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James Monroe and John Quincy Adams: Granddaddy’s of American Imperialism Monroe Doctrine: -1823,...

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Monroe and John Quincy Adams: Granddaddy’s of American Imperialism Doctrine: -1823, State of the Union -came on the eve of many Latin American countries winning independence (Argentina, Chile, Peru, Gran Colombia) -sought to combat European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere essage: -“…as a principle, in which the rights and interests of the United Stat involved, that the American continent, by the free and independent cond which they have assumed and maintain are henceforth not to be considere as subjects for future colonization by European powers.” -acts of European colonialism “dangerous to the peace and safety” of th -US wont’ intervene in Old World affairs, Europe shouldn’t intervene in World affairs. s in vague language and later manifestations of Monroe Doctrine
Page 1: James Monroe and John Quincy Adams: Granddaddy’s of American Imperialism Monroe Doctrine: -1823, State of the Union -came on the eve of many Latin American.

James Monroe and John Quincy Adams: Granddaddy’s of American Imperialism

Monroe Doctrine:-1823, State of the Union-came on the eve of many Latin American countries winning independence

(Argentina, Chile, Peru, Gran Colombia)-sought to combat European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere

Basic Message: -“…as a principle, in which the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American continent, by the free and independent conditionwhich they have assumed and maintain are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by European powers.” -acts of European colonialism “dangerous to the peace and safety” of the US-US wont’ intervene in Old World affairs, Europe shouldn’t intervene in New World affairs.

Problems in vague language and later manifestations of Monroe Doctrine

Page 2: James Monroe and John Quincy Adams: Granddaddy’s of American Imperialism Monroe Doctrine: -1823, State of the Union -came on the eve of many Latin American.

Cuba and the United States: Dirty Dancing, Havana Nights

-1840s: Rise in interest of US annexation of both sides--”natural, gravitational connection..”-1854: Ostend Manifest-1860s: Decline of annexationist sentiment-After 10 Years War, old planted class destroyed, replaced by US capitalists and investors-April 1898: President McKinely asks Congress to approve military intervention in Cuba during Independence War-Teller Amendment: US disclaims that there is not intent to take over Cuba, just to establishcontrol, pacify, then leave -1891: Foster Canovas Agreement: reducing tarrifs on both sides-Platt Amendment: 1903, establishes right of US intervention-1920s: economic crisis, US invokes Platt Amendment-1933: Sumner Wells-1960: Law 851-1960: Eisenhower’s propaganda campaign against Cuba, partial embargo-1961: total embargo

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The Founding of the Nation of Panama

A State of US Influence

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“Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation…”

“…and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power.”

-Theodore Roosevelt, Address to Congress (December 6, 1904)

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

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Page 6: James Monroe and John Quincy Adams: Granddaddy’s of American Imperialism Monroe Doctrine: -1823, State of the Union -came on the eve of many Latin American.

Key Players• William Nelson Cromwell

• Teddy Roosevelt

• Dr. Manuel Amador Guerrero

• John Hay

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1896 – Lobbying begins to purchase rights to build Panama Canal1901 – Teddy Roosevelt becomes president after William

McKinley’s assassination.1902 – House passes bill to build canal through Nicaragua. Bill is

later reversed and canal is to be built through the isthmus of Panama.

August 1903 – Columbia rejects proposal to build canal through Panama

November 3, 1903 – US warships arrive in Colón and help to secure independence of Panamanian state.

November 18, 1903 – Panama Canal Treaty signed.1914 – Panama Canal is opened.

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“No action ever taken by the Government, in dealing with any foreign power since the days of the Revolution, was more vitally necessary to the well-being of our people, and no action we ever took was taken with a higher regard for the standards of honor, of courage, and of efficiency which should distinguish the attitude of the United States in all its dealings with the rest of the world.”

- Theodore Roosevelt, 1914, regarding the construction of the Panama Canal

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Maquiladora Program


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1942 - 1964: Bracero Program

1965: Border Industrialization Program Maquiladora program

Facilities where imported product components are processed/assembled into finished products for export

-Partial or total ownership by foreign countries such as the US and Japan

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Page 11: James Monroe and John Quincy Adams: Granddaddy’s of American Imperialism Monroe Doctrine: -1823, State of the Union -came on the eve of many Latin American.

A Few Examples•Foster Grant Corporation•General Electric Company•JVC•GM•Hasbro•Hewlett Packard•Hitachi Home Electronics•Honda•Honeywell, Inc.•Hughes Aircraft•Hyundai Precision America•IBM•Matsushita•Mattel•Maxell Corporation•Mercedes Benz

•Mitsubishi Electronics Corp.•Motorola•Nissan•Philips•Pioneer Speakers•Samsonite Corporation•Samsung•Sanyo North America•Sony Electronics•Tiffany•Toshiba•VW•Xerox•Zenith

•3 Day Blinds•20th Century Plastic•Acer Peripherals•Bali Company, Inc.•Bayer Corp./Medsep•BMW•Canon Business Machines•Casio Manufacturing•Chrysler•Daewoo•Eastman Kodak/Verbatim•Eberhard-Faber•Eli Lilly Corporation•Ericsson•Fisher Price•Ford

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US BenefitsLowered production costs

Facility ownership can be 100% non-Mexican

Proximity to US

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Costs for Mexico

Air and water quality are compromised

Cost of living increases shantytowns

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Gold Mining at Minera Yanacocha


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Minera Yanacocha

Cajamarca, Peru– One of Peru’s poorest agricultural regions

Established in 1992

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Economic and social



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Yanacocha ProtestSeptember, 2004

-Two Weeks

Thousands of peasants

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Page 18: James Monroe and John Quincy Adams: Granddaddy’s of American Imperialism Monroe Doctrine: -1823, State of the Union -came on the eve of many Latin American.

Neo-Liberal Model of Trade• The application of domestic liberal (laissez-

faire) economic practices to global trade policies.

• Current trade policy of United States.

• Trade rules and exchange rates maintained by NGO’s such as the WTO and IMF.

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Fundamentals of Free Trade

Policies• Abolition of import

tariffs• Abolition of import

quotas• The maximization of

openness of markets.

Consequences• Increase in

specialization• Increase in global

trade• Increase in global


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Argument for Free Trade

• Trade can be a harmonizing force, promoting cooperation over conflict.

• States gain efficiency through trade.• Access to new markets allows access

to more capital. • Links wealth and growth of all states

together. States seek to maximize growth for all other states.

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Argument Against Free Trade

• The benefits gained from free trade correlate directly with the size and stage of development of a state’s economy.

• Networks of interconnections may be asymmetrical leaving some states vulnerable to exploitation.

• Less dependent states are more free to pursue independent goals.

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Resistance to Neo-Liberalism and Globalization Protest Movements

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“World Traits”

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Page 25: James Monroe and John Quincy Adams: Granddaddy’s of American Imperialism Monroe Doctrine: -1823, State of the Union -came on the eve of many Latin American.

BibliographyEspino, Diaz Espino. How Wall Street Created a Nation. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2001.Roosevelt, Theodore. Fear God and Take Your Own Part. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1916.Veeser, Cyrus. Inventing Dollar Diplomacy. Diplomatic History, Vol. 27 No. 3, June 2003.Perez, Louis A. Cuba: Between Reform and Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.www.maketradefair.orgwww.globalissues.orgwww.wikipedia.orgwww.rocksolomon.mrecreations.comwww.historylink.orghttp://www.nodirtygold.orghttp://ciudadsaludable.org/fotos%20generales/slides/Botadero%20Cajamarca%202.htmlhttp://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=1528http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1874369.stmhttp://www.medc.org/mexico_roots.aspxhttp://socialismandliberation.org/mag/index.php?aid=282http://are.berkeley.edu/APMP/pubs/lmd/html/winterspring_93/gallery.htmlhttp://www.laputan.org/mud/mud.htmlhttp://www.cnime.org.mx/nosotros/asociaciones.htm
