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Date post: 05-Jul-2020
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fAGKTWO j J I THE PADUCMI EVENING SUN r 4rJ f fM i 4 t < X At j v t iI RYS HOMBlIUNY JOB THE VICTORY vxr Paducah Defeats Danville Four to Three i t Cairo farm In IV Inxlnclblclnmli Tc- jiuibntIIk for fivvunif- IIiicc h 9 I V A rlf t > VIXCEXXES JS STIMi JN MiO 4 1 i i r TIIIII SIAlldl p ti Lua Ct t Vlncennes jt3 jID S9 032 Jacksonville 7f It 38 518 Cairo 7Jy f 41 38 518 ranumii 78 38 SO 487 Danville T8or3c 44 tSi arattooa 783 48 383 SundsyH kt1l8I Paducah 4 DaWiflp jj Vlnccnrics 4 NIattXni I i Cairo 4h ck onville 1 t Toda1ISclItCI Paducah at Jacksonville Cairo lilt Danville IVlnccnnesat Mfttobifr f Dahvillo Jll Jbil23 Petty knocked homo run yesterday and won front the locals IIs score of 4 Jo 3i The hit was ono of the hardest teen hero thijf nsoanil the little short ¬ stop mao tho cjrcult or the sacks I kea streak of greased lihUiIiigMf I The Indians had been Vising In barci J luck with Perry crippled by a broken lInger but the I Injury had healed i sumclcntljr to permit l thc plucky little tnfl lder to get Into the gasak arid hb celebrated with b home ruL k There was no one oh base when the trjck was turned and Perry tried I fQrlt lie hit 4t where thej iyfHKt trot apptatite that was jieq lng Both teams used two pHcbora atad hUg tallied The In dlaes made an error however and workis i Ittc score RItF P autah 48 1 banyjlltf 3 8 0 BtattorjcsBrahIc Wright and P wnTng SeTh Chrlstman and Ott IlooKlcni Take Another yjpcennes Ind July 23The Hooslera tpok yesterdays game from tho t Hostlers by hard hitting Ton tingle were secured oft Dowcll and V jUejr permitted but four The few r or jnwlo had no raaUrtal bring tiai the result The score RUE VJIICoones tl0 4 Maroon 143 erl 5rYIIteandlatteson Dowcll and Johnson t 9 Tadpoles Win Again Jacksonville III July IThe Tadpoles tore coralnr some and took festerdaya game from the Beltlte wltb ease Tho Tadpoles found a I blUing streak and banged out ten bin glee ott Allen Voodrlng the new re srult to the Tadpole pond did effec ¬ tive work and only six scattered bin Sles were secured off him rt Cairos pitching staffls weak eI d orts are being made to strengthen Ittjbls department Otherwise the team Is considered a strong as any In the Kitty league rh score TR> JL E 41Fpp 410 0 laekspnVlllo 1 6 5 BaUorlci Woodrlng and Q lesser iVtWobd t Belt Sntunlays Oiums Danville 4 Paducah 2 Jacksonville Cy Cairo 5 Vlncennes 2 Mattoon p I q t Indiana Ixwe U Danville July 23hits and cr rorsi tallied and It was a pitcher battle Dunched hits won for Dan i rllle I JThV score f It HE HniIke i n 4 7 1- Paduch t 12 11 Battcrlesr Ilolycfoss and Ott- radlock and Downfng 1 I S ij eItIteWIng Jacksonville Julr23 Everybody alt but Cairo error gave Jacksonville liamc I rt ore R liE J invillo 4 013 0A V > 5111 Batteries Hatch and Qulcsscr y roc and Belt i ifomicn Sitll Oolns yineenncs Jul UThe Hooslcrs e oi today from Maltoon by a score h f rZytG < It was a pltchjrs bottle o it Perdue excelled > t IftH score It H E t LI ieeones jio 2 4 20 0 C- BatCrietIOniti 2 ttoon j > < > cl1jd JIatCesoa MI Ctrth7 and Johnson < Lrle P01a rj91sl1crlp di t L p1d da nerount of the nbseiJfe of 6hbrt Cop Groh who Is oh tho sick Infieldi i league and a tower df strength to tho Indians Mattooi Star It Is said that Col Parnbaker will soon bo back doing baseball work on the Cairo Bulletin now that the fin ancfal troubles of the Uncertainties ore settled Tho colonel certainly knows how to boost the sport for ail It Is wotthlrJIattoon Star THE BIG LEAGUES J National League Chicago C llrooklyn 3 flatter ¬ ies Pfelster and Moran Scanlon and Bcrgon St Louis 4 Boston 1 Battcrlci Bcebe and Grady Young and Seed ham Cincinnati 13 Philadelphia 8 flat terlcs iWclmer and Schlcl Hlcblc land Doom Second game Clnclnnatil 1Di Philadelphia 3 Batteries Ewlng and Schiel Iloyj Plttlngor and Dpnovun SatiinlnyM iiiincs Q sinerlcziu League WashlngtonSt Ix > uls rain Philadelphia 3b Chicago 2 New York 1 Detroit Ci BostonCleveland rain < Xallollnl Leligile 1ltteburg 8 Now York 2 Cincinnati 2 Phlla 2 10 lnnitigs Chicago 3 Brooklyn C St Louis I S Boston 1I Turning Linil Into Gold The ancient Alchemists wero not tail charlatans writes Prof R A Mllllkan In Technical Wprld Maga l zinc far August They were simply men who wore striving most of thorn earnestly and seclously to find tho secret of producing any de ¬ sired transformation of matter They were trying to convert oho substance Into another by varying the propor- tions ¬ of the constituent elements Some of the ablest minds of the Middle Ages wbro engaged In this search Roger Bacon Spinoza Luther and Lclbnltx all believed In the Philosophers Stone and In the transmutation of the metals What does modern science have to say on this subJect To the ques tlon Aro tho elements transmutable hi the laboratories of nature wo may return the answer that certain it them at least are transmutable itid it Is probable that In natures laboratories all of then are being produced from some simple prlmor dial stuff It seems probable also that tho Universal Solvent which will pro- duce this transmutation nnd which I Ig perhaps producing It now In the stars Is temperature s But unfor unatejy the temperatures required to produce theo changes nre prob ihly forever beyond mans reach But If tho secret of this transfor nation should ever bo found we hould bo able to unlock almost In Inlto stores of energy which we now fnow to bo wrapped up In the atoms If the elements Should man ever bo able to un ock this energy ho would doubtless oak back upon the day in which his rogonltors burnqd coal to warm heir houses and to drive their en Ines with the same curiosity and Ity with which wo look back upop ho day whon our naked ancestors unwed their fields with a crooked tlck and lit their Tires with the park from a flint1 voun MVKII lOut of order You BO to bed In i ad humor anil get up with a bail tastB U your mouth You want rnmcthlng 0 tlmulate your liver JUll try lerliln the liver regulator A 101I l tva cure fur Constipation nd All liver coroplalnti Sirs F Ft korth Tcxa writeR Have used tcrlilnc In my family for years Words anX express what I think about It ivrryl ody In my Jiou hold are happy nit well and we owe It to IIcrLlnc Sold J y all UrugRiits For the benefit of those boating on so river on Sunday the Rev B H osanquct vicar of Thames Dittonj j hgland makes the announcement i lils parish magazjno l that the ljurch wardens will be glad to reI eire special scats for those In boat rig costume In tho parish church on unday mornings In tho southwest alle6I AM Tin I Voillh nowi that IlallardM Snow Ilnlnion UU no nupcrlor for Rheumatism Stlrt ilntH OiitrHpraln Lumbago and al I olnl liuylt try It and you will al aya use t Itl Anytxtdy who tutU tinea illurda Snow Liniment Is u living root of what It don All wo aik ot m 1 la to get a trial bottle Irlcc 25c- le And tlOO Sold by all drugelsts Yes1 said the young man my aIs are rather large I must admit utlarge caters are a sign of gcncr I city I believe Thats right re ¬ J ined the fair maid They indicate I latnltureibaa been quite gene- rusCofumbulJ Dispatch I jlarla Makes Pale Sickly Children I r The Old Standard Groves Taste r- IS Chili Tonic drives out malaria t t- 1d boIIJs up the system Sold by all t iate1rZqr 27 year Prlot 69 ctiU i Iwwwww HTIIELOBYThaI stock I yard aid a traveler attho hotel bIt night rpcakjng of Fifth street How- ever It was nol a fair time to Judg tbd streets ast was at tbe close of day and tho street cleaning had vot t begun I aupposo tho brick treets are the bert kind but the nsphaU are tho prettiest in Chicago theylhaye noticed a peculiar effect automobile havo on asphalt streets The tire on the automobiles teem t to create a suction which draws tic asphalt up and as they are continually pasalni over tho streets It Is feared that per maneut damage wilt result It has been proposed to prohibit by ordl canto automobile driving oq Mlchl gac avonuo in Chicago I Paducah I nearly as large as It can grow as a wholesale t wnVUh the territory it now con1i i 6t6sdnVfpftf mar¬ ket said a man who has watched the citys growth for years and who trav- els ¬ In this part of tboconntry The crts tt circumscribed In sonie of tts JoTibtag J trade by tho Iarg6 >cltles around U lint you have someenter prises which can compete with vt ie ountjTanti teams to m < must bo from securing those kind of concerns Probably thy people In Phdiicah do w t know how free from knockers the city Is The outsider notices It Immediately nnA thai more than any oChor one thing prbbably hai been responsible for your remarkable firowtn consWoifjag your location 1 t Many there aro who hopo tho sou Venlr postal card fad will never die salidMr Herman Wilcox at the Pal mer House last night and I am one of them I heard from a sister who hadnt written to me In ten years by moans of ono of these little cards There wasnt anything on It but a pjctiire and IIn6or good wishes but lt was enough We had sort of drift ¬ ed part after wo left home Vb have no common home now and wo havent seen each other Of course our In- tereSts aro separate now If wo met wecouil talk over old times but a correspondence I tuppoie would bo a at raid on both of us after those years I atritmsy and she has a family Somehow hadnt thought much about her of late but that foolish little pos ¬ tal card with Just a line on It made mo feel bettor than anything I have received m a long while Ill fet there are lots of peopo who haye been made happy just as I was by one of those foolish cards Another productive source of coun ¬ try scandal Is to bo cut of The party telephone line Is doomed This edict has gore forth from the office of tho Cumberland Telephone company and applies to tho local ex ¬ change The reason given Is the In ¬ create In rural subscribers and the consequent demand for better service Country swains and their sweet- hearts will bo mado happy by the change for no longer will their sweet secrets be made common property of tho neighborhood by eavesdropping subscribers at some other call on the line Many a womans reputation has teen ruined by tho party line and many a deal for good farm land has been nipped by a wise head with tile receiver phone held surrcptltuously to the car How long have you been waiting out here for me exclaimed a Itjidu esh woman with surprise when her wintry hOstess met her at the end of the lane on thobig road Oh I knew you were coming the other ropilri Jones Just telt- phoned that you bad pawed her house Mrs Jones Is on our line She overheard you tell me you wore comIng out All the others on the line know you wero coming too and I received four reports of your progress this morningThat for the fact that ai the women along the route were stand- Ing out In front of their houses when r passed doesnt It the city woman replied I presume they beard the irtt one announce my paulng and rbre watching Country people will miss the party Ina for some reasons and enjoy the change for others Visit DIxon Springs Slates 700 per single week JCOO Iler week for 2 weeks or montbrChH Iren under 10 years old half fare Ior particulars address J M GRoVES Mgr The Tflini Wonder Cures all kidney bladder and rhen latte troubles sold by J H Oehl chlaeger 601 Broadway Dr E W Iall office 2926 Olive rest SI onto Mo A firm of London motor manufact rers supplies Its customers with c < tonally colored confetti which the lotorJila sprinkle when running irough a fiolfco trap Drivers who illow at onceread the sign and act conllngly I IA 7 Trite Saying trite raying that no man It stronger than his stomach lr Ilercei Golden Medical I Dkcovenr strengthens the stomachputs it In shape to make lure rich bloulhelis tho liver and kidneys to expel the polons from the body and thus cures both liver and kid rfoy trouble If you tako thIs natural blood pun tier and tonic you will assist your system In manufacturing each day a IlnoC rich red Wood that Is Invigo ¬ rating to the train nnd ncrvr Hie weak nervous run down debilitated Iondltlon which so many people sutTr from I 10 usually the effect of jwlwins In I the blood It H often Indicated by pimples or bolls appearing on tho skin tno face hPromco thin aUI tim f feelings i bln- oUrllercdl Dlscdvery cures all blood humors as well ns being a tonic that makes one vigorous strong and forceful It Is tho only medicine put up for tale through driitrelsu fur Hkn purposes that ilarnIfulhabltforminc every Ineredcntof whlrh has the profes ¬ sional endorsement of the leading medIcal writers of this country Some of these rndorwmenw aro l11Ibl1lIl In a little book of extracts front standard medical works and will bo sent to any address byletter nV what Dr 1lercc medicines are made of severalIngredients cines are Old by leadeN In nil the several schools of medical practice an l Commending them for the CUill of trIO Medicallhscovery more weight with tim tIck and afflicted than any amount of tho socalled tostl molilaU so conspicuously Haunted 1 before the public by those who arc afraid to let thejugreillrnts of which their medicines araWinn > ed bn known Hear In mind tint the fCoIJcil Medical Discovery lint Tim JIADOII OK HoNEHTV onevcry hattie wraiTr In a full list of Its Ingrrdleuts Dr Iierces 1lcasanl PcleW euro con regulatastomach tiiousan0iageiiiustrated wlltbagcnt free paperbound for SI one stampMdresis r ANNIVERSARY WIrt in IIKIIIITII nv P nuoxn Aiitn Pirpnrntloiis lliliiK Mndo liy iitgits- to Attend National Oiuvfiitlcm III Mllivaiikrr On Thursday August 2 Padufah Aerie X6 1177 Fraternal Order of Eagres vlll celebrate its first aniti vcriaryAa r elaborate program will bo rendered and a banquet served at the Eagles Homo Sixth street and Broadway with a reception for la dies In the afternoon Tho celobra ¬ tion Is In charge of a committee of which lion Louts I Head Is chaIr- man ¬ and this committee Is now ar- ranging ¬ the prngratn A number of prominent members of rieigEboring aroa nW exp tftbd notably Mr Fred W Tolmlc prcsl l dent of Nashville Aerie No 86 and Hon W II Southall Ifof Hop klnsvllle Acrlo Ko 143 both of wtjom will delrvor addrossoi A mu ¬ sical program will bo arranged The local aerlt has Increased In the last year from 100 to nearly 300 members Arrangements arc being made by Paducah Acne for tho trip to the an- nual ¬ convention in Milwaukee Au- gust 13 to 18 lIon Hal S Corbett will bo tho representative while oth1 era who expect to attend are Louis P Head lien Vcille Louis S Levy 0 n Elnioro and n > P Martin1 lion Louis P Head announces that he will rcsump publication of The Southern Eagle on August 20 The paper was started In March last but owing to Mr Heads nece tary absence from the city most of the summer Its Issue was temporari- ly ¬ suspended Even nt this rtaga of the game there are men who deny that fltorgc Washington ever owned a hatchet SPEND YOUR VACATION ON THE GREAT LAKES Trarelluz tin I > ft C Stesmea means the enjoyment of all the ad nusea which marine architecture call provide peed safety and com fort are prime mlderatlona Through Tickets M loall polnt and baggage checked lo destination D i C TIMETABLE MACKINAC DIVISION UToItda Mondlyt U eStuda ir 918 A M Tuwdiyl U IwvSiit 400 P M LvOtro1 UodpSatrdy i 550 PM Wdnsdys Eridj 535 A U Pour Trip per week commencing 5thIJ IUJ Uk III- t ra toe I t tUk Ckg4- ugi iIy U L 5gs- a5u ils ft Us5 A II ICod lb Ii t poi rt5 val1 lliauapollo ad DETROIT a CUCVCLAND DIVIOION- L Dttnit duly 1010 P U Arrix Clivlwl itf It 530AM- Lti CKntmd dollt lOtS P M Amy Dttivit duly 519AM DoT loll ti Ito 5 CirnI4 4 la Jolf SAd Al T L o trr bes EaJolII ti a4 ToIo4o Sd a to ewt tump tel Uuitntad PimpliUt AddiMi L LlICnrJ tlUpI Wk lad rT DCTROrr 4 OiVELANB NAVCO JANES REAL ESTATE- MORTGAGES LOANS Lots on Tennessee and Jones streets between 8th and 9th 1376 cash 0 1400 part on time 412 South 9th St G rooms In good fix nt J1P30 part on time 4 IS South Oth St 6 rooms house good condition at 11750 part time 503 Fountain Aye C room house nice water Inside cxcclent location See mo as to price which depends on terms of payment Some excellent farm offers near city do now for subdivision and pay hand ¬ some profit at onco on present prices Madison St Fountain Park corner lot at 050 Only chanco In park Nice North 5th St 9room house In excellent condition at 3800 Only 3 1 blocks from Palmer House Three houses rents about 30 month X E corner 6th and Ohio SIS good Investment at 2400 Have at all times money to loan on farm land at 6 per tent Interest t 10 years time Certainly getting money wanted If farm and title all right Have acre land just outsldo city limits In very holce location can soil In any quantity wanted from about I 4 acres up Well opened up with wide streets and best offers In this class about city Five acres fronting 515 feet on south sldo of HInklcvlIlo road near city limits at UOD acre This lanI can bo subdivided Into lots and resell at handsome profit Easy payments Five 4room douUe houses on lots each 40x165 feet to 15 foot alley on north side of Clax street between 12ta and I3th streets at 1050 each 100 cash and balance I itt monthly payment of 15 Konts now at 1D month These are bargains for investment al houses In good condition and grouna rapidly rising ta value Take ono ot moreOne nicest 7room houses In city now never been occupied all modern conveniences noar Madison I St front- Ing on Fountain Avo and opposite Lang park at 300 part on time This Is fine offer In good home Look at it and tee 4 G10 acres near Wallace Park high well drained with excellent sur ¬ roundings GO foot street In front of It at 1OOO on any reasonablo payments desiredFirstclass cottage of p rooms Just renovated throughout on north sldo of Jefferson St between 13th and 1itb at 3500 Several Rowlandtown lots on 500 monthly payments 240 acres best farm In county onl1 4 miles from city 1500 cash and balanco on u years time Sco me If you want what will double In valuo In few years Jioicll at twice tho price long before payments are duo Ion IlKXT Good 4room house newly papered 1113 N 12th St at 80fr month 505 Fountain Avo 4room cottage front and back porches hall wei shaded lot 49x150 feet t nice condition 3 grate Sire places bargain at 1GOO cash 4rom iiouso and 9 lots 10 feet wide surroundod by lots sold and selling fast at 250 each whole offer for 2000 which is a great bargain See mo and got details Crooin house on cast side S 4th St between Clark and Adams at 1800 7room house S 4th between Clark and Adams west side sewer cornice ¬ finns and modern conveniences at 2850 These aro > sampl s Ask for what you want and wo can furnish It Afew more lots unsold In the Ter ¬ rell Fountain Park addition at Ulit each on payments of 25 cash and balance 5 per month These are the host monthly payment lots now tobe had about the city and will soon be gone More future rise In value in these lots than any you can get for homes For Sale Sixroom cottage on S IL corner 7th and Harrison lot 67 ft 9 Inches by ICG feet stable servants hous on long easy pay ¬ meats Only I UDD cash See me for details and get homo In best res ¬ idence part of north ildeI Chance for colored people Have half dozes houses for sale at prices 500 to 1000 on very easy pay ¬ ments Small casS and afterwards l by the month Now is the time to get small places for country homes Can sell nice lots from 5 acri 1j up In very de ilrable location near electric cars 9rpom house C blocks from post office north side sewer connected In best part of cltr at 3500 of this only 5CO cash balance UD month Dont forget that I have at all times plenty of money to loan on farm mortgages at six per cent In ¬ terest ten years ti- meWMJANES ROOM 5 TnUEHEART BUILDING old Phone M7B4- AMCABBT L c v r fT I DEEPEST CUT OF ALLI I IOur Stock of Light Weight Suits Must Go Three Piece Suits Look for the Lots Lot S757 sold at fri oo cut now to698 It it 5101 sold at 1200 cut now to 798 Lot 5782 1at 87 50 cut now toM 498 rot 3511 sold at 85 oo cut now to 298 t I1 575 sod at 106 50 cut now to 398 Two Piece Suits Look for the Lots Lot 5208 sold at 9 00 cut now to598- I ot 5416 sold at Sto co cut now to 698 Lot 5052 sold at 6 50 cut now to 398 Lot 5883 sold at 5 50 cut now to 378 Lot 5878 sod at 8500 cut now to 298 j Youths Two and Three Piece Suits Look for the Lots Lot sosr told at J s 00 cut now toMS298 547ot And so on down the hue About equal to 50 per cent 12 off About equal to suits at half price We Warif the Room Ve Want the Money j jHeres t Something No Other House Does 25 t f 14 Off on All Black and Blue Suits of I All other houses except these Irom their cut price sales We dont ALL GO Hotel Cumberland I Broadway at 54th Si NEW YORK CITY N V Th moot luintToutljr ppololtd hotel In Ntw York 110 furnith n I are rag ilth VlltbldlloollholI eretl sIth htatK rae oriental rut t Tiled bath loots vtntutflg Into theojiea sir a feature Telphone I In everr tu te- Thlthileloflera lo permanent and tanS Ictcuvitt > upeior ccomnsoltloei l > er vice etc t temptilig t rail I Inipection at thl > beautIful establishment invited SEND COn ILLUSTRATED BOOKLtT EDWARD R SVETTi PROPRIETOR TilE BJG FOUR New York Central Lute THE BEST LINE TO NDIANAPOLIS PEORIACHICAGO And all points In Indiana and Michigan TOLEDODETROIT DETROITCLEVELAND BUFFALO NEW YORKBOSTON Ami all po < nts Hast Infoniitloa chtecfnlly furnished oi Ui1Four write to S J OATHS Get 1 Agt DepaitnicutLouisville II oJ lUIKKV hen Iwu Aev > Cincinnati 0 The school oi experlenroi t Is ejicn oour4oacbdak I i Jr We Want Roomt t We Want Money We aim to get both by of ¬ feting you our mens fliRtV boys t tilts at the pi ices above quoted Come loofc and be convinced Cut prices still go on all low cut and canvas shoes THE MODEL 112 1 S Second St J PADUCAHS CHEAP CASH STORE the Store That Suet Tiu Hcnef All New Fresh Goods 5wLi JbWKIUY that wilt rlinrm anti ilcllglit lilt jiulgu i f title Kiim Illnc Ilrmxli 4I Cs Oriinmrntnl Comb Ctmliii IJ Itrnrrlctii etc WATCH EM for tallies nnil flcnllrnun In gold 1 f sliver or Riininrtnl Cigarette Cases Match IliiYr Clsnr Cullrn etc All ors tit In Inly piecce af silver for mj j Lailys tlrcwdng table WAItllUN WAKIIKV a a C NOTICECopy I i Ismc will close Jily 31 1906a All correct Iocs must be rcc ltd before this date TMs directory contains the names and addresses of iI I over 3000 subscriber Ycu nt c commercially lost If your imitfe is not listed East Tennessee Telephone Co r i
Page 1: J I THE PADUCMI RYS HOMBlIUNY Infieldi I JANES iI · fAGKTWO j J I THE PADUCMI EVENING SUN r 4rJ ffM i 4 t < X At j v t iI RYS HOMBlIUNY JOB THE VICTORY vxr Paducah Defeats Danville


4rJ ffMi 4 t < X At j v t iIRYS HOMBlIUNY


Paducah Defeats DanvilleFour to Three

i tCairo farm In IV Inxlnclblclnmli Tc-

jiuibntIIk for fivvunif-IIiicc h 9 I


rlf t >


i irTIIIII SIAlldl

p ti Lua CttVlncennes jt3 jID S9 032Jacksonville 7f It 38 518Cairo 7Jyf 41 38 518ranumii 78 38 SO 487Danville T8or3c 44 tSiarattooa 783 48 383

SundsyH kt1l8IPaducah 4 DaWiflp jj

Vlnccnrics 4 NIattXniI iCairo 4h ck onville 1


Paducah at JacksonvilleCairo lilt Danville

IVlnccnnesat Mfttobifr f

Dahvillo Jll Jbil23 Pettyknocked homo run yesterday and wonfront the locals IIs score of 4 Jo 3iThe hit was ono of the hardest teenhero thijf nsoanil the little short ¬

stop mao tho cjrcult or the sacksI kea streak of greased lihUiIiigMfI

The Indians had been Vising Inbarci Jluck with Perry crippled by abroken lInger but the IInjury hadhealedi sumclcntljr to permitl thcplucky little tnfl lder to get Into thegasak arid hb celebrated with b homeruLk There was no one oh base when thetrjck was turned and Perry tried

I fQrlt lie hit 4t where thejiyfHKttrot apptatite that wasjieq lng Both teams used twopHcbora atad hUg tallied The Indlaes made an error however and

workisiIttc score RItF

P autah 48 1banyjlltf 3 8 0

BtattorjcsBrahIc Wright andP wnTng SeTh Chrlstman and Ott

IlooKlcni Take Anotheryjpcennes Ind July 23The

Hooslera tpok yesterdays game fromthot Hostlers by hard hitting Tontingle were secured oft Dowcll and

V jUejr permitted but four The few

r or jnwlo had no raaUrtal bringtiai the result

The score RUEVJIICoones tl0 4

Maroon 143erl 5rYIIteandlatteson

Dowcll and Johnson t

9Tadpoles Win Again

Jacksonville III July ITheTadpoles tore coralnr some and tookfesterdaya game from the Beltltewltb ease Tho Tadpoles found a I

blUing streak and banged out ten binglee ott Allen Voodrlng the new resrult to the Tadpole pond did effec ¬

tive work and only six scattered binSles were secured off himrtCairos pitching staffls weak eI d

orts are being made to strengthenIttjbls department Otherwise theteam Is considered a strong as any In

the Kitty leaguerh score TR> JL E

41Fpp 410 0

laekspnVlllo 1 6 5

BaUorlci Woodrlng and Q lesseriVtWobdt Belt

Sntunlays OiumsDanville 4 Paducah 2

Jacksonville Cy Cairo 5Vlncennes 2 Mattoon p Iq


Indiana Ixwe U

Danville July 23hits and crrorsi tallied and It was a pitcherbattle Dunched hits won for Dan irllle I

JThV score f It HEHniIke i n 4 7 1-

Paducht12 11

Battcrlesr Ilolycfoss and Ott-

radlock and Downfng 1

I Sij eItIteWIng

Jacksonville Julr23 Everybodyalt but Cairo error gave Jacksonville

liamc Irtore R liE Jinvillo 4 013 0AV > 5111

Batteries Hatch and Qulcsscr y

roc and Belt

i ifomicn Sitll Oolnsyineenncs Jul UThe Hooslcrs e

oi today from Maltoon by a score h

frZytG < It was a pltchjrs bottle o

it Perdue excelled > tIftH score It H E tLI

ieeones jio 2 4 200 C-

BatCrietIOniti2ttoon j > < >

cl1jd JIatCesoa MI

Ctrth7 and Johnson< LrleP01arj91sl1crlp di


p1d da nerount of the nbseiJfe of6hbrt Cop Groh who Is oh tho sickInfieldii

league and a tower dfstrength to tho Indians MattooiStar

It Is said that Col Parnbaker willsoon bo back doing baseball work onthe Cairo Bulletin now that the financfal troubles of the Uncertaintiesore settled Tho colonel certainlyknows how to boost the sport for ailIt Is wotthlrJIattoon Star



National LeagueChicago C llrooklyn 3 flatter ¬

ies Pfelster and Moran Scanlonand Bcrgon

St Louis 4 Boston 1 BattcrlciBcebe and Grady Young and Seed

hamCincinnati 13 Philadelphia 8 flat

terlcs iWclmer and Schlcl Hlcblcland Doom

Second gameClnclnnatil 1Di Philadelphia 3

Batteries Ewlng and Schiel IloyjPlttlngor and Dpnovun

SatiinlnyM iiiincsQ sinerlcziu League

WashlngtonSt Ix> uls rainPhiladelphia 3b Chicago 2

New York 1 Detroit Ci

BostonCleveland rain <

Xallollnl Leligile1ltteburg 8 Now York 2Cincinnati 2 Phlla 2 10 lnnitigsChicago 3 Brooklyn C

St Louis IS Boston 1ITurning Linil Into Gold

The ancient Alchemists wero nottail charlatans writes Prof R A

Mllllkan In Technical Wprld Magal

zinc far August They were simplymen who wore striving most ofthorn earnestly and seclously tofind tho secret of producing any de ¬

sired transformation of matter Theywere trying to convert oho substanceInto another by varying the propor-tions


of the constituent elementsSome of the ablest minds of the

Middle Ages wbro engaged In thissearch Roger Bacon SpinozaLuther and Lclbnltx all believed In

the Philosophers Stone and In thetransmutation of the metals

What does modern science have tosay on this subJect To the questlon Aro tho elements transmutablehi the laboratories of nature womay return the answer that certainit them at least are transmutableitid it Is probable that In natureslaboratories all of then are beingproduced from some simple prlmordial stuff

It seems probable also that thoUniversal Solvent which will pro-

duce this transmutation nnd whichIIg perhaps producing It now In thestars Is temperature

sBut unfor

unatejy the temperatures requiredto produce theo changes nre probihly forever beyond mans reach

But If tho secret of this transfornation should ever bo found wehould bo able to unlock almost In

Inlto stores of energy which we nowfnow to bo wrapped up In the atomsIf the elements

Should man ever bo able to unock this energy ho would doubtlessoak back upon the day in which hisrogonltors burnqd coal to warmheir houses and to drive their enInes with the same curiosity andIty with which wo look back upopho day whon our naked ancestorsunwed their fields with a crookedtlck and lit their Tires with thepark from a flint1

voun MVKIIlOut of order You BO to bed In iad humor anil get up with a bail tastB

U your mouth You want rnmcthlng0 tlmulate your liver JUll trylerliln the liver regulator A 101Iltva cure fur Constipationnd All liver coroplalnti Sirs F Ftkorth Tcxa writeR Have usedtcrlilnc In my family for years WordsanX express what I think about Itivrryl ody In my Jiou hold are happynit well and we owe It to IIcrLlnc

Sold J y all UrugRiits

For the benefit of those boating onso river on Sunday the Rev B Hosanquct vicar of Thames Dittonjjhgland makes the announcementi lils parish magazjnol that theljurch wardens will be glad to reIeire special scats for those In boatrig costume In tho parish church onunday mornings In tho southwestalle6IAM Tin I Voillhnowi that IlallardM Snow Ilnlnion

UU no nupcrlor for Rheumatism StlrtilntH OiitrHpraln Lumbago and al I

olnl liuylt try It and you will alaya use tItl Anytxtdy who tutU tineaillurda Snow Liniment Is u livingroot of what It don All wo aik otm 1la to get a trial bottle Irlcc 25c-le And tlOOSold by all drugelsts

Yes1 said the young man myaIs are rather large I must admitutlarge caters are a sign of gcncr I

city I believe Thats right re ¬ J

ined the fair maid They indicate I

latnltureibaa been quite gene-rusCofumbulJ Dispatch


jlarla Makes Pale Sickly Children Ir

The Old Standard Groves Taste r-

IS Chili Tonic drives out malaria tt-

1d boIIJs up the system Sold by all tiate1rZqr 27 year Prlot 69 ctiU i




yard aid a traveler attho hotel bItnight rpcakjng of Fifth street How-

ever It was nol a fair time to Judgtbd streets ast was at tbe close ofday and tho street cleaning had vottbegun I aupposo tho brick treetsare the bert kind but the nsphaU aretho prettiest in Chicago theylhayenoticed a peculiar effect automobilehavo on asphalt streets The tire onthe automobiles teem tto create asuction which draws tic asphalt upand as they are continually pasalniover tho streets It Is feared that permaneut damage wilt result It hasbeen proposed to prohibit by ordlcanto automobile driving oq Mlchlgac avonuo in Chicago I

Paducah I nearly as large as Itcan grow as a wholesale t wnVUh theterritory it now con1ii 6t6sdnVfpftf mar¬

ket said a man who has watched thecitys growth for years and who trav-


In this part of tboconntry Thecrts tt circumscribed In sonie of ttsJoTibtagJ trade by tho Iarg6 >cltlesaround U lint you have someenterprises which can compete with vt ie

ountjTantiteams to m< must bo from securingthose kind of concerns Probably thypeople In Phdiicah do w t know howfree from knockers the city Is Theoutsider notices It Immediately nnA

thai more than any oChor one thingprbbably hai been responsible foryour remarkable firowtn consWoifjagyour location 1tMany there aro who hopo tho sou

Venlr postal card fad will never diesalidMr Herman Wilcox at the Palmer House last night and I am one

of them I heard from a sister who

hadnt written to me In ten years by

moans of ono of these little cardsThere wasnt anything on It but apjctiire and IIn6or good wishes butlt was enough We had sort of drift ¬

ed part after wo left home Vb haveno common home now and wo haventseen each other Of course our In-

tereSts aro separate now If wo metwecouil talk over old times but acorrespondence I tuppoie would bo aat raid on both of us after those yearsI atritmsy and she has a familySomehow hadnt thought much abouther of late but that foolish little pos¬

tal card with Just a line on It mademo feel bettor than anything I havereceived m a long while Ill fetthere are lots of peopo who haye beenmade happy just as I was by one ofthose foolish cards

Another productive source of coun ¬

try scandal Is to bo cut of The partytelephone line Is doomed

This edict has gore forth from theoffice of tho Cumberland Telephonecompany and applies to tho local ex ¬

change The reason given Is the In¬

create In rural subscribers and theconsequent demand for better service

Country swains and their sweet-

hearts will bo mado happy by thechange for no longer will their sweetsecrets be made common property of

tho neighborhood by eavesdroppingsubscribers at some other call on theline

Many a womans reputation hasteen ruined by tho party line andmany a deal for good farm land hasbeen nipped by a wise head with tilereceiver phone held surrcptltuouslyto the car

How long have you been waitingout here for me exclaimed a Itjidu

esh woman with surprise when herwintry hOstess met her at the end ofthe lane on thobig road

Oh I knew you were comingthe other ropilri Jones Just telt-phoned that you bad pawed herhouse Mrs Jones Is on our lineShe overheard you tell me you worecomIng out All the others on theline know you wero coming too and I

received four reports of your progressthis morningThat

for the fact that aithe women along the route were stand-Ing out In front of their houses whenr passed doesnt It the city womanreplied I presume they beard theirtt one announce my paulng andrbre watching

Country people will miss the partyIna for some reasons and enjoy thechange for others

Visit DIxon SpringsSlates 700 per single week JCOO

Iler week for 2 weeks or montbrChHIren under 10 years old half fareIor particulars address


The Tflini WonderCures all kidney bladder and rhen

latte troubles sold by J H Oehlchlaeger 601 Broadway Dr E WIall office 2926 Olive rest SIonto Mo

A firm of London motor manufactrers supplies Its customers with c<

tonally colored confetti which thelotorJila sprinkle when runningirough a fiolfco trap Drivers whoillow at onceread the sign and actconllngly

IIA7Trite Sayingtrite raying that no man It

stronger than his stomach lr IlerceiGolden Medical I Dkcovenr strengthensthe stomachputs it In shape to makelure rich bloulhelis tho liver andkidneys to expel the polons from thebody and thus cures both liver and kidrfoy trouble If you tako thIs naturalblood pun tier and tonic you will assistyour system In manufacturing each daya IlnoC rich red Wood that Is Invigo ¬

rating to the train nnd ncrvr Hieweak nervous run down debilitatedIondltlon which so many people sutTrfrom I10 usually the effect of jwlwins In

I the blood It H often Indicated by pimplesor bolls appearing on tho skin tno facehPromco thin aUI tim ffeelings ibln-oUrllercdl Dlscdvery cures all bloodhumors as well ns being a tonic thatmakes one vigorous strong and forcefulIt Is tho only medicine put up for talethrough driitrelsu fur Hkn purposes thatilarnIfulhabltformincevery Ineredcntof whlrh has the profes ¬

sional endorsement of the leading medIcalwriters of this country Some of theserndorwmenw aro l11Ibl1lIl In a littlebook of extracts front standard medicalworks and will bo sent to any addressbyletternVwhat Dr 1lercc medicines are made ofseveralIngredientscines are Old by leadeN In nil theseveral schools of medical practice an lCommending them for the CUill of trIO

Medicallhscoverymore weight with tim tIck and afflictedthan any amount of tho socalled tostlmolilaU so conspicuously Haunted1 beforethe public by those who arc afraid to letthejugreillrnts of which their medicinesaraWinn > ed bn known Hear In mindtint the fCoIJcil Medical Discovery lintTim JIADOII OK HoNEHTV onevcry hattiewraiTr In a full list of Its Ingrrdleuts

Dr Iierces 1lcasanl PcleW euro con

regulatastomachtiiousan0iageiiiustratedwlltbagcnt free paperbound for SI onestampMdresisr ANNIVERSARY

WIrt in IIKIIIITII nv Pnuoxn Aiitn

Pirpnrntloiis lliliiK Mndo liy iitgits-to Attend National Oiuvfiitlcm

III Mllivaiikrr

On Thursday August 2 PadufahAerie X6 1177 Fraternal Order ofEagres vlll celebrate its first anitivcriaryAar elaborate program willbo rendered and a banquet served atthe Eagles Homo Sixth street andBroadway with a reception for ladies In the afternoon Tho celobra ¬

tion Is In charge of a committee ofwhich lion Louts I Head Is chaIr-man


and this committee Is now ar-


the prngratnA number of prominent members

of rieigEboring aroa nW exp tftbd

notably Mr Fred W Tolmlc prcslldent of Nashville Aerie No 86 andHon W II Southall Ifof Hopklnsvllle Acrlo Ko 143 both ofwtjom will delrvor addrossoi A mu ¬

sical program will bo arrangedThe local aerlt has Increased In

the last year from 100 to nearly 300members

Arrangements arc being made by

Paducah Acne for tho trip to the an-


convention in Milwaukee Au-

gust 13 to 18 lIon Hal S Corbettwill bo tho representative while oth1era who expect to attend are LouisP Head lien Vcille Louis S Levy

0 n Elnioro and n> P Martin1

lion Louis P Head announcesthat he will rcsump publication ofThe Southern Eagle on August

20 The paper was started In March

last but owing to Mr Heads necetary absence from the city most ofthe summer Its Issue was temporari-ly



Even nt this rtaga of the gamethere are men who deny that fltorgcWashington ever owned a hatchet


means the enjoyment of all the adnusea which marine architecture

call provide peed safety and comfort are prime mlderatlona

Through Tickets M loall polntand baggage checked lo destination


UToItda Mondlyt U eStuda ir 918 A M

Tuwdiyl U IwvSiit 400 P M

LvOtro1 UodpSatrdy i 550 PMWdnsdys Eridj 535 A U

Pour Trip per week commencing5thIJ IUJ Uk III-

t ra toe I t tUk Ckg4-ugi iIy U L 5gs-a5u ils ft Us5 A II ICod lb Ii t

poi rt5 val1 lliauapollo adDETROIT a CUCVCLAND

DIVIOION-L Dttnit duly 1010 P UArrix Clivlwl itfIt 530AM-Lti CKntmd dollt lOtS P M

Amy Dttivit duly 519AMDoT loll ti Ito 5 CirnI4 4

la Jolf SAd AlT Lo trr bes EaJolIIti a4 ToIo4o

Sd a to ewt tump tel UuitntadPimpliUt AddiMi

L LlICnrJ tlUpIWk



Lots on Tennessee and Jones streetsbetween 8th and 9th 1376 cash 01400 part on time

412 South 9th St G rooms In goodfix nt J1P30 part on time

4 IS South Oth St 6 rooms housegood condition at 11750 part time

503 Fountain Aye C room housenice water Inside cxcclent locationSee mo as to price which depends onterms of payment

Some excellent farm offers near citydo now for subdivision and pay hand ¬

some profit at onco on present pricesMadison St Fountain Park corner

lot at 050 Only chanco In parkNice North 5th St 9room house In

excellent condition at 3800 Only31 blocks from Palmer House

Three houses rents about 30

month X E corner 6th and Ohio SIS

good Investment at 2400Have at all times money to loan on

farm land at 6 per tent Interestt 10years time Certainly getting moneywanted If farm and title all right

Have acre land just outsldo citylimits In very holce location can soilIn any quantity wanted from about I 4acres up Well opened up with widestreets and best offers In this classabout city

Five acres fronting 515 feet onsouth sldo of HInklcvlIlo road nearcity limits at UOD acre This lanIcan bo subdivided Into lots and resellat handsome profit Easy payments

Five 4room douUe houses on lotseach 40x165 feet to 15 foot alley on

north side of Clax street between 12taand I3th streets at 1050 each 100cash and balance Iitt monthly paymentof 15 Konts now at 1D monthThese are bargains for investment alhouses In good condition and grounarapidly rising ta value Take ono ot

moreOnenicest 7room houses In city

now never been occupied all modernconveniences noar MadisonI St front-Ing on Fountain Avo and oppositeLang park at 300 part on timeThis Is fine offer In good home Lookat it and tee

4 G10 acres near Wallace Parkhigh well drained with excellent sur¬

roundings GO foot street In front of Itat 1OOO on any reasonablo payments

desiredFirstclass cottage of p rooms Justrenovated throughout on north sldo ofJefferson St between 13th and 1itbat 3500

Several Rowlandtown lots on 500monthly payments

240 acres best farm In county onl14 miles from city 1500 cash andbalanco on u years time Sco me If youwant what will double In valuo In fewyears Jioicll at twice tho price longbefore payments are duo

Ion IlKXTGood 4room house newly papered

1113 N 12th St at 80fr month505 Fountain Avo 4room cottage

front and back porches hall weishaded lot 49x150 feett nice condition3 grate Sire places bargain at 1GOO

cash4rom iiouso and 9 lots 10 feet wide

surroundod by lots sold and sellingfast at 250 each whole offer for

2000 which is a great bargain Seemo and got details

Crooin house on cast side S 4th Stbetween Clark and Adams at 1800

7room house S 4th between Clarkand Adams west side sewer cornice ¬

finns and modern conveniences at2850

These aro > sampl s Ask for whatyou want and wo can furnish It

Afew more lots unsold In the Ter¬

rell Fountain Park addition at Uliteach on payments of 25 cash andbalance 5 per month These arethe host monthly payment lots nowtobe had about the city and willsoon be gone More future rise Invalue in these lots than any youcan get for homes

For Sale Sixroom cottage onS IL corner 7th and Harrison lot67 ft 9 Inches by ICG feet stableservants hous on long easy pay ¬

meats OnlyI UDD cash See mefor details and get homo In best res¬

idence part of north ildeIChance for colored people Have

half dozes houses for sale at prices500 to 1000 on very easy pay¬

ments Small casS and afterwardslby the month

Now is the time to get smallplaces for country homes Can sellnice lots from 5 acri1j up In very deilrable location near electric cars

9rpom house C blocks from postoffice north side sewer connectedIn best part of cltr at 3500 of thisonly 5CO cash balance UD month

Dont forget that I have at alltimes plenty of money to loan onfarm mortgages at six per cent In ¬

terest ten years ti-meWMJANES



old Phone M7B4-



c v rfT I

DEEPEST CUT OF ALLIIIOur Stock of Light Weight Suits Must Go

Three Piece Suits Look for the LotsLot S757 sold at fri oo cut nowto698It it 5101 sold at 1200 cut now to 798Lot 5782 1at 87 50 cut now toM 498rot 3511 sold at 85 oo cut now to 298 tI1 575 sod at 106 50 cut now to 398

Two Piece Suits Look for the LotsLot 5208 sold at 9 00 cut nowto598-I ot 5416 sold at Sto co cut now to 698Lot 5052 sold at 6 50 cut now to 398Lot 5883 sold at 5 50 cut now to 378Lot 5878 sod at 8500 cut now to 298 jYouths Two and Three Piece Suits

Look for the LotsLot sosr told at Js 00 cut now toMS298547otAnd so on down the hueAbout equal to 50 per cent 12 off

About equal to suits at half price

We Warif the Room Ve Want the Money

jjHerest Something No Other House Does

25 t f 14 Off on All Black and Blue Suits of

I All other houses except these Irom their cut price salesWe dont ALL GO

Hotel CumberlandI Broadway at 54th Si


Th moot luintToutljr ppololtd hotel InNtw York 110 furnith n I are rag ilth

VlltbldlloollholIeretl sIth htatK rae oriental rut t Tiledbath loots vtntutflg Into theojiea sir afeature Telphone IIn everr tu te-

Thlthileloflera lo permanent and tanSIctcuvitt > upeior ccomnsoltloeil > ervice etc t temptiligt rail I Inipection atthl > beautIful establishment invited



TilE BJG FOURNew York Central Lute



And all points In Indiana andMichigan





Ami all po< nts HastInfoniitloa chtecfnlly furnished oiUi1Fourwrite to

S J OATHSGet 1 Agt DepaitnicutLouisville

II oJ lUIKKVhen Iwu Aev> Cincinnati 0

The school oi experlenroi tIs ejicn


We Want Roomtt

We Want Money

We aim to get both by of ¬

feting you our mens fliRtVboys t tilts at the pi icesabove quoted Come loofcand be convinced

Cut prices still go on alllow cut and canvas shoes

THE MODEL1121 S Second St J


the Store That Suet Tiu


All New Fresh Goods



that wilt rlinrm anti ilcllglit liltjiulgu i f title Kiim Illnc Ilrmxli

4ICs Oriinmrntnl Comb Ctmliii IJItrnrrlctii etc


for tallies nnil flcnllrnun In gold1


sliver or Riininrtnl Cigarette CasesMatch IliiYr Clsnr Cullrn etc Allors tit In Inly piecce af silver for mj j

Lailys tlrcwdng table


a aC



Ismc will close Jily 311906aAll correct Iocs must bercc ltd before this date

TMs directory containsthe names and addresses of iIIover 3000 subscriber

Ycu nt c commercially lostIf your imitfe is not listed

East Tennessee

Telephone Co

r i
