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Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell

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  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    The Role of Femtocells in the LTE Strategy.

    Is a early deployment of femtocell likely?


    Global CTO Team

    May 2010

  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    2TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    01 Mobile Broadband evolution

    02 LTE Femtocells opportunity

    03 Conclusions


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    3TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    Higher number of available connectivity terminals (dongles,PCMCIA, integrated) with reduction on cost

    Smartphones - Disposal of new handset concepts like IPhone orMobile Internet Device (MID)

    Pure connectivity (for PC) is becoming the main mobile dataservice

    Services more adapted to mobility & continuity on the connectionlike email, social networks, etc.

    Video component is taking more part of mobile services.

    Mobile broadband is crystallizing as a huge opportunity01

    Radio Access


    UMTS evolution towards HSDPA (mainly SW evolution)allows for datarates that are perceived as broadband by thecustomers

    Excess of capacity has led to aggressive commercial offering


    The launching offlat rates for mobile data traffic has triggered theincrease of data traffic on mobile networks.



    Mobile broadband is joining the two main engines of growth for telco of the last years:

    Internet and Mobile Some conditions have changed for this expectations to start becoming reality:

  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    4TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    Mobile Broadband # of customers evolution

    abr-09 may-09 jun-09 jul-09 ago-09 sep-09 oct-09 nov-09 dic-09 ene-10 feb-10 mar-10

    Mobile Broadband Monthly traffic evolution

    abr-09 may-09 jun-09 jul-09 ago-09 sep-09 oct-09 nov-09 dic-09 ene-10 feb-10 mar-10

    opportunity that is becoming a reality in terms of adoption01

    Mobile Data Trafficexplosion is areality

    Mobile Data traffic growth ofbetween x2 and x3 YoY in higher

    traffic Operations

    that reflects not only interms of mobile datagrowth but also in termsof mobile data adoption(number of customers)

    Similar multiplying factors in termsnumber of Mobile Broadband

    customer evolution


    (*) Customer number for >100MB monthly consumption

  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    5TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    and also in terms of revenue growth perspectives01Decoupling between traffic and revenues is a reality, but there are levers

    to match the gap and provide enhanced revenues and profitability onthe medium and long term:

    - Technology evolution towards LTE

    - New network deployment strategies

    - Superior customer segmentation based on perceived QoE

    - Differentiation in terms of services.

    - Etc.

    (1) MBB accesses: Including Big and Small Screen

    (2) MBB connectivity revenue: Including Big and Small Screen, mobile email and WAP brownling revenues

    Source: Telefnica estimates Oct09 Investors Day

  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    6TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    Mobile Broadband opportunity realization is the core of network evolutionplans, with special emphasis on customer satisfaction being the prime



    Network evolution do needs to address the following requirements as a key priority:

    Ubiquity MBBeverywere

    Extension to rural areas based on lower frequency bands Spectrum requirements.

    Indoor coverage in terms of user experience enhancement need for novel deploymentarchitectures.

    Network CapacityEnhancement

    Macro layer network is not able to cope with mobile data traffic and customer experiencedemand on the long term (10 years time), even evolving towards LTE.

    It shall be complemented with small-cell topologies to allow for meeting MBB customerneeds and expected QoE.

    User Experience Enhanced focus on customer experience and satisfaction, also from network perspective.

    Evolution towards services based and segmented experience.


    Ensure MBB profitability on the long term requires to enhance focus on customersegmentation, that also implies strategic actions within network

    Intelligent resource allocation from network perspective provide the end customer theright experience based on customer segmentation, service requirements and subjectivequality perception, terminal based differentiation, etc.

    Evolution from flat-tariffs towards customer specific service proposals

  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    7TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    LTE provides the right evolution path towards meeting the evolutionrequirements, but shall be complemented with the right deploymentstrategy


    Ubiquity MBBeverywere

    Lower frequency bands availability for rural extension. LTE variable bandwidth provides theright mechanisms to grow and evolve in new and existing spectrum.

    Enhanced indoor coverage requires new roll-out schemes based on LTE small cells.

    Network CapacityEnhancement

    LTE provides enhanced spectral efficiency and thus capacity on the macro-layer.

    Shall be complemented by means ofLTE small-cell capacity layer to achieve the rightcapacity where is strictly required.

    User Experience Enhanced datarates and reduced latency.


    Enhanced QoS mechanisms to allow for customer/service/device segmentation andintelligent/optimal resource allocation.

    Lower cost per traffic unit as per flat architecture, higher spectral efficiency and properscalability



    Strategy based

    on small-cellcapacity layers

  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    8TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    Telefnica is fully committed to evolution towards LTE. Multiple LTEactivities ongoing to achieve proper readiness for commercial launch


    LTE trial ongoing

    LTE trial extension

    Global Approach - Total of six LTE trials in differentOperations, with field trial extension onto further twoOperations.

    Intensive and overall LTE view - Both laboratory and fieldtestings, following LSTI procedure. Unified reporting and KPIstructure.

    Status - Currently all lab testings finalized, and within fieldtesting phase. In some cases also finalized.

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    9TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    From flat-tariffs to enhanced customer segmentation02BH MBB traffic forecast

    e.o. 2009 e.o. 2010 e.o. 2011 e.o. 2012




    x5.0 What is of relevance is not onlythe absolute value of thetraffic forecast, but thedistribution in terms of

    customer base and locationwithin access network












    0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00


    % of customers



    Real dist.

    Uniform dist.

    Roughly 5% of customers that do generate mobile trafficwithin a month represent almost 70% of total traffic

    What are the mechanisms to evolvetowards a more uniformdistribution?

    Enhanced customer segmentation(QoS).



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    10TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    e.o. 2009 e.o. 2010 e.o. 2011 e.o. 2012

    MBB traffic forecast

    Capacity requirement

    over macrocell












    0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00

    %% of customers



    Real dist.

    Uniform dist.

    w ith femto

    From flat-tariffs to enhanced customer segmentation02When looking deeply onto higher traffic

    mobility aspects, it is important to see thatalmost 80% of top traffic customers dogenerate high percentage of the total

    traffic from only two different cells (eitherfrom home or from public access locations).

    Up to 80% of this traffic is subject ofbeing offloaded from the macro through

    specific targeted femto deployments.

    which translated back to macro network requirementsmeans

    Out of the 5x traffic increase required overnext three years, a big percentage may be

    subject of being carried through femto layerswith relative small-scale femto rollout

    The right combination between LTEadoption, and small-cell femto deployment

    shall be seen as one of the key prioritieswithin network evolution over next years

  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    11TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    Femtocells can be rolled out mainly in two ways:

    Public femtocell deployments benefit any mobile network customer

    Requires mobile operator to provide the femtocell unit plus broadband connection tocarry femtocell traffic back to the mobile network

    Private femtocell deployments give customers the ability to improve coverage intheir own premises

    Typically customer buys femtocell unit and uses own broadband connection to carryfemtocell traffic back to mobile network

    Customer can restrict usage of femtocell to own user groups

    Why HowWhere


    Public AreaCoverage


    Enhancedcoverage for

    all customers

    Connection to core mobile network provided by Network Operator Network Operator pays for femtocell, broadband connection, site rental,

    network access gateway

    Enhancedcoverage forclosed user


    Connection to core mobile network provided by customer Customer purchases or is given femtocell Network Operator pays for network access gateway, possible subsidisation

    of femtocell Closed user group may degrade customer experience for adjacent users Third party broadband Quality of Service will affect femtocell QoS

    Femtocells can be deployed in a variety of ways02

  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    12TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team


    Improved coverage at home

    Consumer r etent ion/ acquisi t ion t ool

    Upse l l on Tele fon ica broadband

    Closed user m odel

    New Services enabled by Femto. Dif f erent ia l t ar i f fs at home

    Home netw orking l inking f ixed & mobi le

    Ent erpr ise / Corporate




    Met ro / Publ ic Space

    Short Term Vision

    Medium Term Vision

    LTE Femto Cell Drivers & Usage Scenarios

    Enhancedcoverage forall customers

    Enhanced Mobil e Broadband coverageat home f rom day 1.

    Superior Qualit y of Experience.

    Why? Demand?



    Why? Key account decision makers home Off ice coverage.

    SME/ Corporate ret ent i on/ acquisit ion

    Mult i -Femt o si t e opt i on

    Closed or open user m odel

    New servi ces. Wireless off ice integrat ion

    Why? Cost effect ive alternat ive to Pico cells fort argeted indoor coverage.

    Indoor hot-spot capacity of f l oad, especial lyimpor t ant as MBB traf f ic grows.

    Applicat ions include shopping centres,restaurants, shops, coffee shops.

    Open user model.

    May suppose a dif f erent iat or in t he

    early days.


    Clear indoor solut ion requirement ,not only because of enhanced MBBindoor exper ience required but alsoas capacity off load from macrocell





  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    13TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    LTE deployment strategy alternatives & considerations02

    Macro layerdensification vs.

    hierarchical networks

    Difficult to increase densification in most of the Operations. In dense urban environments

    macro inter-site distances lower than around 200 meters (1) result in a reduction of thecapacity per sector due to higher interference level (unless aggressive tilt management isperformed).

    In terms ofcapacity, the hierarchical network option is clearly advantageous

    Main problems with the hierarchical are those related to inter-layer mobility management,and interference handling.

    Frequency sharingbetween macro and

    micro layers vs.different frequency


    A key aspect to be considered is related to the optimum spectrum strategy between macroand capacity layers (micro/pico/femto). There are mainly three approaches:

    Complete spectrum sharing allowing for higher peak rates while overimposingsignificant requirements in tems of interference cancellation techniques.

    Fractional spectrum sharing Potentially a right balance until technology fully

    allows for complete sharing. Orthogonal spectrum allocation Direct capacity enhancement vs. reduction in

    peak datarates reduction in max. but important also to see the distribution.

    Spectrum sharing between femto and micro layers may be easier. Which role LTE TDD spectrum may play?

    Wi-Fi public hotspotsvs. LTE public femto

    Capacity of LTE femto solutions would exceed that of Wi-Fi hotspots when considering thesame coverage area. Considering multiuser scenarios would increase LTE advantage, asresources allocation mechanisms are significantly more efficient

    The advantage would increase if the transmission power limitations for Wi-Fi are notassumed for LTE sites.

    Enhanced customer experience management within LTE

    (1) The distance depends on the characteristics of the city (buildings height, streets width, etc.)

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    14TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team

    LTE deployment strategy femtocell layer02

    Femtocells may provide the highest AreaSpectral Efficiency (ASE) of all the deploymentalternatives

    May be 10-20 times higher than macrocell ASEeven with conservative assumptions

    Femtocells lower the delivery cost per bit

    through reducing investment in cell siteinstallation, maintenance and backhaul costs

    Main technical problems are associated withpossible interference with macro layer and otherfemtocells Potentially in better situation compared to WCDMA

    femto as per potentials of interference cancellationtechniques based on frequency selective scheduling,fractional frequency reuse, dynamic resourcecoordination, etc.

    Although traditional focus is on residential stand-alone femto, multi-femto LTE systems may berequired on earlier stages for public and SMEscenarios. Need for enhanced and automatic coordination

    mechanisms between femto.

    2.5 2.53.7 3.8 4.3




    14 1421










    HSDPA7.2 HSDPA14.4 HSPA with









    LTE 2x2 LTE 4x4

    Average cell throughput [Mbit/s]

    Peak datarate [Mbit/s]

    2.95.6 3.8

    5.56.5 4.9


    Ratio betweenpeak datarateand average celltroughput


  • 7/31/2019 Jaime Lluch Telefonica Femtocell


    15TELEFONICA S.A.Global CTO Team


    Mobile broadband is an opportunity not for the future but right now.

    Traffic increase establishing and maturing, representing significant revenue upsidepotential.

    but over imposing new challenges to Radio Networks.

    LTE technology as a significant step towards meeting network requirements, butnot as a single solution for the long-term

    Needs to be complemented via new network rollout strategies based on smaller cells.

    LTE small cells and femto cells shall play a significant role from the early days

    Enhanced focus on customer experience, driving the need for smaller cells.

    Potentially starting from public and SME type of solutions

    And evolving towards residential (based on external factors, like FTTx deployments)

    Although technology is maturing, still open concerns regarding mobility,interference and spectrum usage that need to be resolved, not only for stand alonefemto but also for multi-femto systems.

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