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J - - - ^ . city Ediljon T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. p I e fli me ' BOD IESD ISGOVERED i M IE PEM .Victims of Crash on IVIoun fain Found by Scarohfni Party, Woman Advise President of Airway <By Ttie Auoclated Preas) GLENDO, Wyo., Au«:. 2i (ifp) — Mrs. Thomas Zook ranchwoman and weather ob server for Wyominfi- airways Dick Lefrink, presi dent of the line, tonight tha a member of a seurchinK par f ty came to her liome and con ^ firmecl reports that wreckaRi of nn airplane curryinjr threi liitlJiinnpolla resldenU. had been lo cnled'niid Ihree bodies found. . Mrs. Zoolc told Lc(rlnk the bodle were Xouod on Lartimle peuk by i pnrty that Included Em it Adam.' mayor o( Qlendo, clarcncc Thomu nnd ll group of C.C.Cr workers. She ssld Uioy told her tho bodle: ol the two men were within tin Ship, pndly burned, but the body oi (lie womnn wiu thrown clear of Ch< urcclcaRe. M lulnit Since Thursday I 1ic ship, cnrrylns Bumsldi SmJCti. 2;>dlnn<ii>olIa btu>ncjunia» Clck Arnett, atrlleld mnnnger. m:i Ametl's bride ol a (cw weeks, hnc been unreported elncc last Tlmra. dny but scorch was not sttirted un> 111 yesterday becauu of the IndeH- litte schedule of tho trio. Tlic Indlunnpolls pnrty had led Hclcnn, Montnnn, Intendlne to flj lo Denver but Indlpnted they might stop alone the way to tish. Smltli Vi-iiA comblnlns the plenaure trip w llli vlsil* to business ussocbte* nliile Ame(C and his wllc, Clic fonn* cr Eleanor Clarl: of IndlnnnpolLi, were Itoiieymoonlnc, Mrs. Zook snld tho tnfked to Or- rln Lench ct Olendo who hnd JuM cotne down the mountain ond totd lirr Clarence Tliomas. a niembrr ol the Hcnrchlns party discovered the vreckOBC about 4 o'clock thla after- noon. Leach told her. Mra. Zook said, thal all threo apparently »cre klU- ctl InaUntty. Mrs. Amett'a body wat batterrt but not burned, he added. > Hb aald, the pilot apparently bad (Continued on PaRt, 3. Col. 3) / R ig h t s an^ L SHADOWS In D a y ’s E v e n t* (By The A.MOclftted Prt/u) Some Orawlor-— COEUR D'ALENE. Idaho - The llshuorm hos moved up with the lUh as the subject of toll tnles. Cpcur d'AJene todny had jj^pped tin with Dol>e nnd Spoknne a< clnlm- M il to the nnglcv.-orm championship. Jl. n, Cnmpbell. hlRh school prln- cijwl. reported dlRciiis lip a r:-lnch c.-owler in hU (torden, 111.1 friends vouched that he wa.'^nt ^trrichlnc lhe worm or thr jnoo’. King of Beasts— LOS'ANGELLS-Edttard Waldron yesterday convinced the police com- iniMloa ilioi ••Huiiy," his pet lion, ts jiiit a *Luy. -lie doTMi l C.H mucli meal," Wul- Oroii Mid, "And ulirn he <loe^, it lia* 10 bc cookcfl. No Mr. n» raw iiirAi for «u.siy. And uhoi'* more, he drinks ilirre cju:\rL'( of mllk every ajy" Wnldron npprared bpforr Uic com- lo.- (iminivfcn tu kcc(» • n iu ;y " 111 llie l).-«ckyiir<l. Alter liW A Oescrlptlon of the lion’,-i Bertivncis, ^ t!if pc.-mlt viis Kraiiicd. Lesson for Bruin— BELLINGHAM. Warll - .^ .;irKC blMH bear ai Mi. H.itcr loilw- miiy Hot lr M piuylul III Che futuic. I5.-u;n *iucK hU head into tlic loJue :>licuvy tiic:iieraior yeaterday. li o\c; ^ith the bear Inside and Marie:! rollms doxn jhe tnouni.iJn. b .'ujd. I Kr<»ninR unh every turn. m.Aii.-iccd I to tree hirtuelf just in time. The lii- cuieraior dropped inio a canyon,! low reel from ih« *t«rtlng place. i Can't Bo Botberod— DENVEn — Plajir.K cartli nnd WAtcliliiK iheir whKkrfi stow dc- v irirj lhe lime or iwo modern hcr- nii:« in ii-.b couniy uere. CI.vrnce M. Sleeper ond Sieve ViUJ. arrealed early m July «» *,w- r--cu« In o holdun June'22 h.ive /ifadf.nUy refused to cel h.ilrcuta 0.- sh.ive Ilnce they *ere J»u«i. Dom »>ni 10 bc boi!,trM.- .Hti /U d ?CKjar- ~V>e »ttn't lAave or have ou: hair cut untU lhe day befo.»e we Co on tr;.il. W ell clean up ,then.“ Oul A^aia, Is A^ais —• SASTA DABBARA. Calif. - Her- nun Sunpvsn. Just couldn’t tUy n»»y from the police station and Freed in the morr.lw: alter com- . Pleilr.i; a 30-day jenience on a eharve : I of drunkennfv", Simn*on rrtumrd I aflemoon »;ih the a.-..-,ou.ice- f , ' ^ent. "1 just dropped in to look | 1 a.'ound and .ve I.' cverjlhlrc »ai ' , 4 smine alcrj; o. K." , ' Bul hll \iili reiulted o."Jy tn an* > otJjer a.-ren and a sentence in poJice 5 co'irt 10 24 morr in js;I pti an- t ci.'icr druntennesi charje. 1 H E T LgaiTO wzBX im m s i o r A880CIATBD PPMfl [ Death Thr( io Attributec 1 Accelen }un- Federal Agents Speed fifng Search For Hunt- ises ed Outlaw ■'SyS ,,. (By The Associated Presa) WASHINGTON, Auff. 20- ' Government aRcnta tonight were reported pursuing an *c. OOK, ceicrated search for Alvin Karpis, followinK his mailinji of a death threat letter to J Eilprar Hoover. While the (lirtclor of tin: bureau of investlKntion re. •jitri» fomnieni, a ju.itico dc. purtmeni 6pokcjninn soki ••«,c'vt uree jmsijiHg a vlRorouj senrcli loi n lo- Knrpls for months." DetviJia o f lhe Utlcr iicre UcKitm Uy - bul tl WOS r«|»rted to hnie been poM mnrked oC Dayton. Ohio, a month ogo. Olflclals pronounced It "au. ’ tbenUc" Indlcalln* that hondnTltlna 'j, and (Ineerprlnt experts hnd scrutln- the '‘• y ot Knrpls. co-lender with the slnln > (he Fred Barker of tbe notorious Darker. Karpia Rans. has been.hunted for 18 monihs, frequently In Ohio In ,,IH« conncctlon with th# »200,000 nbduc- Ilon of Edward O. Bremer of Bl ftistj’ Paul. had ■ Wore than once nRcnU have been lura- hot on his trnll. only lo find thclr l e n - ----------------------------------------------------- 'dDAHOLEGIOiiES iMflfiCH IN mm olLi. --------- Deiegates Parade Before Oi- j"»i ficials of Stale and lold r ol Own Organization ter- --------- noi.SE, Aog. :o (<?) — AfUr (pcndlnc' Uie mornloc oa routine Hill boilneati. the dclepiiea (o the lltb was anntul Idaho departmenl conven* ded. <fan itte Amertean Lecfon took had Ib* aftcmMB off and paraded be- ----- fore the dlttiltarle* of ihe slale ' and ll«>fv«a]nlion. . ’/ * ' MO»i Lu^inea* hbuavi'- and "I— I county and atate offices suspended J vnrk durlnn the aftemoon until 4 o’eloek to wline4» the street »prc- 3 tnck*. In the rcvlewlnc slnnd ucre Gov- ernor nojs. Brigadier General M. G . McConnel of the Idoho nnilon.il (Ward. AMomej- Oeneral Bert U. — I MlUer. Mt*. Myrtle p. Enklnc. slnte ' lren*urcr; Harry c. P.ir.on.i, .M.itr auditor; Mine inspecinr Arthur Cnmpbell, 5ef»Iar>- of fltaje Prsnk - the lln Girard, Lrclon Departmrnt Com- the mander C. A, Boitolfson. of lll.ick- foot, first Vlce-Commander F. C. p«j Hummel of Bolw. Mrs, Lc.'.lcy Bc- ,m- nolt of Twin FalU. American Lc- lip. slon Auxlll.iry d.'partmcnt pre^ldpnl.' In- LcRlon National Vlc.-Pre.ilclenl llnr- ' :ich old J. W.-irner ot Portl.ind, Oreson. Mrs, Eitell Saxon of K.iyAVllIe. Utnh, m t Nallon.M Auxlllarj-'Vlcc-PrMldent; liCSter P. Albert of nnL'r, DrparS mrnl ntliuinni. nnd fltli-*rn. ThLi nfiornoon. boys' ba.’ i'b.ill -o„ team' of Idaho PalU nnd Nea P!v. m. moulh frn<*e<l bat*, tlir hiier w in-' on, nlns. H to 7. Irwl«lnn Corp« Wln^ ul- Lewl'ioii'.s t/-Rlennnlre^ uon firrl It pl.iee In tlif iiiiniml drum nnil buc;-.- aw corps con'.'^t lonlKhl for the n t- ire, ond .'Iraiclit yr.ir. Idaho F.iIL-i w.v, :ry :<>cnnd anrt Bobe third, Jn thr uomen's dlvwion. IdnhV F:ilU rr;Taicd it* 1034 viriory liv ■Cl' taklne ftr^l i':.iCT wuh Ur.- f>i«';ii<'II-i rorpv .vrniul. Thr DelU, Ui.ih. corIx^ WM ineluil-.lr for the stnlc cham- plon.shlp, which la limited to Idnho finranlzat!of« Tomorro-*' thr l>-sinn and Auxll- Tic wry ui;i ilrvoie mo'i of thr tlm-.* to ,iiy thr compliiuin of rommutr^ re- !>or:.i, aio;,;;,)!) of r.-;o!ui:o:n and le: com nitii'u'.-;--' i iilchl. i. JD. I ---------------------- Roosevelt Slated 511' To Dedicate Dam L.\8 VLGA9. Nev. Aus. : d T* — • Thr Lo4 Veca-' chamber nf eom- ' nti mrrer. rreelved n irlrcram tr.:iav • from CDiicrr.v'.'iKin J. O Scriich.im ' ... saylne tliat lIculti'T <l<ni •^:1I hr drdlc.itrd fr;>;fmbrr C? ’‘Jl'.i Prr-l-'' vc dent Roov\rU, ncerTPinirr) by S-r- • n. letary nf thr lnter;or lrkr» a^riif' " Drawing Of Aids Des f: NEW YORK, AU6- 20 ir —The r crayon drawUi* that bador Muller ! made of Wlley Post remains unsold, bul the German artist li.i.' been r J" pulled back from ihe brink of drstl-; i tutlon on which he s;<x)d tn-' : “ filer's death made his pliKli; -• I io the ro-jd. : I Small »ums of money kr»-p re::-.ln.; f ^ I anonymo^aly In the-mall. n Gri-cn- > ] ahlclu • tonnectlcu:. rhjuffr-jr 1- Whom he has never hrard of nr.: : ■e him h ll U40 sarlncs as a raan. the I- telephenp keep* rini,;n“ i;:h i' prcniLsr* o f cc;^.mli4.(..I;.^, ai.U tc- C ___________ ACCURA W IN ________ . ________ ^ eat Letter d To Karpis ates Pursuit id G-Men’s Quarry 'C> IK IM m in ' M ff ■ li; - ' i c. B i,-'''' ' - 'A H or th ;:y“ = S I I » . -.a-::-' Ar.VIV KARPIS !r)unrry h.i'l llt>\vn. Hc li, known to •n I hnve *i>eni several wccka In vicinity !lr lof Toledo. Ohio, niter the kldnapltiR. rm SiM f i FOR TETO I Di f- Officials Believe $500,000 Project VVould Avert Annii?! Controverey r nOf.-K. . ,1tie. SJ r.v> — s. II. Alehley ef t>rl|;t«, Telon eoimty I prw.eetitlne attorney, ronferred wUU Coicrnae no** and nobert c Fsrrlm commlMloner ot tlte atalr flrnattmenl of redamatlan, here today relative (o eonsirae- llcn nr a IA3D.OOO dam In Ihe Te- I'. . . ‘d ' Pinna nre now being completed 4 . fnr conslructlon of the dam if pub- 'lie wnriu funds can be obtained. ' .\fr. AtcliJry rrfMrt<*d fo tJie got- . rriior th.it the pen field tabor fit- v'uniion which prompted him to re- II Qiie;.'. Governor Ro.m to send m lllinry l.:!orcrs to Tetorj county Jwt week. r has bfon corrected nnd lhat nntlon- r al i::i:ird troops »oon cnn be re- U'ovld .\vrrt Centrorrmx ', Th:’ <Um thnt Is under coaMdem- • t!<ir. •-> . cxi>ected by Governor Ra« • 'ar.rt Mr. Farls lo supply .Mifflcien*. !o aicrt .i» annual co;jirovcr*y ; •Coiiiinupd on r.isco Col, 3) ^ciLiiiiiEF : FO iSjXfliySTEO ; 140.000 Family Heads G0 | on Dole Basis: State i Commission Meets I I.OS ,\Nr.ELKs. Aut, :o ( r — } I l4i-rd with rihan.\(ioii of frifrral i fu;ids. Ihe st.-ile unrmplnjmrnt j rrllrf riimmUUon will meet hrre. 1 , Thursday to map (uture plans a« Jin.uOO tMmlSf hMd» slop worli on rellrf pm)rrts and eo on a dotf fci-i;- Aid Dlrrctor nalph Y„ ,Mc- nnnounrvd i);i' . miUOi in pro.;i;nn. rxplalniiK: Hm; ilie S3,- mi.iA'J federal "»Jiock Intid" need- ••rt t'> eonllnue work-s leUrf In Call- fr.r;,i.i tto'jid b*. cntlrrlv .'jifni by ’.Vriliirvijny nlKhi, j H ir dirrclcr said thr ofliclal rc.i-' • :u ff'r dlToniinumc «-cirks relief' ' to atm i in the ailnimuiralivc' ..inctioning ot »:ate relief pendinj i i:-.r initiation'c? the. works progress [ .irtnilniMr.itlf'n somfUm*' in Srp. 1 t.-:i-t>rr.' •’.viirn uork.s rrlirf urnitiiatr>: 'oil nrir'day." McLiiluKhlin st.iird,', -nr. rlicnl ulll surfer hard'.hlp. but" •ii:i be relumetl to direci rellet on ' • '[ifxl'irnt bucjert j ----------- r_ 1 V^iley Post ! ;titute A rti^; r.icrrow he U to be interxiewcd orf^* ‘“•n.r 1200 back rent, for nen-pa?-', rr.r:n of which he w xi to be evlciea.p* • I. (Viid oul of the chaufffur’s loan.;® ' X..C. :h-re is food in the ho-xsc. all> '..cK i'r soniebofly remrn-.brrrd lhat Af-;;.-.- n.id done the f.v: portMit of -* p.- ; and thonchi the artiu mlsht Hr h.ia not »o!d It. In »p;’.e cf f' ciffers. but r.Rx hr d.-x-sn't !U • rt to Hr s’.lll -hop-^ to dLvprtsr of !: ir :o •o.r.,'cne'-aho w;;i t-.;y r. for; O ' 0..:.i:;ctr.a City Jn m-mory of Pos’^.o UTE—AH ASSOCIATED P FA L] _ ■WIN FALLS, IDAHO, WBDNESI Stout G irl Pig-hts School Board Order » To Reduce W eight J J. NEW YOUK. AUB. 20 (/Pl — I I I RdM.- Frleslater. 180 pounds, haa dcciilid to fight at llinl. weight. - The 20-year-oId bloloiry teacher hi'-i hired a lawyer. If ncc-.’ssary; ^lte i» ^olng lo luko lo court the' board of education’s ruling thut If slie wanted a regufar tcacfiing ! Job In the public cchools »hc ’ 1 would have to make the |k j mU!dk--wel3lit lim it, or there>. I I abo(;M. R For Ihc last six v.ceks she haa H rlddfti horseback, plnjert tennis. niul t'.iken t’:ti mils hikes dall> u l. ff ltli;ii-a. New York, trying to take f oll.tti-.- 30 |>ounds Uic board or- F i der-'il. She hasn’t losl n jwund. ^ 011(1 ^hu's through trylni;. V "1 am not. going lo riihi my 'healiii irylnR to gel ihln to icncli |S New Vori: clly ichobi ehlldren.” Bfl i.lv.- .Mild lodny. IH Harry Mablc, her nliuriiey. u&- B MTicd thnt If the commissioner H .of education does not reverse tiia H board’s ruling he will d'.'mand a Jury trial. o lW iT . im i^COLLISlOK ^ Emmett Faiies, 55, Meets Dcatii, Companions in lng. _ Hospital One man wus killed nnd two othei'.s wore Hcverely injured . . wlieirtlie aiitomobilu in whfch nn tliey were ridiiiK to work at III the Idaho Power company’s Shu.siume fa!l» plant, was .striR-k and overlurnuil by un- (ilhi’i' automobile at the inter* .seclion iif Scgoinl avemie und Fifth sti'cet east, in front of at, iidwards whool, slio.-tly alter 0:30 o'clock Wm cveiiiiit:. £»)j)]ru Fallls, SS. jvpbubly woa (J Instiiiiily killed by the impact, ac* curdiiiK 10 iihyalciuiib uho ucre sum* moned to the scenc. Dcoih rcsulte<l ... frum multiple fraciurea al the boM - of the skull. Uc came bere about two years bro from Dea Moines, 1owr« . ond u survived by («o tons. Hbewirf Pollls of Des Moines and JacJt.PUU* - former Twin Falls resident whoae whereabouts eould not be determ- Ined laat evening. He leaves also his molher and si^irr In Port AngeJe*. Jf- Wnshlnglon. Injared Companion* Injured were Jumis S. Hayes, 38, ‘ O' son of ^Ua. J. S. Hnycs. Hoyt | street, Evcrcct. WashlngMn. be- ( •h* lleved to have been hurt obout the I back, nnd Wllllnrn Crolion, 44, «ho] recclved broken ribs antj oiher cheai ] InJuricj. Cralio;}» aon. Miles Craf- ' m- ton. U nn eniiilc.yc of a San Dl-.-go, ' Q ,^a California, bank. i Officers t;ii!l lhe driver of the' r*y other car. S. CIjjj:;. Si. of 1305 Ad- - dl.son avenue, npi'lkd his brakes 30 feet back Irum the point of Impact which hc apiia.'cmly attempted to ; avoid by lurnim; nt ihc corner into the slrcel and .-iilc.swipcd the car in which Uic three men were riding, ^ Clonti was ufcarpanlcd by his wifr. Neither was mjured. II Ofllccrs snld L'Uiiitz told them hr U applied hf. brakes aa aoon na hr ' ' law the other car coming lo^kard ] the Intersection from Matn avenur • %. on Fifth sirert. 11ie Clont* car wn' ^Ojniovtng northtt..rri ou Second nve- : I nuc. ' j Wltnr»»ex Verify Aecoant I Olher perwit^s in the vicinity Oiho | 'Utnessed ihr ci'lliMon corroborate<l ' Cloni*’ necoiinr, nffieera said, thoufih - jtliey wrrr oer!i;nrd lale l.-«.st evrninr | ll KnveMlgatlnc DCh-T rrports. one thn'. ' 't j llw car.ln wluch ;lir ihree men were ' ’f. I riding ^umed .it the Inigracctlon In ' r, '‘Cdntlnurd en Paje 3, Col. 8» im i RES IDENT : ^ IMIULLET! ef; Investigating Officers Rcach , •-Si Concfusion of Accidcn* ' *-l tal Death f j,'‘ SAL.MON. i:;-'^!' A-jj. :o '.ri -• jf.M n. Hilda killed yes>f- •' doy when hrr ^'•month-o’rt bab) app.iTpnily t;ic.-r.! -1’. vime elolhirc - hfnelnR nn th' Abo<»* w h r r r a ' s rlf^»“ was by Jtj» triscrr gunrd. The sun civharced by ihr • movenjent of t!;- ,-:o;ti?x. lnve.#tlgat- r: t l lng. ofHcers and the bu"rt 1 ,Jtruck Mrs- Bla-k a.s S.V lay rrart- tnc on a co; m hrr tr^nt home near rr : the Big Crrrfc civilian wjiervat^on a JI corps camp, w h'rr he husband vs r -mnlojrd. The baby *» i found aleeplns a: Ju dr«d b.*ea,i: b j a .'sr-'jh- bo:. Mrs, Hrrm,in. ]]■; iRtndtaioRt Tm I Theory ;r InveAtisamrj reached the conclu- :i ,( /'.on of arcldriii.-ii death after t^st- ,• lng th^rr tf-jt Lhe mc.em-n; •’•! of thr c’-oihi-v urrjid dUehirpr-ihe i ,{ ri!>. It »-a,s trje. ' >l t It m-a.' I'lrrM Mrs. Black ,lw ' 'o f t':n h\;nt;r.^ i;;!: l.er husband. ai;,l r;C>n 'heir rr-^rn. he hung tfjr rif:r U on a na;l unloading i’.. .': > PRESS NEWSPAPER-COJ i^s D i SSDAYyiOKNlNG, AUGUST 21,^ npLffr .t tas pet IS := M S AGREE er _ _ m ' Tfircc Committee Members . S Issue Statcroorit Term- j ing Administration B iil I '■ ‘Lcoislalive Absurdity* aa — 7^ ^ - '«v Tlio A>v‘nclattd’~rresai W ashington, aur. 20— J,. A n njri't'ciiiL'nt \m the Rooac- d. veil Uo; hill loday lent a pow- erful iiii|)L‘Ui.s lu the pell-m ell . con;,Tc,'.sj(Hj}i| drive toward j adjmininii'nt. 'J'lii' .-udden ubstadi.* o f a BfiiiiU* liliim sler, niisuil by " Seiiulor Nyu (H-NU) to fmcu d con.siderntion of neutrality legl.-lnuoii, apiiarenily wm flatlened I by Iht' juiuMiiee of D««)o- crat.c li'ai:'.-r» thnt n ncutroUiy reso- lution uouUl bs brought up.oa the floor lomorrow. ^ bclcte this probiem waa a ralfcd and met, the ncw tax bill cl was Wiii|i;xd Into n llnn l *350,000,000 ,. IR I ahajnr by ^cnatc.house conference IIH commltteei. V II" No hiherllance Tax. Itl all major imrtlculors save one, n . the iire»ideiii'» talc Ideas prevailed, j. BIS But oil that onc-the new inherit- iince tax. which wns a baalc recom- meiidnltoii-the 10 men rciwesenl- “ lng lhe house and aetiate decided “ agniiut him. Three ol them, oil Republicans, tl subsequently utucd a statement a , Ubelling the measure a "leglalatlve tr absurdity" imd Inslslliig thal instend ui ch of levying new laxc-i.to ralae *350.- a t OOO.COO, the administration should .>g stop "uniiccc.suio’, wasteful and ex- |j lmv;igani expenditures.” ^ Tlie suitemcnc waa sfgiied by Sen- ' n- ato.- Mctc.iU (ll-n i- and Rcprcscnl- ;r. atlves Treadway <It-MaM) and U: ,,,1 Bach;.ri«ch m -N J ). "t r »'<}'■ ProWslonf A:, flnnlly drnlied. the bill In- t**' eludes new graduated corporation Income tnxes, higher capital stock ros levJp.v iiicrcafccd excc/s profits lax. ur IC* bOMted surtax rales on nil Individual cn n * incomes over »50.000, a ncw levy ou Al dlTldeiids received by one corpora* fo iM Uon Irom another and increased ec ■ro Mtate nnd gift taxes, nik . The Inheritance taxea were tug- trt* fated by the president with the as- Ilia ’* Me ■-'^Conllniied on Page CoJ. I ) ^ UJ- “ WOfiKEHSIIlllPPED i I iNsuBiym: ho! --------- ac J! i German Troops, Police, Fire- I men Push Rescue W ork lo: by Lamplight '■ m a- > ____ wl 30 --------- ,cl r»KRL!N, Auc. 20 (,V— Troo|>«. to Pallee and Iterlln'* fire hricade, ltd ' who last night (ouchi a eoolly tire T lu In Berlin’s ndin rlly, anrkrd fp- h IB,; veriihly tonleht to rero%er the I fr. hodlm of at leait 14 mrn trapped in (he eollapv nf a portion of a 1,^ sobway undrr mnstryrtlon.- hr - Some unofflcl.H rjtitratrs placed the number of mt-siing as hUh aji u/. 29 workers. The rrrvk- Innnr] «-a.s be- _ n'.ft'C bufJt to cotinrrt vnrfnr« flrrlin dl f. railway stntlon.s hy ihr iim» the Olympic games o|vn iirxt vr;ir. _. SrnrchllRliI.s pinred on the roof 1^,,' ’! OJuecJrT pnlacr. !iiti:rf hom" of pjj , the Unlled Stairs rmba.ssv, .-i.'-’.i.strd .. rr.'fue parlies in the diffieiill task I'f unlnngllng Mrrri rar rail«, «-a- ' r.T mains, telephone rat.:.-.^ and ..m - ' .f rr erjulpment aiiicli er.-Lvlirfl tni-rth- , ‘ rr Into the t70-fooi' l/inc gs'h in . _ Ilrrm.\nn Oorrlnc street , ' Embainy Thrown Open •The American rmbx*.sy Imrnrdl- atrly afirr Ih^ nrrtdrni ttirurri oirr llir pkrden adjacent to the pul,ire Kvil as foom.^ In the futurr rm-, lia.'.Nf al thr dhpasal of rr-.-iirf.W "i *• Valuable malrrlals :.aved fro:r. tli^ *^o I :ave-in uere being depwlted In tlie **’8 I .-mbaasy Bar[!m.s, «hll« il;r ni.iln f.’oorof the pa:n:r was cnnvr.-^rf :n- !o .1 canteen 'or wildlers. ® ,u UcAcue ttOrk proved rxirrdin^iiy C ■>:ow. o«-lns In pan to the f.'<-; :hst her a »af-.T m*.'n f.otttirtj p.\.-: J.*:e a t t tunnel nnd mw»s of san?; r;>t! up alonjsld- the tunnel »;!d ^h'T; tl.r It ' 'on caved In. 1 rMur wrrker.s aere h.aul.-<r'••r '‘.■■ir- hai •■•g the afternoon, t^vo r.: •; *et .f’;-ly Injured. ' Doi I) J'fsrtln.Punke. a mav':i.rn:;-:'i'r<l eng ,c :n ih« tunnri, »ait<- •0 ;i‘- is Brc s -rrlaiA. A group of :<!io 29, r rrmained in ihr :v! :i :t.r ^ changed shlfi-s Is '.:-.'!-r ’ !ir dfbrli. Some of us n- -p - tired how the earth wa.s sW'.r.: ■xr.v ; f l ■t neat It.- I ahouted a crar.' | - ;;>d. One fellow disappr.irr^ m a r mawof sand beforr bv r\r» n ab>. however, to pull •<*vrr:i: rom- -s rade* «1th u* to the rder rif t!-.r -av.* In.- N lUOed At Rrro I CTa<; - La}<.jt OfflcUl rreced/ Jar’ ! pnc ■;trrJona « rrt kilVd an'! aV-j; | by ;n].ired tn the fire at '.I:'* - f - . ^ t t i ^ - grounds, 1on J An eVroior #!:rr.<:.->nt lr. v r r...'.:o ' con; ; --o^er. Erlrh Casshrk, »a.' v> J C r 1 !.Tfo. Althoush Manv-^ era.-i--: »'.l «f t 'rctind him. h* ran hl« r>-..'»:^r :ip der 1 'o the re>taunnt -ahrr- n r.-r'rb'r club 1 ;>rop> wcr« rautl.t ' t:ro ..;;t cUn - all but e!:M dur.:.- -nil t ^ha: Ptremen Mvrd_ the I ^ OMPLETE ________________ A ILY = = = ^ ^ = = = s = = 1935_____________________________ British L( Econom IfSh< iElOPIll’SIER ’ -M IISIERSFORCES , llGflim illSlOW ‘ Emperor Orders Foodsluffsji and Munitions Placcd ath Strategic Points; Pro-f tects Impoverished People J (BTTrjie Asjoclnicd | ADDIS ABABA, Aiijf. 20— I Eniperor iluile Sehissie, tliiii nntl careworn, rnpidly pi’o.'iHCfl defen.-iive m euBure.s loduy atfhinst u po.><sible Italiiin in- vasion. r Jle ordered foodstuffs nnd munition.s deposited nt strn- tcffic poinlH throuKhoiit the cdiintry and forbnde the nrmy to draw upon the populatlnn, which Is Impoverished. To demonstrate the efficicncy of | the newly*tralned Ethlop'lnn soldiers, a alum botUe will be singed to- I morrow near Uie Imperial polacc ' undcr-lhe dirccllon of the cmi>cror. RcporU from the Interior saldt^. nnilvcs are becoming restive because j, HuUe Selaasle continues to work for j, petce Inateod of tinning ha.Milliles. ^ ' ln:.urance comiuinlea Incrensed U| thelr war rLsk' Insurnnce rntes nnd nccepted risks only for three months, u --------- E FaaclsU Volunteering I nOME, Aug. 20 M'j-Governmcnt!lji und fiiscbt parly leaders of all tl: categories are going out to Easl I Africa aa volunteers In tlic armed m forces or as ndmlnlatmiors and ex- m ecuiives. It wat dlscloaed tonight. The entire directorate of the fnacUt party. Including Italy’s "num- ber two" man. Achlllc etaracc, «c- tu rcuijr.ol the pKty, has voluutcercd. {x I t was disclosed special provision la being tnade for cabinet ministers nnd under-secrctarlea to go to the r fronUer "dnngrr zone." Tlielr Joba w ill be filled here by ’ recenta" until they return. J)' An announcement from Naples Ei said the departures of troopt «-oi^ld pj be considerably speeded through the tli acquisition of n number of addl- te tlonal lran»|>orl shlixs. u -Tlie steamer Cesnre BnttUCt sailed J” lonlght with 3100 soldiers and of- ^ fleers. During the week the Saturnla, „ Atlanta and Prlnclpessl Olovanna ' wlliKall nliimr.irlyiOOOmenaboarii. FOUBffliiVE ^ oism mm, -------- lth Stories of Harrowing Ex-«? periences Told by w Crew Members -------- fh BOSTON, Auk Cf) (.r/—Four tu r- JJ*’ vlvors of n !i-li;ni: ve.wl Y'h'*^’* n< Kink after iiii cKphMiin off/Nan-' tucket liKlifliip '“ th four »■ lives triirli^d lloiioi^odny wUh' L stories of harrowing «perlence In i ahark-lnfesied *aler» as they saved] thrm-'elvrs llrM by clinging lo , wrrfknK>- and tlirn by boarding a ' dorj-. TItr}- »«-/-e fplrtrd up later hy a j,‘„ Nor»rKl:in frelsht<-r. Tlte'four mlsa- I , ’ Ing mrmbers nf the crew of the Iro ves.v)l. the Nrw York fishing ichooiier Junral, «rrr not seen afler ! , the explojlnn. One of thr surslvuig crew m em -IfK bers said a .sturk was preparing to . pa: attack him before he reached Uie:%a iory but a fi:h detracted It,andi ,t tumed away, i F t Tlie men »l;o wrre belle\-«i lo have gonr 'ii'i-An mith the vessel ' serr Alf Kn-ti'-ii’rn. 40, engineer, Cn 3onald Murphy, mate and second *cl. •ngineer. Michacl Allard, all o f'llil Brooklyn. N. V, anfl John Colbert. I nls a, Easl Boston- Jpin Former Pitchei On Grand Lai NEW YORK. Aug. 30 C/T>—Leon tra radore. fonner bMebnll hero who ' pie; mee e.vtablUhrt an all-time record on ly pitchlns a 25-lnnlr.g gatne for b«r tirm ^ k lj-n Dodcrrs. was arresUd ! T in a erntid larceny charge today In 1 Cu: onnrctton with a transaction. 1 E Cadorr. *i;o msrr.e- thr daughter i tun f the l;.tr CharJ-s A. Ebbrll.^ foun- ICac er of fhe Drooklyn N.itional Irague 'saf> lub. was afcuied by a hO'pltal dle'.l- C Un of aithhhcIiKnr from her four 'i;:! harr,. of »-cci ^.tlurrt at 1130 each, m ArraUnrd in Bronk'Iyn wagU-^r^r' " N E\ t m O E R AtTDtT DOnZAO __________o r outctn.A'noHB____________ readers P r nic Trap Fi le Fig’hts Sir John Simon, Foreip thony Eden to U rg t W ith h o ld Goods,^ I S upport o f O ther H »ByTlicAa.w LONDON, Autf. 20— Great ' uuthoritutivo sourcc indicated 1 Sj mend to tho cabinet Thiirsdtty . »[ nomlc sanctions by niember« aKuinst Italy if she fiKhUt Ethl •• Thia far-reachiPK tleciaion/ g Sir Samuel Hoare, foreign -LlLCOraUES i PEACE EFFORTS ' I, I s I Premier of France Declares 1 Nation Faithful to , : League Principles ; 1 --------------------------------- c PARIS, Aug. *0 (,?)'— Premier e , rie m Laral. although foreseeing /allare, re/Ofcd to abandon W* » efforts today to prerent an lUlo- y I Ethiopian war. •. e Laval lold Anthony Eden of c Britain and Baron Pompeo Alolsl of II Italy during thclr recent Ulka that i ’ Franco la faithful to principles of v ' the League of Nations bccause Uie t ' whole Europcnn peace jiollcy la bnsM v I upon 'it. 0 I Tlie orbltrntloii commUsion ou the I • Ualual InclOant between Italy and (EUilopln resumed lu proceeding*. i I Ethiopia protested iigolnst the ac* £ I Uon of lhe league councjl In ellm- b Inatlng the terrllorlol question from i tho scope of dehbemtloiui. I Nlcholaa PolUls of Oreecc was ' named fltlh arbitrator on the com- . ’ mission. Ha will be tummoned later . when hU aervlcei aro required. ^ Tlie four commUslonera this after* , ' noon talked with the Ethiopian pff . pert. Prof. Oasloa Jp». and tlie , ItalUa expert. SUvIo Lesauna,.iheh i retumed the dlscuRtlon where ll waa | Interrupted at the Netherlands dead- i lock July 0. Prof. Oenjnmfn p. Potter of America and Dr. Albert O. De La Prodelle of Prance, representing I Ethiopia on the commUsion, read a I protest against tho council's llm lU * / > tlon forbidding testimony on the i territorial question, concluding. "If ll were nol for the grnvlly of the . present moment, we would decline to continue.” Tlie Itallnna read a declaration I ''slrongly objecting to Ethiopian In* Icrpretniltin of fnct and law." The commission decidcd to move e TliurMlny to Berna. t; C lip p e r Ship Lands O n H om ew ard F lig h t -------- ------------------------ n MIDWAY ISLAND (By Pan Am- c erlcnn'Alrwnys) Aug. 20 MV-Re- oi turning to Alnmcda. Calif., from Its u 1 third racillc pioneering flight, the y Pan American Alm oys’ clipper plane j{ arrived h<-re at « p, m. today ill y- m. cn.stern standard time) .from W.ikr island. 'n ir Clipper, rnrrylng a crcw of • eltflil men, made the l.IQl miles flighl Irom Wnkr Islnnd In 7 houra « onrt 50 mliiute.1. It will remain here | *“ n day or jo before continuing on to , Honolulu and Alamedn. ^ U. S. Convict Labor " I In Idaho Protested 1 WAIXACE. Idaho, Aug. 20 '/V)— Thr w.illacr iradrn iind labor coun- 'cll irvi-nlrd today ils membrrvhip h.id artc>;)t»d n ii'volotlon jirotrsclng JsRain.M thr ,'edrral Kovernmenfs an- **' (nounced plnn to uae convict labor on *' (hishway* in crnlral Idaho. ' Airhorl!ie.« h.ivp nnnounerd that |lriit-i:tve plans call for the ui< of ve Ifrderal priv)ners for work on some Iti . parLs of tlie Lewis and Clark high- gl' : »sy in ths Lolo paas region. K I ------------------------------- II: FLITNO INSTRfCTOR AND sti rtTIL Kiuxn IN CRASH ril TULSA. Okla... Aug. 20 (/T^W ard lit C.'uuford, :0. inslniel-^'- at a Tulsa in school of neropautics. And Fred O. 'H ill, flylnc st'jdent, were killed to- cjr [night by the crssh of a smnll cabin dl. Plnnr from n hrlght of <iW feet. .\i: _____________________________ _ Cl ^■ Ir.' er Arrested ^ arceny Charge t trale's cou-l. the forsjer ball pUyer an pleaded not r^tlty and was releaicd : an^ on IIOOO ball for a hearing Septem- cd ber 13. ftt Tlie complalnani wa-s M lw Loul'-e ^ Curtis of Klnss County hospital. co: Despite f.-rquent demands for re- am turn cf th«* crrtlfle;i-.e.,'. slie said. Cadore m rrrly rrpUrd that they were lh? safr and thnl ^hr nred no', worrr. *o C-sdorr. «ho l.» now *3 and lives'am uiifi his w j'r In Brooklyn, h.r* bren m thr imrsimer.t fcuJU-.rss in re -'it r-r.: jr.r. , TODAY; Fair W S __________10 PAGES - 6 CENTS repare P"or I t a ly I Ethiopia eign Ecretary, and An- rge League Action to Is, Cash and Credit ^ r Powers Expected ls.^oclntcd Press) :at Britain’^ fo re i^ experts, an cd lonicht, have apreed to recom- tiy adoption of proposals for eco- 'ern of the League oC Nations ■Ethiopia, in. it was said, waft renched by kcretary, nnd Anthony Eden, —i^mlnister for League of Na- tion’s affairs. Joint economic nnd finan- ulal sanctions would prevent S goods, coall and crcdlt from reacli- Uig llaly, Sopiwri JExpecM Smaller powers ond Prance. It wna sold, would support the BrltlsU Rov- _ ernment should it urge Oenevn lo c» adopt this course. If Ihc league falls to-act, DrlUiit must then dclermlno upon Its own unllalerol sups ln the face of what it rrgards as an Italian cluUengo of England’s prestige and domlnnncQ r of lhe Medllcrraneon and Africa, g Ministers, recalled from tbelr * vacaUons, wlJJ meel Thursday la * ' * vital session to decide upoa a cotlrse ol aetlon following the breakdown of of the trl-power ulks In Paris, of Aller Hoare and Eden coaferrtd i at In Uis stuffy fortign offlee, there of wos every Indication tho Bovernment >e la trying to postpone the foUful day ^ when 11 m'ay have to foce a declilon ol a uhllotcnil choracter In the ic Iinlo-Ethloplon dlipuie. H the league powers do not agree ;<• to lollow tho program mapped by' Britain, then Uio whole crlsla wUl >* be dumived bock Into London’a lap. ^ Blda for V. H. Backing Considerable e/nphasli was placed utwn tho vlslta lo Hoaro and Edeu ' this a(t«rnoon b y ,- Ray Atherton. Amertean charse d’affaires In Lon. ' don‘ Neville ChaniberlatD, chan*. ^ cellor of the excliefiuer and StanKj^ If .tCcnUnucd on Patffe a. CoU 8) . iM lflilE II 5 IIIIK B ILL t* I ' —— ”, Democratic Leaders Grant Demand for Action oa Anti-War Legislation l* * WASHINOTON. Aug. 30 (;P) — 'e European war clouds and filibuster threats eombltwd lo win from Dem- ocraUc leaders todny ssxurances of immcdlato senate consideration of . neutrality legislation. ^ Swiftly. admlnlstraUon spokesmen rushed from the forrlgn relations I- commltlce nnd agreed to bring up on Uie senate noor tomorrow • reso- ■" lutlon designed lo help keep lh« ^ Unlled States from being drawn In- lo foreign conflicts. ' Its major provUlons: I>rohlblt ex- portations of arms to belllgerrnt na- llon.s; forbid American v-essels to ,j carry war' Implement* Into belllg- ^ erent ports after a pnr.slcJential proc- p I la'mnllon; nulhorUe the president to 0 I proclaim tlial cltl£cna lra\'cUlng on brlllgerrnt ships do so at their own rlik and to rc.sirJrt IJ» ujp of Am- erican ports lo lorelgn aubmartnes. Srnatora Drmand Action 1 The hurrlfd action of the tenale Wders capped o.'^en flllba?tcr . thpral* by Senators Nye (R-NDi . nnd llorwr fD-Wash) nf the munl- p tlona committee to forw* acllon bc- , forr adjoummrnt. A.vurance waa . Ucklng, ho«ever, that th- ho-.ue J would act If the wnale npprowi the re.solutlon. t ColnfJdent wllh the senst/? de- f velopmenu. It wm leamed aulhor- s Itntlve'.y the govrrnment has not - given consideration lo Invoking the Kelloge-Brland peace pac*. In the Ilalo-Ethlopian crisis. Nor has t-he stat« department engaged In nnp I riL«ea*’!oa« likely to lnvolvr thr na- 1 t'.nn In dL-.putrs w iih other coun- I trir.-.. Tl'.r st.iie fVpartmrnt attitude wav - (!r.s,-r.b!-a M one o f wa'ichfulnr.vs 1 dlctntrtl -jy rrr.-Ment ^o^\se^'e:l's po- ii:;on tlu t th<- N-j : infrrej: of t.'ie . Cnl’.rit S:a;e.s li-s in not bocominc Involved Ul conttovrrsies in which this nallon has no direct Iniererl, .Sirrasn roroplrsitJr* Chairman Pittman, <D-Ne\-) ot the forelsn relations committee who k brousht thr neutralUy measure to ' Uie wjna'e floor, frankly termed it a "comnromlic' between the de- * mands o' the munlUons commilteo . : and the state dvpsrtment. Us strrsa- cd tbe eompJexlUea of trying to fra.'t rjch leglalaUon. ' N>-r !>.iid that When the measure comes up oa th<^ floor there will tje amendments offetrd to widen Its «vpe. buc concrded tfis: ^ rn 1/ they w^re n .: adopted tbe resolution wo-j'.d be a Te^nl gain.” He said the amrndmenu would projJoaa to re- 'Mriet '.rani lo beicigerenis aad Um* ;it the shipment of cootnband to jf<>re;;n'.shlp^ J
Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · J - - - ^ . c i t y E d iljo n T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. pI e fli me' BODIESDISGOVERED i MIE

■ J - - -^ . c i t y E d i l j o n

T I[VOL. 18, NO. 116.


.V ic t im s o f C ra s h o n IVIoun

f a in F o u n d b y S c a ro h fn i

P a r t y , W o m a n A d v is e

P r e s id e n t o f A ir w a y

<By T tie Auoclated Preas)G LE N D O , W yo., Au«:. 2i

(ifp) — M rs . Thomas Zook ranchwom an and w eather ob server fo r Wyominfi- a irways

D ick L e fr in k , presi dent o f the line, to n ig h t tha a member o f a seurchinK par

f t y came to her liom e and con ^ firm ecl reports th a t wreckaRi

o f nn a irp lane cu rry in jr threi liitlJ iinnpolla resldenU. had been lo cnled'niid Ihree bodies found. .

Mrs. Zoolc told Lc(rlnk the bodle were Xouod on Lartimle peuk by i pnrty tha t Included E m it Adam.' mayor o( Qlendo, clarcncc Thom u nnd ll group o f C.C.Cr workers.

She ssld Uioy told her tho bodle: o l the two men were w ith in tin Ship, pndly burned, but the body oi (lie womnn w iu thrown clear o f Ch< urcclcaRe.

M lu ln it Since Thursday I 1ic ship, cnrrylns Bumsldi

SmJCti. 2;>dlnn<ii>olIa btu>ncjunia» C lck A rnett, atrlle ld mnnnger. m :i A m etl's bride o l a (cw weeks, hnc been unreported elncc last Tlmra. dny but scorch was not sttirted un> 111 yesterday becauu o f the IndeH- litte schedule o f tho trio.

T lic Indlunnpolls pn rty had led Hclcnn, Montnnn, Intendlne to f l j lo Denver but Indlpnted they might stop alone the way to tish. Smltli Vi-iiA comblnlns the plenaure trip w lll i v ls il* to business ussocbte* n liile Ame(C and his wllc, Clic fonn* cr Eleanor Clarl: o f IndlnnnpolLi, were Itoiieymoonlnc,

Mrs. Zook snld tho tnfked to Or- r ln Lench c t Olendo who hnd JuM cotne down the mountain ond totd l i r r Clarence Tliomas. a niembrr ol the Hcnrchlns party discovered the vreckOBC about 4 o'clock th la a fte r­noon.

Leach told her. Mra. Zook said, th a l a ll threo apparently »cre klU- ctl InaUntty. M rs. Am ett'a body wat b a tte rrt bu t not burned, he added.

>Hb aald, the p ilo t apparently bad

(Continued on PaRt, 3. Col. 3)

/ R i g h t s a n ^

L SHADOW S I n D a y ’s E v e n t *

(By The A.MOclftted Prt/u)

Some O raw lor-—COEUR D'ALENE. Idaho - The

llshuorm hos moved up w ith the lU h as the subject o f to ll tnles.

Cpcur d'AJene todny had jj^pped tin w ith Dol>e nnd Spoknne a< clnlm - M il to the nnglcv.-orm championship. Jl. n , Cnmpbell. hlRh school p rln - c ijw l. reported dlRciiis lip a r :- ln ch c.-owler in hU (torden,

111.1 friends vouched tha t he wa.'^nt ^ trrich lnc lhe worm or th r jnoo’.

K in g o f Beasts— LO S 'A NG ELLS-Edtta rd Waldron

yesterday convinced the police com- iniMloa il io i ••Huiiy," his pet lion, ts j i i i t a *Luy.

- lie doTMi l C.H mucli meal," W ul- Oroii M id, "And u lirn he <loe , i t lia * 10 bc cookcfl. No Mr. n» raw iiirA i for «u.siy. And uh o i'* more, he drinks ilir re cju:\rL'( of m llk every a jy "

Wnldron npprared bpforr Uic com- lo.- ( im in ivfcn tu kcc(»

• n iu ;y " 111 llie l).-«ckyiir<l. A lte r liW A Oescrlptlon of the lion ’,-i Bertivncis, ^ t ! i f pc.-mlt viis Kraiiicd.

Lesson fo r B ru in — BELLINGHAM . W arll - . .;irKC

blMH bear a i M i. H .itc r loilw- miiy Hot l r M piuylul III Che fu tuic. I5.-u;n *iucK hU head into tlic loJue :> licuvy tiic:iieraior yeaterday. l i o \c ;^ ith the bear Inside and Marie:! rollms doxn jhe tnouni.iJn. b .'ujd. I Kr<»ninR un h every tu rn . m.Aii.-iccd I to tree hirtuelf just in time. The l i i- cuieraior dropped in io a canyon,! lo w reel from ih« *t« rtlng place. i

C a n 't Bo B otberod—DENVEn — P la jir.K ca rtli nnd

WAtcliliiK ihe ir w h K k rfi stow dc- v i r i r j lhe lim e or iwo modern hcr- nii:« in ii-.b couniy uere.

CI.vrnce M. Sleeper ond Sieve ViUJ. arrealed early m July «» *,w - r--cu« In o holdun June '22 h.ive /ifa d f.nU y refused to cel h.ilrcuta 0.- sh.ive Ilnce they *ere J»u«i.

■ D om »>n i 10 bc b o i!,trM .- .H ti /U d ?CKjar- ~V>e »ttn 't lAave or have ou: ha ir cut untU lhe day befo.»e weCo on tr;.il. W ell clean up ,then.“

O u l A ^a ia , I s A ^ a is — •SASTA DABBARA. Calif. - Her-

nu n Sunpvsn. Just couldn’t tU y n»»y from the police station and

Freed in the morr.lw: a lte r com- . Pleilr.i; a 30-day jenience on a eharve :

I of drunkennfv", Simn*on rrtu m rd I aflemoon » ;ih the a.-..-,ou.ice- f ,' ^en t. "1 just dropped in to look |1 a.'ound and .ve I.' c v e r jlh lrc » a i ' , 4 sm in e a lcrj; o . K ." ,' Bul h l l \ i i l i reiulted o."Jy tn an* >

otJjer a.-ren and a sentence in poJice 5 co'irt 10 24 m orr in js ;I pti an- t ci.'icr druntennesi charje. 1

H E T ’LgaiTO wzBX im m s i o r


[ Death Thr( io Attributec 1 Accelen}un- Federa l A gents Speed fifng Search F o r H u n t- ises ed O utlaw■'SyS ,,. (By The Associated Presa)

W A S H IN G T O N , Auff. 2 0 - ' G overnm ent aRcnta tonight

were reported pursu ing an *c. OOK, ceicrated search fo r A lv in

K a rp is , fo llow inK his m ailin ji o f a death th re a t le tte r to J E ilprar Hoover.

W h ile the ( l ir tc lo r o f tin: bureau o f investlKntion re.

•jitri» fo m n ien i, a ju .itico dc.purtmeni 6pokcjninn soki ••«,c'vt

u ree jmsijiHg a vlRorouj senrcli lo i n lo - Knrpls for months."

DetviJia o f lhe U tlc r iicre UcKitm Uy - bul t l WOS r«|»rted to hnie been poM

mnrked oC Dayton. Ohio, a month ogo. O lflc la ls pronounced I t "au.

’ tbenUc" Ind lca lln * that hondnTltlna ' j , and (Ineerprlnt experts hnd scrutln-

the ' ‘ •y ot Knrpls. co-lender with the slnln> (he Fred Barker o f tbe notorious Darker.

Karpia Rans. has been.hunted for 18 monihs, frequently In Ohio In

,,IH« conncctlon w ith th# »200,000 nbduc- Ilon o f Edward O. Bremer of Bl

ftistj’ Paul.had ■ Wore than once nRcnU have been

lura- hot on his trn ll. only lo find thclr

l e n - -----------------------------------------------------

'dDAHOLEGIOiiESiMflfiCH IN mmolLi. ---------

D e ie g a te s P a ra d e B e fo re O i-

j " » i f ic ia ls o f S ta le a n dlo ldr o l O w n O rg a n iz a tio n

te r- •---------noi.SE, Aog. :o (<?) — A fU r

(pcndlnc' Uie mornloc oa routine H il l boilneati. the dclepiiea (o the l l t b was a n n tu l Idaho departmenl conven* ded. <fan itte Amertean Lecfon took had Ib * a ftcm M B o ff and paraded be------ fore the d ltt ilta r le * of ihe slale' and ll« > fv « a ]n lio n . .’/* ' MO»i Lu^inea* hbuavi'- and "I— I county and atate offices suspended J vn rk durlnn the aftemoon un til 4 • o’eloek to wline4» the street »prc-

3 tnck*.In the rcvlewlnc slnnd ucre Gov­

ernor nojs. Brigadier General M. G . McConnel o f the Idoho nnilon.il► (Ward. AMomej- Oeneral Bert U. — I MlUer. M t*. M yrtle p. Enklnc. slnte

' lren*urcr; Harry c. P.ir.on.i, .M.itr auditor; M ine inspecinr Arthur Cnmpbell, 5e f»Iar>- o f flta je Prsnk -

th e lln G irard, Lrc lon Departmrnt Com- the mander C. A, Boitolfson. of lll. ick-

foot, first Vlce-Commander F. C. p« j Hummel o f Bolw. Mrs, Lc.'.lcy Bc- ,m- no lt o f Tw in FalU. American Lc- lip . slon Auxlll.iry d.'partmcnt pre^ldpnl.' In - LcRlon National Vlc.-Pre.ilclenl l ln r - ' :ich old J. W.-irner ot Portl.ind, Oreson.

Mrs, E ite ll Saxon o f K.iyAVllIe. Utnh, m t Nallon.M Auxllla rj-'V lcc-PrM ldent;

liCSter P. Albert o f nnL'r, DrparS m rn l ntliu inn i. nnd fltli-*rn.

ThLi nfiornoon. boys' ba.’ i'b.ill -o „ team ' of Idaho PalU nnd Nea P!v. m . moulh frn<*e<l bat*, t l i r h i ie r w in - ' on, nlns. H to 7.

Irw l« lnn Corp« Wln^ u l- Lewl'ioii'.s t/-Rlennnlre^ uon f ir r l

I t pl.iee In t l i f iiiin im l drum nnil buc;-.- aw corps con'.'^t lonlKhl for the n t - ire, ond .'Ira ic lit yr.ir. Idaho F.iIL-i w.v, :ry :<>cnnd anrt Bobe third,

Jn th r uomen's dlvwion. IdnhV F:ilU rr;Ta icd it* 1034 virio ry liv

■Cl' taklne ftr^ l i':.iCT wuh Ur.- f>i«';ii<'II-i rorpv .vrniu l. Th r DelU, Ui.ih. corIx^ WM ineluil-.lr for the stnlc cham- plon.shlp, which la limited to Idnho finranlzat!of«

Tomorro-*' th r l>-sinn and Auxll- Tic wry u i; i ilrvo ie m o 'i of th r tlm-.* to ,iiy th r com pliiuin of rom mutr^ re-

!>or:.i, aio;,;;,)!) of r.-;o!ui:o:n and

le: c o m n it i i 'u '. - ; - - ' iiilch l. i.

JD. I ----------------------Roosevelt Slated

511' To Dedicate DamL .\8 VLGA9. Nev. Aus. : d T* — •

T h r Lo4 Veca-' chamber nf eom- 'nti mrrer. rreelved n irlrcram tr.:iav •

from CDiicrr.v'.'iKin J. O Scriich.im ' . . . saylne t l ia t lIculti'T <l<ni • :1I hr

drd lc.itrd fr ;> ;fm b rr C? ’‘J l ' . i P r r - l - ' 'vc dent R oo v\rU , ncerTPinirr) by S -r- • n . le ta ry nf th r ln te r;or lrk r» a ^ r iif '

" Drawing Of A ids Des

f : NEW YORK, AU6- 20 i r —The r crayon drawUi* tha t bador Muller ! made of W lley Post remains unsold, bu l the German artis t li.i.' been r

J" pulled back from ihe brink of d rs tl-; i tu tlon on which he s;<x)d tn - ' :

“ filer's death made his pliKli; ■ •-• I io the ro - jd . • :

I Small »ums o f money kr»-p re::-.ln.; f ^ I anonymo^aly In the-mall. n Gri-cn- >

] ah lc lu • tonnectlcu :. rh ju f fr- jr 1- Whom he has never hrard of n r .: : ■e h im h l l U 40 sarlncs as a raan. the I- telephenp keep* rin i,;n“ i ; : h i'

prcniLsr* o f cc;^.mli4.(..I;.^, ai.U tc- C

___________ A C C U R A

W I N________ . ________ ^

eat Letter d To Karpis ates Pursuiti d G - M e n ’ s Q u a r r y

'C> I K IM min ' M f f ■


- ' ic . B i , - ' ' ' ' '

- ' A Hor

th ; : y “

=S I I» . - .a- ::- '


!r)unrry h.i'l llt>\vn. Hc li, known to •n I hnve *i>eni several wccka In vicinity !lr lo f Toledo. Ohio, niter the kldnapltiR.

rm S iM fi FOR TETOI Dif - O f f ic ia ls B e lie v e $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0

P r o je c t VV ou ld A v e r t

A n n ii? ! C o n tro v e re y

r nOf.-K. . ,1tie. SJ r.v> — s. II.• Alehley ef t>rl|;t«, Telon eoimtyI prw.eetitlne attorney, ronferred

wUU Coicrnae no** and nobertc Fsrrlm commlMloner o t tlte

a ta lr flrnattm enl o f redamatlan,• here today relative (o eonsirae-

llcn nr a IA3D.OOO dam In Ihe Te-I'. . .‘d ' Pinna nre now being completed 4 . fnr conslructlon o f the dam i f pub-

'lie wnriu funds can be obtained.' .\fr. AtcliJry rrfMrt<*d fo tJie got-

. r riio r th .it the pen field tabor f i t - v 'u n iio n which prompted him to re-II Qiie;.'. Governor Ro.m to send m lllinry l.:!o rc rs to Tetorj county Jwt week. r has bfon corrected nnd lha t nntlon- r al i::i:ird troops »oon cnn be re-

U'ovld . \v r r t Centrorrmx ' , Th:’ <Um th n t Is under coaMdem-• t!<ir. •->. cxi>ected by Governor Ra«• 'ar.rt M r. Farls lo supply .Mifflcien*.• !o a ic r t .i» annual co;jirovcr*y

; •Coiiiinupd on r.isco Col, 3)

^ciLiiiiiEF : FOiSjXfliySTEO; 1 4 0 .0 0 0 F a m i ly H ea ds G0 |

on D o le B a s is : S ta te i

C o m m is s io n M e e ts I

I.OS ,\N r.ELKs. Au t, :o ( r — } I l4 i-rd w ith r ihan .\(io ii o f fr ifr ra l i

fu;ids. Ihe st.-ile unrm p ln jm rn t j r r l l r f riimmUUon w ill meet hrre. 1

, Thursday to map (uture plans a« Jin.uOO tMmlSf hMd» slop worli on re llrf pm )rrts and eo on a dotf

fc i-i;- Aid D lrrc to r nalph Y „ ,Mc- nnnounrvd i);i' .m iUOi in

pro.;i;nn. rxplaln iiK : Hm ; ilie S3,- mi.iA'J federal "»Jiock Intid" need- ••rt t'> eonllnue work-s leUrf In Call- fr.r;,i.i tto 'jid b*. cn tlrr lv .'jifn i by ’.Vriliirvijny nlKhi, j

H i r d ir rc lc r said th r oflicla l rc .i- '• :u f f 'r d lT o n iinu m c «-cirks re lie f'

' to a tm i in the a iln im u ira livc ' ..inctioning ot »:ate relief pendinj i i:-.r in itia tion 'c? the. works progress [ .irtnilniM r.itlf'n som fU m *' in Srp. 1 t.-:i-t>rr.'

• ’.v iirn uork.s r r l i r f u rn it iia tr> : 'o il n r ir 'd a y ." McLiiluKhlin s t.iird ,', - n r . r lic n l u l l l surfer hard'.hlp. b u t" • ii:i be relum etl to direci rellet on '• ' [ i f x l ' i r n t bucjert j

----------- r _ 1

V iley Post ! ; t i tu te A r t i ^ ;

r.icrrow he U to be interxiewcd orf^*

‘ “ •n .r 1200 back rent, for ne n -pa? -', rr.r:n o f which he w x i to be evlciea.p*

• I. (Viid oul o f the chaufffu r’s loan.;® ' X..C. :h -re is food in the ho-xsc. all>■ '. .c K i 'r soniebofly remrn-.brrrd lha t Af-;;.-.- n.id done the f.v : portM it o f -* p.- ; and thonch i the a r tiu mlsht

H r h.ia not »o!d It. In »p;’.e c f f' ciffers. but r.Rx hr d.-x-sn't

!U • rt to H r s’. l l l -hop-^ to dLvprtsr o f !: ir :o •o.r.,'cne'-aho w ;;i t-.;y r. for; O' 0..:.i:;ctr.a C ity Jn m-mory of Pos’ .o


F A L ]■ _■WIN F A LLS , ID A H O , W B D N E S I

Stou t G ir l Pig-hts School B oard O rd e r

» To Reduce W e ig h tJ J . NEW YOUK. AUB. 20 (/Pl —I I I RdM.- Frleslater. 180 pounds, haa

dcciilid to figh t a t llin l. weight.- The 20-year-oId bloloiry teacher

hi'-i hired a lawyer. I f ncc-.’ssary; ^lte i» ^olng lo luko lo court the' board o f education’s ru ling thut If slie wanted a regufar tcacfiing

! Job In the pu b lic cchools »hc ’1 would have to m a k e the

|k j mU!dk--wel3l i t lim it, o r there>.I I abo(;M.R For Ihc last six v.ceks she haaH rlddfti horseback, plnjert tennis.■ niul t'.iken t ’: t i m ils hikes dall> u l . f f ltli;ii-a. New York, try ing to take f oll.tti-.- 30 |>ounds Uic board or- F i der-'il. She hasn’t losl n jwund. ^ 011(1 ^hu's th rough trylni;.V "1 am not. going lo r iih i my■ 'healiii irylnR to gel ih ln to icncli | S New Vori: c lly ichobi ehlldren.” B f l i.lv.- .Mild lodny.IH Harry Mablc, her nliu riiey. u&-B MTicd thnt If the commissionerH .o f education does not reverse tiiaH board’s ru ling he w ill d'.'mand a■ Jury trial.

o lW iT. imi COLLISlOK E m m e tt F a i ie s , 5 5 , M e e ts

D c a t i i , C o m p a n io n s inlng._ H o s p ita l

One man wus k illed nnd tw o othei'.s wore Hcverely in ju re d

. . w lie ir t lie a iitom obilu in w hfch nn tliey were r id ii iK to w o rk a t I I I the Idaho Power com pany’s

Shu.siume fa ! l» p lant, was .striR-k and o ve rlu rn u il by un- ( ilh i’i' autom obile a t the in te r* .seclion i i f Scgoinl avemie und F if th s ti'cet east, in f ro n t o f at, iidw ards whool, slio.-tly a lte r 0:30 o'clock Wm cveiiiiit:.

£»)j)]ru Fallls, SS. jvpbubly woa (J Instiiiiily killed by the impact, ac*

curdiiiK 10 iihyalciuiib uho ucre sum* moned to the scenc. Dcoih rcsulte<l

... frum m ultiple fraciurea a l the boM- of the skull. Uc came bere about two

’ years bro from Dea Moines, 1owr«. ond u survived by («o tons. H bew irf

Pollls o f Des Moines and JacJt.PUU*- form er Tw in Falls resident whoae

whereabouts eould not be determ- Ined laat evening. He leaves also his molher and si^ irr In Port AngeJe*.

J f- Wnshlnglon.In jared Companion*

In ju red were Jumis S. Hayes, 38, ‘ O' son of ^Ua. J. S. Hnycs. Hoyt |

street, Evcrcct. WashlngMn. be- ( •h* lleved to have been hu rt obout the I

back, nnd Wllllnrn C rolion, 44, « h o ] recclved broken ribs antj oiher cheai ] InJuricj. Cralio ;}» aon. Miles C ra f- '

m- ton. U nn eniiilc.yc of a San Dl-.-go, ' Q, a California, bank. i

Officers t;ii!l lhe driver of th e ' r*y other car. S. C Ijjj: ; . Si. of 1305 Ad-- dl.son avenue, npi'lkd his brakes 30

feet back Irum the point of Impact which hc apiia.'cmly attempted t o ; avoid by lurnim ; nt ihc corner into the s lrcel and .-iilc.swipcd the car in which Uic three men were riding, C lon ti was ufcarpanlcd by his w ifr. Neither was mjured.

I I O fllccrs snld L'Uiiitz told them hr U applied h f. brakes aa aoon na h r ' ' law the other car coming lo^kard ]

the Intersection from M atn avenur • %. on F ifth s ire rt. 11ie C lon t* car w n'^O jn iovtng northtt..rri ou Second nve- :

I nuc. ' j Wltnr»»ex Verify AecoantI O lher perwit^s in the vic in ity Oiho |'Utnessed ih r ci'lliMon corroborate<l ' C lon i*’ necoiinr, nffieera said, thoufih

- jt l ie y w rrr oer!i;nrd lale l.-«.st evrn in r | ll KnveMlgatlnc DCh-T rrports. one thn'. ' 't j l lw car.ln wluch ; l i r ihree men were ' ’f. I r id ing ^umed .it the Inigracctlon In '

r, '‘ Cdntlnurd en Paje 3, Col. 8»


ef; Investigating Officers Rcach , •-S i Concfusion of Accidcn* ' *-l tal Death f

j , ' ‘ SAL.MON. i:;- '^ !' A -jj. :o '.r i - • ■ j f . M n . H ilda killed yes> f- •'

doy when hrr ^ '•m onth-o ’ rt bab) app.iTpnily t;ic.-r.! -1’. vime e lo lh irc - hfnelnR nn th ' Abo<»* w hrrr a '

s rlf^»“ was by Jtj» tr is c rrgunrd.

The sun civha rced by ih r • movenjent of t!;- ,-:o;ti?x. lnve.#tlgat- r:

tl lng. ofHcers and the b u "r t 1,Jtruck Mrs- Bla-k a.s S.V lay rrart- tnc on a co; m h r r tr^nt home near rr

: the Big Crrrfc civilian w jie rva t^on a JI corps camp, w h 'rr he husband vs r

-m n lo jrd .The baby * » i found aleeplns a:

Ju dr«d b.*ea,i: b j a .'sr-'jh-bo:. Mrs, Hrrm,in.

]]■; iR tn d ta io R t Tm I Theory ;rInveAtisamrj reached the conclu- : i

,( /'.on o f arcldriii.-ii death after t^st- ,• lng t h ^ r r t f - j t Lhe m c.em -n; • ’ •!

o f th r c’-oihi-v u rr jid dU e h irp r-ih e i ,{ r i!> . I t »-a,s tr je . ' >lt I t m-a.' I ' l r r M Mrs. Black , lw ' 'o f t ' : n h\;nt;r.^ i ; ; ! : l.er husband. ai;,l r;C>n 'h e ir rr-^rn . he hung t f j r r if :r U on a na;l unloading i ’.. . ' :


i^ s D iS S D A Y y iO K N lN G , A U G U S T 2 1 , ^

n p L f f r.t tas pet IS:= M S AGREEer _ _

m ' T f i r c c C o m m it te e M e m b e rs .

S Issue S ta tc ro o r it T e r m - j

in g A d m in is t ra t io n B i i l I '■ ‘ L c o is la liv e A b s u r d ity *aa — 7^ ^ -

'« v Tlio A>v‘ nclattd’~rresaiW a s h i n g t o n , a u r . 20 —

J,. A n n jr i't'c iiiL 'n t \m th e R ooac- d. v e i l Uo; h i l l lo d a y le n t a p o w ­

e r fu l iiii|)L‘ Ui.s lu th e p e l l-m e ll . con;,Tc,'.sj(Hj}i| d r iv e to w a r d j a d jm in in i i 'n t .

'J 'lii' .-udden ub s ta d i.* o f a B fiiiiU * l i l i im s le r , n i is u i l by

" S e iiu lo r N y u ( H - N U ) t o fm c u d con .s ide rn tio n o f n e u t r a l i t y

legl.-lnuoii, apiiarenily w m flatlened I by Iht' ju iuM iiee o f D««)o-

crat.c li'ai:'.-r» thnt n ncutroUiy reso­lution uouUl bs brought up .o a the floor lomorrow. ^

bclcte this probiem waa a ralfcd and met, the ncw tax b ill cl was Wiii|i;xd Into n lln n l *350,000,000 ,.

IR I ahajnr by ^cnatc.house conference IIH commltteei. VI I " No hiherllance Tax.

I t l all major imrtlculors save one, n . the iire»ideiii'» talc Ideas prevailed, j.

BIS But oil that on c -th e new inherit- iince tax. which wns a baalc recom- m eiidn lto ii-the 10 men rciwesenl- “ lng lhe house and aetiate decided “ agniiut him.

Three ol them, o il Republicans, t l subsequently utucd a statement a

, Ubelling the measure a "leglalatlve tr absurdity" imd Inslslliig th a l instend ui

c h o f levying new laxc-i.to ralae *350.- a t OOO.COO, the adm inistration should .>g stop "uniiccc.suio’, wasteful and ex- | j

lmv;igani expenditures.”^ T lie suitemcnc waa sfgiied by Sen- ' n - ato.- Mctc.iU ( l l - n i - and Rcprcscnl- ; r . atlves Treadway <It-MaM ) and U: ,,,1 Bach;.ri«ch m -N J). " t

r »'<}'■ ProWslonfA:, flnn lly drnlied. the b ill In-

t**' eludes new graduated corporation Income tnxes, higher capital stock

ros levJp.v iiicrcafccd excc/s pro fits lax. ur IC* bOMted surtax rales on n il Individual cn n * incomes over »50.000, a ncw levy ou Al

dlTldeiids received by one corpora* fo iM Uon Irom another and increased ec ■ro M tate nnd g ift taxes, n ik . The Inheritance taxea were tug- trt* fa te d by the president w ith the as-Ilia ■’*Me ■-'^Conllniied on Page CoJ. I ) ^UJ- —

“WOfiKEHSIIlllPPED i I iNsuBiym:h o ! --------- acJ ! i G e rm a n T ro o p s , P o l ic e , F ire -

I m en P u sh R escu e W o rk lo:

b y L a m p lig h t '■ ma- > ____ wl30 ---------,cl r»KRL!N, Auc. 20 (,V—Troo|>«. to Pallee and Iterlln '* fire hricade, ltd ' who last night (ouchi a eoolly tire T lu In Berlin’s n d in r lly , anrkrd fp- h IB ,; veriih ly tonleht to rero%er the I fr . hodlm of at leait 14 m rn trapped

in (he eollapv nf a portion of a 1,^ sobway undrr m nstryrtlon.- h r - Some unofflcl.H r jt it ra tr s placed

the number of mt-siing as hUh aji u/. 29 workers. The rrrvk- Innnr] «-a.s be- _ n '. f t 'C bufJt to cotin rrt vnrfnr« f lr r l in d l f . railway stntlon.s hy ih r iim » the

Olympic games o|vn iirx t vr;ir._. SrnrchllRliI.s pinred on the roof

1,,' ■’! OJuecJrT pnlacr. ! i i t i : r f hom" of pjj , the Unlled Stairs rmba.ssv, .-i.'-’.i.strd .. rr.'fue parlies in the d iff ie iill task “ I'f unlnngllng M rrr i ra r rail«, «-a- '

r.T mains, telephone rat.:.-.^ and ..m - '. f r r erjulpment a iiic li er.-Lvlirfl tn i-rth- , ‘

r r Into the t70-fooi' l/inc gs'h in ._ Ilrrm .\nn Oorrlnc street , '

Embainy Thrown Open •The American rmbx*.sy Im rnrdl-

a trly a f ir r Ih^ n rr td rn i ttiru rri o ir r l l i r pkrden adjacent to the pul,ire

Kvil as foom.^ In the fu tu rr rm-, lia.'.Nf a l th r dhpasal of rr-.-iirf.W "i

*• Valuable m alrrlals :.aved fro:r. tli^ *^o I :ave-in uere being depwlted In tlie **’ 8 I .-mbaasy Bar[!m.s, «h ll« i l ; r ni.iln

f.’o o ro f the pa:n:r was cnnvr.-^rf :n- !o .1 canteen 'o r wildlers. ®

,u UcAcue ttOrk proved rx irrd in^ iiy C ■>:ow. o«-lns In pan to the f.'<-; :hs t her a »af-.T m*.'n f.otttirtj p.\.-: J.*:e a t t tunnel nnd m w » s of san?; r;> t! up a lonjs ld- the tunnel »;!d ^h'T; t l. r I t ' 'on caved In. 1

rMur wrrker.s aere h.aul.-<r'••r '‘.■■ir- hai •■•g the afternoon, t^vo r.: •; *e t.f’ ; - ly Injured. ' Doi

I) J'fsrtln.Punke. a m av ':i.rn :;-:'i'r< l eng ,c :n ih« tunn ri, »ait<- •0 ; i ‘- is Brcs -rrla iA . A group of :<!io 29,r rrmained in ih r :v! :i :t.r ^

changed shlfi-s Is '.:-.'!-r’ !ir d fb r li. Some of us n - - p

- tired how the earth wa.s sW'.r.: ■xr.v ; f l ■t neat It.- I ahouted a crar.' |- ;;>d. One fellow disappr.irr^ m a r m aw of sand beforr bv r \r»n ab>. however, to pu ll •<*vrr:i: rom- -s rade* «1th u* to the rder rif t!-.r

-av.* In.- NlUOed A t R rro I CTa<;

- La}<.jt OfflcUl rreced/ Jar’ ! pnc ■;trrJona « r r t k ilVd an'! aV -j; | by;n].ired tn the fire at '.I:'* - f - . ^ t t i ^

- grounds, 1 on JAn eV ro ior #!:rr.<:.->nt lr. v r r...'.:o ' con;

; --o^er. E rlrh Casshrk, »a.' v> J Cr 1 !.Tfo. Althoush Manv-^ era.-i--: »'.l « f t

'rctind him. h* ran hl« r>-..'»:^r :ip der 1 'o the re>taunnt -ahrr- n r .- r 'rb 'r club 1 ;>rop> wcr« ra u tl.t ' t:ro ..; ;t cUn- all but e!:M du r.:.- -nil t ^ha:

Ptremen Mvrd_ the I ^

O M P L E T E ________________

A I L Y= = = ^ ^ = = = s = =1935_____________________________

B ritish L( Econom


llGflimillSlOW ‘Emperor Orders Foodsluffsji

and Munitions Placcd ath Strategic Points; Pro-f tects Impoverished People J

(BTTrjie Asjoclnicd |A D D IS A B A B A , A i i j f . 20— I

E n ip e ro r i l u i l e Sehissie, t l i i i i n n t l c a re w o rn , r n p id ly p i ’o.'iHCfl de fen .-iive m e u B u r e . s lod uy a t fh in s t u po.><sible I t a l i i in i n ­v a s io n . r

J le o rd e re d fo o d s tu f fs nnd m u n it io n .s d e po s ited n t s trn - t c f f ic p o in lH th ro u K h o ii t the c d i in t r y a n d fo rb n d e th e n rm y to draw upon the populatlnn, which Is Impoverished.

To demonstrate the efficicncy of | the newly*tralned Ethlop'lnn soldiers, ‘ a alum botUe w ill be singed to- I morrow near Uie Imperial polacc ' undcr-lhe dirccllon of the cmi>cror.

RcporU from the Interior saldt^. nnilvcs are becoming restive because j, HuUe Selaasle continues to work for j, petce Inateod of tin n in g ha.Milliles. ^ ' ln:.urance comiuinlea Incrensed U| thelr war rLsk' Insurnnce rntes nnd nccepted risks only for three months, u

--------- EFaaclsU Volunteering I

nO M E, Aug. 20 M 'j-G overnm cn t!lji und fiiscb t parly leaders of all tl: categories are going out to Easl I A frica aa volunteers In tlic armed m forces or as ndmlnlatmiors and ex- m ecuiives. I t wat dlscloaed tonight.

The entire directorate o f the fnacUt party. Including I ta ly ’s "num ­ber tw o" man. Achlllc etaracc, « c - tu r c u i jr . o l the pK ty , has voluutcercd. {x

I t was disclosed special provision la being tnade for cabinet ministers nnd under-secrctarlea to go to the r fronUer "dnngrr zone." T lie lr Joba w ill be filled here by ’ recenta" un til they return. J)'

An announcement from Naples Ei said the departures o f troopt «-oi^ld pj be considerably speeded through the tli acquisition of n number of addl- te tlonal lran»|>orl shlixs. u

-Tlie steamer Cesnre BnttUCt sailed J” lon lgh t w ith 3100 soldiers and o f- ^ fleers. D uring the week the Saturnla, „ A tlan ta and Prlnclpessl Olovanna ■' w lliKa ll n liim r.irlyiO OOm enaboarii.

FOUBffliiVE ^oism m m,

-------- lth

Stories of Harrowing Ex-«? periences Told by w

Crew Members-------- fh

BOSTON, Auk Cf) (.r/—Four tu r- JJ*’ vlvors o f n !i- li;n i: ve.w l Y'h'*^’* n< Kink a fte r iiii cKphMiin o f f /N a n - ' tucket l iK l if li ip '“ th four »■lives tr i ir l i^d l lo i io i^ o d n y w U h ' L stories of harrowing «perlence In i ahark-lnfesied *a ler» as they saved] thrm-'e lvrs llrM by clinging l o , wrrfknK>- and tl irn by boarding a ' dorj-.

TItr}- »«-/-e fp lrtrd up la te r hy a j,‘„ N or»rKl:in frelsht<-r. T lte 'fou r mlsa- I , ’ Ing mrmbers nf the crew o f the I ro ves.v)l. the Nrw York fishing ichooiier Junral, « r r r not seen afle r ! , the explojlnn.

One o f th r surslvuig crew m e m -IfK bers said a .sturk was preparing t o . pa: attack h im before he reached Uie:%a io ry bu t a f i:h detracted I t ,a n d i ,t tumed away, i F t

T lie men » l;o wrre belle\-«i lo have gonr 'ii'i-An mith the vessel ' serr A lf K n -ti'- ii’ rn. 40, engineer, Cn 3onald Murphy, mate and second *cl. •ngineer. Michacl Allard, all o f ' l l i l Brooklyn. N. V , anfl John Colbert. I nls a , Easl Boston- J pin

Former Pitchei On Grand Lai

NEW YORK. Aug. 30 C/T>—Leon tra radore. fonner bMebnll hero who ' pie; mee e.vtablUhrt an all-tim e record on ly p itch lns a 25-lnnlr.g gatne for b«r t i r m ^ k l j - n Dodcrrs. was arresUd ! T in a erntid larceny charge today In 1 Cu: onnrctton w ith a transaction. 1 E Cadorr. * i ;o m srr.e- th r daughter i tun

f the l ;. tr CharJ-s A. Ebbrll.^ foun- ICac er of fhe Drooklyn N.itional Irague 'saf> lub. was afcuied by a hO 'pltal dle'.l- C U n o f a ithhhcIiKnr from her four 'i; : ! harr,. of »-cci ^.tlurrt at 1130 each, m A rraU nrd in Bronk'Iyn w agU -^r^ r'

" N E \tm O E R AtTDtT DOnZAO

__________o r outctn.A 'noHB____________

readers P r nic T rap Fi le F ig ’h ts

S i r J o h n S i m o n , F o r e i p

t h o n y E d e n t o U r g t

W i t h h o l d G o o d s , ^

I S u p p o r t o f O t h e r

H »B yT licA a .wLO N D O N , A utf. 20— G re a t

' u u th o r i tu t iv o so u rcc in d ic a te d 1 Sj m e n d to th o c a b in e t T h i ir s d t ty . »[ n o m lc s a n c tio n s b y n ie m b e r«

a K u in s t I t a l y i f she f iK h U t E t h l •• T h ia fa r- re a c h iP K t le c ia io n / g S ir S a m u e l H o a re , fo re ig n


I, I s

I Premier o f F ra n c e D e c la re s 1 N a t io n F a i th fu l to ,

: L e a g u e P r in c ip le s ;1 ---------------------------------c

PARIS, Aug. *0 (,?)'— Premier e , r ie m La ra l. although foreseeing

/allare, re/Ofcd to abandon W* »‘ efforts today to prerent an lU lo - yI Ethiopian war. •. e

Laval lo ld Anthony Eden o f cB rita in and Baron Pompeo Alolsl of

II Ita ly during thclr recent U lka tha t i ’ Franco la fa ith fu l to principles o f v ' the League o f Nations bccause Uie t ' whole Europcnn peace jiollcy la bnsM v I upon 'it . 0 I T lie orb ltrn tlo ii commUsion ou the I • Ualual InclOant between Ita ly and(EUilopln resumed lu proceeding*. i I Ethiopia protested iigolnst the ac* £ I Uon o f lhe league councjl In e llm - b

■ Inatlng the te rrllo rlo l question from i tho scope of dehbemtloiui.I Nlcholaa PolUls of Oreecc was

' named f l t lh arb itra tor on the com- .’ mission. Ha w ill be tummoned late r .

when hU aervlcei aro required. ^

T lie four commUslonera th is a fter* , ' noon ta lked w ith the E thiopian p f f . pert. Prof. Oasloa Jp » . and tlie , Ita lU a expert. SUvIo Lesauna,.iheh i

retumed the dlscuRtlon where l l waa | Interrupted a t the Netherlands dead- i lock July 0.

Prof. Oenjnmfn p. Potter o f America and Dr. Albert O. De La Prodelle of Prance, representing

I Ethiopia on the commUsion, read a I protest against tho council's l lm lU * /> tlon forbidding testimony on the i■ territoria l question, concluding. " I f

l l were no l fo r the grnvlly of the. present moment, we would decline

to continue.”T lie Ita llnna read a declaration

I ''slrongly objecting to E thiopian In* Icrpretniltin of fnct and law."

The commission decidcd to move e T liurMlny to Berna. t;

C l i p p e r S h i p L a n d s “ O n H o m e w a r d F l i g h t

-------- ------------------------nMIDW AY ISLAND (By Pan Am - c

erlcnn 'A lrwnys) Aug. 20 M V -R e - oiturning to Alnmcda. Calif., from Its u

1 th ird ra c illc pioneering fligh t, the yPan American A lm oys’ clipper plane j{ arrived h<-re at « p, m. today i l l y- m. cn.stern standard tim e) .from W .ikr island.

'n i r Clipper, rnrry lng a crcw o f • e ltflil men, made the l.IQ l milesflig h l Irom W nkr Islnnd In 7 houra « onrt 50 mliiute.1. I t w ill remain here | *“ n day or jo before continuing on to

, Honolulu and Alamedn. ^

U . S . C o n v i c t L a b o r " I I n I d a h o P r o t e s t e d

1 WAIXACE. Idaho, Aug. 20 '/V)— T hr w .illacr iradrn iind labor coun-

'c ll irv i-nlrd today ils membrrvhiph.id artc>;)t»d n ii'volotlon jirotrsclng *°

JsRain.M th r ,'edrral Kovernmenfs an- **'(nounced plnn to uae convict labor on * ' (hishway* in c rn lra l Idaho.' Airhorl!ie.« h.ivp nnnounerd tha t| lr iit- i: tve plans call for the ui< o f veIfrderal priv)ners fo r work on some Iti. parLs of tlie Lewis and C lark h igh- gl': »sy in ths Lolo paas region. KI ------------------------------- II:FLITN O IN STR fC TO R AND sti

r t T I L K i u x n IN CRASH rilTULSA. Okla... Aug. 20 (/T ^W a rd lit

C.'uuford, :0. inslniel-^'- at a Tulsa in school of neropautics. And Fred O.

'H il l, fly lnc st'jdent, were k illed to - cjr[n igh t by the crssh o f a smnll cabin dl.Plnnr from n hrlgh t o f <iW feet. .\i:

_____________________________ _ Cl ■ Ir.'

er Arrested arceny Charge ttrale's cou-l. the forsjer ball pUyer an pleaded not r ^ t lty and was releaicd : an on IIOOO ball fo r a hearing Septem- cd ber 13. f t t

T lie complalnani wa-s M lw Loul'-e Curtis of Klnss County hospital. co:

Despite f.-rquent demands for re- am turn c f th«* crrtlfle;i-.e.,'. slie said. Cadore m rrr ly rrpUrd that they were lh? safr and th n l ^hr nred no', w orrr. * o

C-sdorr. «ho l.» now *3 and lives'am u i i f i his w j'r In Brooklyn, h.r* bren m th r im rs im er.t fcuJU-.rss in r e - ' i t r -r .: j r . r . ,

T O D A Y ; F a ir

W S__________10 PAGES - 6 CENTS

repare P"or Ita ly I E th io p iaeign E c r e ta r y , and A n - rge League A c tio n to Is, Cash and C re d it ^

r Powers Expectedls.^oclntcd Press):at B rita in ’^ f o r e i^ experts, an cd lo n ic h t, have apreed to recom- tiy adoption o f proposals fo r eco- 'ern o f the League oC N ations ■Ethiopia,in . i t was said, waft renched by

k c re ta ry , nnd A n th o n y Eden,— i^m lnister fo r League o f Na­

tion ’s a ffa irs .Jo in t economic nnd f in a n -

ulal sanctions w ould prevent

S goods, coall and crcdlt from reacli- Uig lla ly ,

Sopiw ri JExpecM Smaller powers ond Prance. I t wna

sold, would support the BrltlsU Rov- _ ernment should i t urge Oenevn lo

c» adopt this course.I f Ihc league fa lls to-act, D rlU iit

must then dclermlno upon Its own unllalerol sups ln the face o f what i t rrgards as an Ita lia n cluUengo of England’s prestige and domlnnncQ

r of lhe Medllcrraneon and Africa, g Ministers, recalled from tbe lr* vacaUons, wlJJ meel Thursday la * '* v ital session to decide upoa a cotlrse

o l aetlon fo llowing the breakdowno f of the trl-power u lk s In Paris, of A lle r Hoare and Eden coaferrtd i at In Uis stu ffy fo rtign offlee, there of wos every Indication tho Bovernment >e la trying to postpone the fo U fu l day ^ when 11 m'ay have to foce a declilon

ol a uh llo tcn il choracter In the ic Iinlo-Ethloplon d lipu ie.

H the league powers do no t agree ;<• to lollow tho program mapped by'

B ritain , then Uio whole crlsla wUl >* be dumived bock In to London’a lap.

Blda fo r V. H. Backing Considerable e/nphasli was placed

utwn tho vlslta lo Hoaro and Edeu ' this a(t«rnoon b y ,- Ray Atherton.

Amertean charse d ’affaires In Lo n . ' don‘ Neville ChaniberlatD, chan*.

cellor of the excliefiuer and StanKj^

I f .tCcnUnucd on Patffe a. CoU 8) .

iM lf li lE II 5 I I I I K BILLt* I ' ——”, Democratic Leaders Grant ” Demand for Action oa

Anti-War Legislation l* *

WASHINOTON. Aug. 30 (;P) —'e European war clouds and filibuster

threats eombltwd lo win from Dem­ocraUc leaders todny ssxurances of immcdlato senate consideration of

. neutrality legislation.^ Sw iftly. admlnlstraUon spokesmen

rushed from the fo rrlgn relations I- commltlce nnd agreed to bring up

on Uie senate noor tomorrow • reso- ■" lutlon designed lo help keep lh«^ Unlled States from being drawn In-

lo foreign conflicts.' Its major provUlons: I>rohlblt ex­

portations of arms to belllgerrnt na- llon.s; forbid American v-essels to

, j carry w a r' Implement* Into belllg- ^ erent ports a fte r a pnr.slcJential proc- p I la'mnllon; nulhorUe the president to0 I proclaim tl ia l cltl£cna lra\'cUlng on

brlllgerrnt ships do so a t the ir own r lik and to rc.sirJrt IJ» ujp o f Am ­erican ports lo lorelgn aubmartnes.

Srnatora Drmand Action1 The hu rrlfd action of the tenale

W ders capped o.'^en flllba?tcr. thpral* by Senators Nye (R-N D i . nnd llorwr fD-Wash) nf the m unl- p tlona committee to forw* acllon bc- , fo rr adjoumm rnt. A.vurance waa . Ucklng, ho«ever, that th - ho-.ue J would act If the wna le npprow i the

re.solutlon. t ColnfJdent w llh the senst/? de- f velopmenu. I t w m leamed au lho r- s Itntlve'.y the govrrnment has not- given consideration lo Invoking the

Kelloge-Brland peace pac*. In the Ilalo-Ethlopian crisis. Nor has t-he stat« department engaged In nnp

I riL«ea*’ !oa« likely to lnvolvr th r na- 1 t'.nn In dL-.putrs w iih other coun- I trir.-..

Tl'.r st.iie fV partm rnt attitude wav- (!r.s,-r.b!-a M one o f wa'ichfulnr.vs 1 dlctntrtl -jy rrr.-Ment ^o^\se^'e:l's po-

ii:;on t lu t th<- N-j : in fr re j: o f t.'ie . Cnl’.r it S:a;e.s li-s in not bocominc■ Involved Ul conttovrrsies in which

this nallon has no d irect In iererl,.Sirrasn roroplrsitJr*

Chairman Pittman, <D-Ne\-) ot the forelsn relations committee who

k brousht th r neutralUy measure to ' Uie wjna'e floor, frankly termed it

a "com nrom lic' between the de-* mands o ' the munlUons commilteo .: and the state dvpsrtment. Us strrsa-

cd tbe eompJexlUea o f try ing to ■ fra . 't r jc h leglalaUon. '

N>-r !>.iid tha t When the measure comes up oa th< floor there w ill tje amendments o ffe trd to widen Its «vpe. buc concrded tf is : ^ r n 1/ they w^re n .: adopted tbe resolution wo-j'.d be a Te^nl gain.” He said the

■ amrndmenu would projJoaa to re- 'M riet '.rani lo beicigerenis aad Um*; i t the shipment o f cootnband to jf<>re;;n'.shlp^


Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · J - - - ^ . c i t y E d iljo n T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. pI e fli me' BODIESDISGOVERED i MIE


S B l r oV F il llH C ll

plane Brings Body of World famous Aviator to

Oklahoma City.

O K IA B O M A C ITT. AtV. 20 (ff) For (h« f l n t Ume itae* th# la -

• trepid a lnaaa f l n t onbU ionw l h l f BMW OD the O r w y e t th« worid. a WH«7 *PM t bosecom iar WM s w ie n a eccailoB tonlgbt.

• A QUlet, orcJMly crowd stood m ute.• ly by M a »U «r, twin-motored plono

setUed slowly to eorlti a t the Mu> ale ipal a l n ^ a t 3:45 p. ra. <06T).

n w u WUcy Post's J u t hmdlag. I t eodett an a ir Jourwor o f « 0 0 miles from the bleak A lu kan scene o l the crash th a t took his Ilfe and the Ufo or another o f Oklahoma's Itm ous sons, Rogers.

Sorraw lnrThoofanils on Hsnd Tbo s lan t plane taxied dou-Q the

' m ain runway of the field and rolled .. slowly tfito a hangar. cmpUed to

assure pHraey.Tho rioora swung shut and' tha

broken or the only man to make a solo flig h t around the world was tit tu fc rre d to a waiting heane.

OfflclaU. M ends, tha sorrow ln* thousand* who knew Post oaly through word o f his achievements. »-ere on hond whea h is body arrived.

His widow, parents, and other reloUves d id aot go W the airport,

' preferring to be alone when they received, the ir dead.

Those in the crowd stood sUent u the hearse swung out of the hangar, dropped In behind a cordon o f m ot­orcycle offlcen , and started from tbe field.

Crowd W ltb Bowed Heads . A f tbe procession passed tbe

crowd stood w llh bowed heads. Thero w u ao demonstration, only sUence. Uke th a t o f an empty church, yet moro Impressive than the roaring tributes th a t Ufted on tbe days wben tbetr bero swept la from tiw skies aftar one. o t the aertal ex- ploita th a t made b lm famous. - . The hearse b o n tbs remains o f tbe famed lUer to a fim eral home. There U wUI rest untU tomorrow a t 11 o'clock when a cortege wUl

. move out o f Oklahoma Olty to Mays* viUe, tbe t in y town In Oarvln eoun­ty tb a t Post caUed home.

. A /U r Q u beano had M t tha tield. Joe Crossoa, mercy fUer o f tbe arctlc» wbo braved the dangers o f barren nortbem Alaska to re tu rn tha bod lu to Fairbanks and thenee to SeatUe, emerged from the hang*

' ar.W im blm wer* Capt. W. A . W in -

■ton. irb o relieved Crosson a t the costrdU o f the iunera l plan« a t SeatUe; i ly ln « tb * bodlea U u r * . malnder o t tbe wajr to to s Angeles, '

to Oklahoma c i t y * w lU i UM body o f Post: co-FUot J. < Xh Fleming, Radioman T . W . D ov- Ung; FUgbt Engineer Tom W ard

, and 01a>«nc* M . Young, PacUlo ' coast dlvtnoa ^manager o f the. Pan ‘ Amerieaa Airways.

Blt«s a t S U U Capltol Tba panaU . U r . aod M n . w . F . ,

Post, tomorrow WlU eome Into.MayS’ vUle vbere l o r fo u r b o u n the < wUl 11* la sU U a t the Landm ark Missionary B a p tb t church. Xa tbe , evealag the body wUl be bome bock to Uie sU U ’s eapltol fo r Um ofncla l tites e f T lmraday. Wednesday n igh t tbe body wlU remain la a luneral home he n . ,

A t 10 a. JD. n u rs d a y th * bod/ WlU be placed In the rotunda at tbe sU U capltol. ther* to lie la ] s u u for; two h o u n and a t noon ; Oklaboma time, the oome bour tha t services a n being held In Los Ang- ' cles fo r w m Rogera, Oklahoma wiU pay lU ofQclal tribute.

Both R («en and Post wlU be < Blvea Uio SUten homage In U u o f- • l ld o l ceremony before U u capltol, > Tbe memcttUl Mrvlce w ill .be brief. > ^obab ly .. an InvocaUon by a aa - 1 Uoeal guard chapUln and a brief i addreu by Oovemor E. W. U a r - < land. (

U U lla ty Ooard o f Honor .A guard o f bonor composed o f I

naUonal guardsmen wUl escort the ( casket Thunday. t

W hile his avia tor comrades circle i abore. W ll«y Post's body wUI be x taken to the F tm BapUst chtireh S fo r funeral services a l 3 p. m. They t WlU be brtet and almple. I

A tte r tha t the body wlU be taken t to a crypt In PalrUwn cemetery to await fina l burtal plans. <

E lch i or Poefs fly ing buddies, t headed by Joe Crosson. wUI be the < acUve pa il bearers. t

Ttie tUct's widow. U n . K a y Luine t Post, directed ton igh t lh a t many o f i tbe thousands o f flo ra l tributes sent t from all over the country shoula bo distributed to hosplU b In tha c ity I a fte r the sen-lw. ^ t

Ton lsh l sho was l&cUned to ae- < oept the pro po u l already approved c by the tim tcd States senalo th a t r the bcdy o f her famed husbasd should rest la ArJlnctoa naUoaiJ > cemetery. 6he asked, however. U u i s she be given m ort tim e to decide, t


CONFEREES AGREE 5(Continued tn Next zssucJ ' |

M rtloa th a t “ Inhented economic poww U as inconsistent w tlh the Weals o f th is gtneraUon" as having klncs.

B u t the cangreislonal conferees, attem pting to h a n a o n lw ihs d lf- fe.-eaces belw««a the bOls passed by t th * house and scaale, agreed tte re t shfwld bo ne tnherttaee taxes. i

Cha tnnaa Doughton CO-KC) o f i the boos* eooferees described tbe i Xins] hlO as a "blaraed good one" bu^ aald & wac necessary to d n p ' the tnbertanee taxes In o.*der to get aa agreemeat. Oihenrtse. be tm - pUed. adjOBTTsaent m ight have been' beld np by a eonferenee deadlock.

U dd fo r U s t , In dlcaUoas were th a t the cocu'er- *aee npaeu ea wUeh the house a n s t aet n rs t. would not be>' cs^ed to a ro'.e b tfer? T hurrday becssse of the desL-e o f leaders lo bold tbat

■ i '


aesday aad Xbaradayj Ultle cbange

)rid —H igh and low temperatures yes­

terday as reported by lha govera^ m ent weatber observer w en 88 and 39 degrees; U jert was a varlahl«

' wUsd and the sky w u cleor; boro. ,9 , metrlo pressure a t 8 p. m. vcu 30:K) ^ Inches and the hum id ity range, 03 ^ to 40 per cent o f saturauon.?? WeoUier a year ago wos clear ^ w llb temperatures of 83 and 47 de- ^ gnea. ______

Tem pera tures Rise S'. I n W estern Stateslag. ■jo o The northwest high bas advanced ene to the northern plains region, while in d tbs southwest low Is again dcopen- la 's lng, and'apreodlng over the wealem

plateau. Fa ir weather prevaUs throughout the . west, except /o r

‘ Ught shon’era In easlcm Colorado, tbs Temperatures in U»b region are Jed sligh tly higher, being normal or a

to u tu s above. A shallow depression over the Oreat Lokes had coused

tha locol showen U> th a t region and the to eastern states.

irld ______rse. M u . Mln. rrtc . Wm .. In f DaU« ........- W so .09 Clear

g s f f i>ts, nslsaa _______ ___44 M.. Cl«ud7ed. Kaasas Citjr 7S .M Cloudr. . . Lot Ancflw .a* Sl .00 ci«tr

MlnnMpelU j n U .00 a«ur>rt, K«w rerfc __ (S n .oo cicudrley C nu lu _ _ - i a «« 40 C tsr

PoestsISs 4S .00 c u rM St. L«uU — »4 74 M ' K.CIdT.

ar, OsU Laka _ t S SS .00 c in rJ t. Oaa DU(o —1* ' U .M rt.Cld7.^ Baa rmo'sco U U .99 l l n r" u b m iu * ... .....7S ss .00 Cltar

Sp«kai>*' 00 4S .00 C lurTwla rails _as » .00 cuarW aibUftoa . n n a t Ooady

he I —. . — ~

» bUl o f f uaUl tha lost thing, n t Except fo r the Nye threat, Uie n r general adjournment machinery ,ys funcUoned smoothly. The senate be passed the "‘m r n " ra ilroad norgaa- X- IzaUoo bUl, deboted the Ouffey bUl

and w u ready to proceed wlUi other o f legblaUon.M. Ttie bouM marked time whUe con- )w fereea reoched a fin a l agreement on m tbe Tennessee VoUey Authority s- amendmenu, while the house ju - n - dlclory eommlttee a t a night meet­

ing voted 13 to 7 agoinst np ortlng be the seaate-spprovMl Walsl) blU set- o f t l u up NRA requlremenU fo r gov. n ermnent contractors. Unless the rn committee should reconsider, the e* measure, one o f l l on the so-coUed g- "must*' program e f President Roose­

velt. wUl go over un tu next session. Debate Expected

Oonolderable debate w u expectcd by leaden when Uie tax bUt reached

M th * floor, Republicana ImmedUtely »y a fte r i t w u agited. upon. Issued a J statement denouncing It. t l Among the m ajor presidential M recommendaUons induded In tbe10 bUl was tho graduated corporoUon UJ Uicomo lax. Ue had suggested a levy

ranging Xrom lOV to lOU Insteod of tbe present fU t 13%; per oenu

_ The house voted fo r a 13W to 14U per oent levy and the senote fo r ono

»• from 13H to 13H per cent. T h * flaa l « [ bUl ranged from 1314 to*15 per cent.

The houae bad done aoU ilag about ‘’5 the existing la x o f |1 on cach 91000 ^ o f eaplla l stock. Tbs senate bad

a«T««d upoa increoslns Uie rate to 1140. The fin a l bUl m a k u 11 81.40.

" T b * present cxccss p ro flu tax b S pcr cent on tha t portion o f p ro flu

V over U H per oent. Tbe house had “ voled fo r a rate ranging trom 5 to ~ 33 p e r cent, th« senate fo r 8 to 13 ^ pcr cent. The senate’s rates were J* pu l in Uw blU. m Booate Estate, OU t Taxea

In , dbcardlag the l^ e r tU n c e M taxes, the senate boosted exbUng t . •s ta ts 'T S a gU l taxes. Tbe agree- )] m ent would make the esUle taxes i f ’ 3 per cent on the f irs t taxable I . 810,000, ranging upward to 70 per Bf cent o f ths estate o v t r . 890,000,000. r - O lf t taxes would be three fourths

of that.On individual incomes lhe bouM

»r proposed to boost tha surtax on aU le over 830,000 and (he senate only on

th a t over 11,000,000. The conferees le accepted the house schedule, which » ranges from 31 Instead o f the present A 90 per e ta t-e tr tn a t pa rt o f an tn ­ry tom o between UO.OOO*8M,000 to "3 j

pcr c«nl in itead o f 50 per cent on , •n U ial obove 85.000.000. lto ExisUng law sltpulates no Uxes ,

on Intercorporate dividends. Tbe | s. fm al blU exempts 00 per cen t o f such le dlrtdends. Corporation Income rales

apply to the other 10 per cent. E x - . le perU said the change would amotmt >f to a tax o f around tH per cenl on ' I t Intercorporate duidendv >e The fin a l blU oIao changes .e x lit- j lng U w which applies laxes ^ 30

to 40 per cent on "personal" holding :> companies. In plac* o f that, the d conferees dceldM to make the rates I t range from 30 lo «» per cenU d The conferees, as expected.U knocked out t r o amendnients In*H serted from the senate floor. One.

by Senator Borah (R -ldaho), fo r ­bade. the fu iu re Issuance o f federal t ^ exempt securities. The other, by Senator McCarran iD -N ev), was designed to restore an open silver

E m arkel by repeaUng te y sections of the silver purchase act.


ON LARAMIE PEAK ;*■ (ConUnued From Pag* One) I

ly tum ed back, attrm pung to returo it to Cooper as the pUne w u (ound on

the aorthwest Upper reaches o f the11 peak. I t had plenty o f altitude, be « aald. fo r aay te rrito ry la th a i re- i"

i A U G U S T S P E C IA L ]3 Typewrl'.er desk fre * w ith the

tu rehaae o f each new REMINO- TOS PORTABLE TYPEW RIT-

•- ER.LOGA.S J iv s t c CO. ;

* ' Next U Ttlepbeoe OfOe* 1

1 -ryTOFA iX8D A n

I ■ n i Br iis m o it * — _

Military Commanders Chargi I; Attempt- to Proclaim


“ - i S r S S L T T i i K ' SGnayaqBil and QcUto, the caplUI, aaaosaeed to a lgb t tb a t Prealdent Velaseo Ib a rra bad been arreatcd

.a fte r an attem pt te proclaim a . dJeUtbnblp, .

*' 'H w announcement said Ib a m 3 wa» placed la a Jail o t the Cal­

deron artU lery regiment w ith hls a tbree aldes-de-eamp. e Congressional dignitaries who hod . been Imprisoned In panopOM have n been 41bcrated. I t w u reported.Is F irs t dUpatehes from Quito, a r- >r r iv in g ' h t ro a fte r a day o f la te r- ). rup ted communication wrvtee, con- e firm ed feara o f a poUlfcol upheaval. ■ So ldlen AsBUn* Control d They said Oolonei Nlconor Soils, e Inspector-general o f tbe array, had

assumed eommand o f the c ity be­cause Ib a rra had "signed on un- consUtutlonal decree.*'

37u re p o rti a bo M id a number o f opposlUon M na ton who had been anested were freed by tbe army.

Colonel Bcnigno Arande. chief of the c o u t m ilita ry tone, assumed control o f Guayaquil " in th« name o f the oonsUtuUonol arm y."

R eporu u l d Ibarra's movement • fo r a dicU torsh lp w u supported a t . f l n t by Q uito poUce but fa iled to

gain arm y favor. Tonight i t w u re­ported the police had osked army authorlUes to old and uphold the consUtuUonal order.

Tbe a rm y authorities were ordered tbe release o f oil po llllca l prison­ers.

> A rm y o fflce n in OuayaquU noU- ' fled polloe to ceose guarding news-> pdper offices and to give tree ac- ‘ eew to ed itoria l rooms. Radio sU - I tlona 'w tre te ld they m ight function ' again.

Ea rlie r in tho day, the offices of ' E l Telegrafo hod be«n placed under guard and employes o f the rodlo

' s u t lo n "Ondos Oel Pocirico'* were ’ arrested los t n igh t fo r broodcuU ’ allegedly in im ica l to authorities.

DetecUves also had plaeed Manuel ' Edtuudo CastiUo, editor o t El 7%1«-

grafo, under guard a t h b home,' where he b HI. Other newspapen ' a-ero no tified a t the ttme U iat Uiey ’ would be unable to appear unless

sancUoned by the chief o t police.


(OonUnued From Page Ooe)

; between waterusera who have rlghU I in tho Teton r ive r flow.I Brigadier Oeneral M. O..McC!on- r nel, who waa M n t by the go\‘emor [ to Drlggs to investigate pea t ld d U -

bor conditions and tb * water db - pule. returned, today w ith a report

I tha t "a il Is ^u iet and th a t condl- i tions ai« about back to normal,". Govemor Ross said.

The clile f executive said troops » WlU be kept in the dU trlc t. however,I fo r a few more dsys.

I glon except thU lone sehUnel o f the I pblns.

M n . Zook. Itho lives h a lf way be.I tween Olendo and the foo t o t Lara- ' i mio peak, said Le frlnk rtported the ' I men teld her the wreckage w u lo - !

cated Almost n t the tep o f the 10.- ‘ 000 toot hiRh pm k.

M n . Zook also u ld she was In- ' , formed by return ing searchen Ih n l “

bccnus* o f the treitcherotisly rough ' terrain an dheavy Umber the bodlw ‘

' could not be brought down un'Jl some time tomorrow. '•

Corontr E. W . Johnson, o f L a ra­mie county already w u on hb to the sccne. having been summoced I ea rlirr tn the day by Captain Oeorge : Bmlth of the Wj-omlng highway pa- i tro l when reporU hnd renched o f­flcUU that the wreckage had been ’ locaSrd. I

IT.^LIAN FLOOD TAKKR TOLLnOMF- Auc. 30 f/T>_Elei-en per­

sons were k illed tonight In the towns • of Cminnno ond Castelhimare. nesr , Sahrne. when a violent rainstorm ; sent m<'unlaln streams ou t o f their bank.1.

reanU In »^rTlee. Cook's Drive Inn. —Adr.

--------- I'N X LE JO e-K 'S I



15c ____10c


Comedy - .So»TUy - New*

TO N IG H T OXLY At »:ee P. M.

The B b r r r and D«tUr VenU a or the -PAY -O FT ;-

- n iE .S IL\XR JAC K.POT- , Yoa Caa't A fford to M lis T hb ! *

! vNOTZ; I l - j .Mi la h tn . and TTe i|I Ne>er Raise Onr P rW »! \1 KIDDIES.lOe — .\D C LT8 Ue


F r i g h t Saves L ife O f Colorado W om an

IjlT W hen B ou lders F a ll*■ * IDAHO 8 P a iN o a ,.C o ld , Aug.

30 (itV-Because sh« W u seUed wiUi fr ig h t and was unable te

Uc n in from her m ountain A b in . M n . Oeorge A lbert escaped deolh when boulden plunged from 0 peak upoa her small cabin.

Tbe woman to ld her story (/p) here today a fte r the harrowing o f experience Friday. .

U l, She sold sho w u la he r k it - ent Chen and sow a boulder'.tumblc ted toa-ard the cabin. I t crashed

a doa-n o fenco and crushed the kitchen roof, landing a t ber feet,

irra "1 wns too frightened to move,"- ;a l- sho said. - I f I hnd le ft Uw houso b b I'when the boulder began to ta ll,

I I would Imve been struck by o hod I second stone which rolled down lave I the h il l nnd tore away the

poreh."a r- I

fOllGEI HOIDS B ' S TO OWPEIMCEiro California Officers Seek ’ ot Mysteriously Missing

Chicago Man

“ * AtTDDRN, CaUf., Au^. 30 W - ^ Solution o f the dlsappeonuiee ot

James C. Xennett, sr.. retired Chl- cago business man. probably wUl be

^ aocomplbhed, police Indicated to> n ight, when they h o « IdenUfled the

. penon wbo forged two checks made [ l ou t lo Kennett and ordered h b malt

forwarded ‘ from Em igrant Oap te Aubum.

ra. W hile outhorltles here oonoentral- le . «d upon these deta lb o f the slraage

COM. D b tr ic t Attom ey L . L . Sparks [on and Sheriff Elmer Gum led a crew

of workmen to nn sbandoned mlhe , o f sha ft three mUea from Emigrant ;

Jer Oap and s tarted operations to drain .110 it*!ie From the holo l u t Saturdoy two , Its men, hunUng fo r evidence against ,

cattle rusUers. dragged the muUlat. je l ed body o f a youlh. I t was not th s l lc . ot Kennett, who was about S9 years ; le . old. offloen sold. ;n W hat progress Sparks and Gum | ier had mode In testing th e ir theory i >ia th a t Kennett may have suffered the ,

same fate u the unldenUfled youth ] was no t known here. i

No tu rthe r attem pt wa* m ad* to i quesUon Earl Cramer. 91. held here <

U on a charg* e f ca iry lng a coaoeal- | ed rwo lver, from wblcb the serlsl i aumber had beea obUtcrated. 1

_ Cramer was arrested In conncc* ( ,t3 tlo n w llh the M arch fe r caUle rus* |

U en and i t w u discovered th a t hs i Q. w u in possession o f a le tte r and i or cloth ing belonging te Kennett. c a . e

C ross-C oun try T r ip !i- Lan d s Y o u th In Jai] >r --------- \

—tO s ANOELES, Aug. 30 (4>/-The * ps romonUe adventure Ot Alexander .>r, F rank Dresden, 31, and 15-year.old *

PauUne Mareham of Detro it, who • le rt home July 7, hlteh-h lk lng their *

- woy westword, ended In Jail here JHe .

Loa Angeks polloe placed Dresden *under arrest aod held h im fo r fed* ‘

. . era l authorities. The g ir l was placed ^ne In U u custody o t her uncle and f0. a ib t , M r. and Mra. S. U Rouleau ^

5The boy and g ir l le ft home w ith ‘

only M cents they had borroa-ed ‘ Bt from friends. They abo borrowed anJh auto from friends but abandoned l l •en a t Lak* Orion, M id i. *111 Rouleau said Dresden and Mlss

.Mareham bod no t married. ^Dresden w u booked on Kusptclcn ^v loU llng U u Monn act. He w u *

rd held Incommunicado, and Rouleau ;e aald U lu Dresdaa wou'd no: be I - allowed to U lk o f Ihe adventure,f- TauU ne U Just a kid,” he said. -rn "W hy. she'd like lo teU abo'ji the e

trip , but she has ta lked too much cas i t b . " . j f

> Pep e«ra th * big fUky kind. IC IS Cook'a DH v* ln n .-A d v .

^ B l o n d e l l F a m l l j

nvQH i ix a n u tx ^

IH.B't M b * Tb—r C O M ^ m ta l {

I F R I . “ O IN G E R " j . Sandxy . l l W — — I |"T » r i iu s o I

■ ■ - I I — i *

D A H 0 , W E D N E S D A Y M O R N IN G , i

JllIilflSSIlESl' " lltHllOlEBTSIig.*d ■ ^ “ C on g re ssm a n ’ s A n n o u n c e - „

^ m e n t L i s t s ', $ 1 5 ,7 4 0 S

■ for Streets a

"Z WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 CP) — " RepresenUtlve D. W orth Clark. Po-

I, catelio, Idaho, Democrat, said to - “ day 69 u-orks progresa projects in - r

’JS volving a teU l cjfpendliure o t ap- J® proxlmately 8W70,000 in Idabo, bad

r,® been approved by the work* aUot- “ ment board, , ^

Clark said a l i lg h works o ffic ia l “ I ^ to ld hlM o f the’ bonrd action and *'• I predicted Uic projects would be ap- ^ “ j proved shorUy by President Rooae- f f

{ veil. The projecb, the represenUUve " I snld. represent approximately a ll o f “ / tiio WPA progrom submitted by J . ”

— I Leo Hood, sUte \VPA iidm lnbtra to r,= Tho projects Ib ted by C lark ha “ * . I approved follow:

J Eagle-W ork on school building \ I ‘ and grounds. 81.010; CoasU, con- * I Atructlon water conduit 81,310; K ing

H ill, school grounds 8400; M la ldoka, . I f sheep t n l l construction 83,130: Qood- , f Ing county, grand sU nd to r to ir ^ JL> {(rounds 87,124; Gooding county,

road work 86.M4; Rupert, removing ” , back from 80 miles of road l l ^ O ; ««

leK Olenns Ferry, memorial buUding ^ 81,030; Buhl, school bulldUig t tp a ln » 85,388.

Tw in FaUs Streeu blTw in .Falls, s lrce l work 815,740;

Jerome county, widening M urU ugb 8^ gmde 85,380; Olenns Ferry, curb

— lind gutters 83,710: Gooding counly. “ of Bliss HUl City road 87,000; Minidoka

hi- eounty, heating and a-ater planU ^ be lo r school 8540; Elmoro county, f *

to* deepening 4,000 feet on opea draUi ^ lhe $U65; Rupert, coverUig MpUe U nk Ide with sod and fences 8655; Cassia n i atl county, roads $5,275; Elmore, rood to construcUon 810,375.

Heglar canyon. Cassia county,. road construcUon $3,785; M in idoka .

school grounds 8800; Owyhee, roads $5,385; Buhl, swimming pool 83J44; fT Klmberiy, pork work Iff.H d; Tw in FalU dmlnasc and grading a t r« U . ,

^ 812J15: Canyon couniy, deepening j , drainage dltehei- west o f Caldwell

$2.1)55: Cassia county, roads 83J10; ' j _ Grand View, Uning canal w iUi con- « Crete 8754; Bobe. repair diversion

dam '89,493; Burley, school bu ilding « Improvements $3300.

Grand View, drainage 83,640; Rupert, IrrlgaUon pipe lines 8 ? J « ; Minidoka county, repair secondary f"®

«n r o a d s 84J30; Potrfleld school IJJ. W ground work 83.060; Jeffenon he county, bridges and cul>-erU 82.448; tb Frtemont county, construct Jail and C 'l

garage 83385; Wapello, school re- to pairs $338; Bexburg. povlng tewa !r* canal ond eonsli:ucllon o f drains ll* $10,735; Modlson eounly, roods and . lal bridges 113.135; Menan. amusement

hall $10,649: Tw in Falto county, c- Clear U k * gnde u fe ty waU.'grad- f ” , IS* lng and graveling 814J63; Albion, , hs IrrlgaUon Une, curbing and aide- Id walks 82.805; M inidoka counly, m c- , ”

ondary roads 83.825; P ller. secon- dary Vood* 813.440; Bobe. work on *” »' Julia D avb park 816,770. *ra

HaUey. seconditry road 88940; — j j Fairfield road work 810,275; Fa ir­

field street and aUey repalra $3430;R a ft Rl\-cr. road repairs 85030; Haz-

„ elten. repair {oad rlght-o l*way M 83510; Shoahone. road and curbing

83330: Minidoka county, road oUlng and grading 88100: PocateUo, can-

„ nlng surplus fru it fo r n l le f families 86337; American FaUa. fru l l canning 83983; Uontpeller, canning surplus

] . f ru it 83070; Piestoii, canning surplus .Jl f r u i t 84578; Dlsckfoot. cannUig sur-

phu fru l l 8S7U; Malad. making and remodeling garments, sheets. pUIow cases and rugs 87680; Rigby, repair*

u lng and making gorments, rugs,^ sheeU for needy families 8I3,36fi. — ,n For canning kllchen and other i Jl se lf-h tlp work, tbe f lo w in g pjojrcLi

wc.-e approved: SheUey,. 817,125; u Burley $6SS0; Oooding counly. $C:o5:

ib o Im". $11,747: Shoshone, $:857: in Rupert. $loe0: Ta’ln FtUs count''.IS 89873. ,

« WEDDING SLAYER G t'A R U t;!)BERf.-ALlLLO. N. M.. A ii? .-» .I' j

d . , —Slate potiw tonight e l«e:y p is rd - le le d Jim Shorter. 42. ncalns; ilirtaLfi :h I o f ma.' % Mt)>iice foUowlng the fnttil

jM iootln ir e,irly lod.iy o f Frrrt Ch.>- I \^z. 32. n f tr r a maiding Ile jta at

d. I Cuba, New Mexico. I “

T O D A Y ! A N O T H E R B i n H IT r e t u r n s :

\ ; f»l*nOOKt* ia n t



IPopc.'c - S port • *


1 T h e N « w an d S e n .« tio n a I1 R U D Y V A L L E Ej In-I . “ S W E E T M U S IC ”1 w i t h

t ' . A n n U T o m ki A n d S ix O lh e r S ta ra

f, AUGUST 21, »8b

R o g e r s ’ N a m e f o r 1

F e d e r a l H i g h w a y '

S t a t e ’ s P r o p o s a l

OKLAHOMA O n Y , Aug. 30 (;?>— Ths Oklahoma s u te Highway com- , mission proposed today th a t U. 6 . < highway No, M , fro m 'N e w York CJiy to Los Angeles be designated as Uie "WIU Rogen Highway of Amcrica." '

Tbe. proposal w u made o t the suggestion o f Qovemor Marlori'd, and ecott Ferrb . chairm an or the- ,, commission, aald tbe Oklahoma ^ congressional delegaUon also h u ^ Joined Ul m aking -the request.

Commbsloners u ld tbey are aeek- b lng the support o f the American * AssoclaUon o f SU te H lgh w o y 'O f- sl ricb ls and highway o fflcU b in oi which the road passes.

Ferrb poUited ou t the highway bi passes Ihrough Claremora, bome ec lown of WIU Rogen, through Chel- te sea, te be the bu rU l plac* o f Rog- b; en, and connecU w ith Los Angeles, near the l u t residence of the hu- m orbt. J]]


Y outh R e lie f Speed U rged B y R oosevelt “

W ABHINaTOK. A u j. 30 ( f l - J President Roosevelt urged sUte d i- cl r tc te n ot the na tional youth od* iii m inbtraUon today to act Quickly in their efforU lo old young people on « n lle f.

“ I t the experiment b o success,'* hs to ld them "there b - n o t mueh doubt m my nUnd th a t lu tu re con­gresses w ill c(mUnue the woric. * * *

" I t b up te you to see tb a t octlon M b effectively carried ou t." ih

1710 dlrectera were Introduced te st4 the president by Aubrey W lllUms, m< executive director o f the adm inb- tratlon. lie

------------------------------ foi


(Continued From Page One)

front o f the C lonU car, and anotherUiat Uie man who a-as kUled was 1a pedestrian. cui

Injured victims o f the accident lilawere nol questioned a t length on nnaccount of the ir Injuries. They were rlvunder trentment a t the county gen- hiserol hospllal. boi

The body of M r. Fallls was token coitlrst to the h u p lu l and then re- 'moved to the W hite m ortuary. Mes- _sages were dispatched te relatives “ in Des Moines and Port Angeles. Washington.

F ilm Actress H u r t I n A u to C ollis ion

LOS AN0ELE3. Auff. — In - Jured In on automobile collision, Marjorie White, 27. blonde f i lm ac­tress, tonlshl was reported In a ser­ious condition by hospital physicians.

Mbs W lilte, whote off-screen name U Mra. E. J. Tlemey. suffered a pos­sible skull fracture and a broken irm and shoulder,, physicians said. |

G A L L .E a ch o f th e m e rc h a n ts II is p u l he re f o r y o u r cor se rv ice o f an “ E x p c r l . ”




Any K ind ot U undry rqa lpm rn i;

P h o n e 5



H O L S f f l E R G


SalUfactlon Guarmntecd


« 7. 23: :nd St. Em l T« ln F.JU

W E S E L L ’ E M

F I X ’ E M



r n o N E . S O l

F U L L E R P A IN T S WOOD W o r k

S P E C IA L JOBSConsult oa before your next Job. whether It is a tmaU planing Job. or bu ilding a house, fo r free p'jms ond es* timates,



— ------------------- ---------------------------


--------- I

I. Suspected Murderer of At-' i tractive Blonde Hunted * ' In California ’I. LO KO BEAOH, OALIP.. Aug. 30 t J W V-The bullet.plerced body o f Mra, n , O U dj’s Olena Fair, 34, navol board c

elerk. w u found in the boUi tub o f c . her apartment h e n today aad po- , lice aald a search /o r a suspected a . slaj-er had been launched through* b I ou t souUiem Californ ia. ii

■rtio body, a b u lb t wound in tbo r ' back o f the head was ly ing over the I edge of the tub. face down in wo- . . ter, when dbcovered tb b moming 4 • by 0 houre clerk. J

Arrest Ordered ■ oPoUce teamed th a t a u t l slender s

maj}, dressed In dark clothe*, was it seen having Mra. F a ir ’s elsvenUi floo r apartment shorUy befor* 10 n o’clock Mondny n igh t. They ordered u hU arrest. Mra, Pair, an attncU ve n b lond* retumed hero yesterday ci from a vacation In San Francisco n

' w ith her husband, Evan A. Fair, a b ’ chef th en . He collapsed when no- ct ■ Ufled tn San Francbco. je1 --------------------------- JJ

N e llie Tay loe Ross W o rks Steam S liove l n

--------- t iS A lf FRAyCiaCO. Aug. 20 M V * Ul

M n . KeUie Tayloo R ou , dlrecter or in the United States m in t, tumed stesmshovel operater fo r a few mo- d< m enu today. U

Draw ing on a workman!s patr o f ta lieavy gloves, she mounted tbs p U t- . form o f the machine and handled the controb te break ground to r tho new Ban Francisco m ia t.

H usband A ccused '« In D ea th P lun g e a

■. . ■ . aRAW LINS, Wyo., Aug. 20 W V-Ac- N

cused o f k illin g hto wife by oUowln* — l ib car to plunge o\'er a 60-foo t b lu ff and carry her to death In the FloUe sli river. Joeeph H . Brooks. 55. county v) highway worker, last n ig h t w u co bound over to the Octeber term o f L< court w tlhout bond. “ d

The acUon comc a t the conclu- th

lA M I N T H E M A l F O R T R IU M P H

W ill also contract lim W h ite and Ycllt

K . HPhon»i 2CtS and 544.

A N E X Is listed below a re “ E xp e rls ’ ’ in th convcnicncc. Read I t , use I t whci

— PRO M PT —

R A D IO S E E V IC EExpert ser\’ ice and Imms-

diate atlentlon on o il ser­vice calls.

Phone 4 4 9 -J

ROBT. G A S K IL L ■-Certltled -


Cheerful. Courteous Ser>lce

P H O N E 4 ® 7W* Call For aad DeUrer


Let US pu l sprtnss In your old m at­tress a t a very C < - Wnominal cost. C all 'us for further In - , rorTrjtloru

n V IN F A L L S M .\TTR E S S CO. i



C.4L t C s i 0 3 rO R EsUmotei a t Ne ObUgatloa

3IaU r. Geoerater, A m a ta n BewUdlng aad ReboUdtng.

Ceoer»I' E l^ lr ie a )CeBtrafUag!

JBritish Leaders Prepare

Economio Trap for Italy

B it Site Fights Ethiopia(00 liU im ,il f to m P n , On.)

IS. Bruce, h igh commbslener fo r 1 AustroUo.

Ths BrtUsh government to m aklnc ' 1 . a strong bid to r American moral sup- ;

port, aad U keeping la closest touch wlUi Um U nited SUtes embossy.

B o o n aad Edea gave cbamber- U ln. one o f BrltaU i’s most proml-

20 nent elder sUtesmen. a tuU sum-,■a, mary ef the Porto negoUatlons and t rd obtained hls observaUons on some '1 Df of tbe lr recommendaUons.' A> The fo n lg a offlee.to keeping tho K :d dominions fuUy. advised on steps to f I* be Uken and Bruce’s conference w u ;i

th * t i n t of a series w ith dominion ] « representaUves.“ Premier SU'ney 'Baldwin to en^ .

route home from a vacation in '• France to take personal command .

of the situation. Ramsay MacDonold and other m inbters llkewUe ore ;

sr speeding to London fo r the meel- « lng.b The omount o f ooUvlty In dlplo-0 maUo circles ts In c o n tru t to the d usual calm o f the custemary holiday •e monUis. Among qiiestlons before th *y cabinet to th a t or possible ncaU o f '4 « parliament. PoUtlcol circles fe lt » Baldwin would not like ly bsue the '• coU u n til a fte r a mecUng of the -

lesgue councU September 4. when ^ B ritain 's program w ill be dbcussed.

No seUon had been taken In re-

IRord te shlfUng the Mediterranean fleet te the E u t. I t w u auUiortta- tlvely stoted, ond nono b expected

- u n til a t le u t a fte r the league meet- , ' if lng, h d Also. I t w u sUted the government '- does not Intend to send troopa te i

the Lake T u n o n g lo n o f Ethiopiat to guard Sudan’s w ater supply. ;

i ' --------------------------- llB FALLS IK TO ORAND CANYON j

GRAND CANYON, A rlt.. Aug!'20 (AV -Tb* mangled body or L . o . Han­ley. 34. of LiU Iefleld, ’Texu. who feu 800 feet from the r im o f the

1 O n n d Canyon, was tound today on a ledge olmost dlrecUy below the

. Ncw B righ t Angel lodge.t I. ^

t slon o t h b preUmlnary hearing In r which Mrs. Wayne Hall, nurse- j companion o f the dead woman, Mrs. r Lena Brooks, tesUfled tho husband

“ deliberately released the brakes so> the car would roU In to ths river."

l A R K E T D A I L T

>H P O T A T O E S

lim ited number carsfe llow Onions. '

H . M c D A V l T T . ^

P E R T ! I1 th c ir line . T h is jju lde i’henever you need the

P a c ific D iam ondH

B ag Com panyBAGS OF A L L KINDS *

D b tr lb u tsn For Prime Standani Cinder Twine rnO N E U.’ .O :os stu Soalb


A L T O S i’ R lN (J WORK *

r ilO N C .s-o m atter wh»:A brcalc*. v-e ean fl*

^ ^ ■ 4 It (or youl

S E LF . M FG . CO.'-250 Snd A\-e. So

New and Used W ashing Machines


M Serrlc* on a ll makea ot ^^ Wasblog Maehtsei P


Aathorlsed Maytag Dealen PUOKE 478 ' TWLS FALLS


4 .S O X 2 1

$3^59 i12,000 M ile Gaarantee. \

b r u n e t 1 • T IR E SH O P '

t a Sad Av* Weat

. ;

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · J - - - ^ . c i t y E d iljo n T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. pI e fli me' BODIESDISGOVERED i MIE


Kingfish Aims Shafts of Ridicuie at Presiden-

' tiai Secretary

WASHINGTON, Aug. ■ 30 (ff) — W lllle Howard C. Uopkoa cried ••paper p ro Ilu ,” ths fccnai# lobby

. cummlttce today addedup$13,OOO,OOU I which poured In to lhe prtyale a c - : coiinCa o f tbe u t l l l l lu k ing and hb i U ioclate, J . I.,Man«ge. |

Most o f llio heavy pro fit, com- nilticemen contended,, came {rom |

• jiower com pan iu under Ihelr per- »onn( domiiiaclon.• A t the same time. Benator Lons <D-La) wagged a rid iculing Unger a t M arvhi M c ln trw . presidential iccretary. who w ni encountered lo it r eek by a senate posse aeeklng Hop- *on n t ft purty w ith the Washington leader ol Hopson'Ji figh t asnlnr. the u tm tlK bill.

SpecU lori Amused To Lbcse developments the com­

m ittee odded evldcnco—much to the amuaemenl o f ipectotors — Uiut rrede rlck S. Burrouglu. S00,000-n- year vice-president o f Hopson's eom- puny. had billed the commltlce for witness foes and irn v tlln g vxpctui':, covering a rcccnt ttppcttmiice on the itund. ^

i ’olntedJ)’, Chairman Black <L)-; A lu) mado the rccord show th : i i , Jlurrough’s ‘blU fo r |33J)1 Includcu j un over-chargc o f J3 lo r raUroudi Mre.

A ’, the llm c of Ills npp.-oraiicc.' ^Ulitclc emphasized, tlic A ^ K lu ic i i '

0.1s and Elcctrlc compnny was l^u> | iiig press statem enu tha t lie cunic voluntarily and had sought the op* portun lty fo r days.

The crowd laughed, too. at tcsll* jiiony th iit Assoclutcd Oas sevcrul je iirs ago Issued n seriea o f deben­tures m utun iig In tlic year 2875. Senator M in ton (0-lnd> ob:>crvctl tha t the debentures "should bc n Kood th ing lo hang onlo for iliu lung puU."

S trlke i a t \Mtue>»-Iho committco h l l verbally al

Hopson a t the very outM t of the hcarliig. Irked by w rangling answers, r Chairman Slack rend a atalement. , ngreed to by lhe lu ll commlliee, ' wurnlng lh a l |>cr&Ulcnce in such tn;Ucs would result in lhe immedl- " Ate presentation o f additional con- ”

. lem pt chargci lo lhe sennte. ' J- '" I'lie commilteo i f determined •'

Ihn t It w ill no longer permit the ^ prncilce o f i l ib witness of evading ^ questions by making specches or *' criticism o t the commltlee, or by ^ asking other quesUons. or by going ‘ fa r beyond the scope o f the ques­tions in the answer, and by contlnu- J lng to ta lk a fte r ho b called to order." said Black,

k Thereafter Hopson, previously ^ f Argumentative, was completely sub- d

d u ^ He auw ered Questions alowlv f •n d quietly. N ot o rm did h it voice ° raise above the ordinary conversa- tlonal lone. He carefully stuck to ^ the subject m atter of the question * In ' making his replies. - - R

DeiTC* In to Pinaneea W ilh Senator SchweUenbach (D- «

Waah) doing the questioning the j; commltlee learned lh a t companies owned privately by Hojison. enjoyed 'o oiierottng p ro flls o f >3,100.000 from Ip 19:6 to 1033, Inclusive, for scrvlce:, rendered to various power com- \ p.-tnles, including those of Hopson’s £ AMocmied O m nnd Electric system.

"And a ll of tha t went lo the Hou- ,i w»n fam ily, did l l not?" Schwcllcn- j,, li.ioti nskcd. j\

••1 th in k lh a t may be correct." ^ Hopson replied. " I know tl d idn'l „ go to onybody el.se." j.

Then Scliweilcnbach went into the 1,., tk ii i lls of an involved tm n 'iic llon | j brtwecn Aisoclated Cns .uid.lib sub -; :idlnr>-. General Otis nnd K lecirlc.! /j

■ .T clc.il in which the j . p, M orgiu i'^j iiu rrM ia pnrtlclpnicd .md fro m ! which Hop.-x)n and Mannce cmerjied cl %uth 19,300.000 in stock. in

'T he whole tran»,iciion involved d ll;c A.vioclaled Ob4 and E lfctrlc .•■>.•.10111. d ltln ‘1 i t." asked Dl.ick. f,

• Yes. tt i. ifs r ig iit .""And you were m conuol?” v' T lia l'4 not a fa ir jta ie iiien t." vt

you w i-rc ii'i in control m i; lO:;.?” I ::

Si>. W r '.■..tli {v*o .

I I ilu'ccior:.." . ,.•!Lone IU n r« i AtUck<

Sen..ior Le n ; made t ’-.r i "; fi)Uodc the ?iirincbo.ir(l I ' lr a ro n - i- ’ , tnuiiitlon of liM ntts'-k- t l i r ; ”■ adm lnL'traiion. i] Armed « l i l i a c 'n ‘.fen|); c;:.t: io ii. ' *

W. Jiirii'-y . r.'iin tr I .'*•. ^rm^. la*: uoclc .•■oUKlii llon 'on t ■' ' »: th * hotel room or In.-. rep:r '■iit.i-1-'

ti>e. IJ. n . Robni.-.Qii. l-.f 'nIi- iiiid M clntvre, L. \V. I!o i)rrt, i 'i i ta n t s-cre :*ry of the t:fn.-u .ind Amon Ca.-.er, fo r : w on i; ' Tr\n,«. piibhsher. f

Contc.-.dins th .it eoncrr.v. h .■'b.indoiW the In»-mak;ne .'up'-- •' i;o:i to Ih r prr-ider.;, Long -A.ur,! . J;.« «.*nj.s n.-.d . i; {h,- i-tiuHr-

I , » u n i lo know tthpther Hi'' or {iip Uw makniR hfBil o f '

co \ernm fn i «r« lo Iv sim.-d'-fi .ir.d i:rotcc:ed by tlic :,ime hand.-. |« tna: r-ia rrt and proiect .it i iik li: E

lobbvme hf«d<ju»-tcr.' o ' t'^-1. ibirc •jllllt lcs .- ■ V

n ie W hite H ouv and ih<“ uMlnir-h» 'e b ^ n "almost »t blows" over tl the utaitlcs Irc lila tlon . he « id . in ' l il JO have the home *nd senate con- oi

F O R Si O ne lu i in U c d . i t f r jtn c lj i-.o;

f . i i r o iU liii i id in ; ,-* '. ? l i r ) .0 0 pe r

E ip h ly acrc5 'Inm l. sc ac re .

'■ O n« « c rc w i t h "i.ro o m hou«c.

F. C. GRAVI150 M a in .\v c n u c N o r ih


^ T w in F a lls D ail:

- n p K '

^ < f ' P / / f ' A \ a =-i / • \ * \ ' U \ a L ^ ‘ i» l " > 0 ^ 1 ■ - \ ' I *

'• ) f f ' ♦ 7 * y •m i / ' '

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ii I s .- W ll i= is/JLI II—:I* —l l -------------------------- :-----------------------^I- ’ -5.

" SOCIETY,Phone!

l llef ' f f . v T L 'n rA /x F R u :s n s ! ,c

A T I'A H K H O TL'I. D IS X K R '> l l Dr. nnd Mrs. T. O. Boyd wcre j^ [. hast* to .eight guesl* Monday eve- *

nlng a t dinner nt the Pnrk H o ld . _ -'Later tiie guests were entertained

M roclnily n l the Boyd's Apnrtmeni. ' Ouesls were M r. nntl Mrs. Joseph

i„ T. Scftver. senior, .\lr.< ind .Mrs. B. A. ' ,r Rend, .Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Senvcr.

Junior, and M r. and Mrs A. J. < Ig Peavey. x n lo r, ond W illiam Seaver. ^

!: n r o H O XO RR I) n y ‘0 M A H Y -M A n rn A C LASS \

The M ary-M nriha Clns.< of the ly Baptist Sunday School met ycsler- i. day afternoon a l the home o f Mrs. . IU lda„.ss'ect. Mrs. Patton presiding. , ■e "Uts. R. P. Douglass conducted co.n- j I. m unlty singing o f the class sone '0 Mrs.- Edith M ills offered pmyer nnd 1 n Mrs. R. J. R ilcy presented the p ro -!

gram. Mrs. K illia n and Mrs. Culler gave talks on m lu lonary subject.'. Mrs. R. P. Douglass nnd Mrs. Sweet i i,

'• were assisted by Mr.v K lodt. M rv i . 'C Mnyo and .Mrs. Monroe. B ir th - i , ■*idny cakes were senrd In lionnrj,. d of Mrs. Elizabeth Lydn nnd M i ; . l ‘ n 'R .J . Riley. i ': i ______ I■ .MOOSE I.O DG K V» DAS'CK SUCCESS ’ • The beni'tu dnnce. .sporu-orrd bv|i; '■ the Tivin Kalis Moo.’ c loUce. wa.s n ';

^ucfe^s bolh jocla lly and im iiiic i. il- li. „ Iy. nccordlng to members ot the I”; committcc. Two iiundred couple' i i nltended Hie dance lnsl evenlnd at

nadlol:ind. T lic Einb.i.'sartor.i. el<''• C |cn-pl'jcc orciicnrn, fiirnb lied II.- »ldnnce miiMc.

'■ ■ i t . \ r r i s r r . \ s r o i :’> /i.v /> y . \ . u i i . y i i o \ n i ; f : n ,n ! U iir iiiiii: n.' the iiio ricngr on liic '-t d ,ch inch b iilliliiis featured il;e fare- .

U c ;i pa ity fo r Rcv. nnd .Mrr- 11. r . :i ‘I DouttI.i'.-. and Robert nncl Jrnri C iJniiKlii.'-. Moiid.iy evenlni:. .I'.tend- i'

ed by two iiundred tw en ty-li'.r 1 siicstN at the n n r il 'f . hunealow. Rev • IJ i.u it lif , ie::)cini:cu to t l i r expr."-

o: apiir'^cM'ioti voiced 0'.- . ::,-l II:

V;i:i;iin; ol mr»ltj:;>R''. . r - ■' f y l h ! ' /V;-.-. ■f '. \ . U. r . - ' I - r .ind L. i l . fe rr in - '. I'l- .

:.i .'o:;tl;c c o .if 'ta ic or Hie ftinrt,s fo f :h-

, , iiii) ;u 1 .'•ivii i>ran anti Die.. -

U r:lU y

p ; . : fnation n rrc ;nadr l-v ;;” :;ii)rr. c,:

M ;h r Dout;:> - lamUy. Kcl.-.ir Cip or,.d t:;.

— i

, -.xr.u I.'......... -.'.u--. m -ri r.caik'ii :;;e i-.-.u.r..r.i i..;; .i;;.-l»e r ilid ':.<m .'!1 ir> '.'j -

- 'T lir . -r V.,., n;\ mv; ,, '- . „ . iv ;r|p .Mr, l:nec:.;i? .-v- do i

J tn ; qt.rCin -a !.';r .-o:’ <1,>y Pr tu.

S A L E !r . t '. ir T u - in F;»l!>. G oo.i h .u i^ '.

p e r acre .

. soo d b u ild in p c . [k i -

15C. .im .-ill h a rn . ?ir>no.OO.

VES &.SONP h o n e 31S


) D E L A T H O M E ^

ly News Pafrtern i



C ^ i t n c C P f J a m S 'A frock which shps ..over—tlie ,

head w ith a minimum of e ffo rt Ls much sought by tiie -woman oflarger proportions, who likes her ihouse frocks cool, effic ient, and on valenderlzlng lines. TJiU can be pm ttogether in almost no time a t ail, ins there are but three largo from ypieces, three back sections, and no I:walsl ftenm lo worry over. The 'V Ineck .hns a self-faced collar, nnd fthe sleeves are roomy and brief. ? nithough j(ie .’onger. sJccveslook U'ell and feel good this Fnll. ^You'il , Ilnd. loo. lh a t slnnitng o pockets are easier lo burrow m.lhan .squarely plnced one». Printed Jtie .Mlk or cotton nre "best bets," J

Pattern 2376 is available In .slars ‘16. 18. :0. 3-1, 36, 38, 40. <3, 44- nnd !:46. Size 36 tnkes 3>; yard-s 35 Inch Jfabric. Illustrated «tep-bj--5tcp sew- i dlng Instructions included. | ^

Send ntTKUN crMTh (ISO in ccint ’ or •tamp* icoitu pre(eire4l (or tht* Anne Adanit nm rra. Wrlt« plaiiilv Dime. »U(lrr»> and ttv'e DumtMr UB v bUIII. TO M AfE mZK. t

AN'I> NUtV A.SNI! AOA.M!! SV.M, f t it lt l‘ATlt:ilN nUOK 18 RKAUVl Be-' tween Uiee* coveie Ile rortr P*li> o> i <' mclnaUns rub loo rnCCa tverrone’e 1 n prositm U ID* Orlde «n t) ' tTmiutcau rtOUilm - U»Uon w llb ; \V*umj- riosiein*—mucn ••aelpfl' Jud- ler Uriw—Tin; Tota al plar—ana CTerr* | a on* ao Vuaiiaoi Noi eol; will tou t' ( averjr ttiu h n* a emtrtcr ene. out | .. »ou'U (IUd fOu'»« defviopeo a iir« | > tiniart Polnl’of-Vlcw tfte i dtsratlni (lie; ’• atMOrblns <prcinl (e a iu rn '. (iK.NI> •'Oil i t vou it td i'v I<»»*yt P K ic t OK nouK : ri>T>'eN cL.sr.s. iu io K AM) p a t- ' IEU.V riK itX llE lt. IW EN TV-riV i ' CENTS. I' Addmu order w Tb# Wt*». r>tUm v Dept- T«ia pm*. c

= = = = =

i32 JV------------------------------- ----------------------- ^

.coiumunlty slnelng.* The Bapll.si P Younc I’ roplc':, Union, under the direction of .MKs Mny Scolt, ^crved refreshment*. •

Dr. and Mrs. John K illia n . New 7 York, out-of-town guesUt. addre.v’.- t' ed tiic n.-.'.eniblaue, Dr. K illia n l.s In b charfie ot the Northern Home Ml.v sionury Council.

— — ll c o r i ' u : w i i . h r f s i d e */.V COLORADO C IT Y s

Miss Catherine Allen, daugiiter of Mr. and Mrs. Oranville Q, Allen, nnd Don EX Cain, son o f M~r. and .Mrs. H. E. Cain, Nampa, were m nr­rled at the home o f the brlde'a par­ents yesterday m om lng a t seven o'clocK. Rev. R. P. Douglass, pastor of the Baptist Church reading the

! ring cercmony., m e bride «-ns gowned in no a f l- I crnoon frock of crepe and lace in I white. Her corsnge bouquet wns ; IiIlM of llie valley.I A buffet brcakiusi was served fo l- 'iowliiR the weddlnit. twenty-five I l;llc^Is attending. Phlox decoratcd [the home and bouquets o f garden - lilowcr.-. arranged aa corsages j t t ta . . Ipre.'cnled to the guests.I .Mr. and Mrs. Cain le ft Immediate- t:v following the breakfast fo r Porl ;co lllns, Colorado, where the brlde- trrom is employed. Mrs. Cain is a

iunidiinle ot the T tt'ln Fnlls high '; rH w l nnd n form er student of the 1 University of Colorado. The brlrte- !;;:oom graduated from lhe Nfimpa I i i ic ii School In 1S30.

C o m i n g E v e n u

l . c l-uri'lBii .:ild h. I-,.- ^ll^•.iun- . t i j Socielics ..r ihl- McthodL-.i I'pl,-,- -

. .-ojiat church w ill hold a picnic lunch at the home of .Mri. Richard :iiiRC? i at 1 o'clcick T liiir* ;U v a f ir r - imon. Cars w ill let^vr tl'.e cliureh al 1J:3I) o'clock.

TJ.e Shamrock c'.nb w ill meel r!i;iT''1av oftrrno-^n r t ' l h ' hf’r;"'

.-.r M r^ Joe Ccok.

' T}:'‘ P rrsb ty tlK ir M!.-.*:on.iry tO’. .'•'y -^ill [I!?-?*, in Ih r Mi.iroh ;i.ir-

W :I Come hither, come hither

O h. cup in th r fiish t, on VTingj o f the M o rn in f b.'ing cofTce's deli^hc.

Schilling C offca■ Treat it l ike a fnend,

w ith due consideration, tn d it w ill do the same fo r ) oil I t w ill never fa il you.I f '* a « w d j Coffee.

SchillingC offee

There are r»-o SchiUingC offco.One fo r percolator.

O n e fo rd rtp .

N EW S, T W IN F A L L S , ID A H 0 ,


persons gothered a t the P irat B a p - I ] tu t church here Sunday evening • • when a cast o f more than 100 .boys and girls preaented the cloalng p ro - , criim fo r Caatleford D nlly Vaenllon II Bible school. Rev. Earle D, Sims w iia i In charge o f the program. I

Young people o f Coatlcford Dap-, lis t church w ill give an Ice crcnm j

' aocial on the church lawn Tliursday j » evening, August 29. • I' M eliiodlst Ladles -A id m e t. lost ,, r Tlnirsday nflem oon n l the church I w ith Mrs. W. W. Cook In chnrge o f . “ ; t the progrom. Offlcera were Installed i ' ' I, for the ensuing year: Mra. B ill K ln - j" '^ I yon. president: Mra. Darrell P h il- {,*0 lips, firs t vlce-presldcni: M n . J. J .P " / BUck. second vlcc.prcaldent; Mrs..'*;" ;1 A. C, Reynold.s. th ird vlcc-prcsl-r flpnt: Mra. O. H . Clement, secretnry: !*“ ■jfMrs. J. A. Banlo»%.tTeMiJTer:'h1ra.\1 E. E. U lrich, reporter. Old nnd new ic» ; ofllccrs gave talks. ' . II Themnnus club met Wednesday jO‘= i a ftrnioon nt the home o f Mrs. Ran- P”

kin R uliierford w ith Mrs. M nrgarctio .: . RluKcrl asslstlnis. Three tnblen o f;n 'i \ bridite were n t play w ith Mra. O. L . 1

Thomas recclvlnc flra t prize; Mrs.'Ju: . I f re d Rlngert, aecond: nnd M rfl.,;»i■ I Chris Heaselboll. low. lle rcn fle r thO iT l

I Club w ill meet the firs t nnd U ilrd fo•r ip-sdaya o f the m onth. . i 'n

* ,Mr. nnd Mrs. Normnn Hnywnrd.p. y . nnd daughter. Jnne, o f Hollywood, dii B were week-end gueats nt the home is

of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Heller. ! ou• . Mr. nnd Mra. Chnld Chesmor*;, rv! ,, .and fnmlly of McDonnld. Knnaaa.;u|<• la rc vi.illliiB relntlves nnd fricntla g , here. j

' .%fr.» Oeorge J n ln r nnd famJJy o f j . 'Y tcka . California, are vla lling n t i to »' lhe home o f M r. nnd Mra. E d 'K in d le ; J|yon . Ml.18 AuRu.sta Kinyon. who sn , ! spent the aummer In Callfom ln. re- orI I turned w lt l i them. iT l; < i Mr. nnd Mra. Snin Roberl.s nnd im i snn have relum ed from n tr ip »]|

tliro iich the aouthem states.-They;B vl<iltr(1 th e ir old home In South! pri

Cnrolinn.■ lo r.''T liu rsd ay afternoon a t 2:30 “

ocloi-k. Work on the Nntlonnl M ls-I sions Study book wltl be stnrted,

Tl'.r Home dcpartmenl o f the Ru- (.u I ral I-Vderallon of chibs w ill meet

with Mra. L. J. Tenchlnck Thura- m dnv nfternoon at 2 o'clock. Roll cnll ]c( w))) be answered w llb "W hat tlie „aWell-Drcjifed Bed Shall Wear." puTliere w ill be nn exchange ot qu ilt j.',

I pattenv'. 0-c --------------------------------- 0^j Tlie Sunshlno rln -lc club w ill meet hir . with Mrs. W llllan i Felbush. 248 „ „

V Third nvenue nortl;, Tliur.sday a f- pr . lernoon. Roll call v.ill bc'nnr.wcred re ;i by jam and Jelly re.-ipc.v sk

-------- ------------------------\v•nw recular meeimg or lhe Bridg- fcl

iidiers w ill bc held Tl'iiir.'day evening .rli at 8 o'clock, w ith Miw Vivian Fenm- sier. 551 Sccond axeiiue v.-est.

r —I. 'd ^


; %. d 4 i

; w h o i

\ H i s I

A n d

W i t h t t u

" J h a v e g i v e n i

A t t d h a v

'■ . T h iI

■■ N o w g e t t i i

T h e r e a r

AbeT w o w o r d s c


© I*^«. l - j : r r r a M n u Tfii'ceo Ca.


JSCK OF JWE I:iieiforopekIJ -

; In s fn ic lo rs L is te d i iy S u p -

’ I c r in tc n d e n t f o r E n t i r e

:■ , S y s te m

J JWtOMr- A iif. 20 —.Jerome pub- ^ , l l lc M-liodis H ill open on Mondny, M f ' SeiHemticr 9. lo r the new achool 0 ];Cerm. Sup:. H. Maine Shoun un- . noiiiici-ii ivKlny, T lie teaching s ln ff W J is nniv cmnplcte, and a ll school ■ Jb lllld ll1s^ hnve . had conaldorable re- ,‘ -p»ir-u nncl painting on them ,'and all .'Icriiilo ipriit w ill be In first-class con- ^ . id liio ii lor tlic 0]>enlng of school. ^ ; i <* .•cording to enrollment plons, j /{eleiiirntary puplis . w tll enroll a t M

I th n r rrt;H-cllvc school a t n. m. A riOi: thi- iiau- of opening. Hlgh.school m , ,'p iip iU will regUtcr a t the prtnclpnl’s H t,;o:iice on the follow ing daya: Fresh- r nn u, Tik-.-day. September 3; aoph- Jo: ■ oiiioics. Wednesday, September 4: Hugl'

Jjuniors, Tliursday, September 5: hllarl . nnd M-nlors Pridny. Seplember 6.5 ; t i ic priiicip,U's office w ill be open S H II 1 for n-Klsiraiion on Tuesday und iTluirMlny O-iam.. 1-5 p. m. and 7*3

1. p. m . nnrt on Wednesday and F r i- .'dny, iri-m n-l2 m.. to 1-5 p. m. 11 ' . ' l i importniii. Supl. Shoun points j*? 'out. thnl nil pupils register on the

1 .'vlii’dulctl dates, nnd no l on the ' :.;oiK-nlns dny o f school. ” f.• wilhI firade Ilaoks Free bard,

fl 'I'fxt books wi/J bc supplied tree cnriot t i to Br.ide school pupils. High Khool new.s. '[ ic x i books cnn bc purchased a l the co„ i.s ii id a ii rxciiange n t the high sciiool,• or nt iMc niorcson drug company, iT lie exeliange w ill bc open only dur-

> iiiK the hours o f registration, and a ii.n> nil t>nok] will be sold fo r caah. >.-nh '1 Triiiivportntlon on buses wltl be : 1 prnvirtfd BJ usual.

A i'<im|ile(e lis t o f the factulty of = liie tlirce schools o f the aystem Is . , niiiioiiiu'cil by Supt; Shoun: ,.

Roberta rrin e lpa l i.MLisIliKli »chool-H. B. RobcrU. prin-1

cl|i,il; Cyril Allen, vocational agri- ' cullure; licorge Umdsliaw, chemr ; h lry atlll mnlhcniullcs: Miss K a th - ” )*• ‘ I leeii Ooodwln. vocational home eco- ' mmicy. Aliw VlrglnUi Halderoan.

public speaking nnd llternlure: O. r , Merrill, social adence; W. V.0:d^. mattiemnllca; Mlsa Anna Moc J “ O^man^0M. vocnl nnialc, literBlure. ^

• hiMorv; Ml.vs Velmn Pariah, biology 1 luiil b(K))ckeephig; Miss Albertliin■ rr;iiiln.'KI, InngunRes: Edwin A. * 1 retcrion, commercini: MUs Elhel

Skirl', eiigllsh coniposlllon: E iirl \V illii.iii,\ ntlile llcs and geneml

■ fClnico; luid Guslnv Plechtner. In- ; .rtruniriUul music.

Head at Lincoln Car Lincoln rchool — Owen Davis, Dunn


o c l o s e l y s c r u t i n i z e d

s i n c o m e t a x b l a n k

i d t h e n s e n t i t b a c k

t h e f o l l o w i n g n o t a t i o n :

• n t h e m a t t e r c q r e f u l t h o u

a v e d e c i d e d n o t t o J o i n

F h e I n c o m e T a x . "

: t i n g a r o u n d t o c i g a r e t t e s

a r e n o i f s a n d s o r b u t s

. b o u t C h e s t e r f i e l d

s m a k e e v e r y t h i n g c l e a r .

~rL cctu



Showing at the (

e u EJoan Itiondell and OIrnda F a rrtll rom agh Herbert In Ihelr la«e*l cemrdr "We*! larlou* gold-digging advrnlure for Uie pi


roday and tomorrow llie Idnho j•ater w ill presenl the blgr;eat lllt le | ( ■.r In pictures. Shirley Tem iib i n ; ! ■: return h it, "Now and Forever." [ ■;h Otiry Cooper and Cnrolc Lom- I Brd. Added features are a Popeye hW■toon, Sportreel ntid .MovJcione !)F»»• i vdoming Sunduy. the new- and « n - ! . \lonnl Rudy Vallec, in "Sweel { isle." w ith Ann Dvorak. Helenirgftn. Ned Sparks, Alice While, 0en Jenkins. Jos«.-ph Cawihorn, ■J bands, six new sonea and a hun- ■-d beauties. ■

ncipal ond lils tory ; Mrs, Abblecll Behms, departmental music: VerM L illian Scotl, dcpartmentnl *upp< Ollng and penmanship; Ml.vs AmyisoM, dcparlmcnlal InnRunge: Miss f nlfred Brown, departmental rend-:: Janls Hansen, nrlihn )c llc ; Miss venlciry Ackerman, heolth, geography, tredulool nuT*e; ■ Lealle Slnnflcld, his-- ^ ,y ; Miss Edna llo tfin e . deparl- * nU I a rt: Mlsa Orace Dean. 5A;ss Blanche Tale. SB; MUs Helen -------tchell. 5C: Mlsa Helen Wolfe. 4A: „sa Marie Tcater, 4B: MKs Eileen ^1irley. 3A: Mis* W ilin McGuire. c: Miss Doroihy Cirow. 2A; MIks 3 •‘ " flel Jacobsen. 2A: MLv, Nhm 8*'"'''^in n , XB; Mlsa Jo. le Handy, 2C: pic,.u Leah Dunnlngnn. IA ; and c iia llsa Margaret llnnnfln . 1C, a,,,] .

lU ip h Ounn .Vamed and t^anyonalde acliool — Riilph H. and <nn, prlnclpnl and grndes 7 and grade

I -^ / •

___________ __

es J


!l!licstcrficld ...the dg ■hcstcrficld... thc-vi

■ S ^ l i" 8 1G Orpheum '

k F;

In f f o f f R T ! I £ / a .'! i a M H ot 4o

of 'Vp / > v V allent


Rogci» t he (

•om r lo the Orpheum today with iVe’ re In The Money." ll 'a annlher nueat e popular . ta n . I*,,” *

loxy Shows *Mr. Dynamite’ S i uI pnsto


, of Ol Roi

I ; nlghi iJ . Wilej t t ' wiio«


...........r . lermc

- n bincthnl

O kl i d : slate

i.r',.;,. ' 0‘italccr ch

Vema l l l l l le and Jean Dlxon In mom: tppori o f Edmund Lowe In the senlc oxy ahowlng o t "M r. DynamlU," an te lling comedy-myalery. The new ■nion o f the 'T a y -0 ( t " w lU 'be 'In- nnlur educed tonight at 0 p. ni. and wUI Plans I a teMture o l eaeh n'edneid^r •enlngonly,

HollyTheodore Braekenbur>-. grndea B

Id fl; Ml?a Snrah Freeman, grades nnd 4; nnd Mrs. Annettn Wnrr, L,.„t

•ades 1 and 2. ' ^'^VrsPlenMnt Plnhis achool — A, R. and 1 linlbum. prlnclpnl and grades 7 Jr. an Id fl; Vem Tomlinson, grades 5 by In Id 0; Miss June Litm on, grades 3 id 4; nnd M is* Dorothy Stafford, I.tie ades I and 3. ‘ Drive

/ • • 1

'•/ j - iW\ J


c i g a r c t f e t f i a t s A I I L D E R

i a i x / J c i h a i T / I S T E S B E T I .


ffS H f IiLLROelOV ]’Ians for Final Rites for

Famous Humorist Tai<e Definite Shape

LOH ANGELES. A u j. 20 A illlU iry guard of iionor, composed . t 40 nrmy tilers from March field,.111 be sluiioned nround the casket f W lli Rogers aa tliousands pay lleut tribute to the noted actor and ,rlte r Thursday momlng.Allhough llnn l detnlls of the fu n - ,

ral senlcc in Foreat Lawn Meraor- nl park uwall the o rr lva l' o f Mra. logcrs and iier three children from he cast tomorrow, Oscar Lav lo r, Icverly H ills lawj-er and close frtend if t ie fam ily, disclosed today the irlvaie scrvicc would be simple and irlcf.

Lawlor said Mrs. Rogers had re- [uestcd the scrvicc be lim ited to lie alnglng of one hymn, one solo ,nd ft brief eulogj- by the Rcv. J. VhlUomb Broughcr, ar., usoclate instor ot the F ln t Baptist church if Olendale, CuUf.

Roger'a body, brought liome Ust llgh l from Alaaka w llh th a t of Vilcy Posl. famed aerial explorer I'iiosc plane crashed last Thursday, ‘ I'os placed in ii almple bronze catk- l and taken lo the gold room In ite Forest Lawn chopel.

Cflder Canopy e t n n e t

Rogera wns dressed In wlust he ermcd hla "d reu up aulu” a blue ergc. a while, ao fl-collar s lilr t, w ill i blnck bow tie. He most always wore .

lin t n lllre . He once satd lh a t I f a nnn had a blue su it and a brown u il lie could dress fo r any occasion.T lie comedian's body w ill Ue In

late under a canopy o f plnea J u s t. - , utaldo the Wee K irk O ' The H eath- r church from 7 o'clock Thunday lom lng u n til hoan. The private enlce, Ilm lled lo l2 3 frlendJ, w ill e held a t 3 p. n t . 'Public aervlees w ill be held s lm u l-

Riieously in Hollywood bowl, huge a lum l amplthenter, a t which time Ians w ill be started fo r a f it t in g ubllc memorial to thO' actor. A w - uest has been made th a t the p r l- ale aervlce be carried by w ire to lollywood bowl and broadcaat iirough amplifiera to the crowd aa- :tnblcd tliere. Mra. Rogera muat nss on this request a fte r her a r- ivnl. •Mrs. Rogen. her daughter, M ary,

nd her two sons, Jamea and W ill, r. arc due here lomorrow afternoon y train.

Ltieky fee Crcam cones a t Coek'a irlve Inn.—Adr,

. i.

R ^



Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · J - - - ^ . c i t y E d iljo n T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. pI e fli me' BODIESDISGOVERED i MIE

f ■' P A O g F Q P R

?''■ F a l l s d a i l y n e w s |. XBuetf,«Tcrr m o n ln s teceept M on d t;, b y J b t 2

r . T w lo FaUa. Newa PtibUahlng C o. lo e , Tw lo (>: FftlU, T w la M la Couot7. t

fiiU bU ibed l»Oi. - . I

fwHtton fnti.ped M iccond claas tw 5 i , m atter. Aprfl 8. 1918 a t tbe postoCdca a t Tw in ‘

«»>«"■ uoder tb * act o f March 3 . 18TO. (r . - ;8OT«ORIFTION~BATE5~

' BT carrie r c• • ■ '. i- Pajrabl# in Adraoca . .

lOe.MT WMk or 4Se a mooth. poyabls to carrier ^y ar at offlee. t i T M S r f

~‘*~Onn Tw*** I _____ — i• ^ M o o th a ------------------------------------------

“ ‘” ‘S a S 5 r 8 u t r ; n & - — ■ * " 0Ono r e a r ------------------------------------------- - - * ! • ? d

" aiBM BBB O l^ASSOClATBD PBE88 «T t l . A » K l« t td p ™ la “ „

tbe UM fo r pubUeatJon o f an nows dtopateJiea P• credited to it. o r no t olberwlse credited to t ^ Jj

oaDer aod to the l ocal oewa pnbllsbed txerelo.AH rlsh ta o f republlcatlon o f fpeclal dlipetcbe*bereln a lio rtaerred.____________ ■

• (ff) m eant AaoeUted Preaa.__________________ tJ

Member Audit Bureau o f OlrculaUons. "


Tork. Oblea0o. 6ao P n o c lica

T lie News aanloiet oo floanelal reapoDstblUtr I®fo r errora In adTertliementa but In caaea wbere c itbe paper la a t (au lt a correctloa o f tb a t pa rt . o( the odvertlsetaeot lo which tbe error occurswlU be publlihed w ltbout ebarsa. t l

AU ootleea required b r law o r by order of eourt o f competent jurisdiction to be pubUabed weeUjr. wUI be publUbed lo tbe Wedneaday latue o f tb la paper punuant to Seetlon S3>1O0 L O. A. m a . as added thereto by Chapter IM . 1929 Seaalon L«wa o f Idaho. nc

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CO.


I ta ly ’s spokesmen have tn lkod too much about h e r dealre fo r a a tronger co lon ia l cm- p ire , the need o f expansion o f h e r popu la -

. tlo n , and a desire to "c iv ilize ” the E th iop ians g» f o r anyone to take too seriously tho U a lua l « i Inc iden t as the cause o f he r a tt itu d e tow ard E tH Iop la . The clash los t December between ^ E th iop ians and Ita lia n colonials fs accepted , even by supporte rs o f the Ita lia n cause as ha being no m ore than an excuse. of

B u t i f recent repo rts a rc true , I ta ly madea m is take in he r cholcc o f an excuse. I t is awsa id th a t up u n til a f te r the tim e o f the in c i- "or dent, U a lua l was recognired on ItaU an m ill- ta ry maps as be ing In E th iop ian te r r ito ry ,and th a t on ly subsequent maps show I t In w tIta lia n te r r i to ry . tb i

oUThus, w h a t I ta ly has contended was a ra id the

on h e r colony looks more like a ra id by ItaU iians on E th io p ia . T h is m ay havo a d e fin ite Hoi

. b ea ring on the decision o f the Ita lo -E th io p ia n a rb itra t io n commission. A f in d in g by thn tbody nga lns t I ta ly w ould no t prevent the w ar, reeb u t i t w ou ld p u t I ta ly in nn em bnrrnssing /posiUon beforo the cycs o f the world. «b«

• om


Babe R u th set a good example fo r a ll i»» ( m oto ris ts , no t In h a v in g an accidcnt -but In h is a tt itu d e to w a rd i t . H is ca r s truck a wom- an pedestrian. The Babe took the v ic tim to a hosp ita l f o r f i r s t a id trea tm en t nnd In te r *pe to h e r home. Then he reported the accident tim to the police. v

The h it-s k ip d r iv e r is sometimes as callouii as'ho is careless. H e goes on w ith o u t f in d in g me o u t w he the r h is v ic tim Is bad ly h u r t bccause =»■ he doesn’t care and w ants to avoid the conse- quences o f h is acL Sometimes he is a coward and flees because he Is a fra id to facc the rts s itu a tio n . A fe w such h it-ak lppcrs regain wii th c ir se lf-con tro l and then re p o rt to the '

•police.The honest and docent th in g is to 'do whnt

the fo rm e r hom e-run k in g did. ^


Japan proposes to b a r Am erienn auto ; ^ m akers fro m fu r th e r expansion w ith in her>.i kn« borders so th a t h e r own in d u s tr j' m ay bc { cncouruged. Japan makes an autom obile | ' s im ila r to the l i t t le A u s tin ears which un. ' “ successfully b id fo r fa v o r in th is coun try. ,

S incc scvcn ty -fivc p c r cent o f cars used in Japan arc, a t present, made in tlie U n ited th« S tates, the preference o f Japanese motori.-t^ L

• fo r th e Am erican models is p la in ly evident.Thc governm ent move, there fore . i-< un .nt- tem p t to force ila pcople to contcnt them - . Fclvcs w ith som eth ing the people'do not w ish. ;

H is lo r j ' te s tifie s lh a t th is so rt e f th in g i can be done fo r a tim e, bu t no t in d e fin ite ly . *“ The Voice o f the People is the voice o f God. as the old say ing has i t . In a land o f democ­racy .^uch as ours, w c take th a t forward.--, in d ic a tin g th a t d iv ine r ig h t i.« and can only be ve.-tcii in the pcople. In a coun try like * Japan, ih c y look a t Is backwards o r up«ide «h down. O r so i t 5ccms fro m o tir po in t o f v iew . ^ The E m p e ro r is d iv ine and hi^ voice m us t bc ji.-,

■ th a t o f the people. cB u t. cu rio iis ly , th a t rem ains true in a

co u n try on ly so long as the w ord o f the ru lin g ; w-t a u th o r ity expresses, fo r the nio.st p . ir t , h is ‘ ‘ ‘ l>coplc’s v iew s o f r ig h t and ju .'lic c . When the ru l in g c lique run.« countcr to tho public

• ^^^ll. in serious m atler« . and fo r a lon;: tim o . -t: Fom ething ?m;L«he.s and the adage ri-.nN from le f t to r ig h t oncc m ore. i j


■ T W IN F A L L S D A IL '


A young wom an, cash ie r In a pow er com­pany office , fo u n d hcr-cash ten do lla rs short ona day th is sum m er. Such a shortage ha^ to be paid ou t o f th e employoe’s pocket, so the g ir l made good, fe e lfn g p re tty depressed the while. Shc d id n ’ t kn o w when o r how the e rro r had occurred.

Tw o weeks la te r a m an came in to the office , looked a round , saw h e r and w en t over to her w indow . H e asked i f she had missed ten dollars some tim e be fo re , and w hen she said ahe had, he p ro m p tly handed h e r a new ten do lla r b ill.

He explained th a t he Kad discovered la te r, on the day ho p a id h is b i l l , th a t he had ten dollars too m uch m oney in h is pocket. He w ent back over h is day, fig u re d th a t the power company cash ier had made a m istake In g iv in g him change, a n d re tu rned to f in d out as aoon as he could.

The sto ry , d id n 't end there . The g ir l 'thought such honesty deserved somo.recog­n ition , so she ^vcnt to a loca l newspaper o ffice and to ld the s to ry , ^ v in g th e m an’s name.

Honesty is m o re com m on than th ieve ry . I t Is the com bination o f circumstances— the lapse o f time, th e m is ta ke h o t observed by e ithe r p a rty w hen i t w as made, the m an’s honesty and the g i r l ’s v e ry p rac tica l g ra t i­tude— which makes th e 'In c id e n t news.

AN AGE OP BIGNESS, NO ESCAPE FROM IT (New Y o rk World-Telesram)

Granting tlJ«t there are dangers In blgiicM, we do not believe UiU nation can erer atta in prosperity and eonUnue to mulUply lla wanta and then satlafy Uiem on any “go back to amallneas" program. The problem ■eema to us to be one o f continuing lo enjoy the things th a t only btgcus caa aupply and a t the same ttme deTlse ways by wblob the dangers In bigness can bc restrained. And tb a fa a Job.

Phllosophleally, wo a ll >-eam Xrom time to time Xor good cld simple daya. As llXe becomes more and more complex we sometimes th in k we ahould like to shrink back Xrom the Xactory aod lU throng h ito the shade o f the spreading chestnut tree and commune once more w ith the vlllBffe blacksmith.

We are conscloua also of the soltenlng Influence o f. hard-surfaced roads and of the allmulutlon. In terms o f rugged character, th a t came w ith plugging Ihrough Uie mud behind old BeUy. B u t when we face what a re tu ru to the old days would really mean wc shy away Xrom the thought.. Por we llko our creature comforU, tbe thlnga that the Inventors and the mass producers have brought xis. A od so the retrospection a fter aU Is Just another case wherein It U the distance and not the actua lity tb a t lenda the enehonunent. When we get rea lly honest w ltb ourselvea.we admit lha t never again do we w ant to lig h t up the old oU lantern and search on a cold and Icy n i t l i t fo r , the structure'Unmortnllzed by Chic Sale. . i

T lius we come to reallzo th a t w iihou t moss produc- ■ Uon and what goes w ith U. Including Uie laboratory ‘ and the Inventor and the mas.\lng o f capital, vc would have to give up most o f those things n lilch a (ew years ago we looked upon as luxuries and now | regard as prime neceuliles. ,~ Anyway, like It or not. we are In a m au-productlon ' age, and bigness and mass production are twins, and, ( so fa r as our generation Is concerned, wc can't pull ' out by subsUtuUng the pushcart and the. peanut stands fo r the department store. „

We are geared up big. Not only In production but t In govemment ejcpcnsc. We're dealing In osultl-bllllons f now. Por Just one example: In the last 30 years ue have aeen the federnl debt increase from sHchlly , more than one billion tl0 l5 ) to spproslmnicly 30 billions today. And the federal government nlone ts spen<ling a t tbe ra te or more than 30 m llllo iu every [ time the’ clock goea around.

We bave created a lax burden and an exper.se rate . that can be paid only trom volume and more volume. ; U nleu the size of lh«-catloft's busmess Increases, and < increase* In gjeat volume, «-e can't meet the bill, no m atter how large the l«x rate. And that mereasc w ill n e n r come through any proccis th a t would aboluh bigness as such, and substitute mere smallne.u. So the problem becomes one of b icnr.u s llll. but btsiir^s regulated and cenlroUed the evlU Hint multiplyw llh grovth.

TH E 1400,000 M tS C(Ofden Standard'Exammeri

A poefs Ufe, Uke tl.M or w, s . O llberfs pollccman,-la not a happy one.” ' «*•

Too often, aa unapprec:»:ne ■Rorld wants no pari of his poems. B u t tha t, ol course, is the norld's Xsult.

Now comes Earl Cuvas. of Washincton. other«Ue knoTO as the Poet Laureate league. Inc.. » lth a pUn fo r a UOO.CNM pro>eci to aid unemployed poets. Part c f t lx plan ts firs t to m ik« America poetry-con.v::ouj, and then to hunt up unemplp’Td poets and hire them.

There ».a* a certain sujiiidon do«-n In Washlnston lha t Mr. Cuvos was kJdair.f. On the o lher hand, there xre « lo t o f funny plaru m ;he a ir th e ^ day.^ «hlch thetr authors Insist dexrve rer'o'.is attention.

Let us add an ameriJnKr.t to M r. Cuvas' plan. I t Is th is : that the gow rrjr.en l r*V the rest of us to read lhe poetry.


The t ic h ir j »rr-«i;:onthat t'eople m ljt ik e

.'or i;-.!* pangs of amblUon. x c r r ly inflnmmstlon

ot the wlAhttene.

In-'ki—■ ASli.f.'* D ngs in t about r.o *? 'Gideor^e—■£oinet!ii:--i »o.;;ibody else ha* Just time

»h:ch he co-old have jo r-.ucli be itrr."

Sm itli—" I i youns C.^irc.-on » h * t you c.V.l all.->t.elass r f*s p « r< * n .ar.:'

Crichton—" I »houi-! . iv •o'. Now tls.il so mnny people a.-c predicting t.-.- .ii<: o l tlie **o.-I<l is coniinj next year, he li.u ni;iori»l.< k ll rf.u lv r .n t trn — one to publun It 11 i'.'jr; come o lf and llis c'.l-.r: H i: doejn ':." '

A new police officer anxiou* to nii'se a^ecort!. a.-.d his chance came \c :y 'oon. Wh.en he « « on h:s beat he phowd to t.*-.!; pollcc »t«tioa ar.d reportp.J; -T:-.etr> u man th a t ' i b rr ii ro tb c j b\ . skuc c'.h'.- m'-u and I'v- -n l oi-.r <>; thrrri "

■ W liieli J?ave yog roC ' a.'kn'. . r r ; ra i it .H it rei«y camc back; ri;e b-.ju t l iJ t i

, I L Y N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , ID A F

ta- New Y o rk 'Day by Day

so --------,cd B y 0 . 0 . M c IN T Y R E.he '— ----------------------------------- ------------

NBSV y p R K , Aug. 2 I -T b e sudden spread of lunch wagons on almosi

he even* avniiable apace In the me- 'e r iropolls b a restaurant phenomenon led surpassing the upshoot o f the aide-

walk calc. Once the lunchwagon was conflncd to lhe outer Wngea and u-ater fronts. T its only ono la m id*';

town waa Of. Herald Square.

fa irhe patronage pro-i ! - fltabJe. Some onKC ^ most . advantn-n d P“ >‘

_ they m ust clearI ' ' ease o f ti

ce building project.The most elab­orately M U lp p ^

•y. O. O. M ctr.trre u u J KBroadwny in the 180'j.

j y In Grechwlch Village Uwy have , made such Inroads th a t many old

IS establL'hed e-.itlng places have locked t l - tip and O'llt. The modem grandeur

o f t l i r niieons—the m ajority arc bu ilt In New nochclle—Include swi­vel fttooLs w ith cusliloned backs, cozy booths nnd ntr conditioning.

The c llrntc lo liiis changed. Instead ' o f tnickmen hopping o ff fo r a snack. 1

ao the shifty espials known os stool ' Id plRCons nnd pool room a lwrks. there t m are fellows w llh the ir g irl*, fam ily I PJ pnrtlG!.slenogmphera, clerks. Name* I

th n t w re once Eals, Bob’s, etc. arc i now Tli<* BonTon. R its D iner and 1 Cafe Splendlde; ;

« — ■ < And on b :n o * nnd SevenUj a w - '

or nues in Harlem lhe flossiest shop* re «r« the beauly parlors. Outside the ,]j Elizabeth Ardens nnd Dolly O rew on , j . Sth avenue In the 50'a, the mosl !

m ngnlflcent saloai are In the Bhiok •® Belt. They are toned In orclild . dove

gray, ocenn blue w llh Indirect llg lit- . lng U u it suggests the elnborate bo ll- '

J, fjues o f me de In Patt. T lie custom- i ^ ers are all colo.-ed. I notice such , “ immes n. T lie Modelle. the Quality, , * Marie Anto inette and Cot* d'Azur. , ly H a ir u-aving leads the demands. ,

--------- 1“ Also I hear o f a spurt of bathroom .• n splendor. In a rich bachelor's duplex c :e on th a t jB-anky upper t ip o f slummy t. East End avenue. The tub: Solid In -

set o f black onyx a ith walls o f black . t i l l in g and celling o f black m irror.

|T tie fix tu res; A ll slerling. B u t the c crowning touch h n row o f pust- ■'

. button pin .sprays, w hirling Arcndlan o . a:ent.^ The d lng iu you prcM ts lhe V

nromn y o irg c t! E

^ T lie lale ftiilp h Barton's w ldrlr I" nhotoirraphed bedroom In his PnrK home was a ll In b la c k -n g.\Mur.' lo fn is tra lo his to rtu ring nlghtu o f in- j,

ll wmnta. Even the arllclca on hL<1. drewlns tabte were cbony-backed 1 nnd his p.-tjamiis anrt slipi>ers the

.wm f M mbre hhnde. As n re lk 'f from ,, ^ constant darkne.*s he had rlnced H n {,,

11 <lnnclng f l r t ly effect in lhe pitch ^ t black celling th n l twinkled with a ' J presa o f a bu tlon a l hls bedside. But ^

It w M .n o nid In his long flsht ngalnst a wakefulness th a t culmlii-

y ated In his .lulcldc.“ —' Among insomnU-i's queer Jamborffs ’ l-s the development o f whal u ltno»n

, ■_____________________ ^


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n.s a clock-h!ee|>er. Hc cnnnot sleep' ad n iUiout thv tick In the room. Forbes-;:k. Robertson, the aclor. v-as »o bedevil-]XJ] ed. On hls tours hc ta rrlca u bungh- i irc some horologlcal horror w ith u gaunt lly tick. I f , aa I t now and then lu ip- le* pened. lhe clock ran down while he . JC #liimbercd he awakened Immediate- ^ nd 1}'. When I t hnd to ro to the repair

shop, he was dUtrnlt. Only tlm t especial t ick would suffice. Dickens . WAS a clock-sleeper, too.

' • InsPA --------- £iu

Somerest Maugham and M ichael wc: ^ Arlen hnve formed a constant com* stH |v p-.inlonshlp among th inn ing sCrag- car ° Rlers along the Riviera. Maugham ; Y was Arlen's lite rary Idol i>hen the « |

Id iier camc to London a bewildered r id ■** Armenian refugee and" remained to chl

trfome M ayfa ir's glosilcsl nnd moat hyj dL%cuj.‘ Cd hUtorlnn. MnuRhnm Is snljL o r ' to bc Interested In cx lrlcn llng A rlen chl from a lite ra ry deadfall. A fle r a tna .serlvs o f b r illia n t no\-els nnd playa, the hr came to a sudden stop, losing Yei

m flr liie and wgue. Mnugham. inc l- f^c tx dentally. Is England's w caltlilcs l vor iy wrller, hla fo rtune passing Shaw-'s. ,jI)* —------ . sinir. The reputedly wentlhiest Am eri-

can w rlle r* are the Norrises—K a th - ^ ~ t - leen nnd Charles. Temple Bnlley Is in on casystreet also as are Harold Bell ,1C W risht. Fannie Hurst, Kalherlne

Bru-sh nnd Bud Kelland. The la tte r ^ madv nnolher forUine since the de- ' irc-slon. D re lie r and S incla ir Lewlfi

y rould qn lt now and l iw In comfort ‘ to ripe ye.irs.T Iie w c.illh le*t of tlio jc '

° who syndicate the ir wnres b Bob " [_* Ripley, lhe cartoonist.ct --------- i-ho^ rve n-.'ver had mtich truck with nioi " pigeons. B u t last evening I erca ^nrt

boy.*coutl5h and, bought n 3-ceisl hfn '* poke o f wheal to feed some in M-,Idl- thoi ^ son Squnre. When I threw the flr.'i 'J handfu l they flew n t mc In a mnd, indd

cloudy w h irr. So I dropi>ed the poke ..'ins ■ nnd walked s tiffly awny. I should le: ’ the

ll flock o f piRJorw mnke a sucker of t I I me. |l-- r

s (CopyrlKht. 1035. I thain M cN ju gh t Syndicate! 'pori

L o o k in g O ver The Old lIo (


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Guiding Y our “ Child



Tlie family nlwnys Joined m alng- lng hymns on Sundny evenings. T lic lm custom originated when the chUdren lie were tiny, nnd became ^uch an In- er: s titu tlon tha t neighbors someUmea coi came nnd Joined in the chorus. faj

B.ich member o f the group choae a hymn or two, which made fo r va­rie ty and InercnAcd Interest. The ] chlldrrn were npt to choo.^ simple nd hym w like “ Now the Day Is Over* In or "Jesus Tender Sliepherd'*—all lhe thi chlldr-'n, thn t Li. bu t M nry. Her tr l Inale.i from the beginning were fo r „ the gloomv hymns. "A Few More ~ Vears Shnll n o il" and *'Peac«. Per- Int feet Pence" were some o f her fa - pir rorlles, cvc

To be sure. *he w a i never nble to ha' line one of them through. A fte r «1: nbout six lines, or a t the moat t*-o stansa.r site was always reduced to l;a r*. nnd the music lu d to stop L f iin tll she was comforted. I t worried J f lier father, who Insisted th a t she was morbldrand annoyed her bro lh - :rs nnd sisters who clslmed th a t she aanlvd altentlon. and befor* long Sfary ws* forbidden lo .« le c t her 'nvorite.i .my longer. j

T lie children were p t r l ly right, plo Uary T\-a.i not morbid, unless the Fa >leMiir- which an abstract mclnn- G r holy Blw.' some people tje ralle<t cot norbld. M ary wa.^ enjoying herself hei mrt was, furlhermore. fla ttering J irn e lf on being rtTJle ,fo luve lo fty cer houBhts about iife ahd death. T lie w ll ittentlon whloli her tenni brought " > iddeU to her pleasures, and hym n- * inging lo4t much of l u charm when he gloomy numbers were banned.

I f she had been nllowed to choose i.'r melancholy hymn.-< on condlllonhat slie hide her emotion and take b^jlort in the singing 1n.itc«d o f burst- Eai

odel “

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i . ey The >>«» Vork r r i t j s e , lae. —V


(Copyright. Uc01ur« N

W ASHINGTON 1By B ay Tneker )

SPECTACLE. PoUUcal undcrcur- 1 renu aro sw irling along tumultuous­ly these days and carrying waves j o f water over the Washington dam. i They are upsetting personal and \ political erafld on IO30‘a high seu . j

National navigators are revising a their charter, to w it: There w ill bo no ti coalition between nepubllcans and i Democrats bccause the G O P Is j too cocky since l i l l le Ithode Island's « flop. There w ill bo no uvll-organlsed t th ird porty becauae most progres- t sivcs wUl line up wlUi Uie President, b Thero w ill be no rum p DemocraUc t movement because antl-floosei-clt -t conaen-allvcs In N orlh and Soulh w ill n o l surrender Ihe lr parly status.

'rhe now nnd unannounced th rea t |to M r. RooseiTlt w ill be a tu rbulent .batUe w ith in the Democratic con- tventlon. Inside advlecs h in t th a t Uie *Sm ilh-Rltclile-Baker-G lass facUon uw ill try to embarrass the President “by w iu iho ld ing a unanimous renom-InaUon. Huey Long w ill help on the ; other wing. They don't expect to win but Uiey hope to stage a spectacle as depressing as the McAdoo-Smlth- duel In Miidlson Squnre Garden. l'

— — . sA t . Fan la*tlc as It may Mem. New li

Vork sta le w ill be tlw spearpolnt o f r\ this In tra -pa rty a ltack on the Pre.i- r Ident. HU enemies are organizing to « prevent liLs home state from giving P him nn Instnieted delegation. p

Upstate Nvw Yorkers are reported b a i b itte r ngnlnst the Ncw D?nl. N o r - ' n mnlty nepublican. th is Ie rrltory hns " retumed to Its tradlUonnl moorings, n nnd the Democmllc bosses o f tlic If ru ra l provinces have tumed sour nBalnst the Prci.ldenl. Tammany hntes h im and is warming up to his undent friend and enemy. Alfred E. Sm ith. And A l In consorting w ith antl-New Dealers these d-iys.

" I hope you Republicnai w ill nom- Inate a mnn I can support in 1P39." % lie rcc.'n tly to ld a group of 0 O P - ‘ ! er.v "1 couldn't back Borah, o f " courts. I couldn 't get behind nn old- fashioned po litic ian like Dickinson of lowa. B u t I like Prank Knox."

PnOGRAM. President Roescrelt's „advisers are having plenty o f trouble i-In d ro lling pn^llmmary ouUlnes o f n. the public addre.ises fo r hts wesiemtrip, Ei’er^body around the W hiuj j,|

' - tl:

lng Into tears publicly and so stop- np in g ' proceedings nnd spoiling the hievening Xor the olhera. sho would tl' hai-e K’nmed a valuable lesson In self-control.


--------- I n':H OLLIS TER. Aug. aO -I. E. Heck. T<

pioneer o f Mie Salmon tract la T w m , pr Falls counly. died a l his home In \ a G ra n u P n fj. Oregon, Sundny. uc- fo cording to word received by friends f here today. L,»

He w ill bo burled in Grants Phm pit cemeiery beside the grave o f liTs th wife. Mrs. M argaret Hcck. who dlec he n year ago.

M r. nnd Mrs. Heck wccr among x i the f ln .1 nollLnler .ictllers. T in y . opened n rrs taum n l here In Murch. ID li, M r. Heck waa a charier mcm-) ber n f H ollister Ma.ionic lodRC and both' M r. nnd M n . Heck were mem- bers o f H o llb te r chapter. Order of Eastern S tn r . ' “ j

— — —— — pu

M o to rb o a t A cc ide n t S V ic tim K e c o v c rin s 1”

BOISE. Aug. 30 </n — Lester H. ” Shelln-orth, <lepuly sUt« commls-1 p .Moner o f iln a n rA was reported to be recovering In a ho.'p ltal here tonigh t | from a basal skull fracture received 1 In a motorboat sccldent on Payette lakes a l McCall la le yeaterday.

He was brousht here m an ambu­lance. thU aflem oon.

He was Injured when his boal crashed Into a diving bonrd near a lake pier.

H A Y F E V i^ !D r. Herman N. Bundesen. na tion - ’

a llr known medlcnl au thority and prerifiriU o f the ChlcaRO Board f lf ' Heallh. made the following stale- , ment in ipenV.Ing o f the alr-condi- ' tioned trains:

"T ills contribution to the he.illh ; and com fort of the traveling public 3 should Rlvc real encouracemenl to , , thow who In the past have suffered : because o f the atmospheric condl-; I tions a.v*oeI«ted w ith cross-country ' irnvpl. efpecl.illy those afflicted w ith ' hay fever." j

You m.iy forget about the heat 1 ’ and rwllen laden du.st o f all forms 1 of hichway travel: forget nil fe a r^ ' o f Im vcl from p.vst discomforts and ■ ‘ danRer o f highway har.-»rds and ac-ii ’ cldents. Union Pacific has bunbh-d a ll o f tha t w ltii it.'* safe alr-condl- : tioned coache*. You don't l:now what travel com fort Ls. u n lll you arc ; ' on one o f its pew nlr-eondltloned ‘ tra in*, enjoytiig cool, eleati. quiet.; ' health -s lv jnc comforts not evrn :found a l IrcTrte; *1

Coach nr.d tourLst car patrnns on ! ‘ the uew specUl coach to u ru t earl section of the La* Angflps L lm lird . ' known as “ The Challenger." anrt on ' ’ the Portland Rti'e . now enjoy new! ‘ low-eo.'t nie*U In air-conditioned' comfort, onty 2i cenH fo r iireakfari. '30 centji fc r luncheons, and 33 ccnts ' fo r dinners. And fo r the*e patrons J »tew»rries.«-s who are trained! nurse?, free pillows, free drm king \ cup* and fr -e pcner aerttee are now. provided. DeLuxe air-ecnd;!lpnM ‘ coaches fc r women and eln idren ' only are now cperated cn T h e Cl»allencer." j

Ask vcur Union Pacific agtr.t for fuU mfoni-.aticn.

PACIFIC. '- A i v .

, W HIRLIG IGt N D T H E ^ W S )-« Newspaper em dlcate)

Houso teallxes th a t m uch may de­pend upon the impression he makes

r - In the Progressive West.»• T lie P rankfurter faction would iike » hhn to emphasize h is reform pro- n. gram and dwell upon lla auppoacd 10 benefits fo r the a« ragc citizen. The s. H arvard professor haa v irtua lly lli-ed >C a t tho W hite House Xor tho past >0 m onth. The more practical sehool id believe tha t M r. Roosewlt ahould is stress recovery as reflected In the ■s economic charts, and to hold out <1 hope fo r 'e w n greater advaiicea m I* th e 'fa ll. Chairman Kennedy o f the t> Security Exchange commission heads lo the moderates. A s k ilfu l b lendbg of I t -both Ideas w ill be the fina l product.^ M r. Roosevelt has consulted lead- 7 Ing P ro g r^ lv c s In preparation fo r ; th is sa-lng. Senators like NorrLs,

“ Johnson nnd LaFoUette feel thn t tho '■ West backs h im and w ill be hLt " mainstay In 103(1.'But • there hnvo " been signs o f dl<iconlent which Tie

w ill try lo smooth down w llh a. re- fla tem ent o f his underlying alms and currcnt nccomplishmcnts.n

h- NOTKS. Madam Perkins Ls all set . to boss whoever Is named boss of w c la l securliy. . . . John H. Pahey ^

w Is In re.vn-e In cnse he Should be ) f needed fo r a c.iblnet pl.ice. . . . t- Roo.sc\-ell Ll very likely to bump Into :o im othcr strike whvn lie visits iho g Pncific coast. . . . Congresa elevate.'.

potatoes to the proud position of a d bn.’.le commodity, to be regulnled— •-■nnrt taxed—by Henry Wullnce. . ’ . . .IS "By-elections" nre b-.'comlng n.s .sls- s. n lfleant In thLs country ns In D ig- < land. •ir yla NEW YO BK1 By Loula Schneider

STRENGTH, -nie Lucas canva;3 . o f Republican county lenders fo r a .. Presidential cnndldate. resulting In . the naming of Senator Bornh gnvn ,j New York n smilv. Inform ed clrcle.n . doubt whether the "o ld man" w ill

mnke n tr.v. B u t hc m lRht bc n thr?nt should son>eone who Ltn'l liked by the liberals berome too strong.

On the whole the Lucai ballot l i* regarded ns premnlure. Republlcnn 5 leaders nre w alling to henr w lmt ‘ Presldenl Roosevelt w lil say on hl.s ' western tour. T licy w ill also w a ll for '■ his opening message or addre.'s lo ; the CongrciU tha t meets nexl winter.

U w ill be from these ta lks Ural the ' G O P leaders expect to decide whn = has the best ab ility to not only meet ' the problems Involved but to add• new strength to the pa rly as well.

. LIBER A L. Eastern Repiibllcaai are looking fo r a leader who Isn't connected w ith banking or u t ility Interests, n ie y w nnt a man who Isn't ■

I being ballyhooed by Uie preu. One |4 who has II clean reputation nnd I'-

I underMandhig o f labor and bu.'lne\\ W ' condlUons. Th«{,’ w an l one who does- ’

[n 't make an U^ue.of sm all malt'.'rs.:T o f i l l these requirements he mu»i

1, practlcallv be an unknown. T lierc L% i j a Presidential nomination walling ■ • for him .Jf Senator Barbour o f New Jer.vy 1.

L.'lng clo*^ly walched hy Uie llbernl s element. I t Is Inside dope that ihoulrt* the f lrs l plaee go lo a westerner.' he w ill be w rlously con.ildered for

the V lce-PnsldentlA l •nomination.’ There ts even t.ilk o f lhe r.enalor ' ; being a dark hor?e since the eonle.'t •. w ill be wide open.: ! I t ia aLso In the cards that Jim ’ F.ir:-:y -w ill fig h t Br.rbour fo ftly f should he run fo r rce’ccllon. •'Tlierc

w ill be praellcally no Barbour oppo­sition since the mnn—while a Re­publican—la libera lly Inclined. HI.-! clecUon Is a.'.-mrcd." This from n Democrat In lhe know. T lie f^nator h.« not as yet announced his Inten­tions.

: | . ------------------

*Everybody r id w In :> i r - d c.ir.

. but get lh ; habll c t calling on your Ford dealer firs t for eco- nomical tran-^portalion.

•_i '30 Ford Pordor Sedan _____*KS' "SI Clicvrnlet T u d o r ------------$35

'30 Ford Roatbler.n lr w heels ............ ..............

1 'Z I Ford Coupe..: S'0-17 tires ___________ S163

'30 C hc ,w le t C oupe______ »C23I ■ "SS Ford v -8 Pickup ......... . J3t.O•il ^ 0 Ford Truck, new tire?,

good beel l»dy. excellenteondltlori ................... ......

•S) D urant Six Sedan...........S l«■i "SS Ford TUdor S eJ jn .. — IC 5

•32 Ford v ictoria , new.motor «50.; n * Ford Del,uxe C oupe-----»J:SI '34 Ford DeLuxe Tuder'I S e d a n ______ ___________! “ 7 C lievrolet Sedan, new

■I tires ----------- --------------' Ford Cedan ................. - * * “

'I ■34 Pord Truck, new rubber K3a •33 Ford T ruck w ith dii.-np

I Ford P ic k u p -----------------1 -Zi O ievro le l Truck.

I i gcod ru b b e r -------------------»'■ \ Cash or Term* 'Vou w i ll !•

Do Better a t— |

U N I O N M O T O R i I C O M P A N Y 1

Yoor rO B D Healer j Tw in Palta. Mah«


Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · J - - - ^ . c i t y E d iljo n T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. pI e fli me' BODIESDISGOVERED i MIE

^ e E n M i i c m L i G S

n E n i i i s E H

Churchmen’s Prooecdings Behind Closed Doors

to Avoid Vi/ralh

PULDA. Oermany. Aug. "ao Iff) r * T h !" future' o f the CalhoUo c h u r^ in Oermany wna ponBcred »tonl8ht by the l i lj ih c jt clerlcftl* o t the « le h whilo Narl oHIclah kept clow tab.

Tiro three-day confcrencc In closc - t« s lo iu 13 coM ldcrlns ■•ecrloua

AUuatlon fa c ln j th« Oennan church."

Johannes Adolf cord lna l ^ r tn u n opened llio meellng o f <5 bWwpa w llh ft public devotional scr\-lce In Iho CulhoUc crypt o t lhe tomb o f S uint Donltacc. EnRllah mlssbnarj- who Vaa lhe firs t to b r ln s ’ Chrla- tiiu iU y to th is ecctlon.

A fte r Uic b lcu lns o f the sacra- ment. the cardinals und blahops filed Jnto the nearby ancient semmftrj'.

' cloKd lhe doors ond began lo ex- ehanse view.-, on the chiirch*NaEl slruRKl*?- T h f lr dellberatloiw are c.x* pected to result In form ollon of o line o f nctlon fo r the comlnit ycnr.

^ rub lle Addrewes CanreltclBr Bec.-viM c f kpeclnl e lfo rU to keep

the conterencc rcerct, all public ad- rircifc.'s «-crc c.incellcd. D uring prc- vloiw yeara viirlous bishops apokt dntly III public.

SxtraonHnarj’ iecreey app.irenlly was de&lred to avoid Irrltatlnic the Niicla and becaui« a pastoral Ictlcc a fter last year's conferen«H was to r- btdden when NuzU discovered the contenis before publication.

Leaders o f TOrlous • Catholic o r- canlsatlons, especially youth socie­ties, nrrh-cd. Indicating the problem created bv Nazi dlwoUitlon of Cath­olic youth croujxi is one o f the p rin ­cipal oitcs the blshop-t are debullni;. T h c « lenders arc v\-4ltln(c to be cnlJcd before the eonfcrvncc.

Tho church. I t was said, Is no l flRhtlng national w c la llim as such, bu t more especially the pasan fa ith mo\-ement led by Dr. A lfred Rosen- Ix rtr, Nazi phllo.so]ih!c dlcUttor.

His book.i have been prw.crlbcd by the Vatican.

Another im portant topic U cNi*ect- ed to bo the concordat w ith the rclch. which church lenders have charged the Nazi government w ith violating.

Id aho ’s Sales T a x C ollections $622,885

• BOISE. Aug. 20 l/T^—Ben D lef- cndorf, stote commissioner of f l - nance, announced today th a t col­lections under the 2 per cent reU ll M les tax law which became oper- ntlve lust M areh ZO now to ta l I022.-

>•$8.-1.Collccllons deposited In A p rll were

517,405: In May $113,1": June, »180,. no8: July »18S,63o. anfl up to tonlsht »U tiJM had been rem itted this month, the commlwloiier reported.

The tax is due to r payment to the sta le Qn the fifteen th o f each

* monlh fo r tho preceding month.

A d a To V o le On C o u rt House Bonds

UOISE. Auir. :o i.T>r-On Septem­ber 10 Ada county elt-clors w ill bnl- lo t to decided whether » SIQ3.000 bond Issue shall be made fo r eoit- .■'trucilon of a »300.000 courl house.

Several days nito the com inlu lon- ers applied to the publle works nd- m inU tratlon fo r a gruni of tl3S,- 000.

T lie r plans call fo r use of a 45 i>cr cent g ra n l from the Roveni- inenl and con irlbutlon ot the other :>5 per c rn t by the county for eon- ;;ru ft lo n o f the biilld itic .

T I lA r r t D u v rL,\.'MLSCHICAGO. AUK. ( -n -A young

wo:ii»ii burned to death when the nrfi- irainied in a hotel room j m - ',r:i;ay MciitlKed a^ MK< Mary IJrcen, ::6, nn uneinplojed telephone operator.

COLUSION NHAR JEROMEJKHOMi;. A iu . :0 -C u ro rt.-ive:i by

Lur.\ Canada. Jerome, .ind O. W. Uofk. UVndell. eolhdcrt four miles weJt of Jerome Saturday evenln;:.

V according to Shentf Juiues Davis A who invcitiso ted the uccldent. No r one was jnju re tl. ba l both cars Ticre

djm-iged. Only one l;c lit on the Uock aulo U iJiid by tohuve c.iused the c ra iii.

Aiito.'s driven by Krma C uU rr and Earl .MAiland. both of Jerome, fis - iit f r t In an ueentenl SuniJ^y * i % po int e i j l i t m ilr i c .iit o.' Jerome.


Tw in Kallt For ru e a l Year E

Reeelpls m Sourre o f AH Fnnc No. 1 Tor the v

r-.r:ta l T41: .IV 'n -j'ifn t T»i'« . ,

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5 H a w a ii’s Delegates T h r e ^ n To B o lt

r j HONOLULU. Aug. 20 W >-A th rc it r I t t u t Kovall'a delegates would bolt ^ * from President Rodsevclt's support

In the Democratic national conven* . tlon in ' 1S38 was made Lo James A.

n yb Forley, Democratic nBttanol com­m ittee 'chairman, Saturday by Fred L. aiegllng, the latter onnounced today.

eiegllng, chairman of the te rr i­to ria l Democratic committee, threot-

) _ ened tho t Howoll's six votea In the irch oational convention would be thrown Ight on the auction block fo r tho highest elch bidder In terms of pauonoge. . tab. Slcgllng said the threat, made Just losc beforo Farley deported fo r Los An- loua geles, was the result o f long amould- nan erlng resentment of tho offlelal

' party organ iza tion. agatost the nun monner In which patronage waa od- lops ministered here. 11ie great m ajority ! in - o f the te rrito ria l • committees’ in - > o f dorsemcnls, SIcrUiir loild, had been la r j- ! tu rned down-ln WashlnRton and Be* iris* I publicans appointed Instead.-

iMjHAnMONY CLUB HOLDS S j ! RUSSELL LANE MEET<azl --------c.x* RUSSbXL. LA N K Aug. 20 ~ lla r- )f o mony club met Wednesday a t tl>e cnr. home of Mrs. J. I I . Day w llh Mra.

Cccll Ringgold AS assistant hostess. :eep Ten members nnd Mveu guesta were ad* present. A lte r a shorl business mect- prc* lng a musical program was prcaen* loiK ted. Jaekle Hughle played several

I numbera on his accordion. Roberta ntly I and Pat Day, children of M r. and th e ; ^trb. Jean Oay of iClniberly, gave tluc 'i^'O dunce numbers und Mrs. Kdlth fo r-|J iicque lln o f Ruperl plnycd several th e ' ptuno solos. Refrcihments were

served. Mrs. John Day of T w in Kolb, o r- former member o f the club, won the cle- while clepliunt prize.Iciu The M ylnc MnRcrs 4-H club met lth - Wednesdny n l the home of the >pon- rln - io r, Mrs. Charlea Summeh Eight Illi;. I members nnd two vlsllors were pres-

bc enc. Plans fo r acltlcvcmeiil day Ijirogram were made. Most o f tlie

no l girls hnve nearly completed required ich.'sewlnK fo r th is year. Doroihy ond Ilth Ada Goodwin were hostesses, cn* i Mr.t. Oorcnco Houck of Caldwell

i hns been 0 house guest a l the George bed cvnns home?

I M r. and Mrs. no :c nnd M r. ond ^.^*iM r» . Steiner, Cripple Creek. Colo*

' rodo, were rccent guests o f M r. ond ' AL-s. Charles Vlnyard.I Jo lly Canners 4-H club w ill hold .achievement day program, Wednes*! day evening, August 31, a t the Paut ' home. Tlie 13 girls have completed

g - the year's work o f cnnnlng.


to l l ! ---------)cr* I BURLEY, Aug. 29 - Burley Chris* 22,. tlnn Sunday eehoof picnic w.is held

; i i t the Beaver ranch nenr Heybum lerc Sunday. Apprc.xim iitfly 200 persons 8t),*>lt<nded. Inelucllns about IOO from ght the Rupert S tin riiy school, who were th is 'in v ite d lo attend, te rt.j The group le ft Burley church lm-

to mediately n f lv r the Sunday morn- ach i i ii j M r\'lfe and motored lo Hi'- '• ranch where n picnic d inner was :<r-

■ved on .-x Inrge tabic sel fo r tlie oc- rnsloii. Following the dlnnvT. barr- lu l l nnrt horfcshoes were enJoj-ed by

J c the men «h lle the women •■.pent th'* nflemoon socially, some o f tb.- young people enjoying swlmm lnj.

j f t l - l ',0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------;;;; Reai Estate Translerson- _

PnmlUied b j the iD tm noun ia in ' TUU CBmrsotY CeispanT 1

4 5 , ---------------------------- -------------------------- 1n i - l MONDAY, AUGUST 19her i Deed; Portland .Mortgage comiwny on- to W. O. Swim. J2800, Lots 15, 1C,

: block 4, Blue Lake.% ndditlon.I Decfi: II. T. Bro'An to O. \V. W il- ,’ co.\. $1. Lou I, 10. SI’.oshonc fa lls

. Orchard... i i l * , Deed: R. B. s to u t to O. W. W il- • ® .rox. J l. Lots I, 10. Cho.'honc I'.iII.n “ ■'Oieh.ird.s.

I r iN i iD FOR n . \T T i; iiv : JI;R0.MI:. A u j 20—Ed UerReucr. iJe ro iiif. was fined $25 and co-'is of I12.V) in pro ta lc eou.-t before Judse

by nebc? N. Kolknian. Moiiilav mon;- W. liiS ttl-.-n he pleatkd RUllty to .-v lies chiirgc of tj.itiery. 1‘htlllp Schmlti: in;:, iicncd the complaint.ivis ------------------------------No WOKI.I) AVAR IfE ltO DIES ere ' W ASHINGTOS. Au.*. CO i-r, - the M ajor Lua;i:i H. V.inDoren. attor-

to iicy. who '*as d f:ar.\led fo r herolmi 111 lhe »ar by Pr.mee. Orent B r it-

«nd am wnd :lic Ciutcrt Sute*. died ns- JUddcnly ;.c.'.:rr.!;iv - f :;c;ir’. dL-ri:--, t a He a-.i.s « i-.'.eni-.:-r ,'r ; ; ir U ;- tr ia P. iBoxins .•o:r.:i;;.-:.c;.

. \ N c i A L

CHO O L D IS TR IC T NO. 1 1l i l t Caonty. Idsho i r Endinc June 30,rond* i f Independent »kh"ol U M rlct ■I V t ir Ending June 3t>. ITJS

____________ ______ ‘ "■ J " ''* ;

- — . . ,1. -

<»:t i r u ......■■ ■ - • ’ : j ;s


r In d rp rn d 'n t Srhool D i i l r l r t N«. 1 ll> fa l Year E n d ln i Jane IO :i

.u l! ;? TV .......T r r t ter F :i= u rt r . - t « _____


In WboM r»T«r . Cloa Book Slor* ».. t Home Lunb«r C o r n e r . 1

}!outt>U)n u u n ia dompanrIdaho T)rp«»rlter Biebant* — ____

It KMl WUkuon Buonk Lumbtr —------I, KtMisaU lU rd w e ,,** XUiel Automobil* Oo. r t c. L. u ink ■ —

Mt. at«tw ’Tclrpboni C o ..................

1- BrltM Met«l W ork*------------------------t- Clei Book 8lor» ____ ____

st Ktel WllkUon Stronk Lum lM r______Klnaey Warehou** Btor*KrenseU ____________ _

St M U fi AiiiomoDite Company......... _B. Jt. M .ru ii ..t--------------- ---------------

, Mt. s u te i Telephoae Co. —*, Office CMh ____________ ______: .»* 8ch*0c Key Shop ...... ........le Bundsrd Oil Cempaoy... _______ ___( . flU le tniuraneo Fimd ........L Troy Laundry Company ____________‘y T*-ln tnu* Dslly n ,W .____________1- Twltl D IM <t r » ln t ................>n Twill K«ll» l l ls ll btliool __— ____. W dcrii t;alon .................. ________• T. K W llliiu Store__ ______ _____

City Wsltrworkii 'Dtpt. _____________Idalio Tower Company ............nallamyne n iim B io i Company ____Caxton ITlntem. LM. ,------— — ____Allea O. I-Mlle - ...

oAice Uoutility ________ — ________> S i.r 'l.r2 «% r= rz = :—X Clou llooh more ________________

Harry H. Cowlliiu ....... .—“ • niamoml lltirtiware Company3. u. J. ll.mniou ............ ..... ..................:e Xlgliway tirivlco aUllOD ................ ...

Ilome Lmnl>*r Company ------------------, louiHitoii Stltfllri Co......—.1,....' . daho Clwiirri. i i l>yer» ......... . .......al datio livcnliie Time* .................. .......daiio numbiiie uempany ------ -------

KrengeU Hardware.LaldlfO llroiJie™ ........ ........................

''C .ave and C»mpix'ii ........ ........... ........h l4|c l Aiituinobiir (;onipany —........-,1 siiaiand ChrniicM L.ib........................W. Moiitooti. fc Son* ........................•C Ml, a u if* Telrphona C o .----------------», Olllcc Cflali ............. ......................._ 0»ir»ii{irr l.iimDpr Company------------“ ■ fea«y Tabtr Company -------------------

Rcertd Ullrway ttlores ___ _________: l acoiv Kir<vm»:i 4: Company ------------. . UliiLV SkTli)iirt« Hon* ............. ..........‘ btaiiiuio on company_____________>t smart 11. T»yl0f ..................................»- Troy l.iiinrtry Company _ _ _ _ _ _ -----... Tviiii Kail. Daily Newa ___ _______ ,

Twin Kall> UlojM «:.ra ln t Oe________>e XyJe St. Wj. i» .. __________ ________■d We»iern Union ____________________id ^.loiia Coop'rAtKe Merc. Inat. .....—

Clly Waterworks Department Idalio I o»rr Company___....... ...........

II Amrriean tiel.ool noard Joum U -------te nallantyiic n iim b ln t Company

nriree Meul W ork.________________Caxinti prlnl«T» . ______ ___________

id rrodueu ...........** 1*. K. to lle r & aon~oiitrcorp. i4 Diamond Hardware Company —

Choi. 0. Dumu Company —------------J--ET.A for ldalK>___________________Carl FiAlitf In r________ ___________

S* Uanliinn ODlclciuttln PrtMIII Osvlortl UroUxrn __ ______ _______, j lome Lnmtjcr Company ....................-^ Itw ir r ra m lt’ irr Company __

Keel WiikiMn Stronk LumMr Co------.•iBlaw Drolhera ,

Uajirl Automobile Company - .....—.

NMMO'a Paint Blor* ' ' ' ' ~ Mt. BUtea Telephoo# Co. ....................Otficr <«li ..........................................

I . OttraiiQrr Lumt>*r Company _ _ _ _ _' Pr « ,t Tfttv r Company ___________Id J. , jvLitey Company____________

'* ITOK-fMlve Sfiulcal Instr.m nrniiiuioi. fund. In c .---------------------1- !<n"l?h"cp*r Conip"anV't___L__ 'ZZ l___

I'or* M.- Hmiilj. c le rk ...............A. 0 . t jp ild llif «i Dro---------------- -------

1 It. Taylor .................________• •|>iiv l.M iiiitry Company ......... ......

r- TMii rn u iiniik a ’Truat Co-------------;- | E ; : r ; " : , ! S r . * ‘'5 J I) \Vall>iri- i l Company__________If" I w<-»irrii L’nion ............... ..................'■ 1 i?rV-!r'M.‘w ih iim a T ."" " ''" r ir_ 7 !Z iIZ

I. w. W oolwrtn Company ................f i !v W»ter»orkj< Department____ __lilnlio I'owtf Company.....................

, n.iDnnlyne rium liiiiB Company_____I IIK Bnuare Bprlhkler"........... ......

i CIO* Dook Btora ............ .o>iuu:idaie<l Wagon 4i tJachlne_____

• lJrl).ter4 Jntormauon Bureau_______I Ua>;ord Urothar* _________I llo.To Lumber Company .............

” lilAlio llish Sctiool AlMcde AMD.___liiaiio Plumbini Company--------------

V Itr^raied Land* Co.................... ..........' Kt.iigela JUr<Jwar» company_______3' It. T. t« ian .............................. ...........

M«c.\tlllan Company ________ ■■M»Kfl Automobile Co. __________ J.

^ M t^B U tw ^^ l*^ ” * ' c --------------------National I.aiinary Co........... ................National RCaearen Bureau__________Oftlce C»/H __ ____ ____ __________f-.!l»<1ay Hr.rOwar* Co-------------------- -W. C H»ts*er . .. . . . ____________uimpion and company ___________H!«nrtar*1 P rin lln t CompanyT'^tA Company _ ....... ..................... .

if Troy laundry Co. ________ __ _r T«in ra il. ( i l* » fc IM lni Co....... ......

l i . l i Trteho Sftiooi BiipplyI llv \v«ier*0rvj Dept.---------------------

a I l.-.Mio j-ower company . ______ ____

! nummsS‘’. rtS?ne Maehlne Co T I I I 1‘iiv Fuel Cctnpany .. _______

• I !l*^rr*Lumber’ com pUr I H r H : d 1 ll-»^ler rurn ltu re Company....... .....

I I ‘" ' 'r " I H " " "

: I t-i'w-e** C»mpb**l'^ ..I M ir f i A itrcm thil. corrr*ny - .....t ra lnt atore . -----------------

. ?-Dft'f* CaWe'coftjpatiy' ' ! I H . I I ' .lUt<lware Company_______

, :'-;;ra‘m n J8hr.>^n Dru* ___ -.11__I .r'< - r'riiim /C'coror.a Trr«

!>l |j.:ir.O;y CoTHpai.y.1 ; J-alU o:a».< * rn in i . ___

i;-.n Maho Sehool Surp;! .. -------------■■■> w ' ' i r wi;d .... . ' w. \v;:.on ctvrnpanr __ ______

( ;!T \v«iej«ort» rvt^rt.-neot —•' : Compaay . .. . . . _

H-in Or««eri'^w2tf.‘ » L e ' ' ” 1 1

s, 1 -fMfied Cheiuieal rroOueu I i rh t t fn tnl(^rr.*iion Buttau . ---------

; ; i I.V:fa:;oaaI Mu»ir Buftay L . i l l l Z' -----------------

' liirne j.umtier C<-fnpariT --------------II.-’- '* ri'traMp.e ccmpariT . -:-*r.3 r.umBir.* Ccmpanr -----------*:*»:-Wi:kuen . _______

t - - - i r ........

- Y N E W S . T W I N F A L L S , I D A H C

Dttotptlea Anonet

— !<>' »«»»----------- _ B o e k » _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '4 .«____ StanelU ............. .... . 2.S0-------Cement. noUi. ■trainer_____ 3.M____ llardvare suppliM ------- 30.W

w K ” oee'-ZZ IZ 71.40___T«r«phoa0 a m ie s __________ 3.S0------ Cjuh paid out _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ « .«m H o ra ie " " ' " " " ...... sitS

•‘‘SS____ Water a«r»le» ......... 11132H .M , .. ■ 16.00------0 * l» rn ia iwn ---------- - a-M____ Typlni paper _______ ’ t.M____I l ie l r Soile ta-------------------- lOQiO___^Screa. _______________ l-*0___ Canvai „ . ___________ 28.00____Lumber .................. ...... - <.49------ Oon A m i__________________ tM------ a. , . b « . — - - S------ ^ «iiit 10 QUlet tiU* — — .

------ Moblloll, noor droaalns-------- «.«S------ jnduimol iMuraneo ----------- ---- HS.WIH]PaddInB. i^ i'lto r'b ida 'L-.— SS.tO.... .Paint, e tc ..........—.................------ Kor iiid iwirlal Ins, im A ----- M-00

SS____Water aerrlce______________ M.U-------Llgliu and power --------------- j ,SS—.—■Plumbing ...........................— 3 .09-------Dook. <iupptlea ------------------- . 1 J l------ Service, at elect on ------------- .00____ Bervirea at elect on '.________ .00— ^lierTKa. at »l»ct o n ________ _____ 00------yervlcm at elect o n -------------- -00____ ISfrvicen at eteet o n ________ .00------ election _______ »

___ Hardware aupplle* . . Sir.I'-Keraene. oil, ' *reM*— I.#7.... ...Lumber_________________ l .»L.....Dookj ______ _____________; tOBJl____Cleanlns (lata ..... .... ............. «.00------ Piib. fmanclal ataWmeat----- M-iO

Ilardwarl aupp'lltli . J l i l Z H ^ io tH I m ) ito u n q " '^ u ip m e n tT Z i r M.1JZ.Z ■ Cleaii'tr'.' etc'." 1-' . . . i r i ” H M.7S m .Teleplione a e r * ic « I~ 'I " " " " I . I7.7fl___ Ca»h pild o u f___ __ _____ - 4.90Hr.tiwurance 1 to.tli-----.Pa11». Itiiinhfji ......... . l.s*------ Poou and tre lB h t....... ........ . M M

: E E ' " “ '=e e :e e "ils____ PacltimR. election notice . . . _ 10.30------ Paint. claM ..... ............. .......- SO.04

._t_.BitnvlU. adheatve. elc. ____ _ »iJ7____Water »ervlcn ----------- ---------- 7S.08____ LlBliu and power .................. !« .«__._!lut»frlption .....-....... ....... — 3-00____ riuinhtnc repair* ........... ....... 42-M____ nepaira .............. .................. . . 1-75------ Pencil .liarpenera, book _ ----- 11-81____.Waa i>cllah — .....- _____ — 10.«SI~ ,iio < ik . .......... *-m M

Ilnrow.re utippllea ................. 3B-W____ imythin lU iid lu flrun iriiu _ 12.00

Cnmprnaatlon Iniurance .. 0.34 ..= : .!:i!

- .— .Shafle curri. tie. ........... .... • 10.«- : -K V .V r » V n » - - : : : : = r »*S •____Deoki .......................- ......— 7.07------ Ooj. o«. elc. --------------------- 1S.SI- O lL / ' T‘.!*.Z~-~---~—Z Z Z si!m— -Telephone aervlce_________ 33.70

!1”........! a : y - -------------------------- -

■ ei«i*« ■. ‘ r . ' “ . i . i j i

IIZ.RcDa!r^m)e. wateh cr>»ui ~ ” j-3Sz z W r ........ !S____Coal . . ________ _____iHTiatarter cap* ................... - I I>------ Premluirf irrMVirer i bond . .._____Roller lon-O. ero. -. -Jhl____aafe (1ep<uii !■)» rent .. ------ -I------ Palm. ........ ........r i l l l ia n d aaw Hade* --------------- ----------*

IZ i iD M ir^ lU ■ . . . I l ' I ' i l------ Water aervlea.......................-___ Ltghu and po-rr ........ .........ilZZtiprtnkler ..................... - ..... - * J®.l iu u r f tc t . . ____-____ - JO 10____ Notebook*, etc............. ........... iS i;___.1IQ«». hardware ............... —____ Debate hanUlxoit. -------------- i’ t j____ lUrtware. mop ............. ........____ Ubrary carCi ---------------- 3 «o___Lum b«r ... — l * ‘ ;____ t>ebaler hamn^vk ..... .......... I i;____Plum bing................. — ■ •'•’“ iZ Znilardw are » u p p : i« ------------------- Caatera .. .................- ....-_ :_ O a /, tie . '. ..----------------------

____^bau^hanO M ok .................. ? i- |------Caah paid n'l! _■---------- --!.!“ lnaur»nc# ... —— —----- MO.IC - • , ------------- * ' ,

...Caniua e&M* —. l i - -

I lrp a p e r. etc.' I ....I - I P, •H rL l ih ta and l - o ' f r .................. .......... ' -1

..~..iti*urance eT'->;___ Benlca . . ------------____Coal .. ----------____Paper, han*'»* --------------------- ;.._toek» . ............ J-,'.';''I.P lu m b tn* r r r * '” *.,, . — •

____t;.e of comire . U____Uumtjer — • ' '.......Shade mileri. .....—-----f-omi>etuaimii lr..rraiKe

.. V .iim^ine - - * ..I

■— ne*alr‘’*Mnrter ' ' 1 I - T i ' - ' ' .-----:'cr««j. bolV. f - ------- -------- ' 1..... Muter lo rt. ......H "M 'i ‘ie? ii‘ ............-----..Typewriter - r— ‘ .____truurane* ...... —

.-f*eo|r»a carrt* -------Z-HoTJ't'V ioth. . 1 . 1....—U undry acfl ! • ' « . . -------- -------- ‘ .___ Point, ete -------- I - •___ Poater earo.. --------------------;— _DeetrleaiII-Ri»<3tia '’ irite^- ' ------— .. — LllhU ai.U I2 » '^ ------------- ■-----I^.uranee . ---------- ----------;

___ MaMwar# . ' .p r i : " • -------: ; z = S “___Keroene. mascl-t* . -----------

.Cement. p:a»’. r ' -------------— I9h*d»a.‘mat.’’e t- ---------------- i ' ] . I----- nepairi . - ---------- --- ‘

_,._!>OOk tM!.~ — ------- ---------- ,-----Bon Ami _ -------- ---- .1 ‘ “..“ b x u V * I ’ ’

' l t i '

H 0 , W E D N E S D A Y M O R N IN G , AU,

BBt In Wtaeie Fayor >1.30 Mt. titaiea Telephone Co. Tel iM No- "'>-*1 Aaan Of SMondary Beb. — — JJ®I.4S Oftlce caah ................. ... _....Cgji .n l*aiace Band and Orwrcl — — — ~ _ a r iI.M Putter aiul Company .... ......).W Saiiartuy iiardwani Company — terSJ) a . tk iiinnrr Muilo Company — »u1.40 Hroit tor«man and Oosvwsr - ...—.-gotl.JO Jliuiwon and Company _____— —— »wi

tfn^iilt Ci'.U Company ' ' ^o‘- .....—

Her; a , a«eel rurnlture Oo. _ _ _ ____WaJ.IS Times £.:ca Co. ......... ..................... .... g?'132 Tioy Uuuilry Company W1,00 Tviin r . l l , Ually H«w» _ _ _ _ _ _ _.CuIJ} ’iv in m iu uioM is Paint —................. I*»l, ^ :Ulul> If .tiO Uchool Supply CO. CU|

--------------------------- ------Te'l[•JJ II w. w iu iu c o m ^ y'•« Cl- ---------------S !

Iflilio iwwer Coinpa^ -------------------- L'8liiiuautyiie I'h imbloi Company —...... llvl l ii r r r M.tul W o rk .------------------------- jl®'cku '^ 'k 'a w rS --- -----------------" '••••" it”

l .» rE li.\ f«i ----- ~ waf'S t.itmber company _ .............—-E*!;2 I^rnlnB Tlmej ..... ...................... pal

{•?o ■ ta.ii-.u Nevada Deetrle Co. ..-Lai

•2? . Uy-r :unS Campbell --------- -----------------M I .N'.ioiiiubiic Company-------------- Wa

f'-g Ml. s:.ir« Telephone Co. .....*31a-l n'rV"’'"* Company ~ _ i-------M uobl’rt* m z w «-31 tiiu^ y iMwcllffe ________________.00 Atito Company ------------- — We

M b ia 'r '.00 Tt;>y i,.v.iiulry company - ....- ......Toi00 T mu I'all. oiaiy. fc P a lu t..................... ral■77 Ui;(Jr.-».»o ’Opowriter Co. -------------- Tyi

\Vuib. iii n ~ ih e r» 'tW 'co im > a n y II^ ^.#7 'V»ier»orK» Drpartment - — —......Wa1.33 ' A lr’lS tM;r’Iuk-a^°Cc^nuanriIII^^I^~ jOO i;* li'« i'’ i'e 1’1'ii‘lhlng C o .----- ---------- ply

I.3S !}um-j‘;,‘ 'i''ri!.:d'.«are C o m p T n y T .III I I IlS r.Ot f.M lL.<-h"r _________ Hal1.14 lluitir I'.'mibr^ fc "cba i'C o ri_ -_ ..-- ..Iir t.u ii.JI> i<!ui;-. ii-«;i nie\*tor Company ...... ..CosI.7S loaiiu Nr.aiiii .'.’r r i i ic Company ..........1-alIJO KTeii.TlJi Hafd»*te .................._...|ltal;.7fl J. n. Mi.piiKotl Company---------_ — -Xo:1.90 II. T. I.OH.II ,. - ----- --------- ------Tu:! 03 U.iiiui MiL-ili; Company .......— .—— ...nri

n. Mrt.iy Cool Company — ____ Coi..SS M.;k'l ANl.uiioLrto Company ________ Oa:I.M T.-Irph<mc Company---------- TH

i j * i Kr.- olinp .............. ...loeI.M 1-, !-Uiirinrr Miulc Co. -------------------- Mu1.30 ( llll. ttrl',:lbiier» Bona -------- na<1.04 Kil..il;.-ili J. Umltll .. ....... .................MII1.09 i*r)niii)s Company ________ Dlt:.3S '111')’ l.iiiiitlry Company .......................ff>\w57 , ^ -----------— av*

,I U. i?all.p« coni'pei.V‘I - 1 - — I l - i l i f lI 00 Z'ntM cooperntlvp Mere. Inal. ..............MU■ ai Cllv Wntrmart* Department _ _ _ _ _ _ Wa.75 Mtiho 1‘ower Company ---------- ------------ I.lggi Ilii!aiit>iie Pliimbmii Company ....—..I’ lu

,:4, t l ty n u i Company — - Co.;.36 CIC' ll'ioK tllori* .................... _.______lletl«0 C.>lora<lo linnllniy Cloth ... -________Uiu:.W iJi.inciid lU iilwarr Company ------------- DU:.00 Liiiilh li nureaii—Ulll. of OreRon _____ fn j;j< Hc;;m<oo<1 rnt.Company --- --------------Awi, ] l l l 'x a i'r rurnlttire Company ,__..BPt;'7) Matio Hean fc.KIr«ator Co.......__.___C ot,J4 Mal;o Nevad* Electric Co-------------------U i,,j9 l.ii-r.iato Printlii* Company------------ DotI Irrigated l,ancta Cu. ...... —______— ..BoIIJ* V.’ilkuon Stronk .......... ................ I.ui,01 ‘ 'KTPfitel* Hardware ------ ------------------- Hal07 Magrl Automobile Company —.-...-_-.Bei

I’SI a MfCoy Coal company ..... „■.......... Pla1,70 Mt. ticatM Telephone C o.------------------T tl.10 Nitional l.aundn Company --------— Boa:7a Korfiiini Paru Company ........... .........Wn

Nortn coMt Chemical C o .___________JarP.inre Band '* a r a v e f - I I Z l I I Z r . I a r i

115 HslU'lay Hardware - .........—_..—__BerI.W u-hMir Key B liop----------------------------Ke;;7J {.rlr*«ru AUIO Company ................. ...Hel1.1* , niint«.un aii<l Company ---- --------------TJI103 t<untlar<l l*^ !!!!!* Company ------------ Tie.JS Ui’ urniir^ r^tnd ........... . ........Htr71 I i ' i i . r t 11. T»Mer ............. .............. 8af

' 4« l lo y tJiiinaiy company ----- ------------- U i.tJ Utiflerwwl C llo tt Ktfher Co........ ......-T )i10 Krle M. Wai** ----------- hci

,!? Warl'er* nr'>ili»ra fcial Company ........ CoiWeal m -m lrrunir Coi.ip^iiy......... ........Koi

i „ World iwv,.;. Cumpany ............ ..Tf"il; Tojal I. l- ' t r / . . ... . ........F«i;• City W«lN«c„k* Dep.rlnent .. .... ..Wa

i j , l-lalio i ’.>*'i C.. ni|’«ny . ............. I.l(J? Ano CoiiiiMiiy . ............... Klo

. Rallaiityne PlumbInK Company ............PlullUhop llariiwell . ................ Wt

:vx[ Cerlllle<l Chnnlral l-r.-ductji ....... W1|Colorado Jiannary Wipiiic Cloth Co...... IJti;

j j i ................. - ............... Buj1” r f iU fc'^V.^ina'lia co----- ! . . . ' l i l lH I lD o t

llomli L'im l.rr V c iip .n y ' . . . ' I _ ™ I c e r; ; j | Idaho NevaOa ir.ectrle Co, ..................U r

Idaho Power cSmpany ' I I H I . I ' oI’ 'f l i trrlcati«l t.ana« Co..............................»-.lk>l, J l Keel wilV ltoii Uiiynk t.u iub rf----------- l.m

Krrniel Harflwarr . . ---------- Lej: , „ i l«we fc Campb'll ...............A»., Maemlllan Con.i>.’’ nv . .........-...Doc, Mosel Autiiiiiouu* Company ...............Oa4

! : . Ml. 8ute« ........-.....No. C«a.-.t Chemlr.; C ''^p.nv T . : r ,n o

'. I ' Offlee eaah ......... - CaS . , a ;

; ; r. t ottraiitier ---------- n orronk Pa»'on Lu;i>t;.i t.> - ...— Hat

' I^jyal I. perry -----net, Royai Tj-pewnur v ;------JVj

•W-Oll n>rr.“.':wh fc .. -----------N11I'•*. I'lmpaoti aTirt Cr-:;ijaliT - Not' rs iiabtih J. c.Tiith . ----------- mi:" ‘ 1 I'landard Oil Conpanv -------------- Mo'

.male Irm r.n re t (-iiil'.'.T -. --------Ibfl

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lU G U S T 2X , 1B 85 ^

DttcrtpUos Amount

U e * ^ K l — .... .. l»-« CCMh pold*out“ ? ---------- jJoS 8ar»»tf. aond ---------------- a.JO a■loiurauco-------------------------- js.ei aBcrewi. poui. bruihe*. ato. — «a i ju m t ------------------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4Jl Ttwn Ami -7_“ ------------Z Z : siM Tg>»l ..... .......- - •'---- - 3M.1S Ullomt ec.'supplTM. nUeait _ JsiBd kwo*, apreoden------------------ 2,00 Mrneyclopedla—balanc* 4 00 ^Towel*. mUc. laundry _ _ _ _ jssa «cnittmt. p a d d in i--------------- i j j APaint, eto. __ . ..... .............. iss.40 VCup vaahetB ... ........ 1.91 j,Bectneol repolr* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ io to w

!S JElec. iuppllea, putty knirat ,., 2,30 klWater tervlce ................js.u# oLight and power _ _ _ _ _ _ sit.fis vplumbing repairs — ------------- I9.e» nHealer, ete. ------------ BJft> iU M iip tir 'p Iper.7«e i~ ZZ I.": S30 oiUrdware aupplle* -------------- ijoo nWorknien'a comptnaatlon —_ (0.I« CPanela, plaattr — _________ 7o9Coll for bood*------------------- 2,40 }JUmp.. ete--------------------- - 11.js VPlaalcr. etc. _______________ 4135 0ilattlwarc auppHe.-------------- u.sj AAwarda ------- --------------------- M.is O^J^Tephotie^rVVe;— 1“ l l f o ?Boon, laundry------------1--------im o CCaah paw o u t ------ ------------- 77.83 SWateh cryaui* -------- --------- i.oo *

Mlleake ___________ _______ IU.20 V-rypewrlter trmde lo.______ _ 2J7.00 11Toweu, eie” “Z Z I I I I I Z I ' i I 4s!6i bralni. etc....... ................ ........ I 11.1i JTypewriter Uade tn _____ _ 30.00 E

'£ it f

S S " : — . ! ’iffi IPlumbing repaira _________ i j j o j;Printer tnk. type --------------- j ao gHSai-art - . M w r t f i r z z z i z * ' ; « »lland^ tnMla^,.~.^.......... .... . B.J3 §

CojJ . . . j m m i l m i l Z Z SlsilJ ?1-anip* ......... - --------- ---------- 3.9S }Hardware auppllM _______ _ 3.IS *'/.ook-raphy book* — ............- 4S2 *Tunuii piano* ------- ---------- iJ.oo ^nrpslr y lctro lo------------------- 4.3J Ko l- ! ------------------------------ « « I!Telephone aervice - - iboo j,nw'r*<rr5«m‘g -------- — Jloeu. key*. e te 7 II IZ -----I I n.oo ^K I I I I I 3 Z I I I I I I I i5.lS Iy ? ; : : :"? . .- ------------------------- lTowela, latirwlry __________ ai.Ol »Olaaa. color, ele. __________ fl.M ,tleetrleal repair* ----------- ---- SIM },'Uepalr band aaw b la d ti_____ I1.9B i,Mimeograph aupplle* ______ 43 0 KWater aervlce ------ -------------- 78,« tI.iglit and power_________ _ 3MJS fJpiMmblng repa ir*------------- -- 1Z7JI t]Coal ----- --------------------------- ia3.4S iIlecelpt book*, cord holders _ . 3.as •Diuii fioth* .... - .................... a.t.S3 t*Dim iKJiiiiii. dl»ldcn>. etc.___ #,7J tL'nglUh ploeimeni (eat ...... lo.«7 £

S f ^ E E E E E J i i EDMu“ ..“ .I. '. 'IZ .—I I I I I l lS 7Boiler inaurouce----------------- iDs.oo ^I.umtier, ete. ________ _ 7.48 vHardwaro aupplle* ............. .... 20.CS f.Repair tmek. goa, oU, etc____ 31.7# rnanlOB* ond.apreadtr ..... 10.00 Q

; b jgSV” :V“ ;4--== = %:iS tScrew*, boiu. tic . . ........ .. to |jKen. repair aoip dupeiutr _ ‘>0 enebobbltt bearing* _________ 1 .JO fTlektta. trana.' on d lp ld in w ll X -70 !iKttA Insiiranre ----------------- a3 }^ r * d r p o t l t ^ r lofuranet... . ^ 7 3 yT )pew rlte ra___ H H . I I T Z 'io o o !New hetu. I*** motor lOld _ _ 7 .73 i

------------- ' i . sSJ,- = SFipem* drhal* team .......... - 7 .00 .Waler aerrlf- . ......... ............ 7 M il.lghU *nd power ......... .. 31 .7S 5llal^ne* 01. palming 71 oorto o ri^ ie i-------------------------- IM.OO .numbing repair. ------------- 7.B8 {(Mmmcnceinenc addteaa 4000 •Wiping ra«., part* ...... ........3S.7J ,Dtut elotha . . . _ S0.41 JSuppllea Tor ditto ------------ IJO ;n>rrt muale ----- --------------- 4flii iDock -------------------------------- I.M [Banding aurtliorlum i l o f e ............. 13-3J IAabaato* tooting, boiler eomp. 404.00 .Tub* and CMe .......... ... . 10000 ?cemtnt. lumber ..................... lOej j

;? ! ;iioiw fur t.ineoin n . i d _____ jaoa ,» ^ l« luaurance " I I Z H ‘ 4^00 ’l.iimt>er, na if, etc.' i ' i ---------- 3JSJ ?Leather belt, fenct, *te______ 7 ^Book* ................. . 13J8 iOa*. oil. et<t............................ 30.44 ^naygreuiid balia. etc. ----- 134,70 *Mtutaeol'tlaln. glaaa Z 1 . H I H M '*Telephone .ervlr^ .............._ 23 00 ,noor bnuh ...... I . I ' Z n Z 7JJ iCa^h paW out . . . ----- --- 03.44 f,r .r ia u i Ul. lunr-rr. ete---------- i i 4s JLumber, etc. .. -------------- 48 83 .noor drawing _____ ■■ ■■ 347SBand and g ta te l___________ 0.73 ■,Hardmoort . ..............J7S7* 'D tb it* team lo Kent. Ohio _ 73 007Vpe«m?r*'!ta‘. ^ !>■ r ' l H uooo I,D jlll.. pller.. IK.arf mo»er .... 34* TJ j

siH? - - . : : - = = E ’Motor o n ............... ................3 30ILRA Iii.urai.ia ------------ 25 ill,ftler* anrt nurneral* ........ 20 00Uunmy. '^>p. rtuo en i'e rt'II TtO*Report p.fldint ------ -- M 3.1Type«tl’ ' r ' . . . . L l i m WOO

i S : ' " 7 7 = fs E r . , . - ,

------ - =;iiiI.U),- .nrt ro « T _______ 2MOO (Januur a u tp il t . .................... 71 : j 1

O . i i f t . ■ ---------------- SI 10

a-.ait of . T m 3» t0

Janitor auppllaa -------- ------- JSTlj ‘rvwik. . _ ------------------- - W

'. -' - . 1 7 7 .---------—

S . - - Z T — T E :

S u m ir carrU - . —. i lZ H Z 323 !a : . >■-,— , , , — — ;C om' :e-orO bmO .. _____ 3i7J ^tbv<k. ______ ISSSS.“ o a .r mower, e i c l l— ' « M .*f^.y bal’i ----- 1000 ^niijttu'n bartd IrutritmiBU ._ SSTnrut^e•, on. etc. -------- JJ 9K S ” " ' .... ..: -_-=r ir o l l p.rd o-it . . . _ _ _ _ _ tJ B jl fU i^Ulne* -------------------- 104 40S:t; " inRegljifer« 3# **3Clt:i»rjr.!p r jp encr*»ip.g __ . 1A«(^eer^ain* .arnuh . „ l i tKJL - . IS "

lA*nrboM ravor i

BlmpMn and 7sundard Olt Company_____________Uosundard PrlnUnt Company _ _ _ _ _ _ w *s u to in*ur>ne* rMod ------------------- i nju a n tu s u te t ir r^ ______________ _ hoTroy Uundty Company --------- ------ •>»,.Twfn n«lla Dally N eir*-------------------- p,,Twin rails aiaa* i i P o in t___ - m.Unlveralty n ib iuhlng Company _____ t *U. 8. Poit Office ......____ _____

py^U hlnyii^m naiiy~'~'~' KWtotem Mew*p*per W alon_________ PaiWheelar Publlahlng Compony _ _ _ _ do!Wlley Drug O p i^ r> 'T - " ~Jehn O. Wln*ton Comp*ny_________ Do,World Dook »m p*ny _______________ tw

Oo'ra M. amith"7.7-_."!'"""7 '~"~ ~ ~ '‘~~ryjS » ! F V . y . - --------------------------------Sl!Vera C. q-l m k -------- |>riBeulah Way n.» b e l If. Groy -------- ------- pf,C. U M ink ^ 7 T T ~ ~ ~ ..... y . ‘C.‘ L.‘ M lnte*°.^*^^.~'.77!~" '7 '~~~'~ ujlD. A. Longenbaugh________________

--------------------------------- f f ia . O. T»ytor ........ " j , ,A. C. Eochorlaa_______________ _ _ J a0. P. Vonouadeln ........ ................. __Jap. D. r ro s e ll* .... ............................... . j IW. A,. Kelly _______________________ jJOscar Doty . . . . _________________Oloude M iddle ton_________________ _xa S m ith _____________________ ____ Jilnm P u ttie r___________Chet Denning -------- , .. 1.,w iiiiom t io th n ____________-_ _ _ _ _ jaIlowsnl W tllia n u _________ _____ .t.,Sd Wniloma _________ ___________J»Bernlee Babcock__________________ TeiJ. T. Dolnimdge_________________Dorothy Call - ...... f -rm M. nmiagan ■..77 --------- 5Martha rarro?-_____ 7 . ------------- i*'.t . h‘. ro it« r'’~ 7 !I.I.7 ~ ~ ........ssL‘ . x s ; : ' ‘ ------------------- — - 5R, V; Jone*__________________ TtWUma Keel _________________ H I I t «Martha Und*ey__________________ Tti

Oeo, B. McKean -. r .H a lf{ r*M °n ie r"- -. .IIIi r i : ' : "Loyol I. Ptrry 'x*;Kothlern Povey _____ : ____________ Tbiitcnry I'okera . . ____T e iBonnle-May WInipwjn _____ _ _ TeiJuanlU Buiellft ________________ _ ~ T nJoaephln* Throekninrbin __ _______ TtaJomen * . ’Tomlin ______________ __Dale J. W okrm________________ H l ’iyi

S & ; e e e e e e sranulo A m ey___ _________ _______TefJorenre neriaon _______________ _ ts..■ Henry T. nre.e».i~ ~ ~ ~ ------------------- 4;Helen R u u a ____________________Ret>*cca C iiriln -Dorothy Evan*_____________________TeiMildred ou be ruo n----------------------------K g g . ------- ----------— - - I ;Bmmo Jon m ______ TnLewi* P. Jone* . Tei lawrenee Ijundln .......... 1 t^.Marg*?« O w 7 t v i~ . ~ ' I I I I I ld l I l T ? :Helen Parrott ...___ _ ____Ti-M l'drw nicLVrt.,,-;..------------------- H TTeij^omta^M. nobtruoii, Jr’ _________ iT r

T . ........................X ltne i Adom* _____ TrIda ^ e n , _,T«Myr/’ Pai-iM'^ ^UVon Korruon .... ..... " '? !H aiti Holloway - ....-■■■ ■ ------ t 1Clara Kcaler -pfHelolae M U Ier____________________ _nortne* uchult* --------------- _-______Teaertriid* Seat___ t i

Karjon* ararfc~7.7':' ...........................Ilrlen Bleirn* _________________ ___ lTeHelen T a y lo r------------------------n«len Warner ________________Almeda Atont __________ ~f .Kathryn Bryaon------------------------------t «»3nor* Chrutopher _________________t »Alberto D rjd tit - ............ -h.MUdred Elrod ________________ __ f ]NUia Otiiirteraon ......

-MotKl ro.lertrfir» ' t ?r«ther Bmlth . _______________ ___.-.T«Mariuerlta •niomet* __________ " TeEmma Waeiier __ ______ _ _ _ _ _ ' "t »Cecilia Deckwlth___________________ TeRuth Darling --------------------------------- ,t «1.eota t)eAl1ey_______________________t iNoro m ie h e r_____________________ Ttom* H e iu ley_______________________S th " Ka°utV°.'*..~.~~::T~~'^-------------^Vivian Klink ---------------------------------- ^Iran* Uharp ___ ___________ T«Maime H ln l l l i____________________

^ v , : u e " 5 ; m h ; " t - - i i m i i _ i i i - T i ? :Pearl McKean__________________ _ t ,Mra., H.rty Ba1| ____________________Uoyd Ollmorei .... ........ ....... . . t ,Mr.. Charli* N o rth _________________t ,Mr*. H. N. M unanlker______________ r t

V rt. CtM “ -■I777 7"~~ ^

y.% ' ^ ; ‘a'y7 • --------------------- - Sliene ry«il«n ----------------------------------Tem7»" Thorp^*°" 7..' . ' . I l T I 7 ' . i I7 '7 i7 ! t JMra. W llatKock ............ ...................Tf»lr«. Chaa. p. UrM)n ------------- ----------TrUltabf.h J C m llh --------------------------- OlTOTAt. W.VRRANTS 1S3WED OKNCRAl

rn tW i'o ^ V ^ V INTCRESlIt II. Uratea. treaaurer .. ..................InDept, et tMbllc tnreatmenu . - ____InTOTAL WARnA.TIB LMUEO OS ISTEIH:

m nnaN Ta is a ir o ov si,n k i. \o I t» Wh».. r*.a ri; II tlta ie .. tteaauree ------- ---------- !,«TOT.^L WAtnU»;iFR tSSL'CD OII DWKI!

winRANTs is a t r n on tn tNSPonxAj M.ae;^ A'ii^um.)tii;e Company_____ ....Tr

\vart.fr| n:o-h>-r. _ .717.-717. Tr TUTAI. WAnnASTTS ISaCCD ON TIUN3I

»V,\nnA.NTS IS!.L't iM T n iiiT rcND 7 ___ 7.I . T !__ I . 7 TrIN K IM l IV.-O ___________________•lfl.\NMlVllTAIION rVNU ........ ............TOTAt. .

tONM.LIIIAILU U»LAN<i: MII.I.I ri( I .M». 1 AI. o r -It

A5M:tcA.'^ii :rr i i <i?;d3 o r tii.s T n itr the -m l iNv»_MWKr<ri_i;. iinso-jDKLlNi^’-'t-'iT TA.'^ra IJ^. 15:3. 1931

I i .u n 'i i . i i i is .»N,1 WARRASr.i i:; MNKiNtj »-VMi n tyL -ir.c iit:irM . . .j bcnn.L-a . , , . ■ - - ■

r \ r iT \ L \ tc o t NTvI rcn^|_»G s

: ■ t l.» B IL lIlt» AM' »0>tM PAVABtj: . . ----- ------------

OVRTLVa . .........— .......... ........... -


B'». <r .< tu ::'r . c '.iTru»te«-« of Indep»ntl»iit ft^ttri".Srtano n i :Mai t^» al--ftnar.fial cr-raitlr-fl r ! f.ia cia;n ;i

I -.Sa te»t or 0-.X knc’CMJif aod


, PACS F IV il; ■7.^

OeterlpUon-Books ----------------- ■ 34M - ‘-B U m t .aM Janitor aupptj^ __ e ix n . ._Womntlfc JeUeTlVdirStirams n i o . - |_IBRA In iunuiee--------- 30M . ‘-Ifom e EC. lupphcg 37J«_ Tow*la, laundry 30,19 -■ —fainting, call for bldi. ete. _ ' tsa.tu «-Oloia, bruah _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14.10-Ttaehers plan books_______ is ja-Bolonca-on envelbpea. stMnpa_ 117.09—Becuicol repairs --------. 33.00-Book* ■ J3.43 ■-Paper aupplle* ________47MIp ib e r ' 9,41- n r a t a id ...................- 4J»-Book* ___________________ 388.3S • •Isuperln»ndm t’'raaiaiT .77-7- 4.U0M-.Cletica loloiT _ . . . _ - ............. 300.00.-.Sec’y.Bkbr. aalory_________ l.SSono—Prlnclpar* aolory ■■■ — ----- l.seOiX)_PriD>-lp*l'a salary __________ 1J03M-rrine lps l’s salary , 1.4S3.00-.Ptlnclpat’i *a la ry__________ 1.003.00— Prinrlpal'* aalory -------- ----- 1.43S.OO—Teacher'* aalary ___________ t.»47.oa-Teachefa aaUrr ........- .......... ISSJJ...Upkeep on car ____________ 228.17-iWpkeep on cor ___________ 20.83_-B»ertury'* aalory ■ im oo-.Becretary’a salary_______ S2S.40-Janltor'a aalory ........ ...... . . JM.OO—Janitor'* aalory ----------- ------ .074JS_-Jamtor’a aoiorr .... ............. ,m.oo-Janltor’a aataty ---------------- ,200.00^-Janitor'* aalory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JOO.W._Janltor’a aolory __________ _ I.200.OO-Jon ilo t’a aolory ___ asfljs-Janitor's oolory -------- --------- m.OP-Jan ltor’a aoloiy ,— — . 23.00—Janltor'a ooUry .i,—...._____ 83.00-Jamtor'a aolory_____________ n s js-Janitor'* aoUry iot..«-Janltor'a aolory------------------ il.eo—2>aehfr'* salary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.383.09iTeoche?* u 'a ? !H 7 I I I Z—Teooher:* aolory ............... .400.00-Teacher'* lolory ___________ .122.00 .-Teacher'* aolory _ _ _______ .483.00..Teacher'* to la ry___________ J3I.00-TVaehefa ooJary ______ ____ OOJ.OO-.Teocher'a aolary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.OOO.OO .....Teacher'* **l*ry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.7S0.00—Teactier'a aolory _ _ _______ 1,048.00....Tearher'a. aolary________ 1,096.00-.Tcoeher'a ido ry -----_______ J.050.00.-Teaclier"* folory _________ 633J0.~.T»arlier'a aolory - ....... ....... - . .OS8.OO-Teoefier’a aolory __________ .273.00..Teachrr'o aoUry ________ .12300—TKocher'* aolary —............ .343.00._reacher'a aalary-----------------.iss.OO...Teaclier’a aalary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - JM.OO-..Tnacher'a aalary........... ........ .170.00-Teacher'* sala ry-----------------.SS3J0-Teacher'* aalary ----------_ _ _ .23JJ«—Teacher'* aalory __________ .S33.00.- ^ c h e r ’a aolory _____ _ .183.00... JVacHer'o aolary ..... .. .417.00— IVaeher'a aolory ---------------- .t73.oo...Traeher'a, aolary................. . 44S.OO-.T^elier** aolary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.071.00—Teacher'* aolary _________ asd.so_TVocher’« oolory ...... i.iss.oo--.TVoeher's aalary ___________ l,tJio.oo—TMeher* solary — .............. l.oflo.oo_3>oelier’a ealory ■ 1,133.00-T^eUer'* **l*rT ___________ l.OSO.OO-TeKher'a aalory - ................. 1J 0S.C0.—Teacher’* aalory ,. ________ 803.00-Teoclier'a,aalory.......... ......... 041.80-_Teocher'» aalary ....................1.I30JO— rcacher'a aolory _ _ _ _ _ _ 893,SO ’_Teachff'a aoUrx _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.303.80-TVoeher* lotory ----------------- 1.048J0_Teacher‘a aolary — ...........- l.oio.oo..Teacher'a aalory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 89JJ0—TVacher'a aolary ___________ ’-J,oi4.so-Teacher'* aalory ...... - ....... . poi.eo—Teacliera aalary ___________ 1,071.00— Teacbet'* aolary ■ (HS.OO —Teocbtr'* aolary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ asijto-.Tearhet'a aalary -------- -------- l.lPt.OO_-.T**chtr'» aolory________ l.DM.OO_-Teochpr'a aalary — _ _ _ i J,000.00_Tc»cher'a aalory ....______ 983.00—Traeher'a aolory 1,037JO --Teocher'a aolary ----------------- 8SJ.00—Teochtr'i aalory - _______ _ ,134.00_Tcachor'a aolory , .OSO-OO-Ttaehar-a *oIory ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ JJIJO—Teochir'a aolory. ,03120—Taaehtt* aolory__■_■____ fllO.OO—Tjoehtr-o oalory ..... 089J0—.Teicher’a aolary 838-SO —Teocher’* salary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 083.00 '... ’Peacher'a oalory ■ iss.so—Teocher'a aolary 1.137.80....Teaclier-a ralory .' #n .»—Teoeher'* aolory .............. - I.esOflO_..'Peacher'a ia l* r y ___________ l.03T.a0—Te.chtr’a aalary ....... ............. I.I34 00—.Traeher'a sala ry.................... 1.077.00—Teachera aalary___________ 1.000 00—Taarlier'a aalary___________ 640JO—■IVaeher'a aalory ■ ■ ■____ 1.I88.SO....’Pearlier'., ao lary----------------- 1.174.30—Teach'i’. aalary ...... - ........ _ 1,038 00- . Teaelier'a aalary —______ 1.078.40—’TVachet'a aalary ___________ t,2« 0o—Teacher', aa lary-----------------t.SOJ.OO—Teaehrr'a aalary ■ - 94S DO.-Teacher'a aolary M30.00--'rracher'a .a la ry __________W030 ,—.Teseher’i aalary ---------------- - 1.0:0.00—Teaelier'a aalary___________ 71J.40—Tcaehef* aalary - __________88S.4U—Traeher'a aalory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 907.00—Teachera aalary ___________ 9W40—Tiarlnr'i aa laty_________ _ 8MS0- . ‘Teacher't aalary __________ _ 1.103 00—Teaclier'* aalary .....___ _ l.lBl.oo—'Peacher'a aolory__________- 8S3.eo— Teacher', aalary ___________ ff23.W—TMch«;I n z m i

iiiil; E 7 E E j s— Terchet;* aalary I H I i l l l ! ! ! " «.3o

—1>acner'a aalary H H H H 4t #}....Teacliar'a aalary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20T 00-_Te>rh.:-a ealare ___________ 4 33.. .Te.cnefa la ta ry________ ... . 17100... Teacher', aalary___________ l i e o.- Tf..l;»;a to la ry ___________ 383-.-Tfaclier'^ talary .................... I .1 :•»—_•Teacher', aaury _________ __ 4 On—On nurte'a aalary __________ 4M OOERAL nJND - _____________ 1153.137 77REAT rVND ntRI.SG YE.\R t i l l . ) }.. lB 'tirm ‘’rrbein<!a ....._ . i j { ”«ir7fl-Interea’. on bonon__________ ' SMOO

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C '.-a .«f a-nll.'s. Cei*. of IS*. Board ofri". N.> l,-T-r-.n Pai:. County. BtoU o*'.ri;i ta a l.*ue anrt forrTct ata'.cssrot, to

c. A. n.ULrr.COR.I M.”oSUTlL I

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Notary PuMlc

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · J - - - ^ . c i t y E d iljo n T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. pI e fli me' BODIESDISGOVERED i MIE

■ ; r PAGE SIX

. tcontn iucd From Im i m ue)

5YV0PSIS: E u U rroomm»t« a t Ardm ort. JndUh C»f-n t t . h * t M ln U t r f EmUy's mfco- ne ln r m o lte r, »nd r fly cn E m iir down to CarroUlcB fo r Jl.o E u i t r n c tU o n . EznJiyi prim Jio«« “ luxorioufc bnt no th ing like the prodlratl7 nm CatroJi ptsntaiforv More Important, cne « f the m w t c ha m Jn t oC the I tm p o n rib e C « - m il*. Jud lth ’/i brother David, h w faUrn hemil o»er htels In lore w ith Km«r. D a tld jM t has A dance Jn honor o f E m llr.

ChnpJpr Seven DANCE

• I . . n l w t e u t t r a u It—T h e WrcOs o f Nlnety-

® ' S ’nocl.1cd, "W e ll hnve Ihn l for• n «jK*claliy. f l l f i j 't V -

tlocs l l l l i tu n t." «e In rtlcnU rt.'he t'oT wldc-ewd black boy who wm MRndlrB moHofilew b«lcfc Onmon. •W a eolnir to W p-dnn».

ESnlly had w n tnp-<tnncins on the RtiBc. but »he had never seen u a* tconldoA dancfd It n .X c" mlnutea i f - r Hla ISthe U«S« body «as «

• f c ^ ‘ , iA S V d o i r . . A n d h e d a i t ^. «iU« hU heart thrown back and

jrreat, 5t.vlnc e>-cs cloMcl. the cm-• iodfm eat o f Jn*fWlvc

T lie hard-faced men and wtaUier- bcftten iromcn a-err l ia lf t to the beat o f C M * irs biwJo snd the m o in o f CJwro a ^ ^ M ill Lconldus’danced. u n til beadfl o f S ! ‘e«t atood oiJt on hla bulBlhR t m - liead. ond hla feet rcfuaed at laat to

'‘ w S 'h e atopped there waa < ^ a r o f anplauae th a tpendanta on the chaniWew. 8o m ^ bne flunir a coin a t hta feet, and tlw . coin precipllTited a tconUlaa scrambled c o v c t ^ m . hla teeth n ^ l n f In a wide jr ln . Then he backed precipi­tately from the room. ■_____

A ta a lro fro n iD a rtd .C lm o T ftV ^ ^ •the bow across hla vfoHn fo r sUctw, and wUdcnly the three aan to croon: " I fa a m lchty ^ h l road from Lynchburs to D » n v l l l^The sons 8»thered Tolume M d mo-airntum , the company took I t up, and the un « “ m« c llniax b u n t f tom I llirce down male throflta; . 1

. - I I . th» eurr. rnaWns aWtlT

IIU BhUU* a KUon Th? inretue. ^ I

And >c»ldr<l to <le»th br th# itenn. |Em ily ahlvcrcd. "W hat a pleaaant

it?” David atreed cheerful­ly. "B u t I thousht everybody knew Ux«e old sons«. T tjey w n t n cg o M nss; they'reeero get t b i t where he j j > t t h w o tfte rs -from a reoord. Dut Jse Jmow ^BOW to a ln i It . Those and the sp ir it- ,«als ant AinertcKa o n \ j jand in tb e lf u-ay theyTc claMlcs. ,

Bhe could f<cl th a t, bu t comlDR ® from m n d the statement amprtsed her. He raa the B X *t a jn jo ln jr com- binatlon o f phyaleal and spiritual j, the had e v « known. ^

suddenly hla eye* were r * " - , "I/M'a clear fo r a few minutea. ahall

^ S h e nodded, and hand iri h ^ d th ry flipped OUV in to th e sarden. wh<re the rich smell o f ea rth m ln- e>d w ith the diatant frajffaneo o f ^ ] f spedm th a t to Em ily would ^ Carrollton m lonit “ rP .ii-lrt «o pp « l wddenly. ’ rtth hU ^j-.nnAn uTwn her .•'hmjldrra. and tu rn - ^r a h r r u n til she ccjntkiica.1. . . . u

• You're coin* back tomorrow, ne

bent her h « d , too unhappy to ^

' ni> crip Uchlenod, '•Xlind belns a l j ’ fa rin rf.x wife, Emily?" UU vo ir- ^ . ivh ickv . ' 1

V n i «-er<» auppovrt not to be loo <-.n«T 7.\. tv ume Uke this.-ahe had I 3v;.r<1 aomealiire. She wonrtetrrt [ p \.i?uc ly how >-ou .■tchl'‘ '''M In d lffT - ^

‘S tJM> man werr DavW. t• f fw ilr ln ’t m ln tl belHR a r il tc h - ,

<il2WT'.' Wlte. n:»v'd. t\w I<litch-c!ls:rr." [lv

H r ;ii> rp d " .-mothered cry of •.<-n- j j, c!t!-ne'' lie took h-T In hw arm*.

An rt'ti irvi.-r t:e .-viltl i-TJ'uM vrlV. t ’•Yo'.: t'oii'J Otr'pTT-^ ‘ o t f ' ^ r.f.imi'-T-'-' «ifi-- r.-Tiny;' ^

T o iv.M r: tl.-vtu!. nnw— Hutlit;e *h !'t dirtn’t hap-

rvn ’ -R-i: n.ivfrf, fm ja.it e!rh;<^n . V . ‘-h<-r n '- \T Clve in '•

S IT rn'iM f r - l lhe ,«nax-<‘n JmiVith- f l

" - o r r o ' i r ' f ' Arc! i^

TvV-;:^-: ‘:o | ybrcn>; V.rs:’. V.'r i. ,

o V rw ? ^.''N -”« o - ili. 'A n d ’rrohably, 11': ..... . 1. f i hhr f l t^ r . t3.• v1(• r<v

>"u « ' ! ;V r'''-3rt'ri- ^

CO. •'■'1 1- h . l 2 ^ = ' '

fl'':'.'-!*"-! h% ;.-.!;etMrr ar.d ‘ ‘• s<linoni:li^r-'. rii<“ I r i 'h i ,rrVV. n h „ M t f.»x th.V r.T:llvy r r •^rvv.^

a'r-1 .'it-'r ii.:':: exfirr,i;v jar.-l ' f l ' - l ,-f^h lch .•.> f ■»•• h/.ch>-<’

Ntr?.’ Carrtvl »rj« urA.-Ir.fdrew 1


T o J iisnh »!/• "W fre s o ;r: : |A tn r.;.'.' fou , hor'-.-. :;x r a :ror--|V, t<y'-U. ?■>'-<!. h it ' far.i;r •h tn jo - j a-or.‘£ to Sw M « ! ^ - r«

*• M r. Cirro'.^ pn fjrrt h f r e W < ar.rt nc tt/'P rd fOTS-thlrc ahr.-- ! r l•r.r.aer.ce< fo r cood. s n i D ni.1 I f C th^ « cm boo'_ and th ' '■ '•cam** :-v:. I ! - •r--e';-rr-<l J . l;” .Jons '•n*>3rr.r-. » rd f.ir r .'.- T v

. .M . ■ V

N I N G S T A EY J ^ A a X A lW g J M S — - j

,) » , M, ,

jJJI7 ligh tly , "thej-Tl have to look the ^ other way.” And before ahe could

p r o t ^ he had lifted her In hla nrma, . II - klased her astonished mouth, and act i Z her In the car.

J, "111 be thet« very soon," he whla- the

^ School once more; the same achool and yet a differen t one, enveloped tn a pale lavender'm lat. There were

I,,, occaaloniU lettera from David, ten- der and b rief, becauae David waa too much A jieraon o f action to be at home w ith w rlten words.

"Vou can 't Imojrtne wlmt a tribute lh la la," he wrote the firs t time.' •'Somehow the frtm lly cauuhl me at tt, and the discovery almo.'t cauacd a

ha t panic. I f l! could hold you In my :ty . tim ia I oould ahow you how I lore

you, but worda on paper alt there lo r nnd smirk a t me. rins *'I keep th ln k lns about your mouth

or the way jx u r la.'hes tu rn back- vaa "iird fl, or the way you blush, “ro on. thJnJc -ot tln d lite a fflrJ who can

bhuh l Ood knowa I don't deserrt

And then, when ahe Iiad bc;n back tcA le u Utan three n-ceka, the «1re from ^ David came, followed t w hours

^ la te r by David hlmaelf. hla CfopiTlght, 1033, by Marian Sims)

(Continued In NcJt Haue)

i f i l l l l N D CONCEHT

P R O G R l ANNOUNCEDa l — —e- The fina l concert bf the regular tie aerlea of aummer concerta by the ra. Ttt-ln Palla Municipal band wUl be e- presented in the city park next ■ a Thuraday evening, August 33 at 8:15

l l- o'clock. The ' program follows:March. 'W ashington Oraya,” Oraf*

*d fu la ; o« rtu re , • 'Jolly Hobbers," sup- K. pe; w a it* "M igh ty Lok’ a I^ojc,- e- Nevln; aelectlon. "Joy to tlie W<lrld,"!h Bamlxmse, intermlaslon. March.••■ "Napoleon'a Last charse,” Pauli;J- Sextette from ''Lucia d l Lammer- p, mour.'' Donntaettt; selecllon, "Por- m tune Teller." Herbert: March, "Sem­

per ndelLv" Sousa; "S tar Spangled Danner."


^ M flR E K lK E IlS C JL L E O

: T O F O R E S T E Ilf lG lP S

[ l BURLEV, Aug. 30 — t; . ,8 . For- ‘ ;■ eat Supervisor Bh iln Betenaon M on­

day called fo r SI additional men for ’■ work to be done a t camps under the * ’ ERA project. The call was tnade

fo r 34 men from Mloldoka county, and ten eaeh from Tw in Falla, cas-

S .ihl nnd Power eountlea.® Whl!« the fu ll number calle<J for ,, have no l aa yet reported fo r work.

I t la bellexvd the quota fo r each camp w ill enroll by the end o t the week. The men w ill be placed a t the different camps Including Porcu-

^ ptne, Boatcttrr, Caasla creek, Row- c ll crerk and the Heglar canyon camps.

I T lie R aft r lre r camp In Box E l­der county already haa au/nelent

] help for thU camp as only a small part of the terrUory in Box Elder

i. counly comes under the Ju rly lk tlon ^ o f the pro>?ci supervLw, the great­

er pari ot Box Elder county being . under the U ta li juper\'lsor».

N. W. rvrsberc. technician fo r the „ bu w iu of fuherle.^, la on the ground ,

this »eek mnktna plana fo r.the lm- . f provemenl o ' .^re.ims and w ill ha w ^ :men at work on tliL'v project by the

[end of lh? *fc k .


^ I IIO IJ-WTKU. Aug. 20 - rre ab r- o!lio r iM u of B^tKer, Roserson and vc

• j H olli'-trr n ir ; ,h^re Sun<lnv and or- ta . I c.ili;.-o(l n Ga.ivr: tenm. N. S. An- cr ' ' I i;-:r;<^n of l l r r c r 1. lender nnrt Con- at

r.ul iio tlirrm v ’. !.» w.-.l‘ t.in l leader., M l;.' r .m lii Po'snim of Bereer I ''• ;erre!.iry-trpn.v,irer. Tlie learn w ill ' ' ronilur'. '^rvirr.^ ,T. Roserson. Sun- ■ >:.iv ew iiir.? . S^iVrmber 1.

Rosrr;o:i - Md'.Iu.i-T JInnrtlwork Q• flu b ^ ll ! ir<N-t TlT'-:f1:iv. .V.icU.'t 27.'• jn l : m . I.t t l i r V.nx.e nt Mrs. Roy ee

in Iin.Tr.M'ri, Si“ I Mr. .incl M r .:•'••• nnd nt

D'i:-.. .‘^!i:-.tla\ ru a Ir lp to'Y-nnr.N',o!;,- ,,s:k. tf>

• I Mr. aiul M r ' A. r. C.ilrt»v'.l. M r. r.. , '. ."r t .Mrs M V. K iifjd 'W «:id W. P a ; ' a';.';n;etl the To*luen<t rt.'

rlC!',:. l-V.er, Sundar. ^

RETURN FROM MONTANAj^•• , K ra - l.I. :•> - Mr nna Mr*. 1

'V'Tiir.k Ilr ln in n :>:M f'Jliali'. 'T . M »r-| i.'i'-T'.r. '..nvr Tr:.t:r.'i'. Irr^m

. M .ititr .:,* , Uv.-v v‘.'';',r(i a bre-•n -r or M r Holmc'.

, I o:.-v,n l-xv.-f.'. T>.:r.^Uv o:. a to iVi- ex'-. « i:h o'.l;rr tV'V

, !the nii;;or.^: iAni!>o:e«',j M n Alt>'-r; CertcrS'irj ui-.rtTar;-.: ^


V O l N<; iH.MOCRAT T K A V rtS I in

1 BOISE. Auk : o - J. M. Henrj- Cc• o f Bo'.v. r..'»:!0Ml rcn-.T.lttee- na

T.ar. rer '.ht: >o-,ir.? Deno:;a*-% of ei;: AT.rr.nt. :c ': r(v:«y for M i;» a n ifr .■-1 \VL'/-oa»:ii. to .T.;rr.rt ttx- nrtanLia- d i ' cor.ve-'.lon A-jsui*. 2t . «nJ »r

1, Root beet. Ml»«ion orantr. < lin i- i in I Irion* «nil pop. -Ml ria»or% i f f ^ U . i ju• ’ r®ok« P ritp tnn .—.\dT. !•.•»

r iio -n h a i,. pjpd ih f sronnd. ' - r . r r . Api-I, „o n . ctandon S»lf«( o . -A d i ■ cr

1 ' . .T W IN F A L L S D A D

-] - D IX IE D UG iU ^I . ^ s c n p t a w \ \ w e ^I ALVjWt^S

J 'TH KO rU Pf U A t< tQ u e s ts


® s m f i t j s c . \. ’ / w . f t s e u y '

f ; B A e s t r t f

■ m t iir>«van?E P W ^ ^L M N 6 M I s . ^ J

,, 4W7WT«? H * ^ /' i u©Ptr>— W ^ fi ■ \ r j t ^: . : M f t s a r0 AS f r ^ Mt V

i f m o n a t t r \


' 1 M M h - e tf lM B N 00 1«t>' NOTvwflrmNff TO srmi> OPWN IH MONTWMA AND

• a o \HT0 6t)S>HBSf WITH . • : M B / — .THiNK tT W ^B R ,



■ - l H a

JOB PAhOOK■ I 1 l / o t o N is u

P A B tS ?- ,» ' ‘O 'J V ts r^ H t u e C O U C H Cs e V « R < ^ A N O T H B a ssE N e e fiS ' ^ o e <

A « e W IT H IN '

e A A 9 H O TQ M O e C K f ( .T W C T W O )^.

R IC H _ » d 6c o u u c o e .

p n o c e e o Z M B b BT P O A tT

j r o E . n D n n

I Q - a i_____ I b p S E

J U S T K ID S -I K M N f l a W M E ' l ( D I D 'A D O L L A R . J . ------------t = E R A P O U N b ) r - l O F P U D S E - / ■

■" '

1 = ^ = = ^ ^ = ^ = = = .DIVORCE ORANTED C

BURLE\’ . Aup, 30 — Eiltabe'.h Do- fc m.in XM granted a decree o f divorce | frotn J»cob Doman In dU trlc t eoiiM . he rf Monchty by Judge T . BalV-v l / ^ . j Cu'toilv of a m inor child. R u w ll I Doman. wa* awarded to Mra. Domnii ] and the courl ordered defeiid.inl to p,i>- JIO per m onth fo r the ;iip? on or the ehlM. Oround.1 fo r the d l. | vorre '•a-' ric-vrtlon. allecod to u k rn p:a,-e January I. 1533- T lie .^ f co',i;i> aav married AUKU.«1 :s. 1517, i'*- at A;^:^^. | “ ,


m.M:iJ.V. Aue. 50 — Robert N.-' nni*. Avon y^jwler both oJ O s - '

cter, U uh , .v>:;ired a marrlase ot eeiv^* t ir r f .Simaav and were married ; S'.irrt^y n rn tt iB bv Her. C. O. nt rrc.'byterlan parsonacT.

A ir.^ ir!;,ie llc e n v aa.' Kraniet! j to L. <.v Nlf'J^'tv o f B«r>v ar,<‘. I ta r .. ; r..it, Mfl.'en o f T « m by Coun- ■ _ a R. -order CaJnn R U V ifh i.rtJV. I

— l r

L e g a l A t lv e r t ls t m e M i '

Ax"()TH C R ^VM M O N s'' of

iw U-- D iitr lc t Ccnirt of the l-1ev._O '.1: J;;f.;t:-il D istrict o f the S'..i'.' cr l(:. !;->, in and for T » :n f.ills.

\v. J.' M w i l ’.. f la tn tiff .

5 , .i\N ;ih Morrvll. Deftn<l»r.i.. I tK .STATE OF ID.VHO SESC^S ‘

G itK r iiN G S TO “n iE , \n o v i j ^N,\MVU DUFESDANT: I ,

V o i“ ARK }|EREDV .SOTIf TED “ t r^.xp laint haa b ^ n fiJecj ■

u -- !r .'t you 111 the D m r lc l Cou.t o f ; in'; Eleventh Judicial p la u ic t o f i t .e SiJte of Idaho. In and for the I Cour.ty c f T * ln Pa l^. by the above named p la in tiff, aodlyou are hereby) Sirrcted :o appear a id plead lo tlie 1 ^ i.iid complaint w ith in twenty Say., o’ the service o f thU »ummona; [ ar.ci IOU are h jrther notified th a i iIP jrJr*.' ;ou *o appear and plead to . •I'.d con-.p^air.t w nhto t h t V.me here> -..n the platnUtf wUl takeluJiir.er.t acalnst you aa prayed irx W ' \ ‘.a eorc.plilnt.

Th!'. action t< broiiEht b r t;.- :!3.r^t;:f for the purpo»e of quiet- ,:.c ti:'." ir. h im :-;f lr. and to ih->t Al cr::i_-. : r . i i p r,'i: ;:ty it t ja le ' j j V.-.t ^

< -

A I L Y N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , P A

N .


H T H -



)KAo u U IKE ' ------s / I 'M W B R Y - ] | F [ ki . = i s u p p c s e ) [ wT s m s D T w e • v V ^ B « j ^ M n Rs ■HoS O p S x M I ) \

[ s § t_ I t 'vO O K lU l.M e I

I Y O U . T A K E IW IT H O U T \ (, I T P A N Y )

E F F O R ^

County o f Tw in PaUa, S lt le o! Id it- ho. and pa rticularly dc5crib.-a as

• follow*, to -w lt:Lo t NO. 81* (fll. In Block No.

' ! Sevcnty-nlnc iTVi. of the Crtein- I rtl Townslte of the City o f T^m

I Palls, aa the *am? U chottn on , ' the fin a l and amended plat of

aaid Tow tu ite. on file and of i record m the office of the Couii- I ty Recorder o f the Counly o f i

, T a in Palla. State of Idaho i' asftlnM the above named r t'te ndant;; for the purpoae of excluilins *ald

' ' defendant from any inte rr.'t ll'.c-rrin: ' i«nd fo r the furU ier purpo''- of ;o r- ' .pver reslra ln lng antS tSebnitn ^ said •defendant from a jje rtlna ar- d i.im ' I ahatever In and to aald ln:i‘ l and 1 jprffnJ.v.i o r «uj' part thereo,' '

W ITNESS my h*nd and i:.- .va l 1 of said D b tn c t Court th li 1C--, Jay '

.o f August, 193S. ’I FRANK J. s .\fl n r . JI (Seal) Clerk. |C H A a A. NORTH.

i Attorney for the P la in tiff. ‘; Rcsldtns at T ^ in Palls. Irt'; .-'. ‘


i Esute o ! HuberX W. Wi'.jor.. De- ccaaed.Notice la hereby gUen by the :

■underatgned execuirw of ;:,r <-late to of Hubert w . WO.*on. -tieera.-;!. to lhe creditor* o t and all ;vr;iT.v ivav- •

• lue elalma agalnat the .s.iiri 4l'',-Ased. for to eahtbi: them "'tth »:c .T'-'cr.vuT ' f vouchera. w ith in w i after Jui

|:h e flra t publication of t:... ::(%tice, *d i :o Joh n .W . Oraham. (or by!>Ald execatrix, a t h.< ... the JoiT w in FlaU Bank T ru-. :iu;Uing. •«< County o f T w in PalU. I^aho.thla being the 'pUee the o f 'traniAClSoQ o f the busi:-.»- o', uk'.d *C- (■state. ***'

: Dated Ju ly 27. J535, th *LENNA D. \t:u - ia s '. , Exe7\itnx ot l a l l wUl and tr.u ::;r r .t of - Hubert W. \v;:-5n. de-

- ’ •_____________ to•! ■ ,\N OTH ER SCMMONS ” jn*I IvJl l n the D is tric t Court of : i . ' j i n f o th ra t ; Judtcta l D titilc*. o f ;?,< -dta-.e o f dec ; Idaho, la and for T'»:a Falla en

County. ’ ^o<W alker Bank & T ru 't Cosipaay.: cor

a corporatic*!. 1 ofr ; i ; r ' - f f - Ida

—vv— ' p«iA ll Of the u:iUno«n hr;v. dcr- cov

l4cta o f Mar,a O uite:;. c -::s ;e d ; 14C:


D A H 0 , W E D N E S D A Y M O R N IN G ,.

” F IS H IN G FO R M Y SB o w l rO R MOURS HC POURST H E ■ c v c B M u s r y m s io w c A u ,

1 BOOKS tN T W C IN N '&- ; j J .SCANT L I6 R A R y .R £ « 0 (N &fiW A G O U T T M e C A R jyW lS lW ? /

t iW l l o r T v « uacA L iTS t—

* j f ; , 0 0 0 HBRR H O - B in i l HAD ' LIN(? CAVe YOU ^ SOME M 0N6Y (00 EK0U<3H T b V IN TXC SANK FOfi X>g«'^BW > n fiN » TWB BAWMce


■ ^ p o v c ^ '^ \ . ( T ig r re R iN G ) ! T S P € A K P R e N C H ? U OOW N t o C , D o e s ' l o u R r ^ f *5 re 6 « A o e i |J Kftj»1ll_V < = ----- k TAKE t r FOR t IS P S A K €N G L .tS H ? );*A B fT Of* «i HOW UDN<3 — T^TKAC rH O M eV

> i1 5 u j ^ p e e U N O -E H ?

c e r r iN ' a l o » > « - J /— r s c u ^ e w e . r f

\ ( D O N T E V E O D O I T I [ T l

Lenrt tVJJIlrtma. .K m e tlm ti knoan'FalJ; » aa U n a D. WUllams; Rosa Van [ ■

Caster. If she be living, or i f ahe be dead, all of her unknown heirs, devisees and leeal repreacntatlvci: Qi Auguata Stevens, i f she be Iinns, ai: o r If shc be dead, a ll o f her un- <li known heirs. devLiees nnd legal <r reproentntlvea: Irm a Derycker, If W ahe be living, or i f ahe be desd. the t a ll of her unknown helra. devisee* o l Ji anA' leR.al repreaenutlves; Jeanj BaiitLtte Mlchlels. i f he be Uv- iSea li<g. o r i f he be dead, a ll of l:L*. IfY ar unknown helra. devtieea and leeni ’ J. H, repreientniive.i; ■ all o f the u'n-j At known owner*, c la im an t, and] Rr parties claim ing a ll or any portion Tm o f or estate nf Interest In the f r l- . — loa lng dr^crlb<^d r ta l estate in the Couniy of 'Ta-ln Palls, St. •e of Idaho, T o -w lt: Lo l Three <3> in Block E lghty-sU (M ', of Twin •‘ ’’o

' Falla TownMte. being a portion ofjUnde the i3outheast Quarter of the!e»iat Northwest Quarter (S E 'iN W M jcrcdi of Section Sixteen (18). Toanshiu «**“ « Ten (10) South. Range Seventeen cxhit (IT ). East BoL'»« Meridian: E. J. »ouc Stepken and Scltaa A. Stepken. ttie j hla w iff. John

Defenttanta. adinl Twin

The State of Idaho senda creetlnRS cour to the above named Defendants;

Vou are hereby notified that a com pUint haa been filed acain.v. you j? ‘ ‘ Jn fhe DL«:r;e: Court o f the EJeirn:/j * Judicial D is tric t of the State of Idaho, tn and fo r T w in Pall.< Couniy. by the above named p la in tiff, and ycu are hereby directed to appear and p lr.id to the ta ld .complaint I “ “ w ithm ta en ty daya o f Ute aem ce; of th i ' summons; and'you are f - jr th - . ep jio iltied tha t unlesa you ao appear *’■ and plead to aald complaint w ithin the tim e herein apectfled. the plain- t i f f w ill tKkA Judgment against you a* pra jed in\aald complaint.

Th^ nature of plalnUff'a cause of ^ T action Lt. and th la action la brought f*™ to foreclose » real esute mortgage proof made on the 22nd Cay o f October. P '^tu

11930. by W. n . Priebe. aa Admlnlat- of H jra to r ot the F.itate o f Marte Ouibert, « r ra deceaaed. to W *lker Brotbers Bank- catloi

le n (now w .ik e r Bank & T n ia t U» *<1 Company, p la in tif f herein), duly re - condl : cord id In the office o f the Recorder to fo r 1 Of ^ I n Palls Couniy. B u te o f of IId a h i. in Book IOO o f Mortgage*, a t Idahi p«ce r a tnereof. which xe.or^fSse] l- corera the fc>IIowtns deacribed't^m - drew i4Ca situate la the Co'anty of TWJSjhold;

i . A U G U S T 2 1 ,1 9 8 5 .'

^ T E R Y ! ' '

I . A T O T > ^ *T 1M e 9 WC KEE U IS f^ 0 0 ^ ^ A N O K A 'S 'A N O ! C U A H Q C R M A ID R C R » 7 n & < - ' l/g rE N T U V O V E R L A » S e OtA

■ —! -------------- .—


i:e ftflWB UUP s w R o r } r soppo^ »i B i« N B « ALSO » / I MUS


^ -------- “ V / i v - ^J VVE M U R t3 €« eo ' S "Jfv 4 IW /T H e C K O W O

■ s

: S A W N f H O W D O - Y O U 3 T A R 5 V \ T H A T P U D S E

alia. S late o f Idaho. to-wJt: S- •Lo t Three (3) In Block E ighty- Box

.%Jx (M ) o t T«'ln palls Townalie., 2,being a portion o f the Soulh- lu llenst Q u.irtcr o f the Northweat auelQuarter (SE’; NW ’i ) of Section of ililx leen U 6t, Toww.hlp Ten abU<10> South. Range Seventeen use,• 17) East Bolae Meridian. acc Wiineas my hand nnd the aeal o f sucl

le snld D is tric t Court th la 3<Kh day sccc■ July. 1335. 3-

PRANK J. SM ITH . beei ^ » l) Clerk. i>os«rank L. Stephan. benM, Blandford.Attomeya fo r p la in tiff. <-Residence and office U!>ecTa-in Falla. Idaho. 10 I

■ ---------------------------------- ---- - 16..NOTICE TO CREDITORS PoU

6,■ tn ic of Dau Delin. Decea;-ed. u jf j Noticc u hereby Kiven by Uie ideraigned adm inistrator of the tate o fD a n Dclln . deccaacd, to the cduors o t and a il havinc*ima agalnat the said deceased, to ___t;ib;L them w ith the neceaaary 'uclicr.'. tiiU tln u x axonihs a ftere f irs t publication o f thia notice, Esti hn \v. Graham, a ltom ey fo r aald o itn in iitra to r, a l h u ofllee tn the n, r ln Falla B ank A: T rus t Build ing, tmd )un iy of T w in PalLs, State of Idaho, m u la bclne the place fixed fo r the »om M iia c tion .o t the b'iaw«va o f said j^v.d tate. [deceDated AugUit 20, I33S. |per>

J. EDW ARD W .Ml.S tR. [aald A dm inU tra io : of the last the K ill and testament ot Dan mor D clin . deceawd. of t!

- _______ — ratoOTICE OK PROOF OF COM- iB la i * ^ jO V OF WORKS AND A P -IT ru V -llC A T lO N OF W ATER TO Twt

b e n e f ic ia i . r s e . ' " b- tran

Notice U hereby sxieii th a t a t « ta » A . M. on the 26th day of Sep- d i nber. 1535. a t T»sn Palls. County T w in Pail*. State of Idaho, be­

re J . E. R oberu ; N o u ry PuM«. oo{ w tll be submitted of the com- Mlon of worka for the «Uver»loo s-^p \< cubic fee l per aeeond o f auB- A'

rrahcan water and of the appll- Ri tlon to beneftcui use o f aaid water ^ accordance w uh the te rr r j and

ndltlona o f Perm it No 17JM. here- NO^ tore tasued by the Co(nmi».Moner: 1

Il^eUmaUoo c f the S ta t* o f ^

1. - ^ e nan-.e and pcjtofnce ad- 10:0 evs o f the prrJo;i or corpo.-auon. temild r -s i :« Herbert jT a -

■ 1

B y J . P . M c E V O Y a

x e p s - r o l a n d / jj.ih o u « « >


f t '


B o r ^

rp Iv fC U I M flV K I AM p w “ l >US/»NP BUT X HAOe T » SGLP svwiNa v r A t ) o r F W 5bi>ple \W ST BON I - I M AFRWO OCRS fr-S E B , / U N D O R O M V rU flA T d im m e r // -rt> B€KTO H MISS

- o n o CJRiFB M .L DL r . P R ' ( ^ f r o1 ^ FINE V0U N & NOO

m M

:e TAUKINQy X S A Y — I ' L l J T , H E 'O t ie s L U C 5 a e t5 ) ^ --------------N o u . f Z ~ y ^

4 ? W

j i n * H U T f f C £ ^


U M ^ K E l l I D U N N M fH E R Ei h - / -------- - - B U T r ^ t e n

I ' L L J ( d o l l a r .'

S. Pnime, Tw in Falla, Idaht>. P . O ., L.^

2 Said works o t diversion w ill be totu lly completed on the date aet fo r peiauch completion, and the amount nnof water which aald worka are cap- th 'able of conducting to the place o f No uae In accordance a l lh the p lana, ucaccompanying the application fo r Sn auch iw rm lt, Is I * cubVtt feel pet

use to which aald water has ..»ibeen applied I* Plah Hatchery pur- u.iP<MA and the amount F. beneficial use la H cubic feet per .second. _ , ly<

4. The place whcte aald water ^ - uoed la the N W ' iN W '. ^ c -1. T.10 5 . R n E -a n d S W . '.S W '.^ c , I r r . 10 S . n . 17 E-, B. M.. T a in FfllLs County. , . , . sw

5, The date of prio rity which sa.d user U prejiared to esubllsh is OC- ,5

k . w . f a r . ^ . ”Commlsaloner of neclamatton.


EaUte Ol laa lah Goodrich Beam,

N ^ lc V *u hereby given by the undersigned Adm inlatrator of the eautc of laaltthlomcllmea known aa Good Beataandaom ellm eaknow nasI.G .B eam .aectaaed. to the cred itor* o f and aU peraona having elalma. agatnst the ^ id deceaaed. to exhibit them w M i the nece«a.-y vouchera. Wit in a u ^ Bontta atter the>• lhla notice, lo the aaid A d m in j l- -ator a t the offtces of Sieph.m and E*- BlandtonS, T w in PaUs Bank A: J r r u 't Bldg.. T w in FalL<- County 0. u*‘< rw in PaUa. State of Idaho, th t i pe- ing. the flra t place fixed for the ^ tranaactton o f the In j-vne* 0: a*Jd } * r

^Dated August 17. 18J5- IR L Q . BEAM.

Adminlatrator of *Jie 0. ' E.«ate of la a lih Oood- at r ich iJeam. EWeeaaed. ® »

Stephan * B land ford ,- ••-Attomeya lo r Administrator.Realdence and Otllce.Tw tn ra lU . IdahOfc


F IC IA L fS ENotlee ts hereby given that at

10 CO I m on the 2 l* t day of-Se;>- .^ le :«mber. T 9 » , a t Bu lil. County o f i , A r» in sta te IdajiD, bi.'w..- F

r ,and J. H . S T filE B E L;M h c SAIO..MC MAOCSHe>n, '


— ~ I M l

i ^ F R O M A B E A U ^ ^

» s e e ' |I| I I ' i W

t f F e / '>iR HUM,L BSGIH W t B ^lis$ BRAir^ AL DER ■FROM KISS VN O o b iE / 1


e A S Y . I .T ^ ( D lO hn* M E A N \

S n^ a n y t h j n q . ^

H E ’S T H E TO P !

f\P L S ! A B O W l o f

C H E r R i & s -

Notary Public, proof w ill he submilted o f the application to beneficial use of one cubic feel per iecond ot the. wuiera of au un­named aprijis in accord.inec w ith the terma nnd conditions of Permit No. 18013 heretofore issued by the •

.U cparim eni of Recliimatioii of the Stnte of ldnho ._ I

Tfie name aiuf po.tofflce addresa of the person or co.-iiorntlon holding -■ alcl jy rm lt are U01.1 j j . D aila , V ira D.IV1S ixnd Alice Strlcklnn, Buhl R.P. D. No. 3, Id iiho.

Ths use to which said water haa hern npplietl U Irrlaatlon.

The amount ftpplied to beneficial Uie Is one cubic foot per aecond. j

The place where .uiJd water i i A -0 flc.-es Jn SE’ .S W '. , i (icrej m H a w .S E '. . Sec, 32, Tp, S S.. R. 1«£... nnd 10 ucrea m .NE'.NEU, and 15 acrca in the S W '.N E '., Sec. 3.Tp. S S , n . I t K . It. M.

T lie of the e.inal or ditchor other worka by which anid water U conducted to such plate of use U private duch.

7 |je r ig h t to take water from such I K l t P rrra il No.

The source of supply from which auch water 1* diverted la unnamed ap.-tng.

I The date of the prio rity which said user U prepared to e.»Ubll.»h l i Sep- tembes. 12. i 93<. • ^ ■

R. W. PARIS. Comm£.«toner ot

\ ______ Rcela.matlon.-NOTICE TO CREDITORS

Estate Of W. C. Moore. D ecfa jfd.Notice u hereby, given by the

underslsned Execuuu of the U a t and teaum cnt ot W. C. Moore.

deceased, to ihe creditors o f »nd all penons bavi7}g c aiau against the said deceased, to exhibit tiiem w ith , the neceaaary voucher*, w lthtn »tx month* a lte r the- f i n l pubUcatlon of thU notice, to the aald Ctecuirtz a t lhe l«w c:tkei o f Stephaa aod Blandford. Tw in Falla Bank & TTuai B ld g , Tw in FalU. County o f Twtn Palla, S u te of Idaho.' lh la being the firs t plaee fUed fo r the transieUon oi t^e tu.*l7t«u o! stiC es:»Jr. 1

Cttted July 30. 1935. #MAJSELL ANN MOORE. f

E xrcutrlx of the laat wi:; j and testament o f .W. C 4 .Voorr. deceawd. f

.S ifphan A: Blandforrl, j , Atierr.eys tor Executrix.' Re>;d j.; at T»-". Falls. U iho .

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · J - - - ^ . c i t y E d iljo n T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. pI e fli me' BODIESDISGOVERED i MIE



D eteo it' New York

T iger M\ C arl B

M c C a r t h y m e n S t r i k i

B a c k A t S c h o o l b o y

W i t h V c n g c a n c e


fit. Lonls 8>3. Oonlon 3>1 Chlcaio 13-11, FlilladelpUU 4-4 C(evc{Ktid 4. tV u fiin ito o 2

^ Ne«T York 6, DetroU 5

- D E T f tO IT . A u tf . 20 (/P) - A f t e r bo lus ’ o u t fn th rc p re v io u s e n c o u n te rs w it l S ch o o lb o y R o w e a t N a v i f ie ld , th e N c w Y o rk Yankee a t ru c k b a ck w i t h vengeance n th e D e t r o it m o u n d aco toda : a.s th e y d e fe a te d th e ieagu' Ic a d iH tf T ifc 'crs 6 to 5 to s o t aj e ve n b re a k in th e fo u r -g a m i aorles. T lic viclory cut lhe Tlgtri m areln ovor lhe Yanlcs to s ix game:

HcJd to three hlta by Itow# Sun duy, Ihc Yankeea lo it no tlmo sot l ln s to ttio tilg rig h t hundcr. T lir found h im tor tiuve hlt^, Ineludln

■ K homer by Ben Chapman, and a m any runs h j the rirs t inn in * ani then blasted h im Irom the mourn In the U ilrd when they put toteth er anolher cluster o f three mna oi Tour Wta.

Durtns: th# remainder of the gun' the Vnnkecs were hetd to one htt tr Jc« Sullivan and Slon HormU bu the damage had been done.

The box score:S«w Y«rk AB R n n J

Comb* If __________5 0 0 4Xo ll* St> 4 1 1 1C)i»pm»n er » a ' a itn h rtg i l l 4 2 3 T i• f lk i tk r f _ s o i l '.'•cknr o - 3 0 1 1t^Axcnl M --------------4 0 1 1H iIU |* r r r 3 b ------ • 3 0 0 2

- AlUn p ------------------1 0 .0 0Oomtm p , 1 0 0 0 I

Tot*u — ^ ' • " a n 'OMTOit AB R IC 0 J

w n tt* ef _ _ _ _ _ s 0 2 sC««br*D« • _ 3 0 0 3s:c ssf,;.-= i s ; ;

' QtMCibtrs lb ______4 1 3 S IS W _ 4 0 0 4

k n o i f l l u __________ 4 1 1 3T r o * rf _ « 0 0 .-3\ Oken - Sb ■ 4 I . a 0 1

lw « * p ----- 0 0 0 0 IBullHkn p _________ 3 1 1 0Q..WBlk*r ■ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 0 IMofiets p _ _I 0 0

■' T o u l i _________ —J3 S 10 ST "1e-Datted for Buinv*!! in «IJ>.N«w Yerk — _»_303 000 000— ID ru o l t _____________ .Wl 004 000— :

Brreri — Retell. Oflirls. Ch*pmin Tiro b»t» 'M u — OtbilntfT, O^fit 3 nraenbrrc. Tnre* bM* h iu — Othtic White. Horn* maa — Ch»pm»n. oreen' hctir. SkcrUicM — Chapmui. Wlnnlni biuner » Allen. Lo«ini plicher—Rove

White Sox ClimbCmCAOO. Aug. 20 t/P j-Lcd b)

Bantam Jocko Conlan, who bangec out « c« n hits, /nciudlng two douti- lc3, in elBht limes a t bat. the Cht- c.igo W hite Sox batted the ir va> linck In to th ird place today by de- teatlng tlie Phllndclphlii A lhelllci Jn both ends ot n doublchcader, 13 to 4. and t l to 4.

rirM anhip; ft II >riil!» rtrliim * ....... 300 ftOO IOO-- 4 11 1Chic»)!o________o ji 010 MX—n 11 1

\Vil»h»r», T»irlK»i;;o tad H frrj; Ken- ar<l» «ntl 5e»»ll.

Hflrnntl s»ms;i-h iudtiphu \n n It a A

r f - 3 1 * c Jotuunn If S 1 0 C

IB ■ _________ 4 1 « ClHcillv< 3t> _ _ _ _ _ 4 1 1 1 4Mc.Nilr M _________ 4 0 3 0 3\Vnr»tI»r St>_______ < 0 1 1 1rtichtreit c j » o e

p ..................... 4 0 0 0 1T o n s ---------------- is *4 l i JI 1Chicam An U II o A

R4UC1IU i f _________ 4 1 1 'O 0.Himmrni f f ----------- 5 2 - 3 1 0

A Appiuu M ~____ 3 3 1 3 8. (Contlmred on rscc 8i

R u n

iHy The A isoc litc il P rn t)r«xx , A th t f i l f , _ _______ -Rlmmoru. Sox""_____Z"" 1t liipm an, Vankw* _______ itiree nb frr. T l je r m _________ __ ISnllrr*, t l f o v t u ______________[ jItr rs rr , l l r a tn ... jO II. tila o U ..... ........... ~ Il.r lb fr , Glanla ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iIlotl>rock. CarillnaU . iM rdKlck. Cai-dlaalj ___ ____ 1

Tlie LeadenGreenbert, T i i e n ________n e r f t r . Urate* — ~ ^Ott, fJU hl^ . . . . .______________ _roxT. t . ih lfU f i .. ........ ..............23

t.ear>e Total*\ '4 llnna l , .........................American . . .................. ....... S27

N e w P l y m o u t h T e a m

T r i m s I d a h o F a l l s

R O lS f; :0 ,T —Nc»- Ply-i Irc to n junior1 b.i'ct.-v:! :« m . c^arr.rion of Idaho.' ;»y c!*>*;cd :;.c t f in i.\ , ^1 ro 7, n a earrv a .T s ;: i^ u p t r .

th r .^ai'ric^iu L fj;p n coruention' ' vr:ivi:i.-s hf.-c.

Idaho P a lli led j to 3 »\ (he esd ef tlic r . f i i j tns:r.e bui a loar-run r»:iT 1.T s ixth sare Nex Pty- n-.ou;h *n adTantage t ta t w asocrrr otcrcwaa

K E E S B♦ » ♦

t G rou pk ’8 6-5 V ic tt la rg in To S i H ubbe ll Resii k e _

s I u i i i i i r i i pI I I I l l i^ |U l l^ J .^


New Y o rk ___________ T2 i l ,WRl. L o u U ____________ «« 43 .81Chicago _________. : i 47 .6«

>) _ _ P ittabarfh __________ C« 51 Mhrc<} RrooWyn .•----------------- S3 09 .«w l ih rh lladelph la ________ ..60 6< .4:1av?n Cincinnati ---------------- 49 08 ' .41

S " ........z z i - ” " •*': c a t . AMERICAN LEAGUKjd a y w . L, rcle u c P e tro lt . .------------- ------10 41 .03i^ n n |N 'e » Y o r k ------------------63 46 47^ “ " {C h ic a g o _____________ 57 S: SZa m e , f io t io n ........ ................. 50 u j zIger# c itre U n d .....................5g S< • J lames. ________ «g 55 .44

IVaahlngtofl --- ---------<7 Cfi .«■Si; O'- ....— « ”idlng

Denver s Junior Team Wins, 8-i

lit by1 but ---------

C o lo ra d o N in e N ose s Ou

; » S t . P a u l; T u ls a T r im s

! 0 S u n n y s ld e .3 0 —5 1 STOCKTON. Calif.. Aug. 20 WV2 0 In & rousing n in th Inning fln la l 0 0 the Dcnver"Amerlean Legion junla

^ baseball team noacd ou t St, Fau ir B B to 7, here today to advance t0 A the M mUItnals in the eUmlnntlo: 5 S (or the western champlonsiiip.} 0 The Denver nine, which w ill mee1 a T u lu , OUa.. tomorrow, came tron 5 g behind In tho fln n l tcsslon whei2 1 tlic St. Paul team blew up and al3 0 lowed three runs on w ild throw.0 “ Tulsa'a Joo Catson Posl No.0 J defeated Sunnyslde, Wash., 0 to0 0 In a m om tng gojne,• t In the fin a l battle Thursday, th J ■; w inner o f tWe Denrcr-Tuba con

test w ill meet Uie w inner o t a gani< •0— « between Sacramento, Calif., am

C h lc to .rn 3.

Illness Keeps Prcw d

From Golf Tourneyoutl- — —

“ j : D ic k O lso n C o n fin e d to Bed

W ra y a n d C a m p b e ll to

'■ ” P la y a t B o is eII X . ...} j } D ick O ljon. golf professional or Ken- Tw in Fallx. Rupert, Duhl and Bur­

ley courscs. w ill detlnnlcly not cn'.et ft * the Idaho slate open loumam enl nt } 0 Oolse thU week-end due to illnr.v: { 0 T lic pro ;a id I««t n igh t :h s t he , o had planned pn making the (rip. but1 4 lh a t doctor’s orders prohibited any J 5 competitive play during th e remain- J ^ der of the wa.ion. For the pn?l ) 1 eight days otson has been in bed ■ — w ith a severe attack ot arUirllt».' ” A pa ir ot amateurs. A. C. Camp- 1 0 bell and Pete Wray, plan to reprc- i 0 sent T«-in Fatl.i In the open totirncy.

~ I d a h o W r e s t l e r

T o s s e s B r o w n i n g

SAN FRANCISCO, AliC. :» i-V. - X'lncffit {h<* Irf,iho .Afcxlc.m.drteated Jim B ro *n ii; : of Havenii, Missouri, in 31 iiiir.utc.'. licrc tonlsh'..

\ C Lopes won lhe bout, .'clieduled for 3 0 " '^ one fa ll, w jlh an overhead head-

^ lock. Lopet wclfiied :03 pounds. Browning 21C.

.M an Mountain Dean. 317, o f Nor* 2 cross. Oeorglft, had aerred to throw

. 1 Chief L itt le Wolf. iZS o f Peublo, , 1 Colorado, twice tn 20 minutes but . 1 he fnlled to th rox h la i a: all and . 1 the Indian was decl.irert tl;e «;r.ner.. 1 M arry Jacobs 315, Ch!csf», d.-fra:- . 1 ed Ivan Kamoroff, 21*. Rii'.sla, ir. - 1 five mlnules w ith n Ijody 5Um,4 1 _________ _ _____________. 1 -----------------------------------------------------

. 23 l2 i/A ff /3 r in n v tL ± y A < rr ’^ 0 ^ x /

.1 B U T 'r to o '> / O H . n o -531 u iO O L ip M 'T \O A C K 5.827 \ c u e v e R

J 1*50"e e C A U ^ n h c ^ a g o o © a " T o o -lls --'lio r ' ^

T W m F A L L S D A IL

M A S T.. » •

P led g esory Cuts ix Games; icues G iants

B i l l T e r r y ’ s T e a r

k P r o t e c t s T h r e e -

- * G a m e L e a d


8t. U u ls 0, Hoiton 5 [•ct. P llUburgh 2, Brooklyn 0 e „ Sew York ft CJncInnUl 5 Q]3 Chicago at rhlladelph la postpoi SQe ed, rain.

N E W Y O llK , A u i i . 20 (fP )- 439 T h e N e w Y o rk G ia n ts p n

tc c fe d t h e i r th re e g a m e lea d I th e N a t io n a l lea g u e p e n n a r ra ce to d a y b u t tJ ic y w e re fo r<

•ct. cd to go te n in n in g s a n d pu 631 in a h u r r y u p c u ll f o r Cat

H u b b e ll b e fo re th e y cam t l i r o u g h w i th a G lo 5 de c is io i

,,g o v e r th e C in c in n a t i R eds...J, TlJo league lenders, holding

threc-gume ninrgin over the Card -g, Inals. HpDareiitly hnd lhe game we

In hand when they licoded in to th eighth w llh a 4 to 1 advantage an Lcnoy Parmelco pitch ing atead b«». They hnd *cored twJOfl Ul th firs t inn ing a t tiie e.xpense o f Pni Derringer, pu l over another In th

7 th ird when Mel OH parked his 35t homer in tho slunds and addc the ir fourth ta lly tu the fourth.

Then almost w ithout wam ln Parmelee blow iip fo r the lou rt

j i t f atra lght game In which be ha started. Tlirca htt*, tncludlng double by pinch h it le r Campbel sent two runs acrosa the plate an Parmelee to the showers. A l Sm ltt hla succcssor wns do ' jno rr^gcce is fu l and after Summy Byrd, ba tlln

V - lo rs u ll lv a n , hnd singled to drive li sh, the tying , run and Riggs-bunlCi llor safely lie followed p.irmelee to t l i iul,' c lub house. Euel Moore, who jw etv to cd crcdU fo r yesterday’s vlctorj

lon fo rccd lirn lc Lombardi to h i t In t a double play to end the ra lly,

eet T7><- t»,Y icore; om Clncinn»ii An R n o ,ien 4 1 1 1, Ooodman r r ------------ S 0 0 I«*• il^ inm i i r ________ s o i l

sulllv.... lb ______ 3 0 0 101 Krcy --------------------- 1 0 0 0

■ = g g ' - " . -----------------1 i i i

i s fniC|Kiiiiii>ouria'3b______ 4 I 1 s ;

’ UmpM ll 1 l l i iToiaU .................._40 3 j j 7

I ^_Tuo ovi; when winning run tc«r«1 |xx-n>tted for s u liu in la lth .

' n .Sf» votk AB R II O >V J, Moor* I f ________ 4 0 U 3 I

' j»ck.vjn 3 b --------- 5 I a 3 :

V l i i i ;3 E E " f W i l

d; E ; : ‘y " . , = = H i s i= = = j j j j J

To;a;- -----------------41 B IS 30 I ir—i«»ti for Uaneu*o in loth,

-----------010 000 OJO 1 - ;York ............301 100 000 2- I

on i i:rror> — Bladr. iKrtell. Tvo b**i ( f i ii i — Ttrrr. P«fmc(«p. Rijpi. Cnmp-

‘ 'bru, Mknctuo. Lomtianll. Home rut\»- e r -o ii, fl.itxT. BacrlflCT* — J»en»on. n»r. n i l IXJuhle pl»y» —, u«ncu«) to Jaek-

'-on; KampourU to Slsdo to Sullivan. I ' na iirll U> Koenl(. Winnlna Pllelier -

! lluUUrll. I.OKlns pttehrr — rir>.Utl --------

Cardinals WinI?t ■ UOSTON, Aug, 20 i-l^ -H o iiie run: cd by Joe Mcdwiek nnd Jack Ro'.hrock,

>;i<rli w llh « man on base, today p- helped the St. Louis Cardlnala beat c- .tlie Do'ton Braves, 6 to 5, dcspltr ■y. « ’.iKy Berger's 27jh home n in of

th»* season. ’T lic t>ox score:SI. l-ouli An R II O AWll

»■ r t 3 " o a o

‘■ • j I J 0 t i'Contmued on r.ii;e 8>

1». i ---------------------------

Indians Trounce Hollywood Club

Seattle Collecls 12 Hits J to. Score 9-1 Victory

j I Over Stars -

■ snATTLE. Aug. 20 .- r r - ’H i* ge? I J'.;> Indians launched a i2-hU ibcr-.Dnrdnienl here ton lsh l to over-i s;-,r:rt the Tlsltlng Ho::yu-ood Stars,

t ' I t I f E■ H-::r»ood — ooo tw i o o ^ - i 7 4 S^.v;:e ------ ----IM lo : COt- 0 12 0

c.i;ii?t>ea and Dejau’.el*; B a rrrtt Uurgan,

MIS.SIONS 9. nE-VVERS r :'0 "T L A N D . Auc, 20 'T — Col-

a to u i o f 11 b’.ows o ff r .tch - -r*. nacJonlu. Schul: and Cliar.dlrr ,r. a n lsh t Pacific cod it league

t.*-.r M m io n R eis L-oanced r.-'T-.Und ,«Iub. 0 to 2.

f t H E,....... '.OOO :o : 033->fl 14 1 '

r - r r l ' r - d ' CIO (yw 001-2 7 1 Ouies, fra n k o - ^


D E T R <

s $266 ,OCStanford Coacfi


: I :> : f

id m i H f y M a B t /Iia n t

p u tC a rlam e R | |

lg n'»<*(>- P r lia y w ^ B m rv *> the g | 9 | | l S | ^ H | B H' and«ady lE ff lH if iWt tho Pnul' o , . THE t l E r r v coach of Stanford'a (0

and Ihc o ffic ia l opening or the pn “ T iny" Tho rnh ill 1* awlngtng a | n f cu lling down hfs walitttne fn pr

litaB rhoto. •'Urth


Vi Five Sets O fand

s Score Decis In Nationa

:etv-. --------- ----------lory. • n y B ILIn to <A>*ori»ted Prei

BROOKLINE. Mass,, Aug. 26 (/P). fearfat o f Ihe dangrrotu serond rwai

0 A reglater declalTC vlclnrlea today in1 2 coinpetllion a t Langwood.i Top seeded W ilmer Alllwin and Jc“ lost yrar** runner-up. aet lhe fast p *g Q o fM la m l and DIU Frlbleman, lanky0 1 Callfem lan D avli enpprrv. Dan Dudj » 0 (hn draw, wrre almost as drelstve aa ' , , they awepl lh rou ih lo * 6-4. fi-3, 6-4 J 4 w in over tbe persfaCent .Vew Yorker*.1 3 5. ElUnoHh Darenpflrl. I l l , and \ 2 Robert Kelleher.. _ Shields aoil Parker >Vln» 33 F l»ak Shh-lds, lennU’ jjJ ft to Hol- orert- ij-,.ood. and F rin k P.arkcr o f Spring„ . Lake, New Jetwy. were steady? ^ enough to gain a 6-3. fl-3, 7-5 vlc-s 3 to ry over A. C Incraham nnd Leroy5 ® W eir o f ClevrUnd. Tho fourth ."wd-; 4 ed team. Wilmer H inM of colum-I 0 bln. South Carolina, and Henry Cul-5 ® ley o f 8anta Bsrbani. CaUfomia.i 3 entered tlw ro'.inrf o f efght by o i r r - :J 0 whelming tl;**. U S. Navy entr>'.> « LleuUrnnnlA n , M. W att. Jr., and ) 0 J^lUlam E. llowarrt. fi-2, 0-3. 6-0,. _ T h f f csoehft'Jm-flklan •Spanish ’ " leam. Rodrru li wnd Enriquei _ s Maler, upheld It-' premier forelRn »— # .w d ln g bv d'’ f-*stiiiE Do'an Orant

of A llan t.i ntirt O il Hall o f South Orange. New J.-r--'y.

nar- T tic Mjcoml r»ui',rt p'.ay fina lly “ S: eoiusfrt w ith lirn rx Prusoff and Sam r -1 Ler of 6eattl<* fiiu 'tiin g in fron t of

Maleolm Horn r r f2 t|land. and Jamei- H. Van A’.len. Newrwrt Rhode TManri. n ':- r .■» 7-5. S--7. 18-H, 5-7. a*t mar.Mlion.

Rober't n.-',*n o f Chattanoojri Trnnejt^ee. ar.rt J'>U» McDlarmld of Fort W onh. T<-'.v, ,» lth a stralsht j< t conquest of J, Brooks Fenno and

of ■vlch; Rador.ltJ'. Pdul*. Chandler

) and Cronin. -

' 0 ’SOLOV.^ J. SEALS 11 g SA.N FRAN’CISCO. AUS- 20 M’,- 1 0 Tom Flynn. .Sscrarjicnto •outhpaw.I 0 the tieal^ a rh''ice ff.Mortm'-nt ' ® o f curves fo );ai;rJ tlirm a 2-1 dr-

s feat licre ioiurm0 n 11 K

— Sacramento c>^ Oo: 000-2 fi IKan Fnincl.-in 001 OOO-l 0 2,

F lynn and Derre:; Sheehan and, Monro. . j

ANGKLS 9, OAKS 4 LOB ANOEL&r, Auc. 30 .-5>-’J 'h ')

A Angels turned rn il-.e power In the lale Innings of i h ' ball game to ­night. iKOrcd six rur.* in two frames and d e f e a t e d 9 lo 4. tn ’Jie series oper.r: I t 'a s a t lg h ; '

i ; ic race im t il the ■ • |" ‘ 5 R 11 t ;

Oakland ..... -...4?0 POO 000—4 8 1 jLoa AngeVs .. 030 DOO : u —9 IS 0; .Conlan,' Darrow, Douglas and

Klea: Oarland Doerr, Bison. |


E Awartls for members oJ O aU rr 4 Doy Scout troop 22 at a session of

■ 0 tlie CasaiA county court of honor T tt have been app.■o^ed at Snake River

area beadg-jArters as fo ilo r j;Second da*.'. a»nrtls: Rom Lar-

vMi. Kent Hal**. V.*hltney H»:c, Kay ■ol- Puckett. G >n Sctiofield. F irst :h - class a T j r f : Quentin H*le. Mertt lirr badse Io r J -a fh '.'cra ft: Olen Scho-'. r ie fie ltl. \ I.Xd ------------------------ I

Van Linsle Mur.go. the Dodcer'.->l E pj:c.*}fr who .•:s.*led as * kJd erj:- ';1 fielder, wan’--' to re u m to the outer ,< 1 cardens to )-.r c»ri pUy ev?r>- < ay i;

to -|a s d u e r c i^ bia batting ey*.

lA H O , 'W E D N E 50A Y M O R N IK O ,

00 T o o rcfl Trims Waistline

^ E S k * '' ' ' 1 w S ^ S B s ^ E

P >

M f ;

■ k ’ i » jP fcZ ;

<C: •flS M K M K a M M aW *^"'a football leam I* w alling fo r hla pUyerae pntelice seawn next month by reducing. (a p ick In hla harkyard aa ona method '

n preparatfnn fo r a hard 1935 season.— &

f F a v o r i t e s

i s i v e V i c t o r i e s '

l a l D o u b l e s P l a y

n iL L K IN G ,Preaa tipn rli. W riter) *

(<PH-Five determined le t i o f favorltea. ,roand pJay, exerted a ll o t Ih c ir powrr lo f ’ in the men's national doubles lennls

d Johnny Van Ryn. 1931 champions and >■*1 pace u ihey lom ed back M arlin Dnsby tl hky New York velrran. 6.3. 8.2, 0-3. The Budge and Gene Mako, ranked second in t l; aa» ------ ■■■■ "<

I Heni7 R. Oulid, the expertenepd 2Bostonians, by a 8-2, 8.2. 7-5 m ar- ^

I Kin went into Ihe^thlrd round. ,.j I The Wimbledon champions. Fre-jd a Jame.1 nn d .K tiy eiammeni o f '

„ ■ I Kncland. had to pUy onty ohr match‘^*1 which reaulted m a 6-4, 6-3 defeat ,, . . . , for ttie th ird heeded Am m can team

..... lo f Jane sharp. Pawdena, Califor- p.and M w. MarJori<? Oladman

_ ’ *VAn Ryn o f phllndelphln. 10 enter • l lll I ’ he Quartcr-flnals. quln. I Champa Win. 6>0. 8-1 fcr r - ' T lie defendlm: chnmpton,', B<tr>'. jRtoba and Mrs. Sar.^li P.ilftey Fab- in d , van, devoted only 19 minute;, to ihe lr

Mart, whieh was a C-0. 6-1 tnumph llsh o«T Helen Fullon of Winnetka. nuc -Illinois, and Eh*na Cleconr of near- Jj iRn hy Newton.nnt The other B r itb h t« im . Nancy Lee uth and E\-clyn Dearman oho gained

:i wightm.>n cup double.s virsorv Ia.«l ully veek. overcame D :tro ii> Rlackman Ni lam 'i.<t<ra. n ira b e th and t^ ia v . In ■ ru , of f re -s ld r t 8- t , 0* I m atih . l l jinrf Another y o u iii i;aJ.-:o r:tJ.7pr ,'U?e t«.ort. :, ;8h t. Patricia Henry and Jacaue- th• l i . :;ns V lrg li from U » Anse:''*', bnwed fo

10 the Anglo-AmerirAfi cornbtna->jri non o f Mr.<. Phyllis Murtforc! K ing

of ;iiid Mrs, peneloiv AndT/o ti Mc- gBht iir lde from Short i l i l l v Nc»J<*r:.ey.ind 6-1. f l-1, '

M o t o r m e n W i n O v e r m

U t a h C h i c f J ) u t f i t I )-------- CO

' . IMrd-Pep .■<' :bll■.:er. nf Un'.w M'»- a* company nlRht. .•mr>.'!;<'d ur

out a decl'h'T 12 in l victor.- -"e r pa •iinimy W in trr:.'’ ''T'.i v m h r i i r f -

J.- ;i:r.A in an r>!'..:n-io:i si>tr.' «• I.:n- cli]■ r rh l field. hL; T»o bic ln;-.;nKj. t l ’.e f.r - t and no

,n d |f.’f:h . ipcJIcd Uctorj- as tJje .Mo.w- eo Imen amassed 11 m r.:, Ford-Prp a l« teiI.v-ored In the ."iCCond and il-> l'>ne 1 c n t r f run cami* !n th** ^U !ll e in ’.o. tn

:-h»i 0<n« Boden hurle<! th ' ro’i;^ !or Ds the th r winners and Da!** W;l'i:r:\TT ar.d lo - J 'r ry Sm ith were on •h'" forncj th r c tiJetulns. p* in Tha coal men «ere j;.*ied ■'? p'.ay

;h ; Uie National Ounrrf*m<-n tr: a r-r.x-i'..M- Irag w game, b’.it :!.<■ '

tiP 'T itponed aa the jo M r r^ »r* dKl j ; n T e tw county s-.iAr.-!;r,r « f v J t aJ0 1 :.'t;ab:e In the pea .';e:d'. we

nd j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^

, 'C H lT IE S C J L L F O ll §

G tD R E N 'S C L O T lC .,'.ry ___ _of I

jo f Call fo r 70«3 cartr.en'J f'.r •I f f fh ild rea ta familie.-* on relief

madr ye.Vv^rday by T ^ n ra'.Li , | i r - .-i.'viclatef! Charlll*o ar.d i y county IERA Affier- rst A recent surrey an-nn t.*-A* —rtt ^ !■.>omer •df«•^ae . .•'.-.-■ej. o r- ^,o-Jrrs;is ofltf eortl.'( are n-r-V f A 'l

I - loihtng %-ili be recondlt:cr.t; a:I l i :a A aewiag room.

r•. l O fflclaU U s l n-.jht rer..;'.-;-; a:i [ it-J.-v.-aoas h jir ln g sar.’j a.*:J.*:fi i“ f o^d ; _ •er ,c ;fthL i« to e ither br.ng them P»f- 1 „ ay I L>:; ha ll Or to phone t.^e Tr--. 1

u d a cax a il i cwae Id- •••<» I m

. A U O U S T 8 1 .188B " ^

C E F R <

’ F o r BaAmateur Golf

F irst Champi In Nationa

M a ny F a vo rites M ake P la y Through

(By Tha Assoc M e it af (be faveritcs aneetedtd In

Mnaleur gelt qualifying te ils held in vi<»r*

I n New Y e i t A lte rt (Scotty) ra m r ebimpfon in IM I w d W i la m tJ tn » a w llfU r* in tba m etrvpolltan dIM rIrt a k ll aMtlODS.

b lh e n to «uallly in the New York dl W aikar cap pUyer. w llh 141. Johnny lla m a u i of Englewood, New Jeraey. ehwnpion, FraBkie Stmfaei, n a llo n -f- a) pablle pariia champ, alto gol an- , d r r tbe wire. Rtohard (Dick) Chap. t ' man, o f Greenwich, Connecticut. • “ and Bobby Jaeobaon, tha latter eon-i Queror o t Johnny Ooodman a t i . nrookllne la it year, w tr« among the ^CMMBtlUtM. ^

Goldman Low Seortr fJ}avld (Spec) Ooldman of D slla i, q

T ex., flna lU l w ith U iw io n U ttle , jr., t a t Brookline J a j t j w , waa Jow scor* t e r In the Dallas dlatrtct. putting to - g gether 70 and 73 fo r 143. n

Johnny Ftseher, another Walker 3 cupper, ied the fle ld o t eight at Olnclnnatl. carding 77 and 70 fo r ^ 147. Bobby lUegel o t Rlehmond, Va., C southern amateur champion, led t the scorers a t Washington wtth 74- a

Seattle Pololsts 1 Down Boise, 4-2

Idaho Team Holds Olympic 1 Club to I-I Tie in

First Hall

SEATTLE, Auk. » (T K Itd d to t I - l U . b r the n ip e rb lr mounted T Botse polo tn m . Ihe eeatil* O lym - U pic club trethened tu lineup a t h a ll- A time and awvpt oh to a <-3 r ic te r r si today In the firs t o f n thcee-game M ries fo r the Pacific northwest b title . t:

Chet Kpltner, reteran back, w u t: the tower ot the Bolae defenae, and a: "saved" a t le u t alx o f what ap- pcAivd to be cerU ln Seattle polnU. > The Dolse team capljsin, Fnu )k V n e u h e r. playing No. 3. Jed the h visitors’ offense, « o rln g both th e ir r potnta, one in each half. c

The summary: aBOISE 3 POS. 8 E A T rU E 4 «Jacobs....... ......... I -------Anderson ZRoss ________ 2 __________ Reed 1Fletcher 3 ......... 3_________ T le K l 2 JKeltner......'...... ______________Hawk

Last iia lf subiilltutlons: 9ea ltl«— Davldie <D for Anderson: Qncrlck fo r Reed.B o lw .................. ....■........ M l OJO-a ^d ja tU e - ........ .......... ..........01® 201-4 °

Referee: Joe O-’ tle, SeatUe. “ll

-------------------------- &

R oth A nd L o ca te lli I! Ordered To B a ttle „

■NEW VORK, Aug. 20 W — The New York state a ih lc llc commlsalon , ruled today that Al Rolh, New York lightweight and Cleto LocateUt. I ta l ­ian champion. mu-it f / fh t 11 ou t fo r .. the rig h t to meet Tony C knionerl ‘ for his world’s title, "

S o ftb a ll Game N o t Cause O f S k irm ish ;

Tha t decisions o f the um pire In g< Monday nlcM ’s softball game be- k iw’ren Slatkin and Dninawtck teams had nothing to do w tth tla tle en­counters dunne lt>e'game vaa the h< asserUon made last n igh t by the yi umpire. Jerr>- Sm ith, atid parUcl- F pantj* In t l i r mip. / _

Sm llh M id that he made ail de- ' cliion* on b«Ms as lie aaw them and his rep ou .th a t the encounter had nothing to do w ith the gune w ai confirmed by membera o f botb teams.'

Slatklr.s won. 5 to 4.>nd no pro­tect of the game wttl be fUed. Pat Daly, Brunswick proprietor, aays. |

Freddie ^ l e r W in s j

ciNcr.NNA’n . Aug. 20 OT}—rre d -1 die M iller, recogi-.lsed by the Nation-1 al Boxing asjoclstlon a j fe a th e r- ; weight ehamploa o f the world. aeor> j ed an easy rlcto.T over Ro«er B e r- I nard. r . in t , U khlgan . to n igh t In the ir ten-round r.on-UUe ge. M U- •.er w e ighed 'l2S 'i; Bernard, whom lie had met twice before. I28K.

.VM ERICAN ASSO C IA T IO NRanaaa C tly 1: Toledo 4.SI. Paal 2.1: indlanapeUs 3 -L

R lr bat r«a*t beef aandwlebee. Ite . Coek-a Ortra Ia B .> ^d r.

M A G IC C IT Y IF tE D * r t 'E L £ 0 . i

n i-R £ A T CO.Calf Ciaresce .Vy« rfcana iO r Leonard A r u t ' IM


D M M <• ♦ f i

a e r - L o u i

f S t a r s P a s s

p i o n s h i p T e s t

a l C o m p e t i t i o n

c e G r a d e I n Q u a l i f y i n g ' f f h o H t C o u n t r y

WMlkted PfeMtIn m ah lB f Rie grade In the national

n varloni eeeilona e f'th a eoanlry Tues- ,

smpbell, o f Seattle, Canadian amaleur n • 3d hole «rc<vn<e o f 14t to lead (he r t and alto regtater the lowest aeore for

k d lstrlet were Oeorge Voigt the former u>y Parker, M etropollU n lU ll i t : Gene ly. and Bay. BiUowa, New York alate

'■[73-.149. M orton McCarthy of V lr- i ;• glnJa Beach also Qualified liere.

J , Wood P latt, Peiin^lvanla ' 'I 'a m a U u r champlcm. led a t West ] . {Coooiiohocken, Pa„ fie ld w liii 73* i '• 7 0 -U J . Rodney Bliss, J r, 1934 Neb- ,

raska am aleur champton. led the ^field a l Omaha w ith a 38-hole total {

I. o f 149. He w u six strokes better '., than Johnny Ooodman former na- '* UontJ open champion who barely J• go t under tho wire w ith l«0. Good- '

man played loose golf fo r the firstr 37 helea but came strong a t the end. |t Chuck KocsU o t the University o f ’r MlcfUgan and Jack Nash o f London, ' „ Ont., were among the quaUflers a t i D etro it. Ratn halted the competlUon- a t Chicago. '

I — I

K a n s a s B o y W in s '

! T r a p s h o o t H o n o r s ;_____ 1

1D 14-Year-Old Expert Breaks ;

98 Birds (o Prevent ' Eastern Sweep j

------ --------------------------ci VANDALIA, O hio, Aug. 30 or>— ' a The east ahowed the atralght-slioot-. tng west how It’s done a t the grand *. American trap ahoot-today, Uking ^r s l* of aeven championships. *s Only a 14-j-ear-oldboy from P ltU - ;I burg. Kansas, was able' to break :

through to prevent a clean sweep by :s the boya from etut o t the Missis- }1 AJppt. *

Elmer Torse o t Wales Center. Kew I. York, a middle agtd dairy fanner,( look the lion's share o f the day'a I laurels, breaking 300 targets In ar row to take down lhe champion o f t

clismpions toga. The New York tstate ehsmplon defeated 33 olber *

( state tlileholders and the Canal ^1 Zone and Canadian champloBS. ‘ 1 Fred S. Tom lin o f Olasibdro, Nei^I Jersey, broke 300 In a row to take 'C the profejisloRA] crown. J■ Breaks tg Targeta i

Otto B. Klehl. 14. of Plltsburg.] Kansas who Iia> been Kliootlng but I onr year and saya tv* gr-t.% more *

kick out o f phiying the v iolin of fish- , Inc. broke 98x100 loday. tho highest « score he ever made, and the sub- Junlor crown. He Is the K anus Jun­ior and liandlcap champion.

I .Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders of | . 'iKey.^rr. We.'t V ln jln la . turned In a I

combined score o f 382x400 lo retwln I I the husband-and-wlfe title tltey won ■

tV rhaw Uie most popular vtctor>'■ o f tlie day was th a t o f Charles . I f6parro») Young. 74-year-old - ‘ aprtngt'leld, OhIo» crack shot, who

broke 188*200 to annex the veter- . an*' title.

rw n hi the team e trn t the ea.it crs«hed Ihrouch to a victory, its 10 °

, mi-n p iling up 1977*2000 to defeat lhe “ ■ WT.vt t>y ae\Tn urgets.

m n k Troeh. o f Porllanrl. Ore.I gon. a member o f the w rit team, sr

scored 198.I ■■

A clean fsmace meani a clean n, heme. I f we (lean yoar fumaee new, ymi w ill know It'a elean and ready, i lPh. 142, Carl G. Dcnaon’a.—Adv. bi



CO.MPLETE C AR W ASH ^I. Preasure tabrlcallan o t all tne

parU eqalpt>ed w ith lobrleallnc i beetion*.

J. F ill all e«pi w ith proprr gr»d totirieanl.

3. ! ' • * o f C hefk 'C harl exeltulrrl4. O lllnc hood larlac, c lanpt

hlng»^5. OiKng fan. t<« 'ra (er. d lltn ^

aad atart r r motor.C. Lsb rlea ltn r ~ - ^ r blngef- la

wrdge* and elampa.3. OtUng Ih ro ltle and a jia rl adj

m m t ll&kare.g. OtUng brake reds, elevlers

sta rter pedal hoaslog.9. T tghU nU g wheel t v belta.19. oa ioe M r and pads

I I . Lobrieatln* ateerUg gear boaa I t , Spcayln* « f palaUnc sprtag

■nablks eennecUon*.IJ. Spraying or palnUag tprlng

•enbttea w ith praelrstb ix elL 14. Check traasavlsaien aad d iffer

ffreet«mP h o p t 75_____________ ]_______

■ ■■ ■■.. ■'■fs


O U N D 1

is F ig h tPromoter Studies Attractive Offer

From Motor CityN e w Y o r k S ta te A th le t ic

C o m m is s io n A a re e s to

■ R e q u e s t f o r A d d it io n a l

J ' T im e J o _ C o n s id e r B idser , —

By ALAN GOULD ier (Asswclnted P reu Sporta Editor)n« N E W Y O R K , A u ff , 20 _ A lth o u R h th e m u c h discuased

M a x B n c r-J o o LoQ id h e a vy * w e i j fh t w n r in d u e to be fo u g h t

,1a u n d e r th e l ig h ta a t th o Po lo ist ffro u n d u S e p te m b e r 24 , P ro - 3- m o te r M Ik o Jacobs to d a y po s t-

poned a d e f in i te s i to u n t i l ho Riven f u l l c o n a id e ra t io n to a

er b e la te d b u t iio v e r th c le s s a t* n . tractive offer to hold the fig h t In 'Jy Detroit, home town o f the “ Brown' ' ' (J. Bomber."

Jacobs w u advised o f the Detroit d offer ahortly before going Into a -J huddle w ith the .New York sUle

athletio commission, a t the tatter's request. The tls tlc fathers agreed to his retiuest fo r addlUonal ttme to eonslder bids.

Jaeoba plana to go In to the deUU* s- to m o m w and make a tln a l deeUlon

by Tliursday, when he w ill pay an* other v is it to .th e Ncw York com­mission. ' .

1100,000 “ Ob The Lina”Detroit's sportomen, according to

C the word reachlne Jacobe, haveY pledged a 1300.000 ~pool” and wUI

put 1100,000 “ on the line - U and when the. promoter agrees' to con*

re duct the Louls-Baer match In the motor city.

ReporU a t Biter's concentration on getting back Into fln t-c lass figh ting condition a t Speeulator,New York, have atarted * a h lft of opinion along "U n ear alley."

_ W hether o r not they are taking much Block In the *'new Baer"

.A stories, fight' crltles believe the for*I- mer champion haa the abUlty lo* g ii« L«uls h U firs t rea) te it under

heavy fire , Baer, a t hts beat, un*^ doubtedly ean make I t one ot tha

moat speclacutar Ilgh la In years, a l-Y though a m ajority s ti l l seem to feel

he WlU have to gel up o ff the floor^ to do so.

f ; Confer la Cbicagaa D ETR O rr, Aug. 30 (4!>-*Tbe De*) f t ro lt Ncirs aays a group o f Detroit Ic men have pooled S300.000 In an ef- >r fo rt to bring the Joe Louis-Max i j Baer hcarywright battle to-O ctro it

In September.^ John Roxborough. Louls’ maruger,

was reported In Chicago w ith a rep- resenUUvc o f the DeUolt group to confer with Mike Jacobs o f the Twenile lh Century club o f New

. York, who signed Louis and the fo r- J; mer heavyweight k lpg fo r the Sep*_ tember fight.

Reports from New York have In- ! dlcalcd the bout would go to the ‘‘ Polo erounds. SepUmber 24.

I t h e

o B IG ^S IX O

5 l i ly 'Hip A*JOClated PrcMiThe battle for the Amertcan

lesgue leadership luttAngled Itself > yejlerday aa Joe VosmIk. lU iik0 Oreenberg and Roger Cramer came

up w ith fln<* h itt in g performancev’r iie standings; .n*Trr An R II rn .

* VaufA.*n. r ir t i r t _... 3U *• 111 .ISI I, MMtwttk. CarHlnall .. . ** IM J««

VMmlk. In<ll*n> . «U -)«Crainrr. Alhl«U<> . «t« 14»(irMnb*rt, T ifr tt 4IS »» l«t J<«

n ii ir ln r t t . n ib * .- K« »T m --------------r, —r. Hambarter and Hot Dog^ The bic

babies. Cook’a Drive Inn.—Adr.

Y S P E C I A L _______

I P L E T E ------------L i m R I C A T I O N

:I,U D E SI I W IT H rO W E Il W A S IlK It1 tnertng nc eon-

gradr nf

islrrlT.sp* and ■

H 5 . 4 9rrs and

s.pads i»

bOBStflC- . ^ 'i n , - H htag as- , .

Iffe rrn .

wW f i k v i c i i T O B t r

______________ 410 M a in A v c . So.

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · J - - - ^ . c i t y E d iljo n T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. pI e fli me' BODIESDISGOVERED i MIE

K U C K l i S E

u s E s y n i H

: E a r ly D e c lin e s C an ce lled , Re

j , d u c e d o r R ep lace d W ith

I , M o d e ra te Gains

M A R K E T S A T A G L A N C E '

' n e w yO R K. AUC. M — fitocka Irre(tul(ir: uUUtlca rnjly

afccr fthnro tkellne.Bonda heavy: U. 8. KOiem-

m rnta w n lt.Curb mixed; ipecUlilfS Im-

. prove.Porelcn exchnn?*;. quiet: r*l«4

Cotton lo t t f i : dv;;i.v !n romi <*n- aclmem.

ausar higher; ruIfUlment or Cubu) quou.

Cotrec lower: B rn a ilin markeu.

CHICAGO:• • W lifn i i lro u s : ;»r..'iir.blic crop

. ncM .Com firm , wheat jj-mpathy.

• Caltle grain fed utecr* ZSc up.5 Hogi 10 to 35c lower; top 112.

. \ U t K itANK MACMI1.LE.V» (Associated PicM Flnnnclnl W riter)

NEW YORK. Aug. 20-U ’)-T h e atock market duir I t j hceU In to a allpiwry prlcc path today and man­aged to halt a slide «lileh had Civen aotnc Inrilcnttons of Bctllng out of conlrol.

A aliarp exienHlon of ycaterdiiy's rc.-ietlun nai> led by the uillltli.-s at the opening w llh largo blocks ot

■ shares changing handa a l sutuian- - tla l declines. Soms support then ar*

r ltcd fo r the beleaguered iLM and llie in id lng volume dwindled.

American TPlephone broke nearly S polnls. but In tlte final hour itie uU llty company stocks came back briskly and early declines were either canccUed. rcduced or replaced w llh moderate advances.

ATrrage Unthanied l l l f l Associated Press average of

60 Issues, which w asoU M ol » point AC I o-cIock, ended unchanged a l 4S. The activity was nol so pro* nounced toward, the close, although Uie Uckcr ,u p c got behind floor transactions in early selling. Trans* le rs 'lo la llcd 1.073.570 sltares.

Announcement of the U. 6. sieel ' carponUon tba t a tecond a p p r^ r l- . allon of 120.000.000 had been made

to complete enlargement and mod* ernlzallon of the Oarj’, Ind., plants o l ltd subsidiary, the American Sheet aod T in Plata company, was also Uken as a signal of tietter Umo.

A aharp declln« tn D; 8. govern­ment securiUes. following agree­ment o f lhe housc-senale conferees on the admlnistraUon’s new tax bitf, unsettled (be Joans l(sc w ith the result that cofporatloo mormg* « tagged.

Export copper was quoted slight­ly higher, but the dpmestlc metal wo* uncJianegd. Lead was ra l« d .05

£ of a cent a pound wit Sl. Louis' and •I New York.

• FOREIGN EXCHANGE• NEW YORK. Aug. 20 l>T) — por- J clgn exchanee sicady; France dc- « m wid. cables. 8.8J4. Ita lv dc-• maod, Montreal In New York. 5 M,7I>.: New York in Montr>:al.• lOOJITi. dS MONKY>■ NEW YORK. Alia. 2fl M', - Q.H• monry sicady: per cent all clav.• Time loans steady; 90 to M d's)% ^ U offered: 4 to 6 m oQ tbt.li offered.

Prim e, commercial paper *« per ,, cent; ,• Banker.i ncceiiiiuicc.'- unchanged,J Rediscount ra ir , N. V. re^-.-rvc , b»nk. I ' i per ceni, I

> r r r . \ t sNEW YORK. Ailc. •:() c.r. - Co:>-

5>cr ^tra ilv ; c lc f t ro lj l lr siio: and fu ­ture *8.30; export SB.12 to J8.15,

T in firm ; spot niH ti<-jrl;y !rurure »jO. !

Iron QUlet, unchansed. 1L'.T l firm ; ^pot New Vork M 2 i!

to t o n : Ka»t .'it. l/ 'i i t . i *1.10.Z;nr v.e.Kiv: K e t .s: Umi'. .-ijnn ■

ai;rt future JMIU 'Aluml.-.-jm *13 J.’J,An'.imory, ,'pc; il3 .


I :*ht butentn*’ * .. t : ; wilf« r r cpuiefirr . ::o.."r. tic o' l-l- . ttv i*’ .

Vn(Irrw»lsB« c«tcb«^Coiii^ lu t «00

r<>ntirjU tn t rc’>rr<1 ___n;

-------- --- -----------K

YyeieVn—n:rr- . . ;.i -s « :rn 1 '■-------------.!3e

c<c<at - .................... \ien r> r%»n .. !».• lo1. rw ’* p-;r-

lU jn i ■ .

«ra«ai (Bd MUI *t*an-t-.. lori-pistBa lou «•n : i2. seo-pousfi lou _s:T3oa. im-pou»d lota . U h-MZt fro<S. ja i-9«und loU ------ »125

nt.*»ij mr«»• t f * ernnb ticnt?. t « fe, . . . .

60*0 • . .or»at«». a o M ____________ K<-'-iel.*ttu.-a p«i SMd ^ tas Kx-

z = z = £

o : . ^ r - l : t ■ .1^---- . . - r t v - lL f


r . j i ;r. - j i i * _______ »..4 —.

' ■ -f a g e .-e ig h t .

- {

[ ■ I S to c k M a r k e t A ve ra g e s

.(CompUed bjr H ie Awoclsled iTet.i)

Prev dty 380 *B.uonth 'ago ... S3.7 24.s 37 3 40.

Qa Tear ago .....«.S rs.T JS.I 3S.R e* IMS wStJ r?,« 39.3 « .

ifiss l o v __40J .IBS i>i't auih S-:! “ 3 -

. . .’!!!

■ T r e n d O f Uly S ta p le P r ic e srn -

• NEW YORK. Aug. 20 — The A-l- la,. soclated Presa nholesale prlcc li.de*

o f 30 basic commodltle.'' loday ad* l«s vanced to 73.13.

Previoua day 72.fi8: mio 72,41: fn - monlh aso C0.8I: ye.ir niio 68.53,

Range o f recent ycnrv o f 1333 m i IBM

High .„•____......- ....7o.« 72A*i 64,10Itn L o w .......;...............

flB28 awrage rqiiala : 00,1

-0]> GOVEnNMENT BONDSNEW YORK. Alic. 20 OV, _ Bond

quotations:“ P- Liberty'2- « h 4*is 33*38 .................... *101.5------ Treasury

4*;s 4 7 -5 2 .................... ...1116.■ter) 3 'i» 43-15 ............................... 1M.4The 4s 44-S4 ................ - ................ H l. l•P a 3>i.H <0*58 .................. —..... lOO.'iJI'nn* 3S.-5 40*43 June ...................... 108.10bad 3Hs « -47 ............................... 107,0out la-’ i.-i 11*43 .March...... ............ 108.14

3>;.s 41 ................................... lM-20»>''» 3«ia 44-18 ............................... lM-24i n l 3 ';» 10-10 ....... - . . . . : ..... - ...... 101.4

3’ i» 10-52 ........ ........*............... 103J33S 48*48 .............- .................... 102-28

“T : 3s 51-85 ............................. 103.42 :U 55-60 ................................ IM.8

Federal Farm 5Tart|aie2?;s 42*47 ............................... 100J5

t»'e 3S 47 ............................. - 10M83S 40 .................................. 101.7'

S l ' I » !1 .................................. IM "Home Owners' Lean

3.1 A 5 2 .................................... 101,82’ ;a 30-40 ............... ............. 1004

COTTON“ I NEW YORK. Aug. 201-?*) - Uncer-

ta ln ty o « r probable crop loan poll- clea'had an un.wttllng effcct In col-

***■ ton again today, bul an early »et- '*** back waa followed by partial recov-

erles and net declines u-cr« only 6 lo 11 points.

BAR SILVER nta NEW YORK, Aug. 20 (,V ,-Bari a n silver steady, unchanKcd a t 84>i. |

CHICAGO PRODUCE "C H IC AO O , Aug. 30 (/P>-Butter.

™- 13iM5, Steady, prices unchanged.« - Eggs. 8 i l3 . ateady, prices un*

changed.PouUo-. live. 1 car, 28 trucks

<tb Iteady to firm : hens 4<i (bs. and »K* les.5 18. more than 4 ' i lbs. W’. i :

leghom hena 14: rock fryera 18 lo l h t- 19; colored 17: rock springs 20. col* :ta l ored 18; rock broilers 18. colored 17, .05 barebacka 13 to l i ; leghorn chickens

ind I 8 ' i to 1 7 'i; roosters 13; turkej’S 11 to 14; old ducks IS: young while ducks 4 ' i Iba, up 164. small 13:1 young colored ducks 13; old geese 13.

V3r- young 13's. j

d ' ! . tO » ,\NGKLKS PRODUCE j >rk. ' LOS ANOELES. Aug. 20 i/P> - R e - .'nl. celpu; Butte r 83.000 pounds: chee»e

no pounds; egga no case.v 'Butler, egc' *nd poullry un­

chanced,L lll • .---------

SAN FHANCISCO PKODUCE *5 ' S.VS FRANCiaCO. Aug, 30 — ■«d. Butte rfat 30 'ic. iper Broller.1 19‘tn 21e: hens 18 to 21c;

liari-ii <1nv> 5 to IJc. , I1. U iittrr, ecgs aiKl chce.v* unchang- rve I ort,

s ' ^ i i o M i E T T '>, I


125 : A l—PoUloet; l.ocal while Roae I*. S. ] Vn, I »l lo 51.10 ew i- field m n 67

jMit to :sc. No. :?• 15 lo 5f<-: cood Sloek- 'lo n HurbanW* JI.I5 t« *1.55.

( IIICAGO rO TA TO tS CHICAGO. Au j. 20 (Ti lU 5 D A l

~ 1 —rolatoe*. on traek 179: to la l r r . <hlpmenU l i ' - . dall and weak. ^ i n l l i ' r Ilsht. demand and

' I ra illn r *li« r; \arked per ewt. Idaho , 1IH « Trlutnpli» V. .•*. No. 1. l-tO :'

Ro»*rU narbanki t ' . S. No. 1. US (« t.TP: PenntTlranla Cobblera V. S.

-.(■I N. I. thawing deray l . lV , : Nebras- c o ' Triumphs fa ir q<jallt» .75. j

M 'G A IlNl-AV YORK, An; ;o . r — Raw

ivis.ir ad', anced Kharply today on tlie announertr.ent that the Cuban

<og riiiora hsfl b ^ n tilled, w ith fpo l 'i:V l“ “ ' ' ' csi:i^ of :s-polnt« to

$:i «J, u!u;.- .vliipnjriit jdviincrd 15| :^olI t^ to S115. • I

Tl-.f.-.\;rs reported included ll.ooOi L .ijs o fP :i:lipp ine » concluded lale |

' i- '- •• ••tcrC.iv'fl*. 1335 Ior September ar- ‘ i ’. ' ■ «.Mle‘ todsy 1500 bagi o f '} ^ , t ".Kir.i.i.r-. <li;c Sepfl a sold nt »3 «3.;

sliip.meni.. !3e $1 *1 lind IS.uiiO b.i^s o; A iig .-i - *« • r ; . .'l-.ivimen: »t J3.11. Thetr »asr :'2 » « le of ro.ioo bu«» of Curias

:n -to.-e at Norfolk fe: October' Ce-! : - - ; : : v r r n'. »3 15 {i'“ ' : "n'.'.' i.rjiour.cen'.t!;'- tii.r. tlie C u -1

Is,\n St.irt b^eii ccniplfied 'a a j: rrf;«*ci>-.l t:> seine eovfring and 'rom rr.^jto :: houie buying Jn futures,

;; j ) ‘ -u t after s.*ioirirt5 net gims o: 5 to l l a pclr.ts there wert partisl setbacks

• f? under reattrtr-c and'hedge •elllr.g - l t h the n-.atkel cloMng 2 to 8 po in'ji net h lghrr on aeiivr i^.Aiiionai

t!,e .Vo. 3 <Jfll\rry anrt 4 {lusher in i ^ ;-,r No. 1. Salej u r r r 33,100 tons m l -;j< ;r.e No. 3 deli'er^- and oaly ISO lons i If'- :.~ r:ir Na. :, closing: Sept. S2.4«B.!

V :c .ran. * ; f in . M archi-..-i:!!. Ma> i: i7 D Ju;> » : . j ie . B—

In refined. i i \ l pricei I'-niairied. . ,-;,.-»n[:rd d t * i lO for ; ii.r g ra nu -,

cxtr .'c :'; .-tfir.er

. . . . . . . . t ; , , .

— 1 f i ■ ■ . •.1) . ______

f e ■ ■ ( S P l i > H A S N ' T ^ [«o € 0 T A -N e C K T lE Im o r H J S H A IR y\ l \ . C O M B E D

Ttnaflcy J

I t .

i : ^

“ • N . E W

n f i G t t i(By T tit AatocUWd

]|l|ts .Low Clo*) Aillad Cbem * oy t IM S leo'k leQ'!

Allla Chalmtra ___ 27^ M*. 37!:Amcrleao Can ......13B>. 13SU 119Am Car dc W ry ......» i . IP , 23>i

I Am de ro r powtr . B<< 71,Am Locomoiue ...... is>4 ii*< i«

‘ Am nadlator ..... .. IS i7 '. n«;18 Am StntU & neda ... U S 42>i i l ! i» S S'uU",:,::: 'S'- ‘S‘‘' Am Waler W otu . . 1: ' . IJ '. t74 Anaeonda Copptr . IV . is i. IR*>0 AUhlaon T le s r sl>, so si><

Baltimore i t Ohio lfl>, 11 ia>.4 BtDdix Aviailon .. it * , iT 'i )s>.

nethlehem B tttl ..... as'4 3S‘ i 3fl'<3 Burr Add Mtch ...... is 't n>> is' Calif Paeklns ........31'. 33'j 3 i ' i8 Calumet is l l te u . . S «>« S

Canadian PteUle . . lo ', lQi| lO’ iCMe Threthlii* *5*. «« 61’ ,Cerro de Pa»eo S«>i S3'. S4>,Cbtaapeake Ohio _ »>« K *. 13<.

5 Cbl M SP Sc I* ...... 3>. 3',. Cftrjialer Corp . ....JS*. 3T', M?»P flftiiim Oaa a: D tc ... 13<> UU 13

Com Bolreau ...... m is>, 20Com Southern ........ J |j J |. 3J>Con?* OU D«I " T ' J l’ j 31 * Jl«!Corn Produeu ,. »S • « «7'.CurtUi Wrtgiii ... a*i 3«, i ‘ .Delawara HudMn 3«>. 35>j 3«^Ou Pont d* N ta .. IH tio>, i l lbatm an Kodak ... 11S>; HS'< HSUn te Pow M Llgbl ... «U t s

• Rrie R B . ....... l l * . UU IJ. PlrHtone Rubber . IS M’ t H 't

len ira l B tetrle .. . 3 l ' i 30't 9i<>Oaneral Poods ....... 31U 33*> 34S

■ Otnttml Uoton ..... 13>, 4 l ' i 43U. Oiidden Co ------- 3l>. 30>, 3P,, Oold DlUt ..............lS*i )t>(’ ooodyrar Rubber . 30<, l»S »>•

Ooodrtar Rub pf .. 83 S7 t3Oraham Palga 3 I ’ t I'aOrtat North n pf . 31U 30 3I>|Orrai Wett sugar 30 2l>> 30

Pj Ilupp Motor* .... 1% I* . I>4‘ lllln ou Central ...... IS 't UU H<«I In t Harvcaler __M>. 3I>. S3Ul ln i Nickel -------- L.3SU 311. 31»iIn i Tel * T t l ____ 12 l l ' t >t!tJobna Manvlll* _____<3 flOU ORenneceu Copiwe . . U U aiU 33'tLigg & Myen TOO B 117'. i n i n u 'Matmaon Alkali . . . .» % ' 39U »'.4

‘ UcKtaaporl T in ___ t t t I I I 111Miami copper ........ 1U «U « 'i

1 Uld Com P t t --------11 WU lOU4 Mlaeourl PaeWe ...... IU IU lU7 uuaourl Pac p f ___ 3U 3 'i 3U. Uoaitomtry Ward _ 31U . 53>i 3 l ' i01 Motor W hftl _____ »U »U SU, Naib Motor. ............ ISU HU UU, Nal Caub R rf A . . 17U l<U 17'• Nal D a iry .............. . IS '. IS '. U 'i5 Nat Pow 4s U ih l ... 13'. 11'., I3U S N Y Ctntral . . .33U 33'4 23U®| N orth 'A m tr'co 23U 21* 13• I Northrm Paelflo is 17 ' 1«l.iparkard Moiora ___ 4 ', 4U * \

I Param PublU ....... 4U <U <UI Prnnty Co .............SOU W toi - - ----------- ^

‘ buslnc:.s booked on A p ril' 22 and.• July 22 w ou ld be Invoiced at »1.85, |

If shipped w ith in 7 daya.

J l i i G K N i i i T r


Uog receipts lOOr no earty aulcs or bids; few sales good to choice llg lil aeitfh: l;uichers la le .Monday 24 lo

I50c loaer at 111 to *1135.! Callle receipts 100; calves 15; few opening soles around steady; odd

I hend cmm steers M 50 to M25; helf- |c r i St.25 to 15.50: low cutter and 1 euttcr cows 12.40 lo 1355: common j

• l l o m»dium grades I3J0 to l i : 5 : |• I bulU SI to $5; good to chlce ve.ilers ' ’ »8 to JR-W; tew loads feeder .Meer.sl ' on r . i 't r rn order lale Mondav $6'

•to j : : : . -•!Sh»tp receipts 200; fiJ Iy ate*rt}; i

tfo.yS lo choice eo to 90 lb, lambs 17! ' (0 J7J0: common r« d e s down to.

« . »:»';cnter ewes »2 to »J, j

2 CHU A (;0 LIVESTOCK ,: ' CHICAGO. Aug. :o , r i <u s D A) ' 5 - c:-c-r; llocs; Rec«lpU 11,000; | >• .TMt’.y M to 2Sc lower lhan Mon- •^ c ls y j a\ernife: *-elghts under ;pn I

n~ri heavy p.neklng so»» 25 ;1 :o 1ft- ,o*er. Choice 235 p o u t id i. ! j :1J5 :o big packers: butcher* av-1

' errvflnr :w pounda 111 85; o u u i-\n d -• ‘ Inc 300 i^ounrt^ $11.50; .»hippers JOO;' Jto ld rjp /. rooo.’ Cstr:-- necetp'ji TOM; choice 12*3 J pount 'teerj »oId la le at *12 85,.

In^-a iu ;;; on rrop; be.M mixed ‘ teer* j|.»nrt !<i;er« 112 50: *» fed J '.\:ror,c .•.“■.ade higher; lo.»er grad.-s , _ ' :r«-vrr.. :t^f'«!ly .steady, best on sh o rt- ' . I f 'd 'c r '^ 'i v t i i i ir .c to work higher in ' ■ •n.'x ■'lth M tlctly era!n•Iec■- , I

-r....'.\-;at nam-e and »e .'ten i' i;-. otd. a ra k to lo« rr: ]

J r ».• ,;;i; . cuttera firm ; bull* 10 to ; j I l J : ;oar: lo ; to date; xealers. .•‘-.ircr, ••.rm; best fed steers ar.d

»12 75; v^arllng h-i.'er»' . ]J111'‘ ; Sulk cra:n fed steers .--llu ic ' J a: s u '-0 : uT"Ard. on esrly roundel3 cn:ti,- •:<>», on era\.wr.' and ,»arm<-d ‘ I, kir.S- : J Sheer Receip'j 5000; both fa i and ; S :eed;r.< lambs clc«ir.g active strong i S 15c or hUher; top naU \t lambs i8 13 50 r»M sparingly by all intereata;; s jw T ite r r j 6*0 to 925; bulk sorted: iia r iH irv l 10 to 50 per cenl. Oregotv': lijN e rss tn g 81 pour.dt a l Inside; few ] sime.-ely good MontAita yearilngs 17; i I. !<-holce Montana «wes M.75 w llh odd t 1 1 •aethers 11.75; reedtng lamb* in <Se- ’• mwBd at upwfird to M IS and M 25; '

%22i to I3 i0 .a . - - - - - •

O G O IV UVESTOCKr OODEN. A:i.-. :,1 .P 'C S P A -- . H i'c rrccli):.-. 9». .,11 Iu.- ; : o l•-,1^ ; S'-tche.-s *cak to 2i« :o'»er.

' T W IN F A L L S D A I:

T o r a v , i J f W h /1 SMIME O R A I T H e/ M AW 1 C O R E ( V i O N

m - ' n ^= ^ U x / . T A \


Pnxtt R R .......- ... 37»i MU J5UClo»t rullm tn In c ---------- 13», 4M« 42UleQ'k Pure Oil ...... ....... — 9 t u *U27U Radio Com of Ara __ 7U IU '

139 RtynoleU Tobacco — 51U 51 S<U23U Safrwsy Slore* ____ 10*i 40U 4UUt'.j ar«f» nofbuek - ...... S7 — s i s;

1j>4 Hhfll^ Union o n '" J ir tou tOU lOU4JU Blmmoiu Co ............. H U 11 HUI37U « ir t) r Oil ------------ JCU Jb?i IP*,M Socony Vacuum ...... I3’ t 13 i ;u17 Soultl Calif EdlMin ... 30U 20 MUIBU Uoutliern rte lfle . ..20 I IU 2®SIU mand m tnd* . . HU M 'l HUIIU uianct O u Ste ... I'., 7U tU IIIU Stand on Calir ...... 91U. 33U 33U31', Stand OU N J -------«« 4SU « UI t S iestri Warner — 12>« 13 12',31'i (iiudtbaktr c e rp ----- i ' t 3’ ,S Tfsas corp ............. 30U 20U 20U

lO’ i Timken Roll Star . . 19 1 l'« 4IUJ4'j Union caroidt ta il M U «U*MU Union Oil Calif -..... l«U I t U:U Union Paeiric ..... — 99 M>', U

MU t/niced Aircraft ------ MU 18 » »,13 Unit Oas-Jt Im p ------17'i I IU U!0 U 8 Ind Alcohol .......I IU <3 i2 ' i O a Rubbtr ----------- 13U 13'i 1 Ugtj U S attel ...... ...... 41 42U 4 uIIU Vanadium...................I IU I3U I Un u Wcatern Union . - 41', '4«U IIU2U Weallnghouat........... « U « « UMU Woolworth..................63 63lt U 'iisi; CURB .MAIIKKTf ' l NEW YORK. A«t M («1-*£urb q>40-.1 latlcna::1’ t Amrr fliiper Powrr ------------------ 2>iIU, Cent SU Klee . . . .................— I ’ ,14*4 cmta Btrrlce .............. — . 2*«i3U Oee Donrt * Bhtrt ................17UIIU Bee Bond t i Bhtrr pf ..............— 74Ul>( Ileela Mining ........ ....... 9 'i10', Nat in r t. ................. .......... I ' ,a Nal Pow t t Ughl Ipe pf ....... . . . . I IIU New Drsdtord ..................... 2 'j:IU Niagara Ktidnon .................... t« Balt Cr Con .............. .......... UlU Sunahint Minins ........................ 19IU Train Lux ............. .................. . 2 'ii3U Onlt round _____ _____ _______ lUlU -------p . KPCCIAL WIRi;9 fludier, W tttner and compaay.□ U »k-a Dldg.. Twin PalU7>4 Hole 3U p tr ernl du t 1949 ........ - IM 'i«•« PPMC 3 per cfnt due 1917 ..... ... lOlUt Idsbo Psuioet4 'i Oct, roiatoe. 11.35 to S1.4SOU .;an. rotttee* ............. tt. io to 11.40 ,lU la t t i, Truils3U Corp Trust .................... ............. BJo ;1'., Fund. Jnr at ---- -----------------12,14 'flU Quart Ine Sharea ............. .... I I J l ,su Maryland Piind........................... IISjOO7 Salt iJikt .Mlnrt \S'i Ml. Clly Copper . S3J7‘ . lo J2.I0 • 3U Walktr MlDint S1.S7U lo si.floau Nrw York Sloeki7 Am Pow i i U s lil ................... . I ’ t I3 Am Oaa C Llithi .................... —.. 37 .I BtC row as U l _ fiU .4U Aubum Motcm ...................... 31U4U Nallonal RUctiii ..... .. . 2«U '0 Trl-Con Corp . ................ - SU ,

- <-----1------------------------------------------- 1n d ,lo p 113 on cholcc drlvelns; mixed • 85 ,'llg h l butchers S11.50 to 111,75: few ‘

! pocking sows 88J0 to S9.50, ii Cattle receipts 314; Denver mur-

_ ket 91, Kansaa C ity marke: ■12; About steady; la ic Monday und to-

Idoy local graas steers und lielfers. jmedlum and good »5iO to *7: few ; fed kinds up to 17.50; common grass- ' era moatly >3.50 to t l5 0 ; few lots good cows J l i o to $1.75; ctnnmon , nnd medium cowa >3 to S1.25; lower '

. . grades downward lo *250 u itn few .1,, reactors 82; medium and good bulls ,1 14 to M.75; best vealers I7 i0 to »8;

lower gradea >850 down. iPJ. I Sheep receipts 13,016; St. Jiv.cph

m arkel 842. Los Angeles i>acke;s 540. i J, Illino is feeders B62; 2 loads Idaho

lamba to bc weighed about >ieady— at >8.25; 2 loads 126 Ib. Idaho ewes ..‘. I weighed -Monday >3 w ith g o o d ! : . : lf re ig h t benefit; early todsy j r * lots

itrucked In fa l l.mibs J7; bulk late ig I Monday >8 to $7.15; lew lo:.» .•»r«und

i>i.50; odd lots yearling.1 n ; ^ to i 1, .,14.75. 1U l Above quotatlo iu on :a ;l ^htp- ,q ' ments reflect variable freight »ene*

; lu a 00 sheep bought for reshi, ment.I — _ ,FRANCISCO LIV tS T«» K ;

! SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Aug. I " I |20 ./J-yiUSUA) — Hog .-ecei:<; 100;

Igood to choice 185 lo 225 lb. Lj-.ch* ' .CIS >12i5 to IU-J5, U tte r to,, gcod « lightweight packing w * ! to :j5 0 .

*•' ! Cattle rcccH>u. 25U; iM.-.-load • jinediua; supplementary-Ira •teers

■\' I6 50, Ilgh lly joried ; more c(.;rsb lc " • ■•Ilglblc u,T 10 I7 i0 to S8; Ics.,: 788 ” • • lb. jupplementary-fed heitc:; 18; ’

fa irly good young cows *5W ; med- J ium dow ntoM -S otoH .75 : fe.. n^avy i dairy cows *3 75; odd b-. U- $i ;-o to ' *5. Calves 100; odd head n.r.ion- .iicdlum ixalcrs IS to *3. «

•■'• Sheep receipts too: * ^ . . i» o ’ '■ decks 71 lo 83 lb. lambs »;•. . jfto r; ‘

pelts >7.10 straight; u ix - lr; .ambs ’ * " '':o ff m arket: good to i-!;.-... ;;stidy * ” ',w e igh U nomtnaIl> q-,ioti-.; to 5X»* •

To!” “> __ : 1O.MAHA SHLI.P ^

•r»' OMAHA. Aug. 20 .-T 'U r O A i— t :ig Sheep: Rocelpu 11.000; ,«flried | d^ l choice grad* native Is.T.ti.- JSTS to •■d'mostly M 85 ; aUughtr.- t i r , ;;p u>

I g).80; compared Mor.s>> is'mba j nd [Strong to 25c h l jh t r ; ?heer •trong. <a g i --------- i.bl I ST. JOSEPH S IIR tP !^ ; i ST. JOSEPH. Aug :o V u s d ! ,

A*—Sheep: Receipts ; : . v , .ndica- ttons s u w to hicher .v - . t r j up- |

) ward to W fo r beat. *

DEN>TR SH LtP ]15; ■ DENVER. Aug. 20 . f .«? D A ) - t

Sheep; Recelpa lo^v ); i->cked i’amba about -ttrtdy a t $::•. -n 18.75: 3 asking strong to ha lie r or. rst car-

— lots o r around 19.15 to i* : s . on < cito;ce ColDraCo's u r .c f r ;- .- r.«sdy; , 1

fr . ^»he^ and year'.;r.5s : .-s r lia p [ ■



W A T - W A S ^ ^ l A W I G O T A \B L O W D O /A J 1 F R O M S K E E 2 >N V O U A N ' / SHE D IDM 'T. ) R lX ie , S P O I ^ \ L B T H S R S E

f iJ :I C O e STAGED

I W E T i l l K E T

! ' l P e s s im is t ic C ro p R e p o r ts

L e a d to P r ic e U p tu rn s

; j , a t C h ica g oHU _____12' By FR AN KLIN .MULLIN'■S'* ‘ Aasoclatcd Pres.s Mnrket W riter)

CHICAOO, Aug. 20 U-J-Pcar tho t tu idcstructlO D of Norih Amcrlcnn

sprlHB wheat by n is i hod not yct b « n fu lly rcallicd led to a price

3’ , recovery o f around two cents- a [OU bushel in the wheat market today.'! ,* Pesalmlatlc crop ndvlce* from u>. both sides of lhe Canadian border

U coupled w tth a bullish private sur* | vey pointing out the seriousness of

1 domestic spring .wheat delerlora* I tlon encouraged enlarged buying in

,« the futures p it. A t the same time,I* sellinB pressure wus light. wUh a U le l*up In hedging operations report- i

a<iW heat closed lU to 2U cents

above the previous finish, December 81)U*f4, and com was U -» i up. De*

2U cember 5 5 U -’ , . Oau gained U -T i,* '• rye U - IU nnd bnrley wna unchang-

ed lo a cent up,4>‘ W heal prices were sicady a t the « ' i opening bu t buying Increased [ > noticeably following releaae of a i : . j suney mnde by n leading crop I authority.

ProvUlons dropped 18 t o 50 points.J., llie la tte r the lim ii permitted for IU one day.

CHICAOO. A u i 30 uT) **Open Ulsb f,ow Cloae

,, irbesl ,s tp i. asu -u « u » iu ar*;-’ .

'*• I>«. «7U-U «»U « U -» ; —„ Ma» S9-S8U 9IU t l * . » I '.-U " *,M Corn

aepl. 73 'i-»i 74u 73U 71'i, ,0 Dtc. Si-UU MU SIU 3SU-U

« ! • « '♦ 37'iBrpu . 3 iU -U n u UU 3*U'DfC 27-27 U 2S 27 71U-U

to Mar 2#u-:« 30U' 2#u 30U*» « « U 40U 42

IX-. 41', 4»'i 43U 41; • May 4IU ITU « U 47U

m r l t j -,, Stpt. . . . . ............ ..40i ! DfC ............................ .....42

<i' I j r i l —•' Sfpl- Ifl 01 11.27 18J«,1«1S

— Ocl. nM-S7K.20 13 Sl 11U Dte. 13 &1 14.10 13 «S IJT3

Cd Jan. 12.70 12,73 ;:«7 12 B7“Km..-Btpl. 19 35 19.10 19 31 1H3J


„ wheat: No, 3 red 88Uc; No. 2 hard L ev >1.01 to I t 02; No. 2 hard tough 00c; I a - No. 2 mixed 80 'ic :'N tf. 2 red 88';C. [I >t* Corn No. I k Uow B l'ic . ||on OtUs No. 3 while lough 27 'ic ; No, [| •er 2 whlte30'.-c. I(V No r>e or buckwliciil. I{Ua Soybeans ,Vo. 2 yellow old 63c net T 18; traek eounlry statlotu. nev 56 Oc- I

tober and November,;5h Dar’iev nnmlnnl feed 30 li i ISr.10, malting 12 to fiOc. tto Timothy .'ised per cw l S3.10, dy Clover jw r s«l. >10 to $I.>.:)0. es U rd r Tierces >16.15; lo(v.-.e Jlli.50; od bellies 119 ts.>ts --------- ite FLAX 1 •tld DULUTH, Aug, 20 .-1 - F l..\ on >‘ 1 to traek >1.'3U. September > l-’.3’ i ; O :- '

tober I153U ; December >15:. \p- ---------e* PORTLAND HAY —« . PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 20 r —

H*v. 'tesdy, unchanged. j; ---- (I ,, W INNIPEG GRAIN '

lO- W INNIPEG. Aug, 20 -T - CJ^h | . t j l wheat; No - northem 88Uc; No. 2 od northem 83Ue; No. 3 northern 71’ . o. ., Ca.'ih oit.«r No, 2 white 2V-.c: Vo, IJ " 'sd 3 ^ h t te ^ J j^ v _____________ i [ ; ,

,'ic r.VTF.RTAiN AT l |A n . i : v ' !S3 HAILFIY, Aug. 20 - .Ntr'r'T.TOtr-j- g. DremoUkl en le ru lned at a brMce : j» aJ Juncheon Thu.-iday a fte rn w ,. MJ-v',Arr ,-y A. A. Lambert was the Tur.rrr of ' j.-, IQ th r M c h f't ."core prlre i.J. m d a v fv rn in c . M r*. S L . .'^n.ith I

cnlerlalned a t contract. T l ir r r ub l-^ wereilfi play and.prtses were aaard- ,

, t ed to 'M rs, C. M, Robertson and M rt s . Lar.-7e:;ce Heagle. Out - of - to i-n ’Jy guejt.i »ere Mr?. Le?11e O'.itr.' »nrt | ” 0

M n . Newell W ight of no,>y artrtl> *‘ Prane^.i and Shirley Cunntr.5t;.'>n of | Wa«hlncton. D- C. ; m i

Mr« r>el^ Storey le ft Sunday for j n her home !n Boise after ?r*Td;nc j,n

— the last three weeks In lU il 'v , the ;d guest of M rt - Andy Carter.“ ---------------------- - - ■ N^to - p b« « J 0 to M ; ewes.>3iS; medutm

er :»m V >8.50 to >7. * H f

! WOOL ' ' fn l BOSTON. Aug. 20 fU S D A '— j, There waa a fa ir demand I r r Ohio jq

and SlmlUr s tr ic tly combing M v U -blood wocU a l 33 oents and for j j js trtc tly combing 4>s, Ma. «4 b'jsod ^u voola a t 3&-31 eentt tn t.*>e grea.<>e.TTie ft ip p lr o f food Ofilo woo;« «-as

— reported to be Umited. Salea o ' r.nerd Ohio DeUlne have been clQ-ied at 31-5: 32 e»*n:». and fine clothing sold a: l r - : i-2 3 cenu Ln the grease. Lim ited lln >n ‘ qu.'«ntitles o f Ohio and s im ilar .^trvt- rls r ; 1 ly co.T.btne S iv ea.-'. blood' - W j ry p were scllatg a i 3 l cent.* greaje ba#y . Gr



^ ^A L E T T E R - T f s o S H E S S Z I X 'A N ' . a M e A L O N G J W O U L D N T f l_ l _ D , D . T H E a E E r r . /» ■ S H E D R O F

1 M E U K E * » T ^ J L ^ ^ C A K E .


’ ^ < p w i

S o r r o w A r o u n c

r ■ ■. ^

f - ^ 1

■ x i i

I ' . '

PAUL PLASCIIKF. rarioonist for l lt r his Irlbnte in this lllD itra lion lo IVill an airplane crash near Point Barrow

H u s b a n d P u t I

.MRS. h :KO COIIOKS, Rho -lays she Is money lo relom in Irrland from .N« >1500. Cordea says he I. lhe “ beat lo t' York, bat can'l g t| a ^ob.” The coapl<


Snake river sior.ic#-. flow and d i - 'versions of Augiut is and 19 wvrr _shoa-n by (tally rrpnrt.^ w« j<>d b> n» l.ynn Crandnll, a:i!ern:.\.trr, ti.' fr>’.-.0 *.': ,

Slersgr. A rrr I r r l };.'A IJ IR Aue. 19 m‘c

Jark.w)n L.\ke :(W.570 V ' Amf.-tr.in F s lli :7S.-:r-> ?T1..Wi j k e w -ir fo :t T3.:?o to.ico i .<,

R U rr I low. .sr.fp:i:l J eel <M\fo r-T fiirtn s-ico »'•M.'Lv •• 10 34/) 10 170 J','"Clouch ............ 3tl!-.0 1.30n nr.Netler *340 B3M f 'Ho» p!>. FrrrT 7110 7 P.'-OM llr .T IR^ 20: 1

nivtr%lon. Srrnnrt F r ttMinidoka N- s • : :no 5 220Mwldoka- S. S. . :.1P0 I lf - i ,* iM llre r 6. s . .. . 3 >vi 3.470 hitM ilner Low L if t \y) 123Goodins ProJ*c'. 91R PO:N 5 . In Goodlr.g .PH 9 :4 'D iiP. A. l.^ teral « fi2N ilnerN . s . :.7>i l sioHelie to Woodvllle 1« « 5 221Woodrt'.;e to Black ,

foot . . 1.1*7 1J91 , Rlght.< of May Jl. were ff-led

30 per cent on Au;-.;.\: i j .There was .15 Inch precip iutlon at

M eraa on Augu.': IJ a - i .13 Inch’ on * ‘August 19, • * .


BALTIM ORE. A.^r 21 .P— Bal- _ llmore mall l.cc c f fu u 'ji w w ad- vised today h-r wltrle.., •.i-.i-. ife f.- ' t l ry Peter*, 1e-r,-sr-oV. srrh i!''. 't. of B» Grand I : ; i. “.d. N^Sr.vka. >sped

!, AUGUST 21, lasi____________



J G - O M T IL S O G l l h e m S K E E Z I X TVO P P E D W A S S _ .: A H O T / ^ R l G H T t ^

m d T h e W o r l d I

1 ^ . ■

I■ - - I

< { J

a I

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V . ■ • ■ tV i

1 I'

• . ■ ■ » I

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.>• • • • C••• . ■' ■ Ai '-> ” , •■ . V

^ 1-1 ■ ! ^Iir Loul.rvllle, Kenlurky, Tlmea added !! IV ill Rogera and Wlley Pe it, killed In r row. Alaska.->lFrom y/T’. li

t U p F o r S a l e ‘I ■■ I I ■ I . 1

I ' K

- .

■ t■ 0n<i ■ ' ' H l i k t e i . . *

, . i f t • B

" • t h K j n f l f c • J J ■ ^ ^

m u 5 h ^ ti

-.B t wf l h n

r Is fond o f her hnsband, bnt wants LNew York, offered lo aell him fo r «

la t l t fm t l l ke eream maker In New p,oplc I* plclured.—<'P> Photo. w

• IIB I L L T E R R Y ’ S T E A M f

P R O T E C T S 3 - G A M E L E A D !i

IContlnued From I»age 7i------- IV

lU ln r. p ____ _____ .1 0 ® ® 0 3'Tot.;* M •' * :T 13 h Ihnlnn •’ * ^

ni-lc iirr Ib • J ® i ; * *■ MowTT rf ----- ------- J J J • J MTli<>rTir«n r » . . - - j 0 0 0 0 ^

1 H i

nm-rn p ' ' ; n ? o J **jor«»n'^» - ----- .------ i a 0 0 0 P*

r.- - IU llM for Slut:;fr^^:a ^ I .• l V > . - i n ' 010 ^ 0 » T J v;. Errrrt — D 'laa trr. t-e» T«r> tm«» Tih iu — D'jrw6»r. r .r tth rr . Ln-. WhR- ein n . llom t T-.irj — Rothrwt. t .nrr»«. ptolfn B***« — Of»tttI .lam - pi

W e a v e r B la n k s D o d g e rs RDROOKLY'N. Aug. 20 i^*— W ith Lt

Jim Weaver outpointing Tom Zach* ^ .ir>- In a mound duel today Ai each jo team made fl>c h iu . the PitUburgh Lc Pirates defeated the Brooklyn Dod- J ’ gera 2 to 0 today.__________________ ^

TTie Pirates made both of their icc run* In the th ird when after two werr out. Paul W anrr c.ime through w llh a single and Arky Vnuehsn ». ________________ _______________rr

, Bl.-rScar.! from lh ' m sil l it tr r C.ty 0: Ballim rce ICO m ile ' o ff the Virginia fs r^ . ' JnJ ».is tro i.-.ed. V

G I R L ^ A R E . D ID M 'T T H E B U M K . / V O O A S K

- _ O S IM^ T H E H R S T

M o C A R T H Y M E N S T R IK E B A C K A T S C H O O L B O Y

(Continued Prom Pago 7JDyke, lb ------------ ---a 1 1 18 1Ktyts 3D _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 0 8CohUa rf ----------------4 0 3 3 0Bhts e ... .......... ....« o 0 a aSftlvnwn p _________ 3 I I ,0 1 ^

Itila u __________ i i l i 12 J7 »rhiiBdtiphia ________ 3fti 000 000— 4Chicago ... ............ .... JOI 001 ISk-U

ElTOt* — None. Two bsse h it — CODIui. Three bast h lu — Fosi. Blta« moiis. Jlome run — Pou. Sscrltlco — CoBIsa, DouWe play — U ltU nt (« Wartiler.

Cleveland Trims SenatorsCLEVELAND, Aug. 30 M>/-Tha

Cleveland . Indians capitalized on two fumbles and a w ild th row in lhe firs t inn ing today to defeat lha WojAilngton Senntors 4 to 2.

Qnlaizer, T nu ky and Hale scored In Che In li ia l frame. ODlaUer w ai safe on Kress' fumble, atole second and went to Ih lrd on Holbrook's w ild throw, Trosky doubled, scorlnf

! Oalatzer. Hnle doubled to scoro I Trosky, ndvnnclng when Stone fum - I bled Uie ball. Knickerbocker singled ,, to bring in Halo.I ThC'box score:! W -tihlnilon AB R II 0 A ; i n ---------------- 1 0 0 9 0

M rtr 20 ” 1: : : ” ™ ::: 4 0 0 J 3Manuih If ________ 1 1 3 J 0Travu 3b ............. .....1 0 a I aPowtii Cf ----------------3 0 I a SKrcM aj, .. ..„ . 3 0 0 a aHolbrook c .J . -------I j . 0 S. 3 5N«wtora p .... ..... . _ 3 t a 0 ]

ToiaU ^1 a ' 7 M "aCltttland An R tl *n a

Oalalitr r f ____ ___ 4 l o t oAvtrlll cf __ _______ 4 1 1 3 0Votmik If __________ 3 0 1 S 0S S V rz T rz :! 1 S ‘J i

M Knickerbocker sa _ 4 0 3 1 a .» t s B i J i - -------------- 3 } : s }

Humin p ________ _ 1 0 0 1 a: Touis ..... ..............5 ” *9 37 I i i „

Wstblnglon -------------010 OOI 000- 3 J tCIcrtland _________ 31 000 O i—

Errora — aiene. KreM. Holbrook. O t> ^ J l»t»tr, Berter. Two bsst h lu — Troskr.r

. Halt. Ntoiom. Tttree bss* b l l — f Knlektrbocker, Sloirn bMo — Galautr. Sarrldcta — Powell, Otrstr. Doubla plajK — Knickerbocker to Otrstr to Troaky; SCotit to KupcI: Krtas to M rtr; . Dcrftr to Kaicktrbocktr lo Troakj.

Browns, Red Sox Break EvenST. LO UIS. Aug. 20 <-Pj — Tho

Browns, ce lla r dwelling giant k il l­ers of Ihc American league, dropped Bosion to fo u rth plaee belUnd iho climbing W hit« Sox by splltung a doublcheader w ith the Red Sox to ­dny.

Rogera Homsby’s men won their fou rtii victory o f the 5-game series 8 to 5 in the opener but dropped tha nlghleup 7 to 3 a.% their hutlers willed before a l l - h l t Red Sox attack. _

The box acore:nn>l f tm t : ^ . R J{ ■

n*aion .............. . 000 000 3«-,S 11 IBl. LOUL. ... .000 230 03x-:a l l L

W. I t r r t l l tnd n. rerrell; i'lra .) Knoil anrt IlFmstry. \ I

rWconrt Bsmt. IKnilon An R H O JU

Coole* f f __________ 4 3 1 1 0Alni*<l» rf ______ , - - 3 3 3 3 0Jolin^f-n If -------- ---- 4 1 2 0 0Cronin m " ___ __3 1 3 1 3W itlunu 3b ______ 4 1 1 t 4Mfllllo 2b _________ J O 3 3 «D.liigii-n l b ________ S 0 I 14 oD fri C ____________S 0 a 3 0orota p ----------------- 4 0 0 0 0

T o t tU ---------------- 5 ” H « i iSl. I.o illl An R II O A

S Larr M ____ _____ 4 0 3 3 3r iiu tn . lh .... . ...... 4 0 0 a 0, PoItrr» I f __________ 4 0 a S O

----------------J 2 S 5 2cm J 3b ^ __________ 4. ^ a 2 3f l t t l f t _____ !— 4 0 3‘ 4 I* iPmrr P ----------------- l O 0 0 « ■Tliomt* p I 0 0 0 1 ^

D llenulr? X - _________ I O O O O ^1Tots:* —. . _____ 37 *3 » JT i l

x - n t i l td for Xnotl In Rib.- ivwion ........... . ..........613 001 MO- 70 31. l/)Ut» . - - - OOJ 2fll 000— 3

fcrora — M 'llllo . Cookt 3. Two ba».- 13 MU — Wm i 2, Johniinn. I.ary a. CUt.A Cronin- Thrt* n*»t h iu — Solttn. Sto!- 0 tn ba*« — Larr. i'a rrlfl«« — Burn*.0 Almada. Douht* plar — Crosla u>0 M illllo lo Dahlgrra. Loalag pllcDtr —

4 la.ihed a double to le ft center. When1 Linus ' •ey. who (ook th« throw

from Jimm y Bucher, uacorktd a0 wild th row to Uie plate, both bro ih- ” er Paul and Vaughan croued the1 Plaic. •

The box score:0 r iiu b u rt t l AB K H O A

Jcnwo K _________ 4 0 0 * 0I . Wantr et ________ « « I 3 «

• P. Wantr r t 3 l 3 0 » s v»u,n.n M . - , 4 I 1 I• Tnrtio r 3b - 4 0 0 0 2• Buhr lb - 4 0 I 13 O

Toun* 2» __________ 4 0 0 1 4^ PjdOfa e - 1 O 0 0 a

‘ Tota;, ^ “ J l nlUookl;. AB » H O A

— ; s i ; 1nucatr B -------------- * 2 ? .2 2

1 Ltalia l b -----------------J 2 } ‘2 ?. Currlotllo 3b ---------* 2 : 2 i

noTit r f -----------------J 2 « 5 s• Jomao 2 b __ I. ? o a a o

• ?. S,’g ; f - = ; ; I ; ?, ; ? i0 t^O a id P -------------- ^ f: td--a:j _____0 s ~ » J1 »-ftattrd f“ r lo p 's l.-» * lt ' 1

r.— ntf.r.d for 0« OOO- 3 f

■ h i S ^ Va’.!f!ia.-». rr*T. DouBt. plar -

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · J - - - ^ . c i t y E d iljo n T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. pI e fli me' BODIESDISGOVERED i MIE


S ii to y *, pel tine per d»>«-------- *T b m per Um pet t a r -------*

Oae to y . per Ub®-----------------------^ZZM7o D iflCOUDt

F o r Caahs iV r a 5 ”V “j!s s

p h S ? a lo t . » » a u M T ,

INDEX TO WANT ADSi ! S S S S " J L r = 5 5AutM lor Btlii .. "~SAUto 8*me«. P»n»— - ]

" w re c ta ry -^ " f !

■ — j;ntetno A97H10CW .-ro t (tUff viiw fecK--— — — ?!

n«!p w m U i l - - »nor1>t> _ - . . i . . _ ""11

«n(J VtgpUbH*. *;pu nm l Direetant., ;piimUtira lor Oaort ThtDp to f a t—I

UaJ* nr FwjjaJ*— — ' notuM ror ..... ~ ~ y

, TW|ttyCtlOT^^._.^ i____ iii.».>.

irnn i^ touo«iD«. e to r«> e _ ,, 3PewnftU _■roH ltrr tnd SotpHmlUdlea Hnd , — ,«♦<5 5 1 1 5 S S K 5 S , i = i

flltu iuon ientet«:» «t «tm«» aWjintM to "'■» — -> 'W*niM to »»«"» - -WftaiMI - fl.<ror B4t i or ■T""» ’ ■


IP tW H A P P y CONSUI.T M A I ( ftre t A. Jeftrle t, Room 20t Roge ton Hotel.


Ilew anl. C. R. Mcftd. Tci. 1081.

PRESIDENT m m CAP BETWEE I<Uho Pall* and Ta1n Falla. R tu m to News. Reward.

Beauty Shops

SCHOOL BP EC U L. PSRMAl ents t lJO . oU permuients 1 m t h Ave. Beauty Shop, 410 6 E. Ph. gzaw. ■

SPECIAL PRIOES ' on a ll pennanent waves durlns V the m onth or Aujtust. Phone us W Jor fu rth e r .InformaUon.\ IDAHO BARBER AND

BEAC TV SHOP . Phone 43« 121 M ain East

T ^ o " ' r o R " T N i" " p H M A N E h wave special. Auc. only, prcpa fo r echool now. Ph. 3 « . Tl

Beauty Bo*.

THOSE WHO H AVE CXPCRIEN< ed our vork luiow th a t our metl ods and the sk ill of our operate

-=^-r..^ara superior. You mav now ha one Of our o il waves for as low 1 91.S0. Crawlord's Beauty Salon. 1 M ain AT*. South. Pbone ISTi.

Autos for Sale

W H IT E ’S .We Buy fo r Cash and Sell

on Terms 1934 Chevrolet tnJCk. lonc »heel base, stalce body, dual tires. low mllege. We consider this a coodb u y _____________________S594.00IS30 Pord truck, short wheel b.tsc. dual lire*. recondltlnned...j2iS W1028 C ljcw olet truck. 32*6 tires on rear. Oood b u y -----------490.001029 Ood^e Commercial sereen hj'draulle brakes. reconctlUoiKd.

_______________________ J275.W1038 Dodge plckuj), S cood tires.—

_________________ ___ _..5138.MI f They Are N ot W hat We Teli You Th?y Are. B ring Them Back

• ' JN O . B. W H IT EThe Used C ir .Man

144 2nd N.

T O D A Y ’S S P E C IA LI93J 4>Cy21nder Ford Coach

The A U T O M A R TNext to Kyle Waite's

WE B tT Y -S E L ^-T R A D E

" I « » CALL rOR »XSLT.T»-.mOX»

*= ' — ---------- ---

\ ' 'Y V < fe U .-H C iWI . ( V O U R U P E IN <

i1 U T r U E A U F Y -

,) \ a r e n o w a PC. ' p f t l'S f iN E ft U K E

TW E V iC *n^\ O F S m O N 6 E R A » 4 C

\ S ^ P C W E R F ^ T V


' W ant A? E S A u lo s f o r S a le

'(CoBUPBtd frem Pr«c«4tB| Colaaa

~ s t u d e b a k e r “Certined Used Cart

Cbev. S edan___ tpm• OJd.C. Truck. 2 ton_______ IM 4Bulck Special tedan________1#S3

* '• “ Naah convert, coupe_______ IWO1029. 3-ton Dodge beet body

— — truek, licenseIS I S a l e s a n d S e r v i c e_e.A 884 M ^ p No. _ Phone M

i d C H A N E Y M O TO R CO.— ?5 1933 Ford coupe .........::.Lr.,t30SIK

1930 Ford coupe_________ 310.01—» 1030 Chev, sed an------------- 3«.0(— 15 1939 Ford sedan_________ » 8J)l__10 1030 O, A. Dod8e 'se d a n __ sas ot—3« 1020 Hudson K dan ........ 33S.0(“ ■■*2 ; 1928 Ford coupe 188XHZ a n i '1029 Pontiac ..... ................. 78.05- V i 1928 OnUand sednn -------- 05.0(” ■/; 1 1029 Chcv. t r u c k ________ 198.01- a . - ----------------

W e S t i l l H a v e T h e -

g W H I Z—37 •29 Ford truck. Runs good

*30 Ford tn ick . runs good.I Jumbo gear, good »rafn

__» box, farm Wcenso ...... .— «— ” I 1 wood trailer, good tlrea— »

j I wood trailer, fa ir tires 3i

s ! 1 J O H N O ’ C O N N O R

— 31B S I ,» h o f? W ? n S S i . IH I = “ We B uy Equlllea

4 ' - - ■

Male Help Wantedtoger- — --------------------------------------------—

WANTED—THREE YODNO ME age 18 to 30. meehanleally ai

-------- technically Inclined fo r Commerce Sound and Television Industi

S tnrt n t bottom. wUllnc to lew -w -.-. Actual laboratory and shop tra l N IE L offered those nccepted. W rflX. fo r JnfcrvJcw. Olve two refcreno__!__ &c(. present employment aiVEEN phone number. W rite DePores I. B c- —Box 100, core T w in Palls Net

I Female Help Wanted 16 . ___________________

■— ^ W A N T E D -M ID D LE AGED WOI UAN* an to keep house In motherU s t i . home. W rite Box 97. care News.0 6th ---------------------------------------------------■ WANTED W OMAN POR COOIC»

In small boarding house. Write rtng P*>. M ra. Charles Dunn, Jarbldi , (IX Nevada.

WOMAN, GOOD COOK, OOC w llh children, fo r permanent ] as housekeeper, Pbone evcnln;

S « t 0100R3.W E N T --------- -------- ----------------’*^e Situations Wanted 1

w o m r ‘ ‘ w A J ? rE D r~ B o v8~ A ^Rlrls attending L inks School Busineas nre In need o f odd Jol

r»t«M help defray espcnsc*atiendl

ow as W hat have yoa? Fhon .U 24, ■

Money to Loan - 17 ra D T O A L ^P A R M " LOANS R

duced to 4 per cent. See or tel phone J. W. McDowell, Tw in Pal

I F o r S a le , M is c e lla n e o u s 1[U I --------------- —------- —■ ■ ■ ■ ___ _

(P^IR SALE — PARROT. 229 3^ heel ; _________________ -

1 DERRICK POLES, CELLAR TIA ,■00 1 bers. R. H. Vanderpool. I ml. iv

, *. c.n;t K im berly.

FURNITURE — NEW AND USE « ^ 1 0 »11 kinds, coal ranc«

;i electrlo rancea coal stores, clrci ' Ixtors and other houiehoM fun

l l n i I Lihinss-Moon's. Ph 8. Store No rs.W p j^ 3JB_ Store No. Z

is tW I T im E SH IN O .MACHINE REPAIF T e ll ( aod supplies, fncludlng used pu Jack I leys. Kreneel's Hdw. (

*;¥ I ha^e the larsest stock of* ncw nnd usrd lurn ltu re on

--------’ ¥ h.\r.d nt th is lim e tha t I have-------- ¥ ever had. I have I t “ laid In " so-------- j * you folfci c.tn afford tg btjy It., ¥ I f I t w u n 'i fo r my trading I .J, * would never be able lo Jell It

¥ a t such a price. Come In and* look over mj- itock and make ¥ me an offer.

, , * H A R R Y M U S G R A V E------- , t ^ ) , , t . ; ( . ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

j j f i r c j " iT i t CALL ro « arscLT»--raoB«


> 0 Y O U J.1K .E ^ s» C A P T I V IT V . .

C A U - '<1DU V Y O U ,'T O O .P O O R U T T U E

CE M E - /O F^ M O R E J i S k t h a n y o o - /

^jV \ ' ‘ S ^ (

m -a I ’

^ds Stay W h e re 7 ' ~ F b r S a le , M is c e l la n e o u s -1

» ) Pt»eadtai Cottitti— a u T K i n S " OF M A T r o iu T p<

butldlDg potato sorte n ; cha sproketA, sfaU, belting. ahaliU bearings, sheet steel, motors, e gfengel's Hdw.________________ •

O dOXJBLB CORRUOATCD INSOL ra Uon board Cnew) only U 4 0 t *y . IOO sq. ft, Hayes Hatcbety.

5 W H Y P A Y W A R P R IC E !M A C tr ia id ot Uurttco lo bulk 2 _ Buy what you need, bring baei___ v h a t you havo left. We toim yot

& brush to pu t U on w ltb tree M cM urtry Ho>ua Patnt, 4'

oo Hour Enamel, F loor a a d ' Ltn- .00 oleum V tm lsb dries in tw< M hours—A large stock o f Wal •22,S M O O N ’SXIO TW IN PALLS PHONE I.00 — . ...... ......... — -----------00 O R A N rrE AND MARBLE MO M umenu. JeUlson Broa. Ph. OSU

4 « M a in e .___________________

F or Sale , 7 i S % o f f

,10 50 U s e d l e e B o x e s

10 U s e d E l e c t i - i c « • R a n g r e s30 A ll have been rccondlltoned , and aro In l lrs t class work*h I Inc order.

- M O O N ’ S____STORE NO. 1~ 301 M ain West

9 STORE NO. 3- 318 Shoshono South

CEN. ------ ~ ~andrci# i W a n te d M is c e lla n e o u s 17!try . ___


Kansas C ity last o f Aug. CoUi student and mother. Leom Shudes, 308 l l th . Buhl.

___ FURNIURE WANTED - WB D>used furn iture, cool ranges, sto'

i n and Ice boxes. W« pay cash. 1 8, Moon-6.


A REALLY CROSS AND LOT------ watch dog. Phone 73,tNOe ar — — —

' F r u i ts a n d V e g e ta b le s '

n v e a l t h y ' ^ l e s , BEOT "f ([ j j” cooking, large size. Kenyon Orei

TRA.V8PABENT. RED ASTRA;= ? han, and Red Jun% apples, S't•14 crabs. 2V, m l. So. o f east end' ^ Main. W . M . Plsher. Ph. 03e3R3

'N D FOR s a l e — H AY. POTATO:Ot and carrota. Phone 0107J4.

lobs, ---------------------------------------- ----------J Of EARLY APPLES, l> i M I. EAST Cdins Kim berly Road. Blaine Voebun

L A R M APRICOTS 81. BO.. 1___ miles northenst Haiuen brldi.Jg C lifford Denny.

P r e s i d e n t i a l T i m b e ra ll. I

1 7 !

2ND I_' ‘ " ^ W P Wi-v -

* '*■ ' \ rcu- i !ra>I> U ,

H M I¥* A R T n v c ROBTSSOS. K n a h r fn „ I Indiana, lias been oatned amoi

■ a iTDBp o f leadlne Repablleana ¥ possible presldenlUl timber I

1 H38.—(Al Photo._______________• B I - ^ t l l CALL r o s R U LX T S -'-n aM

E C C / M P ^ - A f / S

f b u t A O -W A Y S ; / O U S T FOLLCMJ !■ \ A K ID Y O U 'U - C

I r \ l e t T W f fM Wl L E T T H E M IKJ,

i [■ L E T T H E V ^ C R ' - : ^ > * iW E N Y O U R '

• - V ' r t J U ’L L C O LU v i r r H I

‘' - 7 (

jy I(


W an t A d iIS 17 E le c t r lo A p p lia n c e s 1ItittB) -------------------- ■■ .■ ■ ■ ■ --

Chala F O R S A L Ei/tlfig . Kaaff Waahloff M o cb lo u a t s. etc. reduced prices.

M T N . S T A T E S IM P . C O .JOLA* Seeond A rc. So. ■ - Ph. SM10 per .1 •

: e s ? . - f - xDexter2 ■

! Washer SaleFREE

10 D A Y O F F E R .

i : : : : $ 1 2 . 0 0I D e L u x e R i n s e T u b s

: w i th ca ch D e x te r $67.50 01 I ove r— b e g in n in ff A u g . IS t l i I to 2 5 th .

e g 1 S if lrn lfy y o u r de a lre tc 1 tn k e a d v a n ta ffc o f t h l (

C ' s h o r t - t im e o f fe r . W r i t e l r o r p h o n e . M o k e a s m a ll de* p o s it o r o r d e r f o r f u tu r e d e l iv e ry — D o i t to d a y l




____ ForSale or Trade 27 _ , FOR BALE OR W IL L TRADE FO 17-A BILis Trlum plSpotalofs a Chew _____ let coupe. Room 0. Caledoo

^ F u r n i t u r e f o r S a le 2sonard _______ _ _ _ _ ___ • ______

--------- L IV IN G ROOM. DIN ING ROOJ: DOV bed room, fu rn iture and tugs. Ou stoves Ulna, drapes, dishes, cooUi h. Ph. utensils. G. E. Ice box, H ot PU

range, combination Inoentrat■ ■ . - and ho t water healer. T hor wasl

er and Ironer. A ll this can be M<______ Wednesday, Thursday and P lL O u n <lny between the houra o f 10:i

o-clock a. m. and 8 p. m. a t t i httmm nf M . M. Hunt. 1 mUe N a <

--------- • Five -Points on Washington.

SS 1 8 1 ■■■ ■ —

~ H A Y E S3™ a N e w an d U aed F u r n i t u r e

Lowest Prlces-Cash or ■ raK - Terms, ie lly ■<« M alo So. Phono 73:nd o f |l_________________________ c i—3R3. I __________________________________I

' | ” ~, C L O S IN G O U T S A L E O N

— A L L O U T D O O Rbu S , F U R N IT U R E -, Hammock*. compJeftf w ltb

»t*nd '.................... .-__.....|12J0jnoge. Canvas g lid e r* -------------------14iC

■ a f t . wood porch swlng-w_— 3 ifl= = ■ 8 f t . wood porch swlng— _ 45C

«v < 6 f t . wood porch swing_____ 03Ce r . ' ! Oreen la *n scnta_________ 4iD

• I A large eelectlon o f all outdooiH H j and porch fu rn iture a t greatl]

' reduced prlcfs.■ ■ J IO O S IE R F U R N IT U R E■ ' C O.Im ; Elks Bldg.

9 ' Radios and Service 23-

M SPECLU. BAROAIN PRICES C 1 ^ 1 used Radios Moon's r a lo tA Pur

Itu re Store.

H Moving, Storage .2

H ' OOR CAREFUL HANDLING. AN ‘ inaured s<Tv:ce. guarantees yt

. safe dPlftery. Ford T n ru te r . < Home Lumber. Ph. 34 or 227.

H W a n ls d lo B u y 2

H IG H EST PIUCES POR FRYER • f r o a and hens. C ity Park Oro. Ph. 103V

FU RN rrU R E W AN TED -W E BCT >n* “ , used furn iture, coal ranges stov« r fo r • and ice boxes We pay cash Phor__ S. Moon-s_________•M n - r a * c a u . r o « B X s tn .T f. . r» « 7 1


' s r e m r a n b e r AO M M Y B S O kM P L ff X . fT. £ > 6 T AX jONCx - , ?W O R T Y O U - / «

IK j^ iU R E > O U - /S R U S H Y O U - S% T IM E C O ^ S , (L L 5 C T O A M A 6 E S , ,-T *

> u k j T m e - ^ 4T ' >


[s P a y — C19 Wanted to Buy' 25

.....i.-. (CeattQutd rr^a Fyeeedlni Cotoaa)

« s *a t ♦ I n M arket fo r W heat, 0 » U *

♦ or Barley . ' ♦ 3 0 . * o t tn th ir ty daya t r ta •

* storage. U you w llh to gtore. «

---------* « GLOBE SEED AN D FEED *--------- ¥ COMPANT *

¥ Phone 401 Tw to F tU * M

* - ¥ ¥ * * * * * * ¥

Houses for Rent 27

1 _ 3-ROOM ■'kOUBB AN D *BA -fH , I O new. 303 2nd ave. M at. O. O. * V Markle. Call R«ed boteL

Apartments 28

^ • 3.R 00M ■ p O R jhsH E D ^A piC 'aTO Oxford. 438 M ato Wo.________ ___

l b s PULLy ' V oRNISHSD A P T8, A T Justamere Inn and O u U Home

) o r Ph. 4M and 971, respocUtely.

.5 th WE IU V E S E V E R A L NIOS apartments fo r rent, l . t o 4-rooffl

t o npu- v i th batb. Musgrare Broa..t h is ____________________________5 I n APAR-TMENTS, ADULTS. 343 8-TH d e - Ave, East.___________________

FOR RENT—L IG H T HOOSEKEEP- Ing apt. I^on e 836 or call 480 2nd M t. N a

W ILL SHARE M Y APARTMENT with responsible couple. Home privileges. Inquire suite No. 8 over Plxton's. * •

~ Y j Rooms lor Rent 29--------- S l iE P IN O .R O O M - -C L ^ W 444: FO R 3rd Ave. E.

ROOSt W ITH BOARD IP D E - sired. 882 Slh ave. east. Phone

--------- DQ4J.

o q NICE COOL ROOM SOITADLE ^ for two. 859 M ain W,

^ NICE COOL PRONT BEDROOM. COM , reasonable. Woman preferred. 127 . O ur* sth No.

-pUtO SLEEPING ROOM SUTTABLE FOR tra to r two persons, over Plxton'a. Inquire m a b -) aeen ,.

F H - -----------------------------------------------------Wanted to Rent 31

M a c / : __________ ________________________FURNISHED APT. OR SMALL

— - house by responsible party, Box - 12. caro Newa.

, 3 OR * ROOMS PARTXV FURN- u r o . . Phone 481.

° ” Real Estate for Safe 32

-------- . 40 ACRES, CROP AND IM PLE*n n ; a jfa ts . »4000—81800 down, balance

federal losn. Earl Murray. Filer, Idaho.____________________•

POUR 80-PT. LOTS, IRRIGATED I Including d.room modem house.

12-M I J. E, DeW ltt. phone 374.

3 io r " i r " i o T " w r i r 7 c R M r " E A 8 Y450 terma, 8 per cent Inierest. Pb.830 0398R3.4iO __

door I A rc t ic A v ia to r ,

R E - — ^

' '

YERS JOE CROSSON (abovf), noted Alaaka filer, piloted b b pUne fro ta \

OOY Pa lrtenks lo Point Darraw te ear* : Itove* r r the bodlea o f >V1II It«Ken and ; ’ hone; w O e j Poit. UDed w s r Barrow la \_____ I aa airplane crash, lo FafitanJa. jKU t t 1 — Photo.


c - 1 B R W I « EY ' P l E A S Y -f m

I A lJ u i_ 2 r .


loun t Th<!S . R e a l E s ta te f o r S a le 3 2t) •• (Ceauaaed tre a - fw d ia s CoI u m )

* Ished — on paved street — good* lawn—abado—modem bath f lx - 2 turea — electrlo range — electric* water beater—pipe furnace. Price* W,000 fo r QUlck sale.


~ e-ROOM M O D n tN HOUSE, GOOD >7 condition. Close in, $3700. j . b , ■* W hite. ___________

« ¥ ¥ ¥ * * * * * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥o ' » ♦

¥ FOR Q U IC K SALE t4> S.foom home near school in ¥

— ¥ good condition, small down V *■ P ^m en t, balance >30 per V

: 8 ¥ month, 13,380.* 6’TOom, modem, wlUi new y

^ ¥ piped furtjaee, on pavement. ¥* ¥ 92M0. ¥

¥ e*room dwelUng Id one o t ¥^ ¥ Tw in 's best residential dis* ¥

¥ tr io u , well insulated, new fu r* ¥* ■* nace, 14,800. . . ¥

^ ¥ '40 acres, finest Und, near '¥ » ¥ T w in FaU*. 6*room modem ¥ uo borne, ««.000 cash, balance ¥

¥ Federal loan, 19,000. ¥¥ BANGER-JONES ¥

— ¥ Raalestate—Loans ¥ m ¥ 133 M ato E. Phone 437 ¥

¥ ¥ ~ .)i « 4 I 4 I ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

nd GOOD eo ACRES, PRICED POR Quick sale. W rite Box Pl, care

3t - - •_________________ne 8 -R O O M STR IC TLY MODERN -er home, completely furnished on

paved s ^ t . WOO. Wione 010.= r OOOD W ELL-IMPROVED 10 A..

H m llo FUer. Bargain I week. M n , !9 J. M . M arkel, FUer.____________

X i >4800 S-ROOM HOUSE. 1018 SHO- shone East, modero. Immediate

_ posseaston. Peavey*Tltber Co.. Inc.

na LISTEN. II700 GETS Q m O K POS- seaalon. .40 aere improved farm,

__ team horses, wagon, farm Imple- :.E menta, 30 tens hay. growing crop,

price $4000, easy pafmenU. See— or w rlto W ard the Land Man a t U . E iw ln Hote l, Jerome, Idabo.

15 D o o s , O lh e r P e ts 3 5

« ----------- -- ---------------- —PEDIGREED NCW Z E A L A N D

— Whito rabblta; buck, two does and 3 pens. Fo r aale reasonably a t 347

11 Stb Ave. No.

^ For Sale Livestock 36_ 8 S U rP O L K HAMPSHTRE -RAM y . Iam bi, R . r . Boyd. Ph. 0l W 8.

FOU R PANAMA BUCKS. PHONI = M , Kim berly, or caU F. B. WUson

12 30 F IR S T CLASS PUREBRS;•yearling Hampshire rams. Cal]

— D r. O. R. Scott.___________________

^ TOBA t reasonable prlee: ISO head

' ' purebred Hampshire aheep. 100 ._ ewea, good a g ^ 4 0 ewe lamba :d and 10 b u » lamba.le. ID AH O KA R A K U L FU R

SHKEP CO..Rm. 13. Smlth-Rlce Bldg.

Phona 388 or 0483RS

^ T i m e T a b l e sM vda ta at n tm an* TTatae a*4

ai«l«« B tua rualas Tare ack Twla rails! OBEOoit ■ n o n t o n

B u tM aa i(B tieUTf 4ksu*n >1. ittS )

; rralD sm imtc* , . , eaaa eiTrain t n imtrn a :U p .o t

’ UMtkasaetw ia m l**»« ■ ........ —,l 9jO a n .Ttata ta mrm _ . , ia o p a.

( ra ita b j u n o i Scuta Mas«

Tralo uo a m t« » ______ _ _ S '0 0 p aUNION r a a r ic ■Taaga

Cuiaeaae A m va ---------------------------- e t t a m

________ ___________ t : l i cn.LMVM “I ■ , * t ^ ”p mATTtvat — . >:ie p a

I Lm t m - - S33P BI e u f * tm r in s ftt t a ^ via. Jcromt. I Wfodrii u>e oaodiPti ou>«n v ia flu u I aad Bastmaa I WMtbOBaflI —*— . ■"I Lmtm — * 10.ua.rnI ArD*« ■ 1:SCpBI B«0p BS

a rr l*« - 1-.SS a dLm t m l« S a m

I 8taf» itaviDS ai 1-00 p in, n*. Jn . ana. Waadcil aao Oeodtac; eUtwa via. Puaj u )0 lusnrsftii

I O T I l» STAUk U K UTwla ralM .iuan-Katcbaai

Lm * « - U.OO am .B a tu ru , eao p. B.

t K«rbam.«uala><S ) LMra* Knebvm Moo. m _A:eo p. a.- * ;A n lT « Kfun iim e«t__SSOp a.

; TwiB rana-WaluId LMIVM .... ....... ...........— . l l « a. B.la 1* ^ ’ “ “ ssm cjm ia* T l ia ’ * ^ "■s, fCaat aaU. i.'M p m. aM 4J0 ^ m.

Iw w t taa!>. ass a. ta . !.-«« p. B . aa4 4:30 p. m.

~W- ^y r '



5. AUGUST 21i 1985

3 2 F o r S a le L iv e s to c k 3 taa> (Caatlaaad fre a Prto<lB i Calniaa)

— ^ 1800 3 - Y R . - 0 L D CROSSBREI t. ewea; 3000 feeder lambs 8«(c.O .B n* Harvey. Ph. 1187.

^ H A M P S H IR B ^E A R R ^ S . EU G - Ib lo U> reguter. Ronald W, P lem

Phoae 01S8R13.

13 Y Z A R L IN a HAMTOHTRE RAMi 1 y r. old >38. S Hampshire yearltn rams. Some aprtog lamb rams. E W . Rledemas, 4 lo , H e u t o t eas

— f , end o f M kto. Ph. 0W J4,

loD RAMPSHXRB BUCKS^ YEAR , JS lings and lambs, purebred, ani

gra in fed.'Good ones. A. J. Requi — . Pb. 0198J1, 3 m l. No.. IH W. F lv


¥ YXARLXNG H AMPSHIRE RAMS.> ¥ h . SMphan. Ph: 400 o r 148J.

t 1 GOOD GOERNSEY OOW. : ^ good Guernsey heifers. Ph. OSOOJ;

* T W O . THOROUOHSRED RAMfi♦ 1 m l. west and ?i south,Klmberi;

■ ¥ . - ■■¥ *THB CAIX r o « «ntrLTt>-*pboB« i¥ - ■ - -

' ¥¥


1 W A N T Erop,

2 b y t l 35 th isw d I M E N io an types o f wo

W O M E N B U U rt and m i

g g H O M E S to b a r and K

T S i C A R S o t a l makea, node

^ R O O M S lo n n t . Low I

^ B U Y E R S fo r e m r tb ln

CaU R E N T E R S Ukeyanne


Tw in Falls Clasi

~ P H O

tS J ' " ■■ —

Daily C r o s s -

i. B. '’ ACR08S Solution ot V*

L UuileaJ wort > a s. s r t t t pouta fwTA?S8FP7

t. E ir lo 'lv * I A I p I e MreTvTiI <j«vic«« i a i k i e b b c m ij i : Knl eoana R E a I s IS U

L B I 11. Town In Ohia p Ltn, I |4. lHimount»4 J r Int. 11, Ul»i Informa.

' “ IS, Eii-Iuiiva IE t T a I s E R , B control o t P e l5 g P C l

iS“ !o. ks?'” I nj>yEyr r Abfurt |a Im I ■

‘ » IS. >;.m»i» (have W l Ic Ic F p T B « . On* ot lha

' ® I Cn« arta lA V l l lD ^ 3 A' B I :K r i l l in drepa fV . a 30. Knvall n itir* & U N lG ^ B S li. m ; i i . Hut* bodiM h i > r v lf - B le I;« f. , of •rmt«f K P fa E i ” g IVia. I 1*. Ona whoM ' ' '

■unl o nne l Sl. r*minin« nainib* u u * i* j IL Dry arKl barrtB

I t . Par ( i, Arn*rlran < SJ. Prlir« animal humorul

■g; 4S. W...I9 ar»ma i t . n« *“ • »v»te& ■•'M tlr *T. I “ar»*1i l8^ * "fiiii fr»» * »». n r " ’' “ ■ 47. n o "fffln * I). tn lha

rt* tit hnltnmm- 43. nallirB «f a OOWNa . lU lm a a 1. rrcjucnU r

* 5 p 12 p U [ - j 5 j<

= , J l

' I s “ ^ ■

f l * ; ^~ a ~ i 5

3 ~ 2 T ~ !

1 ^i 3

3 ^ 2^ ^ ^

7 s

3 ^ -S3

» ----------------------

T f ““ ^

lemOnTl3 6 ------------ — ■■ — T

uaa) TB S RBWS WISBBS 7 0 K A S B — ■ t t d ear to FM den o t tba d u d * ■■I >RED ned page tb a t th e r t is a etxlet O. a . n la agaln it f t n a t to y addition-

a) to lormaUon ooneeriilng -bltod ada.-. th a t U. »«TW tlM m «tti. slgaed w ltb a bo i Dumber to e«n

lerce. ^ ^ewa. .i|

:AMS . ' . . . l l l l ' . .~ iirltng“ i S P o u l t r y a n d S u p p lie s 3 7 '

E w - HOME DRESSED H ^ S AMD F R T - and ers. O lV Park Grocery.

«qua, _________— ------------- —PlW t w e n t y POOR WHTTE LEO-

____ hom hens, 4So cach. Hayes Hatch*SB.-p.

BU S IN E S S , s s ; D IR E C T O R Yberly ------- ---------------------------.;____ PEAVEY TABER C O , t m PHONSiD« a 301. r i r t and auto tosuranee.

ED !the c itizens o f is c o m m u n ity :t work. Good pay.

I uisklUed. a ll agta,

1 cent. Adrertlse Nowt

aodels, iand pricee.

>w rales, big reta ils.

■tblBf. Advertise Newi

is rw ir. Read the Ads.


Is D aily News issifiedslO N E 32

!S-Word Puzzle>t Vetterday*s Puxsle •• »n«tr

le. tskaO edaa*U i d ia

I t . raahion 17. Uak«r ot■KsUtita l>. Thihst

t>Kn«d erfmaKn«(J

IU Citr tn Gar-

B n. Madlratorr t l . Oelt Inttrue-

lart reJtoo. .

n . Inclotura fOC l l . (Jndrntiira IJ, D litrlel 19

Lonflon It, O u iitr ef

fib«r» In wool 11. plawn ST. Uo»« Ifsra

nam* s. I>«>atrt 3> inirisu*m ta t. fnf»»t.n <« Snurn .Am<-rl-

(. F in i tnouclit <an nonkoI n( th* «(Otlll 41 Urm<ln«

I. tu»M-nr* ot 4J. fv-»rrfraCMn*M <t. l'lrk>ur* az- manOarla rumen

a. wcfta iprtj 41. ciMtrt t t i o f ha T. Hainan b*lnt *i(>«n»*a

S, 8l*«THf*< SO. r iu r * toul*r sar- SL .S'umbar

r m*Rt St. Nokba

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’his Page! j

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · J - - - ^ . c i t y E d iljo n T I [VOL. 18, NO. 116. pI e fli me' BODIESDISGOVERED i MIE

/ - • ' ’ P A G B ' . r a N ^ _______________ __

% o m i e P L i

rn m MIC iT h ir te e n O rg a n iz a t io n s to

G a th e r S u n d a y a t . R i e r '

F a irg i 'o i in d s

■ D K itlo n to hold ft picnic for mem* . ben o l all cooperatln aAsoclfttions In Tw in FslU countr w u rcnchcd W t /ligh t « t a m fvting o t Tw in i 'a l i i . Cooperntlve council In the o f- Ilcc o f .County A jc n t H m -cy 8. JiBle. The Bathcrlng w ill be held Sunday. Au(fuat 25. a t Tw in PnUs

■ ■ county fairground! n l Filer.• The Katherlns w jil iret under way a l noon w ith a picnic dinner and the council w ill provide tec cream, lemonade and coffce.* P>mlllM b« expecled lo brinir lunch and ih e lr

. onn table K rvire.The meeting w iil be held in con- ”

•Junction wlUi tlw eleventh nnniral n picnic o f Idaho Producen. | |

r re jm m C ha lna in John Heldhusan. prraldmt,.wUl'be

progrjun chalnnan and O. T . Koater. treu urer. la in charge o f ealt. O th* ' er aaaoclatibn ofrieers are W. S. Wood, vice president, anfl Hnrvey 8. Hale, ircaaurer. “

Member organizations are IdAho Effi; Producers. Jerome Cooperative creamery. Southern Idaho Produe- j j j tlon Credit aMociallon, Fttrm Loan AuocJaUon, Twin paUs-Jerone Beet by

■ Growers’ association, Southern Id a - erl ho Seed Grower*' association. T w in ] Palls County Livestock 'Marketing tal association. Soutbem Idaho Bean iifi Growers'aasoclaUon, Tw in PaUs M u- o f tiia l Plre Insuranc* assoclaUon. T Itr- ba. m en Auto Inter-lnsurance ex Wi change. Com-Hog Production Con­tro l assoclaUon.

B R € V IT I€ S <-------- , cal

AB9«aaee B irth — and M n .A- L. Prloe announce the b irth o f “ « A u gh te r Sunday a t U ielr home.

H en rro m PoratcUo — Don M U- ^ik k r has a r r ln d fn m PoeateUo to <0 accept ft podUon w ith the P. E. Drake mortuary. an,

• Ih tBack' Prom Montana—Mn . Ros- car

' e ltft Sm ith haa retumed from D l- car vide, M ontand where sbo visited S her daughter and grandchildren, tuu

' » lowAppUta fo r P e m lt—Robert L in g - cas

nau. 3*9 Van Buren street, yesterday anc applied fo r ft buUdlng penn lt to re - mU ahlngle a dweUlng a t n eost of $50.

Ucenaed to W ad-^am ea W. Po rt CC and Esther M. Oamer, both o f Je- t rome, obtained a marriage Ucense ' a t Tw tn PaUs county record tfa of- fioe yesterday. /

« ■ s uBere Prom Waahlagtan — H arry urt

B. MeCor. Washington. D . C , aur- adi prised hta parents. M r. and M n . me Sturgeon S. McCoy, by a rriv ing yes- out terday fo r a vacaUon v is it. In

11II » - I - ' cotOn Vae*Uon T rip — Deptity Sher- bat

I f f H. C. Olvens. accompanied by 1 his famUy and Mrs. Mackay J. Tot Brown, and Miss Stella Balon, are lea apendlng the wtck tn Nampa and Boise. . lea

■ ■ , valTo BaUd AddlUon - M Jx Clara J

Bm ith yesterday appUed fo r a buUd- « t tng perm it to erect a 10 by 13 foot addtUon to her home on Alexander street In Soulh Park addiUon a t a

' coat o f tlOO.----- • . I

Reeelred By Club—One hundred Zo new memben Joined the Tw in PalU afi Townsend elub, following lbe picn ic T i a t lh# Twtn Palla counly fa ir - tei grounds. Piler. Sunday, acoordlns to tei report o f the local committee. __

GdmU a t PeUt — M r*. L e a t e r Ea PoweU, guest last week o f Mrs. Dora qo BuUes a t her PeUt lake lodge, re- bH turoed la le Sunday w ith M r. PoweU and Ihe lr daughUr. M lu R uth j PoweU, who spent the day there. poi

— • D rHere From C a ltfo m U -D a le Ad- p i,

eock, fonner member o f tha local ty pollee force, now employed by the Ford motor company; San P ron- . cisco, and M n . Adcock, are here (or ft Tlslt a t the home of M r. and M n . I : *, Jack E^ipey.

R e ta m ln t l« C«a«t — M n . E. J. ^ McPeake and khu . Ralph and L r « l i — Ames, arc re lum ing today to Oalc- fand. CaUfomia, following > brief ^ vacation vUU w ith M r. and Mr*.R. I - R obrru. .Mn. McPeake an d ' M r*. Robert.5 are sliters. j

R etum to Idaho ~ Convmeed t ^ s l ' Idaho U bet:er than any of th e : atates lhej-» vlslled reccnUy. A. P I Poster and daushter. M n . Dcrosaeti | and two children, hare r«a m e d > frem a Mven months* tr ip w h!;h \ toek them throush the state o f I l ls - i aourl. Ohio and Kentucky. 1

To VU it Idaho *=■ UWSiti Stales Senator Carter •Ola.v, one o f the ly * t posted men tn the coa n lrr on

i rw-emment flcanee.t. ts sche du l^ to *penk .“It Bo!>e sbout September 30. MtijJer IVmacrartc auspioi-i. I t a un- deritocd that an effort u-iU be made to hrtfiR f^cr.s:or 01a« to T * in Palls fo r an addref*.

Former RetldeaU V b lt—M r. and' M n . CUreace T. Oould and fan jily . 1 fm n e rly of TW.u Palls, le ft ye rte r-l ' Cay fo r thetr horae In Cajcpcr. Wy- o n ln r . foUowlnr a vacation t r ip to [ point* In the nsrthweat. M r. Gould.t form erly assistant manairer o f the!J. C. Penney ccnipany here. n o f j tnanasine the Penney company stor<» a t Cai«t>er. i

On Power Lines — Six new ap- plicaliocis ;<ir tti.'tho Power company eJeclrtc anrlee fo r T w in PalU coun­ty fa rm home* werr pUcetl on rec­ord In the eounty recorders o fflre xcJterday. Applicants were Robert _ R jy l Jr.. of T « a PaUs; W . A. Oray. ■

'•. ' V

i W D i e r i l l i a [ ^

0 ^

s .

Is' -T lm o h .rd . iJ H ih l. K id . .o n t P l• p*y but . penny (o m « yonr boll. ^• an ' then they want to feel of It S

' — — rci


P U £ R , Aug. li»—Rcv. A. B. Hub- J” bard, fo r tho past four and one-iis lf ^ yean p u to r o f Piler Baptist cliusch, ~ wUl leaw hero September 22 fo r “ Lodgo Grass, Montana, where Itc ^ h u Bcccpted a pu lo ra tc , J"

Rav. Hubbard wlU be aeeompanled by ^ Hubbard and daujhter, Bev- “ j

BoUl Rov. and BSnTHubbard have ^ taken an acUve part In F ile r civic life . Rev. Hubbard being a member ^ o f PUer KlwanU club and Mre. Hub- ^ bftrd being a member o f Filer Woman'a club.

-------- theO F F IC E R S S E A R C H FO R ^

S U S P E C T IN R O B B E R Y_____ Atu

OOODINO, Aug. 20 ~ Sheriff ^ Wayne Plack here tonight Issued a r~_ cftU to ftll o fficen In southern Idaho' ^ ftnd to the general public to be on the lookout fo r James Ounter. 31. suspect In a robbery a t the Luke Tree ranch near here todny.

Ounter U believed to be hitch- n | l hiking to PoeateUo and Is described r f j to be five feet six Inches In height. • II weight 138 pounds w llh red hatr and brown eyes. A t the time he left the ranch he w u wearing a brown cap, blue shirt, h ip overalls and wa.t carrying a slipover sweater.

Per lhe p u t two monUis Ounter b has lived a t lhe Tree ranch ftnd fo l- 53.; lowing hU departure today 1100 In wor cash, two new sulU, several sh lr ti gar and other articles were reported evei mUslng. Biyi

------------------------ -— H

C O U N T Y T A K E S C H A R G E S ! O F T W O M E N ’ S E S T A T E S ™

Appolntmenl ot M r, , c o r , E. Stevens. Tw tn PftUs county tre u - urer ftnd pubUo admlnUtrator. u admlnUtrator o f the esU te /o f two men wbo died In thU county w ith - ^ oul known relntlves. was requested in peUUons whleh E E. Babcock. county attomey. fUed tn tho pro- bate eourt here yeiterday. ^

EsUtes Involved were those of Tom Ward who died l u t June 3. leaving t300 In postal aavinga, and John Jay. who died l u t July 4. «' leaving property a t CuUeford valued a t t2S0.

Hearings on bolh peUUons were set fo r September 3.

_______________ Oe<

F U N E R A L S K_____ ' Of :

R E A D -P u ne n l aen-lces fo r M n . , Zora B. Read. wlU be held this aftemoon a t 3:30 o'clock a l the Tw in Paiu mortuary chapcl. in ­terment w ill be in Tw in PalU ceme- H /tery.

Earl Quigley. Glen B. Atwood. L. R. hGoodrich and Clisrle.^ L. Sherman, eona il of Duhl, Mr.

• »tf<AHiele* Filed - Articles o f incor- of

p ontlon for the Paradue Oold TDredging company o f Duhl were wa;placed on record in Tw in Falls eoun- arcty recorder'* ofllcv je/iterrtsy. show- ofIne KiO.OOQ a iiihorited capitaiUA- t.% :tlon. Dlrectora iwmed were WlUiam ffoi

jM c ln tw h . E. E. Broa-n and JUrry unlWlUon. aU o f Duhl. w ith J. J . Boyd whi o f Duhl.and W alter Holman OT Tw in IFalU lUted aUo u Incorporators. fou

I A New Foo<

S P ^

CO FF€€C a fe te r ia T

W h e r e T o n O r d e r '

j — A n d Pay F o

I ' S e p a r a '

I You can now c a l In f ir s t cla.<w r ! and hare a larRC va rie ty to cl j prlcei

FRO.M I ' l i n o A . M . r ; I ) . \ IL Y E X C E H

O r d e r E a c h I t e m S Pay Only f o r Wh



Association President Urges ' University of Idaho to

Provide Instruction

Tbo annual meeting of Uie Idaho S tA e Medical assoclaUon, to be held In Boise, September 0 to 13. wlU be an InnovaUon fo r such meeUngs, according to Dr. Charles R. Scott. Tw in FalU. president of the association.

"Undergraduate 'm edical educa- > Lion In ihe United States," Dr. Seott reporta,.-has been Improved under the fostering care o f the assoclaled shyslclnn and surgeon u n til 11 Iwa • }Qcome Uie best In the world. Ad- /anccs being made In medical cnowledge, however, aro ao great Uld are coming so rapidly th a t i t xQUlres Incrca-tlng labor on the la r t o f the old gmduatcs lo keep tb re u t o f the times.

To Orlng Jnstnseton •'Most o f Idaho's docton Im w

lone exceedingly weU In th is regard Uld a t no Inconsldernblo sacrifice >n theJr part. Idaho Slate Medical Asoclauon has dccidcd U ial by col- ccUve e ffo rt 11 can bring cxccllcnt ;raduato In s tn ic to n to Idaho and 0 greater advantage than fo r Idolto 0 be eompelled to travel fa r uficld0 gain 11. An excellent group from he faculty o f Northwestern unl- eraity medical school w ill conduct hU, tho f irs t coune o f graduaie istrucUon In medicine to be given a Idaho.

Aak U n lven liy Aid * 'I t is the hope, of the docton £

hat tho U n lven ity ot fJa lio w ill ecognUe'the need o l the people o f T i daho to keep the ir medical men at heir bestr to see f i t lo. Join w ith ^ tie medical association li i providing raduate Instruction In medicine. “ Arrangements mndo by the phy- clans to entert^iln tho Ladies' ux llla r j' are elaborate. T licre can I s no doubt tha t the meellng win jiei B largely allended to the great mo snefit o f the docton nnd to the ir 12; aUent«—the people of Idaho. The sta leeUng Is freely open lo docton mn ■om neighboring states." 1

---------------------1- val


OF BUBL SBM IN EB ure--------- w k

BUHL. AUff. 30 - JamM M . Oibha.I. p rominent Buhl church and civic ^ orker and proprietor of OlbhV Ci-‘ ir.store, died a t hts home hrre thU •enlng foUowlng a stroke of par- ysls. 1He waa ft member fo the U D. S. msch. Kn lghta o f P>th!ss. Buhl q*., otory club and Buhl Chamber of ommerce. n inM r. Olbbs w u bom In Porthee. 440 lah. March 10.1B83. the son of M r. p nd M n. S. W. Olbbs. When 16 tiad ean of age he cnme to Aberdeen, t^ n laho, w ith hU parents, who were pjn;1 the ca ttb buslneas. Hc later mov- fror 1 to Blaekfoot ahd completed a, lUslon fo r the L. D. S, ehurch Ui ■kj ew Zealand In 1901. * On December 15. 1909. he waa (

larrled ^o MUs M yrtle Steen of tackfoot ond they camc to Duhl Inno.He Is sunlved by hU wife. >:rs. . .

IjTtle Olbb*; a aon. LewU; and a . “ aughter. Mrs. Oeorse M. Jen!>on t PriM t R i« r . Idaho: four bro- . . >cra. W illard Olbbs o f Buhl. Jack, ... ieorge and Don Olbba. a ll o t Black- ^ w l; and two slsten, M n . noila ayne ami Mr*. Allce Cuttje. l»olh !?,■„„ r BUckfoot. 1,,,,,T ie body rests a t the E\ans and

ohnvjn funeral home bere prndlnij ineral arrancements.


HAILEV. Aub. 20 — Plre a lm oit ^[“ 1 jm plnely consumed the home of 510 lr. and Mr.v Henry Ward on Main vlo’ re r i liere l.r»t Prlday nleht. OriKin ' jier [ the fLi* i l unknown. p.,yT l if hnii'o, a -'maU frame dwcUlnB. p’n , ax Incatrd on the rear of a loi nd no onr a t home at time md: f tlip fi.-p cMCppt M r. Wnrd. ttlio icai . RO yc.irs of ace. He was taken ,•on th r biimlnR room and e»ea:ic(l \ o n h iiriiir il rxcrp t for m inor cu ts , hen lie fe ll lo the floor. i gIn-urnnce eo\-ers' about one- ^

3urt*-. of th r <!»mace. j

^ " Iid Feature jj

sR’S■ SH O P'ype M enuWhat You W ant

sr Each Item Jtelyre 5 t. i i in in { w h e re i l is cool

choose I ro m a t a n cw lowI

I 'N T IL 9:ftn l», M.T S U N D A Y .

Separately And hat Yoa Order

,Y NEW S, T W IN F A L L S ; n )A H 0

A rc t ic Do

i W H B K

D ll. H . (J. (JREIST. p ic tu red w llh and W llcy Posl a f lc r they were plunged them to death. D r. C>r> row , Alaska.— {/P) Photo.

Inheritance Taxes Take One-Fourth Of Rogers Estate

LOS ANOELES. Autf. 20 ( /n - In - hcriunco taxes w ill take a p yo x l- malely one-fourth o f the esUmated 12^00.000 cswtc le ft by W ill Rogen, stale inheritnnee tnx officia ls csU- mnted todny.

I t th tf estate reaches a $5,000,000 valuation, as some of the late actor’s close friends believe I I w ill, taxes w ill take 11,710,000 of the toU l.T IiU amount would, include 997,300 fo r the stale, the remainder going to the federal novemment.

O fflc ln li pointed oul these fig ­ures wetv b:ised on the belief the widow would got the entire csUtc. nnd on the prc.*cnt federnl and ctate tax raUf.

Taxe.'t on a two and one*half m il­lion dollar estate would to la l «04C.- GOO, of whieli iimounl $142,800 would go to the stnte of Oalifom la.

T iie asJiessed valuation o f tbe renl esUte and penonal property owned in Los Angeles counly by the late actor, including hU largo ranch near Stann Monica, is $336.- 440. .1

Friends of Rogen estimated he had eamed $3,500,000 In motion p ie -! tures in Uie la.st e igh t yean. No! estimate xfaa made on his Incomc ' from hU wriUngs and o lher sourcw.

New Speed Record i Claim ed F o r B om ber

SEATT1.E, Aue. 20 (.n -H o tln s Aircra ft corporaUon , officiaU to- , night claimed a new speed rccord to r dUUince fly ing fo r m ulti-niotor- , cd planea as the result of the fllsh l loday o f Its new bomber Irom Se- r r r rattle to Dayton. Ohio. ___

Tlie four-motored plnne m.ide tl-.e *-®"* MCO m ile non-stop tr ip m nine hf>urs nnd three minuter, oi:icials jn a ^aUi, The c ra ft averaged 232.10 mile.'. nn hour.

_______________ toda

K e n tu c k y Troops = Face Ind ic tm ents

HAHLAfJ, Ky.. Aug. ^ f/JV-TJw Harlan grand Jury tod.ny voted In­dictments' against some 30 f„ i- ilonal gimrd offleen. Cn^rtlnn law viol.itiona were cliarged. The o f- * fieen were aUeged to have formed Jj purl o f the force uh lch eair.e hrre g prim ary election day undrr A d J , iS Gen. Henry II. D ciihard i u lm u a i ] « indicted today fo r crlm ln.il ron-1 ^ tempt fo r comlnB, .

NO D ,\N G i;lt .<KK.S OF 9C O M M l'N IS T r P l l l ' IN G (S

SAN FRANCISCO, Aus. 20 , f - ^

^HS; . 'O i iy . '- - . :.-*- . ' '' • ' ■


H 0 , W E D N E S D A X M O R N IN G ,A tn

'l lh h is w ife nnd son. took chnrge o f i ere recovered tro m the wreckage o fJrelst is dlr<?clor o f the Prcsb.vleria

M rs. Rogers Bound Fc

QRIEF ftriekrn . M r*. U'Ul Rogen (face coR( a t Stamford. Conneetlent. to motor te New crowd*. The eomfianlan o f M n . Rogers ) Immediately Identined.— Photo.

CommunUt propaganda U acUve ln l J. pu h lhe United Slates bul "we aie no l | *The Ln any dancer o f an uprising by munUti force and vio:enc.’ .~ the Common- alm s ai ft-ealth club of C alifornia w u lold son In lodny by JlrprewnUvUve Hamilton cUm oi

In troducing. . ,-r-'A NEW FACIALWe are now using the exclusive

i errams In all our faclaU. •‘TtiasyJj Uack. but wUl presene the moat i

I O I’ E N E V E N IN fiS UI*

y Grayce Matson B<g BALCONY TROLi:


g G U S T 2 1 ii9 8 » ' ■ _______ _

Af°t™ creaU n ln g : lng a



^wanU guests Tuesd report « n l lo ago a

) f the bodies o f WiH RoRcrs Lake, o f th e ir a jrp lane w h ich

r ian hosp ita l a t P o in t B a r- I Franc;

— I. guest I

For W est Coast J; sh


c ity .M r.

and d loBoJ Unghn W. H from vis it t few dJ

1 .0 .0

T lie lodges

I and K nual ] 13 o'c Odd I vlted I reques and ts HorM-

BRcealcd by eoal) le ft the tra in 'ew York In an effort t * eaeape ^ pictured a t the left, w u not

■ ■ ■ - — - —I —

i h o f New York. - Jhe only way to combat the com- L <C Uts." be said. "U to know th e ir a 5 > and purposes. There u no rca- In th la country for c ither Paa- o r CommunUm.”

L SERVICE ^■lve Continental •Tussy" ssy” wlU no t only bring I t delicate complexion. | |

IJN T II- 8 P. M. J j

Beauty Salon s]LINOER'S ^

g j



C if lf iH M G E e M S N J

HAGERMAN. Au*. 20 -M em ben T "r the Reorganlted Cburcb o f L a t- West■T Day Salnta from throughout soclolaho and U tah w ill nasemble here day iWednesday fo r a four-d fty reunion, addnhe meeUng U annuaUy held a t the mameorgfthiicd L. D . S. churcb grounds L u i^

Dr. Predcrlck M . SinlU i, Inde- Pede: sndence. Mlssourt. grandson o f tbe and xiphet Joseph S m ith and president tary : the church, is scheduled to arrive Tb ere tomorrow to attend the meet- by B g. Other speakers w ill bo ApoeUc man

J. Qlazler, Independence) M is- the a lUrt; Elder J. W . A. Bafley, Salt Re; »ke City, president o f the U toh WcU* s tric t; and Elmer J . L . Sandldge, hanq aveling missionary fo r Idaho.The reunion w ill be held from tiffust 21 to - 25 inclusive. Each FRII om lng class work wUl be held. > ftemoons w ill be devoted to re - A eaUon and Rlghtaeelng nnd eve- ng ser\-ice* wUl consUt o f preach- in t g and lectures.



PILER. AUff. 30 — NJne i«n K i- lo ^a inU club memben and three groba ests met fo r a weekly luncheon, cjtate lesday. W aller Musgmve ga w ft n t << ;>ort of the dU trlet K lw anU con- valu^ ntlon a t Salt Lake C ity two weeks gides 0 and Pranklln KonhaU o f East one 1 ke. Oakland, CaUfomia. ga>‘e South ceting from Califo rn ia to vU lt ution n Pranclseo Ui 1038, when the ry Bc w bridge Is completed over San tlilom anclsco bay. Da>-e R ich was a est o f the club. 'Ur. and M n . O. H. Shearer and G o > ughter, MariJean, retumed Tues- y from an aulo tr ip to Sa lt Lake ■r.!,lr. and Mrs. R. K . Dtlltngbam DE d daughter, Lucy Adele, motored —Pre BoUe Tuesdny to m w t Mrs. DU- ren p ghnm's parenu,' M r. and Mra. J. execu

Hudelson, who nre re tum lng quenc >m a tr ip to Alaska. Tbey wUl 'tbe g< It their daughter and fa m ily a “ W' V daya before retum lng to theU- « e a * me a t Pomona, Kansas. .

— Ooi


—:— cd mn ie I. O. O. P. and Rebekah officeIges o t Buhl. T w in FnlU. FUer o f wad Kimberly wlU meet fo r the an- o f thial plenle Sunday. August 32, a t "W o'clock a t Bubl C ity park. A lU l do

Id PeUoa-* and Rebekahs are In - "SIjed to ntlend. Those attending nre glee rluesced fo bring basket Juncbcs les*. Id table service fo r th e ir own use. handrse-shoe pttchlng. so ft ball and 'O cier aetlville* have been arranged told iUie committee. ) you j i

Oh* Boy!Here Comes I

Here they come marc street, co lors t ly i i spick and span, head march. W hat a th riU I g ir l to belong to a ba

Wouldn’t yon Uke to j band th is year? You the makings. Conn, I Cavalier, o r a good ment. The p rice is re w ith ou r easy pajrmi any one can jo in . (Bnt h n rry , school s ta rts i tim e n o w )^

•Buy Musical Ins trun


Chas. 0. DumasD is tr ib u to r Cor sevei Conn, Pan Am erican

Instm m ei Elks BuUding


Twenty-five membera o t the KTeatem RetoU Lumber Dealera’ as- KKlaUon attending a banquet M on- Ifty evenln* a t tho P a rk^o te l. wera tddressed by P h il Bell, SeatUe. nanager o f the Western RetaU :.umber,Dea1en' assoclaUon: Parker P. Carver, BoUe, representln* the >Meral BousUig admlnlstraUon; m d Ray 8. Brown. Spokane, secre- :ary of Uie lumber association.

The meetin* waa presided over jy B. J. Ottrander. pioneer lumber- nan o f Tw in Falls, who presented be (peaketB. .

Representatives from RaUey to VcUs, Nevada, were present a t tbe lanquet.


Appointment o f E E. Hotllngs- ':orth of T w in PalU as adm lnU- , ra lor of Uie estate o f his InUmate rlend. Dr. O liver H an tad . pioneer V in PalU dentUt who died a t hU ome here last Saturday, was re- ucsted by Dr. Hantad 'a brother.Charles H an tad o f Sioux C ity.3wa, in a petition tiled in the robate court here yesterday. The Jtate includes real estate valued <« t $5000 and personal property Blued st ISOOO. H e ln named be- des the brother, are four sUlen, ne living In Iowa and three In outh Dakota. Hearing on Uie pc- lion wss set. fo r September 3. H ar- r Benoit or T w in Pa iu U the pe- lioner's attorney.

Sovernor B u tt O f C hildren ’s T r ic k

DES MOtNES. lowB, Aug. 30 m

en pulled a fast one on low n’s chief xecullve and suspicion, ns a conse- uence. was cast In the d irccllon of be governor's m ilita ry aide.“ Wo want to show you a trick,

lease put your hand through thU oor,” the children said.Oovemor Clyde Herring, host to

BUUe" and "Buzsle" DaU In a vU lt ere wllh th e ir faUier, C urtU B.>nll, obliged by pushing hU hand tiroush the hinge-side o f the open- d massive door to hU exccuU>e fflce. Ihen he took bold o f a glnM f waler offered from the o lher side f the door."W hal." asked the govemor, “ do do now?”'•SUlle" and "Busile** howled w tth

lee n t ihe govemor'a p ligh t. Help- •w. he eeuid neither w ithdraw his and nor pu t the glass on the floor.‘ Oeneml G rnh l (govemor's aldei

Jld us." they chorused, '' lh a t now JU just Stand and hold I t "

I f *

ith eBan d

irching down the ying, oniCorms ads up. F o rw a rd U Eor any boy d r band.

;o jo in the school lu can. We have , Pan Am erican, od nsed ins tru - reasonable, and ment p lan m ost lu t you’U have to s in a v e ry sho rt

uments from an USIC S T O R E

IS Music Co.ron counties Sor ,an and CavaUer \tents /

T w in Fa lls t
