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January 2015 newsletter experiment

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January 2015


G V N D !


From Our Staff...


As we finish one year in the life of Fredericksburg UMC and begin a new one, I’m grateful for where God has brought us. In January, we committed to implement the “prescriptions” contained in the report from the Healthy Church Initiative consultation held in late 2013. We adopted as our statement of mission “to make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” We left the past behind with a Day of Prayer and Repentance, developed a new vision statement to become a “vibrant, growing community of disciples, diverse in age, culture and giftedness, passionately committed to love each other and to serve the world in the name of Christ.” We adopted a Covenant of Relationship to shape how we interact and communicate with each other, and move beyond our “discouraging church culture.” We also instituted some mew communication practices and have reorganized our staff to add a new Director of Communications, who began in November. On December 16, we held a called Church Conference. Over the last several months, the HCI Leadership Pathway Team had been praying, studying, discussing and developing their proposal for Fredericksburg UMC to adopt a simplified structure, called in one of the resources an “Accountable Leadership Model.” As they worked, I was present for part of the group’s deliberations and conversations. One of the things that was clear to me as I listened is that focusing on our church’s mission to “make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” was central to all their discussions. The purpose of their recommendation was to have our church’s structure reflect that same priority by creating a Governing Council that would set mission goals, provide boundaries and guidelines, and entrust leadership to the senior pastor, management of ministry to staff (defined as both paid staff and unpaid lay ministry leaders), and entrust the doing of ministry of “making new disciples” and “transforming the world” to the members of the congregation. This model also provided for clearer accountability for the senior pastor, as well as staff and other ministry leaders. I was disappointed when those attending that meeting voted not to adopt it by about a 56% margin. Further, I think it’s fair to say that the meeting itself was a very negative meeting, and reflected a departure

from our commitments in our Covenant of Relationship. There is a lot I might say about how that all transpired. But what I would focus on is this: In all the questions and conversations about issues and opposition to the proposal, what I noticed to be absent was any concern about the mission of the church. I heard nothing from those who opposed the recommendation raising any questions about how it would not be the best way for us to facilitate “making new disciples….” All the focus (in my perception) was on control and lack of trust. Moreover, in both the informational meeting as well as the called Church Conference, comments were made taking issue with the mission itself (which we adopted by an 84% margin in January). To me this is what is most significant. Steve Ross, who serves as the Director of Vital Projects for the Oregon-Idaho Conference of the United Methodist Church, has written a book that describes this simplified structure/single governance body model from a specifically United Methodist perspective. I have found his book, entitled Leadership and Organization, helpful in fleshing out in more detail how this model can work in a United Methodist congregation. But I want to quote a couple of things he says. “…if our churches are going to have any impact on future generations – if they are even going to survive – we need to learn a way of working together that supports the right conversations, the ones about mission. To be honest, I don’t think God is particularly concerned with whether our churches (as institutions) survive. God is concerned that people – all God’s people – are introduced to the kind of life in God that makes living a joy and a blessing. I think our churches can be a part of what God does care about, but it is clear that we have to learn to be church in some new ways if we are going to do that in these times.” In another place, he says, “We need fewer experts and more experiments,” and then goes on to advocate this kind of model that “has proven helpful in liberating ministry, improving management, and implementing faithful governance that keeps a congregation centered in its mission.” This identifies what I view as the central issue for us as a congregation: Do we have clarity and unity



CHAPEL FLOOR The four and five year old children, from our Child

Development Center, who come to the Chapel at

9:30 am every Thursday for “Kid’s Chapel” fill my

heart with joy each week. Recently, I had to miss a

Thursday and Pastor Jason filled in.

When the next Thursday came, I was seated in the

Chapel waiting for up to thirty little people to fill the

Chapel with their enthusiasm, questions, laughter,

“high-fives”, and, of course, their comments such as

“I’m four” with five fingers raised on one hand and

learning dexterity with the other hand showing four

fingers raised! (I’ve had days like that recently. How

about you?)

To my surprise, several asked if I was still ill -- hav-

ing to miss the previous Thursday. Others expressed

that they missed me. Others remembered Pastor Ja-

son and asked if he was going to be with them also.

I was touched to my core with all this movement!

These four and five year old children showed me

God’s activity of Love and Hope. God’s joy was

crawling on the Chapel floor. God’s care was giving

me a “high-five.” God’s laughter was spilling all over

me with two dozen little people giving me a Wel-

come Back hug!

I concluded that Love moves! Hope moves! It does

not stay put! Love opens up new doors as old ones

close – like the year 2014 ending. Hope can help us

imagine new possibilities for ourselves, in the new

year of 2015, for our family, for our church, and for

our community and beyond.

As you start your new year, join us at 9:30 a.m. any

Thursday in the Chapel. I promise you that you will

see, feel, touch, and hear God move on the Chapel

floor! And some of that movement just might wrap

around your heart and transform you into your fu-

ture in 2015.

Psalm 42:5-6 (NRSV). “Why are you cast down, O

my soul, and why are you disquieted within me?

Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my help

and my God.”

May God’s Love and Hope move us to new possibili-

ties this year? My office door is open to receive you.

My cell phone (361.701.1090) has its battery charged.

My schedule is ready for an appointment (Tuesday

and Thursday are best but I can change that if need

be) with you in your home, business, or coffee shop,

lunch (always Dutch treat) at a café or walking with

you in the park. The ball (movement) is in your

court as a disciple of Jesus Christ because you are an

important member of the Body of Love. HAPPY


about what our mission is and more importantly, are we committed to doing whatever is called for in accomplishing that mission? If there is not unity in this area, anything else we do is merely tinkering that will not bring about real change nor real growth in health and vitality. As we begin 2015, I would invite you to commit yourself anew to prayer for the health and mission of our congregation. Rev Pam Traver will be inviting you soon to join with the HCI Prayer Team in their weekly gathering for this prayer focus. Secondly, it is my conviction that the congregation needs to revisit the recommendation of the HCI Leadership Pathway Team,

perhaps after some further development of it. You will hear more about this possibility soon. Becoming a healthier and more fruitful congregation does involve change and change is painful. Sometimes we stumble along the path. But I believe with all I am that we need to keep moving forward, not for my sake or for the sake of our members, but for the sake of the mission – and for the sake of God whose mission it is, and the sake of those in the world God has called us to serve.

Yours in Christ, Jason Fry

Be Blessed,

Pastor Sid

Ministry YOUTH


I hope the end of your 2014 was a great and many

blessings on your 2015! The spring is such a busy time

with school, sports, stock show, end of school and all the

other stuff. Make sure you carve out a little time each

week to come to church.

For the spring semester we will start a new schedule for

The Bridge on Wednesday nights. The 6th-7th grade youth

will meet from 5:30-7:00 and the 8th grade and High School youth will meet from 6:30-8:00. Both groups

will meet in the Youth Room and will have a snack supper together from 6:30-7 p.m. The Bridge will start

back on January 14 with a special Family Night at 6 p.m. and the new schedule will begin on January 21.

All families of youth are invited to The Bridge: Spring Family Night on Wednesday, January 14 at the

church from 6-7:30pm. This is an opportunity for all of the families to see what goes on during our youth

gatherings on Wednesday nights and to find out information about our Spring activities and events. There

will be a snack supper provided and childcare will be available.

We will be offering a Confirmation class this spring. Confirmation is an important step for youth to develop

and own the Christian faith for themselves. Confirmation classes will be on Sunday afternoons from 4-6

p.m., with the exception of certain holidays. If you are interested in participating in Confirmation this year

please let me know. We will have an introductory meeting Sunday, January 18 at 6 p.m. for parents and

Confirmands with sessions beginning January 25 ending on Confirmation Sunday, May 24.

As always, please don’t hesitate to come by and see me or call 830-203-0559 or email [email protected].

Love in Christ,

Joel Griffin

Opportunity with Youth

I have been blest beyond words to have had the opportunity to be a part of the youth activities on

Wednesday evenings this year. We are very fortunate to have Joel Griffin as our Youth Minister and

our youth group is amazing. I would like to encourage all adults of any age to prayerfully consider

participating in a helpful way in the youth ministry. If you would like to participate, please contact

Joel and check it out. If you want to know about my experience or how I have helped, please con-

tact me at [email protected] or call me at 830-456-3651. Our young people will benefit

from knowing that we want to be with them and share in their lives. –Beverly Somers



Wednesday, December 10 was our last Pioneer Club meeting until January 14. It was a wonderful

Christmas Celebration. It started with each teacher giving a special Christmas message to their group of

students. The participants then met Santa (our very own Russell Rice), had incredible snacks, and played

Bingo. It was a wonderful way to end the Fall Semester of the Pioneer Club.

There were several things during the party that touched my soul. First was the children’s excitement. They

were bundles of energy full of joy and completely uninhibited. Please do not misunderstand. I am not

saying they were out of control or misbehaving. Actually, it was the opposite of that. It was that just as I

looked at their sweet faces lit up with expectation I was reminded that is how all of us ought to be as we

celebrate the coming of our Lord.

Secondly, my heart was touched at how the adults stepped forward to make the event special. For example,

Susan Quindry could have prepared simple Christmas cookies as the children’s snack. However what she

chose to do was to make the snacks nutritious and amazing. She did have the Christmas cookies, but she

also made a bagel and cream cheese Christmas wreath, a fruit Grinch, and supplied candy canes. It occurred

to me that women and men willing to serve in the kitchen are a type of glue that holds our church family

together, making the breaking of bread a special bonding for all of us.

I was blessed to see the actions of Christ’s servants who came forward to make what could have been a

difficult day one that flowed seamlessly. I was short one volunteer which would have been manageable, but

a second one called in sick several hours before we were to pick up

the students. Linn Brady had agreed to drive the bus to shuttle the

kids from the Elementary School to the church, but I needed an

additional person to ride on the bus with the little ones. Linda Klein

graciously put aside her work to help.

Frances Baethge, a faithful helper, Linda, and I boarded the bus and

off we went. There was a light drizzle, but not anything that I was

concerned about. However, by the time we had our 40 plus kids

lined up to wait for their turn to take our shuttle it was really

raining. As our group was getting wetter and wetter I received a call

from Dottie Pieper see if she could bring her Explorer over to help

move the children a little faster. No one had called her. She was

just offering her services to make our life easier. We took her up on


The above examples just demonstrate how wonderful it is to be a part of a church family where we actually

look to the joy and comfort of others. And isn’t that we are called to do every day as we follow our Lord’s

example? Isn’t that one of the main reasons He came to earth? – to teach us to love one another.

Ministry MUSIC


After the frenzy of the last month for the Music

Ministry, needless to say we are re-energizing

ourselves for a new exciting year ahead of us!

We have just finished one of the biggest and best

semesters of Kid’s Music Academy with around 50

kids involved, 30 of which were either part of our

chime ensembles or taking violin in one of two

classes. We have the largest enrollment in our

Chancel Choir with 46 singers on our rolls having

added 3 this past semester. Things are all on the

upswing and looking good just ahead!

The Chancel Choir will be starting on work for this

year’s Easter music which isn’t too far away as well

as learning some new pieces for Sunday morning

worship. The Praise Team will also be learning some new music to stay on top of the contemporary

Christian music being written every day.

Our Kid’s Music Academy kids will be working toward their Spring concert event and their second visit to

Sea World for the Pride of Texas Music Festival. This past semester we have added 3 more computers to our

computer lab of 12 and also changed the network from a wireless system that was VERY slow to a wired

network that stays on top of what the kid’s work. The network was put together with the help of Ray

Owens of Owens Computer Solutions here in Fredericksburg.

With the computer lab each KMA student has the ability to study music theory in a fun way individually

and can go at their own pace playing games that strengthen the student’s understanding of the unit they are

studying. Computer assisted music theory training is only available in a class setting in some public school

settings. Our church is very blessed to have this capability to enhance the students musical training.

A lot is happening in the FUMC music world, and we are always looking for new opportunities and

members to step out and take on the next chapter of where God leads us. Come and join us as we venture

together and see what is next on our horizon!

If you have any questions please email me at [email protected], or call me at 997-7679

To God Be the Glory!!

Fuel your fire, join a choir!



Dear Church Family,

I thought I would share some helpful fire safety tips from the National Fire Protection Association

Watch your cooking: Stay in the kitchen when you are frying, grilling, or broiling food. If you must

leave, even for a short time, turn off the stove.

Give space heaters space: Keep fixed and portable space heaters at least three feet from anything that

can burn. Turn off heaters when you leave the room or go to sleep.

Smoke outside: Ask smokers to smoke outside. Have sturdy, deep ashtrays for smokers.

Keep matches and lighters out of reach: Keep matches and lighters up high, out of the reach of

children, preferably in a cabinet with a child lock.

Inspect electrical cords: Replace cords that are cracked, damaged, have broke plus, or have loose


Be careful when using candles: Keep candles at least one foot from anything that can burn. Blow out

candles when you leave the room or go to sleep.

Have a home fire escape plan: Make a home fire escape plan and practice it at least twice a year.

Install smoke alarms: Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside

sleeping areas. Interconnect smoke alarms throughout the home. When one sounds, they all sound.

Test smoke alarms: Test smoke alarms at

least once a month and replace conventional

batteries once a year or when the alarm

“chirps” to tell you the battery is low. Replace

any smoke alarm that is more than 10 years


Install sprinklers: If you are building or

remodeling your home, install residential fire

sprinklers. Sprinklers can contain and may even

extinguish a fire in less time than it would take

the fire department to arrive.

Hope everyone had a blessed and healthy

Christmas. Happy New Year!!

Tammy Amerson-Wilson

Wesley Nurse

January 2015

Church Office Closed for Christmas Holiday

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Happy New Year—Office Closed

12:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous


12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


12:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous

4 8:00am Traditional Worship

9:00am Agape Hour

9:30am Adult School

9:30am Children's Worship

9:30am Contemporary Worship

11:00am Adult and Children's

Sunday School

11:00am Traditional Worship Service


6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH

7:30am Child Development Center

10:00am Parkinson's Support Group

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2

7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

6 7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe 7:30am Child Development Center 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well College 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 4:30pm Living Well College Board Meeting 5:30pm Girls Basketball 5:30pm UMW/CDC Circle Meeting 6:00pm Epiphany Party Choose Life Class


6:30am Disciple Bible Class

7:30am Child Development Center

9:30am Knopp Retirement Social

10:00am Fredericksburg Nursing Home Sing

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

5:45pm Disciple Bible Class

6:00pm Bell Choir

7:00pm Chancel Choir

8 7:30am Child Development Center 8:30am Biblical Garden Workday 9:00am Living Well College 9:30am Chapel Child Development Center 12:00 Book Club 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 5:30 Leader/Teacher Sunday School Meeting 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal-Sanctuary 6:30 Called Finance Meeting


7:30am Child Development Center

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


7:30am Men's Emmaus Team Meeting

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

11 Renewal of Baptism Sunday 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Agape Hour 9:30am Adult School 9:30am Children's Worship 9:30am Contemporary Worship 11:00am Adult and Children's Sunday School 11:00am Traditional Worship Service 4:00pm GO & BRO Youth Bible Study

12 6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group- FH 7:30am Child Development Center 7:30am Congregational Care Meeting- HCMH Cafeteria 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2 4:30pm Child Development Center Board 6:00pm Stephen Ministry Leadership 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

13 7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe 7:30am Child Development Center 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well College 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 4:30pm Child Development Center Open House 5:30pm Girls Basketball 5:30pm Mission Committee Meeting 7:00 Church Conference Meeting

14 6:30am Disciple Bible Class 7:30am Child Development Center 9:00am Quilters 10:00am Fredericksburg Nursing Home Sing 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 1:00pm Diabetic Support Group-Golden Hub 3:30pm Pioneer Club and KMA 5:45pm Disciple Bible Class 5:30pm Middle School Youth 6:00 Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Youth 7:00 Chancel Choir


7:30am Child Development Center

9:00am Living Well College

9:30am Helen Tainter Circle

9:30am Chapel Child Development


12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

2:00pm Friendship Circle

5:30pm Girls Basketball

6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal-Sanctuary


7:30am Child Development Center

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


12:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous

18 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Agape Hour 9:30am Adult Sunday School 9:30am Children's Worship 9:30am Contemporary Worship 11:00am Adult and Children's Sunday School 11:00am Traditional Worship Service 3:00pm Music Club Concert 4:00pm GO & BRO Youth Bible Study


Church Office Closed

Martin Luther King Day

6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH

7:30am Child Development Center

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2

2:00pm Hannah Circle-Rm 2

7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

20 7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe 7:30am Child Development Center 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well College 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00 Finance Meeting

21 6:30am Disciple Bible Class 7:30am Child Development Center 10:00am Fredericksburg Nursing Home Sing 10:00am Knopp Retirement Center Communion 10:00am Knopp Nursing Home Communion 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 2:30pm Knopp Assistant Living Devotional 3:00pm Knopp Nursing House Devotional 5:45pm Disciple Bible Class 5:30pm Middle School Youth 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Youth 7:00 Chancel Choir

22 7:30am Child Development Center 9:00am Living Well College 9:00am Chapel Child Development Center 9:30am UMW Craft Workshop 9:30am Heritage Communion 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal-Sanctuary


7:30am Child Development Center

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


9:00am Leadership Meeting

10:00am Pinewood Derby

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

25 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Agape Hour 9:30am Adult School 9:30am Children's Worship 9:30am Contemporary Worship 11:00am Adult and Children's Sunday School 11:00am Traditional Worship Service 4:00pm GO & BRO Youth Bible Study


6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH

7:30am Child Development Center

10:00am Cards for Christ

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2

6:00pm Stephen Ministry Leadership

7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting


7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe

7:30am Child Development Center

8:00am Wonder Workers

9:00am Living Well College

9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library

12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

5:30pm Girls Basketball

28 6:30am Disciple Bible Class 7:30am Child Development Center 9:00 Quilters 9:30am Windcrest Retirement Communion 10:00am Fredericksburg Nursing Home Sing 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:45pm Disciple Bible Class 5:30pm Middle School Youth 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Youth 7:00pm Chancel Choir

29 7:30am Child Development Center 9:00am Living Well College 9:00am UMW Craft Workshop-Rm 11 9:00am Chapel Child Development Center 9:00am UMW Craft Workshop 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal-Sanctuary


7:30am Child Development Center

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


9:00 Equipping the Saints

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

Get Involved...

In The Community

Please start looking at your Wednesdays in January. We need 20 volunteers to each give us one Wednesday during the Spring Semester to help with the Pioneer Club. The job is easy – help prepare simple snacks, help walk the students from the school, and assist a teacher. If this is something you can do please sign up in the Fellowship Hall beginning December 28th

HELP WANTED– Private in home

care. Help with doctor’s

appointments, shopping, house

cleaning, laundry & various other

duties. Excellent reference.

Call Dusty at 904-403-7058.

Pick up your Estimate of giving cards now! They are available at the Welcome Desk.

Pioneer Club

The Child Development Center has a "Wish

List" that hopefully you can help fulfill!

Contact Amy O'Neil at (830)456-8435-cell

(830)990-2320-office or email

[email protected]

CDC Wish List

Volunteer to be a lay reader or communion server. Call Linda in the Church Office at 997-7679

Serve on Sundays

Dates to Remember...

Sunday, Jan. 11– GO and BRO Youth Bible Study Classes begin

Tuesday, Jan. 13– CDC Open House from 4:30-6 p.m.

Tuesday, Jan. 13– Annual Church Conference Meeting

Wednesday, Jan. 14– KMA and Pioneer Club Begins

Wednesday, Jan. 14– The Bridge Begins (with new schedule)

Sunday, Jan. 18– Music Club Concert at 3:00 in the Sanctuary

Monday, Jan. 19– MLK Day, Office Closed

Saturday, Jan. 31– Equipping the Saints

If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the

Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having

the same love, being in full accord and of one mind –Philippians 2:1-2


Who We Are



United Methodist Women are organized for mission locally and

globally. In 1869, we started out with 6 members, but today there

are nearly 800,000. Members are of all ages, races, cultures, and

languages. They seek wholeness for themselves and for others,

especially women, youth, and children worldwide. United

Methodist Women's mission-giving is at work in some 103 mission

institutions in the United States and in nearly 300 programs and

institutions in more than 58 countries around the world. In 2014,

Fredericksburg UMW Mission-giving to District (for worldwide

distribution), six (6) Persons in Mission and nine (9) local charities

was $9,030.00. Please accept our sincere thanks to our church family for continuing to support the UMW projects

that support missions!


And just who are these special ladies? They are young professionals from the CDC and the school district, retirees,

young mothers, older mothers, and grandmothers, varying in age, though most are between 25 and 99 years old.

They come from throughout Fredericksburg and Gillespie County with one purpose in mind: to serve God. Not

only do they commit personally to service, they have fun doing it!


-Empower you to take action and make a difference in their communities and around the world.

Provide a voice to express your ideas, needs, concerns, and interests.

-Lets you become socially and environmentally active while developing meaningful and lasting friendships.

-Enables you to make a difference in other people’s lives by challenging the status quo, and by working for justice

and peace while growing spiritually through worship, Bible study, and prayer.

-Help you develop leadership skills.

-Allow you to financially support institutions and projects that empower women, children, and youth in the United

States and all around the world!


Fredericksburg UMW invites you to become a part of this fun and rewarding organization. Did you say you were

short on time? Did you know you can devote as little as an hour +/- each month? And you can attend Unit

Meetings’ programs whether you join a circle or not; all women attending our church are welcomed. For questions,

call Billie Rowell, President, 997-3787, or e-mail [email protected].

The organized unit of UNITED


community of women whose PURPOSE is

to know God and to experience freedom

as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to

develop a creative, supportive fellowship;

and to expand concepts of mission

through participation in the global

ministries of the church.

1 Ruth Braeutigam 1 Scott Stewart 2 Ron Hamby 2 Bee Bennett 3 Georgene Ridner 4 Beverly Harrell 4 Morgyn Granville 4 Ssdie Edison 5 Shirley Hahn 5 John Metzger 5 Viola Hohmann 5 Marcia Lyngaas 5 Dianna Blount 5 Richard Banning 5 Esmeralda Childers 5 Nancy Thompson 5 Chuck Traver 6 Donna Itz 6 Reese Griffin 7 Ned Butler 8 Dorothy Shipp 8 Christine Granados 8 Lloyd and Cindy Harper 9 Clinton Stork 9 Allen Oestreich 9 Judith Synek 9 Erika Benfield 9 Misti Miiller 10 Ila Burnett 10. Rebecca Reeves 10 Kimber Halford 11 Deborah Hardin 11 Mary Wiemers 11 Ryan Turner 11 Cloyd and Betty Phillips

12 Rene Cameron 12 Carole Harrington 13 Jamie Jamison 13 Tom Wallace 13 Dorothy Panaceck 14 Margaret Hull 14 Jim Heupel 15. Kay Telle 15 Lisa Sierra 15 Steve and Donna Cannon 16 Carl Langerhans 16 Cora Elliott 17 Bob Hickerson 17 Maddie Smith 17 Kyler Cade 18 Vangie Huie 18. Robert Peterman 19 Terry Collier 20 Skip Smith 21 J. Hardin Perry 21 Randall Wunderlich 22 Newton Houy 22 Margaret Kneese 22 Anabelle Cope 23 Megan Schmidt Miller 23. Adam Duecker 23 Ariana Detmar 24 Will Cooke 25 Joan Fry 25 Chloe Campbell 25 Grace Zenner 27 James Cade 27 James Lively 27 Jeanette Stewart 27 Martha Neitsch 27 Scott Allen 27 Todd Edison 28 Sandy Phillips 28 Linda Gartner 30 Bill Treude 30 Don Doss 30 Tiffani Moellering 30 J and Diana Perry 31 Carol Schmidt 31 Halle Collier · Dates and names in bold are anniversaries.

Carolyn Allen

Ruth Braeutigam

Clarence Durst

Carol Dwyer

Imogene Friedrich

Mable Glasgow

Edwina Hall

Anne Houy

Dorothy Karr

Desmond Sagebiel

Pat Scott

Mabel Teschner

Bosnia: Brian & Cynthia

Eastern Asia: Misti

Ecuador: Tim & Daina

Madagascar: Adam &

Suzie, Phoebe, Emma, Baylee and River

Nicaragua: Sara &

Joey, Risa, Micah and Jace

Philippines: Marsha

Scott Benfield

Khristy Brazell

Roland Cleveland

Adam Duecker

Gary L. Goin

Dylan Guess

Jeffrey Haas

Houston Haley

Chance Harling

Wacey Holladay

Mark Klaerner

Bryce Klein

Jason Loving

Alec Maples

Kari McAnally

Quentin Moellering

James Muncy

Dennis Ray Phillips

Chris Pieper

Steven Ramsey

Tyler Remini

Jeffrey Schmidt

Cody Segner

Jason Smith

Bruce Stafford

Perry Waters

Charlie Watson

Ash Westerfield

Weston Williams

Dara Wydler

Steve York


Our Military

Our Missionaries Here I am.

Send me.



Nursing Home Residents



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Christmas Poinsettias Given to the Glory of God and...

In Honor of For the Glory of God by Jim and Linda Graham James and Margaret Fry by Jason and Joan Fry Tom Dance by Jan and Ronnie Williams Richard Perry by Tom and Maryneil Dance Calvin and Olivia Wissemann by Gail and Cy Weich, Vernon, Linda and Andrea Treibs Georgene Ridner by Carol Smith Don Doss by David and Gwen Fullbrook FUMC children and youth by Reneé and Dan Sechrist Eilene Sims by Ray and Katie Sims Clara Nagel by Ray and Katie Sims Denise Hawks by Parents Denny Ray Phillips by Parents Our family and grandchildren by Steve and Beverly Allen Our pastors and church staff by Carol and John Batterton Judy and Dick Hoopman by Alice and George Hahn Our children by Bill and Betty Treude Priscilla Haus by Monica White Our missionaries and families by Pam Traver Jason and Joan Fry for their love and service by Pam Traver Joel, Rene, Reese, Robbie Jane and Ryan Griffin by the FUMC youth Our grandchildren, Hillary, Jake, Bronte, Alyssa, Brady, Seth, Scottie, Noah, Helana and Parker by Gregg and Kristin Hagelstein Our parents, Charles and Rosalie Schafer and Ric and Virginia Smith by Dave and Valerie Schafer The Missionaries and their families of our Church: Marsha- Philippines, Misti- East Asia, Sara and Joey-Nicaragua, Tim and Diana- Ecuador, Jana and Leigh-Japanese in Detroit, Adam and Susie-Madagascar, Brian and Cyndi- Bosnia by the Mission Committee members Brenda, Pam, Charlie and Zala, Vedena, Judy, Beth, Jim

In Memory of James M. “Jimmy” Metzger by Leta Ann T. Metzger and Family Aunts and uncles Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Vinson and Dr. and Mrs. John H. Thaxton by Leta Ann Metzger and Family My parents by Leta Ann Metzger and Family Leta R., Marcene H. and Dr. Hugh B. Thaxton by Leta Ann Metzger and Family Henry and Emily Keidel Schmidt and Janey Schmidt Lawrence by Robert and Barbara Heinen Mabel Major by Brent and Sherri Major Dorothy Koepke by John Koepke Our Grandpa by Will and Esten Cooke Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Haas by Cathy Ball Jo Ann Laughlin Our parents by Mary Whitworth Lester Hahn by Shirley Hahn Tom and Jessie Brown and Burr and Faye DeWald by Ray and Vedena Brown Dorothy Koepke by Allen and Pat Spousta Charles Brooks and Gertrude Rice Gojaski by Russell and Rita Rice Kenneth Sipes and Carolyn Sipes Rev. Barry Shongo, Lula Shongo, Barry David Shongo by Regina Rosenwinkel

Ed Bowman by Laura Bowman Charles Beckendorf by Dawn Beckendorf Dale Mauldin by Irene Mauldin Dutch and Katie Rehms and Bud and Charlene Wilcox by Barbara and Gary Wilcox Harold and Sally Burkhalter by Sherry Hudson T. M. Edwards by Joy Edwards Earl and Joyce Tomlinson by The Collier Family Dwayne and Mildred Collier by The Collier Family Joe and Velma Bryant by Jason and Joan Fry Fern Heidebrecht by Joe and Peggy Hannon and Don Heidebrecht William D. Heidebrecht by Joe and Peggy Hannon and Don Heidebrecht Our son, Shane Williams by Jan and Ronnie Williams Our parents by Tom and Maryneil Dance Stanley and Lillian Wissemann by Gail and Cy Weich, Vernon, Linda and Andrea Treibs Fritz and Agusta Braeutigam by Gail and Cy Weich, Vernon, Linda and Andrea Treibs Emil and Anna Wissemann by Gail and Cy Weich, Vernon, Linda and Andrea Treibs Jack and Virginia Martin by Bob and Judy Hickerson Jack and Ovelle Hickerson by Bob and Judy Hickerson Felix E. Neffendorf by Dennis and Teresa Neffendorf Larry Nevels by Linda and Lauren Nevels and Stacey McFadin David and Joel Ridner by Georgene Ridner My parents, Dr. and Mrs. David Major by Kay Telle Juan P. Benitez by your loving Family Benitez My husband, Robert Foster and son, John Foster by Martha Foster My parents, Robert and Zella Michener by Martha Foster Our parents, our son Andrew, sister Eva and brother Tom by Gregg and Kristin Hagelstein Our parents and grandparents by Steve and Beverly Allen Robert and Dorothy Sechrist by Family Dane Axe by his Family Leslie Reeves and Theresa Reeves by Hugh and Becky Reeves Bill Snowball and Naomi Snowbass by Hugh and Becky Reeves Charlotte and Jack Batterton by Carol and John Batterton James R. Vaughan by Carol and John Batterton Jan Borron by Carol and John Batterton Dick Hoerster by Julia Mays Betty Lee Walden by Tom Walden, Marsha Lee, Mark and Maurine Marjorie Miller by Jack Miller, Pam Traver, Christi, Wes, Kate, Chuck and Jenn Traver Luke Whiting by Pam Traver, Christi, Wes, Chuck and Jenn Traver J. D. and Ollie Chapman and Carl and Irene Treude by Bill and Betty Treude Loved Ones Who Have Gone Home by Dottie Pieper Oliver Kendall by Beverly Kendall, Brian and Lauren Kendall Our parents, Rev. Bruce and Ruby Cox and Raymond and Emma Koym by Charlie and Zala Koym Paul and Meta Sultemeier by Beverly Kendall and Family and Jana and Ken Sultemeier and Family Barbara Sultemeier, Evelyn and Emil Friedrich by Beverly Kendall and Family and Jana and Ken Sultemeier and Family Kakie McAnally, Jody Doan and Ricky Campbell, by Steve and Randye McAnally

Fredericksburg United Methodist Church

1800 North Llano

Fredericksburg TX 78624-2917


Dr. J. Jason Fry—Senior Pastor

Rev. J. Sidney Spiller—Associate Pastor

Don Doss—Director of Music Ministries

Joel Griffin-Director of Youth Ministries

Sharon Massey-Director of Children’s Ministries

Kenneth Vaughan-Director of Media Ministries

Tricia Small- Director of Communications

Amy O’Neil-Director of Child Development Center

Judy Hickerson—Organist

Linda Klein—Office Manager

Selena Hendrix-Financial Secretary

Florie Hernandez-Custodian

Tammy Amerson-Wilson RN- Wesley Nurse

OUR STAFF Ministers-The Congregation
