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James Jones, Keeping Fit, Sun Media (Sept. 21, 2006)

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EDITOR:  S a ll y J o h n s t o n  PHONE:  4 6 8 - 0 115  FAX:  4 6 8 - 0 1 3 9  E - MAIL: s john s t o n @e dm s u n. c o m T H E E D M O N T O N S U N •  T hur s da y , Sep t em be r 2 1,  2006  lifes ty l e  7 5 S o y ou t hink y ou can dance?  Even if  you can’t and youre  a s stiff as a concrete garden gnome, shakin’ your groove t hang can give you one heckuva workout, says James Jones. And when it comes t o busting a move, the 21-year-old Edmontonian is partial to breakdancing. Its got everyt hing. Its got y our cardio. And youre using every single stabilizer muscle. Its an amazing workout f rom top to bottom,he explains. When youre first startingoff , you don’t have to be t otally in shape. But t hemore you practice, the more you get fit.”  Jones can dance. At 5-foot-11  and 180 pounds, he’s fit, too. For the past decade, breakdancing has been his passion. Its a  passion that has taken this energetic B-boy across North America, Eu- rope and Australia for per- formances and competitions with two  Edmonton-based dance groups. Along t he way its been an especially good confidence-builder. I was a shy kid before I started dancing. I used to stutter when I was on camera.  And I was uncomfortable with groups of people  I didn’t know, says the dancing machine who now mesmerizes crowds with his gravity-def y- ing moves. And its a passion he’s parlayed into a f ull- time job.  Jones is t eaching Breakdancing 101 at Club Fit locations around the  city, while  also launching a  downtown dance studio  ca lled Self Expression. Of  c ourse, Joness ascension hasn’t been without its personal setbacks. Three years ago, he t emporarily lost t hede- sire to dance following the death of his dad. I stopped going to  c ompetitions.  I  j ust didn’t really care,” he remembers of his self- imposed hiatus f rom any serious dancing for nearly a year. But the passion eventually came back with a vengeance. These days, Jones dances five t imes a week, usually up to three hours a session. For t hefirst hour, hefocuses on j ust dancing, seeing where the rhythm of  the music takes him, as if he were in a  night- club. The second hour is devoted to practicing stalled poses known a s f reezes, and power moves such  as one-handed spins, back spins, shoulder spins and head spins. You have to have a really strong neck for that (spinning on your head),” he says, adding he’ll  also practice flips,  including backflips, while throwing in a  few sets of  two-handed handstand pushups. The third hour is straight footwork. Twice  a week, Jones also practices gym- nastics for at least two hours. And typically before  a dance competition, he’ll ru n for at least an hour t hrough the river valley. To f uel all that exercise,  Jones eats a  d iet that in- cludes oatmeal, rice, veg- gies, chicken and plenty of raw fish. Sushi seems t o sit nicely in my stomach,he says, addi ngi ts light anddoesn’t leave himfeel ing bloated on the d ance floor. “ It doesn’t try to come back up when youre doinghandstands.” Most evenings, Jones eats f ruit s o he’ s not go- ing to bed on a f ull stomach. However, he admits t o having a sweet t ooth and does enjoy the occasional chocolate bar. For t he most part I try to pick healthier foods with less calories,” he says. While dancing is enjoying a surge in popu- larity thanks in part to t he Fox TV show So Y ou T hink Y ou Can Dance, Jones admits break- dancing is still f ar f rom b eing  c onsidered mainstream. Breakdancing is st ill pretty hard to find nowadays,” he says. “I hope to change that in Edmonton.” Af ter all, Jones would be lost if it weren’ t for breakdancing. I’d just be bored as hell. Without dancing I’d probably be  a big f at slob watching TV every night, sitting on t he couch and eating chips.”   D o  y o u h a v e  a n in s pi r a t ion a l  st o ry fo r K eeping  F  i t ?  E -m a il Ca ry Ca st a  gn a a t cca st a  gn a@ edm su n.c om Breakdancer James Jones shows off his moves in the studio area of  ClubF it at 103 Street and Jasper Avenue. He teaches Breakdancing 101 locally at the fit- ness chain as a f un way to get fit. CARY CASTAGNA G e t i n t o  y o ur g r oo  v e ! B r e a kd a n c ing h a s go t e v e ryt hing t o help  y o u st a y ph ys i ca ll y fi t a nd  tr im  BRENDON DLOUHY, Sun Without dancing I ’d pr obabl  y be a big fat slob watching TV e  v ery night …’   Ja me  s J one  s
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