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January 8th

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Spectrum News January 8, 2016 Volume 1

The Big Journey

By Jarom Guymon

Ones there were these children named

Sarah, Jarom, and Jacob. They loved school but

Jacob didn’t. He thought all the work was


They went to Sarah’s house to study.

Jacob was bored so he went to the bathroom.

After he went he saw a weird picture so he

grabbed it and something fell out; it was a map, a

treasure map!

He showed it to Jarom and Sarah. They

were so enthusiastic. But the only problem is

that the treasure was in China. Sarah had


money for



They just

needed to

tell their

moms that

they were

going to a

sleep over.

When they got to the airport the

security guard was suspicious so he stopped

them when they were getting on. They had a plan

B: they would dress like adults. Jarom, Sarah,

and Jacob didn’t need to wear stilts because

they were already so tall.

After traveling in the plane they were in

China! The map said they needed to go to the

zoo. But that was on the other

side of the country so they had

to go back on a plane. Sarah

only had enough money for one

person. That meant they had to

dress up like one person.

After that they went to

the zoo. The map said to go to

the lion habitat which was on

the other side of the zoo so they walked and

walked and walked.

They saw the lion habitat but the map

said to go in the lion habitat. They went in and

they saw a weird piece of paper. They picked it

up and it was in Chinese, but they had a phone so

they could translate it.

Jarom read: “Your journey’s so long but

you’ve been strong, go to the Great Wall of

China for a clue for you.

Jacob said, “I give up.”

“No, you can’t,” replied Sarah. But Jacob

did and slowly died of starvation.

Sarah and Jarom went to the Great Wall

of China. They felt a loose brick in the wall so

they picked it up and it said: “One more thing to

do, go to the kingdom to find the treasure.”

Sarah gave up because she thought that

they would be captured by guard, but Jarom was

courageous, and this was his reply: “I will go to

the kingdom alone and get the booty.”

Sarah slowly died of starvation. When

Jarom went to the kingdom he was captured and

killed. As a ghost he realized that the treasure

was the kingdom. It cost billions of dollars.

This is a lesson: never go on silly


Got Ran Over by the Reindeer By Daren

I was at grandpa's house over Christmas break. We were outside watching for Santa. Then we heard him. I was so excited, but that wasn't him. That was just grandpa opening the door and saying, “Ho, ho, ho! Is Santa here yet?” I went in their

backyard to look for Santa. Nope, Santa was not here yet. I was getting a little tired so I went in bed. The next morning I went to the kitchen. I knew grandpa was probably making

breakfast because he is the first one awake always. He wasn't, I was so shocked. He was always the first one awake. I started looking everywhere in their house so finally I thought about going outside and looking. The first place I looked was out in the backyard. He was not there. Next I looked in the road. There he was, right by a reindeer. He was on the ground, laying there. He probably got a concussion. I went over to him and helped him get to the house because he acutely had a concussion!


Is Great!

By Halle

School is great!

It is fun because

of the preps,

friends and


privileges. The

preps I like are

science and P.E. I like friends because they are nice,

funny, and entertaining.

Preps are really fun! My two favorite are science

and P.E. I like P.E. because you play fun games and

get challenged. You get challenged by the

Presidential Fitness Challenge. You also play fun

games like Hockey, Skittle and Pirates’ Treasure. I

like science because you do experiments and touch

a lot of stuff. That is why I like preps!

I like friends because they entertain you and are

nice and funny. At recess we play 4 square and

sometimes other stuff. My friends are Kira, London,

Lily, Karissa and my best friend Emily. After

school I mostly play with Emily. That is why I like


I like privileges a lot. I like them because you can

do so many things with them, like: no homework, a

smelly pen, a teacher’s chair, I love my job, bring a

stuffed animal, draw on the board, and lunch with

teacher. You get them by reading and doing your

homework. There is a prize box with slime,

flashlights, lotion, hand sanitizer and MORE. That

is why I like privileges.

Do you see why you should go to school? Wait, I

forgot you don’t always get an awesome teacher.

But you still should go to get well educated and

meet new people.

Chachango by Lucy

Once there was a dog named Fish and a fish named Dog. One day Fish wanted a snack so he went to Dog’s house. While he was there he decided to fall asleep but it was a bad idea. When Fish woke up he felt very hot and everything around him was red. He saw a door and opened it. He saw Dog looking at his watch. "Oh, Fish is done cooking," said Dog. He went to the oven and all of the sudden Fish jumped out and tackled Dog on to the ground. "Why you try to cook me!" said Fish. Then Fish gobbled Dog up and walked out the door. On his way he saw Duck. Duck was a donkey so he took Duck to his house and made Duck fall asleep, but Duck surprised Fish and ate him and then he walked out the door.

The End

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas By Brooklyn

The Grinch was no good. He had a small

heart. Specifically, two sizes too small.

Everything about him was bad. He had a bad

personality. He stole and was always full of


The Grinch’s

personality was

awful. His skin

was green and

wrinkled. His

teeth were

ragged and

jagged. He lied

and complained

about everything

in sight. His

actions were just

as bad. He was

awful to his dog

Max, whipping

the poor dog as the dog pulled the sled

toward the end of Christmas, a holiday Max

loved. The Grinch wanted to stop Christmas.

The Grinch hated everything, especially

Christmas. He hated everything about it. He

hated the decorations and all the noise the

children make when they wake up in the

morning and see all their new toys. Most of

all he hated the carols of Christmas. He

loved the sound of tears much, much more.

He decided to steal Christmas. He stole

decorations. He took the presents. He

snatched stockings off every last fireplace.

He stole every last bit of that wonderful

feast. He bagged up everything he could.

But at last the Grinch realized

Christmas was not about presents and

decorations. It was more about love and

happiness. His heart grew three size bigger

that day. He returned everything and he

himself served the roast beast.

The Grinch learned what Christmas is

really about. The kindness everyone

expresses is what makes it such a merry


Architecture By Logan

I'm going to talk about architecture. There are famous architects, architecture and many others. I’m just going to talk about a few.

First I will talk about famous architecture in general. There’s Rome’s coliseum this is was built by the Romans (duh). There’s also the Empire State Building which I bet you know. It’s in New York. There are also a few others I learned about like: The Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Space Needle and the White House. But there are also sooo many others.

Next I’m going to talk about different architects. People have been making fantastic buildings for so many generations I can’t count even half. Some people are Frank Lloyd wright and Ricardo Bofill.

Last I’m going to talk about the process of architecture and the materials they used. First they used paper and pencils to get an idea (crazy, right?) Then they use a drafting table. For the finish they use software, computers, metal, iron, wood, glass and filling for the inside of the walls.

I hope you liked my report about architecture. If you don’t like it, another report about oceans is up next. (Till next time!)

The Alliance (part 1)

By Josh Deden

Let’s get this straight, my friends and I are

different. Not weird different, different

different. We have powers. For example, I

am really smart, my

friend Logan, he

can turn into

anything. Noah,

he can fly, and

Henry has

super strength.

Ethan has

super speed.

Kenadie can

read your

mind. You think I’m

joking, well, I guess you could…

o.k. you can make it fantasy.

One day Logan and I were walking to school

together when it came. It looked like a bee

mixed with a spider. It landed on a tree and

then Logan turned into a fire ant because I

told him, “Turn into something small and

strong.” I ran to school and got

Noah, Ethan, and Henry.

“Guys, something attacked us,” I


“What?” Noah said.

“I don’t know,” I replied.

“Hey, guys, could you stop

talking and go!” Ethan said. Then

he zoomed off. Logan got tired, then Ethan

zoomed in.

“Hi,” said Ethan.

“Hi,” Logan said back.

To Be Continued . . .



By Ethan

Grandma Earl rode a wild baboon to Mexico and

met a wild cow named Steak. She tamed it and she

and her cow rode bacon to Australia and once they

got there, they ate the bacon. They also grabbed

some beef from Steak’s pockets and drank a milk

shake. Then they flew to Ethanopia and had a royal

feast of cereal, pancakes, and marshmallow pudding


That was the real first Thanksgiving, so they gave

thanks for bacon, breakfast burritos, and nachos.

They then slept on a bed stuffed with homemade

chicken legs. They woke up and had a massive

pillow fight with Gregory Hansen and Steve

Radfish. Then a door came in and was like, “Dude,

that’s my banana!” And then a random dude called

Steven Salami was like, “Say Whaaat?” And

Grandma Earl punched the lights out of both of

them. They fell to the floor. She smiled. “Let’s

leave,” she said.

Harry the Pickle kicked her. “You will not leave,”

he said. Steak mooed. Then Grandma Earl said,

“You leave me no choice

but the bloody one.” She

punched him in the gut, hit

him in the face, and kicked

him in the shins. He

crumpled to the floor. “Let’s

leave now!” she suggested.

They jumped out the

window and into darkness.

To be continued!


One normal Christmas night Santa was

out delivering presents at the orphanage

when somehow one of his elves crawled out

his bag. Santa did not know and left

without him. He grew up by himself with a

human family. Then one day he met this

scary elf and wanted to commit homicide

on Santa. He tried to take the elf but his

family saved him and the scary elf went

to jail. The next day they heard the evil elf

was lose and dangerous and was looking

for a good elf named Buddy, and he was

in his


car so they

went home.



he had a

plan. He

said that the

sleigh runs

off of


spirit so he needed to stop everyone

from believing in Santa, who

would fall and pick up Buddy.

One year came and he almost gave

up but he kept going for a few

more years. 2 years came and he

almost gave up but he kept going

for one more year.

That year he had made some more

friends. So he rallied them up and

he got Santa to fall and got him and left,

but what they did not know is that they

had someone in the . . . to be continued.

Getting Money By Kira

There was a girl named Frida. She was 14 years

old and had a younger sister named Zoe that

was 13 years old. They lived in Diamond Bar

California. Frida and Zoe loved to play sports at

the Sports Center. Frida and Zoe went there

every day. They were the greatest at soccer and


When they got back to their house they would

get equipped for the day. The next day they

went to the Sports Center and Frida said, “Why

are you cleaning up everything?”

Emma said, “We are going out of business. We

don’t have enough money.”

Frida and Zoe were sad. Then they said, “We

will help get money.”

Emma said, “Thanks, but I think we can just

close down.”

The next day at school

Frida told her friend

Jessi what happened to

the Sports Center. Jessi

also loved to play

sports so she was

bummed. Then Jessi

said we should have a

fundraiser at the Sports

Center to help get

money. Frida thought

that Jessi’s idea was

great so they did that

the next day after

school. After Frida and

Zoe got home from school they started to make

cupcakes to sell.

“Jessi is making little bracelets to help us,” said

Frida. Zoe was so happy that they might save

the Sports Center. Then they went to the Sports

Center and meet Jessi there with her bracelets

she had made. I was sure that it was going to

save the Sport Center.

Then everyone came at the same time to help.

It was so good. I knew for sure we could save

the Sport Center but they came $100 short. Zoe,

Frida and Jessi were so bummed. Then a girl

named Devin came along.

Devin said, “I want to help so I am going to

help get money by washing cars.”

When they started to send out flyers once again

but this time it told that they were washing

cars. Then people came in with their car dirty

and prepared to wash so Devin started to wash

cars. Then she got tired so Frida stepped in so

Devin could get a break; it was so good. Frida

was so happy when she was counting money,

but they were short still. She gave up and

when she was walking out she saw her sister

Zoe with all of her friends and her friends

donated all their money to the fundraiser. Frida

went and gave Zoe one of her most superior

things. Frida gave her one and only soccer

trophy for her to keep. Zoe was so happy and

gave Frida an enormous hug.

“We saved the Sports Center. “YAY!” they all

screamed. That was how it happened.

Signed Jessi, Devin, Emma, Zoe, Frida

Aye-ayes By: Noah Leinberger

Aye-ayes are awesome! Aye-ayes like to eat nuts. They are commonly on tree tops. They have big eyes and they live in Madagascar.

Aye-ayes are omnivores. They tap their finger to find bugs to eat. Also aye-ayes eat leaves. Aye-ayes eat nuts and fruits.

Aye-ayes’ behavior is cool. Aye-ayes are nocturnal and live in trees. They live for about 20 years. They use echolocation to find food.

Aye-ayes look cool. They have massive bushy tails. They also have

big eyes. They have long tails and they have

short bodies.

Aye-ayes’ environment is cool. They live in Madagascar. They are normally in tree tops. Aye-ayes are born in nests in the trees.

Aye-ayes have yellow eyes. They also have tails longer than their body. I think Aye-ayes are cute.

Santa’s Sleigh by Taylor

"Hurry up!" Santa called out orders to his

elves. "I still need my sleigh out and dusted before I can go."

The oldest elf, Barnaby, finished wrapping the final gift, and said, "Santa, we are ready to get your sleigh."

So off the elves went with Barnaby leading the way. This year, it was Hanky's turn to insert the red key into the door. "Turn the key left, not right," Barnaby barked.

The door opened smoothly, but the sleigh was broken. The magical piece on the bottom that made it fly smoothly was broken and gone.

Just then Mrs. Claus opened a side door leading into the sleigh room. "I thought you guys might be hungry," she said, "so I brought you some cookies."

The elves thanked her and did their best to hide the sleigh from her view. They decided they had to show her the sleigh sometime, so they stepped away to reveal the broken sleigh. "What happened to it?” Mrs. Claus asked.

Barnaby answered for all of them. "We don't know. We found it broken."

"We've got to fix it," said Hanky.

"No, I don't think it is fixable. We need a new one," Mrs. Claus stated.

Suddenly Barnaby's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "We can be the sleigh. There are enough of us that we will work as one."

"That’s a great idea Barnaby," said Mrs. Claus. And she began calling out instructions to make it so they could work as a sleigh.

Pretty soon the elves were into position, and they could easily transition from being elves standing in random places, to being a flying sleigh. The elves were ready to go see Santa.

"Where is my sleigh?" Santa asked worriedly, as he looked around not seeing anything but elves.

"Now!" shouted Mrs. Claus as she stamped her foot.

The elves got into position and thought of flying. Soon they were in the air.

"I'm not sure that that will work," said Santa worriedly.

"It will," Mrs. Claus answered.

Barnaby was the only elf not part of the sleigh, so he said, "Climb in,” as he held out his hands toward the sleigh, motioning for Santa to get in. Santa tested his weight in it. He fit!

"Barnaby, could you grab my present bag for me?" Santa asked. Then he called out, "Don't forget the carved train on my desk! I made it for a very special little boy!"

When Barnaby returned, the elves took off. Santa was worried it wouldn't work without reindeer, but it was just fine.

Ring-tail Lemur By: Kenadie r.

Do you know what a ring-tail lemur is? A ring-tail lemur is kind of like a monkey with a long stripy tail. It is an endangered animal. A ring-tail lemur has about 6-30 lemurs in troop. A troop is kind of like a pack of wolves but with monkeys in it. A ring-tail lemur is also a mammal.

A ring-tail lemur looks like a black, white, and grey monkey. It has a really

long tail with rings of black and white stripes all down its

tail. It uses its tail to hang on trees and to get fruit. a

ring-tail lemur is 17 inches or longer and its tail is 21 inches

long! like I said, it has a really long tail. The ring-tail lemur

has big yellow eyes. it uses its big eyes to see well at night

and see its prey from a far distance. A lot of people think that they look scary, but I think they’re really cute. Ring-tail lemurs are about the size of an average monkey. They are not very small and if they stand on their hind legs they would be about as tall as a tall man’s knees. here is one way you could envision a ring tail-lemur. try and imagine a gray monkey with a big yellow eyes and a long stripy tail. Can you image a ring-tail lemur now? A ring-tail lemur has piercing claws so when they go hunting they can get a good grip of their prey, but don’t worry, they won’t eat you. The ring-tail lemurs feast on bugs and meat. They use their middle finger to tap on the trees so that they can scare the bugs and hear the bugs in the tree. After they Hear the bugs they pick the bark off the tree and they eat the bugs. Another thing they eat is sap. They love sap. They eat it like it’s candy. One type of meat they eat is any kind of meat they can find in the trees. They like to stay in trees a lot. They feel safe in the trees because all of their predators are on the ground.

African Elephants by Jessica

African elephants are awesome. They are

the largest land animal in the world.

Elephants weigh 5,000 to 14000 lbs. They

eat roots.

African elephants are the largest mammal in

the world and are slightly bigger than Asian

elephants. They can be identified by their

huge ears that are kind of shaped like

Africa. Their ears help to keep them cool

but, sometimes the African heat is too

much. An African elephant’s trunk is actually

a long nose for smelling, breathing,

trumpeting, drinking, and also for grabbing.

Both female and male elephants have tusks.

African elephants weigh 5,000 to 14, 000

lbs. and their size is 8.2 to13 ft. They are

mammals and their group name is called a

herd. These awesome elephants have a

longer pregnancy than any other mammal,

which can be almost 4 months. African

elephants give birth usually every 2-4 years.

These elephants enjoy showering by

sucking water into their trunks and

spraying it all over themselves.

African elephants eat roots, grasses,

fruit, and bark. They eat a lot of these

things. An adult African elephants can

consume up to 300 pounds of food in a single

day. These awesome animals are big because

they eat a lot of food.

That is all I have to say about awesome

elephants. I love these animals because they

have really long noses. I also love African

elephants because their babies are so

adorable. That’s why I love African

elephants. Do you?

The Amazing Artic Fox by Sarah

Artic foxes have a beautiful white coat that is

sometimes blue-gray. They eat fish. During

blizzards they dig

into the snow to

create shelters. Also

they have large tails.

I think artic foxes are


Artic foxes have striking fur. During the winter it is

white or sometimes blue-gray. In the summer there

fur is brown or gray. These colorings help the Artic

fox catch its food.

Artic foxes eat rodents, birds, and fish. In the

winter, food is scarce on the ground. During that

time they follow polar bears and eat the scraps that

the polar bear drops.

They have a large tail like a cat for balance. But it

also helps to keep them warm by laying down and

covering themselves. I think it is really adorable.

The Aye-aye By Blake

Do you know what an Aye-aye is? The aye-aye survives on the island of Madagascar. The aye-aye has sharp claws and big eyes.

The aye-aye’s body is 14-17 inches long and the tail is twice as long as the body. Some

people actually think it's attractive

This paragraph is about the aye-aye’s diet. The aye-aye is an omnivore which means it eat plants and meat. The meat it eats consists of bugs and leeches. The plants consists of rami nuts, nectar, some fungi, and mangos.

This paragraph is about where it lives. It lives on the African island of Madagascar. Its home is in the rain forest trees. Did you know that the aye-aye is endangered?

This paragraph is about the aye-aye's behavior. They are nocturnal and are related to monkeys. Did you know that the

aye-aye can live up to 20 years? They also have eco-location just like bats.

I hope that you had a lot of fun learning about the aye-aye. We learned a lot about the aye-aye. The aye-aye is an uncanny animal. I would also like to encourage you to actually look it up.

The Dog-Napping by Henry Holmgren

It was a dark and stormy night everybody in McynuTown was awake because of the Malonceny’s. They were up all night because their dog named Steak had been dog-napped!

“He was last seen in his kennel but then he was gone,” said Cheese to a policeman. A bunch of cops had come over to investigate. They had found some fingerprints. A cop took the fingerprints and drove to the police station.

“We are doing all we can, Mrs. Cheese,” they said.

“Thank you so much for helping,” she said and then, slammed the door. “Aaaaa! They’re finally gone. I just can’t believe that Steak has been dog-napped.”

“These thingies happen,” said Cheese. “At least we still have his picture.”

Kkkrkrkrkrrkkrrkrkrkrkboom! There in a secret room was Steak! And they all lived happily ever after.

The End

! The Gorgeous Snow Leopards ! By: Evelyn

What is a snow leopard? Snow leopards

are carnivores. They look very beautiful. The

epic animals are very strong. Snow leopards live

in the mountains only.

These cool animals are carnivores. That

means that the snow leopards are meat lovers.

Snow leopards eat the blue sheep of Tibet and

Himalayan ibex. Also sometimes they might eat

smaller fare like: marmots, hares and game


Snow leopards have beautiful, spotted,

thick fur. Their thick, gray, fur is also soft. The

grand, beautiful body of the snow leopard

grows to be 4-5 feet. The snow leopards’ tail

grows to 36 inches at the most. The sad thing is,

though they’re attractive, they are also almost


Snow leopards have powerful back legs

for jumping in the mountains. Their back legs

also let them jump up to 50 ft. at the most. They

have very long tails for extra balance. Snow

leopards can

kill animals

up to three

times their

own weight.


animals live

in the


In case you

could not

tell, they live

in the

mountains of Central Asia.

So now you know what the snow leopard

is. They are meat lovers. Snow leopards have

epic, thick spotted fur. Their back legs are very

powerful, and live in the mountains of Central


The Great Aye Aye By Cooper

Aye-ayes are very cool and interesting. Aye ayes consume trees. Aye ayes are creepy. Aye ayes adore the tree tops and are endangered.

Aye ayes consume coconut meat and bugs. Coconut meat is the food in the coconut. Aye ayes consume all types of insects but mostly flies. Aye ayes also consume fruits and berries, like blueberries or apples.

The aye ayes stay up high in the tree because they can’t run on the ground. But they can climb in the trees. That is how they can get around the jungles of Madagascar. They can also swing in the tree tops. I think it is to stay away from its ground predators.

The aye aye is very creepy and is very long. The aye aye’s body is 14 in. and its tail is 24 in. long. The aye aye has big googly eyes. The aye aye has really long claws. The aye aye has powerful legs used to climb about.

The aye aye is a very interesting creature. The aye aye is a very misunderstood creature. The aye aye is amazing!
