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J xRELAT Totts xr1lnnmoJ PiUs Christian It My stele Yrn...

Date post: 25-Sep-2020
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fl i M A as Cq t f1r iM r MfIiclf iiiujlifMOK JillT nll ft AN < II 1 A Ld + 1 11 n lr ci IW TkQ Talk of u Christian t l M Uonrtij OUR S a SET OF TEETH I They look welll Fit well x Wear Well ± Ian Teeth are extffcfed free I when ri f ppsaF or ¬ J dered I o L aJs fitr remember theiplacE LOUlSVIfefY I Detttal Parors Summer Building1 corner Court + t IUdYain StV Hopkinsville Ky x HOME PHONE 1214 I dO I1 Nnre 6BtF 6 a ft Cordst = r g ttifor FRANK RIVES r 1iornevatLaw I I 1 HOPKmSVILLE KT T i 4 1 Wi11NPractice in all tbe Courts t3i 1 1 C H TANDYQ + 4 r DENTIST Office over First National Bank flOPKWBVILLE ET e E THRR CO k If von are goin- gNORTH OR EAST Travel via the EVANSVILLE l1 JRQUTE E TH and C E 1 the best equipped and moat direct line to Chicago and all points reached via Chicago F jjif rates time et d givelb teoue attention r 11feSl FP A T A EvansTllle Ini B L Rogeraaenerat Agent Nashvl11e Tenn Bruce Jeffries T P A Atlanta Ga ii- 1i1 BOYD POOL BARBERS i 7th Street Hopkinsville Ky Especial Attention given tt Patrons Clean Linen Satis factory Service Call and bt convinced Bath Rooms in Connection Baths 25 cents Leave Orders for ° POOLS ORcueSTRA kfr Y i Anyono aondtne 0 eket a and deeci1p m mn quickly ascertain our ovii tern frco wile nor ai Is CI m miii IIndbnoktir Ill t tenth Patents taken throuKh Wunn Co ° tcut notte without chart e In the ui Scientific Jlm rf an- A handaomelr tllnetrated weiklr Largest cb caution any nclontidn jlUI n k tour i Sold b adneejdealera Ygtkt DRPIERCS GOLDENMEDICAL l IMSCOVERYPOR a8LOILIVLRLUNGS I s r MADAMB 1AL FEMALES A Bus CimiM Bauir tn BinrwalimrMUTioii r1rtyfA KNOWN TO fAll > 5M BajfJ 8pdi Sail oa tUUotad o r BQt prpald I tot 1100 wr tat Will itnd Um OQ lilt ta IK 4Col rbtu rnrd 8uptt eta It 1111 drj jot 4I bore Itwla 1t1l41lJIor4I w tb uNITCOMEDICALCOuzUIANwSTN PA n For sale by Ray w Fowler L i ty l I ha < J f r Y e I tI IiTi JlI J j ii If J = IfiF i = ptE AIDS IN WAR r i J i t- BttnD f xRELAT D TIJKM 011 ITtIy > xr1lnnmoJ It Eight R rv ShoJcu doyen ipjfo AotUAl JPlghttng la the Acme < ei flL 1tality and Beck T y lessnees r rfoliIfeuU ftov Shauku Soyon IBC Abbot at I iltlttdi ICamakura one otU must pro Unont Buddhist prelatoga t Ja tti6 Buddhist delegate to tn Parliament dl Religions at Chicago 1 1 1808 has boon with the Japanese arn y in tho told He was present at th battlo of Nanshan Hill and has JIJ pubirshod his impressions of memorable struggle His opinion fln war is interesting as that of a ropffri eentativo of the Zen sect one of ffl strictest and most orthodox of Japalii Tho following Is Quoted from r trans ¬ lationof his opinion c War is an evlli and a great d1 Indeed But war against evils I4n e be unflinchingly prosecuted till Wd > U thin the tIDal aim In the presentthds tilliles in which Japan has enters with great reluctance she pursues QQ egotistic purpose but seeks thosub jugatlon of evils hostile to civilization She delib ¬ peace and enlightenment erated long before she took up arms of the magni ¬ as she well aware tude and gravity of the undertaking But the firm conviction of the justice of leer cause has endowed her with an indomitable courage and she Is deter ¬ mined to carry the struggle to the bit ¬ ter end Here is tho price wo must pay for our Ideals a price paid in streams of blood and by the sacrifice of many thousands of living bodies However determined may be our reso ¬ lution to crush evils our hearts trem ¬ ble at the sight of this appalling sceneHow much dearer is the price still going to be he asks What enor ¬ mous losses are wo going to suffer through the evil thoughts of our en ¬ emy not to speak of the many in ¬ juries which our poor enemy himself will have to endure All these miser ¬ able soldiers individually harmless and innocent of the present war are a dbomedto a death not only unnatural but even inhuman Indeed were it not for the doctrine of love taught by I RT REV SHAKU SOYEN y Buddhist Leader Who Was with Japan ¬ ese Before Port Arthur the Buddha which should elevate every individual creature to the realm of a pure spirituality we would In the face of the terrible calamities that now befall us be left to utter destruc ¬ tion and without any consolation whatever Were it not for the belief that the hloom of truly spiritual light will out of these mutilated disfigured and decomposing corpses return with renewed splendor we would not be able to stand these heartrending tribu ¬ lations even for a moment Were It not for the consolation that these sac ¬ rifices are not brought for an egotistic purpose but are an inevitable step toward the final realization of enlight enment how could I poor mortal bear these experiences of j1 hell let loose on earth The body Is but a vessel for something greater than itself Indi ¬ viduality is but a husk containing something more permanent Let us then though not without ten ¬ derness of h art bravely confront our ordeal I j As to his purpose in going through the campaign at the front Rt Rev SbnkufSoyen says I came here with a double purpose I wished to have my faith tested by going through the greatest horrors of my life but I also wished to inspire if I could ou valiant soldiers with the ennoblin thoughts of the Buddha so as to en ¬ able them to die on the battlefield with the confidence that the task in which they are engaged is great an noble I wished to convince them a the truths that this war is not a mere slaughter of their fellow beings but that they are combating an evil and that at the same time corporeal an ¬ nihilation rarely means a rebirth of soul not in heaven indeed but here among ourselves I believe I did my best to impress these ideas upon the soldiers hearts As to the actual flghtlpg the prelate says It beggars description Verily it is the acme of brutality and reck ¬ lessness conceived in this world Encounter Hardships Very discouraging accounts are reach ¬ ing Berlin of the difficulties encountered by the German troops operating against the Hereros There is noorage for the horses food for the men Is very scarce and the ravages of typhoid fever con ¬ tine Palma for Second ilenn President Palma formallydeclared his allegiance to the moderate party to a commltteo of prominent members of the party which called atftho palace This act means President Pmas candi- dacy ¬ for a senUterm and tijjBprob ablo reelection Jr > > f f j r Advice to h Aed Agtl brings inlitpititlea C1ftls ilug bowels weak kidneys and tJlad der and TORPID ltV Totts PiUs have a specific effect stimala e bowels causing the IS to perform their natural functions in youth slid VIGOR They arc adapted to old and young Two more men wore sentenced tti Den7t J Gan erGJ red by Blood B rt 4i AH Skin and Blood DiSeab Cured r Mrs M L Adams Fredonia Ala eftl f the nose and face The sores healed Ub perfectly Many doctors had given up her case as hopeless Hun- dreds ¬ or caseS of cancer eating sores t suppurating swellings etc have been by Blood Ralm Among others Mrs B M Guernev Warrior- S nd Ala Her nose and lip v were raw as beef with offensive discharge from the eating sore Doctors ad ¬ vised cutting but it failed Blood Balm healed the sores and Mrs Guerney is as well as ever Botanic Blood Balm also cures eczema itch ¬ fag humors scabs and scales bone ulcers offensive pimples blood risingsr and bumps on and a I troubles Druggists 1 large bottle Sample of Botanic Blood Balm free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co Atlanta Ga De ¬ scribe trouble and specialmedical advise sent in sealed letter It is certainly worth while investigating such remarkable re edynS Bloo Balm cures the most awful wors and most deepseated blood diseases m Three persons were badly hurt in wreck on the DehVer and Rio Grand railroad south of Colorado Springs Col 4 To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature on each box25c Resolutions expressing sympathy with Russia and denouncing Eilgland were adopted at a Robert Emmet meeting in New York Hives are a terrible torment to the little folks and to soma older ones Dasily cured Doans Ointment never fails Instant relief perma ¬ nent cure At any drug store 50 centsFire at Connellsville Pa caused a loss of 150000 mid probably caused the death of oneman The big Crocketsugar refinery at San Francisco has been bought by the Hawaiian sugar combine Miss OBrien whom Marconi tfe wireless telegraph inventor is io wed has an annual income of 20 O or i r OASTOnXA Bears theThe Kind You Hare Always Bought Signature I of C i Dark Tobacco Planters W H Jesup Co with the houseshave Tobacco Association to prize tobacco for the farmers Having employed the most competent men to clasS prize we will endeavor to prize you tobacco to the best advantage an we take this plan of soliciting you priceg properly handled Assort your to ¬ bacco carefully as to length and thf e careI ¬ separated not put dif ¬ ferent colors in the same bundle Put it in good keeping order Stick to your organization tell you neighbors about it send us you tobacco to prize and you will realize much better prices than you Have for many years past Liberal ad ¬ vances on tobacco in store- Respectfully W H JESUP Co- Hopkinsville Ky i RQY Hildebrand a fourteen yea old boy of Pittsburg was and is being held for ransom Ii Long 61 Cooper 9 GODBraiinsuranCB AUIItS Fire and Tornado Hopper Bldg 6th A Main Streo J HOPKINSYICIB KENTUCKY SKW IDIAZ AS A MAN OF DESTINY ftltion Sotw n Hitt Life acid t bate ofcan Iallepeud I otltJMttt If war aInan was a f that our fates are prodflBtlned said a mining man frout Mexico to the New York Sun roan It 18 Pros ident Dllz- He was born at 11 oclock at night on September 15 1hat ia the anniversary moment of Mcxi can independence althoUgh Sep tembfli 10 is celebrated as the na ftonul holiday The revolutionary conspira ipjcs had agreed on September 16 ilfP itho outbreak and were to open o ban at the ringing of n bell Qn flit plaza of Guanajuato But Hi the Mexican Washington djearned that their plans were known so Jirang the fell and storied things going at 11 oclock on SoptcuYber 16 That wasin 1S10Diz Was born September 15 1830 That fn matter of common knowledge and superstition in Mexico What is not generally known is Ul t even one of his many children legitimate and il ¬ legitimate was born either on Sep ¬ tember 15 or on the anniversary of one of his big military or political victories I have it from a memo her of the Diaz household tl1t exceptiontcir Every year on September 15 the people gather on the plaza in the City of Mexico Diaz comes out on a balcony above them sharply at 11 and rings the olil Mexican independence bell which capitalt i the independence celebration I Diaz you know considers him- self ¬ a man of destiny His life has been one long fight against en s intrigues secret plots open rebellionHe them all and es tablished a good government where there had been only tyranny or chaos for 300 years They say that he has grown superstitious about it all believing that he is un ¬ der a lucky star andHhat he takes these coincidences of birth as a mark of heavenly favor USE OF THE DOUSIftG ROD The Art of Divination to the Bowels of kthe Eai ttk Explained by a an Experiment There is undoubtedly a practical- art of discovering springs says Cassiers Magazine Indians or 9 frontiersmen can find water in theq desert when a tenderfoot ¬ not Mexicans and experienced i prospectors can similarly find ore These arts consist mainly iju the recognition of superficial signs which escape the ordinary ob ¬ server It is not necessary that the op ¬ erator should consciously note these signs separately and reason upon them No doubt he frequent ly does so though he may not give away the secret of his method to others But in many instances he recognizes by association and memory the presence of a group of indications great or small which he has repeatedly found to depositsk ¬ most unerring for a limited ¬ trict but under new Conditions it breaks down Old miners from oftend tor ue justg they had mined successfully Apart from the magnetic min erals there is no proof that ore de ¬ posits exhibit their presence and nature by any attraction or other active force With regard to wa ¬ ter however there be an aoj atureantlr Even here however it scenic more likely that such effects are niani fested visibly to a close observer rather than by direct affection of his nervous or muscular systemI The favorite fields for water dl vinery are regions in which water abundant but not gathered upon impermeabled I Choice of Evils Jimson Lets get into the next carriage Hore comes Noowedd and lies just got his first baby Jaqkson Id rather here Goggjebat is in tbe noxtearriage and hejs jut got hist jnofor carStraVtoriesV > to > I J ifenAaA tt1 i t SkAa 1 Attended with tainted offanthto or foul reath bitter taste s in the morning furred sick or bilious Oor or irregular d fl oUte sour stomach water cotmlpa tion with strong tendency to or despondency Yrn all a rd rad tea ly the faithful useof Dr Pierces Golden Medical stoma o- man can be strop er than his hi whon It got out of order he becomes loui dyspeptic hypoohonariftciilpwivlsh and out sor tired and all fagged out will mOro or actionliver Modloftl Discovery from the aotivo principles x tractod from native medicinal plants wIthout the use of alcohol not a drop which ontors Into Its composition The benefit from Its no Is not therefore duo to alcoholic exbiltratlen and conse of short but Is endur ¬ permanentThe of diseases have their Inception n a bad stomach Ito tlon biliousness and impure blood Among those diseases are deadly con- sumption nervoracklng nervous and exhaustion Insnnltyblo and an manner of dIsfigurIng blood and skin dIseases Dr PIerces Golden Med teal Discovery Is a euro for all these dis ¬ et1SOS1If in anything like rcasona It Is not a cureall but cures tho diseases mentioned for the reason bythe tlto peen the dIgestion perfect the liver active too bloOd pure builds firm healthy nerve fiber Dont bo I wheedled by II pennygrabbing dealer Into taking something ese saId to be just ns only that ho make a greater pr Theres nothing just as Golden Medical DIscovery with Its record of cures extending over a third of a century A Qrt Sufferer Cur A- sDR It V PiEnOE Buffalo N Yt ftthssbeen Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery a debt f 1l OMjleir a uW61fjrlth he and Iousnl11 nut eat + thing without eJlJHrINlclnC uto 1DQlltacon4e II paIn clad little appetite ala was- n fftot qucntly nftunrated My stele Itr aches W9l1f- JJlOIt violent and I could not mat night or thoruughlydlapondenr tko ed to me at all It was my rather who suggested that I try your 1n d1 enm 11 os Jl S 01JltorAvenuo CU M Whcrt Everything Bile Path YDar t M that I have stomatrouble that Anything without being dreadfully dis ¬ thofood effect Later I bought a bottle of Dr Plorceo Golden Medical DIscovery and It proved so morobottics fl1ttrclv well That WM about four months toGolden Sanitarium Which I know to be ono Of tho host In the country ASA M WILLIAMS 308 niloy Street Buffalo NY AdvlserJIs w 31 erIecent stamps to pay cost 0 Il1Ina- only For 31 stamps cloth t volume will be sent Address 1 Plorc IIIIIIalo N Y D Goldenr Mlaxative h sugarcoatedPojlots I Discovery Ono or two for a laxative Alonohavo of stomach trouble dyspepsia and Indi ¬ gestion They act liver and regulate the bowols Put up In laslI freshar k l ThtilJ + SCOVCr t = S n dj pon cer ken 4 t gIt tl 1 r GA 4 GCER S + I = t- 1r3 MADE BY f p CITi 9 R ORKS C fu A b g M 1 w w ww ww w If Meet Mt Mc6b The Great Slom of Economy S goodsfor cmt sales Lhpv just receivedanew line of Spring vii11e0S Ging V hams and Percales Mattings and Oil Cloth Dont fail to see my PaperYou hand Saturday March 25th will have something special for you Hugh C McGehee Gracey Kentucky t 4 ardan HIo for a1 By 0 1 t West Son We also sell Bicycles Sewing Machines Oil and We repair all kinds of light machinery- C E WEST SON 9th Street Hopi inaville Ky BUSI N ESS EDUCATION Is absolutely necessary to the young man or young woman who would win success in life This being conceded it is of first importance to get your training at the school that stands in the very front rank THE CQLBGBN BOOKKEEPINGSHORTHAND TYPEWRITING 1 I I c Seven experienced teachers each one a specialist in 1 teatimonlalafrom TrRTOICSchool DRAUGHONS PRACTICAL BUSINESS J CATALOGUE FREE Add J F DRAUQHON plies Chain ol 20 College lie 30000000 Capital EsUMOyew K T u n ii n Knoxville Tenn St Louis Mo KyFt pusnmN tio pet month UUARANTSBD or money refunded or you m nnter8IlDY < 1 t ry r
Page 1: J xRELAT Totts xr1lnnmoJ PiUs Christian It My stele Yrn ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76q52f8m6c/data/0212.pdfBlood Balm also cures eczema itch¬ fag humors scabs and scales bone risingsr


i M A as Cqt

f1r iM r MfIiclfiiiujlifMOKJillTnll ft AN < II

1 A Ld + 111 n lr ci IW

TkQ Talk ofu


t l M Uonrtij



I They look welll Fit wellx

Wear Well±


Teeth are extffcfed free

I when rifppsaF or ¬


dered I

oL aJsfitrremember theiplacE

LOUlSVIfefYI Detttal

ParorsSummer Building1 corner Court

+t IUdYain StV Hopkinsville Kyx HOME PHONE 1214

I dO

I1 Nnre 6BtF 6aftCordst =

r g

ttifor FRANK RIVESr1iornevatLaw I



Wi11NPractice in all tbe Courtst3i 1


4 r DENTISTOffice over First National Bank



E THRR COk If von are goin-


l1 JRQUTE E T H and C E 1

the best equipped and moat directline to Chicago and all points reachedvia Chicago

F jjif rates time etd givelbteoue attention

r 11feSlF P A T A EvansTllle IniB L Rogeraaenerat Agent Nashvl11e TennBruce Jeffries T P A Atlanta Ga





i 7th Street Hopkinsville KyEspecial Attention given tt

Patrons Clean Linen Satisfactory Service Call and btconvinced

Bath Rooms in ConnectionBaths 25 cents

Leave Orders for°


Anyono aondtne 0 eket a and deeci1p m mnquickly ascertain our ovii tern frco wile nor ai

Is CI m miiiIIndbnoktir Illt tenth

Patents taken throuKh Wunn Co °tcutnotte without chart e In the

ui Scientific Jlm rf an-A handaomelr tllnetrated weiklr Largest cbcaution any nclontidn jlUI n

k tour i Sold b adneejdealeraYgtktDRPIERCSGOLDENMEDICAL





A Bus CimiM Bauir tn BinrwalimrMUTioiir1rtyfA KNOWN TO fAll > 5M BajfJ 8pdi Sailoa tUUotad or BQt prpald

I tot 1100 wr tat Will itnd Um OQ lilt ta IK 4Colrbtu rnrd 8uptt eta It 1111 drjjot4I bore Itwla 1t1l41lJIor4I w tb



For sale by Ray w FowlerLi


lIha < J frY

e ItIIiTi JlI J jii If J

= IfiF i =


i J

i t-

BttnD f xRELATD TIJKM 011ITtIy >xr1lnnmoJ


Eight R rv ShoJcu doyen ipjfoAotUAl JPlghttng la the Acme <

ei flL 1tality and Beck T y


rfoliIfeuU ftov Shauku Soyon IBCAbbot at I iltlttdi ICamakura one otUmust pro Unont Buddhist prelatoga tJa tti6 Buddhist delegate to tnParliament dl Religions at Chicago 1 1

1808 has boon with the Japanese arn yin tho told He was present at thbattlo of Nanshan Hill and has JIJpubirshod his impressions ofmemorable struggle His opinion flnwar is interesting as that of a ropffri

eentativo of the Zen sect one of ffl

strictest and most orthodox of JapaliiTho following Is Quoted from r trans ¬

lationof his opinion c

War is an evlli and a great d1Indeed But war against evils I4ne

be unflinchingly prosecuted till Wd>Uthin the tIDal aim In the presentthdstilliles in which Japan has enterswith great reluctance she pursues QQ

egotistic purpose but seeks thosubjugatlon of evils hostile to civilization

She delib ¬peace and enlightenmenterated long before she took up arms

of the magni¬as she well awaretude and gravity of the undertakingBut the firm conviction of the justiceof leer cause has endowed her with anindomitable courage and she Is deter¬

mined to carry the struggle to the bit ¬

ter end Here is tho price wo mustpay for our Ideals a price paid instreams of blood and by the sacrificeof many thousands of living bodiesHowever determined may be our reso ¬

lution to crush evils our hearts trem¬

ble at the sight of this appalling

sceneHowmuch dearer is the price still

going to be he asks What enor¬

mous losses are wo going to sufferthrough the evil thoughts of our en ¬

emy not to speak of the many in¬

juries which our poor enemy himselfwill have to endure All these miser¬

able soldiers individually harmlessand innocent of the present war are adbomedto a death not only unnaturalbut even inhuman Indeed were itnot for the doctrine of love taught by


RT REV SHAKU SOYEN yBuddhist Leader Who Was with Japan ¬

ese Before Port Arthur

the Buddha which should elevateevery individual creature to the realmof a pure spirituality we would In theface of the terrible calamities thatnow befall us be left to utter destruc¬

tion and without any consolationwhatever Were it not for the beliefthat the hloom of truly spiritual lightwill out of these mutilated disfiguredand decomposing corpses return withrenewed splendor we would not beable to stand these heartrending tribu ¬

lations even for a moment Were Itnot for the consolation that these sac ¬

rifices are not brought for an egotisticpurpose but are an inevitable steptoward the final realization of enlightenment how could I poor mortal bearthese experiences of j1 hell let loose onearth The body Is but a vessel forsomething greater than itself Indi¬

viduality is but a husk containingsomething more permanent Let usthen though not without ten ¬

derness of h art bravely confront ourordeal I


As to his purpose in going throughthe campaign at the front Rt RevSbnkufSoyen says I came here witha double purpose I wished to havemy faith tested by going through thegreatest horrors of my life but I alsowished to inspire if I could ouvaliant soldiers with the ennoblinthoughts of the Buddha so as to en¬

able them to die on the battlefieldwith the confidence that the task inwhich they are engaged is great annoble I wished to convince them athe truths that this war is not a mereslaughter of their fellow beings butthat they are combating an evil andthat at the same time corporeal an ¬

nihilation rarely means a rebirth ofsoul not in heaven indeed but hereamong ourselves I believe I did mybest to impress these ideas upon thesoldiers hearts

As to the actual flghtlpg the prelatesays It beggars description Verilyit is the acme of brutality and reck¬

lessness conceived in this world

Encounter HardshipsVery discouraging accounts are reach ¬

ing Berlin of the difficulties encounteredby the German troops operating againstthe Hereros There is noorage for thehorses food for the men Is very scarceand the ravages of typhoid fever con ¬

tinePalma for Second ilenn

President Palma formallydeclared hisallegiance to the moderate party to acommltteo of prominent members ofthe party which called atftho palaceThis act means President Pmas candi-dacy


for a senUterm and tijjBprobablo reelection

Jr > > ff j r

Advice to h AedAgtl brings inlitpititlea C1ftls ilug

bowels weak kidneys and tJladder and TORPID ltV

Totts PiUshave a specific effectstimala e bowels causing the ISto perform their natural functionsin youth slid

VIGORThey arc adapted to old and young

Two more men wore sentenced tti


Gan erGJred by Blood B rt4i

AH Skin and Blood DiSeab

Cured r

Mrs M L Adams Fredonia Alaeftlfthe nose and face The sores healedUb perfectly Many doctors hadgiven up her case as hopeless Hun-dreds


or caseS of cancer eating sores t

suppurating swellings etc havebeen by Blood Ralm Amongothers Mrs B M Guernev Warrior-S nd Ala Her nose and lip v wereraw as beef with offensive dischargefrom the eating sore Doctors ad ¬

vised cutting but it failed BloodBalm healed the sores and MrsGuerney is as well as ever BotanicBlood Balm also cures eczema itch¬

fag humors scabs and scales boneulcers offensive pimples bloodrisingsrand bumps on and a I

troubles Druggists 1 largebottle Sample of Botanic BloodBalm free and prepaid by writingBlood Balm Co Atlanta Ga De ¬

scribe trouble and specialmedicaladvise sent in sealed letter It iscertainly worth while investigatingsuch remarkable re edynS BlooBalm cures the most awful worsand most deepseated blood diseases


Three persons were badly hurt inwreck on the DehVer and Rio

Grand railroad south of ColoradoSprings Col 4

To Cure a Cold in One Day

Take Laxative Bromo QuinineTablets All druggists refund themoney if it fails to cure E WGroves signature on each box25c

Resolutions expressing sympathywith Russia and denouncing Eilglandwere adopted at a Robert Emmetmeeting in New York

Hives are a terrible torment to thelittle folks and to soma older onesDasily cured Doans Ointmentnever fails Instant relief perma ¬

nent cure At any drug store 50


at Connellsville Pa causeda loss of 150000 mid probablycaused the death of oneman

The big Crocketsugar refinery atSan Francisco has been bought bythe Hawaiian sugar combine

Miss OBrien whom Marconi tfewireless telegraph inventor is iowed has an annual income of 20Oor i

rOASTOnXABears theThe Kind You Hare Always Bought

Signature Iof Ci

Dark Tobacco PlantersW H Jesup Co with the

houseshaveTobacco Association to prize tobaccofor the farmers Having employedthe most competent men to clasSprize we will endeavor to prize youtobacco to the best advantage anwe take this plan of soliciting youpricegproperly handled Assort your to¬

bacco carefully as to length andthfecareI ¬

separated not put dif¬

ferent colors in the same bundlePut it in good keeping order Stickto your organization tell youneighbors about it send us youtobacco to prize and you will realizemuch better prices than you Havefor many years past Liberal ad ¬

vances on tobacco in store-Respectfully


Hopkinsville Ky i

RQY Hildebrand a fourteen yeaold boy of Pittsburg wasand is being held for ransom


Long 61 Cooper 9

GODBraiinsuranCB AUIItS

Fire and TornadoHopper Bldg 6th A Main Streo J




ftltion Sotw n Hitt Life acid tbate ofcan Iallepeud

I otltJMtttIf war aInan was a f

that our fates are prodflBtlned

said a mining man frout Mexico tothe New York Sun roan It18 Prosident Dllz-

He was born at 11 oclock atnight on September 15 1hat ia

the anniversary moment of Mcxican independence althoUgh Septembfli 10 is celebrated as the naftonul holiday

The revolutionary conspiraipjcs had agreed on September 16ilfP itho outbreak and were to open

o ban at the ringing of n bell Qn

flit plaza of Guanajuato But Hithe Mexican Washington

djearned that their plans wereknown so Jirang the fell andstoried things going at 11 oclockon SoptcuYber 16

That wasin 1S10Diz Wasborn September 15 1830

That fn matter of commonknowledge and superstition inMexico What is not generallyknown is Ul t even one of hismany children legitimate and il ¬

legitimate was born either on Sep ¬

tember 15 or on the anniversary ofone of his big military or politicalvictories I have it from a memoher of the Diaz household tl1t

exceptiontcirEvery year on September 15

the people gather on the plaza inthe City of Mexico Diaz comesout on a balcony above themsharply at 11 and rings the olilMexican independence bell whichcapitalt i

the independence celebrationI

Diaz you know considers him-


a man of destiny His life hasbeen one long fight against en

s intrigues secret plots open

rebellionHethem all and es

tablished a good governmentwhere there had been only tyrannyor chaos for 300 years They saythat he has grown superstitiousabout it all believing that he is un ¬

der a lucky star andHhat he takesthese coincidences of birth as amark of heavenly favor


The Art of Divination to the Bowelsof kthe Eai ttk Explained by a

an Experiment

There is undoubtedly a practical-art of discovering springs saysCassiers Magazine Indians or 9

frontiersmen can find water in theqdesert when a tenderfoot ¬

not Mexicans and experienced i

prospectors can similarly find oreThese arts consist mainly iju therecognition of superficial signswhich escape the ordinary ob ¬

serverIt is not necessary that the op ¬

erator should consciously notethese signs separately and reasonupon them No doubt he frequently does so though he may not giveaway the secret of his method toothers But in many instances herecognizes by association andmemory the presence of a groupof indications great or smallwhich he has repeatedly found to

depositsk ¬

most unerring for a limited ¬

trict but under new Conditions itbreaks down Old miners from

oftendtoruejustgthey had mined successfullyApart from the magnetic min

erals there is no proof that ore de ¬

posits exhibit their presence andnature by any attraction or otheractive force With regard to wa ¬

ter however there be an aoj

atureantlrEven here however it scenic morelikely that such effects are nianifested visibly to a close observerrather than by direct affection ofhis nervous or muscular systemIThe favorite fields for water dlvinery are regions in which waterabundant but not gathered upon

impermeabled I

Choice of EvilsJimson Lets get into the next

carriage Hore comes Nooweddand lies just got his first baby

Jaqkson Id rather hereGoggjebat is in tbe noxtearriageand hejs jut got hist jnoforcarStraVtoriesV >


>I J ifenAaA tt1 i t


Attended with tainted offanthto or foulreath bitter taste s in themorning furred sick or bilious

Oor or irregular d fl oUtesour stomach water cotmlpation with strong tendency toor despondency Yrn all ard radtea ly the faithful useof DrPierces Golden Medical stoma o-

man can be strop er than his hiwhon It got out of order he becomesloui dyspeptic hypoohonariftciilpwivlshand out sortired and all fagged out

will mOro or

actionliverModloftl Discoveryfrom the aotivo principles xtractod from native medicinal plantswIthout the use of alcohol not a dropwhich ontors Into Its composition Thebenefit from Its no Is not thereforeduo to alcoholic exbiltratlen and conse

of short but Is endur¬

permanentThe of diseases havetheir Inception n a bad stomachIto tlon biliousness and impure bloodAmong those diseases are deadly con-sumption nervoracklngnervous and exhaustionInsnnltybloand an manner of dIsfigurIng blood andskin dIseases Dr PIerces Golden Medteal Discovery Is a euro for all these dis¬

et1SOS1If in anything like rcasonaIt Is not a cureall but cures

tho diseases mentioned for the reasonbythetlto peen the dIgestion perfect the liveractive too bloOd pure builds firm

healthy nerve fiber Dont bo I

wheedled by II pennygrabbing dealer Intotaking something ese saId to be just ns

only that ho make a greaterpr Theres nothing justas Golden Medical DIscovery with Itsrecord of cures extending over a third ofa century

A Qrt Sufferer Cur A-

sDR It V PiEnOE Buffalo N YtftthssbeenDr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery a debtf 1l

OMjleir a

uW61fjrlthhe and Iousnl11 nut eat +thing without eJlJHrINlclnC uto 1DQlltacon4eII paIn clad little appetite ala was-


fftotqucntly nftunrated My stele Itr aches W9l1f-JJlOIt violent and I could not mat night orthoruughlydlapondenrtko ed to me at all It was myrather who suggested that I try your 1nd1enm11 osJl S

01JltorAvenuoCU M Whcrt Everything Bile PathYDar t


that I have

stomatroublethat Anything without being dreadfully dis¬thofoodeffect Later I bought a bottle of Dr PlorceoGolden Medical DIscovery and It proved somorobotticsfl1ttrclv well That WM about four monthstoGoldenSanitarium Which I know to be ono Of thohost In the countryASA M WILLIAMS

308 niloy Street Buffalo N Y

AdvlserJIs w

31 erIecent stamps to pay cost 0 Il1Ina-only For 31 stamps cloth tvolume will be sent Address 1

Plorc IIIIIIalo N Y

DGoldenrMlaxativehsugarcoatedPojlotsI Discovery Ono or two for a laxativeAlonohavoof stomach trouble dyspepsia and Indi¬

gestion They act liver andregulate the bowols Put up In laslIfreshar


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If Meet MtMc6b

The Great Slom of Economy

Sgoodsforcmt sales Lhpv just receivedanew line of Spring vii11e0S Ging Vhams and Percales Mattings and Oil Cloth Dont fail to see myPaperYouhand Saturday March 25th will have something special for you

Hugh C McGehee Gracey Kentucky t


ardan HIo for a1

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We also sell Bicycles Sewing Machines Oiland We repair all kinds

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