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It's Your Destiny eMagazine October Issue 2014

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Premier Issue of It's Your Destiny eMagazine Fall 2014 Issue
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OCTOBER 2014 I T S A N EW S EASON The Listening Heart of A Little Servant Soaring Seniors Higher Heights PASTOR M ARCUS M ARTINEZ A Preacher With A Heart To Serve God Studying to Grow Graduating to GO! Destiny & Dominion BTC Graduation PREMIERE ISSUE The Many Seasons of Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries Inside the love-filled, multicultural, non-denominational, Spirit-led Church
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The Listening Heart of

A Little Servant

Soaring Seniors…Higher Heights


A Preacher With A Heart To Serve God

Studying to Grow Graduating to GO!

Destiny & Dominion BTC Graduation


The Many Seasons of Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries Inside the love-filled, multicultural, non-denominational, Spirit-led Church

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CONTENTS October 2014 Volume 01 Number 01

INSIDE FEATURES Cover Story: Pastor Marcus Martinez pg 6 A Preacher With A Heart To Serve God by Simone Da Costa

Studying to Grow. Graduating to Go! pg 20 Destiny & Dominion Bible Training Center Graduation by Jennifer Bates

Ken Ward: A Soaring Senior pg 23 Seniors Soaring to Higher Heights by Denise Cross

The Listening Heart of a Little Servant pg 27 Abigail’s Conversation with God by Jennifer Bates

DEPARTMENTS Messages on Seasons Every Season pg 16 by Min. Sheri Findlay

A Lifestyle Of Worship: pg 17 Giving Thanks Through Every Season by Min. Léna Gauthier

You Asked pg 11 and DDWM Pastor’s Answered

STORIES Single and Sure Retreat pg 33 A Getaway Not To Be Forgotten by Janet Beamish

The Women of Destiny International pg 36 Living Victorious Lives Through The Uncompromised Word of God by Pastor Lynette Farrier

Christian Education and Discipleship pg 39 Carrying on the Master’s Call Carrying on the Master’s Commission by Jennifer Bates

Destiny Kidz pg 30 Moving from Glory to Glory by Monica Soares

Victorious Living Group pg 43 God Has A Plan For Your Life by Pastor Lynette Farrier

Cover credit: Marcus Martinez photographed by Douglas Brookes. Fashion Editor, Simone Da Costa. Makeup, Evelyn Martinez

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FOUNDER AND PUBLISHER Pastor Marcus Martinez




Janice Pearson

SENIOR EDITOR Jamie Wilson-Quinn

PHOTOGRAPHER Douglas Brookes


WRITER-AT-LARGE Jennifer Bates

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Denise Cross, Monica Soares, Janet Beamish, Pastor Lynette Farrier

FOR ADVERTISING INQUIRES In Toronto call│ 416-782-4673 │ 1-888-682-4673 │ E-Mail: [email protected]


40 Colville Road in Toronto, Canada M6M2Y4 | www.destinydominion.com All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited.

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By nature, Pastor Marcus Martinez is a down-to-earth kind of guy. “I am fun and I am a cool

dude, you know,” he often says. Pastor Marcus Martinez is sitting comfortably in his office on a

brown leather chair behind his desk at Destiny and Dominion Word Ministries (DDWM) as he

prepares for a candid interview. Wearing a white T-shirt, dark denim and a pair of sick kicks, he

presents a more relaxed look than with the typical suit he wears on Sunday mornings, preaching

from the wide pulpit with a sapphire blue backdrop. While waiting, I eye the airy office space in

which pictures of him and his beautiful wife, Evelyn Martinez, are placed on his wall unit, a signed

José Reyes Blue Jays Jersey dresses the wall and an eye-catching painting with a striking

resemblance of him is placed by the window.

“That’s a very nice painting of you,” I comment.

“One of the members of DDWM painted it,” he replies.

“Really?” I say, amazed at the member’s artistic ability. “The painter did a fine job...it looks

just like you,” I utter as his dark eyes twinkle from behind his spectacles and he flashes a pleasant

smile; a smile displaying that he is also impressed with the artist’s meticulous creation.

Pastor Marcus Martinez is the founder and senior Pastor of Destiny and Dominion Word

Ministries in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The name Destiny and Dominion originated from an early

onset when he was a young believer and knew that, upon hearing the message of God, that

God has given him, as well as all believers, dominion and a destiny in Christ. As he grew and

became a more mature Christian, he understood who he is in Christ and it became very

apparent to him that God has a plan for him and for every one of us (Jeremiah 29:11). He saw

that his destiny is to dominate the issues in his life through the Word of God and the power of the

Holy Spirit, allowing nothing to hold him back from fulfilling what God has destined for him to do.

These two words, Destiny and Dominion, were planted in his heart and later birthed the Spirit-led

and Word-based church, Destiny and Dominion Word Ministries.

Destiny and Dominion Word Ministries’ vision is to dominate our destiny through the integrity of

the Word of God and to show that, by following the Word, we can overcome anything through

Christ. A part of the vision is to have a multicultural church and this has definitely come to fruition

as DDWM now has members of 50 different nationalities as attendees. To equip the nations to

fulfill their God-given destinies and a mission to walk in God’s love are its mandates.

The Visionary


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According to Pastor Marcus Martinez, the love of God has been poured out into our hearts

through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us (Romans 5:5). DDWM also has a mandate

which is put into daily practice that reflects the following: person of the Holy Spirit, walking by faith,

understanding the scriptures and creating discipleship for this spirit-filled church.

The Passionate Pastor

“I am not interested in the material things in this world. I am not interested in getting a bigger house, a more expensive car; all these things mean nothing to me and God means everything to

me and I want to serve Him with everything.”

ith more than 20 years in the ministry, Pastor Marcus has coined the phrase,

“Equip the saints to fulfill their God-given Destinies,” that has become

DDWM’s proverb. Pastor Marcus is also the founder and president of Destiny

and Dominion Bible Training Center (DDBTC). The Bible Training Center offers

Christian Bible College education courses to students in preparation for

ministry and for those seeking a deeper understanding of the Word of God. Great emphasis is

placed on the teachings of God’s Word because Pastor Marcus Martinez strongly believes that a

solid Biblical foundation helps Christians to grow as “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in

favour with God and men.” (Luke 2:52). With a goal to train preachers, teachers and leaders to

go out in the world to start a church, minister to people, pastor and pioneer churches and, as a

long term goal, to have international missions and to also create a club in which people can

partner with DDBTC. These partnerships will help reduce or eliminate tuition fees so students can

actively pursue their dreams.


Pastor Marcus Martinez is a preacher fanatical about God and all things concerning Him. He

expounds the undiluted Word of God from the pulpit with much intensity and potency. Possessing

an aura of deep emotional honesty has made him a person of integrity and vigour and it is clear

that there is nothing half-hearted about the thirst he has for his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

“When I preach the Word of God, I am not here to play games, I am here to bring a rhema

that will tell someone about Jesus, help someone, encourage someone, build someone up,” he

says. One might ask Pastor Marcus Martinez where this passion for the Lord comes from and he

will triumphantly say that it comes from taking the things of God seriously. “I do not love the things

in this world and it has very little influence on my heart. Everything I do for the Lord is made up in

Heaven and has great eternal value,” he says. He further states that he is not building a life of

material gain. “I am not interested in the material things in this world. I am not interested in getting

a bigger house, a more expensive car; all these things mean nothing to me and God means

everything to me and I want to serve Him with everything,” he professes.

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What’s most important to this fiery preacher is to work for God, to see His face one day and have

Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” and to enter into His eternal Kingdom.

Sitting in the pew at DDWM at a Sunday morning service, Monday night prayer meeting or a

Wednesday evening Bible study, listening to Pastor Marcus orate the Word of God, watching his

every animated move, especially when he wants to drive a point home while under the

anointing, you can clearly see that the Spirit of God lives within him. He is a shepherd far from

mediocrity who has a spirit of great enthusiasm. He strongly believes that laziness and mediocrity

are some of the greatest challenges for believers to overcome because believers prefer to be

left alone. “The Bible says we have to exercise ourselves unto righteousness and Godliness,” he

declares. “Exercising the Word means being a doer of God’s Word, going deeper into the truth of

who God says you are, and walking in it.” Without a shadow of a doubt this preacher says, “We

are representations of God on the earth (Ephesians 3:10) and we as the church are to display the

manifold wisdom of God.”

A blossoming season of maturity as a church

and as a ministry has definitely arrived at the

faith-based Destiny and Dominion Word

Ministries. Pastor Marcus Martinez articulates

that it is time for DDWM to start ministering the

Word more by releasing more men and

women out to teach the Word. “We would like

students to start renting cafes, schools and

start holding services. It will be an opportunity

to evangelize, to spread the gospel,” he says.

With no signs of slowing down any time soon,

Pastor Marcus Martinez is always keeping

himself absorbed in the Word and busy

working for the Lord. Try catching up to this

tireless Preacher, if you dare, but this Pastor is

on a mission for God, and it will only get

better from here.

A New Season at DDWM

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“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that

which is planted…” Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 KJV

WHAT SPIRITUAL SEASON AM I IN?The Bible states, “For everything there is a season…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). If I am having a hard time transitioning into a new season, not because of being rebellious but because God has made it so comfortable to stay that I fear transition and change, how do I overcome fear and walk into my new season? -Brandon

Hello Brandon, This is a wonderful season in your life! It’s a time when you’ve come to realize that God desires to move you to a higher place spiritually. Yet, as you’ve aptly stated, change is not always easy because it involves an element of uncertainty which can evoke a variety of emotional responses including fear. At times like these, it is important to build yourself up on the promises of God such as those listed below:

• He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! Assuredly not!] (Hebrews 13:5b, AMP)

• Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]  (John 14:27, AMP)

• Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6, AMP)

In closing, Brandon “be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].” (Ephesians 6:10, AMP) Blessings to you in Christ!

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How can I know what season I am in? -Cynthia

Hello Sister Cynthia, Seasons are characterized by various victories and hurdles, but one thing is constant about each season—God has a purpose for each one. As believers, we all have different seasons in our faith walk. As it is written in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, “There is a purpose for every season ...” As you walk through these different seasons, Cynthia, Holy Spirit guides you to the expected end—the purpose for which you have been experiencing the season. Holy Spirit dwelling in you will quicken your spirit to identify the season you are in. He has been given to you as a Teacher and Helper so that you will have the ability and sensitivity to recognize each season as it comes. Remember, just as Holy Spirit granted the sons of Issachar to recognize and understand times and seasons (1 Chronicles 12:32), so too He will reveal to you the season that you are in, because He lives in you.

Ecclesiastes 3:6 tells us that there is a time to gain and a time to lose. If I am holding on to what I know God wants me to let go of, am I

setting myself up for failure by not letting go of this particular thing? -JodyHello Jody,

The answer to your question is found in Luke 6:46-49:

“But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say? Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock. But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.”


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According to these verses, there are two different outcomes in life, and which outcome we experience depends on what we do when we know what God says. We can choose to obey or to do nothing. Jody, if you know what God wants you to do and you choose to do nothing, the result will be the same as the one who built his house on the earth without a foundation. He definitely set himself up for failure—read it again: “and the ruin of that house was great.”

Jody, God does not want you to fail. That is exactly why He asks you to “lose your life” to find the life He has planned for you (Matthew 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 17:33; John 12:25). In other words, you may have to give up your plan for your life. The only way you will be able to do that is by

faith. You must trust that when God asks you to do something or forsake your own plan, it is for your own good. You must trust in His goodness, His wisdom and His ability to provide for all your needs.

I've been a Christian for four years. When I was first saved I was so excited. I read my Bible daily, I prayed regularly, and I saw results. Now though, I feel so dry.

Am I going through a dry season? I still love God, but weeks can go by without my opening the Bible, I pray when I remember to, and I'm just not seeing the

results I used to. What has happened to me? I feel so guilty! How can I fix this? -ToryDear Tory,

Yes, there is great joy when one comes to the Lord. King David called this the joy of God’s salvation (Psalm 51:12). It’s the joy and excitement that comes from having a personal relationship with the God of Creation. It comes from knowing that you have been cleansed of your sin and an understanding that you have everlasting life. It comes from knowing that God’s Spirit lives within you to teach, empower, and lead you through life. When you were excited about these things, it was easy to read the Bible and pray on a regular basis. And what happened when you did these things regularly? You saw results on a consistent basis!


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So why are you going through a dry season if you still love God? The Bible teaches us that this is not uncommon. It also provides the solution for overcoming this dry season in your life. Jesus taught in the Parable of the Sower that many would be excited when they first received the seed of the Word (Mark 4:13-20). But as time went on they would begin to stumble and there would be no fruitfulness in their lives. What was the problem? Jesus stated that, “they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time” (Mark 4:17).

We learn here that a cultivation of the seed is necessary in order for deep roots to be produced. Deep roots are necessary to withstand the things that will come against us as followers of Jesus. To cultivate means to do what is necessary to encourage the growth of the seed, such as watering and making sure it has proper soil and sunlight.

So how do we cultivate that seed of God that has been planted in us? We water it with the Word of God (Ephesians 5:26). Reading and meditating on God’s Word is a must. Jesus said that, “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God” (Luke 4:4). Just as we need food on a daily basis in order to provide nutrition and energy to our physical bodies, so we also need spiritual food to provide sustenance for our spirit man.

The soil for the seed of God is our heart. For the right soil we need to make sure we have a teachable and hearing heart. James 1:21 states that we are to “lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your soul.”

How do we get God’s sunlight? By getting into His glorious presence. “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). As children of God, we have access to go to the throne of grace for help and strength anytime we need it. And we need it on a daily basis! We go to His throne in prayer and enter into His presence—“In Your presence is fullness of joy” (Psalm 16:11) and “Building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit” (Jude 1:20).


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So Tory, the things that you have been letting go of are the things that provide you with what you are missing and desiring. Since you are not spending time in the Word and prayer, what are you replacing them with? Jesus said that, “the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful” (Mark 4:19). The reason you find yourself in a dry season with no results is because you are living for the things in the world and neglecting the One who makes rivers out of deserts (Isaiah 43:19). Your guilty feeling is the Holy Spirit convicting you to turn to Him. He wants you to experience the joy and fruitfulness you’re longing for. To fix the problem will take a commitment on your part to begin seeking after God in the Word and in prayer, and thereby entering into His presence. This will take discipline, but you can trust in God that His grace is sufficient to empower you to do these things: “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness”(2 Corinthians 12:9).


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Messages On Seasons

In our walk with God, we go through many seasons—some pleasant and some difficult. While we

may not enjoy every season, as God’s children we know that our loving Father is with us and “we

know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called

according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Whenever we find ourselves in a season of trials, we can be encouraged that we are growing.

James 1:2-4 says, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the

testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be

perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” Every season has a purpose, and we need to trust God and

be thankful that He will sustain us.

The wonderful thing about a season of trials is that when that season has come to an end, we will

not only have grown in character but will also have a testimony God can use through us to comfort

and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ. 2 Corinthians 1:4 says He “comforts us in all our

tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which

we ourselves are comforted by God.” As we change seasons, God will use the season He brought us

through to help someone else.

We must always remember that regardless of the season we may find ourselves in at this moment

in time, we have a loving Father who is taking us from glory to glory.  “But we all, with unveiled face,

beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory

to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18). Every season has its purpose, so we

should be encouraged that He is faithful and He will use every season in our lives to complete His

work in us.

by Min. Sheri Findlay


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Messages On Seasons

When talking about seasons, it seems that the season people care about most is “harvest time.”

That’s because harvest time is reaping time. It is a time of increase in our lives. During the harvest

season, we are reaping what we’ve been sowing in the “other seasons,” which means that we can

reap good things and bad things depending on the kind of “sowing” we’ve been doing.

That’s what God is talking about in Galatians 6:7-9 when He says, “Do not be deceived, God is

not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the

flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us

not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Money is not the only thing we are talking about when we talk about “sowing.” Actually, it’s not

even the first thing. Since we have received a promise from the Lord through His Word to reap if we

do not lose heart, let us examine some “good seeds” we can sow through every season.

We see that God expects us to sow words of thanks

and praise to Him in every season. Psalm 34:1 says, “I

will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall

continually be in my mouth.” Because God doesn’t

change—even if our season does—He’s still worthy of

the same praise, the same adoration, the same

worship, and the same giving of thanks whether we’re

on the mountain top, in the valley, or anywhere in

between. Actually, praising God in the valley is the best

way to get out of the valley, because worshipping God

(thanking Him, praising Him, praying to Him, and

believing Him) keeps our spirit sweet and strong and

our eyes of faith open and fixed on Him.


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Remember that our God is the Lord of the harvest. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 we see His will

for us as he instructs us to, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this

is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

One way we can help ourselves thank, praise, and worship the Lord is actually not to play a

song, but rather to bring to our remembrance God’s wonderful benefits in our lives. Psalm 103 is

the perfect place to “camp” if we find ourselves in a season in which it is hard to remember that

God is good. In this psalm, King David enumerates God’s many benefits. Let’s list some of them


• God forgives all our sins. (v. 3) • He heals all our diseases. (v. 3) • He redeems our life from destruction. (v. 4) • He crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies. (v. 4) • He satisfies our mouth with good things. (v. 5) • He executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. (v. 6) • He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. (v. 8) • He has not dealt with us according to our sins. (v. 10) • He has removed our transgressions from us. (v. 12) • His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him. (v. 17)

Psalm 100 also exhorts us to approach God and serve Him with a joyful attitude because He is

our Maker and Shepherd.

Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness;

Come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God;

It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise.

Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.For the Lord is good;

His mercy is everlasting,And His truth endures to all generations.

Messages On Seasons

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Messages On SeasonsBringing God’s goodness to our remembrance helps us understand that a harsh or dry season

doesn’t change a good God, but rather that a good God is bringing us through every season. As we

continue to give thanks and to praise our Lord, we are able to keep our spiritual eyes fixed on Him,

not on the trials we may be experiencing. In this way we are setting our minds on “things

above” (Colossians 3:2) and on things unchanging and eternal, not on temporary things that will

eventually pass away (2 Corinthians 4:18).

Remembering God’s goodness helps us remember that a good God—our heavenly Father—is

working in us a glorious work which far exceeds whatever afflictions we may be going through in a

particular season (2 Corinthians 4:17). Praising God in every season is God’s will for each of us

because He is good—no matter how bad things may seem.

Jesus upholds all things by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). He is well able to hold our lives

together through every necessary season. We don’t worship Him because we’re always reaping or

things are always good around us; we worship Him because He is always good, and His love for us

sees us through every season.

God has assured us that we will reap if we do not lose heart. He holds the heart of each of us in

His hands, and we are sowing seeds of thanksgiving and gratitude when we worship Him. He has

now become the Lord of our harvest, and we can be sure that we will reap good things when our

“harvest time” season comes.

by Min. Léna Gauthier

“Jesus upholds all things by the word of His power” Hebrews 1:3

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Whose life has God called upon you to impact?How are you preparing yourself to do so?

“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2, NIV)

Described as inspiring and uplifting, the 11th Destiny & Dominion Bible Training Center Graduation was the much anticipated event of June 13th, 2014. It was indeed an evening of praise and powerfully inspiring testimonials. It was a night of promise for future Spirit-led ministers who had been prepared to share, teach and preach the Word with great patience and careful instruction, in season and out.

With the Christian and a host of national flags in full array, 31 graduates hailing from 14 different nations were recognized for having completed one to three years of committed study and application of the Word of God through practical ministry. As newly distinguished recipients of an Initial Diploma (Year 1), an Associate Diploma (Year 2) or an Advanced Diploma (Year 3) in Theology, each graduate represented the obvious pride of his or her country and family as well as personal accomplishment. However, much more than this, each certificate received signified the expression of a positioning for ready service in the harvest field of our Heavenly Father—the Lord of the Harvest (Matthew 9:37). As Dean, Reverend Lynette Farrier stated each graduate has “a divine purpose and that purpose is vital to the advancement of the Kingdom of God.” As such, each student was exhorted to find and assume his or her position, achieve his or her God-given purpose and affect the people that he or she has been “called to teach and to touch.”

he seed of teaching and touching lives through Destiny & Dominion Bible Training Center was planted in the heart of Reverend Marcus Martinez, Senior Pastor of Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries and President of Destiny & Dominion Bible Training Center, 11 years ago. In 2003, God inspired Pastor Marcus with His vision to:

• encourage believers in Christ to answer His call on their lives, • equip His children to live Spirit-filled lives and “rightly divide the Word of Truth” and• enable those that He has called to run their God-given race as skilled labourers with integrity and excellence.

From its small beginnings with Pastors Marcus and Lynette as the sole instructors, the training centre faculty has grown to include Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries’ Associate Pastors Bob Ernst and Stoyan Bogdanov, Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries’ Executive and Children’s Pastor Keyon Farrier, Pastor Veronica Marcano, Minister Rosie Cooke, Minister Chantal Ernst and Minister Portia Machiwenyika. Many of the current faculty members were Bible Training Center students who, having themselves been equipped and enabled, have answered God’s call to sow labourers into the development of Kingdom for the reaping of God’s end-time harvest.

Destiny & DominionBible Training Center Graduation

by Jennifer Bates

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Undoubtedly, the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2014 bore witness to the firm root and continuous sprouting of that first Bible Training Center seed. In his commencement address to faculty, graduates, family and friends, President and Pastor Marcus Martinez recounted the circumstances surrounding the call of God on his own life—the big dream of reaching and equipping the nations for and in Christ from within the very borders of Canada. Pastor Marcus exhorted the student body to seek to know and serve the nation to which God has called them to minister.

These future labourers were urged to abide in the Word and to dream big in line with its truths regarding them, for “God’s Word is established...the plans and purposes of God for [their] lives are irrevocable.” The graduates were further cautioned against fear of the future and called upon to “live by the Spirit...to know how to use the Word they had been taught skilfully.” They were advised to walk by faith and in love, and to ensure that they “commit [their] lives to prayer." Pastor Marcus completed his address with a sure and stirring acknowledgement of the fact that the graduating class sitting before him was indeed part of the plan—the seed of vision that God had planted into his spirit so many years before.

“These future labourers were

urged to abide in the Word and to dream big in line

with its truths regarding them, for

“God’s Word is established...the

plans and purposes of God for [their]

lives are irrevocable.”

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Finally, drawing from the Apostle Paul’s admonitions to his young disciple throughout the book of 2 Timothy, Pastor Marcus Martinez issued his charge to the class of 2014. These future ministers of the Word were called upon to “go forth in the power of the Holy Spirit,” to run the race and finish it in such a way that their lives and ministries would bring only glory to God, the Father and to Jesus Christ, their Saviour and risen Lord.

With lights dimmed and candles aglow, the graduates sang an evidently heartfelt and moving final word of the evening. The chorus of their alma mater song read:

Lord, we bless you for your grace.You’ve established us in faith.Teaching us to take our place.

Thank you, loving Father.

Where is your place in impacting lives for God’s Kingdom?

For further information about Destiny & Dominion Bible Training Center and its programs, contact Reverend Lynette Farrier, Dean of Destiny & Dominion Bible Training Center:

by phone at 416-782-4673, ext. 303 or 1-888-682-4673, ext. 303by e-mail at [email protected]

by mail at 40 Colville Road, Toronto ON M6M 2Y4

The evening’s Valedictorian, Lystra McCollin, followed with an impassioned reminder of the matchless power, provision and purposes of God for His redeemed. Those in attendance were spurred on to consider “who is like unto [our] God and Saviour, Jesus Christ?” The graduating class was called to a wholehearted recognition of the truth that it was this God and Saviour who “divinely appointed this time, hour, day, moment and Destiny & Dominion Bible Training Center for [each one of them]." As such, each was to run his or her race and “aim for the incorruptible crown.”

Rousing testimonials from both Year 1 and 2 graduates, Adriana Raskin and Ulette Robinson, relayed firm convictions of God’s timing and leading to begin their training for ministry at Destiny & Dominion Bible Training Center at this specific time in their lives. Each told of a new certainty and depth in her experience of God and His Word which far surpassed that which she had previously claimed to know. Third year graduate, Evelyn Martinez, echoed their expressions of gratitude for Dean Farrier’s uncompromising dedication to teaching God’s truths and for setting constant examples of faithful living according to them. She then challenged her fellow students to “continue the race” to which God has called them “with His help," adding that “the work that Jesus began, He will complete.”

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by Denise Cross

Have you ever wondered what the seniors at Destiny and Dominion are all about and what they do?

“But the fruit of the Sprit is love, joy,

peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness, self-

control. Against such there is no law.” Galatians

5:22-23 (NKJV)

Well, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ken Ward, the Coordinator for the Soaring Seniors at Destiny and Dominion. Ken hails from Durban, South Africa and gave his life to Jesus Christ, his Lord and Saviour, 36 years ago at Calvary Baptist Church in Canada. In 1979 he started teaching bible studies and, when he started getting into the soaring ages in 1981, became involved in the Seniors Ministry and stated how much he enjoyed teaching while he continued to learn and grow in his Ministry.

The Destiny and Dominion Soaring Seniors ministry is headed by Pastor Bob Ernst and consists of 20 members all aged 65 and up, 10-15 of whom attend the weekly bible studies. When asked how the name Soaring Seniors originated, Ken, with a twinkle in his eyes, stated that the name originated from a comparison with soaring eagles since the members of this group have not yet passed their prime. He was quick to mention they have a lot more experience to adapt to life than the younger generation who are still starting out.

During his tenure as the coordinator for the Soaring Seniors, he said that the seniors have experienced trials and tribulations as we all do in our everyday lives. Some of the major tribulations Ken noted are former religious beliefs, cultures and/or traditions which are usually engrained in one’s belief system and can creep into our thinking. Ken, who has a great sense of humour, said with a smile on his face that he counteracts these beliefs by teaching that they are not “climbing up the stairs at St. Joseph’s church in Montreal” which is considered a religious and not a biblical thing to do. It is very difficult for a senior to forget his or her background and it takes a senior with experience to follow God like most

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of the Biblical characters such as Moses and Abraham. Abraham was 75 years old when he was called by God into Ministry, therefore Ken believes that he and the seniors have not passed their prime and have much to contribute.

Ken went on to say that we can be called at any age but sometimes we revert back to our younger days prior to being saved and some of those taught religious traditions are not truly biblical. For example, genuflecting in the Catholic religion is not biblical and Ken teaches the seniors that they need to forget what “used to be” and focus on Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.

When some of the seniors asked questions of Ken during their bible studies he stated that all his responses come from the Bible, not from his opinion. For example, one senior asked the question, “what does it mean to live a Christian life?” and Ken quickly referred the group to Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV) which states, “But the fruit of the Sprit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” This scripture was received extremely well not only by the senior who asked the question but by the entire group present.

Jesus Christ never changes, as it states in Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV), “He is the same yesterday, today and forever,”

Ken also stated that the Bible has an answer for every question ever asked and, if we look diligently enough, we will find the answers which will lead away from providing our own opinions or using our previous experiences, cultures and/or traditions to answer questions. Sometimes traditions play a big part and opposition can often be found by someone saying, “I have always done it this way—why do I have to change now?” forgetting that one of the basic rules of a Christian's life is to change. Although Jesus Christ never changes, as it states in Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV), “He is the same yesterday, today and forever,” we have to change. The Bible says that one has to take one’s mind and have it washed with the word of God. As that is akin to washing one’s dirty clothes to make them clean, it is a change as one is being transformed by renewing one’s mind (Romans 12:1-2 NKJV).

Sister Barbara and Brother Dan Murray teach bible studies not only at Destiny Dominion but at other locations. The Soaring Seniors meet twice a month for bible studies and during the summer months they go on road trips. This past summer their road trips consisted of a trip to an IMAX theatre to see the movie Jerusalem, Hyde Park for a picnic, St. Jacob’s Market near Kitchener-Waterloo and a day trip to the quaint town of Port Perry that I had the pleasure of attending. Port Perry was chosen to show some of the seniors the Canadian way of life and to experience the true life of a Canadian—and they did just that. The pristine Victorian architecture in downtown Port Perry creates exceptional charm for thousands of visitors each year and the seniors experienced some of that unique charm. When walking through downtown Port Perry they experienced an eclectic mix of boutiques, historic buildings, attractions and professional businesses.

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Some of the seniors went window shopping and explored the many unique shops behind beautifully decorated windows, others went for a stroll down the Victorian streets lined with beautiful restaurants, retail merchants and entertainment on the shores Lake Scugog, while still others decided to enjoy fellowship and have their lunch at a stunning park by the waterfront that had them feeling "relaxed, restored and rejuvenated!"

Also, once a month, the seniors have what they called a “Pot Bless” where they savour various cultural cuisines such as West Indian, Pilipino, Indian, Italian, Greek and Chinese in joyful camaraderie.

The Soaring Seniors is a wonderful group of seniors soaring like eagles and loving God with a wealth of life experience. They invite each and every one of us to feel free to drop in to their bible studies and/or experience fellowship with them. You will definitely learn a lot from them as I did when I saw another side of the fun-filled seniors on the Port Perry getaway.

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The Listening Heart of a Little Servant Abigail’s Conversation with God

by Jennifer Bates

The Word of God states that “when we

seek [Him] we will find [Him] when we

s e e k [ H i m ] w i t h a l l o f [ o u r ]

hearts” (Jeremiah 29:13). The Scriptures are

filled with countless examples of seekers

after the One True and Living God—

individuals who sought to know and keep

His Word, who inquired for and of Him,

who delighted in and craved for Him with

their whole hearts (Psalm 119:2, Amplified).

Indeed, the Bible even bears witness to

some very powerful experiences of young

people who found and fellowshipped with

God. Although small in stature and short on

life experience, personalities such as

Samuel, Daniel, King David, the Virgin Mary

and our Lord, Jesus Christ Himself,

experienced communion with God at a

young age.

“Call unto Me and I will answer thee…” (Jeremiah 33:3)

While book vendor giant, Amazon.com,

boasts over 12 000 titles from a variety of

authors, endeavouring to prove their

expertise on the subject of conversing or

communing with God, seven-year-old

Abby Findlay has proven God Himself and

His Word on the topic. An avid baseball

player, young worshipper and big sister to


“Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening” 1 Samuel 3:9

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Abby diligently seeks to place God’s Word in her heart. She has already put to memory Psalms 23, 91

and 103. She has since taken on the challenge of Pastor Marcus Martinez, her Senior Pastor at Destiny &

Dominion Word Ministries, to learn all of Psalm 119.

Abby credits her parents, Lennon and Sheri Findlay, and the faithful Children’s Church ministry workers

at Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries for having taught her how to talk to and listen for God. At the tender

age of five, after a time of singing praises to her God and asking Him to reveal Himself to her, Abby

experienced her first memorable conversation with Him. She happily recalled the encounter in the

following interview.

IYD: When was the first time that you heard God speak to you? AF: Well, I think that I was about four or five years old. My mom was doing the laundry; my dad

was at work; my sister was sleeping; I was trying to nap. I was praying in my room, asking God to help me to sleep, when I heard a voice say, “Abby?” I ran into my mom’s room and said, “Did you say anything to me, Mommy?” She said, “No.” So, I went back to my room again and started praying again. I heard the voice say, “Abby,” again, so I ran to my mom’s room and asked her, “Is Daddy home?” She said, “No.” So, I ran back to my room again. My mom called me back to her room and said, “When you hear the voice again, say: “Yes, God.” So, I went back to my room and heard the voice again. I said, “Yes, God.” He said, “I love you!” I said, “I love you, too.”

IYD: Why do you think that God chose to speak to you at that time? AF: I would talk to God a lot, but I wanted to hear Him talk to me, too. I would go to my room

and make up songs and sing them to God. I would sing, “How can I hear you, God? I want to hear you, God.” I did this for a few days over and over.

IYD: How did it make you feel when you first knew that this was really God talking to you? AF: Well, it made me feel very excited because that was the first time that God had ever talked

to me.

IYD: If you could teach someone how to have a conversation with God, what would you tell them to do?

AF: I would tell them to ask God into their hearts, so they could be saved. I would teach them what God does for them and what He did for them like dying on the Cross for them. And, if He speaks to them, I would tell them to say, “Yes, God.” Then, I would tell them that God could bless them with something when He talks to them.

IYD: How has God blessed you when He has talked to you? AF: Well, when my mom needs to go to a store and she doesn’t know what it’s called, she asks

me what it’s called. So, when I close my eyes and I focus, I see a little video inside of my head. When it stops, I open my eyes and try to remember what it’s called. Then I tell my mom to go to that place that I thought of.

IYD: So, He blesses you by giving you what you need and gives you answers to prayer. That’s great, Abby!

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IYD: So, what are some of the things that you tell God when you talk to Him? AF: I ask Him to bless my family and to protect my family. I ask Him to help those who are in

need. I ask God to bless the people who haven’t asked Him into their hearts and to protect the poor people. I say, “Let the weak become strong and let the poor become rich.” I just pray for protection over the Earth and then I say, “Amen.”

IYD: What are some things that God has told you when He speaks to you?

AF: He tells me that He loves me.

IYD: How often do you have conversations with God or pray to God?

AF: I pray every night before I go to bed. I also pray with my friends. Once, at the park with one of my friends, when we were both on the swings, I asked her, “Have you asked God into your heart?” She said, “No.” So, then I told her to say: “Heavenly Father.” She said, “Heavenly Father.” Then I blessed her and told her how to ask Jesus into her heart. Then Jesus came into her heart. Another time was when my friend’s goldfish died. I gave her a letter to ask her to come out and to tell her that I wanted to pray with her. So, she came out. She had a basket of things for her goldfish. We laid it by her tree and then we prayed. So, I said, “Heavenly Father, I thank you for Valeria’s goldfish. I pray that you protect it and that you keep it safe in Jesus’ name. Amen.” Then she prayed the same thing.

IYD: Wow! So, you’re not only having conversations with God, but you’re also helping other people to have conversations with God! Good for you!

IYD: How important do you think it is to have conversations with God? Why is it so important to talk to God and to listen for what He says to you?

AF: It’s very important! It’s important because God is talking to you and He is important!

It is said that “communion is God's communication to us coupled with our response to Him—all in such a

way that He's glorified and we're glad.” Our Heavenly Father delights in revealing Himself to those who

delight in seeking and finding Him, age and experience notwithstanding.

Abby Findlay’s initial and subsequent conversations with God surely attest to this. To God be the glory!

Jonathan Parnell, Communion with God: What, Why, How? 2012, 25 Aug 2014, www.desiringgod.org/blog/posts/communion-with-god-what-why-how

“It’s very important! I t ’ s i m p o r t a n t b e c a u s e G o d i s talking to you and He is important! “

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Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 19:14

Hands raised. Hearts open. Faith rising. Eyes smiling. Feet jumping. Sweet singing. Impartation flowing. These are just a few observations any visitor would make while visiting the Destiny Kidz Children’s Ministry here at Destiny and Dominion Word Ministries (DDWM). The laser-focused goals set forth by DDWM Destiny Kidz are simple yet powerful. The goals are l isted on the Destiny Kidz’ website at destinykidz.com under the ‘About Us’ section, and are as follows:

• Spiritual growth for the children

• Focus on workers’ development

• Col laborat ion with parents

• Reaching out to children in the community

Fierce, passionate new leadership with an uncompromised commitment to training up the children of Destiny and Dominion in the ways of the Lord continues to lead Destiny Kidz Children’s Ministry into a new season. In 2 Corinthians 3:18 the Holy Bible states: “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” The

Children’s Ministry therefore continues to manifest 2 Corinthians 3:18 by moving forward into a new era of equipping young minds in a fun, safe, and bible-based environment.

How does this translate into a new season for Destiny Kidz? The Children’s Ministry has a new look from the inside out—walls were literally broken down; fresh, new, vibrant colours and artistic murals

were created to inspire; classes were combined to form a brand new space for the children to freely worship—a new season has begun.

As believers in Christ, we are c a l l e d t o b e o n j o u r n e y o f transformation, going from one degree of glory to another, growing in all aspects of the Lord. Pastor Keyon Farrier is the new Children’s Ministry Coordinator and was asked by It’s Your Destiny Magazine to share his Holy Spirit led mandate for Destiny Kidz:

1. Teach children that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life.

2. Assist parents in fulfilling Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

3. Encourage children to grow in the Lord and reach their God-given destiny.

4. Teach children to walk in faith, love, and the power of Holy Spirit. 

5. Show children that they can impact their world.

What an exciting time for D e s t i n y K i d z ! P a r e n t s , members, visitors, and staff alike are intrigued and excited by the new season in the Children’s Ministry. There is always something new and exciting happening at Destiny Kidz. Current and upcoming events include: ✦Fr e e S o c c e r Tr a i n i n g

(Summer) ✦ Harvest Carnival (Fall event) ✦ Youth Group named “Called Forth

Youth” (ongoing) ✦ Destiny Kidz’ Christmas party

(winter event)

Destiny and Dominion continues to be an interwoven fabric of love, passion, discipline, faith, obedience, and reverence for the Lord which is threaded into each ministry. As we forge boldly into this new season, we stand in agreement and with fervent prayer that Destiny Kidz will continue to move from Glory to Glory. Amen.

Destiny Kidz Going from Glory to Glory

by Monica Soares

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SINGLE & SURE RETREAT A Getaway Not to Be Forgotten

by Janet Beamish

The goal of the Single and Sure ministry at Destiny and Dominion Word Ministries (DDWM) is to help single men and women travel victoriously along the road of single hood — as well as possible navigation towards marriage—all with a biblical focus. The blessings, challenges and questions around singlehood and marriage preparation are explored with openness and concern as participants learn, share and together embrace wise counsel about matters of manhood, womanhood, the single life and marriage.

Pastor Lynette arranged a special time away for her attendees to relax, connect, and enjoy a deeper time of fellowship and teaching on a scenic rural property east of the city. Leaving Toronto on April 3rd to return on the 5th, 27 excited registrants queued up in vehicles at DDWM and travelled through the evening twilight along the 401, arriving together at Mill Valley Estate. This exclusive residential estate in the Baltimore backwoods north of Cobourg was still shrouded in clean, white snow, resulting in a glorious scenic view, much to the delight of our more citified participants.

At Mill Valley, we were quickly repositioned from the confines of the cars to our assigned rooms and roommates. Cosy fireplace comfort, appealing rustic surroundings, and ready to serve hot’n tasty soup, crackers, and fruit were awaiting our late-night arrival. Pastor Lynette, who spearheaded this venture, was already sitting in relaxed regality in the main sitting room listening and watching her weekend retreaters enjoy the atmosphere and deliciously prepared food.

Gathering in, we welcomed together the Lord’s presence with joyful singing, praise, and adoring worship to our living God.

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Pastor Lynette promised to bring teaching concerning courtship and dating. She wanted us to remember the goals of courtship and why it is the best way to pursue a life partner. She wanted us to understand what dating does and does not do. Our night session adjourned; breakfast was to begin the next morning by 8:30 a.m.

The meals were cooked and served by our own dedicated and certified chef, Elaine Cadenhead and her team. Each meal was a tasty and mouth-watering feast. Sessions of spontaneous praise and prayer often accompanied our mealtimes, making them times of fellowship and vulnerability with one another and with our righteous Lord. Our spirits were nourished and filled at mealtime along with our physical bodies.

Throughout the weekend we considered topics such as, “What kinds of questions need to be considered before marriage?” “What is the man’s role in pursuing courtship?” “What is the woman’s role in receiving courtship?”

On one of the worship occasions we stood in a circle and ministered to the Lord saying, “Worthy is the lamb Who sits upon the throne.” The atmosphere in the room was charged with worship and adoration as we ministered to the Lord fully from our hearts, each of us speaking

the words at different intervals and timings. It was wonderful to hear the ebb, flow, and rhythmical nuances. We continued to press in and enjoyed the thrill of worshipping together harmoniously for at least half an hour. Joyful praise was expressed when one young woman felt she heard from God for herself and wanted to thank Him for making the hearing of His

voice real in her life. Another young woman said she found her voice; she wanted to use it for Him and not hold back in expressing her ideas and feelings towards others and towards Him.

Truly receiving personal ministry from the Lord; gaining wisdom and teaching for structuring home and life relationships from Pastor Lynette; being given the opportunity to share, pray, sing, and laugh—all made the weekend a lively and fun time away together.

Anyone can come out and connect at Single and Sure. Please join us for more stimulating events and uplifting teaching. We would love to see you there!

“What kinds of questions need to

be considered before marriage?”

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THE WOMEN OF DESTINY INTERNATIONAL Living Victorious Lives Through the Uncompromised Word of God by Pastor Lynette Farrier

TEPS TO A SUCCESSFUL LIFE Proverbs 2:6 says, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Pastor Lynette has lived by these words and she recalled for It’s Your Destiny e-magazine how they were manifest in her early life as a Christian mother.

“I remember how excited my husband and I were as parents when our children took their first steps. They took one step and fell down. What did we do? We picked them up, put them back on their feet and encouraged them to try again. The process of picking them up and encouraging them continued again and again, until they finally conquered the task of walking.

Could you imagine what would happen if, as infants, they did not start taking that first step to learn to walk? Just as my children learned to walk one step at a time, so it is with God’s plan for our lives. God never shows us the big plan all at once. Why? Because He does not want us to quit before we even get started. I believe that if I had known God’s plan for my life 40 years ago, that I would be doing what I am doing, I would have said, ‘God, it is impossible.’ Thank God He leads us one step at a time.

I might be speaking to someone who feels that he or she is not very far along in the plan for life. Ask yourself this question: ‘Am I following God one step at a time?’ Maybe you did take a step and fall down or are even still lying on the ground, deciding never to get up or to take another step. Just like a mother encourages her children to get up and try again, so your Heavenly Father is encouraging you to get up off the floor, stand up and take another step.


Women of Destiny International ministers to women, bringing them into their destiny of ultimate victory through the teaching of the revealed Word of God—a destiny not shaped by the darkness of this world, but molded by Jesus in His victory over sin, death and the grave.

Pastor Lynette is the president of Women of Destiny International Life Changers Ministry based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is also an Associate Pastor at Destiny and Dominion Word Ministries.

Pastor Lynette is a compassionate, bold visionary with a keen desire to help women of all nations achieve their God-given destiny. She believes that through the teaching of the practical principles of the Word of God, women can be taught how to discipline their spirits, souls and bodies. She also believes that through the Word, women can learn the steps that lead to living successful lives with victorious outcomes.

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Each step you take brings a challenge but, with God on your side, you can make it.

I know what it is like to take the next step in God’s plan for life. I know what it is like to be in fear and trembling, not knowing what was coming next. I want to remind you that the devil will try to stop you by whispering in your ear that you cannot do it. You must talk back in his ear and let him know that, according to Philippians 4:13, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Let him know that the Lord’s doing it through you. God is the one who gave the assignment to you and He will never call you to do anything that He did not equip you to do. So it is not you, it is God in you.

You have to speak to the devil that way when he is shouting in your ear. This is the attitude you have to take in life if you desire to reach your full potential. Opportunity will start knocking on your door. Take advantage of God’s promises to you, knowing that He will never leave you nor forsake you.

God’s wisdom and strength are there for you. Psalm 37:23 tells us that, ‘The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delights in his ways.’ He will order your steps—steps which will take you to success and not failure.

There will be times when it may seem so dark that you are unable to see how to take another step forward. This is when you close your eyes and simply grasp the hand of your Heavenly Father and say:

“Father, You said in Your Word that You would never leave me nor forsake me. Your promise to me is that You will always be with me. Father, by faith I now take Your hand, expecting You to lead me to victory.”

We live in a time-conscious society in which our lives are tightly scheduled, and we want to

schedule God’s time, too. Remember, God’s timetable is never like ours. There will be times when He will show you the next step instantly; most of the time this is the exception to the rule. I was one who had a difficult time waiting. I was one who had a difficult time waiting for His direction to the next step. I wanted everything to go according to my timing. It was not too long before I found out that His plan for me was far superior to mine. God is not in a hurry. God is never too early or too late. God is always on time.

I want you to be encouraged. You can make it through every circumstance in life, regardless of what it is. Learn to simply place your hand in God’s hand. Allow Him to direct your path and He will lead you to a successful and satisfying life.”

Prayer: Father, I thank You for being there for me. I know that, with You, I can make it this time and every time. I am taking Your hand by faith, and I am expecting You to lead me each step of the way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

“The steps of a good man are

ordered by the Lord and He delights in

his ways.”

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AT THE OUTSET OF CHRIST’S EARTHLY MINISTRY, JESUS encountered twelve ordinary men and beckoned each with two simple words: “Follow Me!” Approximately three years later, after intense teaching and “on the job training,” He beseeched them to “Go!” Having grasped and embraced His vision, having met with a few feats and failings along the way, eleven of these men had become equipped and would become empowered to replicate Christ’s model of reconciling a lost humanity to a loving God. Jesus Christ began His ministry with a call to be disciples. He ended it with a commission to His faithful followers, to make disciples.

Twenty centuries later, our Saviour’s call and commission have not changed. Today, His model prevails as the heart and foundation of the Christian Education and Discipleship (CED) Department

at Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries in Toronto, Canada. Co-coordinated by Minister Rita Wilson and Brother Abi Ogunjimi, the vision of the CED Department is to “accurately teach the Word of God by the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit to transform believers into mature disciples of Jesus Christ.” Currently comprised of 16 teachers and/or teachers-in-training, the CED ministry team is on mission “to cultivate, train and strengthen the believer’s faith in Christ

through prayer and the Word.” In so doing, each minister seeks to be used as an instrument of God “to transform members into disciples and disciples into godly leaders equipped for God’s service.”

In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ proclaimed, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” (Matthew 5:6). Spiritual nourishment is provided in abundant supply through Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries’ CED Department. With classes typically offered six out of seven days per week, the CED curriculum has been intentionally designed and organized to lead the spiritually hungry along a three-year pathway to growth.

“to transform members into disciples and

disciples into godly leaders equipped for

God’s service.”

Christian Education and Discipleship Carrying on the Master’s Call, Carrying on the Master’s Commission by Jennifer Bates

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For the initiate in Year 1, topics of study include understanding spiritual truths, knowing God through His Word and the power of prayer. Those within the Year 2 stream can partake of classes covering faith, the Holy Spirit and His gifts, the gifts of righteousness and prosperous living. Once well on their path to spiritual development, Year 3 disciples are exposed, in greater depth, to Jesus as the Living Word, to the power of Kingdom living and the provision of Kingdom covenants. They explore the Acts of the Apostles and are then challenged to live out the Spirit-filled and empowered life of Christ’s first disciples in this present day.

CED students are consistently enthused and enriched by the illumination and inspiration of Holy Spirit evidenced in their classes:

I truly enjoyed the class I took called Knowing God Through His Word Part 1. There were so many new things I have learned. We were taught how to personally study the Bible by observation, interpretation and application. This class increased my ability to understand the context of what I am reading and apply it to my life. I have learned that it is so important to have a purpose in mind when reading the Word of God, asking questions like: What does it say? What does it mean? How does it apply to my life? By asking these questions, the Word of God becomes alive to me because I am asking and speaking to the Author Himself, the Holy Spirit, and He answers back! – Ian R.

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The Power of Prayer was an amazing class! It dealt with having people realize that prayer is saying more than just whatever words come to you to say to God or to be talking about things that only concern you. It taught me how to pray the Word of God and how to pray the will of God upon this earth. It made me realize that, as a saint, I am a temple of prayer and God lives in this temple through prayer. I now understand what it means to pray without ceasing. I ended up realizing that prayer is a continuous conversation between me and God. I realized that God doesn’t just want me to pray for my life or my family’s life; He wants to use my mouth as a mouthpiece to pray out His will for other people’s lives. I don’t pray the same anymore. I now pray without ceasing. I now realize that prayer is me talking with my Father. – Julene G.

Bible Doctrines [class] was really, really exciting! The excitement was that I came to realize just how much my Heavenly Father had done when Jesus died for us. He did so much for me! It wasn’t just Him dying on the Cross and that He saved me and chose me; it was that I am going to be with Him for eternity—forever! I’m in the palm of His hand and nothing can take me out of His hand. He has sent a Comforter to us in Holy Spirit; so, I can go to Him. I don’t need to ask anyone for anything, I just need to believe in Him and go to Him and He will teach me all things. I learned that I’m justified through Christ. I’m sanctified because He set me apart. The class made me realize the fullness of Christ and that I have a lot more to learn about my Father...and the learning continues! – Avis W.

I attend Christian Education [classes] to get a better understanding of the Word of God and to learn more about who I am in Christ. The Bible is the handyman book of instruction for a victorious life, so I need to allow the Holy Spirit to make the instruction come alive by learning how to use the tools for a successful life in Christ. – Annmarie T.

Yet, as previously quoted, the mission of the Christian Education and Discipleship Department is two-fold. Not only does it seek to create disciples—to “cultivate, train and strengthen” the Body of Christ in the Word and in faith—it also purposes to establish disciple-makers—“godly leaders equipped for God’s service.” This it does through the provision of well-structured, ongoing teacher training which has as its primary emphasis, learning from Christ, the Master Teacher Himself. Those who have undergone a period and process of discipleship, and who have themselves become transformed, are then taught to teach so as to change the lives of others.

Christ said: “Follow Me...” and “Go.” Who are you following? Where is Jesus asking you to grow and to go?

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The Christian Education and Discipleship Department at Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries understands fully that the call to be and the commission to make disciples were not mere suggestions. Rather, they were, and remain, a necessity and a mandate for life for the true believer in Christ. As such, this ministry aspires to spur on God’s children to know and “correctly handle the Word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) and to “walk as Jesus did” (1 John 2:6). All of this it undertakes “so that the Body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12-13).

Christ said: “Follow Me...” and “Go.” Who are you following?

Where is Jesus asking you to grow and to go?

For further information about the Christian Education and Discipleship Department or to register for classes, visit the CED table at Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries.

Co-ordinators Minister Rita Wilson and Brother Abi Ogunjimi can also be contacted by phone (416-782-4673) at Destiny & Dominion Word Ministries, 40 Colville Road, Toronto, ON, M6M 2Y4

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God Has A Plan For Your life by Pastor Lynette

Every day people put on a smile and try to hide the hurt they feel inside. I call that “Putting on a

Mask.” The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Healer of the brokenhearted. Aren’t you glad that Jesus

came to empower us to walk in the light of His liberty? If you are ready for change, then don’t keep

returning to the things that bound you in the first place.

A desired change should cause you to search for a new thing. The truth is that our new change

will come only when we believe in God’s beloved Son. The opposite of bondage is liberty, freedom

and restoration.

What does His liberty mean to those who

believe in Jesus? It means freedom from

restraints; it does not mean lack of discipline.

Liberty means citizenship instead of slavery.

Liberty gives us a purpose, which is to reflect

the glory of the Lord, as the Spirit of the Lord

works in us to conform us into His own image.

I f you have exper ienced re jec t ions ,

abandonment, abuse of any kind, insecurities,

shame and guilt, they are all stopping you

from walking out God’s plan for your life.

Hope is awaiting you; God has a specific

assignment for your life. He needs you to keep your head up and your shoulders back, confidently

doing what you were called to do. Do not go another day of your life with your head held down

when Jesus died to be the Lifter of your head.

Prayer: Dear Father God, I want to thank You for Your Word. I thank You for Holy Spirit Who is bringing the desire for change into my heart. Your truth demands a change in me, and I am ready to make one with Your help. I honour You today for showing me the purpose and plan You had for me from the very beginning. I accept You into my life as my Lord and Saviour. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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