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James Bland II

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  • 8/7/2019 James Bland II


  • 8/7/2019 James Bland II




    This application was prepared using Excel, Microsoft Office 2003. Please note that using the active Excel

    workbook does not eliminate the need to submit the required PDF of the signed hardcopy of the application andrelated documentation. A more detailed explanation of application submission requirements is provided

    below and in the Application Manual.

    An electronic copy of your completed application is a mandatory submission item.

    Applications For 9% Competitive CreditsApplicants should submit an electronic copy of the application either on CD or by email, or both, prior to theapplication deadline, which is 2:00 PM Richmond Virginia time on March 12, 2010. Failure to submit an electronic

    copy of the application by the deadline will cause the application to be disqualified.

    Applications For Tax Exempt Bond Credits

    Applicants should submit an electronic copy of the application either on CD or by email, or both, at the at the timeof application submission. Applications will not be processed until an electronic copy is received.

    Disclaimer:VHDA assumes no responsibility for any problems incurred in using this spreadsheet or for the

    accuracy of the calculations. Check your application for correctness and completeness beforesubmitting the application to VHDA.

    Entering Data:

    Enter numbers or text as appropriate in the blank spaces highlighted in yellow. All other cells areprotected and will not allow any changes. The format for cells has been set to accept text, currency,

    percentages, etc. as appropriate. Enter any number without commas or dollar signs. Enter

    percentages beginning with a decimal point. There is no text wrap-around feature, so care must betaken to enter text so that it does not extend beyond the right margin of the page. Enter in only enough

    text to fill one line and then drop to the first yellow cell of the next line. Each page of the application is aseparate sheet in the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains numerous error checks which are

    designed to assist you in identifying potential mistakes in your application. Please note that these mayappear as you enter data because many are dependent on entries later in the application. Do not be

    concerned with these messages until all data has been entered. Also note that some cells containerror messages such as "#DIV/0!" before you begin. These warnings will disappear as you enter

    numbers necessary to complete the application.

    Assistance:If you have any questions, please call Jim Chandler at (804) 343-5786, Dale Wittie at (804)

    343-5876, Cara Wallo at (804) 343-5714, Jaynell McFarland at (804) 343-5733 or Debbie Grinerat (804) 343-5518. Please note that we cannot release the copy protection password.

    Staff email addresses:[email protected] - [email protected]

    [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected]

    NEW in 2010

    Applicants should submit all application materials in electronic format only beginning in 2010

    There should be 6 distinct files saved to 1 or more CDs and should include the following:

    1. Application For Reservation the active Microsoft Excel workbook

    2. A PDF file which includes the following:

    - Application For Reservation Signed version of hardcopy

    - All application attachments (i.e. tab documents, excluding market study and plans & specs)

    3. Market Study PDF or Microsoft Word format

    4. Plans - PDF or other readable electronic format

    5. Specifications - PDF or other readable electronic format (may be combined into the same file as the plans if


    6. Unit-By-Unit work write up (rehab only) - PDF or other readable electronic format

    Notes: -Do not submit any files on a flash drive.

    -Do not submit any application materials via [email protected] or to any email address

    v1/8/2010 Instructions

  • 8/7/2019 James Bland II


    2010 Federal Low Income Housing

    Tax Credit Program

    Application For Reservation


    Virginia Housing Development Authority

    601 South Belvidere Street

    Richmond, Virginia 23220-6500

    Deadline for Submission

    9% Competitive Credits

    Applications Must Be Received At VHDA No Later Than 2:00 PM

    Richmond, VA Time On March 12, 2010

    Tax Exempt Bonds

    Applications should be received at VHDA at least one month

    before the bonds are priced (if bonds issued by VHDA), or 75

    days before the bonds are issued (if bonds are not issued by



  • 8/7/2019 James Bland II


    Low Income Housing Tax Credit Application for Reservation

    Electronic Copy of the Microsoft Excel Based Application (MANDATORY)

    Scanned Copy of the Signed Tax Credit Application with Attachments (excluding market study and plans & specs) (MANDATO

    Electronic Copy of the Market Study (MANDATORY-Application will be disqualified if study not submitted with application)

    Electronic Copy of the Plans (MANDATORY)

    Electronic Copy of the Specifications (MANDATORY)

    Electronic Copy of the Unit By Unit Work Writeup (MANDATORY if rehab)

    $750 Application Fee (MANDATORY)

    Tab A: Documentation of Development Location:

    A.1 Qualified Census Tract CertificationA.2 Revitalization Area Certification

    Location MapSurveyor's Certification of Proximity To Public Transportation

    Tab B: Partnership or Operating Agreement, including chart of ownership structure with percentage of interests (MANDATOR

    Tab C: Virginia State Corporation Commission Certification (MANDATORY)

    Tab D: Principal's Previous Participation Certification and Resum (MANDATORY)

    Tab E: Nonprofit Questionnaire (MANDATORY for points or pool)

    The following documents need not be submitted unless requested by VHDA:-Nonprofit Articles of Incorporation -IRS Documentation of Nonprofit Status-Joint Venture Agreement (if applicable) -For-profit Consulting Agreement (if applicable)

    Tab F: Architect's Certification (MANDATORY)

    Tab H: PHA / Section 8 Notification LetterTab I: Local CEO LetterTab J: Homeownership PlanTab K: Site Control Documentation & Most Recent Real Estate Tax Assessment (MANDATORY)

    Tab L: Plan of Development Certification LetterTab M: Zoning Certification LetterTab N: Copies of 8609s To Certify Developer ExperienceTab O: (Reserved)Tab P: Plans and Specifications and Work Write-Up (MANDATORY)

    Tab Q: Documentation of Rental AssistanceTab R: Documentation of Operating BudgetTab S: Documentation of Project BudgetTab T: Documentation of Financing SourcesTab U:

    Documentation To Request Exception To Restriction-Pools With Little/No Increase In Rent Burdened Population

    Documentation of site location in an urban development area as defined in 15.2-2223.1of the Code of VirginiaDocumentation of the development participating in a locally adopted affordable housing dwelling unit program area as

    described in either 15.2-2304 or 15.2-2305 of the Code of VirginiaTab V: Nonprofit or LHA Purchase Option or Right of First RefusalTab W: Attorney's Opinion (MANDATORY)

    Tab X: (Reserved)Tab Y: Marketing Plan for units meeting accessibility requirements of HUD section 504

    Please indicate if the following items are included with your application by checking the appropriate boxes. Your assistance in organizing the

    submission in the following order, and actually using tabs to mark them as shown, will facilitate review of your application. Please note that all

    mandatory items must be included for the application to be processed. The inclusion of other items may increase the number of points for which

    you are eligible under VHDA's point system of ranking applications, and may assist VHDA in its determination of the appropriate amount of

    credits that it may reserve for the development.

    v12.31.09 Submission Checklist

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation


    I. General InformationAll code "Section" references are to, and the term "IRC" shall be deemed to mean, 3/10/2010

    the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. (Date of Application)

    A. Development Name and Location:

    1. Name of Development James Bland Apartments II

    2. Address of Development 801 Madison Street

    (Street)Alexandria VA 22314

    (City) (State) (Zip Code)

    3. If complete address is not available, provide longitude and latitude coordinates (x,y) from

    location on site your surveyor deems appropriate. N 38.813305, W 77.046834

    Documentation from surveyor attached (TAB A) (Only necessary if street address or street intersections are not available.

    (Coordinates should be the same as those listed on pg 13, if applicable)

    4. The Circuit Court Clerk's office in which the deed to the property is or will be recorded:

    City/County of Alexandria City (ie; Richmond City, Chesterfield County; see application manual)

    5. Does the site overlap one or more jurisdictional boundaries? Yes No

    If yes, what other City/County is the site located in besides the one mentioned above?

    6. Census Tract the development is located in: 2018.01

    Is this a Qualified Census Tract: Yes No (If yes, attach required form in TAB A)

    7. Is the development located in a Difficult Development Area? No

    8. Is the development located in a revitalization area? Yes No (If yes, attach required form in TAB A)

    9. Is the development an existing RD or HUD S8/236 development? Yes No (If yes, attach required form in TAB Q)

    Note to #9: If there is an identity of interest between the applicant and the seller in this proposal, and the applicant is seeking points in

    this category, then the applicant must either waive their rights to the developer's fee or other fees associated with acquisition and/or

    rehabilitation, or obtain a waiver of this requirement from VHDA prior to application submission to receive these points.

    a. Applicant agrees to waive all rights to any developer's fee or

    other fees associated with acquisition and/or rehab. Yes n/a

    b. Applicant has obtained a waiver of this requirement from VHDA

    prior to the application submission deadline. Yes n/a

    10. Is the development located in a census tract with a poverty


  • 8/7/2019 James Bland II


    Low Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    C. Reservation Request

    1. Total annual credit amount request (Must be the same as Part IX-D8) $355,058

    2. Credits requested from:

    9% Credits

    Nonprofit Set-Aside (All nonprofit owned developments which meet tests

    described in Part II-D hereof may select this)Local Housing Authorities Richmond MSA Pool

    Planning District 8 (Inner Washington MSA) Pool Tidewater MSA Pool

    Northwest / North Central VA Area Pool Balance of State Pool (Remaining Geographi

    Non-Competitive Pool (Preservation) Non-Competitive Pool (Disability)

    Tax Exempt Bonds

    new construction, or

    rehabilitation, or

    acquisition and rehabilitation.

    Federal Subsidies

    The development will not receive federal subsidies.

    This development will receive federal subsidies for:

    all buildings or

    some buildings.

    D. Type(s) of Allocation/Allocation Year

    1. Regular Allocation

    All of the buildings in the development are expected to be placed

    in service this year. For those buildings the owner will, this year, request anallocation of 2010 credits for new construction, or

    rehabilitation, or

    acquisition and rehabilitation.

    2. Carryforward Allocation

    All of the buildings in the development are expected to be placed

    in service within two years after the end of this calendar year, 2010, but the

    owner will have more than 10% basis in the development before the end of twelve

    months following allocation of credits. For those buildings, the owner requestsa carryforward allocation of 2010 credits pursuant to Section 42(h)(1)(E) for:

    new construction, or

    rehabilitation, or

    acquisition and rehabilitation (even if you acquired a building this year and

    "placed it in service" for the purpose of the acquisition credit, you cannot receive

    the 8609 form for it until the rehab 8609 is issued for that building once the rehab

    work is "placed in service" in 2011 or 2012).

    3. Federal Subsidies

    The development will not receive federal subsidies.

    This development will receive federal subsidies for:

    all buildings or

    some buildings.

    v12.31.09 Page 2

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    E. Acquisition Credit Information

    NOTE: If no credits are being requested for existing buildings being acquired for the development,

    so indicate and go on to Part F: No Acquisition

    Ten-Year Rule For Acquisition Credits

    All buildings satisfy the 10-year look-back rule of IRC Section 42 (d)(2)(B), including the10% basis/ 15,000.00 rehab costs ( 10,000 for Tax Exempt Bonds) per unit requirement.

    All buildings qualify for an exception to the 10-year rule under IRC Section 42(d)(2)(D)(i),Subsection (I)

    Subsection (II)

    Subsection (III)

    Subsection (IV)Subsection (V)

    The 10-year rule in IRC Section 42 (d)(2)(B) for all buildings does not apply pursuant to IRC Section 42(d)(6).

    Different circumstances for different buildings: Attach a separate sheet and explain for each building.

    F. Rehabilitation Credit Information

    NOTE: If no credits are being requested for rehabilitation expenditures, so indicate and go

    on to Section II. No Rehabilitation

    Minimum Expenditure Requirements

    All buildings in the development satisfy the rehab costs per unit requirement of IRCSection 42(e)(3)(A)(ii).

    All buildings in the development qualify for the IRC Section 42(e)(3)(B) exception to the10% basis requirement (4% credit only).

    All buildings in the development qualify for the IRC Section 42(f)(5)(B)(ii)(II) exception.

    Different circumstances for different buildings. Attach a separate sheet andexp a n or eac u ng.

    G. Request For Exception

    The proposed new construction development (including adaptive reuse and rehabilitation that creates additional rental

    space) is subject to an assessment of up to minus 20 points for being located in a pool identified by the Authority as a p

    with little or no increase in rent burdened population. N/A - Does not apply to this proposed development.

    Applicant seeks an exception to this restriction in accordance with one of the following provisions under 13VAC10-180

    Proposed development is specialized housing designed to meet special needs that cannot readily be addressed

    utilizing existing residential structures. Documentation Attached (TAB U)

    Proposed development is designed to serve as a replacement for housing being demolished through

    redevelopment. Documentation Attached (TAB U)

    Proposed development is housing that is an integral part of a neighborhood revitalization project sponsored by

    a local housing authority. Documentation Attached (TAB U)

    v12.31.09 Page 3

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation


    A. Owner Information:

    Name James Bland Housing II Limited Partnership

    Contact Person First: Roy Middle: O Last: Priest

    Address 600 N. Fairfax(Street)

    Alexandria VA 22314(City) (State) (Zip Code)

    Federal I. D. No. 27-2026115 (If not available, obtain prior to Allocation)Phone 703 549-7115 x218 Fax 703 683-1376 Email address [email protected]

    Type of entity: Limited Partnership Other

    Individual(s) Corporation

    Owner's organizational documents (e.g. Partnership agreements & ownership structure chart) attached (Mandatory TAB B)Certification from Virginia State Corporation Commission attached (Mandatory TAB C)

    Principal(s) involved (e.g. general partners, LLC members, controlling shareholders, etc.)Names ** Phone Type Ownership % OwnershipJames Bland Housing II GP LLC, its sole 703 549-7115 GP 0.01%sole member; Roy Priest CEO of ARHA 0.00%

    0.00%EYA Development, Inc; Robert Youngentob 301 634-8600 LP 99.99%President 0.00%


    This should be 100% of the GP or managing member interest: 100.00%

    ** These should be the names of individuals who comprise the GP or managing members, not simply the names ofseparate partnerships or corporations which may comprise those components.

    Principals' Previous Participation Certification attached (Mandatory TAB D) & resum.

    B. Seller Information:

    Name ARHA Contact Person Roy PriestAddress 600 N. Fairfax StreetAlexandria, VA 22314 Phone 703 549-7115

    Is there an identity of interest between the seller and owner/applicant? Yes No

    If yes, complete the following:

    Principal(s) involved (e.g. general partners, controlling shareholders, etc.)

    Names Phone Type Ownership % Ownership

    ARHA - Roy Priest CEO of ARHA 703 549-7115 100.00%




    NOTE: VHDA may allocate credits only to the tax-paying entity which owns the development at the time of the allocation. The term "Owner" herein refers to that entity. Please fill in the legal

    name of the owner. The ownership entity must be formed prior to submitting this application. Any transfer, direct or indirect, of partnership interests (except those involving the admission of

    limited partners) prior to the placed-in-service date of the proposed development shall be prohibited, unless the transfer is consented to by VHDA in its sole discretion. IMPORTANT: The

    Owner name listed on this page must match exactly the owner name listed on the Virginia State Corporation Commission Certification.

    Must be an individual or legally formed entity

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    C. Development Team Information:

    Complete the following as applicable to your development team.

    1. Tax Attorney: Erik Hoffman Related Entity? Yes NoFirm Name: Klein HornigAddress: 1275 K Street, NW Ste. 1200 Washington, DC 20005

    Phone: 202 842-0125 Fax: 202 842-3936

    2. Tax Accountant: Cherie James Related Entity? Yes NoFirm Name: Wall, Einhorn, & ChernitzerAddress: 555 Main Street, Ste. 500 Norfolk, VA 23510

    Phone: 757 533-4101 Fax: 757 213-8547

    3. Consultant: Ryne Johnson Related Entity? Yes NoFirm Name: Astoria, LLC Role: LIHTC App. ConsultingAddress: 3450 Lady Marian Ct., Midlothian, VA 23113

    Phone: 804 320-0585 Fax:

    4. Management Entity (Contact): Derek McDaniel Related Entity? Yes NoFirm Name: ARHAAddress: 600 N. Fairfax, Alexandria, VA 22314

    Phone: 703 549-7115 Fax:

    5. Contractor (Contact): John Fahey Related Entity? Yes NoFirm Name: EYA Construction Inc.Address: 4800 Hampden Lane, Ste. 300 Bethesda, MD 20814

    Phone: 301 634-8600 Fax: 301 634-8601

    6. Architect: Jack McLaurin Related Entity? Yes NoFirm Name: Lessard Architectural GroupAddress: 8521 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22182

    Phone: 703 760-9344 Fax: 703 356-0126

    7. Real Estate Attorney: Jonathan Rak Related Entity? Yes NoFirm Name: McGuire WoodsAddress: 1750 Tysons Blvd., Ste. 1800 McLean, VA 22102

    Phone: 703 712-5411 Fax: 703 712-5231

    8. Mortgage Banker: Related Entity? Yes NoFirm Name:Address:

    Phone: Fax:

    9. Other (Contact): Related Entity? Yes NoFirm Name: Role:Address:

    Phone: Fax:

    v12.31.09 Page 5

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    D. Nonprofit Involvement:

    Tax Credit Nonprofit Pool Applicants: To qualify for the nonprofit pool, an organization described in IRC Section 501

    (c)(3) or 501 (c)(4) and exempt from taxation under IRC Section 501 (a), whose purposes include the fostering of low-income housing:

    1. Must "materially participate" in the development and operation of the project throughout the compliance period,2. Must own all general partnership interests in the development .

    3. Must not be affiliated with or controlled by a for-profit organization.

    4. Must not have been formed for the principal purpose of competition in the nonprofit pool, and

    5. Must not have any staff member, or member of the nonprofit's board of directors materially participate in the proposed project

    as a for-profit entity.

    pp cants: To qualify for points under the ranking system, the nonprofit's involvement need not necessarilysatisfy all of the requirements for participation in the nonprofit tax credit pool

    1. Nonprofit Involvement (All Applicants)

    If there is no nonprofit involvement in this development, please indicate by checking hereand go on to part III

    2. Mandatory QuestionnaireIf there is nonprofit involvement, you must complete the Non-Profit Questionnair

    Questionnaire attached (Mandatory TAB E)

    3. Type of involvement

    Nonprofit meets eligibility requirement for points only, not pool o

    Nonprofit meets eligibility requirements for nonprofit pool and points

    4. Identity of Nonprofit (All nonprofit applicants)The nonprofit organization involved in this development is

    the Owner

    the Applicant (if different from Owner)


    (Name of nonprofit)

    (Contact Person) (Street Address)

    (City) (State) (Zip code)

    (Phone) (Fax)

    5. Percentage of Nonprofit Ownership (All nonprofit applicants)

    Specify the nonprofit entity's percentage ownership of the general partnership interest: 0.0%

    Applications For 9% Credits - Must be completed in order to compete in the nonprofit tax credit pool.

    All Applicants - Must be completed for points for nonprofit involvement under the ranking system.

    v12.31.09 Page 6

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation


    A. Structure and Units:1. Total number ofall units in development 18

    Total number ofrental units in development 18 bedrooms 42Number of low-income rental units 18 bedrooms 42Percentage of rental units designated low-income 100.00%

    2. The development's structural features are (check all that apply):

    Row House/Townhouse Detached Single-family

    Garden Apartments Detached Two-family

    Slab on Grade Basement

    Crawl space Age of Structure: 0

    Elevator Number of stories: 3

    3. Number of new units 18 bedrooms 42

    Number of adaptive reuse units 0 bedrooms 0Number of rehab units 0 bedrooms 0

    4. Total Floor Area For The Entire Development 20,017.38 (Sq. ft.)

    5. n eate oor rea (Breezeways, Balconies, Storage) 0.00 (Sq. ft.)

    6. Nonresidential Commercial Floor Area 0.00 (Sq. ft.)(Not eligible for funding)

    7. Total Usable Residential Heated Area 20,017.38 (Sq. ft.)

    8. Number of Buildings (containing rental units) 6

    9. Commercial Area Intended Use:

    10. Project consists primarily of a building(s) which is (are (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

    Low-Rise (1-5 stories with any structural elements made of wood)

    Mid-Rise (5-7 stories with no structural elements made of wood)

    High-Rise (8 or more stories with no structural elements made of wood)

    11. a. Total Net Rental Square Feet 18,772.68

    b. Percentage of Net Rentable Square Feet Deemed To Be New Rental Space 100.00%

    B. Building Systems:Please describe each of the following in the space provided.

    Community Facilities: None

    Exterior Finish: Hardieplank Siding

    Heating/AC System: Electric heat pump and A/C

    Architectural Style: Colonial

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    C. Amenities:

    1. Specify the average size per unit type: (Including pro rata share of heated common area)Assisted Lvg 0.00 SF 1Bdrm Eld 0.00 SF 3-Bdrm Gar 1,115.85 SF1-Sty-Eff-Eld 0.00 SF 2Bdrm Eld 0.00 SF 4-Bdrm Gar 0.00 SF1-Sty 1BR-Eld 0.00 SF Eff-Gar 0.00 SF 2+Sty 2BR TH 0.00 SF1-Sty 2BR-Eld 0.00 SF 1-Bdrm Gar 0.00 SF 2+Sty 3BR TH 0.00 SFEff-Eld 0.00 SF 2-Bdrm Gar 1,110.19 SF 2+Sty 4BR TH 0.00 SF

    2. Total gross usable, heated square feet for the entire project less nonresidential commercial area:

    20,017.38 Documentation attached (TAB F) Mandatory(Sq. ft.)

    NOTE: All developments must meet VHDA's Minimum Design and Construction Requirements.

    By signing and submitting the Application For Reservation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits theapplicant certifies that the proposed project budget, plans & specifications and work write-ups incorporateall necessary elements to fulfill these requirements.

    3. Check the following items which apply to the proposed project:Documentation attached (TAB F Architect Certification) Mandatory

    For any project, upon completion of construction/rehabilitation: (Optional Point items)

    100% a(1) Percentage of 2-bedroom units that have 1.5 bathrooms

    100% a(2) Percentage of 3 or more bedroom units that have 2 bathrooms

    b. A community/meeting room with a minimum of 749 square feet is provided

    15% c. Percentage of exterior walls covered by brick (excluding triangular gable ends, doors and windows)

    d. All kitchen and laundry appliances meet the EPA's Energy Star qualified program requirements

    e. All windows meet the EPA's Energy Star qualified program requirements

    f. Every unit in the development is heated and cooled with either (i) heat pump equipment with both a

    SEER rating of 15.0 or more and a HSPF rating of 8.5 or more , or (ii) air conditioning equipmentwith a SEER rating of 15.0 or more, combined with gas furnaces with an AFUE rating of 90% ormore

    g. Water expense is sub-metered (the tenant will pay monthly or bi-monthly bill)

    h. Each bathroom consists only of low-flow faucets (2.2 gpm max.) and showerheads (2.5gpm max.)

    i. Provide necessary infrastructure in all units for high speed cable, DSL or wireless internet sevice

    j. All water heaters meet the EPA's Energy Star qualified program requirements.

    k. Every unit in the development will be heated and cooled with a geothermal heat pump that meetsEPA Energy Star qualified program requirements.

    l. The development will have a solar electric system that will remain unshaded year round, be oriented

    to within 15 degrees of true south, and be angled horizontally within 15 degrees of latitude.

    Expected Total Electrical Load (kilowatt hours per month): 0

    Percent of Expected Load Offset By Solar Electric System: 0.00%

    v12.31.09 Page 8

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    Low Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    For all projects exclusively serving elderly and/or handicapped tenants, upon completionof construction/rehabilitation: (Optional Point items)

    a. All cooking ranges will have front controls

    b. All units will have an emergency call system

    c. All bathrooms will have an independent or supplemental heat source

    d. All entrance doors have two eye viewers, one at 48" and the other at standard height

    For all rehabilitation and adaptive reuse projects, upon completion of construction or

    or rehabilitation: (Optional Point items)

    The structure is listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places or islocated in a registered historic district and certified by the Secretary of the Interior asbeing of historical significance to the district, and the rehabilitation will be completedin such a manner as to be eligible for historic rehabilitation tax credits


    Checkone or none of the following point categories, as appropriate:

    For any non-elderly property in which the greater of 5 or 10% of the units will be subject to federal project-based rentsubsidies or equivalent assistance in order to ensure occupancy by extremely low-income persons; and (ii) the greater of 5units or 10% of the units will conform to HUD regulations interpreting accessibility requirements of section 504 of theRehabilitation Act; and be actively marketed to people with special needs in accordance with a plan submitted as part of theApplication. (All of the units described in (ii) above must include roll-in showers and roll under sinks and front controls forranges, unless agree to by the Authority prior to the applicant's submission of its application).

    For any non-elderly property in which the greater of 5 or 10% of the units (i) have rents within HUDs Housing ChoiceVoucher (HCV) payment standard; (ii) conform to HUD regulations interpreting accessibility requirements of section 504 ofthe Rehabilitation Act; and (iii) are actively marketed to people with mobility impairments, including HCV holders, inaccordance with a plan submitted as part the Application.

    For any non-elderly property in which at least four percent (4%) of the units conform to HUD regulations interpretingaccessibility requirements of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and are actively marketed to people with mobilityimpairments in accordance with a plan submitted as part of the Application.

    Earthcraft or LEED Development CertificationApplicant agrees to obtain Earthcraft or LEED certification prior to issuance of IRS Form 8609. Architectcertifies in the Architect Certification that the development's design will meet the criteria for such certification.

    Yes - Earthcraft Yes - LEED

    If Yes to either, attach appropriate documentation at TAB F

    Universal Design - Units Meeting Universal Design Standards

    a. The architect of record certifies that units will be constructed to meet VHDA's Universal Design standards.Yes No If Yes, attach appropriate documentation at TAB F

    b. Number of Rental Units constructed to meet VHDA's Universal Design standards:6 Units 33%

    VHDA Certified Property Management AgentOwner agrees to use a VHDA Certified Property Management Agent to manage the property.

    Yes No

    Yes No N/A The market-rate units' amenities are substantially equivalent to those of thelow-income units. If no, explain differences:

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation




    Units Provided Per Household Type:

    # of Units % of Units # of Units % of Units

    2 11.11% 40% Area Median 2 11.11% 40% Area Median16 88.89% 50% Area Median 16 88.89% 50% Area Median0 0.00% 60% Area Median 0 0.00% 60% Area Median0 0.00% Non-LMI Units 0 0.00% Non-LMI Units

    18 100.00% Total 18 100.00% Total

    B. Special Housing Needs/Leasing Preference:

    1. If 100% of the low-income units will be occupied by either or both of the following special needsgroups as defined by the United States Fair Housing Act, so indicate:

    Yes Elderly (age 55 or above)

    Yes Physically or mentally disabled persons (must meet the requirements of the federalAmericans with Disabilities Act)

    2. Specify the number of low-income units that will serve individuals and families with children byproviding three or more bedrooms: Number of units 33% of total low-income units

    3. If the development has existing tenants, VHDA policy requires that the impact of economic and/or physical

    displacement on those tenants be minimized, in which Owners agree to abide by the Authority's RelocationGuidelines for LIHTC properties.

    4. If leasing preference will be given to applicants on public housing waiting list and/or Section 8waiting list, so indicate:



    Locality has no such waiting list; If yes, provide the following information:

    Organization which holds such waiting list: ARHAContact person (Name and Title) Roy Priest - CEO

    Phone Number 703 549-7115 Required documentation attached (TAB H)

    5. If leasing preference will be given to individuals and families with children.

    (Less than or equal to 20% of the units must have 1 or less bedrooms).



    Income Levels Rent Levels


    Note: In order to qualify for any tax credits, a development must meet one of two minimum threshold occupancy tests. Either (i) at least 20% of the units

    must be rent-restricted and occupied by persons whose incomes are 50% or less of the area median income adjusted for family size (this is called the 20/50

    test) or (ii) at least 40% of the units must be rent-restricted and occupied by persons whose incomes are 60% or less of the area median income adjusted for

    family size (this is called the 40/60 test), all as described in Section 42 of the IRC. Rent-and income-restricted units are known as low-income units. If youhave more low-income units than required, you qualify for more credits. If you serve lower incomes than required, you receive more points under the rankin


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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation


    Note: Please refer to the Application Manual for specific instructions and deadlines for pertaining to locality

    notification of proposed Low income Housing Tax Credit developments.

    A. Provide the name and the address of the chief executive officer (City Manager, Town Manager, orCounty Administrator) of the political jurisdiction in which the development will be located:

    Chief Executive Officer's Name James K. HartmannChief Executive Officer's Title City Manager

    Street Address 301 King Street, Ste. 3500 Phone 703 838-4300City Alexandria State VA Zip 22314

    Name and title of local official you have discussed this project with who could answer questions for thlocal CEO: Mildrilyn Davis - Director of Housing

    If the property overlaps another jurisdiction please fill in the following:Chief Executive Officer's NameChief Executive Officer's TitleStreet Address PhoneCity State Zip

    Name and title of local official you have discussed this project with who could answer questions for thlocal CEO:

    B. Project Schedule





    Option/Contract March 10, 2010 Roy Priest

    Site Acquisition November 5, 2010 Roy Priest

    Zoning Approval October 18, 2008 Brian Jackson

    Site Plan Approval August 18, 2010 Brian JacksonFinancing

    A. Construction Loan

    Loan Application NA

    Conditional Commitment NA

    Firm Commitment NA

    B. Permanent Loan - First Lien

    Loan Application NA

    Conditional Commitment NA

    Firm Commitment NA

    C. Permanent Loan-Second Lien

    Loan Application NA

    Conditional Commitment NA

    Firm Commitment NA

    D. Other Loans & Grants

    Type & Source, ListApplication


    Formation of Owner March 5, 2010 Erik Hoffman

    IRS Approval of Nonprofit Status NA

    Closing and Transfer of Property to Owner November 5, 2010 Roy Priest

    Plans and Specifications, Working Drawings March 10, 2010 Greg Shron

    Building Permit Issued by Local Government October 22, 2010 Greg Shron

    Start Construction December 31, 2010 John Fahey

    Begin Lease-up October 31, 2011 Roy Priest

    Complete Construction October 31, 2012 John Fahey

    Complete Lease-Up December 31, 2012 Roy Priest

    Credit Placed in Service Date December 31, 2012 Roy Priest

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation


    A. Type of Site Control by Owner:

    Applicant controls site by (select one and attach document - Mandatory TAB K)Deed - attached

    Long-term Lease - attached (expiration date: )

    Option - attached (expiration date: 12/01/10 )

    Purchase Contract - attached (expiration date: )

    If more than one site for the development and more than one form of site control, please so indicateand attach a separate sheet specifying each site, number of existing buildings on the site, if any,

    type of control of each site, and applicable expiration date of form of site control. A site controldocument is required for each site.

    Most recent property tax assessment - Mandatory TAB K

    B. Timing of Acquisition by Owner:Select one:

    Owner already controls site by either deed or long-term lease or

    Owner is to acquire property by deed (or lease for period no shorter than period propertywill be subject to occupancy restrictions) no later than 11/05/10

    If more than one site for the development and more than one expected date of acquisition byOwner, please so indicate and attach separate sheet specifying each site, number of existingbuildings on the site, if any, and expected date of acquisition of each site by the Owner.

    C. Market Study Data:

    Obtain the following information from the Market Study conducted in connection with this tax credit application and enter below:

    Project Wide Capture Rate - LIHTC Units

    Project Wide Capture Rate - Market Units

    Project Wide Capture Rate - All Units

    Project Wide Absorption Period (Months)




    1 month

    Note: Site control by the Owner identified herein is a mandatory precondition of review of this application. Documentary evidence of it,

    in the form of either a deed, option, purchase contract, or lease for a term longer than the period of time the property will be subject to

    occupancy restrictions must be included herewith. (9% Competitive Credits - An option or contract must extend beyond the

    application deadline by a minimum of four months.)

    Warning: Site control by an entity other than the Owner, even if it is a closely related party, is not sufficient. Anticipated future transfers

    to the Owner are not sufficient. The Owner, as identified in Subpart II-A, must have site control at the time this Application is


    NOTE: If the Owner receives a reservation of credits, the property must be titled in the name of or leased by (pursuant to a long-term

    lease) the Owner before the allocation of credits is made this year.

    Contact us before you submit this application if you have any questions about this requirement.

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    C. Site Description

    1. Exact area of site in acres 1.515

    2. Has locality approved a final site plan or plan of development?

    Yes No

    Required documentation form attached (TAB L)

    3. Is site properly zoned for the proposed development?

    Yes No

    Required documentation form attached (TAB M)

    4. Will the proposal seek to qualify for points associated with proximity to public transportation?

    Yes No

    Required documentation form attached (TAB A)

    D. Plans and Specifications

    Minimum submission requirements for all properties (new construction, rehabilitation and adaptive reuse)

    1. A location map with property clearly defined.

    2. Sketch plan of the site showing overall dimensions of main building(s), major site elements

    (e.g., parking lots and location of existing utilities, and water, sewer, electric,

    gas in the streets adjacent to the site). Contour lines and elevations are not required.

    3. Sketch plans of main building(s) reflecting overall dimensions of:

    a. Typical floor plan(s) showing apartment types and placement

    b. Ground floor plan(s) showing common areas;

    c. Sketch floor plan(s) of typical dwelling unit(s);

    d. Typical wall section(s) showing footing, foundation, wall and floor structure.

    Notes must indicate basic materials in structure, floor and exterior finish.

    4. Required documentation for rehabilitation properties: A unit-by-unit work write-up.

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation


    A. Rental Assistance

    1. Do or will any low-income units receive rental assistance?

    Yes No

    2. If yes, indicate type of rental assistance:

    Section 8 New Construction Substantial Rehabilitation

    Section 8 Moderate RehabilitationSection 8 Certificates

    Section 8 Project Based Assistance

    RD 515 Rental Assistance

    Section 8 Vouchers

    State Assistance

    Other: The apartments are subject to and receive ACC payments from HUD under an existing contrac

    3. Number of units receiving assistance: 18

    Number of years in rental assistance contract: infinite

    Expiration date of contract:contract renewed annually subject to Fed. Appropriations

    Contract or other agreement attached (TAB Q)

    B. Utilities1. Monthly Utility Allowance Calculations

    Utilities Type of Utility Utilities Enter Allowances by Bedroom Size

    (Gas, Electric, Oil, etc.) Paid by: 0-bdr 1-bdr 2-bdr 3-bdr 4-br

    Heating Electric Owner x Tenant 0 0 89 113 0

    Air Conditioning Electric Owner x Tenant 0 0 21 25 0

    Cooking Electric Owner x Tenant 0 0 14 15 0

    Lighting Electric Owner x Tenant 0 0 33 35 0

    Hot Water Electric Owner x Tenant 0 0 46 55 0

    Water Owner x Tenant 0 0 28 45 0

    Sewer Owner x Tenant 0 0 24 24 0

    Trash x Owner Tenant 0 0 0 0 0

    Total utility allowance for costs paid by tenant $0 $0 $255 $312 $0

    2. Source of Utility Allowance Calculation (Attach Documentation TAB Q)


    Utility Company (Estimate) Local PHA

    Utility Company (Actual Survey) Other:

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    C. Revenue1. Indicate the estimated monthly income for the Low-Income Units: **

    Total Number of Total Monthly

    Tax Credit Units Rental Income

    0 $0

    0 $0

    12 $5,400

    6 $2,700

    0 $0


    Plus Other Income Source (list): vending/interest/fees $216

    Equals Total Monthly Income: $8,316

    Twelve Months x12

    Equals Annual Gross Potential Income $99,792

    Less Vacancy Allowance ( 7.0% ) $6,985

    Equals Annual Effective Gross Income (EGI) - Low Income Unit $92,807

    ** Beginning at Row 75 enter the appropriate data for both tax credit and market rate units in the yellow shaded cells.

    2. Indicate the estimated monthly income for the Market Rate Units: **

    Total Number of Total Monthly

    Market Units Rental Income

    0 $0

    0 $0

    0 $00 $0

    0 $0

    Total Number of Market Units 0

    Plus Other Income Source (list): $0

    Equals Total Monthly Income: $0

    Twelve Months x12

    Equals Annual Gross Potential Income $0

    Less Vacancy Allowance ( 0.0% ) $0

    Equals Annual Effective Gross Income (EGI) - Market Rate Units $0

    Documentation in Support of Operating Budget attached (TAB R)

    List number of units by type: TOTAL UNITS


    0 0 0 0 0 0

    2 BD RM-GAR 3 BD RM-GAR 4 BD RM-GAR 2+Story 2 BR-TH 2+Story 3 BR-TH 2+Story 4 BR-TH

    12 6 0 0 0 0

    1 STY-EFF-ELD 1 STY-1 BR-ELD 1 STY-2 BR-ELD Note: Please be sure to enter the number of units in the

    0 0 0 appropriate unit category. If not, you will find an error on

    the scoresheet at 5a, 6a & 6b.

    List number of units by type: TAX CREDIT UNITS


    0 0 0 0 0 0

    2 BD RM-GAR 3 BD RM-GAR 4 BD RM-GAR 2+Story 2 BR-TH 2+Story 3 BR-TH 2+Story 4 BR-TH

    12 6 0 0 0 0

    1 Story-EFF-ELD 1 Story-1 BR-ELD 1 Story-2 BR-ELD

    0 0 0

    Efficiency Units

    Unit Type / Net Rentable Monthly Rent Total

    Rent Targeting Number Units Square Feet Per Unit Monthly Rent

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency Units

    4 Bedroom Units

    Unit Type

    Unit Type

    1 Bedroom Units

    2 Bedroom Units

    3 Bedroom Units

    Total Number of Tax Credit Units

    Efficiency Units

    4 Bedroom Units

    1 Bedroom Units

    2 Bedroom Units3 Bedroom Units

    v12.31.09 Page 15

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    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Total Efficiency Total Monthly Eff.

    Tax Credit Units: 0 0.00 Tax Credit Rent: -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Efficiency - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Total Efficiency

    Market Units: 0 0.00 Total Monthly

    Eff. Market Rent: -$

    Total Eff. Units: 0 Total Eff. Rent -$

    1-Bedroom Units

    Net Rentable Monthly Rent Total

    Rent Targeting Number Units Square Feet Per Unit Monthly Rent

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$v12.31.09 Page 15

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    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Total 1-BR Total Monthly 1-BR

    Tax Credit Units: 0 0.00 Tax Credit Rent: -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    1 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Total 1-BR

    Market Units: 0 0.00 Total Monthly

    1-BR Market Rent: -$

    Total 1-BR Units: 0 Total 1-BR Rent -$

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    2-Bedroom Units

    Net Rentable Monthly Rent Total

    Rent Targeting Number Units Square Feet Per Unit Monthly Rent

    2 BR - 40% 2 822.65 450$ 900$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 50% 1 822.65 450$ 450$

    2 BR - 50% 3 1,000.13 450$ 1,350$

    2 BR - 50% 3 1,011.42 450$ 1,350$

    2 BR - 50% 3 1,286.66 450$ 1,350$

    2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Total 2-BR Total Monthly 2-BR

    Tax Credit Units: 12 12,362.58 Tax Credit Rent: 5,400$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    2 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$v12.31.09 Page 15

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    Total 2-BR

    Market Units: 0 0.00 Total Monthly

    2-BR Market Rent: -$

    Total 2-BR Units: 12 Total 2-BR Rent 5,400$

    3-Bedroom Units

    Net Rentable Monthly Rent Total

    Rent Targeting Number Units Square Feet Per Unit Monthly Rent

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 3 1,064.19 450$ 1,350$

    3 BR - 50% 3 1,072.51 450$ 1,350$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Total 3-BR Total Monthly 3-BR

    Tax Credit Units: 6 6,410.10 Tax Credit Rent: 2,700$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    v12.31.09 Page 15

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    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    3 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Total 3-BR

    Market Units: 0 0.00 Total Monthly

    3-BR Market Rent: -$

    Total 3-BR Units: 6 Total 3-BR Rent 2,700$

    4-Bedroom Units

    Net Rentable Monthly Rent Total

    Rent Targeting Number Units Square Feet Per Unit Monthly Rent

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 40% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 50% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - 60% 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Total 4-BR Total Monthly 4-BR

    Tax Credit Units: 0 0.00 Tax Credit Rent: -$

    v12.31.09 Page 15

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    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    4 BR - Market 0 0.00 -$ -$

    Total 4-BR

    Market Units: 0 0.00 Total Monthly

    4-BR Market Rent: -$

    Total 4-BR Units: 0 Total 4-BR Rent -$

    Total Units 18 Net Rentable SF: TC Units 18,772.68

    MKT Units 0.00

    Total NR SF: 18,772.68

    100.0000%Floor Space Fraction

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    D. Operating Expenses


    1. Advertising/Marketing $206

    2. Office Salaries $7,750

    3. Office Supplies $743

    4. Office/Model Apartment (type______) $0

    5. Management Fee $8,000

    8.62% of EGI 444.4444444 Per Unit

    6. Manager Salaries $6,317

    7. Staff Unit (s) (type______) $08. Legal $412

    9. Auditing $0

    10. Bookkeeping/Accounting Fees $1,648

    11. Telephone & Answering Service $247

    12. Tax Credit Monitoring Fee $450

    13. Miscellaneous Administrative $819

    Total Administrative $26,592


    14. Fuel Oil $0

    15. Electricity $134

    16. Water $52

    17. Gas $155

    18. Sewer $0

    Total Utility $341


    19. Janitor/Cleaning Payroll $4,767

    20. Janitor/Cleaning Supplies $361

    21. Janitor/Cleaning Contract $5,35622. Exterminating $1,545

    23. Trash Removal $6,000

    24. Security Payroll/Contract $206

    25. Grounds Payroll $0

    26. Grounds Supplies $0

    27. Grounds Contract $6,000

    28. Maintenance/Repairs Payroll $0

    29. Repairs/Material $0

    30. Repairs Contract $0

    31. Elevator Maintenance/Contract $0

    32. Heating/Cooling Repairs & Maintenance $3,000

    33. Pool Maintenance/Contract/Staff $0

    34. Snow Removal $2,000

    35. Decorating/Payroll/Contract $0

    36. Decorating Supplie $0

    37. Miscellaneous $14,724

    Operating & Maintenance Totals $43,959

    Taxes & Insurance

    38. Real Estate Taxes $0

    39. Payroll Taxes $958

    40. Miscellaneous Taxes/Licenses/Permit $0

    41. Property & Liability Insuranc $5,768

    42. Fidelity Bond $0

    43. Workman's Compensation $1,859

    44. Health Insurance & Employee Benefit $751

    45. Other Insurance $188

    Total Taxes & Insurance $9,524


    Total Operating Expense $80,416

    D1. Total Oper. Ex. Per Unit $4,468 D2. Total Oper. Ex. As % EGI (from E3) 86.65%

    Replacement Reserves (Total # Units X $300 or $250 New Const. Elderly Minimum) $5,400

    Total Expenses $85,816

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    E. Cash Flow (First Year)

    1. Annual EGI Low-Income Units from (C1) $92,807

    2. Annual EGI Market Units (from C2) + $0

    3. Total Effective Gross Income = $92,807

    4. Total Expenses (from D) $85,816

    5. Net Operating Income = $6,9916. Total Annual Debt Service (from Page 21 B2) - $1,424

    7. Cash Flow Available for Distribution = $5,567

    F. Projections for Financial Feasibility - 15 Year Projections of Cash Flow


    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

    Eff. Gross Income 92,807 94,663 96,556 98,487 100,457

    Less Oper. Expenses 85,816 88,390 91,042 93,773 96,587

    Net Income 6,991 6,272 5,514 4,714 3,870

    Less Debt Service 1,424 1,424 1,424 1,424 1,424

    Cash Flow 5,567 4,848 4,090 3,290 2,446

    Debt Coverage Ratio 4.91 4.40 3.87 3.31 2.72

    Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10

    Eff. Gross Income 102,466 104,515 106,606 108,738 110,912

    Less Oper. Expenses 99,484 102,469 105,543 108,709 111,970

    Net Income 2,982 2,046 1,063 29 -1,058Less Debt Service 1,424 1,424 1,424 1,424 1,424

    Cash Flow 1,558 622 -361 -1,395 -2,482

    Debt Coverage Ratio 2.09 1.44 0.75 0.02 (0.74)

    Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15

    Eff. Gross Income 113,131 115,393 117,701 120,055 122,456

    Less Oper. Expenses 115,330 118,789 122,353 126,024 129,804

    Net Income -2,199 -3,396 -4,652 -5,969 -7,348

    Less Debt Service 1,424 1,424 1,424 1,424 1,424

    Cash Flow -3,623 -4,820 -6,076 -7,393 -8,772

    Debt Coverage Ratio (1.54) (2.38) (3.27) (4.19) (5.16)

    Estimated Annual Percentage Increase in Revenue 2.00% (Must be < 2%)

    Estimated Annual Percentage Increase in Expenses 3.00% (Must be > 3%)

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation


    A. Cost/Basis/Maximum Allowable Credit

    Complete cost column and basis column(s) as appropriate through A12. Check if the followingdocumentation is attached at TAB S:

    Executed Construction ContractExecuted Trade Payment Breakdown

    AppraisalOther Cost DocumentationEnvironmental Studies

    Amount of Cost up to 100% Includable in

    Eligible Basis--Use Applicable Column(s):

    "30% Present Value Credit" (D)

    Item (A) Cost (B) Acquisit ion (C) Rehab/ "70 % Present

    New Construction Value Credit"

    1. Contractor Cost

    A. Off-Site Improvements 155,000 0 0 12,950

    B. Site Work 601,852 0 0 601,852

    C. Geothermal System 0 0 0 0

    D. Unit Structures (New) 1,604,448 0 0 1,604,448

    E. Unit Structures (Rehab) 0 0 0 0

    F. Solar Electric System 0 0 0 0

    G. Asbestos Removal 0 0 0 0

    H. Demolition 62,300 0 0 62,300

    I. Commercial Space Costs 0 0 0 0

    J. Structured Parking Garage 0 0 0 0

    K. Subtotal A: (Sum 1A..1J) 2,423,600 0 0 2,281,550

    L. General Requirements 145,416 0 0 145,416

    M. Builder's Overhead 48,472 0 0 48,472

    ( 2.0% Contract)N. Builder's Profit 145,416 0 0 145,416

    ( 6.0% Contract)

    O. Bonding Fee 48,472 0 0 48,472

    P. Other 0 0 0 0

    Q. Contractor Cost

    Subtotal (Sum 1K..1P) $2,811,376 $0 $0 $2,669,326

    2. Owner Costs

    A. Building Permit 51,521 0 0 51,521

    B. Arch./Engin. Design Fee 191,065 0 0 191,065

    ( 10,615 /Unit)

    C. Arch. Supervision Fee 36,000 0 0 36,000

    ( 2,000 /Unit)

    D. Tap Fees 0 0 0 0E. Soil Borings 5,211 0 0 5,211

    NOTE: Attorney must opine, among other things, as to correctness of the inclusion of each cost item in eligible basis, type

    of credit and numerical calculations of this Part VIII.

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    Amount of Cost up to 100% Includable in

    Eligible Basis--Use Applicable Column(s):

    "30% Present Value Credit" (D)

    Item (A) Cost (B) Acquisition (C) Rehab/ "70 % Present

    New Construction Value Credit"

    2. Owner Costs Continued

    F. Construction Loan 0 0 0 0Origination Fee

    G. Construction Interest 0 0 0 0

    ( 0.0% for 0 months)

    H. Taxes During Construction 0 0 0 0

    I. Insurance During Construction 6,408 0 0 6,408

    J. Cost Certification Fee 35,000 0 0 35,000

    K. Title and Recording 26,000 0 0 26,000

    L. Legal Fees for Closing 100,000 20,000 0 80,000

    M. Permanent Loan Fee 0 0 0 0

    ( 0.0% )

    N. Other Permanent Loan Fees 0 0 0 0

    O. Credit Enhancement 0 0 0 0

    P. Mortgage Banker 0 0 0 0

    Q. Environmental Study 581 0 0 581R. Structural/Mechanical Study 0 0 0 0

    S. Appraisal Fee 1,500 0 0 1,500

    T. Market Study 3,000 0 0 3,000

    U. Operating Reserve 75,000 0 0 0

    V. Tax Credit Fee 25,605 0 0 0

    W. OTHER $249,074 $0 $0 $103,619

    (SEE PAGE 19A)

    X. Owner Cost

    Subtotal (Sum 2A..2W) $805,965 $20,000 $0 $539,905

    Subtotal 1 + 2 $3,617,341 $20,000 $0 $3,209,231

    (Owner + Contractor Costs)

    3. Developer's Fees 548,000 0 0 548,000

    4. Owner's Acquisition Costs

    Land 719,235

    Existing Improvements 0 0

    Subtotal 4: $719,235 $0

    5. Total Development Costs

    Subtotal 1+2+3+4: $4,884,576 $20,000 $0 $3,757,231

    If this application seeks rehab credits only, in which there is no acquisition and no change in ownership, enter the greater of

    appraised value or tax assessment value here: $0 Land

    (Attach documentation at Tab K) $0 Building

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    Amount of Cost up to 100% Includable in

    Eligible Basis--Use Applicable Column(s):

    "30% Present Value Credit" (D)

    Item (A) Cost (B) Acquisition (C) Rehab/ "70 % Present

    New Construction Value Credit"


    Contingency Reserve 0 0 0 0(Rehab or Adaptive Reuse only)


    Relocation Costs 50,000 0 0 50,000

    Tax Credit Consultant 20,000 0 0 0

    HUD Disposition Consultant 2,700 0 0 0

    Legal - Land Use 30,000 0 0 0

    Project Accounting 75,000 0 0 0

    Survey 0 0 0 0

    LEED Certification 11,943 0 0 11,943

    Utility Consultant 14,211 0 0 14,211

    Fire Protection Engineer 2,465 0 0 2,465

    VHDA Allocation Fee 17,755 0 0 0

    3rd Party Cost Estimator 25,000 0 0 25,000

    0 0 0 00 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    Subtotal (Other Owner Costs) $249,074 $0 $0 $103,619

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    Amount of Cost up to 100% Includable in

    Eligible Basis--Use Applicable Column(s):

    "30 % Present Value Credit"

    (C) Rehab/ (D)

    New "70 % Present

    Item (A) Cost (B) Acquisition Construction Value Credit"

    5. Total Development Costs

    Subtotal 1+2+3+4 4,884,576 20,000 0 3,757,231

    6. Reductions in Eligible Basis

    Subtract the following:

    A. Amount of federal grant(s) used to finance 0 0 0

    qualifying development costs

    B. Amount of nonqualified, nonrecourse financing 0 0 0

    C. Costs of nonqualifying units of higher quality 0 0 0

    (or excess portion thereof)

    D. Historic Tax Credit (residential portion) 0 0 0

    7. Total Eligible Basis (5 minus 6 above) 20,000 0 3,757,231

    8. Adjustment(s) to Eligible Basis (For non-acquisition costs in eligible basis)

    (i) For Earthcraft or LEED Certification AND 60 Bonus Points ( Eligible For Increase) 0 187,862

    (ii) For QCT or DDA (Eligible Basis x 30%) 0 0

    Total Adjusted Eligible basis 0 3,945,093

    9. Applicable Fraction 100.0000% 100.0000% 100.0000%

    10. Total Qualified Basis (Same as Part IX-C) 20,000 0 3,945,093

    (Eligible Basis x Applicable Fraction)

    11. Applicable Percentage 0.00% 0.00% 9.00%

    (For 2010 9% competitive credits, use the March 2010 applicable percentages for acq.)

    (For 9% non-competitive & tax exempt bonds, use the most recently published rates)

    12. Maximum Allowable Credit under IRC 42 $0 $0 $355,058

    (Qualified Basis x Applicable Percentage)

    (Same as Part IX-C and equal to or more than $355,058

    credit amount requested) Combined 30% & 70% P. V. Credit

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    B. Sources of Funds

    1. Construction Financing: List individually the sources of construction financing, including any such

    loans financed through grant sources:

    Date of Date of Amount of

    Source of Funds Application Commitment Funds Name of Contact Person

    1. ARHA Project Loan 02/01/10 03/10/10 $1,424,000 Roy Priest

    2. $0

    3. $0

    Commitments or letter(s) of intent attached (TAB T)

    2. Permanent Financing: List individually the sources of all permanent financing in order of lien position:

    Interest Amortization Term

    Date of Date of Amount of Annual Debt Rate of Period of

    Source of Funds Application Commitment Funds Service Cost Loan IN YEARS Loan (years)

    1. $0 0.00% 1000 0

    2. ARHA Project Loan 02/01/10 03/10/10 $1,424,000 $1,424 0.00% 1000 30

    3. $0 $0 0.00% 1000 0

    4. $0 $0 0.00% 1000 0

    5. $0 $0 0.00% 1000 0

    6. $0 $0 0.00% 1000 0

    Totals: $1,424,000 $1,424

    Commitments or letter(s) of intent attached (TAB T)

    3. Grants: List all grants provided for the development:

    Date of Date of Amount of

    Source of Funds Application Commitment Funds Name of Contact Person

    1. $0

    2. $0

    3. $0

    4. $0

    5. $0

    6. $0

    Total Permanent Grants: $0

    Commitments or letter(s) of intent attached (TAB T)

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    4. Portion of Syndication Proceeds Attributable to Historic Tax Credit

    Amount of Federal historic credits $0 x Equity % $0.00 $0

    Amount of Virginia historic credits $0 x Equity % $0.00 $0

    6. Equity that Sponsor will Fund:

    Cash Investment $0

    Contributed Land/Building $719,235 Assessment Attached (TAB S)Deferred Developer Fee $565

    Other: $0

    Equity Total $719,800

    7. Total of All Sources (B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 + B6) $2,143,800

    (not including syndication proceeds except for historic tax credits)

    8. Total Development Cost $4,884,576

    (From VIII-A5)

    9. Less Total Sources of Funds (From B7 above) $2,143,800

    10. Equals equity gap to be funded with low-income tax credit

    proceeds (must equal IX-D3) $2,740,776

    C. Syndication Information (If Applicable)

    1. Actual or Anticipated Name of Syndicator Boston Capital

    2. Contact Person Corine Sheridan Phone 617 624-8893

    3. Street Address One Boston Place

    City Boston State MA Zip 02108

    4. a. Total to be paid by anticipated users of credit (e.g., limited partners) $2,740,774

    b. Equity Dollars Per Credit (e.g., $0.85 per dollar of credit) $0.77

    c. Percent of ownership entity (e.g., 99% or 99.9%) 99.99%

    d. Net credit amount anticipated by user of credits $355,022

    e. Syndication costs not included in VIII-A5 (e.g., advisory fees) $0

    5. Net amount which will be used to pay for Total Development Cost (4a-4e)as listed in Part VIII-A5 (same amount as Part IX-D3) $2,740,774

    6. Amount of annual credit required for above amounts

    (same amount as Part IX-D6) $355,058

    7. Net Equity Factor [C5 / (C6 X 10)]

    (same amount as Part IX-D4) Must be equal to or greater than 85% 77.19%

    8. Syndication: Public or Private

    9. Investors: Individual or Corporate

    Weighted Average Credit Price Calculation

    Exchange Component 40% $0.85 $0.34

    Market Component 60% $0.72 $0.43

    Weighted Average Credit Price: $0.77

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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    D. Recap of Federal, State, and Local Funds/Any Credit Enhancements

    1. Are any portions of the sources of funds described above for the development financed directly or indirectlywith Federal, State, or Local Government Funds? Yes NoIf yes, then check the type and list the amount of money involved.

    Below-Market Loans Market-Rate Loans

    Tax Exempt Bonds $0 Taxable Bonds $0

    RD 515 $0 Section 220 $0

    Section 221(d)(3) $0 Section 221(d)(3) $0

    Section 312 $0 Section 221(d)(4) $0

    Section 236 $0 Section 236 $0

    VHDA SPARC/REACH $0 Section 223(f) $0

    HOME Funds $0 Other: $0

    Other: ARHA Project Loan $1,424,000

    Other: $0

    Grants Grants

    CDBG $0 State $0

    UDAG $0 Local $0Other: $0

    This means grants to the partnership. If you received a loan financed by a locality which received one of the

    listed grants, please list it in the appropriate loan column as "other" and describe the applicable grant program

    which funded it.

    2. Subsidized Funding: list all sources of funding for points. Documentation Attached (TAB T)

    Source of Funds Commitment date Funds

    1. ARHA project loan $1,424,000

    2. ARHA land contribution $719,235

    3. $0

    4. $0

    5. $0

    3. Does any of your financing have any credit enhancement? Yes No

    If yes, list which financing and describe the credit enhancement:

    4. Other Subsidies Documentation Attached (TAB Q)

    Section 8 Rent Supplement or Rental Assistance Payment

    Tax Abatement

    Other City waiver of permit and sewer tap fees; ACC rent subsidy

    5. Is HUD approval for transfer of physical asset required?

    Yes No

    E. For Transactions Using Tax-Exempt Bonds Seeking 4% Credits:

    For purposes of the 50% Test, and based only on the data entered to this

    application, the portion of the aggregate basis of buildings and land financed with

    tax-exempt funds is: N/A

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    A. Extended Use Restriction

    This development will be subject to the standard extended use agreement which permits earlytermination (after the mandatory 15-year compliance period) of the extended use period.

    This development will be subject to an extended use agreement in which the owner's right to anyearly termination of the extended use provision is waived for 25 additional years after the 15-year compliance period for a total of 40 years. Do not select if IX.B is checked below.

    This development will be subject to an extended use agreement in which the owner's right to anyearly termination of the extended use provision is waived for 35 additional years after the 15-year compliance period for a total of 50 years. Do not select if IX.B is checked below.

    B. Nonprofit/Local Housing Authority Purchase Option/Right of First Refusal

    1. After the mandatory 15-year compliance period, a qualified nonprofit as identified in theattached nonprofit questionnaire, or local housing authority will have the option to purchaseor the right of first refusal to acquire the development for a price not to exceed the outstandingdebt and exit taxes. Such debt must be limited to the original mortgage(s) unless any refinancingis approved by the nonprofit. Do not select if extended compliance is selected in IX.A above.

    Option or Right of First Refusal in Recordable Form Attached (TAB V)

    Enter name of qualified nonprofit: ARHA

    2. A qualified nonprofit or local housing authority submits a homeownership plan committing tosell the units in the development after the mandatory 15-year compliance period to tenants whoseincomes shall not exceed the applicable income limit at the time of their initial occupancy.Do not select if extended compliance is selected in IX.A above.

    Homeownership Plan Attached (TAB J)

    NOTE: Each recipient of an allocation of credits will be required to record an extended use agreement as required by the

    IRC governing the use of the development for low-income housing for at least 30 years. However, the IRC provides

    that, in certain circumstances, such extended use period may be terminated early.

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    C. Building-by-Building Information Must Complete

    Qualified basis must be determined on a building-by building basis. Complete the section below. Building street addresses are required by the IRS (must h

    allocation request).

    30% Present Value 30% Present Value

    Credit for Acquisition Credit for Construction


    CREDIT RATE Actual or Actual or

    UNITS UNITS Estimate Anticipated Estimate Anticipated

    Build Street Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit

    ing # Address Basis Date Percentage Amount Basis Date Percentage Amount

    1. 3 Building 1 $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    2. 3 Building 2 $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    3. 3 Building 3 $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    4. 3 Building 4 $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    5. 3 Building 5 $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    6. 3 Building 6 $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    7. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    8. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    9. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    10. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    11. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    12. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    13. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    14. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    15. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    16. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0 $0 $0

    $0 $0 Qualified Basis Totals (must agree with VIII-A10)

    Credit Amount Totals (must agree with VIII-A-12)




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    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    C. Building-by-Building Information Must Complete

    Qualified basis must be determined on a building-by building basis. Complete the section below. Building street addresses are required by the IRS (must h

    allocation request).

    30% Present Value 30% Present Value

    Credit for Acquisition Credit for Construction


    CREDIT RATE Actual or Actual or

    UNITS UNITS Estimate Anticipated Estimate Anticipated

    Build Street Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit

    ing # Address Basis Date Percentage Amount Basis Date Percentage Amount

    17. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    18. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    19. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    20. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    21. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    22. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    23. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    24. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    25. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    26. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    27. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    28. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    29. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    30. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    31. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    32. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0 $0 $0

    $0 $0Qualified Basis Totals (must agree with VIII-A10)

    Credit Amount Totals (must agree with VIII-A-12)




  • 8/7/2019 James Bland II


    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    C. Building-by-Building Information Must Complete

    Qualified basis must be determined on a building-by building basis. Complete the section below. Building street addresses are required by the IRS (must h

    allocation request).

    30% Present Value 30% Present Value

    Credit for Acquisition Credit for Construction


    CREDIT RATE Actual or Actual or

    UNITS UNITS Estimate Anticipated Estimate Anticipated

    Build Street Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit

    ing # Address Basis Date Percentage Amount Basis Date Percentage Amount

    33. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    34. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    35. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    36. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    37. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    38. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    39. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    40. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    41. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    42. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    43. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    44. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    45. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    46. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    47. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    48. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0 $0 $0

    $0 $0Qualified Basis Totals (must agree with VIII-A10)

    Credit Amount Totals (must agree with VIII-A-12)




  • 8/7/2019 James Bland II


    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    C. Building-by-Building Information Must Complete

    Qualified basis must be determined on a building-by building basis. Complete the section below. Building street addresses are required by the IRS (must h

    allocation request).

    30% Present Value 30% Present Value

    Credit for Acquisition Credit for Construction


    CREDIT RATE Actual or Actual or

    UNITS UNITS Estimate Anticipated Estimate Anticipated

    Build Street Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit

    ing # Address Basis Date Percentage Amount Basis Date Percentage Amount

    49. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    50. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    51. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    52. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    53. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    54. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    55. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    56. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    57. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    58. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    59. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    60. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    61. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    62. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    63. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    64. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0 $0 $0

    $0 $0Qualified Basis Totals (must agree with VIII-A10)

    Credit Amount Totals (must agree with VIII-A-12)




  • 8/7/2019 James Bland II


    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    C. Building-by-Building Information Must Complete

    Qualified basis must be determined on a building-by building basis. Complete the section below. Building street addresses are required by the IRS (must h

    allocation request).

    30% Present Value 30% Present Value

    Credit for Acquisition Credit for Construction


    CREDIT RATE Actual or Actual or

    UNITS UNITS Estimate Anticipated Estimate Anticipated

    Build Street Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit

    ing # Address Basis Date Percentage Amount Basis Date Percentage Amount

    65. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    66. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    67. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    68. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    69. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    70. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    71. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    72. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    73. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    74. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    75. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    76. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    77. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    78. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    79. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    80. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0 $0 $0

    $0 $0Qualified Basis Totals (must agree with VIII-A10)

    Credit Amount Totals (must agree with VIII-A-12)




  • 8/7/2019 James Bland II


    Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation

    C. Building-by-Building Information Must Complete

    Qualified basis must be determined on a building-by building basis. Complete the section below. Building street addresses are required by the IRS (must h

    allocation request).

    30% Present Value 30% Present Value

    Credit for Acquisition Credit for Construction


    CREDIT RATE Actual or Actual or

    UNITS UNITS Estimate Anticipated Estimate Anticipated

    Build Street Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit Qualified In-Service Applicable Credit

    ing # Address Basis Date Percentage Amount Basis Date Percentage Amount

    81. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    82. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    83. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    84. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    85. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    86. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    87. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    88. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    89. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    90. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    91. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    92. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    93. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    94. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    95. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0

    96. $0 0.00% 0 $0 0.00% 0 $0 $0

    $0 $0Qualified Basis Totals (must agree with VIII-A10)

    Credit Amount Totals (must agre
