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itttaa«atp VOL. MARASSASrVA;. ^^DATTAPRIL IVT^C ONE DOLLAR A YEAR DOn CUT CORN ROOT^tETTEIMriTATEXAIffST" Sout^rn Expert S*y« Beware of the Fellowi Who Preach "Root Pruning for Com." BY W. M. BROWN, (Field Agent Southern Railway) I believe in pruning and en- courage the right kind of prun- ing, but the other day I came President Smith Makes Appeal to Virginia Veterans for Stone- waH Jackson MoniunenL handed me a copy of his cat^' logue. He took pains to direct me to a certain page where I would-^nd all details carefully worked oat and difefttions laid ^own for growing a bumper crop of fiom. He says: "Plow deep ftOK^etime,keep the roots pruned off, that will keep the fodder back and make the ear. • * Use broad shovels in ordw to throw dirt to^the stock for the ear roots to feed on." I waa simply dwa: To THE VlRGINU CAMPS, UNITED [| CONFEDERATE VETERANS: COMRADES: the Thomas J. (Stonewall) JackstiH-Corpoiration has directed upon a man-who eiaimed to be a<msttO gddlCBB jilll a limulM teth -geed'grower an^ pypert who ter. The object of this Aaaocit^ see a supposedly iDtelligenc mant who wofl supposed to kaow some- thiner about-growing com, giviag out to intelligent farmers such doctrine as tlnsr ~ nf>mninn Bensfl teftphfiR na that -.^' nature gives the com plant suffi' cient roots to readr=:«at^*nd gather enoujrh plant food to Biake oae or more ears ot com. If maimer through lack of this knowHiSg^, eubs Off a portran of < ^ ^ . . roots, he will injure his corp erop to a coiiajn extent. I do not believe in "roci pruning" for com, as ~our : ^ e n d advis^Lj tH^e necessary fund, M tat does anyone else who will ve.thjs natter the uropar test ^J^imAUa Maw UieJlDia eorBi it dowa-at ieast t«n buriwla: per acre- by dee|>, close pk^wtng, and this was OH fiMHWB not thirty miles frogi- the headquarters ^rm- of this. seed the south to give good, thorough, de^ preparation of the seedbed and shallow cultivation of ^ e growing com beware oi thuHe-Miows who tion is the erection in Richmond' of ap equestrian monument to the memory of the illustrious soldier and patriot who gave his rare genius and inspiriT^ leader- ship to the cause for which we contended, and then laid down hie life in the crtm of his vTctory. It is a universal Mstiment that there is an obligatioB to him that has been delayed;.it is an obliga- ^" "I tion also to ourselves andAbejoe- faction we must not fail to give The womenrof,Virginia, throua^ the—United—©aughtera -of—Ui«. ~ Confederacy,>M«- ^«paring for the effective use of Friday, May 1st, throughout Virginia, in town and country, as Stonowall Jadt- son Monument Day, when con- tributions ofuny amount nHiy"befti)«nt: chil made' ttylnien, women and dren, giving all an opportunity of sharing in the great work. If there be a cordial and gentuaT response, all giving according .to their, means, it is beUeved that ipt one day Virginia wiB complete We ask that our veteran com- rades, their sons and daugfat^«, tferough the action of Camps or t uBce in every k>eality. Stations wW jsalntatn^ oa that day at publiie places, or., collections mad6 In othCT ways. The ladieg I wouU advise tiieiaraEutfs of ^ the United Daughters of ti»e Confedea^y will designate those who shall receive contributioiM. JAICES POWER SMITH, - -^—President. E. D. HOTCHK^Ss. Treasurer. BUSINESS MEN TO MEET The Manassas Busine8s7League is to hold~an important meeting in Conner's Hall Monday^ April 27, at 8 p. m. Don't fail t o b e o n hand. An address will be made by Z. P. Smith, of Dfinvillp^ ageni Bi*«ia^rHduotriori)opaFtmpiit of tlw Onuthuiii Railway. MANASSAS stands for progress. If you're with the movement you'll be at CJonrier's Hall on Monday nigjffczJ^MSMBER^April 27 ar^ p.lik - Ibnc 3I0IC me UM MfcfclS ^WSIWXOIHNG Housekeepers DelishtfuUy En- Further Announcement of Coun- tertaioed on Wednesday at Home of Mrs. Hutchison. ty Contest Which is to be l l d d in_i:0nnar'» Hatt. Notwithstanding the very un-, pleasant weather Wednesday af- ternoon, all undaunted came a The Prince William County Spelling Match will take place in Manassas Thursday morning. goodly companyjothe hospitable | April 23rd. The match will be Clutch-' held tn~C6nner*8"ITalI an J wiU No sign offiflftbt^RfwAiAff^ afier itmn, anu alter a warm and.cordial welcome in true Virginia style given by the hostess.and her daughters, the hi^piLMmJSt:30m-Ji>iLflitaamaam» being Mrs. May Dogan andUIrsr Maud Ashford:. The contestants will please be ready promptly in order that the match may be OCCOQUAN SCHOOL WINS ^HB Margaret- tiammill Wkts Orrn<ni«n DislrirFTi!h»miuoiu— ih^at TheOccoquan distiict spelling --Tlie Princo W4Uiam-Pastors' match, which was held last Fri- day, at Cherry Hill school, is a contest that will long be I'cmenF beree by onlooker and by partic- Btilweeii Ocuuquaii and Cfawry Hill' schocds the mate^ was closely conUiiced and the outcome was impoaaihie to guess until the final word.— ' For thirty minutes, Miss Mar^- garet HammiU, of Oceoquan. stood akrne against i^^iifield Dewey and yiss Eva Davis, of CSherry Hill, botii excdlent spel- lers, who deserve a great deal of oroHiT far tho ahnwing thgy n1ff^^P). personal aid, give tiie women! When the final word WIB '|iwK Virginia their cordid assist^: 'jaflimagiJdKr.tiRQLgQi8StQad^iane. Miss DavMimiasedt Mii3s^yaMa^H bad tn« umphed. be held until next year's contest which will decide the succeeding custodian. As an individual prhte Miss HaoBi&iTnreceived a ban<f- COUNTY PASTWS iEET k*UB» Adopted to--^Fgj Movenient for CountyiWia« Conference met in regular segr sion MondiEty afternoon at Grace Methodiat—Episcopal Chureh, So^ith, .with the foDowing pas- toTH in aiUiiidimee, RBVB. I. A. MiBer, J. W. BriH, T. W. T. HolHfld, A. Couimr, W. H. DCA» ter, E. E. Blough. E. Or-Wr Aiuterholi andH. L. Qnarles. Key. J. F. Burks offered his designation of^t^ office ^ see- ^etary-treagnrer. which was ar^ All ceacners entering pupi^ will please^otify Mrs, E. J, _ Larkin, Manassas, Va., by the Having kindlyjacquieg^^ Aprfl^ -T>- ,apeu»i ut Ua> oeptiBd. The vacancy not being filled, the chairman was reques- ted to keep the reeord until cfher aeJiolir ^Tn fUTgwi^iiM tJnr n^<^^y^^pnt ffTT cbicklets -^o^i^f--^ a cotmtyrwide dttfan^mee of May 3 vi "everybody^st-cluiKh^'das^ a-eltaen waa appointed in eaf.h A handBuuiB bauuet wag maRiBteriar"3is&ict to "ai'ttrnfre awarded tfacr winningrBehoot~to pnauMiig aTeveay cjiurch~m Uia dislzict and each was r^uest- ed to associate with himself a committee to institi^tp * WHWA. hOase canvass sedtipg to invite circle settled down to the bus-[over iii time for the Ck)unty Track iness of the bom^ After manyfMe^ fn wise saws and cuiviing instan- ces" pertaining to the^ general wdfare aiufTife of tho clu'b and the approaching dinner to be given to sister clubs, a pleasant discussion followed in regard to thp rpcnrtj bonk of th^ year, which had^een so skillfully prepared^ Miss Isalirile Hutehlaott. MtBg Isabelle was ivquBnUid to make such a book as^she .had devised lor a permanent reference boot request a hearty standing vote of thanks was aroonled her. All important business having been dispatched a motion for ad- joumment was seconded and aanned and a happy oo^J hoar began which ended in the discus- a -delightftd hindieoi.fsOtiiiRWBr The dining table presented" a charming appeiu*ance. In the center stood a brass bowl of £ne :?ftrkmTinBhip flontnining n hir] d u s t e r Qf_yeUow d a f f o d ^ The color sdieme. yellow a«^ white, enried out the club adora-to perieetkm, <tven to the yelloiy ereun ^iriching the coffee. -Spaee_afe_tbM_lflis d M e j B i L a o t j)amrit us to go into detail as we Trislr we rnnld. Wa can stay tonpting and well laden plates were, fully in keeping with the beauty and ., . , faMt^-ai^pt^YArt in »K" «nrffl r< IV r I ^"^, Y"«"g*^ grndeB, the iadble; 18 iaa~brSBi«SIyi;^tified^ will be served at the Manassas High School by the High Rrhrinl domestic science elasi at i»io6« from 10 to 20 e&ats. An admission fee pf 10 cents to defray expen8e*-win be charged to the apelliDg match to- all except the contestants and thfffr tetrhers. rules adopted will be given below. If the words match for alt HTB" Iw the the younger grades used before the conteiiP" uitaare i*pdled down additional words will be KITBU fiuui Slieiip's advanced apeller em frn^ »>w> BULBS. 1. (Of no importance now. > t_ Two matches will be held: oaelfor the sm^aitb grade and- advanced poiiils, the other for ptt|Hl8 from tJie foort^ i^eader, ^^Wi:^^rjAfr-ae?enfe:5r»dKIZ Payne's Ccanmon Words Com-.. MiaE^elled will be used for the advMieetr gratlOH, l.]i»» wOrtb ^ be given (SB in the contest to be selected only from the Complete Word IJrt^ page8 75tol21,inc]usrve. £aiesi>^ advanced speller will ke t»ed for to be g^v«» ^XMB tiM first fifty page & (The ftiyne spellerb may— preach ''root pruning for-eern."'^ Thllllinois «xperi?nent station 1 J ^ ^ SHERIER 4T -EASTERN madf^testof rsot pruning and " cut i ^ t h e roots within three Jncher^ {be top of the'ground at one foot ^aiith^'stalk on iH some fountmn pen^ Mr., G,~B !e tiiepre- , ^ « ' ' Rare Mtmcal Trcatt—Vidin-anif Yarborougb, Jr. s**ntationH- Miss Emiry Johnson attde;aii address on the work of the girb^ ftttBry pjgfirffi fri t h i mnntj tn m four sides of the stalk &ree. times during the year. Seven- —teen rows on each of eight plots were root-pruned, while a like Vocal Sukia and Dnets-fay- ' Noted ibrtiits. ^^^ tomato clubs and Frot Yarboiv number in each plot were not pruned. The year was favorable to the growth of corn and the results were as follows: Manassas experienced a rare amsica^ treat last Friday wfttr the appearance at Eastern Col- ](Vf. at Miaa M a r y Sh«i4<w <»„>/< . U -^ ± 1 2 8 4 5 7 8. a(LS II i £1 83.r 92.8 83.2 97.0 87.0 95.5 8&9 •*.a &6 1.9 1.4 6.0 3.8 2.7 3.7. ougk discussed the progress of the boys' cwn ddb> much ei|)jo|red^ EtefresbiDhents were served aiid a neat .'gim^Traa rwaKged. SCHOOL EXHIBIT. her concert company. Miss Sherier's great personal charm as well as her wonderful voice, the rich contralto of Miss Richi«' McLean and the haunting melody of Miss Ruby Suuifcnrd/s violin will not soon be forgotten here. Beach's "Ah! Love But a Day^' To the TeaiEhers of Prince Wil- liam Coontyl Your attention is called to Uie mning s^ooi ex- hibit, to'beheld in Manaasas w> April 2i All exhibits, except domestic science (cooking) most be in'Ma-. nwesae on April in.> and should be gave^portunity for the wottjth|-,^^t by uiUiu capiuMi of tone m Miss McLean s voice ^ » xri_i.-_.j_ir *^ McLean's voice while Miss Sherier was at her best in herconciuding sok> num- ber which embraced a daring execution of the swallows' call. Miss Stanford, especially, was repeatedly a p p l a u d e d . They were accompanied by^Mr. George attend, somO'chunifa,that day. The leaders are as follows; A MEKBBK WHU GgKATtY Ew: JOYED .TT AT.T, Sam Pharma^ and for 27c wilt GBinesvlQe districV^^^iBies R; McDonald; Ifftnaaaaa, Westwood Hutchison: Brentsville. Albert LOWER COBRT SHSTAWEfr Seese; Dumfries Mn Garrison; Tyson ^^BmeyrGoie)^ Janes Juek, Jr. Reyr E. A. Roads, president^ Virgiiua Smwame Court of Ap- ^ jJ^dHon at Rirhmwid. the-ijounty 3anday School Ctong A^o^icm, waanamed to attend to Diggs, Virginia secretary of the inter - denominational Sunday arrange a meeting of all tiie boys' Sunday School claascn in the^eottnfty. """ C. fi. Yarboroiqt, Jr. Domett This gives an average produc . -• tion, of - 4 2 bush»l» per acre inlWilt<», a- piaB)sa«i —- fev«rQf::tfae anpnmat j»Qfis of^l^sliment ., ^tbe^rn.^ -^!i^' 'P^- *^'^ '^'^ * intermission was enlivenedf"*^^ Miii^ mitapr .qvaf^om f.T'ptrxfilhj i hv^ ll^ffKireas ^alk J H ^ j ^ W than our friend was advocating iy ^|pS sScd piiblicationr mm i ^ M r AXJdINNiEVlLLE. H. Sears, a PresJayterian^ divine, "who was warinTy applauded. His subject wa» a bid for more taffy - and leas epitaphy and a whole- some collection of thoughts under' Science exhibit can be iMtM^t in en the morning of April 2S.. All. exhibits must be aeoom- panied by the certificate in Mak- er's own handwriting. No exhibits wiU ba^moved vat- til noon April 2S, and final dis- for while in Msnassas, C. HrYuoBomoVCtt, JK., On Monday the Virginia So- preme Court of Appooln nuotaincd the Alexandria court which up- held the validity of the bond is- School wpric, thi^^be<»af?^rea^sne Of 175,000 made by the town of Mansssaa for the installment of water, lights and sewen«e. The suit apdnst the towa was .. ^. ** J . ^ institatedljy^. A. Morgan M S ' .-^,y.,^l^.^'f°.?...,g^oth^:'° tbe-Aiexan4rii fflTt- -&^ ri>BK>W) Committee. MiM Anna Vala» PortMT.datiga ter ol theJate-itobert^FerCiiertyf Asnabnrg, who 'will be married Afoil 18 to fiepresenti^ve Henry Delaware Flood, will be ho- as- ter. Kiss Hild^iard^ Portner, maid of honor, -Mi?8 Genevieve, Chanop Clark, Baroness Marie Von Baumgarten. Miss Hannah Taylor, Miss Cornelia Ciaggett, KwEdltfi Tei^ 4ifeie uid iss Lude Martin, daughter of Senator Martin, of Virginia; Miss Douglas Marjja, and Tier Mr-r ' irgg' fi r h m fTin iudga-LBBULilJBlaji be sent postpaid to any a(Ui«ffi~ in the county.) ' Eaidi 8cho<d is eiqpectedto send .two poidls, wleet^d at the di«!»etiQn of the teadier, for each cpQtest. If a scho^Jhaspp advanced grades, two may be entoed for ^te jgiamry contest ooiy. """ 4. "There shall "be a prottooncer and two ref o-ees. for each o^^ test, but no teacfaier entmng po- IMIS in the contest must be ca!led upon to act in eith^ capacity. 5, Eaelt word given mat w to be first iKonounced by the popfl befwe bang spelled.. ' & Words or like sound are to fce defined" by tkc preneuateftrr Ju^J p. T. Thornton 4rf the Us last yeir in each contest, a Pnnce Wilham county court be- niedal to tbe wiuting pupil apd mg a resident of tin town and • - therefne intererted in the t)ut- OMne. Mr. Morgan asked that ihe-bond iasue be uullifiea and the silver troi^y cup to the niwgwrhnnl of Wmehestee. —Tbe ekwing axercices of. the fe«.<^I>tag". 'T>Qn '1 Jfotty.'_ MinnieviUe school are to be held' -^ ^*"^y ^^^ Manassas^ ffiid^ Saturday, April 1&. beginniilk!'*"*^^ ^** ^^ attendance and the promptly at 7:30 p. m. An ex-1 opportunity was profoundly ap- '-jr-r cel^errt pfogram has iwm pre- pared and no admission fee will be charged: Ice-cream and rake will be s€rvt>d in abunaance at a rea3»:inable rate. Everybody ip ipreciated. r —Bn'nr.svi:te Camp, Nor 13,- nrr?, \rodern Wxnimen of Amer- ,.K. wil: c.LerUin al a anuce and :•,-:«• Mipper Easter M.->nr..iv It*^ omrt'-^nii -bp open at Tr^vf p m. MC?NEY' T'^T^v.ir— •. .-} Each tt^\Kr ""taring ]r>npil« , - . , , for the contest wil;.report to the also petitioned t^ court to refuse chairman, Mrs. E J. Larkin, W a 8*|e of the btmds to tbe Han-Uprit it; " chett BtM^'^SttBipeny, c ^ K i e a g a Judge Rifles' radered a decMm in favor of the town and Mr. -fMuiCaB. took an Hiid^ia; » i S ^ ^ ^ ^ LTER dOMING. 9. An adraissioQ fee of ten cents will be charged to all ex- cept pupils taking pert in the of the agrienltoral depailiueut. THi coloration clerk tells us that the bonding- company ^ fuUy satislied as r^par& the validity oT tflS'bond ISSO^' of^ $7^,000 and that aignaturea Rave" been sent for printing the bonds,. $25,^ availableAt.once.- ,. ~-. ^ — . i m:. T«nth •jifilL.fe»e^j»rved bj the high school domestic science class for ten and twenty cents. Mis. E. J. LARKtN, Cb.^ Mas B. H. OsBOCTuv. - ~ jCeusus Bnrewi. secieUty uf Uie European commission, and joint author of the Fletcher- Moss farm ^land bask bill, proniagt to ad- Cowmuteg. —Alvin 0. Portner ha.« pur- chased from Edward J. Kail nf 4r»8a-the citizens Friday. April j New York, "The Latona " » 24, in Conner's (^>era House.! two-maated auxiliary i, - . Se«,atpr Duiican U. Fletcher, of {yacht, said to be th*- ;,.,.>!<: .^d Horidar-firosident -M the-Cwn-f handsomest of "It.* k i3:~ Vfr merciaJ Congress, has beai asked I Portner J. !1 ' -.i.t- ^^ o.i ;;-,,> to be present ! Capita! "i.i -• r



Sout^rn Expert S*y« Beware of the Fellowi Who Preach

"Root Pruning for Com."

BY W. M. BROWN, (Field Agent Southern Railway)

I believe in pruning and en­courage the right kind of prun­ing, but the other day I came

President Smith Makes Appeal to Virginia Veterans for Stone-

waH Jackson MoniunenL

handed me a copy of his cat^' logue. He took pains to direct me to a certain page where I would-^nd all details carefully worked oat and difefttions laid ^own for growing a bumper crop of fiom. He says: "Plow deep ftOK^e time, keep the roots pruned off, that will keep the fodder back and make the ear. • • * Use broad shovels in ordw to throw dirt to^the stock for the ear roots to feed on."

I waa simply dwa:




t h e Thomas J. (Stonewall) JackstiH-Corpoiration has directed

upon a man-who eiaimed to be a<msttO gddlCBB jilll a limulM teth -geed'grower an^ pypert who ter. The object of this Aaaocit^

see a supposedly iDtelligenc mant who wofl supposed to kaow some-thiner about-growing com, giviag out to intelligent farmers such doctrine as tlnsr ~

nf>mninn Bensfl teftphfiR na that


nature gives the com plant suffi' cient roots to readr=:«at^*nd

gather enoujrh plant food to Biake oae or more ears ot com. If maimer through lack of this knowHiSg^, eubs Off a portran of

< ^ ^ . . roots, he will injure his corp erop to a coiiajn extent. I do not believe in "roci pruning" for com, as ~our : ^ e n d advis^Lj tH e necessary fund,

M tat does anyone else who will

ve.thjs natter the uropar t e s t ^J^imAUa Maw UieJlDia eorBi

it dowa-at ieast t«n buriwla: per acre- by dee|>, close pk^wtng, and this was OH fiMHWB not thirty miles frogi-the headquarters ^rm-

of this . seed

the south to give good, thorough, d e ^ preparation of the seedbed and shallow cultivation of ^ e growing com

beware oi thuHe-Miows who

tion is the erection in Richmond' of ap equestrian monument to the memory of the illustrious soldier and patriot who gave his rare genius and inspiriT^ leader­ship to the cause for which we contended, and then laid down hie life in the cr tm of his vTctory. It is a universal Mstiment that there is an obligatioB to him that has been delayed;.it is an obliga-

" "I

tion also to ourselves andAbejoe-faction we must not fail to give

The womenrof,Virginia, throua^ the—United—©aughtera -of—Ui«. ~ Confederacy,>M«- ^«paring for the effective use of Friday, May 1st, throughout Virginia, in town and country, as Stonowall Jadt-son Monument Day, when con­tributions o funy amount nHiy"befti)«nt:

chil made' ttylnien, women and dren, giving all an opportunity of sharing in the great work. If there be a cordial and gentuaT response, all giving according .to their, means, it is beUeved that ipt one day Virginia wiB complete

We ask that our veteran com­rades, their sons and daugfat^«, tferough the action of Camps or

t uBce in every k>eality. Stations wW b» j sa ln ta tn^ o a that day at publiie places, or., collections mad6 In othCT ways. The ladieg

I wouU advise tiieiaraEutfs o f ^ the United Daughters of ti»e Confedea^y will designate those who shall receive contributioiM.


• - -^—President. E. D. HOTCHK^Ss. Treasurer.


The Manassas Bus ine8s7League is to ho ld~an

important m e e t i n g in Conner's Hal l Monday^ Apri l

27, a t 8 p. m. Don't fail to be o n hand. A n address

will be m a d e by Z. P. Smi th , of Dfinvillp^ ageni

Bi*«ia^rHduotriori)opaFtmpiit of tlw Onuthuiii Railway.

M A N A S S A S s tands for progress . If you're

wi th the m o v e m e n t you'll be a t CJonrier's Hall on

Monday nigjffczJ^MSMBER^April 27 ar^ p.lik -

Ibnc 3I0IC me

U M MfcfclS ^WSIWXOIHNG Housekeepers DelishtfuUy En- Further Announcement of Coun-

tertaioed on Wednesday at Home of Mrs. Hutchison.

ty Contest Which is to be l l d d in_i:0nnar'» Hatt.

Notwithstanding the very un-, pleasant weather Wednesday af­ternoon, all undaunted came a

The Prince William County Spelling Match will take place in Manassas Thursday morning.

goodly companyjothe hospitable | April 23rd. The match will be Clutch-' held tn~C6nner*8"ITalI an J wiU

No sign of fiflftbt^Rfw AiAff^ afier itmn, anu alter a

warm and.cordial welcome in true Virginia style given by the hostess.and her daughters, the

hi^piLMmJSt:30m-Ji>iLflitaamaam» being Mrs. May Dogan andUIrsr Maud Ashf ord:. The contestants will please be ready promptly in order that the match may be


^ H B Margaret- tiammill Wkts Orrn<ni«n DislrirFTi!h»miuoiu—

i h ^ a t

TheOccoquan distiict spelling - -Tl ie Princo W4Uiam-Pastors' match, which was held last Fri­day, at Cherry Hill school, is a contest that will long be I'cmenF beree by onlooker and by partic-

Btilweeii Ocuuquaii and Cfawry Hill' schocds the mate^ was closely conUiiced and the outcome was impoaaihie to guess until the final word.— '

For thirty minutes, Miss Mar -garet HammiU, of Oceoquan. stood akrne against i^^iifield Dewey and y i s s Eva Davis, of CSherry Hill, botii excdlent spel­lers, who deserve a great deal of oroHiT far tho ahnwing thgy n1ff P).

personal aid, give tiie women! When the final word WIB '|iwK Virginia their cordid assist^: 'jaflimagiJdKr.tiRQLgQi8StQad^iane.

Miss DavMimiasedt Mii3s^yaMa^H bad tn«


be held until next year's contest which will decide the succeeding custodian. As an individual prhte Miss HaoBi&iTnreceived a ban<f-


k*UB» Adopted to--^Fgj Movenient for CountyiWia«

Conference met in regular segr sion MondiEty afternoon at Grace Methodiat—Episcopal Chureh, So^ith, .with the foDowing pas-toTH in aiUiiidimee, RBVB. I. A. MiBer, J. W. BriH, T. W. T. HolHfld, A. Couimr, W. H. DCA» ter, E. E. Blough. E. Or-Wr Aiuterholi andH. L. Qnarles.

Key. J. F. Burks offered his designation o f ^ t ^ office ^ see-^etary-treagnrer. which was ar^

All ceacners entering p u p i ^ will please^otify Mrs, E. J,

_ Larkin, Manassas, Va., by the Having kindlyjacquieg^^ Aprfl^ -T>- ,apeu»i ut Ua>

oeptiBd. The vacancy not being filled, the chairman was reques-ted to keep the reeord until

cfher aeJiolir ^Tn fUTgwi iiM tJnr n < y pnt ffTT cbicklets - ^ o ^ i ^ f - - ^

a cotmtyrwide dttfan^mee of May 3 vi "everybody^st-cluiKh^'das^ a-eltaen waa appointed in eaf.h

A h a n d B u u i B bauuet wag maRiBteriar"3is&ict to "ai'ttrnfre awarded tfacr winningrBehoot~to T » pnauMiig aTeveay cjiurch~m

Uia dislzict and each was r^uest-ed to associate with himself a committee to institi^tp * WHWA.

hOase canvass sedtipg to invite

circle settled down to the bus-[over iii time for the Ck)unty Track iness of the bom^ After manyfMe^ fn

wise saws and cuiviing instan­ces" pertaining to the^ general wdfare aiufTife of tho clu'b and the approaching dinner to be given to sister clubs, a pleasant discussion followed in regard to thp rpcnrtj bonk of th^ year, which had^een so skillfully prepared^ Miss Isalirile Hutehlaott. MtBg Isabelle was ivquBnUid to make such a book as^she .had devised lor a permanent reference boot

request a hearty standing vote of thanks was aroonled her.

All important business having been dispatched a motion for ad-joumment was seconded and aanned and a happy oo^J hoar began which ended in the discus-

a -delightftd hindieoi.fsOtiiiRWBr The dining table presented" a charming appeiu*ance. In the center stood a brass bowl of £ne :?ftrkmTinBhip flontnining n hir] duster Qf_yeUow daf fod^ The color sdieme. yellow a«^ white, enried out the club adora-to perieetkm, <tven to the yelloiy

ereun ^iriching the coffee. -Spaee_afe_tbM_lflis dMejBiLaot

j)amrit us to go into detail as we Trislr we rnnld. Wa can stay

tonpting and well laden plates were, fully in keeping with the beauty and ., . , faMt^-ai^pt^YArt in »K" «nrffl r< IV r I ^"^, Y"«"g*^ grndeB, the iadble; 18 iaa~brSBi«SIyi;^tified^

will be served at the Manassas High School by the High Rrhrinl domestic science elasi at i»io6« from 10 to 20 e&ats.

An admission fee pf 10 cents to defray e x p e n 8 e * - w i n be charged to the apelliDg match t o -all except the contestants and thfffr tetrhers.

rules adopted will be given below. If the words match for

alt HTB"

Iw the the younger grades

used before the conteiiP" u i taare i*pdled down additional words will be KITBU fiuui Slieiip's advanced apeller em frn^ »>w>


1. (Of no importance now. > t_ Two matches will be held:

oael for the sm^aitb grade a n d -advanced poiiils, the other for ptt|Hl8 from tJie foort^ i^eader, ^^Wi:^^rjAfr-ae?enfe:5r»dKIZ Payne's Ccanmon Words Com-..

MiaE^elled will be used for the advMieetr gratlOH, l.]i»» wOrtb ^ be given (SB in the contest to be selected only from the Complete Word IJrt^ page8 75tol21,inc]usrve. £aiesi>^ advanced speller will ke t»ed for

t o be g^v«» XMB tiM first fifty page & (The ftiyne spellerb may—

preach ''root pruning for-eern."'^ Thllll inois «xperi?nent station 1 J ^ ^ SHERIER 4 T -EASTERN

m a d f ^ t e s t o f rsot pruning and " cut i ^ t h e roots within three

J n c h e r ^ {be top of the'ground at one foot ^ai i th^'sta lk on iH

some fountmn pen^ Mr., G,~B !e tiiepre-

• , ^ « ' '

Rare Mtmcal Trcatt—Vidin-anif

Yarborougb, Jr. s**ntationH-

Miss Emiry Johnson attde;aii address on the work of the girb^

ftttBry pjgfirffi fri thi mnntj tn m

four sides of the stalk &ree . times during the year. Seven-

—teen rows on each of eight plots were root-pruned, while a like

Vocal Sukia and Dnets-fay-' Noted ibrtiits. ^ ^ ^

tomato clubs and Frot Yarboiv

number in each plot were not pruned. The year was favorable to the growth of corn and the results were as follows:

Manassas experienced a rare amsica^ treat last Friday wfttr the appearance at Eastern Col-](Vf. at Miaa M a r y Sh«i4<w <»„>/<

. U -^

± 1 2 8 4 5 • 7 8 .


II i £1 83.r 92.8 83.2

97.0 87.0 95.5 8&9

•*.a &6 1.9 1.4 6.0 3.8 2.7 3.7.

ougk discussed the progress of the boys' cwn ddb> much ei|)jo|red^

EtefresbiDhents were served aiid a neat .'gim^Traa rwaKged.


her concert c o m p a n y . Miss Sherier's great personal charm as well as her wonderful voice, the rich contralto of Miss Richi«' McLean and the haunting melody of Miss Ruby Suuifcnrd/s violin will not soon be forgotten here. Beach's "Ah! Love But a Day^'

To the TeaiEhers of Prince Wil­liam Coontyl Your attention is called to Uie mning s^ooi ex­hibit, to'beheld in Manaasas w> April 2 i

All exhibits, except domestic science (cooking) most be in'Ma-. nwesae on April in.> and should be

gave^portunity for the wottjth|-,^^t by uiUiu capiuMi of tone m Miss McLean s voice ^ » xri_i.-_.j_ir *^ McLean's voice while Miss Sherier was at her best in herconciuding sok> num­ber which embraced a daring execution of the swallows' call. Miss Stanford, especially, was repeatedly a p p l a u d e d . They were accompanied by^Mr. George

attend, somO'chunifa,that day. The leaders are as • follows;

A MEKBBK WHU GgKATtY Ew: JOYED .TT AT.T, Sam Pharma^ and for 27c wilt

GBinesvlQe districV^^^iBies R; McDonald; Ifftnaaaaa, Westwood Hutchison: Brentsville. Albert

LOWER COBRT SHSTAWEfr Seese; Dumfries Mn Garrison;

Tyson ^^BmeyrGoie)^ Janes Juek, Jr.

Reyr E. A. Roads, pres ident^

Virgiiua Smwame Court of Ap-

^ jJ^dHon at Rirhmwid. the-ijounty 3anday School Ctong — A^o icm, waanamed to attend to

Diggs, Virginia secretary of the inter - denominational S u n d a y

arrange a meeting of all tiie boys' Sunday School claascn in the^eottnfty. """

C. fi. Yarboroiqt, Jr. D o m e t t

This gives an average produc . -• tion, of - 4 2 bush»l» per acre inlWilt<», a- piaB)sa«i —- fev«rQf::tfae anpnmat j»Qfis of^l^sliment ., ^tbe^rn.^ - ^ ! i ^ ' 'P^- *^'^ '^'^ * ^ ® intermission was enlivenedf"*^^

Mii i^ mitapr .qvaf om f.T'ptrxfilhj i h v ^ ll^ffKireas ^alk J H ^ j ^ W than our friend was advocating iy |pS sScd piiblicationr

mm i ^ M r


H. Sears, a PresJayterian^ divine, "who was warinTy applauded. His subject wa» a bid for more taffy -and leas epitaphy and a whole­some collection of thoughts under'

Science exhibit can be iMtM^t in en the morning of April 2S..

All. exhibits must be aeoom-panied by the certificate in Mak­er's own handwriting.

No exhibits wiU ba^moved vat-til noon April 2S, and final dis-

for while in Msnassas, C. HrYuoBomoVCtt, JK.,

On Monday the Virginia So-preme Court of Appooln nuotaincd the Alexandria court which up­held the validity of the bond is-

School wpric, thi^^be<»af?^rea^sne Of 175,000 made by the town of Mansssaa for the installment of water, lights and sewen«e. The suit apdnst the towa was

. . . ** J . ^ institatedljy^. A. Morgan M S ' . - ^ , y . , ^ l ^ . ^ ' f ° . ? . . . , g ^ o t h ^ : ' ° tbe-Aiexan4rii fflTt-

- & ^ ri>BK>W) Committee.

MiM Anna Vala» PortMT.datiga ter ol theJate-itobert^FerCiiertyf Asnabnrg, who 'will be married Afoil 18 to fiepresenti^ve Henry Delaware Flood, will be ho- a s ­ter. Kiss Hild^iard^ Portner, maid of honor, -Mi?8 Genevieve, Chanop Clark, Baroness Marie Von Baumgarten. Miss Hannah Taylor, Miss Cornelia Ciaggett, K w E d l t f i T e i ^ 4 i f e i e u id

iss Lude Martin, daughter of Senator Martin, of Virginia; Miss Douglas Marjja, and Tier Mr-r ' i r g g ' fi r • h • m fTin


be sent postpaid to any a(Ui«ffi~ in the county.) '

Eaidi 8cho<d is eiqpectedto send .two poidls, wleet^d at the di«!»etiQn of the teadier, for each cpQtest. If a scho^Jhaspp advanced grades, two may b e entoed for ^te jgiamry contest ooiy. """

4. "There shall "be a prottooncer and two ref o-ees. for each o ^ ^ test, but no teacfaier entmng po-IMIS in the contest must be ca!led upon to act in e i th^ capacity.

5, Eaelt word given mat w to be first iKonounced by the popfl befwe bang spelled.. ' & Words or like sound are to fce defined" by tkc preneuateftrr

J u ^ J p . T. Thornton 4rf the Us last yeir in each contest, a Pnnce Wilham county court be- niedal to tbe wiuting pupil apd mg a resident of t i n town and • -therefne intererted in the t)ut-OMne. Mr. Morgan asked that ihe-bond iasue be uullifiea and

the silver troi^y cup to the niwgwrhnnl

of Wmehestee.

—Tbe ekwing axercices of. the fe«.<^I>tag". 'T>Qn '1 Jfotty.'_ MinnieviUe school are to be held' -^ ^*"^y ^^ Manassas^ ffiid^ Saturday, April 1&. beginniilk!'*"*^^ ^** ^^ attendance and the promptly at 7:30 p. m. An ex-1 opportunity was profoundly ap-


cel errt pfogram has i w m pre­pared and no admission fee will be charged: Ice-cream and rake will be s€rvt>d in abunaance at a rea3»:inable rate. Everybody ip

ipreciated. r —Bn'nr.svi:te Camp, Nor 13,-

nrr?, \rodern Wxnimen of Amer-,.K. wil: c.LerUin al a anuce and :•,-:«• Mipper Easter M.->nr..iv It*^ omrt'-^nii -bp open at Tr^vf p m.

M C ? N E Y ' T'^T^v.ir— •. .-}

Each tt^\Kr ""taring ]r>npil« , - . , , for the contest wil;.report to the

also petitioned t ^ court to refuse chairman, Mrs. E J. Larkin, W a 8*|e of the btmds to tbe Han-Uprit it; " chett BtM ' SttBipeny, c^Kieaga Judge Rifles' radered a decMm in favor of the town and Mr.

-fMuiCaB. took an

Hiid^ia; » i S ^ ^ ^ ^ LTER dOMING.

9. An adraissioQ fee of t e n cents will be charged to all ex­cept pupils taking pert in the

of the agrienltoral depailiueut.

THi c o l o r a t i o n clerk tel ls us that the bonding-

company ^ fuUy sat is l ied a s r^par& the val id i ty oT

tflS'bond ISSO^' of^ $7^,000 a n d t h a t aignaturea R a v e "

been sen t for pr int ing t h e bonds, . $25,^

a v a i l a b l e A t . o n c e . - , . ~-. ^ — .

i m : . T«nth •jifilL.fe»e^j»rved b j the high school domestic science class for ten and twenty cents.

Mis . E. J. LARKtN, Cb.^

Mas B. H. OsBOCTuv. -~ jCeusus Bnrewi. secieUty uf Uie

European commission, and joint author of the Fletcher- Moss farm

^land bask bill, proniagt to ad-


—Alvin 0. Portner ha.« pur­chased from Edward J. Kail nf

4r»8a-the citizens Friday. April j New York, "The Latona " » 24, in Conner's (^>era House.! two-maated auxiliary i, - . Se«,atpr Duiican U. Fletcher, of {yacht, said to be th*- ;,.,.>!<: .^d Horidar-firosident -M the-Cwn-f handsomest of "It.* k i3:~ Vfr merciaJ Congress, has beai asked I Portner J. !1 ' -.i.t- ^^ o.i ;;-,,> to be present ! Capita! "i.i -• r

'•HE MANASSAS .lOl^^^-A^ F-^MHAV. APRIL 10. 1^14.


Tfc* C6miaan Diteaiw nf PuulUy — • friS Their PreveuUon'liry

before them afSH times. ! Provide plenty of p«fe, freahj

^ - ' ^ 'fHfiiTfir '^^

Snnpte Tf aannent.



y| warm •" winfpr Noon time is a J good time._tQ. sive, tiie flock a

liberal •• mnnnt of-lifrfeeiu fQP44* iSATURDAY

of Baltimore.

No doubt, thg most common diseases among poultry are white diarrhea, canker, phicken pox, cholera, gapes, leg weakness, Toups; ~and scaly legS. tiOidSt cankers, catarrh and roup pre­dominate.

All of these troubles are likely to come from exposure to damp or colds at seasons of the year when the temperaturT rises arid fflilfl qnjpklv. F^Ts are iust as

from day U^day. About two hours before roost­

ing, give them a full feed and a TiftTe more of~X'good scratching grain. The hens will dig until dark and go to roost with full cra*a.

By giving them a little more than a full feed, some of the

toTaKe colds in Jut? and August as in midwinter; they are especially likely to take cold on rainy days when obliged to hud­dle around under some ^arm wagOB <» in a leaky sbed.^

Many years of experience in hnth commercial and fancy poul­try, together, with the studying of many treatises on poultry dis­eases has taught the writer that the old saying "an ounce of pre-

-vantion—ia, worth a pound of

cure, is the best rule to~?611ow and Lh« safBst.

Preventive measurea ate ^tg best treatment for poultry trou­bles. The fowls shoiild be han-dled that they wHl contract as few diseases slightest treated beTore it has a iehance to Rain headway. This requires consiant attention. h«t it ifl the nnly w q y t.O SUCCeSS^

Any aTlmant that~«:iH not-y*etA readily to simple treatment is usually so serious that even if the fowfis enabjed to recover from it, the l ^ u h s will lM)t befi

such ias cow beets, turnipH, bage, sprouted oats or steamed alfalfa. Thcso may ba alternated

grains will be left in the litter iw thom to work iae aa aann M daylight a p p e a r s . Very cold^ winter nights, it is a good plan to go out just at roostirg time, and place whole corn irf a trough, aUowing the birds to eat their fill; but, t>e sure and remove all corn left„oj?er. Tofeed properly tjne must know the conditions of his flock and their requirements.

Disinfect the house frequently. Keepitand the bfrds free from lice and colds. A constant watch muaL be kept for parasites bfe pgncp frnm the moment chicks come from the shell, they menaced by insect vermin.


The most practical way of 1 meeting the problem ia to con-.i

, ..... —.•.. - - lur^sby liVwral jiae.jgf th? liquid 1 as-possible,-and^llie _jj^ killers-anddwinfeeeigenwa;--a i l m e n t should be sprayed about the poultry house.

especially -necessary in This is . hot weather. By following the above you will not bo bothwed

Jones Bros: and Wilson's BIG THREE RING

Trained Animal Circus



T5aS^TI5ii?;lVIeatrFeed, tfay, Salt S O L E AQEWTS FOR

MARVl Schumacher and Sterling Feeds, Unicorn Dairy Feed, Sucrene Feeds, C. S. C. Horse Feed, Listman Mill Feed Cotton Seed Meal, B e e t Pulp, Bran and Middlings


^SOyOOQ-Xirouii of Perfomiiiifi^

Insist on having a perfect bathroolB Beautiful, therefore p!e»slng.

-Sanitary, dieiefore : ttwi'ttore

And bonJcs tWf !e« h-hw* a» iudivkluality, an expreision of your own taites. These results are easily obainftil through our careful following of your wishes and our using_ 'Staftdarrf' plumbing ^ fixtures of which there is soch an extenuve

. variety of pleasing dcsigfns. Let us estimate for you. ,

£. J. Lamb 117 E. Market St. Harrisonburg, Va.

Two Herd« of fcjephants

Gronp of Finea Irained Leopards in the World gj Come -Group of F«rtormiftg. Beaigl

Trained Seals and Sea Lions

uiili diacaaeft-

satisfactory, for ^ i e vitality of the fowl will be seriously im paired.

F. H, Thayer at Pratt and Ldght streets, Baltimore, Md., all quea-

^Ittona-perfaiining to poultry W^

The wrlTer has always made It a practice-itt later y e w s to-leift and burn all birds which fail tQ, respond .tD~~ampte—treatment quickly.

Our next article will be on tfae detection and cure of some of the diseases common to poultry.

Tf nn> foa^Am will ly^dress Mr.

h e ^ e e g f t ^ aaawered-

Borope's Roremost Aerial and Acrobatic: Artiirfs — Hosts of Funny C4owns


R S i X W H O N O R .

We rhust make conditions fa^ vorable for gooilxealtb by stai^ ing with strong, hea\thy parai|fe-age. Remember the rule of na-ture, "all conations being equal, that like begets like,"and you « m nn^ rgjgp gfrnnff, hpalt.hv-hoHied

chickens from weak orunheidthy parcntago.

Having provided yourself with strong, healthy. vijtCTOUS- stock from which to bieed, and by using good. Common sense, the man who continuous strives for

have the best average prodoctiosx " ^^^ ^o"g rjg^

To maintain the good health and vigai' ul Aim-flWk, WW mual provide them with a good, dean, practical house of the open front type,, where t h ^ can be sur­rounded day and night by an abundance of fresh air, and yet, be out of the Btona.

A house with three tight ~sfd< (north, east «sd__we8t)j and a good row

Eighth Cfradc—Blutti* Athey, Reete-BwlvUrn, Rolwrtk naislip, Katheriito J 1 4 ;.- Kfoy ....J gj u JgTTTttl-iwilW^WRBtZe. Leslie Merrill, ThomM LyncB, Emmett iUce, DooKlaui Roszd, Aylett Wilson.

Seventh Grade.—Etoie^ Roeepberger, Bennife B«», John Bell. HarvBy Brewteu,

-*'°-" *r~° « ' '"' 'i'' trimmwr, Charles King, Jones Jasper, Winfri»rf Yonng. Herman Lunaford, Warren Coleman. Jeswe^ W«r, Lanier

GlaOja Johfisea, LiUa Ashby, liMian WhoclOr.

Fifth Grade.—Lewis Griggs, Kalph Larson, Vktor Haydon. Marvin Ri.ce, Lucy Breeden. Cuoline Beachley, Lil-

the best coi stTtutibrmf vigbf w i ^ ^

Ayres. _ Rmrth' Grade.—Eliaabetb Corn well. Helen Coleman. Elizabeth Pope, S«^S

for the layers and breeders. The shape of the. house makes no difference whatevra"; but the location of it is of utmost import­ance. The h«t"fcx!ation B on

Li BCfafftyHj ~lfi abetfa Sfaocnuucer bttfcw-art Payne, Wilbw Roeenberger, Taykw Weir. — -*

Third Grade.—Alvema Baker, Alma LonsfMTd, Cath«rine Weir, Gary Nicol, Allison Hooff, Raymood Hftwitt, Rob­ert Riley.

Second Grade.—Eva Breeden, Helen Deaehley.Alma BeH,Thelma Uttorback, Bertie M«y«rK Austin Beavers. CJem-wt-farHwiin rrotii^tt ^rtwnbaygr

t ft-r^n ar^nA Street Parade 10:30

south t» sailor would'dUtIf "isSHr sou ea«t">, wiath rilews the to shine into the building very early winter mornings hetoee the birds have bad exercise enoujgh

himary (;r*de»-Uila Hixson, NefSe Whitmer .B(Me-Bica> Rnth Kincbeloe, Betsy Pfyne,Saatti Harrison. Elicsbeth Coleman, Matgai'et €<)«»weU, Vwginia Baekhtgham, Hawea -Davies, Paul Ar-ringtnn. Carietoo Athev.WiUard.Cr^.|, Deans Bi^«r'. Gariand Baker. John Goode. high ground with good drainage

away from all ndes of the bouse. and should be a little east o t jgjMTti i ITlfWte (ilP ag«iPF:PT

t Care should be taken to employ on all electrt-cai w o i t none but the most Kxperltiiiced peraorm. -^ It

competent an d--H—dBlIJWO^^r-t^^

* • • s p o n ^ l e nua WMI boya under no manage­ment. When the insurance nsk is electrically

— defective i t is subject to a^apegific advance in ——mUi and ia dangerous b life and piopuily.

We strictly comply with the rules and will famish a guarantee that the installation will

with the NationaF If you find careless work

^te "accordance done iji Electrical Code done ofafcct in tsme as it may endanger your tffw" ^TtA will he a eentiauoua trouble 4o tha

advice ghrenire* of charge. ._ _

Washmgton Snbnrban Electric Co. '^'^^^a^^^^.L^^ HERl. A. PETERSEN, P r e

tolPlH NewSpring

to start their BRxxi to ciiCulith^ fis^tyr^""-^^-*^ '

Provide the bouse with a good dirt^cjor. A;«en»^t , % w , ^ y

sandy soil makes an ideal floor. This should be covered dwjply with sofne good scratching ma teriai to compel yoar-hens^ttr^

Tie Eighth Virsrinia Regiment Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, at the m e ^ n g till Aprit 9, 1911 a&opted the ftii»


WHEKIAS! Yi'lsarf^&sniiHignf PmvfdQ^ to take frow as Mn. John

Tsrrna ' WHEREAS, We fooad her always a

musl eaiuest, lielpfcl awd sympatfcetis member; therefore, it


DECEIVED Otferinc Chump Goods. Yoii Get No Mere

T l » n Yon Pay fer-GoU k GeU.

fashions. R a t h e r

English. Coatswithsoft

fror fat ^n(4 lapels thatrollto whicb-ever button you

/wisFT to ^ stop them. —_

Higlv' ve»t8V 7>iT?iigbt-hanging trousers

" Every, stiic guaranteed to be all-wool, fast in color, Lonckm c « 1 4 ' w * t e t slamikandhand lailoredr

Come see them.



imQoihes *t5 *20 *25 andup

"See the Gaatrmfee and Price Twket pn thm Sleepe"


iufiiaa— r • • • • • •

J e w d e r and OptJcJaff

L A N S B U R G H & BRO., 420-26 Seventh St, Waahincton, D. C.


WooLIk^ss Wid« in iu aespe is tU* AtfUj et wool drM« fabric^ iachiduc. a» it

doM, iepr»iiuiUti»M ol th* gmt loon* af both coet iants . T k n * ia a dMided prafamca for Crcpo wcavaa, tmd tkMo aro tlM>wa bora in all eon-

>>. p-yii-. —J »T-niiaii are in \m l e i l • i i i iunily htaaHn

. .1 L _ j • "^^ '***P • * • • * "^ •*•• »'>4 **•• «ya>patliy work and dig for all hard grams, j fo the family: and This exercising continuously in; KnoLvso. That a copy of these rea-a house provided with plenty of I o>nt»«>« ^ • « * ^ *>« family, be po»>-Mire. fre«h air, no matter howf"*'^'"..'** " ° ° ^ paper ami be .n-* ~ , , , , , J teMd on tlM BnnatM of the chapter. cold, promotes health and vigor. | M L AI.RI H ,o»t

Henrys J C E e l d & Coa,

^ b g t e s , Lath^ Door^l B&idft and Building Material


•'-t ~ ' • • - *-« U w A .** : > w .

Fow prica Ua&

ooloT* of gray, taupe, wiataria brows, copaaba^s and aary-Speciai valnv, at, a yAd $1.00 C>o>o 0»d«la, i2 mchea » ni«. ianporMd, AU mnti, ia -all- iha aaw apwyy -altadmtrf-greeo. maboftaay. frray, wiataria, aaw blue, n»Ty. roaa ind terra ooUa. —j»^ Special value, at. a yard i9C

AU-wooCBlarek T ^ a t a . 4 6 uidiM «id*. $1.25 quality oJTered «l, a ^ , ^„ yaid _£LilO

o H n faakioaablo tb

>. W JaobeiiVfJp , sTT wooT la colors of Otd roa«, nary, brnirr. pray, alite, pi;!«<w bl«e, a r m and tan _ _

^r9€MA» Poplm, • mxtvrr o* tn«c surf wool, *» inchea wide, is tb« n»» !*«.->»« inelodinB fireen, mabogany aod f rfi i

All-wool BUcW Cr«pa, 3f .achfi.

Mcrchand '^^ "^<-r.a

ndiae delivered free by parc^i p^t tf pUrctiate fcmooBt* fo Five Dollar*

at. a ;ard. 49c


f Jltatia«9a0 Jaurnal WHY DON'T YOU USE THE ROAD DRAG ?



Knteri'd at tho 5'opt Oftrcc ;tt Manafiw " ~~~"' "C la s s MaTl Mat t e r

S U B S C R I P T I O N , $ 1 . 0 0 A YEAR IN ADVANCE

h.''. (Vnt^Bii i r i ' 1 f'.' '.h--!ir^r inj,ertion and Tw^rity-five (.'ent* fur each I, ;.iHf Libera! I>isroiintw To Ye&tty Advert iserB.

. , , ... . , .^....l. , . . . . . • • 1 . . . . n K , f i . y i l i n h i t i i » r y , i „ l i , p i i , , f h « r t h a n t h e uhij^ti (iealK notice*, and »ll (natt«*r of an «dvertiaTn«^ cnar i ic te r , e u n e r di ivvt ly or (ndirectiy, will be publwliad a t t h e r a t e of Twenty-f ive CenU an

When will our|Hioi)ie.,imj^ciute the_y;due vf'^

;tJie i,plit lug driiK':' When will they quit thinTiingI ; that they-can: ha-vepasiiible hij^m'ays only by

_ , , . _ _ „ ^ liipejuiina: Lhousunds aiid thousands of dottars on tsTiTface'd"Toads; aTid"tftat If a couiiL)' Ldimol iJIoitl {these, its j)e<)ple must puli along through mud 'and ruts till Gabnel ^j}^>W£ his horn?^ __,

When will each county arrange to pay seme f-Armor fnr dra^rgjng the road nearest him after



Dr. Herman Biggs, superintendent of the New York State board of health, has precipitated a discussion by making a report showing that for

the year 1913 the citj^ of Greater Nev.- Y ' ^ ^ ^ ^ j r ^ n ^ 1 _ .^^^t^p^ mominy fem^A.^^.. . .^ p U ^ a lower death rate than that of the State oulsTde " ' • ' ' '

of the metropolis. It is difficult to displace a tradition even with established facts, and it has long been a tradition that the country districts are more healthful than l a r ^ cities. The figures presented by Dh Biggs show that the death rate of Ne»r ¥ e f k - e i ^ last y^ar- was 13.T-per.4.i

population, and that for the reiwainder of the

State 15.8 per 1000, notwithstanding the crowded

condition in some sections, the tenements, and

health and longevity.

Thin tuiidiCion rapreeonta an improvomont in d i ^ _ j e t it be used- more, i t is the cheapest New York city and a worse condition in other

parts of the State. From 1898 to 1902 the death

rate of New Yorii city ^WBS: 19.1

of the State 14.7.—Last year the figures wore

m f. reversed, showing a reduction of more than six

" ^ t o the thousandi in the c i ^ and ah increase in

^other parts of the State. '

the whole year througti. But to be really effect five it should be uacd after every wet spell.'^—-Pro-

g r ^ i v e Farmer. ' •

idngJife, jftfi well as comfortable surroundings. The oamo tJiingJi^eMsH

and vagrancy. There are no greater percentages

o f crime aiid poverty in the dUes tliau in the c6uh^tiyr"flw>ugh ^ e conditions m tlie cities rS^ ceive more publicity and create theimpresaon that they are,haunts of vice, crimfi, poverty and

each wet spell? Arid when will ypu, Mr. Reader when will you

talk over this matter with your county commis-sioners and your road authonties?

We have printed stories enough showing the value of the drag, but here's another from the Monroe E^nquirer that we pass along:

"Pet»plc coming to-M^nroe over theWadesboro

of road from Rock'Rest to Lee's Mill, the wheel ruts deepland many of them, and travet slow and difficult. Returning late that afternoon they found that stretch of road finer than any $3,000-a-milg macadam yo^d, a smooth surface and a road which was a delight to drive on. What made the change? Why, M ^ J : "J. Morgan had ucod a King rood drag for o ohort while, Ha l wa^ all." Just one man and a team and'that Tirag had done the work and the bill for the taxpayers to foot will be less than $2. The road drag—the 5m8«s4w5mwSi^^Sl^ia==fi5TF^5i^imiii«U If after him, and m^y his feet press the golden streeta when he leaves this old wuilJ.—The ruad

way to make a good jroad, when used at the right time. IJ.qe the drag. When used promptly Just

rn».g n^A r idges anA iTignr<> smoother t rave l ing

TO RICHMOND! The cities Of the countiy for years have Been giving particular attentfon to sanitation,. pure water, improved tenements, and better conditions of cleanliness and health. 'The country districts have been d^)end!ng on nature to take care of,

[1th, until today*, if statistics of health officers

to be relied upon, the great cities ' ^ far |e itv, larger Jn -populatioft, >»^ *i^ «ti«..fe^Titag*.

fcupeiiui UJ tliecmiJiLry In liiakters oi neaim.S«i ^ f ^ ^ j a H r i ^ t u P l i i l a d e l p h i a r y h i d r g e e m ^ r ^ r

All .Virginia is rejoicing with our banking

centre wffich has teen chosen aJs the seat^F the

Federal reserve baak for district number^ve.

That Richmond was the logical location THE

JouRNAL_never doubted. Baltimore, t h o u ^ a

sonably certain of selection; we gave Kttle

f o u g h t to the Carolina cities» the majority of

which ^tood with Richmond, and Washington,

C* IGHTEEN years of successful banking is one of our greater -•—' assets. Starting with a Gipital of $50,000 and less than $50,000 on deposit, we now have a Gipital of $75,000, in­cluding surplus, and^Undivided'Profits of $6,OOOari3T5eposSr of $285,000. And as a protection to ourselves ana our depositors we carry a policy in ixmdinf t ^ ^ cov-

^-^J?^S^n of Qur availahlp cash., A baDL :accomitl:witk^

will insure the safety of your suiphis monfty


Select your agent a n d companie* a« you would your-Baaker , Lawyer 6V Doctor, s ince your HiiftBetftL ezisl> • n e e m a y d e p e n d on this and the bett cu»U n o m o i ^

EjtaUuhed in 1«78


as the Fedf^ral PApital. could n o t ""ffo*- T»y QHTYII-

nation. Richmond was well centered in her ter­

ritory, and stood on the winninjg side of every

argument d g g g ^ „ y h P ^^tinrnployhd iri NQW Yctfh and g^JuumUi^ up Uie HilimUon from e v ^

Home peofde adjust your fires^no .11 r; t n • : ^ 1^:

ss^ Qhinjigo are nnf o f homp.ongtii. " Manypprpiinnn

ities find it more economical tofurnish transport

tation to the large cities than to take care o f

TlgWT .•i«Td,-:a',V;r:«riO.'«5Wi!U»Hn'»6y*Kin

LIFE. to talk it over and/get miwja ^ 9 '— • —

their own vagrant, vicious ai:^ diseased popula- Injcertain of its essential aspects, a madhouse;

^on± ^ :~^ I in others, a pageant; in still others a common-

piace^sijccession of humdrmn incidents. At times

you are quite sure J t j s aQ a. gray monotony;

agaan it begins to arise and ^ r e a d itself like an

Exact information as to how the other half

lives is di^Kiaii^ of many old traditions, and it is

just as well to correct some of the old n(iistakes

reg8£dingLtherelatiYe_ykty^M d t j L ^ d country,.|Arabian n ight And the unexpected jgeaks loose «:p«.,QiiYg^T,ii^hV ThP iflui j'tiiimik li iu ^|.|i^.>iii ^^ ^^,}, ,,(- i,, i,,^, untrn, flnnhotr of viTirt

that more than one-half of the population of the color, bright eager personalities idstling anS United States lives In dtlea and towns of more than 2,000 population.—WasMngfem. Post ," ~

£ ; M >


struttmg m excess of vitaHty. —Harper's Weekly.

RicaoiOND isL securely on the

The House of Representatives went on record

247 tol61-again&t the claase exempting^

ican coastwise vessels from paying tolls on the

Panama canal. Woodrow Wilson urged the re-

peal and was supported by a great army of dem­

ocrats and "many republicans. In (^^xjsition to

the measure such men as Champ Clark and Oacsr

Underwood-fought with all their pawer. Per­

sonal issues had no part in the contest. . Party

spirit^wa* 4irged-feat little f e t t ' A,faittSfvbattle

Waged and ended-^in the House. ' ~ When the foremost stat«sifien of the day are

so immeasurably divided upon a question, how arfi we to judge nur stand.' Wilson tpiu nc th^^

N O T the least among Baltimore's ckums was her size. .Was she "b ig ' 'Ja jBQ«Efemrf Rici^ mond^a y ie f^iy^

T H E women have found another' champion. Sir Thomas Lipton has started a controversy: Can married men keep secrets?

Music was siisponded in a church service the other day while the water pipe o f the organ was disconnected for i n v ^ i g ^ o n . . Soiggt^llig wgs yobry, the newp kem ataliM, was an eel over two feet long. But wasn't the organist seeing shakes?

A MOYEMFNT has bean inaugyrntod ;in Bolti

f W e h a a d b e T 9 i i £ a r y T i o u r a ^ ^ fo^caab.' — - _

^ A fun l ine of Fancy and Staple (^ocOTiet, Fredi a n d Salt M e a t e . 1 1 ^ Veal , Lamb, E t c — t h e bert the marks t c m afford.

rott wknt i r l i U 1>i«ia._^^a^

the tolls exemption is a direct violation of o»p "more to standardize the various modem dances.

f W e buy aO kinds of Coonlry Produce f r o a a . h e a e f f to a car of fat stock. Caah paid for trade.^

^^Ifreatr with--Sreat Britamr -Glark and UftdeH AccDrdtng^tiythH dancing masters, who are -&y-}» -^'-•' wood - refute thc--:^sertrrrn: Orfeat TeHaOig aiid " " ^ '

Tra stan3~ljehind them E S ^ ~ i s great principles stand behind "tKem actirated by a motive wjiich involves the nation^ licHior Each bs defeftmned^^ shield her noble

nan'fe; . How will it fare in the Senate?

watch and wait. We can only

tPgJaubnagj^s^wtnt the same dance is rarely executed alike by>any twopec^ie i s It possible?

N e , the rcaerve banks were not selected by; J |

IN sv.r-.np"'h(' '• ounis U. tlv;^g!.t> of V.a;! I we usfi-.it i5nn•r^^,•a^ a*t.

population. Why have a committee )compare*| | I the figures of the census and announce its decis-' t$

in's farcv fiphtly turns ' ' ^ ^ ' ^ '"S CO public which had long since* h;ly is the word t^Ken a Kx)k at the census report and cared Httle' ».- -.r-.^, • " — - ' f o r the-format armotmremerjt? - - — i

i^LXomierV Market U co?mrR^«mLomG ^^4iAtiASSA&f ^IftGIMML-


IflHH iH>imtt«iM>iitf i>«^<mim<m«iiim»^ QH

n n i r r m r i f ITPUrr [' ^^'•- " " " '• - •ff seph F. | —President WiUon passed' —After a conference Saturday B R I E F L O C A L ' N E W S t^^wisareexpecledruewlay from; though Manassas last night atjbetw**n Governor Stuart,.Lieu-

Lewis has btien in a sanitarium phur Sprinjfs W. Va., where the Speaker Cox. the appointment of Manassas High Scho6r will " _ : th€ o&st few Wfi lcs

- r—Mr. Powetl W. Metz succeeds Mr.-fi.-^. Carr aTTliF-peoptei

-"Tlie.jei session of!

Willie Hout f famil_y will speud^^Si the Easier holidays. '_ ~ Tnot

iej^i^ (,'ommi.ssion was an-" as fo l l ows : Thomas

Maritland Annual COhier^amMi'-^- W.IIHland, who wis^Fisted ' ^''''.^^"'^T' " ^ ' '''"ttocvilio. th^ M^thr^Aitt v,...t^.t^r,n^u.,^^^^.,^...,} ..,.,„!,„ „~„ . v . .^ ; professor of economics- at the it Protestant Church I several weeks ago for shooting'f™r. ^^ °. closed Tuesday eveninjj at Mil-

^^The Manassas srhnnls clpaedlgQes to Potomac and_Rev. W. H". yesterday fefthr^aster holidays j Beck with is supply at Quantico. and will reopen next Wednesday. I _, , , , ^ . .

SCT vices were held at Trmity —Mr.""e. A. S. Hopkins has j Episcopal Church last evening sold to a Washington resident land this morning at 11 o'clock. his^home, Tudor ftati, near town. |The

Sunday morning

at the agent at Cherry Hill waa. i! '"^^^^ "L^''^''^^ ^^""t^'' tried W ^ Monday by Magistrate*^- ^?«^o^.' edttorof the Fairfax ; J. Keys, of Cherry lliil, and sen­tenced to 30 days in jail. Mr.' Keys also tried several minori cases imposing fines. [

—The blasting here this week seems to remind the old-timers of Jackson*a visit "several" years ago.

Sl fnna H a w HouagkeepcrB CfflS Was (entertained yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Samuel Moss

-Tfie~g1rl8' basketball team representing Manassas High School is in WarFenton-teday t play the Warrenton girls.

— --Mro. Ai J. Miller waai'tal eg

Herald and former Auditor of Public A.ccountsj Joseph B. An­derson, Danville, for many years commissioner of the TSvghue of that city; State Senator Edward

The marriage of Miss .\Iari- Echols, of Staunton; State Sen-iirttt-be^-held ama Rucker, daughter of Mr. (ator B. F. Buchanan, of Marion,

at 11 o'clock. George H. Rucker, clerk of Alex-1 Smytli county; State Senator celebration of the andria county, and Norris Loring ] Arthur C. Harman, of Richmond;

will take place i Bo wen, deputy clerk of the coun-1 Delegate D. H. Pitts, of Scotts-ty. took place last Thursday atville, Albemarle county; Delegate St. George's church. Clarendon,' John WlXli#£y! Big Stone Gap. ReV. V. H. councTJt of-'Warren-TWise county; Delegate Aubrey

The Easter Sunday School Sunday at 4 p. m

last pital, Washington, where will undergo an operation

AllWlM lU inUfFy WAA I8sue<i here Tuesday to 'Ruth E. Ford, of this cQiintg, nn<< Gen, W. Fra-zier, of Waabingten^ both ad­ored. ' • —

9 to 0 victory over The Plains. The batteries were. Lien and Blackwell for Manassas, and Lake and Spillman for The Plafns. Lion, Roads and Bryant

for the local tttam.'

—The body of. Frank M. Mc-Clary, »f AlftXHTHlfla, ^aa^taicen

\T-Jjxth&t city-she

^ interred in Bethel cemetery. Mr. Mc-Clary was killed by a train at

l«Jn, uncleb7 the^ri^officiating, Among the l)ride's attendants were Misses May and Marie Simpson, and numbered among the ushers were Evan Whalen and Hennan Ii. Rpnney. ,all of Clarendon. Mr. and Mrs. Bowen left for'a wedding tour to Ber­muda. The hrde haa-been-a-


G. Weaver, Front Royal, Warren county, and Delegate Hill Monta­gue, of Richmoriai

prest of JudflTP and Mra. Thnrri-ton here.


Last Frida

—Mr. "U;- G. ~~Duvall Susie erOwTttweU, 6t the Aj^ew^ vHIeTTglgftteyhOdd, W6i riajtfried here Monday by the icev. J, b\ Burks. — ;.

-The Crigler & Camper Com-panjrhas purchased the millineiy store of Miaa Ida T.iftlflt. »n^ yjl] in future conduct a millinery department --——

—A called meeting of the Ladies' Memorial Aflsoeiatiou will be held tomorrow at 3 p, m. Delegates will be elected to at-tend the meeting in Ftorida.

our friend and feliow tawiaraan; Mr. B. B. Thornton, -liaa-been appointed to an important BQa= t'on under the goVermnent at

mains ;Were not identified at that time he was buried at Clifton

T. —Mr. B. e. Comwell and Mr. M. Beli, State Warden, wDl -eaentBull Rup^Coancil, No.

15,, Order Frat«mal-American» at. ••>»» ai««M niiiiiii.?! ur>i<i»>i n/iT . L•L'l.'^l•I•A«l^^«IMKt: ll>«>mMK<l«i* Irenes April 21 at Roanoke.—Mrr W. N. Wenrich was also elected a delegate but will Jtte unable to attend. —_ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _

—^Folk)wing„ nine arrests. Washington merchants were busy last week identifying a bunch pf loot at the police station. Four of the suspects are women. It ijHff1}eeB?uggested~that seme of the ptle came irom Alexandria and Manassas where burglars

the home of MraT lay

m aftPrnnnn

G. 1) .ai


Mr. J. W, Keys, of Cherry Hill, wttB a town iaitui MuuJay. J4J88 Jthel Jaroonda, of Clif­

ton, was a town visitor last Sat­urday. ' •

you havi traveled for miles and miles on the wrong road and at last come to.-a sigTi post which shows you your mistake you very naturally go sti'aight back to the forks o f the road_ and start over.—

" ^ a n y men who are anxious to r'each Financial Independence realize that they are oh the wrong road, they feel that their earnings are merely sufficient for daiiy needs, that they have no chance to accumulate a competence. Some of these men feeogniae the sign -post- pointing—" to the way out-r bettar-inatLods handling their income. If V' interested we shall be glad plain too you our.. Plan.

QU are to ex-

je W. C. T. tJ., observed "Union Signal Day." A very interest­ing program wa>t rendered. Sev-eral excellent selections from the -Union^ignalfl was given by the Saturday.

« i d a recitati^-by4lt«8 Myrttr t»0Tfla KOrah Merrill were very much enjoyed Sevaral subscriptions to the W C. T. U. State papei, "The Vu-. gima mee


IVI \w Lorattft Ma liiii at 4 t i ^


market, was a Manassas visitor Saturday,

Mr. I'Ved Rvnaon. of Phitaa: phia, visited relatives here last

ladieaand theaote^-Mrg.;;fioep.f^ Miss Cori-p^ffey; of AJexan-dna. waa a roeontJgueat ofJtfSi

Mrs. irwriFWaeers and little JWB. of GulpftpPT, arpi visiting rpL

wece taken at ^ e the pro^^Ktmthe

hospitable hostess served Taoe$ delightful ^refresfament? and « very pleasant half hour mm spent in social intoroourac, ——-

ativea in Manassas^

WeMe_ffia^fieaipiBKrftlBa: —Mr. and Mm Jnmni Will WBBt

Shaeklefdr^ of Remington, an-


—A team bebnging to Mr. M. R. Taylor, of Bull Run dairy, took fright thia= Southern station. The runawayfl were caught in fSe Lewis fidd

nounce^ie engagement of their dnnghtior, MIBB Etva, PfiOmore Sfaacldeford; to Mr. Henry Aahhy tfrowch-the-wed"

- —The regular spring examr ination of publk; scho(ri teachecs will bt bold at Bonnctt BuiMinjgy ^^^^^^^^^^j^^^^j^^^iOiWa^^^i^^ and tjaturday; Ajnil 16;"lT~and 18. beginning promptly at 9 a^ m. each d^. Subjects far-thg first day arC/geography, speWng, gnimiMg ftBd flompomtion, theory

Mr.'lxif iBir WiTcoxen ania :^D^ ily. of Alexandria, spent ^inday witii relativesliere. ~ .

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Prescott att^deda mponie banquet last night in Alexandria."

Mrs. W. I. Steere spent sev-«al da ti t&lB W«^ viobng

in June. Miss Shackleford sister of Mrs. Leonard E. Hixson

le haft YiRit.pd here

southwest of tow£I

—Mr. J. ^ ^ mer resident who has b«eB living in Cleveland, this state, has par-chased five acres of land tm tiie old Brentsvilte umi wfwtrtt y ^ill shortly bmU and maice. his nonii.

—Mr. P. H.I^rn4^^ accepted i position

-^A southern nuiway freight car, containing two valuable race hnrwaa, tha proparty «f J < S

iiEss Thedie Wata-s of Wash-i^onsjasp^diog with relatives in Manassas,

MiM Nam!y Grwiii in uptmAlng

1 TAKE PLEASURE in a n n n n n H n g ^ the^ -public that my icci plant will be in operation about April 15th, when 1^11 be in a posi­

tion to serveiihe trade with ice in any quantity.

My plant will be new and equipped with a lL modem improvements, enabling me to manu­facture pure ice from distilled water^ insuring a sanitary product for all purpftOAfl

_ I solicit your patronage and guarantfte tto"' tsemce.

the Easter holidays at her home and practice of teaching, "letvil government aioMi reading; second day, drawing, physiobgy and nygtene, a r i t h m ^ c , historv of I andria, W»R » rt^mt fpianf nf -h/.

the Winston-Sidem divinon of ' ,e Southern raltwsfcy' aiad wiffi . . „ , — - . — — -•-ave in aevMal days to asaomel^* WHUimtr, anq local snppwt-

IS new duties.. His fandly win -main in Manassas.

.-afid^a ^aa- of general htstoty; wiiting will t i^ of bouaehoad fpraiture, were be graded on form E, number 2L <ie8troye4 by fire Wednesday Persons wishing further informa-nigfat at CalTertxm. Mr, Berry iion- should apply^ te^Ceo> &.

Yhiiiuin and, Uiiilea States hitf Migsea Payne on-GtanlAyemifi. tory; third day, dementanr alge-taa, Bcience and Miss Ruby Cullen. of Renaing-

near Paris, Fauquier county. Miss Carrie Stribling. of Alex-

K = S M A W A S S A R A/A W

tonT waT a week-en§ f^eA. ivF

bad made the «hfpm«.n<- fmm ^1-ton to his home at Markham

—Eastern College baaeball team and Baltimore Cit7 College win meet <» the local HiniVi/ ni tfafii afCJerooon. Easbom's team • •"• • • '•flaw v n i q w XKtfptWC' UJMII

Tyler, division BuporinteBdentrr

—At tbe annual amgr^^donal meeting of th6 Maaamas Presl^-t^an Cbureh held iast Tue^day, Meaara. H P Dodge and E. K

-Sc i vices will be held iu the reenwood Presl^tariaa-ebareb

Minnieville on the seetnid and irth Sundays of each month.

be a wefciame v'one who can eoiiai^

Ix)cal dealers bave installed

.owwffltion declared the town in ^fOiaigenrneea ertBe officer and

nrary fish containers and-ear^ pfcssiit, iht final Tote ^jmdihg le may now safdy eat tbis

1 jct of the sea. The box is lie of wood with^tep jrf, ituwi^

-1 drip pan uatoii^ik. ^Hwl • is of gt yimiEedlrML

The Baltimore Conference ' Methodist Episcopal chnrd> ':>ned i-u&klay al'lernoon *t

n berland, Md. The oongie-.::on will be glad to learn that V. J. E. 3iek wiU oontinae4n

.<in;e6f tbeMaoassas^^SrebT

enere confldeot-of -t^ Hose guoe Tbe d o b is jtist b^dc from a tfareendsy trip, having scored two vktories. — ~ '~~~.

—In sesKMi Wednesday night the Towji Coondl was the scene .gliL-kwa fi^tttt a ftB»hMf»ii the office of town treasm^. Th^

aeoomptiahed its purpose for tbe

4 to 4 Mayor Brown refused to cast the dedding vote.

A«=-tewittpeoide be ixiitraat of tbe present condition of tiie poWic highways during and f<rflowing tiie laying of pipes.

Mitchell were dected dders for j ^ m s of three years ^ succeed them8dves,_.and Mr William Clark, of Minnieville^ was elected a trustee. Encouraging financial reports, were made by the treas-

tbe eboreb" tter benevo-

Miss WiUi^te Mywra <w> Prescott avenue.

Miss EffleGulick. of Washing-t<», ia a gQcot of her parent^ Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gulick, for a few days.

Miss Fannie WilUa, of Wasb-i^rton, is _ visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wills, on Lee avenue. -

urerso len^s, tite woman's missionary society and Si^ath SOtocA. It was snmiiitM oH hy .tha

Mr. Thomas Nelstm Ranadeiy of Washington, spent Ssnday with his parents, Ifr. and Mrs. F. E. BanadeU.

thirt. montbly _ held U tbe Greenwood Obapel

fduring the year, and that Dr. Wilbara Hart Dexter wiU eon-tinne bia services for tbe cbureh

-MMtott Matthew, at

' ^ ^^ Mifflffmirll^^-ttynne Coat^

at Manassas and tbe greenwood QiapeL

Mn J. RDxtaieale.' jtf Ma naaeas, wS> is cfflfflRBBd witii the Bureau of Chemistry, United Stat^ Department of Agricul­ture, is now in Minnesota where hfi ia working on the wheat preb-

ow., ana offera a^riifiee'ih^ltem for tire government." He the openings are being dosed as *i'^ ie&ve shortly to pursue the rapidly as possible and that in ^ ^ investigation at Mandan, goodtffle-hampa andb<^ wiH k.^^^e^i^^y'^Tule^"-

Mus Mattie Matthew, who is teaching at Waterfall, spent Sun­day with ho- mother, Mra. M. A.

of SperryviBe, a fonngr. employee of tbe poatttfBee here.'^cFa vrait to hex friends in town this week.

Miss Louise Walker, a student of Manaasaa High- School, is

Krect from the f actonr—Impossi-Me to^become stale in Ae hands of the jobber—Sizes of packages from lOc to 5 pmindl^es/8fi^.te,-^ i i P«-^^^iad.zJfiis gue iQciuc^ Norris'Requisite Candies Liffsett's Chocdat«v Fenway Cho^te^r and ^ulh Chocolates—Goods re­ceived ev^7 week or two insmaO qiiantilties to insure ft^s|^>g,


1 DowelFs Pharmacy I ''THE REXALJ VTe\Dtf» ^ REXALL STORE-

be returned to Uwir proper level. M M ^- D m ^***^*^te^«rvtbe«!qwstisbe. Mifls MatHf R Wf ir ig a i inp aaeepted iu Uie pw^w 'gpint

BritisE" CoKimbia, and the Pa cific Coast. At Riverside be will endeavor tu lieip ' ttrg

checking a orange disease 4 in the home of Mr. and^for weall knowitis imDosaiblet^i^^*^™ '" °

v Robert S. Bristow. at Ur->y pipe without dijnrinrTTnrpt^'^"^^^^*"^* ^ \ ^ ' " ^ '

^day she will be one _of t b e ^ m a d a y . ITI Ttgw pT ^e times; who will conunue tbe t n p wkh^ QUu,rp.u,te>.c fuu. i >iiniiTTr-^^n* desmaids at the m a r n a g e of-ahead most of us are happy to^'f*™- ,"*armnfr via New t>r-;w«phBd m the -b«i«ae« wH*~iij^iS x

^nt-^mme, mm^Ba^ BwKing. I;«mip. an- «eeaal8Ma-^aftflr-ariffi^'^*^**^^^^!*^f*»^'^^ -n Smith, and Wr attithttT Wn-./.U. i - K» ..;»„ :_ ^^. ' , "^^ I Xneir J5)ung children vn!f be left* - -

^Rassas I.take p l e a s u r e s aiwouncmg to tile Dimiio tiT.f T C given my plant a t h o r o u y b ^ . f n S i f ^ ^ ^ / ^ a t I h a v ^ a boaWm t^ simnlv n , \ ^ /I;??*?!"'M.«iilJ am now in a posiLiOh to supply pure i r t X T 1 4 t a l l times. ^K-pWt i s ^ o t J ^ ^ with all -MODEM IMPROVfiSEKT^ ^^.^^^^P^^d

LT wall i ^ Z . _ . f : i ^ Iiie-JEat*4-which flows from our Weil ia^«"^ri!^-^ -4Jie-3eaj^ wOieii lurtber purified by d i s t i l k t ^ f ^ ^ L * ^ " ^ ^

Smith Knott

and Mr. Gaither Wil-;cli{^-<h€ rises ki the m«/ r • •. — -i^ r. - -j ru»w m cne road, or j m charge of Tffr. Breazeaie's sis- For S«l« Of _ T Y S O N JANNEY,

OccoquAn, V a .

i Pbone



. ^ Mikf si9iBefiAl(iiig Easy



: for plaintiff of $L585.(i;-! with in-

Kate B. Rosenberger .vs. C A .

' fcndan'y. frtev Poliand ws. G, A. Hutcjh

m debt; dismissed H' the plaintiff.1-

AdjQurncd till Saturday.

^AkiN^ POWDER Absolutely Pure



A Cfearn of Tartar P o w d e r ,

p h a t l B A o M

Judge Thornton Presides — Heav­iest Docket Known—Several

CwerKre €witfaued. ""^


The Consolidated Ciwises of W. N. Lipscomb vs. Laws Spencer et al., referred to commissioner.

C. A. Sinclair. W. Hill Brown. and A. XrHooff vs. P. M. Coles et als., Hs pendens released and case dismissed.

Keys vs. Wilman Keys; decree r case dismissed. " "Brown & Hooff vsT" Welch _et als; "suit "dismissed.

Ejiuuiij B«rkelcy Callender

VS. Ffftridfi Beichei, Lucy Fon-

The April term of the circuit court of Prince William county <:ohvened here THohday at tlie Prince William onunfv »/M.I.»-house^ Judge I . R. T. Thornton preBidlny. 3uiuiiiary:


Chas. A^Barbee. shCTiff. kttd "before the court Tiia report nf

taine Berkeley, Margaret Wilson Berkeley, Julia L. Berkeley, Kate B. Felters, Margaret W. Nance and Mary B. MeNeJUy; Wm.-L. -Heuser. appointed trustee in place . of Wm. N. Berkelay, deceased.

John Y. Roseberry et al. vs. Wilbw, S, Doiga et aL, decree confirming sale.

Juhli W. Hail ya. l^has. E. Hall et al., deCfeS eohfirhiing sale of TanHT

Thompson va. Thompaont final decree.

LipBoomb el al. TS prisoners confined in jail; filed

List of-writings admitted to\ record in CWIC'B offity dnring anH

«n€e FebruaTy tPTiTj laid before -court and filed

"E. M. Hallva j ; M., and EIiz Barbour, Ji Mi Bofbour »th-

i t te i : notes sued apcm.

Silas Beerbower vs. John ShoK is and MuT^ Sh< tia.< judgment

for plaintiff. ^ffi^R. gVee, Jr., VB. Andrew

^jyieafr ^^' ^^^ ^^^\ »^ property

Scott etal Judgment for plaint-

re (wtate of Eftuna Stoae S. GulidE walr apprai^ i3'>


al., commissioner's report firmed.

John A. Nicol, trustee, Baldwin et al., repwt missipner confirineai ' ~^.iJ. Campbell imdJ:F. C»mp^ bel l Vfi. Annlf l Simtll ignnH i>» nl

Lipscomb et al. vs. Spencer et aL, decree to pay fee-bills


-Mr.—Lewis BnrweH Washington visitor last week

Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Price and

T. M» JUisseU vs. Alftcd Voor-heeg; jpagment on attachment:

the Misses Price have returned to ' Sboonaa" Jaftcir spending seV-

Misft UUie Meade^ o^ Wash-

judgm«it for plaintiff —J. P. Smith vs. Dennis ^X,

ler; in »««""'pRit; ml far trial Friday, April 17. ___

In re estate of Lawson Bate& E. Batoo grontcd eer*

intrton. spent Satar relatives here.

Miaa Vinrinfa fiardnwr. ui Tfaw

gpeiicef eg

Plains, waa th^ ^Bl>f^[^nA fn^^t

tifieate for obtaising letters of •administration; F. E. I&nsdell,

jjxnnted appraisers of such goocn — ^ chattjja of the a id tawson

aiH wlHlUhg ndaUves at Marshall.

Miss Mary E. Scott will spend ^~hhe EaaterlSflrillFHBtia^

Bates them.

as may be prodiiced to

m r^ the estate 6f Kitty How--ard. c«rtidcate granted Cotesby

JKowaEd t<x obtaiiuog^ettnfffof administration on perscmal estate.

R. L. HendMjaipH vs. W. J£.

of Mrs. R. L. Dulahey. lifissea Carrie and Eleanor San-


!*>. UK. }*( >tf afeite.A:Aafe.ate.A A-Jifa.

The Manassas S c h o ^ Br A. B.K.


Last week tbe ioual buH tin was omitted through pressure of work, but flJM-e haw hagn f o ^

in Amhorst Mia;-~€airi €iafiU)OB, w4id haai!

has been very sick, with an at tacJt of _g5{ge:ia:riHag-coicg|^:

^eekfl fn the seasidh more joyful.

^ s a ^

•iiiriffith; actiea^f tretpaiB m-the '«a8e in MWMmP" ; V*^?^ V

A ' ^Bfeudaiit. fJP tomiponweiBth va. BniJock;

" . continued for the defmdant, jpenerally.

^C " Commonwealth vs. Jenkins.'-eo ;^i>i|B appeal from justice; oontinaed -|^;ib feat day of June term.

- : ^ ^ * * n W. May TB. F. A. Rck;

lescent Mr. and Mrs. D. Jenifer Har­

rison, of Braddock Heigbts, Alex­andria, will spend Easter wi(^ Mrs. Harriaon's aunt» Mrs. N.

in that it recorded-the decision of the Suparviaors to increase the pfficieTicy of tho Kince William

T. DcPauw. —Miss Lucite Hutcfalaatt will be the guest OHT IKss Rita Robinson at Debidane daring the Easter holidays.

Th«re will • be services

Don-^se t for tri^ AprttKL

i l ^ - J l . C. HaiBlip v . L N. Wittig, vs. McMichad et; al; con-

aed to April 4.

^•missed agreed. I .jiiiifi ^ A dj ntmwd till Tuaadar.

at S t Paul's church on fiasto- ftmday at 7:80 and 11 a. m., a«i atS p. m. On Easter Monday at 10 a. m., there win be a naeeting of thcPafiflh OaiM. _.Tlw wetor.

schools I»yw ^ 1 ^ levy for thu purpose.

At the luncheon, in honor of the SuperviscMS, served by the •'Canning Club,'.' the boys and girls gathered around the-piano oingiiag-lhe WIIHHII wtngft, after whi^ their jrtMmg voices bruk«


748 acre tract of timber just put on the market. From fifteen to twenty Oioasand. l ies and about two-and'a-half or three million feet of Pine and Poplar. Three mile haul to ifciT tiwHig Raihoad divides tract




T. Timber _ ately:

isev^ral are after i t -€«»e

forth vigorouabr in a yeit for the I fj^^SJ^J^ j f j "Sf/ iw pablk-apirited^men_««md the S S f f ^ r t T l l S S ? ? ™*™- _ _ rompany, ManaswaB, Va.

Rev. M. & Eagle, has urged that the ffleffibera^ tbeoMigTegatieB attestd this meeting as nuttten of importance are to be diseosaed and decided upon.

J. E. Douglas va.J:A^M«»aftf —Mr. Ewing," who has been


spending some time with hia ^^tnpnt,_MH). M. M. Jf^j^f^ |^|>

ra@ il^ajreturned to Washington. " ' ; The ladies of the Haymarket

J. Meetze vs. Soufhem Ry. Civic League will gi>» an enter-twnment at the Parish Hall on :, *t5Bi; et al; verdict for plaintiff;

iiieiiL witlilHild.

Teachprs and atudents fed a renewal of intend in their dutiee supported by the .good will of Patrtnaaadoflk^Us. — -

and tiie reports indicate h^h

^Wrt^SrfTW^fi^^J^e. Smitir ^ P ^ ^ and Harvey Hensley appointed ments served. The jlaya_juKL

«i Dieuisville t^mp ^ g c r g e B-feHuiiis. ' Modem Woodmen of Amer ''^

Account of B. F. Jenkins, cons' -table, allowed.

Adjourned till Wednesday. r—-ftrdera of Tuesday read TOlff


Ttn. Buttsmilllt

standards maintained by the stu­dents. The faoBdaya will He a welcome change from the con­centrated efibrta of tiie disturbing teat

Athletics are now jn h i ^ con-dition, thgjgiris' basket ball team Nl yiHg WaTl BtOll t p a y , wife Bfias Luhi Metz accompanying ^ e pacty rfis chapenwe. The baseball team plays Warrcnton today and eapex-ta to piay Rem-

Direct frcaatbirGrower to You

Our work in Manassas has beai DToneuBced fanlHees hv innpr>f»,


•*•——••••"•" •• ••••• .MM MJ i^M|rgi . i«~

ors wha came hare not for m but for the town. If you want your house wired in readiness for electric lights see the Washings ton Soborban Electric Company

, at the Manassas branch. Old jggjj Journal building.- I jit na serve

you before the rush wfam extra tone will not raise the price. You want the work well and j¥3SrtX.J9PCi •yemneney now. ?;- AI i



JB iuok I1.M $1J0

ISZM .»SH - »

p.s.~An uaJeaa

cat fl^Kon meM

ington on Monday.



Pbr Sale.—Barred Plymouth Rock eggs—l5Tor 50c. Mrs. S. S. Stoltz. Nokesville. Va. 2 20

Satisfactory adjustment of bsaea is partly responsible for the ArborD..y..c.leb, te, S^JS^tSri^nSi't'

f of "a gowtiaiorSaent of . ^

fro«mparb« . ... f 4 f^ f% fJ>


speech making, class yelte and otfter twmifentaUuus ot

Mr. Knight Johnnie Buttermiik.

ranee Agencjrr^" !^20-lf Anorhi'r car-«f l*wrina' Dairy

and Meiaases feed in Uus-jtedL' Maddox & Byrd. 1-30-^.

Aconunt of W. J

— - E. J. i.,ti^i&..wae, ^^ven

'.*' :.A: '.'-.iriK. of Mari;a-.>a

Mias Cathenne juiiea»4 ' o ^ " « ^lass presidents were in Mr. Bdward aSe lcharge; Miss Sara Doaohoc^ Jir. ur«T,f^—<5.,K^^tw.., » o;^ Henrv Rntjo.- r • i • t^ ^i > ^ . Wanted.—SuDscnbers to Pic-

THE LIGHT B R i r A ^ T™"'''* ^ ' ^ ' ^^^ Clarke John-^Qri^fieview and ilcCalteMaga-THK IJfrHT RRir.AnK {son and Kiss afflieLarkm. t^ne?^ Miss Maye Senseney? R. ~ T o , , . « M ^ , i^nrtS:" * H i , » - , r -r ! i F . D . 3 . B o x 33. ""' 4-3-4f

Ashbv, jailor, I ?* ''"f*"' ^ •• „.-MI»* •><'"a f'«'<-;oT' Over 450 per cent, increase in Let us help vou select your • 'TL^,nd3' ,^ht' 1<«i''Ea',i^ throusrh paint and wallpaper. We know

, , , ^ ^ LSuifI.;»;^?^•: •• *';?il'a/tr,^''"!: ^^^f >" ^ agency for Januar>- and. how. N e w m i n - ^ s k r Hard-^'"^[T.urr.tia i.i^t. Mrs- PPST- -.-. ^ ^-tebruary over san« period teJ t ware C<>. •4'd-«#- : ony. I Letiti. i , ii?ht.. .Miss c«;:-.: :ne T , . .S.S'. year. r!-2<''-tf

' t t t . . .Miss i ., i.r«i W<-«f«>r'

_^W—trcw W e are..gt(UEera.A£-EI(»«rer«, not dealers.

* * i"a . M L * a * ^ •

-:»QCKiJUj{iii i ram

Send check or Money Order. R^««akee«: Any BaiJc in die Oty


KRAMEI^ TkreeStojea - ~ - WashiugUm, D. C.-

\ •.M coming fire insurani.:e of tnis section. 7..•it's

^ :: THE REAMS'PC"n'-e^YIEW-:i!^^".l-f„t , njiuiiin IS ..pen to aay iii:reD_tinU.Tfat, N a i "

S e e d ^ P o t a t o ^ Ihj^o C a d r n d ^ l i ^ S i W ^ S EMI NOltS i AH Fancy laine Grown

reader uf THE JOI:KNAI . for express ion u[>on irrmnK-ation will be.thrust -as;rte s tmpjxJ"-f««'^

t l i - writer fSils to iiresent our v i ews of the subject . Its pinjiose is. as ^li^lejl. J M n f j ^ m u; ^r- nt tlie HKADKK.s' i » « 4 «J vww. i-twi** w m * )HaTmyT5Tr mw wRtp «f UH«! ••'">•«"" «he*;l. i igninif your i iame with proper address . The writer 's n a m e w1tt not b m a t e publti: wi thout tiurriimsiow but, ua an aviUence of good fa i th . TaiS JyUKNAL m u s t a lways know". Ordiniri ly p r e f e r e n c e will be given to short oommunica

i£veres His Memory At Reunioa

We l!of» Sa TOP, . T^*rff*.l J****^ ttmr^* **,*V** -\***i* »-*** »**^>


Enclosed find checTi for $1.00 until they reach the rapid* to pay-flfiy subscription to T H E •TOHRNAL for 1914. beginning March 1. I have Uken T H E JOURNAL for seventeen years and hope to take it seventeen more. —

Aldie. Va. M.BTH.

Steepe<rTh drTh~k, with brain benumbed, Thei- heed not the c o m m a n d _ _ '

Then in consternation s t a n d : • The sai ls are reefed, then all unite

And ben3 each blade and oar— But , a las , it is too tate

For them to reach the shore . And a s w e stand there w a t c h i n g

N o s i t t c a r t peach t h e m n o w •For t h e y took in the beg inn ing ~

The wrong river and w r o n g vow.


THB MANASBAS JOURNAL. Ibopa to be more prompt in paying for it in fhe future. We like T H E JOURNAL very much and would

if \)Vft did not get it. Very sincerely yours,

Broad Run; Va. W.

T o THE E D I T O R :

Dear brother, w e h a v e s tarted . Some harbor for t o make;

\"i\m\\ will it be iiAt ttatluxZ^

'Swa~OK Taat agHt w« lmv« uf ttieiH They take the fata l p lunge

«rawfiit preetptce I'o wnicn m t e m p e r a n c e comes .

And all there is that w e can do A s on the banks w e s tand ,

Is t o caut ion each y o u n g brother . T o embark on the r ight s trand.

-^- g^ j j^ B R I G G S .

MinniSvil le, Va.

StatomeBt of ownership , n a n a f e m e n t , o t c , of the Mana»»>» JourBai, pub-

SpTrfF o f e t a a t Man Wttttant tit c o n -tcOcnU. R«uni<m & ) t y — W h y . J a v K -tft«mite Was Namstf in H i r Ho»*»r,

Jac l i sgnvi l le , i ' la .--Couluileri i l t; sol­diers, the worlJ over, revere liie tixme of Andrew Jackiiuu._aiiii i n vi» w nl ih« fact that their next reunion is to be he ld in the only city in the South that was n a m e d in honor of that great and brave man, big s e r v i c e s i u . f r e e i a s Florida from the blight of Indian bar­barism vfi l l .be of interest .

Jacksonv i l l e w a s najned for Gen. Andrew Jackson a s a compl iment and mark of aDpreciai ion ioi s erv ices he rtmtcKwt to c lr tHtaHen In ilie' Bemt' nole War, There could have been no

,| progr»t« Of clvlU»atlOD-4ft Ktorida b m tot tb» work of Andrew Jackson . Con-

Chaicat, Uu<UricL«d S«]«ctW S t * ^ O u r .Mr. B o a x e l l . 1 , H o w e n , ha^ just return-

•-•il irom -1 tdostouk County i^Ijtiie. %vhi.Te he i>€r-s<.»naliy selected tliu t 'urest j i i j I rues t Strjcks ci theChoicc-bt. Snajxlfat. H..[iJ E'Kked Seed i^ota-tiA-s tha t AriK)s:(">k eonnf \ . !:: J.•- produc**. We a!t know tli.tt-An .ijsi.>i.k C ' u n i . ' .Mainc produces the liest SceU I'oUtovS in tlic VVurld.

l a A n y Q u u n t i t y \ \ \ c d n snrply vou from a bushel t o a Car-load.

"iW- Ktii .1 i.ij^ie M.ii<; ly diways on hand In our liniiKu-,^ hnltimuTT: Waret iouies .

Vncea W m B

Think: You have tlie cljoic

Which may look t o you alike; Yet there is as much difference

A s the dirt road and the pike. Number one i s * beaut i fo l r iver

That iloWa onfrard, d e e p and stilJ; Number t w a i a a trearhpron^ nfirftam'

nas sas minis trator , Manassas , V a . ; J. B. T. ThiKTJton, Manassas , V a . ; RobU A.

'Hi i t e l i soh ' i l IanMBas . 'Va . ; D . R-. L e w i s , Manassj^X^^ J<,..Jtoak £attie. lla:

.And ita v ie t ime o f t en kill. Don' t be hasty , d e a r e s t brother,

Un l i f e ' i IflUI'lH'JI l l lHIUlaA^-But ponder j u s t a l i t t l e

And once ufito m e hark Whi le I try tny l^Cbt t o pigttiit;

A picture of each s t r e a m , , \ r d show to you the m a n y spots

And where the d a n g e r s g t eam. N o w I have this a d v a n t a g e :

That r can loric back for year8_ Adown a great , l ong v i s t a

B e g e m m e d w i t h j o y s and t e a n . FoT years I h a v e coursed . tbeae rivers

On l>oard or 6n"i ihelrtK»v And one I l ove w i t h revrtwace; — —

Thti othur I jhhffl5-i f you have not , deare8t^^^<rtl»e^,

.MfHiey r<ady tq command, _ \V vi!! take a l i t t l e ro:wboat

iip,iii i.lip fnnmtr "trgaii: > , . . t ^ t h o t w . q n t y nt t h p sffeiW-TV

As we slowly ply our w a y , • D a y s o f toil, bu» e v « r h i ^ y ^

Happy, brother, n i g h t ami Ogy. ()n the other s t r e a m ar« others ,

Float ing downward in a skiff. Who see not the grand scenery ,

And heed ne t t h e nhoals o r 4 partele n o w WKtt i n e r i k i w u l . They

Loud is Pnr a " ' uud t ime' IB their motto

Wh''° thyy '""c*" «w> tpnff. De I i ri 0 u sly happy ar^ t h e y ,

Without t h o u g h t or care , Pa.ssing d o w n w w t l w i t i r tte xPBtttat,

Goinp a n y w h e r e . W e will leavfe t h e m f o r a tioM,

Our journey t o p o r s o e •'•'/ A long t h e H v a r b W U l l f id "'• ' • ' '

Where I invited y o a . A ' i n g its g r e e n faanka flourish •—

r lowers to t h e brink, A li fish s w i m in t b e eddies

Where the fa ima c o m e t o driak. 7.listing wilT'be'WrpteasawB.:^-

Tn you. and me , taid all vV ho see t h e m o o t . t o v ia io fu ,

Of old k ing alcohol. -, , \~ . .nward. ever.OBward,

W ith no hindrances t o share . . . eAknaw Mttiwi Byi l l l imi l l l l l i l i l l . i

(O^asures witfaoat care .

s tream is g r o w i n g ' \> onward st i l l w e go>. .a . at last w e near t h e ocean

And meet th»< \ - here, at last , w e anchor

A - - r e the s t o r m s no more shall r a g « F T WO have r e « A e 4 t i i » p«iH rfitiy

T :4lvaneed a a d useful age -- -n whence w e look back to the ririff

.4- i t r o c k s and rolls

tTT .i.id outtM-f^J'^ygr i>ver T o e i b c a d j l f f i ^ ^

^afer wooM~it b e I!" fruided hy a bra in

i nat w a s not dulled wi th liquor— l: ifiiT, mlgftt 8taiJt>thi! sUalH.

i -.T with a hand l>atli"Sife and steaity An(5 with u n r e m i t t i n g toil,

Y 'U may m e e t the m a n y dangers Of •such a r iver foil .

ji nwy m.sniT risnjtnrt, inp WW^gtoru P. <" . y ^ . t l v r>.: »i . ..rwl . » j i . -"-•'-' a u n J t n p t w w n g y a t u I lm,iiU!in>. till O r i d d i e s , * o a l » . , » o A roeti,'

. \nd y e t adown the r i v e r Are threatenet l w i t h a shock.-

.A.>i they g o rushing s w i f t l y dowmrard.

Thinking not of oider iiyt. Thinking not of tBetidiuK T ~ ~ "

T h e worst nf their w o r s t w a y s , A <M>rtiT»ei frrrni the shore s h o o t s

• n t h * ' Yrtiirt? man beware? V.'i; .irt.r.uaring n<;<w Jjhe. rapids

WtttKict thougtkt. or fiftp*. -Re^f your sai ls «rtd pull for «hoPe,

Each an^ every rr.an,

quired by Act of A n f u a t 2 4 , 1 9 1 2 :

Editor—M. Larkin. Manassas , Va. M a n a g i n g Edi tor—D. R. L e w i s , Ma­nassas , Va . ; Bus ines s M a n a g e r — D . R. L e w i s . Manassas . Va . ; Publ ighera—M»

dl tons in this territory in 1818, nearly a hundred years ago, demanded, the s e r v i c e s of a brave and reso lute man. Gen Jackson was s e l e c t e d by the gov­e r n m e n t as the one man above all o thers to head the m o v e m e n t against t h e ^ e a i i a o l * -ladlauB, w h o had beep terror iz ing the territory for severa l y e a r s and commit t ing a troc i t i e s of the m o s t brutal character .

In March, 1818, Gen. Jackson was OrfttTPff tn rha sTta a f the SaiaiBoIo War, H e Invaded Eas t Florida, and in a campaign of l e s s than s ix w e e k s c r u s h e d . t h e s e Indiana. It Is re lated

Journal Publ i sh ing Company, "Aiaiiassas^ Va.

O w n e r s — H . Thornton D a v i e s , Ma-Thornton D a v i e s , ad-

na«Ba«, Va ; Mary Kev i l l e D o g a n , Ma. la s sas , V a . ; W.- N . L i p s c o m b , Manas-

K n o w n bondholders, m o r t ^ ^ j e e e and o t h e r Security holders—none.-

—0:~.E_LEHas,JBusi lU8aJ<aaag•Kr— S w o r n to and s u b s c r i b e . Jbefore m e

th i s 3rd day of Apri l , 1914. — J . •. W . N . L I P S C O M B , N o t a r y Publ ic . My commiss ion e x p i r e s J u n e , 1914.

fetolves t^^ Problemiof Decorating Your Walls

Ihirable Flai 0 1 ! Finish a aewatan4ard-for Secor»--

rt«g W . l f a « ~ J «^..fH«^«. tf \^m

. t S k e X L t l i e p t a r ^ n i <»M-fni»hlot»»4 . and unsanitary wall paper and othcrmatwlal—PwCermaAmtf ccniealn 34aoft, deep, velvety c<riara which can be combined Into moat artistic effects. I t la very economical andlf isotled a Ff*f!tiePMktwilt,tilw»n is easily cleawed with* damp-apodgeT

Let us Help You wittT —IMans and Advice WHt« to Decora t ing Depart­ment, P E A S L E E - G A U L B E R T GO., Inc. . LoaiavUle, Ky., re-tefing yoqr walla and c e a i n ^ ti^art.decorators will fttuOy

of durge .

•Wehave just received uiic car­load of Blue Rilib'jn liuKgics, aHd-o«e-eartoa{t of t tw f amesB HaydtK'.k^ waf.h mmif, ai tiit:|. very best material available, bought in the white wood and painted as per our instructions.

H l i t h e i r I>iii-svv;Up€ higher. The Government reports a

.i.V£jtdiij,e..^flli ta placii yu fiiano's PenooaUy Selected Pure Maine Crown Si.-e(J Piitatoes. If your local merchant cannot supply from whi Hoii]t.>ii Irish l.'di T a i r t Hn

. write US d i rec t and we will tell you n you can obtain t h e m .

Red Bliss Early Ohio* Plucky Baltimore

;o»« Icra

ter : ;rj',v!i k-.,els Cray's M o i t g a a c L i n e r lleRiHjfsoft*Bovaa •Xirrerican t/iants Sla te ut Mj jne Carm' ;n No. S Hol.i<iain>'s I'ro^jerlty '•^arly Nt-w Queen Clark ' s No. 1 SiML'Idings N(X,4 l:.»frHlr> iia^Wy. —

n.ui.miyw l u m a t —

White Dli« Aroostook Prize Sit Walt«i RaMab - ^ White Elephant Pride of the South Eaily .Th'>rou<ttbred« Early Northen Beauty Hebron Extra Early XX Rote White Rote Eatiy Long Sl» Waato mi} ituuiw so. ~

Crecn Mountains MaMie Murphy Empire State • BurbanJcs SeeoUntf Karly Harvest Dakota Rose Puritanor Polaris McCormick

E n l a r g e d 1 9 1 4 C s U l o g a e F r e e Havcycu received your copy of our enlarged 1914

t".itaio.i<ue?—it wot • drop u» a poatol today, lis

,t r. Tru< . - . . , ; .K y ^ i i i a h

lars^r. ~l'ruck«jr an4 . i^Sa iwy u moflgy on lh<< Seeds, Poultry and Poultry

PouUry Raitw-basidasir


J. Bolgiantii (& S o n / U m s s t l O O 'X'enrs B u t a k U a k w l T n 4 r


Winter Marfer Nevly Over

Ow. BennetmrVoahg, LoaisvlRe. KyJ, C.MwmMM*i». i » f>f>lef U a i t e d Confad-e r a t e Veterana, W h o HWd t t W r t t y ^ unlaw » t Ja»^fc»«^«t.;n^. >n ^i^tiy ~

by h i s tor ians that In o n e vi l lage, n o t "fill l e S i u t e u f i m a Jaia^iHiTltife, ft«' fouiiil 800 suilita u( men^ w o m e n and

of t h e m sUII f r e s h . Oen. J a c k s o n

ch i ldren , many hat^Sing on a war pole. k n e w thax the S p a n i a r d s w e r e in s y m ­pathy w i t h the Indians in the ir attaclEs

, np a n u m b e r of Indian v i l l a g e s h e ' c a P '

B^r t h i s sat l is mas SSWS>»1T nnnawroi [ ; by hls^ s p y e m m e n t _ H o w ^ ^ . the n a k e d fact Is that "Old Hickory" w a s m o r e c o u r a g e o u s tnan the m e n w h o w e r e conduct ing the affairs o ( s t a t e iX. Wmfli-ingtqp:— ' Ear ly In May. I S l g , Gen^ J a c k s o n

d e e e d hie campalg i i a ^ i i a s t the S e m -Inoles in E a s t Florida. H e had c o m ­p l e t e l y broken the ir - p o w e r a a d m n

: t h ^ n o u t of the territory. T h e y c a n s e d f-&o m o r e s e r i o u s trouble. i Dur ing his c a m p a i i ^ , la E^ast Flarfda 1 S e n , JaoksoB o b t a l a s d - ^ t i n f a s t e r y e v ^

co la wcpg^jn s y m p a t h y with t h e l a -

But you will need some good bed covering. 'If so, call at Hall's Store, where you will also find

as bedroom suits, iron and wood beds, springft, ma t t r^s^ , blafikets,^ comforts, pillows, etc..

seat chairs and rockers. All kinds of table tuiu kitchGnworc, c o u c hoS, couch covers—in fact, everything to furnish your house. Flowerpots

-rf—ail—sigcs.— Prcture -iraming^ etc-

= ^ « g g i ^ Prices From $45.00 to $100.00

Also all liuids of '





GRASS S E E D L . _ .

It will be worth .your wljlte to iuspBuL uur aiuck. -

Fa A. CockreU & Co. n n f t l U i S M t S y V ft*

fc* •-. m m a p •* » \iHP nrH'l 1 a _ ZTlBflf&sVVlBf T If i j i t s i a

Lumber and Planing Mills

W e keep on band Lamb«r. Lime, Ceaieni.

Latii, Brick. Doors, Saah, Blindn, Sljingisa.

:; j WflttMiflgirPwr WA WiadnK Fraiiiflt.rmiiw Oilj, VajTiiabi Hi.oges^ Screws and all kiod*


Trf Hntldnrs'TTsnTwars, a a J »j» pt«p«iej »p~

iU all order* for same on alior^ notice.

W » guarantee price* to be aa low as any in all caaea.

Lumbar in Carioad Lots a Spedal tyT

liyery,&Ie&Exdiange ~ ...Stables...

Boarding by the Day

iya«k or Mwnth -

Newtr E w H TlnnhNL Pcmui


S S ^ o i d ^ a i i r s ^ i m i l U t RAILWAY PREWa CMUHB OF THE SOPTM


-fireffect-Jan.^ t « 4 r Sobednle &gares pnUidied • • infiriBatiov.

and aro not- guaranteed.


Trains to M A N A S S A S as fc!l}(p»

-I'.il.v t<<ial. ,S:. 5 n. m. I- i l l tMUK*- f i i i l l

-•03 iW .\.

New Stock Of 15,000 rolls and beau-

\'~ttfu1 t l p s i ^ s nf Wall Pa-

to choose frcim at dians . H e prompt ly dec ided to m a r c h a g a i n s t them aad teaeh' t h t a i a~Teij«onr T h e Span i sh governor o f W e s t Flor ida , l earn ing of Oen. Jackson ' s pnrpose . s e a t h i m a writ ten protes t aga ins t h i s Invasion. Tliis protes t i s now on t i e a m o n g t h e ., Jackaon . d o c n m e n t a l a -c h a r g e o f the T e n n e s s e e His tor ica l

^ S o c i e t y at'jgagliTiltg, T h e p r e t e s t was . %*^n. wclT.. TVaSi/u riTrai 1 C U B A

-"'p itTi Mfy fK hilt i; hnri no effect o n that de termined I M S . In reply h e sei a peremptory j t a m i d for the imme­d i a t e Burrend»r -of P e M a c o l a and Bar­rancas . J a c k s o a ir fvanead i q m e d l a t e -ly o » P e n s a c o i e ajiil puasesmid t t . T w o d a y s la lcr the Barrancaa .gacriaoa eapUala ted . were rece ived a s prison­ers- of war and sent t o Havana. .

H a v i n g thus s,natchc<l both East and W e s t Florida from fhe Indians a a d j Spaniards . Gfn J a c k s o n at one? pro­c e e d e d to establ ish a provistonai gov ewMtttiV i » 3 e r LHa~i(ara~a; l i a v i n p a « o r B p C ? ^ « t ' t W C h*" r e t ^ ^ ed to T e n n e s s e e , then his home.

In 1R22 a number of pioneer? held a m e e t i n g here and decided to s;art

-^MKR liwill pay you to exam­ine stock and prices be­fore placing your order.


" T w r a t y f o m t k A M M U I R««M«a a f Uai lvd Coirfedenite V a t e n m a , J a « k . « o . v S U , FU. , Maty * - » , 1 9 1 4 . - Acc.->nni thi« oceaxion Southern Uailwav will have on sale a t s i l principal atitions la Virjjinia includ

rN:iireH Ttr*'

loYeiom Rav IT I»14 Final hmii«i can be exteetied tn Jane 4, M14, n^rt payro»«H

nf r!<> cent* and TV depr>»;tmB Uoket of fee with .\sent at .J«ck«r>nT:ll«

JOT parttouUr* or wnt p (' .^esistani Oenera! .\eeni, W

Consnit A cents W 'Ve-thnrr

ish,...;' -n.^rt

D R . J W . \ L T E R B E R N H A R D .

S U 3 GEOH D E N T I S T At Man,

Washington s t r e e t . N . W .

i?eoii«« Katioral Rank RT;il,T.n£ » 2 4 « n , » » A N A S S A S

e v e r y


and T n ^ a y

n o 14tb

V A .

t h e wort: of bai ldtag a town. The vil-lage w£^ thett known as the Cow Pord. a n a m e given to It by the Indians. After perfect ing an o r g a n i i s t i o n , the Incorporation unfutjed the bannA- of J a c k s o n v i l l e in htmor of Gen Jacksor.. •trthr

This is the season to look over VQur needs for Wire, Rubber Roofin?^ Poultry Netting,! Nails, Plows -and PJow Re- [ pairs, Builders' Hardware,^^ Kemeiriber, we are agent for the genuine Oliver Pjows! judRetjAtirs^ « , _ _-.

We C. Waigener

-Vu. H • ••Mii>ei'ii-i

Ku-iiutui iu.

No. I l l — E x c e p t .Suiiday, 11:25 a. m. Local ibrWto renroiraiidiirEeimeaiiklepoSts

No. 4 3 — D M I V throtigh train. 11:48 a. m.,

No. 113—Except Sunday ,4:35 p . . ^ . Loeal for Warrenton and intermediate poiMs. Pailman Parlor Car.

K e . 1"7—Rroept Snnd«y;ioeai to WarientOTi. 8:12 p. ai.

-Daily Incal, S:14 p. at. ^—_ No. 41—Daily ihrsagh tram. U : 0 6 p . m..

(o let oS paawnaerg irMa Washi^taB Alezandris and to take oa paa

.which sehedoled to Mepu NORTHBOUinJ^

No. 18—Except Sunday, local f roa War raatoD to WashinctOD, 6:54 a. m.

No. 16—Daily Umragib train betwem l b aaaaas an'd Washington 9:10 a. m.

N B . I U E ieept 8naday. Ai «its 10:4S a. m., frost Warrenton aad

r- duUepoii 'JEaJF^^^UafTy TfraT, J

il Tliii^je wrDiXr 4 . 0 . Hutti aad-Oordeoanlle.

NX 1 1 2 — E x o e p t 8 a a ^ t . 4:10 p. m.^ntn W a m a l o a a a d iatcr

l..e«iiHte poiOR:— . 1:. Soi^—r^i' i iy throogh train bffcwaaa MM.-

laiw-at-av.f ft-a-itiution. ^:M p . « . _ N'o 31 I^iiT through UTiin. eoachea and

<iwi>.ni; «•••> fr'- Wii«hin..»ioii an'l \ p i - Y<a\ ' 23 I- ;. -.r .i . . ..i> IU-. Rec-eiv-. eofinpc t'..it rt.iily ,-»r>>pt S-.H-(ay. ,it •tmsis. "TCKB ....-'• " if -I' '•••'' .'.I'.'V'I •inii_GorflunsT;t!e


M A N A S S A S . V A .

Marble, Gnu5e~aiid air

~ Work ^ CHARLES B. ALLEN CM iapmruiCMir^vrqw

CraJneaviUe^ Va.

Attaatioa given to iaita lioea and all mat t»ta pegrlaiaiog to faooadwriee. EBtimsteaoe loedi draJBSCT and general ennMm.*)^ WOTT 5 .2S6mor

« A V » B B L . BOOTHS

eBo'.lirifimEij), JM.B.HAiLOW.


IFHIST mimM BAWL A I.. WIT A l T P R a C A T ^ y A :


UmTKD S T A T M , l lOO.OOft-

„ , _ -DfRSCT^ORS-' » « » • « « > O B S ^ R m S T n »«BHARI,OW

„ DOUGLAflB STUART rTonpt astaistlorii Ktren to an iMMfn M, t^


M O T O R C A R E F F I C I E N C Y is I v g e i y . a q u e a t e l i o f t h e ski l l o f the

Oar repair s e r v i c e i s quick and efficient, f our «>echanirji ia * beaua* e v e r y o n e o f our . e c h a n i c s is

no t inker ing . Consul tat ions

"Cuy local Jo - HsCTMovbin^

exoejH Sonday K? HST-B. Step* onf iag at Hay-

UiiiJ uiii i i II ^l)akiMe_H!p"whMe men TO live here

When th>- Confederate soldiers and thetr friends meet here ',-vr the 34:n 1 annuH, reur.on Jar .^••or.v..> wi!: In.-

dre-x JartSi^r; IT ;? r.ow 1 r:i.T3ern~! pro*:r+^ss.vp .- \ of *. • ' i;-,.i-: :>.. 0.1^ nf ' >^ ~~:v:-e a'.: ir.*= - • .-r. .>' the ?fe-i Sou:"!), T:s Tar.p.i au.-.^ei.t.n-• iT (:'-• c^' .•3!. ^ hr T ' P - - . ^e r

mslnfl ajvd no mAtter how mr^ ttie c r o « d may he, JacVaoovUie » i i i u k e care of a i i


L i o d ^ P a l b u a T'tr ni. ir! .f t I M v i D lo: Oar

'TORTHBOIND Nn 218—Daily Incal. » 10 a. in Nfl H—lUil> except Sunday tron Bar*

i rraflabart 1: •^nMhington. 10:55 a m PT,H.

» e x p e r t N o d e l a y a -Ail work g o a r a n t e e d . f r e e .

THE J . L R A N D A L L C O .

K A W A L L « M*!^yr -


I>R. L. F. H O U G H D E N T I S T ^

M. I. C. DuUding. Manass

We make a specialty of snict work and guarantee s-atisfar ii^a. App<""i fitments or. >nort no!-;re. ~fV>r^i««s-. call on or w n t p

• Xo 28— Dailo "i->cal trnin between Har-nd A'nohins-tnn. local trom Ma-

Dwwas to \^'j7Fi~n2'mtt-r-SS p ni . Trains Voe.21" 2iT aad l.'i in nwineKrtion

with Main Line iraiDs Noo. 9 asiti 10, tieiweea m a d e • "'ana»™e and i 'mnpe afford mvi «errioe to

.nd from S:.:.;.- nd thrr>agfi Ifordoneville

V 5; . . . ~ v . ; '. f ..,.,


Harmans Stlidio Wenrich Building Marva*ui>. Va.


•-»»• ' ^ r ' n p ' f f r ?t'rni vonr'Knf^fiH vvt-»f*r <.C.t'^1?*r!"*i! 'J'-r. ^ » . - - - .4--


Will be One of Chief LieutenanU ln"Carrym« Out Achnlntstrs- :

tion's Aiili-Ti usl"Bitt. ' I

. Witiiiii ihe ntxl wctk onv of thL-, bigKt-'st men in the public eye j will iie Kti>rt\sci;iative Charles j C. Carliii of the Eighth Virginia District. Mr. Carhn, it has al­ready b*ieii decided hy the JHouse Committee on the Judiciary^ will be on« of the chief lieutenants in caiayaig to a successful issue the President's new anti - trust legislation, and within a week this mt-awure will be ready for ttjeci'iiaideiafeiwi of the HOUBC.-

Mr. /Gsrjifii.: with Chairman

<?ountry has. | | ^ n the- laet ^&a Vqars. So,urgent was the need for haste that the chauffeur took too/great a risk in the blinding anowaturni, -and at a bad turn in | th€ foftd-the maehtft* skidded| ikud coili«it'j with a UilanrAith^-[Mjje, p m j e c t i n g Mr. Carlin'

and hurling him thirty feet. Inj spite of the minor injuries which ne received, he lost no time from his work.

Manassas Henoffies S c i e n t i f i c F a r m i n g M e a o A

c e s s — D C P r a c t i c a l — A ^ o n t

G e l " S o t i n Y o u r W » y « r

S u e - W h e n l l i c

I _ JLiiAilj 1 r o o t C . n B e




in t R f a d w h a t a

c o n t a c t w i t h • b o u i l><tftrt's

; V.'ti.'i; S" ' ..MV j : •••;1 cuiz . -ns of Manass i ' i t . - n , i,. ,.-,,f.rit denvt-d

' f r o m D . a r ' s «• n.;. PHIs. .•;in you , douUl t W fH^nirr-r^V I he prnoT Ts not i iar: -aws3i i ;z t t : . i i aSftast at£youR ftagrr


Will Elxhibit in Manauas urday> April 18.


I come members of a class of farmers who make it a point to decry

jeverylliing that has a tendency ^to better farming conditions. I Just this week I had a ride down • a branch road of a big railroad system in the caboose of a local

! freight train, and had aa a fellow

"Clayton of the Commiffee" and Representative Floyd, has been in practically daily conference with President Wilson and the Attorney Geaeral eoncemthg iSe details of these new laws, which the President terms his ' 'Consti­tution of Peace." In brief, the object which Hr. Carlin andKs nggnriati^s harye strnght to attain in writing the bill is' not to crip­ple unduly the big corporations and yet to give the little cor-porations and the small business

n»\ production and infinite iiet«il at" aiSy" cosT of lime, Calenl or

rcnT of Manassas s a y s Ki"nf^' Htlis. t;3n y o u

demand tnor*" t- xivmeitijf te-*!imony?

Charlat. U, I'^wiy, MantiiiiMie, Va. , s a y s : "It v.;iv wonif.-rful how Doan' s KJdrjey F'ills uc' -d in my case . I nev f r hsj^ an I hi J- n i .u ic ine iJo such thorough work, i c jLiid nor work on account of the i « m e and "^aiiitui condition of m y back. T h t pams s tar ted in the c e n t e r of m y back and worked around into m y s i d e s . N o m a t t e r how careful I w a s ,

l o r how quiet , 1 coukin' t l ift or bend, > m v back w a s so w«'Ak A fri^nH told

rp, • . • f • • ' passenger an old native, who The intense passion for Ofigi-1'^ , . . - •, ^~—-^'

was shippmg three carloads of' my back was so weak. A friend -• e<t^l».-^- - — —' »'-—'— -~~-' HM about I ian!* KitiimyE,

In order to pass away tha time I ^ ' ^ JMt^^ tv'i<?vywl their iiiw. ami I , . | g » t » n e t h o i > U » K i — T w » boa^ea |M act ieal ly edge among all well informed

amusement goers. Mr.J.Augus­tus Jones, Mr. E. H. Jones and Mr. H. G. Wilson, in offering to the ptibttc ionra Broa.^&^i}son'g Wild Animal Circus, will outstrip all other competitors in novelty of pr^dii^tion and "laboratp preg-entation thereby setting a pace all •T'thfr-amuHftmBnt pntfrprisPR will find extreme difficulty in equalling.

They have stopped at nothing which would add, be it aver ao

cured m e l "

For sa le

T Started converfiation with old gentleman, who immediately expressed his opiliion that the . c- . ,i.,. ^ „ » ,

, , . t. • 1 1 J I lient*- Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo, p r o d u c t i o n Ot a g r i c u l t u r a l p r o d - | ^few York, sole aRents for the Uni ted

nets WHS! rin!. irnBjrmg- pHPff wlrh j gf.t^,, . ' ' "

by all dea lers . Er ic* ^

consumption. He did not know] what was going to become cf the country, for he seemed to be of tfie- opimon that proaching a ends and

far diBtuit was not ment the conversation drifted to some of the things that are be­ing done to prevent thi? crisis,

that it

R e m e m ber the :ake tio o ther .

o a m e — P o a n ' s — a n d 4-3-2t


4 . . ,

A C . White JLcghoins-

Banreil I V M A R«du bdiu Ranaer Dodks


| 1 a setting? delivered anywhere with­in lirHt pocitAJ zoiieiOr iOcai ihfiiifiAiMxv. By l t « i«tBdred, f 5 deiiTen d or 9 4 at the hennery foi> liens ejjgii; $7 deUvere<i or f 5.50 s i the faeunery for duck eggs.

Rock and Duck ejjga ready after Keb. 15; Red egc« after March 1, «nd Leghorns after Mardb rd; attaol i t July 10.

PI.Ar.F.-yCMJR O R D E R N O W -J:



1112X5 J St, aad 121443-WASHINQTON, D. C.

phone Poles and Piling

1 . LYNCH i CO.. M a n u M i , V i fg in ia -

- r ^ ' ^ I N -& M«

W€L8hington*s Store

*^For China, Glaat, •"Si lverware, Etc.

Our sufiremac-y in the f u ] , lifMJB has been i e c o | ^ i z e d for ^

D e p e n d a b l e qualit ies , e x c l u - i l o w e s t prices for T H E B K S T .

Sterl ing Si lverware FioMt PUted W a r e Hi f ti-Gra<le Ci|Uery GkttMi TeUewBra T e b l e GUMware Rich Cut G l u e To i l e t S«t« Breae eiMl Copper W a r e * CkafiBf Dieiiee Ck<Jia« Dish Acc«eaorie« Student Lempi Parlor Ltaapt Kitchen U t e i u i U


Eiiw t M i i t w i W * . * c .


OinOULL This well known milling

institution, rer.pntly re-built undcftakingg avery pnaaihip o ^

—portunity for growth and ex-impCTceptibly, ^i^^itie' v«iaffl»t- and among thetn was the fact



Owing to Mr. -Gariin-8 com­manding ability as a lawyer and his capacity fof a tremendous amount of work, the, Virsipian has come to be regarded as the most important factor in- th^ ttoose m connection with ihls

tudu of scenery, settings or the realistic effeets of human and

thuf. a n a g r i r ' i i l h i r a l train wn .g in

m connection legislation. Owing to the"Eeavy pressure of the affairs—of—hia

ahimal activity in the vast arena, or to the significant elabcffaten^i of the consistently comprehend BlTe eguipmefitfor^noIaHe prb-^aetion of many new and novel 1diea5"TlsVCT before presented to

throjigh his territory 'l!hia seemed to stnke

be run shortly. him in a sore place, for he imme­diately said: "I do not see whoro there i trains,—Thpy Hn nn gnfwl Wo

district and the proximity of his people to the National Capit^ he is at all times an extremely busy man. And, in order^to c a n r the burden of his routine work

^ a n d at the same time tu act as T h e legislative mouthpiece of the

President, he has had to labor

the amusement-going public. , Messrs. Jones Bros. & Wilson have labored for years to perfect -the animal performances diey are presenting all over the world, pladng the different acts with other circus proprietora i|t all parts of the g b t ^ to give the

farmers cannot put into practice 'things th&t eh<^ book« f( nueH are preaching at us ." His plea mas that .the instrucdoos gtsea ar&not practical Agun he said: "This corn club work is all a

iarce. The idea of us farmers applying the mediods used by

- r-

nigbt^nd_dg;g^and turn wit a volume Qf_Sork wMch "would

public an insight into the hugh-ness of liiis undertaking. Let it bo known that it has taken them

It is ridwulous.' By this time I had gono • » y -

limit of enduruice and had to tell him to "bis teeth" that he did

The hearings on the trust pro all Of wlil(!h Ml'. Cafllii

more than twd-years to asscnxbte their diffor^t acts to Be ready

t h i n yft*r^H i n a n g w r * « a * w w > f r - i »

not know what he waa taHring about, f p e l t e d eat nMny of

hat-die gnvpmnaentr

•granr entirely 'new amusement enter-

a period (rf 'thr«e~lnbnths. In addition t e the heuings, there have been-numehms conferences among the members qf the com'

pnse. This

Succession of innumerable and hitherto , unknown' wonders; i s found in two distinct depart-

the railroad aad otheaTindastriaT oinaulLalaiuB ate dulug fur tin? iarmet,-and^4y8e-p9mted-ont~tfae resul tsWQis woirk for the past few years^ Xshowed hun that

^^-•- - anAjBt inJkeit uiaja umJl' tiOTi, IR n n w h p j n g o p < > f n t ^ d

by a miller of years' of ex-jterienge, ^Th_e. lour bein


Very Dfcrirable HbffigTJgR Out of C!orp«»r^tion o f

made at' this milI7 Fancy an ^ r a i g h t grade, is givingrsat-

^actioh wherever used, and s rapidly atti^dtihg new cus-

tomers. It is made of> the very best whtat and guaran-

The place contains about three acres of land and larga ten-room

Middlings and other feed for-sale. Water ground Heal, Tnait<>nf No. 1 com, constant-

hoUse with number of outbuild ingsi There is an orchard, good garden, containing strawbory, riieubari) and asparagus bedis, and a bored well over a httftdred feet deep of good soft water.~~~

ly on sale, and is second to none. All orders promptly filled and delivered to heafb>. merchants if desired.

Phone messi^es to the mill toocivc prtMoapt attontiiMi.

Best market porices p«id for g i ' M n . — • ^ — . — ' ', • '—^



Bettor T h a n Ever

CMA5. E. f lSMnt C OJEVELAWP WSMga Gef it a t your gro-

WIRGINIA; -*— ' — "^

Ta the CiraMl Caart at Prin— William. Coonty, in T*«stioB, ApijI t, 1914.

these agendes werte working to MarveTFlQiir

rnittee ara-the s ^ jtictrained ^trnJiia^Tcon^i^ng^ three^oi which Carhn is a^neifp hlp^school saddle horses, tricls ber. This work, added to the horses, trained ponies, gnafi^,dogs,

ments. one represent!ng-domes= ^^^^ ^^"^ veiy couOIUoua iSsnce William, Purity W other very featfol were go- brands.—Groceries- and Ecovi-

Tmmen^ amount of study and the many conferences at the White House and the Depart­ment of Justice, has put to his credit a record for induafary um surpassedlin the House.

monkeys, e t c The other trained wild animals of every description conasting of lions.leopards. tigers elephants, bears, wolves, hyenas.

-his trust program the tmost import­ant thing in his administratJonT

zebras, etc., coitiprising what is beyond question the most vain-afate wrilection of -wiM beasts in exiatencft. _^

ing to befall -thia-eoontiy, and that they were succeeding.

But with all tliat I could do, nothing could make him acknowl­edge that he was wrong. I found that he belonged to that class of faruteia who know even^ thing and can learn nothing further. There are mnny in fj^jf,

sions. Orains

^ Ordoro

AfttindrofGroaiRt Feedr' and Hay. Phone your •Goods delivered at Your

other. W e guar-Antee it both in QUANXmr and

— QUAUnr /. Let

W. F . D^Tell Coai}}laiiiaiit8,

• v«" Ha da' Uoyd and the

ankbowsl ie irB at law ot Geo. W. Spittle, D»

i ] ^ < » A H C E B r

Door. His^est price iHiid~ for Country Produce in exchange for Goods.

i~m PrfatdaaU.i

^^The object of d m snit is to subject the nmi estate, lyigg and l>einy aitoale in PIJMK

Cm&LFlSHER&SON • •1-JOHMaOlt. H. M. pAWIKl Neke«rile Va /

1-19 Maaaasas. Va.

class who see the need of better

It touches every phase of the naticmal life, goes into the hum-blwi homea and alTecUj the hiter-ests of the wealthiest class. Its loriy anffwill be felt by those who clip coupono and thooc who seek a decrease in die cost of living. It is because of the great scope

"oftBisTe^sEBbS t h a t Mr. Car­lin's friends point to him as oc-ciipying today a place of tare-

- The. naoBt valuaMe-^wtid" ant-mal in the world is embracad in this collection, a midget hippo-

anddjffergmjaeiJiodaot fanning -ASI IS t> tHM Hil"fr

Wilham County, Virginia, of wiiich the late Geo. W. Spittle died, seized and poeseeaed to the pajment <if the compUinants' debts agaiaei the ilaid^ Spittle'a estate, ~and for general rel iet

4luLiLaHaeazing-%u£4a*it-«hM-i MM (iflO. «. Spittle, Deed. ,

onfered that the

mendoua national importance. TTieJudidary"Committee has

been one in which the Pieadent has taken special interest.^- '

When the legislation comes up tn the House, Mr. Carlin will make the big^ speech explaining the fine points of Ihe law ia-veived and. orgins his.^fellQK Bemberats to present an undi­vided front in this 4etermined4-- - -~

ilnltfinuJan to write upon the statute books those laws which will place the business of the country upon an absolutely fair, just and service­able IASIS

An illustration of the pressure of work upon Mr Carlin ia con-

^ m fhbee that were practiced when they were bojrs, but arn so inconsistent that they do no not want to acknowledge tbeii- nu^j take and start anew. Let rt'try | reader at THE JQURNAL m ;ke iti

. a point to show the "Mr. Kaow-diminutive specimens of the hip- all" that there is something to p(^>otamus family \^ere dis­covered in the interior of Africa, P ^ ^^^ \ see some of ^ the

' hardest ones lose thmr foothrid on the old ideas and practice

New %le Bwk -AT-

potamus, the first one ever brought to this country. It was only a few years ago that these

they created a sensation in scien tific circles;: There has been ^uitQ_ja^i-Big>fey amang

It nhow'* ii>au> of Ric'h'a fashions for men, women aiid children and you can bu.v from it with every as-.siiriri'" of .satisfaction'.


and gradually fall into scientific farmiHg.

ptopneuKS tosecure-eneof these f keep—baeit—the- progresa ^veiy much prized specimens, but as i ""'ich. but let's drive them, not they are found in the interior of j ^"t. but into better farming.

aLmost inaccessible country an Wood's Productive but few have ever found their

way to civilization. Jones Bros. & Wilson's Shows are indeed I c? J " A ^ forttmate in seguring-one , of [j-; J I > C C U C . ^ ' O T I I S *

tions. —Advertisement. W e o f f e r * U tl>e b e a t p n z e . « a w g a t x l p r o f i t - m a i t i B g van«Cie«e

tained in the story of his narrow escape from death a few weeks ago Anxiou.s to attend an im*. nA\ iS' PORCH AND DECK PAINT portaB: committee meettn^ and • ^ «'**.t e»p«ciaiiy to Tmrt »tf wpitr»«r cut off fn>m ait mil trso- vMrta-• '' '•• ''-'"* ^ *'»^ pamtmsr »-hy tion to *i\ a?^;:r.gt.or!'r:e 'nart"red

• .i^rtprandna m'tite

. ootiiiitiorxS so w h e n j s c the thvnp for thr p» -pose

"-n^t no m o r e - w i l l look

Casey*! Pure-bced. Bigg't Seven-eared.

Colfier's Excelsior. Boooe County,

Gold Staadard. e t c D e s c r i p t i o n s a n d i n i o r m a t i o R i n

Yoa ahoeld sarehf r M d it befoM t re—h

r A^cw. iMi

—rsss P t a m s f C a a K r i i » , S « T — — h . G a . , i ^ i r a 2 2 — 2 S , 1 9 1 4 . — Aoooant this wcaMion Soethera Ra^wnrwill have on sale at nnoci-pat statioBS in VirjiiDia inclnding ^ sailing. too, D. C..greatly redoced rooad trip tickets April' iO, ? r »ai~Tt, trmited * » reach ori^i--nal Martis^ po&M n t a r a i n g Aplil 30, 1914. Fares opea t o the pablie. For detailed in-{omiatioci COBSKU Areata or write C. V7. W a s t W . I M t f M t Sumni Afteat. WaaL-fBgtOB, D. e . tJ April 2S, 19M


at law of Che are oDknown it ia Uierefore oi iniluiO'irB heifif at lair ot tbe'aald Geo. W.

jute." Dee'd:. a^yaar witiiiD fiiteen d a n r d o e pablication. of tbi» notice and do

what ie necessary to protect their iutfrests. Teste:—J. E. HEUl^ELL, Glert. "

. A Copy Teste—J. E HERBELL, ( l er ' . - S w c u u s A SOS, P Q. 4 ^ 4 t .

Pn^>eriy - cased, uni equipped with a good pump.


. e trnie ^ ^ ' I Insuiaoce tmsiness, we hereby

solicit aH" property for sale and request those having property to list the saiA? with Ua ftittrtibtly.

Lowest Ptssibfe Prices-

C. J. MEETZC & - 1 » R i ^ ~ H . L C I

not It wiU ,

iSrht and w e a r I

WMTS EasOafe €«ns are tive Ittrfaat ytml^x^ fciiiriag in culb-vation. U ood'a C a l i l n telk all • b o o t tbem. aaci all other

Farm and Garden Seeds. C^tmio^ maiie<l tz««. «X rite ior it.

-^•'- -* • • • _ ' ••.-.. ^ _ _ _ _ _ -."i5'''^H*'^*, '•

•h-T >V. WOOD

taEO:D BAKKt L>' A » . >.*«« ('.tfrrnocsa

i,-..» »t«*>ntiori p » « i »11 -^nlers. PrieSi w * ''*' Tt ffm^. *<Tw •;.» eii'4 I tifr Mi ta l i r CMkeU carr ie j Ht

IwiU Stock

:Maiias32S TransfeiCo *u

Seedsmen. - Richmond, V^ I .->:.•.>..'.;>< 17nttMiraocniBoditier .r i.vi^ii

i^kest hice PIMI for Con-try ?nhu m Exckaie Uft

iimenitf of Tv^m S«»4«f?ibUe8«kMi SnteatfTlTflxl i .

t i r n »

Braadt $ Wlie Recb


ks^jim Per iS


BarT*d K e d u for Sale T r i


I H i s i'\: A i \ A. J>Ai"> It 'M-;" =M.. . "^T^'A I . A r n i L , lU, I^<J«.


Mr. J. Tv J. - Davis, eldest brother of Mr. R. H. Davis of Pi'ifltow, (ti»d ygaterdayjnQrmng:

(• • I

fnlVaahington. The ruheTtfl vHt t a k e p lace at Sl^O o 'c lock tomor- pra»*r Amount ©f YoJk» ^nd whJte« row afternoon at Leel^TTnaer-takmg Chapel. '632 Peansylvania


J« Important, and Knif« Should Never Be Ue«d in Servir

"avenue, northwest, and nterment wtllte made ffltlre Davls-Purcel! ~

ttOflSES ttL fASTiifit::

cemetery at Brentsville. Mr D a v i s had b e e n in t h e rail- Judgment »i»<l remrd (o eeveral

way mail service for eighteen i' i* -" °' • « ««''"^ years during which time he was engag&d mthe mercantile bus­iness at Brent5viHe-and-Bristcrw and iKaa a large real estate owner there and in other sections of this county and in Washing­ton. Mr. Dftvi&-bad the- post-

naiyied after his father-in-law.

Tba art of iB*kiiif aa omelet la exact and delicate one, requlriiiK


JScMii f « c d W<il Oo the AnTnuU Mtw^ Oottd and Ha Can Exerctae and

Roll at Pleaaura.

the late Ralph Fayman, a prom inent government "SficfaT, dFt^"^ Washington, who was also iden­tified with valuable patents. He WSi" P HtrPftstftr fit jFayman and. was also engaged in the mer­cantile business there. At the

The pan should be thin, a« qnick oooking ia ot prim* Import it pea

To make a lander omelet, t^a num-Df yolka should excae4 th« aum-

ber'of wbltea. Up to 1840 the number of yolka waa

twice that of the whltea, but mora whites DOW enter Into FVench recipes. Bat If there ia too mooh -white left, s o art can pnT'Wt vx aBMtot. ( r o n -bains tAo -hajd. —Tjw-egg uimalet uiuit um f Mquld' at all, but baiwty wt . ~—

Joal aa aoon aa the Kraaa in the pas­ture geta a good aUxt take care of j uMi' hosaes when you come In from the tMd at night—that la, water and tee4 tbam, pall off the harness, rub down the sweat, wash shoulders, etc. —and alter borbes have eaten their feed torn them Into paatare, leaving the h«ad aUUls on. -The green feed will do tbe horae good and b« can ez-erdae and roll at Ua wiU.

In the momliiB -taita -i^i leai—wMh-

fin^fl nf hig dffifh hr-witit"^nffiBf<i<t"

in the grocery bu^ness in Wash ington.

He leaves his wife and severf rtliilHr#^n *l l ^^ lA/nqnint/fAH Utll

three brothere, Messrs. R. H

bug L. Itavis, of San Francisco, Cal,

g«U. lu M UUn-paai. atiaiu the egg into-tt, aet on a hot p*H of the range and

as the edgaa begin to cook tM

pan with a this knife" w^ spatuia; - akiwlT. and »«itlT, rock the i>an back

and forth so that the uncooked por-tirni n i » « Anmn « » » • t h » pan nntl l t h a


The silver tea givwu iu the chapter room Monday evening

of Manasaas Chapter, United DanghflTw of tb&

It pleas­ure to the rather sm^-andimee in attendance. The proceeds were applied to the Sniloh monument fund. _

The excellent program of music ahd reftcBngii wwi opened by an organ^(^ by Miss Julia Lewis. Rev. IL L. Quarles presided and also pronoim^^th^ invocatj^. Miss EmestJBeMozer. of'EIastem

^ omelet Is mined ome&t Sor a three-egg o m e M the toimnla

i s tm9 niK^ eggs.-two Tolks-of

College was warmly applauded following her eptertainipBr im^

delighted the audience widi v o ^ solos. Rev. T. D. D. Clark read an essay on Shiloh and also sang Dixie to orig^^ words whiek be dedicated to the Manaaaas GfaaF ter. The aawmbiaiftf joined irr the diorus.. Mr. Cbulc n o u n c e d t h e henedict fnn


D a i n t y refreshments were served during the intermission.


Thei iwas-ar-ranged this week by t ^ High School Improvement League, for the ceiebraticw of Arbor &qr; Reading of tlM Governor's Prodama-

—tian feri D a y . . . . . ; Mr, CanroU Riee

S h o r t tuMrwa MI Vnr»m^ « ~ 1 { ^ T^.

portanee.. . , .Mr.-W^-M. Okowu School Sony Tree jj>i>tiiMr by flw fmff t i g h arhnnL

classes and the Boraud etaas

Tfa_e itotingiTTr Kf( Tiipart alwig TeiSOdiy aUjeet md wOTfa in continuation of tfae,|dan pre-

- pared for the aehod giouiida sotae ywim ago by Ur. Oorbett of the United State Separtmatt of Agrieoltare. - ' .. - •

More PrBwfmr O v Fi

In serving, a spoon or fork must be S ' tn i fe ruins' its reilure

For a French omelet break the eggs Into a bowl, add as many teaBpoon-tuls of water as there are eggs, count­ing two yolka as uue e ^ . For each three eggs add one-^narter of a tea-apoonful of salt and a dash of p^per. If six eggs are tised, three whltea are ^Mtt«rrtiiair::£aiir. Kfaote: an&lUy.' not quantity, Is preferred. Beat thesn, with a fork until a spoontnl can be lifted as If it were liquid 'wttbout clinging to the rest.

Put In a tableapoonful of butter and

wbote fat creMny. Now eonmence tfce of rolling: -On the -side next tbe

^JUJSBi *ttrt the roU. cnrtl&t It gwiuj ma i*toaf ma pan wtt a

~moinent on each curre long enongb to brown it lightly, and. torn on a hot platter to be eateu withowt standing--and losing a degree of -beat Co<J

tliree. tableapoonfals of oillk< or one tablespoonfttl of mttar, pew«r •n'd • s i t

In poadiing eggs the bottom of the skUlet shonld be brushed with ott, then partly flU with boiling wntor tlMt is no t allowed to boil or simmer after sUppinig the egg in from the cup into which it has been first broken. If the water iir wHghtiT •^i*oA unfl a tM$oi>nfir«rit Tfaegar added; it i s an ImproTemjant. The eggs mast not be oU or the wlilte -wlU dlssolre. ift>rty-| lOght .hio«n after l a y ^ gives Ibe kest

of Ceed to the pasture; call the horeea around you and they will come and eat from tbe basis in your hand. Then snap tbe lead Into the ring. After a /ew days you will have no trouble in catching most of the horses. Never chaae keraes around the pasture, try­ing to catch them, for if you do they •will soon think you their enemy, says-«--writer in an exchange: -l«ad" theta to tlig'baria and feed the aame as" if tkey bad been stabled. T i i e r wi l t eat but little hay. By tbe time yt u are ready for the field the horses will be la good shape.

—ti^n h.-na ..««.< >>ii- ..^.^HI^T^ in rar ing Tor ~GftrmlSSriiea~ and~aml that i t saves-botta feed and labor. It does not take BO long to clean the horses in the

•wmSfSgrm tliey wUl Ua»e iHiue

N ewi The Crigler & Camper Co^heg _ta announce ihat tliey liave faougfat out the ohi established

•ttrSr for themselves fairly well by rubbing'

-afl^ railing, and thora are na stahlaa to clean, no bedding to put down, no uiauuie to haul out,—wlille the horses will stand itie Knocks mucb.' bcUiir snrt come through^the BMBmM''B woik ugaally tn fine rnnaiHon. Tc^ttwiF who have never followed this plan I wonld suggest a season's'trial, and In n^y opinion you will And it prefw^ able to-any other method.


CSood Sited Copper Bucket, Inverted, «ttiowlng Air to ftemain^ WIU

Prevent AM Trouble..

A great many water tanks are m-ITH»/1 .MicK y o n > h y t^i^ OTp TMriCTTI nt HlH

water when freeslng in severe weatb-er: A simple device to prevent this. wnfPF Ira R. Hicks in the Popular Menhanlrti, is^to yrocoi* -a -gitwd^ised A>pper bHQket « M I bueirtU'-ll in Uie |l water in. an inverted position, ^ l o w -

scene of a spirited inter-class ^icElneS^yestin3ay~aftMnoon7 Tbe Juniors wen the day.

Summayyi-Third year, 36 points; Second

y e a r . S4 ^ i n r a ; firaf yoar 9R

pnin's: fourth yoar, 13 points. 100 yard dash—Prracott, Lyncb,

Green. Mile run—6 min.9 sec—Lynch,

Green, Steelef, Janney. 440 yard run-61.3ee.-Lyflch.

Steele. I'rescott, William^

-»fc t U t i i l .

Broad j unp 18 1. 5 in.

Pdevai.lR-lS.Xili 6i«en, WiiiooaDcm. .

ffigh Jump—5 f t 6 iii.r Prt •-•cottr^Meofc. - - m a e o a r ^ M < | f t - - U r ^ i » , w « . . » ^

MilKnery Firm oFLickle & Winstfor. - The-stock has been transferred to our slore and the ladies are cordisJIy invited to inspect our new line of trimmed hats and other lines. We have secured the services of a competent, experienced trimmer who wilt be ^ lad lo^ai^-sisTyou in every way. Miss Lickle will con tinue as sales lady. Our aim will be to m^ke

-this the ladiefr'^tore and ^ f t # ^ •%*J*it.'i*it'\K^*

ore buying.

busings wffiHb^ aUrd niir ling ^ loftlr Jife^

fci^mpe^ Store Where You Will Eventually Buy *

Protection From Freealng.

Ing air to rnnain In tite bucket When the water freezes t&e extra pressure Uhrt would uUiefW the wans of the lank. Instead acts on the air In the bucket, which is com­pressed, and thus tbe tank is reBeved. Aa Iran or tin bucket would BOOB rust ont in tbe water, and, for tbis reason, i t J a b e e t to use a copper bucket.


Harrdl. 3hfltjmt-«4 fr,-9 JB,- -i«Bf.

Round. teyr


HiTiuazn, VA , krtn. 4, 1914. 2^ the CUrk* ami SckaU Boards.

_ _ , „ , ^ . Apportionfneot No 1 of ibe Coonty School

The loliowing prizes have beeo- '^"^ ^ waudD h>l3 aoa iSTi. u> %• oflfertri in the farmers' fiv«««re|±~'1:J:iC»'1^

One Oliver Chilled i>lowr <^r f ered by the Oliver Chilted^ Plow

W. C Wagener, of MaQaalit& Twelve boxea of I;

Stock Food, offered by the IB> teraational Stock Food company, (rf Minneapolis. Minn.

One jBg&'doHar btrttle of mn^ Germ^offS^eff^ylEe I j . Kr^4lat ford company.lof Philadelphia,

A full list of prizes wiH%e .announced at an early date..

- -Entries cfcwe AprH 15th, L« me have your name at once.


. W a l ^ n s . -Gait,. Mast -Eaaeotiai fai Heavy Work, la Moet Often Mef-

leicad in Tralnln«.

~4>t Puough care is given to teacb-fnt." eoits to work. We often bear of b.-e^htftg colts; tint there is little bresktiri; to do with the modern draft Cplt. They do need to be taught a fpw thlBy« mirh as backlnf with a load and standing quietly when stopped. How many a<iciA."*« ofmr from the teem starting beTere they ••re- toftf-tmtart. u d It can be avoW-

^-.«g "usaariy by .propw t M M n g . Thr walking gait is most essential

te beavy~T^wrTtoraeii.-' and yet "R Ts often negl^ted In tbe training, s ^ s a writer tn an exchange. So many yonng horses know nothing about backing. tOr little attention ts paid to tbis ae-oompIisbBteat ID horses, and yet it la oftsn vary asnatsary that tha t f s a



OocD(|aaa . .

Popalatioe . ppoitioinept

. . m.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'. =4W.da

.. m ..:. riw.80 ^. 747 8S840 .. 1,J» 1,S4«80 .. 36t 434.46

WASHIts iGTON; p. C . U. S. A.

un^wTjtanda boV to place the wagoB_ tB~l$StEoB'to tSto maanerr H^-sfinrtSf b« done, not by pining tbe aafmats back by main strength, but by talk-iBT t o t b e s a<^ewB<ci^i^ J^ a gentle

uH uu Uit leiim edft~>l^|l*n> instilud-ji«- wmrOt-^^—|/w\th a ; y ^ ^ ,

eansiderabty «Dre than o«« with tittin or no training on a w e o m of greaUr ease In haadllag. and a gre^t amount of work aeeoacpllshed with less risk to both drlvpr and ttie animate. It j

ttmtJ»«C sbtaA ft tentioe were given to these by fanner* and horse deaTet^

" ~SHhMribe for- ft»- JomUtAL; Si.00 ft year ir. advantT

F.«eii«g Farm Animals. TT.e Vmilng of rarni aniinaia not ».§- hftndiwt.

cr.!j paablM. Ike 'axmer L£ r^-um froa Si u>->C per rent, of tht Teci-Uz InK Talu. of t*^ cropa to Uw P- II, bot :r. crow IDS >arh rrcp. a« pea« &ljaira. i-iov»r*. ii.r,f. i->U-><«r ifrura«s -h»>r> -t» mor. nf(TC^M«tore<l Iri vhr ^oll tna-

^.ft -••AT, w e e k s for f l 0 0 - T H F • ' ' " ™ ™» wrm ^rTUma-t»ro#-^ •«t»

The Original Luther BurJbank Seedb A r e N o w t o h a Hi>J H « i ^ V^^X^i.^^ '^ W a g y n i t i m —

It ia no longer necessai^ fo seh^ToXaliforara For ffi^^-"'WBTiitfiH Ifui bMik « « a r Birr hflfin ntinmnti' i t l i i i i i i ifmtntit f i l r Ti f , " ! M " ' ' » ' « M uiu^uonK o e e o s .

iwpany angjror o»

Tbe prices are mod-


-erate—no more than you would wiy for other seeds of gootTqaSs^'^ Get some of th«Be Lather BorbantSeeds-t?y them out-ii^'iwiw <a>n«»x. •».« -Look for the lather Burbank seal-it is y o u / p f o S S "**'**»'"*P<*»^ ^ y "r -

F^^^Z^J^.^^'^.^-^'^^Yf,'^}^^.. B^biink seeds we wiU give free a written by Luther Borbani tonael£_

copy of "The Culture of Flowers, Fhiits and Vegetables,'

Garden Rakes,'of best malleable' iron, 12-toothy long haniwood handk

GsrdiMB Rakes,—as—afaos 17c Grass Shears, of high-grade steel,

axceltent size, easy to handle . M l r

Onion Hoes, two-prong style,best *y^ steel, with long riveted handles.. .* ^ i C

Malleable Iro# Combinatioa Hoe an^ i Bake, &pc9ti£ aiafe..]piig h rdw.ood .t%e^^-t KwiSles. A t . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ^« fC

G a r d e n o r - F l n m l .tura, <v««pri>ing t h r —

^^^^^X~ ~-i!J"*P»^°<^ ofgood-g,adootc5r~rXr ZIT- - —-= ^-.^W wjdtjk long hardwood handled l o C

pieces-rake, spade and hoe; all good grade «^'^" ^"?^erS? j g ^ riveted Q Q ^ [[ spring handfe

Ori,.->n H o e s , o n e - p r o n g s t y l e . b e s t s t e H 'With Jong-hard w •K>d h a n d l e s

Mi.ie^.MK Iron W e e d e r s , or Combinat ion ' l o e o.\\c. ivaj<e: 4-prwn? rake one < j j -



I handled •.J^^ Weeders,_pf good malleable iron, 5 prongs, hardwood handles 5c^ long hardwood handles. At.. . . 3 5 c

- , ^ n ^ ^ Sbear ^ in i^od size. Btled with

Spading Forks, 4-pronff eel, vr '- - • - «

^andie. stee^ with hardwood special ' D "

Garden -V

j (e

59c : X i ' r , .

4 ^ MhiC'i
