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IVMS Shaping Professionalism: Bioethics III

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  • 7/22/2019 IVMS Shaping Professionalism: Bioethics III


    Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    Shaping Professionalism:Bioethics III

    Medical EthicsPrepared and presented by

    Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.Basic Medical Sciences and Clinical Knowledge (CK) Teacher

  • 7/22/2019 IVMS Shaping Professionalism: Bioethics III


    Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    Medical ethics Medical ethics is grounded in

    philosophical ethics, it concerns itself

    with the ethical questions and dilemmasin medicine.

    Medical ethics is not any special ethics

    but an ethics which deals with specialcases from medical practice.

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    Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    Doctor-patient relationship Medical ethics has three centres:

    doctor, patient and society.

    Its centre is the doctor-patientrelationship.

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    Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    The moral duties of the doctor The duty to help, cure

    The duty to promote and protect the patients

    health The duty to inform

    The duty to confidentiality

    The duty to protect the patients life

    The duty to respect the patients autonomy

    The duty to protect privacy

    The duty to respect the patients dignity

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    Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    The moral rights of the patient The right to high quality medical service

    The right to autonomous choice

    The right to decide

    The right to be informed

    The right to privacy The right to health education

    The right to dignity

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    Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    Principles of biomedical ethics Nonmaleficence


    Respect for autonomy


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    Hippocratic oath

    5-4 centuries B.C.An obligation of nonmaleficence and an

    obligation of beneficence are both

    expressed in the Hippocratic oath:

    I will use treatment to help the sickaccording to my ability and judgement,

    but I will never use it to injure or wrongthem.

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    Nonmaleficence and

    beneficence The principle of nonmaleficence asserts

    an obligation not to inflict harm

    intentionally. Principles of beneficencepotentially demand more than theprinciple of nonmaleficence, because

    agents must take positive steps to helpothers, not merely refrain from harmfulacts.

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    9/22Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    The differerence of two

    principles Nonmaleficence

    One ought not to

    inflict evil or harm


    One ought to

    prevent evil or harmOne ought toremove evil or harm

    One ought to do orpromote good

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    10/22Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    The concept of autonomy The word autonomy is derived from the

    Greek autos (self) and nomos (rule,

    governance or law). It was first used to referto the self-rule or self-governance ofindependent Hellenic city-states. Autonomyhas since been extended to individuals and

    has acquired meanings as diverse as self-governance, liberty rights, privacy, individualchoice, freedom of the will, causing onesbehaviour, and being ones own person.

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    11/22Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    Autonomous personWe analyze autonomous persons intems of

    liberty(independence from controllinginfluences)

    agency(capacity for intentional action)

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    12/22Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    Autonomous actionWe analyze autonomous action in termsof persons who act



    Without controlling influencesthatdetermine their action

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    13/22Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    To respect an autonomous

    agentis to acknowledge that persons right to holdviews, to make choices, and to take actionsbased on personal values and beliefs. Suchrespect involves respectful action, not merelya respectful attitude. Respect involvestreating persons to enable them to actautonomously, whereas disrespect forautonomy involves attitudes and actions thatignore, insult, or demean others autonomyand thus deny a minimal equity to persons.

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    14/22Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    Informed consent is

    analyzable through the account of autonomous choice. A

    person must do more than express

    agreement or comply with a proposal. He/shemust authorize through an act of informedand voluntary consent.

    in terms of the social rules of consent in

    institutions that must obtain legally validconsent from patients or subjects beforeproceeding with therapeutic procedures orresearch.

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    15/22Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    The standards used to

    determine the incompetence Inability to express or communicate a

    preference or choice.

    Inability to understand ones situation and itsconsequences.

    Inability to understand relevant information.

    Inability to give a (rational) reason.

    Inability to give risk/benefit related reasons. Inability to reach a reasonable decision.

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    Defined as the intentional overriding of onepersons known preferences or actions byanother person, where the person who

    overrides justifies the action by the goal ofbenefiting or avoiding harm to the personwhose will is overriden.

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    17/22Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    Weak paternalism

    In weak paternalism an agentintervenes on ground of beneficence or

    nonmaleficence only to preventsubstantially nonvoluntary conduct, i.e.to protect persons against their own

    substantially nonautonomous actions.

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    18/22Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    Strong paternalismStrong paternalism involves interventionsintended to benefit a person despite thefact that the persons risky choices and

    actions are informed, voluntary andautonomous.

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    19/22Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

    A central problem inbiomedical ethics

    Whether respect for autonomy ofpatients should have priority over

    professional beneficence.

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    The concept of justice

    The terms fairness, desert (what isdeserved), and entitlement (that to whichone is entitled) have been used by variousphilosophers in attempts to explicate

    justice. These accounts all interpret justiceas fair, equitable, and appropriate

    treatment in light of what is due or owedto person.

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    Principles of distributive justice

    To each person an equal share (formalequity)

    To each person according to need

    To each person according to effort To each person according to contribution

    To each person according to merit

    To each person according to free-marketexchanges

    R f R d

  • 7/22/2019 IVMS Shaping Professionalism: Bioethics III


    Reference Resources andFurther Study

    Bioethics Online Study Recourses

    NIH - Bioethics ResourcesUniversity of Toronto - Joint Center for BioethicsWorld Medical Association - Medical Ethics Manual

    Virtual Mentor

    Video Education (drimhoteptv)

    IVMS-MEDICAL ETHICS & PROFESSIONALISM12 videos, 3 hrs. and 16 min.http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL08E700EA3F8313EB


    Medical Ethics Today: The BMAs handbook of ethicsand law Books; 3 edition (January 30, 2012)Updateshttp://bma.org.uk/practical-support-at-work/ethics/medical-ethics-today

    Best Price $148.33or Buy New $181.49

