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fore, all people will have to live together. Remaining together is natural for you, and to remain disu- nited is something unnatural. You know well that unnatu- rality is not tolerated by Prakrti. Unnaturality is ulti- mately destroyed. So it is natural for human beings to live together and to make a great Universe. By not doing so, and by mutual fight, all will be destroyed. This is the law of Prakrti. Hence, united you will have to remain, this is your duty. So that the peo- ple of the world may remain united, it is your duty to bring the Mahavishva as soon as possible. There will be peace and happiness in the Universe, and, established in one indivisible ideology, humanity will march ahead toward the Supreme Goal. Victory be with you! Discourses on the Mahabha- rata Baba, 3 December, 1967, Ranchi Now the universe has be- come very small. People are able to travel from one planet to another. When there was no convenience of convey- ances, Lord Kra planned the Mahbhrata to unite the scattered India. Today the universe has become small. Planning for Mahvishva (The Great Universe) and not Mahbhrata (Great India), is required. The guiding factor behind the creation of the Ma- hbhrata was dharma – the creation of a great human society in which there would be peace, happiness, fraterni- ty and no poverty. In that period, it was the rule that the country was held respon- sible if a person died of star- vation. Not merely this, if there was an early death, if a child of five or so died, peo- ple regarded it as a flaw in the ruling structure. Today you have to create Mahvish- va (The Great Universe), and the guiding principle behind it will be that all human be- ings are the progeny of the Supreme Progenitor. Hence all are His children, hence all should live together – nay, will have to live together. Black or white, literate or illiterate, small or tall, all are the children of the same Fa- ther. Hence all will have to live together. So the important thing is that all are the progeny of the Supreme Progenitor. Accord- ing to this, there will be unity in the physical stratum, and so will there be in the psy- chic and spiritual strata. But to strengthen this unity yet more, there is one more fac- tor which should be there, and is there – that factor be- ing the common goal for all the children of the Supreme Father – the merger of all in Him. All have come from Him and are in Him; there- “Remaining together is natural for you, and to remain disu- nited is something unnatural.” News from around the Sector Planning for the Mahavishva held over new year from 28th December to 3 rd January. Workshops focused on Spir- ituality as a Mission and strategic planning. Daily Akhanda Kiirtan set a bliss- ful mood and we danced in Summer Conference and Ananda Mela The Suva Sector Sectorial Summer Conference was the new year with energy and Newsletter of Ananda Marga Suva Sector Pranam January, 2015

fore, all people will have to

live together.

Remaining together is natural

for you, and to remain disu-

nited is something unnatural.

You know well that unnatu-

rality is not tolerated by

Prakrti. Unnaturality is ulti-

mately destroyed. So it is

natural for human beings to

live together and to make a

great Universe. By not doing

so, and by mutual fight, all

will be destroyed. This is the

law of Prakrti. Hence, united

you will have to remain, this

is your duty. So that the peo-

ple of the world may remain

united, it is your duty to

bring the Mahavishva as

soon as possible. There will

be peace and happiness in the

Universe, and, established in

one indivisible ideology,

humanity will march ahead

toward the Supreme Goal.

Victory be with you!

Discourses on the Mahabha-


Baba, 3 December, 1967,


Now the universe has be-

come very small. People are

able to travel from one planet

to another. When there was

no convenience of convey-

ances, Lord Krsna planned

the Mahabharata to unite the

scattered India. Today the

universe has become small.

Planning for Mahavishva

(The Great Universe) and not

Mahabharata (Great India), is


The guiding factor behind

the creation of the Ma-

habharata was dharma – the

creation of a great human

society in which there would

be peace, happiness, fraterni-

ty and no poverty. In that

period, it was the rule that

the country was held respon-

sible if a person died of star-

vation. Not merely this, if

there was an early death, if a

child of five or so died, peo-

ple regarded it as a flaw in

the ruling structure. Today

you have to create Mahavish-

va (The Great Universe), and

the guiding principle behind

it will be that all human be-

ings are the progeny of the

Supreme Progenitor. Hence

all are His children, hence all

should live together – nay,

will have to live together.

Black or white, literate or

illiterate, small or tall, all are

the children of the same Fa-

ther. Hence all will have to

live together.

So the important thing is that

all are the progeny of the

Supreme Progenitor. Accord-

ing to this, there will be unity

in the physical stratum, and

so will there be in the psy-

chic and spiritual strata. But

to strengthen this unity yet

more, there is one more fac-

tor which should be there,

and is there – that factor be-

ing the common goal for all

the children of the Supreme

Father – the merger of all in

Him. All have come from

Him and are in Him; there-

“Remaining together

is natural for you,

and to remain disu-

nited is something


News from around the Sector

Planning for the Mahavishva

held over new year from 28th

December to 3rd January.

Workshops focused on Spir-

ituality as a Mission and

strategic planning. Daily

Akhanda Kiirtan set a bliss-

ful mood and we danced in

Summer Conference and

Ananda Mela

The Suva Sector Sectorial

Summer Conference was

the new year with energy and

Newsletter of Ananda Marga Suva Sector


January, 2015

Achu and Sonalii’s baby

daughter had her baby nam-

ing ceremony on new year’s

day and received the name

Tara. We shared good news

from around the sector, col-

lected from Didis and Dadas

at RDS that happened just

before the conference. The

conference was followed by

Ananda Mela from 5th to

11th January. The Mela invit-

ed participants to empower

themselves spiritually

through the spiritual practic-

es and gain practical skills

necessary for community

building… all in the festive

atmosphere of the Mela. The

Aquaponics workshop was

timely, coming on the heels

of prolonged drought. The

new Aquaponics system set

up behind the Butterfly Bun-

galow demonstrates how

nutritious and vital food can

be grown with much less

water and space than is used

in conventional agriculture.

This makes it ideal for urban

spaces such as back gardens.

Ananda Palli now joins Mel-

bourne jagrti as a sustainable

agriculture research centre.

Two sessions on Non-violent

Communication gave partici-

pants tools to help conflict

resolution by affirming the

intention to connect and us-

ing strategies that help better

frame the issue and hone the

skills of listening and ex-


The Mela abounded with

dance (no pun intended),

with African, Indian and

Aboriginal dance workshops,

and even Kaoshikii and

Tandava being performed by

the brothers’ yoga class on

the Grand Performance

Night. Wiruunngga and Terri

-Anne, in addition to leading

us in a traditional opening

ceremony, introduced us to

an Aboriginal sacred site in

Girraween National Park.

We enjoyed the serenity and

beauty of the spot as people

did before us for thousands

of years. Dharmamitra and

Suveda presented at both

the Summer Conference and

the Mela on their latest en-

terprise ‘Life Interwoven’, a

project that markets and pays

a fair return for quality prod-

ucts manufactured by tradi-

tional artisans in developing


are ongoing. Dada attended

Achu and Sonali’s house


Dada Paramatmananda:

has completed a 12 week

Meditation and Yoga Course

for the staff and community

of the district hospital in

North- west Victoria.

The participants were very

grateful for Dada’s time and

wanted further programs.

Thus together with the local

shire, the local tourism sub-

committee and the hospital, a

Music Health and Wellbeing

festival is being developed.

David Brant, director at

VCOSS, together with a

number of local members,

News Briefs Reported at December RDS

Dada Snigdhananda: 140

attended a fundraising pro-

gramme organized by Liila

in Hobart for students doing

medical service in Uganda.

$AU8,000 was raised. Logan

City Library invited Dada to

give a Yoga lecture in

March. QUT, Gardens Point,

yoga and meditation classes

News (contd.)

Page 2 Pranam

Ananda Vanii, 1

January, 2015. (Vanii

# 49, from 1 January,


The flame of a lamp

lights up countless

lamps. The touch of a

great personality

wakes up innumerable

sleeping hearts. In the

same way, the eternal

glow of the boundless

élan vital of Cosmic

Consciousness has

been illuminating the

life-lamp of universal

humanism since time

immemorial, is

illuminating it, and in

future will do so even

more intensely. That is

why I say, the future of

the human race is not

dark, rather it is

strikingly resplendent.

So proceed on,

ignoring the frowns of


Visit to Aboriginal Sacred Site at Girraween

Warm-up games at the Mela

are working on this.

The Melbourne AMPS Unit

held a fund-raising dinner in

support of two current pro-


1. Following up from the

support provided to the vic-

tims of Haiyan Hurricane,

Philippines, the unit has or-

ganized a container full of

hospital equipment donated

by the RNW District Hospi-

tal and The Austin Hospital.

Cloudsolutions Group, Vic-

torian Crane Services and

other supportive companies

are helping with the logis-


2. A fundraising event was

held in aid of the Abha Seva

Charitable Dispensary, Chas,

near Bokaro. Attendees were

inspired by the work that is

being done by Dada

Devashuddhananda who

gave a presentation on the


Melbourne Unit continues to

expand the services it pro-

vides for refugees and the

needy in the northern sub-

urbs of Melbourne.

As part of research on Mas-

ter Units and food security

Dada has initiated an Aqua-

ponics project at the Mel-

bourne jagrti. Aquaponics is

the process of using fish and

plants to create a very water

efficient, symbiotically con-

trolled ecological environ-

ment for growing food. Dada

is working with a UK based

not-for-profit to further de-

velop this. As mentioned

earlier, a second such project

has been started in Anan-

daPalli. This research sup-

ports the development of

Baba’s Master Unit concept

for urban environments. Dada continues his volun-

teering with the State Emer-

gency Services, learning

skills that will enhance

AMURT’s emergency re-

sponse capabilities.

While in India, Dada visited

the Abha Seva Dispensary

and the Adruta children’s

home in Orissa, being run by

Aditya Mohanti. Both pro-

jects are excellent examples

of Neo-humanism in prac-

tice. The children at the

home, besides excelling at

their studies, are in demand

in India and overseas for

their amazing performances

of their local culture.

Didi Ananda Ashesa: spent

time in Derby with Didi A

Nirmala who is involved in

youth suicide prevention and

provides respite time at her

house for young Aboriginal

kids. The Master Unit is

developing with 200 mahog-

ony trees, a mango orchard,

coconut and neem trees. On

returning from Derby, held

an introductory meditation

talk in Sandgate.

Didi Ananda Shamita re-

searched and found a suita-

ble location for the new Sun-

rise Pre-school in Mel-

bourne. She oversaw the

design and approval process

with architects and council

and the school is set to open

in a few months. Didi had

two workshops on medita-

tion and 7 initiations. Didi Ananda Nirupama

Sunrise Preschool (by Didi

Ananda Madhupurna and

Didi Ananda Nirupama)

Over 100 parents, children,

relatives and teachers attend-

ed the year end program at

Edinburgh Park, the high-

light of which was a huge

morning circle.

We had several successful,

fun and creative fundraising

events: a tea towel with chil-

dren’s and teachers’ draw-

ings of themselves; a silent

auction and a coloured sand

mandala made by all of the

children with Sigrid-the

teacher. Over $6,000 was

raised for the school.

Perhaps the development

that we’re all most excited

about is the construction of

the long awaited tree house.

The permit took 8 months to

clear council and we are the

only school in the area to

have this amenity.

In November last year, the

preschool was accredited for

the first time under the Na-

tional Quality Standard

(NQS), with a very satisfac-

tory rating. 4 out of 7 of the

main criteria met the stand-

ard and 3 exceeded it. Didis,

teachers and parents worked

News (contd.)

Page 3 Pranam

In November last

year, Sunrise Pre-

school was

accredited for the

first time under the

National Quality

Standard, with a

very satisfactory


Loading medical equipment for The Philippines Aquaponics at Ananda Palli

Dance group from the Adruta Children’s Home, Orissa

Food for distribution to people in need in Melbourne

hard as a community for this


A health and wellbeing pro-

gramme was held at the

school for the school com-

mittee and supporters. 35

parents were treated to a

delicious lunch and a talk by

homeopath/naturopath Kate

Lukis who focused on

ADHD and alternatives to

pharma solutions.

A short video of a typical

day at Sunrise Preschool was

produced and handed out to

all parents.

Yoga and Meditation classes

are ongoing for sisters

throughout the year.


Didi Ananda Madhupurna

(formerly Didi Manika) who

recently received Avadhutika

diiksa! Didi A. Aparna

Guam: 31 children are en-

rolled in the school.

Didi Ananda Vijaya holds

twice weekly meditation and

yoga classes in Gympie. The

harvest at Ananda Madhurii

MU is abundant with maca-

damia nuts, lychees, bana-

nas, figs, lemonades, chikku

fruit , sapote, guavas, peach-

es, drumsticks, a variety of

asian beans, karela, a variety

of lettuce, sweet potatoes,

beetroot, okra, variety of

chillies and edible green

leaves, zucchini and other

vegetable. Chutney made

from the green mangoes was

enjoyed by the RDS, Mela

and Summer Conference


Didi Ananda Nirmala re-

ports from Derby:

After three years of WWD

presence in the Kimberley

region, in February 2014, a 5

acre piece of land with a two

bedroom house was pur-

chased in Derby, WA for a

master unit. It has been

named Ananda Tapasvinii,

which means “that which

takes away the suffering of


Ananda Tapasvinii MU has

a lovely healing vibration.

On different occasions, some

local families from the near-

by town area have been in-

vited to visit. The children

enjoy playing here very

much and the parents often

ask to come out again with

them. They enjoy the bush

sounds, trees and space that

the land provides. The dhar-

macakra room is now being

refreshed with a new coat of

paint to start running classes.

A ride-on lawn-mower has

recently been purchased to

help maintain the land.

Regarding service to the

community, I am in touch

with many individuals who

require assistance for a wide

variety of reasons such as

food, transport, a micro-loan,

documentation and drafting

of letters, referrals to appro-

priate authorities or social

and emotional well-being.

On a weekly basis, I am of-

ten engaged in any one of

these activities. In addition,

in order to maintain the costs

of living here, I am working

part time at a combined Frail

-Aged and Nursing Home

which has a large percentage

of very dear and respected

Aboriginal elders from the

local communities around

here. During Christmas I

travelled to Fitzroy Crossing

to transport a family espe-

cially to visit their mother/

wife at the Nursing Home in


There is much opportunity

for AMURT/EL work to

grow here. Social issues

mainly include youth mental

health exacerbated by lack of

employment, remoteness and

isolation, drugs and alcohol

often leading to suicide. Dia-

betes, gout, kidney infections

and stroke are very common

diseases in the area. There is

a chronic shortage of hous-

ing leading to over- crowded

conditions. The cost of living

is much higher particularly

regarding rental costs, fuel,

and food and there are large

distances to travel between

News (contd.)

Page 4 Pranam

Ananda Tapasvinii

MU has a lovely

healing vibration

Didi Ananda Nirmala & some of her Big Family

communities to connect with


In July-August, the SWWS

of Suva Sector, Avtk Ananda

Ashesa made her first visit to

the region and we held a

house-warming at the jagrti.

As Baba once told a worker,

“My Grace is with you and

nobody can take it away

from you.” It is His desire

that we do some concrete

service work. What that will

be and when it will emerge

has yet to be seen as we are

still in the very beginning

stages of Ananda Marga

work here in the Kimberley.

Nevertheless His Grace has

shone so far and will do so in

the future.

Didi Ananda Vitandra &

Rukminii repor t from Lis-


Anandavatika MU Land


Currently we are doing

maintenance before school


New tennis court style fences

are being erected around the

school oval and handball

court and the school’s drive-

way will be repaired.

We have also planted new

flowers and native trees in

the school ground as well as

mulched all immediate gar-

dens with T-tree mulch.

The white sapote tree is

fruiting for the first time

with several fruits and the

Acerola and banana trees

have been abundant this

year. The students’ pineapple

plants have produced 4

healthy pineapples which

will bring smiles to many

faces when school resumes.

DC occurs at Anandavatika

twice per month and is regu-

larly attended by local mar-

giis and sympathisers.

Vistara Primary School

students in Yrs 5 & 6 have

won the “Runner Up for the

best Primary School Story”

award for the Northern Stars

Newspapers In Education

program. The story was ti-

tled “Waste In Space”, an

article discussing the issues

of space junk.

The school’s CD “Earth’s

Heart Calling” is selling in

stores in Byron Bay and Lis-

more. 3 Local radio stations

have requested the CD and 2

have requested interviews

with the children. One store

in Lismore was playing the

CD into the streets and a

local newspaper wrote a pro-

motional article. There is a

website for the

CD www.earthsheartcalling.


School students participated

in the annual “Kaoshikii

News (contd.)

Page 5 Pranam

Vistara Primary

School students in

years 5 & 6 have

won the ‘Runner Up

for the Best

Primary School

Story Award’ for

the Northern Stars


Versatile space, one of the amenities at Vistara

Newspaper article promoting Vistara’s new CD,

Earth’s heart Calling

competition”. The standard

of Kaoshikii dance increases

each year making it chal-

lenging to choose the win-

ners. However, this year 2

students from each class-

room were awarded trophies

& everyone who participated

received a medal.

The school’s Annual

Awards Ceremony was a

great success with many

more parents attending. The

Awards Ceremony is a way

of acknowledging the aca-

demic & personal milestones

that students achieve. It also

encourages their joyful spirit

which shines each day, their

leadership, & their being

outstanding role models.

Grade 6 graduation was

emotional, seeing 6 gradu-

ates move into High School.

Parents and students

acknowledged the school &

staff with heartfelt gratitude

for educating their children

with Neo Humanist Educa-

tional Philosophy.

Dada Shuddhatmananda:

Attended Yogafest in Dune-

din – gave classes on Bio-

Psychology, followed by

Auckalnd Uni Yogafest & a

well attended programme in

Waihi, organized by.


The Fijian Margiis are happy

to have visits from Acaryas

& they organized spiritual

talks for me. I reviewed les-

sons, gave initiations and

regularized DC in Nadi.

Jyotsna organized a multi-

faith programme that filled

to capacity the Auckland

jagrti. I attended the HOTA

Annual conference that

brings together organisations

with a common interest in

popularizing Yoga philoso-

phy. Regular classes: Auck-

land Uni, City Hospital &

Auckland Jagrti. $AU10,000

paid in lump sum to pay off

mortgage. Weekly regular

Food distribution, organized

by Dada Vimalesh-


Didi Ananda Anuprabha:

Together with Jiivan, orga-

nized the Yogafest at Otago

University. Donation re-

ceived for AMURT. Ongo-

ing yoga & meditation clas-

ses in uni. Attended one day

programmes in Auckland

&Waihi. Baby naming of

Amelendu & Nitya’s new

baby. Interfaith peace week

talk, Dunedin.

News (contd.)

Page 6 Pranam

Didi Ananda

Anuprabha and

Jiivan organized

the annual

Yogafest at Otago


Interfaith programme fills Auckland jagrti

Yogafest, Otago University, Dunedin

DC in Nadi, Fiji

Sectorial Office

19 Lovel St., Katoomba, NSW 2780

Tel: 02 47823911


Self-realisation and Service to all

Ananda Marga

Fasting Days, 2015, Brisbane Region


JAN 1, 16, 31 5 20

FEB 14 4 18

MAR 2, 16, 31 6 20

APR 14, 30 4 18

MAY 14, 30 4 18

JUN 12, 30 3 16

JLY 11, 27 2 15

AUG 11, 26 30 15

SEPT 9, 24 28 13

OCT 8, 23 27 12

NOV 7, 22 26 11

DEC 7, 21 25 11

Anandotsava (Ananda Marga Festivals, 2015)

New Year’s Day (International) Thursday, 1 January

Niilkantha Divas (Anniversary of failed attempt by gaol doctor in 1973 to poison Baba)

Thursday, 12 February

Dadiichi Divasa (Commemorating those in Ananda Marga who gave their lives for Dharma)

Thursday, 5 March

Vasantotsave (Spring Festival) Friday, 6 March

Ananda Purnima (Baba’s Birthday) Monday, 4 May

Shravanii Purnima (Kalikananda’s initiation, 1st initiation) Sunday, 30 August

Prabhat Samgiita Divasa (Anniversary of 1st Prabhat Samgiit) Monday, 14 September

Sharadotsava (Autumn Festival) Children’s Day, Sunday, 18 October Public Day, Monday, 19 October Fine Arts Day, Tuesday, 20 October Music Day & Baba’s Mahaprayan, Wednesday, 21 October Vijayotsava, Thursday, 22 October

18th-22th October (Sunday to Thursday)

Diipavali (Festival of Light) Wednesday, 11 November

Bhra'trdvitiiya (Brothers’ Day) Friday, 13 November

Navanna (Harvest Festival) Sunday, 15 November

Upcoming Events, 2015

Event Dates Place

Brisbane Regional


6—8 March Ananda Palli

PWSA Retreat 13—15 March Ananda Madhurii,


Wellington Regional


3—6 April Auckland

Sisters Spiritual Life-

style Training

5—25 April Ananda Madhurii,


Mid-year Mela 5—8 June Ananda Palli

Winter Conference 9 – 12 July Melbourne

Summer Conference 28 Dec – 3 Jan 2016 Ananda Palli

Ananda Mela 4 – 10 January, 2016 Ananda Palli

Special Event: In May, 1965, Baba star ted the Women’s Welfare Dept. of Ananda Marga. To celebrate this spe-

cial event, WWD of Suva Sector is organising a Women’s conference in Melbourne.. Further details to be announced.
