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JACL-NATIONAL BUDGET Squeeze, Chops and Controls PACIFI ITIZEN TIIU .. lilt coru"hullnlJ por- do1o of tilt J ACL N.lional Soard mrdi .. o on 110'" tilt " 1977-1' bud,,_t -. _ .,."ftL of tilt 7'">f>O$ed &oniQet IIJIPHffd I. MGTcll S Iau. Nallonal President Shil Su- lesp""Uve rei/Ions. PC Bud,d Chcpp." ' or rest cf tbe eJ<P,n- PC Soard cheirman AI Ha- I' en ta I (Xerox), ''IoUine and supplies. Amcunl Ibll FY 1975 came 10 $45.500 which, Suclya ma .. Id, means .ome of the nlceUel by stoft wtU be dropped. VOL. 82 NO. 11 .FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1976 8U1>IIIr1ptlOD tIa .. """ Yea' U..8 n. r01'l11Pl ,II 15 CENTS Ib HONDA SAN FRANCISCO-When ycu onl,. of M90.- 000 a JACL detlcll 01 ,llO.ooo bv lhe end of this tI,- ....1 year (S<!pl 30. ID'S). pl.n- DllIA a bud«et fer the ""mini b!ennlum Is , ba rrowlna vc- dltures. To tit the mest ne,ded late stallnchly defended the and dulrable programs within $165.000 budset in the "must" that lIiu"" required aneth.r or lumn but when $15,000 was six hours of juuJin. and cotI- cut rul be was 8lked II PC tallon . The tlrst alx lloura C!CII- ...... uld live with tbal "Ye_ cerninl the wenl ... nly bul We den't want to bear into dlscusskn of the varlous ony pipe.," .allily prcerams and ba.lc costo and On the "wnnt" column. an unspedfted sum between $15,- QOO and 530,000 for member- . hlp Wlla dlscus.- ed but then dismissed. SuFI- YQ mo said it h81 been widely (H.eusseel over the hast two biennlurru. but wben a prle tall was attached . It beoam. low prlorlly . Paclnc Southwest Governor Mike Ishikawa re- vealed bls district may outo- mate Its membersblp and \I mQ)' serve a. a pllrt proJcct frr Natlrna\. MorlJlUchl said -Imllar Idea. prevailed In thd PoclOe Northwest dlstrlet . Tbe Paclne Citizen blls !rne con- aldered prrduclnl addreu la- b,). within tile olllce by a system that lent to automa- Iton. INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRICT COUNCIL Gov. Arlyoshl supporls pardon for Iva Togurt pri r. rltlslni them. Anolher tbe Board Sullyama then prOCftCled to had rut trrm lbe PC budeet list the so-called "must" llmu. 'Wat underwrite the new wbich t- taled $2D8.600 1'h. maiAllne which tbe Natlcnal ''Want'' lI,t wblch (allowed ("oullcl1 at Portland reqlle<ted tchled SI01.200-luvin, $64,- It fen,lble . As for reduclne 200 (or distrIct procram, clear- lhe number "f Issues per year I)' since the com- to the culs as a bined budut for tlve ""lional trode-"tT. the PC editor sold r lIIocs and two districts wIth- that shruld secondary con- G ut omce. came to $132,0118. Iidcration as the link JACL revenue sharin .g proposed When the N.tlonal JACL Boll"" c«I"eneO b."" al Head- qua. len In mid-February. a pnUmlna ry bwivet of SI112.- 000 had but that wr.uld ba,·. meant ....ddlinK JACL with a 1300.- 000 d.bt. V 0 Ice I Were practically uDIIDlm'us 10 nat only Iiv. wltbln Income but to at.> start retirlnl tbe def- Idt. Between suuestlOJU as hI,b u $40.000 a year to a lew of a year, the Beard tlnaUy .. reed 10 $20.- t'\aUre lACL T<euunr Tcmlo Mori.ucl>1 .. Id .... learnable. won de red wbelber the HeadqU1lr- ten building mIVIt bave to mor!laged . With (urther cuts frOm the rugbl to be " must" and "want" lists plus Production and m a II i n e the allocation of $11.500 ccsts. bowever, bave b.en in- fr .. an Aublant national dlree- creosinl! at an unprecedented tcr, sum of $23,900 was rate and It may become neces- cranud back Inlo tht money- to cui down onthe num. aVlUable column for district of Issues a year "to live proerams or $88,100. within rur meanl", Ratate Rather tban dismantle any sold. Mlts Kawamoto, Moun- .erlon.1 rlllce. Feed H1rasun8 taln Plain. ,overnor, fell el Central CaUfornla SUI- members w('uldn'l mind a .osted districts mise a third ot sllpbt due. increare to cOver their reg onal budjlet (see Feb. PC costs. 21 P("). How districts would Thc PC budllet for tbe cur- raIse It was lelt to the dlscce· rent y ... r Is $140,250. Because don and talents within the Income based on subscl'lptlon Md odvertlslne for FY 1975, 1AMBOO PEOPLE' RELATES LEGAl HISTORY OF JAPANESE IN AMERICA for Instance, ndted $130,000, octual expenditure, were lim- Ited to $127.000 "!o live with- in rur means", polnted out. Cranklne Baelc LOS ANGELES-A review Of all Ibe slanltlant lepl "" ... Involvin, the Japanese In America over the past cen- tury is p..... ,nted by allrrney Frank Chuman In bll book, "TIl. Bambco Pecple". belnl published May 15 by PubUab- 6'1 Inc. of San Dleeo. Walcamatsu ot ChI- QIO, cbllrman at the JACL- ':.panet.e American Researc.h Prc;Ject exeeuUve committee, .. u h.... Mar. 8 to c:onfer with Cbuman, wbo bas spent the put seven years In re- search of the leeal hlstory of the Japan... American. for the JACL-JARP. A readable aceount at bow persons of Japanese ancestry before tbe bars ot Amer- Ican judIce Is pre-ented with the 1a7fll8Jl In m1ncl. Wakama- To cranlc back $23,900. the AlO.OOO allccated for naUonal lsu .... Id of the tlrst book ot dlreet.,r was by $4,· Its kind. 000; travel was from AU the maJcr law. and U.OOO to $7,000; National ceuri deetstcns In the t'le\d ot Soard meetlnl ...... sts were cut Immlcratlon. allen land law, from 511,000 to $7,000 (three wartime and post. INtead ef four meeUn,s per WW2 d-velopments are cov- biennium); you t b program ."ed. Mest ot the Is $22,800 to $16,- all new and never betore pub- 800 (or the 1"58 of clerical for Ibe lay .... der, ac- belp); ard $10,000 for nation- ccrdlnl 10 Wal<amatsu. al c-mmlt1ees. "A r ... dlne of this book wtU TIle $18,000 aIlOi!ated for the appreciation of the JiabUity Insurance was said to almost Insurmountable obsta- a ccnservaUve sum as It c:es the IsseJ In estab- may still rice next year. The 52 000 Usted u Dues! TIle 500-pa&e book Includu nete. and Index, which makes crshlp on Civil It valuable tor students Of law. of wbleb JACL Is a List price is '12.115. A special founclli.g memw and which S10.95 offer to the NIkUt com- Rives JACL accesa to aU the munlty wUl be by major civil rlebts organ1za- JACL In late AprU. Uoca. NaUrnal Executive DI- COMMUNICATIONS rector Davtd Ushlo reported JACL eeta tremendou. belp from the Leadersblp Confl!T- enee, "much mare than JACL can FIOM JACL NATIONAl. HlADQU .... nlS Budret Controla By YUKI UARADA (IDC Correspondent) SALT- LAKE CITY, Utnb- Future o( tbe Paol!lc Nortb- we.t - lotermountaln Dlstrlot reillenai omce at Portland wu n topic of lenlthy at Ihe quarterly IDC meetinll bcmted by Salt Lake chapter bere at the Ramado Inn Feb. 26-29. Eastern Governor Sus Uye- The rlllce, wblch servlee. da called for budvet control, two districts. currently oper- Arter the prnposed budJ(et was 01.1 en a $31.000 budeet and for $470.000. The with S'me cutbacks, tbe Port- three motions passed caUed 'and emce pr<'pcsed budget for lor: 1be e"ming blennlum Is '126,- I-Board and slnfT Immedl- 000. ately cooperate In a vIgorous, It appeared to the delegates conscientious Md result-orl- maintainIng Ihe omce was not ented cost reduction program. eallstlc and support waa liv- ("Tllfs might mean not tlood- en to a proposal by Sian Kl- Ing everyone on the Board yr kawa, PNW-IDC reilonal wltb general mailings," Uye- director. to remove the omce do ,,"plalned. And wheh an nd go a revenue shar- olllcel' goes on a trip be plan , such as two oth.r should ask wbetber a phone ,1ACL districts wbloh reedve call mt/!ht not aecompllab the allocations tOI' prollTanlS In same miSsIon.) lieu at maintalnlni an olllce. 2-ln<1ollatlon of an efTee- IDC Gov. Gerry Mukai raid tlve ccst-ccntrol system. (Thlt the proposal will be presented calls for timely and accurate '" the Pacltlc Northwest DIa- crmparlsons with budget and ttlct Council. TIle relional of- actnal costs on a month/)' flce In Portland was opened basis In ... rder to make prompt to .prlnl ot U113. and' prudent managerial de- Muskal Tape ProJect dslon... Explanadons of ae- tlnns taken by the NaUonal To ftll a need tor more Ja- Director shnuld be distributed pane ... music at bome, the In- In timely fachlon to Board termountsln D!strlct Youth members. "We shouldn't walt ('ounell bas ten casette. 'on tlU the end of Ibe t'lscal yeu band with sueb music and to spot trouble. It'll be 100 late tape players are beine souibt then," Uyeda Or use by Is.sel, It was 3-The Treasurer. with sup- rep ' rted by Alan Kalzuml, p nri of slnff. report to the Na- chairman of the project. tlonal Ccuncll .t Sacramento Youth colllIDhodoner Glen a full and romplete explana- Mc'1'inaka support to tlon of the national JACL det. have mere couples serve as Iclt now incurred. Tbe e"Pla- youth advisers after out1lnlnl nations should cover (a) btl the JAYS procram and need cptim'''stle revenue proJect1ona.. tor a d u I t Two for FY 1977.78 (b) thOlle Una ccuplea to) rover Idaho are be- Items whicl> uceed budift Ine sougbt. Frank and Sadie and bew overexpendlture C8Jl y".b1mura at Salt Lake City be in the tuture, and will assist Morinaka locally. (c) reasons for incurrine non- Mukal reported on the In- budieted Items. (Nearly '20,- terlm Nadonal Board meeting 000 unbudgeted expenses wen Incurred in FY 1975.) ond rlre" ed the to re- view and dll""" bud",t .x- p, nd'ture projection. and Urn- 1tatlo", . "Detention at Topaz", a tlr.,umenhry film produced by Salt Lake JACL In coopera- U"n wlt/l Ibe Univ. of Utnb', "Utah and the NaUon" serle., we. shown durinl tbe Satur- day luncheon . Dbtrlet Froe.... ". in Ibe alternoon centered rn distrIct proJlratna and committee reporh. 11 was 'UQI,st!d ouartl!Tly IDe meet- Inll8 be beld In conjunction wltb kcal chapter act/vlty. The flut quarterly meetlnlt bete wltb the an- nual meellng at the National JACL Credit Union. Future mlibt be beld with such events as a picniC, bowl- fnll. I/<'If tournament. wblcb mlvht also help raise lunds for dl'ITlcl prollt'8ms. The roc cookbt'ok commit- tee laid no tllrlber reprln'" are planned and that avall - able copt.,.. In the bands of c)1apteTi mlebt be re- dl<\Tibuled. Mala Tsukamoto. reported the last d'st-Ict convenUon at Pocatello ended In the black finanrlally. roc treasurer Sal- "P. Aram.kl pre!M!nted the 191ft-77 district budRet. 1"At'ulhlma ... the PC" meeting be attended 1m fall . K-T\ lser1 reminded naUcnal JACL .cl>olaC"lblp .p- pllcaUolH a,.., due April 1. DlstT\ct Nllcers. ft was an· are avall.ble to meet with local ebapter boardl. Faob chapler was urlled to deleeales to the national convention at Sacramento and be knowledeeable of national Issues, sucb as reParations. 111'78 CoDveDtion Cbapters were by Sbake UsMo the three Utah cbapters are co·bests of the 1978 National JACL Conven- IDC Gov. Gerry Mukai SAN FRANCISCO - Gov. George A.rfyoshl ot Hawaii U urilne President Vord to par- don Mn. Iva TolW1 d'Aqulno for re.toratlon at ber clvtl rlttbta, on e of many petlt' onl bein, directed to the Wblte House. accord in, to Dr Clif- ford Uyeda', chairman of the JArL Committee lor Iva Ta- cur\. Favorable and edi- torials continue to reed ved at JACL Headquartera, the lalest belnl an editorial from the San Franelaco ExamIner on Mar 4 uratng a full par- don. Uyeda said mem- be", bave laped for Uve interviews on many radln and television llatlon.. Includlnl NBC In Chlea"" esc In Ta- tlon. Idea. to publlclze t.bU ronto, Radio New. In at Sacramento were alae dis- D1rec- ot cl>apter tor David Usblo b also Idled- evenls were made prior to ad- uled to c:onter t.bU mouth with jr . urnment . Wa. a t c b Front North JACL wa- I!olng to bold Rex. Lee, In the c:rlmIDal dlv- Manle ('arlo Nli!bt Mar. 13 . Ilion. Jdabo Falls annual winter Bex B. Gunn. former A.P carnival I. set for Mar 20. HI. radio editor In San Frandeco Olympus b sponSOrlni Pun- darama on Mar. 27. durlnl 1949 so-caIIed "To- Snake River Valley JACL kyo Rose trW, DOW In Lot wtU boat the next qu.arterly Anleles bas volunteered to ses11ton in May at Ontario •• ist the JACL c:ommJttee, Or ' Uyeda said. AIao IIJPPOrlInI e. the pardon campaian is Dr_ Credit UnlIIn D!Jmer Rae Hudspeth, on the Federal Salt Lalce JACL tlo", chairman Ted Nalata presented sappbl"" pins to Salt Lake m=bers Barriel and George KImura, Dr. Jun Ku- rumada and Mary Umemoto during the credl.t union din- ner-dance at Prudential Pla2a. Gary A man 0'. orcbestra played for the dance. Re!l rmatory for Women st.aJ! at Alderson, W. Va., .. b.Ile Iofra. d' AquIno was an Inmate.. Lart month (Feb. 18), John Mann. wbo was trealed by the ChronIcle. joined the demand she be pardoned. Be was fDT'e- man of the federal court jury wbicb found ber of treason. Be and two oCben were boldouts, be said, but succumbed to p..-ure.. The judie repee tedly had Ianared pleas It was d,.ad'loo:ked, be added. 1976 Memberships San Francisco Membershipa are comln, in It .. dUy and b] the end of FebfUllr)' Natlc nal JI5d4uar- ten reported 13,37S IDelDbera. tor 11178. ThIs repreaents on the way toward the 1978 ,oal of 30,500 Breakdown by district tol- lowl: bas of last year's mem- bership with 76 membera and Pan Asia n 1011,.. with 25 Ihemb!n. AlIo, the San 8eDl- to County and Tulare Coun\y Cbapte ... bave aurpassed their 1975 memberahlp blgh. TllOU&h In \be ''must'' col- umn, acbolarsblp was left blank aince bulk Of the granta come fr<om privale sources and donors. Hecetofore, as mucb a. $5,000 bad been sup- plemented to scholarshlpa and student ald, Sugiyama wondered if the annual budget could be appOl' to montbJy or eVel! quarterly reports. Budget controls, Uyeda said: should assure spending within " our !!!!ana". SECOND $1,000 JACL·MORIUCHI CHOLARSHIP AWARD ANNOUNCED TIle Sunday lDC executive board meet ' na Included lilt- cussion ('n youth and advbers. To meet the need ot continuItY within the JAYS, the past district youth eomm1sGoner wculd b" on the cI.I.s- tr1ct board as vc-o/IJdo. MukaI tba1 thought should be given to planning, questioning wbat JACL mould doing and listing Be.. Intends to Inl- low tbrcUSD WI BCA endorses Bishop Tsup lor his IIdrd term DIot.. InIO .. 1 70 Da" Pda. PNW 2.W HCoWll 1J,?5'I ceoc 1.01 P!IWDC '.D4 me t.m MPDC _ _ 124 MJd ... , ,.- £alt.m _ 1,112 Other __ - Total _ 7'14 •• ?5t 4,. 21'$ 1,243 2lI5 M 174 411 - :M'-' Jl IJ.2'IS 41 .. ." Meanwhile, cbapter mem- bership manale ... are entoUT- aged to continue .endlnl in the appllcaUon. and duel promptly 10 Inlure continuation at tile member'1 PC sublCr;ptlcn and procas- In, thb yeat'. Gardena 'IdlIban' Glrdena Valley Chapter bu the lar,est ID16 memberahlp 10 tar with 1,208 memben, followed by San JrM with DU Unulual for Peb. uary I. the ne ... th.t two new cb.pte ... have already IUrpa oed 'their prn-I(us hicb. Mar':' County Tad Hirota, NaUonal Vice Pre sid e n I ot Membership Services, .ummed It all up by sayln" "We're with the February re- POrt. and I am conftdent that JACL will hit another mem- beC"lblp bleb In 1976. With tbe tlrele .. volunteer elTON at tbe chapter level. I know we wtU r.ach 30,500 members." Reportlnl tor the t'lrat time are the two newest JACL chaplers, the Hcu.ton (Texaa) ond Hcoolcr (Indiana) Cbap- ten brlnllnl the Ictal num- t: .. at cbapte ... to 100. P\\lII.I are underway 10 .tart a new chapter In the Pi.easa.nton· Livermore ar.. in Northern CalifornIa. Chapte ... are reminded that mtmbel'lhlp materiall are available at National Head- quarters upcn request. Sup- pll.. avallable are member- .hlp brochurel, 1000 Club bro- churas, membership card., ap- plication fOUN, tralllJIlltl.1 Ibuts, and pro- cedures manual. .......... _ ....... IF1J'" ';-:e- .. --- ! -- - -- ..... - -,- =-- ..... t- - - .... ::-- _,- -t'- r- r-: .... =--- - _ .... r- =:- -- ,_- """ - 5'- - - - -- - - 5: - r- -- ,-- ... - ... - -- .... ... - - - .... e.- -- _ .... - -- =:: - & = -- -'. =-=- _ ... - .":'r.., t.:r...'-:l, .... ... t- -- =..- - I =.,- =::. -II F= Ft ..... - 1:"' .. _ 5...:::'; .... - - .. ::. F= - r-- -- == _ ... - - - l- I- - r..- -, .. =1- =- -f- A. 01 Feb 20, 1W70 ", MItft to Wr1tl Your 11.1' JACL 0fIIcm " , Sugiyama. 1319 CutIIong CI , S!wl ngfitld. Ya 22153 ,.. .. . £Ied JIII1 MUfa mf, 21304 LaQuna Ifd Santa /Iou , Calli 85-401 ." /Gaft. ()P I Grau "to"",. 1535 M arllJOfo R4 . Wu' Chtller. Pa leaao ." till · 1) Inrrnl 738 Ii. TIf\aY1 WI'(, fltSllO. Calif ml0 VI> tPllO All) HtIttI kHoooa,1 111 00101 .. St , DIms YP (II I Tid Hwola, 1447 Ma l. Calif. M702 rt T IIIIIIO 1I1IfIOudII . POBox 3003, Seanl •. "uh 11810. YOVUI II1II : Os.. I. 11131 WIVIf!t Ay. , Hl'fward, Clnl 8-45-41 Nne 'or eo-ttteee PlDLADELPHlA., Pa. - An- Tbe $10.000 allocated tor ofller $1,000 sch01arsblp bas N tI I b t 11m Cartoo'n Gallery been added by Mr. and Mrs. a ana com ._ u e - Takasbi Moriuc:hl to recog. tr.ated from the proposed nIze top two bI.gh school budltet. was to be used for IIt'Iiduates In the Nadonal JA- adds Nisei works CL freshman scholarshlp com- as plannlnl, poUtical petition ibis year. t'on, personnel, ete. Inter- TIle Moorestown (N.J.) NI- ta! G Q set couple, who are PbIladel- mrun n OVerDor err Y FOSTER CITY, Calif. - On phi JACLers, trlb ted Mukai reeretled ibis total cut display bece at Cartoon Gal- stm'll t c;n th 197: since It penalizes voluntee... lery '76, this past ar amOUD or e "and we need thelr belp aU. weelc by tbe No. Callf. Car_ . procram . the more with the t10n and Humor Assn. In con- Since JACL Is a tax-ellempt budee!". junction with the Foster City QrJI8DI.2atlon tbat meeta re- $34,470 total tor Head- art and c:ulture committee, qu1rements for d. onors to take quarters o/IIce coven build- were four originals by Jack the cbarltable contribution de- Ine maintenance, lelephone, Matsuoka, contributing car- ductlon, Morluebl e"couraged mOre Japanese American to toowt for Hokubel Matnlchl. suppori programs which belp 'YEARS OF INFAMY' SHIPMfNT ARRIVES The 8rd ahlplllellt of 850 eep\ea 01 Mlehl W.cln'a l'Yeara 01 Jnf.IIl7" waa re- ceived lalt Prlda)' from Monow &I Co. Unto the oec- o.:d shipment of no .. te- .. Ived, we r.cret there wUJ be no nle at the ollke an- to the I,OOO-phli ord ... b)' mall are 11lItllled.-Edltor. TIle 1'1 I s e i caricaturist's the younger Nikkel. works were mlniled with drawinls of some at the na· Grayce Uyehara ot PbIla- dan's top cartoonists: delphia. nadonal pres- AI W!aemon (Dono1s tho Moo- ident tor general operations wbo the award, Dlok Flood ,edltorW c:artoonl... said, "TIle addlUonal contr1b- san JOIe M.roury): Gus Arrlol. uUon Is an expressIon ot thelr (Gordo). MUtoo eanJlr (Steve awareneSS Ihat rising coUege Murray Oldonnao c:csts make the goal of higher Matsuoka recenUy displaY- educaUon more dlmcult for ed caricaturC.l of leadlnl ,la- scme students. panese Americans at the .Ta- "Gifts to the Nadonal JACL pan Center olllee of Califor- Scholarship Proerams, either nia First Bank. the fresbman or coUeliate! LCHAPTER SPIRIT graduate scbolarshlp. and \( /he. Student Aid are put Into tm.t accounts $0 tbat QWl\rds can made from In· terest earned on principal." Potential donors were urg- ed to ecnsult with eampe- tent protesslonal about a coo- templated gltt. Contributions need not be large as smaller amounts can combined and to another ... ward at the appropriate time, Uyehara ex- n\alned. TedbJI Soores the member cluIplers. AJTangements tor the week- end quarterlY was chaired by Mrs. Jean Kubota, Sall Lake president Al's wife. DENVER. Colo. - The Bud· dbJst Cburcll .. of America en- dorsed Blsbop Emryu TIQjI PNWDC , quarterly $300,000 and eIec:ted Hlro- Tbe 1976 appUcants must she MaYeda at Dinuba, CalI1., submtt com pIe t e academic session postponed president of its natianal COWl' records whicb. Include scores ell al the annual meetln' held [rom thelr coUeie week f JIarc:h examinations A to the brochure \n!orroadon Is MOSES LAKE, Temple. Announced al this time. Stu- Northwest DIstrIct Councll The Venice Bud dhht "ents may submit either Col- pcstpcned Its tirst quarterly Church, a branch at the Las Ieee Entrance Examination ,essIon from Mar. 13-14 to Angeles Betsuin, was recQI- Board scores c>r the Amencan Mar. 27-28. It was announced nlzed. as the 61st tndepend· Colleee T est I n It ProerlUIl by Dist. Gov. Ed Yamamoto. ent tempte and named the scores. NlItional Merit Schol- The COUlleU wtU meet at Hall· Rev. Geoqe u arship Qualifying Test sco ...s mark Inn bere with the Co- Its tint resident mJnlster. wUI be advantaeeous. lumbia BasIn JACL as hosts. A $100,000 budiet was ap- School records musl Include CcnvenUon mat t e r s, the proved for the InstIID\e of grade point aVefBie for 11th, budiet and reparations are Buddhist Studies, Berkeley. lOth. 11th and 1Irst semester am"ng the cl>lef items on the Tbe BCA nat'ODIII coundl abo nf 12th J!T8de with student's district Bienda. Two candl- plans 10 study the t'lImnclal closs rank. The other equnUy dates are \I) Introduced {at and orKanlzatlonai structure Important criteria is 1inanclal national olllces. of the BeA. need whicl> Is established Wormsl dIscussions are Amcng dIgn1tarles at the througb submission of parents' scheduled from 7:30 pm. Sat- closing banquet at Hotel New confidential financial state- UrdaY with omclal bustness Albany were Min Yasu1, rep- menl. session slated for 8 am. Sun- resenting the IUyor's 0IIIce. Deadline tor scholarsblps day. Adjoumment by 4 Is an- and Bill Hosobwa of the application Is April I. Stu- tlclpated.. Denver Post. WUllam Barrett. dents may write to JACL Na-. author of kLady of the LoIus", tlonal Scliolarsblp Committee, PSWDC nomination. ,ave the ke.ynote speed>. Tmn 1765 Suiter St., San Francisco ............... was emcee. 94115. ,roup may come WTl'n vn. BCA bonored the Rev. Berkeley JACL Four of the Berk- meet with the chapler, and eley J ACL were honored at old a chance to see the 1976 In.rtallatlon dinner eacb other aellin. SeaHle JA{L project supports youths LOS ANGELES-The Pacl.6c Southwest District C au n c I I nominations committee, which met Mar. 10 at the Paclt'lc Citizen omce, may submit a candidate for 8 national JACL c>ffice, accordlni to Masnmune K 0 jim a. DC nominations chlllnnan. Sblntatsu Sanadn wbo retired after 40 years in the mIn1stry. TIle Rev. Yoshitab Tarnal, who bad served the TrI-State Temple for mor-e thaD 48 years, was also bonored. beld in January: Tom Ouye, Comlne up I.n AprU, the SEATTLE, Wasb.-Ten Asian Henry Takabashl, Yuri Ya- annual Easter e" bunt b ycuth eroup projects In the rna.hlta, and Georg. Yasuko- .chedu led. Berkeley bone ot Seatlle area received a Seattle chi . All have contributed time tew cbapter. in Ibe area that JACL IITMt this past .nd enerey na JACLeu for provldel this kind of tun for eacb award not the of tbe Jape- the younelters . Tbey also have $100 It was by nele American community a picnic to go alone with the project coordinator S bar 0 n alDee pre-war day. . festive event. MorrlJo Kosa- Maeda. Berkeley JACL constantly kuro la the chairman for this Tbe erants rellects a cl>ap- cncOurale. Ita members to be- year'. Euler elli bunt. ler commitment to IntellTale ccme Involved In civic aftaln. fuel AppreclaUon projeota Ib support of youth in the Many of III memben bave Or are In Ihe plannlnl for W s A.lon community t bra ugh aro servlnl the City of . Berk- year. Every year the cbapter "seed monies" used to carry eley. TIley Include: varlea III proeram •. Lut year , out thOlr respecllve projects. Jordln Hlral2ko . Rr ..... lIon Berkeley tealured free Jopa- Recipients were : . CommlUlon ' Am/Ie Ok .. okl. Pion- nese movie. tor the lasel. Asian Alliance Group (UW nln, Comml.ilon: Tak Shlr ...... They have 01$0 bad Itudenl. visit As ian Inmates SolId w .... Commln.on: TOlhlk<> and picnic. In honor of the at Monroe State Retormo- Berkeloy Ill el Pioneer.. to,y); A.lan Family Affair A.anoy 00.r4: O.or •• Uy.har., The Be rke ley cbapter I. In- (Ttalnlng worksbops with volved In the JACL Pre.lden- Ilnft ot eommunlty newspaper mlUlon . Uol ClaJlroom for Young and Vietnamese 1I0ua,hold The choptor bat man y American, . Sherman Takat a /loeds drive); Asian. for a mt mben who ore Involved In and Kay Fujita Were Iponsor- Fair abd Re.pon.lve IIlodia all levela at JACL 100. Cur- ed to l'Iudy In Wasblngton , (Ba.lc supplies boucht to e. - renlly, Tad Hirota II a Na- D.C. thll Iprlnl. tabllih a communications net- tlone. JACL vice-prell <lent, Lo.al nblor, Project work); Cleveland US Asian Studenl Ooalltlon (To pill'- chase supplies tor pancake breakfast beneftt tor Interna- tlonol District elderly.) Cleveland US J a pan e I e Lanruar. Class (To bu,y oal- )JlITaph)' s upplies tor an after- scbool program) ; Incorporat.d Aslan Student Ooaillion (Used to provide Thanksgiving din- ners to Asia elderly); In- I,rnallonal Examiner (To bu,y luyout equipment for a non- profit newspaper in Interna- Uonal District); N.W. AaI,n Amorlcan Studies Re eareb Group (To (und ceelonol trav- el for research collecting tor blblloerapby on Asian Amer- Icons) ; and Unlv. of Washln,- ton A.lan Planners Assn. (To s ecure duplicate ccples of un- publlsbed studies and projects th ot Impact on Asian commu· nlty) . ) Ooor,. Kondo I. tbe NC· WNDC relllonal <llrector, and Beal r lce Kono u rves on lhe Dlltrlct Execut ive boa rd . Many oth e ... have , erved and! Or hoy . chair ed many NaUon· •• JACL .peolal ccmmltte.! •. TwenUetb Century HI . tory o( the Japane. e AmerlClln. In Ibe City of Berkeley will be a projeci of Importance to the ch pter. R .arch and com- pllaUon of dat " wlll be D O- wtth cl ul on Asi- an Ame rican Studle. at UC Bark el. y. Thl . will be palt of Ihe , tud en t,' cur r iculum for Whi ch Ihey will receive cr edit A proud 14 weeks 'til On tbe Llthl 81de Net all of BOI koley'. elTorts . re pointed toward, gotllna III m mbtrl Into olvlc pOl l- ti onl. Th e chl pler provide. rcorea tlon und tun for Ito .. TIle Sprlnl SocI.1 dance wllJ b' held Mar. 20 I' tb. Cerr ito City Club. It will pr o- vId e ne w ml1Ylb . ... a chlnce 10 Ber koley II pla nnln gto eel- bl otc th e Bicentennial yoar In Sople mb er with a g raph lo a na 810Y ex hibit portraying .... n trlbutlo na 01 J a pan o. e Ame tl cnnl to the Ameri can Conllnuod 00 Ne.1 PI,. legacy 24th Biennial Nat'l JACL Convention June 21-26, 1976 Sacramento, Calif, For Inlormallon: SaCflmenlo JACL P.O. Box 22589, Sacramtf1to 95822 (Names are not mentioned unIU released by the Nadonal JACL nominations committee, being chaired ibis year by Dr. Toaru Ishl.ya ma ot Cleve- !nnd.) Dr, Sonoda heads liHle Tokyo Towers LOS ANGELES-Dr. KlyosbI Sc.noda, 101\j(Ilme West Las Anaeles JACLer, was elected president of the LltUe Tokyo Towers board of directors, suceeecling Mac Sasaki wbo for tbe past tour terms. Representin i the PSWDC JACL on thc board, Sonoda said ,vlth the construction pb ase over a nd unlts just ab out full , " we now bave to {ccus on th e operaUon of the pr oject to ma ke It a comfort- able, sate and enlerlalnin8 home tor the .Iderly". ROSS HARANO NAMED OUTSTANDING CITIZEN (,HtCAGO - Th e CbIcBiO Jaycees Mar. 5 Its .0 culslandlng young citizens fer 1916. Tbey are to hon- ored Mar. 20 tit O'H.are Inn. Amcng them Is Ross Ha- I ano, 33, vice president of Power-Ski Corp.. and acUve In buman d ebta p rocrams. es- MINET A AND HORIUCHI SALT LAKE VISITOR SALT LAKE CITY - Rep.. Norman Mineta. former may- Or of San Jose and tint ma'n- land NIsei to be eleeted to U.s. Conaress, vis! bere Feb. 12 to be the Hinkley InstItute speaker at the Univ. at Utah. Gerry Mukai , mc Govent- or. b05ted the luncl>eoo at the University Club. M/neta was a bcuse guest of C1an and Ki- yoshl M!yUaId. W • y n e Horiueb4 JACL Wa sbi nlton Representative, and his wUe Robin, came at the same time and were guests at an Infonnal dinner with Utnb Trl-cha pter otIIclals at New South Seas. Rep. Al- lan Howe and his wUe also jOined the Discussion l1lucbed on vari- ous Issues from ... paratlon, cle!Ul alr, clean water, socla1 sec:urlr;y, u r ban Olympic sports. " pay as you crow" economic J)ZOII1'am. etc. The JACLers their flrst "do"",-\O:-earth" meettne wi th tha guesls. """Ially wi th the Japan ... American CWEens League. Is a ",,"I MIdwest District Governor and ChIcago JACL ch lllrman PC Office Phones 626·6936 - 628-3768
Page 1: pacificcitizen.org€¦ · JACL-NATIONAL BUDGET Squeeze, Chops and Controls PACIFI ITIZEN TIIU .. lilt coru"hullnlJ por do1o of tilt J ACL N.lional Soard mrdi .. o on 110'" tilt "


Squeeze, Chops and Controls PACIFI ITIZEN TIIU .. lilt coru"hullnlJ por­

do1o of tilt J ACL N.lional Soard mrdi .. o on 110'" tilt " 1977-1' bud,,_t -. _ .,."ftL ~lalla of tilt 7'">f>O$ed &oniQet IIJIPHffd I. MGTcll S Iau.

Nallonal President Shil Su- lesp""Uve rei/Ions.

~~a a."u~e$4::i~.v".u.l!i: PC Bud,d Chcpp."

' or rest cf tbe bUdl~t eJ<P,n- PC Soard cheirman AI Ha-

~qulpmenl I' en ta I (Xerox), ''IoUine and supplies. Amcunl s p ~ nt Ibll FY 1975 came 10 $45.500 which, Suclyama .. Id, means .ome of the nlceUel d~ne by stoft wtU be dropped.

VOL. 82 NO. 11 .FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1976 8U1>IIIr1ptlOD tIa .. """ Yea' U..8 n. r01'l11Pl ,II 15 CENTS


SAN FRANCISCO-When ycu e~t onl,. In.,..m~ of M90.-000 • ,.~ar . a JACL detlcll 01 ,llO.ooo bv lhe end of this tI,­.... 1 year (S<!pl 30. ID'S). pl.n­DllIA a bud«et fer the ""mini b!ennlum Is , b arrowlna vc­~en~ .

dltures. To tit the mest ne,ded late stallnchly defended the and dulrable programs within $165.000 budset in the "must" that lIiu"" required aneth.r or lumn but when $15,000 was six hours of juuJin. and cotI- cut rul be was 8lked II PC tallon. The tlrst alx lloura C!CII- ...... uld live with tbal "Ye_ cerninl the bud~\ wenl ... nly bul We den't want to bear into dlscusskn of the varlous ony pipe.," Hatat~ .allily r~­prcerams and ba.lc costo and pll~d .

On the "wnnt" column. an unspedfted sum between $15,­QOO and 530,000 for member­. hlp aut " m.tI~n Wlla dlscus.­ed but then dismissed. SuFI­YQmo said it h81 been widely (H.eusseel over the hast two biennlurru. but wben a prle • tall was attached. It beoam. low prlorlly . Paclnc Southwest Governor Mike Ishikawa re­vealed bls district may outo­mate Its membersblp and \I mQ)' serve a. a pllrt proJcct frr Natlrna\. MorlJlUchl said -Imllar Idea. prevailed In thd PoclOe Northwest dlstrlet. Tbe Paclne Citizen blls !rne con­aldered prrduclnl addreu la­b,). within tile olllce by a system that lent to automa­Iton.


supporls pardon

for Iva Togurt

prir. rltlslni them. Anolher ~15,OOO tbe Board Sullyama then prOCftCled to had rut trrm lbe PC budeet

list the so-called "must" llmu. 'Wat I~ underwrite the new wbich t - taled $2D8.600 1'h. maiAllne which tbe Natlcnal ''Want'' lI,t wblch (allowed ("oullcl1 at Portland reqlle<ted tchled SI01.200-luvin, $64,- It fen,lble. As for reduclne 200 (or d istrIct procram, clear- lhe number "f Issues per year I)' 'nsulllcl~nt since the com- to .ccommrdal~ the culs as a bined budut for tlve ""lional trode-"tT. the PC editor sold r lIIocs and two districts wIth- that shruld b~ secondary con­Gut omce. came to $132,0118. Iidcration as the we~kly link

JACL revenue sharin.g proposed When the N.tlonal JACL

Boll"" c«I"eneO b."" al Head­qua. len In mid-February. a pnUmlnary bwivet of SI112.-000 had ~en draft~ but that wr.uld ba,·. meant .... ddlinK aU ~ nal JACL with a 1300.-

000 d.bt. V 0 Ice I Were practically

uDIIDlm'us 10 nat only Iiv. wltbln anllc\pat~ Income but to at.> start retirlnl tbe def­Idt. Between suuestlOJU as hI,b u $40.000 a year to a lew of I~,ooo a year, the Beard tlnaUy .. reed 10 $20.­~ t'\aUre lACL T<euunr Tcmlo Mori.ucl>1 .. Id .... learnable. On~ won de red wbelber the n~w HeadqU1lr­ten building mIVIt bave to ~ mor!laged.

With (urther cuts frOm the rugbl to be malntaln~d. "must" and "want" lists plus Production and m a II i n e the lat~ allocation of $11.500 ccsts. bowever, bave b.en in­fr .. an Aublant national dlree- creosinl! at an unprecedented tcr, • sum of $23,900 was rate and It may become neces­cranud back Inlo tht money- ~'y to cui down onthe num. aVlUable column for district b~r of Issues a year "to live proerams or $88,100. within rur meanl", Ratate

Rather tban dismantle any sold. Mlts Kawamoto, Moun­.erlon.1 rlllce. Feed H1rasun8 taln Plain. ,overnor, fell el Central CaUfornla SUI- members w('uldn'l mind a .osted districts mise a third ot sllpbt due. increare to cOver their reg onal budjlet (see Feb. PC costs. 21 P("). How districts would Thc PC budllet for tbe cur­raIse It was lelt to the dlscce· rent y ... r Is $140,250. Because don and talents within the Income based on subscl'lptlon

Md odvertlslne for FY 1975,



for Instance, ndted $130,000, octual expenditure, were lim­Ited to $127.000 "!o live with­in rur means", Hata~ polnted out.

Cranklne Baelc

LOS ANGELES-A review Of all Ibe slanltlant lepl "" ... Involvin, the Japanese In America over the past cen­tury is p.....,nted by allrrney Frank Chuman In bll book, "TIl. Bambco Pecple". belnl published May 15 by PubUab-6'1 Inc. of San Dleeo. SbJ~ Walcamatsu ot ChI­

QIO, cbllrman at the JACL­':.panet.e American Researc.h Prc;Ject exeeuUve committee, .. u h.... Mar. 8 to c:onfer with Cbuman, wbo bas spent the put seven years In re­search of the leeal hlstory of the Japan... American. for the JACL-JARP.

A readable aceount at bow persons of Japanese ancestry f.r~ before tbe bars ot Amer­Ican judIce Is pre-ented with the 1a7fll8Jl In m1ncl. Wakama-

To cranlc back $23,900. the AlO.OOO allccated for naUonal

lsu .... Id of the tlrst book ot dlreet.,r was trll!lJD~ by $4,· Its kind. 000; travel was r~u~ from

AU the maJcr law. and U.OOO to $7,000; National ceuri deetstcns In the t'le\d ot Soard meetlnl ...... sts were cut Immlcratlon. allen land law, from 511,000 to $7,000 (three wartime ~vacuatlon and post. INtead ef four meeUn,s per WW2 d-velopments are cov- biennium); you t b program ."ed. Mest ot the ma~rla1 Is d-~pp!d tr~m $22,800 to $16,­all new and never betore pub- 800 (or the 1"58 of clerical IIsh~ for Ibe lay .... der, ac- belp); ard $10,000 for nation-ccrdlnl 10 Wal<amatsu. al c-mmlt1ees.

"A r ... dlne of this book wtU TIle $18,000 aIlOi!ated for d.~pen the appreciation of the JiabUity Insurance was said to almost Insurmountable obsta- ~ a ccnservaUve sum as It c:es the IsseJ fa~ In estab- may still rice next year.

l~,i,"\r~ea':.,~~U:n~u~d.er - The 52 000 Usted u Dues!

TIle 500-pa&e book Includu ~~~~~~o~ ~~~~~ nete. and Index, which makes crshlp Con1eren~ ' on Civil It valuable tor students Of law. R~ts of wbleb JACL Is a List price is '12.115. A special founclli.g memw and which S10.95 offer to the NIkUt com- Rives JACL accesa to aU the munlty wUl be announ~ by major civil rlebts organ1za­JACL In late AprU. Uoca. NaUrnal Executive DI­

COMMUNICATIONS rector Davtd Ushlo reported JACL eeta tremendou. belp from the Leadersblp Confl!T­enee, "much mare than JACL can etv~.


Budret Controla

By YUKI UARADA (IDC Correspondent)

SALT- LAKE CITY, Utnb­Future o( tbe Paol!lc Nortb­we.t - lotermountaln Dlstrlot reillenai omce at Portland wu n topic of lenlthy dellb~ratlon at Ihe O~t quarterly IDC meetinll bcmted by Salt Lake chapter bere at the Ramado Inn Feb. 26-29.

Eastern Governor Sus Uye- The rlllce, wblch servlee. da called for budvet control, two districts. currently oper­Arter the prnposed budJ(et was 01.1 en a $31.000 budeet and • drpl~d for $470.000. The with S'me cutbacks, tbe Port­three motions passed caUed 'and emce pr<'pcsed budget for lor: 1be e"ming blennlum Is '126,-

I-Board and slnfT Immedl- 000. ately cooperate In a vIgorous, It appeared to the delegates conscientious Md result-orl- maintainIng Ihe omce was not ented cost reduction program. eallstlc and support waa liv­("Tllfs might mean not tlood- en to a proposal by Sian Kl­Ing everyone on the Board yr kawa, PNW-IDC reilonal wltb general mailings," Uye- director. to remove the omce do ,,"plalned. And wheh an nd go ~?r a revenue shar­olllcel' goes on a trip be 11l~ plan , such as two oth.r should ask wbetber a phone ,1ACL districts wbloh reedve call mt/!ht not aecompllab the allocations tOI' prollTanlS In same miSsIon.) lieu at maintalnlni an olllce.

2-ln<1ollatlon of an efTee- IDC Gov. Gerry Mukai raid tlve ccst-ccntrol system. (Thlt the proposal will be presented calls for timely and accurate '" the Pacltlc Northwest DIa­crmparlsons with budget and ttlct Council. TIle relional of­actnal costs on a month/)' flce In Portland was opened basis In ... rder to make prompt to .prlnl ot U113. and' prudent managerial de- Muskal Tape ProJect dslon... Explanadons of ae-tlnns taken by the NaUonal To ftll a need tor more Ja­Director shnuld be distributed pane ... music at bome, the In­In timely fachlon to Board termountsln D!strlct Youth members. "We shouldn't walt ('ounell bas ten casette. 'on tlU the end of Ibe t'lscal yeu band with sueb music and to spot trouble. It'll be 100 late tape players are beine souibt then," Uyeda declar~.) Or use by 8i~ Is.sel, It was

3-The Treasurer. with sup- rep ' rted by Alan Kalzuml, pnri of slnff. report to the Na- chairman of the project. tlonal Ccuncll .t Sacramento Youth colllIDhodoner Glen a full and romplete explana- Mc'1'inaka recelv~ support to tlon of the national JACL det. have mere couples serve as Iclt now incurred. Tbe e"Pla- youth advisers after out1lnlnl nations should cover (a) btl the JAYS procram and need cptim'''stle revenue proJect1ona.. tor a d u I t coun.~. Two for FY 1977.78 (b) thOlle Una ccuplea to) rover Idaho are be­Items whicl> uceed budift Ine sougbt. Frank and Sadie and bew overexpendlture C8Jl y".b1mura at Salt Lake City be av<,ld~ in the tuture, and will assist Morinaka locally. (c) reasons for incurrine non- Mukal reported on the In­budieted Items. (Nearly '20,- terlm Nadonal Board meeting 000 unbudgeted expenses wen Incurred in FY 1975.)

ond rlre" ed the n~ to re­view and dll""" bud",t .x­p, nd'ture projection. and Urn-1tatlo",.

"Detention at Topaz", a tlr.,umenhry film produced by Salt Lake JACL In coopera­U"n wlt/l Ibe Univ. of Utnb', "Utah and the NaUon" serle., we. shown durinl tbe Satur­day luncheon.

Dbtrlet Froe....".

Alen~. in Ibe alternoon centered rn distrIct proJlratna and committee reporh. 11 was 'UQI,st!d ouartl!Tly IDe meet­Inll8 be beld In conjunction wltb • kcal chapter act/vlty. The flut quarterly meetlnlt bete co\ncld~ wltb the an­nual meellng at the National JACL Credit Union. Future meeUn~s mlibt be beld with such events as a picniC, bowl­fnll. I/<'If tournament. wblcb mlvht also help raise lunds for dl'ITlcl prollt'8ms.

The roc cookbt'ok commit­tee laid no tllrlber reprln'" are planned and that avall­able copt.,.. In the bands of v~T\ous c)1apteTi mlebt be re­dl<\Tibuled.

Mala Tsukamoto. reported the last d'st-Ict convenUon at Pocatello ended In the black finanrlally. roc treasurer Sal­"P. Aram.kl pre!M!nted the 191ft-77 district budRet. T~ 1"At'ulhlma ... ummarlz~ the PC" Bo~~ meeting be attended 1m fall . K-T\ lser1 reminded naUcnal JACL .cl>olaC"lblp .p­pllcaUolH a,.., due April 1.

DlstT\ct Nllcers. ft was an· n~unced. are avall.ble to meet with local ebapter boardl. Faob chapler was urlled to ~~nd deleeales to the national convention at Sacramento and be knowledeeable of national Issues, sucb as reParations.

111'78 CoDveDtion

Cbapters were remlnd~ by Sbake UsMo the three Utah cbapters are co·bests of the 1978 National JACL Conven-

IDC Gov. Gerry Mukai

SAN FRANCISCO - Gov. George A.rfyoshl ot Hawaii U urilne President Vord to par­don Mn. Iva TolW1 d'Aqulno for re.toratlon at ber clvtl rlttbta, one of many petlt'onl bein, directed to the Wblte House. accord in, to Dr Clif­ford Uyeda', chairman of the JArL Committee lor Iva Ta-cur\. •

Favorable . rt"'l ~ and edi­torials continue to ~ reed ved at JACL Headquartera, the lalest belnl an editorial from the San Franelaco ExamIner on Mar 4 uratng a full par­don.

Uyeda said ~ mem­be", bave ~ laped for Uve interviews on many radln and television llatlon.. Includlnl NBC In Chlea"" esc In Ta­

tlon. Idea. to publlclze t.bU ronto, Radio New. W~t In

at Sacramento were alae dis- Lc~a~~~l"'be<:u\lve D1rec­

CU~~Ouncement. ot cl>apter tor David Usblo b also Idled­evenls were made prior to ad- uled to c:onter t.bU mouth with

jr.urnment. Wa. a t c b Front ~~Srd ~~rn::d ~ner~ North JACL wa- I!olng to bold Rex. Lee, In the c:rlmIDal dlv­Manle ('arlo Nli!bt Mar. 13. Ilion. Jdabo Falls annual winter Bex B. Gunn. former A.P carnival I. set for Mar 20. HI. radio editor In San Frandeco Olympus b sponSOrlni Pun-darama on Mar. 27. durlnl ~ 1949 so-caIIed "To-

Snake River Valley JACL kyo Rose trW, DOW In Lot wtU boat the next qu.arterly Anleles bas volunteered to ses11ton in May at Ontario •• ist the JACL c:ommJttee, Or ' Uyeda said. AIao IIJPPOrlInI

e. the pardon campaian is Dr_ Credit UnlIIn D!Jmer Rae Hudspeth, on the Federal

Salt Lalce JACL r~~ ­tlo", chairman Ted Nalata presented sappbl"" pins to Salt Lake m=bers Barriel and George KImura, Dr. Jun Ku­rumada and Mary Umemoto during the credl.t union din­ner-dance at Prudential Pla2a.

Gary A man 0'. orcbestra played for the dance.

Re!l rmatory for Women st.aJ! at Alderson, W. Va., .. b.Ile Iofra. d' AquIno was an Inmate..

Lart month (Feb. 18), John Mann. wbo was trealed by the ChronIcle. joined the demand she be pardoned. Be was fDT'e­man of the federal court jury wbicb found ber ~ty of treason. Be and two oCben were boldouts, be said, but succumbed to p..-ure.. The judie repee tedly had Ianared pleas It was d,.ad'loo:ked, be added.

1976 Memberships San Francisco

Membershipa are comln, in It .. dUy and b] the end of FebfUllr)' Natlc nal JI5d4uar­ten reported 13,37S IDelDbera. tor 11178. ThIs repreaents .3.8~ on the way toward the 1978 ,oal of 30,500 mem~n .

Breakdown by district tol­lowl:

bas 168~ of last year's mem­bership with 76 membera and Pan Asia n 1011,.. with 25 Ihemb!n. AlIo, the San 8eDl­to County and Tulare Coun\y Cbapte ... bave aurpassed their 1975 memberahlp blgh.

TllOU&h In \be ''must'' col­umn, acbolarsblp was left blank aince bulk Of the granta come fr<om privale sources and donors. Hecetofore, as mucb a. $5,000 bad been sup­plemented to scholarshlpa and student ald,

Sugiyama wondered if the annual budget could be appOl' tlon~ to montbJy or eVel! quarterly reports.

Budget controls, Uyeda said: should assure spending within "our !!!!ana".



TIle Sunday lDC executive board meet'na Included lilt­cussion ('n youth and advbers. To meet the need ot continuItY within the JAYS, the past district youth eomm1sGoner wculd b" retaln~ on the cI.I.s­tr1ct board as vc-o/IJdo.

MukaI add~ tba1 thought should be given to planning, questioning wbat JACL mould ~ doing and listing s~cl.6C&. Be.. Intends to Inl­low tbrcUSD WI

BCA endorses

Bishop Tsup lor

his IIdrd term

DIot.. InIO .. 1 70 Da" Pda. PNW 2.W HCoWll 1J,?5'I ceoc 1.01 P!IWDC '.D4 me t.m MPDC _ _ 124 MJd ... , ,.­£alt.m _ 1,112 Other __ -

Total _

7'14 ~ •• ?5t

4,. 21'$ 1,243 64~


M 174 411 - :M'-' Jl

IJ.2'IS 41 .. ."

Meanwhile, cbapter mem­bership manale ... are entoUT­aged to continue .endlnl in the mem~ublp appllcaUon. and duel promptly 10 Inlure continuation at tile member'1 PC sublCr;ptlcn and procas­In, thb yeat'. mem~rsblp .

Gardena 'IdlIban'

Glrdena Valley Chapter bu the lar,est ID16 memberahlp 10 tar with 1,208 memben, followed by San JrM with DU

Unulual for Peb. uary I. the ne ... th.t two new cb.pte ... have already IUrpa oed 'their prn-I(us hicb. Mar':' County

Tad Hirota, NaUonal Vice Pre sid e n I ot Membership Services, .ummed It all up by sayln" "We're pleas~ with the February mem~rahlp re­POrt. and I am conftdent that JACL will hit another mem­beC"lblp bleb In 1976. With tbe tlrele .. volunteer elTON at tbe chapter level. I know we wtU r.ach 30,500 members."

Reportlnl tor the t'lrat time are the two newest JACL chaplers, the Hcu.ton (Texaa) ond Hcoolcr (Indiana) Cbap­ten brlnllnl the Ictal num­t: .. at cbapte ... to 100. P\\lII.I are underway 10 .tart a new chapter In the Pi.easa.nton· Livermore ar.. in Northern CalifornIa.

Chapte ... are reminded that mtmbel'lhlp materiall are available at National Head­quarters upcn request. Sup­pll.. avallable are member­.hlp brochurel, 1000 Club bro­churas, membership card., ap­plication fOUN, tralllJIlltl.1 Ibuts, and mem~rsblp pro­cedures manual.

~ .......... _ ....... IF1J'"

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::. F= - r-- ~ --== _ ... --- l-I- -r..- ~t- -, .. =1-=-_o~ -f-

A. 01 Feb 20, 1W70 ",

MItft to Wr1tl Your 11.1' JACL 0fIIcm " , Sugiyama. 1319 CutIIong CI , S!wlngfitld. Ya 22153 ,.. .. . £Ied JIII1 MUfa mf, 21304 LaQuna Ifd Santa /Iou, Calli 85-401 ." /Gaft. ()P I Grau "to"", . 1535 MarllJOfo R4 . Wu' Chtller. Pa leaao ." till · 1) Inrrnl T~ , 738 Ii. TIf\aY1 WI'(, fltSllO. Calif ml0

VI> tPllO All) HtIttI kHoooa,1111 00101 .. St, CatIO!!r.Ca~1 DIms YP (II I Tid Hwola, 1447 Ma l . 8erM~ 1 Calif. M702 rt TIIIIIIO 1I1IfIOudII. POBox 3003, Seanl •. "uh 11810. YOVUI II1II : Os.. I . 11131 WIVIf!t Ay. , Hl'fward, Clnl 8-45-41

Nne 'or eo-ttteee PlDLADELPHlA., Pa. - An-Tbe $10.000 allocated tor ofller $1,000 sch01arsblp bas

N tI I mI"~ b t 11m Cartoo'n Gallery been added by Mr. and Mrs. a ana com ._ u e - Takasbi Moriuc:hl to recog. tr.ated from the proposed nIze tb~ top two bI.gh school budltet. was to be used for IIt'Iiduates In the Nadonal JA-

~~b:a~exs:..~ su~ adds Nisei works CL freshman scholarshlp com-as plannlnl, poUtical ~uca- petition ibis year. t'on, personnel, ete. Inter- TIle Moorestown (N.J.) NI-

ta! G Q set couple, who are PbIladel-mrun n OVerDor err Y FOSTER CITY, Calif. - On phi JACLers, trlb ted Mukai reeretled ibis total cut display bece at Cartoon Gal- stm'll t c;n th ~ 197: since It penalizes voluntee... lery '76, sponsor~ this past ar amOUD or e "and we need thelr belp aU. weelc by tbe No. Callf. Car_ . procram. the more with the ~u~ t10n and Humor Assn. In con- Since JACL Is a tax-ellempt budee!". junction with the Foster City QrJI8DI.2atlon tbat meeta re-Th~ $34,470 total tor Head- art and c:ulture committee, qu1rements for d.onors to take

quarters o/IIce coven build- were four originals by Jack the cbarltable contribution de­Ine maintenance, lelephone, Matsuoka, contributing car- ductlon, Morluebl e"couraged

mOre Japanese American to toowt for Hokubel Matnlchl. suppori programs which belp


SHIPMfNT ARRIVES The 8rd ahlplllellt of 850

eep\ea 01 Mlehl W.cln'a l'Yeara 01 Jnf.IIl7" waa re­ceived lalt Prlda)' from Monow &I Co. Unto the oec­o.:d shipment of no .. te­.. Ived, we r.cret there wUJ be no nle at the ollke an­to the I,OOO-phli ord ... b)' mall are 11lItllled.-Edltor.

TIle 1'1 I s e i caricaturist's the younger Nikkel. works were mlniled with drawinls of some at the na· Grayce Uyehara ot PbIla-dan's top cartoonists: delphia. nadonal vI~ pres-

AI W!aemon (Dono1s tho Moo- ident tor general operations

::":2"0"e~on~UlDr~~::'~kf':~~ wbo announ~ the award, Dlok Flood ,edltorW c:artoonl... said, "TIle addlUonal contr1b­san JOIe M.roury): Gus Arrlol. uUon Is an expressIon ot thelr (Gordo). MUtoo eanJlr (Steve awareneSS Ihat rising coUege fr~~ODJpo~~ . Murray Oldonnao c:csts make the goal of higher

Matsuoka recenUy displaY- educaUon more dlmcult for ed caricaturC.l of leadlnl ,la- scme students. panese Americans at the .Ta- "Gifts to the Nadonal JACL pan Center olllee of Califor- Scholarship Proerams, either nia First Bank. the fresbman or coUeliate!


graduate scbolarshlp. and \( /he. Student Aid ~am, are put Into tm.t accounts $0 tbat QWl\rds can D~ made from In· terest earned on principal."

Potential donors were urg-

ed to ecnsult with • eampe­tent protesslonal about a coo­templated gltt. Contributions need not be large as smaller amounts can ~ combined and ad~ to another ... ward at the appropriate time, Uyehara ex­n\alned.

TedbJI Soores

the member cluIplers. AJTangements tor the week­

end quarterlY was chaired by Mrs. Jean Kubota, Sall Lake president Al's wife. DENVER. Colo. - The Bud·

dbJst Cburcll .. of America en­dorsed Blsbop Emryu TIQjI

PNWDC, quarterly :c~ a~~ :~ $300,000 and eIec:ted Hlro-

Tbe 1976 appUcants must she MaYeda at Dinuba, CalI1.,

submtt com pIe t e academic session postponed president of its natianal COWl' records whicb. Include scores ell al the annual meetln' held [rom thelr coUeie entran~ week f JIarc:h examinations A ~tlon to ~:!":t ~ ~-Slate ~ the brochure \n!orroadon Is MOSES LAKE, Wasb.-Pa~c Temple. Announced al this time. Stu- Northwest DIstrIct Councll The Venice Bud dhht "ents may submit either Col- pcstpcned Its tirst quarterly Church, a branch at the Las Ieee Entrance Examination ,essIon from Mar. 13-14 to Angeles Betsuin, was recQI­Board scores c>r the Amencan Mar. 27-28. It was announced nlzed. as the 61st tndepend· Colleee T est I n It ProerlUIl by Dist. Gov. Ed Yamamoto. ent tempte and named the scores. NlItional Merit Schol- The COUlleU wtU meet at Hall· Rev. Geoqe If.a~ u arship Qualifying Test sco ... s mark Inn bere with the Co- Its tint resident mJnlster. wUI be advantaeeous. lumbia BasIn JACL as hosts. A $100,000 budiet was ap-

School records musl Include CcnvenUon mat t e r s, the proved for the InstIID\e of grade point aVefBie for 11th, budiet and reparations are Buddhist Studies, Berkeley. lOth. 11th and 1Irst semester am"ng the cl>lef items on the Tbe BCA nat'ODIII coundl abo nf 12th J!T8de with student's district Bienda. Two candl- plans 10 study the t'lImnclal closs rank. The other equnUy dates are \I) ~ Introduced {at and orKanlzatlonai structure Important criteria is 1inanclal national olllces. of the BeA. need whicl> Is established Wormsl dIscussions are Amcng dIgn1tarles at the througb submission of parents' scheduled from 7:30 pm. Sat- closing banquet at Hotel New confidential financial state- UrdaY with omclal bustness Albany were Min Yasu1, rep­menl. session slated for 8 am. Sun- resenting the IUyor's 0IIIce.

Deadline tor scholarsblps day. Adjoumment by 4 Is an- and Bill Hosobwa of the application Is April I. Stu- tlclpated.. Denver Post. WUllam Barrett. dents may write to JACL Na-. author of kLady of the LoIus", tlonal Scliolarsblp Committee, PSWDC nomination. ,ave the ke.ynote speed>. Tmn 1765 Suiter St., San Francisco ............... K ~ sblo was emcee. 94115. ,roup may come WTl'n vn. BCA bonored the Rev.

Berkeley JACL Four memb~n of the Berk- meet with the chapler, and

eley J ACL were honored at old mem~rI a chance to see the 1976 In.rtallatlon dinner eacb other aellin.

SeaHle JA{L project supports youths LOS ANGELES-The Pacl.6c Southwest District C au n c I I nominations committee, which met Mar. 10 at the Paclt'lc Citizen omce, may submit a candidate for 8 national JACL c>ffice, accordlni to Masnmune K 0 jim a. DC nominations chlllnnan.

Sblntatsu Sanadn wbo retired after 40 years in the mIn1stry. TIle Rev. Yoshitab Tarnal, who bad served the TrI-State Temple for mor-e thaD 48 years, was also bonored.

beld in January: Tom Ouye, Comlne up I.n AprU, the SEATTLE, Wasb.-Ten Asian Henry Takabashl, Yuri Ya- annual Easter e" bunt b ycuth eroup projects In the rna.hlta, and Georg. Yasuko- .cheduled . Berkeley bone ot Seatlle area received a Seattle chi. All have contributed time tew cbapter. in Ibe area that JACL IITMt this past y~or, .nd enerey na JACLeu for provldel this kind of tun for eacb award not exce~ine the ~tterment of tbe Jape- the younelters. Tbey also have $100 It was announ~d by nele American community a picnic to go alone with the project coordinator S bar 0 n alDee pre-war day.. festive event. MorrlJo Kosa- Maeda.

Berkeley JACL constantly kuro la the chairman for this Tbe erants rellects a cl>ap-cncOurale. Ita members to be- year'. Euler elli bunt. ler commitment to IntellTale ccme Involved In civic aftaln. fuel AppreclaUon projeota Ib support of youth in the Many of III memben bave Or are In Ihe plannlnl for W s A.lon community t bra ugh aro servlnl the City of .Berk- year. Every year the cbapter "seed monies" used to carry eley. TIley Include: varlea III proeram • . Lut year, out thOlr respecllve projects.

Jordln Hlral2ko. Rr ..... lIon Berkeley tealured free Jopa- Recipients were : . CommlUlon ' Am/Ie Ok .. okl. Pion- nese movie. tor the lasel. Asian Alliance Group (UW nln, Comml.ilon: Tak Shlr ...... They have 01$0 bad dinne ~ Itudenl. visit Asian Inmates SolId w .... Commln.on: TOlhlk<> and picnic. In honor of the at Monroe State Retormo­~:~~'"'Y'.~~T."r~ _ ~::'~~:~i Berkeloy Illel Pioneer.. to,y); A.lan Family Affair A.anoy 00.r4: O.or •• Uy.har., The Berkeley cbapter I. In- (Ttalnlng worksbops with ::~~':n~:.:~~:;·~:~n':.'l~. "'2:':'~ volved In the JACL Pre.lden- Ilnft ot eommunlty newspaper mlUlon. Uol ClaJlroom for Young and Vietnamese 1I0ua,hold

The choptor bat man y American,. Sherman Takata /loeds drive); Asian. for a mt mben who ore Involved In and Kay Fujita Were Iponsor- Fair abd Re.pon.lve IIlodia all levela at JACL 100. Cur- ed to l'Iudy In Wasblngton , (Ba.lc supplies boucht to e.­renlly, Tad Hirota II a Na- D.C. thll Iprlnl. tabllih a communications net-tlone. JACL vice-prell <lent, Lo.al nblor, Project

work); Cleveland US Asian Studenl Ooalltlon (To pill'­chase supplies tor pancake breakfast beneftt tor Interna­tlonol District elderly.)

Cleveland US J a pan e I e Lanruar. Class (To bu,y oal­)JlITaph)' s upplies tor an after­scbool program) ; Incorporat.d Aslan Student Ooaillion (Used to provide Thanksgiving din­ners to Asia elderly); In­I,rnallonal Examiner (To bu,y luyout equipment for a non­profit newspaper in Interna­Uonal District); N.W. AaI,n Amorlcan Studies Re eareb Group (To (und ceelonol trav­el for research collecting tor blblloerapby on Asian Amer­Icons) ; and Unlv. of Washln,­ton A.lan Planners Assn. (To secure duplica te ccples of un­publlsbed studies and projects thot Impact on Asian commu· nlty) .


Ooor,. Kondo I. tbe NC· WNDC relllonal <llrector, and Bealr lce Kono u rves on lhe Dlltrlct Executive boa rd. Many othe ... have , erved and! Or hoy. chaired many NaUon· •• JACL .peolal ccmmltte.! •.

TwenUetb Century HI. tory o( the Japane. e AmerlClln. In Ibe City of Berkeley will be a projeci of Importance to the ch pte r. R .arch and com­pllaUon of dat" wlll be DO­o,.dln.~d wtth clul on Asi­an American Studle. at UC Barkel. y. Thl. will be palt of Ihe , tudent,' curriculum for Which Ihey will receive cr edit

A proud 14 weeks 'til

On tbe Llthl 81de

Net all of BOI koley'. elTorts . re pointed towa rd, gotllna III m mbtrl Into olvlc pOl l­tion l . The chlpler provide. rcoreat lon und tun for Ito m ~ m be r ..

TIle Sprlnl SocI.1 dance wllJ b' held Mar. 20 I' tb. Cerrito City Club. It will p ro­vIde new ml1Ylb . ... a chlnce 10

Berkoley II pl annlngto eel-bl otc the Bicentennia l yoar

In Soplember with a graph lo ana 810Y exhibit portraying .... ntrlbutlona 01 J a pan o. e Ametlcnnl to the American

Conllnuod 00 Ne.1 PI,.



24th Biennial Nat'l

JACL Convention

June 21-26, 1976 Sacramento, Calif,

For Inlormallon: SaCflmenlo JACL P.O. Box 22589, Sacramtf1to 95822

(Names are not mentioned unIU released by the Nadonal JACL nominations committee, being chaired ibis year by Dr. Toaru Ishl.yama ot Cleve­!nnd.)

Dr, Sonoda heads

liHle Tokyo Towers LOS ANGELES-Dr. KlyosbI Sc.noda, 101\j(Ilme West Las Anaeles JACLer, was elected p resident of the LltUe Tokyo Towers board of directors, suceeecling Mac Sasaki wbo s erv~ for tbe past tour terms.

Representini the PSWDC JACL on thc board, Sonoda said ,vlth the construction pbase over and unlts just ab out full , "we now bave to {ccus on the operaUon of the pr oject to make It a comfort­able, sate and enlerlalnin8 home tor the .Iderly".



(,HtCAGO - Th e CbIcBiO J aycees Mar. 5 announ~ Its . 0 culslandlng young citizens fer 1916. Tbey are to ~ hon­ored Mar. 20 tit O'H.are Inn.

Amcng them Is Ross Ha­I ano, 33, vice president of Power-Ski Corp.. and acUve In buman d ebta procrams. es-


SALT LAKE VISITOR SALT LAKE CITY - Rep.. Norman Mineta. former may­Or of San Jose and tint ma'n­land NIsei to be eleeted to U.s. Conaress, vis! t~ bere Feb. 12 to be the Hinkley InstItute speaker at the Univ. at Utah.

Gerry Mukai, mc Govent­or. b05ted the luncl>eoo at the University Club. M/neta was a bcuse guest of C1an and Ki­yoshl M!yUaId.

W • y n e Horiueb4 JACL Was b inlton Representative, and his wUe Robin, came at the same time and were guests at an Infonnal dinner with Utnb Trl-chapter otIIclals at th~ New South Seas. Rep. Al­lan Howe and his wUe also jOined the ~pUon.

Discussion l1lucbed on vari­ous Issues from ... paratlon, cle!Ul alr, clean water, socla1 sec:urlr;y, u rban de, ~ lopment, Olympic sports. "pay as you crow" economic J)ZOII1'am. etc. The JACLers e nj o y~ their flrst "do"",-\O:-earth" meettne wi th tha guesls.

"""Ially with the Japan ... American CWEens League. H ~ Is a ",,"I MIdwest District Governor and ChIcago JACL chlllrman •

PC Office Phones 626·6936 - 628-3768

Page 2: pacificcitizen.org€¦ · JACL-NATIONAL BUDGET Squeeze, Chops and Controls PACIFI ITIZEN TIIU .. lilt coru"hullnlJ por do1o of tilt J ACL N.lional Soard mrdi .. o on 110'" tilt "

_ ~~~~!!~cePt~~:!:~~~~ ~ of the YNr ot 125 Weller St.. Lo5 Anl.I .. ,

- CaUf. 900\2 Phone: (213) 1128-6936. 828-3768 No. 1111

Shlaekt J . SUllyamo. Nollonll JACL President AlfM Hltale. PC Bolrd Chairman

Barry K. Honda, Editor

Second..,l l .. postqe plld .t Los Anlcles. Callf. Subs~rlptlon ri tes I payable In advance): U S. 57 year; Forelan S II year. Note: 1st-class deU" . ry availa ble upon r"'luest. ask for rates. S3.7S of JACL mem~ rs h l l' dues for one-year subscriptIon lhroulh JACL HQ. 17~ Sutler SL, San Fron ~ls c o, Ca 94115.

2- Matcb 19. 1976


Looking at the JACL Budget For the coming bied!itum, the National JACL Board

hu proposed a modest $470,000 budget-one that the I'hapters will buy wben they convene at tbe national com'ention in Sacramento the last week of June. Un­doubtedly. some modifications are likely.

The new budget is based upon membership in­come. whkh tbe Board felt would be in tbe nelgb· borhood of the FY 1975 total of $490,000. Because of the deficit incurred these past two years and another one this year. the Board recommended the first $20, 000 received for FY 1977 and again for FY 1978 go toward debt r( Uement. At the end of FY 1975, the JACL deficit was $108.600.

The proposed bud~et calls for $135.170 to cover operating expenses at National Headquarters; another J37.860 for other general National expenses; $208.900 (or National profI'am (Washin,l.'ton Office, Pacific Citi· zen. youth, etc.); and $132.068 for District program I~ uch as regional oUices).

What Is interestinl( to recall here is that the last time Sacramento JACL hosted a national convention. the budget r ent into overt ime to settle-3 a.m. after the Savonara BaU. Discussion then centered on how to raise tbe hudgel as cbapters eacll bad a quota to meet. Finally the. -ational dues were raised from $2 to S3 per year.

Today. the ~ational dues are $12 pel' year and the Board wants to hold it . So the budget sessions at sec· ond convention Sarramento JACL hosts will be cen· tered on how 01' wbere to spend the budget. There is every possibility the National Council will burn the midnight oil again to decide.

What may save time is for national officers to philosophize about JACL and discuss the budget in particular in the space reserved for them in this paper. "By the Board". prior to the Convention. The Pacific Citizen will do its sbare gleaning the cbapter news· letters and open up its "Chiaroscuro" column for chap­ter presidents to parade pre-Convention tUalogue In print.

'Farewell to Manzanar' A sllce of the tragedy stirred by the World War n

evacuation o( Jananese Americans was stylishly por­trayed on NBC·TV·s Thursday Nlf'ht at the Movies last week. John Korty's production based on the book. '''Farewell to Manzanar" by Jeanne Wakatsuki Hous· ton and ber husband James D. Houston, was superbly cast and richly staged.

But the tragedy was compounded in the opinion o( tbose who rEmember this sad chapter of American hIstory If tbe Korty adaptation was meant to repair misunderstanding.

BlJled as a "true story of courage and bravery ... o( one fllm ily among the 110.000 Japanese Americans interned behind barbed wire". the bysteria and mad· ness. responsible {or herding people because tbey look· ed lIke the enemy in the Pacific was hardly noticed. The compassion ShOl\11 by Wakatsukj's white neighbors was real enough as the family boarded the bus for Manzanar but the ugly truth IS that thousands more felt otherwise.

Dramatic ingredients were there in this story of the Terminal Island family (but relocated to non. gbettoish Santa ~tonica In the adaptation). hard hit when the FBI plclred up the father because he was a commercial fi sherman and leaving a dlstraul'ht mother to care fo\' the b l~ family. The miseries of life inside Ma~nar . camp violence between pro-Japan and pro­AmerIcan elements. moments of joy and nllef at the end of the story pOinted to the gutty question, "Why did It happen' ... Wby?" Perhaps the stuff is too rirb to put on TV. JACL's job to explaln "why" has only been expanded.

let Freedom Ring Excerpll from Thf Palrlol', Blblf, Orbls Boo .... (U.95)

Maryknoll. N.Y. 10545

I bold It, that a little rebellion. now and then. Is a good thing. and as neCESsary In the political world u . torms In the physlcal.-Thomas Jefferson (1787)

EAST WIND: Bill Marutani

'YOKU YATIt KURETA' Plllladelphta

WHILE MUCH WILL have b •• n wrltlen and oald, and mor~ will IUrely tollow-and I n do ... rv~d l )' .~.bou t Ma.

atow. none 01 It would ba tnOulh For It w .. In hi. III. ,men. u. th.t lhe .tory of M .. w .. ~ltYJuent1y told , .n eumple 01 life unplr.II" led In Itt unMlft.h Ind unaUnlln. d~dJc.tlon. n.lural Intelrlty. Ind I.theml... buoYlnt1 A life brlmmlnll with utmlnl ly unllmlt d trrlluru .nd hu­man .... ~althi .11 01 whIch he 10 •• nerr U' y butowed upon nel <nly tho.e wtth .... hom he came tn contact bul 110 upon Ihe man, unleen Ihtuland. who~ lIv.. he IIbknowln.l, I~ uched and toft lor tha bet.­ter.

IT I WITH th. dO'~.1 01 humility Ihll J counl myul f amonl Ihe prlvll, •• d m.ny who wore lo,tuna,- to h.v~ known him 10 h.v. had him ~ueh my UI •• nd In~v I.bly luYO me the I.,tt.r I", It In the fa.., 01 .,nvaUn, .lIua­lien., h eQun"lI~d patience.

25 Years Ago In '" P , Mar. Z4, l U I

he t'Xtolled pallcnce In the . ho. Icc mlng. 01 othera; he eluacd perennIal . hortages to yl" ld bounty; he . hunted cre­dll and praise for all that he dId. willingly le tt ' na ol~ ra bask In Ih IJIOtlJaht. Uncom­plaining. he worked long and hard In the vineyard. under lerma ~nd oondlllon. that olh­~r woulrl hove . ummarlly • lIlcarded.

THF. TF.WARDSHIP OF hI. III. may well bo IUmmed up In th ploln werd. of the I ,· "Yoku yo lle kurola." And It', the kInd 01 . Imple lanyu.c" th.t Ma. wou ld 8P­prrcla t"

Berkefey-Conllnurd Irom Front Pi n

cultur. Thl. prall rem will be dtr~d'd by the local JACL wllh cC'Plrbllcn frem Jap.n­OM Am.rtcbn 10(1,1. r 1I,lou., and .thl"lIr or,.nllatloN In Berkel.y

Th chupter .nd lit 1000 Club mpmb re arc ponlOtlnll • <o ll .~ ."e buketboll leam thl. y,.~, Th .. tle.keley Roy­.1. are m.d<! up 01 lOme of the bllk.thall player. In the Eo.t BlY

The Berkeley ehopter I. .Irlvlnj/ to ,,01 400 memb rI

Iha. yur Membflrahlp chalr­""'If>" T.rry Yamuhlto hal rt.und.d up m~mberl to ,0 out Anti • ~ neW p ·opl. Penon. wl,hln. tGo Jt.oln a rI(el"y JA­Ct, .hould contlct Terry, 1700 lI"h ... " Ave, a rk~l.y g1707 t;.r rail (~J6) 821-7080. Chap­... r du .. ara flC .Incl •• and 121 <Gouple ••

Hirabayashi B7 EDISON UNO

San F ronclsco A few weeks ogo I was

privUeged to speak at a d ln­nel' sponoored by E.O. 9066, Inc. to honor Dr. Gordon K Hlraba),ashl In Los Angeles, It was a s u ~ c e!sful evening with well deserved prlllse and honor to a friend I have long respected ond ndmlred.

Gcrdon Hlroboyashl. 0 name many of us bccame a~ qu a lnt ­ed with becousc he wa. Ihe plolntlll' In one 01 lhe two


landmark cases whtch were appealed to th ~ United States Supreme Courl. II In my opin­Ion one of the most ~ our a­

geol," NiseI of our t ·mes. His nome and the prInciples he steed fo r In the Spring of 1942 are preserved In pj!rpetulty In U{e case l o \~ of our couhtry.

I'm orten ~ a ll e d a commu­nity ocllvlst for some of my Inlerests-many of them not olways popular causes, such os cur ~a mp a l gn against for­mer ChIef Ju.tlce Earl War­ren ; support of Iva Togurl. wrongfully convlcled as the mythical "Tokyo Rose" ; our support lor Wendy Yoshimu­ra early last fall ; our long ad­vocacy for reparations, I\1Id other kinds of Issues and problems of our community.

for hcr book. "Yean of In­famy". Tho Maroh, 1944 memo atoles:

"It I. reported that Gordon Klyosh l Hl raboya.hl. who has gained noto.-Iet)' throughout the .tates of the Pacific Coasl becnusl· uf hovlnll deliberate­ly vlolutcd endew ond evac­unUon orders. hus more re­cently refused to request from the Seattle dra ft Board No. 4 to fill out a questionnaire on the a rounds thaI the form Is lIlmed at cltl%ens of J apanese o n c cs t r y particularly and therefolc vIolates his rIghts a. II cltl1.en ll

The memo1'ondum continues to recIte Gordon's typewrItten reply to the questionnaIre:

~· It is my earnest and con .. lita llt d (!sir~ to ItV(! accordlna to the highest Christian prin­ciples known to me. I slncere­I), believe that only then may I Uve \0 be a good American upholdIng the U.S. Constitu­tion and maintainIng the self­le.p2ct due of all good Amor­I ca n s. This questionnaire. which I am returning to you unfilled , Is an outright viola­tion 0/ beth the ChrIstian and A. n. , ~ca n principles of justice and democracy . . . I believe that If I were 10 IlII In lhls fer m I. would be cooporatlng with a policy of race dlscrlml­natlcn. I cannot conscientious­ly do so."

• • Remember, this wa. wrItten

32 YCHrs ogo. leng before It was pcpular to speak out. His personol sacdOces, the ordeal 01 Imp.isonment. the courage 10 re.,. t. hIs personal Inte­grity-nil " I these deeds makc Gordon a truly great Amer­Ican, whcse Importance to the development of our Japanese American hctltage has yet to be lully recognized.

Requiem for Our Anchor Man

..trog~~ ~"'/'"


Pacific Overtures New York that way. But It Is drama wtth Impacl In

A1mcst no one who has .een the Broad· musIcal comedy form . In my unschooled way muslelll "Pacific Overtures" Is neutral. fashion, I endorse IL abcut It. People seem eIther to praise It II! Oddly enough. men seem to Uke the . how a beauWuJ spectacle, or to dislike II In- better than women. Mako waa aaked about ten·ely. that. " I think It might be due to the num­

Meanwhile an all-Oriental cut. headed ~r called 'Welcome to Kaoagawa· ... be oald. by the redeubtable Mako, continues to play "Women seem to be disturbed by It. Perhaps before substantial aud'ences and gees to !.hey leel It Is demeaning." the bank every payday. The actors don't care This Is the scene In which a madame and very much what ticket-buyers say about Pa- . her girls of easy virtue get ready for an in­c1JIc Overture. so long as they keep on flux of lorelgn saIlors. peering coyly from

Y.", a"$'"_" C .. ,41 ,I.c~ I,. uch "'<4' '0' 2' ....... , .. ) ""e. (",1"1",,,,,,,, U.

lAc,", "'ff.".1 II,.. " ,., ....

• G,,,'er t..s ",,,,.,,,

A,,oI II' lin" .. ftAVI!"

1111 ~2f~:Y~~~ 100" UIA -I_pen - Wor.kfwfd,e

AIR - altA • "AI(D • CAli _ HC1TEL _ P ltaM CIU T(lm or Ola4y.


I~~ ~o (r.e;;·~w;;~ ~, ~" no .. "..~~ .....

HtSIJ 'LORIST In the Ht. tt of Lrl Tok'fo

)2& ( I., SI MA ..... ~ ~j I JArre Te'-'' '.

YAM4TO TIAVIL IU.U.U 31' ( ':l A S~~1 (90012J

W.'I0""illa, Calif.

TOM HAKASI RIALTY ""-- --.-1-10m T N. u .. Il .. ltot

2~ CUU OId Ave (4101) 7lA..,.77

• Sa" Jose, Calif.

IDWAlD T. MORIOKA, Re. hor ' AS S • .-.com, s..n JoW'

.... U 6-6606 !I.t lAl.." ,.

• Suttl., Waah.

Killomoto Travel Servic. f r .... Y Kinotnote

~21 ~In Sf #ItA 2 .. 1,,,


"", ~" c.... .... IJt._It ..;

l-.,.ort.., Oor" •• ..,...

'00d" ... ~G. '"-_~.

'~. 'T "' ...

But by any standard of cC'mpol'ison. I cannot measure up to the lC'radJcal behavior" or Gordon Hlrabayashl. His courage. convictions, and ac-1l", n ~ have always been an Ihspiratlon to me. but no mal­ter how hard I try. I now I can never match the great ccntrlbutlon Gerdon mad e way back In those da.rk dlf­IIcult days prior 10 the Evac­uallon.

• To UlUlt ... ", IIll' admiration

and respecl for Gordon. I will share a confidenUal War De­partment memorandum dis­covered by author Michl Weg­Iyn whUe researching material

I hcpe some day, soon , tho life story of Gordon Hlraba­yashl will be written as a symbol lind Inspiration for fu­ture leaders Qf our commu­nity. I run grateful to the members of E.O. 9066. Inc. for sponsorIng t his significant event.

«mlng to see It. behind fans decorated wtth pornOgraphic., • Pacific Overtures Is. more or leu, the drawings. . "UT;\Ji

story of Commcdore Perry's arrival In Ja- But In a later scene the honor of Japa- •. " 'W' ... pan and that event·s Impact on the quaint nese womanhocd Is maintaIned. There for- I >or . .... ..... -.. r ,.~ .

and leudal way of life that existed there. elgn sailors make friendly advantles toward I ~: .11~" t;;,";' The ftoale Is a ftoger-snapplng, translstor- a yeung girl. Her father happens to be a . _~:;:========~ \zed, swlngtng scene as compared to the fencing master. When he - what's going I Ch' II kabuki-style presentation that characterizes on he slashes the sallon with his long blade · 'u'o, I. the rest of the show, projecting the Idea that in a way that Is a sight to behold. -----------it was all Commodore Perry's fault which Mako also notes that some people ftod SUGAKO Ttl. VlL snVICI In a way It was. \he ftoale a jarring note. Modishly dressed 317 L 0Iu0 (606W LETTERS FROM OUR READERS

'Farewell to Ma"zanar' Editor:

With the production of '''Farewell To Manzana,." now comrleted. my husband and 1 wl'h to express our sincere gratitude to aU those who helpzd make the project a 1 eallly. It cruld never have happened without the com­bined talents and Invaluable support of IlteraUy hundreds af Individuals from wIthin the Asian American crmmunlty­perfcrmerS. musicians, tech­nical advison. administrative help.r •• ccmmunity organlza­Ur n • . etc. The making of this film has been an unforgettable e x perlen~e . ~ ne we shall cher­,<h. al ~ n~ wtth the many new Irlendships develcpzd fro m the ~ o ~pe ra tlve efforts of so m.&ny fine people.

We also wish to publicly ex­press cur continuing admira­tion for John Kcrt)', who pro­duced and dlrerted the film. It was eur ~\lef from the beginning that his exception­al honesty and sensitivIty made hIm the Ideal dlreetol·. and that belief has been strengthened dur ing the past two years.

It i. a great mIsfortune that he has been libeled In prInt. called a " white racist" and vlclou<ly linked wIth the Nazi party and the Ku Klux Klan . This Is an unjust assessment of a man with such hlllh pro­f ess l~nal. moral and aesthetic standards. In adtlltkn t" hIs yea... of IIIm-maldng experI­ence he brought a great deal 01 huma"lty and compassion t'l the dlflloult \aJlk 01 adopt­Inll our book Into film .

My s' slers and brethef'1l and other relatives 01 the Waka­twkl family have also ex­pr.lled thel r confidence that Jrhn Krrty made every el­fori to do an honeSt film. If my parenls were livIn g. I know th at lhey 1"0 would be prcud 01 the result.

Like a ny film. of courle, thl. " ne will be subject to crltlcl. m. We sIn cerely hope th ot each viewer w ill be the ull 'male Judge 01 Its values and merlh, keeping In mind thul It Is a drama. nol a doc­"mentary. and Ih ot It I. not Inlznded to be the slory 01 every J . p a n e I e AmerIcan fe mlly. 11 Is nnly the I tory 01 r ne family. Some of the ex­perIences depicted will l urely be fo mllio r to mony former Internees; but In no way was II Inlended tha I the book 01' the screcnpl&y b~ repre.en"'­live 01 all the fam ilIes Intern­ed durin g thOle yeo ...

Indeed. th e"e are many more and many different kinds 01 .lerle. 10 be laid belore the full mzant nu or the Intern­ment yeon I. brought to IIl/h t It I. rur hope that thl. 111m will lead to the. accounll rre m tho t cruclol ~ra 01 our ccm mOn po.t .


Santo Cruz. C. III.

'Co"centra"oll Campa' Editor '

I can undcrltond bet h vlcw­p Inti rijAordlnM applleallon at th(" '"rm, "concentrntion Cl mp.... to \ll(' so-coiled ,'e­kcallrn conttr. Qf WW2.

S'mnntlrl.I Uoyokaw. I. e" rtet In hi •• tau·menl to the ell' ct t h" t "cenccntrollrn campo" In th,· mind. III tho vo.t m"J~,lty 01 U.S. clUzen. i •• ub.t.,nUnlly dlll'",rnl Irom

The PC Observer

The economy is so bad these days thnt I saw 011 ad (or a J 952 Hudson which read ' "Take 0 v e r pay· ments."

the actual conditions that ex- Th Is I t f gl t d b young men and women, In a swl1t depar- ~·'i:: I 't j ~ . 7L.. .) Is ted in the WRA centers. th ~re ~: y h

O Ory: ~o aroun ut ture frcm the kabuki style .• swing and dance

I hope all of us who were In Be s ars h~ et) ow thareR ~ 0 (with Yul in the best W"'Itern musical mode. They

ene of these camps, when we l-ynner cu as e ec ter (who tell. effectively symbolIze the mcde.rnization and say "concentration iiamps" for the audience what·s going on) and In three W~- nIzati f J b t ha th

other brIef but strong roles, and a Japan- ."""r on 0 apan, u per ps e lack of ~tter warda to con- transition Is too abrupL vey the m~ntal anguish we horn Korean named Soon- Teck Oh who .. ' •

• N_ Yortt City

I Miyauki Tr_1 Agency,

In<. TN St_t lft H 1m

"01 • 7", Ave (21 2) 760-; 100 went through. will IIlways re- plays four dramatic parts with great sklll ...... _ Is •• _'-. fir B d sh mem~r to qualify that It was ••• ..... ........0 s st roa way ow and W n6t Ilke the concentration the e.xperlence Is stlII fresh encugh to ~. aahl"Jto1i, D.c' camps 01 Europe. Usually, the Mako ' In real life Is the son that anti- exc' tlng. "There's a new challenge every --u-"-'-O-~- •• -IS-H-IW-'W-'--reacticns of thcse whose oPln- militarist artL~ Taro Yashlma had to leave performance," he say •. "The sbow hasn't ~O""~OCt ..... ftA, INC." Ions ccunt Is: " I certainly hope behind when he fled Japan to save his life beccme tiresome or old because we stlII ........ ... .... it wasn·t the same. but that's before World War n. The family waa re- see places wbere we can Improve It." ~~;.r~. -;,.:,-.::;..,~ =:. still terrible! How could such uniled In New York several yean alter war'. Dce. be prefer the stage to ftlm work? a thing happen in this COUD- end. Mako by then was a teenager. He set Deftnltely. even though the theater requires try." cut to learn English, hoplnll to become an eight perfonnances a week. Why? Because

In n.y opinion and expe- architect. One of his claS5Q had to do with the stage gives the performer an oppor-• ience, to convey erroneous hulldlng sta,e sets. ,ulckJy architecture lost tunIty to relate to a Uve, responsive audl­impressions Intentionally to, Its appeal; Mako was hooked on a stage enee. In contrast, a film Is shot by bit. and perhaps. gain ~eater sym- career. pieces. IlDd there Is rarely a sense of having pathy or shock effect will In-; .I variably cause a "backlash"" Over an alter-show supper. Mako talked crmple(ed a project. And even after the 01' antagonism for having Uedl about PacIJlc Overtures, which ~gan as a shoot'ng Is ccmpleted, one may nol see the I feel justified tn consider en straIght drama In the mind of playwright ftolshed prcduct for weeks or months. lntentlr nal misrepresentatioo John Weidman. But prcducer Harold Prince At this point no one can say how long as a Ue. saw It dlJ!erently. When the scrlpl ftoally I Pacific Overtures will run on Broadway.

Webster's dictionary as It reappeared aller three yean. It was a mu- Make hopes It will ~ long enough to dem­stands now Is a very poor sleal. I onstrate the ablUties of OrIentals. and per­source lor definIng the gen- There are few whlstieable tunes In PacIJlc haps lead the way to other empl01Dlent for erally accepted vtslon ot "con- ! Overtures, and perhaps It wasn't Intended their talents In the theater. centration camp", Hayakaw8 Is understandably concerned with semantics and does not 11

de,erve the heated attaw ' made by some JACL mem­bers. (The attack on him re- I ~arding the subject of repar- . aUons Is anolher matter. We have embraced, contrary to Dr. Hayakawa, the good 01' A mer I can phUosophy that ~ nough meney pay oil' soothes all conscience and hurt.)

Japan Flights Sponsored by Nat'I Japanes. Am.rican etlz.1lI Leagut

He w abcut all agreeIng to lhe term, "detenUon camps"? HJACL FIt. 0 .... Dotr.ot ..... Alrcnft ......... 5 ....

IC,p '" .. A .. lblllIlty

pe;C!JCuld like to hear Shill No. 3--June 28.July 21 S.F. (Sa" )OIe adm.) 747/GA100 $465 Open ,uglyama break his silence on I No. 4-

Lo, An,.I .. 747/GA100 $465 Ope" Sa" Fra"cl,co 747/GA100 $465 Ope"

I.-Is Issue of terminology. No. 5- Jul 24-Au,14 Right Is rIght, regardless of No. 6--Aue 7-Sep 4 the source. No. 7-Sep 27-0ct 11 S.F. (Sa" JOie adm.) 747/GA100 $465 Ope"


CPA ~o. 9-Oct 2-23

No. HI-Oct 3-23 SI. Louis. Mo.

Lo, A",.I .. 747/GA100 $465 Ooe"

Sa" Fra"claco 747/GA100 $465 Full

Chlca,o DC8/152 $559 Ope" Portla"d-SF 747/GA100 $465 Ope" E.O. 9066 Reac/nded

Editor :

No. ll-Nov 1-29 No.l2-0ct 13-Nov 4 S.F. (Ce". Cal. adm.) 747/GA100 $465 Ope"

Rescinding Executive Order 9060 Is but the fi ,.,; t step In ccrrectlng the Injustice of the fcrced reloca tion of lo)'al Ja­panese Amerlcons from the Paci fi c Const states durIng World War II.

Air fore subJect to r •• I,iO<1 pending Ilrline's for. Incro.ses for 1916; prlc.s Includ. round Irlp Ilrh ... $3 .Irporl departure '.X, $25 JACL admlnlstr.tlv. fee . • Adult .nd child seats sam. prlc. on any on. flight; Infants under two years 1096 of regular ucursion hre. S .. lIng c.paclty subJect to Incr ..... All dati. may t.. subloct to chong.. 3·5-16

Now the J ACL should move ~ wlCtl y to obtaIn financlol re­dress lor the substentlal los ... that we suffered.

FLY Jap.n Air Lln.s • s..... till. ce.,.a tl40yl to JACL-A .......... :

TtI.el ", •• t, Ch.,... T .... I Ch.I,.,. ...... : , .. ,14 ••• , Olatrict Of ........ 1 OHIc., or. ,

H.tle •• 1 JACL T ... el • 17" S.ttI, 5_ : S .. , .... Ioce. Calif. '4111 •

May I suggest that Conllreso should pass a Il\w dlsburalng $ ) .000 to oJ! el·Reuee. and to thoso who relocated voluntari­ly durIng this perIod. regard­Ie •• 01 age or citizenshIp. II I deceased. pay m e 11 t can be mode 10 hclrs.

· Send m. Inform.llon RE: 1916 Nll'l JACL J.pan : Fllghto, .spocl.lly Flight No . ,

· , , There are many adven­

tapes to Ihls plan. some 01 whIch arc:


N.me ,

· · s" •• t , , Clfy SI.!e ZIP

, , JACL AUlhorlztd R.IIU Trnll .A,IRt,

· I - It can be easl/II Imple­

mented. Many con'trcumen and othel' public rfllclols have favored "urh resti tution ; but lhey cc ul d nol lake aollon I becouse we have not present-

For lind Tour Arnnqlm.nl.. Documlnl.tlon .If CUltomll Slrllee. Conl.tt On. 0' III. Fotlowl ••

Aulhom.d Trlnl A.,nll ' . QIY Phon. Choptor

, ,

ed a workoble plan whIch has s ..... ' ..... CISCO. C ... L". 941- (411) lhe venera) opproval of the ~.~ I , 'U.!~~ I T~':~f't,,!!~ O M~ -.z ~ ~ ~k!15) ...... 567.1 " ..

"V~~~~ celt Is not excc •• lve, I J': :~ ~~~rC4S~ t~:!'1 ' iiu,,~~ ," T ' o ' ~ "' Kot;;;Ch~ 9' ~ S777 nnd o1mC'.t 011 of thl' bcne8t.s Kr~ '~;~ I~~t,'~ , ~'~: ~:~:::. 1~ ~ ""'. n · ~u~hi · 7'1 .11 "4 :::~ K~I~:~~ :I Yact~I~~;:~~ ~ ~~ ¥ u ~~~,:o~:...~ : ~ 5~ .... 1. M';;rli " Ko~k.;;: ··_· 92 2. 7I71 co.IJ . 1 N13 ~n St~~~z d~~. O ~. n ,y ·· o. ·····' ............. _.956-4300

:1-11 will benefit th.' Jo pa- ~9 Go ..... SI (Ol/. , ". . ... .... ,._.912-4965

n(! .... American community In -;- . ~:~. J;~~~~IIS.s';v ~~~tt ' "V Ed ~~ ~ _ ~~ . ~~~ .. _. 474.'900 many WilY' . Some funds could , ..... ' ..... CISCO r ... n .... v (41S)

b(~ ' 1 Y~~~"~~~(j~~2~::;~~')' publle I JI~ ~5~f·G~~y~·t; , I~·Il'~::I~·;'t rJ~ ~ .. ._ ....... 8.,.1077

Th"'I' III'C dclOlI . (r, be l1'on- U N .R ..... CISCO 'I .. I .. 'UU. (41S) I!d ,u t; but little con be anln· 1 ':" ~, ','l;:;~ ~::~u~~mM~ t ~~~.UOI .... 3"" .7.9 .. "d by ItonporlzlnJC any 10nKer. S ... .. Jon. CAL". "'- (401) 01 whut voJu I, I'lherr .urn. ,-" .... 1 PI.t\Mu. CI. tk T,Uf. II w,' un' deod and burled by 2015 G., ... .., PI .. No 210 (1 0) .............. 217·5220 thl' Um - wc receive them? SACRAMI"TO. CAU'. 951- (fU)

MASAnU 0001 MI~~~ ' ~ T~~h·lsf"(T~)~ : J~~ . ~ ... ~ ,, ~ •. ~ . ~ " ..... .. ,-1020

GllrdcnD. l OI ..... o,us. C ... L". '00- (211) • rukttul Inl'l Trot .... I, Willy K.I/Tcgo Furumu,.

Ur-itl ' I n .. " (about ISO wo rd., 321 ! 2nd (1'11. .... ._ ... -- .. 616·521 ..

; h ": ' : ~ ~".·:b;~(I:h:o I fc:~ ~ d': ~ ~ ~~r o·D I MI~~~ II'r T:~Y1~2) . fYI~e ~. Hlfomk~~ N .~ -o -k . ~2'.U O ' ~~dtt~:( ' ~ ~ r l ~.,rn . ~ t ' U' t., A ~ : r :y dd~ ::: "·~s~ ' I ~tllJ;j~e'&ly~ ~ fo(3~~~_~shl ......... 937 .. 21 40 ~ ~I~Jld:' I ~ , lJ ~ t ~. I: e t~ ~ r r ': IU~~ C d e o ~ UI.I the pre ferred len,l tt can be . ubmlUed PI •• I. d oubl .... PAC. l y pewrltttlQ CO.P7.

O .... DI .. '" CAL". to24, (211)

c,lt,'O ,z~·R~ IC : .~ J .c~k ~ ,. ~~ . ~2~~ SAN DIIGO t714)

~'6' . BS-:x Tl:s.' ~: t~::'1 Jc~ ~~~~.: ~ ~~2:~ OliGO.. ISOJI MUm.ano rr • .,.1 s.tvlc • • Geo AnilNnol J im ' •• ukl

~OO SW .. th Ave., PO,.U.nd 9nOl . 223..624$

b'~~ T8 ~ 1 I ~ na; ,~ :~~ p: . ~'I .. __ ~_ . "9~" SIATTU. WAJH. "1- (2011

K.;I-r ~h~(l' ~ :!. Se~~ · ·3 ~ kt~ . ~~U( h l 612-$520

ID ... HO (20')

C.ldw. 1I Tr ..... 1 S.~k •• c.,... 8etts PO Box 631. C.1dw." ~ 60 5 _. . ....

CHIC ... GO. ILL .O~

~;nt'E . T:;,1o' l,-1~j· ". ~~ . ~:~ ... ~·no

.$9·0Sl9 (1121

Y · ~NTC;:k S;r"~6}.~1c . ~~ .. ~ _ V.mae. 944-2730

, ..... YLV ..... I... (lUI Bv.'s World Travel C.ntet, Mr .. Chlyo Ko It

100 M_ln St, unscb~ '9 .. 46 ... 242..JJ.46 NIW YOU. N.T. 100- (212) Ne. YOfk Tr ..... 1 SeIVke, Stanley Ok~

535 """ Av. (17) ._.._ .•. 617·791J

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~ ~!~U!!O ~ 1 01 Well.r St.

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TRADING (0. Appliances - TV • Fumiture

341 I . Ft.ST ST ~ LA. 12 MAdison 4-660 1 12, l . 4)

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ll 8 E." Flrsl S!_!

Los Ang~I~s , C.lif.

MA 6·568 1

Page 3: pacificcitizen.org€¦ · JACL-NATIONAL BUDGET Squeeze, Chops and Controls PACIFI ITIZEN TIIU .. lilt coru"hullnlJ por do1o of tilt J ACL N.lional Soard mrdi .. o on 110'" tilt "

Wayne Horiuchi


Speak i 1'14 •


Washington I want to reJat~ an expe­

ri~ce ,..hlch must be th~ moet reward'''' day that I've had lime be,umlng as th~ Wub­ID,ton ~ntatlve for JACL.

On FdI 19. JACLers from all O\'~r th~ ccuntry came to Washington. 0 C. at their own expens<' t~ ..., the President of th~ UnlL.-d States slin a proclamation which terminat­ed the authority of Executive Order 806e.

We 11m gathered In the Dlplrmat'c Receptlcn Room M'ore 'clng t b r 0 ugh the WhIte H'~e and to aMther room Nt.lde the Cabinet Room. There we met Sena­..... Inouye and Fon, and Rt'Pf'<!Ientatlv .. Mineta Mink and Matsun8la. AI JACLers and the COQjIl'e8S\onal del~ga­tlon ~tered the Cabinet RCX'm tor ~ Proclamation slmln,. Alterney General Ed war d Levi ..-ted UL . .

Everyone walted for the Presld~t to enter the Oval OftIte wh1l~ the p'ftS lined up .1on, a lar,e table which JDrd of us bave ...,n In news ~ph, of p .... klentlal ab"'~t~P·

An annruncement of the Pre1ldent was made and then Ih~ President came Into th~ Cabln~t Roem. Thus began • most '0 Ie m n and symbollc III01JIetIt In the history of Ja­pan_ Americana. Th~ Prwdent mad~ a few

brier remarks and then ,IIID­ed the Presldentlal Proclama­tion which would terminate the authority of th~ Executive Order that wu rHpODaJbl~ for the ~vacuatloo and Internment of 110,000 persons of Japa­..- ancestry. 0 uri n g the eerelllOll7. ~ of ~ partl­clpanta ailently w~pt.

I deeply regret that more JACLoon c:ould not attend. However. w~ can only apolo­lIu because we worked un­del' a time restridloa, ,eo­".aphlcal considerations, max­Imum limitations, and priority Inri~ of the White House.

R~ardle .. , I know that the people who did attend the ceremony were v~ vaUlied and deeply moved by the event.

Tbe nal'onal pre. which ~\'C!-red the neW I ,tory was fantastlc. Sterles ran on all ~ ot the m~cr telev'blon networks. Both UPI and AP reported the Slory. P!ctuns and sterle:; appeared In moet major newspapers In the Unlt­ed :Slates and In some In­stances rn the trent pag~

Fdi\l'riA" were written In such publlcatlrn. as the Wall Street Jcurnal wb'le the pro­clamation was printed in the Congressl"nal Record. Fed­er.1 Re,uter. and Presiden­tla' Documents.

Thanks must eo to Mlch Mat'"d alra, "'" Marumoto, ond Gecr,~ WaldJI who Intro­tluced David U.hlo and me to key crntact. In the White House. Th~se contact. made the "pnl,,,, and the ceremony a pc'$Sibillty. .

This Important event brings me to an lmpr-rtant "'uP~''''" Why shculd you Join JACL? J ACL ofters beth the advan­tnRes of the social outlet of )~ ur Iccal plcnlcs and potluck "Inners but also the national '"entlty <'n Issues of cultural, h lstcrical. and ethnic Impor­tan~e to J apanese Amerlcan.s.

Whether it be the passage of le(lslatl'n to keep the p-lce ot rice from dcubllng or the awardlnlt of avant 10 make foundations more re­sponsive to J apane.., Amer­icans or the slgning of a Pres­Identlal PrCX'lamatlon to ter­minate the authority of ~ cutlve Order 9088, these na­tional issues are Important to all Japanese Americans. It's Important that you join JACL or renew your membership to malntain a strong local and national organization.

We need your belp.

Amerasia Journal LOS ANGELES - Centrlbu­tion.s to Amerasia Jcurnal, Asian American Studies Ceh­ter. UCLA, on Its next theme, "Asian American Literature", will be accepted unill Mar. 30. Sheri stories, pcems, plays, essays and critical book re­views by Asian American writer. cn their experience a,e being Invited.

Tax Time -See Us

National JACL Credit Union

P.O. Box 1721, Selt L.k. City, Utah 14110 OffICI: 242 S. 4th E.,t, Salt L.ke City

Til.: (101) 355-1040

Remember, you can borrow '3,000 on your lignature with • qualified credit rating.

March 19, 1976

Young people ask JACL for more open talk Pulse

rf'ccmmcndHlon will b. ;lm'm" I" .... 0/ th .",.rd

B,. GAIL Nt mORA San Franelsco

Frequently dis cu •• e d by yrung penple In JACL ond I.,where Is what this organ­

Ization means when It states that "'ycuth" and "youth pro­,ram." are among Its blah est prlroIUe •. Much could be ac­c(mp'lshed in terms ot brldg­S.,. the relationship between J ACL and young peopie It the cflanlzotlon could more


whole with IIltie 0" no con- act tnvolved ond to be recog­necUon to Its ncUvltles. nlzed , many yeung poople

Nelthcl' are lhere attempts ore now unwilling to core 10 make any connections, os enough to wont to be 0 part Ihc JAVs membership IIces 01 or JACL. For nil Ihe advance. high as 26 10 IncorporOle those mode by somc chupter. the who have nol been welcemed tide I. stili agaln. t lhe youth. into the ma'nslreom Of JACL It I. 0 fine thing for JACL [or one reaSOn or another. t wont to provIde young peo-

Leadership Tmtnlnw pie wi th new expertcncea to trovel, to s ludy. to come to know c ther people, but Ihelr 8ccessobllity and their minds shculd never be cut oIT. In many ways I think young peo­ple ask for more than the mo­terlal things that J ACL can

provide Young people a.k to be communicated with hon­cstly and openly. They alk to bc shown thc .ome relpccl ns any adult would .how to nnothN They ask thot their Ideos and concernl be !orlous­Iy considered.

Thc amount ot time and ef­tcrl on Ihe port ot J ACL to accnmpli.h this seelTUl to be o , uthe .. mcdelt inve.tmenl to make In rclaUon to what It cculd mean lor the future of lhe organization jlnd In terml (./ the development 01 our young people.

Scholarship • KI n Gabrl" Valle, IACL will awnrd nv~ scholarship •• t Its Mar. 27 prollr m at east Son Gabriel Valley Japanel<: Community Center, 1203 W. Puente Ave., west Covina .

The 8 pm. event will tea­ture Rod Ogawa al .peaker. A lorm~r IOClal sclencel tcacher In hl'h .chool, he Ia now proJ­ect aasoc:late for the Emer­gency School Aid Act proar.m for the Puadena .chool dla-trlcl.

March Events • San I • ., JACL torld,. party will be held Mar 2.7 7'30 pm ,I Call((.rnla 1'1r~ Bank, 990 N lit 8t with du~ p'lc.te tor In~rmedtate. Ind advanced playen There will be ..:cla l bridge for beIInn • .,. but all Ihree ,rouPi will be C( MJ)"tln( tor unusual prlza, .ccudln, to AU,o Nakahara, chalrperlOn She II beln, as.­listed by '


:::'1 tJ~~~C.n~dZf'OkO ".MINI" clearly a,tlculate II .. crmmlt­ment and what it t.ruly en­"' (" mpns.se.s.

At pr.s~t, JACL's "com­mitment" to yeuth Is limited to a icose alIlUatlcn with a grCup fer yeung pl!Opl. be­tween the ages of 14 and 22, the J A Vs, and to progrnms whose ultlmal<! recipients are young people. As such, J ACL's cf"mm'tment is seen lhroulh 's~clal progrlUl1.5, separate (r<:m the organization as a

The development ct Icader­ship ablliU ... Is on Important Incel In the lives of young peepl., tor ultimotely It I. hem among the ronks of our yeuth that tomorrow's leod­ers will cmerge. The JAVs organ'zation affords for a IIm­iled time to yeung people the rpp·:tunlty to utilize and de­velop their skills. Once a young J)2rson reaches 0 cer­lain ag~ and slale ot perscnol develcpmcnl, however, he/she needs broader, m cre eholleng­Ing horlzon.s which JACL

Chicago JACL credit union reports all-time highs for third straight year

The chapter awarda the David Ito memorial scholar­. hlp oC $200 and four $100 owardl. Otherl who had ap­plied will be ,iven a pen en­graved with hll/her nome. AU will be ur,ed to compete for the national JACL Icholar-

enlrance fee II .260 per p~rlOn. D~or prizes. Includ. a cUP tJ( wine trom Paul Ma~ vn thrculh Fred Tamot?, wlll In ,tv~n . Pl.yen may <:Gme

In palrl or be orovlded part-­rerl. The brld,e party Iut year was Enthu.taltl~lIy re­ceived..

7~AII ~·";Aboard


could open up for them It It C'HICAGO - For the third wanted te. straight year the Chicago

As octive participants In JACL Federal Credit Union J ACL al the chapter, distrIct. achieved aU-time highs, ac­and natlcnal levels the pos- cording to the 1976 summarl .. slbilities fer leadership and reperted by p""sldent Dudley personal development are lim- Yatabe at their 29th annual l\less. The future oC JACL meeting Jan. 23 at Como Inn. thrrugh the input from young Loans came to 5459,000; people Is boundless as well. Ihare deposits at $54 1.742, The new Ideas and approaches Ictal ossets were S80l ,488 and wh'cb are generated from net earnings $31,177 for a de­each generation can stimulate d ared 51h pet dividend com­exciting growth for the or- pounded aem!annually. ganlzatlon In the future . . Lin col n Shlmldzu , who

JACL was conceived, buUt, chaired the dinner meeting and sustained through the and served aa toastmuter, was ideas and cemmltment of one elected p .... ldent of the credit ~eneratlon of young people. union beard at Ita directors The futu ~e of this very same meetiDi Feb. 12. Other omcers crga~lzation depends on the and committeemen are: tTans tlon that is and should Roy Kuroye. vp, Sum! ShImIzu be made In Its leadership. We ltC, Arlyo Od • . I ..... , !:other H.:

all reco~lze how each gen- ~~~ ,.u~h~rea~~~:~ llr: !~~~~ eratlon Is a bit more educat- Thomas Muuda L Shlmlclzu ed, more talented, wIth more Dudley Vatabe:' . uper ev~ry""; diverse skllis than the one RIchard Okabo, ch , educaUon­before. Thls Is how it should

. hip. ~I:k ~~~';:WA~h~~Jr ~ ~~~:~: Dr Roy Telhlrno. Tak 'toml)'.m.; • San Pernando V . lh ~7 IA .. .<curlty omcor-R Kuroye. CL schoiarshipi arc beln, of-

7-Year Service lered to hlaJ't school stud~nts During the ,even ccnsecu- ot Japanese ancestry In the

live yc.a .. that Vatabe .erved valley, It wal r~mlnded by as crcdll union prell dent, a Phil Shlgekunl, scholarship number at mlleston .. were chairman (349-8410. ext 42). reached during his tenure: (a) Applicants for the national $500,000 gool in a.oets, (b) JACL schoiarshipi mlat apply Federal insUI ance ot share de- by April I. The chapter award pesils up to $20,000; (c) all- deadline II April 20 time high dividend ot 5.8% ScholastIc ability, nnanelal (d) pal Uclpation In the gov- nced, campla and extracum­e. nmont guaranl<!ed Itudenl cular activities and a letter of

For the Youth fill 8 ... Fra"tlKo JAY. In­,,'Ied Shlz Kobara .nd VIcky

Mlha· ... eo·rhaJ-pervru .t Ihe Joint inltallatlon dlnner­dance wIth the San "rand..,., .rACL at Miyak.o Hotel "eb. 21

Ican prcgram; and (e) three years ot historlcai highs In the Rnanclol phllle.

Fed e r 0 I examiner. after ccmpleting the annual audit, fcund overall cperation. "in excell ent condition". He de­scribed Its status In one W01'd - tlstrong", and crerUted the dcdicated leadership of Ya­tabe and emelent performance

JA YI are plan"ln, a Iki trip In March, bowlin, tcum.­m~nt, loed b ...... r at the Cherry BICI'oom :re8tlval Ind participate in the Biennium c"nterence thla summer In Minneap"lla. Person I wtahln,

of treasur~r Oda In the ab- ~; loin ,the JAYI may write

sence of a professional man- SImon Woon. mom ell. 7. - 22rd 3gcr . AVtA S.n Pn.nct.eo

Shimlc1zu prevlOUlly served as credit union presIdent tor six ccnseculive years, 1958-81.

There were 114 sharehold­ers and Iriends present at tbe dinner meeting.

Employ thl H.ndlu .....

Th~ ur- of the ,ulde do, tor the bUnd began In Germany after World War I.

Don't be lett at the ticket crunter w hen Sacramento brsts the 24th Biennial Na­tional JACL Convention on June 20-28. Cenvention head­quarters will be the Sacra­m~nto Inn, Arden Way at Freeway 80, the hospitality center In Calltomla's capital, with special major events scheduled at the' Communlty and Convention Center, 13th and J Sts. In the downtown area.

be, Eacb generation Improvel lhrcugh its own perserver­ence and because of what the generat'on betore was able 10 provide and Instill in It. The

enate filibuster busted for Rice Act OK The executive meeting, Dis­

trict Governor Caucus, Na­tlcnal Board Meetlng and all National Council sesslona will be held at the Sacramento Inn. The Bicentennial Ban­quet and the Sayonara Ban­quet-Ball will be held at the spaeirus new Communlty and Convention Center.

A tennis teurnament Is scheduled for Monday and Tueroay (the 21st and 2and) at the Rio Del Oro Racquet Club, 119 ScrIpps Drive. A volf wumament and dInner Is scheduled at the Sierra View Golf Cou~e In Rr.<evl1le, and the Lake Tahoe trip are both p-olITammed for Monday (the 21st) to put everyone in the preper trame of mind for the National C ou n c i I Seaslona. Fu,ther Informat'on on tbese special events and entry forms will be malled to each Chap­ter.

future depends on this traal­lion and continued growth In By LES HlRAOKA

the generations. Washington

Inter .. ' Level On Feb. 3, the day follow-During recent years JACL Ing a devastating snow bUz­

has seen an Increased In'~rest zard which crippled Washlng-~ ton, three prcponents 01 a

and enthu.lasm in It by young lobbying teur de force were people. Spurred on by others Inexorabiy pushIng the RIce to see the potential within Act towards enactment. J ACL and encouraged to par-ticipate young pe~ple bave The culmination of two decided to Invest their Inter- )'ears of bard work came in est time, and energies. an aide's omce of the power-

However, many young peo- luI Senat?T McClellan In the pie have been turned away U,S. Capitol. G'ued to tbe tel­when they a ttempt to get fully ephones were Wayne Horiuchi involved with the "adults". of the Washington JACL Of­They are treated as IIIchil_ flee; Martin Simnn. vice pres­dren", unable to make respon- Ident of ConneU RIce & Su­"ble deeisions, not quall8ed ,ar; and Larry Klepner, because of their age to lully chainnan of PolItical Action partlclpate. Committee on Hunger.

Because they are frequent- As the calls continued. eacb ly frustrated at attempts to nsed victory over Senator

• • • Special arrangements are Stockton JACl offers

ng of Lcuisiana who at the ' ment was attemptlng to ibuster the bill to death on e Senate 800r. To end de­te, a cloture petition bad being made Ie> lind ~ccom.mo- .

datlona for mobUe campen group cancer plan and t-allers. Also, special hos-pitality !Ultes are avallable at STOCKTON, Calif. - The the Sacramento Inn. Chapters Stcc:kton JACL Board has ap-and District Council •• ponsor- proved a group cancer Insur­In, a candidate for National ance program as presented by rmce and d<'Slrlng a sulte T. George Kato of Paci1lc sbould cnntact Starr Mlyaga- Nertbwest Life Insurance Co. wa. facUlties ehalrman. The chapter also announced

The Sacramento Convention Capital Tire, Inc., will give Board, un de r the capable dlsccunt prices to JACL mem­leadership of general chalr- hers upen presentation of man Alan Oshima, has been membership card. For mem­meetln' twice a month to 85- bership information, persons sure a pleasant and enjoyable shculd call Mabel Okubo,

b n 8led with a scbeduled 2 p.m. vote.

Flilbusler Closed

The 8libuster cruld only be ended by a usually dlffic:ult­t""obtain 60 Senate votes, wblch the callers were busily trying to garner. As the roll call b~gan. the "ayes" to end debate m ~u nted and in due t\DIe, 5e)lator Incuye rose to cast tbe 60th vote to cloture. 'ITbe lInal vote on cloture was 70 to 19.

WASHINGTON-Proponents of the RIce Prcduction Act of 1975, now signed Into law by tbe PreSident, review the bill as it was being heard before the House Agriculture Committee last fall, when the 8gbt was tcugb. They are (from lelt) : seated-Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.), Rep. David R. Bowen (D-MIss.); Florence RIce, National Black Consumer ; and D r. Les Hlraoka, JACL; standing-Harry Chapin, rock singer who Counded World Hunger Vear; K. L. Wang, president. Organization oC Chinese Americans; and Wayne Horiuchi , Washington JACL representative.

800r of the House. palgned strongly for the Rlee After the 8rs t year's debate, Act which would bave o~­

an intensive educational ef- ed rice pr<:ductkn to them fcrt was launched by rice pro- and t? anyrne else Inerested ponents to convince the Cen- in growing the grain. gress of the merits of Iffi 8529 The {armers In the lIrst and conversely, expose the argummts oC the opponents- three states were, oC course, no ea<y task for complica ted bitterly opposed. tarm legislation on a '''minor'' U.S. RIce Consumers U.S. fcc-d prcduet Uke rice. The US. rice consumer, like

The U S. is the largest ex- tI1e Rice larmer, is coneen­perter of rice, but it accounts Ira ted in a few states on Ibe for a mere I to 2% of world

re.trlcted prcductJon at bome. World droullht and starvation were horrible results.

With the bun"er and 1nlIa­tlcnary priee spiral, rice be­came a public and hllh1y con­troversial laroe on aopltol Hill. The small but powerful rice lobby led by Cen ........ man Breaux and Senator Lena of LouIsiana came u n d e r mount'ng pressures from ~­nic CORSUUlef'l. new rice farm­ers, large tccd proeessora, foed aid proponents. brewera, rice experten, the pr .... Secre­tary ot Aarlcultwe Earl Bul%, and Congressional I ~ a d e r I frem Arkansas, MtasiaslppI. and MIssouri.

StrlIportera of IIIeuue

These pressures gave btrth to the Rice Act. The lIou!e bill', broad sponsorship in­cluded the names 01:

p~S;:r~nM~~:'~ia~~ N.Y,. IUn&ldo of N.J., MlD<U d CtlIf_ 3ohruoD at Colorado. _ M.t una.p. at a....u.

The Senate side bad the p~werful backing of:

Semlor'S wnuam. (N.J.I. Ik-

~eIl&Dand&D ~.='f'~ArLz'a'=; Mlnourfl. BarOte IlDdiAriiil. _ Fona aod IDOUJOe (Hawalll.

As the ddlate mcun\ed, \be issues became c:rystalliud. Rep. Danielsen of L.A. put It sueeinctly on the House lloor:

of"ln~=~. ~.t.:: Q,.~ people who ha~e Spanlab ....... rumes.. I al30 haw • J.arare bod:J' of A.sJ.a!1a. and rtce is • tUple of theLr diet. ! am DOl 1auruted vLslt to Sacramenle> during president (478-1824) cr George

~;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~~('~c~n;v;e;n;tI~e~n",w;":k.;"'!!!!I!""""""~,j' Matsumoto (482-0180).

The vete on passage oC the RIce Prrduction Act of 1915 (HR 8529) was an over­whelming 75 to 13.

prcdu~tlon . U.S. prrduction is East and West Crasts, Ha­conce.ntral<!d in a bandful of wall, and Puerto RIco. states: California, Texas, Loul- Rice con<umers are often siana, Arkansas, Mississippi, poor and minorities (Asian . Missouri, and Tennessee. Black, Latin-American). In

~~; ~ Ut~~ ::m':.~!!n ~

J. The Mitsubishi Bank of California




'cSaho P!'~~tt·~:~rv>.l.

In December, the same bill had been passed by the House of Representat' ve by a three­to-one m argin . This was In considerable contrast to wbat happened a year ago when Cengressman Alexander had bitterly seen his rice bill " bludgeoned to death" on the

CaUfornia, Texas, and Loui- large cities. the ,hette areas slana are the traditional rice- can be pinpcinled by the high grow'ng states, and because consumption of rice (and the growing ot rice Is under beans) . Federal regulation, these three Such are.s were devastated states hold mest oC th~ acre- In 1972-3 when the price of age allotments. The remaini.ng ice more than doubled and states which bave land ideal- nearly tripled because oC fall­Iy suited fer the crop cam- ure of crops abrcad and the

tnte.rested. quite .0 much lo the loan cuaran~ b the nee farm­er. But I am P'Utb' J..a.iA!n:Itad in the prtce per pound in the m,ar. ket to the consu:m.u who utJ: rtct. My Pf'Opte e..t riee.. Th~ boO It. they st6m II, the.)' try t1. but they all Ht lL Whnl they 10 lDto the m,prk-t b buy rice... 11 the o-i~ of rice loes up 2 Hn~ that means they are ~ed two ca:ata. and if we are 101.n.l to 1m~

HEAD OFFICE 800 WII,hl,. II.d., Lol An,elel, Calif. 90017

LITTLE TOKYO OFFICE 321 Eaat Second St., Lo, An,al .. , C,Ilf. 90012

GARDENA OFFICE 1600 W. Radondo Belch, Gardena, Cllif. 90247

SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 425 Montlomery St., nr. Cllifornll



Come Drive a Bargain with


"."" .. 1, .h. II"k .f T.k,. of CIUf.,,,I,) MIMIlII FDIC

S.n F,.ncl",o M,'n Offl" San FttnCIS(O J.p," C.n'" OHic. O.k l.nd Off" . .. F,....,." Oil". . .. Plio 1111', OffiCO •••• ~

Son M" ... Off", .~

Son )ow Off,c. ..

W. Ig"t 011", S.I,n, 011",

~'.m.nto O'hce

S''''~'M 011". F .. "", Off'(1 No"h F .. "", OHico

l A "'.,n Oll,ct . 616 W 6,h Lo, A"9 r" Off,cI

""",,1'''''10 Olloc, Cren,h.,., OH.,e

Wn"m LA. 011,<0 G ... , ..... Of/,c-. Tor,.fY-. Offlc.

P,not ""'. Clf,( Offlc. ,Art.,., C.,,.IO\ Offlc.

»n'o An., 51h on<! ~,n Off,cI .• I,v,no Off",". 17951 Moc"rthur Blvd S .... 0, OCt, CIV,( (.,".r Offlc.

( ~IS ) ~~5 ·0 200

( ~IS ) ~~5 · 0300

( ~1 5) 839·9900

I~ 15) 792·9200 I~ 151 941 ·2000 ( ~ I SI 348·8911 (4081 298 ·2 ~41

( ~08) 298 · 2~~ 1

.( ~08) 42~ · 2888

.19161 ~4 1·7900

.(2091 466·2315

(2091 233·0591 .t2091 226·7900

.(213) 972 ·5200 (213) 687 ·9800 .12131726·0081

.. (2131 731 733 ~

.t2131391·0678 (2131 327·0360 (213) 313·8411

12131 893 ·6306 (2131 92~ · 8BI7

(714) '41227 1 (114) 549·910 1

(714) 236 1191

(213) 623-7191

(213) 680-2650

(213) 532-3360

(415) 788-3600 Membe, FDIC

Veteran. Memorial BaU.

s~ri!t~~:;.~~.'f : ~~ ps.:a~'.I, W •• teh Front North-Monte

CorIo NI.hl. O.den Buddhlsl Church.

.o.:'.':i ~~t!:!e~o·~:::ton Deadline-Nomination. lor Na­

tional JACL Otftcera by Chapten.

CCOC-Dnr Mt • . Mar. 21-21

St. Lout.--J AVa SprJnl Workshop. Berkeley-.1ACL basketball

toumament. Mar. 21-28

PNWCC-C, lumbJo Ba, ln hOlta :

~':::. S~~~~· W~ : ~~~~~ .t~ nri ed tl'Om Mor. 13-'14).



Dlpartlng los AnSII" Junl 26, 1976

23.Day Grind Tour .f Europe, ••• Only $1,371

Roundtrip Air Fare • First Class Hotel • Con­tinental Breakfast Dally • Dinner throughout tour except London, Rome, & Paris • Rhine steamer cruise • Cheese fondue dinner party • Excur­sion to Capri ComprehenSive slghtsealng throughout ' and much mora.

• ~~

T 0 ... C"

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~T June ' .. T 19 ".

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Breakfast Dally • Dinner as per Itlnarary


MITSUILINE TRAVEL SERVICE 32.4 I . JlUT ST .. LOS ANGEllS, CA. '0012 • /2UI 62'. Ut -....

I·---------------------------------------__ J/l~

MITSUILINE South America Tour

DEPART. MAY 15 (Sot.)

RETURN, MAY 31 (Mon.)

TOUR FARE, $1598.20 (Includes Round Trip Air FOri, Ho­tel Accommodations, 2 meals a day, Tip and Tour Fee)

Rio De Janeiro, Beoch of Copacobona, Soo Paulo, Greot Iguossu Foils, Asuncion, Buenos Aires, limo, Sacred Cities of the Incas, and Mochu Picchu.

Optionol to Brozilia, odd $180.00.


ReseNotion and information

lATA Approved

MITSUILlILE TRAVEL SERVICE 327 E. First St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90012

T II'phonll (213) 625-1505

Cont\raed ~D Ne-t raft ==~~~~~~~~~


1976 Summer and Fall Flights 10 Japan

Administered by SAN JOSE JACL

Flilht 3: LEAVE San Francisco for Tokyo on JAL on June 28. RETURN to San Francisco from Tokyo July 21.

Fllllht 7: LEAVE San Francisco for Tokyo on JAL on Sept. 27. RETURN to San Francisco from Tokyo Oct. 18.


Round Trip Fare: $465

S .. , on fI'SI corne, first served boosls . ~II poyment to or for Information on terms of flight contKt!


Sin Jose JIICL T,I.el CNi",,"n

724 N. First St., San Jote, Cilif. 95112

(408) 297-2088

+ Sumltomo Bank of California Memb., F. D.1.0.

Page 4: pacificcitizen.org€¦ · JACL-NATIONAL BUDGET Squeeze, Chops and Controls PACIFI ITIZEN TIIU .. lilt coru"hullnlJ por do1o of tilt J ACL N.lional Soard mrdi .. o on 110'" tilt "

March 19. 1976 -----------------------S. I. HAYAKAWA

Reparations for Relocation? I.. vi .... 0/ lIle Shonke Sa.aaki ",ebullal" (Ie. Feb. 27

PC) o! 0,. S. 1. Halloka",a', ""Iumn fo, Ihe ", .. leend oj J ..... • "-Feb. I . Ill. a,IIc1, wcu .. Iea.aed 10 'he Parl'!r Citizen as Ihe requen 0/ Ill. Gulho,. (W. a -. Ind.bled 10 Hokubel Ifllftddll lOT' Ille COPI/.)

Tbe S.atLie cbapter of tbe Japanese-American Citizens x....... (JACL) reeently !Rued a statement entitled. "An AppaaI far Actioa to ObCalD ~ for tile World War 0 EvUO\IoiIIUIcI ~nt ol Japane_Americans.- War-time te1oeaUon of J.--Ame-ricaDs living on tbe west coat resulted not only in P'Ml disruption of their lives but Wo in economiC' loss. Their Ianu aDd basin_. homes. automobiles and other property __ aaId in bute and at cIistraaed prices. __

JAPAN FLIGHT REUNION- Winners 01 trophlu lor be.t pictures taken last fall OD a JACL FIlJht to J opon from Chicago are (from len) Arthur Weinstein. lIener.1 etreet; Dr. Victor bul. belt album : Tooh Nomo. belt Icenle (01 KdiOD Falls and girl. under the umbrella): and ~r8e Nakao. human Interest.

1000ers whing ding in Chicago

1976 JACL officers MONTaRa" lAYS K ft t. Muramoto, Toth Kokl , Nob

rn:~r~t '!;~~~ ~ ~~· · 6r~ke •• ~ := ~ro:~ k J I ~ OI ~r~~,:. " ~·O~l~r·'R!~: . Evelyn J<.wall l lreUj_ non' Yo; VOl hlmu, •• JtNl el,; H elen Onlkl. 'I~ hut: Davia and M.,.,. h. H. ~ ho. p; Eric Mur a m o t o ~ nw. ltr, t .. ~T.aidJ. · ru Ta nimoto. Bryan \VAIATell "RONT NORTH IACL

MT. OLYMPUI IACL r ! :. ~le~ ~ rl , -8[ ::~ J I ~r : cr.~k' ': : : J oe Chlb. , pr": Dr Todd Chl~ g'tck Kith lmoto tre .. ; Allyn, Mu­karal.hl. Sup n T I uk. mot 0 k. l. HO: Ted M'at.UJl111rN1 , Martha fmemb)J . vPI Hany Mltauna .o , Her.d. , Min Mlya Mlldrt d ,.,ty. ire.u: M_ry Tld.har,: ... e<tt .. ~ c : bd mcm ; MaCk HI,al, Mill KOl a' Karen Ko.ekl . ree MO: oa of (111'- J.ck Od', od v. •

Locally Owned & Ooerated Since 1910


DIstlnctiye S.rvlc .. Mellowed by I Deyoted Per_II Undlrstlndlno Spaclou. Modem Facllltl.. - Parking on Preml ...

1140 B St., Hayward, Calif.

M partial redress ol tile property losses aUHered. the U.S. penuDent passed an Evacuation Claims Act in 1948. u the ~ ol whicll • ...me S35 million was paid out to claimants. aI&hoacta 8Ctual ~ were estimated to be $400 million. That ..we-nl. uoder tile terms agfted to by the claimants. wu final . B, DL RANK SAKAMOTO ~{.;!if\:~~: t~~q~~~ (415) 581-1234 or 351-1451

Chlca,o Member by Invitation National Selected Morticians J.--Americans I have tall<ed to agreed tbat the sums

reeetred ~nted on1y about 10 to 20 per cent of their loues. Bownw. _ tlley have reeigDed tbemaelves long since to the fallioes. they were surpriled and pleued to get anything at all. An ant ol mine in Chieaco was so delighted tbat sbe promptly took a trip to J &pall - the r1J'St sinee she had come to America u a bride 35;rears earUer.

Seven\,)' 1000 C I u b b e r • Bob Takaml should have W ____ , ____________________ ,~

,athued for a Japan Flight run away with the co.tume reunlon bere in January. Be- prize with hi. yukato. geta, SAL I N A S V ALL E Y aides the awards for best pho- tabl IlIId hachlmakl but It

The SeaUIe J ACL wants further redress. Since the property ..we-t of the 1948 legislation was final. the organization Is --"iDs towards "obtaining redress for other injuries and Ioeaee."


"For the mental and emotional suffering ... and the

toe. showIng 01 Impromptu en- went to Betty IlIId Shim Ka-tertaJnment and door prizes waguehl in their matching yu_ ,alore hIIhl1ghted the eve- kata •.

nlng. The Lynn Osaka lamUy en- SALINAS STEEL BUILDING INC, Featurlns a Complete Line of Steel Buildings

for Agricultural and Farm Use - Also Warehouses Manufacturing Offices & Civics •

r:17ChoIosieaJ IJIjuries ausUined . . . and for educational losses Dhleted on Japanese-Amerleans of school age by audden

&eMlLiAalion of their normal schooling and the government's ~ ol tbe teKlling of the Japanese language _ .. a ...,--& ol at least 56.000 to each person.-

Wayne Oyafuso Oew in from tertalned with dance. explaln­Mlchl,an with his HawaUan ed by Lulu Towata. who did hula. which he did aU through a marvelola job. Mr •. Furnlko Japan to keep the crowd en- Hashimoto and Mrs. Rohl led tertalned. The Walter Naka- the Tankoblahl. making It motoe and Henry Dates re~- seem a. II It were Tokyo re"""ted Milwaukee. Henry. naaln take-orr on uHaru S8 Kitatl

'"'"0 • 1161 T A brouaht the houu down while And everyone asked about erven yeo (408) 424-1647

"ADo. the encueel sutrered Joas of b'berty. normal wages and ........ aDd incomee from flU'1llll aDd buainesses. To cover these ..... we are auggeWng an (addltloftal) payment to each fonner inmat.e ••. 01 $10 -a day for each day of confinment."

Tbere are aevera! remaritable facts &bout this doeument. The lint .. that tbe authon _ DO roe.- whatever for the re1ocatlon JIr'IIII'UII other than racism aDd racist propaganda. It bu not omured to them that. after Dee_ 7. 1941, every IIlIflattering cIwp qainst tile Japanea made in that propaganda appured to be faIl7 coafirmed. They ipoI'e tile fact that a war wu going on and tIIat. cIuriD& thoee first awful montba. the Allies were loeing tile war in the Puific. eo that a J apaneM attack or invasion of the .. __ was by DO means unthinkable.

TIle fad tbat America.M did not panic at the· presence of 1.,.- im~ts in their midat. the fact that an,ry mobs did Dot d.ceDd on Japanese axnmUDltlea. shooting and looting' and ~ homes (as they bad dooe earlier in history apinst the au-1.lhowathat by 1941 American raeW attitudes. even with tile war ...... on. bad matured pl'OfOUDdly since the end of tbe lllth eeot.ary.

Enn lIIOI'8 remarkable is the authors' contempt for fellow J....--Americans of tbeir parents' genention. They went to eamp. the authors &8y. beeau8e they bad beeD brainwashed into '*'"Ing ID their own racial inferiority. The older. NiHi have not -.lit redre. for the WI'OIIgS done to them because they were "~y crippled~ by American racism.

the I am 0 u I brew Walter the couple from Nebraska. brougbt the cheers up. Judy and Mike Watanabe. and

Dr. VIc IzuJ lelt badly Bob the couple from Skokie. the Anderson dldn't win the be.t Morlshltaa. album award The jud,ts-Dick Nomura, Tom Okabe and The mest unlque door prize • Art Morlm'Isu-eouJdn't be came lrem Sakata Pearl and persuaded by their coUeague Dick Yamada.


DIXON & SONS INC. Specialists III ,.,. Tractor & Truck TIns

Emer .. ncy Road Service Distributors of Most Major Brands fOt

Forelsn & Domestic Autos N" & Retrad Open Monday - Saturday

5524 Scotts Valley Drive Scotts Valley, Calif. , (408) 438-2223



LIMA FAMILY 'nIlnI generation Japanese-Americans. eagerly conforming to

the ndical chR fads oltheir DOD-Japaneae coIIeJ!e contemporaries • .... 1IIOCIIiDCt7 ip9raDt of Japanese culture and motivation. W 8LI'

am. J....--Americans aequiesced to a painful and bumiliating reIocadoa becauIe there was simply nothinr else to do. !rIcbN Mo .... " 5."tl Cllr. Mo"""

710 Willow 5_ 466 H. Winch .... , Tbe diplty. grace and realism wltb wblcb tbe older. Sa. J_, Calif. Sa.ta CI .... C.llf.

IauIIlJraDt JapeeR made the best of an impossible situation and 14011 29'.'16' (4011 2".2977 the pUrIotimI and courage witb which the Niaei fought for ___________________ _

A-'ca wbeD riven the c:haoce - theM ultimately won tbe atIIaIrUioa and respect of tile American peGJlle eo tbat racist _tJmenu qainst the Japanese have all but disappellred_

But the authon of the Seattle statement do not understand u... 1IIIUen. being too busy playing "mau-mau. ~ a whlonabJe = :!!t:P pme of the IIM1Os. Fint youel.Im to be racially

; tbu you make Whitey feel guilty; then you make him .., aDd..,.

JapaneH-AmerieaDi did Indeed undergo .urferlng and t.jIIIdce during the war. War is DO picnic. But tbanks. ki4h. most I...--Americans will not join your Uttle game. AI Japan_. we lad It beMatb our dignity. M Americans. we know a racket ...... --.

from N.Y.) . Th"y showed IItUe Interest

or sy mpa.t by when wed C-.Ia .. from Prn\olU .... e about the ramlOcaUons 01 rice

PM.,.,. going from $12 to $40 1I>a. kind of I lax on rIce. I .. ,n' per I DO-lb. bag and 16c a ~~ .. ':/; not ~r.t2· .It lb. to 112<: a lb. lor a 10-1b.

The aame comments were ba,. The responses from the aeconded in the Cot\ll1't'llman's Call1ornlaDa we're particularly home state by the Rafu Shlm- appalling aince each clalma to PO. lIle Nlchlbel Time.. and be Uberal and conaumer-orl­MJke lIIh1kawa. the active and entedl

Ike Ad-

articulate Governor 01 P~- Other Conareulonal leadeu DC. IIIhlkawa and the Orange Irem the North. East, and County C hap Ie r expreued MJd-West. however. were Im­their concenu to aU of the pressed: the HOUle voted the Calif. Conareaalonal dele,atton BUI out by over 300 vow to with a streng letter writing about a 100 votes for the op­and phone call1n, eampalan. position.

rllhUn, desperately alalnl~ Hot forgotten Is the fact the InteTesta of the rice con- that thc Rice Act II an Interim wmen were Rep. Brown of measure which explrt'l in two 88n Bernardino and Senators years. II no lell.laUen Ia en­Tunney. Cranflon. and Buck- acted at that lime. produc­ley (the pdfty Conservative UOD a,aln becomes r .. trlcted.

Greetings to Our Nisei Friends

KAY SEAT COVERS Featuring the Areas Largest & Finest Selection of

Auto Seat Cover Materials for Both Foreign & Domestic Models

Custom Fit to Your Specifications

2221 Stevens Creek Blvd. (408) 293-5191 San Jose, Calif.

Gr .. tings to Our M.ny Jap.Flese Friends

THE OLANDER COMPANY Electronic & Commercial

Aerospace Fasteners

150 Commercial (408) 735-1850 Sunnyvale, Calif.


711-B Lincoln Ave. (408) 297-5632 San Jose, Calif.

MICHl WEGL YN'S 'YEARS OF INFAMY' The Untold Story of America's ConcentrlUon Camps with Introduction by Jame. Michener

.... Mib M .... f"',. CO·MonU MaSO,ity Lucie,

~ 'YU'J of In"mY' doc:umentino th. w.rtime lnu rc e r at~n of AtNra", of J.pone .. "SCent I •• conscience w,."chlno book of majO< "lI",fkl"" •. EKfCutiY. O,der 9066, .uthorozlno Into,n­",."t of 110.000 J.p."" .. AmI"con., conc.lyed I<ld Issued by the hog .... t .nd mos' ,_tlld I .. d ... of the period, stobbcd dlreclly .t the hu,t of .... r ,he ... hed Bill of Righu Ind w •• I ".in M our nation.ll honor

Evory Amaro,'n conc.rned w.th human liberty should know of thl. bl .. k pe,1od o( our notION I hIstory . .. V .... of Inflmy" may help ._,. ,het n .. or IOlln will AmI'ans 10M ,heIr f, ••. dorl\ II dwj loy. I Ja~~ e .. ","-~Gln' In ':!'orJd Wlr 11."

Mill. M ....... W .. h'no,on, D.C

wIth clyll "Qhts, b<CIuse It tell •• story that Is not f.mlll .. to most. While some of us may haye heard of some of the docu­ments .nd Inclden" mentioned In the book while we were In ClmPI perh.ps we did not give them the a ttent ion and credence they deserved beeluS<! we in the JACL wartime leadershIp It 'hot time w.,. so concerned with the day-to·day p,oblems of the 8vICuees that we d id not have Ihc time to check Into them . We were so few and the problems so many and ovorwhelmlng that In ,he truth we filled to do ""mo thlnos which, In r.trospect. perhl", we should have don • .

Reg.,dl .... e.ped. lly I,., this y .. r of tho Am.rlcan Blcenten· nl.l. I believe th. t this book .hould b. ,cad not so much be­Clu", of whll It has to Sly of a tragic past but In order thlt I II

Americans will be forewarned that we must ever remain vlgll.nt Ihlt whit happtned thon to UI will nevor hlppon again to I nv Individual or group. It seems to me thaI thll Is the leasr that we

" Year. of 'n'.my" II , I"I"IOtt revu llng .nd Inform.tlve book who e)Cperlenced tho persecurlon . nd ''''1,11 of World War II In arwj one ,~t , 'hlnlt ~ld be read by ev. ry Amcrlun of Japa· 1he cOnCtnl, .. tlon camp. of our own counlty owo to wh. , m.y "...... anent", not to mcnuon other Am.rICAnS who ar. conc;.rned be d.scribed I I P¥t of o,",r AmorlCl" herltago.

A PACIFIC C,TIZEN Pre-publication Offering

It I •• n 1de.1 gift In commemorotlon of the 8'c."t""nl.1 Y"'. NohflUhon wHi be ""'" of Iny gift shipment., •• "I.ln,no sh,pment of VEARS OF INFAMV will be made In r.b,u4'Y -M. ,d l CheCj(1 ~)'Ibfl to PIClfic Cltlzan .. ,II be held by the PC OffICI till the book& .,. shipped, but ,_,Pt w,lI be ""knowl.dged Irntl'lldl.t.fy.

Utt 'rico: $10.tl

PlCillc Cltl • ." 125 W.II., Str.ot Lot Ang.I .. , C.III . 90012 PI .... send VEARS OF INFAMV to:

N.m-L-________________________________ ___

Add/ •• L' _________________ _

Clty· ________ --"Stata ____ Zlp _ _ _ _

1Um- of dono,:-:-:-=-:::-:::-=-:;-;-;-;:-_ _ .-;-______ _ YIAAS OF 'NFAMY @ $9.ts " .. -,vILI '141_ 14. lJ COftti f., p •• "'.

Salinas, Calif.


Save Time & Money Specialists in Metals Build ing Systems

for Agrlcutural Use

41 Clark St. (408) 424-0781 Salinas, Calif.


QUALI-SEt SEEDS "Seeds of All Varieties"

11 West Laurel (408) 443-1013

Salinas, Calif.

GOODALE BEARING COMPANY Featuring a Complete Stock of

Agricultural Hose & Hose Fittings

731 S. Sanborn Rd. (408) 424-5776

Salina., Calif.

WILSON'S HYDRAULIC SERVICE Fe.turins a Complete Line

of A,ricultul'IIl Hydr.ulic Equipment

Sales Repairs

13495 Monterey Rd. (408) 683-4448

San Martin, Calif:

Seaboard Equipment & Supply INC. Featuring a Complete Line

of Agricultural Hydraulic Equipment

Hoses & Fittings

1306 Burton Ave. (408) 424-5753 Salinas, Calif.

Ramsey Welding & Machine Shop Featuring a Complete Line

of Agricultural Hydraulic Equipment Sales & Repairs - Test Facilities

Field or Shop Engineering Available

478 Brunker Ave. (408) 422.-6429 Salinas, Calif.

TRIDENT ADVISERS INC. Real Estate Appra isers - Developers

Distributors of Conlec Structural Systems for Agricultural - Residential - Commercial

494 Alvarado, Monterey

831 S. Main, Salinas


(408) 373-0131

(408) 758-8477

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Licensed Carrier : ICC & PUC Perm its

MIER BROTHERS FERTILIZER (0. Fertilizer & Gypsum Sales & Spreading

Pulverized Steer Manure

201 N. Benwily, Santa Maria, Calif.

(80S) 925-2221 - 922-2745

.,---...... -... --"~r---_I' ___ ... __ ... _A



Seeds of All Varieties

3701 South "H" Bakersfield (80S) 831-3456

P. O. Box 2072, Bakersfield, Calif.




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117 Cole St. (415) 221-63n San Francisco, Calif.

BRACCO DISTRIBUTING COo INC. Busch - Bavarian Beer • Budweiser (King of Beers)

Budweiser Malt Liquor - M ichelob Country Club Malt Liquor - Calso Water

175 Townsend St. (415) 957-9900

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Cloyto. RoacI (415) 619-0100 ~ , Collf.

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Classes for All Ages Beginning to Advanced

609 Sutter (415) 885-2918 San Francisco, Calif.



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~ . ~ryf~ ~ YOUR PATROItAGE "One of the World's

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Cllifomil Certified Nurserymen Always on Duty St.t. L1c. l.&ndscope Cont,. =295107

28191 Heaperia" Blyd., Hayward, C.lif. (415) 782-3083 It 471-5095

• F.... P.rld"1 A,..llIble • ------- ---- --_ .. _-- - -----

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Residential - Industrial - Commercial

490 Taraval St. (415) 665-8500 San Francisco, Calif.


Finest Dinner Houses

'V .. " of '"fa",y', ,vbll"'ed .., Willi ... Mo,_ It Co., f"c. , 105 Med' .. " An. N_ Yo", N.V. 10016

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T.'I' "::::-::fI~ :- h - .-: I ".. I .- ' -o':-n- .-m-a-. Ind . dd, . .. If o,darlno mo,. then on. VEARS OF INFAMV 450 E. 9th, Gilroy

.,. (408) 842-2188

494 Peralta Blvd. (415) 657-1096

Fremont, Calif.

Page 5: pacificcitizen.org€¦ · JACL-NATIONAL BUDGET Squeeze, Chops and Controls PACIFI ITIZEN TIIU .. lilt coru"hullnlJ por do1o of tilt J ACL N.lional Soard mrdi .. o on 110'" tilt "

and Md Winston. 650 PP.. Adnlf Eichmann. In Arlcnll na .

• AIn'--' Japan Today March 19, 1976

------p.t.CIPle eITIZIN_5

look RevieY#

$17.50) . Ivan Mon Is hos Iso- He 1"lolc. In dclllll how they laled n Icourrl ng theme from klndnu pJ>(!d Elchmonn and the Japancse el ••• lcs A fo m- lie'" him In Il roel for Idol. ql lNT PI.f ~ T S _ Tho Ko- • Rlch. rd Glm. ~ ~ d l~ e °X d : ~~lt !'e:pOrls .dlltJr ~r': ' d':!~ t r ~~#I 11 •• !': 1:'£; ous Iro~.lal - r . tht oulhor de- I lk~w ltt· deollnK wllh crime ~ I ·. hlrn" Quln luplel, b' rn .Ion A/I)/ta " t~ . V,., In 1H4 r"",..·, plcls th,· \1'll~lc h",-o, balked Is Fir . N'cr Rrmc·. THE TA- 31 were nllmed ottcr Ihel r De,tha ~ ~u~t l ' ~ ' ~ % "~~: v~!:;,u. I ~

~ I~ ~ \ti ~ t:~~~t~ :~~ ~ o ~l~~~ i~ ~ ~ ~It D w ~e~Nlhr~Dh " ~ I ~":r~ :~ ~3' " :""~ I d ~~: 1r:\ l r~ U J ~r'i':: . h l~~: I h~ h :p C ::,~I . tt~: n l~I . ~ ; ,:n~r~ ~ ll:~rt ,~!:.-~~ "., . 10 ~~·t:i'~~ TITLES OF INTEREST

the lndl~lty or phys!cal de- g ves on occounl 0 I e omo- c< n' \I led Ihelr porcntl and d d ' Ih I ' d . .. &\Ichl-guml . She lell. or the Chlet Abb< 1 Ryokel Onll hl H ~·~O • • nhOd·at· t!uri 'f1rd ~!n ~.

feat. d se of this gangster group to or Ihe fomeu. Kyoto temple . ,. 1 I L U 1111.. If.: ¥f:rUt Quot. of Hot. ~ hIa best-Jelling nO\'el. In JAPArffSE THEATRE Also delving Inlo history. Immense power oner WW2. rI Klynmlzu In order of bll ih. 0 ...... M. Kellua "hy" ol.n wM

SHOGUN (A n i h e n e" m . (Tulle. ppbk, 295 PP. $395). Arnold C Brackman portrnys Ihe hlero l'chleal order ot tIB Ihe n om e. ore Fukuloro N I th H 'flu bo,n In lion. ul •• dl. d Jon Jmpt'ttant prlnclple m.,. ancl ,11.50). James navell found Faubion Bcwel'1l Includes hi. Prn " P·., )'1 Ln THE LAST ' ~Mllotlo n and how II reop. (prrspercu. n,'St , on) . Hllo ko 3mel n • IWI ." .. '; 1i'; . ,: ~~r, u r ~~~'I1!'r IlOb'%l': muat bI' IlMelb). - Abuham hII \n.splr:ltion In the Ufe and translatl' n. of three kabuki FMPI')ROR. (S c rib n e r' s. Rleo t wealth from pro.tl tu- (child of longetlv lty) . Yohol J\ 1 ~er l MI,ualn. f I) r m e r IHOI. dl.d 'ob • " TI,. hl lincoln. times <'f Tolrupw. leyasu playa He also e plores Ihe S12,60) R.v r lutl ~ na r lu ~ e - lion. gambling. proteellon nd (e. pun, lve peace). T o e ko <' tpuly . up!. ot eoucotion. w a. I ----------------------------~ (1542-1618) who aspIr<>d to orlg{n r f the .Japanese thea- p""ed p'u YI a. emperor when I h. enlerlalnmenl Induslry (child of wender) . and Satoko npp Inled director of Intorm.-beocmr &b0l\U>. militner die- reo thin/! pel tinent Inrorma- I~ ey f""nlied the Republic or while prslng as Ihe heroic de- (child of wisdom) , The nral linn . y.t.cms for the Dept. oC! F RES N 0 CO U NT Y tat« of Japan. and his .d- tion abeut the neh drama. Ita- ("blna In 1912, Laler when the fender nf Ihe somural trodl- Japan •• , quintuplets on rec- Fduco llon . • ueeeedlnll Richard ' _____ • _ ___________ ___ _ Ybcw'. WIll Adama. An Eng- buld. actors and Jopaneae Japanese annexed Manchuria, lion, ord were born In 1901 bul all Nishlok •• whO I. alit. dlreo-, lIab pilot. Adams came to Ja- playwrights, thcy enthroned hlm as puppel o( them died nve day. la\A!r. lor or admission •• t Ihe Unlv. pm1 In 1600, pined the (avor Is emperrr or the realon He a fom lly reglstcr In FtlkUJhl- 01 Howall .. . Linda Sue n( leyasu. married a Japan.eoe su~";'~ ti _ ~ . n~~:: ~~ 1m: survived WW2 nnd a pp~Ared EO 9066 exhibit opens mo revealed, Chun. 22. UH j un lor and I woman and became a landed imatu r ' I TlanslaUon os wltnes, In the Tokyo Wa:r ADD ItEARlNGS U Ilk dough\A!r of the Kam Kin tam..... pI re I S C't lmes Trial U I f H n - n e Chunl, Hcoolulu. lelens at

"Samnr&l" lJ 3 ward now CoUectJoo, TranslaUons (TOm or I . U nl at n Y. ,0 awa the WOlergote hearlngl . per- MIss Chinatown USA tor 1970. ftnnl 1n\A!«rated Into the En _ the Japan«e Include the! fo1- nterrst c y because .ons (shcnln ) lummoned by She wa. ohesen f tom amona 1~ ~anruaqe ; ~e Ma~ lownl; they wilt bee 0 me II concern_ " notorious eXpI'n- HONOLULU- Edison Uno of Ihe Diet nt the recent hearing 15 eandldales at San Ftln. Ikth bas bon'owed the term readll,y available tf) Amer- cnt or the rarlal Ihe<'"l l •• th_at Son Froneisco spoke On Jopa- Into the Lcekheed bribery ca.e cbeo . . Co l. flenr), 0' .... 10.

(01' tbe Utle of his novel now ~c:~ ° b~ n nn:ad:-"J~e"a~ ~~~ l~el~kkf:li~'k~~SE nese Inlolnment du.lng WW2 ~lJ. o ~~ ccc ~,~ ~~ lI O ~ i ; ~o ~tI O nn c ~ dlreclor of HawaII'. seleotlve

WALKER & WALKER INC. SpeCialists in Metal Buildings for Farm &

Agricultral U. e Industria l &. Commercial

Authorized Armco Building System Duler 'In ~d~ ~.b~e = - ~ : ~Ican distributor: ON GAR IBALDT S T R E E T I tho Unlv. of Hawnll Mar. Dnd under oal'h to tell the ~ ; ~::e~'mc~~n ~ u~c:l~ 8~! ;,~ I

• c. by Isser Harel (Vlklnll. $8,95) . 15-16 In conjunction with the t I U t h sometimes endu ring n I 1433 W Pine Ave (209) 486-0644 WURAI (Hltrc<>\a"t Bra~ . Jo- UGETSU MONOGATARI FOlmer head of Israel'. leeret <'pcnlng 01 the Coll f His questlo';. with b I Hce" around Ihe . Utte wue • • vanovlch. ~ . 9~) It op erotic (Tales of MoonJlaht and SNylce. the Duthor tells how trrleol Soclety's exhlbli. Ex- sling: "You mean 870 rell"';:: ele,ed at the end of February Fresno, Calif. ~.:eer ~boI.: d \ BrlUsh-n'In- Rain). by Ucda Aklnari (1734- the shervlce 1 cated the Nazi ocuUve Order 9006. which will thaI you can rton . ueh 0 big :: I nl~: d; o (tO~~~m ~J ~16 ter· ~ an t!': ~en - ~ 1809). t r, by l.eon M. Zolbn'<l. chief executioner 01 Jews. be shown through April. ccmpany os Morubenl wlth- e y r. . ~ ::Ie~ f"::,~ FS::::--A Allen ~~ Unwm

th' • . Lolndon. 2

18dO I ______ "' _____ •• _______ "' __ "'~ I GUI hovlng the oblllty to dls- Sport. Scene

.......... PP . e ...... es e n ne we r L R E tlngulth w h o l LI what?" Anotber appealln( latelll- $!Dries thai make thlJ collec- T U A C 0 U N T Y "Did YO\l 110 to Amerlco as II C'olebra\A!d loccer player. ROL ~ PAK FILTER SERVICE CO. INC.

II'!Dce aftnt no·..,1 Is that of tlon the rn:Isterplece of Its y u were 0 m"".enger boy cn Pele. 1< appearing with Ihe Robert L Punc.". THE DRA- !:enrc on errand?" , , , English con- N.Y. Cc.mel agalnsl a Japan I GONS AT THE GATE eM«- The Catholic \\ ~ lter. Shu- HYDRAULIC CONTROLS INC versollon teacher. In Japan \A!Mn In an Apr. 7 double-row. S1.95) Soekllll 11> dlvert saku Enno continues to vc- • found the Lockheed affalr on header at Aloha Starlum . .. btamo- 1M' a brcUdown In nmlnc Ille moral apathy of excellen l case In pOint: prac- HawaII Golden Glove. tour-, ~ticn.< between the Ja- lop-"" In hl< novel. WONDER- Featuring a Complete line of tlce reading lorge Bgurel In namen!, Mar. 8-10. wu dedl- , Featuring a Complete Line of pane<'<! and Amrrlcans. the FuL FOOl. (Ohnlta SM). tr, IEngliSh like SI2000 000 . aled to lh. late And, M1tau- A . It I H H F " & F ' I ClA tries to make a seape- loy Fr ~ ncis Mnthy. 237 PP,. Hydraulic Equipment-Pumps· Motors - Cylinders r ______ i_i, ________________ ,. i gncu ura o s e , ose Ittmg I t ers ..,.t ~f an American aaenl Peler Owen. London Valves - Hydrostatic Tranmissions - Components .

In Tok;Jo.. • • The K M"Can National Com- & Parts S T 0 C K T 0 N 2381 S. Sarah (209) 268-0292 TranlI.uoos fr<'m J.panese mlssl<'ll for UNES("O has pub- Distributors for Commercial Sheaving - - -- F C I'f

Include THE NARROW ROAD IlJhed VIRTUOUS WOMEN. Dennison - Grear _ limb _ Opper resno, a I • TO THE DEEP NORTH and 333 pp- The book Includes Othet'T.vel Sketcbes, b,. Ma- three muteJpleces of Ko .... an 26710 S Moone BI d V' I' C I'f \luo Bubo (1844- 114). tr. by Hclion- two or the translations • Y V., Isa ,a, a,.

Greetings to Our Many J.panese FrIends

Nobuyuld YOUR, 187 pp .• belKlm

ng by Rleba:rd Rutt. one by (209) 688-2911 (209) 268-4291 ppbk, $1.95. TbIJ tnvelOIU'! Cbong-un. DUMONT · PACKING COMPANY BW PUMP COMPANY Ia tbe c1au1c .c:c:ounl b,. th. • • • In.t haiku pod of hII trip In his THE NOBILITY OF througb North BODahu. FAU..URE, (H 0 I I . RInehart .-"'---"'-"'---"'---"''''------SAN LUIS OBISPO

CUESTA EQUIPMEItT Featuring a Complete line

of Agricultural Hydraulic Equipment

Tractor & Hydraulic Hose & Repair

835 Capitolio Way (805) 544-2540 San Luis Obispo -."' ...... -.-, ... -.... ------~



ADMIRAL BEARING CO. INC. Featuring a Complete line

of Agricultural Hydraulic Equipment

Ball & Rollers Bearings

720 N. Milpas (805) 966-4193 Santa Barbara, Califr


B C PUMP SALES & SERVICE INC. Featuring a Complete line

of Agricultural Hydraulic Equipment

Cross Cylinders, Commercial Valves,


2244 S. Oakley Ave. (805) 922-4502 Santa Maria, Calif.

THE BEARfNG HOUSE Featuring a Complete line

of Agricultural Hydraulic Equipment

Pumps, Motors, Valves, Cylinders & Hose Fittings

219 W. Betternia Rd (805) 925-9516 Santa Maria, Calif.

VENTURA COUNTY -----------------


TAYLOR'S STEEL & WELDING INC. Felturing a Complete line

of Agricultural Hydraulic Equipment

1212 Commercial (805) 642.-1616

CASKEY PAPER (0. INC. Fruit & produce Handling Equipment

720 E. Center (209) 734-9251

Visa Ii., Calif.




Fruit & Vegetables - Packers & Shippers

P.O. Box 157, Victor, Calif. (209) 931-2704 or 369-2778

. STOWELL EQUIPMENT CO. Dealers for John Bean Spraying Equipment

Peerless & Floway Pumps

Sales, Service, Rentals on All Makes of Turbine & Submersible Pumps

2024 E. Charter Way (209) 462.-7676 Stockton, Calif.

Irrigation Systems & eqUipment Peerless & Gould Pumps

Sales, Service & Repa irs on All Makes of Pumps Radio Dispatched Trucks for Emergency Service

215 N. Marks (209) 269-0808 Fresno, Calif.


Featuring a Complete line of

Agricultural Hydraulic Supplies

Sales - Service • Parts

2285 E. Date Ave. (209) 485-0670 Fresno, Calif.

Featuring a Complete line of Agricultural Hose, Fittings & Accessories

Featuring a Complete line p KING BEARING INf. THE TOSCANO AGENCY of Rubber Iii

600 Jano Paul Ln. & Metal Belting II, Modesto, Calif. 344 Spenker Ave.

(109) 526-0110 (109) 514-93~6 Modesto, Calif.

---- ----,--------------'--

FALANY FENCE CO. Featuring Fencing for All Your Farm Needs All Types of Farm & Agricultural Gates

Residential & Cpmmerclal

Featuring a <::ompJete Line of Agricultural Hydraulic Equipment

1450 E. ScOHs Ave., Stockton, Calif. (209) 465-7201 (209) 464-7661


General Trucking


--Agricultural Insurance- Specialists Farm Package Policies

Agricultural Counseling also - Home - Fire - Life - Business

639 I Sheet (209) 826-5856 Los Banos, Calif.

CALIFORNIA INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY Fruit & Produce Hauling Featuring a Complete line of Agricultural Hose

For Terms Call (209) 632-3591 11640 N. Youngstown Road

, Air & Airduct Ammonia Butane Dust i n~ 3730 Munford Ave. (209) 464-6114 Fire - Garden - Flex Connectors - Gas & Fuel I

Rubber, Neopreme, Buna Hose Couplings & Assemblies

Turlock, Calif.

DICK'S PUMP & ELECTRIC Featuring a Complete Stock of

Agricultural & Domestic Pumps

Sales & Repairs on Most Makes Authorized Distributors for Berkeley & Goulds

For Free Estimate Call


(209) 632-5791 , 17480 W. Swanson Road, Delhi, Calif.


Stockton, Calif. 2728 S. Cherry Ave., Frlsno (209) 261.7321

--------------14500 S. K St., Tulare (209) "6-1677

Greetings to Our Many Jap.nese Friends GREETINGS

PACOAST CHEMICAL CO. HARRY J. ASLAM COMPANY Agricultural Chemicals Fruit & Vegetable Growers - Packers· Shippers

1906 E. Channel (209) 466-5301 1045 S' Stockton, Calif. Impson (209) 897-2968

Kingsburg, Calif.


Fe.turlng a Complete Stock of Agricultural Pumps & Pressure Systems

Authorized Distributors for Floway Layne & Bowler Berkeley, Jacuzzi , Peerless and

Barnes Submersible Pumps Complete Agricultural Sprinkler Systems

All Types of Agricultural Flying Seeding· Spraying. Crop Dusting & Fertilizing

1018 E. SuHer (209) 823-2610

Manteca, Calif.

O'NEAL IRRIGA liON SUPPLY INC. Everything fo, .he Do·It·Yourself Home .ne! F.rm Owner


Sprinkle rs • P I~ FIHlngs • Design Service Automatic Ot MAnu.1

2408 Ventura (209) 268-5341




Oxnard, Calif. 478 S. Los Banos Hwy. (209) 723-3904

Merced, Calif •. GREETINGS Fresno, Calif. I

HYDRAULIC SALES & SERVICE CORP. Featuring a Complete Line

of Agricultural Hydr.ullc Equipment

Sa, .. & Rep. lt, PumQO, V.I" ••. Cyllne! ... , Moto, •• JKU, Pn. um. llc & Hyd, ... I",. HoM, F,lling. & Tubing . Fork Ult Rep.l, Service £me'Q""" Equ.ppod FI.ld Sa ... I" Truck. W llh Compr.".d AI"

ElectrIC A" W. ldlng •• ne! Hyd,. ullc T tltlng

125 Sth St., ' .0. lox 964, Osn.rd, C.lllf.

ANDERSON INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY Featuring a Complete Stock of

A.ricullur. 1 & Industria l Hose & Fittings Hardware Stock, Nuts, Bolts, Etc

for F. rm & Industrial U ..

722·1 W. I . Hern la, S",ta Marla

222 Entlrprlltl St., Oxnard

(80S) 922·S796

(80S) 486·2642


30 Years Service Fertilizers of All Varieties

. Featuring a Complete Line of 4863 E. Carpenter Rd. (209) 466-8913 Agricultural Hose, Couplings & Fittings Stockton, Calif.

225 W. River Road (209) 529-4020 1-------------



J. M. EQUIPMENT CO. Sales • Service - Pa rts

Authorized Farm Equipment All is Chnlmers Li lt Trucks

Wheel House Riding. Garden & Lawn Tractors

10755 Ee.t Hwy 12 (209) 368·2031 Lodl, e.llf.


Featur ing the Area's Largest & Finest Selection of Farm & Garden Tool Rentals

-= == ~----- ----~----- -GreetIngs to Our Nisei Friends


Concrete & Plast ic Low Head,

Drip & Sprinkler S y stems

1510 "I" Sheet (209) 638-3583

Reedley, C!llif.

Greet,"g' to Our Many Jape_ Frle""

allOT MFG. COMPANY Manufacturers of Fru it Processing

and Pack ag ing Machinery

(209) 522-3271

819 S. 9th, Modesto, Calif. 1

2377 E. Waterloo Road, Stockton (209) 465-2693 2664 S. Cherry Ave. (209) 233-6235

8700 N. Thornton Road, Stockton (209) 477.8381 1 Fr.lno, Calif.

Page 6: pacificcitizen.org€¦ · JACL-NATIONAL BUDGET Squeeze, Chops and Controls PACIFI ITIZEN TIIU .. lilt coru"hullnlJ por do1o of tilt J ACL N.lional Soard mrdi .. o on 110'" tilt "

~ACI'1C CITIDN March 19, 19'78


nmnnaUve a c I Ion Ddvllory Dr. Her b e r t K. Kaahlwa. corrunltlee, whloh evaluate.

47, .... Ist.nt profcSlor In blol- ond rceommends corrective 0iY at the Unlv. of Wuhlng_ octlon 10 the aehool board, IU­ton school of medicin e, od-dreased tho In("rnallonal eon- perlntendenl ond A. A . officer. Ir.,.. Of onatomial. In Toi(yo Other minorl lles arc repre­Jut lummer and chaired 8 senled by memberl trom La

O,,.nlaatlon. I .....,..........., ....... ..-~.,..,...,..~ Naomi'. Dr ... Shop

Sp.rl t. WIII.J, Shit ' ·/ 8 116 N. S.n P.d", 50

Lot An .. ", 681J . 1"~

w'"l ~e"~r!M'r.~n~M~~ ~~ ............... ...". ......

"IIIIIIIIHllllllltnl~I"~""n''11 ",,,""'JI!ll' CLASSfFIEDS

L-_________ ~ session on bone. teelh and ab- Run Unld •. NOW. NAACP, -' ''W 'd nonnal calcllleaUon of 10tt Gl Forum, Chine", for Affirm-""" • .".., liIu! to bav. ElectIoM tlu u... Younlest .on of th" aUve Action and Or/lonl-ollon .....,. place where we can I Is C I • N .... Yo"", qulet'y read Jap"n.,.., news- ' ote B hop Ryuten KOlhlwa ot h n""c Or~anlutlona . ..


.Ethel Koha.hl 01 H<llIywOO<\

WOl In.to lled nl pre.lllent or I the So. CaU. Japan ... Wom­e n~' . Soc l ~ ty , , ucceedJng lllra.

Yoneko Kato, who dUring h ~ r I tour yeo .. at the helm wu In-• trumental In ottract\nll maray I r------------. NI .. I membe... - "lam"" ",n(l Coin • . _________ • TIN SING RESTAURANT ron "'I.E-M" I' ~n' "n ",I.

A NbI!I ~t;ypI! .boul the papers. W. bave been U> the of HawaII, hi. eldellt brother John MuIr Hilih. Pasadena )'CIUD& P"<'ple bere from J.- NIppon Club but we're not II Jud,. Shiro Ko.ahlwa or the elecled Its art! NIkkei woma~ pan 1'9da: " 1 bave DO UR fill' weJt'Cme lbNe. Maybe, lI's lbe U.S. Cow'l or Claims, ond an- student body prel ldent, Renee lbem becatue only wheD lbe7 way we dresa," Nippon Club Is other brother. Genro, proc- E. TaJlma. 17, fOI' the . prlnl lblnk lb t _thIna Ueea low In Honolulu. Herb I •• emester. Doulhtor of the

e:y c.an '" an exclusive memberahlp club also oetlvo with the Seatlle Calvin ToJlmo*. ' he prevlo"'-out 0( 7O\l wIJl be lbe:1 nJce mC'Stly for . hoeha (Japanese -to 7DU. Trruble l·-th07 don't Importlnjr flrma) people. Betsuln Dah~:"'Io-°TVsehOOI. ~t:'; ~ viCe prealdent ond "'e-

=d ~ '.!-". Tbe7 bave nO MIxer PlallDed ... Mike Mauna Ma .. oka (BA

In retr-a.ped. the IaeI wbo To meet lhia Deed, the JAA SO" FrancLaco J ACL board '37) wos amone nvc noled drIt ~ here eeveru ....,- Nisei Commltte<o aporuored a member laD YaDeblro, cur- cItizen. r""elvlne the Unlv. .... tlODI earU... ...~ lIIte " Dance and Convenatlon renUy public atJaIra $llrector ot Utoh AlumnI Assn :'. dl, -tb8e ~ arrivals from Ja- MIx .... · recently a t tbe JAA on rodlo Kf'RC. will move IlnguLahtd nnd h 0 nor a r y pan eJlcept. perluas-, ecxmomIc Hall 00 W. 72nd Sl wbe-n! over to KPIX-TV (5) to con- alumni oward at the Found-c:oodltlooa belnc a Uttle bettei'. man7 Japan... reside. Over duct 0 portion of the new live era' Day program Mar. 4 on theee 70UDI pe<'ple from Ja- 70 YGUn, people came, most- maloune show nilhtly from campu •.


I , .... c.ka M."Mf_ ........... - ... -pan "" lbe whole behave a 17 J apanese but lbere were AUlust, nlUn, the 7:30-8 p.m. little better. The ear17 taael tcat\ered number ol lndJan.s. a .Iot interviewing top pereon- r ______________ ~-----------aI.o didn't totend to ot.7 but few 50-Ish wbl .... Intereated In alilles from every aspect qf LOS A ~ GEL E S lbe majority "-7ed .. JOOIl studylne J apanese and who Ameli.can Ufe. A Honolulu- 1"11 .. lb07 became tamll7....". bad been In Japan or Okina- bom graduate of Cal Stale- ----------------------

T1>ere are """"" YOUDI peo- "'a' Nlsel and San..t. The Fresno In 1970. ,he was a pie bore from Japan wbo bave eommlttee charle<! $1 admis- TW A stewardess for the next been In He ... York (or .. 10IlI lion and wblle the lI,yer SUl- Dr. Tsujio Kato tl'0 yeara. H~ h"'banUd John as four ,an and b.ven't met ,ested "BYOV' (bring your ~ ~~r~~ b~i'~g "d~~t 8D7CDe 01' made new frlenda. own liquor). DO ODe d\d. The Dr. TsuJlo Kalo ran unop· TbI.a .... found at a meet1nc CTOwd was well-mannered. ~ but collected about ~ b7 lbe NlseI Com- The t\ereo mlalc all but 7.200 votes to beccme the Dew mlUee 01 lbe Japane.. Amer- drowned out the convenatlon. mayor ot Oxnard. He lost a lean AIm. of New York, Inc" When Je<> lmaI wondered bid tor the post two years 810 ...... beaded b7 a NlseI-Joe "wbelber we Ihould bold more by a margin of 17 votes . . . lmai. dances like this?", there was Nao TakaaQt outpolled In-

Dav'" T"lta&blma or San Dlelo, who served as PSW­DYC co-chalrman In 1968-70. became the flrat minority member elected to the Unlv. ot San 01"10 School of Law student bar assn. He La llee.­retary. A .. cond-year law . tu-


Pheasant Quail Supplies - Feed

Chukar - Cages

2918 HulieH ' 633-7404

Long Beach, Calif.

In _ ... to a ~«7 about a loud, appn!ciaUve applauae. cumbent Don MllJ... to win ao few dan_ and .ccIab In KoIcbI Yamamoto, a Jape- one of two clty counclJ seats. lbe Japa.I>eM communll;, to- nae worldn& fill' an lmport The Hbel businessman reUn­da7, a S1odttan, H.J. s.n.eJ IIrm. said the prollts from the qullh.. his chalnnansblp of attend'ng coUece here, Jana- dance would be eJlpeoded for lbe city plannlne commls.slon tbaD Kawano. ex pial D e d : tuture proJec .. for lbe Y0UD8 • • • Carpinteria councUman '"OerIe-al pattern toda7 La • • • P"<'ple. Others who helped John Fnkaaawa was handily 70U can ~ a airl IlD,)'Wbere, make uu. aoclal a .uccetS re-elected for another four­then be InvUed up to ber room were Rild Ito. a New York- year term.

~:~~n1a~Is~~~~:~ . with ______________________________________ ~----

01' ,OU can take her to a cafe born Saruoel wbo bad atudJed Two Gardena Valley JACL­to danee." at Oebanomizu Unlveralll' In ers, Ma,or EdmoDd a_ and

1'01' tbue 7CUII& people Tokyo and DOW WOl'Id.nc at City Treuurer Geot'Ie Koba-from Japan. It's a dlfterent the local Japan_ con.ulate; ,ubi, were re-elect.ed In the .~. Tbe7're bandJcapped b, Arline Mlyazald. a Sanae! Mar. 2 municipal elections. tancuaae. feel allenalied, work from Salt Lake City; and Nor! Vincent Okamoto. deputy dIs-10IlI hours and In moet ..- Yanaclda. The laUer two work trtct attorney. defeated lbree fill' \ooor wqos. Some re9UI- for a local travel aeenC7· candJdates (lncludlnl Mea-

'Black' in headline "' 01101) for a seat on the clty councU. Kobayasbl garnered 2,745 votes (55%), RUllI bad 3,867 votes (66%) and Oka­moto bad 3,401 votes (80%). Odol wu last with 295 . . .

117 IIIA8 IIAN80 UStoce subscribing to The CIty CouncUman Sak Yame-TO KYO _ The tasbIooable Japan Times In June of this lIIoto of Caroon waa re-leeted t.bInc f~ DeWJP*PeI' readen 7ear 1 bave Dot Dotlced the to another four-year term DOWada7a aeema to be to aboot UR of wblte. brown or yel- with 2,047 votes In a 20-man 011 ~tten to lbe edJtor com- low to descrlbe Dewsmakers. race for one of three .... t.s •.. pIainIn& about raclsm In lbe 1 do not lind a meanln&ful O. MODI7 Manlboc, a F\lJplno De... stoat... eontrtbution of 'black' In lhia American, waa elected to One

And If 7O\l uk me, the,..... Instance. of two seats on the Monterey oventotnc Il UI believe this Is DOt only an Park city council wilb 2,798

Tbe PadJk Stan at strtpM, Insult to Mr. Elder, but alao votes, padng an 8-man race. demeaning to your Dewopa- FclIIter City councilman IU-

SP Jl.RT JI. ~ BEAT per. molo of Carson was re-e!ected

• '" '" 1"11' leadinc a field of nlne with AI It bappeoed. I wrote lbe 1,698 votes. A profesalonal

lbe U.s. Armed For ... De..... headline In question my..u architect, be Is presently vice­paP"<'. printed one IUch let- and still don't see what lbe mayor ... YoabJo Fa.lI_ra ter In Ita Feb. 18 edJUon. russ La abotlt. Of coune, we IIn.Isbed fourth In a field of 17

It ..... from a fellow. obvl- In Japan bave to play It by for one of three clty council ouaI7 an Ame:rican, wbo saJd: ear when It comes to lbe mat- seats In Fremont. He polled

"I am wrllfnJr this letter to ter of wbat constitutes racism. 3,689 votes-I9 shy of gaining complain abcut lbe use of But In this case, I dOUbl If the third place ... Fowler JACL­racial alura In the article 'Ko- headline could be considered er Tom Hapta waa elected rean ' 'Welbadt'' Tide J'Ioon 1nsult1nc to lolfer Imder. city councllrnan at Fowler to Japan' In lbe Peb. 2 edI- The US. pro golf tour La with 31:i votes. Be La current-tIoD of 7OW' paper. not like lbe U.S. National 17 00 the Fresno County grand

"Badal dun ..... both deao- Baakelball AuoclatlOD wblch jury and an employee with .. tory and debumanlzln, to 8 recent U.S. story ;;Jd Is 64 the Cal-Trana (State HIghway todIviduala. Tbey are Dever per cent black. Depl.) for 23 years. uaed In a pceltlve connotation. How many blacks are on Tbe term 'wetback' La a raelal the U.S. lolf tour? Only about dur maR commonJ7 elveD to lbree, 1 believe, and lbe, are Spanlab-spealr:ln, lmmlcranta rarely out in front and eveD to lbe U.s. Jta uae In the artI- more rarely win a Iouma-

Join the JACL

Immediate paat president ot the Fremont JACL, WaUaoe TeruJ, was named to the Fre­mont Unl6ed School DLatrict


Mon.-Sat -9-6 Sun.-12-5

1005 aedondo Be.ch BlYd., Gardenl, Calif.

Happenings 324-2034 532-8755

Tell Our Advertisers You Saw It in the PC

Tho OaboltuJI- kal New CH IYO'S Year's luncheon beld Feb. 7 J.p"_ Needlocr.1t at the Japanese Union Church Bunt.. Emb<oldory attracted 250 Issei wbo brav- Cr."k~. - Art • Fr.mlnoo ed the raln and cold weatb.... WBOLDALJ: .. !\nAIL

Volunteers from Pioneer Ceo- Qty.ka K. W ..... , "., ter and Weat Adams Women', :1M, W ... ... AuxUlary prep'ared the fond 1f141 H,.J4D . ~,CoIIf. wbleh the business commu- Open M.W-Th-F.5e 10-5 nlty had donated. Oshokujl- Frl. ..... to ' :30 kaJ bolds Ita tlnal luncheon ~ __ A_' .. _l.noonI ___ G_""'_n __ _ Mar. 20 aa the 5-day nutri- ~

"tslly UMW Cookbook I-Uti P,lnUno. ~IMd

OJ'-nt'l and Favorl,. Rec ipes. Donellon $ • • 00. Hondllno 50<.

Wes1e7 VaJt.e4 Metb04liJt WOlDeD _If JIII.t., ..... 1_, c:a 11112

~ ,


fHl flNES1

IWIIMASA t'onal meals program In Lit­Ue 'roi(yo starta In April.

Arebltecture atudenta are to present a feaslbillty plan Mar. 25 for converting the ware­house-parking structure at lbe SW comer of 2nd and CeDtral Ave. In LitUe Tokyo for bous­Ing low and moderate Income people. according to Kazuo Sel, cbalrman of the Little Tokyo Community Develop­ment Advisory Committee . on Planning.

E M PER 0 Rl ... fi llSTAUlANT m

Mlnnupolls-St. 'aul

MlnDlbon Arta Center, 92 Second Ave. South (332-3848) started a six-week course for elementary school teachers 011 the arls and culture of Japan from Mar. 10.

.. t4t H. HIW St.

• (2UI ",,.12M



.. Cedhll~ u:I P..,~ .. _ .. DINAH WONG, Host ...

• ,

A".u.w. " y_ , ....... ~ ... c:.-

RJJIMOTO , CO. 302·306 S. 4th Waf

»11 u!te City, UI'" .,. , i ...........

DEUGHTFUL M.food tre.'s

OEUCIOUS and «Ie Ia otret1llve to me. ment.

"I would aI.o liIu! to pamt When 1 wrote the beadllne out to 7011 that lbe worda I lbouCbt It was real17 &reat 'lIIppinl' 01' 'ftlp' alao otrenda that a black loiter w .... ttlng lOme rtllplnoe beeaUR of Ita the pace and had 8 chance to aMOdaUoo with the raclal aJur wiD the tournament.

FOSTER & GARDNER so tI.sy '0 prepare


Gourmet Breaded Shrimp'

-and Shrimp Puffs 'J'1Jp'." The AP story under the Agricultural Chemicals

Fertilizers of All Varieties FISHKING 'ROCESSORS

1327 E 15t!> SI ... Los .Ang .... 12131 746.1301

M one ... ho La aomewbat old World Open golf tournameDt fasblooed. I thinIt thae clalrna at P\nebunt, N.C .. mentioned of racial alura are a bit a1ll7. the fact that Lee Elder bad

• •• ",aIned worldwide attentioD 1335 Knollwood Circle, Anaheim ~ laat 7ear, the paper I .. the drat black to play In

(714) 761-2521

(714) 398-6151 ... orl< few. The Japan TI~. lbe Mastera at A"CUala. Ga." 1577 Flnt St., Coachella lOt a complaint via letter be- So what'. lbe crime In SIlY­"aUR 0( a headline over a to, Elder Is "blacla" In lbe &tor7 On the ,porta pace 1IlY- headline? In,: "BIaclt Goiter Elder Seta Wc .. ld OpeD Pace With 88."

The WTltA!r ol the letter, Wine tasting party J)l'UUmabl7 an .Amertcan, saia LOS ANGELES - Proc:ee<s. In .... ard to the headline: hem the Welt !:os Angel ..

"Tb" aeem1n&ly Innocent JACL AuxUIary "Spirits of title tTpUI.. a troublln, In- '76" benellt wine \.a.st.Ing party aen.ltlvlty to raclrt practlcea Mar. 28, 12:30-3:30 p.m. at Ya-ahd reaultInC problema. to ,,- C t

" lweuld IUUest U_. v ... ~. rna "",Ilaurant, en u r y ... LO'-'C< Clly, will 10 to American

colDr or racial orIcLn b.. no Can .... Society and the Marcb bearln, upon hls ablllty .. • cf Dimes. Tlcketa at $5 per prof_lonal 1I0lfer and there- ~non may be obtained from : (ore La not ~ed In repor1.. M... Ceor,. ~.~~. ohmn.

Oln, hls cllUccetII or fallure wllUe k~. w~ D.V.J.!..!t,"ft;;~. = partI pant In U.s. tourna- Mary v.nofawe, Taye bono .• nd

menta. etuipteT munbera. r ________________________ ...

SAN 01 EG 0


InternaHonal Rubber & Supply Inc. Featuring a Complete Line of

Agricultural Hose, and Hose Fittings

Air - Chemical - Hydraulic - Weed Oil - Steam Water - Suction & Discharge

1400 Cohon Ave., Cohon

130 N. Sherman, Corona

(714) 825-1405 (714) 737·2100

UMEY A'. exciting gift of crispy goodness Tops lor sheer tun. excltemen~ Wisdom plus FlAVORI

@) IIMyI IIIcI Cia Ce..

lie AqIlaI


PoinseHia Gardens Motel Apts.

13921 So. Nonnlndle An. Phone: 324-5813 ,. Units Muted Pool Air Condlftonlng Gf: Kitchens Tele¥islcn


B~= caI_. lIU W, R ....... ...... .A ...... P. '·11" 'ood to Go


'-11_ 20-'.100

uroe" St~k of 'opu .... one! CI ... lc Jop." .... R.co,do

J.panne M.gnln .. , All Booko Glf"

340 I . lot St., .... An ..... S. Uey.ma, P,op.


" Nam's Restaurant c-t._ c._

, •• ", Style D .. ..,.

'_of 'e;:. ~::.n u_

205 E. Vallay .I.d. San Gabriel, Calif.

Tel. 280-8317

Aloha Plumbing LIe. -201&75

PAIITS & SUPPLIES ...... 1" Our S9K1elty -

"eel. ..... , ..... _

~tt,fi~~n. : /~ ~~ .. ().~~~ 12' ",,1It 51} u n. plul maflY t "

~t'I~ , 8c? f, 7 ~ ::a'.uHamIlMn, "

- EmplO)'mmt

312 E. til Strut, Roo ... 202 Lot An ..... , C.III,

- NEN Op£~,.,~ O",lll' -

62.01 ·2111


H0Mf 0; 11>J ", u r:.(I> , .cr

• On. of lhe larQ"1 Solect-. 2.0121 W ).,f.,lOn, LA


Toyo Printing OfllOt. L~ •• L..."...

_ S. SAM nDItO ST.

L ........... 12 -_ 6-.153

MikaW8,. SwHf Shop 2« E. hI 51.

Lot Angel.. MA 8-.4935 I

==;::.1;:: .... =17::;:' ==1 UNITED r.:'i:..~s CommercIal & IndUSITi21


Sam J. Umemoto

lie. #208M3 rr20·38 .,. IIBIOW CO .

1501 W. Vmm Aft. lie AI", AX S.S2lI4

Experienced Since 1939

.J::&::&::&::'&::&::.a.::&: u::a.::.!

~ N k P' t' F. ~ an a rm mg p. !.I. 202~ E. h. St . I: ;'I Len Ang.I .. , Calif. ~ ANgelus 8·7835 F. .:I'::r.:r.:r.:r::r.:r.:r.:r. :r:.; ..

ED SATO "'UM ...... ND HlATI ... ~f .and ~nl W.tu

Hu ..... ~D'- ... Furneat

- $em. ...... A ...... -AX 3-7000 U USS7



Cypr ..... C .Iif 90630 12131 431·1351 171~) 826·8.(00

Ad" .....

'Cherry Brand'


10.05_ St. 5u ,--., c.Gf.


'1 , :~ l.Oij4 (n~1 T ... Ho.e r ....... & s.....,RI' --­Kono Hawaii Restcnmnrt

226 Soulh Haobo, Blvd. Sont. Ana Cal;f 9270-4

(7141 53 1-1232

. OP£N IVtItY DAY La ....... ,1~.2- ...

OiaMf 5-00 .1'. Son.uy 12:00·":08


English arl1 .I I

114 Welle, St., Los An,eles 90012 MA 8-7060


Featurlnl Fencing for All Your Farm Needs ResidentIal & Commercial

- Waven Wire - Chain link - V Mesh - 2x4 Wire - Wood Rail

For Free Estimates Call


VALl MFG. & MILLING CO. Pallets & Skids for Agricultural Use

II" Yama .. Kamaboko .i -WAIKIKI IIIA.D-

I Distributors: Vlmasa Enterprises I '"

=:- 929-943 S. 51. P-'- St., ,-- JI._--'-

115 ItaIlfM Aft._, LA. ...... 12t-tt11 :: .... v ~ ...... -

~::::::::::::::::============~ I 6~2101

Eagle Produce

(714) 744-1250 20' I, .CarrMl, Sa .. M.ICOtI, Calif.


Wholesale Only Growers & Shippers of Carnations

1674 Crest Dr. (714) 753-4617

Encinitas .,---_ .. _._ .. _._. __ .. _ .. _-_., IMPERIAL VALLEY

KENNEDY'S fiRESTONE SpecWsts III Far. Treder & Trudr TINs

Authorized Firestone Dealer

S. 4th & Olive (714) 352~313 EI Centro, Calif.

735 N. 8th (714) 344-1530

Irawley, CaUf.

6464 - 33rd (714) 684-1870

Riverside, Calif.

H. M. RUiZ TRUCKING Hauling of eneral Farm Commodities

Fruit & Produce

84275 Cabunn, Indio. CJlllif. (714) 347-1878 or 347-3012

SUBITH TIRE & WHEEL Specialists In Farm Tractor , Truck TIres

Authorized Dis tributors for Firestone, B. F. Goodrich, Goodvear, a nd General Tire

Complete Tire Service

1772 W. Florida (714) 658-7165

Hemetl Calif.

,.. Bonded Commission. Merchants

I _ Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables -


(!) mlYRKO

......... _ Cedltalle

PA8ADINA 1. S- La. lob Ie •• 715-7001

ORANCI 33 TOWD I Country. stt·330'

TORRANCE If Del Amo Fash. Sq .• SU".77

, •.... _--------------,----­Lilti. Tokyo'. Flne.t Chop Suey House


C.mous Chlnne Food

228 E. lit St. Lo. A",el" MA 4-2075 ",---_ ....... _ ..•. _ .. _--,--The New Moon

•• " .. uet ............ 11 •••• "I' ..... 11 .,. I.,. •• reu,. .

912 So. 5, .. Ped .. St., Lo. Anlel" MA 2-1091

lllS Angeles Japanese Casualty Insurance A.ssn.

Complete JnsurM\Ce Prolection

AlIur ..... At,., Aih.~..()m~l su · K.kl:,·Fu"ok' 250 E. ht 51.. ... .. . .............. . .. 626 ·9625

"- Fyi"" An., 321 E. 2nd. SU llO 500 626,'393 263 · 1109 f ... k .... 1i 'Ill. A.,., Funilkos.t,,-K a~wa-M.1n.lka·Mo r ey

321 E. 2nd 51 ........... _ .. ........ 626·5275 462·7406 HI .... oI. I., • .In., 322 E Second 51.. ........ 628· 121' 287·8605 I •• ...,. I ....... , ., 15092 Syl •• nwood A •• .• No"".Ik... _._864-5774 T ... T . It., 595 N . Uncoln. P.sad .... 749·7189 tL 681-•• t I Mf".rv 'Ni.' H'lda, 1497 Rock Ha..,-en Monterey ~ ,k 268·""554 St. •• 14'''11, 11964 W.sh'nolon PI.co 391 ·5931 8379 ' 50 Sot. I"" An .• 366 E. hI 51 ....................... 62?-1 ~2S 26 1-651 ~

Shimatsu, Ogata

and Kubota


911 Venice .I"d. Los An~eles

RI 9-1449


R. YUTAKA KUBOTA 1 ______ ---"

Three Gffier.tions .t Experien<e

F UK U I Mortuary, Inc.

707 E. Temple St.

I Los Angeles 90012



1 Soi.:hi Fu" ul. Pfe s~ en' I J IT"'S N ak.>g.Jw.l .• \Un. ~'

, Nobuo Osumi, Coul\$l!!: lIor
