownoutstanding leadership in consumereducation and protection; awards andplacities were presented to poster contestwinners. Seven presentationswere made'to civic and educational groups

at Fort McClellan.4

.BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Proclamation issuedby Mayor Schaefer.

BELL MEMORIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY OF MENNTOT,INDIANA - Sponsored activities for NOW,including placing posiers, brochures,books and magazines in a cer ral dispIdyarea. A speaker was a ble to localclubs 6 talk on,consune rotection.

BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Proclainationissued by Mayor NewPort.

ftBROOKLYN ,, NEW YORK A press conferenceinaugurated NCW in New York State.

Participating. Were the NY State AttorneyGeneral, the 'head of the NY. StateConsumer Protection Board, and the "YCity Corrunissiotaer for Consumer Affairs.


BROOME COUNTY (NEW-YORK) QJNSUMER AFFAIRS- Participate) in the second annualposter contest sponsored by the NationalCoalition for Consumer Education andexhibited consumer information materialat the Oakdale Mall.

BUCKS ODUNTy, PENNSYLVANIA - Proclamationissued by Commissioners. Departnent ofConsumer. Protection, Weights and Measures

Iponsorei-exhibits at Richland Mall andNackS Courthouse; speeches to women's andaging groups and schools; publicity ,-,n

one television and two radio stations;and distributed consumer reports to 1200schools, 400 service groups, senior.citizen groups and the media.

4 1 1

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ByFFALO) NEW YORK - A Consumer Assemblyw#s sponsored by'ra group of western NewYork agencie$: .-FDA held a Consumer.exchange meeting on diet and health fraud,during an =evening workshop session, acrdthe Buffalo. Consumer Affairs Officer Icsinterviewed on two radio stations.




consumer fraud April, 6.

STATE10.0 CALIFORNIA - Proclamation issuedby Governor Deukmejian.

. .

NORTH CANTON, OHIO 'A, 'Proclamation iss,by Mayor William R. res.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - Proclamationby Mayor Washington.

CHICAGO -.(etter BtisinesS reau a i theDepartment.of Education co-sponsorNational Consumers Week Ea].

Thirty-five agencies' and basinefsexhibited( including-- FI5A. More than 150parsons. attended. - '



CINCINNATI, OHIO - The Greater-CincinnatiFederal Executive Board and the City ofCincinnati sponsored an NCW fair. Aceremony dedicating "The Week (A theConsumer in Cincinnati"' included NancySteorts, Chairman. of CPSC, Cincinnati'sMayor, Arn Bortzl.and other state andlocal,government and business leaders.

CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - Virginia H. krUiller-vras guest speaker at a di ner meetinb ofthe Consortium of Busine s, Civic andConsumer Organizations.

CLEVELAND, OHIO - FDA materials weref.

exhibited during a week-long NCW display.in the lobby of the Federal Building.

STATE OF COLORADO - Proclamation issuedby Gave nor Lamm.

COLORADO - Denver District Attorney's`office sponsored a National ConsumersWeek program at the Eugene Field Library.

COLORADO SPRINGs, COLORADO - 'City'sConsumer Division sent dhily consumer

i6ss releases to the local media 'duringNCW, nd Mayor Robert M. Isaac proclaimedCons r leek in Colorado Springs. TheCons r Division \made presentations atNfour or citizens meetings during theweek.

COLUMBIA, SOH CAROLINA - Proc]anationissued by Mayor Finlay.

COMMUNITY ACTION, INCORPORATED,HAVERHILTer. MASSACHUSETTS Scheduled aseries of. auto clinics, sponsored bylocal auto and auto supply dealers;provided local media with NCW publicityon auto 'care; 'and sent a .copy of its

video tape, "Small CLains. Proceduresl."for airing on public. television 'duringNCW. ; a

STATE pF-TCNNETIcOr- Ibis year directedattention toward K-12. students byspcinsoripg. a p9ster contest,for onchoice in the marke4lace; for grades.6-12 byf;Sponsoring an essay cont t' on

the imp#tance of consumerism tostude ts. Governor William A. O'Neillannou ced winners. The consumer offideurg the school system to make moreeffe tive use of Connecticut's consumer.currvulum.



Cooducted its annual conference featurInghealth care issues in Norfolk.

CONSUMER yANEL OF AMERICA, CaliforniaCarried a notice about NeW in its April

'1984 issues of CONSUMER SPOKESMAN.

CREDIT COUNSELING CENTERS, INCORPORATEDin Michigan arid_ THE NATION/ -IL BANK OFDETROIT - Held a state-wide essay conteston money management for high schoolstudents. 0

OATIONAHIO, OFFICC-OF ODNSUMWR AFFAIRS- Stressed consumer fraud preventionthrough radio and T.V. and an exhibit atCourt Square during the week.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - Mayor Barry issueda Procl nation for National ConsumersWeek. The D.C. City Council, passed aResolution supporting the al..;.6.vities of

the Department of Consumer and RegulatoryAffairs. Consumer EXPO highlighted





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visuals, workshops, exits,demonstrations and a poster art,c6htest.Fifteen city agencies, . three publicutilities, and the Chanter of Canmeroe,METRO; and the U.S. ,Consumer PiCductSafety Commission, participated. The'United Planning Organization sponsored a.Mini donsumer Conference; the D.C.pepartment of Consumer and Regulab6ryAffairs ard the D.C. ' Energy Officeof feted workshops on health and energy'topics r4 a public- hearing, entitled"Consumers Speak Out, sponsored by theUnited Communities Against' PoveftyCommunity Action Agency; the Low Incomeand Elderly Workshop presented progrims

, on consumerism.

DETROIT - Virginia H. Knauer participatell

# 1:n a series of NCW activities, includingpress conference, a live TV appearance,',luncheon speech sponsored by the

Detroit Business Consumer Coalition,aimeetings on auto-related consumer isstliS

with top eficials of Ford, GeneralMotors, and C ler.

D.C. CONSUMER CREDIT ASSOCIATION -Sponsored a luncheon and awards ceremonyhonoring the winners of the 1984 ConsumerCredit Aswciation Essay Contest.Virginia H. Knauer was, the luncheonspeaker.

ENERGY AND AGING CONSORTIUM and theDEPARTMENT ENERGY - Co- sponsored aluncheon on April 23rd at the Departmentof Energy. The luncheon there was"Energy and the Elderly: Building

4 Partnerships for Local Initiatives."Virginia H. Knauer congratulated theEnergy and Aging Consortium and theDepartment of Energy on their programsand activities, which helped to net theenergy needs of elderly consumers.Secretary Donald Hodel discliissed theDepartment's new energy initiatives andrepresentatives from the University ofthe District of Columbia and theUnive sity of Maryland presented ideas,communications channels, and techniquesfor developing and expanding partnershipsto meet the energy needs of elderlyconsumers.

ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY Proclamationissued by Mayor Dunn.

FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA .- Devoted theApril newsletter to NCW 'And expandeddistLibution for that month, preparedvideo text for Cable Television BulletinBoard, and set up displays in publiclibraries.

FALLS CHURcH, VIRGINIA Brownie Troop295 designed and wrote the ConsumerSandy's Fun Sheet, with puzzles, ganv1.,and an advice column on the child's roleas consumer.

FLORIDA CONSUMER EDUCATION ANDINFORMATION NETWORK '(FCEIN) - Conducted anumber of workshops across the State.

STATE OF ,FLORIDA Proclamation issued byGovernorraham.

FLORIDA FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT -Representative Bill McCollum sponsored aconsumer resource activity in hisDistrict.


nurn throughout the State.Approximately 400 seniors attended'Irkshops that included FDA discussions,oncerning health' frauds, drug use andthe elderly, and the regulation ofhearing aids and ophthalmic devices.

HENRY .FORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE - WithMANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK in :Detroit,Michigan, sponsored a full-day conferenceon consumer issues. Virginia H. Knaueraddressed a luncheon meeting on"Partnership Between Business andConsumers."

FORT WORTH, TEXAS -by Mayor Bolen.


Proclamation issued

- Proclamation issudti.

GENERAL FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS andCAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY in cooperation withthe EXTENSION SERVICE of USDA - Conducted,a national essay competition programentitled "Quality Nutrition for All."

STATE OF GEORGIA - Proclamation issued byGovernor Joe Frank Harris.

9 \.

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4 ,GEORGLA,DEP ENTIJOIF AGRICULTURE - Sendspecial ,edition of its Consumer

S ices Newsletter, and a flyer to allGeorgia newspapers announcing NCW. AncNCW pr/gram was sponsored at the AtlantaFarmer-ss Market, and a story waspublished in the Farmers and.ConsumersMarket Bulletin. Brochures and handoutswere prepared specifically for NCW, andPSAs were sent to Georgia radio stat ions.

GEORGIA OFFICE OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS -Coordinated Consumer Awareness Expocoop6rative effort by business, industry,"ernment, and consumer oriented publicand private groups. More than 30agencies participated in the day-longevent. Two consumer fairs were held atarea vocational-technical schools, and.the Office of Consumer Affairs conductedradioltnterviews highlighting the role ofconsumers in the economy.

GLENBROOK HIGH SCHOOL GLE4VIEW,ILLINOIS - Sponsored a student assemblyon economic and consumer fraud duringNCW. Bob Steeves, Deputy Director of theU.S. Office of Consumer Affairs, spoke on

,USOCA and the impqrtance of consumereducation.

THE HARLEM CONSUMER EDUCATION COUNCIL -Sponsored the Tenth Annual ConsumerConference on April 28 at the HarlemState Office Banding in New York City.The conference was designed' to infOrm lowincome and elderly citizens of theirrights as consumers, workers andresident's. The theme was "Knowledge andCommon sense Defeat Ignorance." Thetopics addressed included, "Your WorkRights in the Comiputer Age," "DevelopingCredit Unions for Low-IncomeCommunities," and "Fair HearingPractices: Know Your Rights." USOCA'sJuanita Yates keynoted the Conference.

THE HAWAII CONSUMER EDUCATION INFORMATIONASSOCIATION - Sponsored two activitiesduring NCW. The firbt was a postercontest for 'students, with winnersannounced on April 28th at the Ala MoanaShopping Center, where 24 exhibitorsparticipated in a Consumers Pair.Governor Ariyoshi proclaimed ConsumersWeek in Hawaii.




1. I, ,ENEMY.'

.1 vOlxVighAok




HIALEAH, FLORIDA - Proclamation issued byMayor Martinez.

HOUSTON - Virginia Knauerluncheon speaker at a meetingby a Consortium oft BusinessOrganizations.

STATE OF IOWA - ProclamationGovernor Brinstad.

THE JOURNAL INQUIRER,'CONNECTICUT - Published acolumns on consumer issues,Cynthia S. Bercowitz, EditorIt To George column.

was thesponsoredand Civic

issued by

MANCHESTER,series ofwritten byof the Tell


LOUISIANA - Laminated shopping bagsdistributed by SAFEWAY STORES with theNCW'84 theme, and converted them into-posters, which were displayed around thecampus during NCW.

MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK,Og DETROIT -Co- sponsored with the HENRY FORDODMMUNITY COLLEGEk a full-day conferenceon consumer issues, at which VirginiaKnauer was a guest speaker.

MARYLAND COALITION FOR CONSUMER EDUCATION- With the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ofFrederick County, dissemihated consumereducation information sheets at point-of-purchase and ergo held workshops, toaddress various consumer issues.

MARYLAND ATTORNEY GENERAL'S CONSUMERPROTECTION DIVISION - Sponsored aConsumer Exhibit at the Security SquareMall in Baltimore.


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MASSAG1USETTS The State Off ice ofConsumer Af fa irs, the Consumer ResourceCouncil, the Cooperative ExtensionService, the Regional Office of theConsumer _product Safety Crmisson, andthe New England Chapter of SOCAPco-sponsored two shopping mall consunkrfairs, 'one in Burlington, sand gthe otherin downtown Boston.

JOHN MCMILLAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BETHELPAM!, PENNSYLVANIA, - Observed NCW in a isfourth' grade class. Students formedpartnerships and opened shops to create a

mini mall, where classmates acted asconsumers using play money, studied

r 'computerized 'inventory control systems atlocal stores,, and presented a consumerpanel on how to run . a success ft,tibusiness.

MILWAUKEE, wiscorssiN - Proclamationissued by Mayor Maier.

STATE OF MINNESOTA - Proclamation issued.by Governor Perpich.

MINI PAGE (newspaper supplement for kids)Feature c PICW '84 and consumer topicS

and tips for its edition the first weekin April in 450 syndicated newspapers.

JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI - Proclamationissued by Governor Allain.

STATE OF MONTANA - Proclvation issuedGovernor Ted Schwinden.


. , . I e f , 4 0 t 4 , , t o g N i 4 4

, , . .

1, .PROLLAMATIOThlr. ,17I4P6_9.r.9AP.

Ihe. President of the United States has proclaimedthe week beginning April 27. 19as as "NATIONALiONSUMKRS' MX- and

Our competitive free market eyettm operates tosatisfy consumer demand. end

Those who are seneitive to consumer needs andrecoanise that welllnformad consumer* Adm.huathese can Intp4F, to be rev/M./dad with continuing-pportunitiss to e,Irva and profit thereto,r.zcitrni:tic:Lfrceilett::Tprieli syatau to the

TmfRgIna I Lionel I Wilton. es Mayor of the 'It), ofOastend do herby proclaim Aprli 27 .0. 19as-NATIONAL 6ONSUMI0.5' VYOP" in Oakland

St nc ,e rely.




NATIONAL CONSUMER COUNrTII. of The UNITEDKINGDOM - Prepared the original text ofthe publication How To Run A ConsumerWeek.

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOLPRINCIPALS - Made a special nailing toits 36,000 members °promoting NCW '84programs and critiquing NCW teacherinstruction guides.


EDUCATIOd Sponsored a National PosterContest for school children grades K-12,through its network headed by 56 Statecoordinators. Senators Daniel Moynihan,James Sasser, and Wendell H. Ford madethe presentations of certificates and$100 bonds to the wirners, LouisGonzalez, age 6, Heath Hurst, age 14 andKathy Miller, ..age 15, who also won anallItxperse paid trip to Washington, D.C.with their parents, April 24-25.

NEBRASKA EXTENSION SERVICE - Developed a"How . To" planning manual for

s partic ipa ting in numerous activitieshappening throughout the state inconjunction with Nebraska ConsumerEducation Week. The planning tranuaiincluded a consumer quiz fact sheet,activities for extension agents, theelderly, and 4-H Clubs as *fiell asprogramming ideas for the media.c

STATE OF NEW JERSEY - Proclamation issuedby Governor Kean.

NEW JERSEY 14th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT -Represantative Frank Guarin.k sponsored aconsumer resource fair for 1100 people inhis District.

STATE OF NEW JERSEY DIVISION OF fay\SUNERAFFAIRS - A COASUrrer postire wasdistributed through the New JerseyConsumer Affairs Local Assistance ,systemhighlighting the Tel-consumer toll-freetaped informational system. Tel - consumerhas 150 subjects ranging frcm advertisingto warranties. Local offidps providedspeakers for various organizations duringNCW and also set up displays at local


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shopping centers, schools, apd publiclibraries. .The office distributedConsumer yips in press releases to 200news organizations in New Jersey,Pennsylvania, and New York. A display ofinformational and educational materialswas set u in . City Hall, andproclafilation signing °e re was held

there by Mayor Kenneth Gibson*.

STATE OF NEW MEXICO - Proclamation issuedby Governor Anaya.


STAB E° OF NEW4f;K - Proclamation issuedby Governor Cuomd.

THE NEW YORK STATE BANKING DEPARTMENTDiss6Minated free publications onmortgages, deregulation of bank accounts,financing small business concerns,variable interest rates; creditreporting, and other banking information..

STATE OF NEW YORK CONSUMER PROTECTIONBOARD - the Attorney General's Office andthe Director of the New York City officeparticipated in a press conference in NYCand Albany. The featured speakeraddressed a leaders' training conferencefor organizations to discuss legislativeissues and consumerism.

NEW YORK CITY CONSUMER AFFAIRS OFFICE -Sponsored consumer conferences,activities for civic ,groups, and a postercontest for school students. The .winner

of the poster contest was announced at apress conference.


shopping mall consumr fair.

STATE OF NoRTH CAROLINA - Proclamationissued by Governor Hunt;

OAKLAND-ALAMEDA COUNTY COTUMER COUNCIL -Meeting during NCW focused on seniorCitizen issues and services. FDAparticipated with Ln exhibit on sodiumreduction and health fraud. Workshopstre held on consumer legislation,,ergency needs, and complaint handling.

_ 12

STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Proclamationissugd.by Governor°01son. The AttorneyGeneral's Office sponsored two activitiesduring NCW, one in the eastern 'part ofthe State, and the other in the

central-western/area. Attorney GeneralRobert,O. Wefald contacted every shoppingmall in the State, requesting them td

give visibility to the Week, and includedinformation and prociimations from theGovernor -and the Pres ident. He contactedthe North Dakota State Retailers Assn.,with NCW information. A public servicead was sent to members of the NorthDakota State Newspaper Association. TheState's Largest grocery chain ran weeklyads jegarding the availability of theirhome economist for consumers with specialneedsk The news media gave extensiveDbverage to NCW.

OKLAHOMA ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE - Sentspeakers to vAious meetings tn the Stategiving presentations on consumer problemsand distributing onsumer information.


0 IDA COUNTY (NEW YORK) CONSUMER AFFAIRS- Conducted poster contest, participatedin local radio talk show on consumerissues and set up Onsumer informationdisplay with the SAVNGS BANK OF UTICA.


CONSUMER AFFAIRS - Sponsored A NationalConsumer Education and Information Day atMission Viejo Mall. Televisionpersonality Sybil Robson of the consumerTV program "Taking Advan4ge," was aspecial guest at the opening breakfastand day-long consumer fair featuring over100 exhibitors.

OWE4,SWORO, KENTUCKY - Proclamation issuedby Mayor Ross.

PASSAIC COUNTY, NEW JERSEY - OFFICE OFCONSUMER AFFAIRS Arranged a specialprogram at Clifton High School, Clifton,New Jersey. .

PHOENIX, ARIZONA - Proclamation issued byMayor Goddard.

PITTSBURGR, PENNSYLVANIA -issued by Mayor Caliguiri.



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PORT5MOUTH, ' VIRGINIA Proclamationissaed by Mayor Johansen.

PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY ODNSUMER AFFAIRSOFFICE, VIRGINIA - *Distributed consumereducation brochures at various librariesduridg NCW,, issued radio spots withconsumer tips, and conducted a

demonstration on how to buy a used cag.at.'the Manassas Mall.

PUERTO RICO Proclamation issued byGovernor Rimerc,Barcelo. .

REHABILITATION INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO -Arranged a media event tb Inform thepublic about their work around the visitof Deputy USOCA Director Robert Steeves,who toured .the facilities servinghandicapped persons,

RENSSELAER COUNTY (NEW YORK) COOPERATIVEEXTENSION - Conducted sendnars, onhomebuying for first-time buyers andconsumer redress for teenage mothers.

STATE RHODE ISLAND - ProcLa6ationissued by Governor Garrahy.


Sponsored its second annual ConsumerEducation Fair in Warwick Mall,Providence. Twenty five organizations'from the public and private sectors

ted.N Council continued its.4 education programs in the schools. With

the Consumer Product Safety' Canmission,the Council co-sponsored a safety fair atthe Warwick Mall, concentrating'on safetyproblems ashociated with lawn m6Wers,..


chain saws and other seasonal hazardousproducts. The 'Council co- sponsored aconciliation/arbitrationAmediation con-ference with the Regional Office of theFederal Trade Commission on"fow businessShould handle consumer ccmplaints and theFTC's rules on mediation and arbitration.There were also skits on auto, haveimprovement., and major appliancecomplaints, showing how 'to handlecomplaints effectively.


issued by Mayor Corcoran.

RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIAissued by Mayor Brown.



- Proclamation



el0Maka, the President of the. United Stater has procleimidthe week beginning April 2 , 19ss 'National Consumers Week':and "141

ANEMIAS, a major func on of our competitive free marketsystem is to satisfy consumer demand; and

WIERIA11, everyone is a consumer, but too often this roleis the most neglected in terso'of preparation and trainingrand

WEEMS, consumers should hay access to a wide assortmentof competitively priced goods and services produced here andabroae, and it curate Information on product content and care, oncontractual a ***** nts on th cost of credit...essentially.whatever fact are needed t make an informed choice; and

ANEMIAS, it clear that the greatest fairnspa for con-SUA2[11 den be achieved through the active cooperation of business,government, and consumers themselves working together to inouraequity, increased competition, and safety in our free marketeconomy: and

ANIMAS, National Consumers Week will promote disseminationof sound consumer information by both public and private sectors.Including the media, ogisubjects such as complaint handlingand on public policy fiue which affect consumers;, .4

ANEMIAS, National Consumers Week will encourage dialogueand cooperation among consumers, business., and government, andbroaden the scope of consumer andeconalAt education by height-.enIng consumer mean:mesa that we function in a world market --that our interdependence extends tar ilyond the boundaries ofthe United Stets.:

MOW, TIMMONS, I, ROGER REOGICOCR, the Thirtieth Mayor ofthe City of San Diego, do hereby reclaim April 2)-29, 1984 tobe 'CONSUMERS Me in San Oieq


ereunto set my Hand, thisThirtieth( Day of march. Nine-teen thaudred and Eighty-four,and have caused the Seal to beaff d hereto,

RUTGERS UNIVERSITY CO-OP EXTENSIONSERVICE, NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY,- Usedthe theme of the "Assertive Consumer" inits media activities for NOW. 15 newsreleases on' . vbrious aspects ofconsumerism Were issued to each of the 21tOunty Extension Service offices, forrelease to the local media.

THE ESSEX COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE -Particleted in an open house sponsoredby the tounty Office of Consumer Affairs.

THEo HUDSON 'COUNTY EXTENSION HOMEECONOMIST - Participated in the ConsumerForum in North Bergen, New Hampshire.

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 49- Proolanottonissued by Mayor Hedgecock. Consumerassistance clinic was sponsored at theGrossmont Shopping Center, with 36 State,local and Federal agencies represented.

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SANTA it, NEW MEXICO Proclamationissued by Mayoeliontano.

SAN' FRANCISCO, CALIFbRNIA - DistrictAttorney's Office took its consumer fraudunit to the streets during NCW to

publicize its services-to consumers; apublic. meeting I was held on foodirmdiatiori, with =meats yresented bypanelists and the pUblic.

SALT RAKE crTy, uTAti - An exhitx.t. at theCrossroads Mali was' sponsored by severalconsumer groups 'and the FOOD AND DRUGADMINISTRATION.

STATE OF SOUTK CAROLINA - Proclamationis ued.by Goliernor Riley.

Ili SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF, CONSUMERAFFAIRS - Introduced its newinstructional packet on credit, developed.as a joint venture with the SouthCarolibasZept. of Education and the SouthCarolina Council.on Economic Education.It' will be sent to every secondary school.in the State. In itco-sponsored a public seminar '`nth theo-Nid-Carolina ConSumer Credit Assn., witha speaker from the TTC. Robert Steeves,Deputy Director, USOCA, and Steve Hamm,Director- of the South Carolina Departmentof Cons r Affairs, also spoke. An NCWprocLamati was issued *by Mayor KirkmanFinlay, of olumbia, s.c.

SEATTLE, WASHIN3TON CONSUMER PROTECTIONROUNDTABLE 7 Sponsored a luncheon andpresented its Consumer Advocate Award tosomeone in the Seattle area who has done0)outstanding work in behalf' of consumers. t.

SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVEiSITY HOMEECONOMICS DEPARTMENT - Sponsored seniorstudent projects for NCW, one of whichwas publicized in the campUs newspaper.

SOUTHWEST' BAPTIST UNIVERSITY, BOLIVAR,MISSOURI - Distributed a free booklet onfood purchasing provided' by KraftCbrporation, and offered consumer relatedprograns to local organizations throughits Home Elnamics Department.

STATE OF so DAIWA - ,Proclanationissued by Governor Janklow.,

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI - Proclamation issuedby Mayor Schoemehl.'

SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW 'YORK- - CountyCamnissioners prO6laimld Consumer Week,and sponsored 4. seminar for studentt atSuffolk County Community' College WesternCampus; a consumer education workshop forcommunity leaders in Hauppauge; and aShopping Mall Consumer Fair at the SmithHaven Mall in Lake Grove.

SUMMIT HALL, NEW JERSEY - Mayor Rober J.Hartlaub issued an NCW proclamation, andthe City Cleric sent a press release aboutits Consumer Affai Local AssistanceOffice to the local media.

SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA - Proclamationissued by Mayor Briody.

SYRACUSE (NEW 'YORK) CONSUMERConducted Consumer Carnival fthe City Hall.

"TAKING ADVANTAGE" TELEVISION SERIES, LOSANGELES, CALIFORNIA - PaFticipatedNational Consumer Education andqInformAtion Day, in conjunction with theOrange County Office of Consumer Affaift.Their booth featured free transcripts ofthe show and a, Q &A session with co-hostSybiVobson. The show also participatedwith ABC affiliates in varfous eventstaking place in Dqtroit, Michigan. Jerrl,Graham, co-host, "participated in aprogram at Henry Ford College, Detroit.Co-hosts Sybil Robson and Jerry Grahamwere named Special Media Advisers to theCalifornia Consumer Advisory Council.

TAL ''SEE, FLORIDA - Proclamationissued Mayor Bel Lamy:

)0RIDA Virginia' H. Knaueraddressed the Consumer Grassroots Forumsponsored by the Gulf Oil ProductsCompany.

STATE OF TENNESSEE - Proclamation issuedby Governor Alexander.'

UNITE COMMUNITIES AGAINSt POVERTYCOMMURITY ACTION AGENCY, LANCCVER,MARYLAND - Sponsored a Consumer VolunteerRecognition Awards Ceremony and conducteda public hearing, "Consumers Speak-out."


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1UNION ODUNTY, NEW JERSEY DIVISION OFCONSUMER AFFAIRS - Distributed thousandsof Consumer's Resource Handboolcs landpackets containing. information from theU.S.. Cansimer Product Safety Commissionand local consumer related organizations;'publicity campaign included newspapers,radio and television and a speech tosenior citizen leaders.

\UNIVERSITY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA\MUM INCOME CONSUMER ODUNSEkING PROGRAMt 'Sponsored daily workshops for low-income and elderly consumers on "


UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, THE SCHOOL CFNURSING - Sponsored a program to develop,a model for effective co]4abozationbetweean organized consumers and nursing.The gproj4ct was . stiff by asuggestion from the National ConsumersLeagUe, and funded by 910 American NursesFopndation.

STATE OF VIRGINIA - Proclamation issuedby Governor Robb.

VIRGINIA CO-OP EXTENSION SERVICE OFVIRGINIA TECki AND VIRGINIA STATEUNIVERSITIES - Sypported the secondannual National Consumers Week PosterConte with mailings to Virginia publicschoo in the Richmond area.-

VIRGINIA CITIZENS OONSUMER ODUNCIL -Displayed information on local measuredtelephone service in libraries in Fairfaxand Arlington counties during NCW '84.

VIRGINIA EXTENSION OFFICES' - Displayedthe ,NCW poster in their offices, alongwith publications and ; handouts. Aconference in Southampton County had thetheme, "Wake Up To Now." It wassponsored by SHOP, Straelght Help forOpportunities for. Purchas A consumersconference was held at Richard BlandCam uni College on the theme "ConsumersHelping Themselves" addressing theunemployment situation in the area.Media coverage was extensive in ,theRichmond area, and Pittsylvania Countyhad special exhibits and-programs whiOhstressed consumer issues on buying,shopping, and protection.. The annualmeeting of the ConSumer Education and




Information Association of Virginia 'washeld at.:Virginia BeacH; on the theme"Emerging Problems in Health Caret

WALKER COUNTY. TECHNIC SCHOOL, GEORGIA -1-v, Sponsored a Ciis Awareness Day on

April 25, which was advertised,in fivesurrounding county newspapers andpublicized on a talk show in Chattanooga.Area service groups were invited.EXhibits were displayed all weak.

WHIM -TV IN HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIADevoted its talk show with Teri Guerrisito the subject Qf counterfeit, prqducts.National NCW Coordinator Martin Petersenwas a guests on the show, along with the\Director of th Pennsylvania Bureau of

. Consumer Protection, Mike Pekula.

WEST RN NEW YORK COALITION FOR.. CONSUMEREDUC pm, AND the NIAGARA 'FRQNTIERcomsurps' 'ASSOCIATION With Fcrderal,State and local eencies sponsored aone-day Consumer-A reness Conference ofBuffalo State College. Mediaannouncements publicized the event whichwas 'open to the pUblic.

WARRENtt COUNTY, NEW JERSEY ,OFFICE OFCONSUMER tFFAIRS - Participated in NCWwith an exhibit at the Warren CountyLibrary in Belvidere, .and with a special4class entitled "Consumers Mean Business:'Complain Like a Pro." OCA staff wereinterviewed on local. radio, andtelevision, and an open house was held at-its office where staff answered questionsand distributed printed information.Warren County issued a proclamation ofNOW.

STATE OF wwiwroo - Proclamation issuedby Governor Spellman.

STATE OF WEST .VIRIGNIA - Proclamationissued by Governor Rockefeller.

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK DEPARIMENTOF CONSUMER AFFAIRS - Set up exhibits atthree indoor shopping malls in the Countydistributing literature and pamphlets.Staff also answered questions. Spotannouncements were sent to the localcnclia, and a feature article by theConsumer Editor of the Westchesternewspaper was published during N04.

is .1901*

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PROCLAMATIONS OF NATIONAL CONSUMERS WEEKreceived ran Governors . included the

following 4' States: Alabama, Atka n.sasCalifornia , Colorado, Delaware, Florid,Georgia,. Illinois, Iowa,. Minnesota,Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, NewMexico).- North Carolina, Puerto Rico,

Rhode Island, South Carolina, SouthDakota Tennessee, Texas, VirgintlxWashingtor., tokst Virginia, and Wyoming.


PROCLMATIONS FROM MAYORS included thefollowing cities (not in alphabeticalorder) : Sunnyvale, California; AtlanticCity, New Jersey; Pittsburgh,Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Cincinnati, Ohio;





I, 7

Pennsylvania; Concord,' California ;

Jackson, Miss iss ilipi ; Milwaukee',Wisconsin; Columbia, (t South Carolina ;Hialeah, Florida ; Taliahassee, Florida ;Santa Fe, New Mexico Portsmouth,Virginia; Berkeley, Cal ifopia;., Chicago,Illinois; Phoenix, Arizona; Richmond,California; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma;Anahe tin, California; Fort Worth, Texas;San Diego, California; Baltimore,Maryland; lentown , Pennsylvania;Elizabeth, -4' w Jersey; Queensboro,Kentucky; Battle Creek, Michigan; Kansas'City, Kansas; Garden Grove, California;Buffalo, New York; Reno, Neveda ;

Cranford, Nevi Jersey; and Indianapolis,Indiana.

ablationThe President of the United States has proclaimedthe week beginning'April 23. 1984. as "National

Consumer" Week. and

MIMEO, This special observance will promote the discsminat ionof sound consumer information by both public and private sectors, including themedia. to acquaint the buying public with such processes as complaint handling andto height entroncumer awareness of our interdependence on a world market as well

dame/tic one; and

WMFYFAS, Everyone is a constmer, but 'little effort is made toprep Ire tu I train people for this rule; and

WHEREAs, consumers should have access to a wide assortment ofompet it t-ely pr iced goody and services produced both bore and abroad, plus accurate

, intormat prrxitict content and quality; and

It is essent tat that business, government and constrarrti. .elves or k tuct her to insure equity, increased compet I t ion And safety) in ourrc market e,onormy;

NI W. TIIEREMR E. I. HENRY W. maIi7, Mayor of Milwaukee, do herebypr-,-lain the period of Aprt1,23-29, 1986, to he tiAT 10::AI. CON ;;HERS WEEK inMilwaukee. and I urge ever vuhe to acquaint themselves with the consumer int onsat ionthat is readily available to Oars.

ty114-iffiNkY W. MA 1 ER



° 0

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AMERICAN AIRLINES ,Sponsolted travelarrangements for the winners of the NCWNational Phota.Gontest.

AMERICAN ALJTOVBILE ASSOCIATION (AAA) -Conducted car. care clinics througty itsstate and district igfices and pr.4.7, ided"consumer tipS through its putklications.

.AVERIklyCANfea ERS;NcwASSZ.CIATiION NewsAp-ril 10

issue, describing kinds of activitiestanks acrcas the country couldparticipate lri for NCW.

AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION - SpecialCommittee on Alternativp DisputeResolution assisted in orpaniling a visit.by Virginia H. Knauer to its pilot

. rrult.i-door project in Houston. Mrs.Knauer toured the facility and observed a'simulated mediation case.

AMERICAN GAS ASStOCIATION (AGA) - Openedthe Gas Appliance. Research andDemonstration Home at the PGALaboratories in Cleveland. More than 200guests attended, with DOE Under SecretaryPa Er ick 'Collins delivering the keynoteaddress. CPSC Chairman Nancy Steorts andme'mbe rs of .her staff toured thefacilities. The AGA Labs staff will beconducting \research to develop newresidential and carrarcial gas appliancesand accessories, ars.1 the house will serveas a showcase for derrorstrating Aqwequiptient. AGA also held a works hop onhandling 'consumer concerns and inquiriesfor 30 . of its membel ccmpanyrepresentatives hosted by Southwest GasCorporation in Las `Vegas. Other membercompanies participated. in NCW activitiesin Atlanta, Brookly:. East Ohio, NewJersey Northeastern States, Oklahoma,Southe,n California, Southwestern and,Mid-Atlantic States, and Washington, D.C.

AMERICAN 'IrJURISTER OORPORATION -Sponsored an exhibit at the NCW consumer,fair, at Midland Mall, Warren, RhodeIsland, and at the Warwick Mall, Warwick,Rhode Islam. The Fair was publicized onlocal radio stations.


AMERICAN ODUNCU. OF LIFE INS CE -Prov'ded an NCW 'packet of informationalma ials to its 600 member companies, ,with directions for sponso ing a imeriety 4of community activities. Wi h the HEALTH,INSUpANCE ASSOCIATION ". AMERICA,prodiiced 400,000 promotional flyersannouncing NCW 84'. -


4AMTRAK - Displayed its, specially equippddsleeping car accartrodations forwheelchair passengers at UnioStation inChicano as a media event.

THE ARMSTWAsIG RUBBER CDMPANY - Launchedits new liarranted auto Tredloc Tireduring National Consumers Week at a pressconference in Nashville. USOCA DeputyDirector Robert Steeves participated inceremonies, at the Nashville plantannouncing, the tire, which sets a newindustry stanaard for /tire mileageguarantee':.




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its March/April issues of ApplianceLetter sent to over 4-0000 consumer;communicators tttroughbut the country;distributed a speCial media package'during Nags

AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TRAVEL AGENTS '"Released a new consulter educationcampaign .alerting travelers to .potentialconsumer` problems. This was done, inconjunction with the Federal TradeCommission. It i uded radio and printmedia ',material.

,,ATLANTIC 4 PACIFIC TEA COMPANY (A&P) -Distributed consumer feed-bayk surveyduring NCW to each customar'who passedthrough La checkout line. Postage-paidresults will be tabulated and analyzesNA &P operates 715 stores in :WStates.

7-0,0N PRODUCTS - Sponsor ( a stut4r toutfor. consumer educators from Japan as amajor NCB actimity./- Professors franmajor univetnitbm participated in aten-da, folr-city tour, which beganApril 23rd in New York.. They feet withexperts in consumer education inclassrooms at the elementary, highschooi and university levels. Avon also

. hcetild open house at its seven RegionalOffices.

BEAIER BUSINESS BUREP,,(MGVIEW, TEXAS -.Conducted a shopping mall consumer fair.


1%BONHAM STATE BANK, BONHAM, TEXAS - Usedan NCW postage cancellation stamp for itsmetered mail during April, and ran ads onNational ,Consumers Week in the local

newspaper. The .Bank also ran -an NCWposter on its marquee and used an NCWlogo on all statements during April.

CAR CARE COUNCIL - Mailed a publicity kit-to 600 newpaper editors on Car Care Fairsduring National Consumers Week, with


stions about car care atx.1 lists ofocal resources. Issued a series of0-second radio public service

a ouncements relating to car rare forNCW.

CITICORP /CITIBANK, N.A. - Provided agrant for the National Coalition forConsumer Education's NCW Poster Contestinvolving school children.

4 F



THE COCA-COLA COMPANY - Released its newpublication, "Investi In ConsumerInformation," and distributed it to ChiefExecutive Officers of. major U.S.corpolions, public relationsexecut es, trade associations, and 177

Better Business Bureaus in the U.S. andCanada during NCW.


Under the theme "Save Energy Dollars YearRound," produced pamphlets, posters and


/ 22


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news releases that pointed.out year-longenergy savings can result by takingaction ddring the the spring and summer.Also prepared a teacher's packet withlesson ideas and student worksheets. All140 area offices in a seven-State areaparticipated in the program.

ai CREDIT WORLD MAGAZINE - Donated two full-page advertisements to Aational ConsumersWeek in their January-February andMarch-ApAl issues.

D.C. CONSUMER "CREDIT ASSOCIATION -Virginia H.. :tnauer was the luncheonspeaker at the Essay Contest AwardsLuncinleon, where awards were presented tosay contest winners.

DAL TEXAS The Third AnnualConsumers Dpy Fa i was co- sponsored bythe Federal Execu ive Board and theBette Business Bureau.- Forty-four

.gpvernment, private, business andeducational organizations participated

DETROIT - Virginia Knauer addressed aluncheon meeting of consumer and businessleaders, visited.officiald of, the majorautomobile vanueacturers, and attended areception marking National ConsumersWeek.

EQUITABLE 'BANK, N.A. :-ltimore) -Prepared an NCR poster. 'sr .itlk 130

offices, and issued a broth re, imple'lips' on Personal Credit, t .3 gh itsbranches. A statement stuffer about thebrochure went to 165000 tank customers.

EXXON COMPANY U.S.A. - Co-sponsored aconsumer issues luncheon -tot Houstonbusiness and consumer leaders, addressedby Virginia Knauert'and conducted BetterRusiness Bureau orientation programs forcompany' employees at nthe key facilities'nationwide to stimulate individuala.lareness of BBB services. Exxon alsoconducted one of its community leaderdialogue sessions, giving seniormanagement the opportunity. to hearconsumer leaders.

FOOD'LMARKETING INSTITUTE, WASHIN3TON,D.C. - Included "Cortymer Clips" in its

s April edition of FMVs Issues Bulletin.Sent letters to 1300 member companiesurging their participation in NCW..

GARFIELD RIDC6-84c CHICAGO - Hosted anNCW seminar for senior citiz duringNational Consumers Week, with a speakerfrom the Social Security Adminstratton.

GOODYEAR TIRE A)(D RUBBERPublished articles on NCWpublications.

GULP OIL PRODUCTS COMPANY Hostedconsumer and community leaders a+_ one plfthe company's Consumer Grassroots Forumsin St. P?tersburg, Florida.

HENLEY PARK HOTEL - Sponsored lOca1arrangements for te winners of the NCW

National Photo Contest.

HOFFMAN-LaRbCHE,ribbon cutting

INC. - Sponsoredceremony for


anticounterfeiting exhibit in NewOrleans.



WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sponsored a reception.celebrating the 10th Amlversary of the

. HOW program on the ktOning y-day ok NC

'84. --- 4


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THE'''HOOVER. CD Featured NCti in itsin -house publroa and of fe a"Consumer Guide To Carpet Cleaning" toall who requested it. The NCW poster was,

displayed in each of the 70 factoryservice centers throughout the U.S.; andthe carpet cleaning guide was 'availablefor all customers.

INTERNATIONAL ANTIODUNTERFEITINGCOALITION, alohg with the 'U.S. customsSERVICE and the UNITED STATES'OFFICE OFCONSUMER AFFAIRS - Opened it's exhibitionon counterfeit consumer products near1984 Louisiana World' Exposition in NewOrleatks. The exhibit showed the health,safety, quality .and ecgnomic dangers ofthe growing $16 billion market in

nterfeit" goods for the public vis'itingt Louisiana World Exposition during



INTERI TIONAL CONSUMER CREDIT ASMtIATION- Spo red the National Consumer CreditEducation Week during NCW, and hosted awide variety of seminars, workshops 'oncredit, and high school essay conteststhrough its chapters nationwide.

JOINT COUNCIL ON ECONOMIC EDUCATION -Sent out gcm Information ,Kit, to its201000 members.

KRAFT FOOD PRODUCTS CORPORATION - Maileda publication titled Consumer's Right lbKnow to 6, o0 consumer educators andprofess :lnalg , in goverment, industry,interest groups, academia, and the ,mediaduring NCW., 2,000, members of the Kraftsales force took order blanks forconsumer publ ica t ions to their 'custateisdu ring NCW. Kraft used the "ConsuersMean .Business",1 logo as its nailcancellation indium during NCW, and aKraft representative distributed consumermaterials at the 'Better, Business Bureau1984 Consumer Education Fair, attended by3,000 members. .

KINGS SUPER MARKETS, WEST CALDELL, NEWJERSEY - Ran full-page ads about NCW inmajor ,New Jersey newspapers. Inaddition, consumer lea lets weredistributed in all their s es.

LEVITZ FURNITURE COMPANY - Distributedfour ,..litferent consumer information



leaf kets through its chain of stores;used a special NCW logo and hang tags inits advertising dd ing NCW.

'ME STAR GAS COMPANY1 [ALIAS. -Participated in he Third AnnualConsumers Day 'Fair at Northpark Shopping

Center. The Company nailed a specialnewsletter to social workers and agenciesin Dallas and 'Fort Worth explaining

consulibr issues related to natural gasservice. The Company den onstrated gasdrilling ptocedures at three sites in the


MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL Ws ,NK OF DETROITCo-sponsored a day -long conference onconsulter' issues, with the 'HENRY FORD.

ITY COLLEGE. Virginia Hv, Knauera dretsed the luncheon meeting on"Partnership Between I Business andConsuaerS."


exhibit Aof najor appliances includingthose egbecially adapted for use byhandicapped persons. .1

,MCDONALD CORPORATION, GREATER WASHINGTON,D.C. AREA - bporisored a 'luncheon meetingto announce its Consumer Education GrantProgram for innovative educationalprojects in the area of consumerism forD.C. area public schools.

1 MEDI M4RT ItIUG STORES - Participated inthe. New §ngland SOCAP Consumer EducationFair at a shopping null in Boston: Apharmacist.' distributed Materials andpublications, and answered questionsabout health, prescription drugsq andover-the-counter medication. Nearly 200blood pressure readings were taken.'


MERCURY MARINE CORPORATION - Prepared aspeCial NCW poster using amarine/business therm and distributed itto over 6,000 Mercury outboard, Marineroutboard, and, MerCruiser dealers -;

throughout the

MINYARD FOOD STORES, DALLAS - Printed aspecial NCW poster displayed in all itsstores during NCW, and participated inthe Consulter -Fair at Northpark ShoppingCenter, distributing information onfitness, nutrition, and recipes.


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NATIONAL ALTIOMOBIIE CRALERS ASSOCIATION(NADA).- Sent a series of news releaseson sales and service of new cars toautomotive writers cofne4or publicatiOns.

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS -Prepared a special kit for all its dtateand local affiliates including cameraready fact sheets for cOnsumets andsuggested events that home builders mightbecome involved in at the local level.

NATIONALNINSTITUTE FOR 'AUTOMOTIVE SERVICEEXCELLENCE - Conducted :car caredemonstrations nationwide`

1.1.1E NCW %RADIO NEVIS SERVICE - Offeredgeneric consumer tips over the AP and UPIradio . news service to 2,000 radiostations during N04. This effort wasproduced by SKLAR/IDEL9ON, a Washington,D.C.-based public relations firm.

NEW JERSEY NATURAL GAS - Sent radio PSAsto nine stations broadcast over fivedays, on home heating, water heating,cooking, equal payment plan, and otherconsumer suggestions. . The company usedthe NCW slogan on its postage metersduring NCW.

NEW ORLEANS BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU andSOUTHERN UNIVERSITY - Sponsored a one-dayseminar on consumer affairs and NationalConsumers Week on the University Campus,plus a mss, -wide display of NCW.

eNEW ORLEANS United States Office ofConsumer Affairs, U.S. Customs Service,and International AnticounterfeitingCoalition co-sponsored exhibit on.counterfeit name-brand products at theCustoms House. Mrs. Knauer andCongresswoman Lindy Boggs.participated inopening ceremonies April 30. The exhibitwill remain open during the LouisianaWorld Exposition. Syndicated televisionseries "Taking Advantage" covered theopening event.

NORTHEAST UTILITIES, HARTFORD,CONNECTICUT - Mailed a special NCW insertin 1.2 million statements sent to itscustomers during April, and providedpublications for the exhibit sponsored bythe Department of Energy in itso main


lobby, The e Presidevt for CustomerServices made several speeches during NCWon consumer. issues.

PEOPLE MAGAZINE - Donated a free publicservice ad in its April 20 issue on theNCW theme, " Consumers Mean 133.1siness."

PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION- Developed slide and script PSAs fordistribution to 230 television stationsfor .use during ea week.

PITNEY BOWES - Designed the officialNCW' 84 postage meter cancellation imprintand made it available to p Sets atcost.

RCA MUSIC SERVICE = Developed a'specialpresentation on consumer awareness forits 400 employees and is using the PitneyBowes postage meter imprint throughout1984.

SAFEWAY SPORES - Printed free NCWshopping bags for use in all their storesduring the week, and LouiSiana Tech Uni-

* versity, in Ruston,' Louisiana, laminatedsome of the bags and converted them intoposters which 'were displayed around thecamp4s during NC4.

SEARS, ROEBUCK & COMPANY - Designed andprinted 80,000 copies of the offipialNCW'84 poster' and reprinted the posterartwork in its 4th quarter, report tostdckholders that reached one millionpeople.

SECURITY TATE BANK, PHARR,Sponsor a week-long seriesactivities on a number ofincluding Social Securitydirect deposit, itiergy consinvestments and bank services.

TEXAS -,pf NO4issues,

benefits,ervation, .

SEVEN-UP OOMPANY - Printed 30,000 copieso How to Run a Consumer Week, aftactioal 19-page guide that takes localplanners through a step-by-steppresentation of how'' to do it.

SHELL OIL COMPANY - Through its districtoffices, presented . its consumer"Self-Help" program on car care andmaintenance.


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NationalConsumer Week

11PRIL 23 - MIL 29

Ilc Service Prigram"Consumers Mean Business"

Sponsored by Security State Bank

* Retirement Benefits

* Energy Cost

* Investing Wisely

* Local 'Economics

At SECURITY STATE BANK, We're Here To Help, and dur-ing the week of April 23rd to April 29th 1984 we willbe sponsoring an Informative program for the generalpublic. Everyone Is INVITED. The programs will begin at7:00 P.M. on the following dates:

April 23rd(Monday)--locJil_losurily Administrationrepresentatives will speak on Social Security income,Direct Deposit, end answer any questions you might

April 24th(Tueiciay)--Central Power and Light Companyrepresentatives will speak on energy conservationmeasures, reading your meter, and answer questions.

April 25th(Wednesday)-4ecurlty State Bank personnelwill speak on the financial market, Bank investments.and Bank Services.

April 26th(Thursday)--The Rio Grande Valley SehemkeiliCommerce Executive Director will Inform us on theValley Economy.

FREE To EveryoneThese Informative programs will Asks place at the Tex-an Hotel Meeting Room. It Is open for the general publiq.

kw y, 101 A 111011111IT AIM an mown


Member FCC

"We're here to help."

118 South Cage at Caffery, Pharr 787.5911

- Drive-kis North Cage & State


prominent nbtiae about.NCW in its Aprilissue and celebrated the week with itsSpring conference in Sin Francisco.

SOCAP is the Society of Consumer AffairsProfessionals in Business, with 1500


SOCAP /OHIO CHAPTER - Featured NCW in thespring issue of its newsletter, OHCAPS.

SOUTH FLORIDA BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU -Participated in a consumer fair at theAventura Shopping Mall in Miami. Staff

of the Consumer Credit Counseling Serviceof South norida,.also participated, andFlorida Power and Light Company sent

consumer literature, and a representativeto answer questions.


SOL/THERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, ATLANTA- Sponsored a booth at the ConsumerAwareness Expo 1984 coordinated by theGOVERNOR's OFFICE OF OONSUMER. AFFAIRS,displaying equipment available for thedisabled, as well as providinginformation about the Company; alsoconducted a seminar in Atlonta for theState's Consumer Affairs/Public RelationsManagers, to identify current consumerneeds throughout Georgia and to developways of responding effectively; Companysponsored open houses throughout the

State to acquaint the public with their

local telephone facilities and services;their speaker's bureau net with 11

different grodps to inform them- of*

changes in the company's services.

TAMPA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and BETTERBUSINESS DIVISION - Sponsored a HealthFrauds Workshop, in which FDA

participated. Discussion focused on howgovernment, local agencies, and media canwork together to protect consumers fromfraudulent products.


conjunction with the National Associationof Home Builders conducted a pilot

program for consumers with genericinstruction on how to select a he andfinance it. USOCA Director,. Virginia H.10auer, addressed the session.

'TRIBUNE COMPANY SYNDICATE - Created acounterfeiting villain, "Murky," and


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created a product counterfeiting storyline for its Dick Tracy. comic strip whichbegan during NCW and ran for four-tonths.

UNION OIL COMPANY - Provided speciallydes igned NCW posters to its Servicestations in the Western Region. ThePoster's theme was, "Serve Them withSpirit - Consurn4rs Mean Business."


National Photo Contest through its 7,000dealerships.

WASHINGTON D.C. GAS LIGHT COMPANYMailed an NCW bill-stuffer to all itscustomers in the Metropolitan area.

THE WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION - Developed aseries of press releases for NationalConsumers Week, and distributed a varietyof consumer education rraterials regardingappliance safety, including specialpublications for disabled consumers.

THE ZAYRE CORPORATION - Printed anddistributed 100,000 free shopping bagsbearing the NCW theme, "Consumers MeanBusiness," to /organizations conductinglocal consumer fairs and exhibits.

f you have a question or concern about your service, firstgive your local customer service representatives an oppor-tunity to help you. They'll make a real effort to get your ques-tions answered on the spot. The number to call is printed onyour bill and listed under. "Northeast Utilities" in yourtelephone directory.

Please don't write on your bill stub it is scanned by com-puter and an important message may be overlooked. Pleasewrite on a separate piece of paper and enclose it with yourbill payment.

If, for some reason, we have not adequately addressed yourconcerns, write to:

William J. Sfax, DirectorC nsumer AffairsNo theast UtilitiesP.O. ox 270Hartfo Connecticut 06141



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ACTION - Focused on the7senior citizenpopulation through its Retired SeniorVolunteer Program (RSVP), which is a

national program for older Americanscontributing their tine .ind virtuallyevery part of our country. The RSVPprograms in conjunction with VOLUNTEERSENIOR CITIZEN CENfERS with whom theywork around the- nation also providedspeakers for NCW community activities.

THE ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE CC THEUNITED STATES - Posted the official NCWposter its lobby, and publicized theevent by oailing informational materialsto its 125 members and liaisonrepresentatives of the AdministrativeConference.

DEPARNENT OF AGRICULTURE - Featuredexhibits and consumer. informationprograms in the USDA AdministrationBuilding. Virginia Knauer. participatedin the opening ceremony with DeputySecretary Richard E. Lyng. Specralistsmade presentations to emCoyees duringextended lunch hours anc . distributedconsumer information. Over 1,000 USDAemployees and visitors saw the exhibitsand special programs. The Food Safety andInspection Service (FSIS) produced a

atm Ail Ex"we'do'

script slide presentation called"Partners in Protection," which was sentto 250 agency officials. FSIS alsdfeatured PSAs during NCW. The annua)poster contest on food safety was enteredby more than 75,000 elementary school

children this year." Thirty USDAInspectors visited 50 schools to

congrAulate local winners during NCW.FSIS sent information about USDA's' Meatand Poultry Hotline to 17,200 public

libraries, 1,100 consumer affairsnewspaper reporters and 240 supermarketconsumer affairs professionals. THEEXTENSION SERVICE, which provides

consumer education in more than 3.,000

counties 444in the .U.S., mailed NCW,

information packets to more than 5,000extension professionals. Among the

special programs conducted for NCW wasone by the Nebraska Cooperative ExtensionService.

BALTIMORE' FEDERAL EXECUTIVE B>ARD -Sponsored a display in the Fallon FederalBuilding lobby, in which 13 Federal

agencies particpated. 29 other agencieshosted programs of their own qnd

displayed the NCW poster. Between 1900and 2000 visitors saw the lobby displayin,the Fallon Building.


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CNSUS BUREAU '-- Showed displays at fiveconsumer fairs in Boston, New Xork,Atlanta, Dallas, and Los Angeles.

CIVIL AERIONAAICS BOP:AD (CAB) - Informedstate and local consumer units of itsfunctions and issued special information

/ kits about air transportation consumerissues. Prepared PSAs about Airtransportation and consumer issues, andmembers of the the Board staffed theconsumer complaint telephones during theweek.

CHICAGO - FEDERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD (FEB) -Sponsored a half-day information sharing

. session for Federal employees in dailycontact with the public regardingresource referrals on consumer issues;published a Chicago edition of theConsumer's Resource Handbook anddistributed it to 110 member FEBagencies; poster displayed in the lobbiesof Federal buildings in Chicago. ,

DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - i'Sponsored anexhibit in the main lobby of' the HooverBuilding on the theme, "Commerce ServesConsumers." Twelve agencies showeddisplays about their consumer programs.Over 6,700 people, not includingemployees, visited the exhibit.Secretary Baldrige sent a notice to allDepartment employees in the Washingtonarea urging them to visit the NCWexhibit. More than 20,000 booklets andfact sheets were distributed. TheDepartmental newsletter, Commerce People,featured an article on NCW and theexhibit. The OFFICE OF CONSUMER AFFAIRShonored members of its Consumer SoundingBoard at a coffee hour where DeputySecretary Clarence J. Brown presentedcertificates of appreciation to thevolunteer consumer members of the Board.NCW was featured in the March issue ofSimply Stated In Business, the bi-monthlybulletin sent to 9.000 subscribers frombusiness, government, and academia. TheDepartment's Office of Business Liaisonsent a special mailing about NOW to 450government affairs representatives in

trade associations, and the Director ofnsumer Affairs taped a radio broadcast

sent throughout the country andparticipated in a radio interview by aDayton, Ohio station. The National

Maritime Fisheries Service's (NMFS)Southeast Region published a specialedition of NMFS Newsbreaker with thePresident's Proclamation of .NCW, andmailed a press release to toog editors.

'IsiMFS sent 'outreach letters on NCW totheir fisheries marketing directors,fishing trade associations, and- majorseafood compaqies. The Regional Officeparticipated in consumer fairs inAtlanta, Georgia and Dallas, Texas andplaced NCW notices 'in several issues ofMarket News Report. It also highlightedNCW in the Pascagoula Laboratory's OpenHouse April 19-20. Tile Northeast Regionannounced NCW activities each morning onWNBS, New Bedford, Mass., and NMFSofficial John Lenehan discussed it duringan interview on that station. NMFSparticipated in a consumer fair in theBurlington Mall, Burlington, Massa-chusetts, and the Marketing Committee ofthe Mid-Atlantic Foundation, April 16-21.The Southwest Regiom-,participated. in theOrange County Annual Consumer Fair atMission Viejo Mall, and announced NCW atthe Spring convention of the CaliforniaSeafood Institute in Monterey,California. The National Weather Serviceregional offices participated withdisplays in Norfolk, Virginia andColumbia, South Carolina, the lobby ofthe Federal Building in Kansas City,'

4 Missouri, and Anchorage, Alaska, and theAla Moana Shopping Center in Honolulu,Hawaii. The Bureau of the Census showeddisplays at five consumer fairs in

Boston, Massachusetts, New York, Atlanta,Georgia, Dallas/Port Worth, Texas, andLos Angeles, California.

COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION -Informed the North American Associationof Securities Administrators (NAASA) andselected State Attorneys General aboutNCW; made contacts with major print mediaabout NCW; and with NAASA and the Council°of Better Business Bureaus distributedinformation on fraud prevention in thecommodities industry.

CONSUMER PRODUCIt SAFETY COMMISSIONThree Commissioners spcke at meetings andnews conferences during NCW. ChairmanSteorts visited Ohio, Florida, andMinnesota; Commissioner Armstrong visitedArizona and California; and Commissioner


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Scanlon vi ited Texas and North Carolina.Sent publ city packets to nationalorganizat ns which hage communicationsnetworks, using the theme, "ProductSafety Sells." CPSC also collaboratedwith various local grassrootsorganizations during NCW to promote theuse of the CPSC hotline. displa A-77

exhibits, workshops and fairs.. 1 n

Nancy Steorts, ' through the ederalExecutive Speakers Program of USOCA,addressed the audience at a Consumer Fairin downtown Cincinnati, Ohio.

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE - Provided NCW\factkits to social studies coordinators atits overseas dependent schools and to

libraries and family and communityservice centers . located on militaryinstallations. 'The Army ptesentedprograms to the respective. militarycommunities on various aspects of

consumerism' at Fort. Myer and FortBelyoir, Virginia, and at Fort LeonardWood, Missouri, Fort ,Sill, Oklahoma, andthe Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, toname 'a few. 'Pupils at the DOD DependentsSchool in Avellino, Italy,. participatedin consumer awareness activities duringthe School's spring recess._ They visitedvarious consumer facilities at the U.S.Naval SuppOrt Activity in Naples, Italy.

OttaissiwilirbIslubssoftelmsloorslargalmonnAleileas.ftessilftsreissle*Mttmem Comisbei Maw, View aid Pa* Moe Ural Ow snails OW

db. pbet s osimarp * Ass 1. mieffillis v torarpr Aeireem liffeb. Mast l 102Glen. Maatiomery

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - Sent a specialmailing to editors of approximately 200Education Associations, alerting them to


the Notional NCW Poster Contest sponsoredby the National Coalition for ConsumerEducation. Also sent a special mailingto Regional Offices making them aware ofmaterials avaitable and the NCW PosterContest.

DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY - Activitiesincluded participation by operationfOffices located throughout the country.,Headquarters staff issued a press releaseto the wire services and trade press.Secretary Hodel taped several PSAs for2,000 radio stations nationwide. Tworadio actualities were featured on DOE's.newsline. An Energy and Aging Consortiumluncheon meeting was-held April 23, with70 attendees. Secretary Hodel was amongthe speakers, along with USOCA DirectorVirginia H. Knauer. Four exhibits weredisplayed in the Forrestal Building

lobby, with publications including someprovided'by private sector sources. THENEVADA OPERATIONS OFFICE displayed anexhibit of an electric vehicle at the LasVegas Boillevard Mall. NCW proclamationswere received from Nevada GovernorRichard Bryan, Las Wegas Mayor WilliaMBriare, and the Clark County Commission.THE SAN FRANCISCO Offibe's AppliedScience Division of the Lawrence BerkeleyLaboratory participated in an EnergyPaviliOn at the Berkeley City Fair, andproclamations were received from the

Mayors of San Leandro, Oakland and

Berkeley.. The Oakland/A4Oreda CountyConsumer Council held a conference in acommunity meeting hall, attended by 200people. The' DOE Regiona). Officeparticipated, and CPSC CommissionerSandra B. Aimstrong spoke. THE IDAHOOPERATIONS OFFICE received a proclamationfrom Governot John Evans, and Idaho FallsMayor Tom Campbell, who toured the Willow'reek Building, one of the most energyefficient buildings in the country. ADOE energy spebialist was featured onseveral public affairs TV programs, and a7ariety of PSAs were aired. DOEpamphlets were on display at variousbookstores and the public library forNCW. OTHE CHICAGO OFFICE received proc-lamatidAs from Governor 'James Thompsonand Mayor Harold Washington. An

information center and display of

consumer literature were featur10Federal buildings housing 100 Feddral



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employees on April 26 and the City ofChicago operated a consumer informationbooth in the lobby of City Hall duringNCW. A ess release was sent to Chicagomedia; f: 'ran a consumer-orientedprogram the news show; and the ChicagoTribun ran a special Sunday insert forNCW. The Tribune has a circulation of1,000,000. /The Chicago Sun Times ran asimilar pull-out section on energyt THEAMERICAN MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND: ENERGYhosted 'an Energy Efficiency Fairfeaturing exhibits" from WA, theUniversity of Tennessge, and DOE's OakRidge National Laboratory. THE KANSASCITY SUPPORT OFFICE exhibited 20 ,displaysto help consumers became aware.

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION(EEOC) - Sponsored an NCW exhibit at themain entrance of the Washington office,and conducted .Vbluntary AssistanceSymposia in Sandusky, Ohio; Newark, NewJersey; Cleveland, Ohio; andPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania..The,symposiumprogram continued though May and June.

FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC) -Held a Telecommunication , Wbrkshopfocusing on Life Since Divestiture, whichwas opened by Chairman Mark Fowler andVirginia Knauer. t. It also held aRulemaking . Clinic and Workshop forcommunciaticms law students who havefiled comments with tlePagency, examiningthe process by which their comments weredeveloped and subsequently filed. In'addition, involved 50 students from areacolleges and universities selected bytheir respective schools, who questionedthe five Commissioners _during a,

television taping. These tapes will bemade available to Ole participatingschools for further showings. A brownbag luncheon was open to the publtc*onthe subject of FM radio broadcast issues.The Chairman and the Commissionersvisited the Washington-based NCWactivities. An updated version of FCC'sTelecommunications Glossary was issuedduring National Consumers Week.

F tmAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORKCION(Fn_.) - A letter fram Chairman WilliamIsaac was mailed to all State-charterednon-member banks; an exhibit was placedin the .FDIC main lobby; all Regional

Directors of FDIC received informationmaterials and.. instructions forparticipation.

FEDERAL EXECUTIVE. BOARDS ATDALLAS/FTWORTH, CHICAGO, BALTIMORE,CINCINNATI, HONOLULU-PACIFIC - Made majorcontribution* to consumer fairs,,expositions and workshops in their,respective" communities.

FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK BOPJf (FHLBB) -NCW materials were sent to the 12district offices th instructions foruse

FEDERAL INFO1MATION CENTERS, GSA - Againserved in a coordinating ,role for,localNCW activities,: by acting as aninformation resource for communities.

FEDERAL MART ME COMMISSION. (FMC) -Sponsored a week-long , clinic foremployees to help them resolve their ownccmsumer complaints by providingeducational materials and offeringassistance in locating State and localconsumer'' services.

FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD (FRB) - Displayedconsumer education brochures at itsCentral Office; article about NCW waspublished in a Board newsletter; ReserveBanks were reminded of NCW observance.

FEDER TRAM COMMISSION (FTC) -pevel and distributed nationwide aspecial newspaper supplement explainingconsumer's legal rights andresponsibilities'in various areas. FTCalso offered advice to consumers on howto avoid making costly mistakes whenpurchasing a car or when ordering y mailThis project was produced in conju ctionwith the FTC's Boston Regional 0 ice.Also, distributed a special edition ofFacts for Consumers listing all freeconsumer and business education materialsthat are wlailaple from the FTC. Inaddition, The Credit Wbrld magazinelisted allOf the FTC's free consumercredit foublj ations in a.full-page ad intheir April issue. 117

FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION REGIONAL OFFICES- Participated in various events: InAtlanta, the staff gave speeches at



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several local high schools; the DillasRegional Director made opening remarks.atthe New Mexico Attorney General'sStatewide Consumer Fair in Albuquewue;the New York Regional Director ta&d aspecial TV program on antitrust laws forthe consumer educktion program at the

Bronx High School of Science; the SeattleRegional Office took part in an NCWluncheon sponsored by the SeattleConsumer Protection RoundtVle.'


Celebrated NCW in various forms

nationwide, with districts givingpriority to coordinated efforts withother agencies and organizations. Nineconsumer fairs were conducted, ten public

presentations were made, and onetelevision interview taped.

GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, CONSUMERINFORMATION CENTER - In addition to beinga major distribution point for NCWmaterials through its distributionfacility in Pueblo, Colorado, mailed anNCW fa,Ft sheet to media mailing liststotali920 11,000 names. The ConsumerInformation Center (CIC) developed printpublic service ads distributed to

newspapers and magazines, and produced'the NCW Consumer Quiz for 6,000 newspaperand zine consumer reporters, as wellas 5, I 0 radio and TV broadcasters. CICstaff members did four radio interviewsbased on the Quiz, for stations in

Jamestdon, New York; Toledo, Ohio; CedarRapids, Iowa; and Fresno, California.

\ DEPARTMENT. OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES(HHS) - Regional Offices participatei ina wide variety of meetings, exhibits, andmedia activities during NCW. Among themwere: an exhibit on dental health andchild nutrition in Boston; exhibits in

Federal buildings in New York, Albany,

and Newark; a press release to majormedia markets in Alabama, Florida,Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, NorthCarolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee;/an HUS Consumer Fair in the State OfficeBuilding in Chicago; participated in theDallas shopping mall fair; an informationfair fear local mpdia in Kansas City: aFederal Health Fair in. Ded4r, sponsoredby a TV station; appearances by I4HS

expertg;on morning television news in San

Francisco; and a literature display bythe Health Care Financing Administrationat a Seattle Consumer Roundtable

luncheon. The Social Security

Administration distributed Consumer'sResource Handbebks and NCW posters to its'field offices and arranged educationalprograms for' community grow , as well as

participated' with Fede Executive

Boards sponsoring exhibits and fairs.

The Health Care Financing Administrationpublicized the .booklet,,Guide to HealthInsurance For People le With Medicare, andconducted Medicare training sessions

throughout the country. Official

speeches during NCW included

consumer-oriented remarks: The

Administration on Aging. distributed10,000. copies of a poster bn the theme ofhealth and the elderly, and published .aspecial issue of Aging magazine on thesame topic. The Administration. onChildren, Youth, and Families (ACYF) sent2,000 copies of the Consumer Informationcalala;to its grantees for use during

NCW. THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE'S SurgeonGeneral sent a letter with.a copy of theConsumer's Resource Handbook to 300

community health centers which were urgedto contact various consumer groups andunertake joint activities during NCW.



Publicity materials highlighted IRS

programs relating 'to consumers. IRS

officials were urged to participate in

NCW media events and speakingengagements; a display was made availablefor local use during NCW.


TNTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION (ICC) -tssued a press release to the news mediaand the general public regarding the

assistance and protection the ICC.

provides the traveling and shipping

public and establishing contact withMembers of Congress to furnish them withcurrent information regarding some of theconsumer services that the ICC hasavailable to them, their staff and theirconstituents.

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - Establishedan Interior Cemittee on Consumer Affairsto plan agency NCW activities. Bureausand offices involved theit field staffsthroughout the U.S. and the Territories.

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Secretary Clark sent a memorandum to allbureau . and office heads, urging theirparticipation. In the Main InteriorBuilding, an exhibit displayed pamphlets,brochures, booklets, maps, posters andother materials. Over 1,000 visitorsattended. Mrs. Knauer attended theopening of the DepartMental exhibit. TheGeological Survey participated byhighlighting the earth- scienceinformation and sales provided by 10pdblic inomiries offices, with ..mediareleases, an.exhibit in the Main Lobby,and a special topographic map offer forNCW. The Assistant Secretary forTerritorial and International Affairssent a letter to each TerritorialGovernor requesting officialparticipation in NCW. The Bureau ofMines participated in thq Main Lobbqkexhibit, and its centers in the fieldprepared displays and . distributedtpamphlets, which were also sent to mediaand to universities. Mine tours wereconducted for a number of school classes.The National Park Service participated inthe* Main Lobby exhibit. The Fish andWildlife Service sent a memo signed bythe Director to its more than 300'fieldoffices, including a packet ofinformational materials, and participatedin the Main Lobby exhibit. The Office ofSurface Mining participated in theexhibit, and sent an NCW memo to its 13field offices. The Bureau of LandManagement sent information packets toits field of and displayedpublications in the Main Lobby exhibit.The Bureau of Reclamation participated ix,

the Departmental Exhibit, sent a memo onNCW to its field offices, andpaiticipated in exhibits in three FederalOffice buildings in the Regions. TheBureau of Indian Affairs distributedconsumer information materials to its 12area and regional offices; seniorofficials who gave speeches during NCWemphasized the importance of consumereducation.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - Headquarters,regional and field offices sponsoredexhibits an both its consumer affairsprogram Eind NCW. 4pformational materialswere available foOr employees and thegeneral public. The Drug EnforcementAdministration'distributed information on

the abuse Of look-alike andover -the- counter drugs to 4,000 parentgroups around the country. This is aconsumer project in association with theNational Federation of Parents for a DrugFree Youth.

DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - Sponsored anexhibit in the main lobby of the*headquarters building, and sent pit aspecial mailing. Secretary Donovanissued an accompanying qcw message to allrecipients of the mailing, includingunion leaders, worker and businessassociations, State departments of laborand algment security, pnalf associationsof ma , gsyernors, caketty and otherpublic.execUtives. also sent an NCWmessage to all DOL employees. All ten'Regional Offices participated in avariety ,off NCW activities.

ATLANTA DEPARTMENT ,OF LABOR REGIONALOFFICE.- Distributed Consumer's ResourceHandbook through AFL-CIO affiliates andState Information Officers.

'BOSTON DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - Distributeda regional Handbook, through AFL -CIOaffiliates and State InformationOfficers.

BOSTON 'DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - REGIONALOFFICE 1- Sponsored a public serviceinformation campaign in the . greaterBoston area, and provided speakers fortalk shows and media interviews onDepartmental programs and services:

CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - REGIONALOFFICE - Exhibited in various Federalbuildings in the city, plus an exhibit ina local shopping mall.

DALLAS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REGIONALOFFICE - Exhibited at a major shoppingmall.

KANSAS CITY DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REGIONALOFFICE - NCW exhibit in lobby of Federalbuilding. Special mailing to major mediain the Region. Contacted labor editorswith weekly columns about DOL programsand NCW.


29 3 a

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consumer related issue* on radio andtelevision talk shows.


a local ghopping'mall.


Worked with trade organizations toencourage member credit unions to observeNCW.

OFFICE DEgARTMENTin various/Federalplus an exhibit in


to approximately 1900 radio Stations.

Virginia H. Knauer. joined Secretary ofTransportation Elizabe 'th Dole andAdministrator Diane Steed at the NHTSPAuto Safety .*Hotline to handle calls on-Monday, April 23. Publicity photos were

distributed to. the media, and the APcovered the story over its wire serviceto publicize the 800 number of NHTSAtothe public.

NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE - Sentpress packets to food editors tbri seafoodpacking, handling, and nutrition.

Offices participated in Consumer Fairs inAtlanta, Dallas and Orange County,

California. . Officials gave radiointerviews and nade speeches on NCW.

NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE - Exhibited'. atconsumer fairs iri Fort Worth, Norfolk,

Columbia, South Carolina, Los Angeles,

Kansas City, Mo., and Honolulu oh topicssuch ,as marine weather, flash floods,thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes.

ORLANDO, FLORIDA - FDA's Consumer AffairsOfficer in Miami, Estella Niella- Brown,was a guest on an open-line Spanish

language TV program on health fraud.

RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD, CLEVELANDREGIONAL OFFICE - Participated in aninformation exchange with othergovernment agencies about NCW under thedirection of the Cleveland FederalExecutive Board during NCW. GoVernmentpublications were made available to thepublic at five Federal agency facilitiesin the Cleveland area.



'Presidential proclamation was displayedin headquarters and 11 Regional Offices;a visual presentation of the history ofthe SEC offered on loan to groups for usedUring NCW; four 'newspaper columns on

investing mention NOW.


Distributed approximately 10,000 copiesof the Consumer's Resource Handbookthrough its field offices, and sponsoredan exhibit in the Central Office lobbyduring NCW. Copies of the Handbook were

made available to small business

organizations for distribution to theirmembership; several representatives of

the SBA fie,ld offices participated in

Federal Executive Board activities in

Chicago and Minneapolis during NCW.

SOCIAL SECURITY kDMINISTRATION - Prepareda special NOW consumer information kitfor its 1,328 field offices.


energy conservation and solar energy

programs during NCW. It participated invgrious fairs. and exhibits in sixteen)

cities. The TVA staff - presented

programs, workshops, and ,displays to

illustrate the benefits of energyconservation and solor programs. availableto citizens of the tennessee Valley.

DEPARTMENT OF THE FRFASURY - Sponsored anexhibit, with brochures from TreasuryBureaus, in the lobby of the Treasury

Building. A permanent TreasuryDepartment Consumer Exhibit at the Bureauof Printing and Engraving was dedicatedon May 15 by Secretary Regan and NCWNational Coordinator Martin Petersen.

The exhibit will be seen by 500,000

visitors annually. THE BUREAU OF

GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL OPERATIONS printedan NCW message on 20 mill ion

Security check envelopes for the Aprilmailing. The UNITED STATES MINTconducted a Consumgr Hotline, with the

Director and Deputy Directorparticipating in respondIng to the public

inquiries. A press release was sent tonews media, and the Mint distributedinformational materials to the NATIONAL


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ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATORS.Approximately 12,000 information packetswere distributed. Consumer suggestionand comnent .cards were printed anddistributed to the Mint fieldinstallations. BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC DEBTdeveloped and displayed posters. in itsvarious offices. THE COMPTROLLER OF THECURRENCY, C. T. Conover, sent a letter toChief Executive Officers of 4,700national binks, encouraging them toparticipate in NCli activities. TheComptroller deliverea the keynote addressat the Financial Executives 'Instituteconference 'in San Francisco, with 400 inattendance. The District Adminigtrator,Southeastern District, keynoted the SouthCarolina Department of Consumer AffairsConference in Columbia. Meetings were.held with representatives of communityand small business groups and CDCleadership to discuss bank regulation andits implications for consumers. FEDERALLAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING CENTER offeredspeakers to local civic groups andcommunity organizations. U.S. CUSTOMSSERVICE co-host4d the anticounterfeitingExhibit in New Orleans. THE INTERNAL

1 REVENUE SERVICE (IRS) district offices-issued press releases on IRS consumerservices, and used radio and televisionto disseminate NCW 'information. Afive-minute loop film onassistance and a display oneducation programs were in

National Office main lobby.

taxpayertaxpayerthe IRSSeveral




districts participated in Consumer Fairs:Honolulu, Atlanta, Philadelphia, andCincinnati. Manhattan and BrooklyliDistricts jointly participated in a

leadership training .conference presentedby the Consumer Protection Board and theNew York Office rt Consumer Affairs. TheJacksonville District Office set up alibrary exhibit in the main lobby of the //building, and news releases were mailed/to all media.


Particibated by displaying NCW poSters invarious lobbies throughout the building.The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)also displayed the poster. SecretaryDole participated in the N. .TIOKAL HIGHWAYTRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION (NHTSA)Hotline by taking consumer calls. Mrs.Virginia Knauer joined Secretary Dole inthis event. NHTSA also distributed 1900PSAs to radio stations across thecountry, and sent .hotline flyers to all.radio stations to encourage them to passthis information to the public. THEURBAN MASS TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION hosteda Transit.Fair where Washington, D.C.,Metro representatives answered specificquestions by DDT empl9yees. -

U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS (CCR) -Issued :a memorandum to all employeesregarding NCW; distrputed posters fordisplay in alt regional offices and in

headquarters building; announced NCW in


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its Update newsletter to 25,000 readers;exhibit presentations during


Aprilincluded the Consumer's ResourceHandbook.


INTERNATIONAL ANTICOUNTERFEITINGCOALITION and the U.S. OFFICE OF CONSUMERAffairs, opened an exhibit of counterfeitname-brand products at the U.S. CustomHouse in New Orleans during NCW. Theexhibit will be open during the LouisianaWorld Exposition.

U.S. MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD -Issued a special notice from the Chairmanto all central staff, plus the personnelin its regional offices,'which included acomprehensive list of Board publicationswith information on their availability.

'U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (USPS) - Issued a1984 Postmaster's Guide to PostalConsumer Protection Week, in conjunctionwith National Consumers Week. Radio PSAswere distributed to over 6,000 radiostations in 50 states.

U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE..- Speeches bythe Assistant Secretary during NCW

included material related to Consumnerissues:

VETERANS 'ADMINISTRATION - Produced aseries of mid -day demonstrations in theCentral Office, including those by local'consumer affairs reporters and writers.

\The Department of Medicine and Surgerypresented a three-part program in

Readjustment Counseling, 'and sponsored arap session by a Vet Center team. TheRegional Office in Sioux Falls, S.D.

participated in a Hospital Cost Fair andfive other Regional Offices participetedin consumer fairs. Lo4 Angeles RegionalOffice staff joined with the SmallBusiness Administration in a two -day

management training session for potentialveteran business owners, and at Dover AirForce .Base, VA staff sponsored twobenefit seminars for pre- and 4

post-retirees and their dependents. VAsent news releases to newspapers, radioand television station, and in Seattlethe VA Regional Office distributed 351packets to Senior Citizens Centersthroughout the state, containing VApamphlets and a card with a toll freetelephone number for VA assistance.National cemeteries throughout the U.S.provided veterans groups and others withinformation about. the national cemeteryand headstone/market programs Invitedlocal dignitaries and members of serviceorgabizations to tour VA facilities, andmedical centers and other facilitiesdisplayed pamphlets and 'brochures in

lobbies and waiting areas. All

facilities prominently displayed the

Presidential Proclamation and the tGOCAposter, as well as the VA poster andseveral facilitiestrecognized employeeswho had made special efforts during theyear to serve' or assist patients andtheir families.


VA MEDICAL CENTER, KNOXVILLE,' IOWA -Prepared an exhibit on consumes, rightsand issues and participated in a talkshow on lodal radio. A Sprirfj Carnival'was held for patients, sponsored by theAmerican Legion Auxiliary.

VA MEDICAL CENTER, MARTINSBURG, WEST VA -Hosted a luncheon for the County Chamberof CommerCe Committee on the VA, with atour of the hospital. The Associate


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Director attended a dihner sponsored bythe American Red Cross; the Canteenoffered a Consumers Week luncheonspecial, and audio visuals were shownperiodically throw Hbut the week.Variccs VA publicatio we exhibitedand distributed. Press rel ses weresent! to local media annoonci a schedule

of tours for the public of the ..new357-bed hospital. NCW information waspublished in the Center's publication,"The Mountain Ear."

WALTER REED ',ARMY MEDICAL CENTER,WASHINGTON, D.C. - Presented an award,ceremony for consumer exhibits during.0"







