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January|February Connection...2021/01/01  · Joshua Richman Esther Schuster Robin Smith Dan Weinrib...

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January|February Connection Tevet|Shevat|Adar 5781
  • January|February Connection Tevet|Shevat|Adar 5781

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    Temple Beth El | 2179 Highland Ave. S., Birmingham, AL 35205 | www.templebeth-el.net

    Table of Contents

    In This Issue

    Rabbi’s Message: pg. 3

    Synagogue Closure/Reopening Update: pg. 4

    Men’s Club: pg. 5

    Gen XYZ: pg. 5

    TBE Foundation News : pg. 6

    Board Message: pg. 7

    Service Schedule: pg. 8

    Programming: pg. 9

    Adult Education: pg. 12

    Social Action: pg. 18

    Simchas: pg. 20

    Yahrzeits: pg. 21

    Condolences: pg. 24

    Kaddish Update: pg. 24

    Donations: pg. 25

    Staff Rabbi: Stephen Slater | [email protected] Music & Youth: Sarah Metzger | [email protected] Programming & Adult Education: Bethany Slater | [email protected] Marketing & Communications: Lindsey Herring | [email protected] Engagement & Collaboration: Margaret Norman | [email protected] Office & Operations: Amber Richards | [email protected] Finance: [email protected] | 205.313.0619 TBE Foundation Exec. Director: Cathy Fingerman | [email protected]

    2020-21 Board of Directors

    President: Ronald Levitt | [email protected] Vice President: Naomi Ivker | [email protected] Vice President: Allen Halpern | [email protected]

    Treasurer: Steve Altmann | [email protected]

    Secretary: Abe Schuster | [email protected]

    Keith Abrams (Foundation rep) Marsha Asman Suzanne Bearman Fred Benjamin

    Alex Grodner Jan Jaffe Katie Hausman Jan Hirsch (Sisterhood rep) Ellen Italiaander

    Dani Kahn-Krell Howard Kaplan (Men’s Club rep) Arlene Redisch Evan Rhodes

    Joshua Richman Esther Schuster Robin Smith Dan Weinrib

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    On Transforming Evil Into Good By Rabbi Stephen Slater

    After a long year of social distancing, we are now in the midst of a cold, dark, deadly and lonely winter. But Chanukah reminds us that our task as Jews is to bring light into the darkness, and to bring warmth into the cold. At Beth El, we hope that we have brought you warmth, light, safety, love and support throughout this long pandemic. This year we are building stronger community connections. We are also so grateful to have been able to host the community-wide Interfaith Thanksgiving Service that brought us together with a dozen local congregations from across the city and can be viewed on our YouTube page. We are grateful and we were honored to be called on for a panel discussion at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. We are exploring our history and our sense of place as a community deeply rooted in the city of Birmingham. As part of this focus, we have created the well-attended and much discussed Tirdof series of programming that is focused on the legacy of Jewish participation in the struggle for Civil Rights Past and Present here in our city. We have run more programs than ever before. And I feel that they are of a much higher quality than anything we have been able to previously deliver. We have also been building stronger connections within our Temple Beth El community. We have been careful to support the most vulnerable in our congregation with phone calls, special Gen XYZ concerts, delivery of Passover in a Box and most recently, Chanukah gift bags to those who are alone during the holidays. Our Jewish education, and particularly adult education, is burning more brightly in the community. Bethany has added the Jewish Canon discussion with the Rebbetzin and the Tikkun Middot monthly gathering onto her schedule which already included teaching the introduction to Judaism course JewCurious and directing the Religious School. She and her excellent team of educators have creatively engaged students through the safety of online classrooms. I have been able to teach about the dynamic relationship of Dr. King and Rabbi Heschel on Thursdays at noon over Zoom. The book of Bereshit, Genesis, concludes with the story of Joseph’s reconciliation with his brothers. When Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, he forgives them saying, “While you meant it for evil, God has transformed it for good, in order to keep many people alive.” Seldom have these words felt more applicable to our time, particularly the part about how our response to a very bad thing like a pandemic, can result in saving many lives. Amid a difficult time, Joseph finds that for which he can be thankful. Despite the famine bringing starvation to many people, God had carefully placed him in a position to save many lives. Rather than blaming his brothers for his slavery, he finds something to be thankful for and identifies the guiding hand of Providence enabling him to transform something evil into something good. Seldom have we lived through times that feel so biblical. Seldom have we needed bonds of trust and support to sustain us as much as we have this year during the pandemic of 2020. I hope that your gratitude moves you to give to our special upcoming annual fundraiser, Nosh & Learn. This year, we particularly need your support to transform what might have been a bad year into a good year. This easily could have been the year that would have forced Temple Beth El to make difficult decisions about our future. However, with your help this can be a year that we put Beth El on track for a brighter future, bringing light and warmth into Jewish homes for generations to come. This can be a transformative year. This can be a year when something bad like this pandemic, can be transformed for the good. May this be a year remembered for the light and warmth that we bring into the world. —Rabbi Stephen

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    We wish you all the best in this season and always. During this time of year we are all especially aware of how much we miss the ability to gather in person to worship and connect with our Temple Beth El family. To that end, the Temple Beth El reopening committee has been working hard since the High Holidays to find the safest ways for our community to be together. To date, we found ways to offer an in-person High Holiday experience, two livestream B’nai Mitzvah, several outdoor picnics, Friday night services and Saturday night Havdalah experiences, along with an amazing amount of virtual experiences.

    These events were planned in direct consultation with our Medical Advisory Board which provided us with recommendations based on the current science and data. Recently, the reopening committee was ready to proceed with a Pandemic B’nai Mitzvah procedure as well as begin preparation for small groups to worship in a safe and comfortable outdoor service. With deep regret, based on the current data regarding our community conditions and the advice of our Medical Advisory Board, we have had to put these plans on hold. We are hopeful that the distribution of a vaccine will enable us to safely gather before long.

    We have heard from many of you and greatly appreciate your input and wise counsel. We too miss gathering with our Temple Beth El family and are experiencing the very real need for worship, community and human contact. We have faith that our Beth El community will emerge from this time with a greater appreciation of how much brighter our light shines when we come together. We will continue to keep you informed of the time that we all greatly anticipate, the time when we can be together again in person.

    —The Temple Beth El Reopening Committee: Naomi Ivker, Joshua Richman, Ed Fineberg, Shira Goldberg, Fred Benjamin, Rabbi Stephen Slater

    Pandemic Protocol: Where We Stand on Reopening

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    Exciting News for Gen XYZ Mark your calendar for a Zoom event Tuesday Feb. 2, 2021 at 2 pm. Since we couldn't travel to Sylacauga last Spring to see the incredible marble works, we are bringing the expert to you.

    Ruth Cook, author of "Magic in Stone, The Sylacauga Marble Story," will present the fascinating account of the emergence and significance of Sylacauga, its renowned marble industry and the memories of individuals connected to its development.

    Please join us for this special Gen XYZ program. More details, including Zoom information, coming soon. Contact Dorothy Ziff with questions.

    If you are among the Gen XYZ group and need technical assistance, an expert is available to help. Her name is Rachel Rae Hayden and she’s offered to help our seniors with their technology so they can actively watch and participate in Temple Beth El’s virtual services and programs. You can contact her directly if you are a Gen XYZ member at 205.223.0227 or [email protected].

    Happy New Year from Men’s Club Well … 2020 was fun, HA! I do want to thank all of the Men's Club Members for their 2020 membership and wish everyone a Happy and HEALTHY New Year! Even though everything was shut down, we did actually accomplish A LOT for such a CRAZY year. Had a GREAT Super Bowl Fundraiser and Membership Drive, gave all the fifth graders their own personal Tefillin from Jerusalem. Men's Club did all the grilling for the Temple's Purim Festival. We Ushered in the High Holidays, helped build the Sukkah, supported the Temple's Blood Drive, Community Kitchen, and Sam Lapidus Run. So, all in all and under the circumstances, Men's Club can step into 2021 with a good feeling that we did do good for our Temple and our Community in 2020. And, that's what Men's Club is all about! Now, for 2021: Normally, we would be talking about our Men's Club Super Bowl Fundraiser and Membership Drive right now, but sitting back in early December when I wrote this, I just did not feel the timing was right to have a Men's Club Fundraiser. So, I am punting (get it Super Bowl Fundraiser) down the road to our Men's Club March Madness Membership (and now Fundraiser) Drive. Hopefully, they won't cancel this year, like last year, and we can make this happen! Because, Men's Club is still going to need its members, we are still going to purchase all the fifth graders their Tefillin from Jerusalem, we are still going to contribute to wherever the Temple needs us to and we are still going to support our Community and we are still going to have a SUCCESFUL 2021! Till March, my friends! Allen Halpern, Men’s Club President

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    Three New Funds Round Out 2020 for Foundation Have you ever heard that good things come in threes?

    As we end 2020, The Temple Beth-El Foundation is celebrating three new Funds and the people who forged these legacies:

    The Bari Mazer Roseman Chevra Kadisha Fund The Mattenson-Mesch Beit Midrash Fund, and

    The Brande Family College Connection Fund

    Three is a powerful number—the smallest number that can create a recognizable pattern. Is there a discernable pattern to these three Funds? They have different purposes and represent diverse donors. Let’s see what they have in common.

    Evan Roseman’s parents were Barry (male) and Bari (female) Roseman. That’s how Bari Roseman introduced herself, with a twinkle in her eye. An only child, Evan was close with both parents. His Mom lit up Evan’s world with her travels, her home décor and her fan club of Homewood High students who felt Mrs. Roseman made history come alive. After Barry died in 2012, Bari became a Member of Temple Beth-El and relished Rabbi Stephen’s Torah study. She passed away this April after a battle with ovarian cancer. Evan was moved by the sheer kindness of the TBE Chevra Kadisha, volunteers who washed, prayed with, dressed and sat with Bari until interment. He wanted to ensure the tradition of Chevra Kadisha in our community, and he did so by establishing the Bari Mazer Roseman Chevra Kadisha Fund.

    Merle Mattenson and his wife Nissah Mesch Mattenson built a life steeped in Judaism, raising five children. Merle Mattenson loved learning. His motto was a verse from the Midrash. It was inscribed in a book that his father-in-law, Rabbi Abraham Mesch of Temple Beth El, presented to him: דעה קנית מה .”One who acquires knowledge lacks for nothing; One who lacks knowledge has acquired nothing“חםרת: Merle amassed a library that his children remember with reverence. Upon the passing of both parents, the Mattenson children wanted the right place to showcase 3,000 volumes, including scholarly works. Temple Beth-El was the perfect fit with its connection to the Mesch family. Construction is underway to build the Mattenson-Mesch Beit Midrash, a library for reflection, meetings, and study on the third floor of the shul. The Fund established by the Mattenson children in the Foundation ensures ongoing support for this project.

    Barbara and Scott Brande both possess a down-to-earth vibe that belies their accomplishments. Barbara is assistant professor of geology in the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics at the University of Montevallo; Scott, in addition to being an entrepreneur, teaches at UAB as associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and also the Department of Chemistry. They are active at Temple Beth El and raised their now adult children, Sarah and Yoni, in our community. When looking to give back, Barbara and Scott naturally gravitated towards what they knew best—college kids. Temple Beth El’s College Connection currently serves twenty college/ graduate school kids of TBE members with five goodie packages a year, coinciding with Jewish holidays. The new Brande Family College Connection Fund will provide ongoing financial support and be an investment in our future.

    Three Funds. Three Purposes. One Pattern—Continuity. Each one of these Funds preserves Temple Beth El’s resources, providing continuity for generations to come.

    Foundation President Keith Abrams, the Foundation Board and I invite you to join us in thanking our newest donors.

    —Cathy Fingerman, Executive Director, Temple Beth-El Foundation

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    Now that we have ventured into 2021, I can absolutely tell you how much fun my first six months as Board President of our beloved Temple Beth El has been. Take that how you like. Seriously, my first six months have been challenging and rewarding. What a great time to be involved in Temple Beth El. During the past six months, we have prayed with our feet during our High Holidays, prayed weekly and daily together (mostly virtually), welcomed wonderfully talented new professional staff, developed relationships with other faith communities in Birmingham, participated in multicultural citywide virtual activities, received a treasure of books that we will develop into the Mattenson-Mesch Beit Midrash, planned collaboratively with other Jewish Organizations, organized a new way of doing Religious School, celebrated b’nai mitzvah and mourned the passing of some

    of our members and friends. We have welcomed generous gifts into our Foundation, paid down our debt to some degree, changed accounting systems and brought in a new accounting staff, and we planned and implemented a socially-distanced fundraiser. As we weather the pandemic and stay as busy as we can, we are, most of all, looking forward to a bright future when we can all be together, touch and hug each other, and be the warm, loving and giving community that we all know is Temple Beth El. I hope during this time, you have been encouraged knowing that Temple Beth El and its staff and volunteers are all working very hard to help give us meaningful Jewish experiences, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. I can’t wait to see what we can do when we get back to normal. In the meantime, be safe, happy and involved. We will be together soon.

    —Ronald Levitt, President

    2020 Reflections Your Board

    Contact the Shul in Illness and Injury

    If you become ill or hurt, and you want TBE to know about it, please reach out to Temple Beth El or have someone reach out on your behalf. We want to know so we can be helpful and supportive of our congregants in need, but we cannot do

    that without knowledge of those needs.

    We can do so much more for you if we know about what’s happening! With Covid-19 being so restrictive, our normal sources of information are not as fruitful.

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    January Service Schedule

    Shabbat Vayechi Friday, Jan. 1 5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services 4:32 pm Candle lighting Saturday, Jan. 2 9:30 am Shabbat morning services Shabbat Shemot Friday, Jan. 8 5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services 4:27 pm Candle lighting Saturday, Jan. 9 9:30 am Shabbat morning services Shabbat Va’era Friday, Jan. 15 5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services 4:23 pm Candle lighting Saturday, Jan. 16 9:30 am Shabbat morning services

    Shabbat Bo Friday, Jan. 22 5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services 4:21 pm Candle lighting Saturday, Jan. 23 9:30 am Bat Mitzvah of Ellie Halpern Shabbat Bo Friday, Jan. 29 5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services 4:21 pm Candle lighting Saturday, Jan. 30 9:30 am Shabbat morning services

    February Service Schedule

    Shabbat Yitro Friday, Feb. 5 5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services 4:20 pm Candle lighting Saturday, Feb. 6 9:30 am Shabbat morning services Shabbat Mishpatim Friday, Feb. 12 5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services 4:27 pm Candle lighting Saturday, Feb. 13 9:30 am Shabbat morning services

    Shabbat Terumah Friday, Feb. 19 5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services 4:24 pm Candle lighting Saturday, Feb. 20 9:30 am Shabbat morning services Shabbat Tetzaveh Friday, Feb. 26 5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services 4:21 pm Candle lighting Saturday, Feb. 27 9:30 am Shabbat morning services

    Friday evening services available on Zoom and Facebook. Saturday morning services available on


    Visit the Congregational Calendar page on our website for direct links to view services.

    Purim is this month! We’ll share a schedule as soon as plans are solidified on the Temple Beth El website and calendar.

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    Other Programs

    Save the date for the Tu B’Shevat Edition of Picnic on Highlands! Picnic on Highlands is a special series of outdoor gatherings with a focus on young families. Bring a lunch, a blanket or chairs, and, of course, your favorite face mask. We’ll provide warm treats and drinks, Tu B’Shevat snacks, Shabbat friendly activities and additional childcare, so that parents can socialize too. Picnic on Highlands takes place at Caldwell Park. Reach out to [email protected] with questions or to let us know you're coming.

    This event is presented in partnership with the Etta Caine Kiddush Luncheon Fund, Ceitlin Family Kiddush Luncheon Fund, Laufman Family Kiddush Luncheon Fund, Sanders/Levey Family Fund and the Arnold and Florie Krell Childcare Fund.

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    Our 2021 annual fundraiser and first ever Nosh and Learn takeout tour is happening this spring! Along the driving route, participants will get to see places of significance that stand at the intersection of Civil Rights and Southern Jewish history.

    This driving tour is a sneak peek into the development of the Beth El Civil Rights Experience; a multimedia project focused on this underexplored history is coming to Birmingham in the fall of 2021. The Beth El Civil Rights Experience includes the implementation of a visitor’s site, creation of a short documentary film, app-based audio tour and public-facing programming on Civil Rights past and present. Participants will pick up all the components of a three-course meal, culminating in delicious kosher fried chicken, by the end of the takeout tour.

    Registration information will be mailed separately. Date and details are coming soon to the Temple Beth El website and calendar.

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    The Tirdof series draws from the phrase “tzedek, tzedek tirdof,” which translates to “justice, justice, you shall pursue” (Deuteronomy 16:20). We’ve heard many of you express a desire for this type of programming,

    and are focusing on bringing events to Beth El that allow opportunities for reflection, conversation and action. Save the date for these Tirdof programs. Reach out to [email protected] with questions.

    Rabbi’s Beit Midrash: Heschel and King Noon to 1 pm, Thursdays weekly (ongoing)

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83601065775; Meeting ID: 836 0106 5775 In 1963, an unlikely relationship emerged between two leading clergymen, who might not have

    otherwise met had they not been thrown together during the height of the Civil Rights Movement by the force of their ideas and their audacious claims upon the conscience of America. Come explore their theological relationship and mutual support in activism. What brought these two men of faith together and made them a dynamic duo?

    Tirdof Discussion Group: The Movement Continues 7-8 pm, Feb. 15

    In December we gathered to discuss the Institute of Southern Jewish Life’s Virtual Vacation feature, “Empathy or Complicity? Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights.” Now, join us for “The Movement Continues,” a conversation between Carolina Jews for Justice, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ISJL’s Community Engagement Department. Participants are asked to view the video ahead of time and come ready to discuss. Those who register by Thursday 2/11 will receive a special snack dropped off in advance! “If you live more than 5 miles from Temple Beth El, we invite you to pick up your snack at the front office on 2/14 or 2/15. See the Temple Beth El calendar or website for Zoom registration.

    Against Analogy: Talking About Racism and Anti-Semitism Together and Apart

    1:30-2:30 pm, Feb. 28 When is it illuminating to see our story in others? When does analogy obscure? Join us for this discussion on the intersections and divergences of racism and anti-Semitism and the pros and cons of comparative conversations. Dr. Daniel Levine, Professor of Political Science and Chair of Judaic Studies at the University of Alabama, will lead us in discussion and participants will be asked to do a short reading ahead of time. See the Temple Beth El calendar or website for Zoom registration.

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    We are excited to announce a new programming series welcoming our inter-everything families. Why inter-everything? Because in conversations with our community it’s become clear that interfaith doesn’t cover it. Our community is interfaith, intercultural, inter-denominational and everything beyond and in between. Rather than get caught up on labels we’re looking for chances to connect, and if you and/or your

    family identify as inter-anything we want to connect with you! Get in touch with Margaret at [email protected] with questions or to share your programming ideas!

    Future “Inter-Everything” events will include social gatherings such as picnics and hikes, as well as opportunities for education and conversation.

    Kid Friendly Cook-A-Long and Recipe Swap 1:30-2:30 pm, Feb. 14

    Food is one of the most wonderful ways in which diverse backgrounds, cultures and faiths come together. Therefore, it is fitting that the first installment in our new Inter-Everything Initiative is a kid-friendly cook-a-long and recipe swap. Join Engagement and Collaboration Coordinator Margaret Norman in preparing an easy meringue cookie—customizable for a variety of holidays—while engaging in a discussion about food and family, and having some fun.

    Participants who register by Feb. 10 will receive the recipe and a chocolate drop-off and are invited to bring along a sweet or savory favorite recipe to share with the group. Kids of all ages welcome! See the Temple Beth El calendar or website for Zoom registration.

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    This is a biweekly series focused on intellectual stimulation and cultural programming. Programs will include book talks, workshops, lectures, watch parties and more Thursday nights on Zoom from November

    to May. Some programs will have a cost to help cover licensing expenses or honorariums: $18-36 for members and $36-56 for nonmembers.

    Women’s Work: A Conversation about

    Gender Equity in the Workplace 7 pm , Jan. 7

    Whitney Wright is the co-founder of the Athena Collective, an Alabama-based nonprofit dedicated to gender equity, and the founder of Elia Fulmen, a company that uses empowerment research to enact empowerment theories through jewelry. She also does strategic consulting providing unique cross-discipline and cross-platform perspectives to executive teams, foundations and start-ups. Come hear stories about her diverse experiences working in the finance, media, publishing, hospitality, and energy industries, and learn more about current issues related to women in the workforce. Registration here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkcuquqTIsG9QskArWtTKBCMLbYIdB-T-W

    Hidden Stories: Birmingham’s First Jewish Settlers 7-8 pm , Jan. 14

    Join us for a riveting conversation on Birmingham’s early Jewish history and some myth busting around Birmingham’s earliest Jewish settlers. Drawing off her dissertation, “Magic City Jews: Integration and Public Memory in Birmingham, Alabama,” Dr. Melissa Young will focus on three figures; Herman Simon, Charles Neumann and Sophia Wise, their roles in Birmingham's history and the role of public memory in recording it. Young received her PhD from the University of Alabama’s History Department and is currently the primary scholar on the Beth El Civil Rights Experience. This is a chance not only to learn about Birmingham Jewish history, but to get to know this new member of our community.


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    Podcast Dinner Club: ‘Resting the Land’ with Judaism Unbound 6-7 pm , Jan. 28

    Want to learn more about “earth-based Judaism?” Love book clubs, but don’t have time for them? Just us for the first iteration of our podcast dinner club—a chance for participants to virtually and easily come together for food, discussion and socializing. Our first session will focus on the Judaism Unbound episode “Resting the Land.” Judaism Unbound is a project of the Institute for the Next Jewish Future, and a weekly podcast focused on all of the innovative developments in American Judaism. In this episode, hosts Dan and Lex chat with Nati Passow, over the former Jewish Farm School about resting the land, sabbatical and jubilee and the implications of this conversation for COVID times.

    This is a particularly exciting conversation as we finish the celebration of Tu B’shevat and get ready to welcome the next shmita year, coming 5782. Rather than ask participants to listen ahead of time, we'll actually listen together, via Zoom—pausing for points of discussion. Register by Jan. 25 to receive an appetizer and drink kit dropped off at your home. If you live more than 5 miles from Temple Beth El, we invite you to pick up your treat at the Temple.

    Accessing program

    archives: locations

    online and instructions

    I see the holder for accessing program archives – I’m going to start posting select programs on YouTube. You can instruct people to email me if there’s a program they’re wanting to access that isn’t on YouTube, since I’m only posting the free ones.

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    Jewish Cooking and Bal Taschit with the Institute of Southern Jewish Life and Temple Emanu-El

    4:30-5:30 pm, Jan. 10 Learn how to be mindful of the environmental impact of our eating habits and to avoid food waste while trying some fun, sustainable Jewish recipes. This is the perfect workshop leading up to Tu B’Shevat, when we celebrate trees and the Earth, and a chance to connect with the broader Birmingham Jewish community. Save the date—registration information will be posted on the Temple Beth El calendar and website. Reach out to [email protected] with questions.

    Love and Ruach: Tapping Into Your Reiki Energy 11 am to 12:30 pm, Feb. 14

    The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (http://nccam.nih.gov) recognizes Reiki as part of complementary and alternative medicine and places it within a domain called Energy Medicine. In this domain, therapies are based on the belief that disturbances in energy cause illness. Energy medicine practitioners seek to improve the flow and balance of energy in a beneficial way.

    Instructor: Terri Ann Heiman, Spiritual Counselor and Reiki Master Teacher. Terri helps women who are going through crisis (like divorce or starting over) who feel lost and disconnected by offering spiritual upgrades for their path. Through her Empowered Spirit Programs, she teaches them tools and techniques to regain their confidence and trust their inner guidance. She has been interviewed on ABC and published several times in Reiki News Magazine. Her first book, Confessions of a Shower Tapper - The Ultimate Guide to Living Your Purpose with EFT is available on Amazon. She is the host of the podcast, The Empowered Spirit Show where she explores the connection to the human spirit in a way that helps to navigate your life. You can learn more about her work at her website: TerriAnnHeiman.com or you can give her a call at 516-457-3885.

    Sunday mornings once a month This collection of programs are meant to support your physical, environmental, mental and spiritual well being. Judaism’s vision for a life well lived is a life of wholeness. Shalem means wholeness, healthy, harmony, total well-being. It is related to shalom, peace. Over this coming year we are intentionally hosting programs to support you in cultivating these values.

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    Technology and You: ShulCloud Transition In December, we completed the transition to a new database, ShulCloud. This system replaces Chaverware and allows us to have a Cloud-based online system for all things Temple Beth El. It allows us to offer you all a better congregant experience, as you’ll each be able to access your personal account information online through a member portal. That means you can see your account balances, update your contact information and much more.

    While the switch was complete in December, we’re still working on fine-tuning the member portal for ease of use. This process will take a little while to set up, but know it’s coming. We’ll email you with more information and instructions on setting up your login credentials when that aspect is ready to be fully utilized.

    One of the major benefits to this software is streamlining the financials. So we appreciate your patience as we face new and unexpected challenges following the transition. Along those same lines, we’ve also transitioned to an outside bookkeeping firm. We no longer have a full-time bookkeeper on site. You can leave messages for our new part-time remote financial associate, Jamie Gable, at 205.313.0619 or email her at [email protected].

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    Repairing the World: Social Action Opportunities Tzedakah The [T]Be Involved Social Action Committee and Rabbi Stephen are encouraging charitable giving in connection to our Jewish holidays. As the Talmud states, the mitzvah of tzedakah is equivalent to all the other mitzvot.

    Tu B’Shevat is the New Year of the Trees, a time for ecological awareness. As we celebrate the “birthday of the trees,” we should give a gift to the earth by supporting organizations that work toward environmental sustainability.

    The next holiday, Purim, commemorates the saving of the Jews. Donating to those in need, mattanot la-evyonim, is part of the prescribed celebrations for Purim; it has become customary for rabbis/synagogues to collect funds on their behalf.

    For these holidays, we encourage congregants to give tzedakah to the following worthy causes: 1.) Hazon —the Jewish Lab for Sustainability (https://hazon.org/)—Hazon, the largest faith-based environmental organization in the U.S., strives to strengthen Jewish life and create a more environmentally sustainable world for everyone. 2.) American Jewish World Service (https://ajws.org/)—AJWS fights poverty and pursues justice in the developing world through philanthropy and advocacy. The issues it addresses include disaster response, genocide, persecution of women and minorities, environmental justice and ending child marriage.

    VISION: Engaging in Tikkun Olam is a core value of Temple Beth El congregants. We are a consistent and recognized partner in the greater Birmingham community.

    MISSION: To provide the TBE community (including but not limited to our members) opportunities to participate in Temple Beth El planned and sponsored, Judaically-informed, social actions throughout the Jewish calendar year.

    Thank you to the following donors who supported Community Kitchens holiday meals

    Jenny Alexander Marsha Asman Bernard Axel Cheryl & Richard Azrin Lisa & Paul Bebenek Barbara Bonfield Lisa & Jim Bor Barbara & Scott Brande Lenora Pate & Steven Brickman Nola Chambers Naomi & Patrick Davis Sandra Jaffe & Barry Dreayer Naomi & Edwin Fineberg Cathy & Irwin Fingerman Shirley & Ronald Froehlich

    Beth & John Gerwin Sandra & Douglas Gilbert Laurie & Rabbi Brian Glusman Shira & Matthew Goldberg Nancy Goldberg Honi & Steven Gottlieb Sue Jaffe Ricki & Lanning Kline Sheri & James Krell Stacy & Justin Ladden Nancy & Doug Lewis Elaine May Celia & Jared Nadler Susan & Stuart Padove Mandy Parente

    Marjorie Perlman & Jay Stern Cathy & Lee Rogoff Marilynn & Earl Rothstein Arlene & Marvin Shelsky Bridget & Steven Sikora Bethany & Rabbi Stephen Slater Diane & Howard Slaughter Samantha & Jim St. John Bernard Stern Sharron & Sean Swain Clark Thompson Nan & Doug Unkenholz Elaine Witt & Michael Sznajderman


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    Jan. 18: MLK Day of Service with SAC and United Way Hands On The Social Action Committee encourages you to use Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a “day of service” through United Way Hands on (formerly Hands on Birmingham). Hands On pairs volunteers with local opportunities to give back to our community. As projects are posted, the SAC will select one for TBE members who wish to participate as a group, if they so choose. Check out unitedwayhands.org to learn more about this organization.

    Purim with SAC: M’shaloach Manot Bags The Social Action Committee is again planning to assemble M’shaclah Manot Bags to distribute at Highland Manor for Purim this year. Rather than gather at Temple Beth El, the SAC is looking for volunteers who would be able to assemble bags in their own homes, and distribute bags masked at Highland Manor. SAC will also be accepting donations of individually wrapped items for drop off at 3417 Mtn Pk Dr. Help SAC fill 105 bags this year! Email Diane Slaughter [email protected] for more information or to get involved.

    SAC Suggested Action: Consider Uniontown The SAC has been working to provide resources and donations to the city of Uniontown, Alabama. Uniontown is one of the poorest cities in the US in addition to experiencing environmental injustice from toxic spills and materials in the area that threaten the health of citizens. We have already contributed children’s books, food and other used items of need. Do you have items to donate? Things you’d be giving away to a thrift store? Why not provide those items to Uniontown, a community with which we are working to form a responsive relationship? To learn more about environmental inequities and the community’s struggle for justice visit: http://blackbeltcitizens.org/our-history/. To donate items contact Adam Johnston at 205.847.0835 or [email protected] and to learn more email Diane Slaughter: [email protected].

    mailto:[email protected]://blackbeltcitizens.org/our-history/http://blackbeltcitizens.org/our-history/mailto:[email protected]

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    Mazal Tov and Simcha Stories

    Let’s Celebrate Mazal Tov to Donna & Gary Schiff on the marriage of their son, David, to Caroline Keenan of Atlanta, daughter of Kelly & David Keenan. Mazal Tov to Susan & Stuart Padove on their granddaughter Eloise Henry becoming a Bat Mitzvah this past November. Eloise is the daughter of Mindy & Steve Henry. Mazal Tov to Phyllis Weinstein on her centennial celebration! Phyllis turns 100 in January.

    Mazal Tov to the following on their January and February milestones. Special birthdays are acknowledged beginning at age 25 and every

    January Faye Bernstein Penny Gordon Hannah Helman Pat Miller Lynette Slaughter Sandy Stern Phyllis Weinstein

    February Randy Bernstein John Gerwin Mary Kimerling Jay Perlstein Rebecca Rothman Jerry Sokol Debby Thomas Boris Zinger

    January Cheryl & Richard Azrin (28) Sonya Pritzker & Jeremy Bailin (1) Basya Bolshinskaya & Leonid Bolshinsky (52) Lisa & Jim Bor (18) Sherry & Jerry Cherner (62) Mary & Jay Cohen (20) Gayle & Jack Gordon (41) Amanda & Layne Held (7) Debra & Jeff Lindy (18) Debbie & Martin Sher (47)

    February Ginger & Larry Brook (22) Joy & Robert Fleisher (61) Colette & Alex Grodner (6) Jan & Kenneth Jaffe (29) Jean & Ira Levine (27) Sandy & Brian Martin (21) Lisa & Marc Michelson (41) Joyce & Maury Shevin (7)

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    January & February Yahrzeits (dates indicate Shabbat in which names will be read) Jan. 1-2 Stanley Abrams *Esther Apolinsky Louis Apolinsky *Arthur Bernstein Rose Bernstein Thelma Bernstein Hyman Bloomston Dora Bonfield Margaret Castell Harriet Chused *Jenny Cohen *David Cooper *Israel Coplon Miriam Denaburg Gersh Draluk David Feldman Milton Finkelstein *Leo Friedman Emma Gessow Roslyn Gilbert *Ida Goldberg *Lottie Gordon James Griffith *Eleanor Grossman Lev Gutman Jacob Halpern Pauline Jacobs Marlene Jason *Emil Klein Syd Klein Alice Kleinberg Sylvia Kravitz Moses Kulpe Mary Kurman Judith Ladinsky Sarah Libby *Malcolm Lindy Esta Lipsky *Tillie Lischkoff *Hyman Mayberger Frank McCay *Josephine Meyers *Maurice Nathan Jeannette Nichols *Leo Nichols Louis Overdank Maryam Pischik *Bernard Randman *Jenifer Beth Rotenstreich

    Bertha Rubenstein *Leon Saroff *Chaim Schniper Abraham Schulman Litman Schuster *Annie Seligman Max Senior Eliezer Shalev William Simon *Vitteh Skalet *Issie Sokol Beatrice Stark Leah Stark *Lottie Stein Libby Tuck *Louis Wallock Goldie Waxman Lee Weiner *Bernice Weintraub *Leo Wilensky Jan. 8-9 Judy Appelbaum *Levi Becker Freida Berk Nathan Boxer Katherine Brande *Irving Buchalter *Sophie Ceitlin Dona Cohen *B. Dannis B. Dennis Molka Draluk *Beila Feigelson Janis Friedman *Max Friedman Sylvan Gershon Sidney Gewant *Fannie Goldberg *Sadie Goldberg Helen Goldman Stephen Goldman Fannie Goldstein Harold Goldstein David Greenberg *Virginia Heiman Alfred Jacobs *Sadie Jaffe Shirley Kimel Fannie Levy *Morris Levy

    *Pauline Levy *Nathan Lewis Ernest Marks *Ida Miller Ethel Mutchnick *Irving Nimeroff Mildred Packler Arthur Perlstein Sidney Rosenberg *Aaron Rosenfeld *Harry Routman *Edwin Rubenstein Helen Schulman Rubin Serwitz J. M. Silverstein *Murray Sokol *Julius Solomon *Nathan Solomon Esther Stelman Betty Tichansky *Jennie Weber Margaret Weiss Stephen Wolnek Alexander Zeltser Jan. 15-16 Leslie Allen Pauline Alterman Gertrude Applebaum Marjorie Aronov *Amon Blumberg *Pat Botnik Ida Brown Darrell Cohen *Max Cohen Lena Davis *Rose Davis *Nathan Epstein Charles Fleisig Gussie Garry Elaine Gessow Marguerite Gingold *Libby Goldner *Jerry Goldstein *Morris B. Goldstein Philip Grusin Donald Hallerman *Alfred Jaffe *Harry Kamenshine *Chana "Bertha" Kimerling

    Lena Kimerling Ester Kishinevskaya Gregor Kishinevskiy *Belle Koplon *Jacob Krantz Roslyn Kutner Gertrude Lassen *Sylvan Laufman Helen Leitman Jessie Levy *Isadore Lichter Irving May *Mervyn Mendelsohn *Aaron Pollock *Anna Pranikova *Lucie Reis *Max Roseman Isadore Schlaff *J. Harold Shevin *Celia Shugarman Alex Silverman Sarah Simon *Isadore Warner *Harry Witt *Samuel Zemurry Jr. Jan. 22-23 Rosamond Abrams David Bard *Rebecca Berman *Dave Bloomston Igor Bolshinskiy Nathan Brande Genady Bronshteyn *Rachel Cherner Therese Clark Hyme Cohen *Ida Cohen Joseph Cohen Abe Davis Sheila Downs Rebecca Gingold Harold Goldman Sarah Goldman *Arthur Goldstein *Bessie M. Goldstein *Jean Goldstein *Josephine Goldstein *P.B. (Ben) Goldstein *Nathan Gray *Evelyn Hansman

    Raoul Harris *Bruce Jacobs *Lillian Jaffe Robin Kirby *Frieda "Fanya" Kishinevskiy *Isaak Kishinevskiy Augusta Labowitz *Joseph Levenson *David Levin *Sadie Lewis *Samuel Lichtenstein *Joseph Lichter Anne Litowich *Ernestine Marx David Masur *Ben Mazer Ellen Michelson Sophie Nathan *Miriam Newman Nellie Palmer Anatoly Peremitin *Yente Reznik Alexander Robinovich-Shohar Adolph Safer Sidney Schatz Harold Schocket Perry Schwartz *Jacob Shiland *Disel Shugerman *Steven Slater David St. John Janis Staff Abe Stein Mor Stern *Alvin Tenenbaum Sharna Treyger *Charles Weinstein *Mayme Weinstein *Nathan Zarovsky *Samuel Zeidman Jan. 29-30 Irvin Allen *Joseph Applebaum *John Bearman Annie Berman Dave Berman *Jess Bernstein *Ann Brick

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    Lyman Cohn *Dave Coplon *Rebecca Corenblum *Ida Creidman Harriet Damson *Max Davis *Dave Dimenstein David Draluk Bertha Dubbs Celia Eidex *Reva Engel *David Epstein *Sam Estroff *Sheri Feigelson *Philip Fisher Anne Fromm Julius Fromm *Hyman Goldberg Esther Goldforb *Meyer Goldner Alex Goldstein *Henry Goldstein *Rae Green Ann Hasler Keith Hewell *Harry Kanter Adolph Katz Evelyn Kline Idel Kogan Bill Krawitz *Helen Kurman Sarah Leaf Lande Pearl Langer *Dora Lapidus *Harold Lapidus *Mamie Levin *Edna Kamenshine Levine Manuel Levine Beatrice Levy Joe Levy *Louis Levy *Bernard Lewis Annabel Marks *Rachel Marlow *Hertz Marx Alice May *Ethel Mazer Sylvan Mendlovitz *Charlie Miller *Ester Morse *Haim Mouyal Frances Munchgesang *Mildred Nichols *Rusty Radwin Irene Raymond

    Arnold Roseman Lena Rosensky *Philip Schattner *Rose Schulman Eva Segal Pearle Shiland *Linda Speaks Bernard Stewart *Minnie Temerson *Ralph Wilder *T. Williams Mary Witt Anna Wreschner Rona Zarovsky Feb. 5-6 *Jack Agrow Charles Altman *Roside Applebaum *Ben Banks *Mitchell Becker Frances Birnbaum Mel Bruck *Kaciel Cherner Daniel Cohen Abraham Cohn *Nathan Copeland Jack Crayne Leila Crown Edward Davis Sidney Entman Harry Epstein Julius Feinblum Nisha Feinblum Joe Feldser *Jacob Feldstein Jonas Fried *Roberta Gerwin Edythe Gewant Ross Giambrone *Frieda Glazer *Sarah Goldstein Moses Golubov Nathan Greenberg *Joe Holzman *Robert Hyatt *Harry Kanter Marvin Kemeny *Tillie Kimerling *Irvin Klein *Walter Klein Freda Koplon *Harold Levin *Stanley Levy *Jake Lipsitz

    Haskel Lischkoff Donald May Fannie Mendelsohn Sam Mendelsohn *Rae Morewitz Ernest Munchgesang Aaron Olitsky Lilliam Podolsky Dora Rettman *Jake Reznik Fanny Rosenbaum *Rita Routman *Mollie Saroff Ruth Shechter *Fannie Sherman Sue Small *Elisa Sokol Milka Vaysbroyt Margaret Wheeler *Edie Wilensky *Eugene Zeidman Feb. 12-13 Marie Arnold *Eva Becker *Harry Biel Murray Binderman Bernie Bloomston *Ben Bomchel *Bessie Caine Do Chung Lillian Cohen *Marks Cooper *Mitchell Dombrow Daniel Factor *Marissa Feigelson *Sadie Feinberg *Norman Fleisher Mae Ruth Green Monit Hara *Nathan Jaffe *Tese Kianoff *Lottie Leaf *Isaac Levy David Lishkoff Rose McClendon *Abraham Michaelson *Fishel Myer *Emma Nichols *Mordechai Ostrovsky Oscar Ostroy *James Permutt *Helen Rotenstreich *Adolph Roth *Anna Rubin

    *William Rudolph *Jacob Sarasohn *Max Schulman Barbara Schwartz *Sofa Shilkrot *Mosely Shugerman *Meyer Slaughter *Sam Slaughter *Anna Smolian Nissan Yablonsky Yenta Yaker Feb. 19-20 Clarence Allen *Mary Baker *Jake Banks Abbey Benck *Charles Berkowitz Hannah Blatt Ruth Bodenheimer Irving Broner *Yetta Chaimowitz Audrey Cohen *Felix Cohen Israel Cohen Lillian Cohen *Rosa Colb *Minnie Cooper *Sarah Coplon *Rebecca Corenblum *Anita Danneman Elaine Denaburg Frances Dunn Hannah Fleisher *Dave Goldberg *Mary Goldberg *Max Goldberg Mikhail Golger *Louis Gordon *Sam Gordon Dot Greenberg Nettie Grusin Anne Hillard *Aisic Hirsch *Edith Hyatt Josif Iacubovich Benjamin Jacobs *Pauline Jacobson *Joseph Kimerling *Peter J. Kline Gladys Koch *Sidney Levin *Steffi Levite David Levy Frieda Levy

    *Louis Lipsitz *Lillie Lit Bertha Luks Virginia McKenzie *Mary Meyerowitz Frederick Ostroy Harry Padawer Rose Perleman Alan Perlman *Harry Pike Philip Pincus *Kate Price Charles Raymond Leon Redisch Seymour Romanoff *Bella Roseman *Annie Routman *David Rubenstein Paul Schlaff *Sam Shafferman *Sylvia Sher *Abraham Shiland *Clement Shugerman *Arnold Siegal Paul Simon *Morris Sirote *Elizabeth Slater Ester Solodukha *Beatrice Solomon *Iris Spira *Sadie Starr *Bert Steinberg *Minnie Toranto Robert Wearb Joseph Weinrib Lena Weiss Israel Werbin *Isadore Wientrob *Max Zell *Goldie Ziff *Sarah Zivitz Feb. 26-27 *Sandra Apolinsky Paulina Belotserkovskaya Abraham Belotserkovskiy *Louis Berkowitz Marilyn Bernstein Rose Biel Joseph Bindler Jacob Bronstein Lenora Buchalter Jason Cherner

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    Rose Cohen *Max Copeland Elizabeth DeYoung Lewis DeYoung *Libbie Dombrow *Joseph Eiman Joan Fields Ida Fishkin David Fleisher Jim Foy Anne Friedman Faina Gershengorina Muriel Gershon *Rose Goldberg *Minnie Goldner *Herbert Goldstein Dan Grace *Henry Greenberg Jerome Greenberg *I.Z. Harris *Arthur Herschthal Harry Herzel Oscar Herzel Marvin Horwitz *Helen Isenberg *Wolfe Izen *Morris Jaffe *Rachel Jaffe Doris Kanter Della Katz Sidney Katz Sima Kaz-Kagar *Nathan Kianoff *J. Kisber Olena Knecht *Stanley Knecht Rosemary Laskin *Sara Lepp Alan Levine Alyce Levitt Dora Levy Robert Lindner *Rose Love *Jack Luck Bruce Mayer Lois Mendelsohn Margot Mendler *Rae Meyers *Ethel Mitchell *Julie Moore Marius Moshe *Margaret Newman Fay Orlinick *Sol Page

    Lillian Panzer *Morris Pearlstein Joan Rittenbaum Herman Rosenbaum *Elaine Royal Moshe Rubinstein Evelyn Schaeffer *Edna Schnaper Henry Schulman Joseph Schuster Ruth Shahid Jerome Shapiro *Bernice Shaw *William Slater *Alexander Sperling Audrey Stein *Isadore Stein *Louise Temerson *Razelle Toranto Boruh Vaysbroyt Charlotte Weinstein Harry Werbin *Harry Wilk Manuel Wolbe Bernice Zalkin Yankel Zeltser Barbara Zitron March 5-6 Mariya Alexsandrovich *Robert Back *Elaine Benjamin Alan Benson *Estelle Berkowitz *Nathan Berry *John Binderman Louis Bresler *Libby Brook *Menachim Brown *Rose Butler Nathan Cales Jacob Cherner Albert Cohen *Matilda Cohen *Victor Cohen *Esther Cooper Isadore Davis *Maurice Davis Patricia Dominick Marylyn Dorsky Kenneth Engelhardt *Nathan Epsman *Ruth Evans *Harry Feigelson

    Yosif Felgendler *Rita Fleisher *Sarah Frankel Bertha Geeser Rose Glick *Marvin Goldberg Helen Goldenberg *Alex Goldstein *Elsie "Cookie" Goldstein *Lillian Goldstein *Sam Goldstein Gita Golubova *Pauline Gouse Cissy Greene *Barbara Hallerman Hannah Halpern Sam Horowitz *Frances Jaffe Polina Kalikhman *Sarah Kanter David Koshin Vita Koshina *Arnold Krell Arthur Laskin *Raphael Leaf Anna Levine Anne Levy *Harry Levy *Alex Lischkoff Hyman Ludensky Beverly Marks *Max Marx Nissah Mattenson Max Mutchnick *Esther Padove Betty Pekarne *Helen Radoms *David Randman Ann Reed *Joe Reznik Annie Ripps *Albert Robins *Joe Seligman Nazlie Senior Bessie Shapiro *Rose Silverfield Stuart Simon *Gerald Sklute *Myer Staff Fannie Steinberg *Nancy Steiner *Joe Toranto *Victoria Toranto *Barbara Touger

    *Bettie Urdong *Chita Weintrob *Sophie Winograd

    *denotes perpetual memorial plaque in Sanctuary

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    Condolences (As of 12.14.2020) With sympathy, TBE wishes the families of the following peace and love during their time of sorrow:

    We first closed our doors to in-person prayer back in the spring. One of the first losses in our community due to the pandemic was having to stop meeting in person for weekday Minyan. As the pandemic continues into the winter this year and the hope of reopening still feels remote as the case count continues to rise, we recognize that there are many in our community who deeply miss saying Kaddish in honor of their loved ones. It remains the case that saying Kaddish in person is not an obligation at this time because of the danger to life presented when gathering in a Minyan and the mitzvah of saving a life, Pikuach Nefesh, overrides the requirement to say Kaddish. Nonetheless, we have heard you and we understand that saying the words of the Kaddish together means a lot to each of you as you mark the memory of your loved one. On Friday nights, our congregation meets on zoom for an hour-long service to welcome the Sabbath. After extensive study of the many different halakhic positions regarding virtual Minyan, Rabbi Stephen has determined that it is acceptable to say Kaddish d’rabbanan at that service after studying Torah and when 10 people are present on Zoom. If you are observing a Yahrzeit this week and would like to say Kaddish, please join us Friday night at 5:15 pm on Zoom. The Rabbi will lead you in this special Kaddish and will say the parts of Kaddish d’rabbanan that are unfamiliar. Please remember there are still many mitzvot that are also prized ways of honoring a loved one during this time. Giving tzedakah and studying Torah in honor of a loved one are two key traditional actions you can embrace at this time. • You can join the Rabbi on Thursdays at noon to study Torah and dedicate that learning time in

    honor of your loved one. • You can also join Bethany on Tuesdays at noon for study of Jewish thought. • You are also invited to make a dedicated d'var contribution to Temple Beth El by sponsoring the

    Rabbi’s Shabbat sermon in honor of your loved one.

    Phillip Gross Dec. 12 Husband of Deborah Gross and father of children Barry Gross, Steve Gross, Mike Gross and Lisa Boyce Sherlee Michael Ginsberg Dec. 9 Mother of Sandra Jaffe (Barry Dreayer) and Geri Brosky Fred H. Friedman Dec. 2 Husband of Brenda Friedman and father of Leah Cohen (Jeremy) and Jordan Friedman

    Say Kaddish for a Loved One Virtually on Fridays


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    Disclaimer: If you don’t see your donation, please understand that it may appear in the next issue due to high volume. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

    A.C. & REBECCA BERMAN DUES ASSISTANCE FUND In memory of her mother, Rella Kline, on her Yahrzeit Maxine Sklute MEYER “PETE” & ANN Z. COHEN ARON HAKODESH FUND In memory of Mildred & Jake Goldstein on their Yahrzeits Ann Z. Cohen RABBI CULPEPER & IRBY COHEN PERFORMING ARTS FUND In memory of Irby Cohen and Mayer “Buddy” Cohen Victoria Cohen Baldwin & Matt Baldwin MURRAY SAUL FISHER CANTORIAL FUND In loving memory of Murray Fisher on his Yahrzeit Arlene Fisher Staci & Joel Libowsky GENERAL FUND In honor of the birth of Cayden Seth Fingerman Bernard Axel Sheri & Jimmy Krell ARNOLD & FLORIE KRELL CHILCARE FUND In memory of Florie Krell on her Yahrzeit Sheri & Jimmy Krell

    JILL RADWIN CONFIRMATION TRIP FUND In loving memory of our precious daughter & sister, Jill Radwin Marian & Myron Radwin, Holly Mazer MARGY & ALBERT ROSENBAUM FUND Wishing a speedy recovery and continued wellness to Margy Rosenbaum Bernard Axel MEYER & DOROTHY SHILAND ADULT PROGRAM ENRICHMENT FUND In honor of Dorothy Shiland’s special birthday Norma Long Foundation donations processed after Dec. 1 will

    be published in the next Connection.

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    RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY In appreciation of the Haines family’s participation in Temple Beth El’s Rosh Hashanah Service at the botanical gardens Lisa & Alan Engel In honor of Phyllis Weinstein’s 100th birthday Heidi & Martin Damsky


    GENEROUS In honor of James Henry Brook becoming a Bar Mitzvah Bernard Axel In honor of Christmas at Grace Episcopal Church Sheri & Jimmy Krell Kit & Rick Roth

    CHAI In memory of Jim Griffith, father, on his Yahrzeit Eddie & Mira Griffith In memory of Jenifer Beth Rotenestrich, niece, on her Yahrzeit Howard Weintrob

    ADDITIONAL In memory of Helen Schulman on her Yahrzeit Zena & Lewis Schulman


    MOST GENEROUS Emanuel Reider Steven Reider

    GENEROUS Fred Friedman Marjorie Perlman

    DOUBLE CHAI Sherlee Ginsberg Edward Levin Anna Brook, mother Helman Brook

    CHAI Fred Friedman Renee & Steve Singer Sherlee Ginsberg Ricki & Lanning Kline

    ADDITIONAL Fred Friedman Maxine Sklute Jeff Padawer David Solomon Jane & Melvin Davis

    YAHRZEITS In loving memory on their Yahrzeits

    MOST GENEROUS Josephine Meyers, mother Merle M. Salter Esta M. Kamplain Marvin Link, husband Rhoda Link Sydney Weinstein, uncle Dan Goldberg

    GENEROUS Oscar Davis, father Lynn M. Davis Florence & Zac Damsky, parents Lena Kadis, grandmother Michael Damsky

    DOUBLE CHAI Esther Serwitz, mother Joyce & Arthur Serwitz Julian Levy, father Max Gerson, father Esther & Jack Levy Sylvia & Morton Kravitz, parents Rochelle & Marty Green I.J. Nissenbaum, father Mark B. Nissenbaum Minnie & Philip Ziff, grandfather Phyllis & Jack Alltmont Marilyn & Paul Kullman Anna & Sam Brick, mother Penny Gordon

    CHAI Edith Overdank, mother & grandmother Tobie, Mike & Laura Bogart and Danielle, Ben, & Eli Rosenbaum Louis Overdank, father & grandfather Tobie, Mike & Laura Bogart and Danielle, Ben, & Eli Rosenbaum Murray H. Siegal, father & grandfather Sandy & Gene Siegal Jack Rubin, grandfather Richard Toranto Leo Wilensky, Uncle Eva Wilensky & Family I. Joseph Nissenbaum, grandfather Michael Nissenbaum & Jessica Isadore Sarah Erdberg, mother Bette Spector

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    Abe Berkowitz, father Richard Berkowitz Lev Gutman, grandfather Olga & Al Belotserkovskiy Marcia M. Cohen, mother & grandmother Donna & Gary Schiff & Family Sigmund J. Rosen, father Elaine Hirsch Rosen, mother Lisa & Alan Engel

    ADDITIONAL Anna Randman, grandmother Morris Randman, grandfather Elaine Pava Raisa Zinger, grandmother and mother Boris Zinger & Family Samuel Ginsburg, grandfather Cindy May David Cooper, brother Arnold Cooper Bernice Weintraub, mother Bari Page


    DOUBLE CHAI Sherlee Ginsberg Edward Levin

    ADDITIONAL Fred H. Friedman Jeff Padawer


    DOUBLE CHAI In honor of Phyllis Weinstein’s 100th birthday Bernard Axel


    MOST GENEROUS In honor of Phyllis Weinstein’s 100th birthday Gina Boyd

    GENEROUS In honor of Phyllis Weinstein’s 100th birthday Mary & David Kimerling

    CHAI In honor of Phyllis Weinstein’s 100th birthday Maurine & Jacob Halpern Charlotte Corenblum Natalie & Eric Asman


    MOST GENEROUS In memory of Susan Goldberg Edward Goldberg

    MUSIC & YOUTH In memory of Sherlee Ginsberg Bernard Axel

    PRAYER BOOK A Siddur Lev Shalem prayer book has been donated in honor of Fred Friedman Sherry & Jerry Cherner


    CHAI In memory of Jenny Cohen Jill Auerbach Wolfe


    CHAI In memory of Ruth Browdy on her Yahrzeit Her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren


    CHAI In memory of Fred Friedman Eileen & Len Levin


    MOST GENEROUS In memory of Gladys & Karl Friedman, Shirley Stein, Sid & Max Friedman, Gertrude & Aaron Cohen, Ida Mae & Joe Seligman, Elaine & Arnold Royal, Clara Mazor, Cy Steiner, David Louis Schwartz, Robin Royal Kirby, Ann Robertson, Ann Cohn Tracy & Gary Stein


    CHAI In memory of Sherlee Ginsberg Jan & Ron Hirsch

    Donations processed after Dec. 9 will be published in the next edition of the Connection.

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    Temple Beth El 2179 Highland Ave. S. P.O. Box 550220 Birmingham, AL 35255-0220 205.933.2740

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