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January 22, 2013. OTES Provides for Multiple Evaluation Factors.

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January 22, 2013 Designing Student Growth Measures for CTE

January 22, 2013

Designing Student Growth Measures

for CTE

OTES Provides for Multiple Evaluation Factors

Who should be evaluated?

…Any person who is employed under a teacher license issued under this chapter, or under a professional or permanent teacher’s certificate issued under former section 3319.222 of the Revised Code, and who spends at least fifty per cent of the time employed providing student instruction.

ORC 3319.111

HB 555 Changes Category A

Category A is now divided into A1 and A2

Timeline for Implementation

2013-2014 school year with the following exceptions:

– TIF/SIG/RttT schools according to their grant timelines or scope of work

– If bargaining agreement was entered into prior to 9/24/12, immediately upon expiration of agreement

Suggested Implementation Timeline

EARLY FALL: Write and submit SLOs for approval NOVEMBER: Receive feedback on the SLO and, if necessary, revise JANUARY THROUGH END OF APRIL Gather evidence of student progress BY MAY 1st: Complete the Individual SLO Scoring Template for each SLO and meet with the evaluator(s) to discuss attainment of the SLO

Definition of Student Growth

For the purpose of use in Ohio’s evaluation systems, student growth is defined as the change in student achievement for an individual student between two or more points in time.

Excerpted from Measuring Student Growth for Teachers in Non-Tested Grades and Subjects: A Primer

3 Potential Measures for Student Growth

Depending on LEA decisions and the availability of data:

1. Value-added

2. Approved vendor-created assessments

3. LEA determined SGMs using SLOs

3 Measures of Student Growth

Value-Added LEA Measures

• EVAAS Reports

• 4-8 MRM/URM• Extended

Reporting w/Terra Nova and ACT EOC exams

• Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)

• Shared Attribution

• (Other) Vendor Assessments

Approved Vendor


Approved ODE List

Vendor had to show a metric for student growth

List is fluid

Fa ir

Re l iab leVal i

dR igorous

Attr ibutab le Comprehensive

Diagnost ic

1. Teacher Value-Added

MUST use if availableo10-50% if applicable for 2012-2013

oCategory A1 >25% effective July 2013oCategory A1: full 50% effective July 2014oCategory A2-proportionate

EVAAS Value-Added metric, aggregated across subject areaso1-year report; or 2- or 3-year rolling

average, based on availability

2. Approved Vendor Assessments

From ODE-Approved Listo Vendors demonstrate how assessment can

measure growth MUST use for Category B Teachers

o 10-50% if applicable and no Value-Added data availableoCategory A1-LEA decision in SY2013-2014,

not applicable for 2014-2015oCategory A2-LEA decision

3. LEA-Determined Measures

MAY use: LEA decision for Category A and Bo 0-40% if used in combination with Category A or

B measureso 24% max for Category A1 in SY2013-2014 o 0% for Category A1 in 2014-2015 and thereaftero Proportionate to Category A2 teacher’s schedule

MUST use if Category C Teachero 50% if no Category A or B data available

3. LEA-Determined Measures

Three types of LEA-Determined MeasuresStudent Learning Objectives (SLOs)Shared AttributionApproved Vendor assessments

Category A2 teachers can use local measures after VA is applied proportionately.

Category A1 teachers can use local measures in 2013-2014 only (24% max).

What is an SLO?

A measurable, long‐term academic goal informed by

available data that a teacher or teacher team sets at the beginning

of the year for all students or for subgroups of students.

SGM Resources

On Educator Evaluation page, click SGMs section.

SLO Resources

• Introduction to SLOs• Student Learning Objective Guidebook• Student Growth Measures for Teachers• SLO Writing Template• SLO Checklist for Writing &

Approving• Sample SLOs

Reinforce Best Teaching Practice Through

Setting goals for students

Using data to assess student progress

Adjusting instruction based upon progress

Why is Ohio Using SLOs?

Reinforce promising teaching practices

Can be used in all subjects/content areas

Are adaptable

Provide teachers some ownership on how they are evaluated

Potential For Collaboration

Measures for SLOs

SLOs can be created drawing on different data sources:• teacher created assessments• performance assessments• rubric‐based assessments • business & industry certification• state or national assessments

Do all Teachers Need to Write SLOs?

ODE recommends that all teachers create at least one SLO this year to gain experience with the SLO process.

In subsequent years, teachers should create two to four SLOs per year.

–Category A1 will not have the option to use local measures beginning July 2014.

The SLO Development Process

High-Quality SLOs Include:

• Baseline & Trend Data• Student Population• Interval of Instruction• Standards & Content• Assessment(s)• Growth Target(s)• Rationale for Growth Target(s)

Student Learning Objective Template

SLO Template Checklist

SLO Approval

SLOs are approved at the local level.

ODE recommends an existing committee.

Provide feedback: both cool & warm.

Recommend allowing 10 days for revisions.

SLO Approval Process

• Committees should go through a calibration process.

• Read over the entire SLO first.• Using the checklist, review the SLO. • Discuss whether it meets each criterion

and provide feedback to the teacher.• Develop a plan for tracking SLOs

returned for revisions.

High-quality SLOs include the following criteria:

1. Baseline and Trend Data

2. Student Population

3. Interval of Instruction

4. Standards and Content

5. Assessment(s)

6. Growth Target(s)

7. Rationale for Growth Target(s)


Baseline and Trend Data:Identifies source(s) and summarizes

student information (test score from previous years, results of pre-assessments) in numerical and narrative form.

Reviews trend data to inform the objective and establish the amount of growth that should take place.

Identifies student strengths and weaknesses.

Student Population:

Includes all students in the class.Describes the student population

(number, course, grade level, etc.).Considers any contextual factors

that may impact growth.Does not exclude subgroups of

students that may have difficulty meeting targets. Provide details.

Interval of Instruction:

The duration of the course that the SLO will cover including the start and end dates.

Include how frequently the course meets and length of a class period.

Include any other relevant information that could impact student growth.

Standards and Content:

Specify which standards the SLO covers.Broad enough to represent the most

important learning or overarching skills, but narrow enough to be measured.

What content do the students need in order to be successful next year or in the next course? Explain why.

Is this a targeted SLO?


Identify the assessment. Who created/ reviewed it? Describe its structure.

Describe how the assessment provides “stretch” for low and high achieving.

Identify supplemental assessments.Provide specific details on how multiple

tests will be combined into a summative score.

Follow assessment guidelines.

Identifying Appropriate Assessments

Selecting Assessments for SLOs

Selecting and approving assessments can be one of the most challenging and important steps of the SLO process.

Assessments enable teachers to determine growth toward and attainment of the SLO.

Criteria for Selecting Assessments

1. Was the assessment(s) reviewed by content/industry experts?

2. Is the assessment aligned to both the SLO and the standards?

3. Does the assessment have enough stretch?

4. Is the assessment valid & reliable?

Selecting Assessments for SLOs

• ODE strongly recommends LEAs not allow assessments created by one teacher for use in his/her classroom.

Growth Target(s)Growth targets should be developmentally

appropriate, rigorous, and attainable.Ensure all students have a growth target

(not necessarily a passing score).Refer to baseline/pretest data and course

requirements.Provide tiered targets to encompass all


*Rank order pretest scores and look for breaks in data.

Acceptable & Unacceptable Growth Targets

Rationale for Growth Target(s)Rationale ties it ALL together.Explain how you used the data to establish the

targets.Refer to students strengths/weaknesses based

upon data. Explain why this content is the most important. Rationales should be aligned to broader school

and district goals.

*Connect pre-test data + tiered targets = expectations (show connections & accountability)


SupportCarolyn Everidge-Frey, Assistant DirectorOffice of Educator Equity and Talent [email protected]@education.ohio.gov

Chad Rice SE Region [email protected]

Mark Robinson NE Region [email protected]

Donna Huber Central [email protected]

Apryl Ealy NW Region [email protected]

Katrina Wagoner SW Region [email protected]

Regional Student Growth Measure Specialists:


SLO Scoring matrix

Percentage of students that met or exceeded

growth targetDescriptive rating Numerical


90-100 Most Effective 5

80-89 Above Average 4

70-79 Average 3

60-69 Approaching Average 2

59 or less Least Effective 1

Final SLO Rating

Teacher Performance

4 3 2 1






Accomplished Accomplished Proficient Developing


Proficient Proficient Developing Developing


Developing Developing Ineffective Ineffective

Evaluation Matrix

Research and Best Practices

Updated as research and best practices emerge

Ohio Education Research Center (OERC)
