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Jamestown weekly alert. (Jamestown, Stutsman County,...

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S i^ V ' \ 'V " ^ •if £STOWN Alert. AND WEEKLY. u-i> every Friday afternoon BT MAUBHAMJ MC CLURE. iu Atrince: V1IILT EDITION. '.COPT, oujcu, COPT, *ix BMtlU, $2«o >i«o N*tlc* Ribieribera. (•r for the Alert unaccompanied by the caBh •t recognized. Paper* will not bent longer !>*ld for. An X on the margin of your pu- Oenote* that yon have jtut one week to in i to renew before being stricken from the list. Tax tuBLiautu. PHESBYTKRIAN CHURCH, Jamcs- lown, D. T,,KIT. N. 1). 1' AN.NINU, Factor, tec* in the new church, at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 >•< "very Sabbath. Prayer meeting Wednea at 7:30. J E. CHURCH.—Rev. W. L. Denioreil-p:iR- -* tor. Coiner 5th ave. and 2nd st. Servicen on v tj Sabbath, at 1040 o'clock a. m. andT :30 p.m. -AJUCSTOWMIODGB K ?. A A. M. A >gol«r communication first and third Wedcii*<tuy ning* of each month. All Masons i u (jood idtng are cordially invited to attend. By order of the W. M. A. A.ALLBR, Secretary. r. VITUS ENCAMPMENT, Ancient Order Knight* of the Red Cross, meets iu Mnwinic iple. Sir Knights from other Encampnicuts liailyjnvlted to visit us. O- O. F. Jamestown Lodpe, No. 31. "jeets every Thursday evening, at T.SOo'clock. irfBretheru in good standing cordially invited to tlit us. H. GKIFFIN, N. G. L.B.MI.nbr, U.S. i CODNTV OFFICERS. COXMISSIONERS —.I. C. Nicken, P. Mo- ran, C. W. Hendricks. June* or PROBATE.—H. J. Ott. 1'LXBK or DISTRICT COURT. —J. C. Nickcni. - unit?.—Archibald McKechnie or I >EEDS.—Georec! W Vennum. 1 KK»( O*EK.—TLomas 8. Collins. —John J. Nicliols. 't'Rvltsroa.—T. 8. Wadsworth. - OBOKIB.—Will Elmer. •CUKINTSNDIHT Or PUBLIC J. NUrling. vines* or TBI PSACS.—A. A. Allen, F. E. Jonts, Anton Steinbach, J. i>. Watson. tioN*TABL«». —John Vrnnnm, George W. Kurlz. Imi rnnlahed for powfrng up. t* I MI , irm. C. White. Two Thousand Dollar* to l,.oan. fur a tarsa of yasri, on Kw:tl secanty, K"j» rod tap*. No watting to *ul»m « tlie application to sisters partlen; hut lain bo .doaod and money paid Hn« clay appli- cation la mads. E. P. WRLi.S, Otto* with James Blr« National Bank. TheTSui tli Bide wants John Briucr is tli tr Deckcr. " " - The latg wliiake '•cliool liousc. t Weil for Ed tiling out—Birt Crow's side I T. Miller, the muon, returned from 'St. Paul Saturday. .Toe Mason is having a cellar jnit under his saloon liuilding. O. A. Boynton and Z. Martin returned from "Wisconsin Friday. The Dakota house dialled up an im- mense dinner on Sunday. Col. Flint writes that he will start for Jamestown on the 27tli inst. There is more talk of putting on the night train between Fargo and Jiis-.tiarrk. Emmigration has already sot in and the majority of land agents iiad plenty to do. Fields has ordered a 3,500 pound safe in which to keep his money the coming season. The Dakota House office lias been adorned with a dozen new arm chairs painted red. Judge Steinliach experts a nephew to arrive here from Kaiser Wilhelm's coun- try this spring. Mr. Vrieland is putting up a blacksmith shop on the rear of his lot oa Sixth ave- nue, north side. . Tiie Jamestown house was. closed after breacfaat Monday, and preparations are being made to move the building. Drs. Baldwin & Drake will open a new irug store in the store formerly occupied by Mrs. Davis as a millinery bhop. Mr. Everard, the Minneapolis tailor, se- cured a dozen orders for suits here in two days and went to Valley City .Monday. Mr. Linton, the tall Englishman, suc- ceeded in overturning his sleigh while out riding with a young lady on Sundayt Mr. Jellison, president of the St. Paul telephone exchange will establish an ex- change m Jamestown sometime this sum- mer. The last installment of wood to arrive -it. the N. P. yard is green and causes an ~n amount of smoke aud strung lan- ''|Iag* ordinance rel. live lo ped- .~~0 »t till: "Streets of .'anikstuwn wn tried in Dakota lio.uae office Srumiay terv.oor Tlici. is probsMy iv"> truth iulhpsinu- meiH f the GlcudiYe 'limes lliat >lr. JSrtel lad left tlie town of Aiamiaii naver more-it- return. All should benrinmind that the spreia election called for the purpose of settling •Mi# nor.: - .'irm questioa, comes of! on tin- in:h. of Towrr C'ily, ' farmer \v;o i:i <=.- »er ( ;iv tlie iar^e.- Ibt2." V is to have another Xaiional Herbert Koot as president, n JIS tlie Farmers and JMer- ' Bank. was buying a cook ibive vill go to housekeeping lor r lu» saloon. lie intends > bui^d a nouse for liim- .. reports some eieitcment afbund Fort Tottcn caused by claim jumpers, and that a detatchment' of sol- diers were sent out and brought 1:1 the jumpers. A young man in Grand Forks dressed himself in ladies clothes and went to .church. The congregation recognised him and he was arrested for hi* indis- cretion. Mr?. F. M. Merral, formerly of Chicago and a leading dress maker of that city, has leased the upstairs of the 2s~ew- tnan building, and will put in a first elas stock of goods in her line about March 1. v In case Dr. Campliell resigns the village c]»:rkship, it has been suggested bv some leading business men that Judge Douglass would accept the^position. The appoint- ment of Mr. Douglass would he very ap- propriate ihdeed. He is a young man of .good habits and in every respect qualified Tor the position. Enterprise: One of thos<j too neyond young tenderfeet came to Sanborn last, ^eck to locate on the wide prairie, to alioMvlndians and buffalo, and trap gopher holes and things. But he has beea too long from houiu—a week or more—and exfireaaeri fear* tnat some one would ; "catcli on" to his gitl", and he was alto- joetliar so veiy, very homesick that lie (tf o«faded to forego the excitement of ting jack rabbits and buffalo wallows -m the "pop" he carried in his vest 4ket, and so he started for Fargo on a ;ht train. |lo one will accuse the church-going tof Dakota of being puritanical. . long since the regular wetkly pray. •. •vrtng of our Presbyteriaa society was eld an h ur earlier than usual in order j accommodate any who desired to at- tend a performance by the Jamestown tnji,i' I > And now the Si'-ux LFalta Pantagraph annoOnces tl;at the a Fsi.'^rau amateur drumaiic i-oe:< •. vil rt •.:# plar cf One Hundred Ve.-irs i- " r f' n:si*. i£I. I o : f r i^riiOv cri. n There is talk of still another saloon in town. F. F. 'Benjamin, the stage line man, is in t..v.n. The front to Buck & Mills .store has been put iu. Hon. Anton Klaus returned to James- town Wednesday. Jeff Smith, tlie "original farmer," is up after more lumber. Mike Murphy has commenced work on John Moore's barn. The Klaus flag was raised iu honor of Washington's birthday. The foundation for the Dakota House addition is being put in. II. W. Doolittle has takin a situation with J.J. Hedges & Co. "Washington's birthday didn't seem to be much of a holiday at Jamestown. J. W. Johnston, the farm machinery man, returned from Iowa Wednesday. The last of February will be remember- ed as not having been altogether lovely. Lieut. AVaterman came down from Fort Totten Monday in the ambulance. The postotliee was closed at half past three Wednesday afternoon in honor of the day. James Fields, a brother ol' T. W. and a bonanza fanner of Barnes county, is in town. Workmen are at work digging arornd the Jamestown Housepiepaiatory a>mov- ing it. The plans for the James llivcr National bank are beiiuj drawn by Minneapolis parties. Tlios. B. Lloyd, Pittsburgh, Pcnn., who is interested in"this vicinity, arrived yes- terday. Mrs. A. K. Van Doren of Zatiesville, is vigiiing her sister, Mrs. li. P. Wells of this city. Ed Decker is going to enlarge his hotel and add mole rooms, llis in>u»e is full at present. The. party from Yorkville bound for Mouse river passed through Jamestown yesturday. Clias. llattenger, of Milwaukee, is spending a few days with his old school mate, Tony Klaus. The post office is soon to be favored with another safe of greater dimension than the present one. Your building association dues arc culled for on or before next Monday, therefore prepare for them. The dramatic club have received their new books and it i< (juitu likely the play will be put in rehea'sal at once. Mr. Carr, of .Mlerson, Wis., arrived in the capital city Monday, and will hence- forth hold for;li in the Alert job rooms. Matthews, the well known stage d.iver between lave and Grand Kapids has re- signed and his place is tilled by Geo. Mer- riiiold. The Jamestown Street Railway Com- pany will me their incorporation papers in H few days. Nothing like gcLting ones irerk iu early. The village board again failed to have a ipiorirn flit the meeting Monday evening and have transacted no business since the 2nd of January. Pete Aubertin secured t he contract for building the school house northeast of town, and has the timbers framed iu Win- slow's lumber yard for it. Jamestown ought to and might have a public reading room. Such an institution properly conducted would do more good than liliy temperance lecturers. Enterprise: Married—W catlierbcc— Pratt—At Sanborn, Feb. 12, 18^2, Mr. J. B. Weathcrbce, of Sanborn, and Miss Minnie ii. Pratt, of Jamestown, by Kev. E. B. Prindle. The order excluding all white mcu who are married to squaws from the Indian reservations goes into eilect on the iirst of May. This is not a wise move by any maimer of means. The party lately arrived from Daven- port, Iowa, who is opposing the proving up on -Miss Jennie Met'utchen's claim, southwest of town, is gaining some noto- riety even if he fails in securing the land. Messrs. S. F. Lambert & Co., lost sev- eral valuable mules the other day. The door of a ear in which they were being transported came open and fiveju.npcd fromtUe train, one being killed oulrigh) and the others badly used up. Attorney Dodge and his friend B. W. Full r left on the noon train for Vermont. It is pretty well understood that Mr Dodge goes to get married, and Mr. Fuller to bring back his family. The gentlemen have the Alert's tendereat wishes. Messrs. Soil. & Huntington are here making their arrangements to open out their sului'U in Geo. Ve'nnum's new bnild- ng. 'i hey will put in two lnliiard tallies and will probably open by next Monday. John Nil hols came in from the conn ry J"ucsday night, and started for Si. l';ml yesleidny, where he will meel 31 r. Hughes, be .igcni of Mr. Sykes, and make arrange- ment M for his farming opctations the com- iiij; year. The injunction suit N. P. R. R. vs. Stutsman county, has been dissolved by Judge Hudson, and thecounty permitted to sell the land for taxes, Stutsman county beini: the hot pre pan d of any counly oil the line, so saitli county attorney Al.'ei:. Sher-.i MeKecl.n'e returned Saturdn; ii ni .imi i.ee's lancli. where he 1 ad bin :o purchase forty head oi young stock. The heifers he will keep for breeding purposes, and Ihe steers will bring up in the City Meat Market in the course of time. The contract for excavaling the cellar of the new .lames River National Hank building, was let to-day lo James K. pur- chase at thirty nine cents per square yard the dirt to be delivered as directed bv the bank, not-more than six blocks from the excavation. Mr. Rennet t. who for some time presided over the destinies of the .Tames Rixer Val- ley restaurant and various other hasheries in this city for a time, and who Med leav- ing various creditors in an anxious slate of mind, is said to be enjoyinggoodhealth at Glendive. One of the finest maps of Stutsman county eTerbrought into Jamestown ha' just fen received by Messrs. White & Hewit. P was drawn by the Ileinze Brothers, and shows the section lines and topographical features of the country. Its dimentions are about 5x7 feet. .Michigan is represented at the North- western house by Win. Hamilton of Yp- silanti, C. II. French of Albion, and M. N. Green of .Jackson. They are friends of Mr. J. J. Eddy of Fargo, aud repre- sent others who" will move on Dakota when their lauds arc selectd. Valle* Cii-jfc Times: Messrs. Fritz and Malrrtght's PJiotogrnpli Rooms have been crowded daily since reopening; we can cheerfully commend these geutlemen to the public as first class artists, an inspec- tion of specimens of their handiwork will confirm our judgment. Moorhead was thrown into a state of wild excitement Tuesday, by the murder- ous assault of T. H. Hansen upon his di- vorced wife. It seems that he fired at liir four times, the fourth shot inflicting a dangerous wound. He then shot himself in the leg. Upon th« appearance of the sheriff he stabbed himself eight times in his desperate attempts at sui' : de. IT ; « wound- are not fatal and he will soon be tried for his crime. t I.ndina Johnson, of Fargo, recently on ! r'al befi>r > Jud re Hudson, charged v.- : 111 i infanticide, was acquitted <m Tuesday i last. In addition to a certificate of mno"- cence tlie jury handed the areused ISO j collected among themselves while out of' court. The spectators who received he I rr-d'et "not guilty"' wi'h tip" n 1- ' ns sin u-s of j , pp'ausf>. increased the rr.i-u nt. | to fl I:; y rr *p.-1 I s it was tie mi st 1 re ar,; ( r :a.aal case ever befo.-e the 1 HWtU at iMkom. Geo. Vennum is still in Washington. The horses for Fort Totten arrived yes- terday. Noliei-s for the elect : o'i, March 4th, h.ive been pul up. j 11,1 ly Marble's t.'oupe comes here next week for three nights. The village law with reference to ped- dling iiiight lie amended without serteusly offending anvone. Mrs. lVngray slipped on a piece of ice on the s'ocwniii near the First National Rank Monday, and fell, breaking a leg ii'iove tlie r lkle. Mr. Albe'tson. who has been running th" 9!>c store at. liismarek, is at the Dakota House, lie is looking for a location here fo. 1 a stoic and laundry. Messrs. J. Ii. and Geo. Crutn r.nd Mat- thews came up from Grand Rapids Wednesday. J. R. is go : ng to Ohio, and Geo. and Mat. are al ter lumber. Argus: Mrs. R. A. Bill, ^ife of Attor- ney Bil 1 , of Jai.iesiown, arrived in the eny Mono;iy evening to attend the musi- cal conve.'.ion. In Sirs. liiil Jamestown is if presented bv a musician of rare abil- ity. Dr. Drt'ke will return about the first of A;>.il \,'t'i a stock of drugs for the li.m of 1) a'tie & Jii'.ldw'n. They will oc- cupy M.. Newman's btiifdi.ig until Air. Reiine..'s s.oie is completed, when they will remove lo ii. N OTIC! OF FINAL PROOF. Deals in Dirt. 01, 23 tp Win M 1,'loyd lo D 11 Fowler, lot Jones it Veimum's ad, $l4fi. E Schwellenbach 10 Kidder & Morlcy, sec Ii, tp r (i.'J, Geo M and Helen Smith to Marv AV Bush, se see 2ti t]> HI, r 04, $2,000. Samuel K McGinnis to O H Ilewit, sec tp 114 r i;o, if:i,2oti. Frit;i!;l : ii H JMoore and wife to James A Daly, see 11 ip r 02, $1,00(1. iler.in M Decker to flora \V Buck,lot 7 see CO ip 140 r 04, $I,01H>. ('•••Ivin Fis'.ier and wife to Henry L Lloyd, w U see 17 tp 3;>!> r 03, $2,425. liV.iley \\ Fuller to Allen ifc Dodge,one liali' intciisl in lots l:> and 14 sec 20 tp 140 r 04, §4,0t'l'. U S to Nicholas Thierse, sw sec 34 Ip 142 r 03, $i3>'2. Pal cut I' S io Geo M Smith, se 'j sec 20 tp 141 r 04, $3s2. U S to G( o K Shippev, se sec 140. r 03, *3-2. N P R R to 12 I' Wells, lie !. t lie } j sec lfi tp 137 and sw sec 20, tp 138 r 03, §500. David Curtin to AVellsA Dmlky, block 10, lots 2 3 4 5 0 and 7 block 11, lots 7 S 0 10 11 and 12,block 10, lots 1 2 and 3,block 18, Curt ill's ad, £2,025. David t'url n to the James Kiver Na- tional bank, a part of lois 12 3 and 4, hlk 31, $2,700. Sarah I! Jones lo Marv W Rush, lots 150 ]00 107 22ti 227 22s 2w5 2!HI 207-1411 and 447, Jones & Yemitinfs ad, $1,200. E P Wells to Kdwin \\ Bennett, s lot 14 block 32, $000. Michael .Murphy lo Kate Geislcr, lots 443 and 114 Jones & Vennum s ad, $350 Mary W liesh lo Helen Smith, lots 440 and 147, .lo.ies & Vennum's ad, $350. Hugh Deiiipscy lo ('has A Deinpscy, lots 0 and lo block 01, $1. Jones & Vennum to Ole A Skoodlum, lot 02, Jones & Vennum's ad, $50. Ole A Skoodlum lo D II Fowler, lot 02. Jones A: Vennum's ad, $110 Clara A Dole to John A Moore, lot 2 block 3.s, $500. i) W Luke to John A Moore, lot 1 block 3s, $500. 1). II. Fowler to Wm C White, lots 7 8 and !> block 5s, Klaus' ail, $1,500. Jacob Burnholdt and wife to Mary Wil- liams, part of lot 0, block 22, $275. I) M Kelleher to S S Altschul, lots 10 11 and 12 block 24, $7,000. David Curtin to J I Beaumont, lot C block 20, Curtin's ad, $100. David Curt in to Thos Barclay, lot 1 block 20, Curtin's ad, $100. David Curtin to Clias B Clark, lots 7 8 !) 10 11 and 12 block 20, Curtin's ad, $000. David Curtin to II H Scliwarting, lots 2 3 4 and 5 block 20, Curtin's ad, $400. David Curtin to Win Torrance, lots 13 and 14 block 4->, Klaus' ad, $1,100. F II llagcrly to Wm Lloyd, jr., lots 4 5 and 0 block 2, $700. Wm iM Lloyd jr., to Morlcy & Kidder, court house: square, .Jones it Vennum's ad. $1,300. Win C White to O II Ilewit, n ,'.j lot S and lot 0 block 5S, Klaus' ad, $500. N P R R to Robert Iiagcr, lots 5 6 7 and S block 31, $100. A A Allen to W E Dodge lot (i, block 58, Klaus' ad, $324.25. W K Dodirc to A A Allen, s j.. lot 13 block 30, $150. A and A Klaus to Grimm & Kispurt, ots 7 S 0 10 11 and 12 block SI and lots 1 2 3 4 5 and 0 block s4, Klaus' ad, $1. F 11 Hagerty io Wm M and D MeK Lloyd, lots 0 and JO block 20, lot 4 5 and 0 liiock 30, lot 2 block 10 and lot 2 block 5, $2,000. Total number transfers in t wo weeks,30. Total consideration, ¥44.012.25. Largest amount, $7,01.0. Ltnd Offlce at Fargo, D. T., Feb. 6,1882. Notice ii hereby given thatthe following named aettler has filed notice of bleintention to inn''" Hint prjidf ip s;?p|!ort of 1 jiclaim mirl •« cur- :1 >i1 ••n' > <n tin Hill d»<- i'f y.i'.i, > lili^.n !!, Koll".:i' . V - ? . v. lor i ;-r ' \i ^ ol h»*c -0, q> MI j., r 05 w, iti.ti i in in il, y :•!) an liig r.'itnsfeM'H, ^ iz: Wiljiii A. I'lli11 jpb, Join) Mllt.cil, J. B. .MulhtiWfi. Frank i£ldridye, all of Stulsnitin couiuv, It. T. The testimony to bu lakun beforu Johnson C. Nickctic, clt-rk of tliu disirict court, anil A. A. Allen. Notary Public, ut Jaineetown, U.T., on tlio 11th day of March, A. U. 188'J, atihuir ulllce. HORACE ACSTIN, Ttcgifter. Allen A llodue, Attorneys. OT1CE OF FINAL PKOOF. Lan«l Oflicc ut Fnr^o, D. T., Jan. S-llli, IPS*?. Not ice ip hereby fciven that iht: following named •cttlcr has lllcd notice of hi* intention loinnke tiiu'l proof in Mipporl ol hi^ clnim and HucuivJintil ciniy thereof on t lit* l*i dfiy oT iMnrcli, viz* Jolin McGinnis, ». H. iNo. 7.51R ro»- tlio W h no k and PC I n\v I and Sot 8 of Si-c. 'iO. 'i p. M0 U. It. C- 1 w,and names tlie following.; a-» his u T. W. Fields, T. II. IJowtlitch, Joun I5OI an(! Ronald Hell, all of SiulBtnan counly U. T. The tefctimony lo be tukvit bei'oxe JoIinRonC. Nickeus, cleric of 1 be district conn ami A.A.AI- Jen, noiary public :it Jamestown, Sru^man coun- ty. D. T, oil the 25Lb day of Fcbtuaiy, A.lJ. 18S2, at ilieir olttre. JI ORAC K AI'STIK, Uugistcr. AU-KN DOPGE, Ailonieye. J^OTICB OF FINAL PIIOOF. Land Ofttco at Far^o, i ?.T.,Feb. 7t!j. 1^85. Notice is hereby given that Ihe following named " t UT Y A; fllod notice of his intention to make ir tnnport of hi« claim and secnr« rtnal .*.v " •' . >4th cloy of March, 1882, viz: , ': |, s V. .fit) 1 'A a, "J0I5S, for the tc H f >T !;> t:j.; r>, v ?, ) w. r.tu'. l^inr^ th»; hi.- wniit'ffi'H, vi:;; Charles (.'."rpciier. V. A. Dorrenc.;, C. II. Porter, J. ("udieux, nil of La Mo.u'e count;*, I>. T. The leftjmony .o be tak'Mi before ilomer T. Klliott. clerk of the district '-"Htrt at Grand lUpidi. La Moure county, i>. Tm on the 10th day of March, A. i). 1882 at his oilier. lIoiiAC£ AUSTIN, Register. J. O. NICKEIR, Attorney. XiHic ot K:pc(lcii. . rTOTK'R iffhfrrby ^iv»n that on Saturday, the pre- ; 4th dav of t.-'rnnn < N JOTICK OF FINAL I'ltOOF. cinct® of S will be held I>• tax to rn^e W v •• JUl rr-Jlrl ''f I i!:''. : .. , tilt plll''l.;'.v f.; irttri ft.r in.U n^ce^. 1 *::!'} I *ii!<1:i• will )>e oponrd at « ii»t « will conunue opvu tin 1 I noon of the same day. d 'Tf-r. n\ •. h 1 . I F.i m :u:d > 114 n. whh'h '•!' c U ji. 111.- in ri»• ti x '.»>• oj-U in iIn* Hi Cirtl \V Vli.N.STM. < •i.utit> (.'!« :• Dated this 2nd dav of Fcbrmrv A 1> liiSJ. Land t\t l'ln^ro Feb.Tiii. 1S82. Xc'co he.eby ^ ; ven 'ollowio^ named j ®»'u-er uas jiiod no : -e «i in «Mi»ion to make . •In:'i proof in Mipuo/i of l.'ft chi'm and secure flnni i ! »*n ry tbereff on tiif 1 !!'!i tiny of M:>trb. 183*3- viz: I < it*»M';;t S. A tk ! . i>. S. No. CU»7. for the w X of j , »«' '. a of s'.-e i f, ',p ]:y.) n. / 04 w, and names the j ' folb-wini; as hi." \\ vj>;; !v. McKlroy. Iluschke, Peter Gttff- U It. Down -. all of B II'IMAN coiury. P. T. The I'-stMiiMiy io !>.• <aUt it b-ror-* Johnson C- N ; fl-.ers cork or *(ii,! ui? i. i<i <"tuL al Jamestown, . o.oa tlio' mill day oi' Ma.cii, A. I >. 1^S2. at liis | X ilice TEKIUTOIIV or DAKOTA. / STUTFF.UAN C'OL'NLY, Y" In Probate Court. Cliailes *•'. Hunt's K^tate Ali p«?ivf»nr Inn in ; claims-a;.'aiii*l ihe estatf of Charles K. ilinii <le<vi'>.ed. ii!- hervby nouled to exhibit 'hem wnb tho nect ^ary vouchers, to meat inyofticein tin; Village of .liuiichown, in i-aid •county, on or before the JM day of June, A D All claims nuist lie jicconipanied with the jivoof required bystcliun ill of llu: Proliute C'ode ot thif Territory." W. Ii. Uodfte, Kxeeutor. Uy order of the Probate Court UIIM 2Sth day of January, ISfW. IlENIiY J. OTT, Judge. K. ]'. Well:- & Dudl LIORIAC;: AUSTIN, PE^I>TER. y, At.fM'eys. TOTlC'iS OF FINAL PKOOF. Ko*i(*c 01I1S0 !•« (M 1 .i 1 f" •uli. : i._ im- \OTIt 2;-To iiu!1(lcvi9. Ti n *«•".« \v"l «• I the xliji day o ' M ti Se M:O' llni^e in »;I and «ju'c'tica oii>, i »v: Tn.u tm ; id a< e^efl up .o toon on Monday, ii. .<T «.it* ereci>oii of a Fraine , \ o.' sp ' wocd. i'ians i ry li- M- n ai .iieMoreof J-.'^an . r t. e ii ii:.-ia»i. The low- est or any iCiH-.enot n< ces arl'y accepted. C». II AMULT, Clerk aud Sec. School Board. Treasurer's Sttitsumn County. N OT1CE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Ofliee at Farpjo. D.T., Feb. 10, 1882. Notice is h' p'hy'^iven tiiat the i'o M o<v ti g named setticr li * liietl ii"tiiv O.' ir>int- .,n to make tinai 1-roof i .-upp'ii i.t hi t hi * .id seen ru linal entry tliele •' <• t* me HiKl f i Mil Vi':. l«S8'2, VIZ: \n 'ie\v u i.-i t .,i. ii. E. >.««. —, for the se % of sec 22. tp Ml »• r <*,:'» w, and r.nnies the following as lus wiiiicsse*-. viz! Olio Jf»)in B. Gofiinet, John fltariha. and Mariin Mut/.. ail of HitiiMnan county, X>. T. The testimony to be takon before Johnson C. Nickens. clerk '»f t he d:«rri'. t court, at Jamestown, D.T.. on the Uth d.»y «<I March, A. D. at hia oftiee. And \ QH. Julius Smith, who made D. S entry No. oil'jo. for the above df.-cribrd tract of land, are hereby no.iti< d *o appear at thi* f»fiict* on the day of null! proof of Ai;dr-w Kindr-ehi afop «aid, and -how . Miise, if any there b«'. why he should not bo allowed to make iiiuil proof and*payment for said iayd. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Allen A Dnd-'^. Attorney*. N NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Otllce at Fa:-£o. D.T.. Feb. fith,1882. Nolic- i" hereby jriven thut the following nanr d settler ha* Jiied imiirc of liic intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final eniry ihe.-eof «iii the ir>ih day of March. J8H2. viz: Chnrle* ^lorrew. I). S. No. 5430. for the s * W of see 2. «p Mo n. r G2 w, and names tho following as his witnesses, viz: James Scott. F'etcher Turner, Joseph R. Ar- bucklo, and Henry Ilamblv, all of Sttitamt>n county, ii. T. The testimony lo be taken before Johnson O, Nickeii*. cierk 'ef the di>trict court, and A. A. Alien. Notary Public, ot Jamestown, i>. T., on the 13th day of March, A. P., 1SS2, nt their ofliee*. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Allen & Dodcje, Attorneys. N NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF. Land Office at Far^o.N.T. Feb. 2, JSR3. Noticeia hereby giyenrhat the followinpnamed settler has filed i.oticeof Iiis intention tomakeftnal proof in snpport of her claim and seen re final entry thereof on the 7th day of March. 18*2, viz*. Charles W Fisher, I). S. No. 7031. for the s,, se V and sw 4 of sre 8. tp 1"D n, r G3 w, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: II W Dewey. Charles E McKlroy. Vernon Corn- wall. Arthur W Dewy, ali of Stutsman county. D.T. The testimony to be taken before Johnson C. Nickeus. clerk of the district conrt. and A. A. Allen. Notary Public, at Jamestown. D. T., on the 4th day of March, A. P. 1882, at their office. And yon Edwn D. Strong who made T c entry No 4G07 for the above descnl»ed tract of land, arc hereby notified to appear at tins office on the day of final proof of Charles \V Fisher aforesaid, ana show causc. if any there be why he shonld not be allowed to make final proof and payment for said land. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Allen & Dodge, Attorney*. JtjOTIC E OF FINAL PROOF. LA*--'. O ii-.c it Far^n. F). T., F^h. 7881. Nor'T j.- . ^iven tiint rhe following named setib r ha.- ; ' 'fi ire of h>> i.i .<.Mi;ion to make final prr.olin Tppr« c'alm and secure final entry tlie.-en* OT i»- dav of Match. Yj z' : F:e,« np» V:i-\»'T ii s No 8 03T> fo-* the se i| cf g^c 22. 1 '1 n. " w. a;i(« names «fie following as hts wit«»e*se^. \ : /.: GW> M S,;I JI. S NI;, ! V-RC'.L, John R^SD and T'-wn.««i't. c' S; '-^man ''oiiT'tT D T. T'»e /.TKEN J C NF<kftn«, o* iie .. - c- 11. j'.id A A Ai *n. notary pnjt r, .M . r ; ii. Ii 7. r \ the 6tll dlT of Jiar .h. A D rofP.C?>. lioRAc* Army, u* r'iftr. A1 OADodge, A.icrntye. * -it Land Dfllce at Fargo, i). T Notice hereby given * 'in t ; setilcr has filed notiee of his final proof iusup,r.>t \ of i?;- . entry .hereol on ihe '^nd day ('Jute 15. Uovic. 1>. S. AO. "i'.n 1 ). io,' 1. II- ,-e <•, .-<•« 20. t.) I.T .1, r Gi w. an i nam-* .he '.'.iiiow ;i" i. wirues'ts. v'z: \V. 13. Dot'^e ( P. M.llb'ks, (1111:011 Wi'de r< m Geor^iMiooiJe. ali of Suu- tunn county. 1). T. 'i'.ie BesJimony to be »aS;en M-.*• J«>.;ii-'ii ''. Nickeus. t c.k of :he die r."t :\\ -\ A A. Allen, notary public, nt Jann ,-iov. n. I), 'i .. 011 JiOthday of Muich A. I>. at it,^ . And you. \V in. r. I»rcw i 1 *. who i.i'.ti r »>. S. N - 7U"J'-. > . for said traet. Nov. 111 Ii. .p.- n' > -lie i , appear nt this o.hcc mi ^nid day and . ;iu-> if any .here be. why .lie ?-aid Cia'ie 1.. l;<*\ 4e -ii-.it not lnakaiinnl proof and payint.nt for .-aid laud. HORACE AUSTIN, Ucgister. ALI.KN & DODOK. Ail *\S. Jame*»owi» Dakota, Feb. iGth. '.Sivi. The following orde.s a.*:? hereb.' v'alie<i f«»r pay- ment. viz: li.A 1>. Oruer.s No. •},U. ^0. :;ro. o(»I' County Ordf:s Mo. 1OM' <II |V «. RR.N. ID.,."). 10.")., 10.VI, 1U.VJ JU74; J-«70. H'O-i, 1"'J-1. 10"- JUI 1. 1045, G31. il'i.'i. Alio, ali ''Oti.iiV or( e.-.a drawn on County Fund p.v\io,i» .0 ordo- No. ')Xt ar<' hereby ca'led for payment; iniere.^v ceascs thereon on thi date. Tuos. S. COLLINS, County Treasurer. Wanted. Sealed bids for the consM'uefion of court house ami jail ut Jamestown wit* be received tbl Mj-tch ls», 1SS'^. Plaufcami fpecificaih'ti- <an be seen MY ofliee DAVID ."I RTIN, 4l Sec and Treas. D. C. Ii. CommissioiM rs. r.ov. i'i. ;'.ie L. ( . I!- L. 1 he eojit 'tions cf a •iid de'ive.ed by Wil- leW.tUMl UK>i il;aj,3l S io \ ertois ;iji(', t.ustees of S'-Mieni- ui" <i.' i .I"-.-. .»en ii o 1 ; ii .ii'.ir •( j'ai' t*i;, 1 y ;• ,1' ><'• ' '<•«•*• O Hi - u «.l;' i) .1 .h«- 1, .ri- o.' .«t 'lako o 1 . . w< ,1 y--'eoiui ii'l) day T. > . HI . Ii. 1 1 1 :• £:•»*, O <*IO -K 11. in., in •i. \o :i" .• i. 1 L,( '- M'5. 211 and \!b„» on I .' H* •••.a .'i o.u: one :u liie (btie of . hi. e. he I ' I .' U .' t Vi .-y-'h-ee C):») do|- ..o :»<• f..ir .. o<wiii)L 11 i«vt heen insii- " n\'. i ;. »» ceove.- the debt se- . 1' :i'«i !,-o , .• _e o ly pari tliereof. ;•« b> : veil hy virtue of a pow- •outa' i-'o •» »: H ; .noitgage. and of the sum -• HI'•tieji < .-M« mule ai»«i provided, tl»e said inot i;,;»;^e \vi11 in- foieriosvd bv a sale of the inor:-;-^e(i nr 'ini>. « (herein described, which gale ! wil. b" ni nle in t 1 »:• "rom door of ihecouit bouse j iu the \i'ia^«* o' Ij'iiiestown. in i!ie county of , Siutsman and -i . i.o.'.v of Oakoia, ut public auc- tiou by ihe -iie -il' oT said county, or hy his dep- | u y. on Ti.the .'oun^ei.i'» day of March A. I), oi^lit^en iiuix- et, anu ei^'.t y-tvvo i»t two o'clock | in tne a •'» *. MIOII 10 ^aiiufy the amount which shall hen i»e one 011 ",i : 0 nio. with tiie interest TOTICE. V. S. Land Office. Fa r go. I).T., Jan.l6th,lftS2. Coinpiaint havng 'e»*n einered ai ihis office by Thomas W. FielcN i'-a :,, si henry L. Pedell for failing to l»reak o- CMMV; to be broken the five ac»«s (<f land v> (.e' t d b;- asv o be Jioke the fii>t year on his Tiniu-j* Cu .e v eni y.and forrban- dotiing his T'lnoc; C. ,, tH t; 00 No. 4'J03. duter Oe.ober 5JC, IS/ I u po 1 ie se .11-casi (piarti!**) si e. 'p r b> . S ii,^:n»n county. Dako. In: witiiav.ew •) »e t*'.t'ce a.ion of said eiuiy. ilie said panics a-e iie.e oy Miniiii'l.K'u to appear at ilii« dike on tIre Oay of Mareh, 18b'i, ut JO o'clock, a. m., io re*p'»«u l and fn.nisn testimony concerning sain a':e^ d a.jjndoiimeiu. Tuos.M. Put:H, Receiver. TOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tliercui. and ' aol'a 1 s a <> Lftge iu I'iiU'i 'i'he O'-eini TKnniTouy or DAKOTA,) COUNTY OF STUTSMAN, > is J USTICE Counr,. Ilefore John 8. Watson, Justice of the Tence. SORKKT MKLVIN, by his (biurdian,) W.T. MKI.VIN, i'lfiinliir, !• SL T MMfl\s —agniiiPt— j-suMMON.s. J EUOME J. FLINT, Defendmit. ) The Territory of Dakota sends greeting: To Jerome. J. Flint, Defendant, Vou are hereby summoned to appear before ine, at my ofliee, in the village of Jamestown. I). T., in said'county, on the yflili day of February, A. I'.. 168ii. at 11 o'clock, a. m.. to «n*w«r to tli*» e«,i., plaint of the above named plain'i IT. who eb.ini^ to recover of you ihe sum of fifty-four d< Ihir- aud sixty-two cents <$.M for labor and ;'. ire n n- derfd according th« i term 4 'of a eontruei nia«le and entered into by and betw«*cn plaintitl's guar- dian and defendant. July KSili, 1NM, which said sum is now due and unpaid . And you are hereby notified that if v<-u fail to appear and answer'said complaint as rsbove re- quired, said plaintilx will take juiign:« nt against you for the said amount of lifiv-foiir tlollars ami sixty-two cents together with COMS -nid damages. Uiven under my hand this l'.Uh dav of Januarv. A. D. 1*W. To tlie Sheriff or any Constable of said Stutsman coumty, greeting: Make legal service bcieof, and due return. JOHN- S. WATSON, Justice of the Peacc within ami for Stiiisnian county I). T. fit aim expenses of sale, and fifty fee* a- stipulated in said mort- ecioMi.e. "•••plied In said niorigage, and pn *oii. Mil' a'e,helo.. piece or parse I of land situaitu i«i the c<>uniy of S.uisman and territory of Dakoiaami known and described as follows, to- . wit: Tiie <»on.!;\ve-i . ;tr (swj) of section No. ' eiguleciHlS). Jn loN/n^Vp No. one hundred and fori.v (|.*0) no, .h o ' .an^c sinty-three (03) weM of the fii'iii <.'1 In pnm-io.r iiie^oian and containing UiOncies more or b'ss aeeo;ding to the U. S. gov- eri'in« nt survey .nereo'. C.H.tt II. !•;. 'FLKTCHKH. K"xecutors & Trustees, Miiriu.H^ees. t'i.J)j1. TKMrLUToN. Attorneys for Mort- gagees. Dated, Fargo; D. T.. January 10.1.SH3. 7t TERKITOKY or DAKOTA, ) In Justice's court, county of Stutsman,5 Defop* A. A. A leii. Justice o f the Peace. A. MeKci'linie. l^a'it.ilT, i vs. > D. A Jlarrb' Def-'iitiant. y j TS'« Te r 1 i-alcoia sends Greeting: ! To 1 >. A. H n i : s J b'fendan?. ! \u'i ft-. " i-:i.iion«'d ioapp.'a** beforo me : a' niy oJiie.' n 1., . ;• ef James,own iu *a'd ! ,'onoty «'ii hu 7:h d.iy m M; «« i>. A. h. 'Svj. 3 j o'e.f»ck p. io . to niiMvcr to ihe comprint of ihe ;i iio v 11a en MI p i oli iT A. Me K«vh uie \,',:o e aims j to rei over oycu J-i 1 sum of uiie hum eu ($100) ' (i'li'iii'v.ti;!' 'ive siucK m>Iu itux f ed iy p'ain- I 1..! to U--fe.>f•1': in ile- ye:i; l^N.i j:<-r vi v .»al con- iii''i. ! A . l 1 yc:u a'- '»•••. by no ' hV, 1'• nt if you fail to t r •»»»•:••• jind an-'rer sa-d «/j> nt as ?!,ove re- \ (ji;! ci. wwl p ; :i mi:IT i j.'dgincnt against j voi' o. l -e-:i o!'.).):• ;i,',i<* 1 i$»00| dollars and I «-i so io--.nt 1 ^ of !is action. ; To »,ie s.m I'.-V or r->ii«.,;i-)i.• of said Slutsinan r oumy. ii:« -. \ing: Make i- ;;ii: sv rvice h.'ivof, and I du t' .11. 1 Uiven Mild-T my hand this *J0th day of January, \ A. O. IS A A . Allen. JJiMie.'of the Peace within and for Stutsman j county, D.t. tit Land office at Fa ^o D. T., Jan. ill, 18S*2. No.k'c is here >y ^'ven tor.i he following named settler has !Wu no.«t.; o' his 'nt'.-nlion to make final pro.if in supp j. t of tii^ e.aim on the 8th day of March A. I)., I80J. and thai sa : ii p.oof will be made be Tore Johnson C. Nickeua, clerk of the distiict court ni JumcMown. D. T., on theCih day of Marcii. lu>i viz: Veinon C-ornweil o. s. No. 8.<for tiie «e V »ec 1-1 in tp 130 n of range 63 w. He names he fo'»owing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said Iand,vfx: Richard IJiiling-. Aaron P. Lawrcnce, Bliner Fredrick and Oliver Honker, all of James- town, SUKbinan county, D T. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. N OTICEFOR PUBLICATION. S1: M M 0 N s. STREET & SMITH OF THE NEW YORK WEEKLY are happy to inform their MILLION of readers and THE mil- lions that are to come, that at great expense they have secured a strangely real and powerful story, entitled THE QUEEN OF THE PLAINS. A Tale of Daring Seeds by aBrave Woman' s Hands This story is from the pen of a NEW Contetbittok , A Great Trapper and Hunter , a man who lives amid the scenes he describes, and knows the men and women he writes about, a story which lacks some of the beauty and finish which a practiced pen would give, but makes up a thousand- fold in Wild Reality, Truth, Origin- ality and Power of Description. The writer has exerted his best efforts , and comes to with a vivid freshness which will make the name of RECKLESS RALPH a household word with the readers of tlie V K W YQitK W££KLY. The dramatis persona) of CALAMITY U AMK are made up of road- ;ents, train robbers, gold diggers, Heathen Chinee, etc. ctc. No stranger character has ever e entire story is which will appear in Jfp. 10 eie ' existed, and her daring deeds will bo intense "interest. now in our hands, and the first chapters will appear in No. 10 of the New Yobx Weekly. News agents, subscribers, readers all be ready for the best story of border life, that has eTer given you. Don't forget that Stews agents, subscribers, readers all no roa< THE NEW YORK WEEKLY chaste in style, correct in diction, and pure in morals. will appear in Ko. 10 of the JTEW YORK WEEKLY. is the embodiment of all that ia might with propriety be read ia any family circle, even in that oFa" clergyman. tW »: N£\y YORK WEEKLY pays more for manuscripts than •ny journal of its class, andis the Greatest Story and Sketch Paper in the World. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT IftUE. TERMS TO MAIL~SUBSCRIBERS: 3 months , {postagefree)?5 tr 41 months $1.00 1 Year 3.00 2 copies •1 copies...... . N conies $3.00 io.oo 20.00 Any person sending $23 at one time , for ci^ lit copies, is entitled to a Ninth corv i i fetters-up of clubs can afterward add SingieCopies at each. All letters should lm nddrc.^-d to FRANCIS S. STIu'i;:- ; V^v IITSI, FRANCIS S. SMITH «. Victors. P.O. Box 9734. 2o, 2?, ^ .,1 Rose St ., iV .Y. -5 Land Ofliee at Fargo, I). T., .Tan, 24,3882. Notice ie hertwy ^iven ihut tlie following named scitior tins notice of iiia intention to make final juoof in «ii]>»)ori of lii« chi'iti. ami secure flniu amry in« t;of on Marcii 3d, viz: Jamc liroushion "or the sw * nw ,4. AW X and fie M sw t I), ip l.,S r 0*?. He names LLIE I'OSOWMI^ \V : ,HPSS to prove hi^ cont ; nnonR resi<it»nrr upon, nuti enuivation of, paid land, viz: ificiiaid l»'l in^, Henry Schafer, William Deinon and Heiny \V. Dewey, ail ol Snn*man county, i).T. The leytimo.iy lo be >ukcn before Johnson C- Nickeus, clerk of district eoiiit a! .Jamestown, p. T., on tiie Nt of Marcii, A. I>. 188^, at his oiUci at2 o'clock p. ni., on iliui day. I1OUA< K AUSTIN, Register. J OHN' S. WATSON, Attorney. N J- OT1CE FOH PC PLICATION. Land Ofliee nt Kargo, D. T., Iun.;Mth, 1882. Notic»-iH herfiby ^tveu tiit'.t tlu following nauivi. Kettler lias lll«-d notice of hiMiilernionto make ihui proot in HiippcH'l oi hi* claim and *..c;ure dual enlrj therf.)i on March 1 viz: Albert s\ Hroiiij iifn i). s. No. for then 's nw ^ , PC \ nw :»<ni lie AI >\V X #ee 0 Ip ioS. r l-x.'. He n«n»^8 th*- following wim»!M»e*< to prove hjf (.on!iii'i<iu«i r«:sid« ii''n upon, jind culiivalion o( »-«id land, viz : !<i<v.nni Il» nry Wruafe. Wii.inm 1) nlt»n and llrnry \V. l)f\vry, a 1 ; o SlniPinan I). '\\ The Les.'.'iony ««» b<* taken before Johnson ( Ni< kens, H«.-rk u:M.»e, rou.'i at Ja»nesiown. 1». i . 011 ihe lirrtl <i*}' of .Ma t i A. ii. JfWJ, at liis (tfl'u al 2 o'cioek p. m. on i<ia( day. J1 O 11 A< AI'M'IN. KI^IMCR. J OHN S. W'AT.V N. Attorney. \ T OTILFI. I". S. Land O 'W*.. y.]••«/>. ('o.'tplH'Pt h*» 'ft-.; Ii n . ' N- t l.:«n 'Mia v r :/ ;• : ab .i;d ». n. .>•,», t{ dub d I)i " !' 1 i •:: 137 11. r i.-' w. u: view to the ca.ic ! oi parties are hereby oliice 011 tiie "'.''-t day a. m.,10 r< >|iond : u• i fui'ii.-b t viim said alleged aband^ni'i'-iu. If;? AT K A VKTIN, R -'^IFTHR. WHITE A: Hnwrr At;.'.rn s i\ : ii'ion M vi lb- ^;nd a* I I H- )' 1 cio{'k nc«:u 11 N OT1CE. V. S. Lnnd Oftlee. l-'ar^n. J).' V, }•' J,. !S r ' Complaint hnv'np :.ei>n ••nl«*ved aitl.ifi office b; Patrick <»a!Tuey a: .ii!st l'';n^-i^ M, Hnd^on, i al-aiidoniii,: M: KI L';iii I..; :i»p'ow. iniprovi* or cull, vnre in nnv maim- r iii" 1 iinb«-r riuiiuv »• 1»rry N- 50"L d T)cc. tj:'vd. lS^o. ujn»n tin- nw l 4 m-c 'M tp 1:57n. r ti'J w. in *tni<m:m c.>nn'y- Iiakot:i. w:'- n view to the eiincelialion <»f said\»nlry: t- PJI parties are h'.'r«'by smnninn d \ > appear al )•> ofliee on tli»* 2Nt d::y of .M;i «-ii. 'KS-.', al 10 oVo' i a.m.. tovi Mx^ui anri IINU -!i H^iin-.f-nv cone* 11111:; said aliened aband«inm« ni. HOIIAM; AI'STIN, Rfgihter. WHITK & IIKWIT. AU'YK D It. J. W.CI.OES, IDen. tist- O.'lirc in Lloyd'* Hlork. Jumcslown, D. T. D UAUDWIX, M. D., PHYSICIAN A SUKdEOK OflHc, dtiy ami niylit, <i sround Uoor.Ma'fii Tem^'c, corner 4t'n Aie and 2il Si. Oflloo hour .10m . to 11 a. And a Complete Line of [UNDERTAKING GOODS.I A. STEIXBACH, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. THE FO I'll LA.N ' Ja.Vi l.Unl.U, TO THE BUSINESS MAN, TO TIIK KAKMEU, TO THE MECHANIC, TO TI1K LAltOltER, TO TiJli bl-OU'l'SMAW, TO TliK 'iUUlUST, 10 THE ill-SEIt, TO ALL CLASSES! the Raising of Wheat I Fur the KuisiDg ot Block! For Ucniiy and Ca»li .Markets! For a liraitliy ' limale! For Sure and Uoud Clops! ?"or Ufmunerauvt iin'cjioiontx I For LJu»im.i.> '/ppoituu tics: Ki'i \\ 1 ni > II Tie Nortiiia Puiikic U,;aU-.- liAis i » u Jiifii. Save "-iv-Lo e ^ liy purcha.^iiii: u< kef* t..t a —» bujin^ •..1 b»--f«»re ^ n train. Ronnrl Trip Tu k- .r- at a:« j'akri Oiiiivs . all stations at r. dued v.-.• s. Conpou Tick ^ «; 1C sold at .)anic -i<i\vn to a; E&Ptr'rn and >«oriii«Th j/n-i.i?*. a' i.»w»'.-t r:.u*tf ^nllman p«-rs bet won t'ai^o ai.il St. l'a-, and berth? si cured by ..ppl}ii:g to 1*. M i^Ai Agent, Jameatow Q. O.K. ItAUN'ES, iittii'l 1'ar.fH.ii^t r ST. PA' L L). McK. LLOYD. W. M. LLOYD, JK. W;; SI\6B re -A BAKHIKG BusriTres. XCIiAituE -.OUGHT /:.!Q 5CLD on rincipal citus of United States and ELI rope. I'-Igl-.c.-.t io: Ccu.r.ty and Scli-ol Orders. MONiiV i'Oi: Si-: I'D I'ijovi-: « f ami on I.ANI AS, ut Lowest Rat* on l,ougtsi iiine. 1:11 j - -I !n (ia: 1 > 11 •:. u-.. i i. n nl' ii!l pap ii coniic( 1 ii-i) -.killi Ii ai Sh])J A. A. ALLKN, iNotfuy I'ulilur. \V. E I)ODOK ALLEN & BODGE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, jind Negotiaters of First Mortgage Loans. $200,000 TO IrfOilXT CXT iLiPROV£D L. ; 1T233. Town Lots aud Farm Property for s-ile; also, Hoiuesteivli, Pru-emptiou au Tr«« Claim lteliiHjiiislinn-nts. Bushjess before the U. S. Land Olfiee promptly attemded to. iBSurance eil'tctud in th« most reliable companies- All busiuess attended to witk Promptness und Dispatch. J. W. GOODRICH. J. W. JOHNSTON. GOODRICH & JOHNSTON, DBAMBS8 IN Farm Machinery, CONSIiTINQ OF 9 O - tr ~v - r s p.-. - -I « n 1 ij I v --. ii 3m b u ^83 'Cs^siaaailvj is Wa Si»il B, cj, 3.33dors,. a I-Iowe^ s s, Harse Halves, SSo-iiiioi.' PlG'ws, Harrows, Wagons, Bug-gies, IN FACT, Tlie best assorted stock in North Dakota, Farmers, please call and look at my goods. Office aud "Warehouse,— JAME3T01W2T, 15. T. January 3rd, 1883. Learned Bros.&Hathorn, General D.tlert in HARDWARE! Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, Farming Tools, and Household Goods. Oorner Front St. and 4th Ave. Slavator. F. M. BROWN, Furniture Oealer. Parlor and Su-tf, Mutresses a id rii!ows, Wall Pockets, Brackets, P'ctur Fraiiio;<j an<I Cavkots, bewing Macliinti' and Organs. 4th Avenue. . A: "K .ir.r-.Ni:-; -OK ' v * /. E r ~y ?• rt * *i -/ ' ' C HJrn i % l' A 1 a Sr I V [ ^5 *v H a i *3 % i'. ^ 5; - ' ^ > 'tis f ^ (Lll b k U 2 O 1 U J I And the Celebrated Jackson Truss Rod "Wagons! Kc; p or ri^tantly on hand a supply of Wheat, Ccrn and B^rlsy. I' lour, Feed,' Corn and Oatgt . »'
Page 1: Jamestown weekly alert. (Jamestown, Stutsman County, …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042405/1882-02-24/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · S i^ V ' \ 'V " ^ •if £STOWN A lert. AND WEEKLY.

S i^

V ' \ ' V " ^



u-i> every Friday afternoon


iu Atrince: V1IILT EDITION.

'.COPT, oujcu, COPT, *ix BMtlU,

$2«o >i«o

N*tlc* t» Ribieribera. (•r for the Alert unaccompanied by the caBh •t recognized. Paper* will not b« bent longer !>*ld for. An X on the margin of your pu-Oenote* that yon have jtut one week to in i to renew before being stricken from the list.

Tax tuBLiautu.

PHESBYTKRIAN CHURCH, Jamcs-lown, D. T,,KIT. N. 1). 1'AN.NINU, Factor,

tec* in the new church, at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 >•< "very Sabbath. Prayer meeting Wednea

at 7:30.

JE. CHURCH.—Rev. W. L. Denioreil-p:iR--* tor. Coiner 5th ave. and 2nd st. Servicen on

v tj Sabbath, at 1040 o'clock a. m. andT :30 p.m.

-AJUCSTOWMIODGB K ?. A A. M. A >gol«r communication first and third Wedcii*<tuy ning* of each month. All Masons iu (jood idtng are cordially invited to attend.

By order of the W. M. A. A.ALLBR, Secretary.

r. VITUS ENCAMPMENT, Ancient Order Knight* of the Red Cross, meets iu Mnwinic

iple. Sir Knights from other Encampnicuts liailyjnvlted to visit us.

O- O. F. Jamestown Lodpe, No. 31. "jeets every Thursday evening, at T.SOo'clock.

irfBretheru in good standing cordially invited to tlit us.

H. GKIFFIN, N. G. L.B.MI.nbr, U.S.


ran, C. W. Hendricks. June* or PROBATE.—H. J. Ott. 1 'LXBK or DISTRICT COURT.—J. C. Nickcni. - unit?.—Archibald McKechnie

or I>EEDS.—Georec! W Vennum. 1KK»(O*EK.—TLomas 8. Collins.

—John J. Nicliols. 't'Rvltsroa.—T. 8. Wadsworth. - OBOKIB.—Will Elmer.


vines* or TBI PSACS.—A. A. Allen, F. E. Jonts, Anton Steinbach, J. i>. Watson.

tioN*TABL«».—John Vrnnnm, George W. Kurlz.

Imi rnnlahed for powfrng up. t* IMI, irm. C. White.

Two Thousand Dollar* to l,.oan. fur a tarsa of yasri, on Kw:tl secanty,

K"j» rod tap*. No watting to *ul»m « tlie application to sisters partlen; hut lain bo .doaod and money paid Hn« clay appli­cation la mads.

E. P. WRLi.S, Otto* with James Blr« National Bank.

TheTSui tli Bide wants John Briucr is tli tr

Deckcr. " " -

The latg wliiake

'•cliool liousc. t Weil for Ed

tiling out—Birt Crow's side

IT. Miller, the muon, returned from 'St. Paul Saturday.

.Toe Mason is having a cellar jnit under his saloon liuilding.

O. A. Boynton and Z. Martin returned from "Wisconsin Friday.

The Dakota house dialled up an im­mense dinner on Sunday.

Col. Flint writes that he will start for Jamestown on the 27tli inst.

There is more talk of putting on the night train between Fargo and Jiis-.tiarrk.

Emmigration has already sot in and the majority of land agents iiad plenty to do.

Fields has ordered a 3,500 pound safe in which to keep his money the coming season.

The Dakota House office lias been adorned with a dozen new arm chairs painted red.

Judge Steinliach experts a nephew to arrive here from Kaiser Wilhelm's coun­try this spring.

Mr. Vrieland is putting up a blacksmith shop on the rear of his lot oa Sixth ave­nue, north side.

. Tiie Jamestown house was. closed after breacfaat Monday, and preparations are being made to move the building.

Drs. Baldwin & Drake will open a new irug store in the store formerly occupied

by Mrs. Davis as a millinery bhop.

Mr. Everard, the Minneapolis tailor, se­cured a dozen orders for suits here in two days and went to Valley City .Monday.

Mr. Linton, the tall Englishman, suc­ceeded in overturning his sleigh while out riding with a young lady on Sundayt

Mr. Jellison, president of the St. Paul telephone exchange will establish an ex­change m Jamestown sometime this sum­mer.

The last installment of wood to arrive -it. the N. P. yard is green and causes an

~n amount of smoke aud strung lan-

''|Iag* ordinance rel. live lo ped-.~~0 »t till: "Streets of .'anikstuwn wn

tried in Dakota lio.uae office Srumiay terv.oor

Tlici. is probsMy iv"> truth iulhpsinu-meiH f the GlcudiYe 'limes lliat >lr. JSrtel lad left tlie town of Aiamiaii naver more-it- return.

All should benrinmind that the spreia election called for the purpose of settling •Mi# nor.:- .'irm questioa, comes of! on tin-

in:h. of Towrr C'ily,

' • farmer \v;o i:i <=.-»er ( ;iv tlie iar^e.-



is to have another Xaiional Herbert Koot as president,

n JIS tlie Farmers and JMer-' Bank.

was buying a cook ibive vill go to housekeeping lor r lu» saloon. lie intends

> bui^d a nouse for liim-

.. reports some eieitcment afbund Fort Tottcn caused by claim jumpers, and that a detatchment' of sol­diers were sent out and brought 1:1 the jumpers.

A young man in Grand Forks dressed himself in ladies clothes and went to

.church. The congregation recognised him and he was arrested for hi* indis­cretion.

Mr?. F. M. Merral, formerly of Chicago and a leading dress maker of that city, has leased the upstairs of the 2s~ew-tnan building, and will put in a first elas stock of goods in her line about March 1.

v In case Dr. Campliell resigns the village c]»:rkship, it has been suggested bv some leading business men that Judge Douglass would accept the^position. The appoint­ment of Mr. Douglass would he very ap­propriate ihdeed. He is a young man of .good habits and in every respect qualified Tor the position.

Enterprise: One of thos<j too neyond young tenderfeet came to Sanborn last, ^eck to locate on the wide prairie, to alioMvlndians and buffalo, and trap gopher holes and things. But he has beea too long from houiu—a week or more—and exfireaaeri fear* tnat some one would

; "catcli on" to his gitl", and he was alto-joetliar so veiy, very homesick that lie (tfo«faded to forego the excitement of

ting jack rabbits and buffalo wallows -m the "pop" he carried in his vest 4ket, and so he started for Fargo on a

;ht train. |lo one will accuse the church-going

tof Dakota of being puritanical. . long since the regular wetkly pray. •.

•vrtng of our Presbyteriaa society was eld an h ur earlier than usual in order

• j accommodate any who desired to at­tend a performance by the Jamestown

tnji,i'I> And now the Si'-ux LFalta Pantagraph annoOnces tl;at the a Fsi.'^rau amateur drumaiic i-oe:< •. vil

rt •.:# plar cf One Hundred Ve.-irs i- " r f' n:si*. i£I. I o : f

r i^riiOv cri. n

There is talk of still another saloon in town.

F. F. 'Benjamin, the stage line man, is in t..v.n.

The front to Buck & Mills .store has been put iu.

Hon. Anton Klaus returned to James­town Wednesday.

Jeff Smith, tlie "original farmer," is up after more lumber.

Mike Murphy has commenced work on John Moore's barn.

The Klaus flag was raised iu honor of Washington's birthday.

The foundation for the Dakota House addition is being put in.

II. W. Doolittle has takin a situation with J.J. Hedges & Co.

"Washington's birthday didn't seem to be much of a holiday at Jamestown.

J. W. Johnston, the farm machinery man, returned from Iowa Wednesday.

The last of February will be remember­ed as not having been altogether lovely.

Lieut. AVaterman came down from Fort Totten Monday in the ambulance.

The postotliee was closed at half past three Wednesday afternoon in honor of the day.

James Fields, a brother ol' T. W. and a bonanza fanner of Barnes county, is in town.

Workmen are at work digging arornd the Jamestown Housepiepaiatory a>mov­ing it.

The plans for the James llivcr National bank are beiiuj drawn by Minneapolis parties.

Tlios. B. Lloyd, Pittsburgh, Pcnn., who is interested in"this vicinity, arrived yes­terday.

Mrs. A. K. Van Doren of Zatiesville, is vigiiing her sister, Mrs. li. P. Wells of this city.

Ed Decker is going to enlarge his hotel and add mole rooms, llis in>u»e is full at present.

The. party from Yorkville bound for Mouse river passed through Jamestown yesturday.

Clias. llattenger, of Milwaukee, is spending a few days with his old school mate, Tony Klaus.

The post office is soon to be favored with another safe of greater dimension than the present one.

Your building association dues arc culled for on or before next Monday, therefore prepare for them.

The dramatic club have received their new books and it i< (juitu likely the play will be put in rehea'sal at once.

Mr. Carr, of .Mlerson, Wis., arrived in the capital city Monday, and will hence­forth hold for;li in the Alert job rooms.

Matthews, the well known stage d.iver between lave and Grand Kapids has re­signed and his place is tilled by Geo. Mer-riiiold.

The Jamestown Street Railway Com­pany will me their incorporation papers in H few days. Nothing like gcLting ones irerk iu early.

The village board again failed to have a ipiorirn flit the meeting Monday evening and have transacted no business since the 2nd of January.

Pete Aubertin secured t he contract for building the school house northeast of town, and has the timbers framed iu Win-slow's lumber yard for it.

Jamestown ought to and might have a public reading room. Such an institution properly conducted would do more good than liliy temperance lecturers.

Enterprise: Married—W catlierbcc— Pratt—At Sanborn, Feb. 12, 18^2, Mr. J. B. Weathcrbce, of Sanborn, and Miss Minnie ii. Pratt, of Jamestown, by Kev. E. B. Prindle.

The order excluding all white mcu who are married to squaws from the Indian reservations goes into eilect on the iirst of May. This is not a wise move by any maimer of means.

The party lately arrived from Daven­port, Iowa, who is opposing the proving up on -Miss Jennie Met'utchen's claim, southwest of town, is gaining some noto­riety even if he fails in securing the land.

Messrs. S. F. Lambert & Co., lost sev­eral valuable mules the other day. The door of a ear in which they were being transported came open and fiveju.npcd fromtUe train, one being killed oulrigh) and the others badly used up.

Attorney Dodge and his friend B. W. Full r left on the noon train for Vermont. It is pretty well understood that Mr Dodge goes to get married, and Mr. Fuller to bring back his family. The gentlemen have the Alert's tendereat wishes.

Messrs. Soil. & Huntington are here making their arrangements to open out their sului'U in Geo. Ve'nnum's new bnild-ng. 'i hey will put in two lnliiard tallies

and will probably open by next Monday.

John Nil hols came in from the conn ry J"ucsday night, and started for Si. l';ml

yesleidny, where he will meel 31 r. Hughes, be .igcni of Mr. Sykes, and make arrange­

ment M for his farming opctations the com-iiij; year.

The injunction suit N. P. R. R. vs. Stutsman county, has been dissolved by Judge Hudson, and thecounty permitted to sell the land for taxes, Stutsman county beini: the hot pre pan d of any counly oil the line, so saitli county attorney Al.'ei:.

Sher-.i MeKecl.n'e returned Saturdn; ii ni .imi i.ee's lancli. where he 1 ad bin

:o purchase forty head oi young stock. The heifers he will keep for breeding purposes, and Ihe steers will bring up in the City Meat Market in the course of time.

The contract for excavaling the cellar of the new .lames River National Hank building, was let to-day lo James K. pur­chase at thirty nine cents per square yard the dirt to be delivered as directed bv the bank, not-more than six blocks from the excavation.

Mr. Rennet t. who for some time presided over the destinies of the .Tames Rixer Val­ley restaurant and various other hasheries in this city for a time, and who Med leav­ing various creditors in an anxious slate of mind, is said to be enjoyinggoodhealth at Glendive. One of the finest maps of Stutsman county

eTerbrought into Jamestown ha' just fen received by Messrs. White & Hewit. P was drawn by the Ileinze Brothers, and shows the section lines and topographical features of the country. Its dimentions are about 5x7 feet.

.Michigan is represented at the North­western house by Win. Hamilton of Yp-silanti, C. II. French of Albion, and M. N. Green of .Jackson. They are friends of Mr. J. J. Eddy of Fargo, aud repre­sent others who" will move on Dakota when their lauds arc selectd.

Valle* Cii-jfc Times: Messrs. Fritz and Malrrtght's PJiotogrnpli Rooms have been crowded daily since reopening; we can cheerfully commend these geutlemen to the public as first class artists, an inspec­tion of specimens of their handiwork will confirm our judgment.

Moorhead was thrown into a state of wild excitement Tuesday, by the murder­ous assault of T. H. Hansen upon his di­vorced wife. It seems that he fired at liir four times, the fourth shot inflicting a dangerous wound. He then shot himself in the leg. Upon th« appearance of the sheriff he stabbed himself eight times in his desperate attempts at sui':de. IT;« wound- are not fatal and he will soon be tried for his crime.

t I.ndina Johnson, of Fargo, recently on ! r'al befi>r > Jud re Hudson, charged v.-:111 i infanticide, was acquitted <m Tuesday i last. In addition to a certificate of mno"-cence tlie jury handed the areused ISO j collected among themselves while out of' court. The spectators who received he I rr-d'et "not guilty"' wi'h tip" n1-' ns sin u-s of j ,pp'ausf>. increased the rr.i-u nt. | to fl I:; y rr *p.-1 I s it was tie mi st 1

re ar,; ( r :a.aal case ever befo.-e the1

HWtU at iMkom.

Geo. Vennum is still in Washington.

The horses for Fort Totten arrived yes­terday.

Noliei-s for the elect:o'i, March 4th, h.ive been pul up. • j

11,1 ly Marble's t.'oupe comes here next week for three nights.

The village law with reference to ped­dling iiiight lie amended without serteusly offending anvone.

Mrs. lVngray slipped on a piece of ice on the s'ocwniii near the First National Rank Monday, and fell, breaking a leg ii'iove tlie r lkle.

Mr. Albe'tson. who has been running th" 9!>c store at. liismarek, is at the Dakota House, lie is looking for a location here fo.1 a stoic and laundry.

Messrs. J. Ii. and Geo. Crutn r.nd Mat­thews came up from Grand Rapids Wednesday. J. R. is go:ng to Ohio, and Geo. and Mat. are al ter lumber.

Argus: Mrs. R. A. Bill, ^ife of Attor­ney Bil1, of Jai.iesiown, arrived in the eny Mono;iy evening to attend the musi­cal conve.'.ion. In Sirs. liiil Jamestown is if presented bv a musician of rare abil­ity.

Dr. Drt'ke will return about the first of A;>.il \,'t'i a stock of drugs for the li.m of 1) a'tie & Jii'.ldw'n. They will oc­cupy M.. Newman's btiifdi.ig until Air. Reiine..'s s.oie is completed, when they will remove lo ii.


Deals in Dirt.


23 tp

Win M 1,'loyd lo D 11 Fowler, lot Jones it Veimum's ad, $l4fi.

E Schwellenbach 10 Kidder & Morlcy, sec Ii, tp r (i.'J,

Geo M and Helen Smith to Marv AV Bush, se see 2ti t]> HI, r 04, $2,000.

Samuel K McGinnis to O H Ilewit, sec tp 114 r i;o, if:i,2oti. Frit;i!;l:ii H JMoore and wife to James

A Daly, see 11 ip r 02, $1,00(1. iler.in M Decker to flora \V Buck,lot 7

see CO ip 140 r 04, $I,01H>. ('•••Ivin Fis'.ier and wife to Henry L

Lloyd, w U see 17 tp 3;>!> r 03, $2,425. liV.iley \\ Fuller to Allen ifc Dodge,one

liali' intciisl in lots l:> and 14 sec 20 tp 140 r 04, §4,0t'l'.

U S to Nicholas Thierse, sw sec 34 Ip 142 r 03, $i3>'2.

Pal cut I' S io Geo M Smith, se 'j sec 20 tp 141 r 04, $3s2.

U S to G( o K Shippev, se sec 140. r 03, *3-2.

N P R R to 12 I' Wells, lie !.t lie } j sec lfi tp 137 and sw sec 20, tp 138 r 03, §500.

David Curtin to AVellsA Dmlky, block 10, lots 2 3 4 5 0 and 7 block 11, lots 7 S 0 10 11 and 12,block 10, lots 1 2 and 3,block 18, Curt ill's ad, £2,025.

David t'url n to the James Kiver Na­tional bank, a part of lois 12 3 and 4, hlk 31, $2,700.

Sarah I! Jones lo Marv W Rush, lots 150 ]00 107 22ti 227 22s 2w5 2!HI 207-1411 and 447, Jones & Yemitinfs ad, $1,200.

E P Wells to Kdwin \\ Bennett, s lot 14 block 32, $000.

Michael .Murphy lo Kate Geislcr, lots 443 and 114 Jones & Vennum s ad, $350

Mary W liesh lo Helen Smith, lots 440 and 147, .lo.ies & Vennum's ad, $350.

Hugh Deiiipscy lo ('has A Deinpscy, lots 0 and lo block 01, $1.

Jones & Vennum to Ole A Skoodlum, lot 02, Jones & Vennum's ad, $50.

Ole A Skoodlum lo D II Fowler, lot 02. Jones A: Vennum's ad, $110

Clara A Dole to John A Moore, lot 2 block 3.s, $500.

i) W Luke to John A Moore, lot 1 block 3s, $500.

1). II. Fowler to Wm C White, lots 7 8 and !> block 5s, Klaus' ail, $1,500.

Jacob Burnholdt and wife to Mary Wil­liams, part of lot 0, block 22, $275.

I) M Kelleher to S S Altschul, lots 10 11 and 12 block 24, $7,000.

David Curtin to J I Beaumont, lot C block 20, Curtin's ad, $100.

David Curt in to Thos Barclay, lot 1 block 20, Curtin's ad, $100.

David Curtin to Clias B Clark, lots 7 8 !) 10 11 and 12 block 20, Curtin's ad, $000.

David Curtin to II H Scliwarting, lots 2 3 4 and 5 block 20, Curtin's ad, $400.

David Curtin to Win Torrance, lots 13 and 14 block 4->, Klaus' ad, $1,100.

F II llagcrly to Wm Lloyd, jr., lots 4 5 and 0 block 2, $700.

Wm iM Lloyd jr., to Morlcy & Kidder, court house: square, .Jones it Vennum's ad. $1,300.

Win C White to O II Ilewit, n ,'.j lot S and lot 0 block 5S, Klaus' ad, $500.

N P R R to Robert Iiagcr, lots 5 6 7 and S block 31, $100.

A A Allen to W E Dodge lot (i, block 58, Klaus' ad, $324.25.

W K Dodirc to A A Allen, s j.. lot 13 block 30, $150.

A and A Klaus to Grimm & Kispurt, ots 7 S 0 10 11 and 12 block SI and lots 1 2 3 4 5 and 0 block s4, Klaus' ad, $1.

F 11 Hagerty io Wm M and D MeK Lloyd, lots 0 and JO block 20, lot 4 5 and 0 liiock 30, lot 2 block 10 and lot 2 block 5, $2,000.

Total number transfers in t wo weeks,30. Total consideration, ¥44.012.25. Largest amount, $7,01.0.

Ltnd Offlce at Fargo, D. T., Feb. 6,1882. Notice ii hereby given thatthe following named

aettler has filed notice of bleintention to inn''" Hint prjidf ip s;?p|!ort of 1 jiclaim mirl •« cur- :1 >i1 ••n' >

<n tin Hill d»<- i'f y.i'.i, > • lili^.n !!, Koll".:i' . V - ? . v. lor i ;-r ' \i ^

ol h»*c -0, q> MI j., r 05 w, iti.ti i in in il,y :•!) an liig r.'itnsfeM'H, ^ iz: Wiljiii A. I'lli11 jpb, Join) Mllt.cil, J. B. .MulhtiWfi. Frank i£ldridye, all of Stulsnitin couiuv, I t . T.

The testimony to bu lakun beforu Johnson C. Nickctic, clt-rk of tliu disirict court, anil A. A. Allen. Notary Public, ut Jaineetown, U.T., on tlio 11th day of March, A. U. 188'J, atihuir ulllce.

HORACE ACSTIN, Ttcgifter. Allen A llodue, Attorneys.


Lan«l Oflicc ut Fnr^o, D. T., Jan. S-llli, IPS*?. Not ice ip hereby fciven that iht: following named

•cttlcr has lllcd notice of hi* intention loinnke tiiu'l proof in Mipporl ol hi^ clnim and HucuivJintil ciniy thereof on t lit* l*i dfiy oT iMnrcli, viz* Jolin McGinnis, ». H. iNo. 7.51R ro»- tlio W h no k and PC I n\v I and Sot 8 of Si-c. 'iO. 'i p. M0 U. It. C- 1

w,and names tlie following.; a-» his u T. W. Fields, T. II. IJowtlitch, Joun I5OI• an(!

Ronald Hell, all of SiulBtnan counly U. T. The tefctimony lo be tukvit bei'oxe JoIinRonC.

Nickeus, cleric of 1 be district conn ami A.A.AI-Jen, noiary public :it Jamestown, Sru^man coun­ty. D. T, oil the 25Lb day of Fcbtuaiy, A.lJ. 18S2, at ilieir olttre.

JIORAC K AI 'STIK, Uugistcr. AU-KN DOPGE, Ailonieye.


Land Ofttco at Far^o, i? .T.,Feb. 7t!j. 1^85. Notice is hereby given that Ihe following named

" t UT Y A; fllod notice of his intention to make ir tnnport of hi« claim and secnr« rtnal

• .*.v • " •' . >4th cloy of March, 1882, viz: ,': | ,s V. .fit)1 'A a, "J0I5S, for the tc H f>T

!;> t:j.; r>, v ?, ) w. r.tu'. l^inr^ th»; hi.- wniit'ffi'H, vi:;;

Charles (.'."rpciier. V. A. Dorrenc.;, C. II. Porter, J. ("udieux, nil of La Mo.u'e count;*, I> . T .

The leftjmony .o be tak'Mi before ilomer T. Klliott. clerk of the district '-"Htrt at Grand lUpidi. La Moure county, i>. Tm on the 10th day of March, A. i). 1882 at his oilier.

lIoiiAC£ AUSTIN, Register. J. O. NICKEIR, Attorney.

XiHic ot K:pc(lcii. . rTOTK'R iffhfrrby ^iv»n that on Saturday, the

pre- ; 4th dav of t.-'rnnn <


cinct® of S will be held I>• • tax to rn^e W v •• JUl rr-Jlrl ''f I i!:''. : • .. ,

tilt plll''l.;'.v f.; irttri ft.r in.U n^ce^.1*::!'} I *ii!<1:i• will )>e oponrd at « ii»t « will conunue opvu tin1 • I noon of the same day.

d 'Tf-r. n\

•. h1. • I F.i m :u:d • >

114 n. whh'h '•!' c U ji. 111.- in ri»• ti x '.»>• oj-U in iIn* Hi

Cirtl \V Vli.N.STM. < •i.utit> (.'!« :•

Dated this 2nd dav of Fcbrmrv A 1> liiSJ.

Land t\t l'ln^ro Feb.Tiii. 1S82. Xc'co he.eby ^;ven 'ollowio^ named

j ®»'u-er uas jiiod no : -e «i in «Mi»ion to make . •In:'i proof in Mipuo/i of l.'ft chi'm and secure flnni i

! »*n ry tbereff on tiif 1!!'!i tiny of M:>trb. 183*3- viz: I < it*»M';;t S. A tk!. i>. S. No. CU»7. for the w X of j , »«' '.a of s'.-e i f, ',p ] :y. ) n. / 04 w, and names the j ' folb-wini; as hi." \\ vj>;;

!v. McKlroy. Iluschke, Peter Gttff-UIt. Down -. all of B II ' IMAN coiury. P. T .

The I'-stMiiMiy io !>.• <aUt it b-ror-* Johnson C-N;fl-.ers cork or *(ii,! ui? i. i<i <"tuL al Jamestown, . o.oa tlio' mill day oi' Ma.cii, A. I>. 1^S2. at liis |


In Probate Court. Cliailes *•'. Hunt's K^tate Ali p«?ivf»nr Inn in ; claims-a;.'aiii*l ihe estatf of

Charles K. ilinii <le<vi'>.ed. ii!- hervby nouled to exhibit 'hem wnb tho nect ^ary vouchers, to meat inyofticein tin; Village of .liuiichown, in i-aid

•county, on or before the JM day of June, A D All claims nuist lie jicconipanied with the jivoof required bystcliun ill of llu: Proliute C'ode ot thif Territory." W. Ii. Uodfte, Kxeeutor.

Uy order of the Probate Court UI IM 2Sth day of January, ISfW.

IlENIiY J. OTT, Judge.

K. ]'. Well:- & Dudl LIORIAC;: AUSTIN, PE^I>TER.

y, At.fM'eys.


• • !•« (M1 .i1

f" •uli. :i._ im-

\OTIt 2;-To iiu!1(lcvi9. Ti n *«•".« \v"l «• I

the xliji day o ' M ti Se M:O ' llni^e in »; I and «ju'c'tica oii>, i »v: Tn.u tm ; id a<

e^efl up .o toon on Monday, ii. .<T «.it* ereci>oii of a Fraine , \ o.' sp ' wocd. i'ians i ry li- M- n ai .iieMoreof J-.'^an . r t. e ii ii:.-ia»i. The low­

est or any iCiH-.enot n< ces arl'y accepted. C». IIAMULT,

Clerk aud Sec. School Board. Treasurer's Sttitsumn County.


Land Ofliee at Farpjo. D.T., Feb. 10, 1882. Notice is h' p'hy'^iven tiiat the i'oMo<v tig named

setticr li * liietl ii"tiiv O.' ir>int- • .,n to make tinai 1-roof i .-upp'ii i.t hi t hi * .id seen ru linal entry tliele •' <• t* me HiKl f i Mil Vi':. l«S8'2, VIZ:

\n 'ie\v u i.-i t .,i. ii. E. >.««. —, for the se % of sec 22. tp Ml »• r <*,:'» w, and r.nnies the following as lus wiiiicsse*-. viz!

Olio Jf»)in B. Gofiinet, John fltariha. and Mariin Mut/.. ail of HitiiMnan county, X>. T.

The testimony to be takon before Johnson C. Nickens. clerk '»f t he d:«rri'. t court, at Jamestown, D.T.. on the Uth d.»y «<I March, A. D. at hia oftiee.

And \QH. Julius Smith, who made D. S entry No. oil'jo. for the above df.-cribrd tract of land, are hereby no.iti< d *o appear at thi* f»fiict* on the day of null! proof of Ai;dr-w Kindr-ehi afop «aid, and -how . Miise, if any there b«'. why he should not bo allowed to make iiiuil proof and*payment for said iayd.

HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Allen A Dnd-'^. Attorney*.


Land Otllce at Fa:-£o. D.T.. Feb. fith,1882. Nolic- i" hereby jriven thut the following nanr d

settler ha* Jiied imiirc of liic intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final eniry ihe.-eof «iii the ir>ih day of March. J8H2. viz: Chnrle* ^lorrew. I). S. No. 5430. for the s * W of see 2. «p Mo n. r G2 w, and names tho following as his witnesses, viz:

James Scott. F'etcher Turner, Joseph R. Ar-bucklo, and Henry Ilamblv, all of Sttitamt>n county, ii. T.

The testimony lo be taken before Johnson O, Nickeii*. cierk 'ef the di>trict court, and A. A. Alien. Notary Public, ot Jamestown, i>. T., on the 13th day of March, A. P., 1SS2, nt their ofliee*.

HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Allen & Dodcje, Attorneys.


Land Office at Far^o .N.T. Feb. 2, JSR3. Noticeia hereby giyenrhat the followinpnamed

settler has filed i.oticeof Iiis intention tomakeftnal proof in snpport of her claim and seen re final entry thereof on the 7th day of March. 18*2, viz*. Charles W Fisher, I). S. No. 7031. for the s,, se V and sw 4 of sre 8. tp 1"D n, r G3 w, and names the following as his witnesses, viz:

II W Dewey. Charles E McKlroy. Vernon Corn­wall. Arthur W Dewy, ali of Stutsman county. D.T.

The testimony to be taken before Johnson C. Nickeus. clerk of the district conrt. and A. A. Allen. Notary Public, at Jamestown. D. T., on the 4th day of March, A. P. 1882, at their office.

And yon Edwn D. Strong who made T c entry No 4G07 for the above descnl»ed tract of land, arc hereby notified to appear at tins office on the day of final proof of Charles \V Fisher aforesaid, ana show causc. if any there be why he shonld not be allowed to make final proof and payment for said land.

HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Allen & Dodge, Attorney*.


LA*--'. O ii-.c it Far^n. F). T., F^h. 7881. Nor'T j.- . ^iven tiint rhe following named

setib r ha.- ; ' 'fi ire of h>> i.i .<.Mi;ion to make final prr.olin Tppr« • c'alm and secure final entry tlie.-en* OT i»- dav of Match. Yjz': F:e,« np» V:i-\»'T ii s No 8 03T> fo-* the se i| cf g^c 22. 1 '1 n. • " w. a;i(« names «fie following as hts wit«»e*se^. \:/.:

GW> M S,;I JI. S NI;, ! V-RC'.L, John R^SD and T'-wn.««i't. c ' S; '-^man ' 'oiiT'tT D T.

T'»e /.TKEN J C NF<kftn«, o* i ie . . - c- 11. j'.id A A Ai *n. notary

pnjt r , .M .r; ii. I i 7. r \ the 6tll dlT of Jiar.h. A D rofP.C?>.

lioRAc* Army, u* r'iftr. A1 OADodge, A.icrntye. *


Land Dfllce at Fargo, i). T Notice hereby given * 'in t ;

setilcr has filed notiee of his final proof iusup,r.>t\ of i?;- . entry .hereol on ihe '^nd day ('Jute 15. Uovic. 1>. S. AO. "i'.n1). io,' 1.II- ,-e <•, .-<•« 20. t.) I.T .1, r Gi w. an i nam-* .he '.'.iiiow ;i" i. • wirues'ts. v'z:

\V. 13. Dot'^e ( P. M.llb'ks, (1111:011 Wi'de r< m Geor^iMiooiJe. ali of Suu- tunn county. 1). T.

'i'.ie BesJimony to be »aS;en M-.*• J«>.;ii-'ii ' '. Nickeus. t c.k of :he die r."t :\\ -\ A A. Allen, notary public, nt Jann ,-iov. n. I), 'i .. 011 JiOthday of Muich A. I>. at it,^ .

And you. \V in. r. I»rcw i 1 *. who i.i'.ti r »>. S. N • -7U"J'-.>. for said traet. Nov. 111 Ii. .p.- n' > • -lie i , appear nt this o.hcc mi ^nid day and . ;iu-> if any .here be. why .lie ?-aid Cia'ie 1.. l;<*\ 4e -ii-.it not lnakaiinnl proof and payint.nt for .-aid laud.

HORACE AUSTIN, Ucgister. ALI .KN & DODOK. Ail*\S .

Jame*»owi» Dakota, Feb. iGth. '.Sivi. The following orde.s a.*:? hereb.' v'alie<i f«»r pay­

ment. viz: li.A 1>. Oruer.s No. •},U. ^0. :;ro. o(»I' County Ordf:s Mo. 1OM ' <II | V «. RR.N. ID.,."). 10." ) . , 10.VI, 1U.VJ JU74; J-«70. H'O-i, 1"'J-1. 10"- JUI 1. 1045, G31. il'i.'i. Alio, ali ''Oti.iiV or( e.-.a drawn on County Fund p.v\io,i» .0 ordo- No. ' )Xt ar<' hereby ca'led for payment; iniere.^v ceascs thereon on thi date.

Tuos. S. COLLINS, County Treasurer.

Wanted. Sealed bids for the consM'uefion of court house

ami jail ut Jamestown wit* be received tbl Mj-tch ls», 1SS'^. Plaufcami fpecificaih'ti- <an be seen MY ofliee DAVID ." I RTIN, 4l Sec and Treas. D. C. Ii. CommissioiM rs.

r.ov. i'i. ;'.ie L. ( . I!- L.

1 he eojit 'tions cf a •iid de'ive.ed by Wil-leW.tUMl UK>i il;aj,3l S io \ ertois ;iji(', t.ustees

of S'-Mieni-ui" • <i.' i .I"-.-. .»en ii o • 1 ; ii .ii'.ir •( j'ai' t*i;, 1 y ;• ,1' ><'•

' '<•«•*• O Hi j» - u «.l;' i) .1 .h«- 1, .ri-• o.' .«t 'lako o 1 . . • w< ,1 y--'eoiui ii'l) day T. > . HI . Ii. 1 11 :• £:•»*, O <*IO -K 11. in., in

•i. \o :i" .• • i.1 L,( '- M'5. 211 and \!b„» on I.'H* •••.a .'i o.u: one :u liie (btie of

. • hi. • e. he I'I.'U .' r» tVi.-y-'h-ee C):») do|-..o :»<• f..ir .. o<wiii)L 11 i«vt heen insii-

" n\'. i ;. »» ceove.- the debt se-• . 1' :i'«i !,-o , .• _e o • ;« ly pari tliereof.

;•« b> : veil hy virtue of a pow-•outa' i-'o •» »:H ; .noitgage. and of the

sum -• HI'•tieji < .-M« mule ai»«i provided, tl»e said inoti;,;»;^e \vi11 in- foieriosvd bv a sale of the inor:-;-^e(i nr 'ini>. « (herein described, which gale

! wil. b" ni nle in t1»:• "rom door of ihecouit bouse j iu the \i'ia^«* o' Ij'iiiestown. in i!ie county of , Siutsman and -i . i.o.'.v of Oakoia, ut public auc-

tiou by ihe -iie -il' oT said county, or hy his dep-| u y. on Ti.the .'oun^ei.i'» day of March A.

I), oi^lit^en iiuix- et, anu ei^'.t y-tvvo i»t two o'clock | in tne a •'» *. MIOII 10 ^aiiufy the amount which shall

hen i»e one 011 ",i:0 nio. with tiie interest


V. S. Land Office. Fargo. I).T., Jan.l6th,lftS2. Coinpiaint havng 'e»*n einered ai ihis office by

Thomas W. FielcN i'-a: , ,si henry L. Pedell for failing to l»reak o- CMMV; to be broken the five ac»«s (<f land v> (.e' t d b;- asv o be Jioke the fii>t year on his Tiniu-j* Cu .e v eni y.and forrban-dotiing his T'lnoc; C. , ,tH t; 00 • No. 4'J03. duter Oe.ober 5JC, IS/ I u po 1 ie se .11-casi (piarti!**) si e. 'p r b> . .» S ii,^:n»n county. Dako. In: witiiav.ew •) »e t*'.t'ce a.ion of said eiuiy. ilie said panics a-e iie.e oy Miniiii'l.K'u to appear at ilii« dike on tIre Oay of Mareh, 18b'i, ut JO o'clock, a. m., io re*p'»«ul and fn.nisn testimony concerning sain a':e^ d a.jjndoiimeiu.

Tuos.M. Put:H, Receiver.


tliercui. and ' aol'a 1 s a <> • Lftge iu I'iiU'i

'i'he O'-eini


is JUSTICE Counr,. Ilefore John 8. Watson, Justice of the Tence.

SORKKT MKLVIN, by his (biurdian,) W.T. MKI.VIN, i'lfiinliir, !• SL T MMfl\s —agniiiPt— j-suMMON.s.

JEUOME J. FLINT, Defendmit. ) The Territory of Dakota sends greeting:

To Jerome. J. Flint, Defendant, Vou are hereby summoned to appear before ine,

at my ofliee, in the village of Jamestown. I). T., in said'county, on the yflili day of February, A. I'.. 168ii. at 11 o'clock, a. m.. to «n*w«r to tli*» e«,i., plaint of the above named plain'i IT. who eb.ini^ to recover of you ihe sum of fifty-four d< Ihir- aud sixty-two cents <$.M for labor and ;'. ire n n-derfd according !« th«i term4'of a eontruei nia«le and entered into by and betw«*cn plaintitl's guar­dian and defendant. July KSili, 1NM, which said sum is now due and unpaid .

A n d y o u a r e h e r e b y n o t i f i e d t h a t i f v < - u f a i l t o a p p e a r a n d a n s w e r ' s a i d c o m p l a i n t as r s b o v e r e ­q u i r e d , s a i d p l a i n t i l x w i l l t a k e j u i i g n : « n t a g a i n s t y o u f o r t h e s a i d a m o u n t o f l i f i v - f o i i r t l o l l a r s a m i s i x t y - t w o c e n t s t o g e t h e r w i t h C O M S - n i d d a m a g e s .

Uiven under my hand this l'.Uh dav of Januarv. A. D. 1*W.

To tlie Sheriff or any Constable of said Stutsman coumty, greeting: Make legal service bcieof, and due return.

JOHN- S. WATSON, Justice of the Peacc within ami for Stiiisnian

county I). T. fit

aim expenses of sale, and fifty fee* a- stipulated in said mort-ecioMi.e. "•••plied In said niorigage, and

pn *oii. Mil' a'e,helo.. piece or parse I of land situaitu i«i the c<>uniy of S.uisman and territory of Dakoiaami known and described as follows, to- . wit: Tiie <»on.!;\ve-i . ;tr (swj) of section No. ' eiguleciHlS). Jn loN/n^Vp No. one hundred and fori.v (|.*0) no, .h o ' .an^c sinty-three (03) weM of the fii'iii <.'1 In pnm-io.r iiie^oian and containing UiOncies more or b'ss aeeo;ding to the U. S. gov-eri'in« nt survey .nereo'. C.H.tt II. !•;. 'FLKTCHKH. K"xecutors & Trustees,

Miiriu.H^ees. t'i.J)j1. TKMrLUToN. Attorneys for Mort­

gagees. Dated, Fargo; D. T.. January 10.1.SH3. 7t

TERKITOKY or DAKOTA, ) In Justice's court, county of Stutsman,5

Defop* A. A. A leii. Justice of the Peace. A. MeKci'linie. l^a'it.ilT, i

vs. > D. A Jlarrb' Def-'iitiant. y

j TS'« Te r1 i-alcoia sends Greeting: ! To 1 >. A. H n i :s J b'fendan?. ! \u'i ft-. " i-:i.iion«'d ioapp.'a** beforo me : a' niy oJiie.' n 1., . ;• ef James,own iu *a'd ! ,'onoty «'ii hu 7:h d.iy m M; «« i>. A. h. 'Svj. n« 3 j o'e.f»ck p. io . to niiMvcr to ihe comprint of ihe

;i iio v 11a en MI p i oli iT A. Me K«vh uie \,',:o e aims j to rei over oycu J-i 1 sum of uiie hum eu ($100) ' (i'li'iii'v.ti;!' 'ive siucK m> Iu ituxf ed iy p'ain-I 1..! to U--fe.>f•1': in ile- ye:i; l^N.i j:<-r viv.»al con-

iii''i. ! A .l 1 yc:u a'- '»•••. by no ' hV, 1'• nt if you fail to t r •»»»•:••• jind an-'rer sa-d t« «/j> nt as ?!,ove re-\ (ji;! ci. wwl p;:i mi:IT i • j.'dgincnt against j voi' o. l -e-:i o!'.).):• ;i,',i<* 1 i$»00| dollars and I «-i so io--.nt • 1 ^ of !is action. ; To »,ie s.m I'.-V or r->ii«.,;i-)i.• of said Slutsinan r oumy. ii:« -. \ing: Make i- ;;ii: sv rvice h.'ivof, and

I du • t' .11. 1 Uiven Mild-T my hand this *J0th day of January, \ A. O. IS A A . Allen. JJiMie.'of the Peace within and for Stutsman j county, D.t. tit

Land office at Fa ^o D. T., Jan. ill, 18S*2. No.k'c is here >y ^'ven tor.i he following named

settler has !Wu no.«t.; o' his 'nt'.-nlion to make final pro.if in supp j. t of tii^ e.aim on the 8th day of March A. I)., I80J. and thai sa:ii p.oof will be made be Tore Johnson C. Nickeua, clerk of the distiict court ni JumcMown. D. T., on theCih day of Marcii. lu>i viz: Veinon C-ornweil o. s. No. 8.<for tiie «e V »ec 1-1 in tp 130 n of range 63 w.

He names he fo'»owing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said Iand,vfx: Richard IJiiling-. Aaron P. Lawrcnce, Bliner Fredrick and Oliver Honker, all of James­town, SUKbinan county, D T.



• S1: M M 0 N s.




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FRANCIS S. SMITH «. Victors.

P.O. Box 9734. 2o, 2?, ^ .,1 Rose St., iV.Y.


Land Ofliee at Fargo, I). T., .Tan, 24,3882. Notice ie hertwy ^iven ihut tlie following named

scitior tins notice of iiia intention to make final juoof in «ii]>»)ori of lii« chi'iti. ami secure flniu amry in« t;of on Marcii 3d, viz: Jamc liroushion "or the sw * nw ,4. AW X and fie M sw t I), ip l.,S r 0*?.

He names LLIE I 'OSOWMI^ \V : ,HPSS to prove hi^ cont;nnonR resi<it»nrr upon, nuti enuivation of, paid land, viz: ificiiaid l»'l in^, Henry Schafer, William Deinon and Heiny \V. Dewey, ail ol Snn*man county, i).T.

The leytimo.iy lo be >ukcn before Johnson C-Nickeus, clerk of district eoiiit a! .Jamestown, p. T., on tiie Nt of Marcii, A. I>. 188^, at his oiUci at2 o'clock p. ni., on iliui day.

I1OUA< K AUSTIN, Register. JOHN' S. WATSON, Attorney.


Land Ofliee nt Kargo, D. T., Iun.;Mth, 1882. Notic»-iH herfiby ^tveu tiit'.t tlu following nauivi.

Kettler lias lll«-d notice of hiMiilernionto make ihui proot in HiippcH'l oi hi* claim and *..c;ure dual enlrj therf.)i on March 1 viz: Albert s\ Hroiiij iifn i). s. No. for then 's nw ^ , PC \ nw :»<ni lie AI >\V X #ee 0 Ip ioS. r l-x.'.

He n«n»^8 th*- following wim»!M»e*< to prove hjf (.on!iii'i<iu«i r«:sid« ii''n upon, jind culiivalion o( »-«id land, viz : !<i<v.nni Il» nry Wruafe. Wii.inm 1) nlt»n and llrnry \V. l)f\vry, a1; o SlniPinan I). '\\

The Les.'.'iony ««» b<* taken before Johnson ( Ni< kens, H«.-rk u:M.»e, rou.'i at Ja»nesiown. 1». i . 011 ihe lirrtl <i*}' of .Ma t i A. ii. JfWJ, at liis (tfl'u al 2 o'cioek p. m. on i<ia( day.

J1 O 11 A< AI 'M' IN. KI^IMCR. JOHN S. W 'AT.V N. Attorney.


I". S. Land O 'W*.. y.]••«/>. ('o.'tplH'Pt h*» • 'ft-.; Ii n . • '

N- t l.:«n 'Mia v r :/ ;• : ab .i;d ». n. .>•,», t{

dub d I)i " !'1 • i •:: 137 11. r i.-' w. u: view to the ca.ic ! oi parties are hereby oliice 011 tiie "'.''-t day a. m.,10 r< >|iond : u• i fui'ii.-b t viim said alleged aband^ni'i'-iu.

I f ; ? AT K A VKTIN, R - ' ^ IFTHR. WHITE A: Hnwrr At;.'.rn

s i\ : ii'ion

M vi

lb- ^;nd • a* IIH-)' 1 cio{'k nc«:u 11


V. S. Lnnd Oftlee. l-'ar^n. J).' V, }•' J,. !Sr' Complaint hnv'np :.ei>n ••nl«*ved aitl.ifi office b;

Patrick <»a!Tuey a: .ii!st l'';n^-i^ M, Hnd^on, i al-aiidoniii,: M:KI L';iii I..; :i»p'ow. iniprovi* or cull, vnre in nnv maim- r iii" 1 iinb«-r riuiiuv »• 1»rry N-50"L d T)cc. tj:'vd. lS^o. ujn»n tin- nw l

4 m-c 'M tp 1:57n. r ti'J w. in *tni<m:m c.>nn'y- Iiakot:i. w:'-n view to the eiincelialion <»f said\»nlry: t-PJI • parties are h'.'r«'by smnninn d \ > appear al )•> ofliee on tli»* 2Nt d::y of .M;i «-ii. 'KS-.', al 10 oVo' i a.m.. tovi Mx^ui anri IINU -!i H^iin-.f-nv cone* 11111:; said aliened aband«inm« ni.


D It. J. W.CI.OES,


O.'lirc in Lloyd'* Hlork. Jumcslown, D. T.


PHYSICIAN A SUKdEOK OflHc, dtiy ami niylit, <i sround Uoor.Ma'fii

Tem^'c, corner 4t'n Aie and 2il Si. Oflloo hour .10m . to 11 a.

And a Complete Line of

[ U N D E R T A K I N G G O O D S . I






TO TI1K LAltOltER, TO TiJli bl-OU'l'SMAW,

TO TliK 'iUUlUST, 10 THE ill-SEIt,

TO ALL CLASSES! the Raising of Wheat I

Fur the KuisiDg ot Block! For Ucniiy and Ca»li .Markets!

For a liraitliy ' limale! For Sure and Uoud Clops!

?"or Ufmunerauvt iin'cjioiontx I For LJu»im.i.> '/ppoituu tics:

Ki ' i \ \ 1 ni > I I

Tie Nortiiia Puiikic U,;aU-.-

liAis i » u Jiifii.

Save "-iv-Lo e ̂ liy purcha.^iiii: u< kef* t..t a —» bujin^ •..1

b»--f«»re ^ n train. Ronnrl Trip Tu k- .r- at a:« j'akri Oiiiivs .

all stations at r. dued v.-.• s. Conpou Tick ^ «; 1C sold at .)anic -i<i\vn to a;

E&Ptr'rn and >«oriii«Th j/n-i.i?*. a' i.»w»'.-t r:.u*tf ^nllman p«-rs bet won t'ai^o ai.il St. l'a-,

and berth? si cured by ..ppl}ii:g to 1*. M i^Ai Agent, Jameatow Q.

O.K. ItAUN'ES, iittii'l 1'ar.fH.ii^t r



W;; SI\6B

re -A BAKHIKG BusriTres.

XCIiAituE -.OUGHT /:.!Q 5CLD on • rincipal citus of United States and ELI rope.

I'-Igl-.c.-.t io: Ccu.r.ty and Scli-ol Orders. MONiiV i'Oi: Si-: I'D I'ijovi-: « f ami on I.ANIAS, ut Lowest Rat*

on l,ougtsi iiine. 1:11 j - - I ! n ( i a : 1 > 11 • • : . u - . . i i . • n n l ' i i ! l pap i i con i ic ( 1 i i - i ) - . k i l l i

Ii ai Sh])J

A . A . A L L K N , i N o t f u y I ' u l i l u r . \V. E I)ODOK


Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, jind Negotiaters of First Mortgage Loans.

$200,000 TO IrfOilXT CXT iLiPROV£D L.; 1T233.

Town Lots aud Farm Property for s-ile; also, Hoiuesteivli, Pru-emptiou au Tr«« Claim lteliiHjiiislinn-nts.

Bushjess before the U. S. Land Olfiee promptly attemded to.

iBSurance eil'tctud in th« most reliable companies- All busiuess attended to witk Promptness und Dispatch.




Farm Machinery, CONSIiTINQ OF

9 O - tr~v - r s • p.-. - -I « n 1 ij I v--. ii 3m b • u ^83 'Cs^siaaailvj is Wa Si»il

B, cj, 3.33dors,.

a I-Iowe^ss,

Harse Halves,

SSo-iiiioi.' PlG'ws,





Tlie best assorted stock in North Dakota, Farmers, please call and look at my goods.

Office aud "Warehouse,—

JAME3T01W2T, 15. T. January 3rd, 1883.

Learned Bros.&Hathorn, General D.tlert in


Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass,

Farming Tools, and Household Goods.

Oorner Front St. and 4th Ave.



Furniture Oealer. Parlor and Su-tf, Mutresses

a id rii!ows,

Wall Pockets, Brackets, P'ctur Fraiiio;<j an<I Cavkots,

bewing Macliinti' and Organs. 4th Avenue.

. A: "K .ir.r-.Ni:-; -OK

'v • * /. E r~y ?• rt * *i -/ ' ' C HJrn i % l'A 1 a Sr I V

[^5 *v H a i *3 % i'. ^ 5; - ' ^ > 'tis f ^ (Lll b k U 2 O1 U J I

And the Celebrated

Jackson Truss Rod "Wagons! Kc; p or ri^tantly on hand a supply of Wheat, Ccrn and B^rlsy.

I' lour, Feed,' Corn and Oatgt . » '
