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J I J EVENING S- uii t nJiLza8 mwmm i j LOO r riit iil ife...

Date post: 01-Sep-2020
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t I V t r i- c f J V- I Ir- J 44 f Je I 1i4 r i tc iv s r r 1 J rJ- JI EVENING S- i 71 itlitt 1 icf I r 1 7- t > i- or F c 1 < ii t J J bi 1- II 1 p i L f t- y < < IIoie oi oJ < or fi j4- 4j h r 1 1C J 4 Vilue IS N U8 t OCALA FLORIDA ThURSQAY f OCTOBERI IIIL PItY I C uii f f5tt 9 if it L 1 t urir J = R D nJiLza8 C AYE t J FULLER ft AVER t DBXTAL iVGE9N- c Over the H ee CbaItU- JIMk I OOALA FLORIDA 3 T3M CASH t j1ECHAC- E14ENTAL SURGEON 1 B40M I 10 aad 11 14 e Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA m TKRMS CASH i J rl n L F BL LO K- iDeritalSurBeon i oI fi itttee ffer CMnerdal laalt 1 r PlifMJiSII I q l OCSee hears r I teUL mM 1 to Gp BL TERMS CASH Ii 1 CHARLES D BULBERT I D OMBOPATHIO PHYSICIAN AND- s 8UKGEON h r 011 aeI Floor The Maaroe A 4trr t Csabl1N Bask Bulldiag Ocala ThIIIL- TI saOIc 2 Resldraot 11- 1OacJJounto 1Z am 2to 4 I 9 i73t to 830 p a F E McCLANE I YIcIdSRrIeH f Onral Praetie Cala Mad Promptly LF Night r Day ri t 1 1s1a1 AHMn 1 Obttrio D- if 4 Sean Women aiid Children O1ei Room 322 Holder Building 1S1114 Floor Phone Office No 313 NIlisee No JSI 3 r- r o L- t > sot P t- olIrlcer t MT- fcey WaHS f 87 bat If you win examine arraDy the Ice which melts so rap f flY trm note that there seems o- bSl In it that the center Is what f 1 to J44 s now ice which being por 4 VrilloW It to melt quickly L J Crystal Ice- TakI4 II we turn out la as clear I a4 rfect as It is possible to make- keViiifelte I the moat economical Ice c ta sM Ask the man on the Red m < Wioa to atop and see you iiAPAIAit- 1E i COMPAN- YraiTi PIMM 5 T t I ANU LAMSFORD e II r RESIDENT PlAID TUNER Work Gnarauteed AGENT FOB 1 KNIUNI PIANO Phone 328 d 1 1 I Dtuoma Barbershop IB OaMertloB Wttk the Hotel Office I dtOI 4 worKDiM aid courteous at Un to all peal attention to ckIMce I v4 KLECTBIO MAS8AG- KaOT i j AND 1COLD WATER Ia LA OETTERICHProorietor q V i TIE c COMMERCIAL w PlESsm cum g > 4 C IAINN PrQrkltr Nwl Deer i the Weiem Union TlqraphOMs- an w fr DUvrd Prompt 1i Iy 1AWiikQjiaronbsd White 1 Trade Only + 1 t < L ALEXANDER Practical if f OmiTEIMD IUtLD- EOtittiutiaati k 1 mae e all werL ry more aid bet lee the atosey thai riy- PS Niris WL- r r 4j 9 4 1 4 i COOK mwmm i Peary Publish irllaMrt ° tmnt of Eskimos t ife tlwt Ck Never WentMthP II New York OctI Commander Robert E Peary JM submitted a statement and a B to the Peary Arctic Club in suptWt ef bis conten ¬ tion that Dr CookjiM apt reach the north pole Peary7s Some of my reOfu for saying that Dr Cook did ntg to the north pole will be understid fey those who read the statements ef Uw two Eski- mo ¬ boys who went wIth hfpt and who told mo and others ofTPartY where- he did go SeveralklMO1 who started with Dr Coot j a Anato k- In February 1908 were t JJtah when I arrived there in r t i8 They told me that Dr CookrJiM with him after they left two boys or young men two sledf raad some twenty dogs The boys ware Itpok- aahoo and AbpeIah 1 IkM known them from their chlldhoeJ One was about eighteen and tbe oUwr about nineteen years of age On my return from cape Sheridan and at the very first settlement I touched Nerke near CapeiChftlon in August 1909 and nine days j before reaching Etah the Esklsjfjr me in a general way where Dr Cook hail been that he had wintered In Jones Sound and that he had told the white men at Etah he had been a long way north but that the boys who were with him Itookashoo and Xhpe lah said that this was not so The Eskimos laughted at Dr Cooks story On reaching Etah I talked with the Eskimos there and with the two boys and asked them to describe Dr Cooks Journey to members of my party and myself This they did I According to Pearys map and the I answers he says the Eskimos made Ito him and members of his party I Cook only went a little way beyond I Cape Thomas Hubbard which Is over I eight degree 556 miles from the pole I Eskimos Followed Their InstniettaM I Cleveland 0 Oct 14U ta the I same old story said Dr Cook when I he was shown the statement issued by Commander Peary together with the map acompanying It 1 have replied to the points raised- a dozen times he continued The map published by Commander Peary- In itself Indicates that the Eskimos have respected their promise made to me that they would not give any In ¬ formation to Peary or his men- The Eskimos were instructed not to tell Peary or any of his party of our trfp overtbe polar sea They wrc fd ta say that we had been far Vffrii > >yKre kept their wj nL b Mr Whitney has said that during the croStlexamlnationconductedby Commander Peary and others of his expedition the Eskimos did not un- derstand ¬ the questions put to theM or the map which was laid before them Their replies to the questions put have been twisted to suit a per ¬ verted Interest I will not enter Into any argument about Jhe matter but I will bring the Eskimos to New York at my own ex ¬ pense and they will prove as did Mr Whitney nil that I have claimed SWEPT OVER NIAGARA- This terrible calamity often hap pens because a careless boatman if nores the rivers warningsgrowingr- ipples and faster current Natures warnings are kind The dull pan or ache In the back warns you the kid ¬ neys need attention if you would es ¬ cape fatal maladies dropsy diabetes- or Brlghts disease Take Electric Bitters at once and see backache fly and all your best feelings return Af- ter ¬ long suffering from weak kidneys- and lame back one 11 bottle wholly cured me writes J R Blankenshlp of Belk Tenn Only 50ca bottle at all druggists ASTOR PARK The new bridge across the Juniper river is highly appreciated by all the people Capt L D Marsh with his crew of men will soon have the Juniper river cleaned out from big Lake George to the head of the river so that launches can run in the river without any trouble Mr Thomas Marsh has been on the sick list for two weeks but is im- proving ¬ In health We will all be glad to see him up again Mr Reubln Long of Patts Island has been very low with fever Since his wifes death he has been making- his home with his daughter Mrs Harvy Bard of Norwalk- Mrs NJ Adams of Ocala is vis ¬ iting her relative Jupiter river arid has been very ill We hope she Is improving- Miss Fannie Marsh Is visiting her grandmother and aunt at DeLeon Springs- The Juniper hunting club of Ken ¬ tucky Is expected about the middle of next month to enjoy thelrflrst hunt ¬ ing and fishing on their famous hunting grounds Their camping ground will be ready for them at the large spring on Jupiter river Mr H A Reynolds bad the good luck to kill a large coon on his way home from the camps last Saturday night Brown Eyes BOTH 10YS SAVED Louis Boon a leading merchant of Norway Mich writes Three bottles of FOleys Honey and Tar absoluteh cured my boy of a severe cough and- a neighbors boy who was so ill with a cold that the doctors gave him up was cured by taking Foleys Honey and Tar Nothing elBels as afe and certain of results Sold by all druggists- If you want a goodlead pencil buy one of Gerigs Best Scat the Post office Drugstore- You y need not be troubled In any way wjj la the stomach if you wIlt simply take Kodol at those times when you feet UK yea need It Kode1 Is guaranteed to relieve YOtLIt it falls your money win be refunded to you by the druggist from whom you purchased it Try it today on this guarantee Sold ky all druggists I l DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED- by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear There Is only one way to cure deaf ¬ ness and that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucuos lin- ing ¬ of the Eustachian Tube When the tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing- and when it is entirely closed dear ness Is the result and unless the in- flammation ¬ can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an in ¬ flamed condition of the mucous sur ¬ facesWe will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafnesR caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for cir ¬ culars free PJ Cheney Co To- ledo Ohio Sold by all druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipa- tion ¬ PORTE REFUSES TO PAY Rome Italy Oct Hltal and the powers are preparing an ultimatum to Turkey demanding indemnity for those foreigners sustaining losses during the Adana massacres The Sublime Porte denies all responsibil- ity ¬ and has refused to pay READ THIS Dunnellon Fla Sept 1st 1909I have sold Halls Texas Wonder of St Louis Mo for six years Every bot- tle ¬ I sell adds a customer for It It Is a genuine cure for kidney bladder and rheumatic troubles Geo Ohnmacht Merchant 60 days treatment In each bottle GOOD FARM FOR SALE 143 Acre of Land Half a Mil North of Oak 90 acres cleared and under good fence balance timbered one mile from a subdistrict school a 6room two story house one stack chimney a splendid well of water good barn and outhouses The land Is as good as can be found In Marion county for truck and general farming Terms reasonable D N Waldron Oak Fla ID RATHER Die DOCTOR than have my feet cut oIL said M L BIn << bam of Prlnceville IlJButy- oull die from gangrene which had eaten away eight toes If you dont said all doctors Instead he used Bucklena Arnica Salvo till wholly cured Its cures of eczema fever sores boils burns and piles astound the world 25c at all druggists STOPPED TOO SUDDENLY r rpIss5maabiscLand Ltham Had s I ia Narruv Cnp w < Paris France Oct 14 Herbert Latham while starting In the dura- tion ¬ flight In the Jurassy tournament fell thirtyfive feet The aeroplane was wrecked but Latham was unin ¬ jured YVETTE GUILBERTS NEWEST SONG Yvette Guilbert who has made a wonderful success singing on the vau- deville ¬ stage has a new song Marie which Is making a pronounced hiU The Sunday World has arranged to publish the words and music of Xfle next Sunday for the benefit of Its readers and you will miss a treat If you fall to get It There will t lObea page of pictures In colors of stan beauties I < TESTED AND PROVEN Thr Is Heap of Solac In Being Able te Depend Upon a Well Earned Reputation For months Ocala readers have seen the ceastant expression of praise for JXaB K1dneYP1l1s and read about thToodwork they have done In this locality Not another remedy ever pro ducetf suck convincing proof of merit Taos Elllnor living at 316 Morris St Palatka Fla says A few months ago I had a severe attack of lame back and was forced to stop work I could not bend over to pick up anything without suffering In ¬ tensely end every quick movement I made brought on such sharp twinges that Is really seemed as Jf a knife were being Into my back If I stoop- ed ¬ I could hardly straighten I used plasters and liniments but received no relief I had previously used Doans Kidney Pills and had received such beneficial results that I resolved to try them again They cured me and I have not had any kidney trouble since I told a friend of this remedy- and he used them with the same bene- ficial ¬ results- Ientymore proof like this from people Call at Tydings Cos drugstore and ask what their custo ¬ mers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMJlburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other REGISTRATION NOTICE The registration books of the city of Ocala are now open at the city clerks office All parties desiring to register will do so before the second Saturday In November as the books I will close on that date H C Sistrunk I Clerk and Supervisor of Registration or the City of Ocain- AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE A fivepassenger automobile two cylinder chain drive xin firstclass condition and everything complete for sale cheap for cash Apply to C R Tydings ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURE FOR SALE An elegant electric light fixture cost 38 will sell for a small portion- of its cost Is in fine condition Ap- ply ¬ to Star office- If people with symptoms of kidney- or bladder trouble realize their dan ¬ ger they would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy This great remedy stops the pain and the Irregularities strengthens and builds up these or- gans ¬ and there Is no danger of Brighfs disease or other serious dis- order ¬ Do not disregard the early symptoms Sold by all druggists I p DEFENDAHTS DISCHARGED Decision of Judg Anderson Knocks Out the Prosecution in thi Pan- ama ¬ Canal Libel Case Indianapolis Ind Oct HJudge A R Anderson of theUnited States court of this district dismissed yes- terday ¬ the proceedings against Del evan Smith and Charles R Williams proprietors of the Indianapolis News who were resisting removal to the District of Columbia for trial under a grand jury Indictment charging then with having committed criminal libel against exPresident Roosevelt Pres ¬ ident Taft Charles P Taft William Nelson Cromwell J Pierpont Morgan- and others In publishing articles al ¬ leging that there was a corrupt profit of 28000000 In the sale of the Pan ¬ ama canal to the United States That man has read the history of our Institutions to Utile purpose said Judge Anderson in concluding his decision who does not view with apprehension the success of such a proceeding as this to the end that the citizens could be dragged from their homes to the District of Columbia- the seat of government for trial un ¬ der the circumstances of this case The defendants are discharged MARKET REPORTS Special to the Star ir New York Pineapples Florida 24s 250 < 275 30s 2 240 46s 175 t 2r Porto Rico 24s 175 225 30s 150 g 2 36s 125 Sl7S Grapefruit Florida per box 3 4 California per box t2 450 Porto Rico per box 150 U Oranges Calif fancy U 625 good to choice 225 325 Porto Rico CO 130 Chicago PIneapples Cuban red Spanish 24s 350 j 30s and SBs d 1325 42s 2 < Grapefruit Florida boxes all sixes 4 425- Oranges Florida per box275 3 Calif Valencias fancy per box 3 a 325 choice as to size 250 2S5 Philadelphia Pineapples Florida per crate 175 250 Grapefruit Florida per box 250 g 450 Oranges Calif Valencias per box 340 410 Boston Pineapples Red Spanish 24s per crate 150 ti 2 30s 125 175 36s 1 fi 150- Grapefruit perbov 250 J- U fBuffalo C > Pineapples 18s per crate 350 S 24s 3 350 30s 250 275 36s 2 Th 225- Grapefruit Calif per box 150 250 Oranges Calif Valenclas per box 275 350 Cincinnati Pineapples Florida 24s per crate 375 Os and 36s per crate U25 6l p 3 Grapefruit Florida 80s per box 3 350 64s 4 54s 4 425 I J Oranges Calif per box 225 J 450 The Badge of Honerty Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierces Golden Medical Discovery becauae a full list o the Ingredients composing It Is printed there ln plain English Forty J years of ezperif nee has proven Its superior worth as a blood purifier and invigorat- ing tonic for the cure of stomach disorders and all liver Ills It builds up the run ¬ down system as no other tonlq can ID which alcohol Is used The active medic- Inal principles of native rots such an Golden Seal and Queens root Stone and Mandrake root Bloodroot and Black Cherrybark are extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure triple refined glycerine Send to DrRy Pierce- at Buffalo NYfor fret booklet whlcfc uotes extracts from weUrecoau1zedmed- IC1lauthorftf such u Drs Bartholow King Scud e Coe Elllngwood and a host of others showing that these roots can be depended upon for their curative action it all weak states of the sunaach accoroplnled y Indlgestlom dyspepsia as well y In411 bilious or liver complaint and inuwastlng dIseaswhere there is J lib asd gradual rmnalng dow of tUVstreagth and system TOldW Medlesi Ic Wood and so InvIrate- BjEuii3hemthpwhais e m te Thus al skIn affecUoas pimp ell and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel- lings ¬ and old open rnnmlng sores or ulcers are cured and healed In treating old running sores or ulcers It Is well to In- sure their healing to apply to them Dr Pierces AllHealing Salve If your drug gist dont happen to hare this Salve la stock sen fiftyfour cents In postage tamps to Dr B V Pierce Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute Buffalo N T and- a large box of the AllHealing Stir will reach by return post You can t afford to accept a secret nos- trum ¬ asaanbstltuteorthllnonalcohollcm- edlclJ1e or STTOWV coxFOsmov not even though the urgent dealer aaay thereby make a little bigger Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate- and Invigorate stomach liver aad bowels Sugarooetd May griaziss IIIJ te WIt candi EquitableL- ife Assurance Society- Of The Uiitet Silks STRONGEST IN THE WORLD MISS FLORIDA CONDON Resident Agent W G BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS FURNISHED- ON APPLICATION- P O Box 49 OCALA FLA r r f y r r t > w- riit r iil LOO 9 C > i r t- j l It HIt r r j- i t i t Z 5 Q 1 oP 11 f 1 I s rno This List OverIt Will Take But a J D It o Y A t 1 j 53 4 iiW 1 i < f Might Find Something That Will Inte stY i J X l < > > V H NaUolIaI Biscuit Cos god Cracker Meal- Crackers i IsN t aid IB lOc aeb Upysler lie a p J tt + it 1 amd 5 FrMH 0 4 1 praM Cake 2packa ifr r Bnttto Tbiats Saltines Oswego APTOwbck Oiaii- pagpe 1It t17j t > = Wmlers ud OM Ttee UiHrw Walerv I trfI J < lOc packages Vanilla Walers Graliuii CriKkerf fj r j V- SiiJGMur Matter 1 r r 4- Majrshmallow COOId ell NaMscorWafers > Daiiitte i Flg N wIosA t r jj4 1f C I > f J i Zwelback SmlUnes Royid Uuck Social a tve i l sjj Oclock Teas Peaiiiif Wafers Clieese 1 Swi 1ir > c 1 > AND A MCE ASSORTMENT FANCY A1ESINEiIL t EDAM PINEAPPLE AND LIMBURGER CHEESE P V t v ri t L 40- c I Our Fall Goods are beginning come in Wet- will 1 + i y- i have a more Complete Stock this Wm r f than ever f Jr r j S- r > r ij v U you are not a eslolDftoIeo If fryis to Ice J > Vv > r V f- v oc > > S there Is great satisfaction in trading Iti < r iiyi K 1 T 4W- r get Wh twouJvali w4 git QUALITY M J1 f tt1 t rI v r viii- t rr TRY HOLLAND RUSK for the childrens luck lie tfce pcckMe- r > 1- I 4 I p sV- V 4 rt > f 3 I J I O KCR G C b R t caS r sif- AI id- ifif HARVEY CLARK Proprietof 1 2 PHONES 174 < ff t IJL 1 I 1 t ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY LORETTO Near Mandarin FLORIDA t- p J e Boarding School for Boys Conduct edby the Sisters of SL Joseph Young f Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel ¬ f lectual Moral and Social Lines Heal thy Location Magnificent Swimming l D Pool Complete Equipment In Schoolr ooms Dormitories Dining Hall an w Recreation Roona l f Apply for Prospectus to the SISER SUPERIOR- S t J t J P uauJa aem 1 t 1 on aa CITRA Educational Rally was Interesting and Well Attended Mrs W J Carpenter of Tampa Is visiting her brother Mr C W Driver hereMr Simpson of Jacksonville spent a few days here this week with Mrs J W Ray as the guest of Miss Gam ¬ mon Mr andMrsL J P Bishop arriv- ed ¬ Saturday from New York and are the guests of Mr and Mrs J W Ha glnsCapt Walter Ray attended court at Tavares Monday- Hon R A Ivey a prominent busi ¬ ness man of Branford was here Mon ¬ l day looking after his orange grove property Miss Apple Redditt of Reddick spent Sunday here with her parents iir Simpson and Miss Gammon visited Silver Springs Monday Mrs J C Griner has returned from her visit in Virginia Rev Frank SheJTcld of Fort Pierce was In the city Monday Miss Dollye Howell of flay Lake spent Sunday here with her parents Mr R J Home with the Theus Zachry Co of Ocala and Ludden Bates Jacksonville was here Mon- day ¬ looking after his companies in ¬ terests Mrs Marion McLeod arrived here Tuesday from Jacksonville where she went with Mr McLeod Messrs J W Wilson of CStra and F M Harp of Eureka are in Jack- sonville ¬ this week on business Miss Byrd BIngham of Dallas Tex arrived Wednesday to spend the win- ter ¬ with her aunt Mrs Jack Williams- Mr J R Williams and Elmer Falk enburg returned Tuesday from Mr Williams mines at Dutton- Mr Frank Jenkins Is at Floral City on business this week Mr W C Beach the S A L fore man was taken seriously ill Tuesday- Mr Roundtree was called to take his place Mr Greensham Dlas of Plant City arrived Tuesday to take charge of Mr Jack Williams orange packing The educational rally at the Meth ¬ odist church Monday evening was grand The speakers were Hon W M HoIIoway state superintendent of public schools and CapU George Lynch Mr Sams the TimesUnions representative was present All the addresses were listened to with deep interest and every one came away fully impressed ftrith what had been said by these eloquent speakers We noticed among those present several from Island Grove namely Mr Shaw Miss Cason and Miss Lee the school- teacher and several others Quite a little excitement was arous ¬ ed Sunday when Mr Marlon McLeod was shot by a desperate negro Sher- iff ¬ Galloway came down and succeed- ed ¬ in capturing the negro and he is now in Jail In Ocala Mr McLeod- was taken to Jacksonville Sunday af- ternoon ¬ by Dr Creekmore and placed in a hospital there The latest re ¬ ports are that he Is resting very well under the circumstances We trust the trouble Isnt serious and that he will soon fully recover and he at home again Mr Johnes a traveling dry goods man was in town this week Mr Dancy and family of Beddick were visitors In town Sunday Mrs Johnson of Island Grove visit- ed ¬ her son and family here Sunday The latest cBywriaht beek and th finest general line ef boric ever hewn in this city at the Ocala News C i t L u i rs I It J IT Is A Fl t f Ttl 10 t- w J o- fjf a that the maa who carries his Mcmey I Us pocketbeefctw y 1 < r R spend all of It without tbovgbt wfcile K beessI MCi ii r tore for a max with a bamk accottsrt to igvre e T V Ufe ir 1 rof7 A JipOt- vi a reserve 1m his beak f 1 IThe Munroe Chanibliss Baolk I < Ocala Florida j <it THE FURNITURE HOllSE1I- F IeIVEI IacKAT t- CARRIESALARGEf c > J r I A r t 9 i e stLc AND COMPLETESTO I r O- FFURNITUItE ti t 5 AND i HoUSE FURNISH N stIL KiNit If TIle Mly llIiK li Cfifral Htrida lurt Qnfltirt I Finishes II e itae Carries al al TImes IK ialttt aai Z lest ii unWire Mccpin M wifc fee itaks M4 Jwt What tte Petfk WLd- ardware J Abt carries a Ctnakk Ifae tf II flU Shelf Carriafest Waftu IiggksREies sM iiitl- Hkvu tw Slick aid tel tv priees iSire j- uke ytw purchases TM- TSMclVER Iespedk z a I MM I f I > < J- t rjt S Ocala florMac < > r i f J < M fOIT EZ U j NOTELGIJY- WTOPH r OffHTBErEAIIOW- lCmmmM T- 4Le3dIig > ri n Ii itid Mates 12 Per lay fcajy iHtUa 1 i DAVID S WOODROW Wfct J HEftiDA 1 Phen 1- 15OODIABSAD jpj STflll > yytl VJS OFFICE IN HOLDER BLOCK OCALA FLORIDA r < 1I J ftt CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR AND COWON A t r < 5f < 1 I JJf We have a stone crusher at work la Ocala airai > i fl = ti kinds of Cement Work BiilW udAtSoaa i BMM Cet 5C > Brick BuildSidewalk ArtlScial tene 1 If < rf Blocks for Foundatloms for hove work whc MI iI the cheaper Warehoa e and CnuJr eCoet it trackth tt or J t t 4 i I1r I r 1 lF I 1 J t1 Ar- e tr i I i > L i t i w 1 < t i 0- i < r I 4 t >
Page 1: J I J EVENING S- uii t nJiLza8 mwmm i j LOO r riit iil ife ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03297/00539.pdf · t I V t r i-c f J V-I Ir-J 1i4 I r i tc iv 44 f Je s r r 1

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LJ Crystal Ice-


we turn out la as clearI a4 rfect as It is possible to make-

keViiifelteI the moat economical Icec ta sM Ask the man on the Red

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4 C IAINN PrQrkltrNwl Deer i the Weiem Union


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Niris WL-r






COOK mwmmi

Peary Publish irllaMrt °tmntof Eskimos t ife tlwt Ck

Never WentMthP II

New York OctI CommanderRobert E Peary JM submitted astatement and a B to the PearyArctic Club in suptWt ef bis conten¬

tion that Dr CookjiM apt reach thenorth pole Peary7s

Some of my reOfu for sayingthat Dr Cook did ntg to the northpole will be understid fey those whoread the statements ef Uw two Eski-mo


boys who went wIth hfpt and whotold mo and others ofTPartY where-he did go SeveralklMO1 whostarted with Dr Coot j a Anato k-

In February 1908 were t JJtah whenI arrived there in


t i8 Theytold me that Dr CookrJiM with himafter they left two boys oryoung men two sledf raad sometwenty dogs The boys ware Itpok-aahoo and AbpeIah 1IkM knownthem from their chlldhoeJ One wasabout eighteen and tbe oUwr aboutnineteen years of age

On my return from cape Sheridanand at the very first settlement Itouched Nerke near CapeiChftlon inAugust 1909 and nine days j beforereaching Etah the Esklsjfjr mein a general way where Dr Cook hailbeen that he had wintered In JonesSound and that he had told the whitemen at Etah he had been a long waynorth but that the boys who werewith him Itookashoo and Xhpelah said that this was not so TheEskimos laughted at Dr Cooks storyOn reaching Etah I talked with theEskimos there and with the two boysand asked them to describe Dr CooksJourney to members of my party andmyself This they did

I According to Pearys map and theI answers he says the Eskimos madeIto him and members of his partyI Cook only went a little way beyondI Cape Thomas Hubbard which Is overI eight degree 556 miles from thepole

I Eskimos Followed Their InstniettaMI Cleveland 0 Oct 14U ta theI same old story said Dr Cook whenI he was shown the statement issued byCommander Peary together with themap acompanying It

1 have replied to the points raised-a dozen times he continued Themap published by Commander Peary-In itself Indicates that the Eskimoshave respected their promise made tome that they would not give any In ¬

formation to Peary or his men-The Eskimos were instructed not

to tell Peary or any of his party ofour trfp overtbe polar sea Theywrc fd ta say that we had been far

Vffrii >>yKre kept their wj nL b

Mr Whitney has said that duringthe croStlexamlnationconductedbyCommander Peary and others of hisexpedition the Eskimos did not un-


the questions put to theMor the map which was laid beforethem Their replies to the questionsput have been twisted to suit a per ¬

verted InterestI will not enter Into any argument

about Jhe matter but I will bring theEskimos to New York at my own ex¬

pense and they will prove as did MrWhitney nil that I have claimed


This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boatman ifnores the rivers warningsgrowingr-ipples and faster current Natureswarnings are kind The dull pan orache In the back warns you the kid¬

neys need attention if you would es ¬

cape fatal maladies dropsy diabetes-or Brlghts disease Take ElectricBitters at once and see backache flyand all your best feelings return Af-ter


long suffering from weak kidneys-and lame back one 11 bottle whollycured me writes J R Blankenshlpof Belk Tenn Only 50ca bottle at alldruggists


The new bridge across the Juniperriver is highly appreciated by all thepeople

Capt L D Marsh with his crew ofmen will soon have the Juniper rivercleaned out from big Lake George tothe head of the river so that launchescan run in the river without anytrouble

Mr Thomas Marsh has been on thesick list for two weeks but is im-


In health We will all beglad to see him up again

Mr Reubln Long of Patts Islandhas been very low with fever Sincehis wifes death he has been making-his home with his daughter MrsHarvy Bard of Norwalk-

Mrs NJ Adams of Ocala is vis ¬

iting her relative Jupiter river aridhas been very ill We hope she Isimproving-

Miss Fannie Marsh Is visiting hergrandmother and aunt at DeLeonSprings-

The Juniper hunting club of Ken ¬

tucky Is expected about the middle ofnext month to enjoy thelrflrst hunt ¬

ing and fishing on their famoushunting grounds Their campingground will be ready for them at thelarge spring on Jupiter river

Mr H A Reynolds bad the goodluck to kill a large coon on his wayhome from the camps last Saturdaynight Brown Eyes


Louis Boon a leading merchant ofNorway Mich writes Three bottlesof FOleys Honey and Tar absolutehcured my boy of a severe cough and-a neighbors boy who was so ill witha cold that the doctors gave him upwas cured by taking Foleys Honeyand Tar Nothing elBels as afeand certain of results Sold by alldruggists-

If you want a goodlead pencil buyone of Gerigs Best Scat the Postoffice Drugstore-



need not be troubled In anyway wjjla the stomach if you wIltsimply take Kodol at those timeswhen you feet UK yea need It Kode1Is guaranteed to relieve YOtLIt itfalls your money win be refunded toyou by the druggist from whom youpurchased it Try it today on thisguarantee Sold ky all druggists



by local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portions of the earThere Is only one way to cure deaf¬

ness and that Is by constitutionalremedies Deafness is caused by anInflamed condition of the mucuos lin-ing


of the Eustachian Tube Whenthe tube is inflamed you have arumbling sound of imperfect hearing-and when it is entirely closed dearness Is the result and unless the in-


can be taken out and thistube restored to Its normal conditionhearing will be destroyed forevernine cases out of ten are caused bycatarrh which is nothing but an in ¬

flamed condition of the mucous sur ¬

facesWewill give One Hundred Dollars

for any case of deafnesR caused bycatarrh that cannot be cured byHalls Catarrh Cure Send for cir¬

culars free P J Cheney Co To-ledo Ohio Sold by all druggists 75cTake Halls Family Pills for constipa-tion



Rome Italy Oct Hltal and thepowers are preparing an ultimatumto Turkey demanding indemnity forthose foreigners sustaining lossesduring the Adana massacres TheSublime Porte denies all responsibil-ity


and has refused to pay

READ THISDunnellon Fla Sept 1st 1909I

have sold Halls Texas Wonder of StLouis Mo for six years Every bot-tle


I sell adds a customer for It It Isa genuine cure for kidney bladder andrheumatic troubles Geo OhnmachtMerchant 60 days treatment In eachbottle


143 Acre of Land Half a Mil Northof Oak

90 acres cleared and under goodfence balance timbered one mile froma subdistrict school a 6room twostory house one stack chimney asplendid well of water good barn andouthouses The land Is as good ascan be found In Marion county fortruck and general farming Termsreasonable D N Waldron Oak Fla

ID RATHER Die DOCTORthan have my feet cut oIL said M LBIn <<bam of Prlnceville IlJButy-oull die from gangrene which hadeaten away eight toes If you dontsaid all doctors Instead he usedBucklena Arnica Salvo till whollycured Its cures of eczema feversores boils burns and piles astoundthe world 25c at all druggists


r rpIss5maabiscLand Ltham Hads I ia Narruv Cnp w <

Paris France Oct 14 HerbertLatham while starting In the dura-tion


flight In the Jurassy tournamentfell thirtyfive feet The aeroplanewas wrecked but Latham was unin ¬



Yvette Guilbert who has made awonderful success singing on the vau-deville


stage has a new song Mariewhich Is making a pronounced hiUThe Sunday World has arranged topublish the words and music ofXfle next Sunday for the benefit

of Its readers and you will miss atreat If you fall to get It There will

t lObea page of pictures In colors ofstan beauties



Thr Is Heap of Solac In BeingAble te Depend Upon a Well

Earned ReputationFor months Ocala readers have seen

the ceastant expression of praise forJXaB K1dneYP1l1s and read aboutthToodwork they have done In thislocality Not another remedy ever producetf suck convincing proof of merit

Taos Elllnor living at 316 MorrisSt Palatka Fla says A fewmonths ago I had a severe attack oflame back and was forced to stopwork I could not bend over to pickup anything without suffering In ¬

tensely end every quick movement Imade brought on such sharp twingesthat Is really seemed as Jf a knife werebeing Into my back If I stoop-ed


I could hardly straighten I usedplasters and liniments but received norelief I had previously used DoansKidney Pills and had received suchbeneficial results that I resolved totry them again They cured me andI have not had any kidney troublesince I told a friend of this remedy-and he used them with the same bene-ficial


results-Ientymore proof like this from

people Call at Tydings Cosdrugstore and ask what their custo ¬

mers reportFor sale by all dealers Price 50

cents FosterMJlburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the name Doans andtake no other


The registration books of the cityof Ocala are now open at the cityclerks office All parties desiring toregister will do so before the secondSaturday In November as the books


will close on that dateH C Sistrunk I

Clerk and Supervisor of Registrationor the City of Ocain-

AUTOMOBILE FOR SALEA fivepassenger automobile two

cylinder chain drive xin firstclasscondition and everything complete forsale cheap for cash Apply to C RTydings


An elegant electric light fixturecost 38 will sell for a small portion-of its cost Is in fine condition Ap-ply


to Star office-

If people with symptoms of kidney-or bladder trouble realize their dan¬

ger they would without loss of timecommence taking Foleys KidneyRemedy This great remedy stopsthe pain and the Irregularitiesstrengthens and builds up these or-


and there Is no danger ofBrighfs disease or other serious dis-order


Do not disregard the earlysymptoms Sold by all druggists




Decision of Judg Anderson KnocksOut the Prosecution in thi Pan-


Canal Libel Case

Indianapolis Ind Oct HJudgeA R Anderson of theUnited Statescourt of this district dismissed yes-terday


the proceedings against Delevan Smith and Charles R Williamsproprietors of the Indianapolis Newswho were resisting removal to theDistrict of Columbia for trial under agrand jury Indictment charging thenwith having committed criminal libelagainst exPresident Roosevelt Pres ¬ident Taft Charles P Taft WilliamNelson Cromwell J Pierpont Morgan-and others In publishing articles al ¬

leging that there was a corrupt profitof 28000000 In the sale of the Pan ¬

ama canal to the United StatesThat man has read the history of

our Institutions to Utile purposesaid Judge Anderson in concludinghis decision who does not view withapprehension the success of such aproceeding as this to the end that thecitizens could be dragged from theirhomes to the District of Columbia-the seat of government for trial un ¬

der the circumstances of this caseThe defendants are discharged


Special to the Starir

New YorkPineapples Florida 24s 250 <

275 30s 2 240 46s 175 t 2rPorto Rico 24s 175 225 30s150 g 2 36s 125 Sl7SGrapefruit Florida per box 3 4

California per box t2 450 PortoRico per box 150 U

Oranges Calif fancy U 625good to choice 225 325 PortoRico CO 130

ChicagoPIneapples Cuban red Spanish 24s

350 j 30s and SBs d 1325 42s2 <

Grapefruit Florida boxes all sixes4 425-Oranges Florida per box275 3

Calif Valencias fancy per box 3 a325 choice as to size 250 2S5

PhiladelphiaPineapples Florida per crate 175

250Grapefruit Florida per box 250 g

450Oranges Calif Valencias per box

340 410Boston

Pineapples Red Spanish 24s percrate 150 ti 2 30s 125 17536s 1 fi 150-

Grapefruit perbov 250 J-

U fBuffaloC


Pineapples 18s per crate 350 S24s 3 350 30s 250 27536s 2 Th 225-

Grapefruit Calif per box 150250Oranges Calif Valenclas per box

275 350Cincinnati

Pineapples Florida 24s per crate375 Os and 36s per crate U25

6lp 3

Grapefruit Florida 80s per box 3350 64s 4 54s 4 425 I


Oranges Calif per box 225 J


The Badge of HonertyIs on every wrapper of Doctor PiercesGolden Medical Discovery becauae a fulllist o the Ingredients composing It Isprinted there ln plain English Forty J

years of ezperifnee has proven Its superiorworth as a blood purifier and invigorat-ing tonic for the cure of stomach disordersand all liver Ills It builds up the run¬

down system as no other tonlq can ID

which alcohol Is used The active medic-

Inal principles of native rots such anGolden Seal and Queens root Stone andMandrake root Bloodroot and BlackCherrybark are extracted and preservedby the use of chemically pure triplerefined glycerine Send to DrRy Pierce-at Buffalo NYfor fret booklet whlcfc

uotes extracts from weUrecoau1zedmed-IC1lauthorftf such u Drs BartholowKing Scude Coe Elllngwood and ahost of others showing that these rootscan be depended upon for their curativeaction itall weak states of the sunaachaccoroplnled y Indlgestlom dyspepsiaas well y In411 bilious or liver complaintand inuwastlng dIseaswhere thereis J lib asd gradual rmnalng dowof tUVstreagth and systemTOldW Medlesi

Ic Wood and so InvIrate-

BjEuii3hemthpwhaise m

teThus al skIn affecUoas pimp elland eruptions as well as scrofulous swel-lings


and old open rnnmlng sores or ulcersare cured and healed In treating oldrunning sores or ulcers It Is well to In-

sure their healing to apply to them DrPierces AllHealing Salve If your druggist dont happen to hare this Salve lastock sen fiftyfour cents In postagetamps to Dr B V Pierce Invalids Hoteland Surgical Institute Buffalo N T and-a large box of the AllHealing Stirwill reach by return post

You can t afford to accept a secret nos-trum


asaanbstltuteorthllnonalcohollcm-edlclJ1e or STTOWV coxFOsmov noteven though the urgent dealer aaaythereby make a little bigger

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate-and Invigorate stomach liver aad bowelsSugarooetd May griaziss IIIJ te WIt



ife Assurance Society-

Of The Uiitet Silks









fy r

r t>

w-riit riilLOO 9 C > i r t-j lIt HItr r


i t i t Z

5 Q 1 oP 11 f 1 I srno

This List OverIt Will Take But a J DIt o

YA t



53 4


1 i < f

Might Find Something That Will Inte stY i J X l< > > V H

NaUolIaI Biscuit Cos god Cracker Meal-Crackers

i IsN taid IB lOc aeb Upysler lie a p J tt


1 amd 5 FrMH 0 4 1praM Cake 2packa ifr r

Bnttto Tbiats Saltines Oswego APTOwbck Oiaii-pagpe


t17j t> =

Wmlers ud OM Ttee UiHrw Walerv I trfI J <lOc packages Vanilla Walers Graliuii CriKkerf fj

r j V-

SiiJGMur Matter 1 r r 4-

MajrshmallowCOOId ell NaMscorWafers >

Daiiitte i

Flg N wIosA t r jj4 1f C

I> f J iZwelback SmlUnes Royid Uuck Social a tve i l sjjOclock Teas Peaiiiif Wafers Clieese

1 Swi 1ir> c







t L 40-c

I Our Fall Goods are beginning come in Wet-will

1 + iy-

ihave a more Complete Stock this Wm r f

than ever f Jr rj S-

r > rij v

U you are not a eslolDftoIeo If fryisto

Ice J>Vv

> r Vf-



> S

there Is great satisfaction in trading Iti< r iiyi K 1

T 4W-rget Wh twouJvali w4 git QUALITY M J1

f tt1 trI

vr viii-

t rrTRY HOLLAND RUSK for the childrens luck lie tfce pcckMe-r> 1-

I 4

Ip sV-V4 rt > f 3I J

I O KCRG C b Rt caS




HARVEY CLARK Proprietof 1

2 PHONES 174 <

ff t IJL1

I 1 t


p J eBoarding School for Boys Conduct edby the Sisters of SL Joseph Young f

Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel ¬ flectual Moral and Social Lines Heal thy Location Magnificent Swimming l DPool Complete Equipment In Schoolr ooms Dormitories Dining Hall an wRecreation Roona l


Apply for Prospectus to the SISER SUPERIOR-

St J

t J PuauJaaem1 t 1onaa


Educational Rally was Interesting andWell Attended

Mrs W J Carpenter of Tampa Isvisiting her brother Mr C W DriverhereMr Simpson of Jacksonville spenta few days here this week with MrsJ W Ray as the guest of Miss Gam ¬

monMr andMrsL J P Bishop arriv-


Saturday from New York and arethe guests of Mr and Mrs J W HaglnsCapt

Walter Ray attended court atTavares Monday-

Hon R A Ivey a prominent busi ¬

ness man of Branford was here Mon ¬

l day looking after his orange groveproperty

Miss Apple Redditt of Reddickspent Sunday here with her parents

iir Simpson and Miss Gammonvisited Silver Springs Monday

Mrs J C Griner has returned fromher visit in Virginia

Rev Frank SheJTcld of Fort Piercewas In the city Monday

Miss Dollye Howell of flay Lakespent Sunday here with her parents

Mr R J Home with the TheusZachry Co of Ocala and LuddenBates Jacksonville was here Mon-day


looking after his companies in ¬

terestsMrs Marion McLeod arrived here

Tuesday from Jacksonville where shewent with Mr McLeod

Messrs J W Wilson of CStra andF M Harp of Eureka are in Jack-sonville


this week on businessMiss Byrd BIngham of Dallas Tex

arrived Wednesday to spend the win-ter


with her aunt Mrs Jack Williams-Mr J R Williams and Elmer Falk

enburg returned Tuesday from MrWilliams mines at Dutton-

Mr Frank Jenkins Is at Floral Cityon business this week

Mr W C Beach the S A L foreman was taken seriously ill Tuesday-Mr Roundtree was called to take hisplace

Mr Greensham Dlas of Plant Cityarrived Tuesday to take charge ofMr Jack Williams orange packing

The educational rally at the Meth ¬

odist church Monday evening wasgrand The speakers were Hon WM HoIIoway state superintendent ofpublic schools and CapU GeorgeLynch Mr Sams the TimesUnionsrepresentative was present All theaddresses were listened to with deepinterest and every one came awayfully impressed ftrith what had beensaid by these eloquent speakers Wenoticed among those present severalfrom Island Grove namely Mr ShawMiss Cason and Miss Lee the school-teacher and several others

Quite a little excitement was arous ¬

ed Sunday when Mr Marlon McLeodwas shot by a desperate negro Sher-iff


Galloway came down and succeed-ed


in capturing the negro and he isnow in Jail In Ocala Mr McLeod-was taken to Jacksonville Sunday af-ternoon


by Dr Creekmore and placedin a hospital there The latest re¬

ports are that he Is resting very wellunder the circumstances We trustthe trouble Isnt serious and that hewill soon fully recover and he at homeagain

Mr Johnes a traveling dry goodsman was in town this week

Mr Dancy and family of Beddickwere visitors In town Sunday

Mrs Johnson of Island Grove visit-ed


her son and family here Sunday

The latest cBywriaht beek and thfinest general line ef boric ever hewnin this city at the Ocala News C



ui rs I It J

IT Is A Fl t f Ttl10

t-w J


fjf athat the maa who carries his Mcmey I Us pocketbeefctw y1 < r Rspend all of It without tbovgbt wfcile K beessI MCi ii r

tore for a max with a bamk accottsrt to igvre eT V Ufe ir 1 rof7 A JipOt-

via reserve 1m his beak f 1

IThe Munroe Chanibliss BaolkI <

Ocala Florida j<it




Jr I A


9 i e stLc




t 5



TIle Mly llIiK li Cfifral Htrida lurt Qnfltirt IFinishes IIe itae Carries al al TImes IK ialttt aai Z

lest ii unWire Mccpin M wifc fee itaks M4 JwtWhat tte Petfk WLd-



Abt carries a Ctnakk Ifae tf II flU ShelfCarriafest Waftu IiggksREies sMiiitl-Hkvu tw Slick aid tel tv priees iSire j-

uke ytw purchases TM-


Iespedk z


MM I fI ><


t rjt


Ocala florMac <>r

i fJ <







rin Ii

itid Mates 12 Per lay fcajy iHtUa 1i







5f < 1I JJfWe have a stone crusher at work la Ocala airai > i fl = tikinds of Cement Work BiilW udAtSoaa iBMM Cet 5C >

Brick BuildSidewalk ArtlScial tene 1 If< rfBlocks for Foundatloms for hove work whc MI iIthe cheaper Warehoa e and CnuJr eCoet it trackth tt

or J t t4 i I1rI r 1 lFI 1 J t1 Ar-e tr i Ii >L i ti w 1 < t i 0-

i <r I 4t>
