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Its iIDONT T6 essut Lowt - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7g7940sz7z/data/0076.pdfot which...

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e KNIFLEY Died at his home onbmile south east of Plum Point April The10th The cause of his death was a rup ¬ ture of longstanding The de ceased lacked a few days of being 75 years old peoplehre the Catholic church Casey county Born to the wife of Frank Tucker a girl j to the wife of W E Bryant a daughter to the wif of Geo Jones a son Hog cholera has made its ap ¬ pearance on the creek Several hogs have died Mrs Sue A Tucker who has been sick for some time is im ¬ provingFarm work is very much retard ¬ ed on account of wet weather ex ¬ cept fencing More fence ha been built in thIS section than for yearsMr Thomas the Knoxville t drummer was in our town on day last week S K Hnmphress one of our en ¬ terprieingmerchants is in Camp bellsville to receive a oarload o fertilizerMrs M Hendrickson has been quite sick for a few days Mr B F Tupman has bought a new corn planter Died April 17 near Rolley Miss Mary Burton with dropsy More heavy rams and high wa- ters ¬ The farmers are getting be ¬ hind with their work But little plowing for corn up to this time Mrs J R Beard and little daughter are are visiting the fam ¬ ily of A C Wheeler OBITUARY- W F Cabbell the subject of this sketch was the only son of Samuel and Rebecca Cabbell He was born July 29 and at the age of 18 he enlisted in the war be ¬ tween the United Statps and Mex ¬ ico He returned to Adair county in 1848 and was united in mar ¬ riage to Anna E Montgomery January 18 1851 He became member of the Christian Church in the year 1852 He united with the congregation at Pleasant Hill ot which he was an Elder for many years He lived a quiet and de ¬ voted Christian life always ready to make any sacrifice for was good true and noble He had made the word of God a lifelong study and adopted it as his guide through life He had been in feeble health for many years On the 9th of February he was confined to his bed and quietly and paiiently suf ¬ fered until the 12th of March at 10 a m when he quietly passed away being at peace with God and all man kind The funeral services were conducted by Elder Z T Williams and the body laid to rest in the family burying ground to await the resurrection I morn PARAGRAPH PUNCHES Atlanta Constitution Mr Rock efellers stomach may be out of order but it doesnt affect his ap ¬ petite for money Milwaukee News The title of peacemaker is about as fitting to Joe Chamberlain as a plug hat is to a Sioux Indian- Washington Star Uncle Toms postoffice would be a proper title for revised modern edition of Mrs Stowes famous novelSaginaw News San Miguel the last of the unreconciled Fil ¬ ipino insurgent leaders has been slain We wonder hpw many lasts there are Cleveland Press Congressman Littlefield says there are 800 trusts in this country Publicity for all of them will keep the people busy reading Toledo Bee Secretary Root vouches for General Woods rec ¬ ord in Cuba But who will vouch for Secretary Roots record in the war department Johnstown Democrat Tom Johnson evidently knows when to show visitors the way out doors It is wheu be has unmasked them as spies aud traitors in his camp Houston Post The people of thirty Balkan villages are report ¬ ed to be in arms It is supposed this report is sent out by Turkey to justify another massacre of ChristiansCleveland Plain Dealer The beef trust has pushed its case up to the United States supreme court Thats as high aa it can go as the cow remarked when ehe lumped over the moon NCGAHA Mrs Will MoQueary + who has baen sick for some time died at her home a few days ago She was a good woman and leaves a husband and several children to mourn her loss Dr Grissom did all he could but God saw fit to call her home Melvin Powel is here on a visit On his departure his wife will go with him- George Harmon will leave at hie s horse to Richard Burton for 76 Mr Bat Heizer of Greensburg is having a nice lot of legs out John Morrison will saw his stuff Wheat could not look better Corn planting will be late Brack Massie passed here this week looking for sheep ess ¬ capes a scandal President Boosevelts bas had and is having Its share There is one now in the Post Office charge ¬ ed with crookedness They irregularities They pooled their interests with the manufacturers o ouf n I the aforesaid manufacturers to acdu mutate a big lot of dishonest pennies which ill gotten pennies were with the parties of the first part St Paul Dispatch It took the swol ¬ len Mississippi and a break in a levee to bring into print the name of War moth so much in evidence in the dap of reconstruction and carpetbagism in Louisiana The old rivers rampage may yet resurrect Pincbback Eliza Pinkston and other names once noto rious but long since forgotten Boston Traveler Included In the presidents staff on his trip are two secretaries one physician three sten- ographers ¬ three messengers two sa cret service men representatives three press associations represents ¬ tives of three illustrated papers two telegraph operators and one official photograper There is no danger that publicity will not be forthcoming Sa ISalvation is free but it costs money to keep it A happy home is an earthly annex to heaven A sunladed front room carpet is whole lot better than a boyless house The man who never makes mistakes never has anything to which he may profitThe heart that never aches is the heart that is always cold and unsym ¬ pathetic Solomon was a wise man but he foolishly neglected to take advantage of his opportunities The absence of a little baby ca make a small house as big and gloom- as an empty cathedral The tactful husband always notices it If his wife puts on a new dress or combs her hair in a new way The man who owns money is to be congratulated but the man who is owned by money is in a bad fix There is no one quite so lonesome as the country woman who has just wov- en into the heart of a big city Some people are so interested ID trying to learn what hell is that they overlook the duty of trying to find heavenThe world existed for several thou ¬ sand years without fiats but It did not get fairly started until the babies be ¬ gan to make appearance If we wanted to express a wish for great wisdom we would only wish for the ability to answer all the questions that a threeyearold child can ask There is something lacking in the expression when ajjirl sings sad sweet songs about mother while the mother is alone in the kitchen washing dishes Personal neatness is desirable and necessary but do you not know some people who would be better off if they manicured their fingers a little less and their intellects a little more There are a lot of people willing to go to church and sing Toiling On and Work for the Night is Coming If the pew cushions are soft enough and the preacher guarantees not to preach over twentyfive minutes Foi SAue80 hogs that will aver age 90 Ibs J H SMITH Font Hill Ky Rub down your colts and slick up your caUte The Fair will open Au ¬ gust 18th Taken up as strays by Claud Hurt in Adair county Ky In town of Co¬ lumbia 3 black sows n marked ex ¬ cept small white spot on nose of two of them Valued by Jas T Page to- e worth 82600 Given under my band the 14th day of April 1003 J IINEUD NXJ P AO 4 IAll W TO Baffled Void comes from Wake Ark that Hi v John J Cox had strange malady accompanied by yellow jaundice For 12 years physicians were bit led and though everything known to the pro ¬ fession was used the trouble tomato ¬ ed One day be began to use Electric Bitters and in a week a change for the better came and at length be was en ¬ tirely cured Its the most reliable medicine for liver and kidney trouble Only 60s and guaranteed by all drug gists Mr David humble venerable fath ¬ er of Mr A R Humble of this city passed away peacefully in his 83rd year at his country home near Nancy last week and was burled at the Grays Chapel cemetery Sunday last after appropriate services by Rev Bradley in the presence of a very large audi- ence ¬ assemble to pay their last sad re spects to a beloved citizen Somenset Journal A Thoughtful Man M M Austin bf Winchester Ind knew what to do in the hourof need His wife had such an unusual case of- f stomach and liver trouble physicians ut uul tried Dr Klogd New LltePilis and she got toilet at once and was ti nally cured Only 25c at all druggists dI have a thoroughbred bull calf ready for service for sale THEO POWELL Theres nothing like doing a thing eves r heard of Bucklens Arnica Salvo is th best It sweeps away and cures burns sores bruises cuts bolls ulcers skin eruptions and piles Its only 25 and guaranteed to give satisfaction by all druggists You ought to know better said the oculist than to rub your eyes after handling paper money Unless its perfectly new its full of germs But this was a thousand dollar bill a fellow handed me to look at I rubbed my eyes to see if I was awake responded the patient Chicago Tribune Unhealthy kidneys produce more suffering than possibly from other cause To feel well to be healthy these organs must be active To re¬ store unhealthy kidneys to action there is nothing that equals GAY II aBA It is recommended and used only as a remedy for diseased kidneys Fur sale by M Cravens r Mr Richard H Shuck of Pleasure ville aged 84 years has never beet sick a day in his Ute and every tooth in his head is as sound as a dollar He has never used a cane and feels no older than he did fifty years ago That cough jou have may get well notn chancey s when you know all serious lung trou- bles ¬ start from neglected coughs Bet- ter get a bottle of Dr Classes Couch Syrup and be on the sate side Sold hi- M Cravens The nineyear old silo of Marion Havens of Lewis county accidentally srruck his younger brother with an ax splitting his bead open and killing him instantly A Sure Tiling It is said that nothing Is sure excep death and taxes but that is not alto ¬ gether true Dr Kings New Discov ¬ ery for consumption Is a-ssure cure for all lung and all throat troubles Thousands can testify to that Mrs C B VanMetre of Shepherd town W Va says I had a severe case of bron ¬ chitis and for a year tried everything I heard of but got no relief One but ¬ tIe of Dr Kings New Discovery then cured me absolutely Its infallible for croup whooping cough pneumonia grip and consumption Try It Is guaranteed by all druggists Trial bottles free Regular sizes tOe and 81 Mrs Bettle Green dropped dead at her home in Lincoln county Stiff neck pains in the shoulders of limbs is a disagreeable trouble anyone is liable to have these ailments which are often produced from cold or expo- sure ¬ The use of Dr Classes German Penetrating Liniment will pivespeedy relief Sold by M Cravens Star of Hope Sing Slog Prison The edltorof one of our exchanges says that be would rather do two years in an American prison than one In a j British institution of the same kind and yet some people would have us be lleve that patrol item Is dying j t Mrs AT Bartki t of C ncv 3Ue Ky has a sure borne cure tot all VI meats peculiar jo ladles Write f sample or call and see her A free days trial will he tent to all tenI who send three eentstor postage humbug hundreds testify m31 F t a IIWIJIJ1JJwDIIVIID Most 524 526 arid 528 Wt Market Street a gIJ TrtiJ THE PROGRESSIVE STORE Four Floors 49 by 128 feet filled with Carpets Rugs Wall Paper Pictures Etc It pays to visit this store if you want to buy cheap and good HKRDWMRE Drills SPECIALTY PLOWS AND Repairs for the South Bend Plow Saddles Bridles Har- ness and Strap Goods Field Seeds at the lowest market price for the BEST Headquarters for the best fertilizer at the LOWEST RICE Studebaker Farm Wagons Come- e to see us when in COLUMBIA Wm F Jeffries Son PATTERSON HOTEL r J7TTK65T03ttL1 I KV No better place can be found than at the above named hotel is new elegantly furnished and the table at all times supplied wit b tho best the market affords Feud Stable in connection J B PATTERSON Take The News and keep posted on the happenings of Southern Kentucky News and Cornier = Journal for SI 50 PRODUCE i will pay the higheatcash prices for jMiasry Produori delivered at Columbia Will pay from 8 to 22c for wool My store is connected by tele vin throughout the county SAM LZWIS Low a Rates TO California Washington Oregon Idaho Montana and Utah VIA BIG FOUR One Way Colonist Tickets at very low rates on sale daily until June 15th 1903 inclusive For full information and par ti Jim 1etc ed WARREN J LYNCH W P DEPPE Genl Pass Ticket Agt Asst o PTA CINCINNATI onto S J GATES General Agent Louisville Ky THOUSANDS SAVED BY OB KINGS NEW DISCOVERY positively Colds Bronchitis Asthma Pneu ¬ mania Hay Fever Pleurisy La Grippe Hoarseness Sore Throat fEvery Cure No Price 50p Triatbottlefre i i I + C M WISEMAN SON wi JEWELERS and OPTICIANS Dealers In Diamonds and Precious Stones = Special attention given to work liDO all ordersof goods Inur Hue 132 Wt Market betwton 1st anrt 2nd- OpoltcftluMcHall LOJJISVILIjE KKMUOKY THE LEBANON STEAM LAUNDRY WANTS YOUR WORK You will by pleased with the promptness aud neatness of this laundryWork from Russell and adjoining counties solicited REED MILLER Agents COLUMBIA KY 8 + E lED MAN SON LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF ai 9439 6Ff6Ff DlflMONDS WftTGHES JEWELRY l CLOCKS r SILVERWflRBRNDIGUTGLfiSS 3339333 ttgCfcC I4JOEST MARKET BETWEEN AND 5TH LOUISVILLE t KSOTC t Newly FurnishedrAmerican Plan 100 Per Day NiB Boslers Hotel MEftLS 25c NIG BOSLER Manaoer Patronage of the Green River Section Respectfully Solicited 523 West Market Street Louisvill6 00 0 Kentucky iIDONT HAVE T6 GO WEST But if you are thinking of doing so keep be ¬ fore you the fact that the Louisville Hen ¬ derson St Louis Railway is making Lowt RoundTrip HomeSeekers and OneWay Settlers Rates TO THE WEST AND SOUTHWEST Also Low Colonists Rates to California Montana Idaho Washington Oregon British Columbia and other Pacific and North Pacific Coast Points LJ IRWIN ASK US FOR RATES General Passenger Agent LOUISVILLE 0 GIBONEY JEFFRIES Feed and Sale Stable IDEALERS + FANCY HORSES AND HIGH GRADE MULES DRUMHERS RIGS A SPECIALTY Liberty Ken tuekv Home Telephone 8189 Cumberland Tel 8454A JAMES GREEN FURNITURE CARPETS SfCXVES AND RANGES Bacons Old Store 425 to 429 Market Street LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY RELIABLE GOODS LOWEST PRICES DEHLER BROTHERS 116 East Market Street LOUISVILLE KENTUCKYI Carry All Heights In STOCK SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES e Enterprise Hote1 GHflSFGflNSRRO PROPRIETORS 234242 EAST MARKET ST BET BROOK fiND FLOYD STS LOUI VILLE KY 0 Rafts 81 00 per day Absolute Satis ¬ faction Guaranteed SPECIAL RATES TO REGULAR BOARDERS OOOOOOOOOOOOCOT000000000O00 0IFTH EnEa Q STREETSs 0 LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY 0 Refurnished Redecorated J3 and EEeI t Hotel at Popular Prices District Churches and Theatres Q Pike Campbell A 6 St Clair Asst Mgr 0 OOCC OC OOOOOT000000000000C > TIME llI1VlElcTIMJ3r f J- 1 c JIitJ Tl M i TO YJSiT j fiOA Cri OTA F E L 8 > s THE J WELER v 122 Vest Mikkut ° Ott t Louisville Ky HS STOCK Oomnr y + v i 3styles it al L kinds of Tewblry Watchefl Clocks Diamundiitver and Plated Ware Umbrellas Eta iv
Page 1: Its iIDONT T6 essut Lowt - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7g7940sz7z/data/0076.pdfot which he was an Elder for many years He lived a quiet and de ¬ voted Christian life


Died at his home onbmilesouth east of Plum Point AprilThe10thThe cause of his death was a rup ¬

ture of longstanding The de

ceased lacked a few days of being

75 years old

peoplehrethe Catholic church Casey county

Born to the wife of FrankTucker a girl j to the wife of W

E Bryant a daughter to the wif

of Geo Jones a son

Hog cholera has made its ap ¬

pearance on the creek Several

hogs have died

Mrs Sue A Tucker who has

been sick for some time is im ¬

provingFarmwork is very much retard ¬

ed on account of wet weather ex ¬

cept fencing More fence habeen built in thIS section than for

yearsMrThomas the Knoxville t

drummer was in our town on

day last week

S K Hnmphress one of our en ¬

terprieingmerchants is in Camp

bellsville to receive a oarload o

fertilizerMrsM Hendrickson has

been quite sick for a few days

Mr B F Tupman has bought a

new corn planterDied April 17 near Rolley

Miss Mary Burton with dropsy

More heavy rams and high wa-



The farmers are getting be ¬

hind with their work But littleplowing for corn up to this time

Mrs J R Beard and littledaughter are are visiting the fam ¬

ily of A C Wheeler


W F Cabbell the subject of

this sketch was the only son of

Samuel and Rebecca Cabbell Hewas born July 29 and at the age

of 18 he enlisted in the war be ¬

tween the United Statps and Mex ¬

ico He returned to Adair county

in 1848 and was united in mar ¬

riage to Anna E MontgomeryJanuary 18 1851 He becamemember of the Christian Churchin the year 1852 He united withthe congregation at Pleasant Hillot which he was an Elder for manyyears He lived a quiet and de ¬

voted Christian life always readyto make any sacrifice for was goodtrue and noble He had made theword of God a lifelong study andadopted it as his guide throughlife He had been in feeble healthfor many years On the 9th ofFebruary he was confined to hisbed and quietly and paiiently suf¬

fered until the 12th of March at10 a m when he quietly passedaway being at peace with Godand all man kind The funeralservices were conducted by ElderZ T Williams and the body laidto rest in the family buryingground to await the resurrection I



Atlanta Constitution Mr Rockefellers stomach may be out oforder but it doesnt affect his ap¬

petite for money

Milwaukee News The title ofpeacemaker is about as fitting

to Joe Chamberlain as a plug hatis to a Sioux Indian-

Washington Star UncleToms postoffice would be aproper title for revised modernedition of Mrs Stowes famous

novelSaginawNews San Miguel

the last of the unreconciled Fil ¬

ipino insurgent leaders has beenslain We wonder hpw many

lasts there areCleveland Press Congressman

Littlefield says there are 800 trustsin this country Publicity forall of them will keep the peoplebusy reading

Toledo Bee Secretary Rootvouches for General Woods rec ¬

ord in Cuba But who will vouchfor Secretary Roots record in thewar department

Johnstown Democrat TomJohnson evidently knows when toshow visitors the way out doorsIt is wheu be has unmasked themas spies aud traitors in his camp

Houston Post The people ofthirty Balkan villages are report ¬

ed to be in arms It is supposedthis report is sent out by Turkeyto justify another massacre of


Plain Dealer Thebeef trust has pushed its case upto the United States supreme courtThats as high aa it can go as thecow remarked when ehe lumpedover the moon


Mrs Will MoQueary + who hasbaen sick for some time died ather home a few days ago Shewas a good woman and leaves ahusband and several children tomourn her loss Dr Grissom didall he could but God saw fit tocall her home

Melvin Powel is here on a visitOn his departure his wife will go

with him-

George Harmon will leave athie s

horse to Richard Burton for 76

Mr Bat Heizer of Greensburgis having a nice lot of legs outJohn Morrison will saw his stuff

Wheat could not look betterCorn planting will be lateBrack Massie passed here this

week looking for sheepess¬

capes a scandal President Boosevelts

bas had and is having Its shareThere is one now in the Post Officecharge¬

ed with crookedness Theyirregularities They pooled their

interests with the manufacturers ooufn I

the aforesaid manufacturers to acdumutate a big lot of dishonest pennies

which ill gotten pennies were

with the parties of the first part

St Paul Dispatch It took the swol ¬

len Mississippi and a break in a levee

to bring into print the name of Warmoth so much in evidence in the dap

of reconstruction and carpetbagism inLouisiana The old rivers rampagemay yet resurrect Pincbback ElizaPinkston and other names once noto

rious but long since forgotten

Boston Traveler Included In thepresidents staff on his trip are twosecretaries one physician three sten-


three messengers two sacret service men representativesthree press associations represents ¬

tives of three illustrated papers twotelegraph operators and one official

photograper There is no danger thatpublicity will not be forthcomingSaISalvation is free but it costs money

to keep itA happy home is an earthly annex

to heaven

A sunladed front room carpet iswhole lot better than a boyless house

The man who never makes mistakesnever has anything to which he may


heart that never aches is theheart that is always cold and unsym ¬


Solomon was a wise man but hefoolishly neglected to take advantageof his opportunities

The absence of a little baby ca

make a small house as big and gloom-

as an empty cathedralThe tactful husband always notices

it If his wife puts on a new dress orcombs her hair in a new way

The man who owns money is to becongratulated but the man who isowned by money is in a bad fix

There is no one quite so lonesome asthe country woman who has just wov-

en into the heart of a big city

Some people are so interested ID

trying to learn what hell is that theyoverlook the duty of trying to find

heavenTheworld existed for several thou ¬

sand years without fiats but It did notget fairly started until the babies be¬

gan to make appearance

If we wanted to express a wish forgreat wisdom we would only wish forthe ability to answer all the questionsthat a threeyearold child can ask

There is something lacking in theexpression when ajjirl sings sad sweetsongs about mother while the motheris alone in the kitchen washing dishes

Personal neatness is desirable andnecessary but do you not know somepeople who would be better off if theymanicured their fingers a little lessand their intellects a little more

There are a lot of people willing togo to church and sing Toiling Onand Work for the Night is ComingIf the pew cushions are soft enoughand the preacher guarantees not topreach over twentyfive minutes

Foi SAue80 hogs that will average 90 Ibs

J H SMITHFont Hill Ky

Rub down your colts and slick upyour caUte The Fair will open Au ¬

gust 18th

Taken up as strays by Claud Hurtin Adair county Ky In town of Co¬

lumbia 3 black sows n marked ex¬

cept small white spot on nose of twoof them Valued by Jas T Page to-e worth 82600 Given under my

band the 14th day of April 1003



IAll W TO BaffledVoid comes from Wake Ark that

Hi v John J Cox had strange maladyaccompanied by yellow jaundice For12 years physicians were bit led andthough everything known to the pro ¬

fession was used the trouble tomato ¬

ed One day be began to use ElectricBitters and in a week a change for thebetter came and at length be was en¬

tirely cured Its the most reliablemedicine for liver and kidney troubleOnly 60s and guaranteed by all druggists

Mr David humble venerable fath¬

er of Mr A R Humble of this citypassed away peacefully in his 83rd

year at his country home near Nancy

last week and was burled at the GraysChapel cemetery Sunday last afterappropriate services by Rev Bradley

in the presence of a very large audi-



assemble to pay their last sad respects to a beloved citizen Somenset


A Thoughtful ManM M Austin bf Winchester Ind

knew what to do in the hourof need

His wife had such an unusual case of-

f stomach and liver trouble physiciansutuul tried Dr Klogd New LltePilisand she got toilet at once and was ti

nally cured Only 25c at all druggists

dI have a thoroughbred bull calfready for service for sale


Theres nothing like doing a thingeves r

heard of Bucklens Arnica Salvo is th

best It sweeps away and cures burnssores bruises cuts bolls ulcers skin

eruptions and piles Its only 25 and

guaranteed to give satisfaction by all


You ought to know better said

the oculist than to rub your eyes

after handling paper money Unless

its perfectly new its full of germs

But this was a thousand dollar bill

a fellow handed me to look at Irubbed my eyes to see if I was awakeresponded the patient Chicago


Unhealthy kidneys produce moresuffering than possibly from othercause To feel well to be healthy

these organs must be active To re¬

store unhealthy kidneys to actionthere is nothing that equals GAY II

aBA It is recommended and used only

as a remedy for diseased kidneys Fursale by M Cravens r

Mr Richard H Shuck of Pleasureville aged 84 years has never beet sicka day in his Ute and every tooth in hishead is as sound as a dollar He hasnever used a cane and feels no olderthan he did fifty years ago

That cough jou have may get wellnotnchancey s

when you know all serious lung trou-



start from neglected coughs Bet-ter get a bottle of Dr Classes CouchSyrup and be on the sate side Sold hi-

M Cravens

The nineyear old silo of MarionHavens of Lewis county accidentallysrruck his younger brother with an axsplitting his bead open and killing himinstantly

A Sure TilingIt is said that nothing Is sure excep

death and taxes but that is not alto ¬

gether true Dr Kings New Discov ¬

ery for consumption Is a-ssure cure forall lung and all throat troublesThousands can testify to that MrsC B VanMetre of Shepherd town W

Va says I had a severe case of bron ¬

chitis and for a year tried everythingI heard of but got no relief One but ¬

tIe of Dr Kings New Discovery thencured me absolutely Its infalliblefor croup whooping cough pneumoniagrip and consumption Try It Isguaranteed by all druggists Trialbottles free Regular sizes tOe and 81

Mrs Bettle Green dropped dead ather home in Lincoln county

Stiff neck pains in the shoulders of

limbs is a disagreeable trouble anyone

is liable to have these ailments whichare often produced from cold or expo-


The use of Dr Classes GermanPenetrating Liniment will pivespeedyrelief Sold by M Cravens

Star of Hope Sing Slog Prison Theedltorof one of our exchanges says

that be would rather do two years inan American prison than one In a j

British institution of the same kindand yet some people would have us be

lleve that patrol item Is dying j

tMrs AT Bartki t of C ncv3Ue

Ky has a sure borne cure tot all VImeats peculiar jo ladles Write fsample or call and see her A freedays trial will he tent to all tenIwho send three eentstor postagehumbug hundreds testify m31




IIWIJIJ1JJwDIIVIIDMost 524 526 arid 528 Wt Market Street

a gIJTrtiJTHE PROGRESSIVE STOREFour Floors 49 by 128 feet filled with Carpets Rugs Wall Paper

Pictures Etc It pays to visit this store if you want to buy cheapand good




Repairs for the South Bend Plow Saddles Bridles Har-

ness and Strap Goods Field Seeds at the lowest marketprice for the BEST Headquarters for the best fertilizer atthe LOWEST RICE Studebaker Farm Wagons Come-

e to see us when in COLUMBIA

Wm F Jeffries Son


J7TTK65T03ttL1 I KVNo better place can be found than at the above named hotel

is new elegantly furnished and the table at all times supplied witb

tho best the market affords Feud Stable in connection


Take The News and keep postedon the happenings of Southern KentuckyNews and Cornier =Journal for SI 50

PRODUCEi will pay the higheatcash prices forjMiasry Produori delivered at

Columbia Will pay from 8 to 22c forwool My store is connected by tele

vin throughout the countySAM LZWIS

Low a RatesTO


Washington OregonIdaho Montana

and UtahVIA

BIG FOUROne Way Colonist Tickets at

very low rates on sale daily untilJune 15th 1903 inclusive

For full information and parti Jim1etced

WARREN J LYNCH W P DEPPEGenl Pass Ticket Agt Asst o PTA

CINCINNATI ontoS J GATES General Agent

Louisville Ky



positivelyColds Bronchitis Asthma Pneu ¬

mania Hay Fever Pleurisy LaGrippe Hoarseness Sore ThroatfEveryCure No Price 50pTriatbottlefre i



JEWELERS and OPTICIANSDealers In Diamonds and Precious Stones


Special attention given to work liDO

all ordersof goods Inur Hue 132 WtMarket betwton 1st anrt 2nd-





You will by pleased with thepromptness aud neatness of thislaundryWork from Russell andadjoining counties solicited




ai 9439 6Ff6Ff






3339333 ttgCfcC




Newly FurnishedrAmerican Plan 100 Per Day

NiB Boslers HotelMEftLS 25c

NIG BOSLER ManaoerPatronage of the Green River Section Respectfully Solicited

523 West Market StreetLouisvill6 0 0 0 Kentucky


But if you are thinking of doing so keep be ¬

fore you the fact that the Louisville Hen ¬

derson St Louis Railway is makingLowtRoundTrip HomeSeekers and OneWaySettlers Rates TO THE WEST ANDSOUTHWEST Also Low Colonists Ratesto California Montana Idaho WashingtonOregon British Columbia and other Pacificand North Pacific Coast Points



Feed and Sale StableIDEALERS +



Liberty KentuekvHome Telephone 8189 Cumberland Tel 8454A


SfCXVES AND RANGESBacons Old Store 425 to 429 Market Street


DEHLER BROTHERS116 East Market Street









Enterprise Hote1




0Rafts 81 00 per day Absolute Satis ¬





0Refurnished Redecorated


and EEeIt Hotel at Popular PricesDistrict Churches and Theatres QPike Campbell A 6 St Clair Asst Mgr 0

OOCC OC OOOOOT000000000000C >


1c JIitJ Tl Mi TO YJSiT jfiOA Cri OTAFEL 8>


122 Vest Mikkut ° Ott t Louisville KyHS STOCK Oomnr y + v i 3styles it alL kinds of Tewblry

Watchefl Clocks Diamundiitver and Plated Ware Umbrellas Eta

