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€¦ · J. E.l'uuIJ NO :17. a. MORRIS HAI.LllR. GU Cosmopolitan lIotel. TTORoSlT "'~I)...

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J. E.l'uuIJ NO :17. a. MORRIS HAI.LllR. GU Cosmopolitan lIotel. TTORoSlT UOU:SSIU.LORAT LAW' Proolor in Adrnll'lLlly. lief loned, Itt.1 t:llllle vlm.Mand 110111 Fann. to I.e.,.., hOCll.n maue. Goa ".yucln•. ac, PORT TOWN!t::W, W. T. W. H. ROBERTS, ACHER OF PIANO AIID ORGAII. Port Town•• nd, W. T. Tunln. _ I'IIIIIItmable Il!rm. ... "".. , nw· Decker DI'Q8, and nOlI A!HI 1'.Il11J1t Urlla'll, on cailh or In.lnl. III phln. IiMr t!olTtlllpoltlenl ot lhe Call ,rn!1I Pi.... ames M. Gassaway,.M.D. n charf{8 U. 8. Mori"e Hosp,lal service. PHYIiCIAN.IUltCION lice •. Water O'....ll. t'1It"ee, I'OKT TOWSUND, W. T. aut t·, o. .,ILaou; W)(.1XtDlJ. Dr. Tho•. T Minor Mana"n. lur•• on Port Townsend Hospital .Port Towpllend, W. T. Itn lie COI'.nUed, nl,ht or day, at Hotpll61 I , CENTRAL HOTEL, SUlIalNI 01 Uulull Wltal·l. ".rt " ••• HAd "'. 't•• 1'hl" lI(!ulMl hi new lind n"wly flll·ub,1Io·1.I •• " I 1!OllfC'iICtI ,II Ihtl I,!,polnt U'.I'I. "Ill 71r_t-CU .._ Ill. !fl/.r 1,"vp"lIcII .-lIh lbOl (,)1 ...·'11.·' :o.Olhll1j( ,,'111 be lert Imlll'n" In 1Il11l.:1,1 lIot\ll...,oonU to non", til 11111 T'·rrllol). :soJ IIUllv" l'UWM. N,:O. >ro:am-r, Ship Wright and Caulker ... ,.. rrraDT) Port; w. T. TO THE PUBLIC Good Board and LodglDgalCfln be obtained at :Bot: R e. :Bot: Y":m n. ... ..... 1111 am bti IIIttlltllctcrU)' all4l.nded 10. Term. Very Re ••onable. a- .\1 root ot hill, hllllll:lllate.I)· lil\elr: lMtn Union ",hllr'. . J'ORT TOWS!EYD, W. T. rHOS. PNIlLlPC, OeLLmO ..... en., Inaur.noe And lite8. Eetate AG:JDNT 'toW"IeI1t1. J. ;r. :BVN'T. Pr.op. Water It.. PORT. TGWNUf!!D. l"OlIlIlIflflloll" lUll (IolI-,lJlr 1( .. ,*UII' UCIIlll I, no... · nn,le, lh' t'hflf')(Cl 111 I'. ,,,tI·lllne p''UI)rl6!lnr. "'''0 lull..f It In ll'el IIlIIUt" Ircnf'I'I\I,,') Ill ..... hll"1l rUlucre" 11M JIG"I' PltOFUalONAL CAliDa. ...... TUUM"" LIlll Rl'J1"Io'r.t Kirwin. .. Gib;r,lOr & CO., 829 Fet,WAaHINCTON, D.C WlI.L I'HAC'rl\a; U":f'OIU: 'rill: O,nenll 1.111111 OlUl'&!. onlw of Iljlliau . f. ("Ire. I).·p"rtmllht or tl Illlt:rl&lr. II' lourl or t'1"lm... !tull 'fllli tI :-:tllt..... Cllllnlll or M\lI;II,II. "fl' I, to.. U1I,iIor h ... jt0vl:nllllit too Ii.' UIlllL Ilr Ih.. hr "·n'l. anlt lh'xl\'Il1l or tIC!,· Ilrh II' 1.lltl claIm"'. IUellll I )C\H'U In hl,·ol.,IIlK tlU to I 111m'" aUld 11I11I1I1J' cllliru. I.aUll Ill.,' • "'llt·IIIWI ",-,rip bnllj.tht. t.'It-1i I 1 fut -..1,lIt·"'· IJklhioll 1101nt.""tt:old rl,,:llo :"0'1111 '!lUlI\' lor d"-'tllllr Cr III IrUclll'I.' I hrw "IIIUI.IIt tn pay po8l1llt! If you "lIul full id of Wau,,", lUll hlltr1tcdoua. TE r,. ", (., A >I. e. J I 0 C L ,. , S 8 I•. Ily " on h, 's I'll S. tl)' t ". lid)' g J. N. Laublch. I J. H. Llmblrt, Alao Every Kind 'f Ju.atice Xl 1. A::n :IlL _ I'HI:S 1' .. :1) '1'0 OHI)":n. t'''' I hv Mt .. hlll)u or ... 1If Ihe 1',"IIU'11I111,ullul) \, .. JI.... I '" th. abutt' Fluur, Fct..-<l, Groin Etc., Etc So. 1911 ••·r0l1111lId !Il'felil. U:lt l'uln'I,AND,Ot'l!ll'on. Oregon and California Fruita and Produce Alio (Jl,"lel'l III IlI1 kiml. ot Solo flgflrlU (or l.nmhert..t !lon" 4,,'uh,lhl'Mled TRIBE. NO. I• Ilol\\ II j,:IILlr 11111:111,1" !II 1I .. lr hall. n 1')' WUoJuc.w.y cn:u(ul' :l3 To Rent. We Inlve ou :It olllce rur :It l'I'llMmll.lJ!c t:l!l'!". tllu clIrt!lu pn!plIf'\.'e1 b, ellllll"ut S()rtultllt or If'JtIII bill to· wit: .In. Ad xu 1 ra1<ty. ( ..1 IN 11rll1((ol1 "llper wllh blullk 'pnl't ror t itnthlj( pllrt! tlJercof A'1"l'ACJJ3IKX'l'S AXD TY STIPUI.ATIONS FQIt COS'I'S BO' VF J.IlU:L1.AX 1'1) ANI) IJEX'I'S. llEI.I\,EHY:;TlI'UJ.A'I'I07'l: . M".'IOA\'II'S 0" CLAfllAXT A1l'prlutcll 011 alJ.<· "I It'I'lIl t:lIlJ lUll.! Ilea had'ell. T.1l)(mLl All\·IllII'\·S 11IRI!C 011 (:oIlSIXI 111(111(.04. Adlwil'alt/l Blanks District Cow·t Blank Justice Peace Blank c.:omloission Agent8 AIllI Delf)Cf!lllll Green and Dried Fruits :En Distriot oour SU:\I )lOX' wIth "l,provl't18herltra hUll thcn:oll. WHITS or A·l'TACIDIF.)J·I'. Tile ftttellllflil III i'ihl'rlfta I_ !lItrllClll CIlllrtl toO th.., ul IlllHJl'lll 1Ill/.klll (.'Opld ' :En Ju..at1oe OOu.rt UYD£HTAKIXGS IS' ATTACH- Mf.S'T'S. U)JDEItTAKISGS Alm":ST IS' C1\'11. I'S OF J\IHIES'I' IS CH·Ir. .\L·TluS::,. S'O'l'I('E '1'0 DEn:SIM:Sl'S WIJ'JI 1.:0 X!,i I _\ III,"; It t: n: ItN A,I prlllll .. loll!t·plcltp ",llltll. :F'arxn Produoe \l'IlE.-\'I'. IIAY. OAT, !JAM, B.\COX, BUTTt:H, ltf' ... te. Gordon'S Whlrf, Nanalmo. Brilisb Cotul'lbl LEGALBLANKB FOR SALE. LAMBERT! LAUB.A.ClI .A. .. R. JOHNSTON & CO Se.,l'nll ftne room" III thl! ARGUS bulld- IlIg YJl.,;A.lIt, suitable lor o.Il1l'cs, term!! fl·IISOnrtbll'. A prl,to O. lIALU:n. Jo;SQ, :It Ii Iii omU(,. 2,) OUR WASHINOTON LETTER. , LEO. ------'- On tbe 3d inlt .• Ihe bark AM.n Be... loft Portland in 1.0" of the Oiai. for Astoril, aDd theDce to Kong, Cbina. The vetsel tlk .. 3-&1 Chin •• e palsenK,rl. Many or the Chinamell go onl1 (or I Ihort (lilly inllindioK to corn. baole. to th. oOllnlrYlhat fO thum is .. fipid uf (urtuu". In addition to the livillJ: (1'''i,.:l.t thl· hark 81611 Illkf'Ji tb. 110".'" nr K Illlmlt.,r 01 J.flluot IUOuitulilallj fll btl fillall.' Ililerred in th.r."lm uf ·lIII!UUIU. ·I'".u In'lf\! "",,II will In"" ''''urtIKIIJ thili nf"nth with ahuut 1,000 h.,.t1u!Il1 for Chinl. "A lIule IIUU.lCIII4!. 1I0W .1ll1 theu, 11 reJ .... ed by tba btu of IUQU.·' WA!IIIS0TON D.O., Ol't. 101SiD. If ..... may jutlge by reportll jnlt brought here Irom Ohio hI Demo· crats uuring the IJllIlIt Ie" d,ys, tbat party hn 110 hop. of electin:.c Ewing' atlll Rice. It. is (ounu Ihat the nominl1.ion of Ihettflntlll 1 whioh WIiS expected tn di"ide the t;'I!Jier .,ot., hIS wholly (u.f1oJ 1.0 do 80. Doubt· I.ss a good many soldiers of the late voluntelir arm" would Iika to YOUI for Rice, • cOlllrade, hut raW' of th.m "ill "ote fer Rice, supportwr ordDccrinel "hlch must ine"itably brill,St on af10ther '''ar in lh. future. 'l'hey beline in Rice the defender o( National intlgrity, but not in Rioe, the ad.,.ocate of Stat. rights. HNiggers," as I.ll' DemoorAtic POlt of thill city calls them, Sllelll to hue performed orerlitable lenice in C)lpt. Pll)'ne'S oommand prior to the arriYaI o(olher reinfvrcements. Old soldiers will know the nature or thl aohie"emeut when told that ..... ry bors. but t\"O ill tbo compaoy Wltl killed by the Indians before the "niKgera" ,,\l0· cledeu in relohing f'1I!Ue'lI oamp. It doesn1t s.om to milk. anJ dif· (erence wbere Gen. Grant is, or what ellSl, race or 8eet of mell he O1le1ll. H. il Irrandly recei"ed by everybody,. Caurornia i'"tting ID exampll, whicb other St.ttl will il.d1y follow. 00 the 19th and 20th o( neat mQutJ. the Ducioty f){ tbe army ot the Oumbll'rlilld meets in this city. A stltue in hOllor C)( Gen. Gltorge n. Thomas will ho ullveiled. No of· ficer on t.ither 9ide in the late war bad mort of the r.gard anll conti· donee or the min under him than TholOl18, and the "ill be oC .xceptionlill iAterelit beoaule or the tribute to be paid him. The pOiltoffiu. department decides thlt letters aliuresseJ to a lottery or 10 a person 18 agenl or rranAger of a 10lury comyan!, are unmailabl. Th' qu.stion whether or not I letter may ba Il1lliled to a pe,.on known tf) the Pf'8tulllst.r to Iiuch "'K.llt or mlnager, hut lhlt 10 all thl .uv"lol'l) ill unJcr Th.re i, abollt tn iJ. warf",. boo tw.en tbe lllterilotr anti \Vllr dopar:- m.nt!!, c.. u:.etl by ehe olu dilllJuta as to thu reil'<,oli ... IImount of bility they have (or the e"tlr recur· rinlf IIiJian troublos. r ,hall tlot lurpri!lt\L1 if eongres:J I\t its nut les· dion, trl\lI!ifl'fS thl:l Indiall huruau to the \VI., depMrtlnl"llt. Untler the prellent system of diyided reaponli. bility, parmlloent peaca seeml to b. impossibl •. No ....u.ty P.cifio .tock.s Ir. till on the 'aiM in th. Ne. York liHUl"y II>I,k.t. THE INEVITABLE SENTIMENT. FrOllllhlt N. Y. "Christian Unioll:" ami south may as well rccoK' nize tllis fUC't III ollce. Gran:.'s reo caption means that the loyat of the IUllU lire indignant at the conduct or Ihe !Ioluh, and mean to put the InIl,1I ",lin cUlHlllercd the louth ill oom· llllllHllllluin, if neCe5lUlrY. It IOUII!! Ihu the llIell "ho were loldiers ill tht! ullioll arlll1 are ,.sol",d that the fruits o( their ,·ictorie! Ihall not be IUill; that wbit. r.publicllIlI Ihalll'lt in every State in the union, aud that blacks shall b' fru to "ote lIS they choo&., and bold of. fice if the! CRn &,et .).oted. Thia is tho ligllificlRo, of the freu! or .n- thuSlaltlll which greet. the arri",1 of thlt irelt leader of the armi.s that put down the lJouth.rn rebeJllion. On. other Ihin&, it mUlls. That the Itation is SUprtlllq and tbe States subordinatl, whenever there is a col. lisioll between th.ir interpreterB of la",,; Mild tb. ne" revolution of ehu solid South in fuor of Stato If)Y· eraiKnty shall be deftated at all cost. Th. north dots not distinctl, wish lien. Grant to b. neat President. It 'l'fould greatly prefer John Sher· IllRlI, "hUll eatraordinary adminill' lflllinlJ o( tb, 'reaaury department has mRde bim tb. most coollpiclious III Ii\·illg Itlt.am.n. BUl when the lessllllll o( the "., .•re in danger of h4'ing rud backwardj "hen ques· ti<'!Ns liettled bJ the Wlr art dllo!lred to bo to1.aU1 unsettled; "h'll t1H' 10llt Ind the precious millions "llIwt ill the Wllr art d,clor.d to bil.'·o hO(,l1 WIl!lh:d in vain-thon lbe north lUi II., to the grl!llt up' tui .. of If the South dOPIN't ",ish Grllllt, nominated and ell.ctfld, it mllit lurn 'hort round upon its hUIlI. _ CEN8UII STATIUtI£ST. - Aocording to the inonmplete r.luros o( the last uen8UlI, our coot,in, 11,- 537 dw.llings, 10,089 fA-miliol, 32,- 025 wkit. malu, 20,222 white fe· hllllu, 1120 oolored males, 002 001- ored 3!ll taubl, Chinelle, 79 taxable half breed Jndiallll, 115 tllXlthle llldilulI,and 6 tAuble K•• n.k... Ther. are in the 'l'erritory 17,8 6 married penons o( adult age, allt! J3,307 unmarri.d. Our foreign born populatiollillcludel 70J4. males, Ind 2710 (emales, T"o lllilldred Itnd niolty-three persons "er, mar· rillli "ith:n lht\ year, and 817 born. The sobool altendllooe i" 9837. Two thoullnd and Rl'f't'!ntl peraonl are uIII,bl,to reid, and 2513 to "ritt. We blv. 7 d.af Ind oumb p.noll, 13 blind and 90 "bo Ire inlln. or idh)tic. Tbe wbole lIumber of male oitizellS, onr 21 yea" of ag., is 16" 032, and 'he whole number ofp.opl. in tbe Territor, li7,784. Olllaud.ncr N(I"emb., h' all of. fices o( the \Vllt.,n UllioD Tele- I"ph com piny become hll( (are offioe.. That ia. 10...... Ilot duro illg 'be da! will be charl.d (ull rates, but tbote Hoi in the neDiai' Ind nilbt will 0011 be chared bal( pr'Mot rat.l. For inllaoct>: h '" 7A o.u.. to lind I \In word m....... (rom St.ttl. to Portland, or .1.. Afler Nu". lat, i( th. UJf' t lit In tb. , •• aia. LiI. f .111 o.a, be H fllt ((W. ten __... IN'WH" tM '.0 pi to T obj ct of 'hi' i. to in· C'1't' tile "I.tlt b"'lin "d ,.li.y. LIM Ur1I or &I i,.. dllri., " t.a.n, .ltioll it OQ tOlD. air· t:U" .,., 1"*'--"la.. UipDoer." ARGUS SOUND nlu. of t"ubl, prop.rty in Washingtoll Torritory is OUf *21,000, 000. The Victoria IlColonill"thinka the ,fllire legildll.tiull uf tho U. S. hltlt U1'8n hoslile to CantHIII, Mml. Victoria Woodhull And MIs" l'ellllilil C, Claflin are, it ill relJorted, Kbout to mllrry in LOlil.lO'J ellch a scion o( nf)bility. THE GO\'IHnurs of the 1hirtf'cn f'lriginal Stlte met "t PhJllluelphia on the 18,h to arrange (or a ",rllm) c.lebratlon or Ihe cent.nniAI Clr tile Corn"allil lurrelltJer of Yorkto,,", VirR:inia, FIVII: million dolll'" "orth of French (twenty (rlllo pifJcfJ!) "as rec,h'iHI " New ¥llrk by the sloam.r Cllolda the olher lilt)'. It "as the largut Ihipllldtlt of ,zuld that e,e/crClllb(lt.! the At:lllltio. 10 18_6 the uerMKt! charg. agaillst 'l'4'ry perltOu III the UlIlt""lI States 011 accounl of illltlrest 011 Ih. public dqIJt, wais $4 It. "'"ll but *2 in J877, but .2 in 187 , and ill but 81 Uil this nar. Nut yelr, o"ing to racent re'(unding Ill'eradoll, it "ill not exceed.1 60. FItA SK J. Park.,; eclitor of the Walla Walla Statasman lind correl- pond.llt or the .o\!llflciatcd "Ill Imtrried at chu .... h in Walll Walll,ol Oct. 21, 1870, 10 Misl Martha Ne\"ell, daughter of tlu. late proprietor of that paper. Tho Iffair WI8 "ery lugely and (llabionably aU ended. 'rill!: railroad landi earned hy the buildinR' of th. Puyallup ooal rOlild, hue com" into the lIlark.t. ' The lands ill the Stuck "alle)' aro rated ttl. 13 per aort cash down, or .4 in ill- atallmcntsduring 6"0 y.lra, or 1(..60 in yeari, with seun per 'Cent, Inter .. t. This is a much Inore reas, on.. ble price than "as upi!eted by the people. Los8 0'" 0,\1'1". B"U.RV,-The rol. lowing i, MSail Frallfdllco tel.graln of Oct. 218t: ,1'('l1e U. S. revClIu. CUUIt Hichard RUlih "rri"cd JUI.r day ,,·gning froUl OunMlaska, liftr eommander, G.o. W. nail.y, WlUi lost overhoard on tb. 161h illatlloe, during A he.", gill. off Cape l"llt· tit,. lie h.. d b.ln from a billio" .. lu.&ck on the trip do"n lhe tout, althulIlb not coutineu to bi. be4.I. Hi. eabin Hpeo.d dlrectl, on eb. after part of tb. poop de'lk. !I. rae 011 deck It on' Mil, momml .Iteh, apoke to lbe ollc.r or lb. d-ek, Ind ... DlK IMU a(1 r.ard •. Tt.. bf".a ("IlUd IDP11 In the ItOfnnl Ind it I t.ba.t t,. Utro)w. ..r r" a lurrh r h _nr the ( .. hi t ... .... , ....._.40( I 01" (ltlf' Inch. , '1 JiO ItI'"Crflotl,. .. •• ..•. .liO 'I'r:III;ICIlI In 11111111(' 11I!!CI'tloll lllllllt \)c l1l;:II. tir'AII •• GATHERINGS BY THE WAYSIDE· T.. •• vfllllltM4'rlpU•••• -t:t.OOIH'F 'Ulllnnl In atl'flllil'1!l: lilt llIe,tHII", .1,.;0, PUGET 1!:t r\fllLISlltm .;\'"U,. T111"ll"IJ,\\' AT, I'ort TowlIsentl, WUilhlllgtOIi 'ftrrltof1. 'V]·: I H. P:IlITUlt rnUI'HtF.TIJlt. YO L. !l fJ &ET- f WEE-- Y PORT TOWNSEND; W. T., THUR DAY, OCTOBER ;10, 187[1.
Page 1: €¦ · J. E.l'uuIJ NO :17. a. MORRIS HAI.LllR. GU Cosmopolitan lIotel. TTORoSlT "'~I) UOU:SSIU.LORAT LAW' Proolor in Adrnll'lLlly. liefloned, Itt.1 t:llllle vlm.Mand 110111 ...

J. E.l'uuIJ

NO :17.



Cosmopolitan lIotel.

TTORoSlT "'~I) UOU:SSIU.LORAT LAW'Proolor in Adrnll'lLlly.

lief loned, Itt.1 t:llllle vlm.Mand 110111Fann. to I.e.,..,

hOCll.n maue. Goa ".yucln•. ac,PORT TOWN!t::W, W. T.

W. H. ROBERTS,ACHER OF PIANO AIID ORGAII.Port Town••nd, W. T.Tunln. d~ _ I'IIIIIItmable Il!rm.

... "".., nw· Decker DI'Q8, and I!me~"nOlI A!HI 1'.Il11J1t Urlla'll, on cailh or In.lnl.III phln.

IiMr Td~l'Mp"'ll t!olTtlllpoltlenl ot lhe Call,rn!1I AlIIIOl·~Ie(J Pi....

ames M. Gassaway,.M.D.n charf{8 U. 8. Mori"e Hosp,lal


lice•.Water ~t~, O'....ll. t'1It"ee,I'OKT TOWSUND, W. T. aut

t·, o. .,ILaou;


Dr. Tho•. T MinorMana"n. lur••on

Port Townsend Hospital.Port Towpllend, W. T.

Itn lie COI'.nUed, nl,ht or day, at Hotpll61I ,

CENTRAL HOTEL,SUlIalNI k~hcnt.l 01 Uulull Wltal·l.

".rt "•••HAd "'. 't••1'hl" lI(!ulMl hi new lind n"wly flll·ub,1Io·1.I •• " I

1!OllfC'iICtI ,II Ihtl I,!,polnt U'.I'I. "Ill71r_t-CU.._ ~ot:ol.

Ill. !fl/.r 1,"vp"lIcII .-lIh lbOl I"'~l (,)1 ...·'11.·'

~11~"~~)r:~~J"):~"(1?~~~'I~I~:,nr.;111;:H~:I~::o.Olhll1j( ,,'111 be lert Imlll'n" In 1Il11l.:1,1 lhl~lIot\ll...,oonU to non", til 11111 T'·rrllol).

:soJ IIUllv" l'UWM.

N,:O. >ro:am-r,Ship Wright and Caulker

...,.. rrraDT)Port; ~ro'W'a"'nd. w. T.

TO THE PUBLICGood Board and LodglDgalCfln

be obtained at:Bot: R e. :Bot: Y":m n. ...T~i~:=II~~Tfll:Z~I~I~lr,,~1'O':)r~·l~'~~~h~~.....1111 am bti IIIttlltllctcrU)' all4l.nded 10.

Term. Very Re••onable.a- .\1 root ot hill, hllllll:lllate.I)· lil\elr: lMtn

Union ",hllr'. .J'ORT TOWS!EYD, W. T.

rHOS. PNIlLlPC,OeLLmO.....en.,

Inaur.noe And lite8. EetateAG:JDNT


J. ;r. :BVN'T. Pr.op.

Water It.. PORT. TGWNUf!!D.'Thl~ l"OlIlIlIflflloll" c:PII'~nl lUll (IolI-,lJlr 1(..

,*UII' UCIIlll I, no...· nn,le, lh' t'hflf')(Cl 111 I'.,,,tI·lllne p''UI)rl6!lnr. "'''0 .1lI1~ lull..f It In ll'elIIlIIUt" Ircnf'I'I\I,,') Ill ..... hll"1l rUlucre" 11M JIG"I'

~~I.re~;:t~nt'~I~l~~O\t\~I,t;;n.li~~ Ill~~~ll~~


...... TUUM""LIlll Rl'J1"Io'r.t

Kirwin. K~uMl ..

Gib;r,lOr & CO.,829 Fet,WAaHINCTON, D.C

WlI.L I'HAC'rl\a; U":f'OIU: 'rill:O,nenll 1.111111 OlUl'&!. onlw of Iljlliau . f.("Ire. I).·p"rtmllht or tl Illlt:rl&lr. II'

• lourl or t'1"lm... !tull 'fllli tI :-:tllt.....1'n'IIl~I·1'Mlr,. Cllllnlll or M\lI;II,II. "fl' I, to..U1I,iIor h ...·~ jt0vl:nllllit too c11~lJ6"Ulllfl"'~

Ii.' UIlllL Ilr Ih.. AIUIl~tllwut hr "·n'l.l:'l)lU,I~h, anlt lh'xl\'Il1l ~",nl" or tIC!,·Ilrh II' 1.lltl claIm"'. ~('ln:IAI IUellll I)C\H'U In l"~ hl,·ol.,IIlK tlU to ~l I111m'" aUld 11I11I1I1J' cllliru. I.aUll Ill.,' •r.ul~ "'llt·IIIWI ",-,rip bnllj.tht. t.'It-1i I 1fut -..1,lIt·"'· IJklhioll 1101nt.""tt:old rl,,:llo:"0'1111 '!lUlI\' lor d"-'tllllr Cr III IrUclll'I.'I hrw "IIIUI.IIt tn pay po8l1llt! If you "lIulfull id of Wau,,", lUll hlltr1tcdoua.























J. N. Laublch.


J. H. Llmblrt,

Alao Every Kind 'f Ju.aticeXl 1. A::n :IlL _

I'HI:S 1' ..:1) '1'0 OHI)":n.

t'''' I hv Mt..hlll)u or JI~t1,... 1If Ihe1',"IIU'11I111,ullul) \,.. JI....I '" th. abutt'

Fluur, Fct..-<l, Groin Etc., EtcSo. 1911 ••·r0l1111lId TII~'klr !Il'felil.

U:lt l'uln'I,AND,Ot'l!ll'on.

Oregon and CaliforniaFruita and Produce

Alio (Jl,"lel'l III IlI1 kiml. ot

Solo flgflrlU (or l.nmhert..t !lon"4,,'uh,lhl'Mled


Ilol\\ II j,:IILlr 11111:111,1" !II 1I..lr hall. n 1')'

WUoJuc.w.y cn:u(ul' :l3

To Rent.

We Inlve ou h:tll'~ :It thl~ olllce rur ~Il

:It l'I'llMmll.lJ!c t:l!l'!". tllu orlKIIIIII~ clIrt!lu

pn!plIf'\.'e1 b, ellllll"ut l~lllllfll'l. Ill~rgc

S()rtultllt or If'JtIII bill llk~. to· wit:

.In. Adxu 1 ra1<ty.(..1B1~f~:; IN IH~tel-Nt!lltl.v 11rll1((ol1

1\'~1I11,'fl11 "llper wllh blullk 'pnl't ror titnthlj( pllrt! tlJercof

A'1"l'ACJJ3IKX'l'S AXD :W:O)JrrJO~

TY R~)['



llEI.I\,EHY:;TlI'UJ.A'I'I07'l:.M".'IOA\'II'S 0" CLAfllAXT

A1l'prlutcll 011 alJ.<· "I It'I'lIl t:lIlJ lUll.! Ileahad'ell.

~. T.1l)(mLl All\·IllII'\·S 11IRI!C 011 (:oIlSIXI111(111(.04.

Adlwil'alt/l Blanks

District Cow·t BlankJustice 1~t~ Peace Blank

c.:omloission Agent8AIllI Delf)Cf!lllll

Green and Dried Fruits

:En Distriot oourSU:\I )lOX' wIth "l,provl't18herltra

hUll thcn:oll.

WHITS or A·l'TACIDIF.)J·I'.Tile ftttellllflil III i'ihl'rlfta I_ !lItrllClll

CIlllrtl toO th.., ~Ilvlllg ul IlllHJl'lll 1Ill/.klll(.'Opld '

:En Ju..at1oe OOu.rt




S'O'l'I('E '1'0 DEn:SIM:Sl'S WIJ'JI1.:0X!,i I _\ III,"; I~:; It t: n: ItN Ihttr~on

A,I prlllll.. loll!t·plcltp ",llltll.

:F'arxn Produoe\l'IlE.-\'I'. IIAY.


B.\COX, BUTTt:H,ltf'...te.

Gordon'S Whlrf, Nanalmo. Brilisb Cotul'lbl




Se.,l'nll ftne room" III thl! ARGUS bulld­IlIg YJl.,;A.lIt, suitable lor o.Il1l'cs, ~.I term!!fl·IISOnrtbll'. A prl,to

O. ~roHHIS lIALU:n. Jo;SQ,:It Ii Iii omU(,. 2,)


, LEO.------'-

On tbe 3d inlt.• Ihe bark AM.nBe... loft Portland in 1.0" of theOiai. 1'hOlll~1I011 for Astoril, aDd

theDce to Hon~ Kong, Cbina. Thevetsel tlk.. 3-&1 Chin••e palsenK,rl.Many or the Chinamell go onl1 (orI Ihort tiuu~, (lilly inllindioK to corn.baole. to th. oOllnlrYlhat fO thum is.. fipid uf (urtuu". In addition tothe livillJ: (1'''i,.:l.t thl· hark 81611 Illkf'Jitb. 110".'" nr K Illlmlt.,r 01 J.flluotIUOuitulilallj fll btl fillall.' Ililerred in

th.r."lm uf ·lIII!UUIU. ·I'".u In'lf\!

"",,II will In"" ''''urtIKIIJ thili

nf"nth with ahuut 1,000 h.,.t1u!Il1 forChinl.

"A lIule IIUU.lCIII4!. 1I0W .1ll1 theu,11 reJ....ed by tba btu of IUQU.·'

WA!IIIS0TON D.O., Ol't. 101SiD.

If ..... may jutlge by reportll jnltbrought here Irom Ohio hI Demo·crats uuring the IJllIlIt Ie" d,ys, tbatparty hn 110 hop. of electin:.c Ewing'atlll Rice. It. is (ounu Ihat thenominl1.ion of Ihettflntlll 1 whioh WIiS

expected tn di"ide the t;'I!Jier .,ot.,hIS wholly (u.f1oJ 1.0 do 80. Doubt·I.ss a good many soldiers of the latevoluntelir arm" would Iika to YOUIfor Rice, • cril~pl(ld cOlllrade, hut raW'of th.m "ill "ote fer Rice, supportwrordDccrinel "hlch must ine"itablybrill,St on af10ther '''ar in lh. future.'l'hey beline in Rice the defendero( National intlgrity, but not in

Rioe, the ad.,.ocate of Stat. rights.HNiggers," as I.ll' DemoorAtic

POlt of thill city calls them, Sllelll tohue performed strikil1~ty orerlitablelenice in relievin~ C)lpt. Pll)'ne'Soommand prior to the arriYaI o(olherreinfvrcements. Old soldiers willknow the nature or thl aohie"emeutwhen told that ..... ry bors. but t\"Oill tbo compaoy Wltl killed by theIndians before the "niKgera" ,,\l0·

cledeu in relohing f'1I!Ue'lI oamp.It doesn1t s.om to milk. anJ dif·

(erence wbere Gen. Grant is, orwhat ellSl, race or 8eet of mell heO1le1ll. H. il Irrandly recei"ed byeverybody,. Caurornia i'"tting IDexampll, whicb other St.ttl willil.d1y follow.

00 the 19th and 20th o( neatmQutJ. the Ducioty f){ tbe army ot theOumbll'rlilld meets in this city. Astltue in hOllor C)( Gen. Gltorge

n. Thomas will ho ullveiled. No of·ficer on t.ither 9ide in the late war

bad mort of the r.gard anll conti·donee or the min under him thanTholOl18, and the me~ting "ill beoC .xceptionlill iAterelit beoaule orthe tribute to be paid him.

The pOiltoffiu. department decidesthlt letters aliuresseJ to a lotteryor 10 a person 18 agenl or rranAgerof a 10lury comyan!, are unmailabl.Th' qu.stion whether or not I lettermay ba Il1lliled to a pe,.on known tf)the Pf'8tulllst.r to h~ Iiuch "'K.llt ormlnager, hut lhlt 10 dellcrib~d all

thl .uv"lol'l) ill unJcr oonsidor~liun.

Th.re i, abollt tn iJ. warf",. bootw.en tbe lllterilotr anti \Vllr dopar:­m.nt!!, c.. u:.etl by ehe olu dilllJuta asto thu reil'<,oli ... IImount of r.spmlli~bility they have (or the e"tlr recur·rinlf IIiJian troublos. r ,hall tlot ~e

lurpri!lt\L1 if eongres:J I\t its nut les·

dion, trl\lI!ifl'fS thl:l Indiall huruau tothe \VI., depMrtlnl"llt. Untler theprellent system of diyided reaponli.bility, parmlloent peaca seeml to b.impossibl•.

No....u.ty P.cifio .tock.s Ir. tillon the 'aiM in th. Ne. York liHUl"yII>I,k.t.

THE INEVITABLE SENTIMENT.FrOllllhlt N. Y. "Christian Unioll:"

"~onh ami south may as well rccoK'nize tllis fUC't III ollce. Gran:.'s reo

caption means that the loyat of theIUllU lire indignant at the conduct orIhe !Ioluh, and mean to put the InIl,1I

",lin cUlHlllercd the louth ill oom·llllllHllllluin, if neCe5lUlrY. It IOUII!!

Ihu the llIell "ho were loldiers illtht! ullioll arlll1 are ,.sol",d that thefruits o( their ,·ictorie! Ihall not beIUill; that wbit. r.publicllIlI Ihalll'ltpro.egl~d in every State in theunion, aud that blacks shall b' fruto "ote lIS they choo&., and bold of.fice if the! CRn &,et .).oted. Thia istho ligllificlRo, of the freu! or .n­thuSlaltlll which greet. the arri",1 ofthlt irelt leader of the armi.s thatput down the lJouth.rn rebeJllion.On. other Ihin&, it mUlls. That theItation is SUprtlllq and tbe Statessubordinatl, whenever there is a col.lisioll between th.ir interpreterB ofla",,; Mild tb. ne" revolution of ehusolid South in fuor of Stato If)Y·eraiKnty shall be deftated at allcost.

Th. north dots not distinctl, wishlien. Grant to b. t~e neat President.It 'l'fould greatly prefer John Sher·IllRlI, "hUll eatraordinary adminill'lflllinlJ o( tb, 'reaaury departmenthas mRde bim tb. most coollpicliousIII Ii\·illg Itlt.am.n. BUl when thelessllllll o( the "., .• re in danger ofh4'ing rud backwardj "hen ques·ti<'!Ns liettled bJ the Wlr art dllo!lredto bo to1.aU1 unsettled; "h'll t1H'li~·.8 10llt Ind the precious millions"llIwt ill the Wllr art d,clor.d to bil.'·ohO(,l1 WIl!lh:d in vain-thon lbe northlUi II., ills~iuctin.ly to the grl!llt up'tui .. of th~H)l'e. If the South dOPIN't",ish Grllllt, nominated and ell.ctfld,it mllit lurn 'hort round upon itshUIlI. _

CEN8UII STATIUtI£ST. - Aocordingto the inonmplete r.luros o( the lastuen8UlI, our T~rritor,. coot,in, 11,­

537 dw.llings, 10,089 fA-miliol, 32,­025 wkit. malu, 20,222 white fe·hllllu, 1120 oolored males, 002 001­ored rem~llllI, 3!ll taubl, Chinelle,79 taxable half breed Jndiallll, 115tllXlthle llldilulI,and 6 tAuble K••n.k... Ther. are in the 'l'erritory17,8 6 married penons o( adult age,allt! J3,307 unmarri.d. Our foreign

born populatiollillcludel 70J4. males,Ind 2710 (emales, T"o lllilldredItnd niolty-three persons "er, mar·rillli "ith:n lht\ year, and 817 born.The sobool altendllooe i" 9837. Two

thoullnd and Rl'f't'!ntl peraonl areuIII,bl,to reid, and 2513 to "ritt.We blv. 7 d.af Ind oumb p.noll,13 blind and 90 "bo Ire inlln. oridh)tic. Tbe wbole lIumber of maleoitizellS, onr 21 yea" of ag., is 16"032, and 'he whole number ofp.opl.in tbe Territor, li7,784.

Olllaud.ncr N(I"emb., h' all of.fices o( the \Vllt.,n UllioD Tele­I"ph compiny become hll( (areoffioe.. That ia. 10...... Ilot duroillg 'be da! will be charl.d (ullrates, but tbote Hoi in the neDiai'Ind nilbt will 0011 be chared bal(pr'Mot rat.l. For inllaoct>: h

'" 7A o.u.. to lind I \In wordm....... (rom St.ttl. to Portland, or.1.. Afler Nu". lat, i( th.UJf' t lit In tb. , ••aia. LiI.

f .111 o.a, be H fllt ((W. ten__... IN'WH" tM '.0

pi to T obj ct of 'hi' i. to in·C'1't' tile "I.tlt b"'lin "d ,.li.y.LIM Ur1I or &I i,.. dllri.,

" t.a.n, .ltioll it OQ tOlD. air·t:U" •.,., 1"*'--"la..UipDoer."


T~lI~ ugre~.t.. nlu. of t"ubl,prop.rty in Washingtoll Torritory isOUf *21,000,000.

The Victoria IlColonill"thinka the,fllire legildll.tiull uf tho U. S. hltltU1'8n hoslile to CantHIII,

Mml. Victoria Woodhull And MIs"l'ellllilil C, Claflin are, it ill relJorted,

Kbout to mllrry in LOlil.lO'J ellch ascion o( nf)bility.

THE GO\'IHnurs of the 1hirtf'cnf'lriginal Stlte met "t PhJllluelphiaon the 18,h to arrange (or a ",rllm)c.lebratlon or Ihe cent.nniAI Clr tileCorn"allil lurrelltJer of Yorkto,,",VirR:inia,

FIVII: million dolll'" "orth ofFrench ~old, (twenty (rlllo pifJcfJ!)

"as rec,h'iHI " New ¥llrk by thesloam.r Cllolda the olher lilt)'. It"as the largut Ihipllldtlt of ,zuld thate,e/crClllb(lt.! the At:lllltio.

10 18_6 the uerMKt! charg.agaillst 'l'4'ry perltOu III the UlIlt""lIStates 011 accounl of illltlrest 011 Ih.

public dqIJt, wais $4 I~. It. "'"ll but*2 in J877, but .2 ~8 in 187 , andill but 81 Uil this nar. Nut yelr,o"ing to racent re'(unding Ill'eradoll,

it "ill not exceed.1 60.FItA SK J. Park.,; eclitor of the

Walla Walla Statasman lind correl­pond.llt or the .o\!llflciatcd Pr~8s,

"Ill Imtrried at th~ E~isoopltl chu .... hin Walll Walll,ol Oct. 21, 1870, 10

Misl Martha Ne\"ell, daughter oftlu. late proprietor of that paper.Tho Iffair WI8 "ery lugely and

(llabionably aU ended.

'rill!: railroad landi earned hy thebuildinR' of th. Puyallup ooal rOlild,hue com" into the lIlark.t. ' Thelands ill the Stuck "alle)' aro rated ttl.

13 per aort cash down, or .4 in ill­atallmcntsduring 6"0 y.lra, or 1(..60in 1~"4H1 yeari, with seun per 'Cent,Inter.. t. This is a much Inore reas,

on..ble price than "as upi!eted bythe people.

Los8 0'" 0,\1'1". B"U.RV,-The rol.lowing i, MSail Frallfdllco tel.gralnof Oct. 218t: ,1'('l1e U. S. revClIu.

CUUIt Hichard RUlih "rri"cd JUI.rday ,,·gning froUl OunMlaska, liftreommander, G.o. W. nail.y, WlUi

lost overhoard on tb. 161h illatlloe,

during A he.", gill. off Cape l"llt·tit,. lie h..d b.ln Ill~ering from abillio".. lu.&ck on the trip do"n lhetout, althulIlb not coutineu to bi.be4.I. Hi. eabin Hpeo.d dlrectl, on

eb. after part of tb. poop de'lk. !I.rae 011 deck It on' Mil, momml

.Iteh, apoke to lbe ollc.r or lb.d-ek, Ind ... DlK IMU a(1 r.ard•.

Tt.. bf".a ("IlUd IDP11 In theItOfnnl Ind it I ""rl"~ t.ba.t t,.

Utro)w. ..r r" a lurrh rI'~ l~. h _nr the( ..hi t.......,


UAT~:ij 01" AIl\'lml'ISI~t.:

(ltlf' Inch. "r~t Itl~erl'o~!", , '1 JiO'Ellcll!llll~'fIUI'lll. ItI'"Crflotl,. .. •• ..•. .liO

'I'r:III;ICIlI Itdvj'rll;;ellll'll~ In 11111111('11I!!CI'tloll lllllllt \)c "l'l.'(lllll):ltlll~tllJr l1l;:II.

tir'AII A~II""~Cflll'd••nlht"..~


T..••• vfllllltM4'rlpU•••• -t:t.OOIH'F 'Ulllnnl

In atl'flllil'1!l: lilt llIe,tHII", .1,.;0,

PUGET1!:t r\fllLISlltm .;\'"U,. T111"ll"IJ,\\' AT,

I'ort TowlIsentl, WUilhlllgtOIi 'ftrrltof1.

A.LL1~N 'V]·: I H.

P:IlITUlt A~n rnUI'HtF.TIJlt.

YO L. !l

fJ &ET-f ~

WEE-- Y===========~~~==============


Page 2: €¦ · J. E.l'uuIJ NO :17. a. MORRIS HAI.LllR. GU Cosmopolitan lIotel. TTORoSlT "'~I) UOU:SSIU.LORAT LAW' Proolor in Adrnll'lLlly. liefloned, Itt.1 t:llllle vlm.Mand 110111 ...



/ •cIbl, ~"ofm



'"..,""Ittpre~.ri\',bmlb.tainit n


ill btI ••l'etri'PoD1,IIi)JI<i~da, i

IoU"Gt titio.t"



tOreson ItelD8.Thfll New Irtlh ReVOlution.

EAS1't:ltN .s'l'ATt:~,


PUCET SOUND_ARGU§:...nt"t 'L r ll"'U fU' .11.11'1 .,..u, ,ttl 'T',

.u,u:~ WEIR,: .:,lit"I~I.I~'l'l)pr~

'I;IILJ B:-:O.\ \' ~)t..,'~-:lll~\... ;fi.

{r('im vf'n.l"ht'ridllll, IlO' blt.~ bt'1.'11 .Iin'flt',ll ~Iill/d 1.. I:' fllir 11"IUIlUII 111111 pri.'eli hlt\'(' Iby l:,'Il. SUllrllJ,t11 10 ",itIJ,lrJl\\' lUi: t'''\II'~ 11\'hlll" .... , :!_I,,1. . .Ililief l"en ~'frritt fUll} or,ll'f ,h"1Jl1O tllt'ir .\ \', n" 1UTlJ" hili ,;.tllll' ....·lutl Irr"jlT1lllf btl,;'l Thu YOUIlU folhof J)u,l'tt)!l. \\',1'., hal'e or.rr~l)('r ;llIlloIlM, h'fl\'ill~ lit Ill\! Wbite Hiw!r in.~ .....·I;~ ,1,,11," ill ("nl'lIr{) ",tWIll, lIu,ll'rh~... l:lI,l.:Luld lu~'4 f ..t'(I'II·ntl~· of IflU', f>iI. 10111I1,.•:,111. .lr'lllllltiu IWI~ll;lIlti""n .

'g'·IJt·,.·ouIJ"lillllicl,'ut 1l11l11h"'rof 1Ill'1I to w"r" ;t<!I.I~ IUj:b"roll lh~w(i'''. A qlll'·'"r l"·uull.," with 1"'J,:'f\"II"lr,·lulld, lot'lia\'t~t 'I" ,., d'I'll t I . III 011 ~ll>lIda)' ml! I~ 'H'eragu I "I Y Atwn "1ICf1 lit the n.l)"~Jlju.t 1111' ~o""rmu"\jt IH,,!,,·rl.\·. t! Iroop" "'U' I"w"",,r. w,,~ illJl'llrt' , • , nil lIlt' "lllton who 1)fNISll'f! 1II'It hi~ Iioll' lUll I'uillt.: 'chO(llln,lIt llioutll V.'llll 110 II.:h"I&",

lI,lI" nl Whilt! UII','r Agl'IIl')' bl'll'll!; tn Ihu 11 I' ott I,f l!lllll,h'"I\,''' WIL" I.-,,,t., ' 11 1 . I' .. 1 . L I 1'1" v

,1"l'lIrlllll'llt 1'( th" I'lllll,', IlII\I .,..ill. lI'ilIJ til<' :-;..1 mlwh 1'II .. iJlt'~" WlI.'! ,I"IW III thule)', \HIli l .' n IIn~ t 1111.. I.... \\Il."l h, nil' .... ll;lL ,/1I1Iu FJllllltJI Ilttempted fe/oniou. doillgtl at,'\:,oc}lti"n of Ih.. ~,' I,·ft 011 IIJIl .RGO:!lIl'S, rl'lIlr1l 11111. I'd""" "_ IItI ill 1I1'1I"r>l' f~\·n~. tile Illlltliltl Mleltk''fl 1111.1"1" tl ... IId.Jl~ Il,~ 1'llnY"II\'ilh IUlIl ailur" IlhIT!, 0.:1",11.: hy lwo10 tlidr rr"I,~,·ti\·1' 1'111I1101111 III thllt (l"lmrt· :'<al,'/i nf EUt.:h"h wll"111 Ill_I \~ct:~ ,IWOlllI!,"! rp"IIQI'M' to II eOlllllllUld to ";':0 Ollt, IIlu:l'Ilf" hu WI'" cIIl'tllrl.'<1.IIlt:ul A furt't· \I'ilIlltl OOU~"Ulrtllo.tl'l\.'IIlIlIC I" ~H.I.I? 'Ir,; ut -I!J,.d.illll...r 'Ir'.'lj.('I\II~t 67.'ij.ij~ 11,1110(1, ""-"11. go IlU,!t'I'111lJ tl~hr", tllt'u." (;:IIllU ill Iluw .lJun,lnllt 1I!!llr Altorill. Aunlut nu tllc Sullllldfl UIIl rell~t\'.lltO\1 I" 'lr~ al ,J.I~ 1M 1'.l1r.r, "1"'~I.,llIl~ "C' ~ Illll~ !it'lIr; Thill'! EII:.:!'lIIll • tilllllll:': Ilt.r.... I1' HlllIl,I,. ItJ l'IU·t..\' lo"ft Ih.. cit\' "II ~lImln)' IIlhl lulul"Ill.'ll ille,mclllcl "1"'r'lli"IIM "H:lilllllille trille I!ltoOlloi 11Il1'"rtll Ihlt) ("Ill'11 RIUgL!Ulil \H:t'k ... IIIUI.!:, . '1."'" . . , ,'., t!lll cI'ullillg rCI~,rlihg: 1l00C":l:dif.Iht'v refn,,!! to deli'..r ll)llbl' Ilnrtit'llelJ~!ll:t:d OctQl~r lltli. J.019,1I7"- l'Whi wbt'KI IUI,I 10111101 I I.', ~1'llllS 01 °I'IIO:<OlliOlL." hlc I . J"llll BI<lllCk",u, (If AI~I,I"glltC, OUb (If thlill tbe killillKIlf Maior 'I'llflrubnrsb ... tj"u. l:'~.tfj':l CI\·t" 11"11". "II,' IUIR rlll~l'l~ I,.\, 111'1' ,.ltd,t~'''l1 t"t'.• UltIlIlC6 1"llllt'tlrlJ uf tl,u ~oa.t, • 1.,,1 ttl. thollJoII~lallMl'Iieuzie. ~OOlUlUlllhlillg lilt: -lIb (n\·;,h.'·. ,\lnllr.. Iu 1I •• rlll...."·,,,,,. lu tllo 1"lItJ ul tlte u.t.:c 110(1 Ly Ilt~r ClTOr;a ",.Illlit)· hO~l'ihl 011 SI\hIl'lIIIY In~t.

",ill IJruL,bl)' U.. p1l&t:eJ lu cll.rtj:u ,,' lue \'U~'l'''' 01'1. ~:.!,-Tlw 1I1L,1,· "f 1I11'airlllll 01' a lltlillll>tl'lltioli cUlilloclls 111'1' 11£>111:1111- ,Thu Alilnriuu 1lI1.\'1f llUlt Mr. Juhn RYRII 11'3&

litter torCl''''r''lb "r n •., 1......,le. 11,'n'·)l:Hvilllt llll~ UI"I""II" ~"tltJll~. 1'lltl lulL.. In ,JI,p.\, ~lt'l' j,y ~1JIl1l1l!llIllillg' ,thelll klll.~,1 "II hl~ dll1lll 011 .lim t.:ruw cr."tJk lt~· II''''"''''a,~., ,)..,. ".O.-'II~I"'('(or W. .I. l'hri"tIltll~ r,·fllllu tu I'll." I"'lol tf) TOIrkl".h to de tIltH, W.lllcit HIll' fOr'l'ecl\.th,.~· wlliliu tro'e f/llhl\\; Ull hUll. II ... WIl<! ChHPI,iug it hUll_n.... .. ~ IUlhl 111I1,wr.., "nil tbrf'Jll.tlll 10 ~hnol tlwlll If I I I elL

l'ullook tt'h'grllpbs to lbo COlUllJiti;;ioll..r uf 111".\' lrf W lIJ.hl't, Ii illl,,'h,'\',,01 lillil lUI! UII':'I'IUI}' CI~'\:Uht..tl:IlC"~.r l"i Ie ll\.i\ I,l,.'t'lt Th06 \\'/lilliIJllr~ I!clt",ll "1111 lIe\'cr in '.m"roIll<lhm Aft·,\h.'l frOlm 1'..11\"("r. C"lor,,,lo. "" CLarislIlLlI>I Mil h.,ill~ tillrl'liff! with lUOll")' lo1',YlIlg' to TIm'e t Ie 1I·"t () ll'llllt'whut 1111_ 1I1111rililltll,l: l.'fllhlrtlUII tlHIll al l!lc!cnt: IUlllll

"'UlI''''('I" ...r ,'1,,1& II "!c. follo""lI: "'{Ull O<t••'rnur ,"u,lleltcliul:j l~lllz..II'; 1111,1 1Il"L1I'" irolll 1!"W.kllt·':1 II. ia\·ul'It.I,le C\',;lltll in 1~III'UIJf" Asill, ;, friell full CUI'I'II ur UOJUI",h'lIt h:achcr. RIIII gWtlllt-!T. T.oCtll, 00.:1. 18.-.\ lh~II!lldl frOID Sun lIt'ltl tlllallimoluly Ilfllrm t~ttt thc Imllllll.lI "'" •• 1""".",\111' I",· .." 1,""1. lIlltl :\llll'l'i~'ll, lIllll like llUJ accn'llitl.'il tClOlbllCC, •

AnlOllio. T"r;.I'", 1Wt)'jl Geul'ml Ur,l. cum- Illll!lloo r,Huu\· ..d lrnlu 11,(, ~lliltl or@:a:"'rTIH· 0 I:! T I I . I"· ' 1 . I.t I" ImandlnK tbOl 11.'lllIrllllf'llI, re"eh..,l the fol- 1LI111.,1 by l·lie titalll if not li~' f ..,lerAI furc,". ll"'WllJ. d,:".- he lUll tr,r I"''! IlIlV 101lt·IUlI..,IIt: 01';"'1"111 ~t to Il' e.,V,·t·llllll'lIl. 1Il \\' ""'lit n.\\·lo.:Ciq~'I\"e \\'1I"lIt IIl)'ing I't \\':llIn

di b I CUllflden~..., 'h'r 1I11~·. C"O 11""'" he rtlliWnl\I, tlill 11111011 Ii' hfOj ItJ Ilullil III lllc Ih~II'kt,( of 1...01111011, lihl'(jI,Ili'~It's 01' l"I'Il/Hull t"I" ~. lIllll tit 1,:.4 Ctlnt:i \~'r 111l~hcl. IInycl',i p.lylowine t

paw.·o.",·'C·o'.,:·",.O<:1. 16, 18'iO. b b I )furl·o",. Ali'·lllIl,·•.\llUI·rll lIud Cunll";,:"u:t ., I I I ,M Cilulit Ji'Ur l'U:illci "'!lv"I'':ll nt flllllk,~ l'iI'cr,

.. IIl1d it ill onl\' lIo llUI.'8tioll of w et er lit! r~- 'II'ili toXe""") 'l.iJW, \\Itll Il'ille I POIIIIIQIl!-;I\(-'1I1l Iln,i I,y ,'II1'lll'l 1'111140 Cclltli in IJloyl"'I.Cololle1 IIAlcb, 'OlUUllltldillK tlie Ihli,t,~"c,t Kult be ,"ltlli,l:eu at uueiJ ur b)' lilo\\' IUIII ttlh- "'urn.... I&<"t&llil l'ul,'OII&&I,. lL';.;:isJo.tioll, thllt which eVI'r)'onc kllOw:! Onb ,,' "<>1. ".",,_1'. t-..po",.•" r"",." ..Of Ne.. MiitiCII. icfurw. rue thRl IlIrge uv,· OUI WIlt ltte II ,_ " . I nu " '" e-

. So b' I 0 ') I \ " I . I R IH/UUt II'" W lie I lUll> I'llrt:wl\' 0""\111 l!lllliJtil. th"uu"h IIJIl II,., twu '".1,'."" """.iflol well lU1Jlecl,,\paellelillre gOIIl!; ut .1..~r.1 "",. 1iI"""'11 1,"IUI SI".I.'I.·"."'SI~)l'. \'1. _~,-.lten 1011 m~lug le<'11 I '1'1 I . ", e "_.-.--' ·r'.... Tb.~.'. ".,o'··bl, .,-,."d.. . t ,I,nwn It)· IhA r...c..1lt t-Jlcli;ll\',· d,·,lIlrlllril to 1;"t1'lltJlI. I.' 11 Wll"altu.t, ''''1'0 Ill' enll. 1'111"1114. ratnll" IIhl)l; Ililrl~df \litl! jLJ~ o\\'u car.... ..u ""'....." W AJI!lll'UTOM, Oct. 23.-A aln olDltmtllTl'- . . 1 I I eo . ' ~f-- 'h, 1"""11 cuilor, "nd Ucxlco. I f frum !.ivdlltl,,1 u~ MllrDlUlI Clillverl... to lhr '·"lIlluWllll I'" 1111 W 10 r'l '.1 , II (,,1 llliil ... t 1I0i~tl L:itv llUlt \1 (:f·I; .• v... rAr~1 v(qr tha fflltboominlo;' IInnu~ rt'llOrt 0 . . . ... I ;~ '''. t'l, I,HaTe 'nllngel! to in\A:lrc~llt tbem lind rt'ill' the 'eommiltliioner g.. uer&l of llie laurl uffiee llrulicl~'lillt= .. 1)01'1'1 IlIIlrlt:! o~· prufcll~or, lind 1-k'('llU~fJ It wus fmllld 1111('''''lIlhlt', ('x(:"l't Cu!. UllttC Itnhlllll~, chiuf ;)f !fCunh in th.,ION. lind cvlouauulltl,l forceR ""ben lIeCCllll"r;)', d' I I till :HS dlll'n uf Ilml 'nulL, )Inj"r nlt'i~. 1'('lId COli- I .IT' In.. t tllU III,IIIIU 'A'll~, hillllllJCll 1'lClMllllcd \\ Itl.

{Sigued} , OkS,OIICIlHOS. ebowa tbat urlDK 1.le (\!;I IICb )'~11t la Ilt..1J11I uf Ll.l,'rlJtlOl. hllll i..AtI~d II uutice "y I.V \'10 ,'!It. nll lIflry f';\ll'pn:8i>llJll, to I'n~- II tillLl ,,01,1 \\I~teh hy the dtiz"lIt uf Htli~c l.:ll)'II 1II1101erai patentll W,rtlllllUe. '. ew nolnll ,- VI",. ,f .",ning, r"!·,·"n. "llIIIIJ"r" ,', ~f'llvtl' \·1'11t. ,,,,,mltu' C(tII\'ClltiOlIl.~ ,mol :1lH'tllitlf' III .....l."... lIitioll of hl~ \'/lln,II,lc .,,,.,.,....... SIC't! 1·11..•.. '0 • "r, 9B3 aC.1ea of Wllll'nll IUlIl .. 622 minerttl fll' , ~ I . ",' .'1.... ~"

S... IIT" Oil., Oct. 18,-'\('COUIIIII of IHlt. tnell were wl'ile. Rutl Rllbe clolltl..f .holl~cnl to hcllu\'c tb"l Ih ... i>~lIt"IU ul "ulidliujo: pEor_ 1....'tlt..·111 ,hng t)Tl\lUl,)" WI 1'01" Utl r. tlwe,1 1\ tll'UlIcClll'rt,lll\ljt ~1II101lt)' f'"'CllO"'Il, hunl'lawl in 'tht flUlcrti portion of BlIld\\'iu year ~,042 rtDlailltli ulldiiillOIlt:d d. Elgin IIUIlIlIO Joll! Iltll Iltltb 111111 ellli(.:rf\lil to Aml'r· l!v\\;-;Hhl.""" . . !llll:t. Jly·holllttJ hd(lu!lllg 10 ,I. \\'. ('ul,h,C01Ulty are geunally cllt~ll:f'ratc'l. 'l'~o hUlldred of thllj unDlbtr, lilJwu'llr, had lJe..n icll, toXlclI>h'dy l)r""-II~. "lid r"llIill,lilig A eOllV"llt\UII Will i'rvlll,1.ly he 1...1.1 III hl'luiC jll.l al.oo,,'u 1)l\yl1JlI. Abt'lit "w"1I1y&roubla i. polhlcal. Outh,wlI bt\rn.. l1 the '-!ltI olUDllued ..nd ,II8IlIlUJed for furtbe. r Ilroof lIueb Il€rll'llllll!Jlll uS Allit'l il'lllI IOIw Ilfll.\'ijIlUl)' I r.11:\1111 in tllll Hnli.I't'llt int"I"'Jo<I, /lllll in 1000'H"I".,f ['.....clu·.. \ltiC ,Iryill~ lit li,t) tlllill.

b ... to<! I , k ,'I· , "7 " il\ ;;triotl., ,'I·(,hil,iu·d, 1I11.1 Ihllt lhulltJ willi "I ," I ". , II' Ik .aod ~.. ttou OUIt. "uti (er I lll.· 1I 0 :0 ,. on aoooltc$"of con.te8hJ; ,''t aH,neu lurn I bl I • [. l'I";Il<'t1~'to Lit,. Iwitlirillil of ~I r. J>lIl'1u:lI, ,",un lIJ 1I1l!!' 1111' III ~llllJ :1 r.'t 1..: ... ,Robton for Ibl mup08e of drllwloil biw l,lut ellllwe (On Irtnlla wltbrlr'lwu 'UI IUlullral rll- IUIlCH"I' It (1ft! Ill· tl tn 1"I\\'y UUII IIUI loug ,'- ',' ... nwl COlltllllllUg 1I0\CI',,1 hUII,tre,1 ,loIl1u...• ,,"urth01 hit boulfl to Iihoot )lim. killed II negro w&ined anuil!~Qlltid of. but ou 6Q:J ut Ibtlw lerUlA uf Ill'IWi.lIuulu....It. t Le IlIO'lL JJI/IIlI'":r IlQltll'UUl HI Irl'!lllId "f lixtll.ol_, ....... l!lIrlUlU ill thll \'iiJInil)' ufman for rellOrtillg tbl1w to tllll sraud jur;)', bearillka hl've bt.f'n ordl'r..oJ j 516 IIgricultu. ...AGIt"It: I'tl!~'1 ami till: lea4vr ot tlia \lltl·tt. hOllle l'ul.,I'.... ~1J,:,"r.LJ" fl"cr the lither 11,\y. TJIIl liTll \I'MbnroeU tbe tanoery and blUlli of Llloke Bolt raJiCl&!U11 do ,itbd1'1lwU lauJII wt:rtl dccidlld ' I rf tldll l.'OIl\'l'ntioll.8hollJII result. ill Il llt:Ch Clltll!.iulOU ud "bllllM!d • colored WOUlan an.1' dbllug Ule 611('HI ,.-'u: Jot.49:i "ereK 01 A "_1 ,'gh. 'fil'lllel' ol'r..,mr1.11lioll or tile 11itw.t!O'Ctfl,1 'I'hc l.:.,llllllbi'l L:hmllide My!: \\'hilb :o.Ir.ber d~uiYlter in-lllqu:ooltce'lUt,.. The ganR IWIIWP laud" ~ere c..rtifteli to for tbe SllIt!! SAl' Flnl'Cl,.eo, Ol:t. l,s.-At CltrlWI\ City IIIl1I t1le·l,.'O~tlt'rioll i'lhouljllllll'l'lloi thl'oulth: Clmrlcil Jlulb)' Will 'lohu!: U1l fir~~ Itra:d hillbaT~takentllf~tdutb6e",,,,wplol OCOIlfi! or CalUornlllo In the ,)1I~t t\re1\'e nlontb~, tiT I W' • 1 C e, ~. h"l'iIelllilll'tlllltll.1 (,II \lltll hilll, ,li~l..'Clltlll"and 0Vecbl'e. The p'&Oulll uf HIl.Qoock mlkin. II total ef 1,7:lG.Hl3 II10ta lbe ::;Ittlll 0-, My 1"'01: ,'re IUt",:" ('0 I UOUOU. lwu Ollt the count.ry, 111" two IOrll!1 of tl1l1llt- 11I1l1'i~llt llllklo and IJl'i'sltilljf thu b'me .. f",wtG1I.D11art Ikdl!AantlArtbe'onlmgeIlILllll (11l- "IUI Mmltted tfJ tbe Ullloll. SWlWl~ landll "tiN uld. by ~l)rf(llk, curt'~'lng tli~bt IIt.\11l1d" l~lILl1Ia thl\t "'vulll tluHI Ll' prc.'1f'I,tRt.1 fut· IUche" lIbo\'l:.••_" .••• '0 " .....,~., ,b, wbitHl 'ud b,llOk od II h B ,. '0 O1"'r rnie \\·uli,;bt. '-"'Ull 11 tlHl:ll'qllllrtt'r ,11l~h " , I' I' 'd I I" "'1 'lv'..,- 1;:\, r'''~ pAtent to ate &u.t~lf 1llllP'tl8a"" Ull in ) :15X. 11.1.11 f,IIItelll tillle C1'"r ULlU)Oj L)' II :"llg IUI( '" C 101~C , WOII It! l'iIlUllllll."llOli It: 18C :,tl&tt!IlUlIll lcll" uf tl,u rohLclj' offrom furtber outr'Gd, lind iullict. lummary Jul,. lilt llbollt 69,lj()(}.UOO IIcrell. ooh uf Ib,tt aHll. Aliol ddl wnr. TIll:! fal'IJU.lt'M Mf'I'lII tr) ~chwll.l~I,·ker .t Cu. '. It"~,,, Ih.. bl'Cllklllll' "rJultiQflOll theperl'l:trAtOrtt... (',ell." UIII" n"rn,,". ,lot! j\1"nrffM'h.o n.II,"..... IIn.ve ri"ht 011 theil' ..ide ill ",·t'ltt l1I"nfY tllll.llfc 'l1L,1 rul,bt.·ry IIf ~I,.ilJtl, There "'Ilil

Thl'l "t'Vt!r. SAO 'iA.BII(I.B, ~' 1., Uet. 2a-Tbe!VOllllluJr: IIr." t'~l' t,htfCt l'''I\\Iv cnnno~ 1''''- tlU'ir IU.(ltM) In tile s3fe. I,ut thc rul,lttJn ~"t lIc.lrcdl1~¥Pu18. Ocl. 18.-1'\~~ delltb"alnclt lallt I~""w collon JIllll. burlltld Ibil D1orulng. lh:l'POCll'O, Ol't, 11S.-J, f. Whllel,'r, II f' I • lind lofL ill huw.

.ataht. 'fbA wNlb.r II elear.aod tool. Tbe '1''''0 4t0odred openlthall tre tbrowu ont of Ilellli"l r,,~i,hlJl!i Ill'ro:, 'Aolili IIrr"~Il!t1 !llllt Ilito:bt rl,;lIU1 ,Oil, ItCL'Ount 0 . 1.)()(1l' ll\n'l~(!I, nll<l '1'110 Wntlll. \\,.1111 \\'lIwllllll\" &''1)'11: AIb.ermornettr at dlll'ligbt bad flillen 10 51 deg. llwploywen&; Itlllll, $2()(J,UOO j insurancll, a" llll 1It."lluml'h,·e flf lbl! outllol....s wbo ro:eeull)' tit",)' lIIl1lst nil :'tlllNUJUIlt( 00. Wll'lr lalllh. .tul'e",~ 1I1"lclI fNIII Mr. 'l'holillUl IJ'llriiJlI.

-l, Til. W....HI~I nrou..... ' •• , f1oo,OOO. kill ...1 l:UlI~tulol" Wrillht aod olbtlnt. fI.'h ..)' I'Clit (no'c for the 1ll'I'!i6uLj lIud eOliRIlI"r of thu .:xelmll,l;C H"tel. Tbtl ""I'li"" l'\)lurllc.l

of~::~~~~ ~~IM'u~~~e~8~~ri~~ ;::~Dt~i~ MhP8m. Oc;~"~.'~:i::~ Delf eae~~, no ::~::~,;~~yIT;:~1~~~~~t:f;~;~~:~:~:~i;1~~1~::~'t~I~~tli~~v:~!~:;'f"r~I'I;~~'lII~l:t:n~::t~~~111'~, IJ~~~~~~;~,~::lllfl~.'H!I; ~ &tovc I.lel'lilglug to~ witti'o&npu., i' ottbe Flftb C"'~ delllbll, .. "Juhn K (·larlt. M, n., J.onclr.n, ":llglRIHI."1f..,.. (l..p~I"D PlIJue comml1odiug; oomplluy 111:.IU·811, Oot. :n,-Tbree CllHII wire ru- tuwu Il"t-t 1l'..JJ ~u.rtled_ .Nu Cll.llll1dll b.a IIll)' l.'OI\t, If the hmdlo....IK t11t!1l irll~illt Illlrtlt...mlc,l EllSh,h If'uriu. il tltu Iw~, lolll"WD"J'iIl,h O.,alr,,1.ien. Wolfa cowmRnJiu~; ,portt!d tbit iLllerDl"on, Tlie clrofl1D~ of uccured Ilinctllbe tr"l,;IlII.\' of WcUlltlld.r.y. Oil II;lYIU~ltt of l'tlln.,lfUlti tflilill,l( i'l tlllIt. whu liilkc.1 tlto gool 1Jt:0I"C uf Jat'k~l!Ilvltll!.oomplUJl E,.Tbird Oavalr" Callt, Ll\III'IIOU ouwweree of New York aellue $2,000. Rorrble np."th.' nt(mnl'~ It ,,'holl'uJI:l t:Vl~liou, tlhe ,,,'11I1l11 l"l'Iug hur$:" I'ltying III ning }lml',lrt)' I\ndoomma'ndlnt a.d towpuy D, Nintb Ca.- .·V."'''. Uttlll NAI'~ Out.lIl1.-Ltt. IIIKhl D. B. H'J,e, a !'I'Ollt which Ihe INI&lillnqJ ..... iII VI't''i''IL I, cutung" I,ig 1'''lth ","lIcl"Jlly.l1r1,Oapt. !ll Of)mlU~Q11j.ug-~ "bole Naw Yon, Ollt 2~.-The ~leAm.blp Wle- n,uh'fl (It \'lrijiuia, Il~ed i:.l )11&.1'11, elllU,l~ to win loon: lJothin!{' to 1)(1 dOIl~ hilt ligllt. The '('lIllt, ~a)8: l'ihw}I aru now, hdll~f~ i 0 et ..k\ttitcttD~4 01 Callt. lanu from Europe brenKb& $1.418,01.1O Freucb bill IIf'Rlh I't Ihil NII1.Q ill'illllll R..'·IIl .... by It d~ lIot'mnUf'r whi'lh,'r .'[r, Pam"11 Jri\'l!U in 'I'UUI !'Iliumlor rlluHes lIll,1 IlrOII.Io..1DOd... be ennilea. !l!l: In oumber, w"rll al.ltd, Tbil m.lre. _ t0110l of ~~4.54,I,OOO gold bC'iD8 1ICllld~d in II blUh htb dl1rtn~ rhe tern With Wint"r'lIl....I"'·.. L".flI(IIllI&\'lllt.'(jll 1;l'1I'all~.~' ..T~~'fH~' ilere by Col. Imlved from Europe aillell 8alur<1u, morn- por~y, l\b,itllCIoI of tb" Illtllnl!nut 1u cburS": IIUloU.IUd, in hi i'lO+\CRIl' tlr not. Tho tlX- erllll)' Illalit, though a few blllIlJ.....!lrlj ,Icl'op,Summen, medical ~d,lrector of ,tho .d,part- ing, N"l'arl1 lM.<lOO,900 of ilpecie bRM come Tbe ':U~t1~IlUI bllvlufl b!"cn obll"ctl to girt:. illtillg t':IIII~'r of lihe Il'iJi~ 1~llle i~ un- ulllkli tu 3 ooll.illernblu t1ltelLt.1DI!lb~ 01 Itie PIRU., 'lid A~lStatll Surgeou ioto the OOlll.ltry .Iuoo the NlIumpuen of Hove" WI\"lhlll~. Cl'Jleti t() hili Il1l8i1t1~ncO IWO c!ltUl"t;!ltb"" Ilu:l ia lIvL to bo: kppealWtl by l:lIl't. Jktlollr6'.fC1llhllit tnJOlNhI htt\'e II finoSnUg, ttl Fortl8c:ula'/aztd were l~medl.. t'11 "petie P&JlDeU\.ll, Rod n.arly nine-tf'lItbt of iUIII'lte. wbo IIrllln lb., bllblt of bellliul( tbe II f~:I'wl fl~I'\'I'!lt~ here Ul' thCft' lUI t~m COln~Ul~ lIM,toll ..t \\'1l11~ 'yalla in ..... hlchpl&Cild o. the trlill. for tp'lilUHpnrtlluon to fon tbe ..bele amount arri'ed ,inee Auguet lit. ttttlltl(l:au~. WheD Hov" WM lIe"rl, "triPlill,1 I I e 'I" I.i' k "I' I lbtl) I'&l'tlltt II poLito Vt'el~hIDj( l'i:! uunccli.Beetle .od nuutl. OJt..pt, D,rue reDllllna of clotbin[( tLaIl IlUendllllt beArd RII etlh:ry IU .Ill\{ elll Imell 1I;"ln1ol to t 1.1l. . h~ Ill· 1Il'lllCIi th6\' l.rel(lllte,1 to C<ll. I'...nlr. J. 1'1lrkllr.blre aDd i. doi0ll: Will, MaJ':f~ Thorullurs'l Nur.ee..'nl NCrlklf. Ar~U1 neAr b,. ",1.1.1.'11 be rll.llIuxl Ollt. l"ll\'lDK tred of (lppretoflllOTt, ngl'lll'IlUl, CI\'II lit, thu IIUIIl,llCtJut 1I11,lllll!lnll flghtt:r.bod,. .... brodSlt 1 titl. part), aud Wall SI', LOOlll, Oil'. 23.-The memben of tbe decell.8ed witb two IIlIDlltd 1I11l1 tbe tU"}llIrlly Iltilitltry, ill 80 deeply roorOlI ;n the Irillh 'I'liu 1.HlfrlfICrntic Tilll"" fIIlYI~ Rnow I)Qoh1pPodt..6~~....llba""''''.-'I''_ ::d,\ ~~di:~:~~ri071~~lati~.: II.lIed ....ltb tf'pld WllUl.r. All IiOttn Al4 tnt wtlnt nature. t.11I,t it. ill aUI' to Hull \·l.'nt on tallen 011 Will JWijuc rinr road tn thrl ill'l\JlI'

- ~. 1b' I B 11 ill 11 . CUI. tbu tlll'O mllll turn.l:d 011 tlie boillllU aufficicnt oca~ou, tlud th~I'e 1let'1Il11 UO \'~Il.i,,"I."" of t~Hlm."tUI'll. who thlli. clJlI~iJ~rallleOUl'UIlK, ,Qlft. 20.-Oamp on WbiLe w t Ulmer•. n the e, e,.l .• dittriet, Wilier, alrippel) oft' Huvtl'lI uilltbiug and put I I ." ,. \' . f r dilhellity III uottlllg throllJ,:h to ~urt I\IAmalh.

rt.lt. tbree ~llea north 01 tbe &gt'De,., .nd Ibe ooDdltl:l1t of the ro.l tr&de, d~clded bim io tbe 'tub. Here be ""a, I\luort R lUo- rClm.. y 01 I;' pteKCli or I!I tl eutlOll 0 "" thll thoroul;hfaru ia bt.!t.lt>luinQ: rough.OOlorado..OCt....l'Ili ,I", B..IID', W,omlug ~ f:l tbe .a(h"uoe IltWRUded by tbe mlnOrll. w~pl "htlr bl tha Iltlalldlt.DI, wbu look him ~h.e PI'OllI~tl\'U COIlllJlOtlOllll, f":,u:l"l'to Tltl,ll'olllmloiR Chronicle "'>.~ that an unu'-Tbil alurnooa Oen,Muritt and oommaod rp p.rtdic.III IWIt.,the lI1f1ke. altbollib It ont fuarfutI) ,cllldtlll in tue bill'lt allll lIide., ""Ker 111111 moM pOrU!llr IllwM rol' lrellUid 'Imlly IlIrWI IlUlllOO~ of illlllll~rnUtil hll\'e ar­rMtlMlad to lhit point ordetl from Wubing. It UOt koolf1l, ,.ei wbllt actiOD Ui.e mint OWD- lbe "kiD peeliuj( oft', l:Ie 11,(,1 fuur lind II thl\n )o;uf;'huul i8 in t.he Mabit of mak'n '. rll-ell ill 1)llytl.lll lIeeking hOlfltnl ..nd fertullcltOIl belDI to 'lllptood 'operatiotlil aglllnllt the en wbo do no: belou" to the archllnge will h..lf houn. 'fbtl Cl.troner'" jlll·y lIullcb..d no ::\. Y. )ll\il. i ill thll fllr. WII~\. Tlluy. will IJnd wh.t tlHllUUlI aDd await ordl~ .itber at Wblte or uk.. The lI'le w_, blRme to tbe attendllOt fJr ofliccrll of tbe ---- elm, fur If t.hcy .t<,y \\'Itll the cl,lun&ry,Bel,.., riTer u nllaOtlltioM. fQr~earelD 0 . u·lom ,. II C ., , "" I '.,_. ,)or··,~~..""d·.LT.. ." cb. boo- BUTL.... ll:, Il~, 22.,-Tbe fol1o.•',~ '-,.1 ..1 ,J • A Suooessful System of Chan- '.. 111..111 ate y I (!t an el.. W1010"'''11'!!~ ""'-e ~ 11 r-- WIIMI"",'1 "'•• "1"11 !l1l .... b, h"rllllllelUlire lll'e fl'Oltllllleinchu. [)lltllllCCw,. -&a•." ..r-~ to ~JP:.J:oIIder tb.j""nClrl reottl,ed 1.01 tbe Trlltoue from u. ~Jt..rk City SAIl Fu.t1C1800. Oci. 22,-10 the wOllllln·. tiel but ....."'(:u lip,t, thrt.'e ft.'et lill: incite., 'fhi. lIllt~IJnLlDt'J Illtli ~~pIr!datlo..: i'1~ ill oorr8lpoa~\Dt: , "1I1i1IDII al.teh It lbe (l".n.Oll 1~8t U1llbl, furni.bell 'laO 1:.111"1. of tlrit.'fl mCAt. HOlllllO~I·,~a Ii....,,·'. ttp~'.ll'"'!o ...oo,.mDm,"',.d·tbo.f Dnm.iulllk Diilloo. j,u~:::n~:-,2:tD~~b.' c"b~~e bO~I~~ h"~,',.nd toe. ' "d"·1~1I1.u,lIInlll..,ud 'I'll(' II) 1I1cIU 7'.i*c)1l4ritieN inn.ugurated Ihut .. buck (-.,r dlat dl'lll8lJd 1;\" IJ'Illudl."-"aiu. r :IIWi w ." ,~ ......we uurtl ot eae m. e "lUI til; "It- I Two a lIu.y ill hilll nvora". ,S=Dt t' _.,- polD', ,'h,"b Dolb'·D' 10 n.er. repert, the poople at A"bllly II d D' I ,hi I.. 'r il,""I., 1\' IfIt b.l· tllll cit.'! of Pl'Ovi(h'nce (l ytillr all( 0.

Ula. -oJ F d dUb lllnu III Oil el MJDle OK ti" I Tho O. S. N. C6. 1Ire110l&' tIllting from dilftlr­te ~ blowJI .. io fG'." IllOftm6llt•. for ;8111 IDtaH lIener tU ~rea~ ( b er JtC'llre.d ,..lnDer. but ebllfl!:tlil ~iuK 1I11l11etbnt hillf 111;0 ilK'I met with II. IIUI,.'(.'t'H8 wortllY tilt Mhill),IIII' IJUibtl on th. UIIl.>IIr Cohunliia

b the ...n~'~II01hl'lna.dtablk1aed,i& i. '~~.1 °h "U·· e_.IIltl_~~ t. e na ell 1'1'. Sallie DQulOjJ lbruw uft' Ibu IlIlllcb, tin, rul- of uot.e, Til" Ih'Qiectol'R "illlf,d lit )JI'O- lIml 'lclil'ttrUI~ III PortlauJ allli As&ori.. ~,OOO-'-I', p h.bl. 'b,c, _.-•••" -Ill- JOin"" t. tel a......... t It wart'lorll bava ['hd 'w bl ,-·,.Ia" ·.d .',,1 ",_",', I . • I '1.' IIN........ r-- - f UI lln&. r ".... .. w ,- \,jdhlg f1lr I efltltute "'01111111 ann C II utell, tolllt pltr wee , 1II00t1y v.·llcd. .'1Jr .lItli••tur poat will be l'ClnlltnlC\f'd eilbtr at Bttt.r Ie t nl.llb asene)'; alto tbRt th",." wll!1 8'\.11. Ou S:ldle DowllY $,'JO ~I\II boJt IlfI:lliDKt ,"'O(J'I.l"IliIHf

loitlltiotl.h()ulM) IOtI'h'rt1 to work, much wh.....t '11'111 11I1\'11 to Ltl ke/it over thert,.... or .... ....". .rmed aDd b.\'(I aliug' lIuppl} ef am.munt $5 tor tbe f1.eld. .., I ...,- Winter In thil I:oulltry.....•, ...._. , •••"' •• , \ion, hnlu. bronabt \tV'U there WII In tbll .. ..., fliruillllllll! t'IllIJln.VIll('nt or Iwelly eM,y

-, - • - a "Go 11l118hbo,hood. It i, Inppneed tbat tbll" rln. n .... , 1[011. 'rhOi. II. IJl'tlntli, 11t.!t.l.::alll 10 Coo-8.ln,,- F., qot. 20.-Tbl .b~.I14fed: clthten. bue Jolued tbe band of Indian, ou Wblte Tbl borRe &ad hlan matoh eloltf!d at the rt'lIidclIl.>I l\llIl "lllthliu2 1'\,el'Y Uliln to Mrt:IlII, left Wall. WOllin If\I1t W.edl1e,dAy, .e.

.11.0 lei, V.u. l'llt TIlNd.i.)' to "lIne Ihe ri'lr. h ill ro.lwonM!t thllt tbtl" namber 500 puilloo II.t II u'dol'k lalll "'lluiIlK. H{)hHlfl, procurl' l\ men! by workihg for it.. Thty cOlllpluittl by hi" flllllll)' fur W",IUnll'tOlI, 1.le-...Iemcnte of &nt, Barbara and, Colorado ".triOh, 1'he ltIbabltatlt.laroulld MIlI,y', Piullfure.560 mil",; Ndllfl,5ati; DllII M.,. claimed tbHt. t1u'y could retlu(,'1l the citY'/l will ~o by w.y oll'ugut &Iullll, whl.'re he ""111(rom aa''I:t", retarned OD frida,. Tbe1 Ford are bnllding. fort lor tbelr own Jlro. Cartby, 61'J; Ml:Igllllrro. 3M; Brodie, 'l8'ly', poor UptJIHltll, tep1lrate tho worthy from 1""'1 .. /uw Ii.y'llb Vllnfml puilttl, to Juan, thoload the bodle. ~IIO .~Iic&Ul8mlJ,.. out. tICtiOD. Then .ro l,no '&mUlall with bardly .h.,p..hUI .1 .. N... Y••k .~.....n'_ I the tmwonhy poor, g1'\l.,tly dCCrcA86 thu lIt,m.!I ur hill wn.timtuU!.on., bad M6a1Iuad" b1 fodlana and their al:l1 arllli or RlI:ImunltloA. 11 lb.. Indlaue du 11. E. Norton. II rtlilldeut of New Yor., be f . . I . Mr. J, C. "Frllilklin, of ButllJr creek, lOutWagODI dl'8tro,.ed anj te.tIlll o.pttln!d. OOUle 111. tbai direction tbe,. will be apt to wbo errf.ed lu tbill city Iut Tburad.y, c:om~ I1LIOI I' P tramp VIt·,t()l'll, t rl\'e a..u.y the Eau Orilg<JlIl..n II lot of IIlI tllle .trawbcr-I'om otbtr.!l

tad. Ilnlou. IUId the l.M.td, of .weep ner,thiuB bllore them. milted ilul..Jde by l!Ihootlna .il1lflelf in tbe the WOI'Mt clMK of tmlllp'l ROll ,Iilllinillll ric.......'u "yur Ill'" ~I",lted from the vine, lut,.

Wm. T. JOUN, k.illt!d 00 tlt113'b lUll.. , were bellu .t the Palaoe Hotel thUt mornitJK. publio IWglJing l\n,1 tile rCHultlt 1Im·ft TUl!II(III,. Riso II Jot of bltwkherrici. Ifu haafooDd. Tbll. 1110 leo~" .uztd.... ,'b......~ 1,lenL Weir NIII,,&!. ( • ,CJ .... '01 A - 0 W R Tbe lolcltle W"lI dilOovllred II .. 0'" Oh, olltol.:le ctY'lll'..l t\'er" eln.lllI, A chHrity Itrawl.lerric_ jUllt iu 1,10011I, anti ill IlU.tal!!_ICl&Drancbm,olUldttJden_i~",.tDliI.ol. ",WPOtr Btn .In.,tbrlle mllelnertb IN' c~-> ,J • f , .,

)(0lIt of Ol.. lio,til_ 'anle.h lor tbe,i!lorldl of aR"D01, Oel.. 21. 1'1.& &"Uoll.-Llent. Ww, when tbe bell boJ (Intered :& r.• orton. bujlding Wile open6f1 in M"y, 1878, from tWit ttl t I ul if1'O"'lI ripe [email protected] and New M:uloo, l1»jor Mor. B. Weir, orduanr.e ofticer, wbUlI oot hurting room I'Ind found blm 111ng (~all °iftb'~. wh,'tC ll~titute WOUfell Rud childt'fln, SOl\'ural papcrl IlllVU rtlCllutly.tIlk'll thai oldlOW wbo I. pnnnio. In..... ,- [0"" waa killed. &Ild D1ntil.ted by Iudl.n. lOme 81 bl, rlllht Hide '1'11.8 foun. a ~ 'DOC ~8 f 'I' I' II . f--.' I .:"gle ":ye. Chie'cf th" WllilCtlI. Willi alllung

, • - 18 " b f b "va,.,r of ""bich one ctilllnher WIlS dlfl. OUIII III tie elly. COil ( rEee~ye UVII am tllu h..... t,'lII recently cll"tured b, Liuut. "·a,..&besD ae:roM thl boonda".. 'Tbe vlcto... m IlIlOtlt I ~tt!: "!I uaila.blll on_ loi1 ·1 I . . ad "" ru ....pJlArtntl' beaD r.in.fonled b,. lndian••If}' lurttid ell. th~ trllli 11111 morning, A eh,uiold, lind iu hll rigbt tewille \lll'aR. bole glng unu ot ler prO\'lillon WaH 01 e ro..... Tnlil i~ a mi.taktl. for hiloonea&ni nowfroID Old Hilioo. IOldler ot tbe hUUhDR party il illllO wl..llIg. made b, a bnllet whicb b.d IJieroed bi~ for them. ApplicitntR for cluuity wet!' bluchillg IIl110ng the bllek pinu between til"

T brain, Tbe deeet..k'd ..lUI lbont 40' Jur.. Itidtll.1 if thl'l flunily hlU.l no ftbl~dodi~1 l'tarkuy rauche aud the north forlt of JIlbraT".11I........ ' .11"" ...r ••ur•••• " ••er.l, old. 10 bill fOChLi Weill fouud uutu lIuJ l. If Day river, whcru Iii. t:lutflt \,110I jumpcll ill

'WMaDtmI•• Oct ¥O.-Tbe follewins dl.- .OMAn. Oot. !l2.-Tbe tunerul of llhjor obeckll to tb. '&ltle ot .verul tbouetttld dol- '1lnle IH'l.1'''JeMl to rUI!'port. them, July, 78.pa&alapllbUahtdberelo-dI1: Toer.aburBb, who wal Ir.illed b, tbe Utetl. Ian. tlWI·,· w"rc III n in the famit.r. and tlley 1'hll W.lIil \\'ulla State.mall Myl: Re~

CIIIQ,t.OO Oct 17 1878 took pl'M to-day ilt tbill Glt, ond.r lbe au' \fcrtt (Jilt of work, tI''lJ ....·cr" ~·h·"11 'til eelltl,v Hl'lr..llltllllte hlll'e dicd ft'\llll will' theTo Oueral8bermao: 01111.. Merritt ~,. plc:ea Of tbe KniRb'l 1'emplar aod wUltar)' SquaDde~1Di a Fnl'tUDe. opportunity t() ealll fifty Otnb I' day ill IlItY.ICi..ll. oall &yplillill c1101tlra. The IlCItient

III • dllpWch jllat l'eOIIl.oo, tbat b••1Iit.ed froUl Fort Omlbl. the airy .....ood.)'lml, e.;tahlillhetl r'lr ,jullt II 1~llen 'Ao1th violent pw.in. ill tbe bo'Il'lIl1, andu..1DdianaatOra~ri,u~lbe16th.'lId t'OIUC;UiN ,'1:"'1'1. )£,.... Tyllwy-Lomr. whollEl )lCI'&OlIl\lit.y "uch c~~ Thill"fIII f\ hlow 11/.... inNt Ilfter.ut!crilllffrom 10 to 24 hour. ditl.. an,iwiq .. (1'1ljl:l 1M" to tbe Ulleompafllle <>t '1;' I rI I to.. i/llJnetlitttel)' IIfl.er dl!at.h the IJIMly turnl llllr-...e,••b ... he rtqtlKtll auppllet to be WA.'\ IHtdy llworn m .£Ill~ 1l1l:j. IlJ'f cr unworthy rannLi('s who hadbeeulliJw.by fecUy blllf'lk. It ill a Jillel\ltl ucver beforeatIll. SllbMqtl••tly ·0., flilftl.tch nf Oot, _.edll" Are Ie Eaf"')lIlU"., 3600,000, was 11IIlf siltt!r of "h~ J;l'enlftit the city t'or yflnrH, nlul th6Y ,lro",Mld out knowtl hortl.11th J,... LorrDOII, Oct. 20.- rba Swedi.b An:Ull ea' t:'V II l' P,

" .. Mnt bUD -.tth ordflra to obe,. the I rl h.,·r""g of her liar. ],fl"!l t e ell !lV' 0 e, of the chllrit.\" COlllIllUWOI,ill"1I /ligh., while ,0. ,.,,1 m.ml"'r. of {'lemlral Grant'lI ,,,~yd1nacio ~. ucI plO nS .teamlr "@ill, wltb Prof. NordeD.k~ ...,.. ,,.. ..... -a. (t"I1\ pre&tlmt thil jold 00 board, arri.ed It KGbe 011 ,be 14tb wJIO owned Wllaatrod Hall, in ~x. hf'~ing hH8 dt;<-'I'O:~ gl'l'atlj-. 1'Dunpfi viltitttllillWil' of illwrest in tho city Jo'rilltlY"'"_b"IOPblblm. lbY'"'I..dbi.pao.tob .......·m

ld ha~~ (QU. .I,\C·,1, ." 1822 Wlllll olle of .u16 liutlfjt I....g,.".- gnve 'he cit, a- \\'i.l. '··r,h lor Ilvullillj;, Illclu,liuK dill e"~lIlll bou,lt'li., ~en-tid: CD 011 e , o. I II IU\> , " .no t.U "I'; ~ 1 trill (;1'Iut himltlll' Itn.ollllli lbroutll tie clly.

0-. Crook. lba dep&rtlllentoommander, tre t:."UIlIlI ."."'etlf, hOUKeK in Englluid, Tba QuOE!u's uncle, they ho.d to'lfly tOI' (heir lodgingM ami ,,,,. ,t ICAIt in perfllt:t fl'1!edom from thrl 1Je.,-- • LoICOON, Oct 21.-Tba Mark LaDe Er.. f' j ,.,...,....1 ',~ h k' I I I ,

M. - to an. "bat to do ud to IUU I. the Dukn 0 lSUlfS6X, Pt"o~_ vv lUarO' m~18 wi't wor HI t Ie wOOl y'lI~, lUll heiltll of aUll.O", ooino OTO""U, ",-..&cbmg IV~- I~ I .~ W, pr... MJI that Importa of ferel.n _but ililO iI h. ' I' f H....u. u. .uuu or ,"""" IIIt1l a~ b I.fI London bue be'D on I ,.irly hoorll1 Kale her, btlt I....KIJ rcft.l8ttl, an II e /Save ner the atation-llouM lodge", from ~I(l,y I, cry owortonity t.o I"Jtlr iutIJ III ace. u en~riTer, Tbelr.rot.d to tbl Uoc:ompapi ~1I0" lut ),[oad,.'. rl!turne tbowlng IOmelblD,' hand to M.r. WellCfll~1-Poll!, 8011 of the I ~19. t1UOlbera<J only 2,4c79, II-iu/lb joyed thee efellintrat AltoriA hiijltly.II oYer tb. awD ranae of till Rockl MOllll" 01 _.1 b h " ,.,'. h , rt...... I.od. ...IU']' btid, "11(\ tbe d...u of OTer 75,000 ql1&rtenl, wbU. Inbaaquellt ar- Duke of WellingtOn's IltlOOllU rot tW_ 9,42'5 for the p:ar ju('t,l'recediog. TbOH'l lIr Crill Rl;tnh: ye-terday c:\Dg tao Ybeiq apt bJ W b ld rlnl. lip au Ylid., aIllOOIl&e'" to 68,100 Within Il fuw years be IICjun:mlilreU a.U h lid ~'to lI' f I bc~t pollnll .tllrgoou wI~b thtl hook, JithinW fromt-..t. • . _.I lIIteT IUIOW I Oil. twJ .er· qarttll. h 'h Id I. w 0 ( vun 16 city wcre 0 t Ie er ihtl dl.ock of tile acllOOlll:r .Amelia, at l,'IlJlt.-I Iztterlain.... W. Iff'll& to tb Whiu N t~ b .. , her "ront>l1.y on w ic I e cou lAy c1a81t, too, And 'the city hl\Jll been remark- F'.",'. w',,~. ~•• ,,'•• m"" Ii"" ""orkft, - .. _ 'b U '". f lb I 0 ·..,t I 11. In; lucre"'I() Inpplle., ao· .-- h f .• .." ,..._.... e_oI

.. t I 10 01 011 0 • n· thi d cl halul- and her bOlne .".a, t (I &ceDe 0 ably froo from tb~ crimett of tralllllll '0' th- m., to lfflt it ill, Tiley flrel,i(Ot :he.4Wa Ito.rnll, ...h....nl_... mGrdared, &lid ty IU eJ ~weot III ;be OIUket pre-... I I ..., tl lie ,.- 'w ._, ••

~'1 ..Hid, Tbe ".k·• ..le. b." betn hl..e n.n auction whic I IUlwo.o a lOon I, a r The naw 8Yltcm hu allO heen one or f1ah into a Mm.1l boat, t len to t. e Ie ooner,OV .n ......... eel ..d 1I'ODat!ed. ud we 'll ' d • 00 tl f 1"',. ,'••", fi1'llt .turf-KlII we have heanl of..... DO" Id.laIM,lwano( lbe DOtlltt&lOI ~ ml.n boQ.gbt Ireel,. &lid priOH ba,e which the houle,which ha COItClI,O I- economy, Ie expenditul'!'11 or out-door ,. [

n"l1 ,,,- .. to' d . lb • Udid d b btiillO ,,,,'lit with thll .00" of yl.'ll"•.wtt.b oar b.Ulla tkd aud thl d&1liU ot btillog ... • unlllll' • \lll'k u ur 000 Wlut nzcd to t Iii groun ,all t e anti ill.door relief from }lay I, 18i8. (,()...... loatariuaulo.tU'fllOll. Jamztot Ibe.uDlululof IDcrsuad oonaumJltiooaDd _,.'I... W.... I'loug~edllV. 'l'lIelite o( '( '1879 L..' 13940 't The Walla. w.nl Union uyl: III tho.....IJ 4lteoonted. but It looka &II tbougb lpetllIJ.110D, l"- , .It ay, , ut:.llIg I~' agamlt Walla Wall" Dlarktit buyorl ai'll oilly olfllrlllg.. 1l.Ad belli pnlt)' beaIl eold ftl ill Ihi.. Kal.., 08 ~t, II ltill 1II.'e~ nd 1I1s:ed Wa.nltt.elU1 CIl11 no", hardly be t.r~I, $19,144 for out-door relio:f .Ioue durill~ GO to 6Z~ cellU I)ilr un.bel tor whe..t, whllll h,........ 1, .. foJ1, to ., t.blt tbe .nMer. AIIIl!ricao 111ClIu.1y to be bad. At tbe elOie Mr. W, POIA lub8equelltly became Earl tile preceding t.welve- months. rn the ill realiy wor~h onr 70 WU~' Thill IoWfrlOO.. etf lItt If(Mt ud Colouel ThonbarJb on Prld~, tb, mullet .Iood I\t ~le 6d per 480 Or i\lorningtou, and .un,jvoo his wifl) wood yan:! 2iO resident8 aDd 2,000 il cauitOO by thv "pl'.relltirnpouibility 0 ,l(tIt-... be JlQtUabe4. How &I. tb.,lo be ptQ. poundl. &Ome twtlnty-five ye:ara, &n object. of con- tramnll have beel\ employ~ j • t.he ait1 Hug the ""beat ""''''y thil IellllOn, 1'heru Ire...... , "Il.o II PIlC to p1I.Dlah 'him, ADd Flour b.a riND eOlllldenlbi" wbU. oatt d ted b r-.

8. d now allout I:J,OOO 10111 of wILea& .t tha dtpot

"'- ._- "~......l fa9'Ore4 -elle,.. • Gl111nfJ 10 a ebllllD, .[.. lem~t to everyone, an luppor . Y& hu m'd ~ 16:5 I for tt6 8111'port, an ,'" ",,'. _,',y, allJ 6,000 toUI 011 the \\'eno.,..... -- AN I.... troopa .",Dllo wah t.t ,III .. . f h 0 k f W 11' f II ._- II" d..,. '" 11 let be do.e' ) -.til di.reet ptUOI plr qu.mr. amal pcnalOn rom to e II eo e tI1g~ 810, .8 worth 0 "00l. 11\'1 ut.:t:=n tiO (, 'M) b~IlCh, ..lid it i.a a)'llIU'"ntlv beilltr haulll IIIaool kt &lI,." lato u.. -.et!lM!1 aU tb. _up- &tri ..a1loff ClOUt b..e batb moderate ..d <<In. Hi. 1leCQ1lc.1 wife often ..pplied for t.I i, bl'llnch 0' ('hflrit~, hlUl Jlractiettlly lit ... TM(JiJ a rat.lJ .. ever. FODr boetl.reJIll- 1M ,,*,bf,... II 1M oall eoGrH: h,ft prboi ban .bolfo a diUly &d"'I108 for wbea&. cb&l~tl {loom the police magi.Mtriltell., Ij"ill for il:l5elf. The Cit! reoognlull Ihe coovtlyiuJ( .".y from \VaUula 'l,'1oo tolll a

(Biped) Tbllmpro.eDlt!nt 01' to Salnrd" w.. ISII to ..1' w,"k. At tbat .,.~ 'Jlo.~h.·w.he~ i. po.... It"...... • S. Id. 8u"fIq'lentl" with _ proepect of lIulXleSll qJ. t1.ut j llClttn lG, &11\,1 .. t"'1X'i)VlJ- UN rlilroRd depot.l (0 ketlp titem uUlY \lntll

p, a. 8uamaJt, LI..&. GIIMra1. tlOlI"iderabl. """'all, t~lrl b.. beeo • de~ lf matches are m&de jn HI!a\'en, t~tln", arc lIugq:etItcd Ly I!xl.lerience they the middle of De(elllllllr loy which tiQle the.... u.. .-,. of lu abo.. CUlp6kb ,ldeJ pIl11M. where do they get &he.ir '.Jritlllttoll0:l1 101'1:I maue.-SpringfieIJ Be.publican. . rh'tr IllII,)' IlIl tro'.....n ever.


Page 3: €¦ · J. E.l'uuIJ NO :17. a. MORRIS HAI.LllR. GU Cosmopolitan lIotel. TTORoSlT "'~I) UOU:SSIU.LORAT LAW' Proolor in Adrnll'lLlly. liefloned, Itt.1 t:llllle vlm.Mand 110111 ...




Stock t

-0" A-




r.ru 1\1:: lJAHflA I~'


H"'irOU",Anti .11 Articlell u.w fur thtl Toilet.



Bros. & Co.•oattle, : : : W. T.

@"Coma EarlY and Of'e~4'


Broom Factory,rakes plcaaure in awaoaao­ing lhKt tlley lLre ft•• p~

pared to fill orde... !or



Will mll.kf1 allOW't1II.'f1 on alll.'l\."h ","Ie. £8till: 141,0\'1' lin" of~I...


BLIOKEr}; )Il!Wr.n .",1 RE.tPER,

Taylor'1l Sulky Ib.ke.

Milchl;!II'. ~'llrl1l W.SOn,

l:S","uel'"l.Kk~ Piowi.

Rain..' Il~lur.

Meline Plowa,

Et.c:., Etc.,





ETC.Quick Sol.. and S...11 P",fito.

Car e1 ulIr Oom D. II nded.




j'1I1t1' 1VW.VS~;I"'J), W, T,

Ot HXtroft



GERRISH" CO.,--- \Vltolfl8&le a.nd Rl;!uil Dl;!tilera 1D--


tJI)llll'il~, W. T.

A lArge &tIIOrtment.

----U&AL~~ I~----

Promptly ILttended to.

:'tl ... li,·illl'!I,( 'hurnil'tll~,

anJ TTUMf'.1.

\ll',licillt'li of "II killJa.

,1. <t. PORTER,r '1' u It 1\ 1:0; \' - A "I' _ L.4. WI


General Merchandise



Ceo, W. Harris,(S.CCClIIIOr to J. F. Morrill)



H, C, STRUVE,..\ T T II II N ,; Y _ A T _ LAW,

OIYlII(lio, W. T.




hI< l.I.'o:A'<ilfT. JOf.f.)IcS.UO"T.

McltaUltht BrO,thers,ATl'UIlNEYS-AT-LAW,

Sea,tI., W. T.

v. F.


J. O. SPARKS. : PHOPIUETOR, Send fJr prices. Address aU ordon to

OIYD1Ilia, W. T. I ,......l1rp .. ,.........Olyw(I'" W. T.


__Wholl'llale !toud Hlltail--

ByN. D.DILL &SON, Port Townsend, W. T.

J It SheOild, England, hfL8 httely beenexhibited a writing telegrophie machine,the principle of which contli$l3 in c(lm­lIlunicating ILt all timea to a. writing penplaced in the recording inllt.rument theexact position of a pencil used by theopt.rntor at the tntn8mit~ing inRt.rumentthrougb two line wires enabling a personto write at a dilltant point many milesaway. jllKt a!J though he Wi're preeen~

there hi-ruself, without. requiling the useof any 81JC(li1\1 .Bignal", COOUlI or Kigna and"'ithoot the M8i8tance of ony pef"llOn totrlUllilKte the ~igl\als as received.

The latitude and 101li:ilude of lobe pen·cil a.rt! continUAlly given the vertiCilIIJOlIition of tbe pencil being communi.cated by oue wire anti bonzonl.ltllHllll.tion lJy tht! oLher. 'fhe pellcil hall twoliJeht. contract 1'od8 joined to il, and olleof thOlie IllidM Over tbe erI~l'R <IF 11 l'lerie!of contract plates, hl\ving ,ar~"u~ resist­IUlCll8 int.crJJO<!lJJ betWetlll thlJlIl and tileline wire. The iIeCOnd rod alidea overthem & second eel. of lIimil." plat.e8 con­nected to til., other win'. and at the re­ceiving i!ut.rulDent ell.ch of these wireeactuates lt1l own Ill'I',lIe. The1l6 'W('

needl@.'l which are rlact"11 at right o.ngleeto eMl~ other, anJ are provided witbligbt sprinft'tl. are 80 81'rltllged t.ba.t tlteyaetUf\te a writing pell, to which ink: isOOllllLant.1y 1I1lPIJlied The pen moycs upor down lLnd ba.ck,,·artl Bnd for ....ard in~nct. obedience to the motionll of thepell which ifl guided by the operator atthe tnmsmitting instrument. The, ,me.s­u.ge i8 written by t.be ~ndtl.r Oil So ,tflpor ribbon of paper, wblch p&II&es underhiJl hand. being unwound by c1ock~ork:.

The mll8~wbicb is literally wnltenby him at .he receivini .tation-is pro­duced by the pen there on_a II.ig.btl,Imll.l1er SCAle than in the penCil ongwal,movet.lllnder the pen, a.~ao h;)r clockwork.-Boston Bulletin.

Race Prf'Judlce. fl"'oltill,ll !lrtjutli'-'t'·-at I,tyj~di...~'. ,,1,.icll Queen of the WhlS9-- ill Lilln.'I)' ur,!:f11 Eli i18 0""11. ~Ulitlfkll.tl011.

. r Inlllt~· ..... "" f,·l. lull "",'Ilich both b," our l'eh,llIOIlIl "1Il1 po While Fo," 14&11 itill ill it ,"inlll'it.,.ln tht' t1111t' 0 'I I. liticl~1 principli.1t hI P'lIk.'l,j"lh· UllW'lI'lll\' Lon.i l'ol1lw"lIi. ""Ull': ''1'he lJudw d

ILIWtll'\'Uhllll,l"" J'l ....·111 Wl'rt~ llU.1

1111" I,l,) uf :\ull:ricUl.ii. .t::ditur's E.1.~Y L'bo.ir, ii. Dt:\'onlllm.. ill indl"fltliJ(Hhlf'ill hl'r l.. n Afor:c tll,,:ul to tdl w ".ll~ lHnr 1llIJIlll,f II' '~I • '-a.~". Kht' "" sin thfO' hhH.'kgu81,1 honst'llC I II . 1,ut. BO/W IWlther tlll"- Il~rl""·ll .• a~,,lU:IlIe. ,L!t'r8 .....efll Ill' f\n. • -. _ ill LOll/<{ Acn' IJy ci",ht u'c!tll.'k tlli"llltorn.no; tll,·ir lut'llli'~' lm~~ tt~c. ""11111(..1 ~t Napoleoo'o Sunchty Laws. illl:,' 'I'hel'ourt I rlyforllll'l" wedul

flilihiOlllthll· hvl.dll, t..J11I1",t\'1Il hlvll"~' III __ IlIlllutaint....Jlllt'lrllllljorllo)'. "We~tlllllll!;tt'rItS 1111Il1l·lo.llt lUi.! llllldl l'I',';·\'rltbl~. III th.' y. Itr lilO; lUi &.ttt-lII!'t 'A'ltll ~1I"~(> 8Ot.~ on "'f>II," wrote Pitt cont"llIl'tullUIII),Chrit.loiIl1l1ll01ll·Y, ill,!t"'ll; IJIII ht,w nhullt to I:et t11(l IUlJ'lt.'l·ill.1 Son'flllllPnt to 1I1"1~t.lto WI]llel"fort't', "Ill "I'iw of ltlt' Duellt'lIl1'1Il'i,li III pl"illdl,l..;; I It ii Ild.t'wivu..ly \lIM,n "n oll8l'r\'I\IlCl' uf :-;Ulllllt)" I\lItl thUt of lJl"\'oIllJhiru UllIl till' orllt'r -'01111'11 uf

1l1l1101l1ICt'.1 that. J,'\\" U!'C w,~ n'lwlh.....lloy eMllt'll furth .tl..' fol~o'A'ing 1''''1,1)' frum lilt' 1>t-1Jpl..." Amon,S. the 1lt-'Op1H silt'

tlill 1I"td:> I"'cl\u~u 01 lllcil' I't'li~i~uli NlIll\llt~1II I. lie gul: "It III cUlltmr.r 11t"lIt fH~t'lv, ollell hUlllg h"r ctu'rl/'lj.'t"I'rilldl'le:,. TIJiIi will I", rt·, ..·h·\."11 Willi· L.• Di\'llle In"" 10 hill.If'I' K IIlIlll, whu hUll with \'otcl~ whoUl tlhe dlrli,...1 utI' tooul dillicull)-. Ilulcl,i IL!"6 llV' flulloulJ ....·allU Oil lSl1n.IRy all well .as 011 other plump for ~·ox, ll11d I/) whofll i~ mUltf"r it'llliltiwlICflll to till" r~li,LdolJ~ I"iud. IlrwfI, \0 .....ork 011 ~lIl1dtly III Qrrfer l(l lut\'d 1.leCII lL l~'A'illlf'ring Ilt>Il!'Q\tlon Vl

plt'li of Ilwir ~1I~itt.,'i. The. ol~,'cloiol~ il'i !.t"illl,i~l.r"lui. Thef{o"frlHltf>llt~houltillol l.ide ill a ducMI ('Quil'age ""ilh Il Court1101. ill lhu CvllSl:ICIlC"" LuI. III tllll culltlfll, illlloose Mudl Il Illw wilhuut gi\'in~ h:elld bellUI,-. 'l'hAto ~Uf.V, It. is "'1.11 kIlO..... II,t,j" tl16 IJotcl. Intlce·d. th~ philo'ol'\'Y vf gmti~ to t!lOM' who hu\"t' Hone. h'Sllle'l, ..... ll8lllore h..IJ,fllllO her thall h~r rank.tllc wlit.lu IImtter ill IIlat~1 fmllkl)' IJ~' it iH not.lbe rtliling' of 1(.'Ol'le in Fran~ "Uod LIt'ilH you, madMIlI~!" crit..'<1 an I.rixhthe hO>il.'4 ltnd l,y lH'wp;jlu'l'er t:orrclolJolld. to wvrk too luud,. 11 .. ... 1J \\ 0 workman ill toile mob. "1 coul,1 lightfllt., It. i!l 1101. dUllh.:d llllLL tll~re lit·C tRI'C IWCI1 the "u"lic fOlce f'lIlplo~·etl in til)' I,ille at Jour ~J'el; I" Her IJtllch~r,eWILilY l'c1illlJ<lllllll etltilllllhie Ilull 1\(,'\,'0111- cou!'ltrtLining IJerM)lI!\ to celt.'brlt:c the of a ,'Ole wit.b a kiltS 100 ~ bllt.eht:I' whoI,Hlilu:d JOWK. :'\'0, ill.teUolj L~t. t11t'1"tl ll'lllh dllY l\llli t.o work 011 Sumltl)' .....ould ukl:l llv other Iml.e WIIS fn:-el).moe M 1l\(1ll)' that. al'lj odlt>rWll)e, IJut {durin\: tlie l'f'voluti(jn, wlll'n wPt·kll ~:ere COllllllcnled on hoth ~'ilh pen and (!ellcil.therlj iii sueh It scttlet( prl'jullice lIJ;llilllo~ ll.boliMhl!t:l), ant.! we 1t}lollld gtHH"l,lagrt.lIlKt A ludicl'Olili liketch Wfl.'1 cirtullloleU of tlu:llht'U1 t111lt II hot,ul which ill kllO,,"1I W I", the llCi:eri.'lity of ellllJloying loJ.:n .... larmeJt Uuche8ll.cllUJjJing the burl.Y Lutcher infl't'l.IUI'lItl...1 by them iK Ilvoitl~J Ly tl\'er)'. to hinder llIell ..... 1·0 Illalld in Ileed of her ttrlU,,' another Iihow~lllCi' flitting onIxxl)' else. _It IOKes itK prt:lttl.L:tl , It iii whlt.t. tlley earn from ..'orki.nq 011 t_'_,~", kn:'" to IUL\'e her ehot! lIlentlt.....1 inptactically ruined. "It iI'" uf COlll"8e," :SumIKv. -In botb (,'Me8 tbere is eilher :;bblm;;' ItuIl alld lIIean ..... llile slipping11IIYS tim tltll"'e(;lLtillg ho~t. rllL!.Jil1g hill politicAl or religious 8Ullers.tition. God golll into the LJamls of t.he co~,hllir'K wife.}lIullliol, "very unt'orlunatf'. I rt'gt,·t it IlllS 1I11Ulu wOl'k .. n8Ceulty. l1.11d he HUUle of t.he sqib8 were too vile W be de.M much 11K allybotly ellli. 1\11 a lnnd- wishes !lIIHI t.o work every day, bL-'C8.uJW IlCribed Ilnd shocked Que~1l CllItrlotte. toIOl'll llmvc 110 religion; I know nelthcr be lilts givon tllOm wanllt which .are .re- whom lobey were accidentally sent in a'l'rojlll\ nor T)'rit\l1, Iwither Jew 1I0r ~ewcd 0\":'-' dily, , Wt! lIIunt .liKLIlIKulall pD.cket of political ]Jrint8. But t.heGellLihJj hilt Il.8 Ii U1t:ll'l'hILllt [ UlUlil I~ III what HI 11l'CllCrlbed by the clergy be- Ouchemt weltt.. bravely on, heeJle8H of1l1l0w(.'(1 to know my OWli IIlIKilll'14!', ll11d tWtl1ln thtl rt'/tlly religiouH lawlt and lhoKe rirliclllf\ or f'aillmny. 1116 forlller f\heto tle1irm n tl·tule whi~h I tlliuk di,~.lIl. obligat.ionll which hlt.ve 11t,.'('1I illl'enf:-t:d Willi pt'epllret"1 for, lhe lutLer "hu could,'lintu"{.'OUK. \" ou l'It'U 1" Oue ut' t.he wit.h lobo view of extending thll authotlt.v nt!i:)l'd to dhu1!KlLl'J. "Shu Cfll'tuinly"

,w'17'IJCI' J,·ttCI'Ij sn)'Kthllt tllu l'vul;';>lr. f h .. I· I" ....... .. f AII I ~ t e Ulinulter8 0 n: IgIOU. • . 1,I"OCllrOO the ~rel\.tclit,. P:~I·.. o~ r.

it)''' of tho JewlJ iR ul\tlclIio.lJle. t It. - ('hu oh~er\'IUlco or rl\.mng upon "1,dIl.Y Fox~1I vow~ for llllll, l"(uJ '\ a.lpolt'.lUi~ the I:ood Cllllt'nctt"r lIB.! fl'fillellll:llt Ilre IIccomlllry and ver'y inRigniiicant l'And though the Cuurt 1~lllty endeav.of nUlll\' It\lliell lllltl gentlemen of 1I1U l·ulell. WhILt lOl\chc~ elI~{:ntilllly t.he ored to deter Iwr' oy the III000t ilJihcmlHeLrew race. !.Jut iL &L)'1j lohut Lim UUlll· cOllllllRnds of t.he Church 18 not to Ill· lind ilUltlCclIt ahuse, yet th~y cvuld not. DIY GOODSbt!rof vul"ar of that rtlCti who go to ho· t.erf~re wilh lIOCill.l ordl~r, not t() do ill to fix the Kll111llclit !ltnin on hea·\'irt.uf'," A DRUGS AND MEDICINES'! I

"I, i., .ti~l'roJl{) ...io"'It,. Thi' .i' tho o"r', "rigl,bor, "0' '0 ,,10k••••b""" of tlli,.,1 e."cat.r. "'I""",,,t.d her .. "cnr. CLOTHING,)loint. upon which l!lll ClIlllhn.'llli I~ h.ld. Jibelty. YOIl lIInll~ not reMOn with, hut ryill"" lhe Whir"c.odidtLt~Oil hel'lIhoul.'I'hey are weicollie to their rl·lil,-ion Lu~ ItluAlJ Itot prieHtH who denuuul such regu. deN!0 tllld the t.~llth of tho insinuation CARPETS.A8 II clQHij lhey Kl'e vulgllr_ 'J'h~reforu Iu.tiolls. 1 do not oblige them to give cOIlJl~h....1 her for its coarseness. 'l'hp. TIll .()I'I' BOT"they llr" ltvoided, and lIlCreforo t.he ho- IthllOlution tlgainlit tbeir .... iII. and 1 Hhllll memol')' of the "J..a.dies' CanvaM." 1t8 it 0 .)tl,l~ tL!"O cOlllpellod lO exclulle Ihl'lIl. not )IN'mit tlll'lll to force 1lIe to t!Jl'QW WILli Cttll~. tUlIg bUl'villeJ iIM pdn4:ip&l Complete .Stock -.\:\0_"hi", ill it.f'rl\t-el.1 Bnd rt:it.erate..1 ILIl the lhe l'en.llllllt who WOI'kK, 011 no Illatter lJ....tur~. WiLh what eltect tbf'J Duell" SHDES\I'edson of thu ('xclusioll. but it ilf not t.ho what t111.)', into prillon, Since my au· anti her fritlnds lll'U8t!t:.'<i their Ijilks in ilonA M Sa6a~tl'110 l'I'II!fOIl. The fMt is IJlo.iu. TlltH';l thority iw ill\'oked in thiw matter, l give the )OWtlHt rt.'CfllllKllJ of Rin a.ntl miser)',"IU"')' b., n great llllUlJ' \'ulgar Jew" to Illy peopl!, lind foruver, Ule right of an old t:1tTCt.or told Allan CUllningh,uuBut Jl' ....·illI.ra t:xchuJet"1 from hotd" 1I0t not iHll"rl·ul,t.illg their work. The more lleal'ly fifty years after. IlLortl, sir,"het'lLulkl th"Y al'e \'ul:;'lr, but ~'CtLlllle they work tl.e leijll vit.-e tllertl will ht!. llLill he "it. .....1111 II ~ne light to ROO athey tLrll Jews. The)' Llro OtItl'UClzed Itt 1I"'f Illnit h,ko part. in thi~ "!fllir,.1 ~Ti\mll~dy (:ouu) right fllI1ft~k up to u~IiCtlel~ for thc Kllme re8JoIon that they are should prefer to order that 011 SundllY wit.h, 'MHlltl'l", how d'ye rlo1 and IJlugn(JRtntcixed ftt c1ubit Th.... re ..... lt8 110 pl'O. tlirectly after 1l1ltM all the BhopR ~ 80 luud und t.Klk 110 kind, and Khake tiS

lof>n!'ltl lohl\t the g~I\LII'IIU111 11l1)llOH,~1 fur opened IlI1d tho IJt'Ol'l~. l"tlturll t.o theIr by lhe hand ami uy, 'Give U8 your VO~.llle club WllH ltuy mort" \'Illgal' thllll a work • ... ... 1J !SUH:6 people ~at worthy sir; a. IIImil per for the people sgn:at IlIlthy of tho memhors. Ilor t11.tlt he c\·"r.y IIII,Y, let them work every lilly. friend.' And then, fiil', if we hummed

""Wlllot Loth I"clim.,,1 ami aCI,:olllpll8.lled, • .. • ... The compulsory !>owerll of !ltul hl4wed they would tL..'ik us for our • ================="=-=====,..,,======,..,,==========::anti n Ilt'rft!ctly reliahle limn. eXI.'i'pt ill tlw church lie in exhor'lLtiolL'~ from tho wives a.ud child",," i and, fl 'hat didn'L =one fatlll poillt.-he WI\!1 a J(·w. The ex· pulpit, and the police and prillt'JlllIl\houhJ do, they'll t.hink nothing of 14 ki88-8yc,t:lullion at. • Itl"'toga Ilnd l\Illlll~lLtt~1l Ill'\'l'r ho UFI('tllLJl" means to enfort.'e t.he & dozen or 110. KiH.eillS was nothing tolltoac1l I)h'ltdell \'ulj.Jarit.y 1.Jt.-'CltUBe It thJ prncticCIH)f religion." them' und it. all came IiO nQturall" Nonot tlltr" t.o lIutka the rCltll'll'lL If vul· wOlld;r, comments Cunningham drily,I!lLrity iil to \'xclude-RhL!11 1M vulglLrity A Phosphorescent Forest. t.1I..L.Fox Wll' HlIece88ful. "'fhe \'ictor)'."I'Xclll,lloti bectLullJl JIIWK tLro 'lllll1iLb'lll __ 8IlYs Wingrove Coo.k~. "

WiUIduc.ided ~)'

.l::lir,"llliid a Iltlllllor(1 t.o n gl'nt.lewlLll On tbo e,'ening of Augllitt 5t.h six a woman Pohtl~1 enthuSI&8lil to

.lII"eklllg ro"lllil til ill Sllll1l1~t"r, 1I11Lllt sorry pOI1JOnll who wen, standing in U\e g.1· 10 fKir a forlll could not ra.il to gatherto 811)' tlu\t I cannot n't.'t!lv~ you. I\lI w~ h'ry of a Chltlct in tile Jill'S, a,,?,'e tit. con\'ert.3, The Duchess appollroo fre­do not clIwrtain gtleHt>t ot }'IJIlI' l'Ilc('. Ccrgu(:lol, \\'itnt'll.~l an fLtmos(Jhel'lo .rbe. 4uelltly Kt the hnstinS:!'lJ (in <':oveuL Oar.",\ly rl\Cf', sid \Vhut do )'011 lueRnl nOUlI'lIon I.:qu.tlly rare Alld CllrlOUR. tler\). Kilt! 1.'0;( vvcrt.ouk aml at len~~hJ)Q yOIl t'lke 1II0 fvr a .JI'w1 11\111 110 The air \\'1\."\ thil.'k with cloud" out. of (on tho twent).•third day) plAased hu,tllOI"t~ It. Jew thltn you." Thero Wlut 110 which dartdt.l tLt inlervals bri~ht flllShO!l competitor .... ,. 'l'hlJ Duchess Yl'all rou.nd<lliest.ion of \'ulJ.:arit.J·, ~O""il, ll.'1a c111Ill!, of li!,htllillg. At lellgth 0110 or those irl'ellistibl!!, and Fox'lI majorityatelLdl1.,m iY or 1II11y 1101. IJtl C8fAIJ1l\lIy ,'ulsar, but. c1oudll, 1leC1IIing to break lool!tl from the increlUlf>t1. At the close of the polls hetb&y are no luorf': rdulICd for Ihat r~fLSOlt l1IounLitinll between Noyon and lolle JJol!!. RtoooJ ;!:I!) vote8 above Sir Cecil Wray."than colore. I nplliC!\l1tt w,oulll bb., '.me lIdVllllet.....l in L"e dhoection of Lhe storm,

yeane Hinco lon aCl,.'OlIIJlhllllf.."I1 lJll)'t.lJIll, which had lllClUlWhilf', hl'Oktln out o\'er Somethiog NelV tn Telegraphy. (J1l1l~" l\llll ~hil' l'lu'I>t.:Ilt.cn' Toot...tltA lIlillilolt.er of hiK government to the Morguc& ''1'be .Ull !"U hi~lden and theUnite..1 StatP.tlt went. to Ne""por~ ill t.ho collllt.ry (.'O\'6red With tlllck dUl'kllell8,Sunuuer. HO .....I\S illtogp.ther IL gUlitle. At thi/j moment the )line forest aroundlUan of 8ingulltol' gl'll06 and ehnrlll of Sr.. Cflrgues WAA lllldJenly illuOlinlLt~,mln:ll'r and rtJl1ItLrktLlJly im~lligclll. tutd 8110110 wit.h a light benring a strlk.lntleed.' in lociltl grllces and wide knowl· illS resemblance to the phOllJlhor(>tICCnoo

/ i' edge of the wol'1d ~hf'I'6 weI'C fuw gen. of Lhe 8CA. as ACen in t.ho trolliOft. Thetlemen ill N tlw!'ort who ~cru COlllJlIU·l.\· light t1isappel\retl ....ith evrry ~lap.ofble to him' but he WILlI poltwJy re(luClltMd thunder but onlv to relll'penl' WIth m.

I ttl eat. a.t 11.'leconrl tttble hO('AUne ho Willi cl'eMod InUlll8ity until till' Ilubt<itlcnctl ofnot perfectly white. He WIL", ill fact, the ttmlpe!lt. M. Raoul Pietet, theof mi.xed ne~rro hlood. A.llother gontl&- emillO-llt chel1li~tt who WILlI one of theman, more thun twellt.y yWr'8 ~, witnf'ltIeR of tllu I'h('1l00lenoll. thus ex·c~ the A~luntic Oil tue MillO sillp plllillS it in the lut num.oor of the Arch.with JOllIO Sou~hern gentlelllen. 'J'~ey h'~K liCK 8eiflnCflfl Ph1~lqllCl1 tot Nll.tur-­bad the I'letl..'1fU\t.ellt illtercour.'l6, tlurmg ell~...: Befort! th~ LLfJIJCIU'a.noo of thill tirethe voyuge, for tho gontlclIlll.l). III quell' nf St. E111l0, ,..-Itich co,·eret.l the wll?le of

" tlon "'lUI unullually well ,~ucated Kt~d tlte (Ot'dJt 1t Illul rainetlll6\·e.r,,1 mlUut(.>lIJ I'ttinetl. J(p, was IIOt espec1Mlly :Iltl'k III ..1I1'U1g loh~ lil'ltt 11&1'1. of the .Btor!". The

colll!)!tlxion j but ..., the \'oyage Wlut Cl.ltl- rain htLd convened LI16 trees 1I1tO COll'

ing, ht! rpqueIlll.><1 the cII.pto.in to 1110ntlon dUCtllt8 of tllectrieity. 'fhen wh ~Il the10 tile Solliherllora that. ho wai tho cloutl .Btron,l:tly charKlj(l with the t:htctric(f'tLlulllOll or a Illave. Upon hel\ring t.he fluid,' l.IMllt.'d over this ruult.i~u~le of"'toulldillg truth hilt law pl~,n~ COlli' pOilltJt, tbe dillChlLrgu WM Kll.llicll:nllyplniollH Wul'6 roody to Cl\Ht IIIUl llIto the \'ivid to gi\'e rise to the Iumlnoult al~1ft. This 11611110 of CaAte is due to t.be pearance. The effl£t. :W~ pn.'<1l1cal byprejudice of mee. Jt IIIIl wroug which the actioll of the electrlolty of t.heatmos.~e law no lougrr BIlnctiol1~, but it 8ur· phere Oil the electric ty o~ lh~ earth . n~'e. lOOilLlly.. It ill a relt~ of La.roor. elli.'ct which, Oil the ()(,U~lon III qUellt.lon,~m, and hoW" Mcredly it 1ft .. cherUfhed Was considerably incre~t by t.be belghtthe attitude of the hotels, IIL1'IlCly 8US· of the locKlity, the proximity of. K8LOl:m·!'lined by I'rivll.te feeling. ho.....e"er lo~dly cloud, and t.he action of the rillll, wl.nchIt ma, 00 publioly condell1n~•. plalllly t.urned all the trees of the fort.'St mtoIbowlL Yet it. is ~ mere preJudlCA, un- conduoton.-London Time8 Geneva Cor.-orthy • K'tneroU8 nat.ure I'ml a civilited I

d l'CIlPOlll ellce. •people. 'fhe debt of OhrilltenJom anof ti\'i1iu.tion to the Hebrew r~ is In- A raceuouK t.1'I\Velcr detlCribed the d!f.~lcnlabl~t and t.ho root. of the I'rt>judice ftll't.'lIce of lociety in Lho n1f'tropoh81

II but the tradition of ChnKtillnity that. Wbfll com)>AreU to the l>rovincial town,Jew, <:r1J.cified Christ.. It ill a terrible in the following lal'guage: II In the~tribuliol1. A wholo race ill held re- country if you bave a leg of Dlut-ton fortponr.ible for the crime of a Syrian mob dinner everybody WillhN to know if 1~u',000 ,eaM! ago. Men of no Cbri8t.ian havo ~per llauce with it; wltereu, III

Principle wbateyer flout better men to- London yOlt may hve an elephant for""_UBfl other men munlcled the lunch, ~nd no olle carM a pin about it.'fatinder of Chmtianity. TIIO miacbidf 1~ thi. botel rxclutUon, which the Il\w, CAli you lell why a blltcKQcrrJ 18 It·

I!ldl!ed IJrohibit.~ i. thtlt It fOlltori tht. ...I\y4 red when it's W'oon.


Page 4: €¦ · J. E.l'uuIJ NO :17. a. MORRIS HAI.LllR. GU Cosmopolitan lIotel. TTORoSlT "'~I) UOU:SSIU.LORAT LAW' Proolor in Adrnll'lLlly. liefloned, Itt.1 t:llllle vlm.Mand 110111 ...




T, 11 'J'.



& CO.

Goo~ "


J. F. SHEEHAftillu[KIrlllll.,ullla)Al\'!r In

STOVES" TIN PLATE, SH'~f;T·IHD1I,LEAl) l{11'l:. I·UAll·S. lUrie,:. Wlltt-:.

And House-Hold }'urniohl" •Hardwaro. ;,:~

WATEIl Ill'.. l'vll'1' TOW~e'J.t:LI

III rhe DIJ:trlct V'lIl't fll 11KI 911 .11HllcltltIJI.'lrlct o( WIl!hlllR:lV'1 'l'ctl'lrur)', huhl­Ill'" tl:rlll~ lit Purt Tuwll~Clltl.,

I··HAI::L. Kl\TZ, 1,1111111111. I'


HEXHY QUIN'r..\~. le/l't,lllll I.

P um.le IlOflcc I~ 11I'1"h~' ;::11'1'11 IIt'ILpUl'lllUtlItlt'll CfljlJ III llll' j'IIIl.:llIIl'L

lIwl onlCI' ..I lillIe III 1111I :t!Jt,vlIl'lltllllll ,Il'­Ihlll wilieh wrUi 1.;;'~11I'1111' lilt' h\' tht' clt'rlO:"hill! lihuv~ 1ll1l1l."II\:lIllrt "II tli:' 17l!1 ,1.,\'I)f::jt.·plcmhcr. h\7l'l. lIllt! II('IIrln:;: IllI.tc ,,;.l'I~lil IIN.Y. 111111 k dill)' 1'\!l'tll1etl Il)' ~Ihl Ch'lkIHulcr thu "cl'Il uh:uth'tllll'I.IU' rl'liulrl'll loy111\\'. I. J1. W. \\'llill'lwr, Slwritl' of :;'111,1111111 CIIIlIlI)·.,\\":I~hlllgl\111 TI'r.hur.I·. IlJIv"~c1Z1:11 nll/llllvl.·'] 111'('11. "II ,'tlld .. 11l~n'''I·.thtl I'",UI)\\'lug ,lll'tll'.t·nl:.-ll"":lt P""I"'III.t(l.wh: '1'11\' 11IItlh IlUlrlll IIll' 111,1(1.1\1:'1;1't1ll1l'Io.:r (If ilLcllllll .-Ixh·t'll (IUl MUll!!"1'41111/1 llltli "f IIIC :IIIIIIIWI'.t '11t.l1·lcl'l,I( ...."._II'JII ullll' (U) IiI lllll'II;;/llil lilltl.\'~ll\',· ,:I:.~1I11l'lh. I,Crnuj.(t' ,llrt'" lSI Wc~l: "'~lldlll .. i(.rIt!lll hllutlnltl /lmI8h:l)' (ltiOl :lC"':!o 4.1 htllr.IIlltl ,otlm:,lc. 1)'11I~ 1(1ll11.k·I!l~ lit ~1I•. '11:1:1

"'~IIlII(J'. \\'II,III'l"t,.1I Tl'rrh~r.r. 1111 III.'pr"l"'rl\" 01'1/1" 1~11f1i11i1ll1 IInllll·\1 illl!Olhio.'der 1I~~lIlt·. ltllli I will, fill tllll "

inh .'J'nf NII"tlUlbel', 1"'U,lit Oil€' n"'I'I\'k 1'. .\1 .. ht fWHI 111 till! t~lllIt

111111": IIIlM, F'lllll)' hll I II"'" :"1111 .1'10111\·..IIItI)·. \\"lhhl"~"Oll 'I'c' d ••1r.r. ""ll "tI,"hlll:: :1I11·tlulI. III ltlOj Illt;IIt'H .,j,IiII'r '''1'\·Il·h. loCt".1 ,·nll,. lit!· ub!:n'tj .Il~·,il" II 1"",ul•l-.··. f'r!lll 1Il1I,·1t (llI'n~lt' II~ mr;,)" IIIl n'~

11"[I\,'llIO "l,d·f}' till' fo:&ld J\I'I~elll"111 :11,,1f'ol~.kr. Till- 11111(,11111 r,,,jllr,'f(l In lllJ llI.ul,·l'p"lI ~lIid 111"1"" III till' "'ml Itr 1\\'11 illl,.Iltell Mild 'Ol!"elll)"'IIJIlI',dlll!lt''!IlIlIIil.\Y~III'·.

Ullll t...·lltJ • lltJ.llllOIIi. Wltllllllcl.'.III<.... I·,: IIr\.U1III11 1:'i;11 "I ~rll~·IllI)lJI·. I.-ill, III /II.'I'alt; 01 l"'· ... 1":1' \.'l:III Iler 11101111/. til;':' Ih. rWIllI JlI~I.II'irI" ~'n!ll~. lUXt·.111! Inrl)·.llll'·'!dollar. \)'llh IUo.:rl.':l~ ...t.l Ctl.t'l'.aIHI CXIICII'~'"

Oflllilkilig ;1.11,/",,1111. .!Jllt"11 at :)11ll .hIlLlI, W. ·r., llw 1·lill

.lU)· u(Uo.'tobt1r, 1~7U.

'II II, W. Wlln·E~"W.

l::)Il~l"llrl'( f:h:. JI~1I1 ooUIII)', '~'lI~h~,;':'I!III 1',·rrll0rJ·.

GHAN\'I"LI·; O. HAI.LEn,.~~"h.'d Rt lJoupevlllt:. W. 1'., .Jul)· :1I.'(;

h, ,I,

-------_ ..

tk Dry



and Produce


UlJ~r: U'lru UIM·;\U·U.


We have al.o Opened a Flrat·ol...





A 1.1. l.lxei rCIII;\llIlulC 11ll1J"liol fill Ihe IH1111)' vI' S"I"'IIIIIf'r "'111 1-.· 1/1111.1'11111 !lundi,,(\... '''l·tnr willi 10 pt·rer'lIt. uill11o-'tl.

:13I:Jj N,l.IIHILl..llty'rr·as

1\l[ U & :I: o..\1cntl.'lu,,11II P!:11l0it-3 \)('IIl\'C",

t:S l'wr f'I'l}lilrt'ol 1IIIIItIE\.... f:!.i1"ltlU"-I,lt, ,,-:1..; "">'.... .... ...... I:!!.lllll· MtMJd 1·I:llllI-(IlI,rlgllt).. :/:.'0lSnwloir !'i.IlI(,l_ (.. /.. :ll;ijIIltlll .• . :lr,() t(l;\llij~~lIl1'r~f)lL" , )hWlO M.IOUr..'l·I.;'·I· .. . •...•••.....• MiG III SOIl

C> Et. Or A N S.Clml~11 J:. WUtl"'Il_ii "hJllta: fl:.!.i1.;..11:.1" -1 .. 170l·nl:lIe ,. -10" '!t'llPrllrIl1·, _,l:!" :!o!O

.'n)IU'Il'" ii' t·/I.lt VI' 1.._&nIlDl",.' ••

','\I'I·ly II' W. H. ROBERTS.;4 ... 11;:, • Ag:\'hL, 1'ort rU\I·Il"'~llll.

Foreign & Domestic Fruit(,;ANlJI E~. ,

CU~ Fr:CTI()~ I·:UYtiTA'fIO~ 1·:HY.

TOBAI \:0.(;lOA ItS,

I~ I'e.. F:'l'C.o. ~. 2XOLOOl.\ilEEJ.


RESTAURANT,AmI wl1l 8(lt\'O tho ImbUc willi Meals

to order III 11.11 hOllr:!i,Ul~"n U,... A CAr.cY.~.

t7 Ol'fI,lIlttl Cenlral H'llel. h.:II.ll nUlllnli Wlllllr

POI{ r 'I'()\\'NSF:~(), \\'. 'I'. [II

CHIMACUM, W. T"'Viti. J" ... II01) •••• ,a:-'l·oll1"'ol~J','·.

a' Wit ..ua..ftMtf't! uorcb...'tWlIf\ 1* P.r.t­f?t1~~",'1~11:1~~:~~It III of 1IUIItlrIOl'lllINl!ly IOIIllY

Ii4r .·II....I~II114 I.. JltllblnlJ' lol.to .",U •..eI.'" A,ldrL'§iIull On:I't!N to Wi'll. BISHOP

.111,....'tun l,tJO'A,W ur YOIe" ,,.n\t·~.

.I!It;~n. IIlr


4'A.-""I!' ."UNlCef.:,Will 11';\\,1' Port Townsend I"'cry

'1'hll(4(h)' mUllllllg:. III liillC lI·d.oo:k, Cur

San Juan and Lopez Islands,Bahoma, Semiahmoo and


Notice of ADDlicatiou to Purchase Tim­ber Land.

o. ~. I ~l:'>TI:14!r 1,,\:"1' OHICf: I01.1'1111\111, WIIsllll1gWII'rl' ....III.ry

~urll;l' I' ht,I'tI,)' l;ivUIl rhiH.. 11I1'01l11J1l­llll"~' Ililll 1111' 1.I·O,·I~loll" (If tilt: AclUIt:.lIlgr. ~~ 1I111'((I\·\·tl ,111:10.: :1, lw11i. 1'llllltc,1",\11 lit:! for 'lie 1Ir110.: III Tirtll.l\·r 1.1I1li1c IIItIm :"olalU .,1' Uull(l'rlllll. UI1'I;:0Il. :'\1"'11i1a.1I1t! 1111.111:1,:1.1011 J'errltorJ.·· lirllll'I'y W.1"'~Ir. or ,ldlc"~HI CQlInLy. WII"'IIII.='IUU·I'"rrlllll·y. I'd~ Ihl" til•.\' IIlctl III tlll~ ullil:.·1,1. 1I1J(l1111U111l1 III plln·lw.c lhc SE!.j "I"dJ.o.:}olSi..·.l/j: :-';!,:I.jt'it-·C:.!:l; XW)-1I:!\·,·:l3

BClIirul•• g 011 :-1111111'1111.\' ,,-vcnlu:;, Will lIl" :)ocll"hll r\.,.iil; :!:.l: iJ; IU.towlI"IHpnlllo It'II''C ~t1. ;!lJ :\"1'111. Haug-::J I\l:·.. t or lhe \\ 11­

111l1ll'IIt· )1, l"llilllll.Port Town90ntl for Neoah '\")" 1I1ll11lIlt,,'r~llll!tchdllllug 11I1'·I't1'.'ly

Bay, and way ports IIII' "u~\1 tl.··t·rl'lllI IUIlIl. Ilr lilly 1/11111111101181111\111)" IIwrulugl. lit lillie ICtUrui1i1l Ilwn!'lt. Ill'll 11"r,'h)' 1't~\"1l .• 't1 III We lheh'

TllC,ell,1 '. • 1 "hIIHl" III thh~ ',ll1w \\"11 lill ~txt)" (GU) da.u_______'-~,'___'____ (1'0111 lhlll' 111..·.111.

VARIETYOIY.:I~;·,I:,~"~~l~I:I::>\~I!:~L:::~, :~l;:IJ:I~,I~fl~:~

, h.:lll~'· A. lJ. 1~7~. '.I .1. '1'. DHO\\'N.

:11:10 Hcgl~lcr ufll!~ 1~1I1lt.l 0114:....

U. S. Mail Steamer01 SP ATe H,

LOVV' FOEt. OASHHigbcst price allow fl,r .\Ierchlllltal..le PI"',)IJ{'P_


Fltl'uislii.u!l (iO()!/S. Clo/liill,:!, lIoo/s (lIltt

Shues, ./flils lI!ut ClipS. liu.rr(ICIiI'V, C!'uc!:cry, Tu­bacco, Wilt UI. [llel cUN'yi/ullg 1'Cf]IUI'Clt by Ilw

Il'ue/c.Tbe GOOUII ure 1"11:5'1' CJ~.-\S~, UIl,) h:l,illJ.t hllun purchased in Sail Ii'rlill'

cillcu fur clI:.h, IH bll!lulll rIIteli, will be' ":11.1


AI.', lil~I>I't \11' --

TE"'II'G AllD EXPRESS WORK m;J~O 0". th" ",. or '·''''1". 0""")'tim 1 ,"ell\'r,d MCI'ClIlltlle l>t.alJlIg,llIut'IiL ut

--I 'lIrrlllllellul, Ullllll1t1.locol\\·f')' 1~\IlllO'"IlI'", COUpo"lD"U1o. ~. T ••

'ro Port Discovery, Chimacum or Port "',,' ".",;,,~ ,,,"" b"·I,,,"'. , ""W ",,,. r."


"11:,' n,,· t'lllhl' IJIlllill"~, IIt'11 II Il\r~e lItl~'k

LU:J::?'LO~. III Ot·"t·1111 M,'rt:ltalHlI~t·. totleUIl'r .... itllihuDispatches carried By or htll~.lhl.:li 1I11tlJ,tfUlllltI3. Illli /otrl'r,1 L.lfM:ulli.

N!ght. HorNOD on Livery. .111l' IJll~hlC"''' 11lI~ IJt·t'li t·~llIb)l.,:hl'11 li'r• 1111."'" \''':I1'~. P"ll!ntl" tI, 6!l{\1l' Itl 11111'_

Trrl\'I'lIll~ :'I~t!llt.i will "an.' hr ~OIln/.: \\ illl dlll~i1,:.: will pll'l1"" Millin' 1I 111\' 1'1101'111""1I~. 11,1 WI! 11l1l'utl III II"C nil 111\'11 II Ilk". G. )1111'1'1" lIullt!r.•;~I., lit I'ori. 'I'OW.UiCIIlIl'll'a~llrl' I'lIfl!t.'tj 111"1\"'11 OIlL all.\· 1111.... W."I'.Ihl\' lIIulli'cd 1111 hmululIIl ~vrtl \111(111 Ivr;tule I.. allY I1UIl1l1lt~·. I')'

N. U. - U;uloll,-"I~lIIlrll" .,lIlnh' IIhll.pcd"nJ' (llllt'e, t'ltrel\,II)' III .. rd..r.


..I,\',ICORTES, (SI,,'/i lll1r/)(JI') nD,tfU;OII,\S .W~T ""E.'\EIl WITII A


W A flue lluortlllllllt 01 I~KIlI bli,"k"4~ 1l..!t.'1l1ub'•.

()(J Lu Wlltt:rmull & Katz fur thll bc!'tCll"l.IC-I". at tlIIiStlllllllllll'I·h.'Cd.

L-V'"'l'h6 aIlOCl! lil kl'll( (or 8:\1('. r•.'~l1­Illrlyial. Illr. 1I0kmlllJ'~ Vnrl.·ty Stlln'.•

1........ '1'\\"0 IIIiVCIll.1!t 8ewIUK III1IChlll~

" \\ lIroU.1lllt\n. Slll~er. lH:W, for IHltl.API)11' lit Ihtl.l\lIlJU:!I On\L~.

a;y S."r81lpnrhllL lint! Sotlll Water. rortlill 1111111011. lit Holcoml"'l Yar!"l I' tore.~ For 000tJ clgara. go to 1:IOICOlllb'6

OH.U~N'8 ..\UGU81' '·[,OWEN.It 18111\ttlr:t.l (or pooplc llulTcrlng with

D)'~I)CIllillllllltl I.h·er complaillt or IIll)' do­rhllg~U1Utlt of tl,e dllCe't1Y6 OrI(MllJl, stichRlliour JtllllHlCIl. lilck hClllht\·~, !lalJltUIIJco~lIYellCII-. ()1111)ltlltiOll o( 1110 hlttlft. hClfrtbum. "'·Bler.uraHi, gll:lwlna: Rllil bllrlllh~pllilU lit :Ile I"lt 01 the IitolflllCh. yellow..Idu. coatnJ ItllIJ:ul". antI tll~II!!'et.',lf~lt! ",gICIII l1w' 1Il011lh. t.'vmillp; IIp ..f 1011,,1 tlf~·I·I·:l~.

ln~. JulV ':Jlrlls. ·tc.. tv ll'lt vII' fl'"w UlI)'til llay toll)'illll: .:111 IIrlh;]" til II, Illl'r Iwow1,:1. t.lll~ tl tll.·1t 11t"~hIYlr. IfJ,·tlll. VI' 1'1'111',lv,·. yl:1 tlll'V 1111"0 II" 1'lIlth hi II 1\11111 II Ii'1111 hll~ U;i' If)'oll ",III ~tI IU >'V"I' Ilru:;:­~I.t IIIllJ Il<:t II wale (,II GI"!Jt'u'· .\tl~It·L

1'''III''''r y"u; 1I111I1... lIa(l· 1;1Iru I~ 1\" Cl:rt!lIlln. HilI 1"1'. :'\'\II'1,It' IlOlllc" of till>! 11ILo(li~

clll~' elm lit: obhtlll.-.I,for IU \~I)l:t t.f) try II...illlllt'rlul' virtue.. H.u~lIll1r ill~s 7;, l'ellt,..Try It. 'WO dy.<iC§ \l1,INlh:vl: lI\,y t;'1~,


1Il10KIt:S.1l0WN, 'tJ"nlLIT,\Tt!l'\lIHri",TI'fU'l'It);«ioI QuIlt1&lJllUllemlUl'.'I'D IIltdlolllalfllcnll,t"'-'ICs,fyrwhll'h Iiell't'ln be nillained IU)'IItlll'lrtJ 1I1....•....rounti

U"T 1,0 I~ ~ 1~.lJ)i.. UUdllll~1J1t;1 rw:Wl. ItD TittlE llllo-"n\'. :'iU l"II!tS!u,lnll.

'j/ L'L 'ltb.e'n1~IN.1 retlillil'ol"ony fllllo"'"1J c.lll\:rl~l\.'U 'oI"tlll~ "twwn 1Il1IlVr.1I'lli

_ ~ 11 IJfl.nl,hhit ",n(( ctL'l:lIhlL~ b)' ,,'It re<l~'

Inlt .hll llmlnnt·ntJ, allClt:eulUt lilt. {n;n, W.YuUUt;1. 11~ W. YOllrlllltrtJQl, CinWlln..tl, q.

llr. E. '1'. Young. the entcrvrl~llI~ pro·prlelM at; Ihe :Xcw Ellglllll\1 hOlel. III

Olympia. to SIlI)Jllr hl~ huuiOe \\'Ith !tumci·cut n'lller Dolh It'r ll~cl1t1d 10 l;lllltli flJ:llllIsttin·. IIlL_ ral!Cll aIit'll")' frnllltl work. ll!;lIut11ft)· ft:>Ct lit ht:lghl. III hl$ yanl tmelt 01Ille hotel. on the'lOll oj willch II. large tauk.hu.9 bt-et!1l put lip. (II ·l'OlIllcclloll withtlo13 III t\ 111"l1C r~n..'e Iltllll(), with whIch Itwill be filled IWIlI 1\ well (In tho I'nHillscs;

tllIl! by lIllie! tl,le wllter call be cardell allO\"er hl3 hUld. ~'t)ru or lIuch wella 1I11tJ

taub will bo buIlt b)' tIle c11!;:ell,ot, Itl

"Ullni aglilust lIre and (or the onliultr)'lI.'II1 "rwnt.r.

\\'10: llliIxit IIr.! l'I'~'1J IIbl,· 10 SIII·lIr.."'lpi'l~ "I tilt! 1w" lJid" CClIH'''l'lIillg

the I'epplu of I'''rl T'JIUI,,"llIl, j .. ",~

pas~tld I,," Ih.. ll'l.:i~htllltl" 1101111 II"\\" ClS]l. . . . I I • ,1I."11111ll1l Ih" V'I' IIrllVr .. Kpl'rlll·ll. (

1,ut lI ... v. tl'ljfll~11 frOlll llur H81'rll' ~IHHltati\'Cllle 1II0~t illll"ll:allt ff'lII\HIII~

'lllucerllillj.C Ihll'U, 'l'Il1' titl!pt·r ,;clll.hc~rlKe 1110111'\' hNf'I,.l1 rt' f'joiol illtnIhlt JllIfTlirsoll ;IIUlll" H'Il",,: fUlid is1l0W pili.} illtn tit. ,·il.'. Il&killl.! uLout I

tc~(lO out uf "lliLi lund: 1111\1 tll.r;, liS110 prtJ\'i!lillll ill t!lll hill fur Iii" hellt~·

lit of till' sdlf.ol. ) Lb 1.·llIim.!J thlltIt Wlh, 1I0t tll~ illtYUli"u I" tllk" ('1, ..crllt frum th.. !~ch,-,,,l fUlltI, nlld ~_Ir.

'I'uckvr 8ssurflll Uti thll.~ he would Ull.\·er.\ thillr 11III.t lit's ill llili powel' tocorll~;Cl thu bjll in t1li, pnrticlllllor.\\r tt Ilgrue with nur 1·t.:pr.lIl!lltati\·c illndding thai th" llchoul fuud is a!·reatly slll"lI enoll~h. The bill CJl'

tending' thl' cit:, limitl of the oity ofrort 'L'U\"IlIlIUIIJ m~tts with appolli.tinn (rom 1l1ll~H uf thr.lle whollt the~)ill illciuLlolij Dnd ",.. ho wu lelLfli.blf,\·. sellL M IJ"Litiun tu th~ GovL,,"norII.ijkin~ him to ""'10 il. \\'\1 leltrll

from thuse Mho IIlh-ocllte tlill ~xtell'

sion thllt thllre wilt be 110 Mtldi llllllUItn to paYi tlI ..l thllt tho rilHluiul tIlXlovi,,,.! lut Kumrn.r hali lJ(llhill)l h dl1

with t~I" property OI1t,8iu8\ uf thulitDits It thlll lime. 'fhose uPI)()"edto t.he hill lIay thl?v tIo not Jik~ TO ll.:).'OHC.:O to COOle ill, alld de,m it in·justice TO Oh: J<'O~CI:m IX when th"city is ill Jltht. We think th .. IIiSlrenllon a just UII", IIIHI to Jearn lIOn'lIlurh thu cily of rort 'l'uWll!lelldO\uJ Wfl Clllled JJpon the cit)' trval:!'urer and find that Whflll th6 tlU1l8 UUtl

before Jan. 'SO are puitl, the cit)· lIubtwill IIUt excoed 8200 alltl quite lik C'.

Iy Rmount to onl1 *JOO. No tlvu!Jt.next week wo will hear lho r~8ult urthe petition and the efIortll ut ourReprellellhltlv~.


The ~ew York "f;\'elllujoC PfHL" &11)'.\:

.oWe cU3t bury our preJlIlli~ I"ainu llie(nlll"n~; ami bury thu Im.llltllt wllh ourprfJudICitl." {J(lrre<:t.

The WIIUa Walilt. "Ullloll" wIl11la\'e nlie" oflh.'e, Iiew Vrell allli A ne\.. ' t.lfC!iI.

,W., are a1flYli J(UteJ: tq-Uote!J1ll .1\.tCUMi ufdelerllng pnDllil~tI.



OI,nH'IA, \\'. T.• Uct. 2a, ls~rt.

~tr. T',cker dnr.s nut "',Wt th ... Iictn!!o hill, of Port Towll:w11I1. to 1\1fect th" Ijdlllul fuml. (~t1i\. riJ!h


und a relll1'elh' 51ltlllld Le fouml .t

Hilt'•• itr. Kuhn is hi'r"auJ clairl:l!>l

IhMt t•• boundar.' hill "ill ho Vl.lryunpopul.r with ('uri Towlls~nd II('U'

lrie. Some little interest hllij I"~II

mllnif\,lsted hen', Jllrill~ the 1'llSt f.1\",11'1, in the BelsheI' t1i \·ure. ellse.

Io~ lily of the "ife i" theground upon which :ba LUI-

band 1l8ks • dis~)ut.ion of thehoJlI,l, of 'ulatrimonr, eliimitlJr thllthis easa i, • peoulia.r Clle where in 1111

r,.lief CAll lu!; obtained in tbe ou urtli.The bill JlIlIt.1tld thll House with butfour dislelllillg ,ot... \\~hen it

re'lcbt:d thfl l;UUlldl a llpirited eli,,·CUlliol\ cOlllmenced. 011 Ihe OIlW:haud, ~h. Iympatbies of lh" memob.r, ".r. Irouset1 ror the man .vtlotl~ been leparat.d frum hi, wif~

f ~. rfot o"er t ••nty 1f1rs. (h ,,,pearl,lUI i, being t"k,n c~re of Ily hir n·)&ti"~8 ill Missouri).. 011 the (lther

hand it wall forcihly argued thlllwhile 'he Itlgisillture had a ril:ht Iu

Ipeoir,. the grt~nda upon. whiuh. di·yorce might be legally ohtained, iteould not propi'rly moddl .. with af·t.irs ul:der the la"ful jurist.llctioll uflb. court.; th.t ill!lllllily "'as Ilut II.

jUlt groulld tor di'orct', Il:ld Ill'll

eyell it tbtlre W20' 110 cyid~lIce of·r~r~l tdHprO\'8 that the tlerelHhllt

"'u inllane Ilt tho timo of 'PI)I.vill,.;'to the lHgilllature for relifllf. Thl!

hill paaspd the council by. ,·otet. offi,c to (ourj hut it WIS rllc~n8itlcrell

em the (ollo",illg morning, and Wai!Itinll.Uy kill.d hy" 100jurit;t 0(0118 ONthe llll.lIut. The maul point8 .:tt.hHslled hy thi~ contcal. arll: 151, No"rritoriltll".l:ialllturu h:ts a riglll ttl

gran' di.orc_lI_for an, OlIUiti "hut·...r. :lei, The Ullilull Stillefl lU~8.

b, lIatulory pru\'h,iuu, d"t,llar~11 thlllillitaldty is W'lll. jUKt ground fur IIivurce..3d, Thill lhp.rtt ,hlJuld he 110

lllfringemopt ur llliurp.tiollilf alllbol"ity4l'tween Ibe 1..1'I::i~lati,e alit! thejudicial po_en. Cuuncillllllll Dun·har .rgllod tho CIls1ffur the defeOilcin .. 'fer,. .ble lI1allller.

A ~erit.orious bill, introrlucf.d by·DoetOfl'J. I. Gand,T, of Pi.roo OUUIJ'

t.y for \h~ ,upprePlon of qu~ke,,' illtbe pr~\ice o( medicine, wa.. •de·(r.ateri ,.••tard., in the HnuSi.There .,.m. to be 110 good rCllIon.,h, humbu~!llllld irnposttlrl shouldbe allowed to fuist thewseh'es upont.h. people, withbut re..trietioll j

peopl. hue to pay dearly enVuJCh,IHbOit, for medical I&ttewJance, amIhuman 1i""1 Hhould 1I0t be jeopar.dized in the hand. or (bUit' who CIUI'tlot .proye Ihlimsolv.s entitlod topractice the he"ling .rr.

An ICt lin paultd hutb houslII to~organiu Spokac. count,." Thu.w. move. ~e illW "proteatiuglltock·rai.." in \h. couritie8 uf Clal.Jain and J.fferson," hili be13n ru.111'II.ed. The Iibellllw hilS not Jetrun It~ oourse, tbouih we urnestlyhope It m,y blloccllilful cHit.blished- .. it .ill .fford .ocitlty llOllle pro.tt'otion agaiust tholle ullscrupulousne".paplr ..dunt.ur." who u..thelr-Uilre~utable.hutll ror thll 'fil·liication o( I;UfI'1 mOil.

Tas J.lIiYI,U.u ..ND UYlVERSlTY.

W:hen tbe. IfjtiiJatllre adjournedyesterdaJ afternoon, it w-"8 to met)t1~lio on Tu. day morllillrr nut.To·day, Il yisi~ ",ill be mad," to the'Insan. Aa,lum at St dlac()ow. Theelcurlionp.,fl will proe"eli fromthence to Beattie thil afternoon U1d...i,it lb. 'Territorial UniUtrlll~y onMood.,. forenoon.

Tb. brief, splsmodio ".pelln offioe weatbe, ~.saJ{llin gi\'eu Jllace toliucb mouoloobu''',.iu flif'ntl\a l,fartJous' ffik ''Ilf!sibeh ot ,11 "ltindli.elO. quil8 dull. Ont enterprillhowever, detene' f1ttpecial com~lOendaltion, anti that is tba nJl\nUfilQ'turo.;j( lJrouOl, by Mesars. Woodrulr&; VanEl'pl, uf thi~ plalce. Tbeyknow jua~ bow to turn out a first,elasa .rtiele, and one t.hat will CM',ainly comf;Tland a growing trade.Our 10011.1 merchants would dll welltu ,.nd tbeir orders bere Cor llampl...


ll'f. "Iluito en'lIl(ul." '1'1,,, ('lm.·ll1l1l·cral,' \\"i",101l1 uf Ih. l\·llit.,ry:~lliiU"

I illl! Ill'CUllIe le,'\Istornlttl toOFFICIAL PAPER OF JEFFERSON CO t S\\·l .... ;l~'. 'Rut'SII Til'" ,I'II:,'I.R.

1'J1l"ltsn.\Y. ~~I" ~1~1:;~~"'=' l'llll. 11111" C?lllluct. il""lr, 011 ~tlch oc·,'IlSWIll". will! th" IIl.S!! llUI diJollllty of

lit ptufessiollltl jllJllcettlr. Thili IIIllrll·I il1~. IU IlII ."rly bout, the ~'''IUlUtr

il,eph,n "ail hOllrtl'!11 at the 01)'111 piuwhirr, hy lllClllblltllllnd olliccrs "f thoIl'J!i.~la'lIreMIld I&ccompRnyillj.! ili.·nds_Ill fhn Ill111lh.'r of tUt.r ur lllore.Arril'illJ! III Stl·ilnco01l1 lIhout clvrCIl1,\:I""k, h.llll hllllda" "t'p CUh'ulyetlto lh",

1:\:ol.\S~: ..... \"1,11\1.

in "'lIJrntlt', cMtill:es lUlll hU~A'it'~

1,I.ich \'fCfll ill relldill~sS lind \\"utekmdl." placid It our disposal. In·Irl'lhllltiollS were llcarce 0"", Kilt!Slll'('tnUOU~ Clnlhitlg r~lllCWQJ. I,eforlilH. Iill1llplllflUS 11IIIoh WIlS seniti) at thehtllliifl of Dr. Willud, the gellilomart·Iy 5uIJ~rilltenflent. Thill O"cr, thel"!.rly pr(lC~edt.H) to malta a tuur ufthe premislts, visiting th(t mlllf', fe·Inalll ami cOIlYilellceut ward. rO'pnc·th·ltly.

Th. mOlley Appropriated ror £!I'f'ct·inK buildin,s .lId m"killR' impmvlt·menta about ttUI Asylum groullds lllJ'pellri'l to have belln judiciouslv '~J:'

pelletad. Tho old wards ha I'e' hcellprutica])1 r4rbuilt, and, &8 fllr llS th.,irIllllitary comhtioll is cOlJcerllcd,hll.ve hu" immensely improved. Thecella h..... been enIIH~fld, the V'lI'

tililtioll mad\) thorougu and sewer·RgC arranaeJl to perf~ction. Thonew wanl for convalescollt. pnticlJIsill a llIodel ill ever! respe..:t. [t 001}'tlins a lIumiltr of those ....·bo are ill af"ir way to be dilichllrged IS cured.Evarythin!labout the place bll8 anair fJf n.IILMS8 and comfort. Th.~ar~1l shows e.. idence of patienL in·dU8lry. The fences are kept in goodrepair, and all lhe bllildll18' artneatly painted.

Lea\'illg Steilacoom at 3, I', )t., thffparty arri ..eU at SIiIIlLtle at 9:16. anhour or more hnin,l{ been spellt III'fucoma and 1he remainder nf thetin~e .... hiled away on the !Joat inwlliet •• ud other tliverljions

J. SALUTKW811 fired in honor l'f the dignified!Judy, upon the ",rrh'al of the stCIlIO'er at the whllrf hlltt"j th.11 thu S\,at.tIe I1l1.lId played a few in!tpirin~

lHruiusj then they che""ld the dll:'Ililicd bodJj thell the di~llifilltl hotl\'CIlUle alit on deck IIl1d oh..ered Se14t·lie. Ilfle.r wbich all \Urfl pertuiucJto 11l1ll1 ill lha IIslIl,1 oroerl.' mannar- nellts tll.ltillg thtlir cuswlIIlI.rypractical tllrn, amid the vociferatiollsof "mOUT this ,,,.y, g"nlltoUlcn, fortbe Ne\,'/ Enll!!nd hottll ll

gUll. T. H. Dreuta, D('le~flte' InCuugr.,u i. I dlstillg.t}ished viijitorIlrllOliK tho party. [t i:6 thtl intp'llionto ,i,it. the University here, on Won·day 10r~L1oon, alld Iben return tothe capital oit1' (A. W.


Page 5: €¦ · J. E.l'uuIJ NO :17. a. MORRIS HAI.LllR. GU Cosmopolitan lIotel. TTORoSlT "'~I) UOU:SSIU.LORAT LAW' Proolor in Adrnll'lLlly. liefloned, Itt.1 t:llllle vlm.Mand 110111 ...


L!1\'11l1: "Thsd._Furtill-r rr.lrlitu.



[D. e. n. nOTUS C/lII D

D. C. H. "OTHICHllD,Oon.ul.r Al'f1nt of F.K.A.No.'

" '"" Ps.u;Vice - Con.ul or , NrCARAOU.l j

1& II II UHAou.... r.

Genuine strai ,ht Bourbon~ey.

"rom Ken1DCk1.

Ylr.'nl. "ya Who.key

FroID Richmond VI .. dlrtft lrom rhe dl~Ullerb.

"ook Cove Bourbon Whl.'key•• I878and 1870.

Miller Stew.rt •-O(Ji1i6,

Durh.m Old Ylrglnl. "yaWhl&kfl,·_J873.

g For .... bl BO'flfSCUlLD.t Cc".


LSTA8I.1Slu:n I,,";.]

ROTHSCHILD & CO.Port Townsend. October 23,1879., .

Exchange Bought and Sold.

Liberal Advances made on Consignments.


.1.nd Other Articles to Numerous to .Mention.


Dry Goods, Clothing,

Boots and shoee,Shipchandlery, Hardware, Groceries

Tobacco, cigars, Wines, ~ liquors

CAT.IF<'!RYIA wnrr.s, POR·r. SIIF.RRV. ANGELICA, ANO MUSCATEl...allli \\ lue Vlnf'jr.r. llnl)Artf'lJ I)lrtt'f. by tt!f (rom the YIIley.rdI. In plpclliud biro

reI.. aud (or ..18 I' Sail FnllcllOO 11 es by


---0 AND DUI.JUlS 1:( 0---


The Highest Price Paid for Wool, Hides, Fursand Produoe.

Por Sale ~heap,



.1.lld B.1.'RK SURPRISE,Sails. Wir. Inri Hemp Ri~~inA'8, Ancbol't, Ooe eath, 4000 aooo 800 4&3t7 lb, O.hle Ch..iui J~I J! alld 1 inab. 8loch, Bo.II St'irii ~d ~lh.:IJU:lllJa••IIII. Rop.., Sidtl Llgln. '


Vessse~ Consij:ned 10 RotilJchild 'CO.

Am. bart C. H, Kenney.N F:ITm:n Til ..: C"rT,\L'" SOlt TilE tlN·

IIt'n'Knorl'lft'cnlll (ltlll! IIbove nllnletl"t!f'­t\lll wllllJfl rtWfIOlIlllhl" for debtl contracted byIho otUcertor lwew.

f'.\PT. "'KET. &Iu\.e....Kl.I'I'1l8l:JULI' " co., A.genlL

Port '1'ownllllo(f, .Alii(. 6, 1m.

British bart Laiy Bowen.NE1TJlli:k THE 1J•.trTAIS SoH TnE UN·l 'Ir,..I~ed .....rtttO(lb.lhoonl ftJIn~YH­..1will ~ n.."'POllilble Cor lIelJU t'Olltf1lCfll1 byfl...l onkl!',... ....r t""......

RtlTH'"l'U1Ln .t ('0 An",,·t:.'I'T.• ·. tV. n\lr~~1lD.Itcr.

ron Towniltnd, JlIll. tI., 11m

Costa RieBl ibiD lalhilde.N EITIIKR 'PHI l',\M'A1S :'(011 T:"; ox

flenllraflll ~.t3 of tb...bo......amtld"f!Ut:1 .1T11ou NIt"lI"tn Ible (or debl.l conln.eltlllby lb. omcer:.vr'tr~iIlLD~ CO.. Annll.

CAM'. R. n.JOSu. MUler.Port TownMUd•.Junoc, ttr.'i.


o. F. OLAPP, - Propr:l.etor.

rrlll~ 1';R'I'AUI.I~lnlr.;NT II."~ "U~'I' OPF.S'f~n wrrn .1,\ FU1.L AXlJ\;"IUI ..~t" :>100.'),; ur Ceneral Merohandlse, l'OII!I.tlllg III IJltrt tlr

JlUl'dWnI'B, GroQIJl'ics, Pl'ovisions, Cl'ookery,BoollI, Cl1l1l Shoes, Dry Gooels, }('oti071s, ~·c., gc.,

Whloh will be .oId .t Port Town.enet Prlo••• for C8ah..

1'J:UIJUl:),; Qb' l!:VI:;Ln' Vl!:~l:ltll'l'IO); 'i'AllEN IN J:;XCBAKl; ~Fun lJASU AN D UUUUS. AI",

, .. () () 'r ~ II I t:) E"". I·' U n~. AN l.) 0 T L

rur llhicb the hight'" ul1l'l,(e, price willl>u Jlllitl. l'arlPel"l "ill find it'llI

thf'ir iMt~rest 10 ('1111 am! CllfIlllillO K')(J(.l! Ilt Ihi!l tlslahlilbment

iJeCu,,, purchllling el.cwhere. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOO1)

WE Ne)trelliO le1m Ih.t 1'11100 golllg 10s.lenl. Ur. lJllIou 111l~ ulIi:l\.otllllud. lrolllIII htllith.

)lu. C. R. Phllll".. lrrillfl m(w~1 hl~

delkate bod\'" "Cro!ll Ollr Ihro-llhuM )·t'1ltCI'­

day, 011 IIli ~·IIY to l:rnlJlh.

)411~. J. ,f. Ollhtrl. of 01.\ npl't. \"il~ apa ...~lIgt:r CUI Ihe Chil,. for l'o.1lI Frtllh,:i·t.'O.wllt'.re 10M ha" lie I 1U~'t1 C'lll. 01 wrt.

A l'Ompibleut.rr ball "I.•" gl'fen InOlympia lA;it 'fhut'"(laJ e,.euln)(, C~ Art.Y. IJIlulI. who,.with hla f"tully. IU'·t: lors... Fraut'i-eo to ,,~utl 11M' wlUltr.

The man woo .....011"'1 1:tIUl .,.,.11111:1;.f'YeIl a hot II'rove" hI~ btTll 1011l"I&t WallaWal13, 1,.-1 week. Illllll ".- 'rleital Ittbat 1,lace Iur teltlln~ (,wo lwk ",(OYK.

pror, Trh.'(', the .s.rronolller. !II)'s thaton lhe nlJitht or ~O,.. Ililb we are to bll,'ethe most brlllllllnt lll!=plar "rthooUnK "lIIrttYerlCf>n 11nce 1S33. wheu lbe sky llte,al­1)' Bille..! Gte.

SK'·U"I. of lim ifullelllen who algnooMI'I. Pac.lIn!"' lX'tltloll, "With all m1htlarl." noW' Yr.\"t'r nuder IhIs sharp (wlt­ldo or mllllcs rrom the DOCI.ors· plll·boxel.-Ol,.mpla ·'Sf_lId.rd."

SUTTLE II boulIll to lt1&\·c ber _freer~N. Cllptllill Irvine DMllltrtl, Ibe hohleror the Sc:ltlle8tI'l'tt t'ar tnmchlse, I. Uf&:O­t111tlnK with. sara FrJlllcl.'tCo company fora Ilumber oflUet.~t cans tv Lie pzu,",lIlllJ by.lealll.

Hy. ltorton. 01 the TUla",ater pipe (Jlo­tory, wal paSM!lIlfer on tlte Chllllt. rol'·Frlsco. 'fhlJl eentlemllll I'lrorms U!I hllIlIlll m.dc II. !IhlpllIellt or \Valer.pllM! toFort Wnt.nk81, AIII-h, "here ,lUI pipe I,.to be u!ed rorooliftylllJ[ w.tt:r rtlr the townlIupply.

Arranrt:mp.ntl line been mAde 10 Ihathere.n"r thu Cllel ..U5, (rom Benttle, lu.dtilt: 01 pAtch. (rom thlt city. "ill botll ,..Uat Auat.'Ortes. on t1lt!lr w:, to BeUlngllll1ll&y ami Sernlnhmoo. Thl. will be .. beAI­edt to 100 boata ami" Crel' t.'Onnnlrll("eto Ihe people. lhe !lumber or",lIolO II nowCtIH.t"lltI11I1cre.~lng. nn MU,," arehi COli,"*" or con~lnM:llonIl this time wllh­hi ~ rndhtt of a rew nlliH ortt.. lIew IOWIiwhere ~ a ato~, A wlu'tbowe. whllr~

tehool: resl"'-lIcel1. elc.

Bome lwo woolhl ago In old lIl.nlllmtd L.....-.ou. who h.. retklet1 ou •cl.lm al the mouth O(8alln')fl bR)' (or ak>t1r: time rteelYed 1I0lUlcsUon lhat lite IItie to hll laUlI cI.11D WI.. dtfecth'8, It,,1tbnt snother man had made a honM!8teadftllngollll. Inti wou'kl 10011 take IlOISI't­,Ion. The thoo~htot 1000ng hll home Inhi! old kp Will I..rrible to him. "lid hethfHlK:h(, alld taU'tll or 1I0lhhiK elM. U.IUlett to lilt wile that be dill not care tolin "" If he IlIIMI be tllmed .nt homeltll'"11(1 on the "'Kht or the !4tb couuolttetlautddu br shoodng hI m.elf.

FIRE ,U SSOHO)lI!U.-On wt 'l'hllft..dll)' IIIg1ll lbout 15 mlnutel put 1.1 o'clockthe ItlClI1 of tho Rlnl'llde Hotel wproIw.kened by tbo cry or tire. All lind to......"I1Ix:lf.lirlu)gh tll., window. o( Ihe bnnt­Ing building, whh:b waa accolllvllsllWwithout ltU11le110UI occltlcnt to "101. WilliOUt! terribly Illifortunllte excelltlon; Ihnt01 )'0111\& BenJllnlln Dolall~ who OCt:tllJled1\ 1'OO1Il1le3r the Il.lIlrwIY whore the nrcII IlUppoMd to hAn orlgh'''.wtl. E,'eryeffort to It.I'OUI6 or rescue hlJu wall all III".111, ,"d It ..... lOme three hou" InerthIS ,:all t.lllIIllll~1' belorv hlJ charn.,,1 remAluswent ~1l.'\1l..'l1 trom the rul.... tll:\"eralItM.__U wul Yery Illlrrow tk"I)l", lI.villi( toh:lp 10 Or 121eet below, tn au allllOolLuuOOl'Cul!lUon, hilling all their CIOlhlul'.

To Whom it lay Con­cern.

The First-class steamshior-c:Piiit



Port Town.and tor Sltka,I..,==__=============,.,=======Ah.~kft 'l'err'y. Ind WAylJorll,

o ••r ta' •• .-e" u,.

All ollt~tl::l.tllnllIl'\'Oun!_ dl1~ Iht 1I1J11('r­.1J!:lIeflll1D!1t be khlld btrol"! Nn1'flllbttr I,1~1l). or lhe mille wltl be pbtt..vJ In tilt:h.mlll oran IIttoru~T lor wl!t'l.1.lou.


1'ort'l'ownH!tl, 0c:L 13.


Port Towosenda Portland. Ogo.u l~'b.r _II ta..

For fo'relght or IJIMlI~. Apply Oil UOUN,to Or UI koTUSUIIILD,t. cu. "118ft I.,

Fot Shoalw11er B.y Gray', H3..rbor. PMt Town·,'nd, Soat I•• \llotorb, and Nanallr.G

Alld will ,..l.llt olber "or"l ,houlll ) rdlhl.nlh-r.. .......,

THE t.:VM'll~U Ty..')Ct.n


LetlVlng PacllloOoc.Ir,I'orHo.u(I,or On or about the!!Olh 0( fJlW.h 11ltlnth..00O~ on (\oclr Coot oCklll.loa ,t., (\)rlland

AI~n 1llll.10rl! of Hoth·chlld ~ Co.Port ·J:'o~"Jliluud•.•••.•.•..•. 'V, 'I •

UtC l. J. lL\'Cl:lI, ,\a:"nt.

I'lln t', Robtrt 1IIII'lidilYillJ,! h"n lhl~ )'dr.11" 1!I'1l'IItH.

)lH.lk·J,lon h:l JUSt ('0111111"11"(1 II Itll'­

Auntlal 1tJe"'aJk III lrollt nr hi n llltlll.....(,It lht- lk'1I"ttt (\1 111_ 1lt'lghbof'll.

}lll. lIolt'OlIIb hlt :\h\Mp (Ill hlMI n. t11lt'

101 1)( (".....Ii Clln,l~ llill 011 tVf'r\' t('lIH~t

m.~I"l'C (ntllll,Alilonlil, 1:r1ll"';j,: Ilfltd~oranges. bill_it .,,('('t I,oUH~. eu:.

I'IWF. Itlobert! ~ III Jtl\'~. Klcl"t dalll..'eIInTlI","ltls utnlujC ,tlu. III }-'owltr.!­11111. AdmlMlon oue OOU.,., .11 ue 111­.,rod.

PUGET SOUND ARGUS.i Al'u.H.mm,·r.'Mu."u'h.·I,<,,,,·'>cc\\ ~fl:l \\ alllll'OlIlHr. Mil ~ulll lot IIr ~'r~"rc:t.ne 011 hl~ Illlice till" }'{'al' Iml II'f\III Ithl5l mllllullu..111 red ~)"fllp.. which h~ ~'UI

n':ulll}' lloll $COOd pruftt. We bell..,-e tillsB U 11~F J~OC'AI. lTJ·:::\l~. I~ lhe tlnltAt~Ulptmllde III tliLa Terrltor1

I' ml1l1l1rl~tllrt"~yrlll" We Illn)' 11,111 \hu1Till; WI 'II hi r lilt' I.I~I "·,·tk IUI-I"ulllt~" It~ Iluy I~ Ilot I~rdbt nt wlltll (lirul"r--ln

al,,111J'lI"'UIf. \\l...:enl WlI"hlngton ,,1II1'l'fllJuc.-. 1. ••lc,..1H..:td tl", 1111. "'1',., \\ hom It 1II'ly 1,.11 - or ~uJ:ar ClIlt!. II. ~t.....·hleh .-lU bI! ,ery

t.....'r".. ·11l till!! li'lIe, J. T. Sorrl" 1IK":t.1l~ llrontllble ror tile ruaUlIIIll1uI'tJ or Oiugarblhlhje-~. 111,11 ..,) Ill,). Aht'lllly. couple (II prollll­

I.Nll (<1rlllf'rtltl IIItt PUyJlllup vOIIIl-r aren.:tki. ': C.llltrllllt'liti a/lll Iiu \'(' lent II. llunJ-./)&or vI bn:l.i 10 ,-' II Fnu.....i..,o to be tc..lcd,

Yr. ":l.rtl Mr1!t.n I I,OW ill Callforl1ll,Mm.1 ",111 .hlt the ~t (.rllli '-Iltl takeIlutn. lit wHl II~ glv\: Ih\: I.rlllil .ndhl10rl f'Il!t. C;lIL :Inti IUltt.e such 111­'Iulr"'.. lIIa, ellltble hlw 10 dt"CI(le"'IIt'III('r the cJlnuut'J alltllOlI orllle Pur"l­Iup \'lliler _1II produce enough l!:ll\:hllfilleqUllllLleill1i tilt' ,ulu !leet 10 make It II.

rnIOt.~w crop. '1'111111 ,,111 be 1\ Ie"ncret. 10"11 lIut year In Ihe Yllllt1. IudII.houlti (he lell Oleet their UIlCCtlultill. ,,"0ltft' Infonlll'tJlhlt lar:nerlthcre.re 1't'.t1yto lauuch l.. lAIlhe bnlllueM. A rew IIA)"1110, In conYerMtl(l1l with Mr. M"rsllliot

. ",110111 .....e collllkltr the Iwt ."lhol'lIy onthis .nbjeet. he I"t!lIIarkcd that he (\lIt COIl­

fhlcnt the Illrmetll or Ihls ttrl'ltory. wonkl"0011 lean' thlt the proftLl per .cre IIIgrowlllg the lu(Cftr heel. woulll llrovela'h"!r than Iny olher crop Uwy ('Ouhlgrow,

C.lpuu. ROBERT POLLOCK who ar­rived here on 'l'huntday 1r.1t wit" t.'OlllpnnrD, 21st U, B. Infantry. rrout VltllCOllver.ami whg Ii now t.'OUlmandlll~ ontl'er a[....ort 'fown&elld. I. well kllown by :hOiMlwho served lu tho Call1urnla vohmlcenlrom ISO.. to 1866, dtlrlug which thUll heheld the ,.nk or Llt'ut. Ooloo..t III tho 2dClllllorni. hlfll.nlry, 'l'be "Coluoel.·· I"more UlUIlIl}' <.'aIled. ". ~IIII1, Iud klud­hearted j[tutlelilall who wallet tuthIll(rlentlg for hlmlt)r whereYer lib ~oeI. Weare Informed that Col. Pollock w..\ lul,.'OllIDl.1ll1 at rllrt Good"III. Arl7JIua Ter­ritory. at che IItne the Aplche. whtrem.kluK thlugt 'IVflly.n "roulld ulKler Iheleal.lcnhlp of the (llUlOIl. cbler·oQH...... lse."llIld by "ling 1Il00t ~Ilerxetll: m~"8ul"t'lll.

,oc'("ef'l.k.'t1 III 1'11ng lilts (oondIl11011 ot Ipeace which huled flurlug a lll00tt Import­11111 period. "e truu t1~ Colollel.utl !tilr:llllll}' IIlllt feel ..tllned 1.1111 at hOIll'....·!th 115 In their Ilt!w 10000tlon. The V.n­WU\"er "[ndependent llnlihes an hem ..Mlow.: ''Colonel Polloott: l1U mille 110tud or frlcnth here, and Ihere II' jttueralI'tl{ret III. Iits departure (rom .mong UI. '.

L.lST '11lllrsday•• t Ihl8 pllt.oe. blds Int1MllAle of lAnd beIotlf(IIIK &0 the OcrrlllheltAle Will not nry lively. Oue huntln:t.l111M.! Ixty at.>reI, betweeu Ibll clly allli lhelor' w.. lOlII to Mr. tkLcon (or '1 12"per IIcre. llr. ll. bullet paid 7~~' celltlper flC", lor larlll:lt Scow nay. ImmeOl·artly OllllOl'lte thlil pllL'e, "'hree 4o...CNlral·ta olll'ort DlllCO,trr bny lnought 15,Ihlllll:!J' ''ellli IJer acre. rftl>cctlwely.OUIP 4l).u.l'nl ffllCt 011 Scow b:,}' wlluo!ll at

15 L'ell!'" I>CI aCI'e. 'rile (i,moll' "Whl«k.rIfllt," nelll' Pon Gatnbt~ contl\lIlllg 14UIlt'te \\'RlI>Un:h:I5et1 b)' O. AI. 1I.lIlll', lor15 OCillA 1111 acre, '1'hll polut III t..'OlIsldcrC!dwalu.ble-tho.oll (l'rUlej Mild lOme dlt.ylntho lIear (uture thtllhlppluC 11ltt'resu willdemlllld the erecllon or. II~brholl80 onthls Ipll. Stoclc III the Puget &till'" Tele­,raph Co. IOld 'l\ell, Milito (jill tlli~ nocl.:orth" Unlull \Vhllrr 00. The l\'el1liepr1l'r per aere from the Mle of 11111<11 dk.lnot tl.lt.'e«.lllsly-teftl1 (alntJ.

WE are lurorntCli th:lt lln. MI'. Oo6pt!rII aollcltlnc lid of our peopl6t 10 COUUnll't• p&1'l101la.p ror thtl 31.. E. IOClttr ur thisplace, The lUUloor l.as ,*,,, eecured. autlLOW' he 1.111 nerd 01 Idaitloll.1 aid ror tbtleJe«lon or the balkllnl and t.'OI& of dfHlrt,wlndo\" Olt!, and Olher lIK'tIIIlry Irtlcles.1'be people III feem wllllll' to II. l!t.. forwhich thtl pallor alld ~t, t!.J:pltii g ....""hude. 'rho.. woo Illye yet to COIuributewe hope wiD do their bolt. '1'11" will bethe aN' pANOlllge ent.1etJ be",.

WE leam that Olle Ah Jay (Chlnael.n)of tM. plll1!. hal purcbued the rllrm (M.cret) of .Mr••Iohn Ipml. located a lewmllesft'om heN. The prloe pakl wu'1,2.50, IOI~ coin The pul'thlte Include.00"'" 'pall of IlOl'IH, plow.. tMrrowI, IIntlother laerolal tools. beald... IIIMII1 Olherthlnp belonging lO rhe rlrlll. :t'hb; hOWlth" All Ja}' II patterning lifter OUr AmM­II..n I1lle.r rarmlllg-ca ling :l.wly IIlehoe an'" taking up the ploW'. Uti mellnlto pay his taxes U olher t3"1'll;!t'S IudlUke the coUIl101 hll home. JlY II quitean tnleUlltu' looking mlln,

Tos Ifearnlhlp Chili. failed from thisport,l!lema,., willi a l"'o-thlnl~ 101111.Sbe had 1600 t01l1 ulk'3ound (relghl, RllIltook (rom thlll plAce 600 lack whellt IlIti

130 hid., M e1l8'ltl.'.weJout 01 ttw hu r­bor btlr lrome,," IIVI Ittrnet4ll the Buen­"011 Orm8UY. he I~, we bdl~,~ aboutthe llJ1te8tUellm!hlp In Am.rl(lt.

LA~T,MoudllY, ... the I~anl,r Dlsp.tch"II golllg InlO DUII~elle" hnrbo,. .lteIItr1lck 011 the spit 'lId broke" r"u off herproveller,

WE ....trelrlc.tttllo ottte Our iflyor00 Cbe .tret' 1I&lill, lifter bLJ IIlnm.

Yt:ennDAT the liar, 'J'nrlot l"I'Ihy,,}'('\1• IIlllltbt:r or :lh."U1I. 01 thl t.'lI,v to I~ort

BlAkely. wl~re tlM!1'I will be hl!t1tt1ted 1111()rd~r of Ihe Scottl!h IlIt\!

Our llollOrnlllt RClltl~llIRII\'e. )1:. A.II. 'fuck"r. IIol\'~llUl)ltl,ltIlI1J1 JlOll. D. COllt'rllt'fly. of Whltmllll l'(llllJlr. \\",It III1011'1114 few IIIl)'s 11118 \\'t"Ck.

TIlR IAICiIottll!l'Ovtr1.ltlld OUI'. Ill'I ....eIlnllllfOrlllt11, thllt bellA l<:c.lbou. III llult atthllllglJ or 10. Ihe III.:llrt 01 a halld~Ollle

)'oulig hldy IIiJ 011 the rl~ht ,Id('.

lb.\'. )Ir. A,,"~w and (amlly. ()( thlJllllce. will ht'~llner lIl"ke f'reeport. eo,,­11t~ l'Ollllt1 thl:lr hOll1o. Tht'1 t:X11l'Ct. 10Irue Ih1. weel.:. 1111)' lllll,.,\~ Mllcutlth4!llI.

\\'IIIU mill)' III onr Inltlml 10"'118 Ire",IUlu~ 10 pII)' 12.'" ' ....Ills a pouud for lI.ll­1ll0i1. we are reluctant III Illl)'lug thatamOlll1r tor A "'hole It!ll.-Ilid t't'lo-aml_

lI·half-rert Iollg It Ihlt.

lh.v. !lr. Oo-ll4!r yl~IlI ...II~ort OI'&l'OvC'r)'Ill-I \\C'l't. .u.1 prt'IHhld 111t'~ \\"tllll~IIl)'

"'·('111111(. Till.. reveNllti ff:ulll'IWlll I~ a7)',,101\5 "nrk"r. ftlld Ii wllllllu!: 1lI311y

(rlel/ds JllllUlillh. I14:0ple IlUu. lit ~ller\'eI IUt\:

Till: Polut WIIMII ''Cn".'' (III -om"t'-'nn the fog "'''1atlel hilt beot1l "lelnJ" Jltlhlipllll.»j lit 1,,11 t wille I", qnlre •...'11"­dl"tl·· ther "ht!lUd" iI. L~ ther 1111 ,wlIkt:the baltlm,'tJ 01 11"16 IIIJthl-jlut to II~I~II.

I}IW. ht'rtAller gl,e dllll t...11 mort'! rope!

OCR street oorlllrrt t1~ 1rl;l1 "'e<>k hllfe

llVl lit· lhe 1l1'1.M.'lIr:lIIW ur 1111 t'lf'C1101I dJlY.Groupl o( h811·... lolCll cotl~11.lv rnlllld t.llk­IIIIC 10ll'1I1 Oil the IWO blll~ t1.nt IIlno ju~t

I~llhele",l~blll~'IteUllIlIgthe ell}'llnlltt. anll Mluc.lllg thlt .fChoolltlll~l.

n, D.-1'hl' wt'fk. Ollr IlClll'l'nl. c lillietown W IOlt,c"·hltllllllrtlt.otl oy II•., 1"00alilllJAnlh hUlKll'go or .. r.l~"" dl"lluk\:t1lUlU! on the strt.'Ct Our ctllcl~ut ollll"lr

w.. ~oon 011 thl'i J'oOOlIe klnl j,tlln·tbu "gcu­tlenullI¥" rrf'C OnlY ride 10 Jill!.

[I( this lllllut! will be (oum1 Lllelulvl'rll!iC­nlcntof Mr. A n(lwnuu. Ii; 01,.. "00 areenlurprhlll,IC men.:hllllCA o( lhe Ille.~rtlit lit­tle burg. AUllt.'orl't'8. 011 Fldul,lo '~lllld. Itrt..qulres but a gl"f'lwllt tlltllldv. to (lecldetlutt the liroprl,ton are ':el'I'lIlillt!t1 to,ul'ply tlus WIllt. o( III thu ~ple.

OA VID'W. Amll'l'llOll. II. 10gICer 01\ \\'hld­by JIIJllId, 0IJI)l)il!e I'ort Ludlow. IIt.c1­"h,wtall, "'lO' hlUl!elr 011 'l'udtllir l••t,

whllecleaulnjf hi' lUll. 111. elftl·,t lOll,ladrlllg II i1lot aMi "'11 to ....ttttl. lindar.ll hi- tktber I}'III« lJtl II .. Cl'OIllIlitiellf,,,'1\11 Q IlulJrt hok In hl!l brttIllt, Dt~.sOO

!cnrsl widow anti (ollr chl:"'r'I),

WK hotlce 1l,..SotUMI Iud O~jron jllpertl!OfUe 10"0 or tlut,e WONks Igo. "'ere mlklnlItelllA 01 nru-l.-rtylllt."UIlI. belul{ (Ol.lL~,

lUld thllt It. w" rcwArkablt..'-IllO,,'lll&' what" (uortllJ portloll 01 Uw t,'();l t the)' lived lu.Wlty, lilly one that wi hN t:M1I r1111llltlur­berry blo.wom, 1ll000lltll winter. III thuob­IIrbi 01 Po,t 'I'OWllle-lI.l. Alld we,lont boaula!Jont It~llIlt:r.

Rev. Mr. )bctle, who hll' tellll.lCll1lrllytlllN Ihe LJUlplt of tile l)~Abrtc:rl;1l1 ,tlUrchIt tblJ,'lIll'e. lell lOr ~IUUII(J TP'tb'n.1:i1·\\I" are IlIfornte\J II~ abo'e churcll w1ll becloetd lIU In1Il1lf~lIt.i call bu mlde :0

lupply the ,,""'fIlICr. 'fhe IOClel11 lItd Icall for Hev. Jno, !tea.. Ilhllr (ormer PIl&­tor bulo ft.lsm to Ire him, Q he bAd Ie·~'p~~. mliliouary c1uari,rt3 10 Call.

rornla.We doubt "h'ther .uother tll"D could

txt (OUl)t\ "I~ru II til"! CUIDptlllT bw rhe ra­dl1tle..i (or Wlit"r. "nd wllt'r'8 It 10Wll canbe lu!ul'td lrom tou bIll", At iKIl1ttle B-

illie lllthil city Itlfonl~. 'l'htllrelt d­~nl4l'e(bullLlIlllcl.:llrnll, w11lch COlli 10mudl hllUoet tOUII" Is entirety a"ollte<!hure. The ellKlne can be ruu uuto Uulonwhirl autl. 111I,'e aLullllliuce 01 wl1~r rf!'rth.t elltl o( lown, &11\1 at Ill) OXptlu§e. Andto pro... lll" (01' tht) leUlIlllIllcr of llle city,

platrormllt.'M be mRlle wRdlll&: to the &Alt".lollr b1 100 OO!llloltOI""'ll hOll,'I, andIII1Ulhcl do''' .. by Ur. JlIlI j drllg lI[ore.with Ih~ Jmllro\"rmt:uLs till'! ..00 ree'- 01h~ wnuhl ....1..11 r.-'ry (l(ClIVIt'd hoUH be­In... the hill, wllh one or tWit rllypUon••'rhn"lbe 01111' Ullt!ll'C to m.,ll1talnA ftreInllll&lI\-' wi I be the COit IIr All engine,liOil amI bote calt.


Page 6: €¦ · J. E.l'uuIJ NO :17. a. MORRIS HAI.LllR. GU Cosmopolitan lIotel. TTORoSlT "'~I) UOU:SSIU.LORAT LAW' Proolor in Adrnll'lLlly. liefloned, Itt.1 t:llllle vlm.Mand 110111 ...




U. I. TIUU41•.": "', I •. ,l'IJrl TUW!I.tw,l. W. 'j'.


-lllnlfLt .... u,-

·Flraisltiac Hamrare,"IUlIl.I/l:AIJTY.

H••",,'.. L."ljt'~ ...,I."",..,.

,;1" t ':.II.lr· n'~

Arctlo Over-ShOC3.

Boots a,r d . '~o, !3


Rubber Over- hoes,

., " .."n us

.....t:fI.n..k ' • ...... ·..a.L.

Stove_, Tinware,r1"I1'" ,- (1I:n);' PIPY~I nil - J iIlUS YI pr,I'l'lll. I 11l:01l PIP,,"


JOlIN '1', NOlUU

.1. L. TIBBALS & CO, 'SSUPEIUUlt l'/;.I.11S.


uf thll \'l'r., IIlI'~1 'I'll ,l., W.U,I"!l .. ,.

J.1It.. ....L 1',:10 rll,

'1"" i til.. Iltl"t.,,,,,,, lUI' I IC. ...I ,.·I.,,·t,.JItod.. o( U.tOLIl 111111 SUi,. ... "II

l'w!,,'Ct tiollllo'i. \,.~IIIII,nAlIl';


OooJ IJI')' aud \,fl'!,'tyll \\',)1111a.lwuya UII hllllli. Allill•.ll'llI'l 1J:&rk.

TUIOTU Y 11,1 \'. A I."''' Y!'I UN IU"~U.

............1 ".,1 1.. ".•._ •••.• '·h.llo· tl" .. ~lto ...

........ 10. Mlth· ..·•~.,.·,.I·...."lltl....S.I •••

v_t. D~hfu'J;oIl,

~'relghl"l flolll!C1ei:,Tmlllil~~ ur nil tdml" .IUII&,

At rrlUollllhllJ l'ilt"IlI&lltl N&LI"t:1Clh'll;':llnn~III..·'·'1.

F ....,..,."IIItI' III.ll •·..... ' .. 1.."1".. U....I".....I' ....... I'U' HI,,,, ..I.,,, 'u.

~I ho... GI\EAT llEVEHE:<CEtor Cl~'ih CU:;wllIl;l'i'(

Awl n'·po.it·ill~ eXlocuto,,1 .... u'II.II. 'li I....tilif(~ti\lll glltll'llUWl'l1.

I ' •••'1'4 .. !lb.... t~I'a~,II~'":1i" If' ....· l·.,J,loe

..~..I." "'Ilk "".1 :\ .. ,·.110'.$11.... t'llI'" .. lC.... I".·' :r .,,· rll'.I .

.'1(1111111''''11 II"' '.e.., .I ..... ':"1•• 1.1 ••

A'OOlllpl.·tp 11.lilllortlll!·I'L .,fwm' 1'l.LAKEuU~ ITOCI' ..l!l»

-AUEI"I'S FOIl:-8toil&OOO1I1 B(Jf!r,

&.a.ulelltour, and r..·\·y 11m'"Svtta Wntt:.lIl1.lId H"'lt ItoltJr.

Boot a,ndIIIII'ill' Sho

.a.1l bualn_ entru~to·u 'UOllrl'''''' .. 111,...·..1"..prom I" .1I~nliull. ,

)1 '1"" abc,".lnllll'lltIQ. 1111"11'1 b..." plarfOfl fI'lIto perllltt.,"fll'ljCHIUIIi. &tI til .. UIIII~ tI''1ltl~ It....pltal 'tlr "..noe Pa'len'l ron "nlt'l' ~,nll". IhaproJprlel,or l"lkd plll..'lI'" III 'UIU'.IHH·'llll 'h.. tPO palll,or"lI,oeu" _Ill l", _IJIOI\·.I I.. ,,,tIl""I4!rllIX t ~lIe oowt"r\. alL<i O"UVVI""IJC" \If prl'

"':','r.r.a::~b~ll.l.n1"1Oel,ftAI lI,,_pJl'.r "",IIl ..tlui l'...pclltoU. ~~Ii by (lit lIl" 11.... 1 OuUII'I ..tlI'll ~ufpm.",. II 11l1li been ~Il"" IIl1hl)' r.. r1lteliand l"tlltltllll&llll. 1110 ••••r.l .....nl. buve 100'oonHm,ooJaUun_ 'nr .h.llli nil. 111111,1 ...", l... n .... c..lId a"" ..-ulI,r), -.uAlltl'1l Inr~.._ r.. lllltrlulllIb, Ill''''' e-r ttll '''''llltnl'lI~ .ud rO"_lllU~ .11'",",.h.n -.t. 11,,,1'''' elppb.". 1nCl'e "h.. tI-.,..lralhllW "Ill III tIIrh",I,,,,, wllh prh.'_ Will"",Iblll'tll) ..ep....~ ."Ii dl.'lucl. M ••• lllIt ... ,011·

'1=:b:""~l'btIOb a' )11111' .... '1181"',1011 I U!.....la,.,I_ed In ."'''r,' 1.1. _Ilell ... I'., ,...,1 ,,,.. ~~.elll aulhl1u, ro'II'·(ln'Il¥I..II"dl.....tt· ..~ .:11bt' 1t"1"..! ..1 IIU IIM Ill. Ilua ..llal .'lhIlU~ u·J'llCl .....

'J1)MJWU 'J'. ]liDor, )I, U.,.wrop.,.,nc 1'01... .'.:.:


• •




I. l.·





In IS Ie,,"




Wbol I,. I'll ltet.IIU-LlL.U.&a IS-

Oll' POQ 1!1' SOUND.

BA nTLI:ITS COl..U)l~.

, ..

. "

l'OIlT TOil ~1l.::m. W. T.


~e Lowest Prices." I






TOB~ccoIiOigars!tT~BACCO,• ,. I. I

:/)0''''0 "na 'HI/.(low~"

-J'aMnhtg II'rlt7J/f"IIU''''S,I ,••


JYa'lIPnlu~r,'I ,1

• Ii j)I'HtJll l

And a Large a,tI!\Hrtnii!l1t. of 0 ...11.18 not.enulUen.h,!u, whicb '11'0

"'ill iell.llt

--,~----, ,

Women u Invent,on

, I

• !".\, '.

r ••

MIUlary .". .... Vol&.<!

In.! II! , I "" I .,.

all.1 "_ t .... f 1',,( ,10 I ....I~. It-, ..... ,"ul.",\"1 .. ,1....1'" _t' """""11.I" ~I

Whl!.ll. I\Qwvlil1lOt1>. our lo't:t II rm......,).On Ihl' rllil~.',1 bl1lol ,jf lif.

Tbl' "ltlb til,...tcbillt; lun,: .n,1 Jr•• ,)"'lib lri,,1 Mlllt I"IlQt r,l ..

,\'1' p"n. au Ibtllmll\OlUl!. J"'uu~.Olancilljl 1,,,,·,,.,.,..1In .."II, ...",I 1l1.11.

An" Illilb ...·lIb tlU hldllll.. I~,u""'iITo l't'IIU'1I 1l11\II""Hla .;:.ltl.

For btohilld i. Ihl' dll.· of lh...,,,"nUll'.In ,,1I1t1 rr..-hllt'1l11 """ ~Ifl.

ADd bf.fort M'" duub'" .u,1 "II. '.1''--.Aad tll;, I'hillalld gloom Ilf I1lgb1.

W.. 'II!1lN"l."r lh" IItI1l11~' 1,ltti'h'W~ 11"'.:'1',11'0 """,,1, 1t.1,. Ib"n

..\Ihl .,It. \\'1l~ " IlAol ..wlI.W 101111 111 101.To ft II11U "u,l b"lltll Ift"ln.

Ah, "Rin, IDlleed. i. tb. anini!Lill'·. JUlie. prF"t' till of •• Oil.

AIII....ho d...u ~bnult from lb.. l..~r.Or 1Mb f~r lbtlllllu"blnt' Ib"I'a Il llu,?

.llltl it Wit)' be. npl far OIl 11O'IIlra u •W.il '"irllr 111.C!t... tball lb~u.

Life'. ()lUb" nlll)' ,. ...1 I...-.d b,. lull ",.ll.'rlTbou'lh "I' 1IIa1 uul bt'Wn ....lUlL

For eorClrUU'tre apw.rd afttl OlllJl'utt

De our vatblll OQ tbe bill" of lilt!..111" MOil .nth • tadl4Ul d.-big

Tf'llil;ftl::llr.. Ibtl tulr.ud lli~ _Trif...AIIII our flllhn'a b",,"d .m Iud 1111

TM\derly IIpw.rd tblll; ,IIllbfJ Joy and peaOtt a' • fMIrer _til trI

UtI'Ullll tll1w!tiD __aln. ~

About ao.Jo .J.iwr;:;;r MEm..

"" ,. u' ,......... ,t 'I' .11 .. ·.,..~1,. 01 I"" looro. " "'11f'l h

__ ., I. 1.,.1.1 .....111"'11 I,~ tl,.101' __\ I 01 fifo I I) .M II tt ..la' " it ,.~ It..,,. .1"'': In 111ft.

:=: kI an,_,,.,, .~I.II; I u..... II.-.rh...111.. tl...-\... .~ ,t. ., , .. ..:,

n "'1",.1 " .. ho".u I'" ul b.. "'. 1I1' 't 1 1.\ hl""t

,,,., I,.. or III plill..."'" , ••,••__1 I \1-"

Mtk: 11\ Ih II,.. t't,,,,{nI,tl'" f.. 'lhy.Ikil I IV. 1.1l,J I" .h.-. h~ MOOtI

llA •• 1 1,1' .rt ( • ~ ,"1 h, It In 'tJwI~ uf ",*,14'T ...........:.H'1.:!lll IIWllj .....1 t,n I I ... t' liJ.t"" IIO~u l-..lt.w.1 It ,rd III • IltO~I'

Idill"" uA o~h ,:41l1 _a.- t4to '" br" ttlll\:' wIlI,..1 .,1 hoM ,.( III....ito" IIl1d 'ItU~j W. lJ t."".MI. t~ I'" I~.U••"d ..11111 ... , ,.,.-llllt OU 01.tl • ~1lI1t,. .~k" I til nlllHl.......d 1111 bun..lft. W.1I b a -h~ ~rtt!ril,OOO.OOO 'ur luh.llioitauu. In INlI, l"'dltJ ~~,.., I~lk.'" at ,h.t Ii".lo'" IItt tilt' CQlUIl ~·...,.Ut 01 tl... _.r &.I.~l h.· ... 111 ).. lvuuJ dUlu_~)'IUo" new, GROCE]')I I'corI &lit' Of" ~ • ~.. I-"e' t..,,-inu..r. :\u. a .Olua.1l ~..n ~.. 0111 \. :"',ul.r fo",... I.UlUUut<'d t, onl.,· tboo! iii t ill,,",' hI" LU'lon III III al. "1 (: Il(J ' I·:nI E.S1".000 1Il"n. In -"I uf UI...t hlllo.llII.. alill 1I1~ lite I'l...l...... wllb , """l' ,\'t1I.r tht' P~,I ..IlL talhl "'It :.\.000 I u ..S.I~.'r1lh~ .'mll u..n·r f.ll. 10 x· (.ll ()C F....ll.IJ~,~·plullu...1"1 f r tllrt..• ulonlh~ tu lk(~Ad cil~ lbr aJmiration aJ~1 _''1''aufIiiC of ,h..UW ~liul .'hich "u lb""atflu",l: and oIOllM!."H'. T~ U'OUbl8 with W'c.tlf'1I inill Ma, a fUl1.lh:r c.1I (ur 11.000 "1l.I Ihi..., in IlIMy Olller ItIlUh·"" b.. ~nI"ade. lu July ""0 calM fl\r ttOOOOO a i~ r th ~ t1...y "'t'I~ g.ttiuj.: out "f

Ieltctl W(1"e allLllol 1l.t'(I, ami...., tll·"11 thi.1I tb.·ir "ph""", .or IIle)' l»."!t lI~l't'r '~lougllt\'lIilt 101'(" prol'j"'\l ill.§ufticil'lIt tOI' the gl' iL w'" IlOlilll!.lle fur thelll ,to IHvt'nt.K"lItie Itl'u;glt! which Alllt'rl hatl 110'" 'Ille ~'OIIl"II, lJowe\t:r, 111"'8 "lnlck' out

It. is 8lLid that. Lowell IIIILV be IlOme cmhllrkl:!(1 ill it ,,'," flllmJ 1\Ci:t:lilituy to for tlllilllllt'l,·..... Iml (I1l~ of thel'6-Mn.•~il\ bf:f(l 1011(. ~~is w!l.e, wh~ \ntrOtlu<.:e th~ ooo8Cfiption. In U"toht'r, I~ Waltoll, of .Nell·York-:hM (.,?n.l·HIl.!'-rlO .....illn.. wu revolte eArly -t86~. a le"1 of 300,000 IW'n ~'Il8 or· tn!.luted a grelll dllk'O\'t:ry or lIl\'~nth)1lin tn{' Summer, i. litill in ddicatA:: h'ellhh. derecJ, ami in f.'c1wultty, I~G4. IL furtb ...r to (he ....Mlli. Mrs. Walton is tl,i'l hui..,auJ hilt friumlll sa)" 1.hl\t on her~..u.nL CJlll of ~PO 000 ....at IUAlle. t'in 11" ill whOKl' del'it:e hILi'! (,'Unt.ributr'll 80 eff~..'tll·.~el",y"90 ruUgn{~i~'~it~ ~"l,!t- Yle lit.~I~nlrl~ I '.M5, two'fllrtlh'r<" Ie"· lilly tow,,~lleAllenin.g du§ loise Of thl}~l.15~r to i\1& rut "He aL;o, liS I.ll w~11 il1 1U1i0unuug III "II to 500,000 meu. CVllU-d r&11:'road8. She hfUI bo'f'll tQ Ell­known, dislikei th.fl mOllGtony of h!8 we're ontered, Lut w're aul)· 1'lu:L.iI,II.v rope, and thild. th" Mtory Khe told a Nllw}lln.ce. Illld tb l>lf\tm't":'. of? Oil"\)' ~( hu ~,-i$ttoui, III ~Dtt'npenCl of !he oel!~a. York H ..!,nItT lepolwr: .·l.Iu~ ;ru, ,&Wn~ )(f.. tbowoll 11 the tion of hi>tttilities. ""ienumber l..'lllll'ti to "1 did not go tQ Engla"d," ')1,.1 W"l.poet',I KtlOOIIlI wife. She i~ 11., niecit. of n,. boY ~he GO\'f:lnn.llf>nt. of Lhe t,;l1it0 ton ~id, "io I'~b't\nl 10 .DlY devie~ fql' ,ell-Oovcrnor Dunillp, of Mam~ arG.! lira ta~~I&tWee.1I April, 186t, lu\,1 Apnl KLOpplllg til" 1l0l1le on Nllroada, but toIL.'lth·e o( the old college to~n wwa of 186:'), "mounted lo ~,j09,049, of whoul obtai.n 11 IJuteut<j1l KO~etlJi.llg U,elf I ho.v~BI·unswidc. She h&llsome talent I\a au 2 653 Q~3 were actuall ewbOOieti in the inven~ for lJl'eVl:utlllJ( dust, tllLlolw, l(lr1U1iat, skct.clling ,f'rotn 1I.~ure, but. more a;mi~ ]f to ih6ll6 be added the 1,100" :!IOlell from I>oLHonill!l t.he air where. L

h ·' - , I" 'FAN.fY'"...1 a 6oricul.urillt J and to er tute fLnu \000 Ulen embodied by the Souther' railroodlt, re running 'or fact~ita are, 1 ..l. U..lakilJ iii lllr~y que. t.~e.. ~u\y of .\tJ,l~ State.. dlll-ing tIl, Kame time, the total eDlittillS; foul g~iI.• :J?al,i8,(m~'C'r'1n~dpoei'l. \b'o~e In C\morldge, wbh:h 1880 llrmed (0rte8 reached the enormouS" not Hhut down the WlIlaOWI 11\ a rail;widely )mown ail :. Elwwood/' Mrs. amount of nearly 4,000,000, drawn from road (,ILl', "'~I~'n plll;nill~ tllr'll~ql~ a \UI~I~e,J,Lowell baa many .fr1C1I~8 here, a~d t.illl a IJOflulatiou of only 3,:!,OOO.OOO-:-~gures nor wilt ~hei'f ~ any ~lllt:ll1R the V1CI~­reports of her comtmued llln688 are beanl beforn which till! (:el~br&ted u(llllilng of il.y ()f gal work~, for Instance, ncar thewith real regret all~ concern. Lowell the FrefJca nation in I i93, or the rt."Cent oil work" alllunter'H Point tUe lIlome~twilL be aixty ~ of ebhr:u'J". 060"" of France and Gerllltmy in tlltl my methOd ill.pillied. 1 h'ave llcc~ledIf he .is realt;~ ,lJ oUle,. lie IUf:- wa.r 18iO-i 1 sink iuto in..igllificence. in .il'lTeVtting sOn:l~thi~J)o-:~ic1~ l' aliI not I

ary fnenda who oonte~latA:l a p~bhc A'}d widj'n tb'etl Ylilar& the ,wholo of goms to lh~rlbe mdtfth.ll'Untlt Rlilhy ~fl,.dinner ,,&lme.J\n e ear" '~m!or til ;RII t~eft WtNl veaeefulJy dis. Ipel1l am' llroperly tiled. (lll'his I Can tellill ~Ietil"l\"tfon '0('"'11i.1 blrtbllay, bllnd"d and tbe arm.r hltll iihrunk to a you, however, th:l.tl[ had my American"'hich ooourre:d llIl~t.,mo~~~1 I\Iig4 t w~ll nOl'mal'wtnlngtjhttf onlY 30,000., , p"tentll before] st&rt.e<'l' for England,hold oft' a while I~ntftrua celebmt4"tn~ , -- '- --- anti there IJ lea-med, ~ft6ll eleven dayst~o events., th@ bi.rtJld~. ~f two ptlf(t ~\ ,1f!e)y ,..,or\\ Vpde~aker8. Wj!N! sl)@nt in inrelUlItJtt .1If'..:&.rc.hinU, thlltwltb aIle g-faiul\deib'ol\kh.tlon. \Lowe I nodling like/it., bad evur been JlUbOlittoo18 ~1-~~ tp )lring.qom, ,wjtll him Ijl\lI.' The Grapbie hilS ulld"ltakell to gel. Ilt to til. Uritish lIou1horitieIJ, At. JeB8t 6ill~totviiJ'for ne. li'w!r6fy w'drk) The ot Illr the prolita of the metropolitall under· 1832. 'l'btlD J. retJit.iv-d Illy 1",teIlt withf"moWi men wbo give 110 much to the re. ~ke", and hlw fOllnd JJew ml:tllOOrlt of the cougratulatiolls of the .Brit.il~ oltl­Ilown ot .Bolton &re not Idle. Longftll. the pro(Olkion willing. to talk. One of <:ilLI&. A IIrolllwpnt J"wytlr ll8id to IllO,~w:. lfor.kJi' .~t ,etdone,·antl'lfOllWI tbese $111: ,"Yo~1I' li"llw York under- 'lL- is IMallge" inQot:d, thai a. womanthing new from hlW way be.expected ~- taker is Ii shmwd loan. He lIumsurt''' abou\d come all tho Wu,y froID AUIoprlco.fore verJ 10llgi Holmes, IS !.lulll, wJth bi. cWlt,qmera wi\h hi! !'J'e: jIond knowlI to .0Jve 1ll)l'OlJlolO which we Jlave LeenthattC.WQWI gold pen~ whIch bDol'HJre~y about how n uc~ to cbargu bl the cut of dillCu88ing ~~ many )'ears JWIJ"'I Wedone 10 much and lIuch noble lIOrvlce; !feF.· c1qthes. I£ the J>tlrlor he cntertl cotl!ider i~ ono of the greate8t inveu.Whipple., ja.at ~ork !P ~iJ ~u'et."8QJlI,. .(,I .. P e,'rl,16 and ia furnished with ~IJns of tli~ agb.J WHen, I get my O'!l\lt~at.l1npre. \diJlg ~iltle b.,cl ~~lllltt- o(ljronze hie bill will be ,810? fOI' an ~11 papers. in a very few days, t, sha1l b;ehtl on qUIU.t an~ PIC~U~~o,Pln~eQ.1 \f4nt, 'o~ 8160 lor ap\aduJt,. .If J~ 8IIotln, glatl to mnke experiments in th~ 1Jlre»,Str6et.; ~mel'1lOn I' laid to' DC! ~\oy fl'd- $60 more, et.c. Among the nuddle or enee of "ny nulnber of ex-pcrts {br'utherquentll: In the Athen...un.l these ~u,u,?n ltell.to-do cl~ plain covered coffins gentiemcn./' I ca.n" ilsHure you or tlli~W.~ book.-and pencdj Mdrlcll lin, witb ba.rs, - lll'iJ, al.ld h\,nlliefl., arfJ that with m methOd I'll bel a~ 10 to8'" at Lnm~,'y the a;ea a:,}he. ~~UJllmf;l' tbe (..vontea. ~ I'he wood ooDlJKIAing bunl any amouut of gatbage itl. or oU'1boo...' BeD':" L..Pierce, '6~I~litng ht theet coffin8 are U8Utlll, chesnut, pine, aide of the- cit.'1 and 'rio Illl~lI or du.tnew I~r,. ~hiuh wll1 ~I~ke' ll~ "Pp"Ilr- or whitewood, .n~1 QOjt., iUllluuillg their will rtllluif from'it. 111 ilt a far more idi~~uoo tblll }VltI~f 01;' earherj and Howells plltting toge\her, from $6 to $7 50j portll.nt invention than my device to stbp18 at h.la he~ home &b Belmont, at w~rk cloth, mtill. ll~ed for Iinihgs, nti'ils, the noilHl' on the "J) roads, wl)id I oon~ ,~n 1118 neW" n~vel: or _tory w.lll~h h&odl~ etc., e22 50, or ..bout $30 all lIider .. 'Very ordina'!'y one, "ri,t 'it will11 .IOOR 'to begm m tile Atln.lIllC. told. ~~or ice he wiJI charge between atrect not 'only this city' but the en\iro BARTLETT'aThIB hone. or .Howel~a bu. ~ever yet. St 00 and $2; bea1'lle, $15; attendtnta, oountry-in Pitt.l!lburSb, for inltallcOt .l: ' .::t

bee~ detlCnb,d. ~t. '*j-fQ\wellti Ute $16 to $25, and a round aUlD (or car- where volumCII of amoko from thOI iron .J I S Port To,unsei'ld~ of 1. m\.n W1UJ, cul~ re and .re- ria2e8 and the use ~f Itool"" making a.n fUl'naoes and millA continua.lly cloud tho ,! I' I, to ro VYtinement. The house .~da,.on hlgb Ilggrt'gate of abo~ $200. Some un- sky. Is it 8 wonder tbat a promine?t °WO ry .o·SPITALIgl'Oun~ IUld. eomtunda ."te . aTkabie "ud dert&ken own carl'1&g6l1 enuugb to un,...er gentleman of th..t cit,. baa been here m 1I U Hextensive vIew. , h :W;~ ~~~ •by tile lor a small fnneral" but as a genet "I thi" homl. llince Illy return from Eng. 1'.1., ,j

!llmo~s ~ewport.. an::bllotlcl>, cKel1l. h tbing the m"jorityof them do busil16M Utud to look into ~iJ, ~ttel'" ce~ ra.J Hotel htlitdingI~ bUilt III .tbe MH:alled Quee~ Alnne:8 wit.h ~rlain li.eryDlen, who di~ide ~th ~rMl. ",Walton, Jwho IJ ani in .ligent 11 'HeW;( 'of Un,ion WbArr,' ,'IDle.. co~~ ltyJe" ~ 'fi:r't "Ur~ \I them m the maHer of the camll.ge hue. looking IiIIlt.ron, uon the Ihady Hide ,of ! , . ~of ~rlckl.and the. aeoo~d II ~hJngled, With A goodly nu-mOOr patronue tbe wood fifty,"' lL8 8be herllelf Bta.tec.I, wu here '0·" ,. " I I' W rio~lfOl'Dla redwoOd.. ~or lUI 800n as coffin. mal1uf&l."turen, of which there are lerrupted by a rq~Jeman who caJled't? ,Port.l'pwDsend, .....-.built tbe bOUle bad a 'reUly v~nerll.ble six or IMlven in tb~ Oity. IThe1 call pur· talk OIl bU.lIlU8lI8 Illat~ II.n<lJ~e I"9P0'1el;' , " __'_look, and t~e efftlCt waa800~ hel"hte~ed chue at theae piscell cJoth-coyered coffinl withdrew. 'by a ~(y:s!on of J;.WIf1tl1O tV1 ft'1'O"tt'1Dg for $15 for which they eharge their Pl\- ,. , ThtJ lo'iuest- StocK ofu~ )\i.xuri fly lover It~, bricu The trona, ~fter lining thtlu and arrallging Tbe Heavlelt, 'I'alle8t and Oldellt'hoUIe 11 aurroUllded by broad, gen~ro~a other neoe_ry detailll, from 8100 to ~n. ", ,,'veranduj th"t. on the DOrtheaai,ld&-1I 8150. The platetl beMring the name amibailt cut and oovered?\1rd'here m tile daLe of dffoth, etc. 00lJt them but $2 60' TJ "Ileti men of whom record i.put Summer the hammock h.. ,wunl(. (or t.hiJ, the,' tax' tbeir cU8tomer $IO~ mAde were. It Ctwlllan named HailS &rFrom thit vt!ren~ which Howell. Cdl\, They charge eDGugb lor t.be uao of 't.bolA and a flung.ri&n lOJilier. name not giv.~~ ~ quvtf!i d~k," & magni6~nt vie~ at one runeral to bU1 a let. E"en tor 10, elICit of thtlpt bU,'g elewn ~t bigl~;111 b&d. AUractive and pecuhar "" II lhe box (or the coffin wbicb OOIU ~hem their wetghtill not known. The h~VI.the out.:'ide uf the. bouee, ~! in~or i. onl1 88, theT eharae "15. You 11M by Mi. man or whom reoord ill made W1Wf

DlOMi PlC\~llt'l. The,:, lIa ~ld., ball theee 6gurel whemn the profitl lilt. Mil Darden, thl TfNleMee giant.. wlirand a broad Sight of ltamleadmg Lhere- YOI,l mal Lhink it c:lU'ioua that 1 a1.Ioan ... ."en and on.ha.lf I t hi b aDdtrom kI~~ .oaboT.. To ~e left of underu.ker, lhotlld 'I k thu f~11 01 weiched ower on. lbouand pound.; hetbe hall 11&. ut.tiDS ~ reception roonlj the C:Nft. The ftd La, I hAve lonl1Jeea diM tn I 7, Uu.iol.1.aluben, lbe F..n­!rom the. "S~t•. 1000Iuna ?~t on t.11I: d~ wh.h Ute Ya, in wlitlcb ..IMler- ,tiM ''m... of fiatt,· .... 6 .... ftd. ud~\II.rter~, II \be dining rot:a &&ken of lhia eih hi,,, 1 cOlldac:lfnl ehl"'fn inch in h ·Jh\. and .",redF~ CIflt k). _ left., .beyond the,...~ ADd Ii" in bot. to lee • ..en litllndnd and tJairt1·.iae .JOWtd-.""IJUun NIIIID, • Howeth awd,. TbiI _ In .~ u.er. .... buried .... In·io lIniobeo! io ,",onlal "110 wi _.. dill, • _ •••0*1 c.,.... ..ho ...........u.ocI &leo•., ud tIoo bouk _ aod to'" ,h... ho aft, , '"fumlhl a,., in keeplaa. The wriliar ~ r II

dNk 1I iD tb. mWdJe of Uae~ aad ~, ~~':'~::~~:::in plain new 01 \1M ~"&ofT, w_~ J .;.j", brillionl 80 ridl plAn uod .... •.,uoicaI r.uw., ..hido..- _ tIoo __ Do'"~IMIJ' P.....urllnow wi ,.., lao • I I............ I..and la tIooir _... ...I..... IIlIo _."1M~_....''''11 No ___u.- ......1Ad,"''''. _\L.. _ia- _,.......ork .. 1'''''' '.. la tIoo


Page 7: €¦ · J. E.l'uuIJ NO :17. a. MORRIS HAI.LllR. GU Cosmopolitan lIotel. TTORoSlT "'~I) UOU:SSIU.LORAT LAW' Proolor in Adrnll'lLlly. liefloned, Itt.1 t:llllle vlm.Mand 110111 ...

And ...nlllac.u.rt....

Tnub tnr I'lanlll/if. M()ltllnlf and Tarn••«.CaUl" _""a"l, INa ...... 1'f~. a•••U

Itl••~.ra...W't:l'1 ".I'tl .'IM!I .. enllI!l'.AlIo.I.·ann 3bch1oerr rf1l"lNd on _lion. nOlIclo, Pu

,I~llkr .a.wntlmt .-hl &0 8011.1' worlt. MillP1d1.II\Il.l<I.nd r'll&lred,

[ron Ftmcing a 8I>fICialt.;t'.Ii..... "ro., Ilt'I"I't, r.tthl"d. ON'S."



P. SELLl~G,First and Yamhill8treets. PORTLAND.r.:orner


0.. ....

,:!~~ fl~ i.:

• ... c .. ." . , r.~


.. Q i':J c.:I .... I-~~UJ .5 ." '" = 8! f .. ~~

~• ~


....oS ., .., :Ii .0 "1 ..-

..J ;:.'" 'j .. '"",,::, c.~;::~ ~~ ~- ,,~c c • •

~.- 'co '" Ii;~!g e ... t.s ~~Q '"« - ~

c f I- 9.... •ca I t:::~ >,-=Eo. ... ." .:. ~~ ~] ~o... .. Ii - C',.!Il~~~ , j::I: 0 .. - .. ~ J. .. ~ ~ ~ ~ Qt-4 .= .= .. ca 'SCI ~~ .....l- e .. »=0110> -eo;::; ...,• ... • .. Q

~ i= ?::' "~

C~lo;::='i;: ... ~ <ll:= 'r. 0 ~'S.2si~8 ....~ ......


Offer for Sale at the Lowest Price8 Pos8ible,


Agxi.cultura.l :!xnpls:::nents.SOLE AGENT FOil JOHN DEERE'S CELEBRATE"~


Beer,Ale and:Porter




bUl,t; AOE."i l'I; tOil Tilt: l:NRl\·,\I,I.EIJ

ST.\SIJ,UlU 811rl EST\' OIlUASSII w ""I:~'TICr. " ('\).

~ltul<,I"~I.",,1·"n....l'l, l'I"f~,'n,

uem ONLY



"'1'0 BUY

Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries

src~.~~~>1~?~~~.?~~~~:~~~~t~~.:'~~'~ 36~IQcbPo"ta"I.FI.II"."dF,," M"l1b. Old. 8toflkF__ f1~ .~ 30-1uuh P .."t.al,t. n.ar aa4 F ••l1 Mil},._ 01<1 Stoall Fr••ell ....II 2f.·1.f1~ P.rt••,. Fl......el F..4 Mtl1... Old. Iteok Fr••e" Barl"ll'

1 3o.1allll 1. ...,... Do.lIl. Tar.i•• Water _"_I,I 360-1.011. E4IUp•• D....'. Tar'1•• W.t.o... W".o1.

1 40.1.0" £en.... Doull'. T ....' •• Wat." W•••J.Tllu WJO"6 jll!lt l'l'Cf'h·ed from mnnufacloryi lirst-clll811 in e\'ery N"KlJeC~ Send (Ot'

1'I'lCf:fJAnd d~riJlt.ion to ALLIN cC DLlfCK1l(\I,t 2:J·tf No, 10 Nortll FI'Olit Iotncl

lPOI'llawl. O:egoll•


Add... Afenw ..m• .u 011.1011 ,hortl.1.

rJames McMurray,

I\U r"'Itil I'lIll'd '" a.,. .1&1\11. 1 .

·n.. ll* Will.'; IlIe-;>noI (If IIl.lntel Inl_O _Mb III .n1 f&lIlU,. Til,) .." ht IlIoN ...1111 Ik/ual...YUl..... ln IOtllUlf. u 1\ III ""r-Ihl, "hunllne.tor..-.0- tot \11<1 bullOlll tA ,our hul.. Wto.... tllefVjJ _II" "_Ill,, Whlllll'l',r \"IKI ...... t'IIOIIl,,1I' III In._ .. of hUI,. u.-b. pmllr thtl '1111 bf'n,th "I l".

~~t1'~'lt;;~':"~..~,~"'-=~..I~=:~~....~~~l~hi'a or lur" wbell lIot••Ild .... ~I, .elJ."""I. liod:,.'"' or Mn~ .IIlIul .,11Ia1' Ib_1 v. bard 10 _..p

Sold by Agents lor 75c Each.

NOTI(;.: to t114' fra\'eJluIIIUlbliclThe .~ (;0 0I01lulluII& Ilofel;' The"ulle~ Ort'?.o.... ,,'Ill 0llell (or rhere4'eplloll 0 ~lIeSIS nn the ftrst. ofNonnnbcr. Hnu. "'If I. cver)'rhIIlKI!ClV "lid (":lfll:IlUL 1'1I0S. S:tl 1'I'''.~erlJ of tl.ltl ~lOpire Hot..!. "roJfr.

,J'f' I. '&lI."h~1l .,'" .... r.·IU&ll!Ol! .tl' ••wrUhllr II' ....1.111.." In "n.,. "Ih'~rll ..~nI.,,1 II, 'hi" 1""''''1' ,. ..... .-tli 1'(.""" ,n""...Ill'n Ih.. ""lUI'.r Ihl" I''''......

Ant''''' portllLle fnnlilj fl11il fhirrbt'Mt lItj'ICl, mil' he houl:ht fol' $."l.), byH~II.\'lll~ 1'1 Ihe I-h:& ollk,', Pllftl'Ill.I,UI'I'l!nll, 1111 :!1·tf

Remarkable Escape. I I HPf'11l it 11'" dill\" ttllu'llu"illt lIuO;'r­ill~ hlillUllli'J ~'ifil illl' filet ~I:"'l :"r. J.\-

Jnhn I.lwf.lr II Inll tine lookin\;( I't"\h~ 4Iii i~ til" UlU~t 1"'Il('t!('IMI n'lIlf'1lyFr.ndUll,tll, "'Itl'l IIl\ir 1:'rft'ClI~' wl.ill', l'\t'~ illtl~~llIl",tl; II,i" I. 11,1"(1 i'rrll'liclilly",hli It lJlrall~!'!'ly l'Ulltlllh~ ,,"'itll a fl\l:t! I'll le~r"tl. Fvr till' l'lUit ~IXtA'I'IlYl';lr" 1111'11.'!lUIl~. Von Ilf'11l1'11 out 10 Moll II1Ih·llf'nll. I<llrl;'fl ..1 willi l'I~"IllIl"tll'!llI, •• wIIIO "'.\'(''"':'"lIt r'"I'0rll r. 11,· i.e '"11'(0)('\1 1\1ll'1w. I~' til/I. I ",i" IIh.'1I n,I,I",..1IIf my 1Il;.:I,! sI I. II .. n.I·~ ""11 h. t\ ft'w lIlil.·!\ fl"lllil til.... .. gl". I', .\ dUll il" of I" 11."1' WIlullllm \".\ltll"u~1i hiM IUllr i" .... I\ltp , he i", oul)' :!:\ th,· IIll'lot I~iillrul rolli. ,t 011 111('. fur lhen.'I·Rn. IJltl. I" \',I'i'l"h'd,' I'udt nlld "tllll,ll'l I l'tlldd ''It'\l' IIPidl"f hallllll \il' f,'t,t I"j'( (' .. 1 hidl. Ih'ldt 1"Oll !.i,wllin ill tril'11 t!\I'r." kIlVI'!1 r .. 1\I1.. 1~·, tout hI 110j;1 L'l I 'lI'k'I' fur '1It,I('r's littll' bund, (llltil: lit lll~t ""ulrl.lOtl,v n.><'OIIIllll'I1,I~ ..1

'" Il'dl i.oIl.· '01 Iilt'ir 1it'lItii 011 Ihat lwi).:llt :-;' .•)m·"l,~ 1llluIIII I l~III,:lll~I.'{110 u·,".ll,SUlIIIUd''f ,11.\, At till' Iinlf' Hi" 1ftlt'n. !Hlt 1.10 lilt littlt' h'jIH' of 1·(·lId. Hn\ Ill).:\\ /1' II 1111' ti;I;L IH~llli 1Ill' pllck ~I'i\in ~ns hilt,Jl,\' m••·.l hilt' Il t.otd~ til" 1'11.1111'0 tli.dlf '11111,·1' 111 ..l.iIIl. llllli "lUI aUnl'l..l·11 IJ\' luilli,;IIt'lI. lilI.l liJ lillY I UIlI ",,11 ..lidludJIUI'l,. The 1~I\:k,'nc Wt're ~eVo'll i;, hartly (11L1.'I· 11101·.·. 'I'll" ~:'!1111 Mllll oflIululll'l' and IIl1llle,linh·ly Ioealh·rt'll. lift)' t"'IlI'" 11IIJ cUI"I'\1 Ill". ] ll(l~IAS un,\JlII) onl' ('l.o,'l"IIOf'fJ ,J,l!lll 1.1I(,fllrr. Till' St. Ill/llirRI·". PI..itl,.;I!Ult. K(tpr tll"RltA.'k th,· h01'loo11 ",hidl111'10111' Vo(l'lllhut lIfOr"l. Anotlwr hfll14<',"it' out kalltJle or l,riJI<" stood (,Iolle I)y,1"'.1'("1'1' 11005(.'1.1 a Illl"', I,ht.....,ll it ill tilt!11IIril"·1l ll1outh, jullll'l....1 upon hill LnckIliltl "'tlu'lI,,1 (\t a full S.l1ol" Tilt lilln).:flllll ."'l'lIiJl;; 't\'pre Ct"1u.c1,"l..". J.'lcf.. nr h",l0111\' l'll1le It. f,·I" ,'w"l... I' hen ho WIl..'4 shot.throllt:h Iht' Iwc'kj ll. Llillet plowed hidc1H'ck', 111111 thc Illilil\II.l1 were fl~t. c1fJI'iu,l.(in RIIlI hl""diMg him on: Anolhl'I' bul­h,t gtrHllk Ililil iI'l tho thigh. He killed:th,·lH'tU'l~t. Inllilul, uut it. WlL8 flO tiwtlto liUgl'I', for hl) WIUi Iluu.h'd vIr on both."idell, IIml1l ,lel'\I, )'/1 wilillg prtcil,icC'1 :W tff't$t WiUll I"1l8 IJe.fore Lim, Th" 1.1t.>tijJCr-llito' hoy Iw"dt'{1 fill' the ChtUlIII, rtl.t ll"r

pref"rrillg dcuth aL that. '1.Ia.cc to Jeath'thu 11.I11lfl!l of I.hl! (lillian"" Ul'giug thehOMill to hiR h'Io(IH'1I1. "peer! lIu madu thet't'tIrful leap nn.l cl~ll.rc<1 Ule 1,'111', but th('1loula hOI'Iot! fdl Joull n few "I\l'<!a f"'JIJthe \l1'(.,<:il,icl', t'illdlt"li Wilh uullclS. Johncrtl.wleJ irOIll untler him anll ItS Ill'"'Mrtl'll to I'un WI\.'4 Ilhot. in the botl)'.Half a lllill! dillLnllt Wll.'l B. !.M,lt of tilllUCI',.....hOloi(' fdenilly Ilhllhl'l' IlO WBfj tlft,kiu",11<1l'I'footetl. w~ll.k, tlntl ftioillt- from 101lJol ofLloud, Rull tltu hullcUt l'llining "ftl'l' him,lhe buy keJlt on Wilh all the MIIt'OO lH~

could o\'tlr tlw pl'i\ kl,Y 1~1l11i anti Ilhtu'!Jpoillll'd S!.ollt'li. The Illilianll Htopl'cd 011t.!Ul otllel' hide of thu IJI'l'eipicc, and theboy IlUt·c«{~tI,.,j ill lIlllking the tilnb~•.!:Iere !If! Illid tllrt:e utly, without. food orwfit,;f, fiud \'('I'Y weak from the lOllS ofb'OOl\. The fourth morning he lit"Ot upand Ilttf'lllpted lQ walk, but only walkedlifteen ai' ,"wrllt.y ft.'1,t, when 1111 "I'll downexhauBwfl, Th~ Crow rndidonB I:I&Whim as lie (ell. llIf'l le sign, "lid st&rt.tdtoward hiM, bllt. ho lild not. know l\

Crow from a BiouX", and eml'lied hill re·\'lll\'er Ilt t1lPlll. The Crows tilltllly callieup ILnfl took him to Jwnu'll conu88nd.Arri\'ing thct'f!, the hO)!'1 lolr! him llillhair WRH .... I!ill', lmt h~ did not lll:lie\'~

them ullti!a mirror Wft.8 procuretl, andIl~ WlUl llVl'nllt..'ti to timl that IdH hair,which ti\'e liayH before WAll M blKck lilt "

rtL\"tm'8 wing, WWI now wLite aN UIOW.

II" WlUl taken on a lltfMmoon.t to [?ortL.inoolu, where he remaiued th'e month,i'tl the hOfljlitul, Rnd tinully l'eco~'erinSI

tlrifteJ to MonlAllll..-Hull!na lndepoll'dunt.


8.&1'f F1I4S018CO. Oct. 21,nan DIII'ATtlB.

WlIEAT-}"irml)'llI,ld but-quiet "ilh SWIIIId.mllud.

DAHL}:Y-}o'"ir df'mautl "ud IIlpaily.tOUN-LllfH8 ,,,Uuw ltOld at 900, Small.

$1 00.}'LOUn.-Qulet but Ilrm.WOOL-Af!ti'le lI·it.. blgbtlr pricell,O,\T' Jo'o:!w. cowmon 10M lit $1 00.HONl--UlIyertl hoMiuy: olf. bIliUllIy: mAr-

kttHIDES. etc,-Stlt!',ltAItUSS-OboIOtl. t'l 00 Jlf'r bol.,SUOAUS-Ad'lll.uced Mo Rlltlildfll !tutl

Uc 1f1ltllrd,,)'; C.liforul••!rup 100. e".terntlnobIll:I~lld.

COn·EJo:-Dllarer. X@lc.])ACON-lll hl~hl!r.All etllllled I;(»)d~ _".,melng, M"rkllt,"f.

luted by bell')' dumlllld.11ee"If>hl VIIAt 24 boullI-lii,OOO qr Ikll

tour. 45.000 CUI wbellt. ",000 Utili Olltll.6.000 Ikll potll.toe•• H1.000 dozen eSlftl.

CUIC.allO MAIlItKTlJ.Otuc.aoo. Oot. 12,

BACON-...bort ,Ib 11(1111•. $5 oIS,Wm~A'r-$1 ~O" paid for No.eDlbtlr.PORK-f;1U ..0 lJ14hl lor .Il1l1UIUr,LARD_f8 27y' pllid for JMDItW',.

!>Io:W 'UIHII: MARltlTM.

lbw YOR«. Oct. 21.

"lillie 'Or.Hlllel" " ..rk~l.'"'~ '.>\1"....1,,1 '1"'Il.l<ll,,,, ••dl'N....lIl U,. whol6MJ"

ra~ fnlm "n.III~'" ur n"'l hll.t,.Jt :FWl'I\-II11.ubl,· In lobtlllljllQulat: 81&1t1llll'l'l bI'1WI'I~,

..-; 00 '$!I Ml: IOftI colln~.)' !J...I\\l,••, ~1't ~\,WI",r1IHll, iP t(),jlio! lItI

l\'oot.-\'lIl1~". ~l-1J; l.IIIVIIlA.IJI",2'; f...u41nl ON


Wll~l'~;:t:.Il. \~~lr:1~~:l!l~~ =lnll,.1 I~l'O'J'ATut:lJ-!Jllllwbl...~ ~lk Ilfr 100 I.., ... t<'

X1D:~:.'i~~~~~J~i::'I~:·I~~'fet04,. D; fill•• I~tli' 1IIIi'"

BRAN-.Iuhliillil' ..1per ~ll. Itb,O.\1'::J-t·."I. po:' l.IIIul&I. 'I ll,tltt'l lb: dlllioe ......Ie

"h:lIl'lBM.,'UN-ltldM,ll(,IOC; "Ullll, It.lac: Ihouldtl"l. [email protected] ~<'\l". Ilc: Q<j,," III UII_. lIuBU'M'~It-We'111tJW " ..0..... dairy .\ ~~c: IfOUlI trutb

"..t!, ~'9lIt!'~l<:; onlhl")'. I~h,c, _hclllu "rlu ..rlIUI,<I: ~...,,'m·'Il. I~.I~ ....ukd .l.oelMI.1;C"U'''ml.frNh rvll, :'~i<',,'t.'\

UIV "11,4 NC,,",C.::-.=,:.--:••C.C.=,C..",=.:-::.C ,;.-n I"~

U"II.. ,"I "' ""'11'1••RI. r \1.rhl'I'"'''''' al I.' 1111",11, '1"(" .1.1.....

toJ ';1,· I" .. I, Ii I_I H.I. :1 ,j~

Nl t U , ....... M,·". hi II' It. "., •. :''c; Kl.. , nooll.;

rr..,':"·~~~,:' ,~7t'1~~,\n ll,·......~ I"'\N ...... ·00, L.a.'1"".....11,··\,", I 1·~~. ,../, r, ". ,I.' •

~tll 'I"" ,,,1....·11 1_1.,,1, "1~1''''; l ..4,lt" (',I .. II .•'1 , hi hi, I''',,; t·n!>".1 Itt.l •• I ~'. 1011,,,a., 11'-;1,11"";\0.1101,,.1"'. ul ~,.. III~; llr-..uub....1 bbl.I'~. hi 101.10 I''t'',

~'Itl I'" -'l,..oUb~ ..1..:..,10 bill.. /ll.lu Ul hl.. .,..1 a.:...h, k.

@;\IUJI't.· Qr ""'If, I ,I,I"'"•• I~"·,'UIL" Imto.....) I....'.'. ," .. -.I,~". hl~n VI .., ,I~I"

lotr I.'",'. ,1\1 • b",lIoollll_l. ,~; ..... 1110 .. 1'1"'~'. I"UI' l...tI, 'I ill Ill, >:W"''', 'I" I toll,lur1"-111,,,•• t .

l M~T 1'V" III;K-I~<tl..:II)·.1~~ 11 , I" ).»";:'.)1 fI! 1("_, .. _.... "culn. 1k ~ ~ ~

""I'~._""""""I"n:>otllh'blk, ':t. \,'","",'j"'JN.Mf).lktt...,.uc hI bill. II ~,2Io11,I'1 C'o,f' {,Q_.I.. >1, j"....h:.. lll 10111. '':I $Oi\'7: ,.... ';(.18'1,1~..-t.,I. lit...., .. h. bill. 'I '''''I':!; I."" S~ !Jt),,!'l," Ih-"I~,nll'1oUC ill Ill, 'I 6vtIIJ r.t; UI , .. Iltiok>,\I1~..u"l. ,1,,_I~ In "Ilr. 'I 7~ flO.Ml'l,llIIl, ...... to"' .., " hili, 'I~ o.J......,~",1.O WI,I\.4l, ,1,,"~Io' In blk, .1 ~1 !.'l; III e,f6 Oo.t.>D '~J.

~::~:: ~;::,:.~,~nl,~I~flt~lj~:: In:i ~rA'lJI.I,g-•.n"").I~\, .. I·I.k «. !ltKj~. 11:; lI..k

!I'l~~ ~~i,':,r;',~::r ~i,~"~jl~\o:~",' f(\I~''''Il'' ne,h.· r"''''''' ,'"IT, III ,,( ('I'11.'n bnl.lHI. II( .h,_~I... _n.1h,:... , J. II CUliur. lllil 11<"1r111111 lOlIl.It)'. m.ulI.


ClIU.S l'III-')'S AI'II'U, IlX"irU 00 pIlr bt,(:IJruC\l, #1 ,I!JO I",r ......1: U"Ull~, ,:I 6OIdt~ IU

'"'DKlIW yltn~"I'I'lu: .UIl IIn.,li, tt,tle; nllll:llIn"

~:-I:l:" 'lirl~'li~'f~~i~';"'l~;~'~: ;~r:~ .~'~'("'.;"S:~:l'::!lIIIlIJf.

:~r~T \~lr:,~.'~:d~_,....... ft 1>0.."'.': ehiekellll UtJ..w.t.

cnn:'it;-O""l"'h 10 ,t1~~C: C.Ufl ...nl., 10@1Au.

::~£.i~~~l~l,r..:~~m,:;iit'~ur .1I11""r 1& 1tHl, 01\"Ihlnl .oIf I." "",I". 'h.l ••1"" """,\1111'11 \>G' lor cull.

TA.L!,l.)\\'--l,'Il·'t"',le .ll>lot:'I"1l1l~:~:1' t,1\1I ,,·ttll/Ill, ttoliJ e.II"" _TIlIl"lll)' bill....., bllrln" ., tl(Htl2 pIl' \.(In

..nilBI::I:,-··I.II, ..ellfht, ~l ":lie. lor lGood to ,'''0.11'11.

n~"~I'IAI, A~IJ CO.llltt:IH':UL

The Royal Library ut Pads.

In 1739 th" Royal Library of P6LliHCOlitain&1 HOO,OOO volulllf'fI Illld ohjeclft: t"t'fy Ilt8Criptiml. III 18ft!) the num

r "'''''' J.~OtJ.OOO. During tho IMth'''nI1 yt'ltn t.l,,~ inrre&Se hAIl been more-IUIIJIt'. IIllI till' ACtuul IIl1mber ill etlti._lI!rl It :1,000,000. Tho OICQJl anllualtaer.-IO

(rmll It'gal IlrrICllUtIl ,,10M ill,000, Of tb~ 2,000,000, about.

~,OOO art" df'Yo~od to "'~llch biltory.,000'0 tht"OJ0lf1, 00,000 to lICif!na.

~ phllOlklI,lly, 00,000 to lIatllral~. Ilnd :W.OOO to f;nglillh hiltory.~ '" l('r Jl6rt 0' f','ueb and Ellglill"-.orl<'ll.l arJd ruP.tlil'!a1 work a~ arl'Ia ill pnlllf'li IJ t('matic cataloguf'a

ill. Ihe bant! o( the puhlic, Intban IfOll "NMI the wbole of tlte ct.t,..


~Ullin iI~ thil cit! i, liAid to 111"'0 hi.all tlit' rigbt. "idt" Why not. I

111011 hll.\tl it em th~ wrong lIifle I

1'(,.n.~IlIl. 11rol-'her::::l. I~~1.....1 U"""-'" lu I'. III III, l'II)Ul~.I""'...,·i .. loU.l

.1 ~.'I-:. r" In h. run.n,lln. lailkt " ..."".t 1 JOfr ,,",,,,d"'~" II' ,n l.~

1-" I ",I..,,:\",,, 'r... ,..rill I I"' I'O.UI I'"""""'t ,r"I"'.'·'~I""",.",;O'_~'.I" loa I"-r "' ••"

100T~:_I:'::'II" u..,,~.r, ,.., :0.,_ ,•.,11. II r"" I I"""••\111...

Kit....... WtII''''' "","rLLOllJ.tOIi. October 1)1 -FlolUllg oargOf'.t,

IMwl drmer,OU'lJOl'll on pa....S. and to Jlmenl,

'lfJ lillie iuqlllr,.Good wb~lIt cari(llell elI cout ptlr 4.SO II.

Ma rillW&gtl for lldlitrIlAocount.!PI8 nlUld 2y'per ef'lll oowmluiou, No. I) Spring. GSI 6dRell Wlnlll.r, 68~: Cllliforul, 684.~~.UPOO". Oct, 21.-Whtlllt. on spot.

Li'lUI\OO1 llpot, maize, quid,


Page 8: €¦ · J. E.l'uuIJ NO :17. a. MORRIS HAI.LllR. GU Cosmopolitan lIotel. TTORoSlT "'~I) UOU:SSIU.LORAT LAW' Proolor in Adrnll'lLlly. liefloned, Itt.1 t:llllle vlm.Mand 110111 ...







Constantly on Hand th.


Choicest of Meats



Alai), t,;orfl,',l B"l,j IIm1 Pflt\.". ~lnok(',1

~h'l1f~. I'll!'\" lUlll 1:.·h~,Ul Hnl1~ll~~~,

IIrl1l1 CIJf'I'~" TrIpe. &e., &c.

L. 8MI T H & F••( E R I1Y

Opposite ,Washington IIote!


NBW S'I.'OilRGeneral Merchandise

I "'. W. MORSE,(I,'" n"n':nn, _ . _ 9{" 'r

\. if" l'rn \ ....'" .~"Il("ht. IIn'I 11'I,l1.1"- fll nil ~ In' 1'1III III h."It>llhll In""'~1 \I1~lll'l't "'.


A'n ~O Hi~~1 N



Fargo & Company's Express

Facilities for Purchasingthe Leading Markets are

Superior to any.

]\('('/1 (()lII:1fallflf/ on lJwlUl






COlisilitillg ill patt or

Furniture, Lumber, Doors, and Windows,W.1f CONS, ~..W Findli of Buililing jlJuteriul

l'nl'1ning Implements, Saddlery, g'o,And will Sell

CHEAPER FOR CASH,Than any House on Puget Sound!




THE NEW WILSONOscillating- Shuttle

SBWING MACHINE10 wondorful In Its conooptfo",. un·

precodantod (or doing 0 Ie-rgo r::anzo of80wlngln lextlle fabrics and loather. 1t3motions ore continuous. ndmttt!ng of ane"tmordlnaty rato of splled, olther bysteam or foot powor. C! wary motion or thotf'lllldio makos sir. slltcha" thul ptodUCl4Ing about ono·thlrd moro work In Q daythan other Sewing M8chlnc!J, It has no.top malians, and tightens tho ditch withtllo noodlo out of tho fabric. It uoes lho

well-known Wilson Compound Food on bolh sidell of the noodle. Ith •• lwo-lhlrds Ion part81hOn any othor 111.·010111 Sowltla Machine.lteormillfullyoight and ono"hntflnches long and fivo and ono-halfIncheD hl&h. and the whole Maohlno I~ wery compactly and solon"lineally con5tructod In proportlens, el0Gftnc:e, dotllg" and oppecr­8noo. Ita slmplo, pOworful and parted mochanlsm Illacc. It os forIn Ddwanoo of oil other Sewing Mllohlnes M tho telephono la auporlcrto tho tin ,peaking tuba, Tho WU_GOW Mi::"DIPJC ATTACHMENT,few rClpaJtlng all kIne'. at t ••tlle fa~rlC8 WITHOUT PATCHmc, (UI"nlshed "R~E with all WILSON 6!:WINC MACHIN~8,togother wltl,• Tuokor. Rufrler. Corder, Sot of Hommere, Blndor, otc. Prices fut.."I.hod wllh freight ehargcs propald. and machlno. furnl.hod ontrial 10 responsible partloe, to bo uaad wllh oteom"P9Wor, 'n plo.ccllJwhero we hove no egont•• Gonet for lllust,otod CAtatO£UO Rnd P ..leoLlat. No. 230.



Cll.1~. C. B.l1U'LL·1'1; .i1i'Old, Port lV/vI/8mc/.

TIre 1vilf. gl've nnel tlt!,;e Exclutnue 011

SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORKAt the 'II/,ost LilJel'nl Disco'nnt.

,\ 1'l'I:"\'! II ~Ol un:I:'~ A 11LJlTIIIXAI,JlO.\I~:'''TY,AII'' ctlll ,.. ' 1'1\':llHI up"fj :111)'!uwl•• "Itllcr 11Il.:ll! 41r Iluuhlt- 1II11lllUflIIlInlfll~. JlUI'JI·t·! to hnln,.·II'url \\IIHhl'l' tilll­ho'l'\~1 01' 11.11. nud Iru\'lll;! till' (udy /11)/1clu",~ (1"1"'1' III rhl' 1~'lllltl.\, lI'n" ,"-,,1,· Ill'·rlflj!'cl'II'III~ wltll Ilw '"I,.lt' 1111; W'lllll'IIll'1llu WI·.lt'111 \\':I~hlllllll'll:

J\' ~Irlckllll,,·h. ~':lllil".101;11 It Wh.·at,OI\·H1l1ln .G. ~1"1'r1~ Illllh:r. 1'1I1"I'I'''\\''''~1I(1.III'lIr\' ,lnck~IHl, fill'lllllUll·1t ('It\·.

Wh" will 1'1,1\'1' nu 11.IIIti. III "II t1f1ll'~' Ill)'llI'rll' Ii.r L111' ltl'I'I"UIMhll,,11 Ill'lhl''ol' III'.thllll! I" jllln'h:l"'. Ull1ll' 1111,' HI'i;:I.:.!;1Iwr II\'rt' for "'l). 1I11t11:!!I:. rlllll t:1.71i ''''I'111,'11' ',~r :0.. ; frnl'llt'lI 11 "11t'C!ul. ,\t'''"II'flr.• wlll!t'ul dfl"~"1 'I'rll'l IWH\\'11 II' 'f1"'lt~'I~II, I~' U"I1I'[1 III 11111"11 II·.· ,:rl'-': hur Ilt,tllll'C,1I1 Ill' 1:1\"'11. ;uull•• hI ,'/lllr-l'. 1111I./,Villlllhll'. "d"r'] t':1Ii 1"'Il"TI"1l frnlll 11'1,lId!.!lllulnppr""lII0l lilly low" :l","III'll lJy'l'r\pt ]llm'IIIII"11 ul lill', IH 1 IUIIi' 1"Ilt' hu,\'tr.ml lItl., 1'111;111 1111' "l'I~lfnIIIlOlI\I'''Jr·;uI,·r,fllill kwm .,.1" It' H. u.ldn.... 11111I h'r jI ll,~~1

11 lilli' 1)0' 1'1'111,11 '(I. FilII 11l\"·II~·111"fI r~

If~lc"d Ilml r!ll' wnrth fli IUy 1':11"'111111' h'lUl'III'll, I ',til 11111111 III 11'1'1,.. 1111\' II( II1+'j:CI1,It'llI"lI 11:11111.1 t1hllY". 1\ hn will ·dl ,\'1'[1

lhl' 'J'111h••t lI1MIII"llitI Iltlfllt"!";l,1 ~1'r11'",1114'11 \1111 l'll~lfll' .1'f1U II pllll'lIl In ~·"n,

1:11111 1I~ \\'4'1' 11'4 If fl"I'rld lln". 1t1\t1Itl~0 110.l'IlI':lI'1!'ol )"'111"111 1m" It rot' 1111'.

D. II. '1'.\ L1~o'r.Ucu'l J.llllll- ....:l'lpAI tl Wllrrau, Bt'1I1.1'r,

:-llol1:!C Olty, 111\\



& CO.






Whull'lllilc IIlltlltclll.lI Uctllol'lln


Pioneer Bakery,POH'I' 'I'OW~~I::XI'. 'I'. w,


,,"I k'1 '!(I~O\. I'.. '1:l



~UlL srmi\~ISIIlP CO,


'V1J~;l!II;,E,\\'E ON 1'Ulii }'OLLO\f1NG

Qcl II OCt 111" '2i .. an

XollJ SO\''!ljl.H>c II J)uu 11'1----_..:.__..'-',,'--'-~

1111'11vet. 10 On llrrh'll! Oct '!(l

trl ~o IIIXOy SO •• 'ti.l~~ IU llcrt 10

===:,:"==~==~====1"-"-. ~'I'hc;;e "'tealfi~hll.a le:t \'0 Victoria n: !Jflun

all tile lIllY ndYerll"l,)(1. '.1'lcket.iJ 1l1't: gool0111)' 011 the .tellfnm I'flr which the)' Il.I'tlPlll'\:llIl~\1. lI11tl aI'\! uot trRll!!li.:rl\1)lc,Fare Irom Port Tow/lsend to San Francisco

Firat Cabin, lB20.Steerage $10

Reduction In '" Fr"t~hl. - ltl'reMIt'r ther,,'l:.thl'; whh'h. ll~ lit'&' tllrlft'. h:l\'(' Iklom tl.lpcr ('11I wlllllc 1'11:& rgl'~1 :It .'\ per tOll.

W FrnlU :t.lfd Mll'r UIIII t!1Ul' nil IMA·OAGE of r·lI~..'t Houlltl IJ/l"'''Cl1gcl'll by r.M.~,:O;. CII'II~WI'tll'l'1l vln Vl\:lurlu, willl)l' lUlIlI'r Cfl~f()fIl IIHIl~ Pl'll!. II.IlII \rlllNOT I.e "ub!t'l·t. ttl cXllInlw\tlOIi It)' OlllO­tOll! 11011"'" u'uthurlllc'I III SlIll lo'fIllltJIF\.~"

For fl'ol,l(lJt or 1}lu;0l1ge RP\)I)' 011 bonN,or to II. 1,. 'I' nHALK,

OOIlCI:11 Agent fol' l>t.lget Sound.Port 'l'OWII"+'IUI,


OPlUM, n:A,mOE, SUGA H, 01 L.

And ell 0 n 0 1'0.1 ~[orolullu.u,",c.

A.tI' 'he,. kffP lit (·IIJII"."ttlllJ..~.U·Cl uJllrt

"'nlt'r !"t.. - 1'0rt'l'{IwlIlC'l1Il. W, 'r.

and boW" to obtain them. PAlDflblotn.'ee. upon receipt or I:)t&mp Cor ~t­qe, Addr...-

OILMOIlB. SMITH & CO.&It'd""'. ftl r."",-.

::-~~~=K=M=,~r=",::::n4I~_. _"_'_"_""''''~ Do a.

PLAIN" FANCY JOB WORKEJ:l'4,:Uttt.l It tJle AItGt'8 Orne&.


I A8Illlerand

Ohemistof lIlfts3-



recom­mend it

I 110.

r-ea'triumphIn medi­



lS"OEl'EN"IH::ST onD~~n OF

wilt CblUlP the hurll 10 n JJItOWN

nr Rue at dllC:l'eUon. Udll,. In

olle pnrparatlou It •• ellfll,. 1II'Il11.II.alld pll'OdDCN a permaDllnt "'0101'that will not .....b orr.



_D,&aAt aJO bI

pltbU, '.1' on!' twenb7N-fl. ad .. lbe be.tpreparatlon e,e!' In_

Teoled to!' ReSTORINGonAY BA.nl TO )T!'I


It .uppllu tbe aatu_ral tood "Dd 00101' lo _bohall' ,land, wUboQtIItalllJllI'thlllkin. itti'mlaerea.. and tbleken tbe.rowtb or tile balr. pre­,~nt It. blaDcblllC andtltolllnlf oft', "Dd thn,


Iteare'lce IDI" Erup­tion. and DaIl4roft". U• RAnt DItES,st'NO 1&t, "1'7 de.ll'llbht. ~I¥tn.!r

thehalra.lJken fottn...whJd! all Idrnlro. ItIlMJMI tbtl head dfl&ll,••eet anll bMlth,..


J')U'':i'...'UJ::D JI\'

I. P. HALL &. to., NASHUA, N, H,$oW h &II 01"" Ia lIl,dlclt. •


:oI,un:a. 011"10&8, P.o. ADDRDB.

X. I). 11I11, • <t, W. C. T. Port Townlllllld W. T51"t I.. C ~1\'ort....G W VT....Sl'fl.!tI......W IIll.obertlf..O WTrcaa •. I'on.TownMnd ..Allen Weir WSoc::t'y,.POI·1 Town'Wl.ml ..N 5 l·nrtcr G A SElct')· Ol}'lllilin ••~.. Kennedy ..08Jllv Tum &lmllcbio, "Ife\' n J Shl\rl),.G ChAp.••• WhitOl Ill\'Cl', ..\V J l:olktllt 0 W llRr ..•. l:nul1Uvllle ..Slil L M"o,\hnOIlU..tl U)1 .... DllllgCllt ..81"" AM Illlld!., G Olll\rrJ •• P't. 'll'''''''lKllliJ, ..Jno 1l Carr.,., 0 lfclIS601ter "., 1.o1Ml1.); {,'Illvllrt ",. ,C, SCntlnol .", 8cRlllu.W. Rn.yl>ollliJ ,,0. GoUIl., ••• ",,:fllludmll, n u

II ~ \.Ioi." lIe l\.tOt ,hil~. pro 'f.' T~le

I\Uldilig Ill" tilt: lifllt jll.rt 01 dltl '''llIl''­

tiOH l"lli!~elll" thtt posililJilil.v nf til,.l" ll .. ul IIt~illJ: ill thot oOllllilioll Ott·

'rilt.d ill Ihe !"I.'('ollli I" rlif II. TIlf'r~

IIro IllllUJ mell who bave 8rellt tlu.irli"c:!l ill Maill~ wllo will 11111 lI)rru

,.,ith tk. gentle min that prUhibltillll/

i. not" IltlCCCI!l. There i. hilt ,me""lIr of r.strictinl: th. Ul,ott of illtO),1ntllll.:' IitlUUrii, :oll1J tbat IIi by 1I111i1.iugiu "'nle II. crilllill:ll lu'linll, ArIlU'tlIlttlt lilts not L,."" ftlun" ,·t'ry ~fft'c·

ti"e, Thete llre laws IlKltil1st Inur·

dur, ,rIlOIl, robher)', uml ,II tlth~r of·

fllllilUs, but thel do flot IJre1'lI11t til,. Tho Lowest Ratcsfor Cash.COlllltlililiion or the orime,; yet W6hardly thiuk a IJriti6h COllliU! woult!ati.,i ..e tht! repeill of tllllse Ia"s. The111.",1 Illaiust gll.mbling in OroJ{lIn,

while they do not ItOJ! the rilikill,ll ofproperlY loud money Ilt gallics ofehMllce, .:iII keep tb. games frllll

!J.i"g contluctad op.nly, ami our)·ol.Hh are not fltlnililtr with the eightof tho' vic., and rllA'arJ it with Il. frel,

illg of drud; but. becllu8e th~ ~Jlort·

iug fru.tllrnil! viollltO the laW', 1"'0 UUknow of any person outside of theirresponsible parties who wish thll WINTERstatute rellulad. The liquor tIeal.

ers oi Maine no doubt think the lawis not a suce.... There is lome in- The slllendlrJ il\lcwhl.'CI

consistenoy in the minorit,. a8sertinJ.r StClt'lIlSJlll) CHI N A,that the Inw is a failure, lind still -IOGO'1U:\IIi.working for its repeal. I t is too Lad 2100 Ton" n. G. }'Iun~.;, t.'OXXAxmmthlt lh'l majority of tho citizclls o( II~hill6 Ilt6 80 unintelligent as liOt to 'V A'k"I.I~~;,~il~Il~J: TII~ U,\?'ES itEm:

be able to understand the aituution -------;---------­II t1l. Dritisher does.

"1'1'-., ...& .. w." &~ .u .

Sf)' j'G




The (ollo.in~, Irom the lONe"~otlb"UII'" of Po1'tlllnu l Or' l ill

pithy,ad to th. puint: •uA llritish consul ••ys a r~sidcno~

o! (ouneen ,ura in M.ine has gi ..cnhim unusual QPportunities (or slud,.ing ti. wbifiky qult:moll, alld hgliu II~ b.sitatioll 'II ' ..affirmingthat, wllb tho tuception of lome lao.I.t~ "ilt_gll, lb, )Iaine prohl!Jitiotlla"', i, a r,ilcare in the larger towosand ciLl"i that lhe actual good 11rna, b.,.e dnne haa befn mOt. Or

I~ OOlJllta,lJal."ntJ by the hypoc.nty.Dd conMqm'nt d~'monli1.&lion

o( a cl... wbo, though llominally andpoJiIiC&Jl, prohibitiOllistl, at. DotCOotfMia, ic lheil COlld~ct, aad o(

S.·K~E I.-A ('itler mill, WillI sCI-e·ral smalluo."s lIellr it .rlll' I "'nh

lUll: stra.. Tbe cider i!t lIuthill~

L.UI IIp!,l!! jIJic(',St'lL's-.: 11.-.\ (ArUlt'r', kitc!l"l1j fill

CVt!uiug in willtcr, lind • CblW..rh'

flllllil~' ,rroup "ith 1'1CI&-e:Olll ..urrullIlu,

illga. Here are II!,pl!!s and IIIJIS. Llllli

pitCher 01 ilJ-Ittrkhllg cll!ltr, "Th.enlet bu Leall kcpt !tweet, yuuL:no'f\', Iud pre6cnell from JtrOiCHIII'

liOIl," It foalllS at thl! till' o( theJotlas. and a 11I1ltJl terpell" lurk beIvw, The (Itt-her doci lIut percCli\'~

it, "I~e h. might "'idliluid it frUlll th~

manls looking boy "ho drillkl it 'ill

tagerly.ScE:f1i: JlI,- A urlt CIU5 drug

,Iore; It youth at. the coullt.r. tos

iug 01T II gluss o( soda ..... ter, withIiomelllitig tu t1~\'lJr it- Il.lld rive it llllogre(,llhl" taste, :S.rpcllt hcro lI. lit·tIe larger,

'S:"lli; IV,-A mOllt nttracti\·e·

looking place. ealled L,. v.rillUSnam••, where lager bear is tho bey·"rage chi.flylCllld, This plll.Je dunnot resellilble in tbo leut "tblls" uanslI"here that yile ""hil!lky is lIoldl"hTbis il ~millolltl.r rt'IpllctlliJlcj nillhe fel1ow' com. bert', you kllo\\'.Luger don Ilot intoxi(llt~; !.Jesttbing for tho he.lth/' etc. tictpeutIHill invisible. -ScE~X V,-Llltl at f1i~ht in":

JeRe; a IUl u( I'jully Ilood (vllowa"tllkiug lIupperj wine UOWill~ fru.lyH UCUSlt tI, Mcr-llIary tbey uffer the(ollo"i ..g: \'\\'here is the u..~ of GOOD TEl\1PLARS.lnupillg.Lhis Iif'j. ,,~'IJ sober UIIW'1

hI II.IIU by .(tor we huw &OWIl OUI' UIlAlIID LOI)UE OF ,",'NilitNOTO!ll' AND

uloIr "ild,oau." Thattl i. II c.rtllill BlIlTJ8Jl t..'OI.V,KUU.old (allbion.d book, that ill nideut·I" 1I0t lItudi.d ber., which C~lltMills

th~ (olluwiul prt:C\fIJt.: "Look 1I0tupon Ihe Wille ....hen it. ~iuth theculor to tbe cup, when it llIoyQth it·lelf .ri,ht; &t the lut it Liteth lile.a le'polilt alln iungetb liku 'Ill II.d·cJer.lI

ScSNS VI,-Th, plenafit. horneora tal.nted )'QUU)( IlI.wyer, Au illlporllnt cue b.. been entrUllltld lOhim....nd he findll it I\C'C~1I61&rl tuwrite and study (lir into lh. ui,!{hl.Oec8Sliion,lIy he pauli•• In Iml wurk10 IHlrtllke UI the COllt'l'IIt-S of Il Lut·tIe ,d.ich Ilands, 9ununilllltly 'I.,,,r,A ~ll1ltljWJ lIUCllse ill pre8~lItc:d,which doceife8 nu 011. bllt. 11llllllwi1.He find. it f1ecu1l8llry, 1I0t'l' 1110 th~II,to tike·.. llllall qllll.ntii.y of pureJiqtlor, .ufficiellt TO aot. as i. rnellh,1tOlHOj hCl~ntt!ds t'his itimulus tuarOuse hi. hnin to mute yigorousaution; be UIlOI ollly the tinwst u.udtb. bellt, Illd i, ahle to slty Itt all1time, "Thul (Ir, and no rurtb~r"lTb. sergent" (aug. are 8lictlrtjl)" rllst·ened and tbe pol,,,n iSliluwly work·inK·

SOEn V:1.-A micltllo llJlel.l mlln,"itb tho mark o( ~he li'l!rvelll'lI !IlI1Rltin hill count-euano", liCOtllltHned to,vend hili Ut!llillA'1 ill the h,r-roomuf t hIU.t. wk.to tlO OftCll III.k8510 mething to cool hi' fevt'refl bloud.or, if chiil,. to lIenJ warlllth tbrou~h

bill iUI.s. VIII.-6uc of thClIlC "~i111

deDI'''. A blear - e,)'ed tUlln drillk.gll.d,..rtu 11.ls of a !tul.rft.Ill)?ltur~,

.n~ still the rlli'ftlg thirat ill notquellchd, the .er~ttl1L'1 coils Uri'tlglttening lbollt Im'n l and he' iiiflll"'N'I,u 10 'J4riOllLe.hillls\"l ...

St:BIB IX.-the homw'oh drunk·af'd; tbe wifa llIll childrvn 'hiliuKin hOp.lelli rtliltlry (or dt'.Mlh tu .ndthe 11Ilferillitof hilll \\'ho itt turu withthe Ip;oniu bl OBl.tmUK Tfnn:E~"

DoaLb COmtl, but tbill is u.... t tbeend.
