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Jade's Creation Story

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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The Creation Story By Jade Wilson 4 Gold

The Creation Story

By Jade Wilson 4 Gold

The Creation StoryDay 1

In the beginning there was nothing but darkness, So God said let there be light and darkness so there was. God called light day and darkness

night. God was pleased with what he saw.

The Creation Story Day 2On the second day God made water and

God separated the water so there could be land. God was pleased with what He saw.

The Creation Story

Day 3On the third day God made trees, flowers

and plants. God was pleased with what He saw.

The Creation Story

Day 4

On the fourth day God said “Let there be stars, planets, the moon and the sun”. God saw that it was good.

The Creation Story Day 5 On

the second last day of making earth, which was the fifth day, God make sea animals. Some of those animals were sharks, dolphins, fish, sea horses, whales and turtles. God was pleased with what He saw.

The Creation Story Day 6

On the sixth day God said “Let there be land animals”. Just before He ended God said “Let there be humans and there were humans. God was pleased of what He saw.

The Creation Story

Day 7On the seventh day, God rested and looked

over earth and was proud. That was The Creation Story.The End

My Place In Creation. God created us in God’s image and his

likeness, that means that we look like God. God Created me because he wanted me to protect the universe. He said “Don’t be a bully, be a good friend”. Also He said “Take care of the plants and don’t kill insects. We need to take care of Creation so we don’t pollute and don’t use paper and plastic.

My Prayer Of Thanksgiving.

Lord we praise and thank you for the gentle wind touching us. We thank you O Lord.

We praise and thank you for the waves crashing on the shore and the water softly running on the sand. We thank you O Lord.

We praise and thank you for the moon that lights up the night sky. We thank you O Lord.

We praise and thank you for people and for our friends. Help us to be nice to other people.

Thank you God for giving this world to me.

Three Ways I Care For Creation

Pollution We should help and protect people who are less fortunate than us because God made us and wanted us to look after each other and all of his Creation. I care for Gods Creation by: Putting my muesli bar and chocolate wrapper in the bin, because if I don’t put my rubbish in the bin, the wind will take it down to the ocean and the pelicans will eat it and they will die.

My PetsAt home I've got two birds, three fish and

one dog. I feed my birds once a week and change their water too. If I don’t feed them they will die. My brother has three fish. I feed them once a day. My dog is a golden retriever. I play with him every day, and I feed him breakfast and dinner. Look after your pets!

Three Ways I Care For Creation

PeoplePeople can be bad to Creation and that isn’t okay,

because people are cutting down trees, and animals are loosing their habitats and their homes. If we look after Creation, and do what God said to do none of that would happen. People are leaving rubbish every where and people are using plastic bags and the wind takes it to the water and the pelicans eat them and then they die.

Three Ways I Care For Creation.

My Plan.My plan is to start a Green Team!I’m going to get a couple of people to start my

Green Team, which is going to be called The Team. I’m going to do what God said to do, so every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I’m going to go around the school and pick up rubbish. In my school, I’m going to put posters and NO RUBBISH signs up, but before I do that I’m going to ask my Principal if I can. But if I can’t I will start a water team at home. I’m going to do what God said to do.

I Hope You Liked It!

By Jade Wilson.
