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J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1956, 19, 224. BENIGN CONGENITAL MYOPATHY WITH MYASTHENIC FEATURES BY *JOHN N. WALTON, tNORMAN GESCHWIND, and +J. A. SIMPSON From the Neurological Research Unit and the Biochemical Department of the Institute of Neurology, the National Hospital, Queen Square, London It has been increasingly apparent in recent years that in addition to cases which fall into recognizable categories of muscle disease, a number of less common disorders occur from time to time which do not correspond to the accepted descriptions. Some of these appear to be metabolic in origin and can be elucidated, at least in part, by modern methods of investigation (McArdle, 1951) while others seem to fall into a borderland of either myopathy or myasthenia gravis. A case of the latter type is described and discussed below. Case History R. M. (N. H. case 4838), a female telephonist, was born in 1919; her mother was well during pregnancy, labour was normal, and the baby thrived well during the neonatal period. She seemed normally active and lively and sat up at 7 months; at 9 months she tipped over her pram by jumping vigorously and sustained a cut chin but no other injury. Shortly after this episode her mother noticed that the limbs and body tended to flop limply when she was lifted and the head lolled as if she were totally unable to support it. The limbs were unusually flexible, like those of a rag doll, and she lay in her pram almost immobile, without kicking her legs or waving her arms. Nevertheless, at the age of a year she was able to crawl a short distance when put on the floor; her crawling improved steadily, although her limbs remained rather loose and " floppy ". However, this was her only means of locomotion until she reached the age of 5 years, when she began to pull herself up with her arms and to walk around the furni- ture. When she was 5j years old she was able to walk a few paces unaided and the limbs, though somewhat weak, were not so loose. The patient's mother suggested that at this age she was very little stronger but had learned to overcome her weakness. At the age of 7 she was able to go to a school for disabled children and could walk about 20 yards, but would then have to rest for about a minute in order to regain her strength. She always tended to tire throughout the day and was much weaker in the evening than on waking. She had particular difficulty in climbing stairs or in rising from a low chair and showed a considerable tendency to trip and fall, after which she would find it difficult to get up again. Apart from her muscular disability the patient developed normally; the menarche occurred at 13 years and she had menstruated normally since. As the patient grew older she was gradually able to extend her activities, although her muscular weakness was virtually unchanged. She attempted numerous occupations and finally worked (from 1948) for two years as a telephonist, but was compelled to give up this post because of her muscular disability; since 1950 she had helped her mother in the home. The patient had two sisters, one older and one younger than herself, both of whom were well, and there was no history of muscular disease in the family. The patient was first admitted to the National Hospital in 1941 under the care of Dr. E. A. Carmichael, when generalized muscular hypotonia of moderate degree and diffuse atrophy of proximal limb muscles were discovered. She showed an accentuated lumbar lordosis and tended to waddle when she walked. There was also bilateral ptosis and weakness of the upper facial musculature. A diagnosis of atypical amyotonia congenita was made. She was readmitted on several occasions during the ensuing years, when her symptoms and physical signs were virtually unchanged. In 1944 she was seen by Dr. Gordon Holmes, who suggested that she was suffering from an unidentified defect of muscle metabolism. In 1948 Sir Charles Symonds could demonstrate no myasthenic tiring of the eyelids, although there was pathological fatiguability of the deltoids; he agreed that the patient was suffering from an unusual metabolic disorder of muscle. On at least three occasions the effect of an intramuscular injection of 1-5 mg. prostigmine was tested. Each time the drug made the patient feel " queer " and dizzy, but nevertheless it produced some subjective improvement in muscular power, though there was little objective change. Twice the improvement in strength appeared to persist for two or three days after the injection and the drug was given by mouth in a dosage of up to 90 mg. daily. On each occasion there was a marked subjective improvement which, however, passed off after between one and two weeks and the treatment was discontinued. A similar improvement appeared to follow ephedrine, gr. i, three times daily; the effect of 224 *King's College (Newcastle) Travelling Fellow in Medicine; aided by a grant from the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc. tResearch Fellow, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service, 1953-55. *Clinical Research Fellow of the Medical Research Council. Protected by copyright. on 12 June 2018 by guest. http://jnnp.bmj.com/ J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.19.3.224 on 1 August 1956. Downloaded from

J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1956, 19, 224.


*JOHN N. WALTON, tNORMAN GESCHWIND, and +J. A. SIMPSONFrom the Neurological Research Unit and the Biochemical Department of the Institute of Neurology,

the National Hospital, Queen Square, London

It has been increasingly apparent in recent yearsthat in addition to cases which fall into recognizablecategories of muscle disease, a number of lesscommon disorders occur from time to time whichdo not correspond to the accepted descriptions.Some of these appear to be metabolic in origin andcan be elucidated, at least in part, by modernmethods of investigation (McArdle, 1951) whileothers seem to fall into a borderland of eithermyopathy or myasthenia gravis. A case of thelatter type is described and discussed below.

Case HistoryR. M. (N. H. case 4838), a female telephonist, was

born in 1919; her mother was well during pregnancy,labour was normal, and the baby thrived well duringthe neonatal period. She seemed normally active andlively and sat up at 7 months; at 9 months she tippedover her pram by jumping vigorously and sustained acut chin but no other injury. Shortly after this episodeher mother noticed that the limbs and body tended toflop limply when she was lifted and the head lolled asif she were totally unable to support it. The limbs wereunusually flexible, like those of a rag doll, and she layin her pram almost immobile, without kicking her legsor waving her arms. Nevertheless, at the age of a yearshe was able to crawl a short distance when put on thefloor; her crawling improved steadily, although herlimbs remained rather loose and " floppy ". However,this was her only means of locomotion until shereached the age of 5 years, when she began to pullherself up with her arms and to walk around the furni-ture. When she was 5j years old she was able to walk afew paces unaided and the limbs, though somewhatweak, were not so loose. The patient's mother suggestedthat at this age she was very little stronger but hadlearned to overcome her weakness. At the age of 7she was able to go to a school for disabled children andcould walk about 20 yards, but would then have to restfor about a minute in order to regain her strength. Shealways tended to tire throughout the day and was much

weaker in the evening than on waking. She had particulardifficulty in climbing stairs or in rising from a low chairand showed a considerable tendency to trip and fall,after which she would find it difficult to get up again.Apart from her muscular disability the patient developednormally; the menarche occurred at 13 years and shehad menstruated normally since.As the patient grew older she was gradually able to

extend her activities, although her muscular weaknesswas virtually unchanged. She attempted numerousoccupations and finally worked (from 1948) for twoyears as a telephonist, but was compelled to give up thispost because of her muscular disability; since 1950 shehad helped her mother in the home. The patient hadtwo sisters, one older and one younger than herself,both of whom were well, and there was no history ofmuscular disease in the family.The patient was first admitted to the National Hospital

in 1941 under the care of Dr. E. A. Carmichael, whengeneralized muscular hypotonia of moderate degree anddiffuse atrophy of proximal limb muscles were discovered.She showed an accentuated lumbar lordosis and tendedto waddle when she walked. There was also bilateralptosis and weakness of the upper facial musculature.A diagnosis of atypical amyotonia congenita was made.She was readmitted on several occasions during theensuing years, when her symptoms and physical signswere virtually unchanged. In 1944 she was seen by Dr.Gordon Holmes, who suggested that she was sufferingfrom an unidentified defect of muscle metabolism. In1948 Sir Charles Symonds could demonstrate nomyasthenic tiring of the eyelids, although there waspathological fatiguability of the deltoids; he agreed thatthe patient was suffering from an unusual metabolicdisorder of muscle. On at least three occasions the effectof an intramuscular injection of 1-5 mg. prostigminewas tested. Each time the drug made the patient feel" queer " and dizzy, but nevertheless it produced somesubjective improvement in muscular power, though therewas little objective change. Twice the improvement instrength appeared to persist for two or three days afterthe injection and the drug was given by mouth in a dosageof up to 90 mg. daily. On each occasion there was amarked subjective improvement which, however, passedoff after between one and two weeks and the treatmentwas discontinued. A similar improvement appeared tofollow ephedrine, gr. i, three times daily; the effect of


*King's College (Newcastle) Travelling Fellow in Medicine; aidedby a grant from the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc.tResearch Fellow, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health

Service, 1953-55.*Clinical Research Fellow of the Medical Research Council.

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FIG. 1.-The bilateral ptosis and moderate atrophy of the shoulder girdle and arm muscles (particularly on the right side) are seen.

this drug was, in the patient's view, sustained, and shehad been taking it continuously for several years. In1952 the patient was admitted to the Clinical ResearchUnit at Guy's Hospital and was investigated by Dr. B.McArdle; the results of these studies are given below.At that time she seemed to show doubtful improvementon treatment with oral potassium (dosage I g. KCl t.d.s.)and had continued to take this remedy, as well as ephe-drine, until she returned to the National Hospital in 1955.Assessment of therapeutic results in this patient wasalways difficult as she was a suggestible, nervous indi-vidual, who suffered numerous episodes of emotionalinstability, exaggerated by periods of conflict with hermother.On readmission under the care of Dr. Carmichael on

May 6, 1955, the patient's symptoms were virtuallyunchanged from those she had expressed on her previousadmissions, save for the fact that she had experiencedoccasional dysphagia when tired. However, she wasstill able to do housework and to walk considerabledistances (with many rest periods). She felt that themuscles of her legs seemed to " let her down " less oftenthan they had done some years before, but there hadbeen no striking change in the condition of the limbsfor many years.On examination (Fig. 1) the patient was thin and

slightly built and walked with a distinct waddle and witha considerable increase in the lumbar lordosis. Therewas bilateral ptosis, with impaired ocular movementupwards, but not laterally or downwards; the ocularaxes were parallel throughout and there was no diplopia.Both orbiculares oculi were strikingly weak, but thelower facial muscles, masseters, and temporales werestrong. Palatal and pharyngeal movements were normaland the tongue showed no atrophy or fasciculation.The patient had a curiously long " swan-like" neck, butthe sternomastoids were large and powerful as were theposterior cervical muscles; because of the ptosis shetended to hold her head backwards. There was un-doubtedly atrophy of the sacrospinalis and other posteriorspinal muscles, but those of the abdominal wall weregood. The limbs were generally thin, particularlyproximally, and there seemed to be a general moderate

atrophy, with considerable weakness, of all girdle andproximal muscles in the upper and lower limbs. Theextensors of the wrist and fingers were also weak; thefinger flexors were stronger but, nevertheless, consider-ably weaker than would have been expected in a normalindividual of the patient's age. In the lower limbs theanterior tibial and peroneal groups showed the sameatrophy and weakness as the proximal muscles, althoughthe calf muscles were more powerful. All deep tendonreflexes were present, though depressed, and directmuscle excitability was normal; the abdominal reflexeswere brisk, the plantar responses flexor. The secondarysexual characteristics were normally developed and therewas no abnormality to be detected on examination of thechest, abdomen, and cardiovascular system.

Electrodiagnosis.-In 1948, an intensity-duration curvefrom the right deltoid was normal; Dr. W. A. Cobbrecorded an electromyogram from the same muscle,using a concentric needle electrode. He reported thatthere was no spontaneous activity and on voluntarycontraction the motor unit action potentials were normalin amplitude and duration. In June, 1948, Dr. P. Mertonfound no decrement in the amplitude of a muscle actionpotential recorded with a surface electrode on thehypothenar eminence, on supra-maximal stimulation ofthe ulnar nerve at 3 per second.

Muscle Biopsy.-A specimen of muscle was removedfrom the right deltoid in 1950. There was no increase inperimysial connective tissue nor was there any accumula-tion of fat between the fibres. Some of the muscle fibreswere slightly enlarged, measuring 85 u in diameter,while very occasional atrophic fibres were seen. In a fewfibres sarcolemmal nuclei had migrated into the substanceof the fibre and one or two short chains of nuclei,subsarcolemmal in position, were seen. No segmentalnecrosis of fibres was evident and there was no cellularinfiltration or evidence of muscle fibre regeneration.A number of nerve filaments were present in the sectionand appeared to be normal; two muscle spindles ofnormal appearance were also observed. Hence thehistological changes were minimal. Although perhapscompatible with a mild myopathic disorder they were


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much less than would have been expected consideringthe length of history and the comparative severity of thepatient's weakness.

Dr. J. N. Cumings reported that the potassium contentof the muscle was 1 1 g. % by dry weight, a normal figure.

Metabolic Studies.-Studies carried out in June, 1948,by Dr. J. N. Cumings yielded the following results:-


Urinary Creatinine Creatine InorganicDay Volume (g.) (g.) Phosphate

(MI.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~(g.)I 900 0 73 0-18 0-512 820 0-84 0-27 0-533 940 0-86 0-12 0-414 763 0-79 0-16 0 405 570 0 75 0 04 0-516 940 0-87 0-08 0 56

Ephedrine medication and all other medicinal treat-ment was discontinued from the third day of this test;a creatine tolerance test was performed on the fourthday and gave results as follows:

Creatine Tolerance Test.-Urinary and blood estima-tions were carried out at the stated times before andafter the oral ingestion of 1 g. of creatine.


Volume Creatinine Creatine InorganicTime (ml.) (g.) (g.) Phosphate(g.)

Fasting 35 0 07 0-01 0-031 hour 57 0-05 0 05 0-022i hours 121 0-10 0 04 0-03


Creatinine Creatine Inorganic PotassiumTime (mg. %) (mg. %) Phosph( e (mg. %)

Fasting 1-0 0-38 4-3 19-41 hour 1-12 1-63 4-7 20-021 hours 1-25 0-87 4-7 22-5

Response to Insulin and Glucose.-The patient wasgiven 100 g. glucose by mouth and 25 units of insulinsubcutaneously. Before the experiment was begun theserum potassium level was 20-0 mg./100 ml., the seruminorganic phosphate level 4-5 mg./100 ml., and the bloodsugar level 100 mg./100 ml. Thirty minutes after theinjection, the serum potassium level was 18 3 mg./100ml.,the inorganic phosphate level was unchanged, and theblood sugar level was 168 mg./100 ml.

Dr. Cumings remarked that the urinary creatine waslow and almost absent when the patient was taking nodrugs, while the creatine tolerance and the potassiumresponse to insulin and glucose were all normal.

Metabolic Activity of Forearm Muscles.-In January,1952, the following studies were carried out by Dr. B.McArdle in the Clinical Research Unit at Guy's Hospital,London. The patient had received no drugs for abouta week before the test. Blood was taken from the leftantecubital vein before the test and again following therelease of an occluding cuff after a period of ischaemic

work by the forearm muscles. The work consisted inraising and lowering (56 pulls) a 5 kg. weight by meansof a gripping movement on an ergometer. A wrist cuffinflated to 200 mm. Hg ensured that blood taken fromthe antecubital vein came only from the forearm muscles.The results of this test were as follows

Blood Blood Serum Serum Seu

Time Pyru- Lac- Potas- Sodium Mag- Phos-Tievate tate sium Soimnesium Phate(mg. %) (mg. %) (mg. %) (mg. %) (mg. %) phate

Before 0-63 6-0 15-2 325 2-23 3-5730 sec. after re-

lease of cuff 1-26 31-3 16-4 340 2 50 3-672 min. after re-

lease of cuff 0-91 29-4 15-6 - -

6 min. after re-lease of cuff 1-13 24-2 14-8 328 - 3-28

10 min. after re-lease of cuff 1-01 16-3 14-7 330 -

20 min. after re-lease of cuff 0-86 12-7 14-5 329 - 3-18

Dr. McArdle remarkedwithin normal limits.

that all of these results were

Other Investigations.-Haemoglobin was 100%(148 g./100 ml.); W. B. C. 4,000/c.mm. (63% polymor-phonuclears, 31 % lymphocytes).The E. S. R. was 8 mm. in one hour (Westergren).

The Wassermann and Kahn reactions were negative.The serum protein-bound iodine was 3 y %. The

total serum proteins were 7T9 g./100 ml. (albumin 44,globulin 3 5).A radiograph of the chest showed a slight dorsal

scoliosis, convex to the right. The lung fields and heartwere normal and the thymus did not appear to be en-larged. An electrocardiogram was normal, and a basalmetabolic rate was minus 11%. The urinary 17-keto-steroid excretion was 4 9 mg. in 24 hours.

Discussion and ExperimentsIt was clear from the information recorded that

this patient fitted no clearly recognizable form ofmuscle disease as previously described. The non-progressive nature of the disease and the diffuserather than selective distribution of muscularwasting and weakness made it apparent that shewas not suffering from any of the common categoriesof muscular dystrophy. Furthermore, the patho-logical changes in the muscle were far less than wouldhave been expected in a long-standing musculardystrophy or polymyositis. She showed manycharacteristics reminiscent of the benign congenitalmyopathy or myopathic form of amyotoniacongenita as described by Batten (1910) and byAldren Turner (1940, 1949). Because of the generalreduction in size of the skeletal muscles, theresemblance to Krabbe's (1946) " congenitaluniversal muscular hypoplasia" was even morestriking, since in Turner's cases the muscularwasting and weakness affected selectively theproximal muscles of the limbs and the face was not


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involved. Despite these discrepancies, the resultsof a recent follow-up of cases of amyotonia con-genita by one of us (Walton, 1956) have suggestedthat the disorders described by Krabbe and Turnermay be the same. However, in this case there wereadditional unusual features: the variability of herweakness, the fatiguability, which had been a con-sistent feature, and the apparent response toephedrine, suggested that there might be some defectin neuromuscular transmission akin to that seen inmyasthenia gravis. It was evident that the patientwas not suffering from the latter disease, in viewof the diffuse muscular wasting and the failure toshow a sustained response to prostigmine therapy.Rowland (1955) has recently described a numberof patients who appeared to be suffering frommyasthenia gravis but who showed either a veryvariable response to prostigmine or none at all.However, from his descriptions it seems likely thatsome of his cases were examples of polymyositis, acondition which may show temporary improvementwith this drug (Eaton, 1954). It is clear from theclinical and pathological findings that our case wasnot suffering from polymyositis. An alternativepossibility seemed to be that she was suffering froman unidentified disorder of muscle metabolism,although Dr. McArdle's results indicated that therewas no serious defect in carbohydrate breakdownand utilization in the muscle.

In view of the apparent improvement which thepatient had shown on potassium therapy it wasdecided to investigate the effect upon her muscularpower of alterations in the serum potassium level.It was recognized that her symptoms were not likethose of familial periodic paralysis, nor were theycharacteristic of those noted in chronic potassiumdeficiency (as in potassium-losing nephritis). It wasalso appreciated that the serum potassium leveldoes not necessarily give a faithful indicationof the intramuscular concentration of this ion.Nevertheless, since potassium is recognized to beone of the most freely diffusible ions, it was felt thatif the patient's condition were due to a deficiencyof intramuscular potassium, she would becomesignificantly weaker if the serum potassium levelwere lowered. Another possibility seemed to bethat she might have some anomaly whereby hermuscles required a higher than normal concentrationof potassium in order to function properly. In thiscase, too, a fall in extracellular potassium wouldincrease her weakness.

It was also decided to repeat the electromyogramand to study the effects upon the muscle actionpotential of repetitive nerve stimulation, first undernormal conditions and secondly after increasing

doses of intravenous decamethonium iodide. Harveyand Masland (1941) found that in patients withmyasthenia gravis, if the muscle action potentialwas recorded from the skin overlying a weak muscleduring repetitive supramaximal stimulation of itsnerve of supply at a rate of 3 per second, the poten-tial often showed a rapid decrease in amplitude.This was suggested as a diagnostic test, and it hasbeen conventional to take the recording from thehypothenar eminence during stimulation of theulnar nerve at the elbow. If this muscle group is notclinically affected, however, another must be chosen.Recently, Churchill-Davidson and Richardson (1952)have shown that in the normal individual anintravenous injection of 2 mg. of decamethoniumiodide will give a significant fall in amplitude of themotor unit potential recorded from the hypothenareminence during stimulation of the ulnar nerve at afrequency of 10 per second. Patients with myas-thenia gravis, however, in whom the hypothenarmuscles were not weakened by the disease, wereremarkably resistant to this drug and could oftentake 3 mg. or more without a significant decrementin the action potential.

Clearly it also seemed important in this patientto assess, under the conditions of a controlledexperiment, the effect of ephedrine, prostigmine,tensilon, and potassium upon the muscular weak-ness. It was decided in addition to study the effectsof intravenous caffeine and of calcium, in view ofthe direct stimulant effect which these substancesappear to have upon the muscle fibre.

Before carrying out these experiments all treat-ment was stopped and the patient's muscular powerwas assessed three times daily by one of us, at9.30 a.m., 1 p.m., and 5 p.m., in order to see whetherthere was any significant variation depending uponthe time of day. The power of individual musclegroups was assessed clinically and strength of gripwas measured with a spring dynamometer, thevalue recorded being taken as the average of threemaximal grips with each of the two hands. It wasdiscovered that the latter test gave a satisfactoryindication of general muscular power. Anotheruseful test was to measure the time for which botharms could be held out horizontally in front of thebody with the patient sitting in bed; the end-pointwas taken at the time when one hand touched thebed-clothes. Using these methods it was found thatafter five days in hospital, with approximately thesame amount of activity carried out each day,consistent values for strength of grip and for holdingout the arms were obtained from day to day. Eachday there was a consistent slight decrease in thesereadings as the day advanced; for this reason it


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was decided to carry out all experiments at approxi-mately the same time in the mornings. All chemicalestimations were carried out by one of us (N. G.)using a standard technique. The assessments ofmuscular power were made by J. N. W. and electro-diagnostic tests were carried out by J. A. S.

Experiment I: Lowering of Serum Potassium Level.-On May 20, 1955, the patient was starved and 5 ml.of blood was taken from the right antecubital vein at9 a.m.; the serum potassium level, as estimated with aflame photometer, was 4-4 mEq./litre (17-2 mg./100ml.).At 9.5 a.m. the patient was given 150 g. glucose orallyand at 9.25 a.m. 25 units of insulin were given sub-cutaneously. At 10 a.m. muscular power was unaltered,but the serum potassium level was 41 mEq./litre(16-0mg./100 ml.). Hence the fall in serum potassiumlevel produced by this technique was inadequate.On May 23, 1955, after a large breakfast, the serum

potassium level was estimated at 9.10 a.m. to be4 0 mEq./litre (15-6 mg./100 ml.). At 9.20 a.m., andagain at 9.35 a.m. and 9.50 a.m. the patient was given15 g. sodium bicarbonate in 2 oz. water. At 10.30 a.m.the patient felt somewhat tired and nauseated butthere was no objective change in muscle power. At1.15 p.m. the serum potassium level was 3 12 mEq./litre(12-2 mg./100 ml.) and 1 ml. of 1 in 1,000 adrenalinewas administered subcutaneously. At 2 p.m. the serumpotassium level had fallen to 3-0 mEq./litre (11-7 mg./100 ml.) but there was still no significant change inmuscular power. This technique for lowering the serumpotassium level will be reported in detail by one.of us(N. G.) in a subsequent communication.

Experiment II: Electromyography and Effect ofIntravenous Tensilon and Ephedrine.-On May 24, 1955,the electromyogram from the right deltoid muscle wasrecorded at 9.30 a.m., using a concentric needle electrode.There was no spontaneous activity; onvoluntary contraction the interferencepattern was sustained but contained an +10lundoubted excess of polyphasic and '3\ o-short-duration potentials. After sustained 4abduction of the arm for 90 seconds, with > -, 0the needle in situ, the proportion of short- 0duration and polyphasic potentials showed z -20

0a significant increase. After assessment of 0 -30voluntary power, 20 mg. " tensilon" wasinjected intravenously at 10 a.m. The - 40patient immediately felt faint and dizzy -50and there was no increase in voluntary Zpower, while the electromyogram was - 60unchanged. At 10.50 a.m. ephedrine a. _70hydrochloride, gr. i, was given intra- zvenously; the patient immediately felt 0 - a0stronger, and voluntary power, as assessed u 90

4 9

with the dynamometer and by holding out the arms,increased to a level higher than any recorded sinceadmission to hospital. The electromyogram now showedfewer polyphasic and short-duration potentials. Thepatient was unaware of the constitution of any of theinjections she received.

Experiment III: Supramaximal Stimulation of UlnarNerve before and after Injection of DecamethoniumIodide.-On June 4, 1955, a surface electrode wasapplied to the left hypothenar eminence (with theindifferent electrode on the fifth finger), and at 10 a.m.recording of the action potential produced by supra-maximal stimulation of the left ulnar nerve at the elbowwas begun. With a stimulation frequency of 2 per secondthere was no significant decrease in amplitude of themotor unit potential over a 10-minute period. Stimula-tion was then discontinued but was restarted at 10.20 a.m.At 10.38 a.m. 1 mg. decamethonium iodide was injectedover a two-minute period. Immediately the patient feltfaint and dizzy (as after " tensilon "); her ptosis increasedconsiderably and she developed diplopia, but the actionpotential of the hypothenar muscles was unchanged.At 10.44 a.m. and at 10.49 a.m. two further injections,each of 0-5 mg., were given; the patient felt subjectivelyweaker but there was no change in the action potential.A further injection of 0-5 mg. was given at 10.54 a.m.(total 2-5 mg.); at 10.59 the action potential showed a13% decrease in amplitude; the patient felt weaker, wasapprehensive, and refused to have further injections.The original amplitude of the action potential was restoredby 11.25 a.m. With this dose of decamethonium, theaction potential of a normal subject would decrease inamplitude by more than 50 %. The results of thisexperiment are recorded graphically in Fig. 2, using thesame ordinates as those utilized by Churchill-Davidsonand Richardson (1952).

Experiment IV: Therapeutic Trials.-Five substances

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65


FIG. 2.-Effect of decamethonium on the actionpotential of abductor digiti minimi duringsupramaximal ulnar nerve stimulation in R.M.(upper curve) and in a control subject (lowercurve).


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were used, namely, ephedrine, calcium, potassium,caffeine, and prostigmine.Ephedrine.-For a period of seven days from May 25,

1955, the patient was given tablets four times daily; fora part of this time the tablets were ephedrine hydro-chloride (gr. O), and for the remainder nicotinamide25 mg. (which looked identical). This trial was designedby J. A. S. so that neither the observer testing muscularpower (J. N. W.), the patient, nor the ward nurses wereaware which tablet was being given at any one time, norwhen the treatment was changed. At the end of thisperiod it was clear that during the three-day period oftreatment with ephedrine the patient was both sub-jectively and objectively stronger than when she wasreceiving nicotinamide.Calcium.-On successive days the patient received an

intravenous infusion of 500 ml. of fluid over a two-hourperiod. One of these infusions consisted of 500 mg.of calcium (as the gluconate) in normal saline while theother was saline alone. The observer concerned with themeasurement of the patient's muscular power was notaware which infusion was being administered. Aftereach infusion the patient claimed to be considerablystronger and showed a moderate increase in power asrecorded dynamometrically and by holding the armsoutstretched.Potassium.-Over a seven-day period, from June 5,

1955, the patient was given four times a day 1 oz. of anorange-flavoured preparation. For a part of this time thepreparation contained 2 g. potassium citrate in eachounce and for the remainder sodium citrate. As with thetrial of ephedrine neither the patient nor the observerwas aware which remedy was being given at any onetime nor when the change-over occurred. Throughoutthis period the patient's condition remained unchanged;neither substance produced a significant change inmuscular power.

Caffeine.-On June 12, 1955, the patient received threeintravenous injections of comparable volume andappearance at intervals of one hour. One was caffeinesodium benzoate, 0 5 g., another ephedrine hydro-chloride, gr. , and the other sterile saline. The injectionswere given by J. A. S. and neither the patient nor theclinical examiner (J. N. W.) was aware which injectionwas being given. It was discovered that the injectionof saline had no effect, but both the ephedrine and thecaffeine produced a distinct subjective and objectiveimprovement in muscular strength of comparable degree.

Prostigmine.-On June 13, 1955, it was decided tostudy the effects of long-term oral prostigmine therapy,despite the fact that this treatment had proved ineffectivein the past. Accordingly therapy with 15 mg. tablets ofprostigmine four times daily was instituted, but waschanged, at a time unknown to the patient and observer,to an inert tablet of identical appearance. This trialwas continued over a five-day period. There was nodoubt that both subjectively and objectively the patientwas considerably stronger while on prostigmine. Indeed,she recorded higher dynamometer readings and was able

to hold out her arms longer than at any time since heradmission to hospital. During the next five days prostig-mine therapy was alternated with pyridostigmine inequivalent dosage, but there was little difference in theeffect of the two remedies, although overall improvementwas maintained.

Subsequent Progress.-As a result of the findings inthe experiments outlined above it was decided to givethe patient combined treatment with prostigmine, onetablet of 15 mg., four times daily, and ephedrine, onetablet of gr. i, also four times a day. For three days theimprovement in the patient's strength was sustained:she moved about the ward more easily, could lift objectsof considerable weight, and climbed three flights ofstairs relatively briskly. Unfortunately she then developedfollicular tonsillitis with a high fever and was compelledto take to her bed. This infection resolved within a fewdays but left the patient depressed, tearful and weak,though no weaker than she had been on admission. Sheasked to be discharged, feeling that she would pick upmore quickly at home; she therefore left hospital, takingboth ephedrine and prostigmine, on June 23, 1955. Ondischarge, physical examination revealed no significantchange from her state on admission.The patient was readmitted to hospital on August 9,

1955. After returning home she had improved quicklyand soon felt that her strength had returned to what itwas after beginning combined prostigmine and ephedrinetherapy in hospital. This improvement continued forthree weeks but then she began to feel unaccountablyweaker. Although she had experienced some fluctuationin her muscular strength as a result of emotional dis-turbances, the present deterioration was quite different,being steadily progressive. In addition, she becameshort of breath and could no longer lie down in bed atnight, or walk more than a few paces because of dyspnoea.On examination on admission the patient was unable towalk more than a few paces with considerable effort andshe was quite unable to negotiate stairs. Her restingpulse rate was 120 per minute, but the heart and chestshowed no abnormality on examination. She was severelybreathless, with very poor abdominal and thoracicmovement and striking activity of the accessory musclesof respiration, including the sternomastoids and scaleni.Her ptosis and facial weakness had not increased sinceher previous admission but her strength of grip wasstrikingly weak and she was quite unable to lift her armsfrom the bed. Her vital capacity could not be measuredas she said she was unable to blow into the machine.An electrocardiogram was normal but for the tachycardia.Although an accurate assessment of her physical statewas made difficult by emotional factors, there was nodoubt that she showed persistent tachycardia and severeweakness of limb, trunk, and respiratory muscles, likethat seen in severe myasthenia gravis. Intravenous ten-silon and intramuscular prostigmine therapy producedno improvement in her condition; indeed, she insistedthat these remedies made her worse. After each, somemuscular fasciculation was seen but there were noabdominal symptoms. Accordingly, all therapy was


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discontinued and over the next two weeks there was agradual improvement in her respiration and in the powerof the limbs; her pulse rate returned to 80 per minute.The patient was finally discharged from hospital on

September 16, 1955, receiving only ephedrine gr. i fourtimes daily. Her condition was virtually the same aswhen she was first admitted in May, 1955.

ConclusionsThere seems to be little doubt whatever that

this patient was suffering from a relatively benign,probably congenital, non-progressive myopathy,showing certain features reminiscent of myastheniagravis. Dr. McArdle's investigations revealed no

apparent defect in carbohydrate metabolism, whilewe were unable to produce any evidence to indicatethat alterations in serum potassium affected hermuscular condition. Save for the " myasthenic"features, her condition corresponds closely to the" benign congenital myopathy " or myopathic formof amyotonia congenita described by Batten (1910)and Aldren Turner (1940, 1949). However, Turnerdid not describe any fatiguability or apparentresponse to ephedrine or prostigmine therapy inhis cases, nor were these features seen in the othercases of this type which were reviewed recently byone of us (Walton, 1956). On the other hand, it isevident that this patient was not suffering from truemyasthenia gravis, in view of the failure to respondto tensilon, as well as the atypical clinical picture.Nevertheless, it must be admitted that she showeda considerable resistance to decamethonium iodide,while the sustained improvement on ephedrinetherapy and the temporary response to prostigminewere suggestive of the latter disease. The apparentincrease in strength following an injection of caffeinesodium benzoate was of doubtful significance.Of great interest was the striking increase in

weakness, particularly of the respiratory muscles,after prostigmine therapy had been in progress forsome weeks. The associated tachycardia was

suggestive of vagal inhibition but it is difficult to see

how moderate dosage of prostigmine, which wouldbe expected to give a bradycardia, could producethis effect. It seems most probable that the weaknesscould be attributed to this drug, despite the absenceof other side-effects, and that the temporary im-provement, perhaps due to its anti-cholinesteraseeffect, was subsequently overcome by a persistentdepolarizing effect which appeared to be cumulative.It is well recognized that even patients withmyasthenia gravis may become weak as a result ofexcessive dosage of this drug (Rowland, Korengold,Jaffe, Berg, and Shy, 1955), but the dosage adminis-tered to our patient was only 60 mg. daily whichcould not be expected to produce such an effect in

an individual with true myasthenia. It is also difficultto understand the action of ephedrine in this case.Unlike adrenaline, this drug does not cause glycogenbreakdown, hyperglycaemia, or a fall in the serumpotassium level. We may ask whether its effect isunrelated to the energy metabolism of muscle andwhether it may have a direct effect upon the musclemembrane or perhaps at the motor end-plate. Wehave no evidence which could help in deciding thisproblem.

The paradoxical responses which this patientshowed to ephedrine, prostigmine, decamethonium,and " tensilon " suggest that in her case there maybe some hitherto unrecognized defect in the musclefibre and/or its end-plate or membrane. We canthink of no better description for her condition than" benign congenital myopathy with myasthenicfeatures" while recognizing that we do not under-stand the essential nature of her disorder.Although this patient, so far as we are aware,

shows features which are unique, there is no doubtthat other cases showing a resemblance to thisclinical picture are seen from time to time. One ofus (J. N. W.) in a previous communication (Waltonand Nattrass, 1954) has referred to a number of casesof " myasthenic myopathy ". This term is probablyunsatisfactory, as it could be taken to refer to theirreversible muscular weakness and atrophy whichmay develop in the limb or ocular muscles of certainlong-standing cases of myasthenia gravis. One of us(J. A. S.) in a recent study of a large series of casesof the latter condition has come to feel that suchchanges occur in a not insignificant proportion ofcases and may follow a recognizable pattern, par-ticularly in the limb muscles. However, the threecases briefly referred to by Walton and Nattrass(1954) were not of this type; rather, they wereindividuals with a long-standing weakness andatrophy of girdle and limb muscles who yet showeda somewhat phasic course and a definite, thoughsometimes temporary, response to ephedrine and/orprostigmine. Similar patients with a clinical picturelike a combination of muscular dystrophy andmyasthenia gravis have been reported by Laruelleand Massion-Verniory (1937), by Jezkova andSachs (1939) and by Hosotte (1951). Hosotte's case,however, may have been one of true myastheniagravis with eventual amyotrophy. In none of thecases mentioned by Walton and Nattrass did thecondition begin so soon after birth as in the patientdescribed in the present report. It is of considerableinterest that one of these patients, shortly to bereported by Griffin, Nattrass, and Pask (1956), wasgiven increasing doses of prostigmine with apparentimprovement in the power of the limbs, but


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with eventual respiratory paralysis, necessitatingmanagement with intermittent positive-pressurerespiration. He was subsequently subjected tothymectomy with dramatic improvement.

It must be concluded that there exist a numberof obscure disorders falling into the borderland ofboth myopathy and myasthenia gravis, of which thepresent case is a striking example. We have atpresent, however, no information to indicate thethe nature of the basic muscular defect in suchindividuals.

SummaryThe case is reported of a woman who developed

muscular weakness and hypotonia in the first yearof life; she has shown subsequently persistent thoughnon-progressive weakness, with moderate diffuseatrophy of the upper facial, trunk, and limb muscles.Her weakness has always become worse afterexertion and she has had slight dysphagia but nodiplopia.

Extensive metabolic, electrophysiological, andtherapeutic experiments have revealed no defect incarbohydrate utilization or in potassium metabolism.She is more resistant to decamethonium iodide thanthe normal individual and shows improvement onephedrine therapy but none following tensilon.Prostigmine produces definite improvement inmuscular power, but if continued indefinitely inmoderate dosage it appears to produce an increasein weakness, particularly of the respiratory muscles.A muscle biopsy revealed only slight, indefinitechanges compatible with a myopathic disorder.

It is suggested that this condition falls into aborderland of myopathy and myasthenia and thatit should be styled " benign congenital myopathywith myasthenic features ". It was not possible todetermine the nature of the biochemical or otherdefect in the muscle fibre and/or its end-plate ormembrane which was responsible for this patient'scondition.

We wish to thank Dr. E. A. Carmichael for permissionto report this case and for his encouragement and advice.We are also grateful to Dr. J. N. Cumings, Dr. B.McArdle, Dr. W. A. Cobb, and Dr. P. A. Merton forpermission to quote their findings. Fig. I was preparedin the Department of Photography, the National Hospital,Queen Square, Fig. 2 in the Gardiner Institute ofMedicine, University of Glasgow.

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Walton, J. N. (1956). Lancet, 1, 1023., and Nattrass, F. J. (1954). Ibid., 77, 169.


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