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Jack Worsfold-Physics Based Approaches to Systems Management v1.1

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  • 8/6/2019 Jack Worsfold-Physics Based Approaches to Systems Management v1.1


    Utilising Physics Based Approaches

    in Systems Management

    A conceptual Principle Paper Synopsis for Leaders of large groups of people such as

    Directors and Executive Boards for managing large scale systems of People, Processes and

    Technologies holistically

    By Jack Worsfold of Cherry Grape Limited

    Date 01/07/2010

    If we look at the ways the universe works as

    currently accepted we can make some very

    well substantiated assumptions about ourversion of reality. Our Universe began some

    13.7 Billion years ago and is made up of a

    small number of elements identified below

    in the periodic table

    (http://www.ptable.com/) .

    We are fairly certain that at a quantum level

    we are vibrating strings of energy that

    resonate in various notes in a list and have

    an infinite capacity for change and whose

    ends are anchored to a vast Membrane (or

    Mbrane for those purists).But these strings in our universe only resonate at the above set notes in the periodic table rulebook

    or as I prefer to think (songbook) for want of a better word. We can view space and time like a

    continuous blanket that wraps us and in fact is inextricably linked to us as part of quantum

    entanglement (and has a stretched string as a membrane) in 11 dimensional space. The universe at a

    previous point in time was a zero point field with a mass of infinity. e.g. pretty much

    mathematically nothing or infinite depending on which way you look at it.

    Unlike a pure scientist I do not profess to know at a fundamental level the sheer mind boggling

    complexity of the above vision of our universe (I understand the basic rules and some of the

    concepts). The layers of emotion and the complexity of the human mind are staggering enough

    alone as a manager of people. So by not being a scientist or pure mathematician, I have to rely onothers versions of reality. It feels right to me so I will believe them.

    So we can now assume that the laws we set by

    these fundamental rules or notes are correct. So

    assumptions made in the past and the future will

    be correct (don't be fooled into thinking time is

    linear and runs in one direction at the quantum

    level because it doesn't, its also relative directly

    to every point in your body so in effect, you are

    at the centre of your own universe ). You only

    need to go through the process of a mind map to

    see this (source )

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    Gravity causes objects to clump together, That's how the universe coalesced from cooling energy astime-space expanded. This expansion will continue and to current thinking will not end but just

    disperse in a long cold death toward a infinite space with zero energy (sounds oddly familiar, like a

    reverse universe). The Hubble deep field shows the early stages of this process).

    Sounds terribly depressing you would think? No! It is

    the most wonderful, exciting, revealing thing to ever

    happen. It means that if you think carefully about it.

    You can change anything at any level if you add or

    subtract energy to or from it. You are the master of

    your own universe!

    This is an astonishing revelation when it comes...! Sonow we get to the point of the paper. To control a

    large system of People, Process and Technology at a

    basic level all you do is add or remove things from

    them to change their state. Sounds really easy when

    you say it like that.

    Effort in maintaining large scales systems must have a feedback loop. If you don't have one they fail

    or lose resolution. This is exactly what can be observed in a quantum probability wave function.

    The quantum event has high resolution when you focus. But as you lessen the amount of energy

    used to view it you lose resolution. This brings to light an interesting side effect in a quantum

    probability wave. The more you look at it and know its properties, the less you know about its speedof movement in space-time. This can be equated to any non reporting closed loop data system , the

    less you look at it the more data will aggregate and move about, the more effort or energy you focus

    upon looking at it the more you will know of the data properties but lose efficiency in transfer,

    storage and usage. This is a macro world example of how quantum states can effect real world

    systems. The third law of thermodynamics states that atrophy increases over time.

    Atrophy is a process of things ageing, becoming less resolved in our universe. The most obvious

    analogy here is to the one of an apple decomposing. But a different way to see it is as atoms

    breaking down in levels of energy over time.

    When the process of decomposition of the apple occurs gases are given

    off and disperse and de-resolve into the air we breathe and the ground we

    walk upon. These gases are returning to states of energy different to what

    they were before they were matter and flesh in the body or corpse.

    As over millions of years these atoms decay they give of other

    fundamental elements that again disperse further down the matter

    structure. Some of the weight in energy an organic corporeal body is composed of is lost as heat

    immediately that bio molecular activity ceases. Matter always wants to become energy but the weakand strong nuclear forces that bind us (and the rules set in our periodic table) prevent that without in

    lots of cases the addition of vast quantities of force or outside energy.

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    This means that in complex systems without additional focus or energy will lose resolution.

    Complexity increases and the quantity of order in any given system will be decreased.

    The main issue with managing a large reality based system is that people, the processes they carry

    out at work and the technologies they use to do them are naturally complex at many levels. Large

    amounts of energy are expelled in keeping these systems resolved and in focus. Even more applied

    to keep them from decomposing by atrophy. These are not simplified analogies. this is simple fact

    from a physical perspective.

    Being the Great Architect of what you build?

    You have one massive advantage over the poor

    scientist trying to view the quantum interactions

    of fundamental particles that make up one atomic

    event such as something degrading. Your system

    is almost infinitely less complex. If at this point

    you feel some cynicism coming into your mind as

    I discuss why... Remember this.

    Remember from the periodic table any complex

    system in the universe from the smallest bacterial

    life, the sun stars planets and to you as a humanis made up of a combination of only 117

    elements, (the current amount in the periodic

    table) in fact everything you see, feel, hear and

    touch around you (our reality) is made up of

    them. So if I can use 117 elements in the periodic

    table to map and model the most complex thing in

    creation (tangible mass carrying reality in material form from pure energy) how on earth or indeed

    the universe can we expect any created system within it to be more complex, if at a fundamental

    level everything that makes it up is made of 117 things?

    It can't; it is that simple. People will naturally argue that simple things such as the nature of chaositself means a lack of complexity. On the contrary Chaos theory demands order, logic and patterns

    and actively any system given time and space will become complex. The fewer the rules the more

    complex a system can be but without rules there is nothing. No order, no structure, in short no

    universe. Once you come to accept Chaos and the nature of the theory of chaos you come to realise

    that small orderly sets of rules can create the most beautifully complex things such as human life,

    music, a butterflies wing, and human emotion. They are all products of order from chaos.

    OK so getting back to the point. If a system is to be given free reign, complexity will increase as it

    evolves. To shape the resultant order from chaos, small changes or adjustments to fundamental laws

    and precepts may be attempted, as theories of complex laws are proven and resolutions improve.

    You only need to make minute changes to the governing principles or laws of any system for it to

    have dramatic and far reaching consequences for the complex attributes that system exhibits when it


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    Look at our universe again. Using the three bears porridge analogy if our universe were a degree or

    two warmer or cooler then we would not be here.It had to be just right for our universe and reality to resolve from the energy that makes it up. If the

    speed of expansion of the initial universe from the big bang had been less than it was by a tiny

    amount the universe would have promptly and quite literally blinked in and out of existence faster

    than the time it takes for a particle to change its state. In other words we are in a universe that is so

    relative to us as individuals we are an the only result that could have occurred. This is known as the

    weak anthropic principle wiki correctly references it thus...

    Inphysics andcosmology, the anthropic principle is the collective name for several ways of

    asserting that the observations of our physical universe must be compatible with the life observedin it. The principle was formulated as a response to aseries of observationsthat the laws of nature

    and itsfundamental physical constants remarkably take on values that are consistent withconditions for life as we know it rather than a set of values that would not be consistent with life asobserved onEarth. The anthropic principle states that this apparentcoincidence is actually a

    necessity because living observers wouldn't be able to exist, and hence, observe the universe, werethese laws and constants not constituted in this way.

    We are here because we are necessary to view this state of reality and only because of that reason.

    One would immediately leap to the assumption that we have then lost our ability to change anything

    and our destiny is pre-ordained. Not so because we have the wonderful reality which is quantum

    uncertainty. Ordered energy systems provide a beautifully simple way to view the process of

    uncertainty. Quantum Physics derives its name from the fact that its principles are based on energy

    being delivered or exchanged within systems in set Quantities (from the Latin quantum for how bigor how much). This means that when one hydrogen atom binds with say two oxygen atom you get a

    release of energy as the atoms fuse together and the resulting molecule is quite plain and simply

    water (H2O). As you can see below a simple structure with hidden complexity.

    This nuclear fusion can be done all over the periodic table with all the known

    elements. The really mind blowing bit is that every time these hydrogen atoms and

    oxygen atoms are created they release a certain quantity of energy. This means that if

    you were to be able to take a hydrogen atom from the heart of a star and fuse it with

    the coldest oxygen atom frozen in a comet from any point at any time in the universe

    the resulting energy release would be exactly the same. The same is true if nuclear fission or where

    an atom is split (cue big nuclear explosion joke).

    To demonstrate how mind boggling that is just imagine a person on the other side of the world

    coughs right now, that tiny release of energy in the cough has just had a direct, and tangible effect

    on every other fundamental particle that exists, has existed, or will exist. In other words everything

    in the universe is linked and attached at the most basic level because all the parts of this universal

    system follow the exact same rules and release the same energy every time. How does this affect

    the management of complex systems. Simply put any activity you do in the first stages of building a

    complex system will affect the resulting status of that system, and every event that occurs in that

    system will have a net positive or negative effect on it.

    How does this tie in to the physical reality of managing people processes and technology? By using

    very simple rules laws and guidelines people can be positively or negatively influenced from

    behaviours by making these laws absolute, unequivocal but with minimal constraint. Complex

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    systems of people work best when common goals are realised from a common vision. The

    Architectural approach to building a complex people structure must rely on three things.

    Accountability, Boundaries and Clarity of purpose.Accountability or Achievement?

    If you wish to get a person to deliver a net increase or decrease in activity within a system, eg how

    to get a person to achieve a positive effect by raising the frequency of an event or decreasing the

    frequency of a negative event from a simple physical perspective you must expect to layout an in

    vestment of energy at every level between your vision for the desired state of your system and the

    persons you wish to achieve it.

    Remember we discussed before that in relativistic terms that any person is an architect or master of

    their own universe with differing quantum probabilities and energy demands upon them. Take a step

    back and make the simple decision to agree the same objective of their desired state as for yours.Give that person the ability to change their state to achieve the goal. Failure to do this will ensure

    you waste energy trying to control events that you have little or no control over.

    A human being, Though only made of 117 base elements has the power to think, feel, and equally

    change their universe to their will whether they are conscious of that fact or not. Their own innate

    desires as part of their personality will mean their universe and reality will only become part of your

    own if you make their desired state obtainable.

    1. Inform them of choices

    2. Communicate your desire

    3. Observe their response4. Negotiate a common desired state

    5. Agree a desired state

    6. Control fo mutual benefit

    This may seem astonishingly simple. But this is how every discussion should be held with someone

    with which you wish to interact within a system. A common belief is a common vision. Thus shared

    you will work together to achieve your desired state. Relationships will always be affected by

    emotion. But it is sensible to gravitate towards people that have a common goal, vision, objective or


    You can only change a systems probabilities not its absolute definition or resolution. The less you

    look at a system the more complex it will become but bounded by the rules that broadly governyour desired state. With people the same is true by incorporating your systems with that of like

    minded people you align your view and your objective for your desired state. In a large systems

    perspective this means governance by the best resolution.

    The analogy to fractal images cannot be passed here. The mathematical Mandelbrot set is a complex

    and hauntingly beautiful sight. The set

    (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set) exhibits subtle shifts of

    infinite complexity from a simple maths formula (well a quadratic

    equation actually). You can only resolve complexity to simple levels to

    achieve broad visions affecting large areas of space-time and large

    amounts of energy. Focussed goals deliver well resolved tangible and

    material benefits. The same is true of technology or process based

    systems. It is however a question of how much energy do you introduce

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    in to a people process and technology system and where do you apply it?

    Conclusion The end... or the beginningIt makes physical sense to work with people for a common achievements in complex, large scale

    systems. It further makes sense to adopt common visions goals and objectives. This can be done by

    following a simple 6 stage process to communicate interact, and exchange desires and needs. You

    have to accept that multiple types of governance will develop as complexity increases however

    these should compliment each other as a shared vision.

    Boundaries or Belief of the purpose?

    Mutual benefit, Mutual goals. Mutual laws, The ultimate in altruism? Possible? Theoretically...

    Probable, No.

    Religion causes more war than any other... These common views and purposes are great but when

    religion is incorporated into the view there is a increase in complexity. Emotive issues and factorssuch as religion do not enhance a complete understanding of how best a large scale system should

    operate. There is only positive and negative. A large complex system, well resolved, requires large

    amounts of energy to operate and exist. The most efficient way for a system to operate is governed

    by its laws.

    All things within your universe should have rules boundaries and limitations. Not emotive laws but

    simple physical absolutes. More time and energy expended is less efficient than less time and


    By following a process for development. A complex system will develop by increasing its

    complexity but replicating as much as it can as fast as it can. This includes activity such as growingcomplex structures such as brains to think with. Do you see now where the rules to get us here are

    based. They are encoded in your DNA and mine. Our DNA is vastly different to some other species

    and to others it is close. To the ones it is close to we are considered evolved from.

    This means that over the tiny blip of time we occupy now and the future will as a consciousness or

    system we will be always be a body of matter in a larger dimension which only has a probability of

    being made real. This means everything a complex system does needs constant adjustments to stay

    in resolution. Theoretically it is possible to control everything with processes and sub processes.

    But as with all complex systems this is an infinite task for every single layer of complexity between

    you and other complex systems. It is far simpler to again use common objective setting to resolve

    the critical processes required to keep things operating. In most systems these are operationalprocesses and sub processes. You do not need to measure every sub process within a given set of

    processes. Just use policy setting. All religious organisations, governments and institutions of

    learning have governance. This should be policy based. If you have a personal policy or one indeed

    required for dealing with business and complex system issues involving large amounts of people

    and technology Make sure these policies are clear let the processes create themselves and the

    technology required to manage them, the only accountability, is ensuring the same result is true of

    other people in your universe. You cannot control complex systems that have inerrant chaotic

    tendencies but you can radically affect their outcome with a solid policy based vision.
