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JANUARY 17, 2021 2nd Sunday after Epiphany...2021/01/01  · composer William Bolcom. Bolcom’s...

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JANUARY 17, 2021 2nd Sunday after Epiphany For Christ, for His kingdom, and for the common good. Since 1785. VOCATION DE SAINT PIERRE ET DE SAINT ANDRÉ Michel Corneille the Younger - 17th century
  • JANUARY 17, 20212nd Sunday after Epiphany

    For Christ, for His kingdom, and for the common good. Since 1785.

    VOCATION DE SAINT PIERRE ET DE SAINT ANDRÉ Michel Corneille the Younger - 17th century


    †VOLUNTARY “Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult” from Gospel Preludes William Bolcom

    †INTROIT O Spirit All-EmbracingRichard Proulx

    O Spirit all-embracing and counselor all-wise, unbounded splendor gracing a shoreless sea of skies: unfailing is Your treasure, unfading Your reward; surpassing worldly pleasure, the riches You afford.Come, stream of endless flowing, and rescue us from death, come, wind of springtime blowing, and warm us by Your breath.O beauty ever blazing in flower, field, and face, You show Yourself amazing in unexpected place. We see You and remember what once our dreams had been; You fan the glowing ember and kindle hope within.Come, fire of glory gracious, bless all who trust in You; undying flame tenacious, burn in Your Church anew.Come, passion’s power holy, Your insight here impart, and give Your servants lowly an understanding heart to know Your care more clearly when faith and love are tried, to seek You more sincerely when false ideals have died: for vision we implore You, for wisdom’s pure delight; in prayer we come before You to wait upon Your light.

    *WELCOME AND CALL TO WORSHIP Dr. Stuart Gordon (8:30)

    Pastor: Come all the ends of the earth. Remember and turn to the Lord, and let all the families of the nations worship before you.

    People: All this we come, O Lord, from among the nations, to sing to your name. That all the ends of the earth remember and turn to the Lord and that all the families of the nations worship before you.

    *†OPENING HYMN O For a Thousand TonguesAzmon

    1 O for a thousand tongues to sing my dear Redeemer’s praise, the glories of my God and King, The triumphs of God’s grace!

    2 The name of Jesus charms our fears, and bids our sorrows cease, sings music in the sinner’s ears, brings life, and health, and peace.

    3 Christ speaks, and listening to his voice new life the dead receive; the mournful waken to rejoice; the poor in heart believe.


    “The Scriptures say that God Himself is the chief evangelist. For the Spirit of God is the Spirit of truth, love, holiness and power, and evangelism is impossible without Him. It is He who anoints the messenger, confirms the word, prepares the hearer, convicts the sinful, enlightens the blind, gives life to the dead, enables us to repent and believe, unites us to the body of Christ, assures us that we are God’s children, leads us into Christ-like character and service, and sends us out in our turn to be Christ’s witnesses. In all this the Holy Spirit’s main preoccupation is to glorify Jesus Christ by showing Him to us and forming Him in us.” – John Stott

    JANUARY 17, 2021 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

  • 4 My gracious Master and my God, assist me to proclaim, to spread through all the earth abroad the honors of thy name.

    5 To God all glory, praise, and love be now and ever given by saints below and saints above, the church in earth and heaven.

    *PRAYER OF ADORATION Hill McAlister (8:30) Steve Butcher (11:00)

    FIRST LESSON Romans 12:1–8 1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

    3 For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. 4 For as in one body we have many members,and the members do not all have the same function, 5 so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. 6 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; 7 if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; 8 the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

    Leader: The Word of the Lord.People: Thanks be to God.

    CALL TO CONFESSION The Rev. Sarah Bird Kneff (11:00)


    Almighty God, we gather here amid the hurts and wounds of our lives. The chaos that sin causes is everywhere evident — and to whom else shall we turn? You alone have the power to bind up and heal, to reconcile and restore. Cause us to open our hearts, welcome your grace, and embrace you in love. Lord, in your mercy, receive our confession, forgive us, and hear the cries of our hearts…

    A moment for silent confession.


    *RESPONSE OF GRATITUDE Glory Be to the Father GloriA PAtri

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen.

  • *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Apostles’ Creed

    I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

    HYMN OF PREPARATION Will You Come and Follow MeKelvinGrove

    1 “Will you come and follow me if I but call your name? Will you go where you don’t know and never be the same? Will you let my love be shown; will you let my name be known; will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?”

    2 “Will you let the blinded see if I but call your name? Will you set the prisoners free and never be the same? Will you kiss the leper clean, and do such as this unseen, and admit to what I mean in you and you in me?”

    3 Lord, your summons echoes true when you but call my name. Let me turn and follow you and never be the same. In your company I’ll go where your love and footsteps show. Thus I’ll move and live and grow in you and you in me.


    SCRIPTURE READING Mark 1:16–2016 Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 17 And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” 18 And immediately they left their nets and followed him. 19 And going on a little farther, he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, who were in their boat mending the nets. 20 And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him. Pastor: The Word of the Lord.People: Thanks be to God.

    SERMON Called by the King Dr. Ryan Moore“Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men.” – Mark 1:17

  • OFFERTORY The Road HomeStephen Paulus and Michael Dennis Browne

    Tell me where is the road I can call my own, that I left, that I lost, so long ago? All these years I have wandered, oh when will I know there’s a way, there’s a road that will lead me home? After wind, after rain, when the dark is done, as I wake from a dream in the gold of day, through the air there’s a calling from far away, there’s a voice I can hear that will lead me home. Rise up, follow me, come away is the call, with the love in your heart as the only song; there is no such beauty as where you belong. Rise up, follow me, I will lead you home.

    As you reflect on the Lord’s goodness, you can make an offering by leaving your gift in the offering basket, texting “GIVE” to (707) 475-3005, or donating online at fpcnashville.org.


    Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

    *HYMN What a Fellowship, What a Joy DivineShowAlter

    *CHARGE The congregation will be seated and will be dismissed by pew following the benediction.

    CHORAL BENEDICTION The Lord Bless You and Keep You Peter lutKin

    The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine upon you; to shine upon you and be gracious, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen.

    *CLOSING VOLUNTARY In Thee is Gladness, BWV 615 Johann Sebastian Bach

    * Those who are able, please stand. † Latecomers may be seated.

    1 What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms; what a blessedness, what a peace is mine, leaning on the everlasting arms.

    Refrain: Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms; leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.

    2 O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way, leaning on the everlasting arms; O how bright the path grows from day to day, leaning on the everlasting arms.


    3 What have I to dread, what have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms.


  • SANCTUARY FLOWERSFlowers in the chancel are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Nick Davies by his family.

    PARTICIPANTS IN THE SERVICERyan Moore, PhD – Pastor Adam DeVries – Associate Pastor for Youth & Their Families Stuart Gordon, DMin – Executive Pastor Sarah Bird Kneff, MDiv – Associate Pastor for Discipleship & Engagement Raphael Bundage, DMA – Director of Music Peter Rogahn, DMA – Organist Claire Paschal, MM – Soprano

    Music Notes — The Opening Voluntary was composed by Pulitzer Prize and Grammy Award-winner composer William Bolcom. Bolcom’s compositional output consists of a wide range of genres, including classical vocal and instrumental music, cabaret, and ragtime. He taught composition at the University of Michigan from 1973 to 2008 and performs as a pianist with his wife and musical partner, mezzo-soprano Joan Morris. As part of a collection titled Gospel Preludes, Bolcom’s setting of this popular hymn states the melody unadorned over a harmonically rich accompaniment. One of Bolcom’s unique compositional gifts is the ability to blend classical and popular styles. He does this by merging a German Baroque organ chorale prelude with harmonies found in jazz and blues, which creates a poignant setting for this hymn of discipleship and commitment to follow Jesus.

    “Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult” - from Gospel Preludes; ECS Publishing. All rights reserved. OneLicense.net License #A-714895

    O Spirit All-Embracing - #05410 Setting by Richard Proulx; © 1988, GIA Publications, Inc. Text: Delores Dufner, OSB, © 2003, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. OneLicense.net License #A-714895

    Will You Come and Follow Me - #87129 Text: © 1987, GIA/Iona Community / WGRG All rights reserved. OneLicense.net License #A-714895

    Cover Photo: commons.wikimedia.org. Artist: Michel Corneille the Younger (1642–1708), Title: Vocation de Saint Pierre et de Saint André, Date: 17th century, Collection: Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes, Source/Photographer: Self-photographed, Caroline Léna Becker, 2012-05-01

    We’re Glad You’re Here! – Please use a Connect Card to let us know your needs or what is new with you. We would love to hear from you! When you leave, please place in the basket in the narthex.Mother and Infant Quiet Room – If you need a quiet place for nursing or calming your baby, we invite you to use our family room located in the Nursery Wing.Audio Bluetooth Capabilities – Connect your personal device by downloading the WaveCAST app, join WiFi network “FPC Guest” Password: GreenRock-81, select First Pres Sanctuary, plug in your headphones, and make sure you turn up the volume. Giving – To contribute to the mission of First Presbyterian Church of Nashville, you may either text “GIVE” to (707) 475-3005 or visit fpcnashville.org/generosity.

  • Generosity Campaign — We are in the final weeks of our 2021 Generosity Campaign. Your help is needed to reach our goal for 2021: 600 pledges totaling $4,320,000 with an average pledge of $7,200. Currently we stand at 472 pledges totaling $3,261,371 with an average pledge of $6,909. To make your commitment, place your card in the basket at worship, mail it to the church, or visit fpcnashville.org/generosity to contribute online.

    Grief Support — Sundays, January 17 – February 7 | 2:30–3:30 p.m. | Zoom or In-person The grief support group will focus on understanding the stages of grief as well as how prayer can help us seek comfort from God as we grieve the losses of life. Dr. Sandra Randleman will use the psalms of lament as a model for our study of prayer. For more information, please contact Sabrina Vlahos at [email protected] or 615-298-9509. Registration for Early Preschool 2021-2022 — Open now through January 21 First Presbyterian Early Preschool is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). It is a community of life-long learners where children, families, and relationships are respected, nurtured, and highly esteemed. The Early Preschool serves families with children ages 18 months–five years. Registration for 2021-2022 school year is open though January 21. Virtual tour, registration, and more information is online at childrens.fpcnashville.org/preschool. Christian Fasting: A Season of Prayer for God’s World — Beginning January 28 | Thursdays at 7 p.m. Dr. Stuart Gordon’s Thursday class will be a study and exercise in fasting. Beginning January 28, meeting via Zoom each Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. To sign up, contact Charlotte Schierbaum at [email protected] or 615-298-9527. First Friends Book Club — January 21 | 1:00 p.m. | Zoom Etta Wilson will lead January’s discussion of “Vesper Flights” by Helen MacDonald. The group will gather virtually on Zoom. All are welcome to join. Email Susan Kirby at [email protected] for more information.


    Newest Needs for Room In The Inn — The FPC Room in the Inn will continue to host men experiencing homelessness every Wednesday through March 31. We are fortunate to have a facility where COVID-19 health and safety protocols can be carefully observed. Right now, our greatest needs are:

    • Van Drivers: Volunteer drivers will drive the FPC van to pick up and drop off guests. Drivers will arrive at FPC at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday morning around 5:40 a.m.

    • Winter Gloves: During these particularly cold weeks, winter gloves are particularly helpful for guests. • Overnight Hosts: Volunteers stay overnight with guests, arriving at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday night and

    leave by 6:30 a.m. on Thursday morning. Special arrangements can be made for hosts who may need to arrive late on Wednesday evenings. Hosts have a private bedroom and bathroom.

    • New Clothing: We need men’s t-shirts, boxer shorts (sizes M, L, XL, XXL and 3XL) and socks. Due to COVID-19 precautions, all items must be new.

    Other ways to support this ministry include providing breakfast and lunch, or providing clean laundry. To volunteer your help for this important and fulfilling opportunity, visit missions.fpcnashville.org

    For more information on events and mission opportunities, visit fpcnashville.org or sign up for our weekly Parish News email by emailing [email protected].

    N E WS & E VENTS

    2021Stewardship & Generosity

    C A M P A I G N P L E D G E R E P O R T

    Goal - $4,320,000


    0% 25% 75%50% 100%


    SYMPATHIES We extend our condolences to the family and friends of John Greenwood Payne, husband of Georgeanna Payne, who died on January 10.

    Ann AlexanderGeorge ArmisteadLydia ArmisteadMary BakerMary Helen BaileyKristin BattenMartha BartlesLinda BerryLauren BrinkleyNat CarswellMerry Lynn CatoJim and Nancy CawoodAlice ChristianTim Coomer and familyAndrea CooperChip CrabbLipscomb DavisMargaret DavittSuzie DeYoung

    Burton DietzMichael DiTragliaKathryn DownsDon FisherMary FrancisLewis FrostJimmy GibsonLynn HardisonWillie HardisonHarry HassallAnn HayesMary Howard HayesPhyllis HeardAshley HigginsLaura HobsonHelen HollandAnnie Evelyn HollinsTim IshiiBob Jackson

    Bob JossBill KirbyJeff KochKaye KnoxDavid LinnCatherine LoflinEmily LoveBen and Anna Lovell and familiesBracey MayoLiz McConnell and familyTom McDonaldJason Kenneth Meler and familySherri MiddendorfMaureen MilamNoah MuddBetty MurrayDrew Peacock

    Sister ‘Kathleen’ PughShelby Eaker Quinley and familyMary Evelyn ReeseTrey RussellMike ShampainTrish SimpsonLucas SpickardEd StoneMarsha StubbsDavid ThomasLinda Thompson and her fatherPeter van LingenJanice and Bud WendellLynda WimberlyKristin WrightNahed Zehr

    Please pray for the leaders of our nation and world and community and for their wise and compassionate decisions; for those most vulnerable to illness; for those without homes and no safe place to go; for those whose economic livelihood is in jeopardy; for those without childcare for their children while they work; for doctors and nurses and all those caring for the sick; for medical researchers seeking treatment and means of prevention of COVID-19 and its complications. Please pray for our city, state and nation, for the healing of deep wounds and for God’s spirit of peace, justice, mercy, mutual respect and love to rest upon and between all people.

    HAVE A PRAYER REQUEST? Prayer request cards can be found in the pew racks and can be dropped in the offering baskets or the prayer request boxes located in the narthex and at the Hospitality Center. Church officers meet weekly to lift up prayer requests to God.


    Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. | Friday 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.4815 Franklin Pike, Nashville, TN 37220 | (615) 383-1815

    fpcnashville.org | [email protected]

    fpcnashville.org youtube.com vimeo.com/fpcnashville facebook.com/fpcnashville instagram.com/fpcnashville

    S U N D AY W O R S H I P L I V E S T R E A M A V A I L A B L E
