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IV Therapy, IVPB, IVP

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IV TherapyIV Therapy



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Administration of IVAdministration of IV

MedicationsMedications�� What are the 3 types of IVWhat are the 3 types of IV

administration you will do?administration you will do?

² ² Saline FlushSaline Flush² ² IV Piggy BackIV Piggy Back

² ² IV Push medicationIV Push medication

�� How often do you flush a salineHow often do you flush a salinelock?lock?

² ² Once a shiftOnce a shift

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�� How many ways can you give an IVHow many ways can you give an IV

Piggy Back?Piggy Back?

² ² Pr imary LinePr imary Line

² ² Secondary LineSecondary Line

�� How many ways to give IV Push?How many ways to give IV Push?

² ² Saline LockSaline Lock

² ² Pr imary LinePr imary Line

² ² Tr iTr i--lumenlumen

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Administration of IVAdministration of IV

MedicationsMedications�� Saline LocksSaline Locks

�� Intravenous Piggy BackIntravenous Piggy Back

�� Intravenous Push MedicationsIntravenous Push Medications

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Administration of IVAdministration of IV

MedicationsMedications�� Saline LockSaline Lock

² ² Hospital policyHospital policy

² ² Done to check and maintain Done to check and maintain 


² ² Usually or dered once per shiftUsually or dered once per shift

² ² Always done pr ior to giving anyAlways done pr ior to giving anymedicationsmedications

² ² Site changed every 72 hour s/policySite changed every 72 hour s/policy

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Saline LockSaline Lock�� Pr ocedurePr ocedure

² ² Check Dr.·s or der /MAR for f requencyCheck Dr.·s or der /MAR for f requency

² ² Draw up 2cc salineDraw up 2cc saline�� Needless systemNeedless system

² ² Check patient·s IDCheck patient·s ID

² ² Check site for Check site for 

�� SwellingSwelling�� RednessRedness

�� PainPain

�� TemperatureTemperature

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�� Gloves do not have to be wor n Gloves do not have to be wor n unless potential for blood unless potential for blood 

contactcontact�� Connect syr inge to adapter Connect syr inge to adapter 

�� Aspirate back gentlyAspirate back gently

² ² If blood retur n, very gently try to If blood retur n, very gently try to inject saline, if  flows easilyinject saline, if  flows easilycontinue, watch site for swelling or continue, watch site for swelling or painpain

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�� If resistance, stop and reassessIf resistance, stop and reassess

² ² Reposition ar m and gentlyReposition ar m and gently

manipulate sitemanipulate site² ² Attempt to aspirate againAttempt to aspirate again

² ² If blood retur n, continue pr ocedureIf blood retur n, continue pr ocedure

² ² If  no blood retur n, again attempt to If  no blood retur n, again attempt to inject salineinject saline

�� DO NOT try to push against resistanceDO NOT try to push against resistance

�� Restar t the siteRestar t the site

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Saline LockSaline Lock�� Never give any medication Never give any medication 

thr ough a saline lock without thr ough a saline lock without 

checking patencychecking patency

�� Check patency at least once per Check patency at least once per 

shift shift 

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Intravenous Piggy Back Intravenous Piggy Back 

Medications Medications �� PurposePurpose

² ² To administer inter mittent IV dr ugs To administer inter mittent IV dr ugs 

that cannot be mixed with thethat cannot be mixed with thepr imary solutionpr imary solution

² ² To administer diff erent IV dr ugs at To administer diff erent IV dr ugs at 

diff erent timesdiff erent times² ² To maintain peak levels of aTo maintain peak levels of a

medication in the blood streammedication in the blood stream

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Intravenous Piggy Back Intravenous Piggy Back 

MedicationsMedications�� Review hospital policyReview hospital policy

�� Check Dr.·s or der s and confir m Check Dr.·s or der s and confir m 

compatibility of  medication (if IVcompatibility of  medication (if IVr unning)r unning)

�� Assess siteAssess site

�� Deter mine if  to be givenDeter mine if  to be given² ² Pr imary linePr imary line

² ² Secondary lineSecondary line

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Intravenous Piggy Back Intravenous Piggy Back 

MedicationsMedications�� Secondary lineSecondary line

² ² Check compatibility with IV r unningCheck compatibility with IV r unning

�� If  incompatible, will need to flush with salineIf  incompatible, will need to flush with salinebefore/after before/after 

² ² Obtain Secondary set/ clamp tubingObtain Secondary set/ clamp tubing

² ² Check type of  container for medicationCheck type of  container for medication

�� BottleBottle

�� Additive bagAdditive bag

�� IV bagIV bag

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Intravenous Piggy Back Intravenous Piggy Back 

MedicationsMedications�� Secondary lineSecondary line

² ² Spike container Spike container 

² ² Fill chamber Fill chamber ² ² Pr ime tubingPr ime tubing

² ² Connect to IV pump or pr imary lineConnect to IV pump or pr imary line

² ² Unclamp tubingUnclamp tubing

² ² Set rate on pump or manually timeSet rate on pump or manually time² ² Monitor administration of  medicationMonitor administration of  medication

² ² Ensure all medication is administeredEnsure all medication is administered

² ² Document on MARDocument on MAR

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Intravenous Piggy Back Intravenous Piggy Back 

MedicationsMedications�� Pr imary line to saline lockPr imary line to saline lock

² ² Obtain pr imary tubingObtain pr imary tubing

�� Deter mine amount of  fluid to pr imeDeter mine amount of  fluid to pr ime


² ² Clamp tubingClamp tubing

² ² Spike medication container Spike medication container ² ² Fill chamber Fill chamber 

² ² Pr ime tubingPr ime tubing

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Intravenous Piggy Back Intravenous Piggy Back 

MedicationsMedications² ² Flush saline lock (2cc saline)Flush saline lock (2cc saline)

² ² Connect medication tubingConnect medication tubing

�� IV pumpIV pump�� GravityGravity

² ² Monitor administration/completeMonitor administration/completeinfusioninfusion

² ² Flush saline lock with enoughFlush saline lock with enoughsaline to give all medicationsaline to give all medication

² ² Document on MARDocument on MAR

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Intravenous PushIntravenous Push

MedicationsMedications�� PurposePurpose

² ² To achieve immediate and To achieve immediate and 

maximum eff ects of a medicationmaximum eff ects of a medication

�� Always check medication withAlways check medication with

IV dr ug bookIV dr ug book

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Intravenous PushIntravenous Push

MedicationsMedications�� Assessment focusAssessment focus

² ² Patency/signs of  infiltration or inf ection Patency/signs of  infiltration or inf ection 

at siteat site² ² Base line vital signsBase line vital signs

² ² Aller giesAller gies

² ² Compatibility of  medication and IV fluidCompatibility of  medication and IV fluid

² ² Nor mal dose/rate/dilutionNor mal dose/rate/dilution

² ² Specific dr ug actionSpecific dr ug action

² ² Side eff ectsSide eff ects

² ² Time of peak action Time of peak action 

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Intravenous PushIntravenous Push

MedicationsMedications�� Pr ocedurePr ocedure

² ² Check Dr.·s or der /MAR/IV Dr ug bookCheck Dr.·s or der /MAR/IV Dr ug book

² ² Deter mine method to giveDeter mine method to give�� Pr imary linePr imary line

�� Saline lockSaline lock

² ² Collect equipmentCollect equipment

�� Correct medicationCorrect medication�� Correct size syr ingeCorrect size syr inge

�� Alcohol swabsAlcohol swabs

�� Appr opr iate additional supplies if  neededAppr opr iate additional supplies if  needed

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Intravenous PushIntravenous Push

MedicationsMedications�� Prepare medication/ FIVE Prepare medication/ FIVE 


�� Saline flush(s)Saline flush(s)

�� Maintain aseptic techniqueMaintain aseptic technique

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Intravenous PushIntravenous Push

MedicationsMedications�� Pr imary linePr imary line

² ² Check compatibility with fluid infusingCheck compatibility with fluid infusing

² ² Connect needless por tConnect needless por t² ² Stop IV infusion if rate f astStop IV infusion if rate f ast

² ² Give medication thr ough needless por t:  Give medication thr ough needless por t:  FIVE RIGHTSFIVE RIGHTS

² ² Flush por t with salineFlush por t with saline

² ² Restar t IV if  neededRestar t IV if  needed

² ² Assess patientAssess patient

² ² Document on MARDocument on MAR

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Intravenous PushIntravenous Push

MedicationsMedications�� Pr imary line when medication is Pr imary line when medication is 


² ² Stop infusionStop infusion² ² Clamp above por t to be usedClamp above por t to be used

² ² Flush line with enough saline to clear Flush line with enough saline to clear 


² ² Administer medicationAdminister medication² ² Flush line post medicationFlush line post medication

² ² Restar t infusionRestar t infusion

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Intravenous PushIntravenous Push

MedicationsMedications�� Saline lockSaline lock

² ² Prepare medication and two salinePrepare medication and two saline

flushes (2cc each)flushes (2cc each)² ² Check patency of  line with saline flushCheck patency of  line with saline flush

² ² Administer medicationAdminister medication


² ² Flush line with 2 cc·s salineFlush line with 2 cc·s saline² ² Assess patientAssess patient

² ² Document on MARDocument on MAR
