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J07 TOWNSHIP OF ROSTRAVER Minutes of the Monthly Meeting A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the Rostraver Township Municipal Building Members present were: Thomas G Patterson Brian L Sokol Patrick G. Egros Nick Lorenzo The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Lorenzo, audience participating Attorney Maatta, Engineer DeiCas and Secretary Beard were also present Thomas G. Patterson moved there being no additions or corrections to the minutes of Monthly Meeting of March 7, 2007; Special Meetings ofFebmary 26, 2007 and March 12, 2007; and Wmk Sessions ofFebmary 12, 2007, Febmary 26, 2007 and March 12, 2007 they stand approved as read Patrick G Egros seconded the motion The followi.-·'lg yea and nay votes were recorded: Thomas G Patterson- yea Brian L Sokol- yea COMMITTEE REPORTS: Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo -yea Chairman of Public Safety, Nick Lmenzo reported for the month of March, 2007 Criminal Arrests 26, YTD 108; Non-Traffic Citations 22, YTD 50; Traffic Citations 228, YTD 522; Parking Tags 4, YTD 19; Written Warnings 27, YTD 71; Total Nunrber of Incidents 907, YTD 2,580; Total Nunrber of Miles Driven 19,562, YTD 52,946. Chairman of Parks and Recreation, Patrick G. Egros repmted for the month of March, 2007 Commissioner Egros said the fields are ready for soccer Commissioner Egros said the grass cutter has started. Commissioner Egros said the lightrring detector has been reinstalled at the ballfields Commissioner Egros said a tractor was donated by Municipal Services .. Chairman of Roads, Streets and Equipment, Brian L. Sokol repmted for the month of March, 2007. Commissioner Sokol said the Road Department has been plowing and salting Commissioner Sokol said Monday, the asphalt plants will be making hot mix and weather permittirrg the Road Department will be fixirrg some of the roads Commissioner Sokol said the Road Department is still putting up signs for the new 911 street address changes.. Commissioner Sokol said the Road Department has been assisting the Recreation Department irr getting the ball fields ready. Commissioner Sokol said the Road Department 1 has completed a First Aid and CPR Class .. -1
Page 1: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the



Minutes of the Monthly Meeting

A._pril4, 2007

Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the Rostraver Township Municipal Building

Members present were: Thomas G Patterson Brian L Sokol

Patrick G. Egros Nick Lorenzo

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Lorenzo, audience participating

Attorney Maatta, Engineer Dei Cas and Secretary Beard were also present

Thomas G. Patterson moved there being no additions or corrections to the minutes of Monthly Meeting of March 7, 2007; Special Meetings ofFebmary 26, 2007 and March 12, 2007; and Wmk Sessions ofFebmary 12, 2007, Febmary 26, 2007 and March 12, 2007 they stand approved as read Patrick G Egros seconded the motion The followi.-·'lg yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G Patterson- yea Brian L Sokol- yea


Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo -yea

Chairman of Public Safety, Nick Lmenzo reported for the month of March, 2007 Criminal Arrests 26, YTD 108; Non-Traffic Citations 22, YTD 50; Traffic Citations 228, YTD 522; Parking Tags 4, YTD 19; Written Warnings 27, YTD 71; Total Nunrber of Incidents 907, YTD 2,580; Total Nunrber of Miles Driven 19,562, YTD 52,946.

Chairman of Parks and Recreation, Patrick G. Egros repmted for the month of March, 2007 Commissioner Egros said the fields are ready for soccer Commissioner Egros said the grass cutter has started. Commissioner Egros said the lightrring detector has been reinstalled at the ballfields Commissioner Egros said a tractor was donated by Municipal Services ..

Chairman of Roads, Streets and Equipment, Brian L. Sokol repmted for the month of March, 2007. Commissioner Sokol said the Road Department has been plowing and salting Commissioner Sokol said Monday, the asphalt plants will be making hot mix and weather permittirrg the Road Department will be fixirrg some of the roads Commissioner Sokol said the Road Department is still putting up signs for the new 911 street address changes.. Commissioner Sokol said the Road Department has been assisting the Recreation Department irr getting the ball fields ready. Commissioner Sokol said the Road Department

1 has completed a First Aid and CPR Class .. -1

Page 2: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the

:108 Chairman of Health and WeWne, Ralph Iacoboni was not present to give his repmt

Chairman of Budget and Finance, Thomas G Patterson, reported for the month of March, 2007. Assets: $484,828 43, Revenues & Other Financing Sources: $453,477.61, Expenditmes: $190,755 19, Debt , Principal & Interest Payable: $443,675 88, Police Pension Fund Assets: $4,025,450.40 /

Township Engineer, Carl DeiCas repmted for the month of March, 2007 .. Eighteen (18) permits were issued for the month of March, 2007 Five (5) new homes, one (1) house addition, one (1) construction trailer, one (1) deck, two (2) signs, two (2) garages, one (1) garage extension, one (1) automobile service, one (1) garden center and three (3) zoning Total construction for the month ofMmch, 2007- $1,122,811 Total construction fm the yem 2007- $3,302,432.

Attomey Maatta reported fm the month of Mmch, 2007. Attorney Maatta said he perfmmed routine business Attorney Maatta said the PNC Loan closing will be on Monday for the Finley Road project with a follow up meeting. Attomey Maatta said preliminary objections have been received on one of the tenants of Finley Road and should be resolved on April 13, 2007 Attomey Maatta said condition 1 clemante has been received on Finley Road and is waiting on condition 4.


Thomas G. Patterson moved to hear from citizens at this time. Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion The follow',ng yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G Patterson- yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Patrick G. Egros - yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

Ken Torkish- He wanted to discuss item H on page 3. Chairman Lorenzo said he could discuss this item later in the meeting when they conduct a public heming for this rezoning


PL13LIC h~ARI.l'"'{G - Dispensing wit.1. the regular order of business, President Lorenzo declares this pmtion of the meeting to conduct a Public Hearing on the subject of a zoning change ..

S"onega•e D-v~,~--~-+ T-~ ~~ --~~··~~+..: .......... +1-.,. ""'0.'7 ............ ~ ...... CT ..... -f''i 71 ..,,.....,.=, ..-.f Tax l\'ap l\Tr.. .o::;v,<;_vnC)_1vn_nv-127 l 1 L C VlU_lJlllCllt, l.ll\,., l~ lC\.fUVL>UHb UH .... HJL..Vll.lH5 V..L .t;.. .. I .L UV.LVO V.L _t_ Vi ..~.~.._, ~ - ~ ~

located off of Sandstone Drive from B-2 (Retail Business) to R-2 (Suburban Residential). The intended use is fm condominium units which will need a special exception ifthe rezoning is granted

Chris Zackner-DDM Development attended the meeting to discuss the rezoning.

Carol Anden, 2.32 Rehoboth Road- She questioned if this access was coming off the ramp.

Thomas G. Patterson moved to close the Public Heming in the case of Stone gate Development, Inc .. Brian L Sokol seconded the motion .. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo- yea

__ _)


Page 3: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the


Total yeas- 4; nays - 0

Thomas G Patterson moved the proposed zoning change from "B-2" to "R-2" on 2.71 acres to Tax Map No 56-09-10-0-127 be approved as recommended by the Planning Agency. Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion .. The fOllowing yea a.11.d nay votes \Vere recorded:

Thomas G Patterson - yea Brian L. Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays - 0

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo -yea

BILL NO. 563, ORDINANCE NO.. 563, introduced by Nick Lorenzo, amends Ordinance No 421, Chapter 195 the Zoning Ordinance, was given a reading by Solicitor Maatta

An Ordinance amending Ordinance No 421 The Codification Ordinance of the Township of Rostraver, amending Zoning Regulations for the Township of Rostraver, and amending The Township of Rostraver Zoning Map

WHEREAS, the Township of Rostraver Planning Agency has proposed amendments to the Township of Rostraver Ordinance No. 421 and the Township ofRqstraver Zoning Map dated August 1970, arid

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Rostraver has held a Public Hearing in accordance with Chapter 195 of Ordinance No .. 421, after due notice, and


. _WHEREAS, the Board oLCommissioners ofthe To:w:nship_ of.Rostraver deemsJ;he_amendment hereinafter. ~·· set forth in confonrrity with tire Objectives of tire Tuwnslrip's Cwrnnwrity Deveiopment arrrl tire objectives of Ordinance No 421

NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Rostraver in Monthly Meeting assembled as follows:

The Township of Rostraver Ordinance No 421 adopted February 23, 2000 and Zoning Map dated .il~ugu.st 1970 are hereby ~"'llended in the follo\ving respects:

1. The area of land described on Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part thereof by reference thereto is hereby cha..11ged a..TJ.d a-mended from "B-2 :Retail Business" to "R_-2 Submban R_esidential"

2 The Township of Rostraver Zoning Map dated August 1970, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference thereto, amended, is hereby changed in order to reflect the amendments set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Ordinance and the Township of Rostraver Engineer is directed to make the appropriate changes on said Zoning Map

Brian L Sokol moved to waive the final reading of Bill No .. 563, Ordinance No .. 563 .. Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L. Sokol- yea

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo- yea

Page 4: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the

:tiO Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Brian L. Sokol moved Title to Bill No 563, Ordinance No .. 563 be accepted as read Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros -yea Nick Lorenzo -yea

Thomas G Patterson moved Ordinance No .. 563 be adopted as read. Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays - 0

Patrick G Egros - yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

ORDAINED AND ENACTED into Ordinance this 4th day of April, 2007. Board of Commissioners Township of Rostraver BY: Nick Lorenzo, President ATTEST: Pamela S. Beard, Secretary.

PUBLIC HEA..lliNG- Dispensing with the regular order of business, President Lorenzo declar·es this portion of the meeting to conduct a Public Hearing on the subject of a zoning change ..

Stephen T. and Frances L. Grcich are requesting the rezoning of 8 acies of Tax Map No .. 56-05-00-0-040 _located off of.Route51South fromA-L(Agricultura!Ho J,l_(Light Industry)._ The proposed use is_ for oj'fipe, shcp and .Yard storage ..

Steve Kravits, Target Drilling, 5134 Oak Rd , Jefferson Hills He said the access will be from Rt 51 He said he has approval from PennDOT to extend right of way to 50 feet

Ken Torkish represented Mrs. Shuller- Mr Torkish said she does not want to have this company come in and is worried about the road.

CI-uis :from Target Drilli.t1g said they will be putting up a security fence and there vvill be no drilling activities at this location

Thomas G. Patterson moved to close the Public Hearing in the case of Stephen J and Frances L. Grcich. Patrick G Egros seconded the motion. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L. Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros -yea Nick Lorenzo -yea

Thomas G. Patterson moved the proposed zoning change from "A-1" to "I-1" on 8 acres to Tax Map No 56-05-00-0-040 be rejected as recommended by the Planning Agency. Patrick G Egros seconded the motion The following yea and nay votes were recorded: -,


Page 5: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the

) 1

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros -yea Nick Lorenzo- yea

BILL NO. 561, ORDINANCE NO .. 561, introduced by Brian L Sokol, is an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No 339, Chapter 175-Subdivision and Land Development, was given a reading by Solicitor Maatta

An Ordinance ofthe Township of Rostraver, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, amending Ordinance No 339, Chapter 175- Subdivision and Land Development


BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Board of Commissioners of Rostraver Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania that the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of the Township known as Ordinance No. 339, adopted February 5, 1997, be amended in the following particulars:

175-24(C.) Amend (C.) with the .following language: C. Proper identification shall consist of the address number posted in numerals and/or

letters at least three inches in height with a minimum of a quarter-of~an-inch~wide stroke, contrasting color with the background on which they are affixed, and reflective.

Brian L Sokol moved to waive the final reading of Bill No 561, Ordinance No 56L Patrick G. Egros . secondedthe.motioiL The following yea and nay votes.wererecorded:_ .

Thomas G. Patterson - yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros - yea Nick Lorenzo -yea

Thomas G. Patterson moved Title to Bill No .. 561, Ordinance No .. 561 be accepted as read Patrick G E&os seconded the motion .. The follo"ving yea and nay votes \Vere recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Bria..11 L. Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

Patrick G. Egros moved Ordinance No 561 be adopted as read .. Thomas G. Patterson seconded the motion .. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

ORDAINED AND ENACTED into Ordinance this 4th day of April, 2007. Board of Commissioners .. Township of Rostraver .. BY: Nick Lorenzo, President ATTEST: Pamela S. Beard, Secretary

BILL NO. 562, ORDINANCE NO. 562, introduced by Nick Lorenzo, is an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No 300, Chapter 195-Zoning, was given, a reading by Solicitor Maatta.

Page 6: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the


An Ordinance ofthe Township of Rostraver, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, amending Ordinance No. 300, Chapter 195-Zoning

BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Board of Commissioners of Rostraver Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania that the Zoning Ordinance for the Township known as Ordinance No .. 300, adopted July 25, 1995, be amended in the following particulars:





CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - A publicly or privately owned building or structure and related facilities used for the housing or detention ofperson who have been charged with or have been convicted of criminal offenses ..

Add a definition for JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITY JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITY- A publicly or privately owned building or structure for the temporary detention of those juveniles adjudicated delinquent or dependent.

Remove (1) and make it a re:serve

Remove (A) and make it a reserve

Amend (J) with thefollowing language. J Model home, subject to the standards and criteria of Article VI, section 195-

- .Hl4R, ofthis chapter_ ....... , __ _

195-35(Chart) Remove the Multifamily dwellings under Special Exception

Amend Model Home under Special Exception Model home Subject to t.~e requirements of195-14R

195-36(C.)(2) Remove (2) and make it a reserve

195-38(B . .) Remove (B) and make it a reserve

195-38(L,.) Amend (L) with the follo-wing lang-uage. L. Model home, subject to the standards and criteria of Article VI, section 195-

14R, of this chapter

195-39(ChaJt) Remove the Multifamily under Special Exception Amend Model Home under Special Exception

Model home Subject to the requirements of 195-14R

195-44(C)(14)Add (14) with thefollowing language· (14) Correctional Facility ..

195-44(C.)(15)Add (15) with thefollowing language. (15) Juvenile Detention Facility


Page 7: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the

195-46(M .. )

l i


Add (M) with the following language and subsections (M) Cmrectional facility

(1) A correctional facility shall have a minlim:un lot area of one hundred fifty(150) acres.

(2) The facility shall not be established or operated within one thousand {1 ,000) feet of an existing school, public playground, public park, residence, child-care facility, hospital, nursing home, place of worship or place of assembly within or outside of the Township established prior to the proposed correctional facility.

(a.) A correctional facility may be established and operated closer than the 1,000 feet; this request shall be reviewed as variance and shall be heard in conjunction with the special exception hearing. One (1) or more public hearings by the Zoning Hearing Board regarding the proposed facility location shall be held following public notice All property owners located within one thousand (!,000) feet ofthe proposed location shall be provided written notice of said hearings at least thirty (30) days prior to said public heari_ngs occurring The petitioner shall be responsible for obtaining the names and addresses of adjacent property owner(s) at the time of application.

(3) The site shall be servieed by a mttnicipal water supply and a mttnieipal sanitary sewerage system

( 4) Correctional facilities shall provide a visual screen along all property lines The screen shall be constructed as an earth berm, landscaped buffer yard fence and/or wall. The screen shall have a minllnurn height of eight (8) feet No barbed wire or similar secmity fencing shall be visible fiom a public. Iig._ht of way or adjacent residential dweliiLJ.g.

(5) Provisions for all vehicular ingress and egress in conjunction with the sit shall be approved by the Township Engineer and if applicable, Penn DOT.

(6) All development shall be based on a site plan subject to review of the Township Plamring Agency and approval of the Township Board of Commissioners The plan shall include but not be limited to topography, parking, traffic circulation, landscaped area, outside lighting and stormwater management controls

(7) All required county, state and federal requirements, permits and licenses shall be obtained prior to granting of special exception approval.

Page 8: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the


(8) The Zoning Hearing Board may attach additional conditions pmsuant to this section, in order to protect the public's health, safety and welfare.. These conditions may include but are not limited to increased setbacks

Add (N) with the following lanf51J.age and subsections (N.) Juvenile Detention Facility.

(1) All development shall be based on a site plan subject to review of the Township Planning Agency and approval of the Township Board of Commissioners.. The plan shall include but not be limited to topography, parking, traffic circulation, landscaped area, outside lighting and stormwater management controls

(2) A detailed statement shall be provided to the Zoning Hearing Board providing the proposed number and natme of the anticipated occupants.

(3) A license or certification shall also be obtained fiom the United States of America, Commonwealth of Permsylvania or Westmoreland County or other appropriate governmental agencies prior to issuance of a zoning permit. If an appropriate licensing or certifYing agency does not exist, the applica.rtt shall demonstrate to the Zoning Heming Board that lhe proposal satisfies a demonstrative need and shall be conducted in a responsible marmer without detriment to the public's health, safety and welfare

(4) The site shall be ser vieed by a mtm:ieipal water supply and a municipal sanitary sewerage system.

195-47(Chart) Add thefollowing language under Special Exception



Correctional 150 acres 150 150 150 150 40 50% Facility

Juvenile 32 000 100 50 25 25 40 50% Detention Facility

Add (M) with the following language M Correctional facility, subject to the standards and criteria of Article XN,

195-46M, of this chapter.

Add (N) with the following language N Juvenile detention facility, subject to the standards and criteria of Article

XN, 195-46N of this chapter.

Brian L Sokol moved to waive the final reading of Bill No 562, Ordinance No 562 Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G Patterson -yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Patrick G. Egros -yea Nick Lorenzo -yea

Page 9: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the


Total yeas- 4; nays - 0

Patrick G Egros moved Title to Bill No 562, Ordinance No 562 be accepted as read Brian L Sokol seconded the motion The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo- yea

Brian L Sokol moved Ordinance No. 562 be adopted as read .. Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros -yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

ORDAINED AND ENACTED into Ordinance this 4th day of April, 2007 Board of Commissioners Township of Rostraver BY: Nick Lorenzo, President ATTEST: Pamela S Beard, Secretary


Brian L Sokol moved to approve Calderone Plan No I, Rose B Calderone, Preliminary Subdivision. A preliminary subdivision plan of tax map number 56-14-00-0-081 to create three parcels and dedicate a

__ public road. T:l'm parcels will beJater developed_with_patio homes and the third parceLwill be __ dedicated to the Rostiavcr Township Sewage Attthority-fm a pmnp station.. Tire Platming Agency recommends approval. Thomas G. Patterson seconded the motion. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G Patterson -yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

Thornas G. Patterson moved to approve Naylor Plan, Joel and Despina Naylor, Land Development A land development plan to convert a single-fiunily dwelling into an office building located off of SR 98 L The Pla11~11ing .Agency reconLrnends approval Patrick G .. Egros seconded t.h.e motion The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros - yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

Thomas G. Patterson moved to table Reichenecker Plan No 1, Jesse Greenwood, Jan Greenwood Markle and Lois Morlan, Subdivision. A subdivision plan to correct lot lines for parcel of ground located off of Fellsburg Road. The plans were never revised addressing the March 20, 2007 Planning Agency conunents. Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Page 10: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the


Thomas G Patterson- yea Brian L. Sokol - yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

Thomas G Patterson moved all bills presented be approved/ratified for payment Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G Patterson - yea Brian L. Sokol - yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros - yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

Patrick G Egros moved to name Nick Lorenzo, Official Delegate and Thomas G. Patterson, Alternate Delegate for the Colillty Convention of the Allegheny Colillty and Western Pennsylvania Association of Township Commissioners. Brian L Sokol seconded the motion .. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson - yea Brian L. Sokol- yea

1 otal yeas ~ 4; nays - 0

Patrick G. Egros - yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

. Blian. L. SokolmQyed to release l\1<iiQnda Homes, ;Irtc from thel8-ll1ontQ_p1aintenance_ bO}):;iof$4,312 .0() for Cherryblossom Drive. Thomas G. Patterson seconded the motion. The foHow'.ng yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L. Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays - 0

Patrick G. Egros - yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

Pahick G .. Egros moved to release CHM Land Compa.."'y from the Developer bond of $39,904.50 for _..A,.__._Tffi

Jon Estates Plan #5 Thomas G. Patterson seconded the motion. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L. Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays - 0

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo - yea

Thomas G. Patterson moved Chairman and Secretary sign the "Mlll1icipai/Colll1ty Mutual Aid Agreement for Emergency and Disaster Services" initiated by the City of Monessen Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L. Sokol- yea

Patrick G. Egros -yea Nick Lorenzo -yea


' -. '

Page 11: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the


Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G Egros moved to approve Secretmy PaJnela Bemd attending the Privacy aJid Employee Record Keeping Workshop to be held May 10, 2007 at the Holiday Inn Washington-MeadowlaJids. The registration fee is $25 00 Thomas G Patterson seconded the motion.. The following yea a.Y!d nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea BriaJI L Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lore=o -yea

Patrick G Egros moved to approve Secretary Pa!llela Bemd attending the MaJiaging Your Municipality workshop to be held June 28, 2007 at the Mountain View Inn in Greensburg The registration fee is $50 00 Thomas G Patterson seconded the motion. The following yea aJid nay votes were recmded:

Thomas G Patterson- yea BriaJI L. Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nay- 0

Patrick G. Egros - yea Nick Lore=o - yea

Thomas G. Patterson moved to authorize ChairmaJI Nick Lore=o signing the SuperV alu Agreement dated Mmch 20, 2007 relating to the Possible Visibly Impacted Soil Area. Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion The following yea aJid nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson BriaJI L. Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patriek G. Egros yea Nick Lore=o - yea

Thomas G Patterson moved to purchase one 2007 F-2 SedaJI Pursuit P71 for $25,199 00 from Day Fleet Sales in Momoeville under the Central WestmorelaJid Council of Governments .. BriaJI L. Sokol seconded the motion The following yea a..TJ.d nay votes we1e recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L. Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays- 0

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lore=o -yea

CORRESPONDENCE: Distributed at work sessions, reviewed aJid filed for reference.


BriaJI L. Sokol moved to hem from citizens in attendaJice Patrick G. Egros seconded the motion. The following yea and nay votes were recorded:

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L. Sokol- yea

Patrick G. Egros -yea Nick Lore=o -yea

Page 12: J07 - rostraver.us · A._pril4, 2007 Chairman Lorenzo called the regular monthly meeting of the Rostraver I ownship Board of Commissioners to order on this date at 6:00pm. in the


Total yeas- 4; nays - 0

Dennis Lesko, 441 Timms Lane- M:r Lesko said there is a problem with the catch basins on West McClain ·l and Timms Lane Mr Lesko said some do not have grates on them and others have partial grates and they are backed up.. Commissioner Sokol said after the sewage project goes through the road department will be putting in new catch basins before the road is resmfaced

Harry Kreuter, 457 Timms Lane - Mr Kreuter was also concerned about the catch basins and pipe on West McClain and Timms Lane.

Albert Kozusko, 718 Skyline - He said he wrote a letter to the 1 ownship regarding information on property off of J arnie Drive and wanted to know if anyone had information for him

Wayne Hayward, 1328 Rostraver Road- Mr. Hayward gave pictmes to the Commissioner to forward to Dan Stevens from 911 regarding the stone driveway he put in because he did not want to change his address

Edward Fabian, Timms Lane- He wanted to know ifthere was a timetable for widening Timms Lane and West McClain.. Commissioner Sokol said they are looking into the possibility but this road is very narrow and the sewage authority and engineer are looking into getting this road done as soon as the sewage project is fmished

Bill Momoe, West McClain Road- Mr .. Momoe said the equipment was pulled out today for the sewage project and is concerned about the yards that were torn up from the project.


There being no further business to be discussed Patrick G. Egros moved Monthly Meeting be adjourned Thomas G. Patterson seconded the motion. Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 6:56p.m

Thomas G. Patterson- yea Brian L. Sokol- yea

Total yeas- 4; nays - 0

Patrick G. Egros- yea Nick Lorenzo - yea


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