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REPORTS itS I from the WI,"' IociIItion. RCSIUBRARY i ... Mature Students " ~~, 35 ... • _ ........

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Building a capacity for change: lifelong learning in the Information Society Item type Report Authors Information Society Commission Publisher Stationary Office Downloaded 20-May-2018 00:42:29 Link to item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/221380 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse

Building a capacity for change: lifelong learning in theInformation Society

Item type Report

Authors Information Society Commission

Publisher Stationary Office

Downloaded 20-May-2018 00:42:29

Link to item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/221380

Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse




Building a Copodty for Change Lifelong Learning in the Information Sodety

Report by the Information SOGety Commission

This ~port OJn be actHRd o"~"e through the -tlsite of the Information SocIIty Commission It www.lnfosocomm.I'. The ontine version Includes web

Hnles to relevant projects, initiatives ilnd publiCitioru ~ to throughout the report. The report can also 1M! downloaded itS I PDF file

from the WI,"' IociIItion.



July 1999


Information Society Ireland

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lelmln.lssue are of "'nlfllln<tpott.ttl(e 10 tht evoMn.ln!onnalion ~Iy. ~_nts "",to mod"",

InIo,mlllon Ind romm ... lulllOIIle.ilnolo.IH .... UHbnl In efl,,;flIOIIn>eftl of rapid and orwoInI Wnlf. This ftWIrontnt.m. d ...... nd<.'ntW IPPro.th 10 lummi_ W. -.t ~ oItJlI$ and .... de~tlodl"l$. We m ... '

.Iso ~Op IIIe r.dIity to enl\all<t thtw ~US and ... ncltrslan.dlnp on an 0"101.., bub. In other....o..

we must tfnbrl<t Ind promol. I cuhu ... of 1KeIoft ..... "'q.

This Is. r.d~1 shill. rrom our tflIdltlonll IlIprOKl!. We h''''' 10 rna .... .... y I,om!he tOtlto!,1 of Im""nlnl

knowledlo 1M .~iII. at pr.-ord,iM(! POInt' In II ..,. Ind hGpln, 1M! tl1ey will suffice"" Ufo, It Is c~. ,

that ttofs IpprO)acil ",'a In . little ,.1 ..... 0<. In In e .. whe re chlnl . has be<omeone of The few tert.lntlei.

w. muSt at.te Ind fusler In .n.l,oomo" .. h .... I"."tlll" " I{!;""'I, """",",.,ed Ind IKIl~.ttd

IhtOUlhO<.lI the indlviduars lir.etime. W. llso I\Md to recolni$e th.t 1IIi< ... presents In tfIOm>OU.

a..llena. \0 1M oduca\I<WI Ind \l'llnm, Ml'IIO;t Ul'tl Ihat _ u,,,,tnUy ha .... In pll(t. 1\ Is de., llIat mot<'

ft~"ble Ind mo ... ~ "".",.n>enr. ... nt!ed<!d.

I)uf ,~part uplDlti 1M ~_ uso<lf.t~ .,illl r,leIonll ... rnin,lnd .... us ......... mendatl_ ""<1ft thrft

I>Qdlnp. W. <on, ldiP. ~.rnin£ in 1M <OIMlUMY. 1Nm1". In Ih. Ionnal ~ucation ~ern. and INrnl ...

fat the woRpIate. 110" ...... _ ... ke it de .. lhallhese .. (Q"'plementlry .... inte<d.." .... nl Mn>ents

oIlh. IlfelGnI Ifl.rnins prO<<"S$ - 1101 "",,Iltles thll (.In be C(JMI dr....:l in 100IIII .... Iron'I eath 01",". A \.,.

<"'I~nle Is the"~ tor I .... ordln".d f1'SportW tkat <ut$ ac.ou Uad~iGnaUy ac<~'" bo\Indfl\es. For

t .. ",P~. 1M ~mt'Ill th.ot "". IIftn ",Ide In 1«.I".oIOfY In schoOl, m .. t be made .".llf.bIe to tM

(om"'~ nlf'/ It 1.'1~. Our l\lid1nl pnndple "'~I be 10 ldeflli~ 011<1 '~5>Ond to our ~""In, _lis on • nlilonil 1>1,1 •.

The repOli loob at key drnlopm~nl'. ''''''pIH of ,GOd p' .diu ond identIA •• publ!( pOlicy IsSuti thot

n~ to be IddfMoed. h wuld not ",lie bHn ~,od\lced wll"Oul the suPpO" I nd effOll of m,rty pe-op~.

In plftl(ull1ll'~' Ih i, <>ppO"unity to tnlnk \I1e ... mbe .. of the Co"'mls.~ leamlna A<IvI$oty Gtoup

"" ,hei, H<iiulion dunn, ~ past YQ'. A .""t lf.l W6,d of "",tit"". Is dll<' to the 1n~1 <OM"'lant.

IN Cyril Dnory. botJ\ 10, his __ In product". Ihls ~ and for c.wyin, out It.! fflUr(h on which It

Is bised. I -.td lib Iiso 10 <Of1-.ey the eommlsslotl'S ippredation 10 OUr ~~I "" thei, oopInl

$Uf>poI"1 Ind <ommitmenl.

The ~ oIliloPlons \Qm ..... ~ n .11. We mllSt pr_e It IhrOUlfl • p,otH'l 01 ..... 0YIn. 011$<-' ~"I"I oppolt\lnities..,d doio, so in i (o- onIl"'l~ IHilIen. Whit. _ I ... mavlnl ln 1M flrht dlf1'(tion.

II I. t ..... II\a1 "' • ..., d\ol~'H rt-m;Iln . We mu .. "'oolOe ..... 01ybody wi'" the oppottunijytO .... b.a...he Info.rmltlon SoQo1r Ind to a(q~k. and dO!W!lop the sl<1If> tltat Ihf> now ttl deno.,nds 01 us. M we Ippr<ndo • now millennium. t.. us tfIIOrlce [loIs challenl_ wllh ~n[lo usi'$m . nd 1"'" 1\ the p,lorily it

clearly d~M". Nothin g less wil l b. Iccepl.bie.


_.'-......... '- '-~"'--'" 2



lurni", In t~ Community


l~.mlnl i"'~ Fo",...1 Ed"""lion Sl"tem

Lurnl~1 a~d tilt WDrtpl.1'~



• • • , , , ..

RECENT DEVElOPMENTS IN I'UBUC POI.ICY ....................... , ....... ...... . .. " GreeI1 P~i><f on Mutt EdLIUtlon Edocat;on and T~inlnl (Qu.IHk .. tlon.) Bill

LEVElS OF ~nAI NMENT.\NO P-'RTICJPATION .................. .

Mull L~eracy

.. .. .. ....................... 1l ..

P"rtklp.tlo" by .-o.dulto In Edu",,!i,," Ind Trol"ln8 '1 INFORMATION loGE TOWNS ................................................................................. 1~

Ennis 15

O!"~, Inl""".~,,"...,. Town Inltl~t~ '5 R~ .... r,," ,6

UBRAR IES ................. _ ................ ........... .................... _ ...................... ........ .. ... .. ,6 ""blk Librori,s '7

POOMOTING ICT LITERACY ......... ..................................... ................................. ··'9 ""bll< SUN.., on Ih~ Information Soc"ty '9 EU1'Op~.n (ampul,r Or/vi'l lk~n<~ '0 N;ltlonlllCT Uter>W/ Inlt\f:tl~ 2.


SOtOOL PAIITlOPATION ............................... ....... _ ....... ......... _ .......................... 22 PrtWMlnl Elriy l)fQ!'-oul 22 R,Untio-n Rat..,. 2]

INFORMATION AGE S<HOOLS ................... .. ............ ..................... .............. .......... 24 sotOOLS IT2<.oo ..................... _ ......................... ~ .. _ ...... .................. ................. 'S

Manal"-"t and fundine T..,hnolol'/ Inlqr.tloo Initiatlw {TIO Schools SUpport Inlli.tTv, (551) Tt_d.i", Skill. Initi.~v~ (T50 School. Inte.ratlon Proj..,t


" " .. " " " Ev. lu.ation 11

SCHOOlS AS A COMMUNITY R~SOURCE .• _............. ........................ . ...•... 27 THE S<HOOL CURRKULUM ................................................................................ 28

ICT. In tile 0lIl<1,1 Sthool Currkulum " " Fo ... il" la'lual" JO

[u"'lle.n In!lI.H".. 3'

P-'RTI(lPAfIDN IN THIRD lEVn EDUCATION .................... " ................. ....... _ ....... )1 S«i.lIIladtf1'(fund )2

Part·time Edll<lllon 11 Mature Students

" ~~, 35 DIST,o,t/(E [OI.!CAT\ON AND FLUiBlE LEARNI~G ............. ............ ............ ............ 36

-,-~---... --3

LWNING INFRASTRlICTURE ..... ..•...•..... , ...................................... ..... ......... , ... , ... 36 Bulldins Pro,ramm<! ]6

Bmadband ""two"" 31 RESEARCH .. . , ........................................... , .•..........•. , ........ ...•.••.•••.••.• ········· ,·········]7

].. LEARNING ,,"0 THE WQUPlACE " l,O,!lOUR MAR~£T T~ENOS._ ...... , .... ~ ......... ............. _ .................................. ·.···_·39 Incrus.d E!ni>l"'lm~t L,bour Ma,ul Supply OKI .... I. Unemp loymenl


" " ,0 ... ........... , ... , .... ... ................... .. ·.··· .. ·4°

Fut T .. ,k to Inlofmal lon Te""nolol'/ (fIT) 42 FUTURt: S~ I LLS NEEDS .... ..... ................ ... , ... .... ........... .................... ·· .. _······_····4.

T"""'n l<lo.. 42 l"I,...!Vkfi 43

TMrd L ..... rI PlaCei 43 (QMM.ETlON RATES AT THIRD LEVU , ................................................................. 43

A(UEDITATION , ... ........... .. .................. ....... , ... .•.....•. _ ..... , ...... ··· ,····· ········ ············44

Train ing for l'eople with Di .. biUt5e$ 44 l(JN LEVELS OF ICT TRAINING ........... .............. ............ ... , .......................... ........... 45

KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY .asSET .•.•.•...•. , ........................ , ..... , ... .. ....... .......... ........ . 46

NEW FORMS Of WORK •. , ••• , ••••• .• _ .•.•.•.•..............•. , ....................... ········• .. ·············.7

INVESTMENT IN TRAINING ..... , .. ............................... ............... , ............... __ . ····48

-'Ppropri.t" BrnchmartlnB ,,8 In'" In....slm.nl In Tralnlnl 49 Promotin! Inv .. lmtnt In Trolnlng 49

PROFESSIONAl DEVELOPM(NT OF TRAINERS ................................ ··············· ···· ·50



,o.pPENDIX I ....... ............................................ , .................... ·•········ __ ····_········ .. 54 ,o.pPE N DI~ l •• , .......•.•........... .. ••..••••••••..... •..•................•.•..••...•.•••••••• · •• ·.,·.········ .. ···55


_._"'-------• EXECUTIVE SUMMAR\"

1. Lumi",in ttl_ Community

Some key elf_"to 01. S!nKtu .. 10' litelon, ",at.in, ~'" b«~ ~ul In p ia«! durlnl 1998 .nd '99'1.

Th~ ioclu,,", lilt HISI Grff!l Polw 01'1 aoutt tdlKllllon In lhe history 01 !he Siait. Tile ElluCitkm iEnd "allll"l (QlYlitI<.Jliom.j Bill abo brln, •• hi,hly .i!lniftu,nt <hilnlf In t"'ph..o onto 1M Ie.me, .. ,her

Itw> lite p~ of NUUtlo<l.

It<: ... l1:1000 I: n.. _ ~ ... 1Ilned in 1M rei-*, IIHI TniI.'" (Q •• dklllons) 8il will

'-IIIIa"' ..... ,..-N "'""" .......... P'tGo,iM of !hue _ ... sftouId r.u- 01\ noplotly ""'" 1M __ I of this "'pOOUJII Ioot\sIIIiooI

OECD lHeorch ""monsttltes thai I"" le_. !> 01 p.otlclpa tlon bV adu ll' are linKed 10 low ~I. 01 adult lit..,..<'/. h,"nd .. I .... ' L!lllIfMnt .. thl> ilIU Ii • tau~ lor conu m .rId " tleiMV 0'"' of the fltlor. U",IU .. ti ki!'- "" of OppOrtunhlt5 lor adult mu.:ltlon.

h< ••• ,dltio. I: ""p_1IIS I. 1M ....... '" ...... 01 Hult Iittnq .... 1"'''"'IuIs'''' .... • hlo •• _.tal_....., Sodoty 1M .... ' I aI,_ ""' .... HIon of aclull It ... ", ".... .. _.-

contiM>o "" "" • poIotIIy.

'he C"""mls!olc>r1 , ..... tn.t In up.n~ ~uIt lit"act' prOF"""'" would .Iso tlrltl \hOW who ate

dlwdv.ntJced in 1trmS or KtHS 10 lrainlnl in Info."..,,,,,, 1M tommunkation tiKhnolo!tH (!CT,). Thele

Is "' oppo ~ ""ity to .. , lostre,m In;t10tl",", whkt. hove .. Ide UW! of n"", 'oW"aloll' to advance adutt

Ute.acy Ittaln ..... t ' ''lItS.

_rnendadooo " ICb otIouI~ 1000 -.III> IUppofI tilt lonp""",,nlltM>n "'. multif..:,," Iduillite""Y

po"OIn_. ThIs -w ..... 1M ""HIlt '" "' p"tIII, pw1id~ If> 1111 liMP '" .... !KIll' ..... at 1M _ "- .. oWl .. 1M "'"I.p Mil '" IIt.t<Ky aM IIU-.q' lUIs.

AI. 1M ....... time ~ Is dear Nt those who ........ MtOfY of PI"'io;iplOOn in o:duYtlOll Inc! , •• Inl .... ,e

,IIoIoe who .re .. ost like!\, to \;Ike UP ""' leaminl 1J!IIIO'1:"",ltiH. The", Is • nHd 10 ",ge, 1M dt..dv.n,o. ed.

R ...... mondatlon 4' l .. pl"O'<lll( plrtidpllioa In 1W.lonr1u",ln, will "'lulre both supply lid. I.d (11...,,(1

ohM! _I. Oft 1110 IUPPIy IIdt 1110" it a """ to I.PfI«I Tht p<O"fidtn ollducallcHt and 11'110111( in

1IIek.tforu 10 "'"p ..... _, .. hauISJ t ... _ ..,tklpMIon "'. <lII-nt need .. Oft 1M ~1tI'I.,.d o.kI. !hero

10 • .-.I iii krlW lilt ul*ltY 01 ...... uaItIK, ... _ W IndMollIAb *' ... 011 '" 1M opportunltia Jar

t4 .... tIooo aJMI tnIto .... whldl --' the "ha..

rM In'''''''''lion ..... t ..... ProiKI$ Uti". pi«. ,hrouiJllOUt Ireland hi .... \.old I p,"Ise-'~¥ em""H;. on

1I.,nin, inltlollYes. The<e It • ne.-cI 10 ... """, thlt thoe ... h.o,ble ~_flt .. Inc! IoiSOf'I from .um

ln~""I ..... "r. moo. widely disseminated (h.o.", Ippfopnllf rese."h "nd ••• lUlllon.

~ ...... mondltlon J : If 1110 m .... mu .. ]mPlC! Is 10 bo do~ ... d from Infonnlllon let P«'IKt:I tIlon

IP9fopt\IU! one<lIInlslftl 10< II\IKIIMI and IMdback, NIh kll ...... ad ut .. ",~ m\lSl forfn an IntqnOl

""" .., 1IIoIr dn.l:p. ,too Ionpo<Wl(t 01' " ".,,".t~ 10 .... _ .II1II (Vi" ..... ~ Pl'ojws. pwtIculAotv In .. lotion ... doeI, t-PIdI 011, oN Iooondis Jar IOdoIInduoItn, un_ .. _PIIUISH.

!toe p~ .... nllnd II\Il\Irttntn, ol'_'"'ltnl projects p~ In opponunity to tnlb',ce the pot •• ,11I

of,,", ,--.IH I. I tlllt-y"t To, I""'.' public Ir'""",,,,ncv Ind o~n..,.

----------------------:-=,.-~ , ...... '-'--"'--............ tion " Ai.hd .. ....,..... .... kif d....,_ ."., ....,...,MtIIioII 01 ""bile poIky ,"""III Hoio. 10 lui.,. _111M .. potentW 01 __ noIot!ts",. __ ,. r ....... <AMIIIIaIIoft.

Ubtirles arc Uy paOoIlS 0( KUSS In the Inlormltlo. !ioder,c Thrir cxp~r><Ied role, ... 6e de •• irI !hot

8<ind'lln. Out ~JIO<I on puhllr ~br.riIK. will """,,. IPIIfOpMte ..sou.us.

-.<_.,,11081: no. "" .. l.IIry ... Wk fu04 ..... onust be p.ao1dcd for litI .. rtu ........ ewl1IM_h ..

H <1._ for <omlllunlty U<eU to ICT ItiOIIRtI .nd liI.mlnl in 1M "'''' ..... 1Ion ....

The Co",mlniofl's '?96 ... _v domornot,.,ed In inuelHG public. ""I~ of Ihot lmpllutlorn; of 1M In/ormilion Society. II"""""" thb In<~HflI ''''rl!<1e5S WI. no! nete ... ,ily ,,,.,llred Into o.ptf~n< •. Wt.lle 86 per <enl 01 1M public .,. ,WIre 01 emil!. only" per cent haVO! ItclKS 101M InterMt .

• _ ...... d.tlon 8, .aisl .... 1 __ 01 1M potential of ICT. Is not sufflclent. lalU.1Iwa "'UII ..... 10

p~ 1M pub!k ortIIl boI:II atllKS 10. '" COfKI'tte I~. ol, _ t.dInoiollt ..

",., IIOSiII'le ~r\e1>Ul 01 the c-lI'Ilsslo'HponlOted ltch TV t~ ..rie5. could PfO'oidt 1M btiis

lot .. upIO'Idrd I •• mins in~"tw. In '99'9.

-.c-datiato , : ,. ....... , ICT IIItorIC'/' InItIMIft IhoubI be eotIlMIIM. ThIs InIdIlM would build ... _~ .. _ lOll _ ...... p......w. .dull ,"lftl .. _no! Inoi ...... . pp boaillts IlOdu411\f. 111* Ilia,

.... tIt'"'" for ~I"'" ,rod "'niter ",,""'IIon, '"'"' OI'I .... doftJ, 1iltrartH, sdIoob ..... ,ublk 1II1II p ..... tor

_ !niftl.' ..... dK.

2. l.arn ln, ln the form. 1 Edu(ltion System

~.!.lnl"1 younl II"GPIe ... ithln tho o<luUllo. syslem is I key det.rml"",.1 01 IUlu~ iel,"lnl up,ad!y.

The~ Is I tofte,,", Ih~I!I1~ ..,1<11 I ... IIIOIHI)' 01 ... 0/1< .... y ,emp, yoOUng ~Ie 10 IN,.. 1(hool wl\hout

Pin, IpptQ9"ate «IMidHallon to Ion.·lttm ,0Ib; .

... _.1141 ....... TIle w,... _loy 1M ~ 01 Ed ........ MOl SdHao for ........... .­

_w.n.-- MU.I '" .. RfuUy 'w, I' "" .. det.a."Y oIIppap.

TKhnolocy lmqnlion Into w.ool~ dem¥l<b tI.tf\II ro.wcl".-.Ilon ... to 1M .pproptI.ott muM of

l«hnlul wp.port.

IK,",untn"'lIoft n , Tho ""'" <Hl..rfKIIM rMCh,nitm to< p .... kll., IKhnIuI npport lor <om""ton In

Irlsh 1(hooIs It. u yH. ur>dtll .... Tllel.arc. 1_1IMn11ll physIul Inh.tnKtu .... whkh his......, """" !II Eftnk HhooIs, offen an opportunity 10 qUInn,. .M qulUly tl>i$ .upporl ol_n~

Tnt. e.qlKtaHon thll pupil'!; and ttMheI1 should .... k. I.eate, u .... 01 tho inte'""t nHds [0 be rrIIlCho!d

by. tr\OI1! .llble leT .... vi.onmenl lor ""'001 • .

............ ;1.0_ . :0: 1I .. "y KUIi. 10 • low ...... _ low cool "'_ ,oIltt1on 10 hllpO<Iant • lfish

lldloois .... 10 "", ..... ClInk ... whIdI III .... fuM .... .n.cu... UN of 1M ....... 1 pohrfttIaoI III Kl • .

The Sd>OO!s 11.000 Inltlatlw " _ MlI.way throo.olk ~I' two of a th .... _ P' ............. Sicroifiunt pubIk.prt.llt _to, JIInnen.ltip has been dotftOtlSlI.tHIO ;I.ollt. The lnirllllw has ol!.o bftft w«.,..1uI In buildlnt 011 to"'pt!I'ltion ~ tho ed..cllion .,.rI...n..

~tIooo 'J: Tho 1Iep • .-..1 01 (duulion MOl SdHut sIoouId toftCI_ tor .... oaaalIIo ...

1 .. 01'_"1",,", Ihe tdltCItIoIt p.artMn In 1M ........... nI of til. Sdtools 112_ ".,...,"' ..... .


r _._ .. _.-._ .... _-6

..... ny oJ In.. lmp~ ... ntatlon to'letS Sri k>r tile " r"".,mme.'" llk.tv 10 ~ _~ded. ~·I·. "umbo ... of

t •• chers tralflf<l. num~ 01 muIU",.,dl. comp!.ll~rs in "h(>(lis. "" appropri.l .... aluatiDl\ willn. l" 1ft

~Clp.uIOl' this ",{coss as 8 foundation fu, Mu,," developm.n, ...

Reo:om ......... tIon '4: I'Ians /oJ In I_pendent .... luIlioft 01 u.. _ran Sthoob Ihooa Inllilli¥e should

t.. proc:"dec! willi If qulddy .. ,,,ulble.

n", .... '" doomand. for schools to become community fHOurteS fo, leaml"!. 5.t./1ools oeW ~pprupri.Jt! support if they.", 10 I<>~' Initiatives wI1 id' pia .. tMm"' t"" ",ntre of the Information Sodety.

R ........ mend._ lS'''''' __ n: .... d .upport Implkllions 01 thO' itrooch. <OIII",unlty n>te Inl .. ..,! fOI'

.. hoots as part of • IHmlltI -"ty ~hOIIld IHo q .... ntifIed. I~ Ioaotly IN Inill.1Ives prornOl.oi and


InmaUve. lik. tho Schools Int .. ral;"" ProjKl ar. I.d lil.tl nl a "bottom-up' .pp'<>a<h to <un\tulum Innov~tlon In scnQ(lll. Ih" _d, to b. ,emplerMntod b~ ptOlll~inl <Ulfkulum '!1!rlCios with tho

MC ..... ry "'.ou" .. to .... pport plannln, It I nitlonal 1 ... ~1.

lte<ommeMl1ion _t.: Mow IMI the i"frat,trvd\I .. 1or <omput.,- u ..... In Irish schools I. belnl pili In place.

111M I ... uJPft! """ lor ....... IHOIIrtIiI '" be IIIO"",,,d II I. ""lio",,1 1 ... 1 to support cunkulum d_pmem.

l~amin' ""..d, in the Inlorm.oti<>n Soct.tv """ not exd",lvelV defin..d hy ICTs.

Recomml"dllion _7: Th ... Is • _ ro. 1"<_ dlwlrsity In III. ra"I' of tor.I(ft II"IUIP' belnl

"!141M In IrIstIldlools.

RIKOM ...... d.tioII .8: "'-nt;' u.. poofe •• Io",,1 dt'ftlopmon! '" teach,... Ind moin .... Is I prlm.ry

detennl""nt of s"'<HsM eduGltio""1 reform •• nd mu.1 <on~" ... '" bI • priority.

While "Ii.,;! thanel " ,.nld~tlon in edu<.tion hoo. risen to ti'>o .~t.nt that it is "OW "" a p.r wI!h 01 ....

DEC[} <ounln". H.;s I> not tho use lor "..",ond rnlnr;e" odocatlon. Irlsh odull • • r. mu[h len li'etv to

.e -onter od.co tlan .nd t .. 1ni01o

Ite<O"UMr>d11ion '9: Tho", Is I ...... 10 prvntOte ,,,,.ho. ftuibllity wllllin the .duOition • .,..tem ... thlt

........... '" bI-.. employmentlnd full·tim. Ind pan-d .... odllQtion I. P"""""'" Ind htdtitat ... .

~ I< PlnJ[ularly tho rase tho! in "".tlon to participation in 1iJrth... and hi,he' edUCalicn. tile", ",mo ln sl,ni"un! In.qult~ omon.st dill=nl soclo-Konomk ,.oup in (5.

_ ......... Iion :00: ContinllOd ... pport mu.t be p"",ldod 10. InitlatlYt:s dlHlllIOd to Iud to • m ....

oqulllbil UplaU '" "I'portIonities for tooniory eduGltion.

A r.upponlvr: en.I.""m ... t 10. lilelcns INrnlns ~culd nOI d;srnmlnot. on the ba,l, of m~ of !>Iffl,ip'llon In educ.ation .

RlKom .... nd.1ion ." Tho 1IIUH$Id toll to .tudenlS of partldp.Hnl In p.n.tI"" .... u. full.lI .... educatio" llemands 1m_late Ittentlool.

Th;s dlscrlmlnltlon .. I,ts In .. lo!lon ta dlr:nlS but m.v .Isa e.ist /rom the pr:rspecti"" of ~duc.tlon "oyl<lers I.~ ,. P'OW"I .tructUrfl may .. infotte "' II-tIme 1$ oppom to !>In.time pm.T,lon.

............. n , foIndllll _ ... lot the pnwWe<s of ......... aNI furIhe< .",.don I~ ... Qreholly ....... 1 ..... to ~ pY Inheferot ..... INI "'_IS "'11-11 __ ""rt-d_ .......... nt.

Dilmtlltft In talLe-up of IKIIni<.oI IUb!etU by ,elldtr ,rt mdmud In IItIIrtd as ffseIohtrt In Ilia DUD.

_toe_obllon 2)' ~ III PSY", .... equIIablo _ ... ~ of _ I. llldlnooItIIUoI iIII4IlM IfIUSI ..... 10 • C_ 'M __ .. _ \IrIdI •• of !tie 1M .......... ~

ItecOtlOm",dltion 2., MoN .... ph .. l. m""t ... """n to ""Pportinl !tie drHlop .... nt of !lulhl. mod"" for til. 1I.n.-.,., '" "ull od"ution .nd to bulldln, !tie clpadly of Individuill Ind (""""unill .. 10

""rtklpatl In 111(/1 1Nln"lln~ .

..... 'PI"""rl,n. 1~/f,.tlUCtu", for reworth Ind dewlopm.mt 15 . ~e'/ compone'" In • luminl soc~y.

[ithl'f per <tnt 01 It.. wart.for<t tII.It wiLl'" worIoln,1n tft! IH"" 11_ ls Itr.ady In fmpIO'j'lllt.n . Ute­lon, ~I,nln,.....st bKome inlql'll 10 the ...... pt....

AlthooJh the" .... _ .1",i/k.1m lrow1h in the num~" lV.nobie lot wort ~ the list ~ ~ars.

Ihl$ ha. _II '. '1'''-...1 by me number 01 ...... lobi U1!llod. 10 thf ~1I.", mil ..... 1'111'1...,.,...,,1 hll I.nft!

drlmltlu lty. K 10; pI " iculorty m\O",a.lnl that Inl$ has been to the bcne~1 01 the ""'I·term UMmPk>ye<l.

II numbe, 01 Initiative. ha"" do:monwall!<! lhe pirtle.l.r role that ICT tralnln, Cln pl, y In Ihls ","rd.

Rocoml'Mlld.tIon 25' ~ I. dell \toll ltoehl\Oloty tr.IIIi.1 <.In be • _rful <.Italylt lot todaI d! ......

HIwN .... sud! tr.ln lnll'llll$l """ (.IOrefu' Couidtf'don 10 "'prof .... te _,.lIl'M lot !tie "Il10'''''1 ,l1li _1aI ... ppOtt of tII_ ,"",,0 enroll. procr."' .... Io, "Hal"" cNM'- edllCllloon.

lhocMI....ulioa:z6: foIrthtt d.,.,,,,"~ 01 .... -" of ~ [.q>M GIOoIp Oft fu ..... 5lIb ....... Is, prSomy. ~"""""" 0110 .. _ ....... _ ... II- 10 ~.Ina !tie IkItb 6aIIcIIs I. tho """.fCT ~

Tbert has bftn wnsiderablo: dt'Ytlop .... I'I\ In fli:ftl i ~IIS lowa"ts ~ ."" ....,. 11 .. lbII "PI ..... "" 1ICt..altlllOl'>. Slsnilkanl d_Ol> ...... IS In 1hl. "I.,d .. ill rol_ on from the htloNl ~~fklll"",

""I ""rlt~ propo;.t'd under It.. EOucalion I.d , .. Inlnl (Qulli/luolion.) lIiD.

RetOmrntndltloot 21' 5tructufH to fldlltoll !loa lICt .. dllltlon of prior lumlnl .nd prior • ...,.Mntlal

IlImln, .. 1ll do much to "",moll Ufetonll.lrnl .... nd Ihould be lmple .... nl" If .... Uy IS poulbt..

While I~t."d's p.r<formlnct in "lllio. 10 In .... I .... nl In KT Irll.lnl 1'111)1 be on I par ... 11~ manV 01 00,

Europe.n nelJhbours. _ mUSI lUiI'd '1.lnsl COtlOpla.ctn(J Ind compa .. ourselves with those ~o .'"

10 lhe fort""'" In this tq.rd .

• ~.nd"" 28: IreIarMI .. uot build • """' .. 01 lihIoool ...... "'1 wIdIln Ito bUIIn"" II'MI plOblk _ .................. M • bowIod .. · ... Hd ""","",, 001. bIotdo .. .,to; .. "" ....... , 1n .... '''''''"1 .... eIIuI.

BuIld"'1 , _,e ...... ......, ...., feQuire. I_pi Dllrer lhines. ....... dIa", .. I. ou, p_

auountl", pra<tkn.

_._ ... ,--_ .... _-." 'iii'." .. tAIooIfttI .... __ !hoi .... ,.~ • ,~ ... 10 -... .... aI IM.t 'i ...... , I>ooh willi 1 ... _" ...... _ ...... -.

'Nfl III";: aM ~U.., 1M: _ are Llkinl iuD a«OI.Inl of tile "I'I"'opri':. indicalO)l'S I~ te<ms 01 Inw!;Hn~nt

in hum, " .. pital. More a1ttn:fon muSI bo: I~ to de"nln. tho I pp'Dp,i~t. bHI<"rnlrio.s lot Inlfmatlon.1


.... .1 t')l: fI:nI:tf I::c"",",. ~ 1:wIt.w .... 10."_" III 1lII~"".not odliUlllool

....... I0Il be .... I,p,d. I ................. oI1oKNasI,. ........ _ dlKfHlill.)oIo _urIIy, "- II I

...- far RIcfMd ... \J 10 tako .. _ ... pomJl:Il/tr lor "1M' "" .......


Du,in! 1'198 th~ l~",nlnl Ad>1S(l'V Group ollhe Commission ~I OUI 10 .. amine I. a,nlnl "'tivilie. ~tlting

10 Ih~ Information S<><~V oKrOSS.tt <KiQrs ol l'i<h <o[i.IV. Th. obj..,Uv", .. e,e thai thi. overview .. ould

Idwlily both ~ood prac;lk. and biocka!", to pro,re.,. In line .. Ith ou' !lrsl RepOrt;

r~ Commillil)f! wlU torus an lh. ".cd .0 en{ourDg" tht roncepl of li~long kerning In aU

W<l1h of Ii,. within rite In{ormotion 5or:i.I}'.·

On. 01 the first l"uM .dd'M",d by 1M l~.'nln8 Ad.isory Group wa, to <on.ld., .. h.1 ,,"ould boo en<omp;use<! as port of "learning" lor an Inlo""otlon Sor:iety. and 10 ident ify ho .. thl, mlgllt dille, Irom

th . type of learning thot hI. g"". "" ~etoIOf •. A num~, 01 dlll'''"1 ~'PKthr .. on t.orninl n .... d,

""' ..... mlned.

r", ... mpt... the Inlo'mali"" S",icty forum ... nlth op.""(M under 1M a"1is 01 the EUIOIII'an

Commi5Sl0n. h'" offe'ed the followin ~ dc:fmIH<>n'

G"".,al .durotic"~1 otrolnm.n!: lhi. rote" 10 fdIKofi(maj .'andom, and .mJ",I.,dgc .. hich .nobl., people 10 function c",divr:1y In ~ wide .... ".,y Of oconomi{ and ,oaol

C""'eM" In 1M Informarion 5od..", ir includfS'T illC"'C'f and ~'I...,t/r; /i'ffilC'y.

!oIH~dfk .kill<:, these"~ li<i//$ Ihal lend .0 IH of VIII ... onlv 10 pt<>plfl dolnf) parr"ular joM .. 1111 parriculQ/ employe",.

r,,;1II$fr'I"OI>I. "",o.ional .UI<:: rh.u or. .kUl. ~J. .. ,"'t to p"lflcul"r job" "'hlrl> h<l ....

lISI!~ In OlhPf iob~ ar wirh .mplo)'liJ ra,whtrt.·

rom O'Dwy!f, former head 01 Education. T'alnln~ and VOuth "'~hln!1Ie Europea n (ommis';on. h., spoken

.bout tho ~.d 10 lak. ~ b'o~d vic .. of I •• mini witnin tne Informotion SatietV. and emphasised tile f.CI

Ihal it ls not .Imply I mi tt. r of I.amlng how to u.e Ih. new Inlormation te<hnololl .. ,

iI is becoming c~af lilol Ih. ch<lnging contenl of ~s demands mulfiple 5It111s Of .M

",quisitl"" Of co,," skill .. In furuIl!. Gul<m<>my and COpDdl}' for IM'Wol/On. on ablfl/!llo

"""rt In gfIWP' or In ne!Wart •. a cona'm f'" Q<jolily. or>QlyTkolond dul!;lon making sAllis •

... ... 11 as .h. capadl)' 10 P"'" on .hls ""awl<!dge. will be /u./ OS irnporron/ as

IcdomJiogiCIII .i.ll15 Of go"eral knp ... 'cd~

It ha' bKomo du, tn" II I< Tn".",ln(ty diffkull to defln. futu,. I • • mlnl n~<k In I.."". of ..... klli.

$f:I". Wlm I. nftr;ed is. mo,e formative. as opposed to a summali ..... approldl to It .. ,ninl. Wf! "".d

to locus ou' thlnklnl on lmp,ovinl the r;.o~ty of Individuals ond or,oni .. tlon, 10 learn In Ih. futu", .

and IS a r>ec .... 'V part of this fOSt'uctUrlnz ~ .. Ill """d to ", .... ol"ato our ,V"t.ms for aS~'SlMn! and


nit molt impoltanr JJr.lI/l'rHdcd '0 su .... ;ve In rodoYl """rid;' 1M abiU/)I/o kom Md.o

coni""" ieamln9

II "'" KC~t u.is p .. ,.,is<e th~n !)tIr prHent education and trainlnl '~'tem' must boo ~.n to mntln"" to

mOVf' 1110 f"'''' ... ay hom 1M products of Ie. 'nlng and to .. lld, the I .. mlnl pfIK .... Consequently auf

,0100 s.r...,. eo., ,_..,...~""-,\,, .... s.n..rc-. .... lm.,:J , f s.c....r_._~~.,j.,....c-.....f;,'_"' .... F." ... .....t ............ ~ ,. ,-, ,-,.. "'no!~'-F_ ........ .,j'-. ....... ~ .. pm ...... ASTlt' ....... "'''_ ,...,-,,&

_ ._ .. _ -"'L_~"'_' ''''' '

e ... mln.!!on ,vstems must M -" 10 pla,~ len empM". an info.mo!!on ."""It and mo", on info. mal i""

handllns and synth~I'. 1M. fo""" an dat" .nd mOle on know1ed~e and wisdom.

In the II",! 01 !hi< thinkIng. it i< ,oborln~ to ... ne<1 on the ,,,,,ult. 01 a "",ent .tu<ly of .tudent,'

~rtePtlons 01 the Le •• in, Crrtir""te ~Xl!mrna!lon 'V"ffiI"

1 ... $)',IM. Is perc'i""d 10 r.wt1rd specific ,OlliS "rid kr>(l.mrige whilt I~Mrl"" olhe~.

15110 of rtlP/)(ldtn~ pe".lved I~ ",I." 01 r.wardin9 ,ludrOl1 wilh 9Cod .. t .. a"" ""hir~ DIlly '-4'111. "9,"H rhar II " ... ordM ,rudt'nt, who 'haw Ini!i"li~_

77" ogrt.d rho! ,I prom<>l" <om~!ilI"" """"'~~! .!u<iont • ..-/lil. only mi Dglt!ltd IMI !

,,_rth ill""'"" wiPe ""'~ .... 11 on" ,.,,"'.

As we approach Ih. new mill.nnlum this ,ha nge in emp/1 .. i. jo; boSlnnin, to maniho,t i t ~lf In less di .. uosion .bout the "Information Soc;"t\'" and mo ", o""ut ~ 'kn<>Wl"'~ ,C><~t(' and ,ven • "Iuml", "";"t\,,,. Th. EUlopean (ommi •• i".. to .. stat. d tll;tt 11M: developm.nt of . ",nowt, d,e '!.odel\'" is

d~PI'nd."t on lou. dilfe"'"t a"''' 01 a'tivity: Inn"".'ion, "'$Oa"h, ~u,"li~n and Iralnln. and the proocti"" d ••• lop"",nt 01 lhes. area'!. ;, • k",/ component of tl>e Commisslo n'$ folth F,a"",wo'"


Luminl-related activit ies In Irel.nd In""I"" ."",nditu ,," 01 lnou,and, of millio ... 01 pound'!. ."nuallv. wltn .ub'!.la"tlol ~ut>lI t """,ndltu", con'!.uming larg" p,oportions of the budgets 01 ~ .... I iI<wemmenl dep.~ments, In addition to si!nilkilnl pri.ate . 'PI'nditure by t>oth IndMduals and ,ompanies. Gi",n ll>e

Ko le 01 th.", actlvi1ios, tIM: Learnln, M.I<o!\' GtOtJP lett!t ""'~ ... !\' to .dept • fTomewort to fa<ilitat. the M' ..... !\' "up·do~· locu, lilt' m"..thlV m""ting'. TIt. 'iKtor.1 app,oa,h adopted bV the Gtoup N' been used to p,ovlde tIM: chaptor heodlns< fo, In;' •• port. Whi le Impo<illon of this '!.fru,lu", wa, • nKfO"'!\, p .. ~ulslt. to Io<u~d dl$<ussion and dlKision making, In many ""1" II .~n (ontrary 10 the Inte.,ation and the b.eakinl down of ""to,o l ban"', .. wh im Is a ke'1 mar.t'I ... isll, 01 the Into.mation Sodol'/.

MCtlM:. key obj.(lI • • fOf th. wort 01 the l •• mi"1 Mvl","1 Gtoup al", lollo ... d on Irom au' FT'sl ~.po ~:

"'- C~mmj .. jQn ... I moWl fa drv,lop prnpos.olJ 10 In<1udrl "'0tRllIo/'sed gloup. In reaming P"'9"'''''''fS w,ll,in 1M fnlontlo"[}l1 Se<io-fy.

EnlLandnl opportun~i ... 1o. ~.rnln, shOlilo lead, not only to imp.oved econ<>mio , rowll1. but also to I.owth in it' b,oad..,t ,*n," manlfr<ted as an ImpfOV.d q""litV at Ille. r<:onomlcal1y. socially .nd '~It"ral1y_ for Ihi< re.""" lh. Group devot.d con,iderable lime to exp lonnll""", such as 'iKond-d>.nce act." 10 ~du(.tio". In tit" ,el",d Ih~ G"'~n Po~r an Adult [d"<~tion i, welcome1i as I ,.",Inal docum.nt In ,h. h •• l0"l 01 tho St.te and one whim should be ",ad bv , II th= who hav~ an int •• est in Impro.lng •• :c.." 10. and ,"~ .. up 01, lifelon! I,omin,.

Th'OIIghout the .. po~ .. r .... ""., to s"",lfie P'Qj"ds and Inltlati." have bIlen induded on the t>;"is that thoy he1p to ill"'lr,t, ond "esh OIIt tIM: issues. WIH:", pos'~I. web 11"1<5. to projcd , it ... nd migin,t ,epo", ha •• been l "" lud~d to ~lIitote those who wish 10 further &pIn", .ny 01 the issues. The Comml"i".. is aware th~t lhe .. a", many oth ... w~nhy Inltiativ.., th.l <ould " •• Iully ha", been hoatured and would weko"," any Inlo,ml1lon whklt milht help to Inlo"" and ,uide ii, work.

_._ ... ,._-_ ..... _-1. LEARNING IN THE (OMMUNfTY


The ftn;1 Grtt!n !'loper on Adult [d"""tion til 1M hklory of !he Slfle "'IS publist>ed.' In 1M

fo~ to rtH! GIft" Paper. M, Willie O·ON TO. m. Mi";'tE1" 01 Slitt It tho OeJli<ttnetJt 01 Educallon Ind StJ.rKt. ICknawltdled thlt "'" Idult ... " .ommunity tel_ion ~or hN ~tIYtd lnideq",,18 att.ntlon 10 dillt.

A. ... ·month coniUlLat1rm p«<uo "', tM Grffr1 f>~p.r Ad~ 1t £duCl1lil1n i~ en ['II of Uft'IOI'Jg

L.~",lng ",I II culmln.t. in the prudllCtioo 01. Whit. Pape, on . "ult o"..catloo. The ta'B~t publlatioo dat. 1$ >4 Howm"', t999. Ihe ~~ ""nwe,,",IY of the IlunCh 01 lhe G<ftfI

P, p.r.

The ~""Ily published Education ond ' ...... 1 .. (Q ... llllctiloAs) e m 'm will pi.,.. k"" rul. in pullinS I .. pine I p,oBfeul •• leamlnl conlinuum frnm dllldhood IhrOl.LCI' Idullhood. ~ ~"blbh6 lor the ",n IjlM I nalion.1 quollnCltions Iramowork fo, aU I xtfo·unl<i.rslty third level and further I nd <ontinul",

td"'~t;on and tr~lnlnl prOI ,am"",s. The publl,.tlon 01 the 9111 re;>rO'5<1lts an Import,nt mani" In

...,phas!< from educatioNI PfOV>cief \0 dio-n' .

OriN _~..... .....s. __ .,u ... _ ... • ;;.<f,.....~!A eo,.. ,.... .... """ /:.Io<-.I .~

~--..~ •. ,,,. n. ... _ .. ". ~_' o.t-\I'"


r _ .,_ ........ ...... "M_ ..... _ ....... I, " 12

• • ~o,,'''''."dillo" 1: Tho .... otnKN ... oulli ..... 'n tIoe [dilation and Tralnln. (QrJ.6/ka~onl) Bnl wlU ftdl/tIto. Ind pl'Oll>O\e Ute ...... lumln,. PftMslon of Illes<! structures should rvtlow on r.p1dtv from tht

.... ctment 01 11'1 1$ Imporu.nl LeJisiatlon.


The '999 relX'<1 01 th~ ~!lo .. 1 (ompdi tl.~. (cund l reI",. to the .irnlff,""l Imp,,,,,,,ments In

eduo.ti"MI p. rtklpa!!"n that n."" 10 k.., p la'~ in the '990>- Whlle .,knowledJlnJ Ihl< pro,~ .. the,., Is

I pc",.ln! n""d 10 combat ~n~ complacency regardinr the Quality 01 the trish education ''I'tom.

C/f!orly ..... IwJve rrn!rH ""'-'SiVr P"'f/'f'U In upgradlrtg tlw quolll)' of ~",,",n ,..-ou'"' in

1M Irish .,,,,,,,my OWl' the past th,. • .u(odos bill an .""'. m<',"""1'f ..... 1111 /og behind

oth.r cou.'Ms.'

w. h<>ve ,ended.o ,ok. Ih. _w In 1m. rOilnuy rhot "U' odu("rion 5Y',.m I." (lr.;, clel ..

0"" by Inl'nI.~'o""l JlOodards bur 1M lWollQ/1Ie dolo do not pfQ"lde grooMs for


AlIhO"," 1M edU<.lti"M' palTldp.llion an~ attainment ral. , for vouns ~op l. in Ireland I r' now In line

wi'" 0[(0 ••• 'og.'. lhe IKIlhat free secondo,,! . du""tion w., not Int rodu,,,d until the .960< m'''II''

tl1.1 I"'lond I,,"""UV has 1_ .. 1~ •• 1s 01 <'<I1I<>lionol ott. inm"nl .monl$lllS adult pop1ltalion Ihan olhe'

EU and OE(O <O\1nlll5. He",. Iho P"""ntase ollhe irish population wllh al 1""1 upper "",,ando,,!

<'<I"""llon i, .0 1>0'<0111"," points below rhe a •• ra,o for the 0[(0.

'-' _ .... , .. ., • ..o, ...... _ _ ,-.. ....

----------------------"""'-, "-.. ,-. .-...-. .... --tM 'nl ...... lOo .. 1 Adull l~e,oq Surv.y (IALS) \.hOWflllrelln" 100 "'w ~ wcONIIowesl ~ 01 Ilt~.<y

In Ihe ~ s.ml'~'·

The Intemall ...... Ad"Hl~ ..... C./SUrwyOAtS)JISOu.owed thltHults wlthlowe.llIefK). \tYels i'" loss lI~ely to partidpllt In COI1III1"I"1 "d",,"!!Qn, Whl~ )0 P'!r <enl 01 Irkh odults h~d pa"lclpated in adult

education or 't'lIlnlnl durlna tho! pre.ious ~Ir. this wu Slroo,ly ."!){i.otrd with prlo. IIlefl'" ~.ls. 01

tho ... with prima .... "dllClt""" 9' PH cent hId nO! Plrtklpued In rdUCIllon or ,.llnlnl durinl tl1e

p_I ..... .,..;u In """jill""'" with .6 per <O!I11 01 coI~ l1.duates.

The IAl5 ~ p.l!l'idpltion In Hult edut.lllon ."" .1&1"'01 in IreLond to be !hi! third lowest amonsst the ..... nlMl; ,~, The )0 PH ...." Iri$h pilnklpllUOfl "Ie <_partd ..... friou .. ...,. with 1M ~3 PH

«'n! of .... '"1' ~tMlt!I', In ~'"" who;> "-<I plnklpll,1td In Idult rd_1on _ '",inI", in 11M!

p<e'tio<tS U """'Ihs.

_ ....... d.tIoII ~ : ""Pf'I'" ...... 1S 'n the p ....... , ""'-II 01 adult UIftKy If. I ~ .. ..-qulslte ,.,..

achJewem.nt oIln"""',tIo!o Soclooty II.mlnl ob~l. th IllJOIInslon of .dult IlIIf.qt P"'". .... fIMS mu$l

.... tin ... til .... priority.

Yorlotiom In panldP<Jllon In edUGIoon _,., Il$o ""'nd 1ft I 'P911 ... rvey "" rhe tdUUlioMl !)ftd$ of

_10 01<"<1 ~S .... , ........ ""uttN in !he Midtond ."" Western lleolth IIoIord "'~

rl<cfS!l 10 01><1 1nW1w ..... "' In tduc<lt,OIICIIopporfuM/IJ tho" or/wl mtml>erl 0{ t"c 50"'1".

'n ~M"" )0'0_" .. /10 ptstf,ri""l~ ," tile stud)' ..... IlIOn ..,Ii .. It! 0 .... ".., or flro~P boStd .d!l(oriollC1l oPPO<'runi~' tho" rhf /PI'n .. t~ ..

TM !ilildy ...:om~f>ded !IIII pr<>VI...... "I ~<VItn should t>o ~ilive 10 haw .Mr. <DUlSe'S 0 ...

....... rtiMd 0< '~Qpd'" Ind tnsu .. thai ~ 0 ... not oclud«l (O< do nat uti""" them~I ...... ) ""

,he basis of how 1 <DUM Is ckftned.

• Of ... 1J ____ .... I .. I.l,....,. __ """._ ............. , ........ • OKD.""-r_;.. .. ~ ....... . '"""'~_~ __ • • I .. ,_AA.lt '-l'-.. ~ .. ~ Ol Co,lm • r_ """ .. ..u.. u..- , ... · _~¥_~_ ... , 1_.,..,., ... IJ..J-.tIouIooIoa. ___ .. u.._,'09I


h<"''''endillon l ' ICTs sh""ld boo ..... d to SUppa" ,h. Itnpwrn.ntatloft 011 rnultiflcet.d .dult Utt<ocy

prOilarnlM. This would h ... e tho be""ftI of e.<posln. poJtltiplnll; to the u ..... of ...... 'Hhnotoates It u.. _ II", ... Ildln. the d .... toplMnt of Uttraq Ind nurntrl., 5klll$.

k 15 ,~"' that IIIrn!~slnJ paltklpa,lon in 1 1~lonl le~min~ j, not simply about inert.slns m supply In

'Ofms 01 provision of PduGI,I<>n and , ... Inlnl. II .1$0 requires Glreful and app ropriate Intervention to ." "u", II,., Iht r~ i> equitable demand for. or take-up of ,he opportunity.

ro lockl. I/j,arivan!"I1" orr.rrlvely. Nu£oMn In 0 lomm~"lrr Seflinti is vilo/If importaM • .... rillng ,.;110 (Hopi«. ~ oppo$N 10 for ,/rom.·

A numbOf of I~ rur~1 P~n""r"'ip Com"". its I\a .... responded to the demand lor Com pule, lralnln, from ,ommunily KroUPS. by ",Inl fund inl provided unde< the £U ludor prog ramme 10 . slablish mobile ,a mPUl", trainT"! unilS.

-'-"'- '-'-""---R«om"'IlIIUlion '" Imp""';n, PlrtidPlt'" In Ufelon, le."'inl .... ill '-'lui,.. both lupply lid. and demlll4 side IC~onS. 011 the IUpply Iide Ih ..... ;. • need tD .up~ th .. proYl<le .. cI educ.l~on Ind jra;nlnll.

their eHort! to Imp''''''' ,"p<lII$~_S to. and .. lklpatIcHI 01. cU..t ._s. On thl d ..... nd side tile .. Is a _ 10 byRd the capacity '" communltlu. I"'oupllnd Ind lvldulls to nln 01110, opportunities lot

education Ind training whido p ... ..,llh' ... -.



T~ t<>Wl' of lnnis l5.600 ho""". '7,000 population) wa. ~le<led "' tht T~It<o.m EI'eoM InfQ/'m3110n

Ai. Town In s.~tembe( '997. The provomm •• InvoMn! an Inveslrno:n! of h5l€t9.0~ mlUlon 0 .... ' thr..

V"'f$. Included a number allntra.truelu,.1 <>bj.,.c:liws which might t.. .. pt<l~ 10 Impact favou,ably ""

~.'nlnl Includlnl:

• ~ ~r.;onal campu,". Ilnkrd to the Inlemd offered 10 .11 ~,60a holMS In Ihe town;

• Provision of onll"" ,«OS$ 10 public •• ",1,,. includlnll !ib,.rl..s. health ca, ....... k"':

• In.tallation 01 ove' ~"" pe"onl1 compule r.; In the 10wn's sa.ools_

Th. InlollT1otioo ~S. Town Project ha, io.l.n.d .0Ulhly 4.S00 home compute" In Enn;, Ind tile lim hiS

!>foen 10 en.ufO that"' ",a" one member 01 ... ", hou...,hold I. able to u...,. per.; .. ",ol computer. In ",dOl

to m •• lm l..., training apportunllios, computer cour ..... were p'ovid.d at "I"" dllf~""'1 looillon. In the town and toeh 01 Ih..se loutlo", operated", ful l capodtv duringlhe summe, 011998 in o,d~r to meel

the computer mlIeu, dud ll ... ot mld·November. Durin, thk lime 2.200 ~Ie complet.d on elml hour

compute. lomill.,lgI;"" p.o!ramme. desl,....,.; 1<>1 Ih ...... who h.d no prniou •• ,.,.rit'nCt of com put ......

Adivll ie; in ~llk.nnv. ~H1armo~ and (aSlJ.bo,. th. thr~ ",nnell -up tn the com~ltlon. ~mon'lfllO how effe<llvetv Initiative. with on Inlormation Sodety !""me (lm lap Into a ,plrlt 01 loul cO'ope'ation ' nd

p' lftnt'"hip. Th. Kilkenny Inform ali"" 4f: {ommln~ ... el..e<l Inputs from over. \t1OUS4nd individual"

community ~.oup<. toul o'l"aoisatlons .nd busint'SS<"'~ The ~1I 1.mey and Telecom [Jreann Ta< k Farr. (KATE) has allocated over 2~ pe, cenl of ~. £~1.27 million bud,et to toc.1 Ir. inin, Inltl.H ......

In Ca.lll!b.1, • Skin.. Rellsle. hn !>foen p,opo • .d to .ttrocl Inward In •• stm..,1 b.,- idenlifyln, and

publklsingthe ""man r!!$Our"" • •• lIable loully.


-,_ ... -'--~"'--

"SkIU$ R~Jl$I"" .l,.ocl'j O~!K on I lImll..:l boils In MuUlns~' whore II>~ Ch.m~' 01 Com!M''''' hao

(o>mPI~d I ll"IUlle Skills ROllstr, 0/ 0Yti' 190 !nd1v1dUlIs ,",dont in !hi! I_n Ind Huon! In 0"" or

more lonl .... ps. T~ potonllli 0/ SkYIs R~lst~ hH IIiO Dten ldeMl~ ~Il:

If;' do-<It I"'" r~-'"", <GIJ"',,""" pdIf in IIddressing "'" S/ri/ls 5IIoIIIJlJft ...mdr

.... r_rgmg. /NIt """"'" .... ~ tIId ~'Pe,. " SbIU Rrgisl,.,. could ".. t~ ond _ Jr;Irt D{" 8rutrrInQ Agoo"" nto/J/i:iMd 10 mol<~ rhr s..pM- IItId 0._.'

Community·bosed .,11l.tl ..... "elM undrrwa'j. wllh Ihe sup",,~ 01 1. locom EI .. ,nn, In inotM •• 6 tOW"' 1"<ouChout Ireland. Thole IOWn. ";U reefi .. r",.ncial supPG<t 10 pUI • communi", I«(K5 pi,. In pLo""

au,in. '999. loul IrNIId .. m pI ...... 1M "'!1wortr;ln. rr.mtwOtt to link loe,",ht' IlleS<! dllle,.nl

cornm""ilie$ In on ',lIiAnce Inlranet".

ThI' NltlclMl CompftlllYenes. Cound! hos pointed OlJt tho _ 10 mDnil.". ond bfonchm .... Irish

Inlllll"'''' wlth inltl.IIY" In othel" <Qunlnes.- Report. sud! IS that comp l. lf:(! b)r the $<11001 of

Communlcat1M' In Dublin City l.Inlve,s.i!y enlitled rh. Volun'o')' S<.ctor In 1M Info,,.orlgn Agr ploy an

Import.,1 ,01. m "'Ipln. 10 Inform <Ioeb_lr.nd dKlslon 111<11.1"1 .1 oillevob.

__ ..d.&oo s: " 11M ........ Ioftpod .. to to. '*""'" "-I~ Ap ,'OIOO<b INn

.0 ............ -ouioons lot _'"*'" IfNI IMcINa. belli Ioo\IMIII Md utemaL ..... "'"" •• in_II put 01 _. 6tiIp. 11M IMporuoIlU .. _rdI to ... 1utIIo .. ~ ..... Mdt ,rojeds. INlIIIoIWty i •

..... tIoIo to 1heIr"'_ ... PII MMIIts "" ___ iIKIusIoo, .... not be ........ pII..sIH4 ••


,he Nll~1 Poli<y on LIbr.ry _ In'otIIIHiotr 5flvkes I'toje<I ~IIM to iIrffi"" & mlon 01 ~ow 1M

libulIH and lnlor ... llon ",rtk ... sertOl un _ Itie dlllItn,e o/!hI! lnfoom.llion Soc~ Ttle projKI

tum. w!Iittl ( 0l0Il1li_" h -" In s.p~mbe, '997, wli Prestftl u.., ... ,ional polky ,,"m~rt

doc""- 10 ..... CIIomhoirle Leabharl.o""" In Iht _ of '999. lnrtl.o\l'fts 10 eNbII US<I!~ and

_OUI'ae """.~ 10 .... "U"iS to ","'"""lion wiU be OUIliMd ond -oPloprlllle 'III~ uolnml 1>'000am ....... 1Mn1,1IH.

-'-"''- ,-,_ ... _-Ttle !<aHonal PaUcy <>II library ond 10'0,,,",lion '>«vice< Project is a" v.ompta, of loocI p,acti<:e In ~tatlon

10 tho: d~l""me.1 0' f'Ublk pollc1 In the inf",m.Uon Society. [)urillll the liletim. 0' tho: projKt the lIb,afiH Cou ncil web ~ite ho, be ... used to I"form thf pubUc of W work in Profllfls and to d" .. minote

and inv ito feedback on dr.1t rKomm .... d.tlo.'. Po. .atlonal co.'e~n"" W", orgonised to dlsru .. the

Intoilm findln!' In October '998."

RKOmlMn""lIon 6: "Pod .. _ponslble lor dnelopmanl and implelMntltion of public poU.., should

..... to fu1l1 "1m .. th. poIendal of ... ie<hnolop. fof di ... mlnalion and oonsulllllloft.

Publk lIb .. rlH

Po. mojor .. pon on enhancinR public .« ... 10 the tnf"",,"lon Soc~~ IhrouBh the publk

library service was launch<!"d in NO ... mber '998.

BroMhlng Ou," sets out • numbe, of Important 5tr.olelir< It" imp"",lnl partklpoHon in

life loni education and Ia.ntilies ),ow lib,"!), Inm.llv .. can model lIooc1 p'4<tk. fo' 1M

informol;,," 'Be. The "pO<! _1>0 iderrtift .. the chaUenges which must he faced If public libr. ries . .. to b-iM<m'IO tM foc.1 point fo, communi,"" ace ... to 1[1 .. rvl< .. and fuIKtion

"a ","t.way 10 t~~ InfonnOlion Sod"!\,,,. 1h_ lnd~a. the ' allowinl:

• Onlv J' II'" ""nt 01 "'~ In$h pop~latlo" .'" " .. " of pub lic 'ibr~,Ies.

• OnIV 10 out or the J2 lib,a!), .ulho-ritlt!S P"O""ldo computers 1m pubU< U'"'le. Th ... ls no standllrd

~ppro.rn to tile supply of ,omp~tef$, thor, opor.tlon '" funcl ion.iity.

• Only 1l poer (tnl of br~n~s ~u''It'fCd in ,ns oller Inlernet iI~~S,

• A ,ilnlfkant numw of libr.ry ."!ho,nies have yel to .utomot~ thei, tibr.!)' mJJnipment svste",~.

• Acc .. , f'" lib,.rian, to Infa,matlon tKhnolOI~' .'-ills Iraini". is nH-ded. rh.~ is "" SlnKlu .. d appmoch 10 ,,,,,tlnuous prot.oslo",,1 de-relopment.

K<>Wf'vt'. It I •• Iso clear th ot th~,e i. si,nmwnt (ommll"""'t .mongst Ih"'" <ha'lled with pLorlnlnl and

ch.ninl tho Mu~ diNflop"""'l 01 !he publiC lib,." '!"'tem to eJlpioijinl 1M potential of new

ternno lori ... Bronchlng Ou, (PPl1·74) ""tolls tM "'<P; ,u"oundinl tht proVIsion of on appropriate 1[1 infr;oslructu,e fo, public lib,Ofirs .nd "",,cnbtli the l"""'lment •• 1M "thread Ih.t will brine 10ltlM' oil

t~ Imp",wments be<n, mad. In each libfa!)' ,ulhorit\",. ~ 'eport en<lorsr.; the ,",ommend,tlon from

ou' FTrst ~.po n On uni ....... 1 "cesS to 111. Inlernet th,ough 111. public lib .. ries. and .. """,ws an

Investment of h8.sf€'3.~'1 million~ to p,OYkI~ tach libra!)' wllh the necouo!)' h'fdw.",. softw ... Ind


~()I (!:!Yipperary


,....... ~Dc .. t t l •• N.......t ,..." .. I.0110 ..... ...t t.. m5crn< .... ~ I><loIoaT'oon.l., II O<oot...

, ..... 0-...,.. 11«.1. o.bIooo. _......- II!' ... N.uoc.l PoIoty ,..,jort or_ ""' ... CM.Uw.dr lnlolwlom..<

• 1)0,.. .... "'" J:o •• "'" 1.0<. ~ -... 0." ~ ........ 100 .... -"''''''' "'=... .. _2< po. _ .. OII..ll"" ....... ~1"""'1"'«""_~ F tf---l . .. c.,.._M .... 1lI< Ea. .. .... l.00:0i 0-.-..... _ ... 0.. ,..,


_ .<0._",,- '-""_." __


lib ••• ;.,. 0_'-

1"<Jf""" .. ill, I;~m", "," ," I ,,,,,m' "On Movo. /lul1,'J" CO'l'"rmJo~', ~ro"'h

Ilb'.rr ,n !J;: .. II'I~rm"r " p"·r'"p,.',,,,~· II,' " ll~RA~I~S I.m liN. ~'<>g,om"'"

.up"",,,~ 1>. M",o,olt. I ,b"", " .. " I", .. 0"." '0 "" ,,~~, "",'~u,o, "',ui

D<f!Q n~"""I . • q~'1",.d ",,10 ISON j",,,"~' .J'-''',. oM " '~n,,·. "I W-I?OM

Ioo,.,d "'u/r, ..... d;. ~'''II'''''' ..... , and. """ ,,.. .'a"",/, ;0 "'I':,.,bt, )9'»/.

pvbrj( ~'''9'!' of " •• :ccolor.., n~, {M"S!<n", .~""' ""r"~''''''o'''Y 95'1 .. Ai>'>" /tv ... li...,..,. '..,qi"9 1'-' _I>' 0 ..... "..{rw"9 ... ~If;"',·J'" ""'9'u"u., .. ,. "'"'' o. ",../iI1tQ,.. <an c~oSl'~cr 'nt" Q __ ,,'~, ",,4 <t!.to ,,,..;, a .... f-m<J"

""~ .. O!.two (D"",'<ltl"" '''9<''d' ,,,", 8<>1/rlt'" ... " "RI<'A'I'(S-OIIHINf

/«<61,'" ~ _ "" "";(h Ie """ (v'u'. "/,,",, t:oa.~ dt' .... "'~""'o" .. ;/hi.,

ttl ~ of"~ (it<NttS ,h,u,,9h ""'." to "'io",,,,',,,n '~Mr~_

lhe Go_"rnent ,(0" .... <""'U'$ wnh the vision 01 IIbrarln ... I<rf points ot publ k .C(ess In !~e

Inlern"tion _.e. Ind the ........ ! Governme n! Action 9(ln hu p ... m!sed Immedia!e Imp rooement In the IIb"rIH' rKhnolc-rl tnhl$tfUctu ....

"'ent of 1M lit....,""'."" M tOCdl Go .. m_~ ... m ."s~ I"~r 1'Cs. ISON

<' >d .M~mt! "" ......... ~ ~ Ol~;" OW''I' />lib - WI"", r~;, wort WIN "

" pltnud be;!

.K_~ 1: Tho ...........,,..w. 1\1.., ... .,USI", pnwicIecI ... Ib ..... 10 rait ...... 111 IIoo_ IvIK

IK < .. Ifto to< _ nIry _en 10 ICT _ ..... ioNnH ... IN Infvonr.otoM .... ..

_._ ........ '-,-"._--'1tOMOf1NG ICT LITERACY

r~ch"ica/ 1.i1<r<I<Y 1$ qvlcM!y N(<>mmg ou Imporr(t~1 Gli r1ItJ glHbly 1<> ~od. Yel ""If .dt.ilali(Jn

5YStom.l dO not hot I! o. slldl."

Public SII....,~ on the Inform.tiIon Socloty

Du,I"1 '998. tlt~ Commi.sion publi>~d ~ wmp"~nsl.r ou~ D" publk attitud ... to the Information

SodetV. Whl l~ tn.,,,, . '" Imp'''''''m~nI5 o>IIr' cDmpar.ble , ... oard> cam..d out in , 996 In Ir,m. of publi<

." .. , to. and f.mill.nly with. now t...:hnnlosif.5. Ihere "''''''in sisnift,.nt ca .. ", lor concern:

• Only 28 per C.nt h.or ace.,.. to. cnmput~r (1 __ ' th.n h . .... access to a m<>bile telephone), onlV .6

P""r cont "'port that 111<,,/ h ...... Internet ,,=,. • Dis.d •• nt.",. in terms of 0<<"" to ICTo. I. most lile lV to be assocl.tod with the followin, ,'oops:

tho .Iderty, m.nual wo,~_", hoo""",,"' ... , membor. of I"" f.rminl comm uniW. l ~"'''' re<id.nt ou!Sldo


• Dnlv)6 poo r cent 01 th~ adult population (aled 15+) It ... f<"<r iw-d I,.inin, In compute, application,.

elt"", of . tormol or an Inform. l ", Iu",.

",,"'onlfS! tho pM;tivo lndkato" was tho high 1 .... 1 of Inlo,"'t .hown in o<ll loltJn, 1M 1 • .,"lnt potentia l

01 neW t!-Chnololl",.

'rom IhI! p"bli~ ~rspulivo 1M "",SI pOlIlive Q~PUI Q( flto n_ luhnaIOQY;' ils fIJ!' in

.dural/oo. VlrlUolly '''''YO'''' exp<'<f$ Ihol aU "h",,! <h!/d{f~ wiN N u>i/lg <omp,,"''' 01

.<hool •• perl ef Ihtlr .d",QliQn.'

Hg~tr, " t~ "'port on tho 'UIYeV point. out, pOI""!' "red to t.. pr"",adod that this world of "",.

techn olou .hould not just bI' left to Ihe l' children. "'"V nred to be empowe, .... to manito' and p.rti<1pate In thol, "' Ildrerrs int.,.cti,," w~h t...:ltnol<>tY.

llecomrMnd.!Ion 8: Raisin, ...... _5 of tho peKenllll of IUs Is root oufflclont. Inltlo.t/¥oo. m ... 1 oeek ID

prtMdo tho p"bU~";!h _ acu" to, and to.crete .,.,.nenc. of. ne. Iedt~

.,.... __ .... ~_ .... "'.J ,d __ ...... _"' .... t'~d'. SOX_"~I .... • _s.....,.c.. .n..J .... .-.. .r....,.,. _ .. ~" ....... ,9'II ... t .. no. ~ , .................. _ .... ,..... 1'-11 ... N......"... "'" Q] Do" t ...... " ao<>oo.oJ I<wl ........

Coo, , ""' .... N..-.Ic...... IooTo<"""""" .. f ..... _.I ... " ... 0< ...... <>l,'flI .... , ..... ~Y"' WH ~ .... d>o~ .. c ... _ .. ... ....- ..... _ ... ,,," _ofllw , ......... '" ~ .............. "' .....


• it .. _._ ... , ... ,. '-......-. ... - ...... '<0

[UfO_n C"'"put.< Dmlnl l icente

rn~ [ufOP'Oan Comput., Drlvlnllkente (ECOI), fo rmally launm..:! in Ireland In 1997. is • moans of honcho

morkin, c""'put~r literacy lor bu>I ..... , ..ou,.lIon ~nd Iho voluntary ..,etor.

~ .. qUllily for the li<ence by su«ossfu lty completing .... ~ or plact i'.' t ... 15 on uslnB 1M oommOn

<omput~r appllcallon5 SUC" 1$ word·p1o.c .. ";ns and the u"," of tM Intemf"!.

'" of ",,"n" 199\1, Ireland wa. ronk""" fourth iTom '7 Eump"'" ~o u ntr i .. In term. of numb., of Skills

",rd. is ... d. ~

'_r , _ ...... CD!. CM10 ......

SWeden 177.175 Donmark 61,232 Horwoy '~,A9~

I,~land 11.89'

"' ".260

_ , lCDt. ....... ""' .... _ .... ,_ --..,,,,.

\1 ,~ ., ItDlSloJat ... ,..,_-,>

_._ .. - '-'-~--""'"

E.l<pe~ .n<. In otr..r ,eunlnto; SUU8rs !hat t.l.";.I"" i. In "ffHl"'. medi um fo r I • • dlng a n&!I"".1 initiative a imed", promo!inl ICT l~~r.<v. '

heomml .datlon 9' A ... Iionool ICT Ut.<tty i"itio~" .hould .,. .. tlblisl>ed. nio Initio ..... would build

partrwshlps .till an _ wIKI p ..... 1cIe . dplt ,","1"1 Irld ~nln, opportlln_ l"dIIdln" InW IU"

IlIStltutes for kip .. InIl furth ... MlIC&tIon, _ol", .... nl$.atiDns, lib ....... scl>ools IIWI publlc arid print. ._ Imninr ..... ciel.

"n.,--..IC I "Doo.\~ __ """ UI< ... .,......... ............... "';"\""'l~""""'''''''l! w • .....". ... --. ........... ,," .... aaol _. .. ........ ' _. .... ............ pn , ....... c ....... "" (",,·ploMo _ ..... -. boo_n,6(l pa , .. 01 "" ................. _, _ ..... _0 ,"",.ll,.. , , ... 0['-......... _ ............. 60


, ...... . <00.- ........ __ '--... _ .......




Rrloininl ~OU"I ~pl~ within the edUallion .... I~m ;.; • key dt:!~r"'",l nt of fulure le~rfllnr CIIpadty. TM,.;.; ext~n.~ reso.arcn 10 in<l lra" I~ Importance 01 inl ..... .."tio" to prevenl drop-oul al lh. eorUesr

~ib., .tli". 11 1$ ",urn mMl' '00;1 elf«t;w, to d""ote additional reoou ru. to k~p ln! ,,"den~ within

1M school SYO;I~ than k I. to try .nd ",inlO,'3!' IMm .tt.r I~ hay. I>PI..d out T~ ES RI has

,..om",ende</ , in h. prioritieo lo r inwsr""'"t '000-,006. I"'t Ir><r''''..d provi,lon be ",ode for lh. lund in, of acl;"rt$ aimed 11 •• rty <I1l1dhood .dllUti on ••• rlV .mool l •• vifll and second <I1~n( •• duution.

rl>e first priority fur I" ..... r_m in edu<arlon "moin. rho " •• Ib orrho~ ,hndrf''' .. Ilo om ",,,.,.,,rl)r ~llIg ,o<ltd bjI r~ ... d\l(or"'n sr.;rem"

Thl, 1$ In 11M w~ prioriti .. IdentillN bV the Department of EdLKotion .nd .xi.n"" wI1ieh has In recenl ~." l,uJK~ • ""mt>er of Import.nl Inlti oliy,," OO\'.rin~ •• <1V dll\dhood edLl(at)on, prima", . nd

~«>nd""., .dLl<ltion. and 1« ... 10 third ., .. 1 ..dueation (~.K .• Ihe LI~V 5tart prosr.mm • • nd t~ er.akln, the (yer. programme) . TOe annOUJl{~m~nl In [)t<~mber 1<)98. b>; tI ... Minkler of Ed UQlIon .nd

5otI.", •• of on additional £S7!€n.J8 million ever two 'f"'" to lo<kl •• dllCalion di .. ctv.nl. ge h •• beM wi"'"tv _kem~d.

- -.,,*,_ .. -.. -~ ..... ~-- ......

In '996 89~' c~nt "flrls), .6 y • ., old. _'e en,ollod In "t~ public Or ~rfy~t •• <JU('llon~II".tilut!onS." Altnourh thi!; 1'1 .. ", '" Ih •• d of the UK (8. pe, c~ntJ and the US (86 per «,nl) It s/1<>IJld t.. point...t "ul

tl1.t tOni! co,mtn.. are not ,ood ~n<h.""", In this ,egard. Il"O'IlInd k ~nk'" only o;Ixl~th 0"1 of 1M

,6 OE(O wunu;., mr which sUtistkl; are ,., llable.

In '99S tn. ~fI_nl 01 Eduutiol! and so..n.:e .. I • tart"! 10 IncrN .. ,ompled<>n rat .. (0< ""ni<>.­<),<1. from 77 per <ent to 90 P"' cent of sludent. by the yoar 2000. Despite !he po,i,,, ... ~r!~co of

new pms.amm ... ,uch "' the lu""1 C.ltlfi(/l~ "",pH.d (LCAP) ~nd the lea.lns Certific.te Vocational (LO/P). it oppe.rs unli1<ely that tI1ll; ta'Ret will M /tIM and klr U~ p", .. nl tho m ention ,Ole two. I"'.kod

.t 8. per ""nl.-

A numb<or of .du,.tors 1Ia . ... p ...... d <onCem at ",hot moy b., an 1n,,,, •• ;n, tr.nd toword • • arly • • it

from eduution prOliumme. brought abou! !h'''''(h 11K' ,eady ... ilabiIlIV of woot. Con5\lll/ltions

",nducted.s ~rt of ~ culT"kulum revHow of lIle J.mior Cycle highll,hterllM allracll,,". of lhe lobou, I"rc" ond il. irnpac! on ~1<f1llon."

_ ...... datIon 10, Th' I¥p\J $M by the Department of fd .... tJon end $(Itll .. lor In"easlnl Khool retention "I", m,.11 1M! carefully IIIOnitoNd 10 detect any .uppa,..

• 0I:Cl>._ ... a-..,., .. ,_ ~ "'~~GowocI.,,-.jl;o Y ,.= ........ ,9'>I._·O' .... r'~ • NCCA.. 11o'-<-")01<~"""" ~< ,_, ~ • no. ..... T ..... £Id. S "I _ ... n ". ,-..oM,. _l .. __ ........ ",...,,,,,.," N-.oI>n ,..,.,


-,_ ... _,-,_ .... --In Ennis. Ih. 1.le<"", E;,ea nn Inmm..lion A!<: Tow~, h .s/ti'.9 mlUlon loa, bt:." .~nl On 1M pfOVlsion

01 <om p"'" equip!Mnt ro, ~I I Ihlrt....n ><.hom. Ind"dml ~ .. ng. of" adapt". 1<-<!o""IORI .. 10' ~plis witt. $pKlal .-d,.~ llII> va,1 majomy of Ihe town', S.soo pupil< !law bftn providl!-d with an Ind"I""al .mall

add ... , and .11 300 'e.<MrS h."" b<'en p,ovided wilh a ",b.ldl ... d homo <omputer.

T ... hn"'ol &UWort to, En ni. <dIools Is provided tt. ' '''-'J' the "'IVlc ... of. fu ll ·tlme • .,.,t"'" administrator.

Recommend.tion .. , TN moll <05t·.t1Ktiw mo-dIonl$m lot pl"O¥idlnl \0<:1001 .. 1 s upport to. tomputers In irish lKhools Is. as yfi. undell"" . lb. 1.0,.. _tlTlen! In ph.,..k.ol lnhuIJUtIUIe. whkh .... been mode

In Ennis Ithool •• olfers on opportunity to quantity Ind qU11ify this luppon .lelMnt.

Unde. t~ lerm, 01 Ihe Inlormatlon Age School. p.oj"'t. funded by Te l<-<om U .. ann. eoch one 01 "",I"" p~ma r; and _<>ndlry stllools in 1 .. land wo. off<.red lhe Iollowlnl '

• • I~ muilimedia compUl"~.

• I fr ... tele pho". line 10f (on".<l ion 10 In.. Inl.,nel;

• free II". rental lor the du'alion 01 lho prtl ... m~,

• • u .. ~ tredit of one h"u, al loca l ca ll rate for .ach ",10001 d.~ 01 the ...:,"oo l l"'ar fo, each 01 two

I"'o.s [up \0' mulmum 01 ,83 days pe, ye.,):

• an Intemet oc,ounl with rr ... rental.

~ 01 Ma~ t999 PVf!r; ""001 had t....n ",ovided wilh • ,omput.r • nd 99 1"" ,"nl ha d a ph.,.,lra l lnl~met

tonllealon (of wt.kh lI! PI" Ctnl we,. ISOII). Te lecom Ei reann estimated Ihat bi'lween 70 per tenl and

80 ,>." cenl 01 ""'ool~ had completed 1M p,a,es. of , .. ist. rin ! wllh an In t.mel Servite Provider and

plan. we .. In place 10 en.u '. Ihal Ihe .. mainln, "hools lot online b-elor. I~ ~d 01 '999.

Inlemel acte .. lor "",,,,,Is 1$ d.pendent "" I number 01 <ompO""n~ III of whidl mu.t bt: in ~llte Ir • .. able <""n<-<lion i. 10 ~ mllnlained. Th.", moy indude a fu""lIonlnl lo,al com put",. app,opriately

<onrol,,",d ",ftw .... a 10<11 .,ea network. I functloninl .",oun l with an Internet Servke Provide r. a

~I. ble telecommunication. II"" etc. Th is Un be furthe, complluiM b"/ lhe loci thai Vf'r; oft"" 110 ....

,ompo"""t. h."" been p"",i<leo b"/ dill . .. nt .upp li.rS. WOon ' ''''lInkal p'oblems <Kcu,. the time and lechnlcal •• perli .. demande<! ,.m b-e bey""d me ","",u«es 01 ma",. scMe l,. The Ind l"IIo", are Ihal. as

Ihinl' stalld .tlhe bt:llnnlnR 01 '999. network reliability I. not .arodhinltllat can b(, tak~ for lra nted in maoy Iri'" ><hoots.

Rec""" .... nddlorl ' 2, rw.dy . C<OU to 0 lew main ...... "". lew t OS! Internot ooIution Is Importlnl illrlsh

.. hoofs Ire to deo;etop turricuLo .... kh mako Ml onol .tIKd ... U54 of lIIe lNrnlnl potentill 01 leTA. ~

Tel<-<om El reann ka •• 1"" <.OmmlUe<j to inM ollin, • compute r lacilil'! In u ch 01 lhe ]0 Educolion (...",.,.- Thls in"alla,ion will include the Jollowinl <om""",,",,:

• nl"" multlmed i. compute" and. nelW<lrk ",rve"

• '"11 lab fil out IlItludinl wi,lnl:

• ISDN line and billln! ,rod;".

As 01 ,"n" '999 '"I ... om li'IOOM .. porll!-d th.t Ihl' Inh.trua.," had """n In.talled In 2J C"ntre •. In.laUlliM in Ih. ,.mlin ing ~n Centr .. will take platt before 1M ~nd 0119S19.~

-'-"'--_ ... - .. -n .. MIliuM! Cent .. lor l~oIl>fJ in Ed,,(.Iulon (NCTE) <oml'l'Wn<1M! o...,atiom In Ionu.,., '9911 10

Oft~ the Imple,....,l.llon of lhe SdIooIs lT~ l"OI'am ....... 4oI€SO.79 mlPIon InYfl.trMnl In Intl, .. tln,loxhnololY "to "'.cloln, .nd Ie>omln,ln Irish 5<hoot...~ 5.rnool.lhooo I ... I numb~r of key 1~;tI"!v~:

• T~d,noIogy Inr~lI>tlon Iflltiotlvt, provision 01 60.000 multlm~ia compulen Ind _1I«1I0n ol .U schools 10 me Inllmel,

• Scoi/lHt: ~opirr, Itt I." ........... ",ioc~ lor 5(hools. "'" Ihe _ cornmijnily. I"'lo.>dlnl 1M .sr.do~nl ot conlent ~Iev.m 10 the Iris.h tutrlculum;

• Schoo" 111'_911>11011 P"l/.<I: ntlblls!rlnllnrlO't~O~ p.~~r~lp. be_n 5("001, Ind Olher

o"onl ... ,lons In lhe public Ind pnVale _IMO:

• 5dr<>o/s Support IlIlrJoflw" Includn 11M! .ppoIrrtmenl "":::""'" 10 lhe .0 fuU·tll'I'W [dLlUllon (.nun.

_~twJ..ol 1£"~ ___ ' 1 •• " ... _ .

The NCTE "'porl'110 I ........ of Man.as-nt appoIlII~ by lhe ~~_ of EdLlUlIon ~d Sd.n<~. The

eo. ... Is IdvtIoe<I try • 1'1.11 ..... 1 Policy MYisoIy ~nd DtwI""IMnl (ommillor' that """ lor 1M lim time

In _m~ 1998. J.j1~ouJlt ,'" ''''''''Iry A<M""Y Group" hi. ""I bem IoIT1M'd as yet •• 1(flIRtonl "",,ole SKla r co·op .... I!on willo. and Inft.tment in. Schools 112000 Is .I,.,.dy o;'o" .... nl . It Is .fso evi .... nt tII.1

th~r. nos be<:n a slrnlfl<:lnl efl"artlo consult wilh. and I«k Ih. Inoo l""m.nl 01. Ih. ''''''''Iion partnH$.

dunn, tIM! nlSl~" of OI"""llon of Sdloots 112000.

_ ... Rd ........ 0): The c.p."","1 of [4.u_ Ift4 ScMMI _ toItd ..... 10 _ "'" m.a.d_

~"of •• _ ,! of the 1II .... 11Dn ""~ 1ft the .,. ... ,_ of dr. Scnocrb rT200CI PfOII"am,...

~ino'" durin. 0", "mounh!<l 10 f.t..y€lO.9S millioft. o..dudinr 11l€).8' million on <UITMI

t.lj>end~u'~ (....en! ~~u,.. will Inuo!'_ 10 £6/€7.6. million per ...".,'" ,.,.. '11'99 ."d >000. tile

rem.ininllWO ~ ... of In. Schooks rr,ooo p'Ol rsmme (reftKI;nl ;n<reawd . tamn, _ .... "d. The bol'"'' of the upl"l expend II.,",. lu.s/€ ••. 6 million. wlll.lso o«u' du,ln, the ' 999 .nd lOOO colend ..

1"' .... and It Is , ntlclp,lIed 11111 a substanUl1 ponlon al Ihis wi ll be t -'Pe-nd ed on Iltt proviSion of

.cldil;.,,,,1 rants 10 KIoools to f\/nd furthfi Imp,.,. ....... " '" Ih. lo<..Ill(l Innl<!ruclu,e.

• • _., .. _ ......... -.--~ .. --Ttchnoloty Inlqrltlon InlllltIYe mo 5ch00l0 purdl_ of ""rdw.~ Inc! .011 ... ,., ",;as ",<llIlated by. £n.51£.7 .... million disl~buli<)/! In Moly

'998.- TM NOE esl ima'e. 'IIa' thtro "'" now app,,,,"m.loly .. ~,ooo compul...,. in 1",llnd', 4.''''' sdlool$.'" The ~dsioo to IU"UU .... n" to "~""I' lor 1M pUlrna,. of leT equip""'"!, ,"Iher InM to

""'"i" In • (~ntra l pu ,ch .. ing .~."M. hI> bHn ~II rl'<eiWd .• nd has had tho> . rrett of promotln.

plannios a' • 10x.01 1'""01.

The .ppoinlm~t 01 an lel .d.iso, to ."h of the '0 lull-time Eduuuion Cent,.". 11 "OM_Yo Thel ,

principal Junction wil l M 1M p,ovl,lon of pf<I.goB;ul .d.,<o I nd I"ul "'I'porllot .moots. A n"mM' of

m~ls lor the ""ion,1 provision of loUon i,:a1 sup pOri are und ... "live mn,lderalion to, Introdudion

du,lnl 'm. In the Int ..... m 1M NCTE Is '"pportln, In INTO l"'~n i(.1 help· lin e lor primary ""hoot •.

!)urin. '998 the tKTE esT.bli,hed, with lhe .u"poII of tho '<'!Ilonal n~IWO'" of JO Education Cenue. and 620 course tutors. a n. tion. 1 lIolnlng ,Iructure lor teo<hers.- In tM periOd from Mily to O«ember. Ihi,

"alnin, n~two'" proyl""" <M'r 20.000 t~lC~r ptac .... on • ranc" of (omputer (ourses. typlcaliV of 20

hours duration.

"n evaluation of the tral nln8 WurstS for primary teach"" <oneluded that in ,.~r.1 tile course! w ......

well run and were wry highly r. ti!d by plrtlc1plnlS." No equi .. lem ...... Iu.tl on of ,e'ond level Ifa inin! <ouroes I, availabl • • t Ih. limo of w r~inl.

" number of lea,he r .. p~nt~\lv, bodi .. haw . "" .... s.I!d concern abool Ih, ICT .kilb 1e-Ir,1. both ted1n lul and pedagoliu l. of ~wl1 qualified te.<hers. Th. p'ovi';on of funding durlnl '998 TOl computer

p",dI"" by ..,me (011., .. of Ed ..... 'ion .hould help In tni. ",~an:l'"

l~ School. Integrati on ProjK! (SIp) 1. Msil""d to promote innov.tion in t . .. hin, ond I •• minl within Irish cIlSSIOXIm •.

rlti, '" a W"I exciting group of in,llarjws 1Il",,/ving 10<01 por/"""Mp. wlrh indU<!J)I.

'n.tIWr,on. ~nd I,,~un""lion ... /rIch wiN ,~."II In Ih~ dewlopm~~r Of IIO!w inr.,oc/I.~ r~o'~'n9 "'ot~rml~ and ne ... "'Ddring upellls. ,.,,"11 Us.'

forty·.i,"1 projem. 1Il"" lvln! 2>8 sdloo l. in v.,1ws silO < I ust~'s. h.v. b.een •• IHled from <)V~r 500 appllcallon, fNeill~ try In., NCTE.

!. '. ' I in 'h ill. > Oalf"""lJjIlniliOliw ... hr,. ,,I>00I$ .... ''' ~.k.d ta ptnpo<t' !Mlr

"'" P'IJ< >. I cOOler/un wrlh Olf>e, ",,"on/sClion •. Tlrl, led /0 the In.~'''''nt of

~ on fr<.. PIJDI..:/com"'r"ia/ ,r':", <I1>d 511 pro~'1 /1(1""." d,u"" from thln/· Ifwl ,/./, Ion$, /ol<i! o:omm.. .. flmd ,,/~, 0Q,ncl,S,:'

_._, ................. "-..... _-_ .. ,

S<oIIlW1. lho wdI ~e Jot Irtsh ~ "'ould Iiso p liV .n importalll fOle In IoUppotIlnl curri<tII. .....

ln~""Mlon In '''''' KhcxJ.Is. II prototype has ~~ o.v.Iopt'd lnd ~ 10"",1 lIunc/l of the 1 ~lllItJw will

o ScoilNet~

Tho Hen pll .. to llb"ulile the ~em of _b conlem 10, s<01l1Wl Ih,oulh pnwkllnl iIS'ilsance

to . wide ""1. 01 O'd"':lIlon.II 'OUps or>d o'lon<s.rIOM. A ..,/twa,,, rw;.,w I nd .... lultJO<l p,,,,,,,,, ... m p,,,,,iok. lib,.<,\, 01 SO/twilre wI11(h 1 •• 0110<5 Un use for trllnlnll nd .... I"'llon .nO n"loUallon< .,. on­.oln. with ludln • ..,fiw", p,,,,,I-x,, In ",'allon 10 11,_ln. and d;«ountlng 50ftwI,.. fo, ~uutlon.1


k " dn, ""'I those responlJbIe lot imp\MIf'llmlon of $cl\ool$ 112000 hive no1 been """" of 0<>e'IY

Ind <omm~""'nl. The Computer £d""'I;OII Socltty of Ireta"" {(ESO has ... I..a thaI: "The Mlnkle'. 1100: De"",,,,,,,,! 01 EtI...:.tlon .na Scl.n<o. the Oeplrtme"l of nnl"'" ~nd 1M NCT£ Ire to be com pliment...:! k>r IM!i, part In the won. done 50 t. ,."

Some cO_lIS h ve bHn Uj>ft!S",d .bout tile lipid spftd of impr.,mentaUon of "'. Schools IT2000


&"'9 "" linol I ,Itt: r>/M> _ br >« g~<)' to I'" """" ...... of en uti", a>. ltitit1(l

"~''dn ... 0{ ,r.lOOO ... _~ ""'" 1M _~ V- 10 plDn. 10 ....,/volr _~ II.

be(or. !rying 10 lm,*nII'nl lilt IOUI. and ....... 1 "",..,rranrty 10 "";Id «rPl'<'iY 'n ,''' .,./Ioot

J~ ltm 10 C""lln~' ""'h 'M elms of TTJOOO btYO'ld XKKJAJ)_'

Aeco ...... nllltion • ., ""nl roo- "" Ind.""ndenl ..-.tUltion 01 the OVfi1U Sclloolf Ihooo 1n1tla1lYo ...... 101 ... proceed" with .. qukkt)r .. pooosib!..


Tho Inue.sed ICT ,....,..n:" p~ to ""oob from public fuf><k Iwve led to InuUHd IItrn;onds ,.,..

r..cltitlH to ~ """e .eadlty '"t!»lblf to the .. Ide, ( omtn<rntty.

A< uhr>Ols gt'1Ifl'll"Y ult IMIT building.- "" only p I;mi!fd ~rlod d~rlng '1Mo ".~ II~" I.

",nsik<llbk If""., "" )no ... sinf} uliliso''''''.

SdIooIs ~ary In the Wont 10 which theJ IIJnclk>/I H a _'Ce for the _ (_unity." 1ft SOme c;tSt!S

k is 00' thot ,he .....t .. .,.. ~fIt i5 not Min. Hriwd from the _enl In-.esttnent In tduotlon,' l..:hnolot'r IIr.OII" fI/Iurt 10 p_ ,feller .. u"" 10 1M ..- < ...... unity (ot I'IIetltl and ~J

0UlI1<k _t --.. IIourL

~ ~<;f'" No."''''~_I'''' - f\oqn>I4.J-.I . ..... ..,.1-_. I n~"'--" ... _ .. _~ ........ ~(IOt).lOI)O o.M>oo BRI. '"., ...... '01 • ";;F;;.:_~'~" __ • ......... ' .-I , ., .-I. ; 1 __ ..... ,._._~ ....... ....... , ...... 00_-

- ........... ---~---

IK ... ,,""4atiool .~, The rws-u Ind ... pport InlpIQtloftS., .... ~.-.unity ... """" .... lor

IIdIooIJ I. pllt ., I "amI"1 IOdety """"lei ... quantillecl and lllcaUy 1..:1 IIIIIIodfts P'IH'II'*<I 10M



Whltf a low proportion 01 1M Y<HInl people I,adulllni ~om 1rI$h s<hool< h_ foU""," . kllts,o,t.r1IO'd

_.,Ional P'OI'~, 1ft conl, .. 1 with 1M lItllMlon 10 most otIM:, O( CD .OUnirio$. this Is 1"""," .lnliy

pe<Ctloed '" a posit .... rac,,,,, " ,._al "nd b<oood odll«llion may """,Ide tho! ~ basis 101 lurtM ' DC.up.r~1 tlllnl .... •

" ,. " """ _g _..... l'<'<- """" '-e ~. k i>/

-"". ",,","""<'fla. aT 1Md .. us.« .;"<1 ~Mn. rNs ~_d I>DH. "11 or/'ri it ,,,. INrd "",,/ Nt. )If '""'" CIIIl bo.W. 15 .grH d It, ".. _ 0' ,,.Iond' • ...... ~

• -':" """",do I . '" ...... ---- ... ... - .. ~ ....... _ .. __ ~ .... __ ol."""'" _ ..-.It. ...... s...~ . ......... t II;' __ t , .. + .. . - .. ,.._al ..... ____ 4 _ltn .. "'"' , ...... ...... - ..... _<#....,.... .. _ - ,_ ... _ """., ·~oI f" ... ........ ,...., \~ I(;fll. Iiolooolorr ~ ............... 1- .ICT"-l __ -. ,_. ~'7






-_._ .... ' _ _ <_ R ... __ 1 29

Simll., ' 'P!MI1I' PIa~ ~n ad~,~,"d In ",lation to tertiary t<lu"'tlon .

We WM", a/rQrd I"" much $MdalJ>",iall In t'aini~g. W/pa' .... do nud Is </IIa/,Iy rd",olltm

and "a,ning (oF gradualu ond ~hnk)Qn. that p",viw .hem wi(h Ih" c<>podJy (0 adopt

to rho"'Jir>g t.rhllQIOfI~"~

AI Ih~ .. "'" time w. musl a"oid '''Y <ampl.cenq In thO; regard . Onloinl <urriwlu," r.";.w and

d ..... top....,nl or. n~nti.L lhe meons and tedlniqun of ns ... menl profound ly infl ... n~ the 10011< of

leathers and the eduQllkml1 ~.~~ce of pupiO;.~

Thl!IO i, Q ritor rn!.d to <mj{IJIQI. 1M a,,,,, rmd obj. cri ••• In Tllotio<> la 1M I>"lSCInQi d.~IOIl"",nl of ,wa. m, ond 10 ensu," f/lQt all .1._01> gf I~ "",I-prl""'rr 'rsr.m,

inr/odirrg ~5$""'n<, "'" ~i<]rwd QIId g."",d lowa rd< Qrhi.>ling 1/1 ... Qim,,~

ICT. In the oflkLll ... hool <"rRcul"m

Some , .. die", I ..... "', .... d '<IlKOIn ab""l an appa,.nt lark 01 U,,"nq I" official ,upport for

curriCulum ~".lopm"'l In ICTs, wIlether is tool, to ,upport leamin! acrt". Ih. ,,,,rk"l"m or a. an a re.

for SIUd'! In thel, own rilhl.

The Nolio ",,1 C~un<iI lor (u .. ,k"lu," and ASs.es.",u!~ OKCA) has staled that la poli<\l In Ihe p,ima..,. . nd p<>$l.p~ma..,. <uni<ulum should b< bU"d on the 1<>Ilowlnl pnndpleli;

• "'UI"arnofS sI10u ld uS<' ICTs in ,~levanl curriculum 'Mt~~" .

• ICTs sI10uld b< used '<lI.el~ by ItamofS Irom junior lnlan" OIIwards.

• By 1M ~nrl 01 compulSOry ..dlKatJon aU studen" should h"" a<~le~d ~ Mnn~d lnoel 01 fCT


111. NCCA II .. ,,,,.ntty compltled Ih. de •• lopm"nt of I ,evfsed national <uni<ulum for pnmary 'l<hoots.

Th. T • • tIl", GuideU,",s w1ll lncorponU. mgge"lons on usin, !CT. "' a ,,,",curee tc . nha .. " Itaminl

a<roSS .'""1 a~. of the ""W <urtleulum.

While lIfO"iou •• trons 10 promol~ <urTicu lum de""lopmen\ln tills arU ha" genera lly been hampered by

the "n,""," ",O'o'l.ion of mmputefS in ,"",,,,,I., th~ p,,,,,,nt OIwi,enm.nll. <Inrly more ,ondu,l". to such

In ill.U."" . AJ tM tim. of writin!: the NCCA Is In tM pfa, .. s of appointing I n Education Offl,e , la, ICT,

10 'Ullport tlo. wor!< of "n lCT Steerlnl Com milt .... HO_f, it milhl be sune,ted that, ba5ed on the

IBn!. 01 .<llons required, mc~ than

'l<hools <ullkul"m is 10 be effecl.d.

• •

OM appointment i. MC ..... ..,. if the de,i,~d Impau on the kish

_._ ......... __ .... _-30

bca_ ........ 6: __ 1M~ .. ,., ... p ..... -..10 Irbh ~ 1& MIn i pul l~ pia .. ,

the .. II I. Mrp'" _ fro< __ ,"OUIWO ttl 1M ol\outIt<I tl I ... tIonaI IewI to support < .. nk.I.",

6. , ." ~ .... "t.

CDrKMI hn bftn ft~wd .bout!he d~ In """,bets 01 stu"",,ts tokInJ chemistry 'nd phJ1.k$ 10

lemnl «rtl/\Qt. ~,

rhr "/Ij~g /ljJmborn; hI~inf /lll)rsics atJd rhrlflMrr is PflIMlialir IItt />Iff"1 10"9'"'''' I~",ar 10 Ire/and's ablli/Y 10 d .. r"'p aJ 0 I<nowl,d!lf" bale<J lOCit I1.·

rM plopollk", of ...... nts IhOI tah <ci<'Mr 1<dIi«f. <II: s.cond-kwl ~ dffi 1"11 tlftd this

""'in 'M <>r>fH1'fII""~' /IV ... ~t.I to lab I«hltlcal COI"U 01 tllMJ."",I'

A ll\rl€19.0~mlllion pLon t" ~Iop the INchl". of physics .~d tMmlstry ill oecOlld ~ !dH>o1l .....

• nn"""".<1 by IIIe Minlste, 10, tdure.lkH'I 1«<1 Sd<n<e In Marth '999:

II Is en"cul fat '",WId', d,.,.,lop_m """ WIldd II<IMr I~ hI~h·S~I~ rmplO)"'1Mt thor ....

'mp~ OUt ~rff>"""""r j~ p/>rsKs and chemistry.

file pion. which will "'" 0Ye< rh_ yeltS. 1rMI~ Ihr modtrnlSrltlon of.mool t.bo,.I...w.., 1M _III""

,,1 1Iirtet.n1 sde""t sy!i.Jbi ."" 1M p~ioII of VJM~ tr ... lnl for l. ocMn.. fht plln ,dvoti11es IIIe

us. "I IUs In Iht ItKlllnl of the p/rysklllCifll",s Ind $<~s ... iII ,oerM • ,tanl for 1M pur<h1Se of

c""'puiO! equipment spe<;IkII ~ 101 us. In th, I.a<hlnl 01 the ,,"''''', <ubj«IS.

TM IrnJo CoIInc~!or Sdtn<e. Tw.noIoty , nd I"""".~on (lCSll) I'm .... I"'~ tile ~ns [0 InUDdlXO! 1110

sludy 01 scltnce " PM! of 1M rnhecl p<\INIry 'idlool <unkulum.

IOrNr ... ~f/thnaI In thdI.'Ig ,,;rI, s60N<~ ~ rfCMoIIogy Is lIn ;1IIj:J1IIt'""r ,l)<fdiM~ for lu~i{QI Innl1"1111I"" I~ 1"- <_munir, "nd rtr. dr,of~t IIf 0/1 «II~I>/II)' t"IH''* af ""Mlom"''' Its d!irens "'III tho l~r ~ntury,

The KSTI has ""Ge.",n.-. 01 «<omme"dollo", ,,, 'upport the 1~1<h1n1 of SCifrnCI In._ indudlnl

tM tSl-.cls/llMfII of I naticlnll Cent'e ro. Ihr Teachlnl of Sclenct.

(once"" h ... been t"P""...t .bout both th e e<tenl.ncj the dr.t'slty 01 t~ Iludy of fa,.I,n II nru'IH In lri<.h lChools:

T~ ImP~"'Mt,'lon 01 • pII<>I ,,~ to I.trod",. 1M It\Olly of fo,"" Ion",..," Inl" 200 prtmary

""1>01, II welcomed ."" """,,'d poriI1IY+ty 1"'[18</ on the IIN~ 01 "'''IJUiI~ sklill In I~.nd. Hov;e>;e-r. rM" " Sl ili. !O"cr," thll Ihe " ni" or 1"",I,n IInIUII" ~I~I §Iudi<'<! to leavinS Cert iH,. te Ie.ells 11>0 n." .......

• JcrTl ·t~'-'P<_ ... IC.mt_DoIt;o _ I,",,,,,, £qm '- .. , _ .... _ .... ",-" . . ' , .. - roo'*I .... _ '-: 1'00(1, ",:II "" _1rooI "'-m ""-' ... 1 oM s.-.._ .. -.." .. "'" .. ~ S<w. ... SdrooIo.19 _ ,.., iOTt,_"' __ "'-r._'''' _c:. _<"_.-..Ie : Ii __ .,.~,_, ..... ",tl

-'-"''''- ,-, ........... _-_., _____ , .. _ ... _--


__ .... t ....... 11' n..n. b ....... "" Inc......t .1w<$Ity In tk ..... 01 /oteItft """",po _. Ib«IlM ... ktsh schools,

European Ia~,,"

September.981 saW.M L1unch 01 tile [ "'"'PUn SdIooln.~ or ( UN. ~ .,.!WaR; of"~ for [""'pUt!

KhoQI$." Tho ~I objoc.1ns lor tho [UN are Ihl h MIl Hrve I. I ",.kllned .. ond comm ... i<ation$

platform lot con.oratlon ~ nation •• tducliion nlhorltliK. u!lIoenitlf:s, tnduslly _ .. 1MIo ... Tbe

PfO!M,..., .. t dotoelop_ 01 tNdl,..,. Ih",.,rh I Eu,opun V1n""t T~ (011". 11 one of I "umbe< of lhemrs tMt Ire bel", fxplO«1l.

I""""t~n! In !elch .. 1'"lnlnl hi • • 1.., betn p.loritis.ed b~ lhe QUO,

SlIa:~S"'1 dtplOymfnt rmd "50 of la. ", 1M (kim",,", sifli i<I"./r dt~1Ifb on 1Iig~/r

""""",'td. pio{tHnnl1 pnrn;,po/s /lIItIlfodlfrs.

Roc ... " .,don tI, .. ".,_ Ito tile ~ ..... lcp.,cal "-"tts .... InIrIen Is • ,......, __ ' " SIIC_~I ..... -.t ............. ""'" , ... d" ... To .... ~


]' per <ent 0/ 1m!! .80., ve.r t>lds ore .... 'oIled In tertLl", f<!uution •• fic"re which '"nu Ireland I .. ol.<!h

pW:f In me OECO" (UI( 11 pt. <e'ntJtenlh. USA.)S lie' «lltl!lllh). ~nd ",UflI5 supply Jor tho .06.000

tf,lrd level places ••• ILlble Ind tt.. ( on"'_<e of Heads of .. ish lk11"''''t!es estimate. de .... nd for ""

to '71.000 pikes In Ihe ",f<!"", ,"In (by tt.. V", 20' ~'

~ I!i ...... ali ... thoT cl6pite hict+<er student ...... 01 ...... " m.n "'" UK It SKOild and third ..m. when tIw

"'Iistics 10. stu"', ""oItntn' ...... tho enTire 5' " ""pul.llon.", oumlntd.!PIe IJI( perform> ben .. ft., per (.~t v~fS<l$ 65 per coni ror 1,lIlaodl. TPIe IQtlO<1,1 Compttitlvfl\rss (o~n<1I hu dr~ .. n 'Uention.o Iho ",ope rgr Im ptO'o'lnl t. k~U9 oJ SKond than'e f<!uutlon,1 OppOflun;t;es:

lrodftd Ih. on/DI",on! "'Ie in ,,,,land {O< I/lo~ 09td IWI'nty 10 """"ry-/II",, ~U" 01 ' •. 6"

follJ ~ me GEeD ""'''''1 _ 0/ '9·-""

_ ....... 110" .'" "'- It ..... to< P_ "'"It< IIulbIIity wiIIIIa tIM< ..ducatlon lyoIoM ...... ,

."",jKnllNtwft~ ... '11\ ..... ' .... ""'·IImo .... " .. loll .... eoI1I<IIioo+ 10 pnwoOlB<l.N fadl/tm4 .

• o.,-JI:.tot_kl_oI..,... t~ .• "". - n.."->o5<' t ... _lofEU __ -.lll'T.\ .-... .. ~ .. __ "" .. l_ ..

C ...... _ .... ~ ... , . """"" s.-__ l'~ _

_ c ; = c-!I._c ; . * a.- '" o-._p~'

I --.-.---~---

Tho,.. ." 110 ... ,-I~"'" In pa"ldpIlID~ in third IevtoI tdut.tlon by di~"nl wcio-lKollOmk I"'U~ Plrtklp.aHon tltH flnte from .Imosl 90 P« (~I In tPle hllhe. pro,,",.lonli,.o..p 10 lust '1 P<" trnl!of lhe unsklllfll ""''' .... 1 I'OUP." Thl$ Is OM or the Is",," .mid> Is ~ ..:Id,esH<l by the (ommis.lon on

1M I'oinH ~em ft,.bIbIM<I by tile MInkI .... "f EdllUfion whow IMm or ~"'"' ino<lude In"""iptlon 01 the efJKt of the 1>feWII1 admission SYSlellO on Siudom$ ""'" ha .. o.po1';eno:ed sl,niftr..,' "'IXatlonal

dis.od..nt.~. In .ddltlon 10 system wlM 1"111.11" ... tho" .r. also lout inltl~II.e5. The ne .. &ondwllMown Irtslitut. of TlKhnolon wlQ _ In ..... .mlth h .. had OM 01 tho lowest ",II!!! 01

II1endonte .t Ihird w..t ., lhe country.

11If ne~d 10 optn lIP Pl'ffi('{}(IIUm m third lew! Ie MW groups ...n bf un<' of rile "" .. o/IJIK'lve.s of 1M ".... , ... mu'e of TfttrtoolorJl_ 0... oftl><! """'I'J It wi" do Ihi< ,.,.11 " Ie w<>rl<

... ,UI Io<ol.~ -.d pte ",lIlfIG it> pOiIl(ub; '" 1I'I'_id* ~ <Outsn wlW<h".;/I

fP"J.'~ on II/,_t .... _ 0( ."'1)' fot Ell n ... 1>0 .....n.I _ P'I'9"''' put ....... Iie.11y from J!!f/ng ,"" !"",v/ftg C."i{iculf_

Post-'"""" (ertjf\Qle (Pto wuna fulfil." ImpOl'lan, role, bolh as ~u"es 01 p~mploymenl \,.Inlnl _ os "tppl,.. .1",," 10 hl&t>et «iuCMi<MI rou~ The Goftm_ hiS athowitdcW IhtIt tontn!>utl.,., th.ou,h Includln, 8 apltll Illoutlon of £'o/€'~.39 ",illion 10' II>< PL(.s In t~ 'i<1"'tIR< ... d TKllnoIot;lu1 Irwtsll'llt'<ll fund. Also. Ifom s..plornbef '1'98. PLC "u~enl> bK.o ..... Ii,iblt for Ihl.d

Ir.t-I mAIm .... nct I .... l$.


lIKM.,e" ,. • :00: Coftd • ...., MH'O"I .... I .. ,..JUI' "" __ 'MII_ ... loN ..... _

oq,dUbI. yptalt. oI ........ RIIIH "" wtIarf Hualion .

.... """d 160._ a""~.,. rnlOlled In sell.fWonud f>a'HI ... "!IUIlion 11'01"_ Tho! SIll. PITS ffts II urldtl'l,~dual. lull'lime 1e",,1- 1'!' ill i "me 01 o/tnll\r. ... 1 s.l.IH VI.,,,".U. poop\< pUr$IIln, w<on" dworxe .d"Gllion on I Pi'''';''''' ~Is nil .. to ~. , tilt <Oil ol~.

W..,. <ho<IId thou ~ qw/I/I<"r~ ,., /Ct /If "'9hf ,..,..,. 'a par (no. ,w,;1e lho • • do< '"

jD {uIl._ h_ "" (Hs 10 pay' ~". • >OO<Ild /:If 0 good /<kG 10 '''''Q",'. IHktlliltf ,.,

I~ _ "(h.,all>g~ aM 11> f«i~'"'' • ""'" 101/0 tIJ'ffTS In fII<I __ W~y sho<t/tJ mo ..

!h<lt! fIG!' 1M ~pulQlion ~ di5uj"'I/IQlcrf QgoifUl'·

.............. ''''l1000 u ; TIM IfKlHH4 tMI II> .tu6Mlts '" p.r1Idpotinl In "",,·11 ___ "'R·"'" 041OU1Iooo ole ............... 1It. _l1'a 4

" s' Ior~~o-c-" ,,' f s.....,c:: w __ ...... _____

• I ' .......... I ____ ~ot ... , r -,.c~ __ ."'_Mod.od .. , .... ._ ...... u ,

t _._ .. _--------,

Wittlin 1M 0[(0 ' .... n!rieS,. tountry.~ of lZ "'" ~ of UIlMo"ity tCu<hn1'i If<: M<oIled 011. port. H~ bnlJ. tn ~rtv III twnlriH nOll·u,""enlry ~ p, ... ",m"," hive hllne. pa.H"'" enrolmefots Ind

tl!o! D£eD "."'l" In thls~.., Is » Pf! <enL Whi'-' I....." r. r..< I'" In l i~ wllh IItn<! n,Ur", m.n~ orh~r de.t'optd N",,_1ft _ ti •• if!taftrly hIshe< p<lIt·1IfM ~olm ... t flt~

_ s. ............ .-...- ....... __ ..... -

--:1 JL -

The inStitute< "'techno/aty, wh ... tile proportkm of part·time Slu~15 (l) .• Pfl cent) is double Ihll of the ...-.,1.., wa ... {U.l ptI <...0. h_ p~ • key roW In Imp'OYI", AWl" tG educatiOll." In t/lb

...... rd 1M uncel~Uoo> In 1997 of tIw part·IIIM PflII .... me in Infonnolion tKhnoIolY....tHdo O«ul'ff'd It

1M: InstlMe 01 Te(hnolof/In Talll"', wll particularly ",gr.tt.ble , n,~ lu ndlnl fromtwOllt, withIn .,."kh 1M ..... 11"\" Ire ob~ 10 lundiot\, 'JljIe.Irs to h_ Umi!" th. ability of Hit InsUM. to tHpood

llelibly to 11M! dtM.1nd kif ~ Plot ......... ThIs opt<at ..... r li&\ditJ is (onftrtned by the [cOf1ornk .....

50<1,1 ~~I"'h Institute """0 have st.ted thoar IriVo \"'titulio""llm.n~ ...... t. 10< eduntion Ippel' 10

~ both more ~.Id '1'4 ~ h~"d\I(l11'/ orpl'llsed than th~ In othe r E"[(Ipsn <ountriM, - Eduullon.1ol prowbion 1s.1moot tomp!ettly fUR-time, with DI~ PirHimo promion c..adln. 10 ..... .tet.bIe qUIUftatlom.-

The fIH<I to promole I,nte< ~.IIibIUty and ~s!"'l\fSi ., .dUCItlonal OI,uct"'"' h~s -., ..:~v<I:

Onl of th. "'on~ undf'l'rjn~ GSIU"'plianl oboOlt ""'''09f'''''''I, whrffler In 1M public 0' priv/lle _. wtrit;h "'" bHn PUI '" d~tt for ..,_ I"., Is Iha, tire", /s OM ri9h/ wor to

"'9<'niw ""Y' .... "9. '04<IJ'. 'llUteg/c pllsMr", III rM NsI(IOfi.." O~. lIS in...., othrr "'"­",",t be fI •• jbJt and ,nnewti ... .., "" 10 ffSPOnd to rop<dly ch""t)irlg c;rc"",uoncn.

Today', an, "lIh/ WGI' JJ tOlrlMow'J <>boo"" p<>1ky.~

RKooIInMfHI.1IooI >3 : fun"" JVuctu'" ,." tho lMovI4 ... 01 hiatM< IIMI fIIrtIItr ,""lI(.ItMMI sltooild boo u..tullV u.o ... l ..... to corfKI Iny in_ .. nt blu thlt ,. ........ Iutl.U ......... ' pln.dm. ,n,otrnenL

Motu .. StllCl..,b

~ ' 5 ~ <ent of .M 1\0.-.... thin! Iewol plac ... In the 0[(0 H • ..tIoIe 10 to .... 1_ stud~IS (_

16 ",Irs III l,eI I't"l In IleIInd 1M n.",. to IH$ th.n ~ pe< <e/ll. ~""~nl I Iml of .pp"lOJ"'"I~ a t L,~<>o siudento.

po ., """ 'r~to ," ,_ Is panl,g/Otltt __ 1 .. 10<14".,. tIof vcorod

"" .... " .... 'nIl)' /no,1 In lhe OleD, W>lh 0_ .6 Y"' oJds o<"",nM,


(fIf 0IIiy .-... of _, ... ....sir,. Ihl'l'd-l"tI filII)' teo; ad ",;111 ... OfCO ...... of J6.ft

ond onIr 1.,.. of ~ty e""" compotid ""I'/r an O!W ~ __ of IjI.) •

A slmila, <o",em nil bHn vokrd in ''''' Grnn Pape, "" Adult CduroUcn,

Ireland's relQflvtl~ I.", Inv"--'Imenl HI rhird·1evI1 .dur.tion fe' DclullJ is IIhlf 0".' li_ I.

~ Its (Qll\jltlIII ... poSil/otl ",'s-d.wJ I/Ofit <DUm"", ",he aro '''''' ... uaus .... • ~I.nding

urri-elSlir artd 01"" '1!i1d~1 <>n:UJ to old" oge 1'0"1' •. '"

Tho: Gtffn PtJpa, or! Aduli Cdurorion <ontol<o, propaSab rot a Ttlitd l evel ~Iijre $I_t MtiU

Pml"'mIM and refers 10 • 111JeI or 16 pe< tent or thin! ~ entRnl!. by 1M pa, 2 ...... and ~ !he

!.I"Iet;ies ~I Ire beinl IMd 10 inuN>e ~" .... tlo."

._,M tk""Io/HN"' 0' Inoo"",1vI" <MI"ffI(II .flo""i, .. DeUS< progt!lm~ ro..~ 'ncI """,rorl"9 Jy>!u>J, f!u.lbl. lX<nIdilDlion_ and provision In commUMjI 5'wn9s supporl.d

by dolld<'rt {r>tJlllIti. This I>Iu boen IXCQmpani<lld by 0 QrtOIer .mp/>o.l. OIl pOrtMr5hlp In Ih. 1,.min9 prIXU. M 0 {utrd."",ntrz! princJp/t /II ",,,,,,,unity .durDli(Jn,"

TtI.r. is. ~ 10 Improve 1M I.ke-"" of l~nolO!lo;al Jubifcu 11ftOIIlI'I,.."..1e ,I_IS althou ... it is impe""n! 10 nole Ihll this p,oblem is fa, from uniq"" 10 ftland:

IrlJll wom",'s p~i<lpolioil ", compuling or Ihlrd If..., ""$ .tun stowly ''''''' '991. bur

forb"i" "pori 111., only IS" of WlrIJ><il" gladu.,,, {nlm lri,II Ihird.I~1 <olk~. D,. _on, which ,lNty ""y I. d".-r 10 llIe 0IQIId a.e"",". AJrh<>u!ih UK, f""'~~n, US Md

Auslnlb"" dDI~ /HI WOIM" /" wmpUIin!J .. /fe<IJ g limilm1r to... ptf(fnlllQt, ffgu", how

f/lKIIHlIN.,.,., lINt ptil ,..., ftrtldil .. ~

TM IoIJow;na; <ha" 'onfl .... that the pollern 01 pn<ler porti<ipation in ttdlnoIOlkal !.Iudies is ,!mill,

In other OECO too",,,". _. _ ... _. --"" .......... _ ... _ . ... -~­n __ .1 ___ _

n _ ... _

R ..... rth S\l<h H the a.<T\e<11ot wa.... 1ft '-"nl !.Iu<Iy. <.1m..! out by the 1.)I~1 ot l~~. WuestJ thlt.1Iorts 10 Inue_ the ~"idpll\oII 01 Wornt'fl ""'ld> COA(tI't,~e solely on t A(OUrlllnl VrI' 10 d>00$e <om~"tln" _ "o-IIr to boo '''''IrKI .... and '" tMr action Dn. number 01 ,,",," .. nKtss.,,·V.

l-·_ .. --,_· ... _- Hi

h 1./1.,"11 Cmo{;<Olt .~b~cts. 1M,.. IJSIP' /I> lit> /I ry g."" ","" d ~Q~'"

of /I1H1/ripa,lan. G;rt~ II" /lW/·rrpI.","'" 'n Biolo9Y ",,1$ ""do, roll' "n'," In /'IIy$iD.

P/fyJ1o & O"' ..... /ly.,tppIied A4"'~~~irs "lid Agncullu'" S<lf">COO-'

__ IMfHII'1on 2).: ktIons to _ .. __ e<jultioblo ..,._~ of _ '" IedlllOlotk.ll WI ••

mull. ,".II~. ton<ltfU4 .nd effi!~ ... n ... , with .n of 1M b.rrien to plrtldpli;IoII.


~ S inevitable ,1>1, In lhe fu!IN~ Ihel1' will be If><f'I'l'>lnl usa", 0/ di.ta",t In . ftwble mod~'" tor

t<I~1 oHItw.ry. The contJibution 10 rIIis dewIop.-.., of bodies W(h •• OS(AIt. 1M " " ..... 11

dis'ooce education U'II1re. Is ..,.,Iftc.nt. Dw, J.SOO $I .. df.nn IhfOu&hout 1~lnd _~ .... '011..., In OSCAIl

~Olr.m""'s In 1991. ", lun n ... 1.~0XI studtnll; _'t . nrolled In Open iJr>illt,.lly '.uMS.

'-t 1M Y"'" Iktw II rnonI be ~ ,ho, !be dew~n\ of ,,;StArK. edUUOUon has bHn '>1_ In lre!.nd than In .... "1 ether EutOp~n count ..... d~ 10 both hl~ _loprMI1l n.,H On 1M com •• ' 01

• SII'IIII! POPU .. ,lonj ."" 1n~ti!utIorno l ""rrIoH.~

The Ad .. h (dlKltion Centre In Ur>rmslry C~ Dublin is _rlml'Min1 .U0<C6ilully with onll ... ""1iYe<y 01 <ou"'H usln, Ih. InWtIM .

• ~-..cI.'" '"'" Men tIIIp ...... ~ '" "'"" III .uppOl'ttnc the dc .. \u, ... nl of fIulbie ooodetJ lor 11M <MIMry of _uk eduuliooo _ 10 buMdln, 1M uptdty of "'.W ..... __ .. U";c;.,; 10

JHlrtklpolO In ...... 1 •• mln,lO'IttiatNH.


AI £>soi€)17.~} ",iIIion 1M 5<1ft1hl\(. and I..duIoIOfUt Ed"':'llon I~ Fund io the II~ ,;nlle

C.pllat In¥6lmftll P'Of .... "'" In 1M hilol"'V 01 lrioh t<lLIQIIIo~. The _ 1",.1 ollo<.allons Indiule the

""""" 01 lhe Fund:

• £6oI€;r6 .• 1 ",iIIioft 100 (oonplttlon 01 1M 1>/01'_ of.trJ1b de •• top"",nl,

• ha/€'!;·)9 million 10 ... ,,1!, 1nYts' ... n' In lIoe pro.i:skln 01 hOlel and lourts .. nat";", I.<il~l ... In the inil<M'" of ledmololY'

...... I •. lf_ .. T·.:*. -J--.'-~ .. ,.~~, ~ , __ , ____ ,_ • c- ....... ___ ;;1) --......... ,..........,...,

-"-"'- -"-~---• £,a,'€2~·39 ml lllcn 101 Ihe ,ox3tion.l MlKltfon sector. plrtkul.rty post Ita-In, crrtlnWe courses

Ind Ipp"'nlk~Ip$;

, £8<I£1O •. ~8 million too "''''SlRIct","1 d" ........ nlS In Plrtkuiar tho _ .. .nd feinYI."",1lon of tI>e lO'thnolotlcll .... <10/:

• £1<V€J8·09 million IOf third le.....t ~"Ip""'nt ~n~wll IrlnlS:

• £'s!€'9.OS million roo ..... ro'cin' !he ..... 1td1 "nd oHo.kr~ ... ,,' <.Ip.odty of ttUfd IneI iMlilut ...... It1d

• £'!J€3'·74 mHliofr to, ,1M! Sd>ooI. fl:rooo PrtliKi.

Tn. Stienj;llc Ind T«hna!osJc.1 Edl.l<.llion I"Wi' .... nt Furtd has led 10 lilt ~" .. t b<JHdln. PfOIlIm"", ___ undotUkeft In IrisI! unlwtsit~ Ind Instltut .. of tedlnol"" and his been wIdoIy ocknawlMpd IS

1I,o.ln. I ",.jOl imP«! In " ....... l .... nd'S full ... bI .... for Kr....:. Ind teclwlolar,:.

Som. <""<emS 11,0 •• boon e"ll"'ss~ _boul 1M deiIV' In tIM! bui ldlnB J)/OI'~"'''''' .. 'IOci.ted with Ille e. ponsio<o of IfRiary tdu«II"".

In ngo<d to tho Imp ",~Iati"" " om"",. old ..."s wiI flO{ _ ..... 1WHs.. ..

AIInoulI«rllfnlS of ""IIGI!\'a "';111101 .... 0 IIofImo rint If 11M! "Pf"'N'IIJ _~jlW1"f <II!d ~'''fl cmmglmtnlS Of)! nOI slmulla~p"sIr siim"",d-{I<JWI! pmi ~fl/la uP on a ,apld·,uponu {Dolmg.

Du,ln, '993lhe _d le r 1"""'00<1 In • • ,lm.,,1 In the ""IIlnslon 01 tho Ihlrd rr,.el wmpult< M\wort has bHn "",de by HEAMt.~

!kIt" S<!noltS mQIW)'1$ i'Wf!5IM III "" t __ of IIW rhitd·...., compodP' not-*. "'" ""Iversillt! IH>d InstiluffS of T"hnOlOf~ ..,11 h"~ OIJI ond /r-o/cnd'J 1fC_ ~ <*v.k>_M

lNil! 0.. u"er.ly limll.d."

s..m.. P .... reu hI~ -. _ollkd _". 11M! mwse 01 the 1'"'. H~ '" parI/IPBII~ wi,,, ltD and

UCO. 10 in the proxoss of _I~inl lhe IIJillbltlty 01 ~dblnd COMHtMty "II T.Ieto", &e ... n's ~I"

S<!rvk •. Proposals fu , • bl9ldband con~IOfI Of tile n.JtHmiI Kldrmk rlttwort to the pln'[utapean

l~k and restl''''' nrllNO<t (TEN·. S!» .",.Iso .... <Ie, ccnside"UM.

Of C<HIfW. hlfh·~d. !ow-cOSf K<HS to learnins resou,(fS mUSI also b<I pnMcItd olll$ldr Iht t .. dftion,1 centm of ... m.,. illlt:<it\k Iolmln, models .. t to b<I 6twI~ _ r.q>ioIlo<I.

WRhOllt low C05I·bandwldtl! .. allabilitv Ih,au,,, .... tl"" counTry (both In homos .. d bU$lntSSefl. 1,..llnd

w~1 ""I b<I .ble to p&tIidpalt Irt the ICT .a1.ttlH lhal will bo:' ... ...J ...

£U Stsuctu,1II funds of £.8I€n1l6 mJUIon hove bHn .aoute<f 10 -ssi)l In ",""'din, nat __

broodb.Jnd tonn«tiolt ....


-'!.. -'-"-"-'-"~---' '--"


."""" M In. [SRI has pointed out, l<OWIh will bKomt In{fwsinglv d~p.nd~nl on knowl~dl.·t>~",d induSlrioi

sud! ~s electronic. pharma{wtio;als and computer ."ft ... , •. 1,,,\;1na nHds Inoovatlon .nd ,,,,.!i.lty to

",.Intoln a <ompelitr.e e<lBe. In tho <"mputer Indu>'('j 78 per , ent 01 ' ..... n". '''"'OS from prod0J.(t5 that

"..w bo<o:n on the m.rle' 10, less Ilia" two ye ......

Concern. have t>ftn •• p~sed about th. I_I of ~a"h .nd d.~.loplTl<'n! (R&D) invos1m.n' In Ireland:

111. o""lIa~l. oWdon<o 5ugg~.rs thol Ireland 1>0. a 1_ ~vel of RI10 ,"O'!'u""" , II)'

inlemolloll(11 ~r.nd.rds."

Tn.e [SRI b"I""", thl' lhe.., I'; • wonl '"'" fO! .i,nificont in,,., •• u In the ""01 of publk fundins I"r

,eso:.n:h Ind development Ind ,ec;ommends that RlO """"ndilur •• "auld De in<:I ... ""d "ntH Tt15, .1 lea.!.

In line with the ru .""'0,0. In 1995 thto total pubUc and pnYaI. ~'lH'nditu'" on R&O In Ireland wos ,,~o per ~n\ of GOP (of whith 0.}7 por <~n\ was govemmrnl funded) which ,an be ,ampa'M with on EU

.. ffose of ,.84 p~r <~nl ond .n DECO __ OS" 01 2.16 per ~nl. Th. cOI'\?a .. bl. HIU .. ~r Anlond Wa5

2.]> p.r cent of whith '.<Xl PM ,enl w., I"""mment fun""d.-

Ih~ Hallon.1 Competitf""ne" (ou",11 (NCO h" point.d oUl the ITarillly of our comp.titi"e IdVlnla,e

(p.nku"'rly in r<'lotlon to hi,h.IHh manulacturin&l wMn the princip;tl <nOWIM~ ...... ",main Qul$ ide

th e Ins), Honomy:

fro/and i. I"fln .. d ,o"!WI o( ~8 (ouMrk. In r.rm, of bu,ineu '~FndllurP on IticQr<h and

""~"'pm<'M. -

ThiS I. 0 si,nifi",nt improvemrnt compared 10 len ~ ... "SO and place. Ire lan d (\0'" to 1M W ave rag.

lor business ,mOl InvesTment In R&D. HOWllvtlr. liven th. speciali5iltiQ<! of Ih . trlsh economy In hlSh ·

tech •• do". tit . .. I ••• Ironl <3'" to be "",de lor th. ~C a,sertion thot 11 s hould b<! oo".i"",.bly higher .nd do,", to lho le.d countries in Industrial R&D pe,f"""an,' (S_den, \.1p.n. Switzerl.nd. the US .nd


CI .. rtV 0 oounlry"s ",p.odly 'or t,.rnnologl",l lnnov.tion io .Iranlly ",I.ted to the strengt h Ind n"u", of ~s

sr:"''''~ .nd ted1ne l ....... Ito ... ond In """d Ireland daM quit. w~ll In term5 of It< output of technolo!\' «radu",", (,anked -"nth of 22 OECIl [oumrl. ,) . Of oil d.S .... a ... rd. d In 1996 J' PIlr coni w .. e In

"ience and .n,in""nng pla<in g I",'and ahood of bolh the UK (29 p .. ce nt) and In. US (19 per cenO. ",.in

tlte ~(C (.Oldions aKains! any <omplocency and ",[ommend, that I,.\and "'ould ~",hm. rI< 11$ porfo rman "

again,l !'inland whe,' 39 P" cenl 01.1f Ir.duo .. , we", hom wen« .nd ~,in .erln, distlplltll's in '996.

In the <"".nt buo~ant em plo~ment [limite it hos bet"""" In([~ .. ;ngly difficult to .WaU . ulft''''nt

'lud""l. inlo lull.lim<' po'I ·S,.duole positions. At th~ S.IM time an in u • • sin~ k>vel of public Inve<tm . nt in hl,he< edu<ati on ..soard"! mull be ackn()W\~dg. d . ~ Higller Education Authoritv (HEA) is co­

ord inallng tlte Itloartlon ond admfnisUation of a n. w f1801€22a.\~ mll "o" ProJramm. for R .. e.rdi in

Third·I ... 1 InstitulloM witi<h will run from '999"001."' Th. !CSTI ha. §101M Ihat In.. .~n," of world

d." centr .. tor r .. u"h and t,.rnnololY develop"", nl in k~ .r" .. I •• I.,ious ""liei.n", ond h •• 'H"",m.n~d the Mlabliohment of .u(h Ictll,ill.s In ,11. ~Id, ollCTs .n~ biole<hnoloKY."'

tn o.c.mbe! 1998 tho Eu,o~.n Coun,1I of R....,. rc" Mini';t~rs ",ached 0 final dHisian 00 lh~ fifth

R .... arch r .. m..wa,k PrOlllmme. whith "ill ollow to, . Imost £!2/€IS.24 billion to be made .v~il~bl. to

", ... ar<hers .«oss Ih~ EU Oller tn.. next lou. veors. II ls p.rtkula, ly de.I,.hle Ih.t th.,e shou ld ~

~rtl<lp.lioo tram Irish ...... "h ... In th~ action on R ... . "h 10 .upport • ~r friendly Informalion 5o<."'tv wIIl<h h • • • n .,'_ bUClet 01 f2."'t}.OS blll'oo.

-'-""- .-. .-. ... _-3. LEARNING AND THE WORKPLACE


In I!of: dimalt of chlnlt which <h.rKtHises .. on: It tht ,""d of Ih~ I .. ~nlil'tll um~"/; tile contlnuous up"'tln, 01 s~llls 01 1M .. or~I()I"te ls " ... cI,l. Or,lnl ... UO"! ... nnol .. tv ijp<)n ntw enlr'nlS to tII~

.. oMoret kif tills ~p·HJlllnl. £Ilhty poe< unt of the WOIkfo"t thll .. 1111>0 ""c!l<.In,ln ten rurs time I. l\rudy In I!"mploymenl. Lu.nln, In tho W<lfi<p\.l(f IlIli ~d p"~lnplo\lrnerrl ed\IQIllon Ind ltoln;",

IS 11M' k~ "">It In whldo """ skills .... inlttmed IntO tKistln, ~ • .

A rM siudy 01 d,," "om 11M' Llbo<Ir Forte Su"", Sh"'"'f<l 1M Iarl'!SI ~ ."" ... 1 empl""",,,,",,1 I'owth in 1M yea, 10 ...,,111 .998. The ~IIII 'lnpIOVln,",,1 '"tt Incr .. w-d froln n pe< ('"", In '993 10 6, ptI <til!

In '998.

-.,* :r , , ........ ,

:[ ,/ , • • • m



:1 ,. ,. ,~ ,* ,M ,. I~- ~-


V1"UoII!Iy .11 oIlhls ","ploynwnl inutase was MtoIIIIled for by 11M' pmllt vetor. ~ job!; JfIW

particubrrly ,"pIII", W#h an tilimated undtllyinllllCl"Nie oIu po;" <ent in tI>t rear 10 iPrl"l '9911. Farl;is ~"i!<I "'Old lrowt" In job ~.llon in '9911 wllh • s.s poe< nm tmpl_1 1,,(Juse in full·lime I!"mp loymenl 10' lOA Irellnel· .nd Entt<ptioe I .. ~"o·w.c;~~ <orn~n!H. Thl. IIKludtd u.~oo new jot>. in

1,1511·0....-.1 <amplnles. the s"""on<! hlllrt<l ...... 1 on ..... a'd.

This ~ d~nd hIS bHn supported by In in<_ In !he ..,pply of av.ollable labour fl<~ltoti!<l

by thtH main <ompOlWlllS - 11M' ..... 'u"'l I.ltluse" In llIe wort.inl·llt _ul.\lon. lilt Inrp.oa of

mlllllion .nd IMImJ)KI of IncrNsed i>ltli<!patlor! (pitllall.1rty by .. omen). The ~omblneG./Ita of Ih~se


----------~ . • _._-,--,_ ..... _-

1.(1<)1'5 me.nt thot, l)et~n Aprn 19'jl' .ocI _emile, ,998. t"" "!>Qu, /QKI I' .... by f'IH~y ,~o.ooo '"

'7 per ''''1,-

, "","--"---,

· ~,~,~~~ ,. .. ..' ,., '.. ,.. ... ,,. ,.., t. -1--- .- .' "" OKN.H In Une"'pIoymtfll

Slnt. '993. LIH6<Ip!oyrnent hn lallffl fnIm z>o.ooa 10 106,000 bri<1c\nl, the UMmploymt<1' I.le clown ""'" 'S.1 P'" <enT 10 6.4 ~ unt (Jiovembef ,"",). ThIs .... led to "lnifiuntll'l,O&ds 11110 (he ~Iructur.l p<OblelM of youth ,nd lonl-t .... ur>e"'l)loyfTlflll (LT\J) both of whim hI'If dt<"'"sH in line ",,"II 1M

_lOll <!eo,."", In the numbers ou1 of wC>r1<. _ ...... _ ....... _ ...... .- - , ... -......... ~ .. .. lO l • "I

I " • • " g' , • • I::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::~,:-.. • • • ... _ ......... _ .......... __ ........

AI Rill'" 9 Iftdlules. 11110 dKlin. In \IIIernpl"'l"""nl lin \.II~en IU« In. <OnIOI of "",iflcln! IIImllS"<

In !he numbers ... btllt' 10< wort.


floe <<>ml.rion btl,,"" I '- If:¥fI 01 tducltIoNIlallainment.I>II • hilll Uktlihood of u~ployrn ... 1 i!i

well •• 'ob1l<Md.

........ _ .. -,-_ .... _ ....... ,

--_ ......

II I •• "0 cita. f,,,m tho ~Ioo on LNmlnc In 'M Com""'"ity that ~ ..no lilY'll! 10M< ~ of

tdut.otio ... , ..... ~fIuIllon!i IN less likely to PMlklfll-le In 1ur1~ filuutian Ind Ir~nln. as .Its:

rM" Ii " <1""'9 fr~"""'Y fa, !how wilh 11,,11 *_ •. sirlls ond «NfItlf/tfl(n 1<, 1M r~""" "'<JU0" "'ON, Mdo!mllg <l<,/Is gaps. '

In tl'f<o<t lh~ w~ hi .. mOSI to I.in .'" .~ lI10se ""0 I .. Itn' Ulfl.y to become I .. ,*",d In .roo

opportuni~ for itamln,_ ~I tht ~."" lim. it I. Impam"ll" emphasise thlt the lon.·,etm unemp\O'je" •• e not I homortf\Ou. ,roup - M<lIlodl.ldul lls di~,"nt and hn different ~.,. numb.r of .,.,,111.

Klle Iris/! in~iat~ hi .. shoorm tM""H.-", 10 be hlahlV ehaM! in m~~11:1 tnt dj~1 _ within

Itlls client ""up.

The ...... "!I •• ,.rti ....... 111'/ 01 the " .... "', ... of the T,.",,11t>H One pI"" .............. ( '}'7~t7"'~9. ~ followlnl I.bit .u""".rlses 1M! ""Uo ....... ,.,.. lbo!.e !Wnklpf"'s.f"d l{)o· ._" ....................... _ ............ -... lo/tIol St.tn C ....... , [mploofer .. -

" U" DlIfUII ......... ., Ud. "",_ric E..JI_

~ U" wteway JQQQ lKhnlul SuPPOrt

~ '''''' """ SoIt"'f1! Tralftt<

" U" ~ T.alnlne , •• I~

" lIU/LP wlewlV .OGO Te<hrliul S\lPPorl

lIU • 1""1 I .. ", uPIe"'ployed. LP _ lon~ pa'~"1

~ I~<JIJ .""'" '-"" -.. 1M .• ~_ •• ( ...... '" ••• K'"' .... ! "'-"<10 .... lao _~ ...... . .... , __ • _ •• C _ P" •. O t U), lm,p, ... ~ n.._._ .. .. _Cm!oIiooI" f r '(NC'l_

-_.,_ ... ,- ._-_ ... _--.c-_, •• tIM 's: • II ~ _ '-<lo1lOlootY II ......... lie • ~ catalysI "" -"', chan.t. tt Ole, ... do tAl ..... _ .......... _oW •• 1IM '"' 8fI"""""'1t ............ lor 11M /IMIId.t .n4

-W ... ,pCW1 <If tto- ......... ill ....... II,., ........ ~ "'--

Tile _ie~<t ";",,d in ttw. T •• ",IiHS 1'101«1 will be bUill on i~ the 3mbi.iok/S fIT p'ocr~mme. lInde.

the plan," .. unclled In """,dI 'm. ).soo peop~ will ..... i~t tralnln •• nd be ol'fe ... d lull· time

employment In tile 11 Ind""ty In I~. Dublin , .... . The oeheIM will ha ..... r~und 90(1 PlnlclpenlS In '9099. wll~ tile ",m.I_, <()fTIlnl on strum d"~nllh. followin. two ye ... , The vos! maJ"'ity of Ihe participants

wi ll be Ion." ... .., u.....,ployed. As wltIo T'llmline. 'flirlinl wlU be p"",i';'d I'lOl only In IKhnkll ~IUIo,

b<J! ah.a In persoNI skills, .00. H aue<tivelless InG «>mmunlcol ion.

~ ~ """""" ....... , .. d <1Itgo/ng (1111","9 (Dc. Ilia "'~id> will boo fM)/'oblt /0 °llr

gtotd....ru· <IN" ";14/ o.g",,wn/ ~ 1M sth.IW.


file Gowr"ment HI.blished 'lle !kosI"",, [d~!k>n and T,.lnlnl Part ...... hip In ~mbe< 1991. with

l11e .Im or d....,10plnl nllionol WI,e.lella tKkle IIIe Issue 01 still oeed>. ITUInpQwe' forea5t1n. and

toutlOtlon Ind [,aininl fo, Industry and bU51r>t!15, OM of tht ~ey e lt"'~nt. 01 Inls Inltl~llv. wn Int

~t.bllshrMnt of the E>~rt Group on fUMe Skills Hetd$.'·

Tne ftn.1 ",pOtt of lhe Exj>M Graup. ~nttd I. jun. ,998. Iowst<:! on tI1e "III", 1e<lIl'IOlor(' _to, Ind

ldenllfitd " ntflI lot odclitiaN! KIIItd _It II .1I1t-<tb, fmm .kllled Ind "Iml-sklHtd OPtflIt lws 10

lechnldlni lrod ptl)~ ~ ._ Q<Oje(ltd I need lor an ildditional 8.]00 tedlt101oliltS N<II

~Ir VI> to '00). ~

EnsI-'"1 "",fe.uIon.Iols 2000

En&l.-llll leo:fwIItq". 1800

Computet __ proltislonll> .~""

Compu, ... KIene. tt(lInldlM >1"" Totol 8300

The E>pert Group r<l'(ommended I flnll of Wlltf~ '0 .dd res. tI1t ... ~ds lneiudinl (onller!;lon

(OUtSe'S ,nd the prOlll!llon 01 addlllo ... 1 ptlCt$ by both fAs and the hilhtr tdll(ltioo _lor." numlltr

01 sl,nlllYnt Inrti.l'-o II...,. followed on n I ru,,~ of lilt "'po<!.

In Novf"'~r 199fI"'ldd~1 ~ p\act$in tomPlllirll_ .... nullClUliIll tuhnoloIJY. were Innounctd

10 addle. rhe nHd lot by 1KlwIk .... H.IIIs Idtntlfle.d by 1M UpeI\ Gm..". The tourws will Ilk. pll(,

11 n,nt PilllkI~In,lnwllutes of tKIInoIoIY 'rod iQpllarnl> will lit .Iiliblt lor nor.,.1 student ~nlr\(t In<llllll •• thl BK~-I ... Edu<ltlon IlIow.Inc:l. DurIn •• w.·.,l>tlln 5trtl(\U,td IMUS\rill pllttment they "'"I be Pilld by the SPOnSOrin. <omPilny."

-"-"'-" ,-_ ... _ ...... Add~ ional resources nan .1 .... ~n pro.;ded to rAs 10 I"'in an e.tra 750 p<opl~ in el.<tronlu .nd

;"form.tlon t""h rtolollY. The El< pert Group io now r .. nSiderl", tho ~S"" of .Id l .... hortales in .. t .... r

manut.,lurtn, ~<:tors "nO In ,""",", ... Ind will .. p<>rt .. n Ih!!; a ... In '999.

Rtcomme"d~llo" 2fj: further d .... lopm''"t of the. ~ of th. u,.rt Group on FUlu .. SkIlls 1Ift4. Is ~

prIortty. Approprlote ~ltenlloft mnl now IMI smon to ~rmlnl ... i;hII skills dellclts In the """.I(T-..

TelHervi< ...

An In". a .... ,.,p0",W.." . .. 10 marlr.et n""d, w., evidem in tn. rapidity wi1h whido t he o..p.rtm,nt of

Ed uratlon Ind S<:it-n,. tnnounced an lolll.t in p'ovidln, Ito, n ... p-o.t·t.;ovlng r""lflute tOUf!06 In

Intern.tion.1 T. I .... "';' ..... '" Thi' ful l·tlme two·y ... 'ou, .... is aocredite-d by tho ~t1onal wundl Itor \Iocational A ..... rds whkn hH. In part".!Shlp with Industry .nd {OU"'" provid ers. int ,oou<f!d • new l ...... 1 3 award In Intern.tlon~1 1.I_IYk .... All participant, wiU spend p.rt QJ t .... "'"OU wo,ldn, abroad fo,. minimum of 17 .... ks to ,i .. " n·tll ... !ob n oln1nl .nd Ulntinued im m ... <Ion In tM ct.osen Eu,ope. n

I.n,u", •• nd tu ltu"".

Third LItYeI Places

The O.portment of Ed""'ll on . nd S<;ler". ~nnoulICf!d a £7S/€515.23 milll<>n In""lment plan for thi,d-

1 ...... 1 .-ducalion In AIlril 1999. Unde, tho InltI.! ive. t.Kilit;", for "n a<ldltlon.1 ~.~"" .'ud.nt pia« .

«lIClud in, 2 •• "" teohnkiiln plio<~ .n~ ) .000 deK'eo pla,~) will come on s'",a m in the lulumn ot '999. The pia"" will boo p,ed<HnI"'ntly In tho .n,in~n, tnd ,omput.r hardwaro and .... ttwar. a",.S.


The E5RI ha, vgi<ed .... me <on",.n, abQut til<' ",I alively hilh d,op-out ",t • • f,om tertiary educ.otion.- The

Conf .. ...,,,, of ~ad, of Irish Unlve"itie. (CHlt.IJ na, stal. d 'hn Irish unlve"lty <ompletlon "'I~ ....

omong tho best in Eurol>'!. Oota ... iI.bl. from the OECO would tend 10 lit., this oul. At the ...... time

tho CHIU has IKknowted,.d that ImpfQ\l. ments in tM conUnuaU"" rat. should b-o tarrelod /0, both tho

univerSity _1o, (10 So per ,..,,1 by 2""~) .nd t .... I n<tiM~ ofTtchn .. lolIY _tor (10 60 I>'!' <;enl by 2000.

6s 1"" cenl by 201,).

N..,.Zool, nd

I'olond n,

"' ." .. " .. ., ., ., Compl"i" 1\010

~ ...... ,_'" ~ _.~.,pow o..-l.500oo to'UOO....duo ....... ,,,,.,,."I' ... _ _ ... ........... ~J_I. "' ........ l.M"'..-.Il-.._Iowo-.. _u"'''' .... """ l<>W-1<)(>o. lJo.bM:

lSIIJ. tl<l9. " I" .. ...... _ '""""" "'- m.Q, ~ ... GIa.. ,_no. flown ................ M ,""""' . ... ,o<lo<, Woo .1>..,j"", '_.'",," ~, .. _ ..... looophool,... _~-. ....


" _._ ........ _ ...... -_......--Some uutioo mu,t be applied when orowin! ,.."clu,IDns /rom comparative d.tl <WI ,omplet ;"n ,at~.

Fo, ..... mpl •. althQugh ,ompletl"" ,.1"" fo, tert .. ry 'tudet11S In Jap"n .'" veIY hllh in ,,,mporiwn .. ith

Itt. US. ~ 15 . ISO Ih e ,a." that Iop.n hos a ~ low rate 01 ~rti<ipaIlDn by p.n.time .tudents In tenl.IY

ed..uHon In CDmp.rtson with 1M us.


To d.t. bO<l~' sud> •• 1M N.tlnn.1 Coundllo, V<Katian.1 A ... ,m (~,t,,) and ~ Nalfo,,"i Cou""illor

Educatl..".1 A ..... rd. (NCEA) hi ve d",," much 10 p,omote .nd support l i ~lonz lo.m!nl. The Qu. lificatl"ns

(Educati"" and Training) Bill p,gyld"" 10' ~ ... Ubll,hment 01 • ,lnglo ",,110011 I,omeworl< fa'

I,ueditotion and cenificolion "nde, I nf W Noti""ol Q,",li~t;"os Authority. A ,I,n!fi,ont change Is t mol

,tudento m.v directi'j appmach tlte ne'" .... 'dln' CDun<.lls 10 _k , ertlfi<allon "r re,ognTtk)n lor thei,

wsllnl kno .. ;'dse. ,.iII or compelen,e.

Cotai'te Ide 01"'" L .. ,nlnr "'nl,.·

rllt ~(V" I> oM 01 I"" """,',., p'o.,d",q "W,d".,'i~n ,-01 '0 ... ",j; 01 Ih~ Open Uorni"9 (CM(~ or (ala",. IJ. Senior roll"9~ m DubHn, T~ Opl"

learl>l"!i C~M'" ~ru <lan,,1 in '904 .... 'h ,~~ Qni~<1i"" 01 pW'MIIl~ "quoli',

~"'~I~ .du,"lian. r" rhe ~".mpl"r.<I. ",n<'-<J"'~n". I;~" .. P""'~'" in {Dcl o"VOM ... ~n """d. P~"i>llil. ,n I/>r>" O<I".ollon", fmm tho ~9mn,"'" """'/ 01

I~~ ~".""" "'" "If." u>ed (omp",,,, 9~""mtly jDr ,omo"'~' l'I~'~'r lmmmg /wI in .0 .... ,~~, ... I"'d"')ll<jK 1001< '" '" 'Oo c",," r>f aliui! lil~'''''r "~niM. S,n(f' 19'}_~ rhe ~n" .. has f'.:elJded ,I. a<:iArJI1, 10 in(!~de g ""miN" of olli

,."tlts dIIti !I"""" ,urn r.f (om,id,o.1 flau",. [r<'ic !ibm,;" Ire/aod. lri.b W"""!;:h~;, _iatl"". lIN! Vi ... "ilV 1",~,,;,1>tf r;,.~uP. ,,,., NoliantJJ C""",-JI/",

I~ Blif1II. f1fI(! /"01' ["pu'h,~ fd"<f,,'oniTIQinr"~ ~"'I," Th~ (."1" I,US

_mIHISI,mN Ih<ll opfn Worni"!} ii '''' e~';" .,.,,, 0/ m'.li"~ rh, de",,,,,J {Q< .01",.11'l1li from ,IHr"1$ ... hom lIN! Irodil'o",,1 'O!KOlfQn S)'"HPm con ,~nd

d;{fk~1I1O oddtfB.

RHommelHiltion 17: 5tnJtlu ... to fuilltlt. 1M ou,..ritotlon ot p~o, lu,nlnl ud prlo, uperlenij. 1

leamlnl wi" dQ much to pro_It! IIfftonl LNmlnl and st.ould be lmplem.ntod as 1Uli'j as possIble.

TIIJnlng lor peopll ,"1110 dlsabllhlH

Thi! NATIO""I .l.ccreditaUon ( ommln e. (HAO WIS ... taUli.n..d In Ju ne ,996 to ".." .... the d""elopm. nl

and Impl.memotl" n 01 accreditation fo, '~nt'e. pm.ldln. I'oining Tar ~"p l. with di",l>iliti",. The NA(

c"mp,I ... , 8 memt..rS .. p' .... ntTnl ...... Ice u"",,, and pmvld~. <ortifylng bodies. re levom so •• mment

de ponments and .ocl:ol plnners. To dot, uS cenU .. h.vo applied IOf N ... ( l <Ul!diT.tion Ie. dins 10 Mve (eWe!i of Ex""lIe"" . ...... 'ds . nd S. Approved (. nt ..... ,



_ .... _ ... --_ .. ... ----


The 'UIVP/ .... publlt Iltltudes 10 Ihe Inform.tl .... SodeIJ." <1friftI 0111 by Ihf: CoIJInIW,Ion in '995. sivn sianifi<.nt cau .. fo, tonttm In the ., .... oIl"lnlnl lot the workplKe:

• l .. , th.ln h.l1I Ihe workfOfte (u per ten() hive ,~ Ullninl In (omputtt .pplluHon!. .~toer 01

a lo'mol 0' an Info,..,1 n.lu~.

• Only 22 p~t (ent of those dassl~ IS !,od",m~ n/skilled worke' h.d uO>d ..... """ Iny If~nlni.-

• Wortin, men _ plnlcularly lpoltheti< .nd WI!~""'" s.IlP,!1y tnO ... interestfillhln UMmployK mer1

In ~iYinl ""Inln ..

Thi$ surny dt .... V sllftli$ Itte dan .... of "",Uns an "UO>d",,"JljI~ ~·d.oss"' IofId hlflllltht> l/Ie need

10 promo!. u.. ~leYltI(' " MI iOC<q>t;on<. of ICT$ ''''''''1''1 !too manual workfotte and the ........... tkI'" P09"I.lIon.

The (ommlnlcn ilS() c..rTied 001 ff'>eafcto on ~ Irl~ buo;iMs_ Ite poJllloned in ... llllon to

p"'p.",dnMs for I~ Info'mllion So<iety. f1 1"'e '3 from I~ bu,in"" ,"".y shows Ih.,lht Otfiti! In 10 Iflln1nl is mO<i! pfonounced lmon,., ..... 11 busl_SoQ.

-" .. - " __ n.-

C_nySh. - .. ..ty/O« ....... 1Iy ........ '''-Vtfy s .... l ". ... .. .. ~., ,,. .'" ", ...

Mld lu", ,,.. ,,,, ,,' ,,. ..... " ,'" ,,' ,,,, ~ ,,,, ", ,,' ",

·'f,'" ~...,.C f _ ..... 4 " s-..,. ....... ,.....,,_., .... ~~ .....,... •• d"dI_ .... __ """'" ........... 'h .. _""_ * __ Sonoof c . - ..... p ....... ~ .. __ -'> '.I\lOt

45 '

; iii -.- .. ---~---.. ''''''''1 ,~,,~d I JO /><, '~nr of "''''PGnlfl It, Iti 1M' c~nr.ft G find {oI; ".o,lng .krlll~.' In t"hrn I

• m~otSl A rId <1£

drli<~nd .. '"' a "lObi.. "d 6<>

~~. q~d/jly and ..,<lgmt', srMU

This II<;k of _~nt by SMEs !My ;""",CI partlcullrl1 on Mil ~lopmPn! wI1M SMEs .'" 0/\,." 1M

foundulon on wtdth • (otnpe!~"" Pn!~riH ""ltu,* If IN_e<!.

.. , """11110, ml mo,. sr"'l~in

" • ""'9"'9 olld


" Is " 01..,1"1 thot de)pl!e tllel , Pft,...,tion or , \'Jlls ddldt$, mlny empl~rs h .... not octed to P"''"';' K:T Irllnln, 10, IIIolr employfts. In atM< word •. Iw.,eMS5 ... noot bftn Irln.lltH In!O K l ion.

~ "lI' ...... _ IHI&II • culto .. '" llIeIonr 1NnII .. _In Its ~ ..... u u41 pulMk

_OtPIIISadOM.. All ko""., b .... _-v. OIl' ~."d>i ... rt ""'" be lout IntemalloNt prKtkl.


Tile,. is wldespre.d <anHnSuS [hi! kn owl.d,~ hOI become lhe kev det,."..,in.n! of .bllity 10 ",mp.t. In

the ,101>01 <'<""""'Y. CornlH'nln ,f<! In~.$inlfy InwsUnt ., k~dS" . .... !S IhrOlllh. 10 , .... ",pl • •

fundinC II". rflIllninl of thol. emp!"Y"6. How <II. the !~h buslneM _onmff11 entourl. e this

mo ...... " I","IIIs • kJlow\ecItl: Konomy! Thc<e .re II I~ I""'" wavs thool ~klp (.In II. 11u...

S«""d, tM" is I din, .. thlt Iro I U"", of .tilt, s/lortlges. irHI ,apld ~bo", rTIOblllty, fmpioyff'; ""'Y ""de<·~t Iro tralnlnt on tht t>.sio thoot they wlU 1>01 re«M .. .do<tll.lte relurn an IlItir lrr;~t""",1 if .... ~ IIIO\Oe 10 ....... _Ales. n.;. "'"' be plttkulluly likely In 1M use of lIUQ emplayoon;. 1ft

1- <irt_i""ts &<>W".''''. tM~ion (.In pAy I I;ey "'If In """ .... '.,Inl privlt. In ..... tmenl In h ..... n~.~p_ ...

_., ... ''''- - ,_ .... _--Third, tlltle is I >IH<I fnr tilt DeplftlMm 0/ fIII.ofl(~ 'nd p.oI8sl"",1 K.ourollney bod!ts, 10 ..... ~I

<onoi<lo:~H"" It 10 how InYf'SIMent hi ~lIm&n capi'al til" be ..... OllraB~d. The O[CD .... Ind"",td ~ow

the Inlo'mallon bas.e lin humin "pltll ml,h' be Iefo.lI"Ift.

N, 11 ""tm, ,0 rrf!." '" , a ,rattty tM _ :. .. ,0 "fI" .,.." ...... ,

flo ....... ~ '.rr...., _ ""COi.o"M9 srsI __ If _ ..... l'fl/nintl ...... nrJudtd as 1M 1IwHt,.". ro/,.!t>Gn ~1 cos: _ tV CfItIIPf'tc'1IU of (h~ .. ott "'~ ~ "'~ r~d ,,,,,ngfd

b(.onI ...... d.""" '9: The ~I&tory .. .,;, .... , .. '" lhoulll en<DOUqe enllfpMes 10 ",u·oWso tI>eIt I_""'ftt I, ~Int Md __ N, 1oi,Jdo .'p'aoillll ... lowted Ofi -'- ..." In ...... l>uIs wIdI Imoas ....... t 100 __ IlftJlWe .....


-.. '198 I"fj)C)01 10 Ih~ Eu,opean Counell ffililled Job Opj>Of1unitics in fhI! Inlormorloto s..c~ry q",,"[11ied

!to. sl~ of t!oe skills w.ort·hoU.1 £lIftiPNII Io;Jti.

1h oho. ~ of" "lNrli,. II ","""5 COti<" ~(.o CIt<' gn>oo1b 0{ b.J Ih. IS ~" ....

and Ih. u ... ' «O/IO'"t· -4( Ih. Md ,,( ,w& 1M IIGP )1 .1/;mOIH 10 bt 5""-"00 ",,(ilwd

'(l(Qn,if,1 In 1M fU. end ,ht flOP IS OpU.H 10 -..,dtn 10 u mIIIitHo ~ NOZ

Ifrgtn/ P,~"ti". ",ric<o f>H<b 10 be rail.". 1"<lOOi"" 0 "'0110"",0/1 0/ ,"OW, .. inlo

''''''''' .... CCiOofW', COlI ,lIf",_d ~'" .. ""rtIJ""''1 ohkr _1111 (_ tI .. lJItfmp/o~d.' ''''aug/! .... ... ~ CQM 'II Imining 010d 1M "'"'" o( II<' ,.p,i.ll1f1 ""n,..rs/l.p,.

1Ms ",port POints OU' Ilia •• 111 berMi~to 01 rMiW ltd\noloJY <In only be 1uI~ ",allsed II il ~ inlroduced

rog •• !ltr wiTh IH!," fo,ms of work OIllolsa';on and <ontinllolll trllnln,. mnd 'hll developmonl> hI'" bflon

hamp • ...a boeuiuw "Ihore;, O/[ffi • lid< of p.nneNIlp 10 Int,odudl'll wnle' (,~) .

Ii _.,_ .. _--_ .... _-48


An ""'mpl~ ~I " !,"'I1l<"'''P "UP'~""" (0 Df<,'a""Mio~QI and "ch_WII;"" d .... 'W'mMI " rl""DO,"U"" 1Ft '1>< ",wvii,I,m<M of E~u(~rian.~ f,am'nll

Se,,,,,, I"", ""fI'''' efC,I, ~ "G,";oy ''''"!'''O, tu"",d DV ,h,.,.. un""" rAffU. ILl!! 8 TrW,'_ rr~ M, p'o>w~J Jo·t,,,,,. u.",; ' ,Iema.' .ruininl"l :~

tomp~nif' ,yen ," An v;"","'. f't'G"'.for~ .... "'''mo''. AU>,hi",," AI"",ino, 'h" t(",",'n~. Q~PCO>-..J ""d ,,,, 'e,i,,'NI 1'1' 'i.'~ NC,A I,n, ,o",,,J." "e>' "'r~nolm;v "'eG<' .,",h ,,, ,","""t," ,mnil('o.'l·"'" "",I ,:,"ro~,c" ", .. ell o. r,,,,mo~

f",-",~<1 "" ",,'a, ,"cl1 ~, p'o~l<," 'vlym~ aM .'eom buiiJlng

In 1 i~i"t p'ole<:!. KTU Ind IBEC "'" promotinB • Skillo Awam1"" f>roi'omm~ Ihol .Im~ 10 hilhlizhl the Mne~~ aumlng 10 ftllllS from Ir,. .. t"",nt In human ..";ou,,,, de.elopment , III. beln, funded unde, the

EU AOAPT Initioli .. , ond w", Inltl.tod In lun. '998.

The"",w Ent.IJI,i<e Suppot! Atency. EnlelJl,ioe Ireland . .,.Iabl;';h.d In '998 .• Im. to p,,,,,kI ~ .n In'e,'ated

pot.o..,e or supports for hi!h ·Brow!h pot.nn.1 .nd Hpot!-orlenle<l Indlg. n"". comp,oni .... R ... ponsibility

for <1<o.oloplnl lhoe humon re$OUlC. pol.."Ult of dl.nt compan;'s has boon Int~B'Ol~d Inlo Ihe ran"" 01

,upport, .yall.bte.

T.Ifoworklng o~rs. polentialty, tilt """t "nibl. form of workin. a.,.I,zement fo, the futu' •. ICT .kllt. are obviOllSlv <",,1'01 10 ra.cilltatln~ <1<0 .... 1"""""1' in 'hio .,~ ••

Tflfworking "'" Impro .. 1M Q"PUly ,,( /i" by aflowlng people 10 'h~ w/JPf6 and wllon

rMy wont by ""'"1n9 il eask. la 'KOneN. work Qrld family commitment>_ Beinll obi. to

choose .. ~'" ~ went <M be " "",jot 1001 fo' ~iIlnol tHvelopmenl, Giving .mploy.e~

t~~ flh'!>I~IY o( uleworl<ing con Incn!p~ o<c ... '" ,klU. will'" 0" ""'~ Dnd In II"'O! dfm/llld_ TMre i. no d""bl thot ,ding lro/fi, off th. "",do wi/! h".., indapuloble benep"

{or t~,.,.."..._ rIIt lt1 15 ffoond/inQ all of rlrfi~ tltl!1~15 In 0 bol/mud way th~1 ca~

promo" Itltwant!ng, "'~ buol~ ... ond 'ncn;.,..,d rmplaym'"','"


Approprlote BeMhmarlUnl

Me",u~nl Ihe ",Ium lin In."'tmenl 10, I"lninl 1-0; a p'obt~m3lk ... tcl ... Howeve" il i, , ene.-..li'/

,«~pled that benoj,marlUnl pofforman<t In education and tfaininl Is • wllflhwhil~ underta king If Ir1-o;h

oll.nis.1I1"" •• If to .n.u,~ ",,",I p.-..'Ii«". 0 "'"I limitation beinl th.t II Is mu,h .asie, 10 m.a.u'" Iralnin. Inputs (e_ ... money .p.ent) tnan tr.ln"" OUlp uts ('.1 .. ,esultlng improvements in prooudivily).

T~e'" . '" • number of di~~1 1""1<110" whid1 ... u",d 10 me,su,e in.e'lmeni in "oining 0.,_. Itt.

number Df empl.,.,..e. IralMa In I '''!Iin period 01 Ii"",. tn. ( .......... ) numbo, of days .P't"nt on I,ainlnl ~, ,he (Iverose) "mounl of mon'"l Spont on I'.in lnl ....


_. ,,_ ... , .... -_ .... _-The NlIllon.1 Com~1iI"'-. CotIlItiI l" Its 1.1,1_"1 Cn skills pt~ I~I pMlkuY. ottmtlon 5I>DWd

~ ,Iven 10 ~1"l'lnl' benc:hm.,..ln, 'YSI~ for I.ainln. wnkh would "'l do_ the r.qul.ed stand .. ", of Id!ltwmenl:

/)ud~1 '" 0 P' "'~ .. r • • IQ bt Qnd ,"" Imp<> of ,,., "II QII IN

The ,oe Inf"""ation Society tnde.. ""'Od! ploc ... 1 .. 1.0 ..... 1 t_nly seeon" po.~io" I" le""s 01 0 .... ph!j)i~_ r.,.. the Ifofotm.ll .... Sodety. ,,_ no! toke ~. of InvulfMM 1ft ualnln, wI>en (.kulotln. """"Iry ..... t ln,s.

A_I fAs .eporr" $hows 111.1. in 1M pmOd 1966 10 '996. P'"idpation In ...... 1100 and u.lnI ... lor

t~ In tmploymenT in kelond 10 .. bv ~o per <ent. The ~f.t.se of 1t\$h nrms conyin. out I,"lnm. (n Pl!f cfnO and 1M ~f(fnl.se of employees allt","ln, ,,,Inln, <ou~ ttJ ~I (e.1) ""' ... nl.Mor tn • • in most EU countrIH. ~I. the 1_.", rime spent by p.anlclplnts on ""inin, <OUJ'SH In IrNnd (>~

houts pet _I ....u the '-'I. 01 Iny of 1M EU countries. ~rowntl ... iuM ow. ""If of the EU 1_lse of 4S hou",.

In 1"liloo ttl<! ~d on Irainln. by enle.P/1Sts Is I.S per unt of 10111 f'¥YI1)Il (OSI$. AlthOUJll W s is In

line with 1M EU ilVtrl,f (1.6 pI!f (fnt) ~ i. ~a l th., tnls $hould not be tak ...... ,foun'" to. <omp1Ia!nty.

rhf. MUO"O ' /nao'''''9 ~fIOn 'lNdJ Ie tit ~/aIJIr _~ if 1f1!/tItId II 10 rmd! _

",. OWItl~ ~w! 0( froin"'9 ~ .... il~;~ file E~ um.",. '(tro'"'''11'''' 10 ...

of ""'I IM~IflGliofJOl PI<ICI"', '*~ .. '/'DImn9 p~nd'l"re. ltI~r bf:,_n J" ",,45" 0{

p~IoIl, ..-IN 1l</<IIrr II ''9nifko", "'IP~nJl,jn Qf wW~ Gf''''ilif!$.'

The NlItIoflll (om~~~eu Coundf COntUf'l '*'III this POSklon ..... has ".!ed tNI 1M probItm k ....... ,

OCuie .mon, 5MB.:

IMre II e"ihMf of II Mgn detI,U of u_ .... ~I..,nl ... uami"l1 in In_ WIll ,"<l/Otil~ of

sm<lll ond ","I~m ~"('!pfiSr' (5"M£"". TIlIl i ... mQj()< J"urturrzl _ok ... ss ",lIkh '"~'I IH olln-iolfNI givr ,~, ... pon ...... 0(11r4 5N1E ~<I'" In '''' "I~ ~y.

The 5hi.ln. or <ost$ DetWftn enTerp.ise .nd Ind lviduil n .. ,y be _ ...... ry. panlcul.a,1y In 1Me clSe of 5Mb. whe ... I<>dMdual. "'ilV undertake t'llnln. In IMI. own lime but paid lor by Ineir ,,,,plo-;t •.


-, _.'_ ......... -,_ .... _--


'" I d~'In" .... '''' In T.-..

In Millie EU ","""" , StIles. t .... llKentIvts for Uilnlnl opeIlle eitter II !he ~I oIlht IIKItvldlWl1 or.r

11M! ..... 1 01 the <omp.lny.- IIK ... I_ aMI SlIIlpo" roo- both orpnisatlGnal .nd IMlMduai d9YtIo_nt

lte eotident In I_MI.

R ........... lKlltIon '" funller in<entl¥es to plomaN 1!HIM4.al irrHstnoenl 1ft trainln, ,,!HI ed""doII ""ovid ........ eloped. 1o ... ""'","me-n' 011<1,",,,51,,, dlao .. ,!HI deausln, fob _urtry. til ... Is • 0"" for ItIdMd ... ts II> tau an ...... ruponslbillty,.,. U .... ' pianllinl.


Span ..... " try 1M SUfi" OOWlop ...... t DiYSion In rAs and !he Ell M apl I'ro!Iramme.'" a new 1,.In~rs _k proj«t waS esr,blishtd to prowlde • p",~1on" support wuaurt for !falners In I~IKI. This fM Inlliarive tnwrged """'. need lor ImPlO"'"d systtlnS and pror~ in _ M:l tf"JIlfyllll.,.d _ 1111

11.1"",' deYeIoptnmt I>fttb., "pi<Tklllolrly In toclr($ di .... te 01 ....... opporn",itlt!.. dlanlln£ tKllt'lololf\' ...., e ... oMnl $1.;11< _lremenlS-. One of the key eleme-n1S of the ,,",-·up ph_ i5 to p ...... kIe tralllet!o with

me IIC)po"unlry to ~e IIIe ..... of I .. nlf 01 tomIftune.rion It<hnolopr. for IMmlnl. A well ~te

III. been ~.d for trliMrl 10 _ on In onlolnl ~ for ao;es,inl Ind disse<rlinatin l uP4o-d,]e

Inl.,.."'"llon on !>HI p,mk ... Irld IM ..... atlons. The Initial pilot will end In Oe<ember '999 wilh tilt

r.tIWO"" actin .... n •• ' onomo •••• lItv IO"llh an OI1lolnll ih: <'/Cle .

• ...,.. .. 1· '" ,,-~ .. _ .. __ ...... 10< ..... , ",",." I ... 001'.<./0006l"\0I __ _ oI,"' (_"C __ ,_

.. ' ... ~·K .. ~b~ ............ . ",. .... (1lIU1 __ ..... __ ........... ..-.... _.

_~. ____ ....... 1. ,,_'" . " ......... _ :t; .. ""_ ''''.22,. . .,.., ..... _M .. __ " ",-0 ", ... _olr.-"""w .. _ ............... " .......... __ .. ,..,.._,,-.

.. ~ •• H_"--C "-.1 .......... ~ .. __ ((SJI) ........... _.c''''Clm ......... _ ........ - ....... '".....-

_._"' ...... ,---._._ ....... CONCLUSION

~ is (."..,ally .'''~ed tIIIl It.. p.......,r $'"11. '" «0"","'" rrowth I" ",-/Id is In flO SIMII port a <""""'I~"'" of t"- '",,"Jed ", ..... t",..,1 made In Iflsl> o<I ..... Uon dutlll,l tI>t '960S. T"- Jynd'o,on;..,U .... 0/111. <onwquenl OllIPUII ( •.•. , In In< ... Ho<I 'upptv 0/ (lId .... t .. IrQm 1 ... llIUI" 01 furtMI and htaM'

education) with tho movem,"1 0/ Irrl. nd 10wI,ds I knowltdlt-ba ... d ..:onom1. hn ~mpllfied I~ bo.nenll

01 Ihis In ..... I ....... I. Ho_ II mu.1 bo. .... I~ tl>" we Ire 1I,,01y pll1in( "tIlth·up· wltlt 1TIiI!I'/ of Oll.

<"",,,,,tlto< ... tlOl\5 who IlWlde simi"". inve5tmento durtnll~ immediate "",t 'WI' ~Irs. This is r.oIdented by t"- r.a tNl alll>o"", lhe potJUrrtol" of _ .. peopto portit.ipallnllft KI!ooI tduadon 11 .1" t6

h .. rI5en to _ It 10 j ... , ... de< ..... {U • ....,..P. tho tonI"5pIIIIdin.l; fill'"' fnr tho Idutt populMion ..

• whok is "~I _II RI_ lhal of mosI EU OOUftUIes."

1/), qIIQ/'IY 0{ ow f<i",o/Xm Q'Id tro;".mg ~~,r ... 11M ,-.d.d.",. of u.. 9'.1>1 ,n!/, , .. for our ,."nr .,<>110"''' J"".~ on4 it ,.."'~mJ 011<' of rht: ,om",1 fompone"1l In 1M Go ... m""nr'J p/on' 10 g"o,on ro. fu r",. growrh. M 111<1 ... s.,d M m""y OUO,iD"' M(IJ~, ..., (onn", M complaun! al>olJ/ this ""alily and ... "'"" wcrlo: Q 1Il1 ~OI';!II "" IlI1(Jrtl -,'ng

1M Q<USj end ~si"" """n fa' 011 sNdemJ_'

or Irioh IdullS .po:! 2S lnod old ••• S. "'" cent -.e not In I position to paortldpll. In 5e<""diry 0< 1M;""

tdlKation I I ... earlit< III.t In tile.

1M,. _ 0 tgniflconr pD'fjOf! of U. labour 10«. w/t() ~~ ""/J bI' rite edu<ollOl!

JI"I'''' '" 1M pOSI and. who ~ ~ 'fSIII! .... ... rr.nng <i'l"ifi<<lfI1 loboon .... rkfl /JtsadWlnrogt lad"Y.~

This I'OUp ire doubly dlsic!Yanll,td I~ mat they Ire 11100 less likely to plrtlclpal. In 5e<ond<:h."",

tdu<.al ion ~ tM "IUIt'S clN~y U\<>W Ihal coU,..~ ("dulles Ire mo,. likely 10 bo. ..... oIvfod n partidponts

in POri-time aduk td_1on. and In .ddit ...... ,.dlliltl'f Ire Ilia ~ likely 10 IVin 01 oppotlunMiIs Iof

lI.inlnl within tM worlj>Ioce. Ono of 11M' If(o .. rnendil lons of Ih;,; ... pOrI Is !h;al !hoM .mo .... 'oludyina

on a pln·time IN~I. shouklbf t ... illtd """rlab~ wi'" lhoJe _ .... lulHi ... """",,IS In temto ol l;obility

10 IlIition left. h milltl be ''1''" thM this wlU be 01 most ben.fIt 10 "- wiIO " liludy like~ to be

"Ii .... parlklplnlS In m. 1M!! tert"'Y od\lC.ltlon >)'SIt ... Thus. II lho .. me t~. tnt... 15 a need 10,

Inlerve nlion 10 addrtS> Hoe othe, b.m"" to p.rtk.lp.illon In .dllutlon anod Ifllnl" •. Il>t mli".I~.m;"1

of ~I p,..,I]O. from lhe e,pe'""" 10 dOle of co",mun lly odll<lIl"" inlti.,,,," Is now nHded ~ nd the Gre.n Pape, on Ad~11 ldu<.:lj.:" ha. emphulud Ih. ~ponance of Ot ... l<>plnl elrf<!i .. ""u~lCh

tlflll'cio, Ind s~pportlnl K,..k .. whi<h ,ysre"..Iully IIlIer 1M partklpotlon 01 lhow ",,,,I In need.

R Is also becomln( d." thll the pffSelrl !.UU(IUIft for the publi< fundin, 01 tduUltion Ind 1,.1"'01_'"

"'" ~ 10 KC"",IIIOdI1e the demo_ for .... Id th.n,. to which th • .-pt .... Is P"''''''~ expo_. Inhe<en! ripjijles /llik, h fOlie, 10 au"",modltt tho "HIls of the paM IMn 01 the lutu, •. Dun.,. .....

'OllISO! of t!l'?8. 1M Lomln. Advioo<y Grv"" 1>«1." ...,Ir. 01 _oral fMmp/es 01 th. (OIl'leq .... n'" 01 th~ ~cidillM: I h1Jl11y elfectl ..... 11<1 I<!$port,,,,, open .... "i"l cent ... Is fo"ed to ,et~ lundins "" an

odh.x annual b .. 11 lI lt Is 10 ,onlinuo to p,ovlde • s.,..ke: stud~nt< ." ,oll.d on In .... mlnl compute,

(""ISO!. the .. at! eQul.I"n, of, d'V--tim. <",,<w. to~ld not be ICcomm<>d.ted bet,use thel, · p.rt·llme"

stalus restrids the flrndlnl av.lllbI~. In botn of titHe UlSt5. II wc>uld "P""" thll IIIOused local

~""bl(i"l Incl <onl,oI would IIIow lot ~ of I """" n .. .iblo td\lC.l!;OIll! ",MCt. AI. tho SOme

'""" It ""'" be recDtnlsed IhIt the State pia", I crilical role 1ft .n,urinl "'" ,,,,,,op,;'I •• n.nlion is

........ 10 equity thfOolClhoul tho! .-p'_ ... <1 1I>It !his prlr>(lple mus' lullIe dec"l"" ."klnt It .... t;onal

l.m ....

-. • §:, ~-i\ ::':.;0, • •


_._ .. ---,-~ ... --- 52

Tile 5U>!t alSO 11M. '~tI<.Il roll 10 pt.v 1/1 reIoItion 10 "H •• diMti"" wt",",n Ind with," _Iors whkh Ifadltionalty _ ... ,.....! theif .1flI1". _ or IKs .uIO ........... ~ We nHd I _ "_ .. ork whldl

""o"tlse ,lie cOMllnl lIto ...... nt '" ~ betWftfllh6f SKlO",.nd whidl will _, obs1.ldn SO 1ftI1 III un ben@/\! from _ opponun~1e$ Ihrourhoui !heir lYe. Tht: propose<l 1111Ion,1 "" .. II lumln,

(ouno;M would do mudt to adelia> this need.

7M dbv" ... of .. ~,"I, odtquDlfll' "'1Idf!" gild pfOOCllV. body 01 ~~nlrol ".,.11!as ~,n III! /"'(KJflonl foclo< In I'" ""dtnil..,lapllllMt of lh' Mull Cd,,«'tian .. dO( up 10 now ..

As we m.we Into tM _ .. 1II~nnlu .. t~.., .. II I ~ In iI1cr~ued foe .. "" QLlcInlllyin, the outputs titlWl,

than tI>e Input$ or tlWl "'amlnl pfOCft •. Fot ..... ",ple, we .. ill tr.om~ "0'" ~".o!lon, Ibout the skills that

ha ... bft.n d~OpM In our · 'nformation lie" KIIooli (rlth .. than locuoln, on Inputs sud! 1$ the • .,n,bll n"",be< of mulll_La computers Of 1M nu",boII 01 !drools cOtrne<;ted 10 tile Internet!. How_II

_~ .. 111 ..... sdIoollH ...... De 10 toIlaborIte In" .....-t tOCO'thOf in ",I< ","mlnl I,t! (an tre!lnd bKotne I role mocIeIla. ather nations In terms 01 tile full panklpalion of ~ dllHn~ l1 adult lea"",",l

WHIIrIs.h .... ..,lwtlono. in both tho publk. ,nd privlte oedors. rr..sform th~ "'to tM! "lelmln,

OtIlnkltlDns'" which balh irr;nI. In, end fully t.opIoIt. tile (oUetlM knowIe<Ice rtiOIIrU"S 01 1Mir

""~! It Is In p<oVId .... 1M 1MM-tS 10 "-'<1111_'_ that the true worth 01 ",""",tlvt lno u.dt1"1

PfOItiIS...m l1 1M Informalion.tct T-.. Ind $.d\ools n.ooo wiI De jucllt'l

In ... ",rna"l 1I!en, whl'" ,oad pr"',.. ..... been mlde on learn In, M ...... thoNe" . tlll consl<ier,bl. rOom

for Impro.eOlenL

The bllll!:!it dan Ie, i. that of tOmplaceAql In relation to 0>11' prH<'nt ')'5t~rm; of eIlu"tlon Ind nllnln •.

As ''''I nd fnto". on "'" In whltJ. tile 1t ... 1 of skIlls ,lid kno .. lo-dlf of 110 ~ople b.,om.$ Ih. p,I",,"1 dete'''']lIInt ol lu_ pcono",k Ind _Lal ... II·tHhls. ... mu.t en ... ", that the up.dty Ind <relll.lty

of 011 our cltlzfRS Is fully ""pced in wpin, the Mu .. .


, -.~ ... -'- .. -.. .... _-



""'~. Ms Vivienn" luPP, """.""'" (on,ullln,

~m'" Ms S.II ... Bonnio, Communlutlon. COntutl.nl

Ms PauLo (o"'V. ICTU

Mf Donal (on Mil, )COM

Mr Sun tOfU'll. £.sal Ttletom

Dr ElmOfln G. Hall. TtlKOm EI",ann

Mt Plul K ••• naKh

Mt ~nTI01 McCaMy. Department 01 t"t Tooi .... 'h

Mr Eu~ne Mu .... ~y, RTE

Mr Sum", 6 [analnn. elK_rod Ed"""li"" Ctnt~

--Mr Mike ~ • ..,.

Conlatl dlltalls

s.m.,.ri., In' ormotlcn Socie11 CDmml~;o"

St'lt "'Il.nmonts Dublin Cost;"

o..biln ,

ItI: lSl·,·670 309>

Ia..: 35J -1-670 9071

....,. iI: inIoOinfo"",omm.Jo

_b, WWW,lnfoso<omm.l.

Contad "aInU'

Ms 8",.<1& Boy"., 5 ... "".",

Ms Slit d. Borcl

Ms h<.htl Sheehon

Mr kd.n HIli

Appeftdlx. 2

""'-, Mt SeI"'~S 0 (;" .. ,inn. 8I.Jduod< Edutlllon ~r~

...... Ms Pe~ 1 1 Can'y. ICTU

Mr DOr>al Ccn~U. 3(om

Mr Ned CO'lr~kI· . Do~rl1M'n1 of EnlerptiH. T •• oa a Em~\oymofI1

lois Klthl DiUon. t<.U1otLt1 Pa~nu Coundl . Ptltuoy

Mt $Imon .... ~. ~rtmenl 011 .... I_abeltll

Mr Frank Kelly. o.p,ortmenl 01 Edlltatlon a Sclrrw;,

Mr le<ry ~ &io::»on

Mr ~""n Murphy. fAS

Mr 101m Pleru. teL

IndtlHnHttl ConI~lWrts

M, Cyril ()ruoy and Mr S<!,n. rd McClrmy

The Learnln. OfJlnl!Hltlon

8 Lowe, ClIu,ch'-,> Rd

Dr.tblln ,~

I~: lSP'~96 6,91

""'"" www.lhelNm.olJ

emI~: cyr1lett>elum."'I

_.<00_ ......... _",,-_ .. __



_._ ..... - -'--"'---56


Boldt. Scott.1Ige and Opportunit" 1M fdUlJllit>1I<!1 N",ds 0' Pr:opk ~d 55 and Ow,. ()ubli~; Mori"~

1"51~u!e of ~dur;o!I"". '998.

Ce~t,. lor EdOJ(&tionl1 R ...... 'd' InC In" .. ~tlo". II"",." (opllol In ... s""~"" An /M~.Ii<>lOol (o",P"';$<>IO.

Porn, DECO. >998 1'94.

(SQ. StQti<llca/ ",ltosn Quo"'",. N.,lonQlllr>USI: 5urvq. >999·

llop.oll ... ot of Eduatlon .nd Sci<n,". Mun fdocDlI"" in an Ero 0' U~lo"g Lr.mlllg (~ G_n PtJ~r ""

Mull Edu, •• it>'lI. Dublin, StatiOOf.,. 0IHu. '998.

o.pall",.nl of lho Envlm"""'nl "od local (;o".""",,,nl. B"'II<III"~ 0tIr. ~ Nr .. Public Ubro,.,. XMce O~bUn:

SI.Ii""",.,. O",<~. 1998.

D<""rlm.nl of Educallon. 510fl5!leQi ropalf ,~" >998.

ElIro~." Comml,"on. from gui~lin ... to .Won, lli~ nQUon,,! oak," pions fo, ."'pkl, ...... ,. lUA.mbou",

OIIICI of Eu'o~.n (om",is>lo" I'IJbUutlon'. 1983.

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