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James Bond Firearms

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  • 8/3/2019 James Bond Firearms


    James Bond the super spy created by Ian Flemingis a character that we all know from the popularnovels and movies. This page focuses on the

    pistols that Mr. Bond carried with him on hisadventures.

    Beretta Modelo 418

    Up until the movie Dr NO the only pistol JamesBond carried was the little Italian .25 BerettaModelo 418. James was very fond of this compact

    little gun and was reluctant to give it up, eventhough it jammed on him in a novel, and nearlycost him his life.....he spent 6 months in hospitalrecovering from the serious injuries sustained inthat mission....and HQ was not impressed.

    In the movie, James Bond actually had a BerettaModelo 1934, presumably because the studio could

    not get the proper and correct model 418. TheBeretta Modelo 418 is pictured below:

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    This close concealment gun is also known as apocket pistol in that it is very compact and can becarried quite easily and unobtrusively in the

    trouser pocket, although James Bond used a smallshoulder holster that is more befitting a specialAgent. Below is pictured the standard holster forthe 418, Bonds was actually made of soft thinchamois leather.

    The Beretta model 418 had a small pin thatprotruded from the back of the slide to indicatethat the pistol was cocked and ready to fire, this isjust visible in the photo below. In the novel, James

    Bond actually filed this to a sharp point,presumably so that he could feel it easier and knowwithout looking that the gun was ready to fire.

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    There is a grip safety feature on this gun too, alittle lever on the back of the butt has to bedepressed in the hand before the gun will fire. Inthe novel, James Bond actually took the grips offand strapped tape around the handle so that thesafety was permanently depressed.

    The guns hammer is secreted within the slide so asnot to snag on any clothing when its drawn out for

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    use, often misleadingly referred to as a'hammerless' pistol.

    Bond's Beretta was of course adapted for a silencertoo, there was a thread reamed on the inside of thebore into which the silencer screwed into.

    The pistol fires a small bullet .25 caliber bulletwhich is just 6.35mm in diameter as shown belowto almost actual size.

    This round would not penetrate any sort of bodyarmor at all and would be totally useless againsttoday's standards of military kit and flack jacketsetc that are readily available to any buddinginsurgent, spy etc.

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    It is only really effective and indeed accurate overabout 15 yards. As an upfront and personalweapon though it is quite adequate, James Bondwould generally fire more than one shot into an


    The PPK

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    In the first Bond movie Dr No the armorer from Qbranch, Major Boothroyd is seen issuing 007 withhis now legendary Walther PPK which replaces hismuch loved Beretta.

    This immediate change to Bond's gun wasoriginally inspired by a letter that Ian Flemingreceived in the 1950's from a Mr. GeoffreyBoothroyd who was a firearms expert based inGlasgow, UK, who wrote to Fleming thus: " I likeeverything about your James Bond character

    except his deplorable taste in weapons, a .25caliber Beretta is utterly useless as well as being alady's gun...and not a very nice lady at that "

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    Ian Fleming 1908 - 1964

    After Fleming's correspondence with Boothroyd itwas decided that 007's best weapon forconcealment and reasonable power would be theWalther PPK. Ian Fleming actually met up with

    Geoffrey Boothroyd some time in the late 1950'swhere they happily conversed for many hours onall the ins and outs of guns that James Bond shouldcarry.

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    Ian Fleming and Geoffrey Boothroyd, photo takensometime in the late 1950's

    The next novels, of course, that Fleming wrote hadJames Bond now suitably armed with the WaltherPPK and gone for good was the .25 Beretta. In themovie Dr No it was decided that the armorer fromQ branch should be named after GeoffreyBoothroyd ' in honor for his help and his friendshipwith Fleming.

    This is a transcript of what was said to James Bondwhen he was called into 'M's office in the movie DrNO...

    M: (speaks to Bond) Take off your jacket !...............Give me your gun.Yes, I thought so.....this damn Beretta again.Ive told you about this before. (M looks atBoothroyd) You tell him.....for the last time!

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    MAJOR BOOTHROYD: (inspects James Beretta) Niceand light.....in a ladys handbag (purse--USA)....no stopping power.

    M:Any comments OO7 ?

    BOND: I disagree sir, Ive used a Beretta for tenyears.....Ive never missed with it yet!

    M: Maybe not, but it jammed on your last job andyou spent six months in hospital in consequence. Ifyou carry a double O number it means yourelicensed to kill not get killed....and another thing,since Ive been head of MI6 theres been a40% drop in double O operative casualties, and Iwant it to stay that way, youll carry theWalther.....unless of course youd prefer to goback to standard intelligence duties.

    BOND: No sir, I would'nt.

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    M: Then from now on you carry a different gun,show him armorer.

    MAJOR BOOTHROYD: (shows James the new pistol)Walther PPK 7.65 millimeter with a delivery like abrick through a plate-glass window, it takes aBrausch silencer with very little reduction inmuzzle velocity...the American CIA swear by them.

    M: Thank you Major Boothroyd.

    MAJOR BOOTHROYD: Thank you sir. (nods to Bond)Goodnight sir.

    M:Any questions 007 ?BOND: No sir.

    M:Alright then...best of luck.

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    BOND: Thank you sir. ( Bond picks up the WaltherPPK in its box, whilst hiding the Berettaunderneath, and optimistically walks towards the

    office door )M: (without looking up from his desk, he callsacross) 007 !

    BOND: (stops and turns) Sir ?

    M:Just leave the Beretta.

    Bond saunters back, reluctantly places the Berettaon M's desk and with a slight sigh, walks out. Nicetry James !

    The pistol was first developed in Germany in 1931by Carl Walther Waffenfabrik Ulm/De. It is acompact 7.65mm (.32ACP) semi-automatic,designed for concealment and undercoveroperations use, and was hence designated PPKwhich stands for Polizei Pistole Kriminal or PolicePistol Criminal, indicating its use as a detectivesgun.

    Below is shown a 7.65mm /32ACP cartridge atalmost actual size, its quit small looking isn't it! but

    it still possesses enough power to drop one ofBonds enemies stone dead at close range. (15yards)

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    The basic specifications of the Walther PPK are:

    Length: 155 mm - Barrel length 83 mm - Weight:

    590ga magazine capacity of 7 rounds.

    The Walther PPK has a streamlined appearanceand has achieved notoriety for its compactnessand reliability. It is true the 7.65mm round has gotreasonable stopping power, but only at shortdistances of about 15 to 20 yards, and its accuracyover those distances is questionable. This did not

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    stop MI5, MI6, Deutsch BND, French SDECE, Israel'sMossad and a host of other secret operative unitsfrom adopting it though.

    Below are pictured Pierce Brosnan and RogerMoore both with Walther PPK's

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    The pistol is very easy to 'take down' or 'field strip'into its basic components for cleaning, one simplypulls down on the front of the trigger guard, tugs it

    over to the left slightly and then pulls the slide offthe top. This exposes the barrel, return spring andthe underside of the slide so it can be oiled andcleaned.

    Putting it back together is the reverse.

    To Mr. Bond's delight, the Walther PPK can beadapted to fit a silencer which either screws orfriction fits onto the end of the barrel. Normally thebarrel of a pistol is slightly extended toaccommodate a silencer but was never depicted inthe bond movies.

    The 7.65mm round that the pistol fires is not thatpowerful over longer distances than 20 yards and

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    this power along with its accuracy would bereduced even further with a silencer...

    ...but for close quarter work as in a few yards, itwould be more than adequate. I know it mightsound a bit sentimental but the PPK with a silencerfitted looks like it was specifically made forBond...kind of smooth and streamlined like hisTuxedo!

    Similar to the Beretta, the PPK has an inbuilt safetyfeature of a small pin that protrudes about 1mmout of the back of the slide. This indicates thatthere is a bullet in the breech, if there is no bulletloaded then the pin will remain flush.

    The Walther PPK was also designed to fire a morepowerful 9mm Kurz / .380ACP and an interestingrumor has it that this was the caliber of the PPKthat Bond, as played by Pierce Brosnan, usedinstead of the 7.65mm caliber...the blank rounds as

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    used in movies would have been a bit louder as aresult.

    I present a picture of this more powerful version ofthe PPK below. This particular pistol is actuallymade in the USA under license from Walther. It isidentical to the 7.65mm version in every aspectexcept of course the barrel is of a larger diameterand the magazine is different integrally to acceptthe larger cartridges.

    Below is the 9mm kurz/380ACP cartridge and .380PPK.

    The 9mm ASP

    This pistol was developed in the early 1970's byAmerican Gunsmith genius Paris Thoeodore for useby US undercover agents who required a powerfulhandgun that was easy to conceal. It was a

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    customized version of the normal Smith & WessonModel 39 double action semi-automatic.

    The bullet it fired was the powerful 9mmParabellum that had good stopping power overdistances of 50 yards or more.

    Below: 9mm parabellum cartridge (almost exact size )

    The ASP (Armament System Procedures ) was acompact pistol which was specifically designed not

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    to snag on clothes when drawn out for use, thiswas also helped by it being Teflon coated alongwith special 'guttersnipe' sights which was like an

    open tunnel to aim through, this meant the gun didnot need a front sight. The front sight on any pistolis always the first thing to catch or snag onclothing, this could cost Bond his life.

    The image below shows what its like to aimthrough this unique sight.

    With all the edges smoothed and rounded, along

    with a spurless hammer this gun was almost 100%snag free and could be drawn, aimed and fired inquite a fast fashion, typically suited for Mr Bond.

    The butt and magazine was made from transparentlexan so that James could see at a glance if thepistol was loaded or not. It was also useful in ashootout for James to see how many rounds he had

    left and this simple but effective solution providedthe answer.

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    " Unseen in the best places "

    The ASP was the weapon of choice for James Bondin no less than ten of John Garner's Bond novels:Role Of Honor - Nobody Lives Forever - No DealsMr Bond - Scorpius - Brokenclaw - The Man FromBarbarossa - Death is Forever - Never Send Flowers- SeaFire and Cold.

    Overall a very good choice of pistol for James Bondas the ASP, even though a bit dated now, is stillone of the best concealment pistols ever designed.

    John Gardner actually discovered the ASP whendoing research for the James Bond character in abook titled The Handgun. The book's author was

    Geoffrey Boothroyd who as stated earlier, was IanFleming's old acquaintance, and the man whorecommended to Flemming that James Bondshould carry a Walther PPK instead of the Beretta.

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    The P99

    In the 1997 movie Tomorrow Never Dies we seeBond played by Pierce Brosnan, select the WaltherP99 to apparently become his new weapon ofchoice, the old PPK being signed off as being pastits sell by date.

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    The Walther P99 is chambered for the powerful,versatile and world wide commonly available 9mmParabellum cartridge as shown below

    As for our intrepid super spy carrying a small, light

    and easily concealed pistol, the P99 at 180mm(7.1in) long and weighing 700g (25 oz) empty, isnot the best choice and it is quite bulky too.

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    The P99-C DAO ( Double Action Only ) compactwould have suited him much better and I havepictured a P99C below. This gun offers the samepower, but is designed to be easily concealed,especially underneath Tuxedo jackets!

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    Anyway, the P99 was manufactured by CarlWalther GmbH Sportwaffen.Ulm.De and wasdesigned to be carried primarily by the German

    Police, but other law enforcement and militaryunits have also adopted it such as the Polish Policeand the Finnish Army's Military Police and eventheir Special Forces.

    The Pistol was made with a lightweight polymerframe with steel slide that was treated with a Tenifer anti-corrosion coating. The pistol's

    hammer was secreted within the slide and was ofmore of a striker with its red tip showing from therear when the gun was cocked ready to fire.Amongst four integral safety features there wasalso a chamber is loaded indicator on the slidesright hand side.

    The butt has interchangeable grip parts to suit theindividuals hand size for best comfort, with an

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    ambidextrous magazine release button that is builtinto the trigger guard with the addition of a de-cocking lever for extra safety.

    The Walther P99 is chambered for either the 9mmparabellum, .40S&W or 9x21mm cartridges, it is adouble action semi-automatic that holds 16 roundsof 9mm, 15 in the magazine plus one alreadyloaded, or 11+1 rounds of the powerful .40 S&W.

    The Walther P99 is powerful, accurate and has now

    become a favorite of 007 James Bond. But if Icould have helped out with a suitable replacementto the Walther PPK, then I would not have chosenthe Walther P99.

    Instead I would have opted for the ultra reliable,very light and more compact Austrian Glock 29chambered for very powerful 10mm auto or the

    Glock 27 chambered for .40 S&W caliber, or eventhe Glock 30 .45GAP Caliber. These guns are all thesame dimension as the Glock 29 pictured below.

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    All of these Glock pistols are compact, easy toconceal and carry around unobtrusively, but moreto the point, they are extremely powerful and couldhave dropped Jaws with one shot ...James, dearboy...are you listening?

    Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum

    In Live and let Die, Bond, played by Roger Mooreused a nickel plated Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44

    Magnum, with what appears to be the 8 and 3/8thinch barrel. The revolver initially appears to be aRuger Redhawk .44 magnum in the publicity shots,but the Ruger Redhawk was not available until1979, some 6 years after the release of the film.

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    Below is shown the.44 Remington Magnum cartridge almost actual size.

    I managed to source a couple of images of RogerMoore with this gun to illustrate its usage in themovies. Its heart warming for all gun aficionadosthat Bond appreciates the .44 Magnum as aversatile weapon.

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    Here are all the featured cartridges lined up for goodcomparison, along with some more notable calibers. I think itis safe to say that the .25 caliber cartridge is a wee bitsmall...and does indeed befit an old ladies handbag/purse

    All cartridges are shown at approximate actual size. ACP standsfor Automatic Colt Pistol and is a standardized / universalcartridge for any gun of that caliber. GAP stands for Glock AutoPistol. Kurz means short.

    .25 /6.35mm

    7.65mm .32ACP

    9mm Kurz .380ACP


    .40 S&W

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    .45 ACP .45 GAP.44


    Interesting bit of Trivia

    The original publicity shots of Sean Conneryholding a pistol was a bit of a blooper, as the gunhe was holding was in reality just a Walther .177caliber air pistol.

    When Sean Connery went to the photo-shoot

    nobody had thought to bring a Walther PPK. Oneof the photographers practiced a bit of air pistolshooting and he had the airgun in his car, so hefetched it and that is what they used. It was just a

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    case of " Here you are Sean, now hold this gun andstand there "

    No one, ofcourse, told Sean Connery or the rest ofUnited Artists production crew that it was just anair pistol...until much later, too late in fact as Sean

    Connery, holding this gun was used in everpublicity photo from 1962 until the great Bondmovie You Only Live Twice was made in 1967.

    James Bond also used several other pistols andrevolvers both in the novels and in the movies, andthis page briefly covers them.

    I have in many instances spared all the technicalspecifications on the guns mentioned, such as leftor right hand twist of the bore rifling, the triggerpull weight, the energy in ft/lbs of the bulletsimpact, the sight radius, the bullets trajectory etc.

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    James Bond isn't interested in all that, he takesaim, pulls the trigger, the gun goes bang and thebaddie drops dead, and that's it.

    The first Bond gun we will look at in this sectionthen is the Smith & Wesson .38 CentennialAirweight. This was the gun that wasrecommended by Major Boothroyd for James tocarry alongside his Walther PPK. Nicknamed asnub-nose because its barrel is only 1 of an inchlong for ease of concealment. In the Dr No novel,

    Bond uses this gun on Crab Keyto kill 3 of Dr No'smen, until he surrenders to the armored 'dragon'tank and has to discard it.

    The revolver is very light at 15oz empty. It is

    compact and also very reliable, as revolvers arenot prone to jam up. This particular model is alsoof the "hammerless" variety in that the hammer isconcealed within the frame of the gun so that itcannot snag on clothing, and is also easier to carry

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    in an ankle holster or loose in the pocket.Furthermore, this revolver can be aimed and firedfrom inside a jacket pocket if the situation needs


    The .38 special cartridge it fires is also quitepowerful and this revolver holds 5 of them, the gunsights up on a close target as easy as pointing yourfinger. There is no hammer to cock, you just point,pull the trigger and shoot.


    The Colt .45 Army Special, as mentioned in thenovels, was actually the Colt New Service as Coltdid not make the Army Special in .45 caliber asstated by Ian Fleming...that was a slight error !

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    The Colt New Service was the revolver that JamesBond kept secreted in his car in the novels, usuallyunder the seat in a special 'trick-box' or in a

    concealed compartment in the cars dashboard. Ithad a 7inch barrel and held 6 bullets.

    It is a very powerful gun that fires the .45 LC LongColt cartridge, a cartridge that was favored bycowboys of the old west because of its stoppingpower and accuracy. James Bond chose a goodgun when he decided to have this as a back up.

    WALTHER P-38

    The World War II German Walther P-38 was usedseveral times by James Bond played by SeanConnery in the movie Goldfinger when he took itfrom one of Goldfinger's guards.

    It is a semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9mmparabellum cartridge, it is a good all round caliberthat is quite accurate and powerful.

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    It is quite an antiquated gun first developed in1938 by Walther for use in the German Army, buteither way it is still lethal regardless of its age, and

    James put it to good use !

    COLT .38

    The Colt Police Positive .38 revolver is one thatfeatured in the novels, and was a revolver thatBond actually kept under his pillow as he slept.The gun had been modified as shown below, in that

    Bond had made a 'snub-nosed' revolver by havingthe barrel sawn off to make the gun lighter andeasier to handle. This was purely a defense gunbut was never actually used in either the novels orthe movies.

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    Below is an image of what this gun would look like,with the barrel sawn off.

    Sawing the barrel off this gun only proves onething, that secret agents such as James Bondalways prefer compact and easily concealableguns. There is no need to saw the barrel off thesetype of guns nowadays, as all firearmsmanufacturers present their models in a 'snub-nose' variation, in that they make guns with barrelsat an inch long or just over.

    A prime example is of a gun that I once owned, aSmith & Wesson Model 66 .357 Magnum with a1inch barrel, as seen below. The recoil was a bitnaughty on full factory .357 magnum cartridges,but with lighter loads was quite controllable. A

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    short barrel also meant that accuracy over 10 to 20yards is greatly reduced.

    Bond always seamed to favor the Colt revolvers inthe novels, maybe it was because Ian Flemingknew more about them, or indeed actually carriedthem himself during his time in Naval Intelligence.


    The Colt Detective .38 Special 'snub-nose' Revolverwas carried by Bond on many missions in thenovels and was also seen in some of the movies. This venerable old Colt was widely used byundercover agents all over the world. Manyundercover agents preferred to use a revolverbecause as stated earlier, they were less likely tojam up as a semi-auto did.

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    Bond trained with this gun at the SpecialIntelligence Service shooting range. Its accuracysuffered over 25 yards, but this deficiency never

    marred the gun as it was seldom used in anythingbut close quarter combat shootouts. The .38special was almost on par with the power of aSmith & Wesson .357 Magnum and could put a'slug' straight through a car door and out the otherside, and can stop a 250Lb male dead in histracks...as long as he isn't wearing body armor.

    If an assailant is geared up in protective bodyarmor then a much higher velocity round would berequired, with a specially selected bullet head suchas armor piercing tungsten tipped and Tefloncoated, to penetrate or rupture it and damage theperson wearing it.

    The .38 special just doesn't offer enough power topenetrate body armor.

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    The .38 special won't cut it indeed, but at the sametime it won't go through a bad guy, exit and carryon to kill the Bond Babe standing close behind, so

    the question of a high power bullets needs to beconsidered very carefully. One aspect is thatunlike military combat, James Bond shootoutswould most likely to be in built up and populatedareas, so the power of the round would need to beadequate but not excessive.

    In Live and Let Die Bond uses this Colt Detective

    Special to kill two of Mr. Big's men in the car park.They were just wearing t-shirts so the .38 specialhit them like a freight train, the power was morethan adequate to put them both down.

    Chambered to fire six .38 special cartridges, thegun is light, easy to carry and conceal, and it is notsurprising that James Bond elected to carry thisgun as well, it was probably tucked away with hisshaving kit!

    Walther P5

    The Walther P5 was used by Roger Moore inOctopussy and Sean Connery in Never Say NeverAgain, it is the slightly bigger brother of the nowfamous Walther PPK.

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    The gun was reputed to be one of the best semi-automatics available, being both reliable andpowerful, firing a 9x19mm cartridge from a lockedbreech. It was quite light and looked the part for James Bond to carry. I think that this gun was aclose contender to the one that was going toreplace the PPK, but as stated on another page theWalther P99 got that one!


    The Browning FN1910 was used by James Bond inDr No to kill Professor Dent who after sneakinginto Bond's room, fired 6 shots into the bed whereBond had covered a pillow over with the bedsheets.

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    Bond had stayed up expecting him to call. After a

    brief exchange of words Bond shot him...and thenremarked " ...and besides...you've had your six ! "

    James Bond's FN1910 was probably chambered forthe .380ACP caliber rather than the smaller .

    32ACP, and was equipped with a silencer in theMovie, which can affect power and accuracy, butwhen you are eliminating an enemy that is only afew yards away as Bond did, then this is not aconcern.

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    Because James Bond is a spy, my web pages haveonly focused on handguns, I have not included anyrifles or carbines in these pages as Bond would notcarry them around with him. Rifles are a bit

    conspicuous and are not really very easy toconceal under that dinner jacket! A super spy likeBond relies on stealth, camouflage and the abilityto blend in, especially at the Casino. Totinganything around larger than a pistol is not in theline of work for a secret agent.

    However, Bond was actually issued with a rifle inthe movie From Russia With Love. Q Branch gavehim an Armalite AR7 Explorer survival rifle whichwas included in his attach case, along with themagnetic tin of exploding talc (naturally), throwingknives, 40 rounds of ammo, Walther PPK and 20

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    gold sovereigns. What businessman fromUniversal Exports wouldn't be without this!

    The AR7 Explorer suited Bond quite admirably, asit's a 'take-down' rifle. It can be very easilydismantled down into its basic parts, these being

    the stock, (that houses all the parts) the barrel andthe receiver. The magazine that holds 8 rounds isalso secreted in the stock.

    A unique feature of this gun is that if the shoulderstock is accidentally dropped in the sea or a lakeetc, with all the parts inside...it will float.

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    All Armalite AR7 Explorer rifles are manufacturedin .22LR caliber...except for the one that wasissued to James Bonds by Q-Branch. This particularAR7 was specially modified to chamber the larger .25ACP (quarter of an inch diameter) calibercartridge.

    The rifle is pin point accurate up to and beyond 50yards. Below is a target that was used by an AR7at 20 yards.

    The .25ACP round is more powerful when emittingfrom a rifle than that of a handgun. The extrapower of a rifle is due to its longer barrel that helpsretain the expanding gases longer to acceleratethe bullet along faster.

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    Generally speaking, rifles are always more deadlyand powerful than handguns, because of theirlarger cartridges as well as their longer barrels, but

    Bond is hindered by his very occupation to using arifle, and alas, hones his skills more for handgunshooting. But this is not to say that James Bondcannot shoot a rifle, and accurately too.

    In the movie From Russia With Love, Bond utilizesthe AR7 Explorer, equipped with a silencer and aninfra red telescopic sight, to successfully

    assassinate a Soviet Agent who was over 100yards away, and who climbs out through awindow in the side of a building that is painted witha huge advertisement.

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    " Hey stop the jibber jabber, I'm trying to take on ashot here! "

    Later on Bond uses the AR7 again, this time toshoot at a helicopter, he manages to shoot one ofthe crew who is about to drop a hand grenade, theguy subsequently drops the grenade inside thehelicopter which then explodes. The AR7 Explorermight only be a small rifle, but it did the trick andBond survived.

    The AR7 Explorer also appeared in the movieGoldfinger when " Bond Babe " Tilly Masterson,unsuccessfully stalks around in the woods withintention of assassinating Auric Goldfinger.

    Goldfinger's tough Korean manservant OddJob,ends up breaking Tilly's neck by skimming his steelrimmed bowler hat, frizzbie style at her...its notjust James Bond who has the gadgets !

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    More recently, the AR7 Explorer is available to alland any budding secret agents in three excitingflavors: Black Teflon - Silver Blur and Hi-Definition

    Cammo Woodlands. It must be noted that all AR7rifles are chambered for the .22LR rimfire cartridgeand not the James Bond .25ACP

    These last three pages have illustrated themajority of guns that have featured in the greatand exciting James Bond movies and novels. Mr

    Bond may have used one or two more other gunsbut these have been the most notable.

    I hope that you have enjoyed these pages on TheGuns of James Bond and with the new movieQuantum of Solace starring Daniel Craig nowshowing in cinemas, let us hope that James Bond

    will continue to thrill us all with his adventures andin many more movies to come.

    And if I can just leave you with one of my favoriteand somewhat poignant lines from the Bondmovies.

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    James Bond " Do you expect me to talk ? "

    Goldfinger " Nooo Mr Bond...I expect you to die. "
