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J. Virol.-2013-Istrate-JVI.02927-13

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  • 8/10/2019 J. Virol.-2013-Istrate-JVI.02927-13



    Rotavirus infection increases intestinal motility but not permeability at the onset of1

    diarrhoea2Running title: Intestinal motility and permeability in early rotavirus infection3


    Claudia Istratea,b,z

    , Marie Hagbomb,z

    , Elena Vikstrmc, Karl-Eric Magnusson

    c and Lennart5




    Grupo de Virologia, Unidade da Microbiologia Mdica, Centro de Malria e outras Doenas8

    Trpicas, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa,9

    Portugala; Division of Molecular Virology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine,10

    University of Linkping, Linkping, Swedenb

    ; Division of Medical Microbiology, Department11

    of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Linkping, Linkping, Swedenc



    ZM.H and C.I contributed equally to this work14


    Abstract word count: 24216

    Text word count: 508217


    # Corresponding Author:19

    Lennart Svensson20

    Division of Molecular Virology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine21

    University of Linkping, 581 85 Linkping, Sweden22

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: +46 (0)10 103 88 03; Fax: +46 (0)10 103 13 7524

    JVI Accepts, published online ahead of print on 26 December 2013

    J. Virol. doi:10.1128/JVI.02927-13

    Copyright 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

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    The disease mechanisms associated with onset and secondary effects of rotavirus (RV) diarrhoea26

    remain to be determined and may not be identical. In this study we investigated whether onset of27

    RV diarrhoea is associated with increased intestinal permeability and/or motility. To study the28

    transit time, fluorescent FITC-dextran was given to RV-infected adult and infant mice. Intestinal29

    motility was also studied with an opioid receptor agonist (loperamide) and a muscarinic receptor30

    antagonist (atropine). To investigate whether RV increases permeability at onset of diarrhoea,31

    fluorescent 4- and 10-kDa dextran were given to infected and non-infected mice and fluorescence32

    intensity measured subsequently in serum. RV increased transit time in adult and infant mice.33

    Increased motility was detected as early as 6 hours post infection (h p.i) in adults and 24 h p.i. in34

    pups, and persisted up to 72 h p.i in both models. Both loperamide and atropine decreased35

    intestinal motility and attenuated diarrhoea. Analysis of passage of fluorescence dextran from the36

    intestine into serum indicated unaffected intestinal permeability at onset of diarrhoea (24-48 h37

    p.i.). We show that RV-induced diarrhoea is associated with increased intestinal motility viaan38

    activation of the myenteric nerve plexus, which in turn stimulates muscarinic receptors on39

    intestinal smooth muscles.40


    Important section. We show that RV-infected mice have increased intestinal motility at the42

    onset of diarrhoea and that this is not associated with increased intestinal permeability. These43

    new observations will contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in RV44




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    While rotavirus (RV) is well established as a major cause of severe acute gastroenteritis in49

    young children all over the world, the knowledge of the mechanisms behind diarrhoea and50

    vomiting is still largely unknown. The fluid loss due to diarrhoea may be caused by several51

    mechanisms [1, 2]. High concentrations of poorly absorbable compounds may create an osmotic52

    force causing a loss of fluid across the intestinal epithelium (osmotic diarrhoea). Secretory53

    diarrhoea is characterized by an overstimulation of the intestinal secretory capacity, not coupled54

    to an inhibition of fluid absorptive mechanisms. Furthermore, if the barrier function of the55

    epithelium is compromised by loss of epithelial cells or disruption of tight junction, hydrostatic56

    pressure in blood- and lymphatic vessels may cause water and electrolytes to accumulate in57

    lumen (exudative diarrhoea) [1]. In most types of diarrhoea more than one of these58

    pathophysiological mechanisms are involved.59

    Several hypotheses have been forwarded to explain RV-induced diarrhoea, including a60

    functional role of the virus-encoded enterotoxin NSP4 [3-5], malabsorption secondary to failing61

    transport of electrolytes and/or glucose/amino acids [6], villus ischemia [7-10], stimulation of the62

    enteric nervous system (ENS) [11] and of enterochromaffin (EC) cells [12]. At the cellular and63

    tissue level, a new understanding of the disease mechanisms is beginning to emerge [2].64

    Intestinal permeability and motility are two physiological mechanisms most rarely investigated,65

    but currently being implicated in diarrheal syndromes [2, 13]. Intestinal permeability has only66

    rarely been investigated in humans infected with RV [14] . In the early 1980s, Stintzing and co-67

    workers [15] was assessed the intestinal permeability in young children with RV infection using68

    polyethylene glycol (PEG) of different molecular weights, and a significantly low urinary69

    recovery of PEG was noted. A similar observation was made in adults by Serrander and co-70

    workers [16]. Moreover, Johansen et al [17] found that children with acute RV infection excreted71

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    less PEG in their urine than healthy children and children with enteropathogenicEscherichia coli72

    (EPEC) infections. In vitro studies, on the other hand, have shown that RV can increase the73

    permeability of polarized human epithelial Caco-2 cells [18], probably due to a reorganization of74

    the tight junction proteins claudin-1, occludin and ZO-1 [19]. Furthermore, the RV enterotoxin75

    NSP4, induces paracellular leakage in polarized epithelial cells and prevents lateral targeting of76

    ZO-1 [20]. In line with this, it has also been demonstrated in Ussing chamber experiments that77

    the electrical tissue conductance is increased in RV-infected intestines [11, 21].78

    Intestinal motility has only occasionally been studied during RV infection. It is well79

    established that stimulating the vagal efferent nerves to the gut increases intestinal motility via a80

    direct effect on the intestinal musculature and/or via an excitation of the intestinal cells of Cayal81

    [22]. Atropine, the classical muscarinic receptor antagonist, can block these effects. It is also well82

    known that naturally occurring opioids can be used as antidiarrheal agents, but their adverse83

    central nervous effects make them undesirable as remedies. Loperamide, an opioid receptor84

    agonist, differs from other similar drugs by binding predominantly to intestinal tissue and when85

    given orally it gains almost no access to the central nervous system (CNS). Its antidiarrheal86

    action is thought to result from diminished intestinal motility by interfering with the myenteric87

    plexa [22, 23]. Furthermore, loperamide can inhibit intestinal secretion caused by bacterial88

    enterotoxins [24, 25]. Regarding RV infections, Yamashiro and co-workers [26] found a89

    significant effect of the stool score on day 3-5 of treatment. Meta-analyses confirmed that90

    patients treated with loperamide are less likely to have diarrhoea 24 h after treatment and present91

    with a shorter duration of diarrhoea and fewer stools compared to patients in the placebo group92


    Previous human permeability and motility studies have been performed at a time when94

    children already have documented RV diarrhoea. Thus, it has remained unresolved whether the95

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    effects on motility and permeability are early or late host responses following diarrhoea, rather96

    than the actual cause to diarrhoea onset.97

    The objective of this study was to investigate whether and how intestinal permeability and98

    motility are altered at the onset of RV diarrhoea. To address this issue, different-sized fluorescent99

    dextran was given to RV-infected and non-infected adult and infant mice, to determine both100

    permeability and transit kinetics. Intestinal motility was also studied after administration of the101

    opioid receptor agonist loperamide or the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine. Our study102

    gives new important understanding of the mechanisms triggering diarrhoea.103

















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    Animals. RV nave BALB/c, 8 weeks old adults and 5-7 days old infant mice (B&K121

    Laboratories, Sollentuna, Sweden) were used. They were housed in standard cages with free122

    access to food and water. Pregnant females were transferred to individual cages 1 week before123

    the expected day of birth and off spring remained with their mother during the experimental124

    period. The animal ethics committee in Stockholm approved the experimental protocol125



    Rotavirus infection and criteria for diarrhoea. Mice (adults and infants) were orally infected128

    with 10 L/animal (100 DD50 diarrhoea doses) of wild-type murine RV (EDIM strain) as129

    previously described [28]. Only infant mice were examined for diarrhoea since adult mice have130

    previously been shown to not develop diarrhoea [29] . Adult mice were infected to investigate131

    whether any changes in motility and permeability occur in the absence of diarrhoea. Diarrhoea132

    was defined as a liquid yellow stool revealed by gentle abdominal palpation as described133

    elsewhere [11, 30]. The percentage of mice with diarrhoea was calculated as the number of pups134

    with typical diarrhoeal stools (loose, yellow, liquid faeces) divided by the total number of pups in135

    the same group. Mice were confirmed to have diarrhoea before being included in the treatment136

    studies with loperamide and atropine.137


    Motility studies. In the motility experiments, adult (n=6 to 13, at each time-point) and infant139

    BALB/c mice (n=5 to 13, at each time-point) received orally 10 l of 4-kDa FITC-dextran probe140

    (Sigma; cat.no: FD-4) at 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h p.i.. The probe was and also given to non-141

    infected mice. The adult mouse dose was 0.5 mg/mice and infant mouse dose was 0.25 mg/mice.142

    FITC-dextran was dissolved in Milli-Q water and the solutions were freshly prepared before each143

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    experiment. For time points of 24 h p.i and later, diarrhoea was confirmed in all infected infant144

    mice that received the probe. After 30 min for adults and 15 min for infant mice, the animals145

    were sacrificed and the whole intestines, from stomach to rectum, were used for determination of146

    transit time by UV light measurement, taking photos, using a FITC specific filter (Bio-Rad Filter147

    520DF30) in a ChemiDoc System (BioRad, ChemiDoc XRS). The front part of the main148

    accumulating FITC-dextran was defined from the photo and the software program Illustrator CS6149

    was used to most exactly measure the intestinal length and migration of the FITC-dextran probe.150

    Intestinal transit was calculated at different time-points, on how far the FITC-dextran probe has151

    passed in per cent of the entire length of the intestine, from the pylorus to the rectum. Motility152

    experiments were performed at two different occations.153


    Anti-diarrhoeal drug experiments. Loperamide hydrochloride and atropine sulphate salt155

    monohydrate was purchased from Sigma (Sigma; loperamide cat.no: 34014; atropine cat.no:156

    A0257) and dissolved in Milli-Q water. Loperamide (10 mg/kg) or atropine (6 mg/kg) was157

    administered orally to adult and infant mice at 40 and 44 h p.i.. Four hours after the second dose,158

    at 48 h p.i., mice received 4-kDa FITC dextran and were then sacrificed after 15 (infant) and 30159

    (adult) min, for determination of transit time. In infant mice the anti-diarrhoeal effect of160

    loperamide and atropine was checked at 4 h after the first dose and 4 h after the second dose (48161

    h p.i.) of treatment, a time-point associated with severe diarrhoea of almost all mice. In the162

    loperamide experiment, mice were checked for diarrhoea also on the following day and received163

    a final dose of loperamide at 64 h p.i., the effect of which was investigated 4 h later.164


    Intestinal permeability studies. The transmural passage into the blood of fluorescently 10- and166

    4-kDa dextran was used to assess the barrier characteristics of infant and adult mice infected with167

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    RV from 6 up to 96 h in comparison to non-infected animals. The barrier properties were168

    described in two ways: (i) by a permeability index equal to the ratio between the relative uptake169

    of fluorescent 10- and 4-kDa dextran, and (ii) by the fold-increase (Fi) in either marker compared170

    to the basal value for non-infected animals. The values are given as fluorescence intensity (FI).171

    The relative permeation of the 10- and 4-kDa probes was used to calculate a permeability index172

    (R) through their relative fluorescence intensities, F10and F4in blood/serum, i.e. R=F10/F4173

    Briefly, RV-nave BALB/c mice, non-infected and RV-infected, received orally a mixture of 4-174

    kDa FITC-dextran (adult mouse dose of 2.5 mg/mice, infant mouse dose of 0.7 mg/mice) and 10-175

    kDa Rhodamine-dextran (adult dose 5.0 mg/mice, infant mouse dose 1.4 mg/mice). The176

    fluorescently conjugated dextran (Sigma Aldrich, cat.no: FD-4 (4-kDa FITC-dextran) and R881177

    (10-kDa Rhodamine-daxtran)) was freshly prepared in Milli-Q water before use. Blood was178

    collected in serum tubes (BD Microtainer Tubes, cat.no: 365951) 3 h post tracer-administration179

    and centrifuged for 5 min at 1677xg. The serum was diluted 1/50 in Milli-Q water and the180

    fluorescence intensities of FITC (494/518 nm) and Rhodamine (565/580 nm) were measured with181

    a fluorescence spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer,LS-3B,Waltham,182

    Massachusetts, USA).183


    Histology. Specimens (0.5 cm) were taken from the duodenum, the middle part of the jejunum,185

    and the lowest part of ileum, from adult and infant mice, non-infected and infected mice at 48 h186

    p.i.. The specimens were fixed in 4% phosphate-buffered formaldehyde (Histolab, Sweden,187

    cat.no: 02176) and then embedded in paraffin. From each specimen sections of 5-m-thickness188

    were cut and placed onto glass slides (SuperFrost Plus Menzel, Histolab, Sweden, cat.no: 06400).189

    The paraffin was removed through 2 steps of 5-min incubations in tissue clear solution (Sakura,190

    Tokyo, Japan, Code: 1466,) and the tissues were hydrated through a series of ethanol (EtOH)191

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    baths (99.5% EtOH 2x5 min, 95% EtOH 1x5 min, 70% EtOH 1x5 min) followed by a final step192

    in PBS. Slides were then stained with hematoxylin and eosin for 5 min, rinsed in tap-water and193

    mounted with Pertexmounting medium (Histolab, Sweden, cat.no: 00814) and a cover glass.194


    Statistical analysis. Data was analysed with non-parametric two-tailed Mann-Whitney test and196

    Kruskal-Wallis test, using the Prism Software 5.0 (GraphPad, San Diego, CA) or Fishers exact197

    test. Values were considered significant at p 0.05.198


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    Rotavirus increases intestinal motility in adult and infant mice. Alterations in intestinal201

    transit/motility have been associated with several forms of gastrointestinal diseases, promoting202

    the development of pharmaceutical drugs that attenuate intestinal motility. For RV infection it203

    still remains unclear whether RV could increase intestinal transit and thereby contribute to204


    Therefor, to obtain an all-over view of the possible involvement of increased motility in RV206

    diarrhoea we infected infant and adult mice with murine RV, 10 L/animal (100 x DD50207

    diarrhoea doses) and characterized the kinetics of intestinal transit of a 4-kDa FITC-dextran208

    probe. We observed that the probe have passed along the entire intestine within 15 min in209

    infected infant mice at 48 h p.i., more rapidly compared to non-infected mice (p0,001) (Fig.1A210

    and B). Interestingly, the peak of transit 48 h p.i. coincided with the time of most severe211

    diarrhoea symptoms in pups, as 12 out of 13 mice had diarrhoea (Table 1). RV infection in mice212

    was confirmed by eosin and haematoxylin staining of tissue sections of different parts of the213

    small intestine (Fig.2). The characteristic vacuolisation of the epithelial cells was seen on villi but214

    not in the crypts.215

    We next investigated whether adult mice, in spite of not responding with diarrhoea216

    following RV infection, might have altered intestinal motility. Theoretically, RV infection could217

    stimulate the myenteric plexus and thus motility in absence of diarrhoea [2]. Indeed, we found218

    that the infection in adult mice did not resulted in increased intestinal motility, as determined by219

    the transit of FITC-dextran (Fig.1C). However, a slight effect was found at 24 h p.i., a time point220

    typically associated with onset of diarrhoea in pups.221



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    Atropine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist, attenuates rotavirus motility and diarrhoea.224

    The motility studies with atropine treatment orally, using a dose of 6 mg/kg, were performed as225

    described in material and methods. We observed a significant decrease of intestinal motility in226

    infected infant and adult mice treated with atropine as compared to non-treated mice at 48 h p.i.227

    (Fig.3A and 3B). In non-infected infant mice atropine had a modest effect on motility (Fig.3A).228

    Since the effect of atropine was also observed in non-infected mice (Fig.3A and 3B), it seemed to229

    be likely not virus specific.230

    We also investigated whether atropine could attenuate RV-induced diarrhoea in infant mice. Only231

    mice with confirmed diarrhoea were included and atropine was given at 40 h and 44 p.i.. The232

    effect of the 2 doses of atropine was evaluated at 48 h p.i.. In the mock-treated group 6/7 still had233

    diarrhoea, in contrast to only 3/11 in the atropine-treated group (p

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    the untreated infected mice (Fig.4A, line 4) but was delayed in loperamide treated and infected248

    mice (Fig.4A, line 5). Giving loperamide to non-infected infant mice had a modest effect on249

    motility (Fig.4B). No significant effect on intestinal motility was observed in infected adult mice250

    treated with loperamide as compared to infected non-treated adults at 48 h p.i. (Fig.4C). Again251

    the drug had only modest effect on non-infected adult mice (Fig.4C). We conclude that opioid252

    receptor agonists can attenuate the increased intestinal motility in RV-infected mice.253

    Next we investigated whether loperamide could attenuate RV-induced diarrhoea using the254

    same experimental protocol as in the transit studies, i.e. infant mice was given doses of255

    loperamide at 40 h and 44 h p.i.. In the mock-treated group 12/13 had diarrhoea at 40 h p.i.,256

    which was maintained during the course of experiment until termination at 68 h p.i. (Table 1),257

    and among infected mice 8/9 had diarrhoea at 40 h p.i before administration of loperamide (Table258

    1). Only the 8 mice with confirmed diarrhoea were included in the loperamide-treated group.259

    Already after the first dose (40 h.p.i), none of them displayed diarrhoea at 44 h p.i. (Table 1), and260

    they showed no sign of diarrhoea (48 h.p.i) following administration of a second dose. The effect261

    of Loperamide was highly significant (p

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    multifactorial and may in the case of RV infection include disturbances in intestinal permeability.272

    Previous human studies investigating intestinal barrier functions [15, 17] were all conducted at a273

    time-point at which subjects already had diarrhoea. Thus, it remains unclear whether permeability274

    changes are a late host response following diarrhoea and/or the result of extensive lesions of the275

    epithelia, rather than the actual cause of diarrhoea onset.276

    To address this issue, we administered orally 4-kDa FITC-dextran and 10-kDa Rhodamine-277

    dextran to infant and adult mice at 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h p.i.. Adult and infant animals were278

    bled at 3 h post tracer administration to assess the transmural passage of the probes. The use of279

    two different-sized probes allowed us to investigate in more detail whether the intestinal barrier280

    was influenced by the RV infection. The plasma concentration of the two probes as reflected in281

    their optical densities was estimated during the course of infection as a measure of their intestinal282

    permeability. A ratiobetween the permeability of the two probes was also determined (Table 3),283

    as well as the change of permeability to either compound (fold increase) as compared to the284

    corresponding non-infected animal.285

    We found that infected infant in contrast to adult mice, responded with a significantly286

    increase in permeability for both the 4- and 10-kDa probes at 6 and 12 h p.i. (p

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    pathological changes were not sufficient to induce increased permeability for 4- and 10-kDa296

    dextran probes.297

    A reduced surface area should principally affect the permeability of the 10- and 4-kDa298

    probes to the same extent and yield parallel decline of either marker in the blood. However, if299

    there is a perturbation of the junctional integrity, the paracellular uptake of the larger 10-kDa300

    probe might be enhanced relatively to the smaller 4-kDa probe [31]. In the early phase of301

    infection the 10/4 kDa ratio was balanced, based on a 20-fold increased for the 4-kDa probe and a302

    18-fold increased for the 10-kDa probe. A pronounced 11-fold increase in 10/4 kDa ratio was303

    however observed at 24 h p.i and a 17.9 fold increase at 72 h p.i., caused by the significant304

    tightening of the epithelium for the 4-kDa probe (Table 3). Interestingly, at 48 h p.i., when the305

    clinical signs of diarrhea are obvious, the 10/4 kDa ratio was 4.5 caused by a decreased306

    permeability of the 10-kDa probe (Table 3).307

    To get further insight into the mechanisms associated with onset of diarrhoea, we308

    investigated whether adult infected mice not responding with diarrhoea from the small intestine309

    [28] had a perturbed intestinal barrier. Accordingly, a set of experiments identical to the infant310

    mice permeability studies was performed in adult mice. The permeability of the 4-kDa probe was311

    decreased at time-points 6, 12 and 24 h p.i. (Fig.6A). A limited permeability increase for the 4-312

    kDa probe was observed at 48 and 72 h p.i., but did not reach statistical significance. Rather there313

    was a significantly reduced permeability at 24 and 96 h p.i. (p

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    Several disease mechanisms such as malabsorption, altered permeability, motility disturbances,322

    stimulation of enterochromaffin cells, activation of the ENS and the RV NSP4 toxin have been323

    associated with the fluid loss in RV diarrhoea [2, 3, 5-8, 12, 13]. Some of these mechanisms may324

    indeed occur after the onset of diarrhoea, rather than being the actual cause. In this study we325

    have investigated how intestinal transit (motility) and epithelial permeability are related to the326

    onset of RV diarrhoea. These two important disease-associated mechanisms have not been327

    studied together in the early phase of RV diarrhoea.328

    Motility of the small intestine, as in all parts of the digestive tract, is controlled329

    predominantly by excitatory and inhibitory signals from the ENS, however, modulated by inputs330

    from the CNS, whereas intestinal secretion is controlled mainly by intrinsic nerves and in331

    particular by the submucosal plexus [22]. The autonomic nervous system control of motility is332

    exerted mainly via the release of acetylcholine and effect on muscarinic receptors. Hence, it is333

    possible to block this motor response by atropine as also demonstrated in this study. Considering334

    in vivo studies in several experimental models of acute diarrhoea, atropine has failed to attenuate335

    the rate of fluid secretion in the small intestine.336

    In the present study gut motility was determined by studying the intestinal transit of the 4-337

    kDa FITC-dextran probe in infant and adult mice. Interestingly, in infant mice, the onset of338

    diarrhoea occurred concomitantly with a high intestinal transit of FITC-dextran at 48 h p.i.339

    (Fig.1A and B). To get further insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for340

    the increased motility, we treated non-infected and RV-infected mice with the -opioid receptor341

    agonist loperamide, attenuating the activity of the myenteric plexus [23] and with atropine,342

    blocking muscarinic receptors on smooth muscles. Loperamide differs from other opioid343

    analogues as it binds predominantly to intestinal tissue. Thus, when given orally it has virtually344

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    no access to the CNS. Loperamide is a widely used anti-diarrhoeal agent, its effects being345

    attributed to an inhibitory action on smooth muscle tone and peristalsis attenuating both346

    cholinergic and non-cholinergic influences on intestinal smooth muscles [32, 33]. The effect of347

    loperamide was not restricted to infant mice as adult non-infected and infected responded with348

    attenuated intestinal motility, strongly suggesting that the effect is not virus-specific. The efficacy349

    was very pronounced, since the diarrhoea in infant mice was completely abolished in 8/8 mice 4350

    h after a single dose. When giving a second dose, it appeared that the effect was time-dependent351

    since 6/8 mice exhibited diarrhoea 20 h after the second dose. In humans, maximal plasma352

    loperamide concentration is achieved within 3-5 h in humans [34], which corresponds with the353

    significant effect observed within 4 h in the mouse model. It has also been proposed, that354

    loperamide apart from its inhibitory action on smooth muscle tone, also can stimulate absorption355

    of fluid, electrolytes and glucose and moreover reverse the prostaglandin PGE2 and cholera toxin-356

    induced secretion to absorption [24]. In previous studies loperamide has been administered to357

    individuals with on-going diarrhoea, therefore the question whether increased gut motility could358

    be associated with onset of diarrhoea or a systemic host response following diarrhoea is still359


    The effect of atropine on infected infant mice after 2 doses (6 mg/kg) at 40 and 44 h p.i.,361

    determined a clear reduction in motility as well as reduced diarrhoea, where only 3/11 mice had362

    diarrhoea after atropine treatment compared of 6/7 in the mock-treated group.363

    To conclude, our results obtained with atropine, the classical muscarinic receptor364

    antagonist, and loperamide, a -opioid receptor agonist, clearly suggest that ENS is involved in365

    the motility response to rotavirus infection. We have earlier found that the fluid loss in RV366

    diarrhoea is at least partly induced by an activation of the ENS [11].367

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    Adult mice were explored to determine whether motility changes were associated with368

    water and electrolyte loss (i.e. diarrhoea) from the small intestine or whether motility changes369

    occurred independently of diarrhoea. Previous studies have shown that the small intestine of370

    infant mice [11, 35] but not adult mice [28] respond with electrolyte and water secretion371

    (diarrhoea) following infection with murine RV. In diarrhoea-resistant adult mice there was a372

    most modest increase of intestinal motility at 24 h p.i. (Fig.1C), but no over all increased motility373

    during the course of infection.374

    The participation of prostaglandins (PGs) in RV diarrhoea may be another factor explaining375

    the different time courses for secretion and motility. It has been shown that PGs are produced376

    under the influence of microorganisms and have immune-modulatory, anti-inflammatory as well377

    as pro-inflammatory actions [36]. Moreover, they can stimulate water secretion [37-40], an effect378

    that can be blocked by drugs attenuating nerve activity, such as hexamethonium, a nicotinic379

    receptor blocker or lidocaine, a local anaesthetic [41], thus indicating that nerves are involved.380

    Loperamide is also a potent inhibitor of intestinal fluid secretion induced by PGE2and cholera381

    toxin. In children with RV gastroenteritis elevated levels of PGE2and PGF2in both plasma and382

    stools have been found and treatment with the COX inhibitor aspirin reduced the duration of383

    diarrhoea [26]. Moreover, intravenous infusion of PG causes abdominal cramps [42], inhibit384

    intestinal motility [43, 44] and stimulates water secretion [24, 38, 45]. Moreover RV induces385

    COX2 mRNA and secretion of PGE2 already within 8 h p.i [46]. These observations make it386

    tempting to speculate that the decreased motility with remaining diarrhoea 72-96 h p.i. might be387

    induced by increasing concentrations of PGs. The action of PGs on smooth muscles is, however,388

    not yet fully understood, whether they act directly on the muscle cells or modulate of the release389

    of neurotransmitters [47].390

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    In several in vitro, animal and human studies both increased and decreased permeability391

    have been reported. Regarding RV, only a few human studies have been done [15-17], and all392

    these studies were however conducted on already RV-infected children and the time course for393

    conceivable permeability changes was not studied.394

    The use of a combination of two markers of different sizes to measure changes in the small395

    intestinal permeability has proved to be sensitive and a specific approach [16, 48]. Interestingly,396

    infected infant mice responded with a significant increase in permeability for both probes at 6 and397

    12 h p.i, (Fig.5A+B) whereas adults only showed an increase for the 10-kDa probe at 12 h p.i.398

    (Fig.6A+B). The increased permeability at 6 and 12 h.p.i was due to the administration of the399

    fecal debris but was not associated with diarrhoea nor increased motility. Furthermore oral400

    administration of 10% fecal suspension from uninfected animals did not result in diarrhoea. An401

    obvious conclusion from this unexpected observation is that increased permeabilityper seis not402

    sufficient to cause diarrhoea, since at these early time-points mice do not have diarrhoea. The403

    onset of diarrhoea (24-48 h p.i.) was not associated with increased permeability to the two404

    dextran probes, despite significant lytic lesions in the small intestine at 48 h p.i. (Fig.2A and B).405

    This conclusion is further supported by our observation that even adult mice have similar406

    pathological lesions at the same time points yet no diarrhoea [28]. Apparently, RV induced407

    pathological lesions per se in the small intestine (Fig.2) are not sufficient to account for408

    permeability changes or electrolyte changes during RV infections. A similar observation was409

    reported by Heyman and co-workers [49] who studied transepithelial fluxes of horseradish410

    peroxidase (HRP; molecular mass about 44 kDa) from mucosa to serosa in EDIM-infected mice411

    in an Ussing chamber. During RV diarrhoea (days 2-8) no change in mucosal-to-serosa412

    permeability to HRP was observed. On the other hand, during convalescence (days 9-14) when413

    virus was no longer present in the mucosa, there was a 10-fold increase in HRP transport. They414

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    concluded that RV causes a transient rise in the gut permeability during convalescence [49]. In415

    agreement with this observation, we found a significant transient rise in permeability 72 h p.i in416

    both infant (p

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    FIG 1 Intestinal motility is increased at the time-point of severe diarrhoea, 48 h p.i. (n=5 to 13).575

    (A) Illustration of the transit of fluorescent FITC-dextran in the entire intestine of EDIM-infected576

    and non-infected infant mice, 15 min post dextran. FITC dextran was visualized by UV-577

    spectrophotometer (Chemi-Doc, Bio-Rad, with a FITC specific filter) and was identified as a578

    fluorescent-dependent white color, reaching different intestinal segments. (B and C) Transit of579

    FITC-dextran in infant (B) and adult (C) mice, 15 respectively 30 min post dextran. Onset of580

    diarrhoea in infant mice occurred between 24-48 h p.i. and was most severe at 48 h p.i with581

    yellow lose form. Values are based on the transit length of FITC-dextran as percentage of the582

    total length of the intestine. Krustal-Wallis; p583


    FIG 2 Histology of the small intestinal epithelium of EDIM-infected and non-infected infant585

    mice. Tissue sections are stained with hematoxylin and eosin. (A and B) Jejenum, 48 h p.i.,586

    showing the characteristic vacuolization of cells in the mid and top of villi of a mice with587

    diarrhoea and rotavirus in the stool. (C) Non-infected tissue from the duodenum part.588


    FIG 3Atropine decreases the intestinal motility in EDIM-infected infant and adult mice, 48 h590

    p.i.. Transit of FITC-dextran in infant (A) and adult (B) mice, 15 respectively 30 min post591

    dextran. FITC dextran was visualized by UV-spectrophotometer (Chemi-Doc, Bio-Rad, with a592

    FITC specific filter) and was identified as a fluorescent white color, reaching different intestinal593

    segments. Values are based on the transit length of FITC-dextran as percentage of the total length594

    of the intestine. Mann-Whitney; p595


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    FIG 4Loperamide decreases the intestinal motility in EDIM-infected infant and adult mice, 48 h597

    p.i.. (A) Transit of fluorescent FITC-dextran in the entire intestine of EDIM-infected and non-598

    infected, treated and non-treated infant mice, 15 min post dextran. FITC dextran was visualized599

    by UV-spectrophotometer (Chemi-Doc, Bio-Rad, with a FITC specific filter) and was identified600

    as a fluorescent white color, reaching different intestinal segments. (B and C) Transit of FITC-601

    dextran in infant (B) and adult (C) mice, 15 respectively 30 min post dextran. Values are based602

    on the transit length of FITC-dextran as percentage of the total length of the intestine. Mann-603

    Whitney; p0,05(*), p604


    FIG 5Intestinal permeability is not increased at the time for onset of diarrhoea nor at the time of606

    most severe diarrhoea in infant mice. Permeability of 4-kDA FITC-dextran (A) and 10-kDa607

    Rhodamine-dextran (B) through the intestinal epithelium into serum at different h p.i. was608

    measured by spectrophotometry at wave lengths of respectively fluorophore (494/518 and609

    565/580 nm), values are given in fluorescence intensity (FI); Mann-Whitney; p0,001(***);610

    p0,01(**); p0,05(*).611


    FIG 6Intestinal permeability is not increased at the most critical time-point of EDIM infection in613

    adult mice. Permeability of 4-kDA FITC-dextran (A) and 10-kDa Rhodamine-dextran (B)614

    through the intestinal epithelium into serum at different h p.i. was measured by fluorescence at615

    wavelengths specific for each fluorophor (494/518 and 565/580 nm), values are given in616

    fluorescence intensity (FI); Mann-Whitney; p0,05(*).617



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    TABLE 1The opioid receptor agonist loperamide attenuate rotavirus diarrhoea621

    40 h p.i. 44 h p.i. 48 h p.i. 64 h p.i. 68 h p.i.

    EDIM infectedUntreated (n=13)

    12/13 12/13 12/13 12/13 12/13

    EDIM infectedLoperamide treated (n=9)

    8/9 0/8 0/8 6/8 2/8

    Non-infectedLoperamide treated (n=6)

    0/6 0/6 0/6 0/6 0/6

    Non-infectedUntreated (n=2)

    0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2







    Diarrhoea in Infant Mice

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    TABLE 2The muscarinic antagonist atropine attenuate rotavirus diarrhoea625






    40 h p.i. 44 h p.i. 48 h p.i.

    EDIM infectedUntreated (n=7)

    7/7 7/7 6/7

    EDIM infectedAtropine treated (n=11)

    11/13 2/11 3/11

    Atropine Atropine

    Diarrhoea in Infant Mice

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    TABLE 3Permeability of dextran probes in rotavirus infected infant mice632



    Fold Increase




    Fold Increase






    6 1.8 18,1 (0.9)* 20.1 8,2 (8.6) 0.6

    12 1.4 14,5 (1.3) 8.6 2,0 (2.6) 1.2

    24 1.0 9,9 (2.1) 0.6 0,9 (0.2) 11.0

    48 0.6 5,9 (0.4) 0.9 1,3 (0.3) 4.5

    72 1.4 14,3 (1.2) 0.6 0,8 (0.0) 17.9

    96 0.5 4,7 (1.0) 1.9 2,6 (0.9) 1.8



    1.0 10,1 (0.3) 1.0 1,4 (0.4) 7.2


    FI. Fluorescence Intensity, Mean value.634


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    TABLE 4Permeability of dextran probes in rotavirus infected adult mice637



    Fold Increase




    Fold Increase






    6 1.1 8.7 (0.3)* 0.4 1.1 (0.2) 7.9

    12 1.3 9.9 (0.4) 0.4 1.2 (0.2) 8.3

    24 0.9 6.7 (0.6) 0.3 1.0 (0.1) 6.7

    48 1.0 7.7 (0.2) 1.2 3.7 (2.5) 2.1

    72 1.1 8.6 (0.2) 2.6 7.9 (3.6) 1.1

    96 1.1 8.2 (0.4) 0.3 0.8 (0.0) 10.3



    1.0 7.7 (0.6) 1.0 3.0 (1.0) 2.6


    FI. Fluorescence Intensity, Mean value.639















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