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JAPAN- The little giant of Asia Total population - 132 million Crude ( arithmetic ) density 844 psm...

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JAPAN- The little giant of Asia • Total population - 132 million • Crude ( arithmetic ) density 844 psm • % of land habitable 28 %.72% mountainous • 13% arable • Physiologic density 6,600 psm

JAPAN- The little giant of Asia

• Total population - 132 million• Crude ( arithmetic ) density 844

psm• % of land habitable 28 %.72%

mountainous• 13% arable• Physiologic density 6,600 psm



• Climate compares to the East Coast of the U.S.

• Compares to California in size• Pop. 33 million• 28% Arable

Historical StuffHistorical Stuff• Pre-1868 Basically a feudal system dominated Pre-1868 Basically a feudal system dominated

by Dynastic Shogunates (Shogun )by Dynastic Shogunates (Shogun )• The Shogun had his warriors called “The Shogun had his warriors called “Samurai “ “• Diamyo the lesser nobles given land by the Diamyo the lesser nobles given land by the

Shogun.Shogun.• The Shogun controlled Political, economic and The Shogun controlled Political, economic and

military affairsmilitary affairs• There was an emperor but he was always a There was an emperor but he was always a

spiritual leader linked to the gods(divinity)spiritual leader linked to the gods(divinity)• The last Shogunate Dynasty was the The last Shogunate Dynasty was the Tokugawa

which ruled for 250 years ending in 1867 which ruled for 250 years ending in 1867


• 1600-family ended the feudalism of Japan 1600-family ended the feudalism of Japan to establish Shogunatesto establish Shogunates

• Shoguns-military leaderShoguns-military leader• Tokugawa capital-Edo(Tokyo)Tokugawa capital-Edo(Tokyo)• ““Alternative Attendance” in Edo-250 lords Alternative Attendance” in Edo-250 lords

were allowed their own “domains.” Each were allowed their own “domains.” Each was required to spend every other year in was required to spend every other year in Edo-living and spending relative to the Edo-living and spending relative to the size of their domain. When the “lords” size of their domain. When the “lords” left, they had to leave behind their wives left, they had to leave behind their wives and eldest son as hostages. This and eldest son as hostages. This discouraged revolts.discouraged revolts.

Tokugawa cont.Tokugawa cont.• Osaka-became the trade/commercial centerOsaka-became the trade/commercial center• Development of a common currency/cash tradeDevelopment of a common currency/cash trade• Private postal service-Improved communicationPrivate postal service-Improved communication• Improved agriculture- Commercial fertilizer(fish Improved agriculture- Commercial fertilizer(fish

and oil cakes)and oil cakes)• Successful farmers invest in industries-Today’s Successful farmers invest in industries-Today’s

Mitsui and Sumitomo multinational Mitsui and Sumitomo multinational corporations began this way.corporations began this way.

• 1854-Commodore Perry(US) forces Japan to 1854-Commodore Perry(US) forces Japan to open to trade. By 1860’s Japans traditional open to trade. By 1860’s Japans traditional economy was disrupted. The leaders economy was disrupted. The leaders (Tokugawa) were blamed and overthrown by (Tokugawa) were blamed and overthrown by Samurai-leading to the Meiji.Samurai-leading to the Meiji.

The Meiji Restoration 1867-68

• A total society transformation towards urbanization and industrialization

• FIRST PHASE: 1868-1890-government helped build shipyards, R.R., other industries (silk major exports)

The Meiji Restoration cont.

• From 1900-1945 the Japanese explored areas abroad(usually military) to expand its interests(remember the Spanish American War 1898-US attempts to acquire the Philippines-military)– 1904-Japan continues to move into mainland Asia

gaining Mongolia, Manchuria fighting China– 1940-Japan aggressively attempts to gain control

of the wealth and resources of eastern pacific– 1941-attacks Pearl Harbor “BAD things man”– 1945-Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombed-Japan

surrenders giving up much in the treaty

Japans post WWII success-how did they

do it?• Factors against success

– Size-small– Arable land 13-15%– Ring Fire catastrophes– Devastation of the war and losses

territory from treaty-60+ cities bombed, 2+million killed mostly civilians-Tokyo bombed

– Isolation– Homogeneity

Japans post WWII success-how did they

do it? cont• Japan’s post WWII Constitution

allowed no more then 1% of GNP to be spent on defense

• While US and USSR spent huge amounts on their GNP on Cold War military build up(1946-1989)

• 1945-1956-Japan invests in heavy industries(auto,steel,shipbuilding)

• 1956-Japan surpasses Great Britain as the worlds #1 shipbuilders

Japans post WWII success-how did they

do it? cont• 2nd phase:1970’s-1980’s-

Consumer electronics-stereo, computers, automobiles big time-small, dependable, fuel efficient

• End US involvement in Vietnam• 1974-1978-energy crisis OPEC



• Zen Buddhism-Japan• From India• Worship of Nature• Founder-Buddha• Siddartha• Born in India• Disagreed with the Caste System• 8 fold path(like 10 commandments)-Basic

rules– (discuss extended family)


• Original religion of Japan• From the Chinese words Shen(spirit)

Tao(way)• Folk religion of nature and ancestor

worship• Kami-anything holy or connected to

the spirits• Multiple deity(many gods)• No real originator or founder


• Ministry of International Trade and Industry– Set policy for trade– Focus production– Set wages– No strikes(discuss Japanese management



• Family cartel(monopoly) in business– Labor forces very obedient-until

recently companies guaranteed jobs for the life

– Papa-mama:2-5,000 sq.ft.– Dumping-selling lower internationally

than at home– Eclectic-take someone else’s

idea/invention, improve it-produce and sell successfully
