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IWB Literature Review

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presentation of literature review concerning Interactive whiteboard adoption and implementation
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James Petersen ETEC 611 Dr. Grace Lin Spring 2011 University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Literature Review Interactive Whiteboards in Teaching and Learning: an evolving classroom environment Sunday, April 28, 13
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J a m e s P e t e r s e nE T E C 6 1 1Dr. Grace LinSpring 2011University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Literature Review

Interactive Whiteboards in Teaching and Learning: an evolving classroom environment

Sunday, April 28, 13

Page 2: IWB Literature Review

James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

A Doctor from 1896...suddenly transported to a modern ER Trauma Center would be lost

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

A Teacher from 1896...

Suddenly transported to many modern school classrooms would know exactly what to do

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

This is changing......and a big part of this change is from ICT technologies such asINTERACTIVEWHITEBOARDS

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)studies

Most early studies of IWB adoption and use focused primarily on one of the two major forces in the classroom; teachers and students.

Teacher studies deal mainly with adoption, use, and changes in pedagogy occurring following the introduction of the IWB to the classroom.

Student studies tend to look at attitude, engagement, and achievement.

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Much of the literature from the U.K.

Beginning the 1990s

U.K. Home Office used British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA) to enhance technology in local authority schools

BECTA also commissioned studies of efficacy of Technology

much of the literature from countries with centralized educational authorities

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Pedagogy...Many studies drew on BECTA findings-

concerned with adoption and infusion of IWB technology and whether teachers who adopted this technology developed new approaches to teaching. (Glover, et al., 2007)

Of particular interest is to determine if teachers are actually developing new ways of teaching or simply using the new technologies to supplant older classroom tools. (Zevenbergen & Lerman, 2008)

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Pedagogy...Stages of adoption of IWBs

Several investigators have noted that there seems to be a step-wise development in the adoption of the new technology:• Stage one: teachers utilize

the IWB as a replacement for a previously used tool

• Stage two: teachers begin to use some of the interactive features not previously available

• Stage three: students utilize the IWB for knowledge construction and communication (Zevenbergen & Lerman, 2008)

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Teacher DevelopmentOne study felt that IWB use was actually a step backward in the sense that it served to solidify the role of the teacher as the center of learning and the classroom since the teacher had control of the tools of learning. (2007)

One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that many teachers do not progress along the continuum of competence and confidence-building and continue to use the IWB as a very expensive chalkboard or overhead projector. (Zevenbergen & Lerman, 2008

Most of the literature points out that the degree to which the IWB is integrated in learning and teaching and the uses to which the tool is put depend largely on the development of teacher skills and confidence.

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Students- Attitudes and Behaviors

Studies of student attitude toward IWBs in the classroom generally point out that increased motivation and engagement with classroom learning as being among the main benefits of IWB classroom use. (Yáñez & Coyle, 2010)

Simply having IWB technology in the classroom is not an absolute predictor of enhanced levels of student learning; even when student attitudes toward the classroom are more positive

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Student Achievement Some studies have begun to investigate whether there is a causal link between classroom IWB use and a positive growth in student achievement.

One of the most extensive of these was a 2 yr study by the Marzano Research Laboratory that was sponsored by a major IWB manufacturer; Promethean Ltd.

This quasi-experimental, pretest-postest, non-equivalent group study used a statistical meta-analysis of data that derived from classrooms that utilized the Promethean IWB

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Student AchievementThe results of this study suggested that there was a positive and statistically significant correlation between teacher use of the IWB and its “ActivClassroom” system and a higher level of achievement among the treatment groups of students. (Marzano & Haystead, 2010).

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

The Classroom as a System

Rather than examining just changes in teaching strategies or student attitudes and outcomes, this theoretical framework seeks to describe and develop an understanding of the impact of IWB technologies on the interactions of the parts that make up the system of the classroom as a cultural entity.

One theoretical framework involves the study of the classroom from a socio-cultural perspective. Vygotsky, Fisher (2006) and Wertsch (1998) described the role of tools in mediating human activity,

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Classrooms as Systems...the role of Technology in providing opportunities to create new kinds of activities,

skills gained from using the new tools that create different activities and strategies and not the tools themselves

as teachers became more skillful in the use of the technology, they developed new ways to interact with pupils. In many cases, the teachers observed had adjusted their styles to be more inclusive and cooperative in supporting learning activities. (Lewin, Somekh, & Steadman, 2008).

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Systems Perspective...Another study that utilized a socio-cultural framework for analysis concluded that a major strength of IWBs in the classroom was as an organizational tool that provides an environment for whole-class discussions and exercises.

They found that IWBs provide a more authentic environment for student learning by bringing in examples from the real world through website access and student interaction. (Kearney, & Schuck, 2008).

One researcher found that one students utilized IWBs in collaborative activities, the “vicarious presence” of the teacher in the technology enabled them to connect with, interpret and act upon teacher intentions for the task.

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Emerging Area for StudyAn investigator concluded that the IWB can provide an environment conducive to the “creation of a shared dialogic space within which co-constructed knowledge building can take place.” (Warwick, Kershner, & Staarman, 2010).

An emerging area of investigation involves the study of classrooms as dynamic systems of interaction and a complex cultural environment. The introduction of tools such as IWBs can have a significant and profound impact on this environment and bring about a number of inter-connected events that significantly influence the ways in which teachers teach and students learn.

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Summary of Findings

Most early studies of IWB adoption and use focused on one of two major forces in the classroom; teachers and students.

Teacher studies dealt mainly with adoption, use, and changes in pedagogy following the introduction of IWBs

Student studies tend to look at attitude, engagement, and achievement.

Sunday, April 28, 13

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James Petersen

interactive whiteboards

Summary...An emerging area of investigation involves the study of classrooms as dynamic systems of interaction and a complex cultural environment.

The introduction of tools such as IWBs can have a significant and profound impact on this environment and bring about a number of inter-connected events that significantly influence the ways in which teachers teach and students learn.

All images in this presentation are either the property of the author or are licensed under creative commons fair use policies

Sunday, April 28, 13
