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J., The Glebe School, If^äßiPl) ^^KS^...

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SITUATIONS WANTED.FEMALE. >-..¦.¦¦¦.¦¦- A ????? LADY of education and refinement deaire« e position a* stenographer and type¬ writer: beet of reference«; *t«o would accept çnbetltute «irnatton for enmrjet. Address MIm VIRGINIA, cure tbl* offlrr. HELP WaTÍTED.MALE. 10D0E ORGANIZERS wanted for principal eitle«; $100 to S200 monthly. WALTE« A. RICE, Secretary, 044 Ellteott Square, Buffalo, MAN WITH REFERENCES for commercial traveler to «ill on merchants and agent*; ox- perlene« not rrqnlrcd; salary Î24 por weck, 1*0* advanced. NATIONAL, 882 with expense Pfsrbom St., Chicago. WANTED, tiro CARRIERS to tai* charpa of two cat ? Mi* lied newspaper route* on ? morn¬ ing paper; those who can fnrntahed own te»m and Tehlcle nreferred. Apply at Room 17, Tlnies-f>i*patch Building. yORTRAET AOENT8 wanted; pay pood com¬ mission. HYMES ??? COrMN. 122 WeRt Broad. .WANTED, to buy Household Effecta, Feather Bed*. Merchandise; etate quantity. Box 177. WANTED, to buy HORSE, sound and gentle ; also BUCÌGY and HARNESS. Apply 0 to SP. M.. 40R Eaat Leigh Street. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED, to rent nice light ROOM, ???tß?- lent to postorflcp; state price and ???tß?- Itnoes. Address Box 807, city. 8UMMER BOARDERS. »PRIVATE G???.?, without children, will take a few summer boarder*; terms reasonable; eight miles from Lexington; wnter dally from Bockbrldgo Alum. Addrcsa Mrs. A. B., Kojt's Greek, Va. BUSINESS WANTS. ¦OFT CREAM CANDY AT HAEMPF'B. 110 N. Ninth Street. WAXENE, the only durable floor polish,TAN* NBR PAINT 4 OIL CO., 1419 B. Main Street. ?.. ..... WANTED, to buy Feather Beds, highest cash prices paid; also Feathers Renovated. 'Phone 8781. CASPER BROS., 120S*4 W. Main Street, city. 1.' ;- "¦"·¦"¦' ¦¦¦'· - j FOR RENT. SO RENT OUT FLAT of 8 rooms on first floor, with use of range and bath; couple without children preferred. Address ?., caro tilla office. ??? RENT.Modern Briok RESIDENCE, No. 8806 East Broad Street, opposite Cblmborazo Park; newly papered nnd painted, porcelain bath, etc. Appiy to S. B. DüNSTAN. No. 12 Sooth Twenty-first Street. KOR SALE. FOR BALE OR LEASE.The South Bouton TIMES. Address nor ?ß, South Boston, Ve. FOR SALE.At a bargain, by party leaving the city, « handsome Tprlsht Stiert ????. Cull at once at 240O (¡rove Avenue. A BARGAIN.üprlRht PIANO, nearly new, cheep. tf> leere Ih" city: would tnk'· a Rood HOnSB In exchange. Address "G????," care thlR office. FOR SALE.Barbera' Furnlturo, with one Bar¬ ber's Chair, one Burhor'e Tole, one Ioe-Bnx, one Bsby Carriste, one Parlor Lnmp, cheap. Apply No. M!) Twenty-second Street, city; FOR SALE.Furniture, Lease and Good Will of commercial hotel In town of 20,000 Inhabi¬ tants, with only one other hotel. The hotel Is on tho main business street with ? crow- înp trnde; has 4S bed rooms, newly fnrnlshed, nnd ? rubber-tired Omnibus with two (¡ood horses; to desirable tenant the building will be leased permanently, furnished or unfur¬ nished, first month free of rent. For further pnrtlcnlnrs come and see for yourself or nd- dress Z. A. M., Rnlelph. N. C. PERSONALS. SOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'8, 110 N. Ninth Street. LADIES' Cheata and Busts Developed (no mas· sage); reanlts positively guaranteed: host city reference; lndv always lu attendance. DAN¬ IELS' SCHOOL PHYSICAL CULTURE. C27 B. Broad. - KILL ??.Bed Bugs, Roaches, Ante, Moths, etc. Hoeves' Insect Exterminator does the work nulckly. Prrpsrcd by G. W. KOKNIO, 427 North Slxtb. LADIES' COLtjMÑT SOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, 110 N. Ninth Street. BETTER then doctors and medicines.DANIELB' method of deep breathing nnd physical cnl- tnro. It costa nothing to Investigate; 027 H. Brond awpjTñgs and"teñtsT OUR PRICES Aro the Lowest; 'ïhone 2570 and we will call. M. G. COrELANU CO., IOS N. Ninth Street. » "Jones certainly promised to come." Jones.Well, I'm hero. % Do you see' him? Solution of puzzle In yesterday's Tlmes-Dlspalch: Looking from the left, the face 1b formed by lower side of the dashboard. MISCELLANEOUS, 80Í.T.? oFAIí CANDY AT KAEMPF'S, 110 ?. Ninth Street. T0. BE An Actor or AetreTs TaV«""The Shortset r.°.Ü,»?.thí *ta6,! *·« DANIELS' SCnoOL OF ACTING; most complete school In the Sentii; private theatre In connection; «27 E. Broad. DONT BE TOO economici we know that you run save 10o. ? day bv walking, but that would get you dry. nnd then come to ns for a f,0»' fl';lnli. LUCCHESI BROS., next to the Bijou. LAWN MO W E R S7 fcAy.N MOWERS Sharpened and Repaired at BLENNER'S, 3)0 N. Fifth Street. BARBERS. COOLING, FACE MASSAGE CREAM. TRY IT. ESTES. Seven-Twenty-Six Main. ESTES. STYLISH HAIR CUTTING AT ESTES'. ESTES' nt Seventy-Twentv-Slx Main. SHAVE RIGHT WHEN YOU SHAVEl ESTES is nil right; 7211 Main. FIVE OF THE BEST negro barber« in the olty can be found nt 828 E. Main; LEWIS'. TRY IT ONCE and you will try It again. Eleo- trio Faco Massage nt LEWIS', 828 E. Main. BCOTT (4 N. 9). ELECTRIC FACE MASSAGE. BOOK-BINDÌNQ AND PRÍÑTÍNQ. BOOKBINDERS, not wheatblndera.. .8. B. AD· KINS A CO., No. 0 Governor. MAGAZINES, BIBLES, etc., Rebound. B. B. ADKIN'S AND CO., No. il Governor Street. EXcljRSIoÑsT''" EXCURSIONS.Jamestown island Can B. Rent¬ ed for excursions. For terms, etc., apply to L. J. BARNEY. Moadowvlilo, Va. FLOOR STAINS. FLOOR STAINS, All 8h'ades.. .TANNER PAINT & OIL CO.. 1410 East Main Struct. TENJS,' AWNINGS ANp^FLÄÖS. WE MAKE the beat Awnlngi, Tents and Flags. 'Phone 2442 and wo will call and give esti¬ mates. J. KOSS JONES A BIIO.. 002 East Broad.' MANTLES AND~GÄS FIXTURES! SPECIAL REMOVAL 8AI.E. Ona-third off on Mantles nnd tins Fixtures. MORGAN R. MILLS A CO.. 23 N. Ninth._ OXFORD SHOES. LADIES' Fine Oxford Ties at $1.00. ALBERT STEIN, corner Fifth and Broad Streets. PRINTING. CHEAPEST Printing House in Rlohraond: Werk strictly first-cles nnd up-to-date. Telephone 8341 If you havo any doubts, and we will convince you that wo ran save you money. Thla affecta your pockethook, ao keep us Id mind. UAIIUI8 PRINTING CO., 1303 Eaat Franklin Street. THE TEE-DEE I Daily Business Directory. | BICYCLES AND TOYS. TOMPKINS' 'CYCLE STORE, .111 West Broad. PLUMBING AND MANTELS. W. F. MAHONEY AND CO,, 707 East Main. PHOTOGRAPHERS. THE FJAVIS GALLERY, 222 East Broad. MINERAL WATERS. THAW AND GRANT, Richmond, Va. ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. W. E. DREW AND CO,, 710 East Main. SEWING MACHINES. NEW HOME BEWINO ???. CO., O0S E. Broad. SHIRT-BUILDERS. B. E. BISHOP, 702 East Main. TIN-PLATE AND STOVES. HARRIS HARDWARE CO,, 400 East Broad. PLUMBING GOODS. WATER FILTERS, Lalrobe Stove», Plumbing good» almuat nt cost. ItemoTal Rale. MOR¬ GAN R. MILLS A; CO., 28 N. Ninth. WE ARE going- to move, Stock selling one* third off. MORGAN R- MILLS & CO., 2S N. Ninth. SHOI5S KUPAIKED. WE REPAIR SHOES at a low prloe) men'» half »oled, Bfic; heel«, 10c. rill work guar¬ anteed. BALTIMORE SHOE HOUSE, ?1? E. Main. SPECIAL NOTICE. BHErHERD'S loe Cream Parlor·.105 E. Broad, BOFT CREAM CANDY AT KAEKFF'S, 110 N. Ninth Street. MEN'S SHOES HALF SOLED, 73C; ladles, 00c.; restltehod, no noils, no pegs, best leather. DREW'S ELECTRIC POWER SHOE FACTORY, 710 E. Main Street 'Phono 2007. Will call and do- Ilver. This advertisement good for 10c. TO KEEP COOL. SHEPHERD'S Ptneaoole Snow Refreihe». TRY FRAPPE.YOU EAT IT. At ALLEN'S.Nine-Slxteen Main. GENTS' COLUMN. UPHOLSTERINO. C. C. LEVY, NO. M4 BROOK AVENUE. Upholsterer nnd MhitroBs maker. Old Hair Mattress made good ns now. I pack and shin ???G??????·; ?·1«? mil.-.j Cushion and Slip Covers to order. 'Phono 1030. ' JACOB UMLAUF, 708 W. Main Street.We do all kind» of upholstery; make nice Unir Met. tresse» to order: m»ke over Heir Maitresse» like new; pack and »hip furultiiro. China, etc.¡ eut nnd mnke Slip Coyer·. i'rlce« «lwny» right. Bell 'phone 8202. ?? NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ??? I COLONIAL ASSURANCE G??G??? OF" NRW YORK hns decided to withdraw from the Htnt» of Virginia and that it hn» no mitfltnndlng It·- bllltle» In said Stele, nil pollcle« having b«-e» cancelled on June 18, 1008, The company ho· no pollcle» In force nt the present lime. YOUR MARKET BASKET. FRESH BUTTER, EGOS AND CHEESE, nATCIIER ('I'h. ISM), Sixth-Street Mnrkot. BUTTER. TRY HATCHER. BUTTER Egg». *'l'h. 1844.) Sixth Slrret Mkt. Erics. Beit Orocerle«, Reaionnble Price», Beit Attenti«« At Any ???G?? GHn. CO, STOKE*. Center city.Olí FJ. Mnrshnil Street. West End.?20 W. Cnry Street. Eflit End~17ni K. Main Street. .¡00000000000000000000000000000 Say Tee-Dee Again " . . . O a nee more a ft ft J4 " $ 100000000000000000000000000001*0000 \ That's right ; get into the habit» § "0000000000000000000000000001*000000 Read li » Want Ads. Use " ./' Want Ads· 000000000000000000000000000001 SUMMER RESORTS. ,11 J., AND THE HOTEL DENNIS. The Favorite Resort of Many Weil-Known Richmond Families. Atlantic City offers evory known sum¬ mer amusement and attraction. De¬ lightful bathing beach; deep sea and bay fishing and yachting. Champion¬ ship Golf Links, etc., etc. THE HOTEL· DENNIS Is delight¬ fully eituatcd, directly on the beach, with unobstructed ocean view. Noted for tho select class of Its patronage. Hof "and cold sea water In private baths, IVritt, for booklet. WALTER J. BUZBY. ACCOMMODATIONS for Southern frueat»; large and amali rooms, with first-class board; sum¬ mer rates; 20S ?,'??? Forty-fourth Street, New York. ai- SPECIAL RATES FOR JUNE AND JULY AT THE HOTEL ISLEBWORTH, Directly on the Beach at VlrRtnla Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Extensive improvements. Remodeled and newly furnished exchange. Capacity BOO. Hot and cold sea water in all baths. Cafe und grill room. Orchestra. American nnd European plans. Write for booklet. OSBORNE & PAINTER. "THE WILLOUGHBY," Willoughby Beach, Va. The above Hotel 1b now open for the re. centlon of gueste. The undersigned prom¬ ises the Tableras well ns everything else appertaining,to..the. Hotel shall be First- class. ' The Bar has been supplied with the best of Wines, etc Apply for rates, J. A. KENNEDY, JOHN C. WOODLBY, ¡tune lS-lmo. Proprietor«. Rare Opportunity for Summer. Great accommodations! Excellent fare! Low Rate. THE HEIOHTS, Jn heart of Virginia mountains. Mag¬ nificent building, electric lights, steam heat. Ideal rooms, suites with bath, ex¬ perienced hotel manager; board with baths, per month (except suites), J20 and Í2S. Beautifully illustrated folder. Opena June lüth: Buena Vista, Va. VIRGINIA HOT SPRINGS, THE HOMESTEAD HOTEL will mHko special rates from Juno ]5th to August 15th to parties staying one month or longer. AMUSEMENTS-Golf Links and Club House, Tennis and Squash Courts, Swim¬ ming Pool, Fino Kaddlo Horses and Liv¬ ery. Casino for Dancing, Royal Poinctana Orchestra. Table unexcelled ; Is supplied with fresh vegetables and milk from Homestead gar¬ den and dairy. Luxurious baths and most curative wa¬ ters known for Rheumatism. Gout, Obesi¬ ty and Nervous Troubles. FRED 6?????, Manager. Ooean View fotel, ?%? Now Open. I oily Pine. Sea Food ol All Varieties at Hotel und Restaurant. booklets at All Kullrond OfflccH. Write J. HULL DA VIDSON, Mgr. YOUNG'S HOTEL, Atlantic City, N, J. ^v Absolutely ¿reproof. No wuoij used In ltii con¬ struction. European jIku Open uII (he year. The only ¦ iitulutelr fireproof hotel lu Atlantlg Olty. I'aclug the Occwii, diri-.uly on the famous BourdwulU. i..·-.' Young'« I'lur. ¡SO roonia, 110 privat« bath», with bot und rold aalt und frmti water, i'ure drinking water from our own Ar¬ tealan well. Iteauumut icjuul to anj In New York. Celebrated Chef from the Clubhoua« in Baratogli In chard« of cuisine. JAMES R. KEENAN, Propr. Aluî. HOTEL GORDON, Wellington, D. 0. . Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, VIA 6AI.EM, VA., OPENS JUNE 1ST. Elevation 1,'JJfi feet. Sulphur. Chalybeate Vend Freestone Water; largo lawn, plenty of «hade; ball-room and muslo; resident physician. .'"' Terms.Reasonable. Write for descrip¬ tivo riamphlét. analvsls of water, etc. Mr«. KIDDER M. HITE. Agt. 1ÄW Giove Ave.. Richmond, or T. C. CUAI'MAN, Prop. P*tawb», Vs. SUMMER RESORTS. STOCKTON HOTEL, CAPE MAY, N. J. Facing directly on the ocean. Largest and most spacious on the coast; $20,000 expended In im proveniente this year. Cafo nnd Palm Garden with full orchestre till midnight. Dancing every evening. Bowling alleys, blllnrde, pool and ping- pong. Rates from $2.50 to $f> per day. Special rates by the week. Reduced rateH In July. Infor¬ mation and booklet address ?. M. CAKE. DIVIDEND NOTICE. First National Bank, Richmond,-Yo, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAS DECLARED a Semt-Annnal DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT., free of tax. payable JULY 1st, 1003. 'INO. M. MILLER, Jr., Cashier. _______________________ The State Bank of Virginia, Richmond. Vs.. June 25, 1003. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK HAYE DE- clared a DIVIDEND of 3V¡ PEU CENT., pay¬ able on and after JULY 1. 1003. ?G1?. M. HILL, CoBhler. Southern Trust Company, Richmond, Va., June 25, 1003. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS COMPANY HAVE declared the regular Seml-Annnal DIVIDEND of TWO AND ONE-HALF PEK CENT., pay¬ able JULY. 1, 1003. JNO. TYLER, Treasnrer. Office of the Guarantee Building, Loan and Trust Co., Times Building, Richmond, Vn., June 25, 1003. DIVIDEND.THE DIRECTORS OF THIS COM- pany have declared a Semi-Annual DIVIDEND of TWO PER CENT, (free of tax) out of the profits of the paat six month», payable on and after JULY 1st, 1003. GEORGE E. JEFFERSON, Secretary. Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Va., June 25, 1003. DIVIDEND NOTICE.THE BOARD OF DIREC- tors of this Bank have declared a Seml-Annunl DIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT, on the capi¬ tal stock out of the net enrnlnga of the last six months, payable on and after JULY 1, 1003 J. F. GLENN, Cashier. The Planters National Bank, Richmond, Vn., June 22, 1003. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK HAVE To¬ day declared the usual Seml-Annual DIVI¬ DEND OF SIX PER CENT, (free of tax) on the Oapltal Stock of the Bank, payable on and after JULY let, 1003. RICHARD U. SMITH, Cashier. Richmond Perpetual Building, Loan und Truat Co., 1013 East Main Street. Richmond, Va., June 22, 1003. THE DIRECTORS OF ???8 COMPANY HAVE declared tho usuul Seml-Annual DIVIDEND OF ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY. CENTS per share, payable on und ufter JULY 1st, 1003. HENRY S. HUTZLEIt, Coehier. City nank of Richmond, Richmond, Va., June 83. 1003. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS DANK HAVE DE· clared the usual Reml-Aunuul DIVIDEND of THREE* PER CENT., payable on nnd after JULY 1, 1003. J. W. SINTON, Cashier. Virginia Trust Company Richmond, V.l., Juno 23, 3003. THE DIRECTORS OF TIIIS COM- pany have thin (lay declared the usual eenii-annunl dividend of three nor cent, free of tax, payable on nnd after July 1. 1903. L. D. AYLETT, ju'.'l-tiljuly6. Secretary. Old Dominion Steamship Company, New York Juno 18, 1003, THE FIFTY FIFTH .SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF THItEE l'Eli CENT. (8 per rent.) on the r.'upltal Stock Of the Company hua this day been declared hy tho Hoard of Directors, payable JULY let, 10u;i, to the Stockholder» of record ut 1 P. M. June 20th, 10031 that the stock transfer hooka of the Company will he closed from 1 P. M. June 20th, 1B08, to 10. A. M. July 1st, 1D03. J. S. SAMM1S. Treasurer. Office Va. Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Richmond. Vu., June 2(1, 1003. DIVIDEND.- Till: HI ItllfVI OKS OK THIS COM. puny have declared h Kuiul-Aunuul DlVIDE.'«,) of FOUR PER CENT, (free of tax), payable on JULY ut next lo Stockholder« of record on June gotto, 1008, from which duto to July Hd following the Transfer Boo'/i will be closed. Cheek« for thu dividend will be mulled to Stockholders. Changas of address should be notified io the Company, W, ?- M'CARTHY, Secretary. Virginia State Insurance Co., Richmond, Va., June 20, 1003. TUB BOARD OF DIEvTORS or THIS CÛM- pany ksvo this day declared a Seml-Anuual 1)1 VIDES ? of THREE PER GG..??. (free of u>), puyubla to the Stockholder« JULY 1, 100S. Check!! will be »all6d. CHAS. ?. WIIJ.IS, Treasurer. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HICH- Mond, Fiti:i.ii:nitK.siiriti; and ??t?.μa? RAILROAD COMPANY hum declared u divi¬ dend of FOUR DOLLARS A SHARE on the Common Stuck nnd Dlrldt-m! uhllgutlun« of thu O.mpauy, payable on the Ut DAY OF JULY, 1603, to ull holders of the tumo of record on the -"ii. day of June, 1003, from which date to the 0tu doy of July, lOU.'l. the bookI of trap»· fer will ii cloted. Cheeks will be mailed to »11 bolder« üb heretofore. J. B, WINSTON, Treasurer. The .Saving» Bunk of Richmond, Richmond, Vu.. June id, 1003. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK HAVE DB- chued ii Ktiol-Annual DIVIDEND of FOUR PEU CENT, dree of lai) our of the earning» for the patt Mi loiiulh», payable ou und utter jiLY ?, una. JiilL.i XI. HALL, L.^lir, The Glebe School, A SCHOOL FOR BOYS. 413 West Grace Street. JUNTOS E. LEIGH, Head Master. The second session of this school will begin Monday, September 21, 1003. Pro- pares for colleges and universities. Pri¬ mary Department for small boys. School limited to twenty-flvo boys. Early regis¬ tration desirable. Terms: $100 per year; one-half payable on entrance and one-half payablo February 1st ensuing. Address of Head Master, 821 W. Grace St. VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va. OpensSept. 21,1903. Oneoftho leading Schools for Young Ladies in tho South. New buildings, pianos and equipment. Cumpusten acres. <:·.??a mountain scenery In Valley of Virginia, tinned for hoalth. European ana American teachers. Full course. Conservatory advantages In Art, Music nnd Elocution. Certificates wellcslcy. Students from 30 States. For catalogue addres» J1ATT1E P. HAEK1S, President, Eoanoke, Va. Woodberry Forest School for Boys In front rank of Southern Prepf.ratory Schools. Testimonials required of every applicant. For catalogue address J. CARTER WALKER, ?. A. Orange. Va, Eilicott City, ffld. } A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL' FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. Special attention to Modern Lan¬ guages, Science and Commerce. Courses.Literary, Scientific, Com¬ mercial. A thorough Preparatory Course for boys not under twelve years. Send for catalogue. THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS. SEALED PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING. Clerk's Office of tho Supremo Court of Appeals, in the Stato Liiirary Building, Richmond, Va., Juno 23, l'JOS. PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF section 3477. 3478 and 3479 of tho Code of Virginia SEALED PROPOSALS will he received by tho undersigned in said of¬ fice until 12 o'clock M. of the 27th Instant for the PRINTING OF ALL SUCH RE¬ CORDS AS THE SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA, at Richmond, may require for one year from tho 1st day of July, 1Ö03. Tho proposals shall stato the amount per pago of 1,500 emu pmall pica type, and includo tho paper, printing, binding, a neat cover, with the stylo of the caso, and tho court from which tho record comes, neatly printed thereon; said printing to be dono in a compact form, without blank pages or blanks between lines or paragraphs; no extra charge to bo mado for figure work not exceeding three columns. The' print¬ ing to bo done In tho city of Richmond under tho supervision of tho Clerk, and as prescribed by law, and returned to tho Clerk's oi'flco within such spaco of time after such records are delivered to tho printer as tho court or tho Clerk shall require; and upon failure to do so within tho timo bo required, said print¬ ing to bo put out by tho Clerk upon the best terms he can procuro; tho contractor for such printing to bo held responsible for the cost of saino In excess of his con¬ tract price. GEORGE K. TAYLOR, Clerk. Ju 24,20,27. HIIIS I OR THE ERECTION OF A DWELLING HOUSE for the Keeper of Maury Cemetery will he recoived at the oflice of P. J. Whit», Architect, 1110 Main Street, until WEDNEB. HAY, July 1st, 1003, ut 12 o'clock M. I'luns unii .peclllcutlnnH can ho seen n.t the office of the architect and at tho Keeper's House of «Maury Cemetery. The Committee ou Ceme¬ teries reserves the right to reject any or ull bids. P. 3. WHITE, Ju V lit Architect. 1110 Mnln Streut. FOR RENT. BpSEBiOûBEÎ THREE VERY DESIRABLE Newly arranged and papered, on the THIRD FLOOR of the TIMilS- DISPATCH BUILDING. Light, heat and Janitor service. For price and particulars apply to the TIMES-DISPATCH office. Only three left. NOTICE. I Ail NOW BEADY TO RECEIVE tho city, school and sower taxes for the year 1903, one-half of the same are pay¬ able on or boforo July 1st next, nnd the other half on or before December 1st, 5 per cent, will be added to each half If unpaid when duo. The whole tax can be paid July 1st, If preferred. J. W. BRON AUGII, JR. Treaa. City of Manchester. Ju 21tjy 1st. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. Office of Collector of City Taxes, City Hall. Richmond, Va. THIS OFFICE WILL BE READY TO RECEIVE ALL OR ONE-HALF OF CITY TAXES. REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL, FOR THE YEAR, 1903, ON JUNE ?d??. The whole tax Is due, hut tho ordinance provides that one-halt may be paid In June and the remaining half In December. Failure to pay all or one-half In June In¬ curs a penalty of 5 per cent, on tho whole amount, which is due nt once, and if not paid before SEPTEMBER 1st the Collec¬ tor Is required to levy, with costs added. (See Chapter XIV., sec. 7.) ALL MALES. 21 years of ago. ALL PERSONS (MALE OR FEMALE) who own personal property, or hold personal property as fiduciary, and nil parties con¬ ducting business In the city of Richmond (of whatever nature) are assessed, and will please call and settle, so as to avoid delinquency. Grading;. Paving, Pipe and Sewer Con¬ nection Bills are payable In tho same manner as Taxes, and at the same time. Give name In which property stands, nnd see that you get all your bills. This being the only notice provided for by law, please give It prompt attention, as under the new ordinance 5 per cent penalty will have to be added to the whole hill after Juno 30th. Office open from 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. F. W. CUNNINGHAM, Ju 3-to30 Collector of City Taxes. MEETINGS. A GENERAL MEETING OF THE STOCKBOLD- ers of tho SAVINGS BANK OF RICHMOND will be huid ut ita Hanking House, 1117 East Main Street, Richmond, Va., on THURSDAY, July 2, 1003, nt 4 P. M., for tho purpose of considering ? proposition to Increase the capi¬ tal atock of tho bank, and for eucb other bus- lnesa aH may come before the meeting. By order of the Board of Director«. JAMES M. BALL, Cashier. AMUSEMENTS. Hi ACADEMY, m DALT0N COMPANY -IN- EAST LYNNE. 25c.MATINEE TO-DAY~25c. J O Matinee To-day. Bijou musical Comedy Co. In The House That Jack Bullt. Farewell To-night Next Week ?G TURKISH TEXAN. Seats on Salo The Confederate Museum, TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. OperiB dully from 9 A, M. to 6 P. M. Admission. 25 cents. Freo on Saturdays. The Val entine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. .M ADMISIÓN, 25C. FREE ON SATURDAYS. Typewriters«ft» grinds All atandard makea sold, eiohanged, repaired and rented aurnhem. Manygood new. Uot iiianufaotur. era prioesl Hun't huy until you get oainplea of writing nnour·.unpritiudiced advioa. Muüliluehalilpi.nd on ap. nrov.il. BUtlTlIEHN KTAMP & STATIONERY CO., l'lioti» 1805. Kutlro Kid», Xwolit-Six Main, Richmond, Va.' »A DIP IN THE OCEAN" AT VIRGINIA BEACH TO-MORROW. Only $1,25 round trip on tho "TRILBY" to-morrow. Special Fust Vestlbuled Train leaves Byrd-Street Station at 8:30 A. M. Through to Virulilla Bench without change of cars. THREE CD hours longor at Virginia Beach than any otlier routo. TRILBY TRIPS TO THE SEASHORE EVERY SUNDAY. $1.00 round trip to Norfolk nnd Ooonn View, $1,25 tu ('uno llonry and Virginia Reach. Bpoclal Fast Veatlbiilcd Train loaves Byrd-Streot Hlntion 8:30 A. M. Quickest. Best and "ONLY ALL-RAIL ROUTE.' No changa of oars between Richmond, Noifulk. and Virginia Beach, AN ORDINANCE. {Approved June 17th, 1903.) GRANTING PERMISSION TO ???? SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. A TRUNK HALLWAY, TO CONSTRUCT A SPUR TRACK OR SIDING FROM THEIR TRACKS IN THE YARD OF SAID RAILWAY COMPANY WEST OF FOURTEENTH STREET ACROSS FOURTEENTH STREET AND INTO THEIR YARD EAST OF FOUR¬ TEENTH STREET AND ALONG THE WAREHOUSE OF T. W. WOOD & BONB. Be it ordained by .the Council of the City of Richmond: 1. That permission he and the same Is hereby granted to the Southern Railway Company, a trunk railway, to construct and operate, with all necessary cars and engines, a spur track or siding from their tracks In the yard of said railway com¬ pany, west of Fourteenth Street, across Fourteenth Street Into their yard east of Fourteenth Street, and along· tho ware¬ house of. T. W. Wood Ä-. Sons. 2. The location, curve, manner and ma¬ terials of construction of said spur trnck or siding shall bo satisfactory to tho City Englneeer. 5. No car shall be allowed, to stand load¬ ed or unloaded on said Fourteenth Street, nor shall said Fourteenth Street be closed or blocked by reason of cars being moved across said street so as to Impede or In¬ terfere with public travel, nor occupy said street for a longer period than five min¬ utes at any one time, and the said rail¬ way company shall erect vertical arm gates, which shall be lowered to properly protect the public from damage or acci¬ dent while cars are being moved across or occupying said Fourteenth Street. 4. Tho said railway company shall re¬ place and repair so much of said street as may bo Injured by the laying of said track, and keep the eame In proper re¬ pair, pave and repavo between the rails and two feet on each side of the rails whenever the city shall pave and repave tho remainder of said Street, and with tho same material. ,5. The said railway company shall re¬ imburse and pay to the city any sum which tho city may bo required by reason of the laying of said track, to pay In put¬ ting said street in proper condition, in the opinion of the City Engineer. 6. The said track shall bo constructed In the best manner, with oak cross-ties, grooved girder rails and concrete con¬ struction, and all of which as to location, grade, manner and materials of construc¬ tion stilili be laid subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. Tho permission hereby granted shall at all times be subject to any amendment or revocation by tho City Council, and shall bo subject to all ordinances now In force, or that may hereafter be adopted, an to tho streets of the city of Richmond. 8. The permission hereby granted Is given upon the express condition that all Injuries to persons or property that may arise from the construction or operation of the aforesaid track on Fourteenth Street, as .hereinbefore provided, shall, when properly ascertained, bo a charge against the Southern Railway Company, whenever the same happens by its negli¬ gence; and In no event shall the-clty bo liable therefor. 9. Upon a revocation or tne permission hereby granted, It shall be tho duty, of said railway company, at its own expense, within Uve days after notice of said revo¬ cation, to have the snld entire trnck re¬ moved, and that part of tho street afflicted by said removal restored to a condition similar to the remainder of said street at the timo of said removal. 10. For a failure to conform fully to (.he provisions of this ordinance, or any re¬ quirement made thereunder, or any amendment or revocation thereof, the said railway company shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, to be Imposed by the Police Justice of the city of Richmond; each day's failure to be a separate offcnso. U, This ordinance shall be in force from its passage, BEN T. AUGUST, Ju 23-5t City Clerk. STEAMBOATS. BAY LINE TO BALTIMORE Via 0. & 0, Rwy. and Old Feint. U, S MAIL BOUTE. Leave Richmond via O. &. O. dally except Sunday, at i P. M., con¬ necting ut Old Point with steamer· of Old Buy Lino, leuving 7:15 P. M., arriving Baltimore 0:80 A. M., connecting North, Eaet and Weat. For ttckut« eud Information apply to 0. & O. Rwy,, Rieb· moud Tranufer Compauy, or 830 East Main St, Clyde Steamship Go.'s PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAM- SHIP LINE. Freight received and delivered daily at C. & O. R'w'y .Co.'s' depot, Seventeenth and Broad etruêts. American Line. JEW YORK. SOUTHAMPTON, LONDON. Sailing Wednesday» at 10 A. M. St. faul, July 1. Philadelphia, July 18. New York, July 8. St, Paul, July 22. Red Star Line. NEW YOUK.ANTWEHP.PAIUB. Sailing Saturday "t 10 A. M. Krooulaiid, July ?. Fiulaud, July 18. /cel.uul. July .11. Vaderland. July 2.1. Pier« It aud 15, North Hiver. Office, 73 Broadway. N, Y. .W» B. PALMER & CO, RAILROADS. Jane 14, 1903. If^äßiPl) Chesapeake ^^KS^ & Ohio Ry. 2 Hours and 25 Minutes to Norfolk. LEAVE IHCIIMOND.EASTßÖÜND. 7:45 A. M..Daily.Local to Newport New· and way atations. 8:00 A. M..Daily.Limited.Arrive» William»· bure 9:5ß ?. M., Newport New· 10:30 ?. M., Old Point 11:00 A. M., Norfolk 11:25 ?. M. 4:00 ?. M..Week daya.8p«cI«J.ArrWea Wll- liftinRbtirs 4:60 V, M., Newport New· 6:30 I*. M.. Old I'olnt 0;0O P. M., Norfolk 0:25 P. M. ß:0? ?*. M..Dally.Local to Old Point. MAIN LINE.WESTBOUND. 10:10 A. M..Local.Dally to Charlottearllle, except Hunduy to Clifton Forge. 2:00 I·. J.I..Dally.Special to Cincinnati, Loulayllle, St. Loula and Chicago. 6:15 I'. M..Week daye.Local to Gordonrrllle. 10:30 P. M..Dally.Limited to Cincinnati, Lculavllle. St. Lonl» and Chicago. JAMES RIVER LINE. 10:20 A. M..Dully.Exnreas to Lynchhurg, Clifton l'orge ami principal nation». 6:15 P. M..Week day»--Loeul to Warren. TRAINS AIUilVK lUCHMONO FIIOM Norfolk nnd Old Point 10:05 A. M. dally, 11:45 A. M. Er. Sun., and 7:00 P. M. dally. Newport New» Local 7:55 P. M. dally. From Cincinnati and West 7:45 A. M. dally nnd 8:60 P. M. dally. Main Line Local from Clifton Forse 8:10 P. M. Ex. Sun, from Clifton Forge, dally from Chiirlottesvllle. Cordonatile Accom. 8:30 A. M. Es. Sun. .Tame» Hirer Une 1/ocal from Clifton Forgo fl:.HS P. M. dally. Warren Accom. 8:40 A. M. Ex. Son. C. E. DOYLE. W. O. WARTHEN. Geri'I Manager. UUt. P&a». Agt ATLANTIC COAST LINE TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND DA1LX- BYKO-BTKEET STATION. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY. MAY 24TH. d:0? ?. M. A. C. L. Expresa to all points South. 0:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. 12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West 3:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk. t<:10 P. M. Goldsboro Bocal. 5:65 P. M; Petersburg local . 7:2S P. M.. "Florida and AVest Indian Limited," to all points South. 8:40 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West 11:30 P. M. Petersburg local. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 3:43 A. M.. 7:35 A. M.. 8:25 A. M. except Sunday, 11:25 A. M-, 11:00 A. M.. 2:00 P. M.. 7:20 P. M., 7:45 P. ?.. 8:5d P. M. f Except Sunday. C. S. CAMPBELL. DIv. Paes. Agt TV. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pass. Atrt. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Beginning April 1st, 1902, Cars leave corner 'Perry and Seventh Streets, Manchester, every hour (on the hour) from G A. M. to 10 P. M., lost car 11:50 P. M. Cars leave Petersburg; foot of Syca¬ more Street, every hour from 6:30 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS. 60 CENTS.ROUND TRIP-«) CENTS. STEAMBOATS. OLD DOMINION io^ STEAMSHIP GO Night Una for Norfolk Leave Richmond daily at 7 P. M., stopping at Newport News in both directions. Dally except Sunday by C. and O. Rail- way, 8:00 A. M., 4 P. M.. 9 A. M. and 3 P. M, by N. and W. Hallway; all line« connect at Norfolk with direct ß teamen for New York, sailing dally except Sun· day, 7 P. M. Steamers soil from company's wharf (foot of Ash Street) Roclr«tts. K. F. CHALKLEY, City Ticket Agent, 1212 E. Main Street. JOHN F. MAYER, Agent. Wharf Foot of Aeh Street, Richmond, Va. ?. ?. WALKER. V. P. & T. M.. New York. VIRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves MON·. DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport News, Claretnont and James River landings, and connecting at Old Point for Washington, Baltimore and the North. Stato-ropms reserved for the night at moderate prices. Eloctrlo cars direct to wharf. Fare only 11.60 and $1 to Norfolk. Muslo by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-named places and all points in Eastern Virginia and North Carolina. IRVIN -VEISIGER. Onerai Manager. E. A. Barber, Jr., Secretary. Merchants and Miners Transportation Company, Steamship Liiue. Direct Boute to Boston, Mass,, and Providence, R. I. Steamers leave Norfolk for Boston Tuen- day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. For Providence Monday, Thursday and Satur¬ day at 0 P. M. Pasnengera and freight taken for all New England points. Tick- et« on sale at C. & O. Ry. and N. & W. Ry. offices nnd No. S19 East Main Street. R. H. WRIGHT, Agt.. Norfolk. Va. RAILROADS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 24. 1SU5. ?&???? LLn 11. mulijiu.ND. 7:00 ?. ??..Dally. Local lor Charlotte. 12:20 P. M..Dally. Limited, Buffet Pull- man to A.tlanta and Birmingham, New Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga and all the South. 6;00 P. M.-Ex. Sunday. Chase City lo¬ cal. 11:05 P. M.-Dally. Limited; Pullman ready »:30 P. M. for all tho South. YORK HrVER J.INS. The favorite route to Baltimore and eastern points. Leave Richmond 1:30 P. M- Dally, except Sunday. &:00 A. M..Except Sunday. Local mixed for West Point. 2:15 P. M.-Local for West Point 4:30 P. M.-Excopt Sunday. For W«ai Point, connecting with steamers for Bal- timore and river landings. TRAINS ARKIYE RICHMOND. 6:55 A. M. and G::S P. M..From all ta« South. * 3:25 P. M. 8:40 A. M..From Chase City. 9:15 A. M..Baltimore and West Point. 4:50 P. M..From Went Poln». C. H. ACKERT. S. IL liARDWICK, O. M. G. P. A; O. W. WESTBUIlï. D. P. ?.. Rlclimo'id. Vt. Rr ? H Richmond, Fredericks b ¦¦ ? G ¦ burg & Potomac R. R Trains Leave Richmond.Northward. 3:51 ?. ?., dally, Byrd St. Through. 6:45 A. M., dally. Main St Through. 7:15 ?. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac¬ commodation. 8:00 A. M.. Sunday only. Byrd St Yhrough. 8:40 A. M., week days. Byrd St. Through. 12:05 noon, ween days. Byrd St. Tlirougn. 4:00 P. M.. week days. Byrd St Fred- erlcksburg accommodation. 6:05 P. M. dally. Main St. Through. 6:25 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland as· commodatlon. 8:05 P. M.. 'dally. Byrd St Through. Traîne Arrive Richmond.Southward. 6:40 A. M.. week days. Elba- Ashland ac- commodntlon. ' 8:15 A. M., week days. Byrd St., Fred- erlcksbur« accommodation. 8:35 A. M., dally. Byrd St. Through 11:55 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through. 2:05 P. M.. dnlly, Main St. Through. S:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac¬ commodation. 7:15 P. M.. dally, Byrd St. Through. 9:00 P. M. daily. Byrd St. Through. 10:20 P. M.. daily. Main St. Through. Note.Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Car* on all trains except local accommodations«. W. D-DUKE.C. W.CULP.W. P.TAYLOR. Gcn'l Man'r. Jiss't Gen'l Man'r. Traf. Man'e ^.flUJiVi LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 9:00 A. M.. NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar¬ rives Norfolk 11:20 A- M- Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly and öurrolk. 9:05 A. M. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet Parlor Car. Petersburg to Lynchburg and Roanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke to Columbus, Bluerlnld to Cincinnati: also Roanoke to Knoxvllle, and Kncxvlllo to Chattanooga and Memphis. 12:20 P. M., ROANOKE EXP'tESS for Farmvllle. Lynchburtr and Roanoke. 3:00 P. M.. OCEAN "SHORE LIMITED, Arrives Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only ·>( Petersburg. Waverly nnd Suffolk. Connects with steain.vif to Boston. Providence. New York, Baltimore nnd Washington. 7:25 P. M.. for Norfolk and all station» eiist of Petersburg. 9:40 P. M.. NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Richmond to Lynchburg and Roanokoj Peterwburg to East Rudford; Lynchburg to Chattanooga, Memphis and Now Orleans. Cafe Dinln« Car. Trains nrrlvo from the West 7:35 ?. ??-, 2 P. M. nnd 8:55 P. M.; from Norfolk 11:00 A. M. and 7:20 P. M. Onice No. öS Rast Main Street. W. B. BEVILL. C. H. BOSLEY. Gen. Pass. Acent- Dis, Pass. Agent. SEABOARD Air Line Railway- trains LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY. 2:20 P. M..Seaboard Mail.10:35 P. M.~ Seaboard Express.To Savannah, Jack¬ sonville, Atlanta and Southwest. 0:10 A. M,.Local.For Norllna and Ham¬ let. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY. 6:35 A. M..No. 84.4:55 P. M..No. 08. From Florida, Atlanta and Southwest. 6:30 P. M..From Norllna and local points. City Ticket Office 830 East Main Street. 'Phone 405. 5 WESÏJWNT, VA, Special chartered trains leaving So. Ry, Depot, Fourteenth St. SUNDAY TRAINS. r/vo Richmond 0:80 ?. M. &4P. M. L'vo West Point 8 P.M. & 10:30 G? M. SOc-ROUND TRIP-50c
Page 1: J., The Glebe School, If^äßiPl) ^^KS^ DENNIS.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1903-06-27/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · SITUATIONS WANTED.FEMALE. A ????? LADY of education and refinement

SITUATIONS WANTED.FEMALE.>-..¦.¦ ¦¦.¦¦-A ????? LADY of education and refinement

deaire« e position a* stenographer and type¬writer: beet of reference«; *t«o would acceptçnbetltute «irnatton for enmrjet. Address MImVIRGINIA, cure tbl* offlrr.

HELP WaTÍTED.MALE.10D0E ORGANIZERS wanted for principal

eitle«; $100 to S200 monthly. WALTE« A.RICE, Secretary, 044 Ellteott Square, Buffalo,

MAN WITH REFERENCES for commercialtraveler to «ill on merchants and agent*; ox-

perlene« not rrqnlrcd; salary Î24 por weck,1*0* advanced. NATIONAL, 882with expense

Pfsrbom St., Chicago.

WANTED, tiro CARRIERS to tai* charpa oftwo cat ?Mi* lied newspaper route* on ? morn¬

ing paper; those who can fnrntahed own te»mand Tehlcle nreferred. Apply at Room 17,Tlnies-f>i*patch Building.

yORTRAET AOENT8 wanted; pay pood com¬

mission. HYMES ??? COrMN. 122 WeRtBroad.

.WANTED, to buy Household Effecta, FeatherBed*. Merchandise; etate quantity. Box 177.

WANTED, to buy HORSE, sound and gentle ;also BUCÌGY and HARNESS. Apply 0 to SP.M.. 40R Eaat Leigh Street.


WANTED, to rent nice light ROOM, ???tß?-lent to postorflcp; state price and ???tß?-Itnoes. Address Box 807, city.


»PRIVATE G???.?, without children, will takea few summer boarder*; terms reasonable;eight miles from Lexington; wnter dally fromBockbrldgo Alum. Addrcsa Mrs. A. B., Kojt'sGreek, Va.



WAXENE, the only durable floor polish,TAN*NBR PAINT 4 OIL CO., 1419 B. Main Street.?.. .....

WANTED, to buy Feather Beds, highest cashprices paid; also Feathers Renovated. 'Phone8781. CASPER BROS., 120S*4 W. MainStreet, city.

1.' ;- "¦"·¦"¦' ¦¦¦'· -



SO RENT OUT FLAT of 8 rooms on first floor,with use of range and bath; couple withoutchildren preferred. Address ?., caro tillaoffice.

??? RENT.Modern Briok RESIDENCE, No.8806 East Broad Street, opposite CblmborazoPark; newly papered nnd painted, porcelainbath, etc. Appiy to S. B. DüNSTAN. No.12 Sooth Twenty-first Street.


FOR BALE OR LEASE.The South BoutonTIMES. Address nor ?ß, South Boston, Ve.

FOR SALE.At a bargain, by party leaving thecity, « handsome Tprlsht Stiert ????. Cullat once at 240O (¡rove Avenue.

A BARGAIN.üprlRht PIANO, nearly new,cheep. tf> leere Ih" city: would tnk'· a RoodHOnSB In exchange. Address "G????," carethlR office.

FOR SALE.Barbera' Furnlturo, with one Bar¬ber's Chair, one Burhor'e Tole, one Ioe-Bnx,one Bsby Carriste, one Parlor Lnmp, cheap.Apply No. M!) Twenty-second Street, city;

FOR SALE.Furniture, Lease and Good Will ofcommercial hotel In town of 20,000 Inhabi¬tants, with only one other hotel. The hotelIs on tho main business street with ? crow-

înp trnde; has 4S bed rooms, newly fnrnlshed,nnd ? rubber-tired Omnibus with two (¡oodhorses; to desirable tenant the building willbe leased permanently, furnished or unfur¬nished, first month free of rent. For furtherpnrtlcnlnrs come and see for yourself or nd-dress Z. A. M., Rnlelph. N. C.


Ninth Street.

LADIES' Cheata and Busts Developed (no mas·

sage); reanlts positively guaranteed: host cityreference; lndv always lu attendance. DAN¬IELS' SCHOOL PHYSICAL CULTURE. C27 B.Broad. -

KILL ??.Bed Bugs, Roaches, Ante, Moths,etc. Hoeves' Insect Exterminator does thework nulckly. Prrpsrcd by G. W. KOKNIO,427 North Slxtb.


Ninth Street.

BETTER then doctors and medicines.DANIELB'method of deep breathing nnd physical cnl-tnro. It costa nothing to Investigate; 027 H.Brond

awpjTñgs and"teñtsTOUR PRICES Aro the Lowest; 'ïhone 2570 andwe will call. M. G. COrELANU CO., IOS N.Ninth Street.

» "Jones certainly promised to come."Jones.Well, I'm hero. %Do you see' him?Solution of puzzle In yesterday's Tlmes-Dlspalch: Looking from the left, the

face 1b formed by lower side of the dashboard.


Ninth Street.

T0. BE An Actor or AetreTs TaV«""The Shortsetr.°.Ü,»?.thí *ta6,! *·« DANIELS' SCnoOL OFACTING; most complete school In the Sentii;private theatre In connection; «27 E. Broad.

DONT BE TOO economici we know that yourun save 10o. ? day bv walking, but thatwould get you dry. nnd then come to ns for a

f,0»' fl';lnli. LUCCHESI BROS., next tothe Bijou.

LAWN MOW E RS7fcAy.N MOWERS Sharpened and Repaired atBLENNER'S, 3)0 N. Fifth Street.



SHAVE RIGHT WHEN YOU SHAVElESTES is nil right; 7211 Main.

FIVE OF THE BEST negro barber« in the oltycan be found nt 828 E. Main; LEWIS'.

TRY IT ONCE and you will try It again. Eleo-trio Faco Massage nt LEWIS', 828 E. Main.


BOOK-BINDÌNQ AND PRÍÑTÍNQ.BOOKBINDERS, not wheatblndera.. .8. B. AD·KINS A CO., No. 0 Governor.

MAGAZINES, BIBLES, etc., Rebound. B. B.ADKIN'S AND CO., No. il Governor Street.

EXcljRSIoÑsT''"EXCURSIONS.Jamestown island Can B. Rent¬

ed for excursions. For terms, etc., apply toL. J. BARNEY. Moadowvlilo, Va.


FLOOR STAINS, All 8h'ades.. .TANNER PAINT& OIL CO.. 1410 East Main Struct.

TENJS,' AWNINGS ANp^FLÄÖS.WE MAKE the beat Awnlngi, Tents and Flags.

'Phone 2442 and wo will call and give esti¬mates. J. KOSS JONES A BIIO.. 002 EastBroad.'

MANTLES AND~GÄS FIXTURES!SPECIAL REMOVAL 8AI.E. Ona-third off onMantles nnd tins Fixtures. MORGAN R.MILLS A CO.. 23 N. Ninth._


LADIES' Fine Oxford Ties at $1.00. ALBERTSTEIN, corner Fifth and Broad Streets.


CHEAPEST Printing House in Rlohraond: Werkstrictly first-cles nnd up-to-date. Telephone8341 If you havo any doubts, and we willconvince you that wo ran save you money.Thla affecta your pockethook, ao keep us Idmind. UAIIUI8 PRINTING CO., 1303 EaatFranklin Street.

THE TEE-DEE IDaily Business Directory. |


TOMPKINS' 'CYCLE STORE, .111 West Broad.


W. F. MAHONEY AND CO,, 707 East Main.



THAW AND GRANT, Richmond, Va.





HARRIS HARDWARE CO,, 400 East Broad.


WATER FILTERS, Lalrobe Stove», Plumbinggood» almuat nt cost. ItemoTal Rale. MOR¬GAN R. MILLS A; CO., 28 N. Ninth.

WE ARE going- to move, Stock selling one*third off. MORGAN R- MILLS & CO., 2S N.Ninth.


WE REPAIR SHOES at a low prloe) men'»half »oled, Bfic; heel«, 10c. rill work guar¬anteed. BALTIMORE SHOE HOUSE, ?1? E.Main.


BHErHERD'S loe Cream Parlor·.105 E. Broad,


MEN'S SHOES HALF SOLED, 73C;ladles, 00c.; restltehod, no noils, no pegs,best leather. DREW'S ,· ELECTRICPOWER SHOE FACTORY, 710 E. MainStreet 'Phono 2007. Will call and do-Ilver. This advertisement good for 10c.


SHEPHERD'S Ptneaoole Snow Refreihe».




C. C. LEVY, NO. M4 BROOK AVENUE.Upholsterer nnd MhitroBs maker. OldHair Mattress made good ns now. Ipack and shin ???G??????·; ?·1«? mil.-.jCushion and Slip Covers to order.'Phono 1030. '

JACOB UMLAUF, 708 W. Main Street.We doall kind» of upholstery; make nice Unir Met.tresse» to order: m»ke over Heir Maitresse»like new; pack and »hip furultiiro. China, etc.¡eut nnd mnke Slip Coyer·. i'rlce« «lwny»right. Bell 'phone 8202.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ??? ICOLONIAL ASSURANCE G??G??? OF" NRWYORK hns decided to withdraw from the Htnt»of Virginia and that it hn» no mitfltnndlng It·-bllltle» In said Stele, nil pollcle« having b«-e»cancelled on June 18, 1008, The company ho·no pollcle» In force nt the present lime.



BUTTER. TRY HATCHER. BUTTEREgg». *'l'h. 1844.) Sixth Slrret Mkt. Erics.

Beit Orocerle«, Reaionnble Price», Beit Attenti««At Any ???G?? GHn. CO, STOKE*.Center city.Olí FJ. Mnrshnil Street.West End.?20 W. Cnry Street.Eflit End~17ni K. Main Street.


Say Tee-DeeAgain "

. . .



nee more a

ft <»

ft J4

" $


\ That's right ; get into the habit» §"0000000000000000000000000001*000000

Read li » Want Ads.Use " ./' Want Ads·



,11 J.,AND THE

HOTEL DENNIS.The Favorite Resort of Many

Weil-Known Richmond Families.Atlantic City offers evory known sum¬

mer amusement and attraction. De¬

lightful bathing beach; deep sea andbay fishing and yachting. Champion¬ship Golf Links, etc., etc.THE HOTEL· DENNIS Is delight¬

fully eituatcd, directly on the beach,with unobstructed ocean view. Notedfor tho select class of Its patronage.Hof "and cold sea water In privatebaths, IVritt, for booklet.


ACCOMMODATIONS for Southern frueat»; largeand amali rooms, with first-class board; sum¬

mer rates; 20S ?,'??? Forty-fourth Street, NewYork.


AT THE HOTEL ISLEBWORTH,Directly on the Beach at VlrRtnla Avenue,

Atlantic City, N. J.Extensive improvements. Remodeled and

newly furnished exchange. Capacity BOO. Hotand cold sea water in all baths. Cafe und grillroom. Orchestra. American nnd Europeanplans. Write for booklet.


"THE WILLOUGHBY,"Willoughby Beach, Va.

The above Hotel 1b now open for the re.centlon of gueste. The undersigned prom¬ises the Tableras well ns everything elseappertaining,to..the. Hotel shall be First-class. '

The Bar has been supplied with the bestof Wines, etcApply for rates,


¡tune lS-lmo. Proprietor«.

Rare Opportunity for Summer. Greataccommodations! Excellent fare! LowRate.

THE HEIOHTS,Jn heart of Virginia mountains. Mag¬nificent building, electric lights, steamheat. Ideal rooms, suites with bath, ex¬perienced hotel manager; board withbaths, per month (except suites), J20 andÍ2S. Beautifully illustrated folder. OpenaJune lüth: Buena Vista, Va.


will mHko special rates from Juno ]5thto August 15th to parties staying onemonth or longer.AMUSEMENTS-Golf Links and Club

House, Tennis and Squash Courts, Swim¬ming Pool, Fino Kaddlo Horses and Liv¬ery. Casino for Dancing, Royal PoinctanaOrchestra.Table unexcelled ; Is supplied with fresh

vegetables and milk from Homestead gar¬den and dairy.Luxurious baths and most curative wa¬

ters known for Rheumatism. Gout, Obesi¬ty and Nervous Troubles.

FRED 6?????,Manager.

Ooean View fotel,?%?Now Open. I oily Pine.

Sea Food ol All Varieties at Hotel undRestaurant.

booklets at All Kullrond OfflccH.


YOUNG'S HOTEL,Atlantic City, N, J.

^v Absolutely ¿reproof. No wuoij used In ltii con¬struction. European jIku Open uII (he year.The only ¦ iitulutelr fireproof hotel lu AtlantlgOlty. I'aclug the Occwii, diri-.uly on the famousBourdwulU. i..·-.' Young'« I'lur. ¡SO roonia, 110privat« bath», with bot und rold aalt und frmtiwater, i'ure drinking water from our own Ar¬tealan well. Iteauumut icjuul to anj In NewYork. Celebrated Chef from the Clubhoua« inBaratogli In chard« of cuisine.

JAMES R. KEENAN, Propr.Aluî. HOTEL GORDON, Wellington, D. 0. .

Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs,VIA 6AI.EM, VA.,OPENS JUNE 1ST.

Elevation 1,'JJfi feet. Sulphur. ChalybeateVend Freestone Water; largo lawn, plenty

of «hade; ball-room and muslo; residentphysician. .'"'Terms.Reasonable. Write for descrip¬tivo riamphlét. analvsls of water, etc.

Mr«. KIDDER M. HITE. Agt.1ÄW Giove Ave.. Richmond, orT. C. CUAI'MAN, Prop.

P*tawb», Vs.



Facing directly on the ocean. Largest and mostspacious on the coast; $20,000 expended In improveniente this year. Cafo nnd Palm Gardenwith full orchestre till midnight. Dancing everyevening. Bowling alleys, blllnrde, pool and ping-pong. Rates from $2.50 to $f> per day. Specialrates by the week. Reduced rateH In July. Infor¬mation and booklet address ?. M. CAKE.


First National Bank,Richmond,-Yo,

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAS DECLAREDa Semt-Annnal DIVIDEND of FOUR PERCENT., free of tax. payable JULY 1st, 1003.

'INO. M. MILLER, Jr., Cashier._______________________

The State Bank of Virginia,Richmond. Vs.. June 25, 1003.

THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK HAYE DE-clared a DIVIDEND of 3V¡ PEU CENT., pay¬able on and after JULY 1. 1003.

?G1?. M. HILL, CoBhler.

Southern Trust Company,Richmond, Va., June 25, 1003.

THE DIRECTORS OF THIS COMPANY HAVEdeclared the regular Seml-Annnal DIVIDENDof TWO AND ONE-HALF PEK CENT., pay¬able JULY. 1, 1003.

JNO. TYLER, Treasnrer.

Office of theGuarantee Building, Loan and Trust Co.,

Times Building,Richmond, Vn., June 25, 1003.

DIVIDEND.THE DIRECTORS OF THIS COM-pany have declared a Semi-Annual DIVIDENDof TWO PER CENT, (free of tax) out of theprofits of the paat six month», payable on andafter JULY 1st, 1003.


Merchants National Bank,Richmond, Va., June 25, 1003.

DIVIDEND NOTICE.THE BOARD OF DIREC-tors of this Bank have declared a Seml-AnnunlDIVIDEND of FOUR PER CENT, on the capi¬tal stock out of the net enrnlnga of the lastsix months, payable on and after JULY 1, 1003

J. F. GLENN, Cashier.

The Planters National Bank,Richmond, Vn., June 22, 1003.

THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK HAVE To¬day declared the usual Seml-Annual DIVI¬DEND OF SIX PER CENT, (free of tax) onthe Oapltal Stock of the Bank, payable onand after JULY let, 1003.


Richmond Perpetual Building,Loan und Truat Co.,

1013 East Main Street.Richmond, Va., June 22, 1003.

THE DIRECTORS OF ???8 COMPANY HAVEdeclared tho usuul Seml-Annual DIVIDENDOF ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY. CENTS pershare, payable on und ufter JULY 1st, 1003.


City nank of Richmond,Richmond, Va., June 83. 1003.

THE DIRECTORS OF THIS DANK HAVE DE·clared the usual Reml-Aunuul DIVIDEND ofTHREE* PER CENT., payable on nnd afterJULY 1, 1003.

J. W. SINTON, Cashier.

Virginia Trust CompanyRichmond, V.l., Juno 23, 3003.

THE DIRECTORS OF TIIIS COM-pany have thin (lay declared the usualeenii-annunl dividend of three nor cent,free of tax, payable on nnd after July1. 1903. L. D. AYLETT,ju'.'l-tiljuly6. Secretary.

Old Dominion Steamship Company,New York Juno 18, 1003,

THE FIFTY FIFTH .SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDENDOF THItEE l'Eli CENT. (8 per rent.) on ther.'upltal Stock Of the Company hua this day beendeclared hy tho Hoard of Directors, payableJULY let, 10u;i, to the Stockholder» of recordut 1 P. M. June 20th, 10031 that the stocktransfer hooka of the Company will he closedfrom 1 P. M. June 20th, 1B08, to 10. A. M.July 1st, 1D03.

J. S. SAMM1S. Treasurer.

Office Va. Fire and Marine Ins. Co.,Richmond. Vu., June 2(1, 1003.

DIVIDEND.- Till: HI ItllfVI OKS OK THIS COM.puny have declared h Kuiul-Aunuul DlVIDE.'«,)of FOUR PER CENT, (free of tax), payableon JULY ut next lo Stockholder« of recordon June gotto, 1008, from which duto to JulyHd following the Transfer Boo'/i will beclosed. Cheek« for thu dividend will bemulled to Stockholders. Changas of addressshould be notified io the Company,

W, ?- M'CARTHY, Secretary.

Virginia State Insurance Co.,Richmond, Va., June 20, 1003.

TUB BOARD OF DIEvTORS or THIS CÛM-pany ksvo this day declared a Seml-Anuual1)1 VIDES ? of THREE PER GG..??. (free ofu>), puyubla to the Stockholder« JULY 1,100S. Check!! will be »all6d.

CHAS. ?. WIIJ.IS, Treasurer.

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HICH-Mond, Fiti:i.ii:nitK.siiriti; and ??t?.µa?RAILROAD COMPANY hum declared u divi¬dend of FOUR DOLLARS A SHARE on theCommon Stuck nnd Dlrldt-m! uhllgutlun« of thuO.mpauy, payable on the Ut DAY OF JULY,1603, to ull holders of the tumo of record onthe -"ii. day of June, 1003, from which date tothe 0tu doy of July, lOU.'l. the bookI of trap»·fer will ii cloted. Cheeks will be mailed to»11 bolder« üb heretofore.

J. B, WINSTON, Treasurer.

The .Saving» Bunk of Richmond,Richmond, Vu.. June id, 1003.

THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK HAVE DB-chued ii Ktiol-Annual DIVIDEND of FOURPEU CENT, dree of lai) our of the earning»for the patt Mi loiiulh», payable ou und utterjiLY ?, una.

JiilL.i XI. HALL, L.^lir,

The Glebe School,ASCHOOL FOR BOYS.

413 West Grace Street.JUNTOS E. LEIGH, Head Master.The second session of this school will

begin Monday, September 21, 1003. Pro-pares for colleges and universities. Pri¬mary Department for small boys. Schoollimited to twenty-flvo boys. Early regis¬tration desirable. Terms: $100 per year;one-half payable on entrance and one-halfpayablo February 1st ensuing. Addressof Head Master, 821 W. Grace St.

VIRGINIA COLLEGEFor YOUNG LADIES, Roanoke, Va.OpensSept. 21,1903. Oneoftho leading Schools

for Young Ladies in tho South. New buildings,pianos and equipment. Cumpusten acres. <:·.??amountain scenery In Valley of Virginia, tinnedfor hoalth. European ana American teachers.Full course. Conservatory advantages In Art,Music nnd Elocution. Certificates wellcslcy.Students from 30 States. For catalogue addres»J1ATT1E P. HAEK1S, President, Eoanoke, Va.

Woodberry Forest School for BoysIn front rank of Southern Prepf.ratory Schools.

Testimonials required of every applicant. Forcatalogue address J. CARTER WALKER, ?. A.

Orange. Va,

Eilicott City, ffld.}


Special attention to Modern Lan¬guages, Science and Commerce.Courses.Literary, Scientific, Com¬

mercial.A thorough Preparatory Course for

boys not under twelve years.Send for catalogue.THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS.


PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING.Clerk's Office of tho Supremo Court ofAppeals, in the Stato Liiirary Building,


section 3477. 3478 and 3479 of tho Codeof Virginia SEALED PROPOSALS willhe received by tho undersigned in said of¬fice until 12 o'clock M. of the 27th Instantfor the PRINTING OF ALL SUCH RE¬CORDS AS THE SUPREME COURT OFAPPEALS OF VIRGINIA, at Richmond,may require for one year from tho 1stday of July, 1Ö03. Tho proposals shallstato the amount per pago of 1,500 emupmall pica type, and includo tho paper,printing, binding, a neat cover, with thestylo of the caso, and tho court fromwhich tho record comes, neatly printedthereon; said printing to be dono in a

compact form, without blank pages orblanks between lines or paragraphs; noextra charge to bo mado for figure worknot exceeding three columns. The' print¬ing to bo done In tho city of Richmondunder tho supervision of tho Clerk, andas prescribed by law, and returned totho Clerk's oi'flco within such spaco oftime after such records are deliveredto tho printer as tho court or tho Clerkshall require; and upon failure to do sowithin tho timo bo required, said print¬ing to bo put out by tho Clerk upon thebest terms he can procuro; tho contractorfor such printing to bo held responsiblefor the cost of saino In excess of his con¬tract price.

GEORGE K. TAYLOR, Clerk.Ju 24,20,27.HIIIS I OR THE ERECTION OF A DWELLINGHOUSE for the Keeper of Maury Cemeterywill he recoived at the oflice of P. J. Whit»,Architect, 1110 Main Street, until WEDNEB.HAY, July 1st, 1003, ut 12 o'clock M. I'lunsunii .peclllcutlnnH can ho seen n.t the officeof the architect and at tho Keeper's House of«Maury Cemetery. The Committee ou Ceme¬teries reserves the right to reject any or ullbids. P. 3. WHITE,

Ju V lit Architect. 1110 Mnln Streut.




Newly arranged and papered, onthe THIRD FLOOR of the TIMilS-DISPATCH BUILDING. Light,heat and Janitor service. Forprice and particulars apply to theTIMES-DISPATCH office. Onlythree left.


I Ail NOW BEADY TO RECEIVEtho city, school and sower taxes for theyear 1903, one-half of the same are pay¬able on or boforo July 1st next, nnd theother half on or before December 1st, 5per cent, will be added to each half Ifunpaid when duo. The whole tax canbe paid July 1st, If preferred.

J. W. BRONAUGII, JR.Treaa. City of Manchester.

Ju 21tjy 1st.

NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS.Office of Collector of City Taxes,


provides that one-halt may be paid InJune and the remaining half In December.Failure to pay all or one-half In June In¬curs a penalty of 5 per cent, on tho wholeamount, which is due nt once, and if notpaid before SEPTEMBER 1st the Collec¬tor Is required to levy, with costs added.(See Chapter XIV., sec. 7.)ALL MALES. 21 years of ago. ALL

PERSONS (MALE OR FEMALE) whoown personal property, or hold personalproperty as fiduciary, and nil parties con¬

ducting business In the city of Richmond(of whatever nature) are assessed, andwill please call and settle, so as to avoiddelinquency.Grading;. Paving, Pipe and Sewer Con¬

nection Bills are payable In tho samemanner as Taxes, and at the same time.Give name In which property stands,

nnd see that you get all your bills.This being the only notice provided for

by law, please give It prompt attention,as under the new ordinance 5 per centpenalty will have to be added to the wholehill after Juno 30th.Office open from 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.

F. W. CUNNINGHAM,Ju 3-to30 Collector of City Taxes.


A GENERAL MEETING OF THE STOCKBOLD-ers of tho SAVINGS BANK OF RICHMONDwill be huid ut ita Hanking House, 1117 EastMain Street, Richmond, Va., on THURSDAY,July 2, 1003, nt 4 P. M., for tho purpose ofconsidering ? proposition to Increase the capi¬tal atock of tho bank, and for eucb other bus-lnesa aH may come before the meeting.By order of the Board of Director«.

JAMES M. BALL, Cashier.






Matinee To-day.Bijou musicalComedy Co. InThe House ThatJack Bullt.

Farewell To-night

Next Week


Seats on Salo

The Confederate Museum,TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS.OperiB dully from 9 A, M. to 6 P. M.Admission. 25 cents. Freo on Saturdays.


OPEN 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M..M ADMISIÓN, 25C.


Typewriters«ft» grindsAll atandard makea sold, eiohanged, repaired andrented aurnhem. Manygood a» new. Uot iiianufaotur.

era prioesl Hun't huy until you get oainplea of writingnnour·.unpritiudiced advioa. Muüliluehalilpi.nd on ap.nrov.il. BUtlTlIEHN KTAMP & STATIONERY CO.,l'lioti» 1805. Kutlro Kid», Xwolit-Six Main, Richmond, Va.'


VIRGINIA BEACH TO-MORROW.Only $1,25 round trip on tho "TRILBY"

to-morrow. Special Fust Vestlbuled Trainleaves Byrd-Street Station at 8:30 A. M.Through to Virulilla Bench withoutchange of cars. THREE CD hours longorat Virginia Beach than any otlier routo.


SEASHORE EVERY SUNDAY.$1.00 round trip to Norfolk nnd Ooonn

View, $1,25 tu ('uno llonry and VirginiaReach. Bpoclal Fast Veatlbiilcd Trainloaves Byrd-Streot Hlntion 8:30 A. M.Quickest. Best and "ONLY ALL-RAILROUTE.' No changa of oars betweenRichmond, Noifulk. and Virginia Beach,

AN ORDINANCE.{Approved June 17th, 1903.)


Be it ordained by .the Council of the Cityof Richmond:1. That permission he and the same Is

hereby granted to the Southern RailwayCompany, a trunk railway, to constructand operate, with all necessary cars andengines, a spur track or siding from theirtracks In the yard of said railway com¬pany, west of Fourteenth Street, acrossFourteenth Street Into their yard east ofFourteenth Street, and along· tho ware¬house of. T. W. Wood Ä-. Sons.

2. The location, curve, manner and ma¬terials of construction of said spur trnckor siding shall bo satisfactory to tho CityEnglneeer.

5. No car shall be allowed, to stand load¬ed or unloaded on said Fourteenth Street,nor shall said Fourteenth Street be closedor blocked by reason of cars being movedacross said street so as to Impede or In¬terfere with public travel, nor occupy saidstreet for a longer period than five min¬utes at any one time, and the said rail¬way company shall erect vertical armgates, which shall be lowered to properlyprotect the public from damage or acci¬dent while cars are being moved acrossor occupying said Fourteenth Street.

4. Tho said railway company shall re¬place and repair so much of said streetas may bo Injured by the laying of saidtrack, and keep the eame In proper re¬

pair, pave and repavo between the railsand two feet on each side of the railswhenever the city shall pave and repavetho remainder of said Street, and withtho same material.,5. The said railway company shall re¬imburse and pay to the city any sumwhich tho city may bo required by reasonof the laying of said track, to pay In put¬ting said street in proper condition, in theopinion of the City Engineer.

6. The said track shall bo constructedIn the best manner, with oak cross-ties,grooved girder rails and concrete con¬struction, and all of which as to location,grade, manner and materials of construc¬tion stilili be laid subject to the approvalof the City Engineer.

7. Tho permission hereby granted shallat all times be subject to any amendmentor revocation by tho City Council, andshall bo subject to all ordinances now Inforce, or that may hereafter be adopted,an to tho streets of the city of Richmond.

8. The permission hereby granted Isgiven upon the express condition that allInjuries to persons or property that mayarise from the construction or operationof the aforesaid track on FourteenthStreet, as .hereinbefore provided, shall,when properly ascertained, bo a chargeagainst the Southern Railway Company,whenever the same happens by its negli¬gence; and In no event shall the-clty boliable therefor.

9. Upon a revocation or tne permissionhereby granted, It shall be tho duty, ofsaid railway company, at its own expense,within Uve days after notice of said revo¬

cation, to have the snld entire trnck re¬

moved, and that part of tho street afflictedby said removal restored to a conditionsimilar to the remainder of said streetat the timo of said removal.

10. For a failure to conform fully to (.heprovisions of this ordinance, or any re¬

quirement made thereunder, or anyamendment or revocation thereof, the saidrailway company shall be liable to a fineof not less than ten nor more than onehundred dollars, to be Imposed by thePolice Justice of the city of Richmond;each day's failure to be a separate offcnso.U, This ordinance shall be in force from

its passage, BEN T. AUGUST,Ju23-5t City Clerk.


BAY LINE TO BALTIMOREVia 0. & 0, Rwy. and Old Feint.

U, S MAIL BOUTE.Leave Richmond via O. &. O. dally

except Sunday, at i P. M., con¬necting ut Old Point with steamer·of Old Buy Lino, leuving 7:15 P.M., arriving Baltimore 0:80 A. M.,

connecting North, Eaet and Weat. For ttckut«eud Information apply to 0. & O. Rwy,, Rieb·moud Tranufer Compauy, or 830 East Main St,

Clyde Steamship Go.'sPHILADELPHIA.


Freight received and delivered daily atC. & O. R'w'y .Co.'s' depot, Seventeenthand Broad etruêts.


Sailing Wednesday» at 10 A. M.

St. faul, July 1. Philadelphia, July 18.New York, July 8. St, Paul, July 22.


Sailing Saturday "t 10 A. M.Krooulaiid, July ?. Fiulaud, July 18./cel.uul. July .11. Vaderland. July 2.1.

Pier« It aud 15, North Hiver.Office, 73 Broadway. N, Y.



Jane 14, 1903.

If^äßiPl) Chesapeake^^KS^ & Ohio Ry.2 Hours and 25 Minutes to Norfolk.

LEAVE IHCIIMOND.EASTßÖÜND.7:45 A. M..Daily.Local to Newport New·

and way atations.8:00 A. M..Daily.Limited.Arrive» William»·

bure 9:5ß ?. M., Newport New· 10:30 ?.M., Old Point 11:00 A. M., Norfolk 11:25?. M.

4:00 ?. M..Week daya.8p«cI«J.ArrWea Wll-liftinRbtirs 4:60 V, M., Newport New· 6:30I*. M.. Old I'olnt 0;0O P. M., Norfolk0:25 P. M.

ß:0? ?*. M..Dally.Local to Old Point.MAIN LINE.WESTBOUND.

10:10 A. M..Local.Dally to Charlottearllle,except Hunduy to Clifton Forge.

2:00 I·. J.I..Dally.Special to Cincinnati,Loulayllle, St. Loula and Chicago.

6:15 I'. M..Week daye.Local to Gordonrrllle.10:30 P. M..Dally.Limited to Cincinnati,

Lculavllle. St. Lonl» and Chicago.JAMES RIVER LINE.

10:20 A. M..Dully.Exnreas to Lynchhurg,Clifton l'orge ami principal nation».

6:15 P. M..Week day»--Loeul to Warren.TRAINS AIUilVK lUCHMONO FIIOM

Norfolk nnd Old Point 10:05 A. M. dally,11:45 A. M. Er. Sun., and 7:00 P. M. dally.Newport New» Local 7:55 P. M. dally.From Cincinnati and West 7:45 A. M. dally

nnd 8:60 P. M. dally. Main Line Local fromClifton Forse 8:10 P. M. Ex. Sun, from CliftonForge, dally from Chiirlottesvllle. CordonatileAccom. 8:30 A. M. Es. Sun..Tame» Hirer Une 1/ocal from Clifton Forgo

fl:.HS P. M. dally. Warren Accom. 8:40 A. M.Ex. Son.C. E. DOYLE. W. O. WARTHEN.

Geri'I Manager. UUt. P&a». Agt


BYKO-BTKEET STATION.EFFECTIVE SUNDAY. MAY 24TH.d:0? ?. M. A. C. L. Expresa to all points

South.0:00 A. M. Petersburg and Norfolk.

12:20 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West3:00 P. M. Petersburg and Norfolk.t<:10 P. M. Goldsboro Bocal.5:65 P. M; Petersburg local .

7:2S P. M.. "Florida and AVest IndianLimited," to all points South.8:40 P. M. Petersburg and N. & W. West11:30 P. M. Petersburg local.

TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND.3:43 A. M.. 7:35 A. M.. 8:25 A. M. except

Sunday, 11:25 A. M-, 11:00 A. M.. 2:00 P.M.. 7:20 P. M., 7:45 P. ?.. 8:5d P. M.

f Except Sunday.C. S. CAMPBELL. DIv. Paes. Agt

TV. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pass. Atrt.


Beginning April 1st, 1902,Cars leave corner 'Perry and Seventh

Streets, Manchester, every hour (on thehour) from G A. M. to 10 P. M., lost car11:50 P. M.Cars leave Petersburg; foot of Syca¬

more Street, every hour from 6:30 A. M.to 10:30 P. M.FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIAL




Night Una for NorfolkLeave Richmond daily at 7 P.M., stopping at Newport Newsin both directions.Dally except Sunday by C. and O. Rail-way, 8:00 A. M., 4 P. M.. 9 A. M. and 3P. M, by N. and W. Hallway; all line«connect at Norfolk with direct ßteamenfor New York, sailing dally except Sun·day, 7 P. M.Steamers soil from company's wharf

(foot of Ash Street) Roclr«tts.K. F. CHALKLEY, City Ticket Agent,

1212 E. Main Street.JOHN F. MAYER, Agent. Wharf Foot ofAeh Street, Richmond, Va.

?. ?. WALKER. V. P. & T. M.. New York.


Steamer POCAHONTAS leaves MON·.DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, OldPoint, Newport News, Claretnont andJames River landings, and connecting atOld Point for Washington, Baltimore andthe North. Stato-ropms reserved for thenight at moderate prices. Eloctrlo carsdirect to wharf. Fare only 11.60 and $1 toNorfolk. Muslo by Grand Orchestrion.Freight received for above-named places

and all points in Eastern Virginia andNorth Carolina. IRVIN -VEISIGER.

Onerai Manager.E. A. Barber, Jr., Secretary.

Merchants and MinersTransportation Company,Steamship Liiue. Direct Boute to

Boston, Mass,, and Providence, R. I.Steamers leave Norfolk for Boston Tuen-

day, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. ForProvidence Monday, Thursday and Satur¬day at 0 P. M. Pasnengera and freighttaken for all New England points. Tick-et« on sale at C. & O. Ry. and N. & W.Ry. offices nnd No. S19 East Main Street.

R. H. WRIGHT, Agt.. Norfolk. Va.



?&???? LLn 11. mulijiu.ND.7:00 ?. ??..Dally. Local lor Charlotte.12:20 P. M..Dally. Limited, Buffet Pull-man to A.tlanta and Birmingham, NewOrleans, Memphis, Chattanooga and allthe South.6;00 P. M.-Ex. Sunday. Chase City lo¬

cal.11:05 P. M.-Dally. Limited; Pullmanready »:30 P. M. for all tho South.

YORK HrVER J.INS.The favorite route to Baltimore and

eastern points. Leave Richmond 1:30 P.M- Dally, except Sunday.&:00 A. M..Except Sunday. Local mixedfor West Point.

2:15 P. M.-Local for West Point4:30 P. M.-Excopt Sunday. For W«aiPoint, connecting with steamers for Bal-timore and river landings.

TRAINS ARKIYE RICHMOND.6:55 A. M. and G::S P. M..From all ta«South. *

3:25 P. M.8:40 A. M..From Chase City.9:15 A. M..Baltimore and West Point.4:50 P. M..From Went Poln».C. H. ACKERT. S. IL liARDWICK,

O. M. G. P. A;O. W. WESTBUIlï. D. P. ?.. Rlclimo'id. Vt.

Rr ? H Richmond, Fredericksb ¦¦ ? G ¦ burg & Potomac R. RTrains Leave Richmond.Northward.3:51 ?. ?., dally, Byrd St. Through.6:45 A. M., dally. Main St Through.7:15 ?. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac¬commodation.

8:00 A. M.. Sunday only. Byrd StYhrough.8:40 A. M., week days. Byrd St. Through.12:05 noon, ween days. Byrd St. Tlirougn.4:00 P. M.. week days. Byrd St Fred-erlcksburg accommodation.

6:05 P. M. dally. Main St. Through.6:25 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland as·commodatlon.

8:05 P. M.. 'dally. Byrd St Through.Traîne Arrive Richmond.Southward.

6:40 A. M.. week days. Elba- Ashland ac-commodntlon. '

8:15 A. M., week days. Byrd St., Fred-erlcksbur« accommodation.8:35 A. M., dally. Byrd St. Through

11:55 A. M. week days. Byrd St. Through.2:05 P. M.. dnlly, Main St. Through.S:00 P. M., week days. Elba. Ashland ac¬commodation.7:15 P. M.. dally, Byrd St. Through.9:00 P. M. daily. Byrd St. Through.10:20 P. M.. daily. Main St. Through.Note.Pullman Sleeping or Parlor Car*

on all trains except local accommodations«.W. D-DUKE.C. W.CULP.W. P.TAYLOR.Gcn'l Man'r. Jiss't Gen'l Man'r. Traf. Man'e


9:00 A. M.. NORFOLK LIMITED. Ar¬rives Norfolk 11:20 A- M- Stops only atPetersburg, Waverly and öurrolk.9:05 A. M. CHICAGO EXPRESS. Buffet

Parlor Car. Petersburg to Lynchburg andRoanoke. Pullman Sleepers Roanoke toColumbus, Bluerlnld to Cincinnati: alsoRoanoke to Knoxvllle, and Kncxvlllo toChattanooga and Memphis.12:20 P. M., ROANOKE EXP'tESS for

Farmvllle. Lynchburtr and Roanoke.3:00 P. M.. OCEAN "SHORE LIMITED,

Arrives Norfolk 5:20 P. M. Stops only ·>(Petersburg. Waverly nnd Suffolk. Connectswith steain.vif to Boston. Providence. NewYork, Baltimore nnd Washington.7:25 P. M.. for Norfolk and all station»

eiist of Petersburg.9:40 P. M.. NEW ORLEANS SHORT

LINE. Pullman Sleepers. Richmond toLynchburg and Roanokoj Peterwburg toEast Rudford; Lynchburg to Chattanooga,Memphis and Now Orleans. Cafe Dinln«Car.Trains nrrlvo from the West 7:35 ?. ??-,

2 P. M. nnd 8:55 P. M.; from Norfolk 11:00A. M. and 7:20 P. M.Onice No. öS Rast Main Street.W. B. BEVILL. C. H. BOSLEY.Gen. Pass. Acent- Dis, Pass. Agent.

SEABOARDAir Line Railway-

trains LEAVE RICHMOND DAILY.2:20 P. M..Seaboard Mail.10:35 P. M.~

Seaboard Express.To Savannah, Jack¬sonville, Atlanta and Southwest.0:10 A. M,.Local.For Norllna and Ham¬

let.TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND DAILY.6:35 A. M..No. 84.4:55 P. M..No. 08.

From Florida, Atlanta and Southwest.6:30 P. M..From Norllna and local

points.City Ticket Office 830 East Main Street.

'Phone 405.


Special chartered trains leaving So.Ry, Depot, Fourteenth St.

SUNDAY TRAINS.r/vo Richmond 0:80 ?. M. &4P. M.L'vo West Point 8 P.M. & 10:30 G? M.

