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> *.i«Wa II* BY STOW-:4fertffcAZl8k . TEfliWS. '*AMy^ort)S&«,"a:a*«bo*e wliocaUat ^^tt'Sj^'ilJAS^S^ieW -pnyjnrnt is not n^PS^OfWitUe r»^»J*«aaoitlqtttvl charge »8SWWasninr-JMVH> per ©*Mt. ivlU Wo made. \^f3#A t *v%#|g'enfeiats at tJjte usual raten. -• .' 4tffer^sements^ y.O^O.^'ANll'.rO^tiv^Siii're'ebti P* Dentist, cqritinhes to/perform allrdpe- jatiqn%ijpQji. |he TEETH^at.his; «%siNo A , 88* Senp,^atjfp^i "•; Hg b.as<a.ri entire French apparatus, for the insertion of Iqcomipiible, Pqk'&iiAiN, and' MmkRA^lMTH'.'^Tb.e us^iof>he"se;\enableshim,to insert'tijeWin, ' $ & & e different; varleti&Siof forms .tyifh faqil- ity anpyease to the'parent} and likewise to make them. equally, useful .£oT*mastieatmg piirjp^se^rasj'JKe.onginal teeth> .. The advantage Of havihg t.bp. teeth cleans- ed add *> filledmihgold," In the first stage of defeaWis iaoatctitah1e,'a,s it-neve^ fails to ar- Tes&aBfttrther'.progressof'disease,, •, ' tte'%111 pr&vl^e'safeand effe-fc'tnal teraedies Tar tfyajsrire of all diseases thai oecur in bis prule^ssjoh. ' '• ' ' ; ' . • . ' ' ' Particfjiar attention paid'to the regulation. of children's teeth.. Instruments for extrao<- iqg'on the-rnodera improved r>Jan, '' . ^Persons jiving at/asdistapeej.will-.do- well tp-cpujoiunicajte through"the ruedium Of the pp$>o|qce. * All,ope*ations-warranted; Qkm&May9,4838... s - .-, '09 ' '". i; Physi& dn% ^df^ery._ -'.',. F'^ton, Office on Mairr-strqet, 4xibors •north of the Bank. -' ••' ',%tf ' >p ''PhyMc and j^fgery.. If "IfR. E. BARNES'- Offic*,' norjh'east J | J p criroerof the Public Square. April 10, 1.839. 23tf ' A IJU3N,H"JTCHINS, AarioRjy'Er and COUNSELOR AT LAW, and Solicitor and Counsellor in-.Chancery,"has opened an Office, in Adrian, Lenawee Gduoty, Michi- gan, where he w,iU attepd, to, all business committed to birn. in.the litre, of. his profes- sion. , ' [REEERKJieES.J HoOiJ? Berry, •', As. J. Corrtstock, Esq. > . , . Mac French, '" ^ dna ? L. GiBufllorig, <"• Hon, William H. floag, I TeQttm - aeil , i A, Backus, Esq. $ - , I 0-. Risd'en, Esq. \ ffal ,„- » Dr. Bofitfrrey? \ S,aliDe * Coti-D.Ct.M^Kiustry,) "• ' - • • ', s>.A.aodard,-E9q. . (YD S il aat i S Dr. R. E. Morse, [*P s y aatl t Dr. J. € . Alien, j ** flon. J. M'Donell, ) ' V S.Conant, | E. JP. Hastings, Esq. V Detroit. Ggo. R. ©riswqjtL*' ' J3«il. 'G.'Sp'eneer* , Adrian, <Mich.) Jan. 8,183D. tf44 ••"••'.;'" ^4 Carrf. ; -' v "R; ICftJGSLAND having' ta.ken >pp In his residoniein this village^ respect- fully oflfers bis professional services to his friends and. the public gemerally. He will rfiire Less6^s'OTlheTrjJTE,VTO£mrattd. VIOLENCELLd. ". . J '••'.•• Mas. gJlNOSLAND, (a 1 p.vtp'H-bf Tim,) will v give lessors on-the P/AWP FORTE, OrjBCAKi'and* iih'SllSfGlN€t, %a^ies and G'SlftlVmfeo; svisnipg to. fjirni"the Voice"'on the Italian system, patr practice the Solfe'g» gioiri sinaifand'seWct Classes; or private Ltfsidn.s; "For. t'fernls? &c.,.apply at their Room*. o#osite tge' G f rerrs.Offlt ! e.- VIO- LI^r^'.atta N G.UraiSft'S , forsale." PIAItf^FORSPES tune'd. .,; e/^nev^-N-b'^^/lSaa. -•>•••• 36- . • •, .:' J$teihe^ Notices," .... E R H A P S no.-rBttied«t"that Jias 'e«sr |y; jbeen' offifered to tbo ppljp, haaVilitained' so-'distih^urfthed. s.nd a*$oli<tS,a prdjuiiarity as ^Aee/er'S' tosiMn of Mastiiftyiti '• For.-Dyfe- entery;,'Dia'rrKa3a,Dyspopsia;'a'd4 l all,m'sBases ar'ising frdm'a;diso'rderg^fatedf thebWeis, t>f $:der%hgemnt.of tfhk'WgMiie titgang, it has no ^qu»l &'& r'enjed^'and^bs.iiig an en- firmly;vegetable•|i'r%J)'ar^tio.ni tnay"be tafcen fay ^i«Wf. l b f W a g e , 'or M''««^.S&wB«Si'j»Utf the'mbMxer^jrn-alby^rjlsrjcfa^ for the « « m ^ C7p^M^/(?A*7*fres,' i 6'otli asa^reje-hiatnfo' aad^careAis'su-perioIrto Werv' iJOJer ^qw'n.^paj-atidir. "'.AXd''ind,e«' »*V.H'eiit,pf 'its, possessing "tfalesfehjgKS'nd^I-- as a togic^'' /* i^ <$ dgredtble pM-moHStme stQfnkcMi'. attd;a.eertain pwvocatfve to appe- tite.. The,se.ar^Ji|gh an^'strong" reebpimeo- d.&tio09,,andarefsusta|ned beyonjIraH.caviI or dopbt, by'respe^tabie'ianij.rfes'-^arxjili.es'wl}D wopld blnsfe to hav.e/fh«|f names:x:onpJiect|d with>any^eleterfons"or.«r4'pirip>l 0 0 ^ 0 ^ ' . Theexient'nbt.-ftftJy.bftKeirctfnfidejjoe^but 61 "th.£ Medical fapajf^ iri.Pfetyr'E'ork, In the Balsam'Of^o§e'ateIlo.,'niav3b;e.Tl^nt frqto' a pam^hM; wb)ch-feaff.bi |ijen.^the. -Stereof Messrs:'. Lv T^ziitr- &'Go., so^le-,Agents* ior Gejjera, Qntario GiototJ. ». ., <• ' Sy^AsVpn'rions imitatirinf.ef *Ue Balsam bf Moscateijo have befen attemplea\ the pubn lie aft'catitioned.agains'tparehastng anyxbat- is.'nofactiompaoied with a pampHie^bea'rjng the,'signature of tj»e s».bsqr'i.tier, (?ple 'pro- prjetor^Ae bottles of j$l,J2'.'a«d $%eaoh #» ^'ng *&n«H*jtk Ws name. '' -; , #," -jr.WHEEtER. Oculist,. [%I8J 3S Gree'nwich-St.,|TeV^ar-k. H P S§-^»^«s«.^8tflaift»ac*et, RICH* wiiH-eavtf €fE^E?A'at p o,'0|ocl5^.M.. and JEFFERSON',."at U o'clock AJt| M daily, rnabin^be^n.terma.diatB^atidlngs.^onnect- it>g with jJJrnlra^ Penn-yan; Bajb^Painted- B.<»tr!$*?A9K&9& aridSUAd^ route's 4a^apd.\»Bs{bf.Grefoev&..'-..-.- - ; . • ' ' L The S.t6a*i "WBoat-"GENEVA, Capt. A. W«EasibE«, will Kave J E F F E R S O N at 6 o'clock A- M.,an&GENEVA fct-4 O'clock P.M: 1 MondayjTabsday,\V;ednesday, 1 5'buts- -day and.Friday j on. Saturday, at 10 oVlook AfMi fima Jteffersob; .Sunday, at 8 o'clock P.M* from-'Genevai, '•••/• Appl£ on board, or of COOI&Y .& M A x- wi!ia,"Elmira'v .: :. . ,• , Geneva, MarcTi 27, .1839J " 9 AM^wSf Rochester Railroad ' -COMPANY". '.' • . . r M m T J C E is hereby giveri to the 0fock- 'XW-. iiplders. of .th> Aubum.anst Roiihesttb RttMrod&€ilmp'anyt,tiial pursuabt to a Res- olution of the "Directors thereof, they are required-tee payWfhq. Treasurer anlostal- meM ofTw,o DoHarsan'd Fifty GerJts'otl each sbajpe, on or before» the twB-ntie'thdayof July next, and, a further iostalmen'tdf.two dollars, and fifty fgepbi 6a. oaob share, OHidr before tlw twetmetb'day of August iieist,' under the penalty of a forfeiture of their stock, and of all previous payments." "- Payments rriay^be made.by.de'p'dsitto the fe1*d1tnfthe.Tr.e&snrerlneit|eroflhe-»'ariks in th'e City .of Roebester^ pr in the Villages on tKe'liBe ofrtb>saio Road, orafc the Onta- rio Savings Bank, in Canandaig^ia. .' *•* CHAS. SEYMOUR, Treasurer'- • Aulmth and RacKestit Railroad (Jo. Cahandalgna, June 8, ie39. 9-*l : New' ^wai^mpipMi^ Selected Poetry Crooked Lake. ...-, ARRXNOE^EPCT \-OB 1839—-Thelgtearo- boat KEyK,A,; after undergoing thorough repairs, wil| comhieace hei' regular .trips 00 Monday, the loth instant,.leaving- HAM- MONDS BO RIP" at .4 o'clock A.M. on the arrival pf the -Stages from Bath, intersecting at PenthfYan- the*-'Stages ftjr Cana'ndaigua and- Geneva.; arriving in Geaeva in time far the Stages afid Papket-Boats'going East at I-e'docit,.P. M. ft'etnrning, leaves Pente- Yan af. half-past; 1 ,P.M., oto- the arrival of the CanandaigiiaandG'enevaStages." The Stage fripm. tfie Boat will intersett^tbe fol- lowing ttoesof StagesatiBatht, vi». the Daiis.- ville and Rochester, Olean and Jamestown, Paioted-Pqst Snd Elmira, Harrispurff arid Pb'iladeipbfci. ' - . / . - ' For passage, apply-at "the-American tjo- . From the N e w a r k mrtor. . ... _ . MMvasT STANZAS. ' Ths Hardest i the Harvest \ how faiwa each plain It wavestoits.a o Wen luxnrlapce qf groin; . 4)ie wealth 6( a notion is spread on the srouni), 'And the year, with Its joyful nbUDdaqoe, ia etown'4; The barlej.ftrlpen'tag on upland aifd leo, And t^e.o«t»Iot)fB aro drooping, all graceful to'scc, Like-llie long*yeiroW hair of a<beaui«uf'miald, Where it^wave»4n the breezes unloosed to.mtliebraid. -' - * ' * > . * * TheBTd.tveStJ tliKHBryrest! how brightly-trtosiia tooks.do'wTion 'the {tro^pect—its tolls are begun! And thowl)eat-ahea*essatlitek,in the vaUeya'n're piled, Thafthe iaod In its glorious profusion hasLsinlled; The reaped ha,» shouted ;b0 furroWs among— In the midst of hislatoV ho brealis Into song— And the gleaners liitlgh gaily, fbrsetful of care,. In the'glee at their nft>rtB,.as they gather their Bllare. TheHarvest! the Harvest!-rape more "we heboid ; Fairy pbrny arnry'd in its (irery. of gold'; We are tpared to exult in its bounties again: _ Ayearhath been granted, andnhallwisrequiin . JForgetfuJ of Jllm who hath lengthened oiir.daysl Great God of^ the HarVest, to ftioe be the praise! Thou hast prosper'd our talis, bad hastgiv'n tft' Increase And estat>lish'd the land In abuodance and peace. ' ," ' <!' ' ' ' 1 11 1 ^ Inn . . Popular Tales. - 1 "p$$fa$. Sxttiles, '$&<•: T lfl(jS subscribers have received'and offer "for sale- cfceqp, a variety, of FAJJCY AR'EXQfeE^ .donsiating of mrk-bo^es, Card-iias^k,.- pegaV-roasos, China Toys, Chi' na Tea Sets, Dressing Glasses, Visiting and Coa^satja© Cartter. Battiedoea^, ©raeess LettenS5amp3vS'ea( v ing-Wax, Fruit Knives, P6»J.erMfs)b. Sh7*B6ga, Pbrdussion Cjps, Eme&'BagsijSeatj ^bd -Silk Paises, Razors, RaJM?-S'ttQpa,T-iBrasttc Strspepders,' Curls, SJd<s a n j ..T3eiat-.C|iri}bs, .Tea^Bells, Lace pipes, Fancy, Handkerchiefs, "&o. &c r , - P / .• . ;,»,H<,&.B ! vF.-S'PA.GXj, -MarciiS?,'i8o9.>.>^_ ^'%\n.stW. JSkttce to Builders $p Repatiers. f l t t H E subscriber has; located his Paint J t jShQpootfaesoinbsrdeo/Seneca-street, Genev^where hewill be rea.cfy at alltimes to furnish the>bbsfc.worknien, and of st«ady hab- its,.for Painting? Glazing, a"tfd Paper Hang- ing; also. SlgoPaintiogf Window ga^h", Glass^ Fancy Sash atfd'BHnds 00 6imo andoiade"to order. Feeling, thankful for tbeveryliberal patronage the ; pasE,ye'arj he solicits a contirr- uanceof tbtesame, promising satlsiaqtion and attention.- . E;DWAR-D-P. V EARLL.- Geneva* March 25,1839i ' . 6m9 Nt B. 'PerSbns -wishing t ^ d o tlJeir 1 own. Painlidg, wilt h/<* furnished wftbfPainf Brash- es[and.d1rectioris-faoy to "die". '• $fS4?$nei}at Bat ®tor.'e+ l J^ ' ~"^""iGaT&GLARKl,:attbeir old sfland,- s'ofith -Side df Seneca street, opposite- Prquty's ,HARDWAR? STORE, continue to kee'p'for saleyjrbolesaleldr retail-, a general assortment of H ATS and CJAPS, -of the la- test fashioflS/wiiohs-the'y will- sell oxfrtto' most reasonable terrbsv f A eontiftuanoe of the liberal patronage theyhavtf heretofoje' receivedj, is-respectfully invited. -SATIN BSArVfi.R HATS/ol; the first; quart,ty y kept.c.onstaritIy on hand.-. Geneiia, M«y 15,jm. • '• , \ 16 Jhettodtfor-JSafaik. Canada* tel, p*nn"yafl ^ Exchange,, -Haromondsport, ar to. the Captain ©.aboard. - . ' S < .•'•>' J. S, LEWIS, Captain. N;B. Horses and Carriages-takea on beard at either end of the Lako, « April 10,' 1839.. " ' %l " "..'•• —-= ' v. r • - ' ' —— - —- •, •';. Gengya" £me-~jl830 v .. . g^M;^^---^. fkAY and Night. <B^s|l|i§8flill|§lp' JLP The Subscriber having addea^sevferatBoats bf-'tjie first class to. his fnrmer nurtrberv-will On tbe^opening of Canal -Navigation ,be.prepared -to'forward with promptness and despatch, Merchandise, Ftrrntture," Passengers,. &c. fi&tn New-York, Arbany and Troy to -Mbbtezuma, Seneca EaHs, Walerlbb &nd Geheya,. and .frodttce, Far4itnjrfr, 4s,b. , lu i troy,.-Albany and.Ke*- York. ,,Asbar^,.o:'f public, patronage is-r$- speov&By.isoKcitid 1 . . •, [ '., WareHtfu.se on Franklin,Dock foot of Seoeca-street. . ,'.. ' E-BAKTN* Ge.neva, ftiarcb,27,',.18$l, ; •,. ' .- .... -. AGENTS. JOHN RtCE, aiqth,-slreet, JJeW'Vork. '. B.M.-REMER,€8au»y-street, Albany, Dews & tojtTpr/,' ' 'tJtlda. Ship- b> AlbanV"Wd f CdnSl , Efne bfTow- Boats.'which leaves thBfoo]M)CBroad-street, New-Tork; daiiy'^ kt S 0MI00K P.. M, ".Mark Easkageflf, "care of B. R'emer, Albany." , . ' " -9 ar2iilee;t}]atal|:lds'seS I wftK^mptfteW(/p(tJib>r« .Tons, iofJmsuranee to be'-madb uo ' <-' f MWf>^ , SlCA - A'rSv'AgenX. |(Sene^F^ri3;l383&/. v .;, . lyS" Mm' avill ted: Upper,Canada. .The- I*aad is of the -best quality, and; wftl.be soldi cheap. For par- ticulars, apply to tbesubscrTibeK op^rostte the Franklin House, (ifetfeva. WMi A. DOTGHE'R. Geneva* March 2, 1889. 6tf . •;> ' S .-Qar$slingl .'• F INE and Superfine Ingrain Carpeting, .Benin do., Matting, Rugs;; and-F|o6r Oil Cloths, jost received-by '• "•'•'« . - l s • H. H: & 0. C.;SEE-fcY$. May 15, 1839, ,' ' "' 10 1 From Blackwood's taagnzlne. .. CELESTINA. was in.ItaljC,' some yea«s'8go,.I. knew a young Englishman who was in the h^bit' of seeking places to reside in, little, frequented; by'bis eountryroen v H e wosja lover of solitude and st»dy, v and addicted to- rtsverie; and much of his'lffe.was a gentle and shimmering" dreattf- tsbk't glided to -the masie Of romantic traditions.. At the lime I roust bow,refer to, he had selected"aa,his abode QQB oftbe de.serfed palaces"fof the Ve- netian nobility, on ;he tanks of th'e Brepta. But he had no acquaio'tanoc with the owner* to interrupt bis solitude, for.hehad.hined it from the Steward to whom their affairs were entrusted. It.bad aittacted bis fancy," though it was njoch pur of order, from haviug a gallery of' pictures,.chiefly -povtrnlts/still Te- marning,.an'd-in good presiervatibo- "xhere wg)S also a largeneglepted ga*deo; where the 'Eng!ishhtan.sat or wandered many".hours of the day. But.be also spent^nindtutirne- ior the piature gallery,--conversing ivith- grave old senators, saturating, his mind' with the colors of Tintoretto,. &pd Paolo Veronese,^ and contemplating! .like/a modem Paris, the goddesses oj'Titian's: pencil. But.there was one v picture which, gradually tyon hi? very hearth It jvas a portrjt]{, by Giirgiooe, 'of a ypung-Ven^tian laidy ; and the.old- servant of tbe.hoase called her La.Celestina,- She- had the' fu-Uana luxurious Venetian form;. but'dniike any of the'othef fe.tnale portraits, there was a profusion of rather light brown, hair flowing -down her back, as one. -gees hi some of the' early Italian pictures- of the Virgin,' ariff-rfre sonny' stream fell from a" wreath, of "bay, leave'?. Her dress was of darfcgreen_|ilk._ An antique bust of ao-old mapiwas represePted qn a table before her,^ and her right band and raised- foreiToger •Peanuts; ••-, • »'^BUSrIELSof"PEAN.tTS' for Wtfisaieby. !H,&B.F:-'STAGG, 'JMfey-2di •>/' '••- . <".-; •_[Mamssrrect.' :'..' ,. i&oda.CfabkJts.. . JPRESH'supnlyrjust recekedby . .-, . -. H.&'B;f..STAGG J ' " ^X-29- • .• - ..,- '. ••?. SS»?n»SwH}t.' ^'i)iuiiiiii.Hiuii| ! iri.i!|i*i'iUiigu'!(V, T ,.^ --.- - tone, the name of Cfel.es,tina v He; seized 'a sword and stepped Silently iota door-near hirri, which'operied intoWi gallery, dnd was in deep shadow. tJnelqsing. it ifofty,: he looked down the long room, and,there,, op- posite the .place df the wclliknowo picture, stood, in the' bright moonlight, Ceiestioa herself uponthefloori' the'right hafldwas raised like that on the canvass,, as if to listen, and th,e, eyes were looking earnestly,into,the depth of gloom which bid the EngHfhWan. He let fall Vii sword, le^go the'doo 1 ^ Which closed before ttirn^ anil when he had agiiio courage to open M, the- gallej-y was empty and the still clear light fell -upon the vacant )• floor. '" The consequence to Bin) of this event was a severe illness^ and a.friend and fellow- countryman was sent for from Venice to at- tend his. sick-bed. This .visiter gradually obtained an outline of fire "facts-from the sufferer, and then applied to the old'ftalian, servant, in order, to arrive at a reasonable, explanation. But he stoutly denied all knowledge of any thing that could throw light upon the matter. Next day the friend found on his table aslJpjflf paper,on which was written in a beautiful female band,.a request that be would present himself in the eastern- most arbor of the "garden .at. the hour of,- siesta. He of course did so, and found there 'a ladyip a dark drVsi, and closely veited.^- Sbosaid, in fine, Italian, that she .had, bejg- ged to-see him, in order to tepair.-if possi- ble,, the" mischief which hajd been acciden- tally "done. . ".My fat-her," she continued,- !' the owner of ibis palace, is of a protfd.but impoverished Venitian family. His son is an'ofScer in an Austrian regiment', which has been stationed for some years jo Hun-i gayy ; and I am the old .map's only compan- i.oq.- He isi perhaps, a little peculiar and eccentric in his habits and character, and all his strqn|esf; feelin|[sar^ directed towir^a the. memory of his ancestors,'whose.ab.ode- is now,oceupied by your friend. .Nothing but necessity would have induced him to re- side ' in a Btnall bouse in the neighborhood whicb WBTiriw tatjatnt*' He's^tiJlperpetuaWy recuis to she ^traditional stbrres-.of bjs fatrj- •ily'sjatmer greatness; audit is a favorite poipf of belief with him that his a'adglitfpr closely resetpbles the Celestind whose pic- ture is in'the gallery^ .and whose name, she bears. Owing, to this fancy, he is. never satisfied Unless he sees bar dressed in imita- tion of the idolized portrait. But, as be no longer inhabits the house-, and does not choose to present himself to its'occupier in a light Which- he consider* go unworthy, "he could gratify his Jove for the pictures only by visiting them at night, at a time when the moon affords a light by which, imper- fect as ids, his ancestors appear to him dis- tinct, and beautiful beings. Nor could he bs long contented with this solitary .pleasure, but insisted that I should accompany bim. 'VVe have more than once entered a door to make%rt»ne«ia Bjjs wi^iiiBimRprignt.-r, He gained 1 . th« father!? teotisent^-(heir4n^ riage, arid she i^f •now t 'th 1 e,^ifst^|s*o£.?4°:W English cpuntr> v -%nf*ei' 'S^eioo|s^ttfe| portraits by Vandyke p ^ j ^ » a | s wJI^Vfis, much pleasure as.sheever deriveaironithWf of Titian, for she now tries tofin'^in't|t^ a"Jikepess to more than <im ^ u p g f^6e ttfat often rests upon her, knee. Of this pe|v : generation,'the. eldest* and the lovelie0t- ; w called, likeherself, Celestina. .-' ','"-, - May! Mutton Mantsi LTrs.'d,ried M^TTTON HAMS, for sai.e, by/ ', .''. , "-H. kB.W^TAGG, - . ' ' Mam-street. **. MafS9r FIRKlNS—forsaleby • - H. & B. Ei STAGG, ^Main-street: „.a»«(and Shoulders: * " .HAMS A HAMS 5 50 S"ftbtfLDERS, V.&rsalebr""' ' ffieckwtitts\$nfoDy$peptyp Pitt's it "RE esteemed asonr^ of the best'Fam% JBL M'eHfi'ities ii^usev - ^bj6ir^np6m?!op beltrgafoma'tre, they do noit^ex^cito the dfsa- greeabfe sensations of- : naus*rf l tftfien adjpip>- istered.' They'are recomfttepde'd-'by'. r R't. Rev.'ii,®; IVES,- Bi^rittp'oT Ifi (?„.';•". BevtFV-LvHAivTras.'iSfew^Yorlr',' -'?•.• HonVCja\s. fis-aii'M. C. of WrO^ter sap by : ''.'. •*r&,••ICffiBIit,•&'CO , ., Agente:^ t M'ay29- $t.kp0'. sTAGG-', Jain-street. $. Ge^oifge.^potteji, Bdo^-Biride^-. ^ WAV^ )$<iin-£, trevti. Geneva* •' " TftlBA^I^lin^toased. tto> jB^ok Binding J^|ti"Esit.ahlftBmen<. of-Messra.,. J.- & I. r NA BogeWand arldediaipo'nslderabJe quantity c/f pew-'ani'ft fksUonable'."f(Wis. frbm"JSpw'.lf*rfc, js pr^paliea.to fta*^ otfiheabbVe.ttia^e inal) its branches^ P-iatPr JfSa*l ^ndr>Elega»ti..oil the most-,re.&sqpble.te|m8(. V<1 v^v-.. ... -.> ^t^-soljcit^'the sfipporti8ina:p'atr«page of tbe"inhabitan|:8 of fjfepeva an^;it9, vidfipify, anij hof eft 1 by «,strict attetition to the Wishes of iMSfcnst'onterSr antohb quality-tofjhls waork, to rr».ertt- theVapptobatitfn of^afllhos>*who may^&hitrJ'with their commands.. „ , uM ba&i repaired in tbVnfcates! manner. 0%imim,, .. - .v.,; a% -^^''t^'tM'aAt'fi- •'• '•.-' .:•' * tmmfaw\m ^ / h e eutaida of Maip- Xi mm\i now occupied^ by'Mrs Gallagher. T h e "lot/is 150.fe«sib,fron^ffin,Mam-street, \iil .g|;epft3,.tothe;Lake^»^house is commo'diousflnd in excellent;fipair. Thero is a gMWariely offrpiton the.lot. For terms.jrflply"to JMh» Gallagher on the-pre- misea; otita Bv Whiting. -'. „ Jtrlyilb* 1838. ' 1? . .ri^I'^V- ,- ..i^»..,,, ——a'- ;,- * .-/ ^[ew'^rmg $foods r .. JBikfidi&lh Fills. " : • HE Best FaWiiytMedScfne'eowin fee,' and a certain cure if taken taitime,'fsr. mosrdi8eases-*a«surerenr3dyfoV i G'olds;»Srid 2-sh*Hibgper.bo« Feb! 20V 18,89; j. B:-B0M]»EYv. 4tf "aid A $K for WinAioiifi tlc^tpdmd Balsam of j&'Bore'fitfiifld., .jgst^blisfte;" " Nope."other,'is genuifje^ft- .-Connter- fti«s' are ^jjmsWqce;-'' OS^Be on your gjuaro.^) Sega.avfrtifement.;, . Iy43 ." : "' • '..jfcwk Bwritmm 'A ND Ftbrence *£Mb OlliVfpr salt Hy* j3L * May 27. .\ D. ^ELIiY &-CO, . , , 1— ' —M; ' 1 - . , r -i..k :. ,1^ •; 1 *• T|UST received and reo^iving, atfchenp ana; Mm cleg'apt,. assorttpeBu; .of'vQO'ODS,,*- for sale.cfEAT for'CASH] ...... , .,-;*. y •%-JB."-lQ7MNfi-V> '. May 18,-1839. V -;:.-v '„.-.•.- . 18 L AMP, Linse"ed,'6live an'dTanner's, by the barrelor less'qu'aritfty~ b y ' - ' May-27; "1839. is quantity,» L.KEtEY&CO-H ' '•/N'o.'K, Se;'neca--St, seemed to itjdleate- tl>at both shd apd the 1 f rom lne fi , r d eD8 , an d it was 00, the i.tst of spectator on whom Her divine eyes wet's j t i, 8 se occasions that I thought I heArd 'fixed, must listen to some expected 'oracle f uBige, and while* listened-, the door at the frora-the.marble lips..1,She might havpse^ved' as a-lovelyaymboi-o/lhe fresh present world listening tp thefixe'd'and flibylline past— end of the gallery was opeoed and then vio Jently closed again. On this alarm we im- mediately escaped, as we had entered,, sod Hareyea were large and dark, but not lus- \ the^ftraoge consequences to. your-frieod trous; fhey. aeeroed,rather heavji wiih en toward thoughtful melancholy, as if there \fas sotrie'thio'g itf'ber sifxtation or character more eojeron than her years or cirqu instances could have led us to expect. There was, however, no tradition of her., story, oxcen^ t'hat'sne Was a daughter of the faratly.whffi^ Still .possiess'ed the-'pa'face'nod the -" *"' : * : »u?> and that Slie had died In early li,fe. " Before this picture the young Eng1tsri%; than would remain for an hour or 'twb at. a ».ime,' endeavoring.to shape jsji! for himself some "distinet-view of her betDg..and>s|.ory. T h i s w,as ifHe--work,, as* it led him tp_pailefi.- iifte aTOTlSsTinf cPeSiioo, but i{ odeupied ^|m,wr th&. tlme.as we'll as arty thing else th^t b.e ,was'(ike)y tp have .done., ^ y ^ n d by bis fdn.'6yvsp jaitied upon bira that .hehad' tb^fiham,ber next'fo that part df the gallor/" wh#re tfict'^Vtiire mi arranged as 1 hi* bjfd- rqorri, fhat sbj^e might 6B, near hislpcoruo- reftl n)i?tres» even during the bodrsof}#,« i P ttpf'MSeu totaea source of much regret.*— We"t\eard of his illness from our old servant, Antonio, the only person who fcpew of our njghtly visijs. To convince you. thai this is the whole secret, I have put on this-dress 1 |fhen wore, gnd-'ybo sbAiyurlgB fur yourself ^resemblance to the.picture.." • lo. saying,', she threw aside liet veil and Bnantle, and surprised the -stranger with tiie #tew^>f her noble eyes, and of heryouthfoJ, Italian beauty, clothed in the dress of rich green^ silk., which ctosjely-.imitated" that-of the painted ..Celestina. Her'hearer was. arW6«d-by-tbe-iHistakej-''aridi delighted by hel- explanation. He turoedUo ask jibe lady that when" hie sick fnend should be a liule reqosered, she wpnl'd complete lier kjodness by enabling hipii4p judgs for liitpself 0/the) tjgaUiriul'feSerablfthpew^icB had so rpisieo* him'.' She said, that she would willingly dA; go, andbnfy regretted that, froth her father's turn of eha%EicYer, it woufd bp almost impos- Orie night,-BoonRafter this phange^liad been-i sible to make him a;ssen.t to apy meeting Qo'uglv Gqifcdty, A Nl^ ArAcie,'man'uf3t:tu.red''at.tlje Cdnfectionary Store, No. 7 Seneca-- .'st'rept, iareepmmeodfeu; asa sU/erpmfidy for Colds,' Ctiughs, Asthma, inQa&n%^ Sid,. . '. -•'••*•... - " " , ETOt?H SJMff. ." •' ' JOoykmg Classes.; ?' TfUST rBo^ived^M'antel.P'iei'andCorHnion t f XOOTKING GLASSEj,-b^th Giltand TO:0R; prep^ripgaeltcacWs for tbe'dessert^ fbr sale by *May>27 - hi K E t t Y & C O . 'Mahogan^jframed, ait rgdji '. Si ' \ ^|iUyHERJ^II* Ge^;; May W f '!!&&&$ f iroeemes, "GE^ERAXTassbrtnient, by '.- /fjy%> : •''.. - If. KELLY & CO. fit CO. .09 ah itjlAW'An fG.£ ViffaySD. '.'ttii,»/r 'Sk>c pv •f.eyery description, neatly and eXftadm lioOTly excepted at t^ Office. - 'I ' Itistfici Library. ' A SUPPLY"-of Harper's'Di&ttict School 'Iiibf afy, ^0 vhlsi^in-'a portable case, for $20, daily efcfre.ofeii;. Urderifor the abpve3' promptly exectitedi . ,,-.'•• Ap-fil-21. '*?; " ; f ^ ' j | Q ^ E ^ T . - , Nm<<Mifch>@0&$w'$$€*;•>•' T HE subscfiiflsr.rrt'rt wlla^st'ratinf>w inUcKCb^;«lff;it^Aj>tow,' ' • • ' ' . . * » B. KIJnlN'EY'.. •Genevit, 27th l^fcpgf^ i> ; ^"'... ' •'£. T f t E ^ H shppfy hist , *eceW*.vandl,Jo|; es, Main-strept, iUiade," 'whlle-ihe' 6tas lying in. bet),;and piu- ^singpf'CelestJnH, he thought He'beared Jo the ga]l,CTy'c6ns6crated to her, lofr vPicys, and a light .'step. -He felt, I bejieye,. nay. cherished," ^bm/dash of superstitions), fear Id his charact|r| apd. he did nqfrisfeldex- an|ioe,inta r th|^riatter.'','The bext nigpt was thatioif the foil moon, and again he heard the safP|!9b,urid i and '»|i,nV for fhe .tirrie, on tBftnrgjp'vfollq-wrpg. Then il tibased, and ' for some d'ays hiei'w.as hi «nuietiiperp|exitjr. The gailerfLbs day-light prese^ltedI';no ap- •pearance a'Fo^iinge." He broaded over the. remembrfmcel 'whetheKfounde^ff fact or imaglnktph, till it'struck htm 'Oja^perlJBps, there was A co'briection between ifhe sounda and (hp-age of the mo6n,whe.a-ibey were heard; 'and that, if softliey mijht possibly m*<\fi$a[& RY l ^ l t f l E A D intfafrersvJjaifbar rei||ftsa kegs. AlsOv Cfrbuifd:I;ead, in kegs o'Ppriorts'weighfs/at L.KElEY&Co's. 1—ifii'1'i..-U f,~.,i in.,X.-i,„ MPS©, madif'|aWeir "order,' ^ee^iKedln Storb, and for sate by 1 sale by-j L. KELJ,V & CO, #":: s *. t -w with the present^ occupier of his ancient palace." She therefore, said that it rhust be again a private interview, arid «lifiht take place pt thp same spot on the third day.iplfi lowing... Her new acquaintance h.a^o- rer turn'to Venice, and so, could n^t carry tjn the adventure So his own person, -But the account which he gave tovhto friend soon re-, stored the patient to strength and heafthful- ness. Immediately afte?" "ni& f conipanio»?8 departure," he had thfe gr'eeh'shd shady Tirjtpr prepared for the expected, trieeiing. .A" 6ol< lefttion of choice frphs, sweetrneaisyand wine, Were set ouj; ^n* silver ves'8e(M^*a^ roarbje^tabie/ Tip ghpl^e^ ^Ssief 1 ''-' th? '' . F£ani-thB;Knickeruocll;«,w ^ ~ A H U N T I N G SKETCH., A bright frosty morning in November, 1S3S, tejtopted me to visjf the forest'bunt- ing grounds. - 0n this opcasion, I was f»I- lowed.hy a firieMpokipg hound,.which.had been presented tp-ine," by a fellpw sports- man. 1 was anxious to test, his qualities, and knowing that a mean dog.will often hunt well,with a good one, I tied up the eager Bravo, apd was attended by ,the stranger dbg "alope- .A brisk canter of half, an hour, brought, me to the wild forest hills. Slack- ening the rein, I "slowly wound my way up a brushy slope; some three hundred yards ip length. L had asc6nded about half llje way, when the bpund beganto exhibit signs of uneasiness'; and at)the sdme instant a stag, 'sprang ^uV.tViftn sorae.undferbrpsb aearby, 'and rushed' like a whii'liifind ^p thtfsrop'p. A w,ord,,and the boundwqacrouchiog atitoy feet, and' my trained Cherokee, with ear •erect< and*flaslirpg «y_e t watched the p'qurSe of the affrighted animal. '* • On the very smpniit Of the rid|e,',tu11 one bundre^. apd fifty..yards distant, every" iirnb. standing out in bold relief against the dear, blue Sky, the stag paused, and looked prdttd-3 ry down, liponua. »Aftera moment of'inde- .CisiortvX-raised jpy-rJfle, and sedt 'the whiz--, zing jead upon its errand. A single bound and the antlered monarcli was hidden; from ,view'. Haslily running dbwn a hilJrl 99- oendpd the slope, and my. blooa ran -a little •faster, as I saw the " go,uts_ of blopdV which' ^ta'rned*the.withered leaves where-he'had stoodi tOoe moment motet and the excited hbuod was leaping breast high da his trail, and the gallant Cherokee bore his rider like lightriipg after tb em - . ' Away-^awavi: (or fao o urs, did we/ thus 'hasten on, wi»pjt once "being at fault, or cheeking our headlong speed. . TlJ'e fchase had led us miles from (be starting point, arid now appeared to be bearing up a creek, on one side-of-whtchr arose-a* precipitous hHI, sotpe two mijes in'Ifiogth, which I kpew the wounded animal would never ascend. ' Half a mile farther 00, another hill reared jts bleak and bprren bead, on the opposite side of the rivulet:' Once fairly iq the'gorge, there 'was' no ex.il, save at the Upper e£d qtthe ravine. Here then I must intercept my game^ which I was able to do, by taking.a near cut over the ridge, that saved at least 0 miie. Giving one parting shout Jri chpe/ rriy dog, Cherokee, bore me headlopg to, the pass. I had scarcely arrived, when, black wiih sweat, the stag came laboring op the gorge, seeming, totally reckless iff pit pre- sence.. . Again I poured tprib. the "leaden messenger of death,". as luetepr. like- he flashed by. Us. One bound,-and the noble anlmaf lay prostrate within/fifty feet of where I Stood. Leaping fron) "my horse ahd pla^ Ping one knee upon bis shoulder, apd a hand upon his antlers, I drew my hunting-knife; .but-scarcely, had its keen poiot, touched bis nedk, whep, with I sudden bound, he threw, .me from his body, and my knife, was hurled •from ray band. Ip hunter's, parlance^! bad,: •* only creased him." . J" a t ppeesaw-rny danger ? but it was. too late. With 0»e buuo'd he »^s Upotiroe,woriuding.and"al- most "disabling* me, ^witn- his sharp feettpHJ botns. I seized him by his wide-spread antlers, and sought ta ,regsm possesstop of", my kpife5^bu.f fn vain: each struggle,drew m farther from jft, C|he.rokp'e r ffightenep* at thi/j.unusilaf ec^riej, hj^.mnd"? flpjl^he torrof tbr»Wger%hereriieT^roadrlo-sfciog* do'wb upon the cyrojatj'trernblipjf pnB qbtv- erii!g in'every;Rb\ti£ : \ ;, ' : •*.','"'' The rrdgMopd tbaV.iX.had jaken, bad, placed us fat in the advance of the.bound, whose bay I could', not now heap The struggle*\>?the'furfotff animal bad become aVsadriil, apj^ every moment I could feel his ^fiarp hoofs cmttog.deep* 1 iotpjpy desij^my 'grisp upon hjs antlers was growing les^nd. "less 1 firttr,* add fix' I ^relinqaisbed not- -my ;hqia» ".'T$» Struggle h3d biougj^ |i* near* a (jeep'.^t.cl), washed by the heavy^aijtjj(|i|s', .apd-into. this 1 endeavored to force toy«ad- VerslVyj but -jpy s^epg^h>W',tthiBftoa{,'to till.Vil'nVt • wtrpft'Affnrlnv-rtrfKHVli'trt th^'^bvm as. his eye -resred.pn „h«8jj -my h.oId>pF t hf ^i : ^^^ ,., M •Pew; eneriiyi' ' ' ^ x b a p i ^ H P .himself upoin jnp^zJ^A^ did>I<M f ,Birp^.b| / the.;^^pg:hlpp4j*|hi^ ,afld^. pfiW^4i^i%'MP* 6 ' a P^'^^^^ i for. Bravo I, TbtHgjfe/fa ^ H ^i%^ with none to beipi t SRbWffe»^W^^E friends, courseel likeJigptniQg '^o,ug^M brain, At that mpmeniflf d/flper^f^tWS hopehersejf th'e nei gallant one faint shout. : " " On, Bravo.A,!ri^''ii ,nest',,mioment, tvith 'ige^^ifee.,'^i|^?fMgS, .noble dqg-eame^ojvnitire deeliv}ty|^pe|^? •tag fhe-dried- ahtumnal' leaves. * i i | f | | w | l l ^ ^ , , . , f wind in his oath, "No nause;,'m fciS^ •' ;&. but «x)Pg t bi«fang8;j.p ( jhestag?s-rJir,q5^|jfft ?.,.$ once.cowmpDfcedthe''s.trug'gl,e. '-^~s&.,^r. : ^ ;. ,^i ed with tyoq^ J ojtly^pew ikm^mBffc-v 'M struggle was going op.^ Ia a.f^^o^M^^fi Clearing <4V**4^g^^M ailversary "deadi^royfei%^an^Bray^'l town Bravp.'.as'the heroine o^"a^^Me#d«*j Would say, staridirig pvef'ioe; H^. 1 alrqundi^s neck * fra'gm^nTrihhe SJJM^AJ. **.hichUad tied bim l e % | | | ^ s t two, and. foUojvjng. bis' f ma s s|e| t-Brdqi his windings, arrived iri'tiffilb 'tSa^L _ from a horrible deaiai. •"•*-*."''! ^W^4 \<'i&f®i THE-B^ktflEW" V^iffiisM The ^ m r ^ t j h r e w M ^ f c f e ^ ^ f e ^ M j >^i copefa, faint-and. / .exhausied.^^H4g^cp^f3B«»f..V ' nance - - - '• •••• • •-• * •• , " though his fbrm^was vJadticg^byi^isea^^^,, sm Bis spirit aeenfedto^c.p^l^^m'::^! .already claim kindred,wi^iajp^jt^^t^fgitftJv. -m ;of bui future and _fqst-cpTbi'ngdbKtt|.^t^^; it was finished; and. for the fir?f .^^^p-".,, ^"... ^ m many weeks, he sank imaa-qutfe^tfi^afe^i- fresbiog sJumbbr. Tfee apartmeBrfom|^|i^' - - be Jhywiw large v arid' figjh'te.a'%*i*|fft| in a sni#receaft|hat opeupfitp^jL -nea^lM|^.eouc^t. »a,s piacea,? & ; $$l$$0$0,, writing^stood at his feet; ri4,4uttpimti\r liinvBb favorite, inseparable ":6n1hotfM[M> ' window wos shaoed b y a , c | i c t a ^ t t - ^ l i m l ; " damask, and aa the *un ;i ,twhi^|ii ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ , . aUainedits-,ri«ridian)'aJ'ofe-fhrougj^^i|^W \raa aj'tcto. ^owi?8^'tipoii"«veii^i|b^e^p^^ O'ne beam fell upoF^'heao* otfm"IfflKS. poser, and then passed* appea.nn|,a:0^#^- ; "Like this shall yoor day of ^lii^eV^rffife and gJoriousT hot; e*eri."so sh^H^Jc^^->'<* and pas's away, ihou^li. B b i n l q p ^ % M ^ ;'• splendo/," A slight noise jn ( th& l aj)|t|;i^|.t".' awoke him, when turn^pgiitdwarc!S-»?«i|^r^ " over) em," be, 1 present-fame PodJ6»tJ^^g)o% passe sjprpl^^^fg^^^i^lfg^^ *.y m m aieij'"^*'-ipbri" h'e mastTeaVe forb IPomept, too hard^pndufe ( say. not sp, aiy father,'* saltM}] rtt^fiir|, hhn, as tears rb^Hetl^l ^pu triust be'ffetjier^fof, ypii'^a; ipg tbi's-mprpipg^and.i.*ffi^|s| nurse you- welhagaja^-^Dtp jii yohrseifV rrty I o W ^ s a i a 4 l e ? ^ i i form nsvpr can he restcw^djb^fil frp.m Heaveh^nierpyipalpppj^a^i «ucco^ and 1 tt'wftHi.$^|ti^pp< in 'tbtf'tirne*pf &jf ut^#t^dl fa * h> m t'lte^fforf, .wh^.we^ppr/tfalsli^^^^^^^ , quilhed^my h^pl^n4.rpliep.ta fi ^ io escape himt" 4 BSffchev Jv ' A * ;: - ? '' return at the next corre«|>ondl% period.— H> grew thiq aptfoeryp'ri's with'abxiety, and fesoWsd, at ajl hazar$$ft> ppdeavbr to clear up the secret. The- night fcfii® t h e full moon came, and with it the .^Upds-tl^e light whispers /nu,riwured i«rt $n#*ionjg; 4he 'high.walls,audiiejjings,;and the•st*p# flitted like fairies fVoifjIpdtP.efgftfff tbe'-ga}. teries. 'Buteven ^witecftujq ^ii'teWrj>- to part wjtb the t*emtjfj|*tt* plis^V^ 4'f %'« mystery. The foUow'^g higbi- thk^Citfee, full moon;, he 'fclj!>fjp o# t -fretted, and; ,»,__ ^ desperate. .^'l^^lSp'tj^.lfflbMN^ ahce; attd.'sbe, .gaze^.upon m&gi ^feW .fhAWirt^ftt.: ^ ^ ^ I j ^ ^ a f l ^ ^ I «P M the |ce.. yp^f4" J heari; > j*h'ok 1 feJ5^|fJ'P has torn flfew on, till Jys %addlh in *. low W C'«9t cordjipg tq liis owo.fancy jo,, Venitian oayalier, "of ihetold time. jy.iiiejJ for ?M 'his 1 guest, w6'p did;'ridtfa?l fafrn,4 / '^tho v tigi»t Lqckiug her fa^r more'bijautiCul^b'ari^e ^picti|re.U 6fs'h'|^ close W' iajf hre^it#itWi%*^»tf8} I l l ^ ^ p M ' ^ ^ ^ q i e l l t l l h l duubcs an I They sat si'Je by si(|e,Vim the glowing feel. $ti^^^0ditt. iafhMW&Mpi^t^i : J [feM£, jhk hang",flv.e,r. i o^^.rp ,r to, '"te ittgs of southern aid. italig^ative y^u,%^ . » P J ^ e > # | i ^ C ^ '•» P" J S'hfe""•tang- foVhim, a n ^ P ^ e a ^ i i ' ii gii'itar «3hi» PpVd^^»p\1ast l p | | | > v ' e V ^ i « e i»p'a" d e i ^ ^ m ^ f l i ^ m i ^ ' f y a ^ t I w i^Mit ;ihe "wVichhe bad t^eVcpre t b ^ j } a ^ t i a ^ 0 *.h|*--oh^1>jfrfjr ? ^!ea«ed ? "iD^aetlpi!^^ ^>^^^*#^&%^i# r o n J r dwt ong. ^4,hp',f8lt»|irnse|^fMd witl'Undrteam|.t r of 'W^A^Wm^m^m^f^H^ ' 0 e ^ ^ ^ m ^ M ^ m h t ^"""J •^i-'h'ap'pioess,. mm* *agasw»!to*6, &ui .iM^m0tm^§^W0M^ *** W^wS^P^ '* '* * %pr0>'ecoW®eJ8Urti*»re'J»«r^ftlk '.^j(Ml- tnolft'fo(^«BMW^^J<«*$#g m^4mm^im^m "Ji. ibeta Giorglone'.^est'pai.anygHhJs o w ^ e :, M^t»wfat#eMN^*^ ¥ l ^ # # # ^ # # " '* •* ftT ^ ftk * ,ddfc : ffiiA*. %»t-4m tiim ^%%^#|»^«* "*- *- fi ---* fc **- taf d,ec|8iori wtt W ^ t t K ^ L W*, 16»« mmm m ifci?: ttotW,: 1 ' & j san th« : Mi rt^ V'^'wnfll * %M earliest Ve^ftmbrariee.'' fEraihe did M itatf r< 1 .4 r ^ *, V "H vH V H



I I * BY STOW-:4fertffcAZl8k

• . TEfliWS. •

'*AMy^ort)S&«,"a:a*«bo*e wliocaUat

^ ^ t t ' S j ^ ' i l J A S ^ S ^ i e W -pnyjnrnt is not n^PS^OfWitUe r»^»J*«aaoitlqtttvl charge »8SWWasninr-JMVH> per ©*Mt. ivlU Wo made. \^f3#At*v%#|g'enfeiats at tJjte usual raten. -•.'

4tff er^sements^ • y.O^O.^'ANll ' . rO^tiv^Sii i ' re 'ebti

P* Dentist, cqritinhes to/perform allrdpe-jatiqn%ijpQji. |he TEETH^at.his; «%siNoA

, 88* Senp,^atjfp^i "•; Hg b.as<a.ri entire French apparatus, for the insertion of Iqcomipiible, Pqk'&iiAiN, and' MmkRA^lMTH' . ' ^Tb .e us^iof>he"se;\enableshim,to insert'tijeWin,

'$&&e different; varleti&Siof forms .tyifh faqil-ity anpyease to the'parent} and likewise to make them. equally, useful .£oT*mastieatmg piirjp^se^rasj'JKe.onginal teeth> ..

The advantage Of havihg t.bp. teeth cleans­ed add *> filledmihgold," In the first stage of defeaWis iaoatctitah1e,'a,s it-neve^ fails to ar-Tes&aBfttrther'.progressof'disease,, •, '

tte'%111 pr&vl^e'safeand effe-fc'tnal teraedies Tar tfyajsrire of all diseases thai oecur in bis

• prule^ssjoh. ' '• ' ' ; ' . • . ' ' ' Particfjiar attention paid'to the regulation.

of children's teeth.. Instruments for extrao<-iqg'on the-rnodera improved r>Jan, '' . ^Persons jiving at/asdistapeej.will-.do- well

tp-cpujoiunicajte through"the ruedium Of the pp$>o|qce. * All,ope*ations-warranted;

Qkm&May9,4838... s - .-, '09 '

'". i; Physi& dn% ^df^ery._ -'.',.

F'^ton, Office on Mairr-strqet, 4xibors •north of the Bank. -' ••' ',%tf

' >p' 'PhyMc and j^fgery.. I f "IfR. E . BARNES'- Offic*,' norjh'east J | J p criroerof the Public Square.

April 10, 1.839. • 23tf '

AIJU3N,H"JTCHINS, AarioRjy'Er and COUNSELOR A T LAW, and Solicitor

and Counsellor in-.Chancery,"has opened an Office, in Adrian, Lenawee Gduoty, Michi­gan, where he w,iU attepd, to, all business committed to birn. in.the litre, of. his profes­sion. , ' [REEERKJieES.J •

HoOiJ? Berry, •', As. J. Corrtstock, Esq. > . , .

M a c French, ' " ^ d n a ? L. GiBufllorig, <"•

Hon, William H. floag, I T e Q t t m - a e i l , i A, Backus, Esq. $ - , I 0-. Risd'en, Esq. \ ffal,„-» Dr. Bofitfrrey? \ S , a l iDe*

Coti-D.Ct.M^Kiustry,) "• ' - • • ', s>.A.aodard,-E9q. . (YDSilaati S Dr. R. E. Morse, [*P s y a a t l t

Dr. J . € . Alien, j ** flon. J. M'Donell, )

' V S.Conant, | E . JP. Hastings, Esq. V Detroit. Ggo. R. ©riswqjtL*'

' J3«il. 'G.'Sp'eneer* , Adrian, <Mich.) Jan. 8,183D. tf44

••"••'.;'" ^ 4 C a r r f . ; -'v "R; ICftJGSLAND having' ta.ken >pp

In his residoniein this village^ respect­fully oflfers bis professional services to his friends and. the public gemerally. He will rfiire Less6^s'OTlheTrjJTE,VTO£mrattd. VIOLENCELLd. ". . J ' • • ' . • •

Mas. gJlNOSLAND, (a1 p.vtp'H-bf Tim,) willvgive lessors on-the P/AWP F O R T E , OrjBCAKi'and* iih'SllSfGlN€t, • %a^ies and G'SlftlVmfeo; svisnipg to. fjirni"the Voice"'on the Italian system, patr practice the Solfe'g» gioiri sinaifand'seWct Classes; or private Ltfsidn.s; "For. t'fernls? &c.,.apply at their Room*. o#osite tge' Gfrerrs.Offlt!e.- VIO-LI^r^'.attaNG.UraiSft'S, for sale."

PIAItf^FORSPES tune'd. .,; e/^nev^-N-b'^^/lSaa. - • > • • • • 36-

. • •, .:' J$teihe^ Notices," ....

ERHAPS no.-rBttied«t"that Jias 'e«sr | y ; jbeen' offifered to tbo ppljp, haaVilitained'

so-'distih^urfthed. s.nd a*$oli<tS,a prdjuiiarity as ^Aee/er'S' tosiMn of Mastiiftyiti '• For.-Dyfe-entery;,'Dia'rrKa3a,Dyspopsia;'a'd4lall,m'sBases ar'ising frdm'a;diso'rderg^fatedf thebWeis, t>f $:der%hgemnt.of tfhk'WgMiie titgang, it has no ^qu»l &'& r'enjed^'and^bs.iiig an en-firmly; vegetable •|i'r%J)'ar tio.ni tnay "be tafcen fay ^ i « W f . l b f W a g e , 'or M''«« .S&wB«Si'j»Utf the'mbMxer^jrn-alby^rjlsrjcfa^ for the « « m ^ C7p^M^/(?A*7*fres,'i6'otli asa^reje-hiatnfo' aad^careAis'su-perioIrto Werv' iJOJer ^qw'n.^paj-atidir. "'.AXd''ind,e«' »*V.H'eiit,pf 'its, possessing "tfalesfehjgKS'nd^I--

as a togic^'' /* i^ <$ dgredtble pM-moHStme stQfnkcMi'. attd;a.eertain pwvocatfve to appe­tite.. The,se.ar^Ji|gh an^'strong" reebpimeo-d.&tio09,,andarefsusta|ned beyonjIraH.caviI or dopbt, by'respe^tabie'ianij.rfes'-^arxjili.es'wl}D wopld blnsfe to hav.e/fh«|f names:x:onpJiect|d with>any^eleterfons"or.«r4'pirip>l 0 0 ^ 0 ^ ' . Theexient'nbt.-ftftJy.bftKeirctfnfidejjoe^but 61 "th.£ Medical fapajf iri.Pfetyr'E'ork, In the Balsam'Of^o§e'ateIlo.,'niav3b;e.Tl^nt frqto' a pam^hM; • wb)ch- feaff. b i |ijen.^the. -Stereof Messrs:'. Lv T^ziitr- &'Go., so le-,Agents* ior Gejjera, Qntario GiototJ. ». ., <•' Sy^AsVpn'rions imitatirinf.ef *Ue Balsam bf Moscateijo have befen attemplea\ the pubn lie aft'catitioned.agains'tparehastng anyxbat-is.'nofactiompaoied with a pampHie^bea'rjng the,'signature of tj»e s».bsqr'i.tier, (?ple 'pro-pr je tor^Ae bottles of j$l,J2'.'a«d $%eaoh # » ^ ' n g * & n « H * j t k Ws name. ' ' -;

, #," - j r . W H E E t E R . Oculist,. [%I8J 3S Gree'nwich-St.,|TeV^ar-k.

H P S§-^»^«s«.^8tflaift»ac*et, RICH*

wiiH-eavtf €fE^E?A'at p o,'0|ocl5^.M.. and JEFFERSON',."at U o'clock AJt|M daily, rnabin^be^n.terma.diatB^atidlngs.^onnect-it>g with jJJrnlra^ Penn-yan; Bajb^Painted-B.<»tr!$*?A9K&9& ar idSUAd^ route's 4a^apd.\»Bs{bf.Grefoev&..'-..-.- - ; . • ' ' L The S.t6a*i "WBoat-"GENEVA, Capt. A. W«EasibE«, will Kave J E F F E R S O N at 6 o'clock A- M.,an&GENEVA fct-4 O'clock P.M:1MondayjTabsday,\V;ednesday,15'buts-

-day and.Friday j on. Saturday, at 10 oVlook AfMi fima Jteffersob; .Sunday, at 8 o'clock P.M* from-'Genevai, '•••/•

Appl£ on board, or of COOI&Y .& MAx-wi!ia,"Elmira'v • .: :. . ,• ,

Geneva, MarcTi 27, .1839J " 9

AM^wSf Rochester Railroad ' -COMPANY". '.' • . .

r M m T J C E is hereby giveri to the 0fock-'XW-. iiplders. of .th> Aubum.anst Roiihesttb RttMrod&€ilmp'anyt,tiial pursuabt to a Res­olution of the "Directors thereof, they are required-tee payWfhq. Treasurer anlostal-meM ofTw,o DoHarsan'd Fifty GerJts'otl each sbajpe, on or before» the twB-ntie'thdayof July next, and, a further iostalmen'tdf.two dollars, and fifty fgepbi 6a. oaob share, OHidr before tlw twetmetb'day of August iieist,' under the penalty of a forfeiture of their stock, and of all previous payments." "-

Payments rriay^be made.by.de'p'dsitto the fe1*d1tnfthe.Tr.e&snrerlneit|eroflhe-»'ariks in th'e City .of Roebester^ pr in the Villages on tKe'liBe ofrtb>saio Road, orafc the Onta­rio Savings Bank, in Canandaig^ia. .' *•*

CHAS. SEYMOUR, Treasurer'- • • Aulmth and RacKestit Railroad (Jo.

Cahandalgna, June 8, ie39. 9-*l:

New' ^wai^mpipMi^ Selected Poetry

Crooked Lake. ...-, ARRXNOE^EPCT \-OB

1839—-Thelgtearo-boat KEyK,A,; after undergoing thorough

repairs, wil| comhieace hei' regular .trips 00 Monday, the loth instant,.leaving- HAM­MONDS BO RIP" at .4 o'clock A.M. on the arrival pf the -Stages from Bath, intersecting at PenthfYan- the*-'Stages ftjr Cana'ndaigua and- Geneva.; arriving in Geaeva in time far the Stages afid Papket-Boats'going East at I-e'docit,.P. M. ft'etnrning, leaves Pente-Yan af. half-past; 1 ,P.M., oto- the arrival of the CanandaigiiaandG'enevaStages." The Stage fripm. tfie Boat will intersett^tbe fol­lowing ttoesof StagesatiBatht, vi». the Daiis.-ville and Rochester, Olean and Jamestown, Paioted-Pqst Snd Elmira, Harrispurff arid Pb'iladeipbfci. ' - . • / . - '

For passage, apply-at "the-American tjo-

. From the N e w a r k mrtor. .

... _ . M M v a s T STANZAS. '

Ths Hardest i the Harvest \ how faiwa each plain It waves to its.aoWen luxnrlapce qf groin; . 4)ie wealth 6( a notion is spread on the srouni),

'And the year, with Its joyful nbUDdaqoe, ia etown'4; The barlej. ft rlpen'tag on upland aifd leo, And t^e.o«t»Iot)fB aro drooping, all graceful to'scc, Like-llie long*yeiroW hair of a<beaui«uf'miald, Where it^wave»4n the breezes unloosed to.mtliebraid.

v - ' - 1 • * ' * > . * *

TheBTd.tveStJ tliKHBryrest! how brightly-trtosiia tooks.do'wTion 'the {tro^pect—its tolls are begun! And thowl)eat-ahea*essatlitek,in the vaUeya'n're piled, Thafthe iaod In its glorious profusion hasLsinlled; The reaped ha,» shouted ;b0 furroWs among— In the midst of hislatoV ho brealis Into song— And the gleaners liitlgh gaily, fbrsetful of care,. In the'glee at their nft>rtB,.as they gather their Bllare.

TheHarvest! the Harvest!-rape more "we heboid ; Fairy pbrny arnry'd in its (irery. of gold';

We are tpared to exult in its bounties again: _ Ayearhath been granted, andnhallwisrequiin . JForgetfuJ of Jllm who hath lengthened oiir.daysl

Great God of the HarVest, to ftioe be the praise! Thou hast prosper'd our talis, bad hastgiv'n tft' Increase And estat>lish'd the land In abuodance and peace.

' , " ' <!' ' ' ' 1 11 1 ^ I n n — .

. Popular Tales.

-1 "p$$fa$. Sxttiles, '$&<•:

Tlfl(jS subscribers have received'and offer "for sale- cfceqp, a variety, of FAJJCY

AR'EXQfeE^ .donsiating of mrk-bo^es, Card-iias^k,.- pegaV-roasos, China Toys, Chi ' na Tea Sets, Dressing Glasses, Visiting and Coa^satja© Cartter. Battiedoea^, ©raeess LettenS5amp3vS'ea(ving-Wax, Fruit Knives, P6»J.erMfs)b. Sh7*B6ga, Pbrdussion Cjps, Eme&'BagsijSeatj ^bd -Silk Paises, Razors, RaJM?-S'ttQpa,T-iBrasttc Strspepders,' Curls, SJd<s an j ..T3eiat-.C|iri}bs, .Tea^Bells, Lace pipes , Fancy, Handkerchiefs, "&o. &cr ,

- P / .• . ;,»,H<,&.B!vF.-S'PA.GXj, • -MarciiS?,'i8o9.>.>^_ ^ ' % \ n . s t W .

JSkttce to Builders $p Repatiers. f l t t H E subscriber has; located his Paint J t jShQpootfaesoinbsrdeo/Seneca-street,

Genev^where hewill be rea.cfy at alltimes to furnish the>bbsfc.worknien, and of st«ady hab­its,.for Painting? Glazing, a"tfd Paper Hang­ing; also. SlgoPaintiogf Window ga^h", Glass^ Fancy Sash atfd'BHnds 00 6imo andoiade"to order. Feeling, thankful for tbeveryliberal patronage the;pasE,ye'arj he solicits a contirr-uanceof tbtesame, promising satlsiaqtion and attention.- . E;DWAR-D-P.VEARLL.-• Geneva* March 25,1839i ' . 6m9

Nt B. 'PerSbns -wishing t ^ d o tlJeir1 own. Painlidg, wilt h/<* furnished wftbfPainf Brash-es[and.d1rectioris-faoy to "die". '•

• $fS4?$nei}at Bat ®tor.'e+ lJ^ ' ~"^""iGaT&GLARKl,:attbeir

old sfland,- s'ofith -Side df Seneca street, opposite- Prquty's

, H A R D W A R ? STORE, continue to kee'p'for saleyjrbolesaleldr retail-, a general assortment of H ATS and CJAPS, -of the la­test fashioflS/wiiohs-the'y will- sell oxfrtto' most reasonable terrbsv f A eontiftuanoe of the liberal patronage theyhavtf heretofoje' receivedj, is-respectfully invited. -SATIN BSArVfi.R H A T S / o l ; the first;

quart,tyy kept.c.onstaritIy on hand.-. Geneiia, M«y 15, j m . • '• , \ 16

Jhettodtfor-JSafaik. Canada*

tel, p*nn"yafl ^ Exchange,, -Haromondsport, ar to. the Captain ©.aboard. - . ' • S < . • ' • > ' J . S, LEWIS, Captain.

N;B. Horses and Carriages-takea on beard at either end of the Lako, «

April 10,' 1839.. " ' %l " ". . ' •• — - = ' v . r • - ' • ' — — - — -

•, •';. Gengya" £me-~jl830v .. . g ^ M ; ^ ^ - - - ^ . f k A Y and Night. <B^s | l | i §8f l i l l | § lp ' J L P The Subscriber having addea^sevferatBoats bf-'tjie first class to. his fnrmer nurtrberv-will On tbe^opening of Canal -Navigation ,be.prepared -to'forward with promptness and despatch, Merchandise, Ftrrntture," Passengers,. &c. fi&tn New-York, Arbany and Troy to -Mbbtezuma, Seneca EaHs, Walerlbb &nd Geheya,. and .frodttce, Far4itnjrfr, 4s,b.,lui troy,.-Albany and.Ke*-York. ,,Asbar^,.o:'f public, patronage is-r$-speov&By.isoKcitid1. . •, [ '.,

WareHtfu.se on Franklin,Dock foot of Seoeca-street. . , ' . . ' E-BAKTN*

Ge.neva, ftiarcb,27,',.18$l, ; •,. ' .- .... • -. AGENTS.

JOHN RtCE, 1» aiqth,-slreet, JJeW'Vork. '. B.M.-REMER,€8au»y-street, Albany,

D e w s & tojtTpr/,' ' 'tJtlda. Ship- b> AlbanV"WdfCdnSl,Efne bfTow-

Boats.'which leaves thBfoo]M)CBroad-street, New-Tork; daiiy' kt S 0MI00K P.. M, ".Mark Easkageflf, "care of B . M» R'emer, Albany." , . ' " -9

ar2iilee;t}]atal|:lds'seS I wftK^mptfteW(/p(tJib>r« .Tons, iofJmsuranee to be'-madb

uo ' <- ' fMWf>^ ,SlCA -A'rSv'AgenX. | ( S e n e ^ F ^ r i 3 ; l 3 8 3 & / . v . ; , . lyS"

Mm' avill

ted: Upper,Canada. .The- I*aad is of the -best quality, and; wftl.be soldi cheap. For par­ticulars, apply to tbesubscrTibeK op^rostte the Franklin House, (ifetfeva.

WMi A. DOTGHE'R. Geneva* March 2, 1889. 6tf

. •;>' S.-Qar$slingl .'•

FINE and Superfine Ingrain Carpeting, .Benin do., Matting, Rugs;; and-F|o6r

Oil Cloths, jost received-by '• " • ' • ' « . - l s • H. H: & 0 . C.;SEE-fcY$. • May 15, 1839, ,' ' "' 10

1 From Blackwood's taagnzlne.

.. CELESTINA. was in.ItaljC,' some yea«s'8go,.I.

knew a young Englishman who was in the h^bit' of seeking places to reside in, little, frequented; by'bis eountryroenv He wosja lover of solitude and st»dy,vand addicted to-rtsverie; and much of his'lffe.was a gentle and shimmering" dreattf- tsbk't glided to -the masie Of romantic traditions.. At the lime I roust bow,refer to, he had selected"aa,his abode QQB oftbe de.serfed palaces"fof the Ve­netian nobility, on ;he tanks of th'e Brepta. But he had no acquaio'tanoc with the owner* to interrupt bis solitude, for.hehad.hined it from the Steward to whom their affairs were entrusted. It.bad aittacted bis fancy," though it was njoch pur of order, from haviug a gallery of' pictures,.chiefly -povtrnlts/still Te-marning,.an'd-in good presiervatibo- "xhere wg)S also a largeneglepted ga*deo; where the 'Eng!ishhtan.sat or wandered many".hours of the day. But.be also spent^nindtutirne- ior the piature gallery,--conversing ivith- grave old senators, saturating, his mind' with the colors of Tintoretto,. &pd Paolo Veronese,^ and contemplating! .like/a modem Paris, the goddesses oj'Titian's: pencil. But.there was onev picture which, gradually tyon hi? very hearth It jvas a portrjt]{, by Giirgiooe, 'of a ypung-Ven^tian laidy ; and the.old- servant of tbe.hoase called her La.Celestina,- She-had the' fu-Uana luxurious Venetian form;. but'dniike any of the'othef fe.tnale portraits, there was a profusion of rather light brown, hair flowing -down her back, as one. -gees hi some of the' early Italian pictures- of the Virgin,' ariff-rfre sonny' stream fell from a" wreath, of "bay, leave'?. Her dress was of darfcgreen_|ilk._ An antique bust of ao-old mapiwas represePted qn a table before her,^ and her right band and raised- foreiToger

•Peanuts; ••-, • » ' ^ B U S r I E L S o f " P E A N . t T S ' for W t f i s a i e b y . !H,&B.F:-'STAGG, 'JMfey-2di •>/' '••- . <".-; • •_[ Mamssrrect.'

:'..' ,. i&oda.CfabkJts.. • . JPRESH'supnlyrjust recekedby . .-, . -. H .& 'B; f . .STAGG J ' "

^X-29- • .• - ..,- '. ••?. -» SS»?n»SwH}t.'

^'i)iuiiiiii.Hiuii|!iri.i!|i*i'iUiigu'!(V,T,.^ --.- -tone, the name of Cfel.es,tinav He; seized 'a sword and stepped Silently iota door-near hirri, which'operied intoWi gallery, dnd was in deep shadow. tJnelqsing. it ifofty,: he looked down the long room, and,there,, op­posite the .place df the wclliknowo picture, stood, in the' bright moonlight, Ceiestioa herself uponthefloori' the 'r ight hafldwas raised like that on the canvass,, as if to listen, and th,e, eyes were looking earnestly,into,the depth of gloom which bid the EngHfhWan. He let fall Vii sword, le^go the'doo1^ Which closed before ttirn^ anil when he had agiiio courage to open M, the- gallej-y was empty and the still clear light fell -upon the vacant )• floor.

'" The consequence to • Bin) of this event was a severe illness^ and a.friend and fellow-countryman was sent for from Venice to at­tend his. sick-bed. This .visiter gradually obtained an outline of fire "facts-from the sufferer, and then applied to the old'ftalian, servant, in order, to arrive at a reasonable, explanation. But he stoutly denied all knowledge of any thing that could throw light upon the matter. Next day the friend found on his table aslJpjflf paper,on which was written in a beautiful female band,.a request that be would present himself in the eastern­most arbor of the "garden .at. the hour of,-siesta. He of course did so, and found there 'a ladyip a dark drVsi, and closely veited.^-Sbosaid, in fine, Italian, that she .had, bejg-ged to-see him, in order to tepair.-if possi­ble,, the" mischief which hajd been acciden­tally "done. . ".My fat-her," she continued,-!' the owner of ibis palace, is of a protfd.but impoverished Venitian family. His son is an'ofScer in an Austrian regiment', which has been stationed for some years jo Hun-i gayy ; and I am the old .map's only compan-i.oq.- He isi perhaps, a little peculiar and eccentric in his habits and character, and all his strqn|esf; feelin|[sar^ directed towir^a the. memory of his ancestors,'whose.ab.ode-is now,oceupied by your friend. .Nothing but necessity would have induced him to re­side ' in a Btnall bouse in the neighborhood whicb WBTiriw tatjatnt*' He's^tiJlperpetuaWy recuis to she ^traditional stbrres-.of bjs fatrj-

•ily'sjatmer greatness; audit is a favorite poipf of belief with him that his a'adglitfpr closely resetpbles the Celestind whose pic­ture is in'the gallery^ .and whose name, she bears. Owing, to this fancy, he is. never satisfied Unless he sees bar dressed in imita­tion of the idolized portrait. But, as be no longer inhabits the house-, and does not choose to present himself to its'occupier in a light Which- he consider* go unworthy, "he could gratify his Jove for the pictures only by visiting them at night, at a time when the moon affords a light by which, imper­fect as ids , his ancestors appear to him dis­tinct, and beautiful beings. Nor could he bs long contented with this solitary .pleasure, but insisted that I should accompany bim. 'VVe have more than once entered a door

to make%rt»ne«ia Bjjs wi^iiiBimRprignt.-r, He gained1. th« father!? teotisent^-(heir4n^ riage, arid she i f •nowt'th1e,^ifst^|s*o£.?4°:W English cpuntr>v-%nf*ei' ' S ^ e i o o | s ^ t t f e | portraits by Vandyke p ^ j ^ » a | s wJI Vfis, much pleasure as.sheever deriveaironithWf of Titian, for she now tries to fin'^ i n ' t | t ^ a"Jikepess to more than <im ^ u p g f^6e ttfat often rests upon her, knee. Of this pe|v:

generation,'the. eldest* and the lovelie0t-;w called, likeherself, Celestina. .-' ', '"-,

- May!

Mutton Mantsi LTrs.'d,ried M^TTTON HAMS, for sai.e, by/ ' , .''. ,

"-H. kB.W^TAGG, -. ' ' Mam-street. **.


FIRKlNS—forsaleby • -H. & B. Ei STAGG,


„.a»«(and Shoulders: * " .HAMS A HAMS 5 50 S"ftbtfLDERS,

V . & r s a l e b r " " ' '

ffieckwtitts\$nfoDy$peptyp Pitt's • i t "RE esteemed asonr^ of the best'Fam% JBL M'eHfi'ities ii^usev - bj6ir^np6m?!op • beltrgafoma'tre, they do noit ex^cito the dfsa-greeabfe sensations of-:naus*rfltftfien adjpip>-istered.' They'are recomfttepde'd-'by'. • r

R't. Rev.'ii,®; IVES,- Bi^rittp'oT Ifi (?„.';•". • BevtFV-LvHAivTras.'iSfew^Yorlr',' -'?•.• • HonVCja\s. f i s - a i i ' M . C. of W r O ^ t e r sap by :''.'. •*r&,••ICffiBIit,•&'CO,., Agente:^

tM'ay29- $t.kp0'. sTAGG-', Jain-street.

$. Ge oifge. potteji, Bdo^-Biride^-. ^ W A V ^ ) $ < i i n - £ , trevti. Geneva* •' "

Tft lBA^I^l in^toased. tto> jB^ok Binding J^|ti"Esit.ahlftBmen<. of-Messra.,. J.- & I.rNA BogeWand arldediaipo'nslderabJe quantity c/f pew-'ani'ft fksUonable'."f(Wis. frbm"JSpw'.lf*rfc, js pr^paliea.to fta*^ otfiheabbVe.ttia^e inal) its branches^ P-iatPr JfSa*l ^ndr>Elega»ti..oil the most-,re.&sqpble.te|m8(. V < 1 v^v-.. ...-.>

^ t^-sol jc i t^ ' the sfipporti8ina:p'atr«page of tbe"inhabitan|:8 of fjfepeva an^;it9, vidfipify, anij hof eft1 by «,strict attetition to the Wishes of iMSfcnst'onterSr antohb quality -tofjhls waork, to rr».ertt- theVapptobatitfn of^afllhos>*who may^&hitrJ 'with their commands.. „ ,

u M ba&i repaired in tbVnfcates! manner.

0%imim,, .. - .v.,; a% -^^''t^'tM'aAt'fi- •'• '•.-' .:•'

* tmmfaw\m ^ / h e euta ida of Maip-X i mm\i now occupied^ by'Mrs Gallagher.

The "lot/is 150.fe«sib,fron^ffin,Mam-street, \iil . g | ; epf t3 , . to the ;Lake^»^house is commo'diousflnd in excellent;fipair. Thero is a gMWariely offrpiton the.lot. For terms.jrflply"to JMh» Gallagher on the-pre-misea; otita Bv Whiting. -'. „

Jtrlyilb* 1838. ' 1 ?

. • „ .ri^I'^V- , - • ..i^»..,,, — — a ' - ;,-

* .-/ ^[ew'^rmg $foodsr ..

JBikfidi&lh Fills. " : • HE Best FaWiiytMedScfne'eowin fee,' and a certain cure if taken taitime,'fsr.


2-sh*Hibgper.bo« Feb! 20V 18,89;

j . B:-B0M]»EYv. 4tf

"aid A $K for WinAioiifi tlc^tpdmd Balsam of

j&'Bore'fitfiifld., .jgst^blisfte;" " Nope."other,'is genuifje^ft- .-Connter-

fti«s' are ^jjmsWqce;- ' ' OS^Be on your g juaro .^) • Sega.avfrtifement.;, . Iy43

.": "' • '..jfcwk

Bwritmm 'A ND Ftbrence *£Mb OlliVfpr salt Hy*

j 3 L * May 27. . \ D. ^ELI iY &-CO, . , , 1 — ' — M ; ' 1 • - . , r - i . . k : . , 1 ^ •; 1

*• T|UST received and reo^iving, atfchenp ana; Mm cleg'apt,. assorttpeBu; .of'vQO'ODS,,*- for sale .cfEAT for'CASH] . . . . . .

, .,-;*. y •%-JB."-lQ7MNfi-V> '. May 18,-1839. V -;:.-v ' „ . - . • . - . 18

LAMP, Linse"ed,'6live an'dTanner's, by the barrelor less'qu'aritfty~ b y ' - '

May-27; "1839.

is quantity,» L . K E t E Y & C O - H ' '•/N'o.'K, Se;'neca--St,

seemed to itjdleate- tl>at both shd apd the 1 from l n e fi,rdeD8, a nd it was 00, the i.tst of spectator on whom Her divine eyes wet's j ti,8se occasions that I thought I heArd 'fixed, must listen to some expected 'oracle f uBige, and while* listened-, the door at the frora-the.marble lips..1,She might havpse^ved' as a-lovelyaymboi-o/lhe fresh present world listening tp thefixe'd'and flibylline past—

end of the gallery was opeoed and then vio Jently closed again. On this alarm we im­mediately escaped, as we had entered,, sod

Hareyea were large and dark, but not lus- \ the^ftraoge consequences to. your-frieod trous; fhey. aeeroed,rather heavji wiih en toward thoughtful melancholy, as if there \fas sotrie'thio'g itf'ber sifxtation or character more eojeron than her years or cirqu instances could have led us to expect. There was, however, no tradition of her., story, oxcen^ t'hat'sne Was a daughter of the faratly.whffi^ Still .possiess'ed the-'pa'face'nod the -" *"' :*

: »u?> and that Slie had died In early li,fe. " Before this picture the young Eng1tsri%;

than would remain for an hour or 'twb at. a ».ime,' endeavoring.to shape jsji! for himself some "distinet-view of her betDg..and>s|.ory. This w,as ifHe--work,, as* it led him tp_pailefi.-iifte aTOTlSsTinf cPeSiioo, but i{ odeupied

^ |m ,wr th&. tlme.as we'll as arty thing else th^t b.e ,was'(ike)y tp have .done., ^ y ^ n d by bis fdn.'6yvsp jaitied upon bira that .hehad' tb^fiham,ber next'fo that part df the gallor/" wh#re tfict'^Vtiire mi arranged as1 hi* bjfd-rqorri, fhat sbj^e might 6B, near hislpcoruo-reftl n)i?tres» even during the bodrsof}#,«iP

ttpf'MSeu to tae a source of much regret.*— We"t\eard of his illness from our old servant, Antonio, the only person who fcpew of our njghtly visijs. To convince you. thai this is the whole secret, I have put on this-dress 1

|fhen wore, gnd-'ybo sbAiyurlgB fur yourself ^resemblance to the.picture.." • lo. saying,', she threw aside liet veil and

Bnantle, and surprised the -stranger with tiie #tew^>f her noble eyes, and of heryouthfoJ, Italian beauty, clothed in the dress of rich green^ silk., which ctosjely-.imitated" that-of the painted ..Celestina. Her'hearer was. arW6«d-by-tbe-iHistakej-''aridi delighted by hel- explanation. He turoedUo ask jibe lady that when" hie sick fnend should be a liule reqosered, she wpnl'd complete lier kjodness by enabling hipii4p judgs for liitpself 0/the) tjgaUiriul'feSerablfthpew^icB had so rpisieo* him'.' She said, that she would willingly dA; go, andbnfy regretted that, froth her father's turn of eha%EicYer, it woufd bp almost impos-

Orie night,-BoonRafter this phange^liad been -i sible to make him a;ssen.t to apy meeting

Qo'uglv Gqifcdty,

A N l ^ ArAcie,'man'uf3t:tu.red''at.tlje Cdnfectionary Store, No. 7 Seneca--

.'st'rept, iareepmmeodfeu; asa sU/erpmfidy for Colds,' Ctiughs, Asthma, inQa&n%^ Sid,. . '. -•'• •*•... - " " • , ETOt?H SJMff. •

." •' ' JOoykmg Classes.; ?' • TfUST rBo^ived^M'antel.P'iei'andCorHnion

t f XOOTKING GLASSEj,-b^th Giltand

TO:0R; prep^ripgaeltcacWs for tbe'dessert^ fbr sale by

*May>27 - hi K E t t Y & CO.

'Mahogan^jframed, ait rgdji '.Si' \ ^ | i U y H E R J ^ I I *

G e ^ ; ; May Wf'!!&&&$ f

iroeemes, "GE^ERAXTassbrtnient, by ' . -

/ f j y % > : • ' ' . . - If. KELLY & CO.

fit CO. .09

ah itjlAW'An fG.£


'.'ttii,»/r 'Sk>c


•f.eyery description, neatly and eXftadm lioOTly excepted at t ^ Office.

- 'I '

Itistfici Library. '

A SUPPLY"-of Harper's'Di&ttict School 'Iiibf afy, ^0 vhlsi^in-'a portable case, for

$20, daily efcfre.ofeii;. Urderifor the abpve3' promptly exectitedi . , , - . ' • •

Ap-fil-21. '*?; • " ; f ^ ' j | Q ^ E ^ T . - ,


THE subscfiiflsr.rrt'rt wlla^st 'ratinf>w i n U c K C b ^ ; « l f f ; i t ^ A j > t o w , '

' • • ' ' . . * » B. KIJnlN'EY'..

•Genevit, 27th l ^ f c p g f ^ i > ; ^ " ' . . .

' •'£. T f t E ^ H shppfy hist,*eceW*.vandl,Jo|;



iUiade," 'whlle-ihe' 6tas lying in. bet),;and piu-^singpf'CelestJnH, he thought He'beared Jo the ga]l,CTy'c6ns6crated to her, lofr vPicys, and a light .'step. -He felt, I bejieye,. nay. cherished," ^bm/dash of superstitions), fear Id his charact|r| apd. he did nqfrisfeldex-an|ioe,intarth|^riatter.'','The bext nigpt was thatioif the foil moon, and again he heard the safP|!9b,urid i and '»|i,nV for fhe .tirrie, on tBftnrgjp'vfollq-wrpg. Then il tibased, and

' for some d'ays hiei'w.as hi «nuietiiperp|exitjr. The gailerfLbs day-light prese^ltedI';no ap-•pearance a'Fo^iinge." He broaded over the. remembrfmcel 'whetheKfounde^ff fact or imaglnktph, till it'struck htm 'Oja^perlJBps, there was A co'briection between ifhe sounda and (hp-age of the mo6n,whe.a-ibey were heard; 'and that, if softliey mijht possibly

m*<\fi$a[& RY l ^ l t f l E A D in tfafrersvJjaif bar rei||ftsa kegs. AlsOv Cfrbuifd:I;ead,

in kegs o'Ppriorts'weighfs/at L . K E l E Y & C o ' s . 1—ifii'1'i..-U f,~.,i in.,X.-i,„

M P S © , madif'|aWeir "order,' ^ee^iKedln Storb, and for sate by

1 sale by-j L. KELJ,V & CO,

#" : : s *.t -w

with the present^ occupier of his ancient palace." She therefore, said that it rhust be again a private interview, arid «lifiht take place pt thp same spot on the third day.iplfi lowing... Her new acquaintance h .a^o- rer turn'to Venice, and so, could n^t carry tjn the adventure So his own person, -But the account which he gave tovhto friend soon re-, stored the patient to strength and heafthful-ness. Immediately afte?" "ni&f conipanio»?8 departure," he had thfe gr'eeh'shd shady Tirjtpr prepared for the expected, trieeiing. .A" 6ol< lefttion of choice frphs, sweetrneaisyand wine, Were set ouj; n* silver ves'8e(M^*a^ roarbje^tabie/ T i p g h p l ^ e ^ ^Ssief1''-'

th? ''

. F£ani-thB;Knickeruocll;«,w ^ ~

A H U N T I N G S K E T C H . , A bright frosty morning in November,

1S3S, tejtopted me to visjf the forest'bunt­ing grounds. - 0n this opcasion, I was f»I-lowed.hy a firieMpokipg hound,.which.had been presented tp-ine," by a fellpw sports­man. 1 was anxious to test, his qualities, and knowing that a mean dog.will often hunt well,with a good one, I tied up the eager Bravo, apd was attended by ,the stranger dbg

"alope- .A brisk canter of half, an hour, brought, me to the wild forest hills. Slack­ening the rein, I "slowly wound my way up a brushy slope; some three hundred yards ip length. • L had asc6nded about half llje way, when the bpund beganto exhibit signs of uneasiness'; and at)the sdme instant a stag,

'sprang ^uV.tViftn sorae.undferbrpsb aearby, 'and rushed' like a whii'liifind ^p thtfsrop'p. A w,ord,,and the boundwqacrouchiog atitoy feet, and' my trained Cherokee, with ear

•erect< and*flaslirpg «y_et watched the p'qurSe of the affrighted animal. '* •

On the very smpniit Of the rid|e,',tu11 one bundre^. apd fifty..yards distant, every" iirnb. standing out in bold relief against the dear, blue Sky, the stag paused, and looked prdttd-3 ry down, liponua. »Aftera moment of'inde-.CisiortvX-raised jpy-rJfle, and sedt 'the whiz--, zing jead upon its errand. A single bound and the antlered monarcli was hidden; from ,view'. Haslily running dbwn a hilJrl 99-oendpd the slope, and my. blooa ran -a little

•faster, as I saw the " go,uts_ of blopdV which' ^ta'rned*the.withered leaves where-he'had stoodi tOoe moment motet and the excited hbuod was leaping breast high da his trail, and the gallant Cherokee bore his rider like lightriipg after tb e m - . '

Away-^awavi: (or faoours, did we/ thus 'hasten on, wi»pj t once "being at fault, or cheeking our headlong speed. . TlJ'e fchase had led us miles from (be starting point, arid now appeared to be bearing up a creek, on one side-of-whtchr arose-a* precipitous hHI, sotpe two mijes in'Ifiogth, which I kpew the wounded animal would never ascend. ' Half a mile farther 00, another hill reared jts bleak and bprren bead, on the opposite side of the rivulet:' Once fairly iq the'gorge, there 'was' no ex.il, save at the Upper e£d qtthe ravine. Here then I must intercept my game^ which I was able to do, by taking.a near cut over the ridge, that saved at least 0 miie. •

Giving one parting shout Jri chpe/ rriy dog, Cherokee, bore me headlopg to, the pass. I had scarcely arrived, when, black wiih sweat, the stag came laboring op the gorge, seeming, totally reckless iff p i t pre­sence.. . Again I poured tprib. the "leaden messenger of death,". as luetepr. like- he flashed by. Us. One bound,-and the noble anlmaf lay prostrate within/fifty feet of where I Stood. Leaping fron) "my horse ahd pla^ Ping one knee upon bis shoulder, apd a hand upon his antlers, I drew my hunting-knife; .but-scarcely, had its keen poiot, touched bis nedk, whep, with I sudden bound, he threw, .me from his body, and my knife, was hurled •from ray band. Ip hunter's, parlance^! bad,: •* only creased him." . J " a t ppeesaw-rny danger ? but it was. too late. With 0»e buuo'd he »^s Upoti roe, woriuding.and"al-most "disabling* me, ^witn- his sharp feettpHJ botns. I seized him by his wide-spread antlers, and sought ta ,regsm possesstop of", my kpife5^bu.f fn vain: each struggle,drew m farther from jft, „ C|he.rokp'er ffightenep* at thi/j.unusilaf ec^riej, hj^.mnd"? flpjl^he torrof tbr»Wger%hereriieT^roadrlo-sfciog* do'wb upon the cyrojatj'trernblipjf pnB qbtv-erii!g in'every;Rb\ti£ : \ ;,': • * . ' , ' " ' ' • The rrdgMopd tbaV.iX.had jaken, bad, placed us fat in the advance of the.bound, whose bay I could', not now heap The struggle*\>?the'furfotff animal bad become aVsadriil, apj every moment I could feel his ^fiarp hoofs cmttog.deep*1 iotpjpy desij^my 'grisp upon hjs antlers was growing les^nd. "less1 firttr,* add fix' I ^relinqaisbed • not- -my ;hqia» ".'T$» Struggle h3d biougj^ |i* near* a (jeep'.^t.cl), washed by the heavy^aijtjj(|i|s', .apd-into. this 1 endeavored to force toy«ad-VerslVyj but -jpy s^epg^h>W',tthiBftoa{,'to

till.Vil'nVt • wtrpft'Affnrlnv-rtrfKHVli'trt th^'^bvm

as. his eye -resred.pn „h«8jj -my h.oId>pF t h f ^ i : ^ ^ ^ ,.,M

•Pew; eneriiyi' ' ' ^ x b a p i ^ H P

.himself upoin jnp^zJ^A^ did>I<M

f , B i r p ^ . b | / t h e . ; ^ ^ p g : h l p p 4 j * | h i ^

• ,afld . pfiW^4i^i%'MP*6'aP^'^^^^


for. Bravo I, TbtHgjfe/fa ^H^i%^

with none to beipi t S R b W f f e » ^ W ^ ^ E friends, courseel l ikeJigptniQg '^o,ug^M brain, At that mpmeniflf d/flper^f^tWS hopehersejf th'e nei gallant

one faint shout. :"" On, Bravo.A,!ri ''ii ,nest',,mioment, tvith 'ige^^ifee.,'^i|^?fMgS, .noble dqg-eame^ojvnitire dee l iv} ty | ^pe | ^? •tag fhe-dried- ahtumnal' leaves. * i i | f | | w | l l ^ ^ , , . , f

wind in his oath, " N o nause;,'m fciS^ •' ;&. but «x)Pgtbi«fang8;j.p(jhestag?s-rJir,q5^|jfft ?.,.$ once.cowmpDfcedthe''s.trug'gl,e. '-^~s&.,^r. :^ ;. ,^i

ed with tyoq^ J ojtly^pew ikm^mBffc-v 'M struggle was going op.^ Ia a.f^^o^M^^fi

Clearing <4V**4^g^^M ailversary "deadi^roy fei% an^Bray^ ' l town Bravp.'.as'the heroine o^"a^^Me#d«*j Would say, staridirig pvef'ioe; H^.1

alrqundi^s neck * fra'gm^nTrihhe S J J M ^ A J . **.hichUad tied bim l e % | | | ^ s t

two, and. foUojvjng. bis'fmass|e| t-Brdqi his windings, arrived iri'tiffilb 'tSa^L _ from a horrible deaiai. •"•*-*."''! ^W^4 \<'i&f®i

THE-B^ktflEW"V^iffiisM The ^ m r ^ t j h r e w M ^ f c f e ^ ^ f e ^ M j > ^ i

copefa, faint-and./.exhausied.^^H4g^cp^f3B«»f..V ' nance • - • - - '• •••• • •-• * ••,"

though his fbrm^was vJadticg^byi^isea^^^,, sm Bis spirit a e e n f e d t o ^ c . p ^ l ^ ^ m ' : : ^ !

.already claim kindred,wi^iajp^jt^^t^fgitftJv. -m ;of bui future and _fqst-cpTbi'ngdbKtt|.^t^^; it was finished; and. for the fir?f .^^^p-".,,

^"... ^


many weeks, he sank imaa-qutfe^tfi^afe^i-fresbiog sJumbbr. Tfee apartmeBrfom|^|i^' - -be Jhywiw largevarid' figjh'te.a'%*i*|fft| in a sni#receaft |hat opeupfitp^jL -nea^lM|^.eouc^t. »a,s piacea,? &;$$l$$0$0,, writing^stood at his feet; ri4,4uttpimti\r liinvBb favorite, inseparable ":6n1hotfM[M> ' window wos shaoed b y a , c | i c t a ^ t t - ^ l i m l ; " damask, and aa the *un;i,twhi^|ii ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ , . aUainedits-,ri«ridian)'aJ'ofe-fhrougj^^i|^W \raa aj'tcto. ^owi?8^'t ipoii"«veii^i |b^e^p^^ O'ne beam fell upoF^ 'heao* otfm"IfflKS. poser, and then passed* appea.nn|,a:0^#^- ;

"Like this shall yoor day of ^li i^eV^rffife and gJoriousT hot; e*eri."so sh^H^Jc^^-> '<* and pas's away, ihou^li. B b i n l q p ^ % M ^ ;'• splendo/," A slight noise jn(th&laj)|t|;i^|.t".' awoke him, when turn^pgiitdwarc!S-»?«i|^r^ "

over) em," be, 1 present-fame PodJ6»tJ^^g)o% passe

sjprpl^^^fg^^^i^lfg^^ *.ym


aieij'"^*'-ipbri" h'e mastTeaVe forb IPomept, too hard^pndufe

(say. not sp, aiy father,'* saltM}] rtt^fiir|, hhn, as tears rb^Hetl^l ^pu triust be'ffetjier^fof, ypii'^a; ipg tbi's-mprpipg^and.i.*ffi^|s| nurse you- welhagaja^-^Dtp jii yohrseifV rrty I o W ^ s a i a 4 l e ? ^ i i form nsvpr can he restcw^djb^fil frp.m Heaveh^nierpyipalpppj^a^i «ucco^ and1 tt'wftHi.$^|ti^pp< in 'tbtf'tirne*pf &jf u t ^ # t ^ d l f a * h>


t'lte^fforf, .wh^.we^ppr/tfalsli^^^^^^^ ,

quilhed^my h^p l^n4 . rp l i ep . t a f i ^ io escape himt"4BSffchevJv' A * ; : - ? ' '

return at the next corre«|>ondl% period.— H> grew thiq aptfoeryp'ri's with'abxiety, and fesoWsd, at ajl hazar$$ft> ppdeavbr to clear up the secret. The- night fcfii® t h e full moon came, and with i t the .^Upds-tl^e light whispers /nu,riwured i«rt $n#*ionjg; 4he 'high.walls,audiiejjings,;and the•st*p# flitted like fairies fVoifjIpdtP.efgftfff tbe'-ga}. teries. 'Buteven ^witecftujq^ii'teWrj>-to part wjtb the t*emtjfj|*tt* pl is^V^ 4'f %'« mystery. The foUow'^g higbi- thk^Citfee, full moon;, he 'fclj!>fjp o# t-fretted, and;

, » , _ _ ^ desperate. . ^ ' l ^ ^ l S p ' t j ^ . l f f l b M N ^

ahce; attd.'sbe, .gaze^.upon m&gi

feW .fhAWirt^ftt.: ^ ^ ^ I j ^ ^ a f l ^ ^ I «P M the |ce.. yp^f4"Jheari;>j*h'ok1feJ5^|fJ'P has torn

flfew on, till Jys %addlh in *. low W C'«9t

cordjipg tq liis owo.fancy jo,, Venitian oayalier, "of ihetold time. jy.iiiejJ for ?M 'his1 guest, w6'p did;'ridtfa?l fafrn,4/'^thovtigi»t Lqckiug her fa r more'bijautiCul^b'ari^e ^picti|re.U 6fs 'h ' |^ close W' iajf hre^it#itWi%*^»tf8} I l l ^ ^ p M ' ^ ^ ^ q i e l l t l l h l duubcs an I They sat si'Je by si(|e,Vim the glowing feel. $ti^^^0ditt. iafhMW&Mpi^t^i:

J[feM£, j h k hang",flv.e,r. io^^.rp , re» to , '"te ittgs of southern aid. italig^ative y^u ,%^ . » P J ^ e > # | i ^ C ^ '•» P"

JS'hfe""•tang- foVhim, a n ^ P ^ e a ^ i i ' ii gii'itar «3hi» PpVd^^»p\1ast l p | | | > v ' e V ^ i « e i»p'a" d e i ^ ^ m ^ f l i ^ m i ^ ' f y a ^ t I w i^Mit ;ihe "wVichhe bad t^eVcpre t b ^ j } a ^ t i a ^ 0 *.h|*--oh^1>jfrfjr?^!ea«ed?"iD^aetlpi!^^ ^ > ^ ^ ^ * # ^ & % ^ i # r o n J r d w t

ong. ^4,hp',f8lt»|irnse|^fMd witl'Undrteam|.trof ' W ^ A ^ W m ^ m ^ m ^ f ^ H ^ ' 0 e ^ ^ ^ m ^ M ^ m h t ^ " " " J

• i-'h'ap'pioess,. mm* *agasw»!to*6, &ui .iM^m0tm^§^W0M^ *** W ^ w S ^ P ^ '* '* * % p r 0 > ' e c o W ® e J 8 U r t i * » r e ' J » « r ^ f t l k ' . ^ j ( M l - t n o l f t ' f o ( ^ « B M W ^ ^ J < « * $ # g m ^ 4 m m ^ i m ^ m "Ji. ibeta

Giorg lone ' .^es t 'pa i . anygHhJs o w ^ e : , M ^ t » w f a t # e M N ^ * ^ ¥ l ^ # # # ^ # # " '* •*ftT^ ftk*

,ddfc : ffiiA*. %»t-4m tiim % % ^ # | » ^ « * "*- *-fi---*fc**-taf

d,ec|8iori wtt W ^ t t K ^ L W*, 16»«


m ifci?:


' &

j san th«: Mi rt^ V'^'wnfll *


earliest Ve^ftmbrariee.'' fEraihe did M itatf

r< 1 .4 r ^ *,

V "H

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