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January 2012 Special Report_For Web

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2012 Special Report
SPECIAL REPORT Dr. Schulze’s JANUARY 2012 2012 MY 4 SIMPLE TRUTHS After three decades in my clinic and thousands of healing miracles, here is my bottom line…
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2012 MY 4 SIMPLETRUTHSAfter three decades in my clinic and thousands of healing miracles, here is my bottom line…

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After three decades in my clinic and thousands of healing miracles, here’s my bottom line…For 2012, I am NOT going to ask you to be perfect. Heck, you just survived the holidays, so congratulations for making it through another year! What I am suggesting for 2012 is that you take a look at the four most basic, but most important fundamental categories of your life, and make some little permanent changes, little UPGRADES, in each of these four categories.

My 4 Simple Truths for 2012

SIMPLE TRUTH #1: Quality NUTRITIONEverything that you put into your mouth is digested, assimilated and then turned into… YOU! You are NOT what you eat—you are EXACTLY what you eat!

Your body turns the food that goes into your mouth right back into all

the parts of your body. Every blood cell, bone cell, brain cell, immune cell, liver cell—EVERY CELL, EVERY ORGAN and EVERY CHEMICAL in your body—is manufactured from the food that you eat.

It’s that simple! And, if you could just see it as this very

simple equation, you would never put any garbage into your mouth and only consume the cleanest food that offers the highest in nutritional values.

But… We are not perfect and we forget the direct relationship between what we put into our mouths and how we feel. Then we run head-on into sugar, chocolate,

alcohol and grease. It’s not fair, you say? Look, no one ever died from eating one cheeseburger, but millions of Americans die each and every year from eating a lot of cheeseburgers.

My job is just to remind you that everything that passes your lips and that you swallow, becomes YOU!

So let’s make better food choices for 2012, as if your health and your life depended on it… hmmm… actually it does!

See pages 4 & 5 for some simple and effective NUTRITIONAL solutions!

SIMPLE TRUTH #2:Effective ELIMINATIONAfter you turn the food you consume into YOU, then the waste that is left over must be eliminated frequently and completely. Any waste that is left behind turns into a breeding ground for disease.

But, it’s not just the food waste. As your body operates itself every day, and does everything from thinking and breathing to moving muscles and running its many organs, your body creates metabolic waste—I call it sludge. This sludge (or waste material) is naturally manufactured by each and every cell and each and every organ in your body. From your brain to your liver, every organ in your body makes waste as it functions, and this waste must get out of your body every day.

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My 4 Simple Truths for 2012Under normal circumstances, your body has many ways and many organs to dispose of this waste. But, it gets overloaded. This overload happens when you consume more “dirty” food faster than your body can process and eliminate it. Then, this waste simply backs up and your body starts storing it. To make matters even worse, the American lifestyle is a double whammy. In fact, almost every aspect of modern living in America, from our high levels of stress to our sedentary lifestyle and lack of adequate rest, also discourage normal elimination.

In my clinic, EVERY patient had some type of waste build-up in their body. NOBODY living in America is immune to waste build-up in the colon, liver, gallbladder and kidneys, even the brain.

So for 2012, let’s take just a few days, a few times a year, and give our body a break from the normal routine. Let’s use some herbs to detoxify and flush the accumulated waste out of our elimination organs.

See pages 6 & 7 for some simple and effective ELIMINATION solutions!

SIMPLE TRUTH #3:Great CIRCULATIONYour circulation is what keeps you alive. Slowing it down will make you sick. Blockage will kill you. I cannot overemphasize the disease healing and health building power

of movement and circulation. Lack of circulation is a disease of modern living in our civilized world. We simply don’t move our bodies as much as we used to, and this lack of movement and lack of circulation causes numerous diseases, premature aging and early deaths.

All I am asking is that for 2012 you find a way to move just a little bit more, and on a regular daily basis. But, before you fail at this, the most important aspect of movement is FUN. Fun is simply… FUNdamental!

In my clinic, I almost always witnessed this truth. Of those people who ate really healthy but didn’t move, and those people that moved a lot but ate poorly, well, the group that ate junk but moved a lot were always healthier. This is proof positive of the healing power and health building ability of moving your ass.

I don’t care how you move. I don’t care if it’s fast walking or high-speed running. I don’t care if it is Marine Corps boot camp-style workouts or peace freak dance and yoga. I don’t care if it’s karate or aerobics classes, hula lessons or tennis lessons... or even sex with your tennis instructor. Just move more in 2012 than you did in 2011, and you will see a huge difference in your life!

See pages 8 & 9 for some simple and effective CIRCULATION solutions!


I always say that I could tell which patients were going to win, heal their disease and get healthy, and which patients were going to lose and die, in the first two minutes of their first visit.

Healing disease and creating powerful health is all about attitude. They say that attitude is your altitude. I’m here to tell you that ATTITUDE is EVERYTHING!

You all know that I am a huge promoter of positive affirmations. There is only one reason I am… they work! They change lives, heal disease and Create Powerful Health!

If I saw one thing every day in my clinic, it was that attitude is everything. I witnessed thousands of patients heal killer diseases that medical doctors still today don’t have a clue how to treat. I watched patients who believed they could heal themselves and be well, make this happen using an intense positive focus and a powerful positive attitude.

All I am asking is that for 2012, you throw out a few of the negative emotions that don’t get you what you want out of life and make you sick, and pick up a few of my positive affirmations that will make you feel great and help you to fulfill your dreams.

See pages 10 & 11 for some simple and effective EMOTIONAL solutions!

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GENETICS is “water under the bridge”, but LIFESTYLE can make miracles happen!

Look, if you plant carrot seeds in your garden, you are going to get carrots. You are NEVER going to get an oak tree. You cannot change the carrots’ GENETICS. But, if you water the carrots with pure clean water, feed the carrots organic compost and mulch as they grow and plant the seeds where they will get the most sunlight, well, you are going to grow AMAZING CARROTS! Genetics you cannot change, it’s water under the bridge, but a healthy environment will have a HUGE IMPACT on your RESULTS.

This is the simple reason I use organically grown herbs to make my medicine, not because it is cool, but because if the herbs are cared for better, watered better and fed better, test results prove that organic herbs contain 4 to 10 times more nutrition and phytochemicals than plants that were simply ignored. They are STRONGER and HEALTHIER!

What Does This Have To Do With YOU?I cannot change your mother or father and I cannot change your genetics. What is done is done. But YOU can change your ENVIRONMENT and your LIFESTYLE, and this will DRAMATICALLY CHANGE your level of HEALTH and your resistance to disease.

If you feed yourself more pure water and fresh juices instead of soda and beer, if you feed yourself more healthy, nutritious food instead of junk food and candy and if you create a healthier lifestyle and environment, YOU WILL PREVENT DISEASES, PREVENT YOUR GENETIC FLAWS AND LIVE A HEALTHY LIFE!



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SuperFood-100Botanical Ingredients: Organic Acerola Cherry, Palm Fruit, Wild-Harvested Spirulina Algae, Organic Blue-Green Algae, Organic Barley Grass, Organic Alfalfa Grass, Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Purple Dulse Seaweed, Organic Rose Hips, Organic Lemon Peel, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Beet Root, Organic Spinach Leaf, in a base of Dr. Schulze’s Proprietary Non-Fermentable Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Yeast

SuperFood Bar (12-pack)Botanical Ingredients: Organic Figs, Organic Dates, Organic Cranberries, Dr. Schulze’s SuperFood Plus (Wild-Harvested Spirulina Algae, Organic Blue-Green Algae, Chlorella Broken-Cell Algae, Organic Barley Grass, Organic Alfalfa Grass, Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Purple Dulse Seaweed, Organic Acerola Cherry, Organic Rose Hips, Palm Fruit, Organic Lemon Peel, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Beet Root, Organic Spinach Leaf, Non-Fermentable Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nutritional Yeast), Organic Almonds, Organic Walnuts, Organic Sunflower Seeds, Organic Raspberries, Organic Strawberries

100% Natural, 100% vegan, 100% herbal and food nutrition that ASSIMILATES in seconds

100% of your RDI of Vitamins A, B’s, C & E with ONLY 3 TABLETS a day

100% of your RDI of Vitamins A, B’s, C & E in EVERY Bar

Over 600% of Vitamin B12 ENERGY

Organic! Raw! Vegan! 100% Herbal NUTRITION

SuperFood Plus (Powder or Tablets)Botanical Ingredients: Wild-Harvested Spirulina Algae, Organic Blue-Green Algae, Chlorella Broken-Cell Algae, Organic Barley Grass, Organic Alfalfa Grass, Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Purple Dulse Seaweed, Organic Acerola Cherry, Organic Rose Hips, Palm Fruit, Organic Lemon Peel, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Beet Root, Organic Spinach Leaf, Non-Fermentable Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nutritional Yeast

BLASTS every cell in your body with vitamins, minerals and powerful nutrition to give you more ENERGY than ever before

Contains OVER 550% of your B12 “ENERGY” Vitamin and OVER 100% of your Vitamins A, B’s, C & E

This is nature’s high-octane SUPER NUTRITION that ASSIMILATES in seconds

No one’s perfect…That’s why you need a Perfect Supplement!The stress of modern life devours nutrients like a raging forest fire with a 100-mph tailwind! EVERY patient that walked into Dr. Schulze’s clinic needed MORE NUTRITION.

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E lvis Presley’s personal medical doctor just wrote a book where he discloses that Elvis died at the

age of 42 from chronic constipation. In this book, he states that upon Elvis’s autopsy, he discovered that Elvis’s colon had stretched to TWICE the size of a normal human and was packed with pounds and pounds of toxic fecal sludge.

I had a sign in my office, and now it hangs at my company, “BLOCKAGE is the cause of ALL disease.” I know this may sound too simple, or too extreme, but think about it. When an organ gets blocked (from whatever cause) the disease process begins in our body. Blockage of blood flow causes heart attacks and strokes, and blockage of lymphatic flow and immune cells lets cancer run rampant in our bodies. Blockage of nutrition means cells and organs starve, even blockage of emotions causes psychological and physiological diseases.

This is what a DETOX is ALL ABOUT—FLUSHING OUT THE BLOCKAGE!Modern living, from junk food to lack of exercise to stress, all contribute to our bodies creating waste faster than we can get rid of it. This waste accumulates and backs up, and this is why people get toxic and how illness and disease begins.

By just helping out your body a few times a year, by helping your colon to work better or by doing a Detox and FLUSHING out any accumulated waste, WOW, this is one of the biggest boosters to your HEALTH that I know of ! After a Detox, everyone is AMAZED at how much better they feel and how much energy they have.



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Intestinal Formula #3Botanical Ingredients: Senna Leaf and Pod, Cascara Sagrada Aged Bark, Anise Seed, Clove Bud, Tangerine Oil, California Fig Concentrate

Intestinal Formula #1 MAXBotanical Ingredients: Curaçao and Cape Aloe Leaf, Senna Leaf and Pod, Cascara Sagrada Aged Bark, Hawaiian Yellow Ginger Root, Habanero Pepper

HerbalMucil PlusBotanical Ingredients: Organic Psyllium Husk, Organic Psyllium Seed, Organic Marshmallow Root, Organic Slippery Elm Bark, Organic Aloe Vera Leaf

Stay Clean, Toned & Healthy ON THE INSIDE!

An ounce of PREVENTION is better than a pound of cure!Use Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day Detox programs a few times a year or once a season…

5-Day BOWEL DetoxProgram Includes: Intestinal Formula #1, Intestinal Formula # 2 (Capsules or Packets), Air Detox (2-oz), “Create Powerful Health Naturally with Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day BOWEL Detox” book, plus QuickStart Directions

5-Day LIVER DetoxProgram Includes: L-GB Formula, Detox Tea, Detox Formula, Fresh Breath Plus, “Create Powerful Health Naturally with Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day LIVER Detox” book, plus QuickStart Directions

5-Day KIDNEY DetoxProgram Includes: K-B Formula, K-B Tea, Detox Formula, Cayenne Tincture (.5 oz.), “Create Powerful Health Naturally with Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day KIDNEY Detox” book, plus QuickStart Directions

Intestinal Formula #1Botanical Ingredients: Curaçao and Cape Aloe Leaf, Senna Leaf and Pod, Cascara Sagrada Aged Bark, Oregon Grape Root, Hawaiian Yellow Ginger Root, Garlic Bulb, Habanero Pepper

A MORE POWERFUL version of Intestinal Formula #1 for those who need a little more

A MILDER liquid version of Intestinal Formula #1 that tastes great to kids and adults

Dr. Schulze’s fiber drink that is 100% SUGAR FREE and CHEMICAL FREE

Absolutely, positively FLUSHES EVERYTHING out of your body by the following morning

Dr. Schulze’s original clinical formula to PROMOTE regular, healthy and complete bowel movements

Bowel Flush “SHOT”Botanical Ingredients: Dr. Schulze’s Proprietary Cathartic Formulae: Senna Leaf and Pod, Cascara Sagrada Aged Bark

Dr. Schulze’s Proprietary Carminative Formulae: Hawaiian Yellow Ginger Root, Peppermint Leaf and Oil, Anise Seed Dr. Schulze’s Proprietary WormEx Formulae: Agrimony Herb, Black Walnut Hulls, Cinchona Bark, Clove Bud, Goldenseal Root, Thyme Leaf

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R emember, baby steps. This can just be starting a daily walk every day. It’s not when

you move or how you move, the point is you must move your body a little bit more every day or it will get sick.

The act of moving and breathing deeper helps you to assimilate more oxygen—the most primary nutrient to the human body! Moving more increases your blood circulation, which carries life-giving oxygen and nutrition to every cell in your body. Moving more tones your muscles, even your heart muscle. Moving increases your lymphatic circulation, which is your immune system. It makes you sweat more and burn more calories. Moving more stimulates your liver, gallbladder, kidneys and bowel to eliminate more. Moving stimulates your entire body in the elimination of waste.

The more you move, the healthier you will be!



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Contains herbs used to PROTECT the heart, liver and brain

Especially for people who are worried about their HEALTH and ANYONE over 40

PROTECT FormulaBotanical Ingredients: Hawthorn Berry, Leaf and Flower, Milk Thistle Seed, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Dr. Schulze’s Botanical Antioxidant Complex: Palm Fruit, Acerola Cherry Dr. Schulze’s Botanical Circulatory Complex: Habanero Pepper, Ginger Root, Garlic Bulb

STIMULATES circulation and REDUCES congestion in the brain

INCREASES oxygen and blood flow to the brain

Brain FormulaBotanical Ingredients: Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Rosemary Leaf and Flower, Kola Nut, Habanero Pepper

STIMULATES blood flow—rapidly, powerfully and completely

Helps maintain NORMAL blood pressure in healthy individuals

Cayenne (Tincture or Powder)Botanical Ingredients: Dr. Schulze’s special blend of Mexican Habanero, Jalapeño, African, Chinese, Thai, Korean and Japanese Peppers

SUPER-FUELFor The Ultimate Workout!

More POWERFUL Formulae For GREAT Circulation!

Most of my patients were simply burnt out. They were tired (actually exhausted) from work, stress, lack of sleep and lack of nutritious food. Add in sugar and alcohol, and they did not want to move—they couldn’t move!

Sometimes you need to prime the pump. It can be a “Catch 22”. I want you to move more so you will feel better, but you feel like crap and have no energy to move.

This is why I designed my Energy “SHOT”. It will prime the pump and give you a jumpstart, so you can begin your new movement program. Talk about priming the pump, this is more like a body-mind-spirit booster rocket!

A life-saving formula that STRENGTHENS and TONES the heart

MAINTAINS healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels

Heart FormulaBotanical Ingredients: Hawthorn Berry, Red Clover Blossom, Cactus Grandiflorus Stem and Flower, Motherwort Herb, Garlic Bulb, Hawaiian Yellow Ginger Root, Habanero Pepper

Energy “SHOT”Botanical Ingredients: Dr. Schulze’s STIMULATING Energy Complex: Oat Seed, Green Tea Leaf, Yerba Mate Leaf, Guarana Seed, Kola Nut, Coffee Bean Dr. Schulze’s POWER Energy Complex: Siberian Eleuthero Root, Wild American Blue Ridge Ginseng Root Dr. Schulze’s NUTRITIONAL Energy Complex: Dr. Schulze’s Proprietary Non-Fermentable Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Yeast, Blue-Green Algae, Acerola Cherry Dr. Schulze’s CIRCULATORY Energy Complex: Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Ginger Root, Habanero Pepper

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Healthy EMOTIONS & Positive SPIRIT


I f you are like most people, you grew up in a house with no shortage of negativity, arguing, fighting,

dysfunction, anxiety, depression and self-defeating negative affirmations.

And like most people, you probably added a huge unhealthy dose of negativity by hanging around with the wrong people and watching the wrong movies and television shows. You are not alone. Americans without a doubt gravitate towards the negative. So, if you want to prevent disease, heal disease and get healthy, I need you to get more positive.

If you don’t know where to begin, go immediately to my BLOG at herbdocblog.com and on the navigation bar go to “Quotes and Healing Affirmations” and then click on “Healing Affirmations”. This is a great place to start.

Trust me, 2012 can be the beginning of a new awesome life for you, feeling great, having lots of fun, lots of smiles and laughs and achieving whatever it is that you want to achieve in life. It all starts with believing and getting more positive.

I always say, “Tomorrow is what you BELIEVE and DO today!” It is not enough to just eat great healthy and nutritious food, and to flush and detoxify your elimination organs a few times a year, and to move your butt every day…You must also have an extremely loving and positive attitude and outlook on life. This will make the biggest difference for you in 2012!

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2012 is here and I am NOT talking about setting yourself up for failure with big ridiculous and impossible resolutions here. I am talking BABY STEPS!

Pick a few of the crap foods you eat and simply don’t bring them into your house anymore, just STOP eating them. Then, pick two great, new, healthy foods to START eating—simple stuff like replacing the chips with carrots or the ice cream with apples. If you do anything, have your SuperFood Plus every day in a drink or just swallow the tablets. Doing this lets you breathe a little easier knowing that you are flooding your body with nutrition every single day.

Use any one of my Bowel Formulae to guarantee that you will have daily bowel movements. And, when you feel up to it, do one of my 5-Day Detox programs and take your health up to a new, much higher level.

It’s Time For An UpgradeMove a little more this year. Pick a way of moving that is FUN and that you enjoy, and just start doing it every day. Don’t overdo it, but don’t underdo it either. Try a half hour a day, and by the end of the year (as you are having even more fun) work up to an hour.


Learn 1,000 jokes and 1,000 Positive Healing Affirmations.

Friends, just by making a few small but steady changes in your lifestyle, and taking a few positive “baby steps” in these four categories, you will feel so much better, have so much more energy, feel cleaner, healthier, heal your aches and pains, prevent diseases and Create Powerful Health.

Let’s make 2012 the absolute Best Year of Your Life!

— Dr. Schulze

Just by making a few small but steady changes in your lifestyle, you will feel so much better, have so much more energy, feel cleaner, healthier, heal your aches and pains, prevent diseases and Create Powerful Health.

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Dr. Schulze’s “CURE FOR THE COMMON COLD”A Powerful Pre-mixed Formula That Supercharges Your Immune System!

Echinacea Protects You: A “statistically significant

decrease in infections” has been observed in double-blind placebo-controlled studies.

Significantly Reduces Symptoms:

Echinacea has been proven as a “safe and effective symptom relief ” for colds, flu and infections.

Relieves the Severity of Symptoms:

Echinacea has demonstrated a “significant reduction” in all seven symptoms of colds and influenza compared to placebo groups.

Stops Colds and Flu FAST: A “significant rapid recovery”

was proven in double-blind placebo-controlled studies of Echinacea, cutting the duration of colds, flu and infections by 50%.

OVERNIGHT!Turn It Around

with Dr. Schulze’s Cold & Flu Herbal “SHOT”

Thousands of customers report MIRACULOUS overnight recoveries! Coming home after work with a fever, sweating, sore throat, congested with a cough or a sniffle, they take their Cold & Flu Herbal “SHOT”, go to bed and wake up amazed and FEELING GREAT! Don’t suffer!

Wake Up Feeling GREAT Tomorrow Morning!


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“My Cold & Flu Herbal “SHOT” is already premixed and premeasured, and includes a whole range of additional herbs for enhancing your body’s natural defenses against seasonal attacks. The BEST just got a whole lot BETTER!”

— Dr. Schulze

SUPERCHARGES your immune system to better protect you during winter months

1000% RDA of Vitamin C using Organic Acerola Cherry

Contains 20 POTENT herbs, premixed for easy use

The most POWERFUL AND CONVENIENT herbal “shot” on the market

Cold & Flu Herbal “SHOT”Botanical Ingredients: Echinacea Root and Seed, Garlic, Habanero, White Onion, Ginger, Horseradish, Acerola Cherry, Elderberry, Blackberry, Yarrow, Boneset, Desert Sage, Lobelia, Elecampane, Kola Nut, Coffee, Licorice, Cherry Bark, Horehound, Coltsfoot, Fennel, Thyme

A few years back, in his endless quest for making things better, Dr. Schulze pre-blended his

two most powerful formulae to strengthen your body’s natural defenses against seasonal attacks. He combined Echinacea Plus and SuperTonic in one formula, and added many potent herbs and a large dose of Acerola Cherries to give you 1,000% (10 times) your needed Vitamin C—a powerful cold and flu nutrient—all into one formula: Dr. Schulze’s Cold & Flu Herbal “SHOT”!

The Cold & Flu Herbal “SHOT” combines the exact same 12 droppersful of Echinacea Plus and the six droppersful of SuperTonic that Dr. Schulze prescribes in making either his Winter Health (prevention) or Blaster (treatment) drinks. It also includes many more herbal tinctures, herbal concentrates and even specific herbal-vitamin concentrates, like organic Acerola Cherry, Blackberry, Yarrow Flowers, Boneset Herb, Desert Sage Leaf, Lobelia Herb and Seed, Elecampane Root, Coltsfoot Herb, Horehound Leaf, Cherry Bark, Thyme

Leaf, Licorice Root, Kola Nut, Coffee Bean, Fennel Seed and Elderberry.

Now, all you have to do is empty all the contents of the Cold & Flu Herbal “SHOT” into a sports bottle and add up to 16 ounces of water and/or juice, and you have the Winter Health Drink. Or, just open the cap, drink it straight out of the bottle, gargle, swallow it, and you have the perfect treatment for a cold or flu. Nothing could be easier, simpler and faster… and more potent!

Real People. Real Results.“I used to get three or more colds every winter, which lasted weeks, and now I get NONE! In fact, I haven’t been sick in four years since I started following your prevention advice using your Cold & Flu SHOT at the beginning of each month. And, at the first sign of any sniffle or fever, I down a whole SHOT, and the next morning I feel GREAT, with no sign of a cold or flu. Thank you, Dr. Schulze!”— Theresa J.

To STOP Colds & Flu!The ULTIMATE WEAPONTo STOP Colds & Flu!

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N o one wants to spend two weeks flat on their back with a burning, painful sore throat, chills, runny nose, coughing, nauseous, congested, aching, sneezing and being just plain miserable! With over 20 years of clinical experience keeping himself and his patients

cold and flu-FREE, Dr. Schulze knows exactly what it takes to stay healthy all winter long. Don’t wait until you get sick to start taking care of yourself. Use Dr. Schulze’s clinical herbal products and spare yourself weeks of unnecessary suffering!


STRENGTHENS your immune system to better fight viruses, infections and diseases

INCREASES the number of immune cells and immune chemicals in the body

The most POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE Echinacea blend available

DESTROYS harmful micro-organisms on contact, especially during winter months

NATURALLY supports clear and open sinuses and lungs

STARTS working immediately

Echinacea PlusBotanical Ingredients: Echinacea Angustifolia Root, Echinacea Purpurea Seed, Fresh Garlic Bulb, Fresh Habanero Pepper and Juice

SuperTonicBotanical Ingredients: Fresh Habanero Pepper, Garlic Bulb, White Onion, Hawaiian Yellow Ginger Root, Horseradish Root

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COLD & FLU Prevention starts with gargling twice a day with Dr. Schulze’s Daily Oral Therapy!

ANTISEPTIC and DISINFECTANT for the teeth, gums, throat and tonsils, killing bacteria, fungi and viruses

Daily Oral TherapyBotanical Ingredients: Echinacea Angustifolia Root, Echinacea Purpurea Seed, Tea Tree Leaf, Thyme Leaf, Bayberry Root Bark, White Oak Bark, Peppermint Leaf, Peppermint Oil, Wintergreen Oil, Licorice Root, Habanero Pepper, Cinnamon Bark, Clove Bud, Garlic Bulb

The Latest Weapon For Your COLD & FLU Arsenal!KILL cold and flu germs BEFORE they infect YOU!

Throat & TonsilBotanical Ingredients: Echinacea Angustifolia Root, Echinacea Purpurea Seed, Garlic Bulb, Habanero Pepper, Peppermint Leaf and Essential Oil, California Fig Concentrate



STRENGTHENS your natural immune defenses against colds and influenza

HELPS get rid of micro-organisms that invade your body during winter months

Lung TonicBotanical Ingredients: Lobelia Leaf and Seed, Elecampagne Root, Coltsfoot Leaf, Horehound Leaf, Licorice Root, Kola Nut, Coffee Bean, Cherry Bark, Thyme Leaf, Fennel Seed, Peppermint Leaf Essential Oil

Children’s EchinaceaBotanical Ingredients: Echinacea Angustifolia Root, Echinacea Purpurea Seed

PROMOTES clearer breathing by opening up respiratory passageways

SUPPORTS the body’s need to cleanse through coughing

Keeps kids HEALTHY and STRONG

STRENGTHENS your natural immune defenses against colds and influenza

TASTES great

Air DetoxBotanical Ingredients: 100% pure essential oils of Eucalyptus, Grapefruit, Lime, Lemon and Orange

DESTROYS airborne bacteria, viruses, pathogens and antigens on contact

DELIGHTFUL eucalyptus/citrus scent lifts the spirits and clears the mind

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Post office box 9459Marina del rey, ca 90295

CONTACT US:1-800-Herb-doc (437-2362)

or visit www.herbdoc.com

CALL CENTER HOURS:Monday - saturday: 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

sunday: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.Pacific standard time

PHARMACY STORE:4114 Glencoe aVenUe

Marina del rey, ca 90292

open Monday - friday: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.saturday & sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

call 310-577-9999

1) New, LOWER shipping rates across the board, some by AS MUCH AS 50%!

2) Now, ANY package, ANY size ships ANYWHERE in U.S. for no more than $7!

3) We pledge to continue to find ways to SAVE YOU MONEY on shipping!

Dr. Schulze’sPromise To YOU!



