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IT’S GOOD TO TALK - shinetrust.org.uk · It’s good to talk: ... As we wave a very grateful...

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2010 IT’S GOOD TO TALK Why focusing on speech could kick-start children’s learning Peak performance Climbing the walls at school can sometimes be a good thing... School’s in for summer “Teens spurn sleep for study” shocker at Westminster College ‘I doubted whether SHINE could pull it off...’ Jon Snow spills the beans on last year’s Benefit Dinner


IT’S GOOD TO TALKWhy focusing on speech could kick-start children’s learning

Peak performanceClimbing the walls at school can sometimes be a good thing...

School’s in for summer“Teens spurn sleep for study” shocker at Westminster College

‘I doubted whether SHINE could pull it off...’Jon Snow spills the beans on last year’s Benefit Dinner

Foreword from SHINE’s Chairman and a message from Professor Alison Richard

Something old, something new, something borrowed: how serious + fun = success @ school

It’s good to talk: why focusing on speech could kick-start children’s learning

Climbing higher: climbing the walls at school can sometimes be a good thing...

Bigger, better, further, more: ambition, energy and focus at IntoUniversity

The right kind of Snow: Jon Snow on SHINE’s 10th Anniversary Benefit Dinner

SHINE Supporters 2009

S.H.I.N.E.* for SHINE: want to help us? Here’s how...


A good education equips us to choose our own path, with only our own ability, application and purpose limiting what we achieve.

SHINE’s work matters because it provides the most disadvantaged in our society with the practical necessities of a proper education: dedicated time, individual attention and expert support. Only with these can a child discover the full extent of their abilities, set their goals and decide how best to fulfil them. Thanks to SHINE, for some students these goals may now include universities like Cambridge; for all its students, however, SHINE’s value lies in giving an opportunity to learn, discover, achieve and excel.

Professor Alison Richard, SHINE PatronVice-Chancellor, University of Cambridge

Written by Bruce Robinson Designed by Theo Hodges Design ConsultantsTel: 020 7938 1396

SHINE would like to thank our project partners, without whomnone of this work would be possible.

All relevant permissions havebeen obtained for the case studies, pictures and quotations used.

SHINE funds and develops educational programmes to help children from disadvantaged backgrounds make the most of their time at school. These support children of all abilities and include specialist after school clubs, complementary classes on Saturdays and intensive literacy and numeracy support sessions.

Welcome to the fourth edition of our annual supporters’ magazine, which I hope will provide you with an interesting insight into our projects, methods and fundraising activities over the past 12 months.

Making new argumentsSHINE’s 10th Anniversary last year provided a natural opportunity for reflection. Although pleased overall with progress so far, we remain only too aware of the work still remaining and the need to continually raise our game, particularly in the current economic climate.

I have already made the case against cutting school budgets. Nevertheless, it’s clear that even a best case scenario will see government funding become more elusive than ever before. This makes it essential to prove beyond any doubt the value and impact of our work. Consequently, we plan to build on earlier assessments by the LSE, Ofsted and New Philanthropy Capital with independent evaluations of some core programmes. Such work will not only reinforce the case we make to third parties, but also offer valuable pointers to help us further improve how we operate ourselves.

Finding new territoriesMeanwhile we’re as busy as ever, funding some wonderful new initiatives while also launching new versions of our most successful

projects. Serious Fun on Saturdays, in which independent schools lend their resources to local state school kids, has long been one of my favourite SHINE programmes. To me, it represents the essence of what SHINE is all about: a partnership approach, superb leverage and, most importantly, exceptional educational support.

It also offers great value for money, so we are aggressively rolling out these projects to new schools and locations, including Bolton, Eton and the American School in London. Further expansion is a priority in the coming years, so if anybody knows an independent school that may wish to be involved, please let us know.

Supporting new projectsOne new focus this year is poor communication skills. Historically these have been neglected in our schools, despite a wealth of research that demonstrates their importance to a successful education. As ever, kids from poor families draw the shortest straws so we have begun funding two programmes – one for primary children, the second for teenagers – that should help to address this gaping hole in service provision.

And as usual, we have a plethora of new projects, ranging in scope from illiterate teenagers to young people living with HIV.

But while their nature, approach and target market may differ, what these projects all share is a determination to improve the educational opportunities and outcomes for children and young people who would otherwise be left behind.

Earning new supportThis same determination is shared by our supporters, whose commitment and generosity underpins everything we do. As we wave a very grateful farewell to the David Beckham Academy, which has left its Greenwich home, we welcome new backing from The Nomura Charitable Trust and 100 Women in Hedge Funds, whose fundraiser last October raised a remarkable £250,000 for SHINE. We are also exploring some exciting new venues for this November’s Benefit Dinner. Please do come; only with your support can we help even more children gain the skills and grades they need to break out of their circumstances and look ahead with enthusiasm, confidence and hope.

Jim O’Neill Chairman


Professor Alison Richard







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“The food was terrible but the other students were amazing, and the things I learned...” said Amina Ahmed, who attended Serious Fun @ Westminster last year. “Like in biology when we dissected a rat – that’s been the highlight of my entire life. Going to a private school to do something you’re interested in, you don’t often get chances like that – it’s a lifetime opportunity.”

“It really gave me a boost, something to aspire too. Although I already had a good idea of what I wanted to do, it was just an idea. Westminster made it all so real that medicine is a very competitive field. But it’s competitive everywhere, so Cambridge is my first choice now. And it’s just two years away so I’m thinking ‘get your act together’, putting more time into my work and now my grades have improved. I know I’m going to have to memorise absolutely everything – and then just go into the exams, do my best and hope my results get me there.”

A dead rat bounce

SPREADING SERIOUS FUN It’s not just kids who love Serious Fun – we’re quite a fan as well. So we’re expanding these projects, teaming up with some famous names and moving into brand new territory...

Take Slough, for example, where students bright enough to go to university regularly fail to do so. But just across the Thames is Eton College, which is now giving Slough’s finest some weekly master classes on topics including experimental psychology, law and art history in order to develop their thinking skills and encourage them to stay at school and consider university.

Another new project has just started at the American School in London, and we have also headed north to Bolton School. Themed around ‘Enquiry and Discovery’, classes expose local primary children to subjects such as Russian and Japanese, as well as giving them hands-on learning in the lab. “Every week the

kids take new discoveries away with them,” said James Rich, the project manager. “For example, the Russian classes dealt with the Cyrillic alphabet but they also learned about its geography and food.”

Although Bolton School’s project only began last October, “a lot of their teachers are already telling us that the kids are much more focused or that their literacy has improved,” said James. “Their national tests next year will really show us the difference we’ve made to their academic attainment.”

The sessions are taught by Bolton School’s own teachers, supported by sixth form volunteers. “Even the headmaster was in giving a physics lesson,” James continued. “As teachers, that moment when the kids grasp the issue – we get a buzz out of that.”


Serious Fun @ Dulwich College saw a transformation in maths last year, from 75% performing below expectations to 88% at or above standard by the end...

Hampton School managed to halve the number of students with substandard literacy in one year...

And Eltham College successfully brought every student up to – or above – the national standard in science.

...but fun!Perhaps that’s because SHINE students @ Eltham College love making Harry Potter-ish bubbling yellow mixtures from different chemicals...

At Hampton, they’d rather race the dragster cars they built for themselves out of plastic...

While in Harrow, students tested what force animal organs could sustain before bursting (nice).

Full information on these and other SHINE-funded projects can be found at www.shinetrust.org.uk.

Getting the state and independent sectors to work together is a great idea (if only we’d thought of it first!) So we decided to push these existing, rather ad hoc arrangements one stage further...

The result? Serious Fun on Saturdays, in which schools like Hampton, Westminster and Eton let us borrow their world-class facilities to give disadvantaged local kids some serious, structured and fun extra educational support.

Everybody benefits. Independent schools develop community ties, their sixth formers

can become mentors, state schools work together more and teachers can talk shop. But the biggest winners are the kids themselves, who get to use some amazing kit for exciting, practical learning that starts them thinking for themselves.

Because the independent schools provide so much for free, Serious Fun offers incredible value for money. Consequently, we have opened 13 projects since 2003, involving over 100 schools and helping more than 2,500 children of all abilities. In some cases, host schools have even found new funding to continue and expand the projects by themselves. All in all, a serious result.

You’re 16, you’ve just done your GCSEs and the whole summer’s ahead of you. So it’s feet up, telly on and a quick shout-out to your mates to see what’s happening, right?

Wrong – at least for 80 London teenagers, because last year Serious Fun arrived at Westminster School with a week-long course for very bright students. “We

wanted them to see the brilliant things they could do if they stayed at school,” said Gill Cumberland of Westminster Council, which part-funded the project.

After uncompromisingly academic classes every morning, the afternoons involved activities, games and personal development workshops. “The week fulfilled its aims superbly,” said Gill. “For some, this was life-changing because they met other people with similar interests and plans for the future.”

Westminster’s Jeremy Kemball agreed, noting “a discernible improvement” in the students’ confidence. In particular,

he hoped that the week reinforced their belief in a future involving “a rigorous academic degree at a well-respected university.”

Many students have since returned to Westminster for some extra-curricular science lectures. Jeremy also intends to invite them back this summer for a “higher educational clinic” covering UCAS forms, interview technique and degree choices. “I don’t know how much one week can achieve,” he said, “but if this prompted just a few to set themselves tougher targets, get higher grades and go to a better university then, for me, it will have been successful.”

School’s in for summer


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Everybody understands the importance of reading and writing, but speech? Perhaps that’s why communication has historically been so neglected at school – until now.

Surprising as it seems, around 50% of all children start school with poor or delayed language skills. For some, it just takes time; for many, however, this undermines both their confidence and ability to learn – 75% of them leave primary school with substandard literacy skills.

Speech is already an important part of certain SHINE projects, such as DigiSmart and Brunel Urban Scholars. But now we are taking this further with two new projects that focus explicitly on communication. Both hope to improve students’ communication skills and thereby increase their enthusiasm, confidence and clarity of thought.

Debate Mate uses oratory and competition, while ‘A Chance to Talk’ is piloting new models for teaching communication skills to 4-7 year olds. Over the next three years, more than 4,000 children will benefit from language specialists hired to help teachers support individuals, small groups and even whole classes.

An early evaluation bodes well. Teachers said that their students became more confident in class and progressed faster at school. What’s more, A Chance to Talk is backed by the same people behind the massively successful Every Child a Reader programme so naturally we hope that, before long, every child will learn that, while reading is important, it’s also good to talk.

• Poor communication particularly affects poor families: children in low income households hear just 500 different words a day, compared with 1,500 different words daily in affluent households.

• Just 15% of students with poor speech and language skills achieve five good GCSEs, compared with 69% of all teenagers.

A SHINE-funded Urban Scholar at Brunel University, Ashlee Moyo, 16, is now a seasoned public speaker – so we asked her for some advice.

“Besides presenting in class, every year we give a presentation to the Urban Scholars and their parents. This was the first time I’d presented in front of people I didn’t know – it was a bit nerve-wracking when I saw the crowd but then once you get into it, you just relax and it’s fun.”

The following year, Ashlee and some friends spoke about their favourite music video. “The slides just had pictures on them and we spoke not from notes, but bullet points. If you freeze, you just remember, ‘relax, carry on and be yourself’.”

“Doing presentations has made me more confident in my opinions, as long as I know what I’m saying. Beforehand, I wouldn’t be too keen to share with other people but I’m now happy to say what I think and then listen to the others. And presenting has made me more willing at school – I think, ‘yes, I know that, I want to do that’. But I still need to learn not to talk so fast!”




Full information on these and other SHINE-funded projects can be found at www.shinetrust.org.uk.

SPEAKER’S CORNERAnother new initiative for SHINE is Debate Mate. This uses formal, structured argument to help secondary students develop their reasoning skills, communication and confidence in a fun, yet challenging, way.

Debate Mate trains Oxford and London undergraduates to run weekly after-school debating clubs in secondary schools. During the year, students debate curriculum-related topics in a series of competitions before ending the season with the Richard Koch Cup, a contest for all participating schools.

Initial signs are promising: an independent evaluation of last year’s pilot showed that two-thirds of participants enjoyed classroom discussions more than before; 85% said they had become more confident and articulate. More anecdotally, half of the teachers in one school had seen a noticeable improvement in academic performance.

So far, so good and, with SHINE’s help, Debate Mate is expanding into 80 schools, to help around 1,200 young people. We’ll also be watching the grades of those involved because, as these students now know, any good argument is backed up by hard evidence, not a lot of hot air.


I want to go to university more now – my future seems more exciting!Debate Mate student

“At first the kids didn’t even know what a debate was. They would either talk forever, making no sense, or go bright red and sit down after 10 seconds. The key was getting them to work together and organise their arguments properly.”

“Originally it was mainly the gifted students but now kids of all abilities are coming along. Debating helps you structure your thoughts and speak logically and confidently, so it’s important to look beyond just the smartest kids: those needing the most help can benefit even more. And now their history teacher is using it, telling them; ‘Do it like you do your debating – a proposition and then an opposition’.”

“They’ve made great progress and some of them see me now as a sort of role model. They think, ‘well he’s at university, maybe I can go too’, and they’re asking me about degree choices. So although Debate Mate has created some great new speakers, more than that, it’s given them the skills to exceed their own expectations.”

Cerith Evans represented Wales in the 2008 World Schools Debating Championships; he now studies history at UCL and teaches debating at The Lammas School in Leyton.


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We’re always keen to support interesting new initiatives, such as That Reading Thing, a highly regarded literacy support project for teenagers in Tower Hamlets. Many of the young people it helps have a reading age less than half their chronological age which, alongside their often challenging behaviour, is wrecking their future prospects.

Students spend up to a year attending regular one-to-one sessions, working through a series of structured lessons that invariably achieve marked improvements in their reading age. With demand for this unglamorous but essential service doubling in the past three years, SHINE’s grant will enable it to continue

its work helping more young people to re-engage and start afresh.

Then there’s Body & Soul, which supports families and children living with HIV. Its weekly Teen Spirit programme includes study support staffed by qualified teachers (including Teach First volunteers) at its north London base.

With SHINE funding, Body & Soul can now put this programme online and evaluate it to show them the impact they are already having and what else they need to do. Research regularly suggests that a special place to study can produce real improvements in young people’s engagement and academic achievement so

we hope that this award-winning charity will now become better able to nurture not just body and soul, but the mind as well.

Mind, body and soul

Besides expanding our own, home-grown Saturday programmes, we’re always looking for other ways to use the weekend to raise attainment and address real need.

Take teenage underachievement, for example. In some London boroughs last year, around 45% of 15 year olds left school without five good GCSEs. Windsor Fellowship tackles this troubling statistic head on by working with 14-16 year olds in east London who, although bright, risk falling short. Regular Saturday seminars over two years will improve participants’ revision techniques and learning skills. It expects them all to achieve five good GCSEs – a target it met last year – and to start making informed choices about their futures.

But to attract seriously disengaged teenagers into school on Saturdays you sometimes need something a little special. Watford Grammar has a huge climbing wall, while Entrepreneurs in Action uses business challenges to attract underachieving 12-14 year olds. Frequent Saturday sessions help them improve their communication and presentation techniques, teach them key (and transferable) skills – such as planning and pricing – and increase their overall enthusiasm and commitment in class. A similar scheme transformed some serious underachievers so, naturally, we’re hoping that this new Saturday initiative will also... do the business.


Climbing Higher, run by Watford Grammar School for Boys, combines personalised tuition, family support and a 10 metre climbing wall to help disadvantaged local students prepare for GCSEs. We spoke to Martin Post, Watford’s headmaster, to find out more.

What will this project achieve? To master the climbing wall, the boys will need to apply some discipline, which they can then apply to their education. There’s nothing radical about this: it’s about hard work, commitment, a little excitement and clear pathways towards achievement.

How can regular Saturday classes make a difference? Saturday schools can provide a really solid, sustained input that engrains good habits into the students. It’s amazing how they’re willing to invest their time over the year for something exciting that’ll also help them at school.

At more than £1,000 per head, why is it so expensive? Taken across the whole programme, and given the level of disadvantage we’re addressing, it’s actually very good value – just £75 per week. This includes transport and crèche facilities so that parents can attend their sessions, which is really important.

But why pay qualified teachers when other organisations use volunteers? Only proper teachers can identify what these students need to progress further; they add value by knowing where these kids are now and how they can improve. You wouldn’t want your car serviced by a happy, enthusiastic amateur, would you?

How will you assess your impact? Given the students are preparing for GCSEs and we know, based on prior attainment, what they should be achieving, we’ll end up with some pretty hard stats. There’s also qualitative data around attitude and aspirations. If this project doesn’t offer a cost-effective way for improving their attainment then it won’t have been successful. But it will be.

• more than 1 in 3 disadvantaged children left primary school last year with inadequate maths or English skills – around twice the national average.

• in 2008, fewer than 1 in 4 children on free school meals achieved 5 good GCSEs (including English and maths) – less than half the national average.

• more than 28% of 15-19 year olds in the UK are not in education. This is the third highest rate in the OECD – only Turkey and Mexico do worse.

Why SHINE? Because...

Full information on these and other SHINE-funded projects can be found at www.shinetrust.org.uk.

That Reading Thing helped me to get better at sounding out words. The best thing was reading a book.Student




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As you know, we think that the smartest, most cost-effective way to help more children is to take proven success and reproduce it elsewhere. So naturally we’re always pleased when a SHINE-funded programme takes active steps to spread its wings.

IntoUniversity provides academic support to 7-18 year olds from low-income families with no previous history of higher education. Endorsed by The National Foundation for Educational Research, it offers weekly academic support sessions for younger children; for teenagers, this work expands to include undergraduate mentors, personal development coaching and career information sessions. It also runs subject-based challenges, some a week long, to promote a love for learning and interest in university.

After years of success in north Kensington, IntoUniversity launched an ambitious fundraising campaign to expand into new boroughs. Last year it opened in Lambeth, Brent and Bow, enabling it to support 2,800 kids – a threefold increase. Two new centres, in Haringey and Hackney, will increase capacity to more than 9,000 students each year.

It is also developing a more rigorous monitoring and evaluation process, ultimately to be reinforced by an independent assessment of its work. With very strong anecdotal evidence already underpinning this programme, we welcome such energy and ambition and will be watching it closely, willing it on.

Pounds, pennies & projects

• £200 allows SHINE to put 10 students through Debate Mate and improve their communication skills.

• £1,000 will enable eight kids to receive intensive support from IntoUniversity.

• £20,000 will pay for another summer school at Westminster.• £50,000 will open up another top independent school for at

least three years of Serious Fun on Saturday.


• In 2009, SHINE committed £1,534,394 in grants.• Since August 2000, we have awarded 127 grants, worth

almost £11 million.• These have directly helped more than 21,000 children from

nearly 800 schools in London and Manchester.• SHINE’s trustees cover all operating costs, so every penny we

receive goes to fund current and future projects.


• SHINE on Saturday programmes – giving underachievers 20% extra tuition every year.

• Serious Fun on Saturday programmes – opening top private schools to local children.

• Literacy Programmes – offering extra one-to-one support to struggling children.

• Literacy Plus – combining literacy support with intensive tuition in ICT.

• Mathematics & Science – providing exciting, hands-on experiments and workshops.

• Gifted Students – stretching gifted and talented inner-city students.

• Special Focus Programmes – targeting children in care, refugee children and teenagers who have problems learning.

• Big Impact Programmes – partnerships that provide intensive literacy and numeracy tuition, superb teachers and student mentors.

PROGRAMME STRANDSHINE on SaturdaysSerious Fun on SaturdaysLiteracy ProgrammesLiteracy Plus Mathematics & Science Gifted StudentsSpecial Focus ProgrammesBig Impact ProgrammesTOTALS











Bigger, better,

further, more

IntoUniversity is the best, so fun, the best way to learn. The lessons were really exciting, far more than words can say.Student

Over the years, we’ve made well over 100 grants, making SHINE the hub of a network of dozens of like-minded schools and organisations. And since we’re always looking to squeeze extra juice from our work, we’d be mad not to make the most of this opportunity. So we try to offer our projects more than just a cheque by acting as a clearing house: pooling ideas, promoting best practice and providing useful contacts and expertise.

Consequently we often link organisations with each other to share common experience. We also introduce new projects to their more

established siblings to see for themselves what works on the ground – common sense, perhaps, but surprisingly uncommon in practice. Our education experts – both trustees and staff – also sit on boards, help recruit staff or select schools, while the rest of us do what we can to champion our best programmes. On some days, this means connecting them with decision makers in government; on others, introducing them to new sources of funding or persuading other trusts to provide financial support.

As they say on TV, every little helps and, over time, this extra input increases the long term value of our work (and your generosity) by enabling our projects to continually improve and expand and, ultimately, build for themselves a sustainable future, independent of SHINE. Besides, it’s nice to feel wanted.



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Last year, Jon Snow hosted SHINE’s 10th Anniversary Benefit Dinner, helping us raise almost £1 million. We recently caught up with him to find out what he thought.

“At first, I admit I doubted whether SHINE could pull the evening off and raise all that money. The Roundhouse is a brilliant venue but it’s so big; I’d never before been to that kind of event there and I wondered how on earth they’d fill it. However, fill it they did and on the night there was a terrific spirit in the room – people were fantastically generous.”

“Then of course there was the band and the Alex Ferguson dinner. I last saw Status Quo when I was a student at Liverpool University, but I’d never met Sir Alex before. He’s a true

gent, a much nicer person than he pretends to be, so the chance to have dinner with him and another top manager was the most sensational offer.”

“It’s clear from not just the scale but also the breadth of its projects that SHINE really is making a very profound contribution and offers the kind of added value that the state is never going to provide. And I was struck by how discreet the whole evening was: people weren’t flaunting the good work that they were doing. If we in the press did something similar, we’d really want to make a song and dance about it, I can assure you. So ultimately, I felt this was community responsibility really very well expressed and, of course, an absolutely terrific night.”

CONGRATULATIONS TO: • SHINE on Saturday @ Archbishop Sumner School, which

almost doubled the number of students achieving or exceeding the national standard in literacy. And a special high five to ...

• ...Asad, who on arrival from Somalia two years ago had only very basic English skills. Now he’s exceeding the national standard in maths, literacy and science. We’re impressed!

• SHINE on Saturday @ Sebright School, which halved the number of pupils with substandard maths and English – not bad when you consider that 1/3 have special educational needs and many had made no progress at all in the previous two years.

• SHINE on Saturday @ Axis, where not one student is a native English speaker. It still managed to halve the number falling behind at school – some kids even made two years’ progress in maths and English.

• Finally, SHINE on Saturday @ Clapham & Lark Hall School, where 2/3 of students started the project falling way behind in their literacy; by year end, they were outperforming the rest of the school.

The right kind of Snow

Raising $17 million for charities since 2001, industry group 100 Women in Hedge Funds clearly has the golden touch. Last year it chose to focus its philanthropic clout on education. “People in our industry recognise how crucial education has been to them personally,” explained Anne Popkin, Global Chair; “They understand that giving people better access to educational opportunities can change lives.”

Imagine our delight, then, when SHINE was named their UK Charity of the Year. “We liked SHINE’s really strong focus on due diligence,” said Effie Datson, London Chair. “There are clear metrics in place, they understand the need to measure results and their programmes have clearly been effective. That really resonated with our members.”

Those members congregated at 100 Women in Hedge Funds’ Fundraising Gala, a drinks reception held last October in the Locarno Suite at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, with a keynote speech from SHINE Patron Sarah Brown. “It wasn’t big, it wasn’t splashy, but instead it was very much focused on SHINE,” said Kristen Eshak, the group’s Philanthropy Board Champion for Europe. At the end of the evening, SHINE was presented with a cheque for almost £250,000. “At the start of the year we told SHINE we expected to raise £100,000” said Kristen. “Just imagine how thrilled we are to more than double that amount” (clue: not as thrilled as us). For 100 Women, 1,000 thanks.

Hundreds and thousands


We’ve not been shy about our link with the David Beckham Academy (would you?). So it’s with some sorrow that we have to announce the Academy’s closure

in Greenwich and the end of this special relationship.

It’s not all bad news, though – David will continue as a Patron of SHINE, while also developing a mobile version of the Academy’s educational and coaching work. As the

hundreds of SHINE students invited to the Academy will attest, this uses football-related assignments to test key skills – such as literacy, numeracy and science – to tremendous effect.

School excursions have never been more popular!

Overall, the Academy has donated almost £450,000 to SHINE through the proceeds of its annual Corporate Cup. Naturally we field a team but, in truth, our performance never quite matched our

aspirations. Until last year, when the chaps exceeded our (now muted) expectations by reaching the final of the Plate (the competition for the also-rans). No, it’s not the Premiership but still, we can at

least now part with our collective heads held high(ish). So farewell and thanks to everybody at the Academy. You were fantastically generous and we were very, very lucky.


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Big cloud, shiny liningThe collapse of Lehman Brothers spelled disaster for many, not least the many charities it funded. But now Nomura has taken up the reins, starting with SHINE.

“Lehman Brothers had a strong culture of giving to charities so, following Nomura’s acquisition, we quickly established The Nomura Charitable Trust to help continue this work,” says Anthony Harte, now Nomura’s Head of Community Affairs, EMEA. The trust supports disadvantaged young people by focusing on three areas: education, employability and aspirations. “SHINE complements our own goals very well and clearly we wanted to work with an organisation that

we knew was extremely results-driven and could deliver impact straightaway.”

As a result, the trust recently awarded £120,000 towards a new SHINE on Saturday project in Southwark. “The firm has a long partnership with a primary school in Southwark, so naturally we wanted to bring in SHINE’s expertise,” Anthony said. “SHINE has already established 19 of these projects, with a great track record of success. Once you look at the improvements in literacy and numeracy they have achieved, these statistics are very powerful.” The new project will start in September, so watch this space.

• Every Child Counts – last year it helped more than 2,600 children who, on average, progressed at nearly five times the normal rate. Better still, they continued to make above-average progress for months after leaving the programme.

• Springboard – in a sample group, 65% started the year with serious reading difficulties. However, 83% ended up exceeding their teachers’ expectations; one girl even boosted her reading age by 87 months!

• Teenagers attending the Lyric Theatre’s START programme – although all were unemployed when beginning the programme, 2/3 achieved a GCSE-equivalent qualification and are now at college, in a job, or on a course or apprenticeship.

• DigiSmart, Hanover Foundations and Every Child a Reader – which yet again posted impressive results.

PLATINUM SUPPORTERS The David Beckham AcademyDavid BloodBloombergGavin & Yaena BoyleManjit DaleGavyn Davies & Sue NyeGeneration Investment Management LLCMark Heffernan & Lisa EndlichThe Nomura Charitable TrustJim & Caroline O’NeillSofronie FoundationThe Tudor FoundationUS Friends of SHINE100 Women in Hedge Funds

PERSONAL SUPPORTERSGordon & Sarah BrownCapital MS&L Sir Alex FergusonAlan HansenMagdalene KarydaGary LinekerProfessor Alison RichardJon SnowStatus Quo

GOLD SUPPORTERSThe John Armitage Charitable TrustBGC PartnersGoldman Sachs InternationalBecky & Jimmy MayerThe Taylor Family FoundationJon Wood

SILVER SUPPORTERSThe Ambika Paul FoundationBank of America Merrill LynchBarclays CapitalDavid BarnesBlueCrest CapitalLeda BragaEdward BrahamBridges Ventures Tim BuntingCFA Society of the UKClarium Capital Management LLCDaryl CookRichard & Christina Costaridi-CrosbyCredit SuisseMark DaltonDeutsche BankErach & Roshan Sadri FoundationMark EvansSir Alex FergusonChristopher FrenchFreshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLPMina Gerowin & Jeffrey Herrmann

Phillip HylanderPip & Nick JohnstonKPMG FoundationLombard Odier Darier HentschMarble Bar Asset Management New Philanthropy CapitalNomura International plcThe Ogden TrustPi CapitalRBC Wealth ManagementDavid RyanSamos Investments LtdMichael & Melanie SherwoodJulie & Dag SkattumThe Sutton TrustTDR Capital LLPThomson ReutersThe Tom ap Rhys Pryce Memorial TrustSteve & Christina TurnerDr Sushil & Mrs Renu WadhwaniAndrew & Geeta Waugh

BRONZE SUPPORTERSAcropole AM SASCurtis AdamsPeter AisherAlbourne Partners LimitedGordon AlexanderYusuf AlirezaMasha AlmazovaChristiano AmorusoShinji AokiBen AppenMatthew AppletonErin ArcherJohn ArneyGeorge AssalyAviva InvestorsDawn BakerLyndsey BakerTim BallRobert BarnesRory BarrattOlga BasirovCaroline BaultDr Leigh BaxandallNeil BeddoeHenry & Sara BedfordJustin BeeberRon Beller & Jennifer MosesKate & Jonathan BerrymanJennifer BethlehemNick & Becca BettanyVikrant & Surbhi BhargavaElizabeth BishopThe Blackstone GroupBloomsbury Information LimitedRichard Bogod

Andrew BoundKaty BourneDavid BowenCaroline BradleyMartin BrayAaron BrownMaud BrownChris BullivantAlessandro & Debrina Cajrati CrivelliDavid CampbellRichard CampbellRollo CampbellJohn CandillierRik CarmichaelEmma CartwrightQuin CaseyGaurang ChadhaS J ChestersPaul ChristensenCiti Global Markets LtdCitywireHannah ClaridgeRebecca ClarkCampbell ClarkeJo ClunieKevin ConnorsChris & Jamie Cooper-HohnElaine CrockerBindu DasariEffie DatsonAndrew DauschDavidson Kempner Capital Management LLCDawn CapitalMark DearloveDes DenningM DhawanOlaf Diaz-PintadoBrian DineenEd DolmanAlma DonohoeGregoire du MesnilStephen DulakeRick DykstraEdelmanKatharine EdwardsAnouschka ElliottJonathan P ElliottRichard EllisDonna EtiebetEvening Standard LtdExecution LtdTim EylesSimon & Puja FairbrassVasiliki FarmakiJames FausetMark & Fiona FergusonSomerset Willis FlemingChris Fleming

Thank you to our supporters in 2009Ashley FoxJenni FranzmannRaoul FraserTom FraserJane FullerMichael GeorgiouMarc GillyEsther GilmoreIthai GoldbergWill GoodhartSusannah GorbeyManuela & Markus GranziolRoger GrayCharlie & Ros GreenMatthew GreenburghBenjamin GrizzleJean GrossMarek & Iona GumiennyStephen & Angelina HallKaren Anne HantonSarah & Peter HarrisPhillip HarrisChristopher HarrisonAnthony HarteDiana HatchettVicky HendersonMax HerbersteinChris HewlettWilliam HiscocksLucy HodgsonTonya HoffmanRadhika & Simon HookwayPiers HorneTimothy HoyleDavid HuntJames HunterFrances HutchinsonIKOS CIF LtdCatherine IngmanGuy IngramRichard JacksonNigel JenkinsAdrian JohnsonGarri JonesJuergen KarcherSusan KayeGillian KeanePatrick & Joy KenneyShaun KingAnnamaria & Heinrich KoerlingCaleb KramerYuliya KryzhanovskaNicholas KukrikaAnne LancasterSandrine LavourasGordon LawsonMike LeightonJonathan LewisMathieu LiefLinkbrokersEmily LiuGeorge LiuSimon Lloyd

Wendy LloydThe M&G GroupChris MackCarolyn MaddoxMagnitude Capital LLCAnjani MaldeArdy MaldeClaire MaloneyRobert MarkwickEmma MartinLouise MartinLesley MartinezRoy & Anita MartinsCharlotte MasquelierStephanie MathernTim Maunder TaylorCarl MauritzonBrian MayCecilia McAnultyJon McCallFionnuala McCredieGuy McCullochSally McGleughlinMalcolm McNabHans MehnRaj MehtaBrian & Emma MenellCemile Zeynep MericJerry MillsDr Carolina Minio PaluelloMorgan Stanley & CoNigel MorrisSue MoseleyIan MukherjeeElizabeth MunsonNikkei The Nihon Keizai ShimbunPaul NorrisSir Gus O’DonnellKlaus OestergaardAndrew OldalePeter OppenheimerColm O’SheaPeter O’SheaNigel O’SullivanScott PalmerPaamco Europe LLPTatziana Paraguacuto-MaheoSimona ParavaniThe Park Hill GroupUshma ParmarBharat PatelVipul PatelHelen PayneRobin PhillipsJohn Phizackerley & Christine du ToitMomtchil PojarlievAnne PopkinPrick Up Your EarsMark PumfreySarah PurcellCactus RaaziCharlotte RansomDeepak Rao

Sue RasmussenHannah ReadingProfessor Alison RichardStephen RobertsonNigel RobinsonTom RobinsonJeroen RomboutsElise RosenRichard & Anna RothwellAndy RubinScott RudgleyIlse RyderJenny RyderS J Berwin LLPSale Methodist SingersNadia SalibaSerene SalibaAnthony SalzRob SargentChristopher SaulAndrew & Belinda ScottNeil SherlockSteve SimpsonEdward M SiskindNiall SloaneJonathan & Anne SmithKate SmithQuentin SmithP H StillwellRoper StrypeJonathan SummersR W A SwannellPiers TalallaSally TennantThe TimesJens ToepferKatie TomneyPeter TomozawaEdward & Claire TrehearneDaniel TrinderReto TuffliEmma & Hugh TurnerJames TurnerMichael van SwaaijHugo van VredenburchJens VanbrabantDamien VanderwiltKatherine VangJames WedderburnEraj WeerasingheLinda WendelCaroline WhalleyJohn WhiteLoretta WhiteGuy WhittleBarnaby WienerElske WillenborgNatalie WinterfrostDebra WoodSusannah WoodChris WoolleyKevin WulwikZFU International Business School


Once upon a time, a small charity asked a big friend to lend them its place for a party. Innocent enough, even if the friend was

media giant Bloomberg and the place was their stunning Finsbury Square headquarters.

Yet from this smallest of starts grew something rather special, as Bloomberg has since become one of SHINE’s most generous donors. “SHINE’s strong connection with the City appeals to us,” a spokesperson said. “We also like its focus on education and children – increasing opportunities for young people who might not normally have many chances to excel.”

Alongside the loan of their HQ, Bloomberg has sponsored a number of Benefit Dinners and last year made a substantial donation to SHINE projects on the ground. “What matters to us is that we help young people of all abilities to receive robust, practical support that will help them acquire the essential skills that they will need to thrive not just at school, but also in later life.” We couldn’t agree more and are optimistic that, with this kind of backing, SHINE can give many more children’s stories a very happy ending.

from small seeds...


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TrusteesJim O’Neill David Blood Gavin BoyleMark FergusonMark Heffernan Dr Krutika PauJohn Phizackerley Richard RothwellAnthony Salz Dr Caroline Whalley

Patrons David BeckhamSarah BrownGavyn Davies Sir Alex FergusonBaroness Sarah Hogg Sir Peter OgdenHon Angad PaulProfessor Alison RichardJune SarpongDr Sushil Wadhwani

StaffStephen Shields Elizabeth Brown Gordon Chapman Ruth Dwyer Patricia Mahoney Sara Portway

• September: SHINE on Windsor – the Windsor Half Marathon.

• November: SHINE’s Annual Benefit Dinner – venue tbc.

Coming up in 2010

With those New Year’s Resolutions now gone and long forgotten, perhaps you need some fresh inspiration. Here’s some ways to help SHINE this year, somewhat shoehorned into a convenient acronym.

ponsor at table at SHINE’s 2010 Benefit Dinner this November (date tbc). ost a fundraising event for SHINE: it could be golf, the theatre or just a few cheeky drinks with the neighbours. ntroduce SHINE to new independent schools who could host a Serious Fun on Saturday programme. ominate SHINE as your company’s charity partner or its 2010 charity of the year.ach time you think about giving to charity, act on that impulse and give to SHINE (because we’re worth it...) If you do any or all of the above, consider yourself a bona-fide SHINE star!

S.H.I.N.E.* for SHINE*

Please contact: For more information about

SHINE please call Stephen Shields,

Chief Executive, on

020 8393 1880 or email him at

[email protected]






* SHINE gives our most disadvantaged children and young people a window onto a better future; it gives them a leg up; it gives them a chance. In years to come, hundreds of young people will look back at their time on one of SHINE’s initiatives and say ‘that was the moment when my life changed’.

Sarah Brown, SHINE Patron


