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It's Our Time- Womxn of Color in Leadership

Date post: 13-Jan-2017
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It’s Our Time: Womxn of Color in Leadership By: Erica Fuller College Democrats of America National Programs Director

It’s Our Time: Womxn of Color in Leadership

By: Erica Fuller College Democrats of America National Programs Director

Ground Rules/Community Agreements •Use Pronouns•Avoid Gendered & Ableist Language•Be Mindful of People’s Needs and Experiences•Share the Air/ W.A.I.T.•E.L.M.O.•Expect Unfinished Business•Ouch, Oh•Assume the Best Intentions•Use I Statements•People First Language•Mistakes Are Awesome.. When You Learn From Them•Vocabulary Breaks•Take Care of Yourself•Group Confidentiality/ Share Lessons Not Details

Outcomes and Goals 1. Learn the Evolving Definition of Womxnism

2. Gain a Basic Understanding of Intersectionality and the importance of including it in every area of your leadership.

3. Learn Effective Ways of Networking as a Person of Color

4. Gain a Basic Understanding of the importance of developing leaders under you (Both POC & Allies)

5. Develop basic developing leadership techniques

6. Gain Important Understanding of S.E.L.F Care

7. Be able to reflect on your leadership and personal

Wind Raises it Higher Womxnism




S.E.L.F Care True courage is like a kite; a contrary wind raises it higher. - John Petit-Senn

Feminism vs. Womxnism Feminism: the advocacy of women’s rights of grounds of political, social and economic equality to men.

Womxnism: is a social theory deeply rooted in the racial and gender-based oppression of black women. There are varying interpretations on what the term “womanist” means, and efforts to provide a concise and all encompassing definition have only been marginally successful.

Intersectionality is Not Colored or Gendered Based

7 Key Principles of Intersectionality 1. Human lives cannot be explained by taking into account single categories, such as gender, race, and socio-economic status.

2. When analyzing social problems, the importance of any category or structure cannot be predetermined.

3. Relationships and power dynamics between social locations and processes (e.g.,racism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, ageism, sexism) are linked.

4. People can experience privilege and oppression simultaneously.

5. Multi-level analyses that link individual experiences to broader structures and systems are crucial for revealing how power relations are shaped and experienced.

6. Scholars, researchers, policy makers, and activists must consider their own social position, role and power when taking an intersectional approach.

7. Intersectionality is explicitly oriented towards transformation, building coalitions among different groups, and working towards social justice.

10 womxn of color in leadership

Lauren Wesley Wilson Lauren, is the President of ColorComm, Inc., which houses the professional membership organization for women of color in communications and our upcoming conference C2:

ColorComm strengthens the voices of those who are often underrepresented in business and political discourse.

Her Hopes: “To see more women of color holding senior positions in communications.”

Saru Jayaraman Saru, is a 38-year-old Oakland resident, is emerging as one of the nation's top activists for restaurant workers. She's trying to forge a link between two groups that are dear to many Bay Area residents but don't have a history of working together - organized labor and foodies.

Her goal is to improve the working conditions for the nation's 10 million restaurant workers, people who are twice as likely to be on public assistance as other Americans.

Ilhan Omar Ilhan Omar, is the first ever elected Somali American in the US House of Representatives for the State of Minnesota.

She won House District 60B in southeast Minneapolis with 80 percent of the vote.

Her Campaign: "Our campaign has been about more than just uniting a district, more than winning back the House, more than making history," Omar said. "Our campaign has been about shifting narratives, restoring hope and re-establishing access in our democracy."

Sarai Geary Sarai Geary, a citizen of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, program manager for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, and a staff attorney for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Reintegration Program.

“I have dedicated my life to furthering social justice initiatives both personally and professionally.”- Sarai Geary

Doua Thor Doua Thor, serves as the Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Previously, she served as the Director of Strategic Partnerships at the Initiative. Doua also serves as a Senior Fellow with the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD). Prior to this Doua was the Executive Director of the Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) for nearly 9 years.

Network Network Network! Just Show Up!

Developing Up and Below The act or process of growing or causing something to grow or become larger or more advanced.

Actively Develop

One on One meetings

Educate them through concepts and experience

Let Them Ask Questions

Be Patient

Encourage and Empower

Let them experience
