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It's a Nice Place to Visit But

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  • 7/30/2019 It's a Nice Place to Visit But


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    Jerry D. Young

    [email protected]

    Its A Nice Place To Visit, But

    Copyright 2012 by Jerry D Young

    All Rights Reserved

    The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual names, persons, businesses, and incidents is

    strictly coincidental. Locations are used only in the general sense and do not represent the real place in


    http://www.jerrydyoung.com/http://www.jerrydyoung.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.jerrydyoung.com/
  • 7/30/2019 It's a Nice Place to Visit But


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    Its A Nice Place To Visit, But

    Give a guy a break! yelled Adam Williams, his New York City

    accent quite obvious. Im walking here! Adam ignored the honking

    horn and cursing coming from the taxi that had almost hit him and hiscompanion.

    I cant believe you said that! HeatherJean Kirkpatrick said, her

    accent equally thick, but deep southern Georgia. That is so corny!

    Well, the idiot almost hit us. You gotta be tough if youre going to

    live here in the Big Apple. Lots to offer, but the streetscan be mean.

    I wish I could have brought my guns, Heather Jean said, her

    head almost like it was on a swivel. She was trying to see the sites of

    Times Square, not get run over, not run over someone else and not get

    mugged. She felt naked without even the little Beretta Tomcat .32 ACP

    she wore under dresses and skirts in a Galco Leather Thigh Holster.

    Her regular carry pistol was a Glock 30SF .45 ACP in an inside the

    waistband holster in the small of her back when she wore a jacket, or inthe Galco Carry Purse she used when she couldnt use either of the other

    two holsters.

    But you didnt carry in New York. Not unless you were somebody

    or the authorities. Shed just have to get used to it, she told herself.

    Shed slowed to look up at the huge electronic billboards selling

    anything and everything, mostly using sex in the ad in some way.

    Adam took her arm and hurried her along. Were going to be late.

    Ill get us a taxi.

    But taxis are so expensive! lamented Heather Jean.I dont mind

    riding the subway. It cant be as bad as people have told me.

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    Taxis are often cheaper than keeping a car in the city, Adam

    said, an arm out and up, and the fingers of his other hand to his lips to let

    out a shrill whistle. Amid several honks and more cursing, a taxi

    swerved over two lanes and pulled to a stop. And the subway is okay

    some of the time and others I wouldnt go down there for love normoney.

    Adam grabbed the door and opened it for Heather Jean. She

    gathered her skirt tightly against her legs and slid into the taxi. She liked

    Adam, but she wasnt going to give him a show. Shed read Miss

    Manners and knew how to enter and exit cars demurely. Of course, with

    her legs, she wasnt adverse to showing a little, in appropriate


    Adam gave the driver the address and leaned back in the seat.

    Heather Jean was fastening her seatbelt and Adam hurriedly did the

    same as the taxi juked back and forth with the fast moving traffic.

    Usually able to keep track of where she was down in Georgia, the

    fast taxi ride, with turn after turn, all at high speed, had her confused.

    They could be a block away from the Square again and she wouldntknow it.

    But things finally calmed down, and the driver took it much more

    slowly in one of the many brownstone residential districts in the city. It

    wasnt an affluent neighborhood, but in the growing darkness, it didnt

    look too bad.

    Here we are, Adam said. He was taking money out of his wallet

    and gave it to the driver through the little slot in the protective glass

    between him and the passengers.

    It was Adams head on a swivel now. He was scanning the

    darkness, broken here and there by the light from a front room window.

    With his left hand under Heather Jeans right elbow, Adam hurried her

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    across the sidewalk and up the stairs to the front door of his parents

    narrow three story brownstone.

    He was the fourth generation to be living there. His great

    grandfather had helped build the unit and was able to purchase it notlong after the block was finished. Adam used his keys, on three locks, to

    get them inside. He worked the keypad of the fire and alarm system,

    telling Heather Jean what the codes were as he punched them in.

    Adam? Is that you? came a quivering voice from down the hall.

    Yes, Mom! Its me and I have HeatherJean Kirkpatrick with me.

    Heather Jean followed Adam down the short hall and into the livingroom. Mom, Dad, this is Heather Jean. And these are my parents, June

    and Bert Williams.

    Hello, Mrs. Williams. Mr. Williams, Heather Jean said, nodding

    to the elderly man and woman. June Williams looked as frail as her

    voice had sounded. And Mr. Williams seemed to be struggling to stay

    awake. He had the look of a large, heavy man that had lost much weight

    after retirement.

    Adam had told her that hed retired three years ago, with fifty years

    in at the factory where hed started at eighteen. June, Adam had said,

    was a stay at home mom and wife, taking care of the family, two sisters

    and three brothers, of whom Adam was the youngest, and only surviving


    The other four, all born with serious health conditions, had not

    survived past three years old. But Adam, to June and Bert, had been a

    redemption in their eyes, being born healthy and with a good mind,

    especially considering how late hed come into the world.

    Heather Jean, Adam said, Is the one I was telling you about

    working with this winter at school.

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    Shes a pretty little thing, Bert said, his eyes going back to the

    television. The sound was down, but the captions were on.

    Yes, dear, June said. You are pretty. Like my little Mary and

    Vanessa would have been. I miss them so.

    Heather Jean chewed a lip a bit, trying to come up with something

    to say. But Adam saw her discomfort and quickly said, Shell only be

    staying tonight, Mom. The airline lost her luggage and I told her she

    could stay here until she picked it up in the morning. That way she

    doesnt have to spring for a motel or come all the way back to the airport

    to pick them up.

    No hanky panky in my house, young man, Bert said quietly, and

    then his attention was back on the television.

    No, sir, Adam said, coloring slightly. I wouldnt and Heather

    Jean isnt that kind of woman, anyway. Come on, Heather Jean. Ill

    show you the room.

    Youre parents seem nice, Heather Jean told Adam.

    Oh, they are nice. Very old fashioned, and not to put too fine of a

    point on it, a little bit of Alzheimers in both of them. More Dad than

    Mom, but both to a degree.

    Im so sorry, Adam! I didnt know.

    I know. And it is okay. They both realize it, when they are lucid,

    which is really most of the time, and have made arrangements for the

    rest of their years, when they cant take care of themselves any more.

    Theyll be going in together, no matter which one has to first.

    That sounds like a good plan.

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    Here you go, Heather Jean. There are clean towels in the

    bathroom and Ill get you a pair of sweats for tonight. Im pretty sure an

    old pair of mine will fit you. And there are always a couple of new

    toothbrushes and stuff, too. I used to have sleep overs when I was little

    and she kept everything needed that usually was forgotten.

    Thanks, Adam. You really didnt have to do this.

    I know. And I appreciate you being comfortable with the

    situation. You dont have to worry about me, but I know how hard it is

    for women in this city when they are on their own.

    You dont think they can handle things themselves?

    No, no, no! I didnt mean it that way. Just that everyone has to

    watch out, but women even more.

    Heather Jean chuckled. Okay. Good enough. Youre off the


    It had been a long flight, and then more time spent trying to findout about her luggage, Heather Jean was tired and turned in as soon as

    shed showered and changed into the sweats and had a slice of pizza that

    Adam had ordered.

    Always an early riser, from her first six years of childhood on a

    farm, Heather Jean was up and in the kitchen, still in the sweats when

    June came in and began to start breakfast. Reluctant at first, June finally

    let Heather Jean help with getting things ready.

    Bert and Adam drifted in and got coffee and then went to the living

    room to watch the news while breakfast was being prepared.

    After theyd eaten and Heather Jean was stepping out of the

    kitchen to go change, she heard June tell Adam, Shes a good girl. You

    could do worse.

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    Mom, were just friends. And coworkers. Well, soon well be


    Heather Jean thought that she could do worse than Adam, too. Butit was too early to really tell for sure. That wasnt why she was in New

    York. She was here to work. That is where shed met Adam, at work in

    Atlanta. They were both assigned to the Future Products Development

    Team. Heather Jean as project manager for an eight person team working

    on a long range space exploration craft for the time when someone

    developed a star drive system.

    Adam was another project manager, working on a similar projectfrom a different perspective. Corporate, at the yearly project analysis

    meeting, had decided to combine the two efforts, since for all practical

    purposes, the research of both teams had come to mostly the same


    Though Adam was a year older, Heather Jean had been with the

    company a year longer, and was senior to Adam in the combined project.

    Heather Jean was well suited to the Project Management position, whereAdam, though he could do it well, was more of the hands on the

    hardware R&D type person.

    With the joint project now a twelve person team, and very long

    range, it was decided, again by Corporate, to move the project to their

    oldest and smallest facility, the one in New York. More immediately

    potentially profitable projects would continue at the facilities in Atlanta.

    Heather Jean had no family ties in Atlanta, having lost her parents

    when she was only six years old. So the move was a no brainer. Shed

    been in various foster homes, but with a genius level intelligence, and an

    overwhelming curiosity, she didnt last long at any of them. She was

    smarter than all of her foster parents starting at about age twelve and was

    well versed in the way the system worked. At least for her.

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    The point of fostering children seemed to be money. The more kids

    you took in, the more money the fosters made, and the less attention they

    paid to each child, the less hassles they had to deal with. So Heather Jean

    turned inward and was ready to go out on her own at sixteen, having

    completed high school two years early.

    She managed to get into an advanced program, living in a

    supervised dorm at college and went the full four years, but wound up

    with degrees in three subjects and was nearly to the end of the process of

    getting her first doctorate.

    Shortly after breakfast, wearing the clean blouse and underwearthat she always travelled with in her carryon bag, Heather Jean was

    ready to head for the airport to pick up her suitcase. Everything else

    shed wanted from her old apartment had been shipped and should arrive

    sometime that day or the next.

    When she called to verify that her bags had made it to the airport,

    she was told that theyd been expressed to the address on her luggage

    tag. Oh, that is just lovely, Heather Jean said, closing her phone anddropping it into her purse.

    Whats the matter? Adam asked.

    They shipped the bags home. I didnt change the ID tags, so they

    are going back to my old address. Im going to have to get someone to

    ship them to me here. If my things already on the way arent here today,

    Im going to have to buy a couple more outfits just to have clean clothes

    for work.

    Well, there are plenty of places to shop in New York City.

    And every one is probably charges three times what I paid for the

    same items in Atlanta.

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    Come on. Dont tell me Atlanta was a cheap place to live, Adam

    challenged with a grin.

    Okay. So Im a cheapskate. I only spend money when I absolutely

    have to.

    You make more than I do, and I know how much I make, so you

    cant be hurting financially.

    Not that it is any of your business, but no, Im not hurting

    financially. I am putting away everything I dont need for day to day

    living into my retirement program. I want to be able to retire at fifty and

    develop a few interests I have.

    Heather Jean! Im sorry! I was way out of line. I wont pry like

    that again. I am truly sorry.

    Heather Jean sighed. No. Its okay. It was a simple comment. I

    had some bad experiences with foster parents when I started working

    part time in high school. They seemed to think that they should get part

    of what I made because they were taking care of me. It didnt last long,but Ive been very well secretive about my financial situation ever


    I see. Well, dont worry about me doing something stupid like

    that again.

    Okay, Adam. So, I guess Id better call a cab and get to the new

    place and start getting things ready to move in.

    Id be glad to help, Adam said, hiding his eagerness.

    Heather Jean shook her head. Dont really need any. There isnt

    that much coming and I dont want to get started off on the wrong foot.

    Im your boss, and I simply cannot let it be seen as taking advantage of a

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    subordinate co-worker. Staying here last night probably wasnt a good

    idea. Id just as soon it didnt get around.

    Dont worry. Mums the word.

    Thanks, Adam. Heather Jean dialed the number Adam gave her

    for the taxi company he usually used. When she closed the phone she

    said, Itll only be a few minutes. Id better get my carryon and purse

    and get out there. I will see you at work next Monday, if I can find the


    Okay. Next Monday then, Boss.

    Heather Jean gave Adam a sharp look.

    He grinned. Just getting into the habit.

    Heather Jean smiled. Okay. Thats good.

    Hard pressed to get everything done before the first day at thefacility in New York, Heather Jean was more than a little annoyed with

    the airline, the shipping company, the moving company, and New York

    City in general.

    But with a dozen phone calls, everything showed up on Saturday,

    just before three in the afternoon. Heather Jean spent most of the rest of

    Saturday and all of Sunday unpacking and putting things away in the

    new apartment shed fortunately had the foresight to arrange prior to her

    moving. Not quite sight unseen, as the property had an excellent website

    with virtual tours of most of the facility, it was the one thing that went

    the way it was supposed to during the move.

    Not a great view, but she was on the top floor and could look out

    over most of the closest buildings. But the apartment, though small, was

    more than adequate for her needs. No need to pay for empty space,

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    had been her thought when looking on-line for apartments in the City

    from Atlanta.

    So, tired, but now settled in as a New Yorker with a strange accent,

    Heather Jean showed up at the new jobsite. She was early and able to geta good look around before the rest of the team began to wander in. The

    caretaker of the building had been quite helpful in showing her around

    the place.

    Adam was the first of the others to arrive. Hed been to the site a

    couple of times in the two months hed been back home, and already

    knew his way around. Between the two of them, they got everyone

    familiar with the building and then began to sort out who would workwhere in the old converted brick building. It was one of three adjacent

    buildings the company owned, the other two mothballed for future

    projects. Corporate considered property as an asset and held onto

    whatever they bought for whatever reason, even if the initial use was


    The Corporate office set up team had been at work since the last

    time Adam had been there and the telephones, computer systems, andother parts of the facility were up and ready for use, including a fully

    stocked break room with coffee maker, microwave oven, refrigerator,

    sink, and vending machines. There were several tables with chairs and a

    couple of sofas and easy chairs.

    Heather Jean, ushered everyone from the break room to the main

    meeting room. Okay. I think we all know one another, so well skip the

    introductions. Except for one item. Ive gone by Heather Jean since I

    was a baby. But no longer being in the south, I think I can drop the Jean

    from constant use and you can just call me Heather.

    There were several laughs. Most of the group were natives of the

    south, most from Atlanta or the surrounding area. Adam was the only

    one from New York, and there were four others that had migrated from

    their home towns to Atlanta and then followed the work to New York.

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    Everyone get settled in okay? We ready to get to work?

    There were nods and people looked around at each other. Okay,

    good, Heather said when there were no negatives expressed. Everyoneknows their workspace, so I believe we can get started.

    Before anyone rose there was a knock on the open door of the

    meeting room. Yes, can I help you? Heather asked, rather annoyed

    that someone had just walked into the place.

    Im looking for Heather Jean Kirkpatrick. Two more people

    stepped up to the door.

    Im Miss Kirkpatrick. Why are you looking for me?

    You dont know? Were the staff.

    Staff? Heather asked.

    Office staff. I guess your Corporate arranged it and didnt tellyou. We were hired through a temp service to handle the office chores so

    you guys can work your magic. At least that was the way the guy put it.

    Oh. Well, if youll wait in the break room Adam, would you

    show them where? And Ill make a call and find out the details.

    One of the three, all of whom were women, muttered, Left hand

    dont know what the right hand is doing.

    Heather hurried to her office and called her boss in Atlanta. Jim,

    Ive got three temps here that say they are our office staff. No mention

    was made of an office staff. Id just planned to answer the phones and

    take care of the office.

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    Your time is too valuable for that, Heather Jean. Im not sure who

    slipped up and didnt get you the information, but they are supposed to

    be there. Let me check. Here we go. A Linda Mendoza, office manager

    position, and Carly Smith, receptionist, and Rebecca Rice as secretary.

    They came highly recommended from the Temporary agency.

    They met our security clearance requirements. But they still are not to be

    privy to the actual work. They are support staff only.

    Yes, Sir, Mr. Clark. You can be sure I will put them to work. I

    wasnt looking forward to the secretarial duties.

    But it is good to know you were prepared and willing to do so. Illmake a note in your file.

    Well,thank you, Sir!

    No problem. How is the facility? I havent been there in years. It

    was old when I was there. Still in good shape?

    From what Ive seen, yes. Two of the buildings are mothballed,but this one is clean and well decorated and equipped. You can tell your

    prep team they did a good job.

    Thats what I like to hear.

    Thank you, Sir. I will go get the new staff lined out and well be

    at work in just a few more minutes.

    Very good. Good-bye.

    Linda? Heather asked the woman that had asked for Heather.

    Yes. Linda Mendoza. Im supposed to be office manager. It was

    more question than statement.

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    Yes. Of course. I knew the prep team was scheduled in to get the

    place ready, they just failed to tell me it was coming with a staff. Im

    Heather Kirkpatrick. Linda shook Heathers hand and then the other

    two introduced themselves and shook hands.

    I have a feeling you know how to do the job, so let me introduce

    you around and you can then get familiar with the place and we can all

    get to work. Im glad you are here. It will make my life much easier.

    That is what were here for, Linda said. We do the mundane

    while you guys create the wonders.

    Heather chuckled. Dont know about that, but it is a nicesentiment.

    Finally, with the new people introduced and familiar with the

    place, Heather was finally able to get to work. She turned on her laptop,

    connected to the wireless network with a couple of strokes of the keys

    and then was more or less oblivious of the surroundings until Adam

    knocked on her open office door and said, You want something for

    lunch? Im going to make a food run.

    I have no idea what is around here Heather said. But I didnt

    think to bring anything. A burger, I guess. Or something from the same

    place you are getting food for the others.

    Chinese okay?

    Sure. Nothing too spicy, though.

    Okay. Ill make a point.

    Adam disappeared and Heather put her computer to sleep. She

    realized she really needed to go to the bathroom. After that trip she went

    to the break room. No one was there yet, obviously still working, waiting

    for the food.

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    She looked at her watch. Twelve fifteen. Time to get a bit more

    work done. She turned to leave and the others began to trickle in. She

    was engaged in conversation, the others wanting to get to know their

    new boss, and Heather wanting to do the same with the employees fromAdams former team. Thered not been much contact between the two

    sets of people to avoid influences of one on the other. The fact that they

    both came up with the same idea was simply coincidental.

    The conversation quickly turned to work and Heather was drawn

    into the discussion. As project manager, she knew a great deal about the

    work, but the actual design work was the realm of those working for her.

    But she was cleared for a higher level of security than they were, so theyloved to bounce ideas off of her, getting some of the best ideas for the

    project from her responses and the questions she asked.

    The first week brought a few technical difficulties, but Corporate

    had a good team of trouble shooters and fix-it people. The recalcitrant

    three dimensional printer was finally working properly with the network,

    and the microwave no longer turned anything cooked over twelveseconds into ash.

    And the working relationships developed as Heather had hoped,

    with the former rivalry between the two teams now directed toward

    getting the job done. Linda, Carly, and Rebecca turned out to be more

    than expected, and showed no inclination to inquire about the teams

    work, other than what they needed to know to make sure the team had

    everything it needed to do the job.

    Heather was frugal, but the sheer variety of eating and

    entertainment possibilities in the Bowery and SoHo districts of New

    York City had her eating out almost every night, as she learned about

    this or that establishment. She bit the bullet and decided against getting a

    car. The taxis were good, not unreasonable, and the small area she was

    in had what she needed, without need to deal with parking and

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    everything else owning a vehicle in the city put in the way. If she needed

    to travel any distance she would just rent a car.

    Flying high on the praise of her bosses for the steady string of

    advancements she was turning in to Corporate HQ had her feeling goodabout herself, her job, and her life. After four months she considered

    herself at home.

    That all came to a screeching halt one morning just their arrival at

    nine in the morning. Like millions of others in the city and elsewhere,

    Heather had seen the Doomsday information and reality shows on TV,

    the movies at the theater, but had no real connection to any of it.

    It quickly became apparent that she should have paid more

    attention to them, and the messages they were sending to the population.

    Things happen. Big, bad things. And everyone is subject to one or more

    of them at any point in time.

    And this time, it was New York Citys turn once again. And

    Heathers first time for anything other than going to a shelter in Atlanta

    during hurricanes.

    The radio in the break room was tuned to a mellow oldies station,

    turned down low when a loud buzz sounded. Then, from the radio came

    the now panicking DJ. Tsunami! Tsunami! There is a tsunami headed

    for us. From from from I cant pronounce it! And island in the

    eastern Atlantic. It is a big one. Prepare to evacuate! Prepare to


    There was silence for a moment and then the sounds of a struggle,

    both physical and verbal. You cant tell people that! No evacuation has

    been ordered!

    The speaker squealed and it was the DJ again. But well all die! I

    saw it on Discovery! Were all going to die!

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    Another squeal, and then white noise, and finally the somewhat

    more calm voice of the station manager came from the speaker. Please

    disregard Mellow Bob Bastion. He has no authority to order an

    evacuation. Please stand by for future announcements.

    A song started and everyone in the break room was looking around

    at each other.

    Thats it, said someone, Im out of here! just as Linda rushed

    into the room.

    I just heard on the radio there is a tsunami headed this way.

    What station? Heather asked.

    Linda told Heather the station. Thats two with the same

    information. You know Im new here. What is the tsunami plan? Our

    safety meetings havent covered anything like it.

    I dont think there is a plan, Adam said. Ill get the manual.

    Adam hurried out, followed by Steven Jenkins, the one that had said hewas leaving.

    Steven! Wait, Heather called to him. We need to decide what

    we can do until the authorities announce the procedures.

    Steven stopped and turned around to face the room. Im a prepper,

    you guys. Take my advice. Find some way to get over to Jersey any way

    you can, just as fast as you can. You wont have a chance here! I wish

    I wish I could take you with us But it is just me and my family. Good


    Spinning on his heel as the others looked at each other, Steven left.

    Two more people bolted, gone before Heather could call for calm and

    that no one panic. There were frightened murmurs as the other discussed

    the situation.

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    Maybe Steven is right, offered up Julie Makin, one of Heathers

    team members from way back. Maybe we should get out of here. Her

    voice was quivering and Heather moved over to her.

    Gently Heather said, We just need to not panic. Adam is getting

    the operations manual. It has emergency procedures in it. Weve even

    practiced some here, if you remember.

    Julie seemed to calm down slightly. Until Adam came into the

    room, holding one of the facility operations plan books in his right hand,

    his index finger separating pages. He looked grim.

    What is the plan? Heather asked quietly.

    Adam handed the plan book to Heather, open to a page near the

    end. The header bar was Emergency Procedures. There was a list of

    types of emergencies listed. Beneath Terrorist attack, with a page

    number, was Tsunami. Instead of a page number the words In

    development were glaring up at her.

    Whats it say? asked one, and then another.

    In development, Heather said quietly. There is no plan ready for

    a tsunami.

    Julie gasped and let out a little scream. Jersey! Jersey! Steven said

    to get to high ground in Jersey! She headed for the door of the break


    Wait! Julie! Wait, Heather said, ready to run after her to stop her.

    Let her go, someone said softly. Cant afford to have a

    hysterical person on the team in something like this.

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    Heather whirled around. Who said that? No one spoke, but all

    the others were looking at Kevin James.

    He flushed. Well, it is true! We have to work together to get out

    of this. And if someone cant function well theyll just have to be leftbehind.

    Were not leaving anyone behind! Heather said. Adam, you live

    here. What have people been required to do before during tsunamis?

    Heather We havent had a tsunami in living memory. The TV

    shows they showed people trying to get to high ground. Perhaps we

    should take a lead from Steven.

    See! See! Julie half screamed. Adam says we should go. And

    hes lived here forever! She pulled her arm free from her best friend,

    Wanda, who was trying to calm her down. Im leaving But a car

    who has a car

    I do, Gregory Laurence said. You can ride with me. Lets go!

    Julie looked at Wanda, begging with her eyes. Please, Wanda!

    Wanda looked at Heather. Shell never make it without me. It

    was half apology and half simple statement of fact.

    Heather didnt try to stop them. And when it became obvious that

    she wouldnt, four more left, at a run, including two of the temps. Only

    Linda, the office manager, Jake Wannamaker, Hanna Lemons, Adam,

    and she were left.

    The program, Heather suddenly said, throwing off the shock

    shed felt at the disappearance of most of the team. Someone mentioned

    a TV show about it. Anyone see it and remember anything from it?

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    Yeah, said Warren Yates, the building caretaker, now standing in

    the doorway. I saw one of those doomsday shows and it isnt good.

    They said if something like the big volcano on La Palma, I think it was,

    was to let loose the tsunami could be here in a few hours, be travelling

    five hundred miles an hour, and hit the beach at better than two hundredfifty feet high.

    So we have some time, then? Time to get ready? Heather asked,


    Ready for what? Take a look out in the street.

    The rest followed Heather out and to the reception desk on the firstfloor. There were cars all over the street, moving very slowly. People

    carrying suitcases and all sorts of odd objects were passing the cars in


    If you aint already in Jersey, you aint going to get to Jersey. The

    bridges and tunnels are probably already blocked. Warren was shaking

    his head.

    We have to do so something, Heather said. She felt herself about

    ready to panic and toned down her voice when she continued. We have

    to do something. Im not going to just lie down and die. But I dont

    know the area. Linda, you and Adam, what are the tallest buildings

    around here. I dont remember seeing much

    Adam was shaking his head and Linda looked thoughtful. Finally

    Adam spoke. There just isnt anythingclose taller than this building.

    Adam suddenly stiffened. My parents! What am I going to do about my

    parents! Heather Heather, please understand. I have to try

    Heather bit her lip. What could she say? I understand. Is there

    anything I can do to help?

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    Linda spoke up then. We need to get every foot higher we can.

    She didnt look at Adam.

    Wait a minute! Adam said loudly. My house My parents

    house! It is three stories and built like you wouldnt believe! We can gothere. Kill two birds with one stone. He looked hopefully at Heather.

    And it is in the right direction. Away from the ocean.

    So did the others. Before she could speak, Warren did. Two

    stories, three stories. Dont make no never mind. Its not enough. That

    wave could be two hundred fifty feet high they say.

    It disappointed Heather, and after thinking about it for a fewseconds, she straightened her spine and told the others, It might be and

    might not be. Well head that way and if we find something better well

    get Adams parents and hole up wherever we find the tallest building.

    Adam had looked a little fearful when Heather was speaking, but

    when she had added the fact that they would get his parents he relaxed a

    little. Okay. Then lets get going. Ill get the car started.

    You guys are out of your minds, Warren muttered. But I guess

    Im in

    We dont want to just rush off, Heather said. Look around. I

    think everyone knows what happened in Katrina.

    Rather sharply, Linda replied, That was Katrina. This is New

    York City. We do things right up here.

    Heather looked over at Linda, who looked down at the floor for a

    moment and then apologized. Sorry. Im just kind of proud of the city,

    you know.

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    Heather shrugged. No big deal. Now everyone check a room and

    have someone else double check it for usable items. And water. I

    remember they said there wasnt enough water during Katrina.

    It was a disappointed looking group that met up again in the breakroom. A couple of people had day packs, and Hanna had her huge purse

    and was putting a brown paper bag into it. My lunch she said when

    everyone looked at her. Then they looked at one another as if a light

    switch had been flipped and the same thing came to all of them.

    We have food and water here! Jake said. I dont know why I

    didnt think of it before. Who has change?

    We don need no stinkin change! Warren said, mimicking a

    Mexican Spanish accent. He reached into one of the voluminous pockets

    of his work cargo pants and pulled out a slim pry bar.

    It took him a couple of tries before he admitted failure. Okay.

    This isnt going to do it. But I have something that will. Be back up from

    the basement in a minute and well get what we want out of the

    machines. With that, Warren hurried out.

    Check the cabinets, Heather suggested to Linda and Hanna.

    The two went through the storage units over and under the sink and

    found mostly coffee makings. But there were also tea bags, coffee

    lightener, sugar, and sugar substitute. They set everything they wanted

    on the counter. Adam and Jake were going through the refrigerator.

    Wasnt much there except some more condiments.

    Warren marched into the room, wearing a large, heavily laden tool

    belt with suspenders, carrying a pair of large buckets with Duluth

    Trading Company bucket organizers. The buckets had more tools and

    other items, one of which was a heavy sledgehammer.

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    It was the matter of a few whacks with the hammer and the

    vending machines were spread around in parts. Warren had been careful

    not to damage any of the food. He began taking items out of the tool

    buckets and when one was empty he pushed it over to Hanna and Linda

    to start loading.

    While Warren went through the other bucket and his tool belt,

    exchanging a few things on the belt and emptying the bucket, Adam and

    Jake seemed to share some epiphany and ran out of the room. They came

    back each carrying a case of bottled water.

    Oops, Warren said, looking at the demolished can and bottle


    Heather said, Dont worry about it, Warren. This place may not

    even survive. Turning her attention to Jake and Adam, Heather asked.

    The store room, I take it?

    The vendors arent supposed to store things in there! Linda said


    Well, lucky for us they did. There were only four bottles of water

    left in the machine, Adam said.

    Yeah, but it is was full of pop. Jake leaned down and started

    to pick up several of the cans of soda.

    I dont know, Jake, Heather said. Might be better off with the


    Yep. I was thinking for a sugar boost for energy if we needed one,

    but therere enough sweets in the sweets machine for that. My bad.

    What else? Heather asked, looking around at the group.

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    Linda looked at her watch. Its been an hour Maybe we should

    get going.

    Give me just another minute or two in the basement, Warren said.

    A couple more buckets and something to make them easier to carry ifwe have to leave the cars.

    Ill go with you, said Jake.

    Coats, Adam suddenly said. I know it isnt cold now but if

    we get wet or something

    Yes. Very good idea. Gloves and scarves, too, Heather said,intending to go with him.

    But Hanna was already on the move. Ill help.

    Linda was looking at Heather. Anything else? Heather asked.

    I just cant think straight, Linda replied. Im scared and I dont

    function well under stress.

    Youll be all right. We all will. Heather let out a loud Oh! and

    hurried out of the room. She was back in a couple of minutes with two

    four packs of toilet tissue and a box of trash bags.

    Thank heavens you thought of that! Linda said. It never entered

    my mind.

    The others were back, hands full. They repacked the buckets to suit

    Warren. Okay, lets go, he said when he straightened back up.

    No. Just a few more minutes. Heather was shaking her head. I

    know it is early, but it could be a long time before we will have a chance

    to eat. No need to waste all the food we are leaving behind. While we

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    still have power and the microwave works, I say we heat some things up

    and have a hot brunch before we go.

    There were murmurs both ways, but when Heather picked up a

    roast beef hoagie and put it in the microwave, the others moved tochoose something for themselves.

    Warren moved over to the window and looked out. The break room

    faced to one side of the street. Madhouse he said softly. Wish I had a


    Heather was thinking the same thing. The other four said nothing,

    either. After the meal, a very large one, knowing it could be their last fora while; everyone headed for the bathrooms and then met in the

    reception area.

    We ready? asked Heather.

    As Im going to get, Linda said. She took one of the buckets and

    headed down the steps. The others followed suit. They loaded three

    buckets into Warrens car, and three into Hannas Prius.

    Ill ride with Hanna, Jake said.

    Yeah. Best not to load down the Prius too much. The rest of us

    will fit into Warrens Chevy. Adam opened the passenger side doors

    and climbed in the front seat. Linda and Heather took the rear seats and

    Warren closed the trunk and got into the drivers seat.

    It took almost ten minutes to get out of the little parking lot and

    onto the street. Horns were blaring and people were shouting, crying,

    and banging on the cars.

    They did make progress, but it wasnt much. Three streets past the

    facility, Adam looked back and saw that Hanna was having a great deal

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    of trouble keeping up. I think wed better do something about Hanna

    and Jake.

    Warren checked his mirrors and muttered something under his

    breath. Linda and Heather looked through the back windshield. In onlythose few seconds of no movement, the mob had the Prius rocking side

    to side.

    Stay in the car, Warren said and began to get out of the Malibu.

    Someone tried to pull him out further, but Warren reached down his leg

    and pulled a roofing hammer free of its loop. A threatening move with

    the sharp bladed portion of the hammer had the man backing up.

    Adam jumped out of his side of the car and ran back to help Jake.

    One man was on his back while Jake was trying to pull Hanna across the

    console and out of the Prius on his side. Two men were hammering on

    the drivers side door glass.

    They got her almost free, but she leaned back and grabbed the keys

    just as the window broke, showering her legs with the broken glass.

    There were yells for her to give up the keys, but Warren with his

    deadly roofing hammer kept everyone at bay as Hanna, shaking so hard

    she almost couldnt work the remote, opened the rear hatch.

    She had the presence of mind to grab the lightest of the buckets

    and head for Warrens Malibu. Adam grabbed the other two and headed

    the same way as Warren backed up slowly. The crowd had the Malibu

    almost surrounded. Linda and Heather hurriedly hopped out.

    Hanna! Throw your keys! Throw your keys, he bellowed

    over the sounds of the mob.

    Hanna finally got the idea and held up the keys so those close by

    could see them. Then she turned and threw them with all her might.

    Many of the crowd surged that way and Warren and the others went into

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    a quick huddle. Well never make it in the car, Warren said. Lets

    grab the buckets and run for it.

    The others looked around and quickly nodded. The roofing

    hammer still in his right hand, Warren worked the key fob in his left toopen the trunk. He almost decided to just hand the three buckets out, but

    decided to take the extra few seconds to get the carrying sticks arranged.

    With a stout closet pole run through the handles of two of the

    buckets, it was easier for two people to carry them rather than carry one

    each against their side. Warren did the two lightest buckets for Hanna

    and Linda, and then the heaviest for himself and Jake. Adam was

    running the third long pole through the handles of the last two buckets.

    Everyone grunted some when they hoisted the poles onto a

    shoulder, but even with the crowd pressing in, the three teams headed

    down the sidewalk. Warrens imposing figure of the roofing hammer in

    his right hand and the bucket pole on his left shoulder, held in place by

    his left hand enough to get moving in the crowd as people scrambled to

    get into the Malibu, still running. Warren carried his key fob remote

    separately from his keys and hadnt thought to kill the engine and pullthe keys.

    The crowd didnt seem to thin out much, but it did slow down

    some, with the majority of people more intent on getting away from the

    ocean than trying to stop Heather and the others. Hanna, the smallest and

    lightest of the six called for a break. Warren immediately stopped and

    the buckets were set down.

    He checked one bucket and then another. Finding what he wanted

    he stood up and began Gorilla taping two shop towels, folded together,

    on each end of the two poles. They would act as pads. Warren then

    handed out a pair of jersey gloves to each of the others and pulled on a

    pair himself.

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    Should help with the carrying, he explained. Easier on the

    shoulders and hands. Let me know when we can take off again.

    Im sorry, Hanna said, about to cry. I just

    I wasnt pushing you, Miss. You take the time you need. I just

    want to keep an eye on things.

    Hanna nodded and Jake handed her his handkerchief to dry her

    eyes. They didnt rest too long. When two rather large, ominous looking

    men began to sidle over toward them on the side walk, Warren said,

    Wed better move. Adam, Heather, take the lead. Linda and you,

    Hanna, next, Jake you go in front of me.

    All had seen the two men and didnt hesitate. When Adam started

    off in a fast shuffle, one of the men, caught in a family group, yelled,

    What you have in those buckets, Man? Whats in those buckets?

    You really want to find out? Warren asked, hefting the roofing

    hammer again.

    Okay people, came a commanding voice from behind the two

    men. Aint no time for this. You all go about your business of getting

    somewhere higher up.

    The two men turned around to brace the man, but it was a

    uniformed police officer. The two hesitated, but when the officers hand

    when to his handgun, they decided theyd best not risk it. At the


    Thank you, Officer, Warren said when he came up to the six of


    What do you have in there? the officer asked. Im asking

    officially, he added when Jake and Adam chuckled.

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    Water, some food, hygiene, stuff like that, Heather said.

    The officer made a setting down motion and the six lowered the

    poles from their shoulders. After a quick look through the buckets the

    officer nodded and said, Take off. But you be careful. Youre a targetwith all that stuff.

    Any word on the tsunami? asked Heather.

    It is real and it is coming and it is big. The officer shrugged.

    Cant say more than that, but Id sure try to find a ride out of here.

    So far there hadnt been much looting. But that changed in aninstant, too. The sound of breaking glass and yells and screams had the

    officer moving down a side street.

    You okay to continue, Hanna? Heather asked.

    She nodded. I am so scared! He said it was real and to get a ride.

    You just do the best you can, little lady. Well get you there, safeand sound.

    So they lifted their cargo again and kept going, again with Warren

    in the rear, keeping a watch for the two men. He caught a glimpse of

    them further ahead. Warren tried to look away, but one of the men must

    have felt the stare for he looked back. And saw Warren. Dang! Warren


    He was looking around for a way past them. He was just about to

    tell the others to turn and run when one of the men bumped into

    someone. Someone he shouldnt have. It happened so fast that Warren

    could not be for sure who did what, when, but there was a flurry of

    gunshots and both the men went down, as well as the one that had been


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    Warren was tempted to try and get one of the guns but decided to

    just push on when someone already had one or more of them and was

    shooting into the air, trying to make a path through the crowd. Someone

    in the crowd didnt like it much and either already had a gun or had

    picked up one of the dropped guns. He shot the other shooter in the backthree times. No more shots were fired, but a real riot broke out.

    Time to go, Warren urged the others. They were able to get past

    the mob and a full street past it before Hanna asked for another rest.

    They were at a small cubby hole in the buildings. One was a bank.

    I need to go to the bathroom, Linda said.

    Try the bank, Linda. Heather suggested.

    It was a lost cause. No matter what Linda tried, the people inside

    the bank would not open the locked doors.

    They wound up trying five more places before they found an

    abandoned shop. They took turns in the employee bathroom. When

    Warren came out, the last one to go, he said, I think the water may beoff. Didnt flush right. Lets move on a little and stop to eat.

    The others were thankful of Warrens suggesting a stop. For one

    thing, they wouldnt be walking, for a second thing, they would be

    eating, and the third thing, the buckets would be somewhat lighter after

    they ate and drank two bottles of water apiece.

    Before they headed out again, Hanna asked Adam, About how

    much further, Adam?

    Five blocks, Adam replied. Just five more blocks. All

    residential. I think we may be out of the worst of it.

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    Dont be too sure, Jake said. Hed been watching their back trail.

    He nodded his head back down the street. At least three groups are

    working the houses, one at a time, leapfrogging, and moving to another.

    I hope my parents are okay, Adam said, the fear in his voicepalpable.

    The sidewalks and the street were crowded with people rushing as

    fast as they could. Which wasnt very fast. The least provocation set off

    fights. More people began to enter buildings, mostly two story, some to

    stop and get as high as they could. Others just to rest out of the stream of

    people. Some to loot. There was the sound of shooting every now and


    Warren kept the pace up, as best as he could, pushing through the

    crowd, in the lead again. They were making perhaps ten steps to the

    crowds nine. It wasnt fast enough.

    There was a surge as those behind pushed on those ahead, more

    and more people going down. Then they started to hear screams. Run!

    Warren said, increasing his pace dramatically, bulling his way throughwithout thought to anyone but himself and the group. Jake kept up, and

    Heather and Adam began to draw even with Hanna and Linda.

    Heather felt the grim reality of the situation when Hanna stumbled

    and then fell, the pole sliding off her shoulder. She landed on her side,

    on top of her huge purse and cried out in pain. Heather tried to stop and

    help, but Adam hadnt seen Hanna go down and was moving faster,

    pulling her along with the pole between them. And the crowd behind just

    kept pushing.

    Hanna disappeared, her screams fading down as others screamed in

    like manner as they went down. The buckets Linda and Hanna were

    carrying slid down the pole when Hannas end hit the ground. The

    impact knocked the pole off Lindas shoulder and she turned part way

    around to see what was wrong. She saw Hanna go down and screamed.

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    Almost knocked off her feet when she turned, she turned back to

    continue up the street. Warren and Jake were well ahead now, with

    Linda, no longer encumbered with the pole and bucket, gaining on them.

    She was trying to shrug out of her backpack to be able to move

    better and faster. When the pack swung down and around on one

    shoulder it threw her off balance. She went down the same as Hanna.

    Heather could tell that Adam wanted to stop and help, the way he

    shifted over and tried to get to her. But when Adam reached her, he

    could tell it was too late. Too many people stepping on her and a couple

    falling across her and she was done, head twisted back, eyes open, butlifeless.

    The screams were louder behind them now and there was a dull

    roar, getting inexorably closer. Theyd gained on those in the lead, but

    were still well behind. Heather and Adam lost track of Warren and Jake,

    but suddenly saw them. They were over on the sidewalk, braced to avoid

    going down.

    Which house, Adam? Warren yelled over the sound of the mob

    and the approaching wave.

    Adam, gasping for breath, let the pole down and pointed. There!

    The green one, two down!

    Heather was still holding her end of the pole, with the buckets

    down at Adams end. Leave it! Adam yelled, his quick glance back

    from the way they had come panicked him. The wave! He started

    running toward the house hopping over the low fence to run on the

    narrow front yards of the row houses.

    Heather dropped her end of the pole and headed after him. She

    heard Jake scream, Drop it and lets go! He dropped his end of the

    pole and was trying to run and take off his pack at the same time. Like

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    Linda, it threw him off balance and he fell over the low fence onto the

    sidewalk where he was immediately buried beneath the mob, now with

    people trying to get away from the wave anyway they could, knocking

    people out of the way with no mercy.

    Heather joined Adam on the front steps of his parents house and

    turned around. Adam cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled at

    Warren. Drop them! Drop Them!

    But Warren was determined to keep at least two of the buckets. He

    managed to cross the fence, dragging one bucket over. As he tried to get

    the other bucket up and over the fence a mixture of water, people, cars,

    and debris caught up to him, engulfing him in an instant. The water wason the steps and climbing as Adam fumbled with the keys. The rising

    water pushed the door open as soon as he turned the knob.

    Both Adam and Heather staggered as the rising water rushed into

    the house. Mom! Dad! Adam yelled, headed for the stairs to the

    second level with Heather on his heels. Mom! Dad!

    There was no other sounds except the rushing water and debrisbattering the inside of the house. They were able to outrun the water

    halfway up the stairs to the third floor. Adam was breathing too heavily

    to say anything.

    Heather was leaning over, gasping for breath, watching the water

    now just creeping higher. Fearful it wouldnt stop she straightened up

    and backed away from the stair case. Adam was now frantically looking

    around the third floor of the house.

    He looked panicked again. They arent here! I cant find them!

    Where could they be? He looked at Heather with tears in his eyes when

    she grabbed his arms.

    Stop, Adam! Stop. They may have received the warning and left

    early. They might be okay.

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    Adam took a deep breath and sighed. Yeah. Yeah. They might be.

    But you dont think they are, do you?

    I wont lie, Adam. I doubt they made it. You saw how it was outthere. With your mother using a walker

    There were tears in Adams eyes and his shoulders slumped. I wish

    Id said good bye this morning

    There is still a chance Heather said, but Adam turned away

    and walked over to the dormer window. He was standing in almost a

    foot of water, but it had stopped rising. Heather joined him and the twolooked out over the devastation. Not only was the water not rising, it was

    slowly beginning to drop in level.

    Ten minutes later the water was draining down the stairs from the

    third floor. What do we do? Adam asked Heather. Well never make

    it through all that debris.

    We need to find some fresh water and maybe some food. I guesswe just wait until the helicopters start showing up.

    Maybe some bottled water or something survived in the fridge or

    a cabinet in the kitchen, Adam speculated hopefully.

    Thats true. I wish we could get some information, too. Is there

    possibly a radio up here? Theyd been in the small hall way that

    separated the two bedrooms and bath. And I need to go to the

    bathroom, too. Heather looked at the bathroom door and asked Adam,

    Do you think it would be alright to use it?

    I dont see much choice, Adam replied. At least the water didnt

    get high enough to get the paper wet, he added, opening the door and

    looking in. Ladies first.

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    Yeah. Thank you. I guess. Heather grimaced but entered the

    bathroom and shut the door. As soon as she came out, Adam used it.

    When he joined Heather afterwards, she was down the second floor to

    third floor steps about half way, leaning over to look at the flooded room

    below. The water was dropping rapidly now.

    Shouldnt be too much longer, I hope, she said. The water does

    drain back, right? Its not like Katrina where were actually below sea


    No. It drains back. We just have to wait.

    Heather felt Adam suddenly stiffen and cry out. Oh, Lord, no!No! No!

    Heathers eyes followed Adam rigid stare. Oh, Adam! I am so


    Adams mother and farther, his right arm tied to her left, their

    fingers clasped, floated past. Suddenly Adam took a step down to try and

    grab them, but slipped and went into the water head first. Heather wastrying to help him back up onto the stairs, while he was still trying to

    reach his parents.

    But the water was falling almost as fast as it had come in. The

    bodies disappeared down the first floor to second floor stairs. Heather

    refused to let Adam go, as he fought the debris to get to them.

    The water was now down below the second floor level and Adam

    and Heather could hear the water rushing out of the house, debris

    hammering and bumping loudly. Adam finally broke loose from

    Heather, but his parents floated out of the front door when he stepped on

    something in the water and went down again.

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    Heather finally got him up out of the water, sitting on one of the

    steps. Why didnt you let me go, Heather? Why? I could have caught


    And done what, Adam? What could we do for them? They aredead. Im sorry, but it is true. Were lucky to be alive. And from the

    looks of it, the calm expressions on their faces and the fact that they

    were roped together, the two decided to just die together rather than try

    to get away, knowing theyd never manage.

    Pops morphine, Adam said. He always said if Mom went

    first hed be right after her, with the help of the morphine. And I picked

    up a months worth just yesterday. Adam sighed. I guess I guessAt least they are together and didnt suffer.

    That is what you have to hang on to, Adam. That they went on

    their own terms and didnt suffer. I know it is hard, but lets try to find

    some drinking water and food.

    They were cautious, but both wound up falling on the way to the

    kitchen. The floor was slimy with mud and layered with debris. But theywere lucky when they got to their destination. The kitchen was a total

    mess, but the cabinet doors had stayed closed, even if the refrigerator

    hadnt. There were two six packs of bottled water in one of the cabinets,

    and a few items of canned goods.

    It took a long time to find a can opener and then clean off the cans

    so they could open them without getting contaminants into the food.

    They shared a can of cream corn, and one of sweet peas, deciding to

    keep the lone can of roast beef in gravy for later, along with a can of

    peaches and one of spinach.

    Heather and Adam were sitting on some debris in the front yard,

    looking like a pair of wet cats. Theyd seen no one else alive, though

    there were bodies galore in the debris. Heather lifted her head. Adam

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    suddenly did, too, when they suddenly noticed a sound in the air. Oh

    my Lord! Theres another one! Heather said, scrambling to her feet.

    I didnt feel another earthquake! Adam yelled, getting up

    himself. They ran, best they could, back into the house and up the stairs.They stopped on the second floor. Surely an aftershock wont be as bad

    as the first one, right?

    I dont know, Heather replied, wrapping her arms around herself.

    It was almost dark and it was starting to cool off. I think sometimes the

    aftershock can be bigger than the first one. Oh, no! Heather said.

    Adam had barely heard her and turned to look at her. What?

    Tsunamis I think I remember something about them coming in


    Well, yeah. Tsunamis are waves He just couldnt see what she

    was getting at.

    No. More than one wave! There can be more than one andoften

    The water and debris slammed into the house like a runaway

    bulldozer. They barely made it to the third floor and even then the water

    kept rising. Adam? Heather asked. She was standing next to the

    dormer window.

    I dont know! I dont know. His words faded as the water

    reached waist level and was still climbing.

    We have to get on the roof! Heather said and turned to the

    window. She tried to lift the double pane window but it was painted


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    Adam picked up the side chair by the bed and motioned for

    Heather to move. She backed up, looking fearfully behind her. The water

    was still pouring in through the door and it was above the bottom of the

    window outside.

    With all his might, Adam threw the chair at the window. It cracked

    but didnt break. Another swing and the glass gave way and water began

    to pour into the room from outside as well as coming up the stairs.

    Hastily Adam used the chair to knock away fragments of the window so

    they could get out without cutting themselves to pieces.

    Ill go out first, Adam said. Get on top of the dormer and help

    you out.

    Are you sure Wait Adam, look. The water isnt rising

    anymore. Both watched the level of the water for two tense minutes. In

    that time the water fell below the level of the window again.

    They were shivering again by the time the water cleared the steps.

    Heathers nose twitched. I smell smoke, she told Adam. They ran back

    to the window and looked out. They saw smoke drifting out of a houseacross the alley and up several. Then the fire burst through a window.

    Suddenly the house and then the ones on each side were ablaze.

    It cant possibly spread over here, Adam said hopefully.

    Everything is too wet.

    I think you are right, Heather agreed. But that hope was dashed

    when the first house ablaze collapsed. Most of the flames did go out, but

    there was floating debris with flames still showing.

    The fire spread rapidly up and down the houses across the alley.

    The alley was filled with fiery debris. They couldnt see past the edge of

    the roof but smoke was starting to billow up over the edge.

    I do not need this! Adam wailed. We have to get out of here!

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    The water level was slowly falling so they followed it down, ever

    so slowly. They saw flames outside the second story windows and

    hurried down into the waist high water still in the first floor. The fire had

    broken through into the kitchen.

    They finally made it outside again, to a scene out of a disaster

    movie. The water had been faster and higher the second time. There

    were gaps in the lines of buildings where several had their foundations

    washed from under them. More were burning.

    How can they burn like that with all this water? Adam asked.

    Heather pointed down the street. I think I know. See the water

    bubbling there in the middle of the street. I think that might be a gas

    line leaking. She barely had the words out of her mouth when a section

    of wooden house wall, with flames dancing all over it, drifted close to

    the bubbles.

    The explosion knocked Adam and Heather off their feet.

    Scrambling back up they heard several more explosions, some in thedistance, some close. It dawned on both of them that there was an awful

    lot of fire all around them. The intense heat was drying some of the

    burnable debris out and the street was on fire in several places.

    Wed better find another place Heather was hesitant. Fire

    reached an overturned car and within a minute the fuel tank exploded,

    throwing shrapnel in a wide circle, barely missing the two.

    Yeah. I think so, too. Adam took the lead, headed for the most

    open area they could see. Will there be another wave? Adam asked,

    trepidation in his voice.

    I dont know. Maybe. But probably not as high. All I remember

    from the show I saw was that the second could be worse than the first.

    Heathers answer didnt reassure him.

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    They cleared the nearest fires and slowed down. It was too dark to

    see now. Well away from the fires they stopped and found another

    building they could get into. It, too, was a three story residence. But

    being on the corner of the streets it had suffered more damage, but wasthe only building they could see that might provide succor.

    The building had once had many windows. They were all gone, the

    floors swept clean of the original contents. Even most of the debris had

    drifted out with the last wave. They found a place to hunker down and

    spent the rest of the night, shivering together, wet and miserable, fearful

    of yet another wave. Sure wish we hadnt lost that food and water,

    Adam said before he fell asleep.

    They were both still there the next morning when Heather woke.

    She poked Adam and he woke, too. We made it through the night!

    Yeah. Yeah. I guess we did. I didnt hear another wave? Did


    I dont know. I think so, but it didnt come this far in.

    The two scrambled to their feet at the unmistakable sound of a

    helicopter flying past at high speed. They were careful going down the

    stairs, not wanting to fall and get a major injury after surviving what

    they had.

    The helicopter was long gone when they managed to get out in the

    middle of the intersection so they could be seen. It was only a few

    minutes before another helicopter went past. They waved their arms and

    jumped up and down, but the helicopter kept going.

    There will be another one soon, Adam said hopefully. He sat

    down on the crushed remains of a car that was just the right height to

    make a chair.

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    Heather sat down beside him. The next helicopter they heard

    wasnt going as fast and when it came into sight was flying a lot lower

    than the others had been. When the two waved madly the Coast

    Guardsman in the door gave a thumps up and motioned them to get back.

    The helicopter didnt land, but was only a foot above the debris on

    the street when Adam and Heather made their way over to it and were

    helped aboard. There were four others, obvious survivors, huddled

    together under a pair of blankets.

    Heather and Adam were handed blankets and wrapped up in them,

    relishing the warm on their cold skin.

    It would be decades before all the signs of the four tsunami waves

    were eradicated, except for a series of museums and monuments. The

    east coast lost over twenty million people, many of them in the New

    York area. A total dollar cost was never really given, though numbers as

    high as ten trillion dollars were bandied about.

    Adam decided to leave the company and became a part of the

    planning commission for the rebuilding of the city. During

    reconstruction, wide escape streets were built into the plan to provide for

    easier and much faster evacuation in the event of another tsunami.

    Heather went back to Atlanta, Georgia, and went back to work.

    The company landed a contract to design tidal surge and tsunami

    defenses. It was less than a year later that she had morphed into a true

    prepper, ready even for another tsunami.


    Copyright 2012

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    Jerry D Young
